october / november 2013


october / november 2013
Central Park Centre,
c/o Old Main &
Frank Bull Roads,
6 Byrne Street,
Tel: (035) 792 3470,
Fax: (035) 792 3472
Tel: (035) 772 6734/5,
Fax: (035) 772 6734/5
5 Ways Umhlatuze
5 Ways Mall, Cnr Baines
Road & Paul Avenue,
Tel: 035 772 1005
Pha rmac ies
Shop 10,
Lakeside Mall,
c/o Lira Link &
Mark Strasse,
Richards Bay
Tel: (035) 7890106/7
OCT. / NOV. 2013
Men are as susceptible
to the disease as
women are. In many
ways, the disease
appears similarly in
both sexes. Many
people are unaware
that men can develop
breast cancer, and
neither individual men themselves nor their
physicians regularly examine men's breasts.
Furthermore, when men discover signs of
breast cancer, they tend to delay before
seeing a physician. Early signs indicate that
the disease is more manageable and has
higher successful treatable rates than when
found in women.
In the United States, male breast cancer
accounts for 1% of cases of breast cancer,
and it represents about 0.2% of all
malignancies in men. In
women, breast cancer
represents 26% of all
cancers. In addition, all
of the types of breast
cancer seen in women
can occur in men,
although some are quite
A painless lump, usually discovered by
the patient himself, is by far the most
common first symptom of male breast
cancer. Typically, the lump appears right
beneath the breast, where breast tissue is
concentrated. A lump, however, is seldom
the only symptom. Men are more likely than
women to have nipple discharge (sometimes
bloody) and signs of local spreading,
including nipple retraction, fixation to the
Continue on back page ...
Opioids are powerful prescription pain
medications, and great care must be taken to
avoid possible overdose and addiction. The most
popular opioid is codeine and is available in low
dose without a prescription.
These are potential warning signs of a opioid
medication overdose:
 Stumbling while walking.
 Feeling dizzy.
 Slurring your speech.
 Feeling confused.
 Slow breathing and heartbeat.
 Blue nails or lips.
 Pale or clammy skin.
 Feeling excessively drowsy or having trouble
staying alert.
 Having trouble waking from sleep.
Babies whose mothers take probiotics
while pregnant and those who are
given the so-called "good bacteria"
supplements early in life may be at
lower risk for allergies (but not for
asthma) than other children. Based on
these new findings, probiotics has a
protective effect against allergies, but
more research is still required.
Bacteria living in the gut and digestive
tract have been linked to immune
system health. So getting enough
probiotics - microorganisms like
those in yogurt and yeast that have a
beneficial effect on the balance of gut
microbes - might logically help support
a healthy immune system as well.
Since allergies and asthma both
spring from hypersensitive immune
responses, several trials have set
out to assess the effect of probiotic
supplements on those conditions. Trials
most often use probiotic supplements
in pill form because dosing is easier
to control, but there is no reason to
believe dietary probiotics like those in
yogurt wouldn't also be effective.
Babies and children were given
probiotic doses daily, and in some
cases more than daily, for a few months
to a year. The trials tracked whether
children went on to test positive for
common allergies - such as peanut or
pollen allergies - and whether they
wheezed or showed signs of asthma,
based on a questionnaire given to
parents. Babies who were exposed to
probiotics in the womb and received
supplements after birth had a 12
percent lower risk of allergies in the
following months and years than
children in the comparison groups.
But allergy risk was not reduced when
babies were started on probiotics after
birth only.
A Tomato a Day?
Tomato is a superstar in the fruit and
veggie pantheon. Tomatoes contain
lycopene, a powerful cancer fighter.
They’re also rich in vitamin C. The good
news is that cooked tomatoes are also
nutritious, so use them in pasta, soups and
casseroles, as well as in salads. The British
Thoracic Society says that tomatoes and
apples can reduce your risk of asthma
and chronic lung diseases. Both contain
the antioxidant quercetin. To enjoy the
benefits, eat five apples a week or a
tomato every other day.
Behandeling vir hoë bloeddruk is
goed vir die brein, ongeag die tipe
bloeddrukmedikasie wat geneem word.
Mense wat betablokkeerders geneem het,
het egter die minste breinveranderinge
getoon wat tipies is van die aanvang van
Alzheimer se siekte. Hoë bloeddruk het
oor ’n tydperk ’n vretende effek op die
bloedvate regdeur die liggaam, insluitend
die brein.
Outopsies is op 774 liggame gedoen,
waarvan die meeste aan hoë bloeddruk
gely het of vir die siekte behandel is. Dié
wat betablokkeerders geneem het, het
die minste breinabnormaliteite tipies van
Alzheimer se siekte getoon. Hulle het
ook minder mikro-infarksies gehad – ’n
toestand wat voorkom wanneer bloed nie
by sekere dele van die brein uitkom nie en
veelvuldige klein beroertes veroorsaak.
Deelnemers aan die studie wat
betablokkeerders alleen of in kombinasie
met ander bloeddrukmedikasie geneem
het, het ook beduidend minder inkrimping
van die brein gehad. Inkrimping van die
brein kom by Alzheimer se siekte voor en
vorder namate die siekte erger word.
Dit beteken nie dat betablokkeerders
Alzheimer se siekte sal voorkom by mense
wat nie hoë bloeddruk het nie. Dit is meer
waarskynlik dat mense met hoë bloeddruk
Alzheimer se siekte sal ontwikkel.
Behandeling van hulle hoë bloeddruk met
betablokkeerders het die risiko ten opsigte
van die ontwikkeling van Alzheimer se
siekte verlaag na die vlak wat by mense
sonder hoë bloeddruk waargeneem is.
Verdere navorsing moet gedoen word
om die verband tussen hoë bloeddruk,
demensie en verskillende tipes
bloeddrukmedikasie te bevestig. Dit is
nie ’n goeie idee dat iemand begin om
betablokkeerders te gebruik om Alzheimer
se siekte te voorkom nie, of dat iemand
op bloeddrukmedikasie hulle medikasie
verander sonder om hulle dokter te
raadpleeg nie. Kundiges stem egter saam
dat ’n gesonde hart help om tot ’n gesonde
brein by te dra, en dit is altyd ’n goeie idee
om bloeddruk onder beheer te hou.
Most children with chickenpox completely recover. But it can
be serious, even fatal, for babies, adults, people with weakened
immune systems, and other groups. Be proactive. Get vaccinated
if you are not protected against chickenpox.
Chickenpox is a very contagious disease. You or your child may be
at risk if you have never had chickenpox or received the vaccine.
Chickenpox causes a blister-like rash, itching, tiredness, and
fever. This can make you feel sick and very uncomfortable and
cause you to miss a week of school or work.
Chickenpox vaccine is the best way to protect you and your child
from chickenpox. Also, when you get vaccinated, you protect
others in your community. This is especially important for
people who cannot get vaccinated, such as those with weakened
immune systems and pregnant women.
Children should get the first dose of chickenpox vaccine when
they are 12 through 15 months old and the second dose at age
4 through 6 years. People 13 years of age and older who have
never had chickenpox should get two doses at least 28 days
apart. If you or your child only got one dose in the past, check
with your doctor about getting a second dose.
You can still get chickenpox if you have been vaccinated.
But, the symptoms are usually not as severe as chickenpox in
unvaccinated people. They will have fewer blisters, little or no
fever, and will recover from their rash more quickly.
Your brain is your body’s command center.
Its soft, sensitive tissues float in a cushioning
fluid within the hard and sturdy skull. But a
swift blow to the head or violent shaking can
override these protections and lead to a mild
type of brain injury known as a concussion.
Mild traumatic brain injuries can be caused
by falls, car crashes or recreational activities
like bike riding, skateboarding, skiing or even
playing at the playground. More than half of
concussions occur in children—often when
playing organized sports such as football and
“Although concussions are considered to be
a mild brain injury, they need to be taken
seriously. They should not be treated as minor
injuries that quickly resolve,” says an expert
on rehabilitation research. With proper care,
most people recover fully from a concussion.
But in some cases, a concussion can have a
lasting effect on thinking, attention, learning
and memory.” A single concussion is also
known to raise your risk for having another
concussion—and a second concussion
may be more severe. It’s important to learn
to recognize the causes and symptoms of
concussion so you can take steps to prevent
or treat these head injuries.
More serious brain injuries that involve skull
fracture, bleeding in the brain or swelling
of the brain can be detected with X-rays or
other imaging methods. But concussions
can be more difficult to identify. Common
symptoms include nausea, headache,
confusion, dizziness and memory problems.
Loss of consciousness occurs in about 1 in
10 concussions. A person with a concussion
might have trouble answering basic questions
and move in an awkward, clumsy way.
“Symptoms can arise quickly, or they can be
delayed and appear over the next day or two.”
Take steps to avoid concussions. “Wear
helmets when appropriate, such as if you’re
bicycling, skate-boarding or riding a horse.”
Athletes can decrease their risk of concussion
by wearing proper headgear and following
the rules of good sportsmanship. Make living
areas safer for seniors by removing tripping
hazards such as throw rugs and clutter in
walkways, and install handrails on both
sides of stairways. The bottom line is that
we still need to determine the best ways to
prevent, accurately diagnose, treat and assess
Try to
get the
in 5
all the
Final Exam
Last semester I took macroeconomics
and didn't have a clue what I was
doing (as cited on the final exam).
There were 80 multiple choice
questions. For some reason I decided
to play the game of probability and
choose the letter "A" for everything.
In that game, the only thing probable
was that I failed.
The following day, the professor
asked to see me after class. "Is
everything okay?" "Sure," I said,
"why? "Well, here's your test," he
said and handed me a piece of paper
that was covered with red ink. "Can
you explain why you chose an 'A' for
Knowing that there was nothing I
could do at this point, I said, "Well,
I've always wanted to be an 'A'
Vitamin D and Bone Breaks
Because vitamin D is an essential component in
repairing bone damage, patients with low vitamin D
levels are at higher risk for improper healing of broken
One interesting finding is that low and deficient
vitamin D is common for orthopedic trauma patients
of all ages," Researchers found that among young
adults 18 to 25 years old, nearly 55 percent had low or
severely low vitamin D, and 29 percent had deficient
levels. Based on their findings, the researchers have
started suggesting vitamin D medication for nearly all
patients with broken bones as a protective measure to
reduce the risk of healing problems.
More research is needed to demonstrate whether
vitamin D medications can reduce the risk of bones not
healing properly. But we know vitamin D is required for
repairing damage to bones, and for most people there
is very little risk in taking vitamin D medications.
Experts already know that taking
tamoxifen for five years increases
survival chances and new research
reveals that women who miss at
least one tablet every five days
have a 10 per cent greater risk of
The researchers used the
prescription records of more than
2000 women to see how many
did not complete the standard
treatment of a tamoxifen tablet
every day and linked this to other
health records to see if they were
more likely to die.
The results show that 10 per cent
of women followed for one year
stopped taking tamoxifen, 19 per
cent of the women followed for at
least two years had stopped, 32
per cent of the women followed for
three and a half years had stopped
and a total of 51 per cent of women
followed for five or more years had
stopped taking the drug. The study
also showed that younger women
were more likely to stop taking the
medication early
"This study paints a worrying
picture. Tamoxifen is prescribed for
five years to offer the best chance
of surviving breast cancer, and not
taking the tablets means that many
women could be disadvantaged.
Pharmacists should encourage
patients to keep taking their
prescribed medications, ensure
side effects are managed as best as
possible and thus get the maximum
benefit from the medication."
"We know that tamoxifen saves
lives, so these results are a real
concern. It's not disastrous if
women simply forget to take the
occasional tablet. We need to
make it clear that taking tamoxifen
regularly for the full five years
gives women the best chance of
surviving breast cancer.”
Maintain Your
Maintaining your balance means less risk of falling - an
important goal for seniors.
Here are a few suggestions to help prevent falls:
• Make sure one hand is always free. Carry items in a
• Never try to do something else, such as reading, as you walk.
• While walking, swing both arms from front to back.
This will help improve posture and balance.
• Don't shuffle or drag your feet as you walk. Make sure you
consciously pick up your feet off the floor.
• Don't pivot sharply to make a turn. Instead, face forward and
make a wider turn. Go slowly while changing positions, and
use an assistive device if needed.
• While standing, make sure feet are shoulder-width apart.
• Avoid shoes with grippy rubber soles, which may get caught
and cause you to fall.
Die waarskynlikheid was kleiner dat
pasiënte met ligte tot matige beroerte wat
binne 90 minute na die beroertesimptome
sorg ontvang het, permanente skade sou
opgedoen het. Vroeë behandeling het ook
diegene met ligte beroertes gehelp, maar
die waarskynlikheid van gestremdheid by
hierdie pasiënte is reeds baie laag.
In die geval van ligte of matige beroerte
verminder vinnige behandeling – binne 90
minute na die aanvang van die simptome
– die risiko van ’n gestremdheid. Die
Amerikaanse hartvereniging/Amerikaanse
beroertevereniging beveel aan dat ’n
persoon binne drie uur na die aanvang
van die beroertesimptome by ’n hospitaal
moet uitkom. Volgens die riglyne kan
medikasie vir die oplos van bloedklonte om
die beroerte te behandel tot 4,5 uur na die
aanvang van die simptome gegee word.
Die studie het bevind dat oorlewendes
van ligte tot matige beroertes wat binne
die eerste 90 minute van die aanbevole
venstertydperk bloedklontoplossers
ontvang het, na drie maande baie min
of geen gestremdheid getoon het nie,
vergeleke met dié wat tussen 90 en
270 minute behandel is. Baie vroeë
behandeling verhoog die waarskynlikheid
van ’n uitstekende uitkoms by pasiënte
met matig ernstige simptome, en by
’n sekondêre ontleding ook by dié met
geringe simptome. Al die maatreëls moet
getref word om die tyd tot met die aanvang
van die behandeling so veel as moontlik te
Dié met ernstige beroerte het nie soveel
gebaat by die baie vroeë behandeling nie,
aangesien hulle ernstige slagaarblokkasie
gehad het.
F.A.S.T. is ’n maklike manier om die skielike
tekens van ’n beroerte te onthou: F-Face
– gesig hang. Hang die een kant van
die gesig, of is dit gevoelloos? A-Armswakheid. Is een arm swak of voel dit dood?
S-Spraakprobleme. Sleep die tong of is
die spraak onsamehangend? T-Tyd om die
paramedici of ’n ambulans te kry wanneer
hierdie simptome waargeneem word.
Two Questions May
Reveal Dementia
Mobility is a key indicator of healthy aging. Researchers
analyzed studies published between 1985 and 2012 that
examined mobility and aging. The review confirmed that
increased physical activity and exercise are extremely
important for healthy aging.
Mobility problems are often an early sign of impending
functional decline in seniors, which can affect their ability to
live independently. All senior patients should have to answer
just two questions:
 For health or physical reasons, do you have difficulty
climbing up 10 steps or walking 400 metres?
 Because of underlying health or physical reasons, have you
modified the way you climb 10 steps or walk 400 metres?
Any modification of a task such as climbing 10 steps raises a
red flag. Asking the right questions can reveal a great deal
about the level of mobility in their older patients. If patients'
answers suggest that they have mobility problems, they
should be referred for physical therapy and receive the r
appropriate mobility assistance devices.
'Mobility is one of the cornerstones of healthy aging. With an
increasing older population it is incumbent to find ways to help
senior citizens continue to live well and independently. The
major barriers - lack of physical activity, obesity and smoking
- are all risk factors that can be successfully overcome with
appropriate treatment and assistance.'
Supplements are available without
a prescription and usually come in
pill, powder or liquid form. Common
supplements include vitamins, minerals
and herbal products, also known as
People take these supplements to make
sure they get enough essential nutrients
and to maintain or improve their health.
Talk with our pharmacist if you’re thinking
about taking dietary supplements, so your
care can be integrated and managed.
Evidence suggests that supplements
enhance health in different ways. The
most popular nutrient supplements are
multivitamins, calcium and vitamins B,
C and D. Calcium supports bone health,
and vitamin D helps the body absorb
calcium. Vitamins C and E are antioxidants
- molecules that prevent cell damage and
help to maintain health.
Women need iron during pregnancy, and
breastfed infants need vitamin D. Folic
acid - 400 micrograms daily, whether
from supplements or fortified food - is
important for all women of childbearing
age. Vitamin B12 keeps nerve and blood
cells healthy. Vitamin B12 mostly comes
from meat, fish and dairy foods, so vegans
may consider taking a supplement to be
sure to get enough of it.
Research suggests that fish oil can
promote heart health. Of the supplements
not derived from vitamins and minerals,
fish oil probably has the most scientific
evidence to support its use.
Talk to our pharmacist for advice on
whether you need a supplement in
the first place, the dose and possible
interactions with medicine you’re already
“Deciding whether to take dietary
supplements and which ones to take is a
serious matter. Learn about their potential
benefits and any risks they may pose first.
Speak to our pharmacist about products
of interest and decide together what
might be best for you to take, if anything,
for your overall health.”
Have a Healthy Weekend
1. Squeeze in a longer workout. The best
part of the weekend is that you have
more free time. So while you might not
be able to squeeze in a 30-minute run
over lunch during the week, you can
use the weekend to go for a longer run
at a beautiful park nearby. Or go to the
gym to try a new hour-long class. Use
the weekend as a time to refresh your
workout and get more activity in without
feeling rushed.
2. Eat like it's a weekday. When you think
about it, it doesn't really make much
sense to eat differently on the weekend
than you do during the week - especially
if your food choices during the week keep
you fuelled and energized. It can be easy
to skip meals on the weekend and then
make up for it later by overindulging at
dinner. So, make a point to eat breakfast,
lunch and dinner while sitting down.
Pack snacks for when you're on the go,
and follow a schedule just like you would
during the week. Your body will thank
Heredity plays a role, and women are twice as likely as
men to suffer migraines. Although the exact cause of
migraines is unknown, evidence suggests that these
one-sided headaches (they don't affect the entire
skull) have something to do with the blood vessels in
your head. Triggers also include certain foods, stress,
light, and even perfumes or other odors.
Aspartame: This popular artificial sweetener can
trigger migraines or make them worse. Various studies
have implicated this chemical, but not other artificial
Sleep it off: Generally, the best treatment for a
migraine is to sleep. Relief comes from falling asleep even if it's for a short time.
Take time to relax: Most migraines occur on
weekends or while people are on vacation. It may have
to do with a reduction of stress. Sufferers need to ease
into relaxation, make it more of a gradual transition
than just going full blast. Try to slowly unwind exercise, listening to music, whatever helps you relax.
Magnesium: Many migraine sufferers may have a
shortage of magnesium in their brains. Magnesium
is a muscle relaxant. Good sources of this mineral
include dark green, leafy vegetables, fruits, and nuts
and concentrate supplement tablets and capsules.
Watch what you eat: About 10 to 15 percent of
people plagued by migraines are food-sensitive,
which means that consuming some foods or drinks
can trigger a severe migraine. There are certain foods
that we know are triggers - chocolate, red wine, and
other items containing the animo acid tyramine. Also,
foods cooked with MSG (monosodium glutamate) can
trigger attacks.
Ice your head: You have a 50-50 chance of getting
some pain relief within 3 minutes of applying a soft,
cold ice pack wrapped in a towel to your head. Ice
constricts blood vessels, returning them to normal
Be aerobically inclined: Exercise is a great way to
reduce the stress that often triggers migraines in some
people. But now there's research suggesting that
cardiovascular fitness may also help lessen migraines no matter what the cause.
Don't pop the Pill: If you're a migraine-prone woman
who takes birth control pills, you might want to
consider discontinuing them. One in three women
with migraines has increased attacks when taking an
oral contraceptive.
Car Ventilation
and Pollution
'Recirculate' is the best choice to escape the smog, researchers say.
Your car ventilation settings have a major effect on the levels of
exposure to particulate pollution while driving. Particulate pollution
is the black, sooty smoke produced by diesel engines and coal-fired
power plants. Short of driving less, putting your ventilation to
'recirculate' is the best way to reduce exposure to all types of vehiclerelated particulate pollution. Otherwise, an hour-long commute
to work or school can double your daily exposure to traffic-related
particulate air pollutants.
Compared to ventilation settings that bring in outside air, the
"recirculate" setting reduced in-vehicle pollution from 80 percent of
on-road levels to 20 percent for small-particle pollution and from 70
percent to 30 percent for larger particles.
The windows of the cars were always kept closed for the study.
Keeping windows open while driving quickly raises inside pollutant
concentrations to the same levels as on-road levels. They also found
that particulate pollution levels are lower in newer cars, at slower
speeds and when driving on arterial roads instead of freeways.
Pollution levels are five to 10 times higher on highways than in other
Leaving the windows closed over 30-minute or longer drives with
several passengers raised carbon dioxide levels in the cars. Some
people are sensitive to high carbon dioxide concentrations. To prevent
this, outside air should be pulled in every 10 or 15 minutes for a minute
or two, especially if there are two or more people in the vehicle.
Dit gaan nie net oor hoeveel gewig ’n
kind op sy rug dra nie, maar ook hoe
dit gepak en versprei is.
Ouers moet die hele tyd bewus wees
van die gemak en veiligheid van
hulle kinders se rugsakke.
Rugsakke is ontwerp om die
gewig van die las oor die
liggaam se sterkste spiere te
versprei. Wanneer dit verkeerd
gedra word, kan verrekkings en
liggaamshoudingsprobleme egter
voorkom. Hoewel van hierdie
beserings klein kan wees, kan ander
’n blywende effek op kinders hê en
tot in hulle volwasse jare voortduur.
Kinders behoort nie meer as 15-20
persent van hulle liggaamsgewig
te dra nie. Hulle moet albei
skouerbande van die rugsak gebruik
en die bande verstel om die las
teenaan die rug te hou. Wanneer
rugsakke opgetel word, moet die
kind albei knieë buig, en items
verwyder of herorganiseer wanneer
die rugsak te swaar is. Jy of jou kind
moet altyd swaarder items onderin
en na die middel toe inpak. Kinders
behoort slegs dié items te dra wat vir
die skooldag of tuiswerk nodig is.
Ouers moet ’n rugsak koop waarvan
die grootte vir die kind reg is. Hulle
moet die kind aanmoedig om vir
hulle te sê as daar ’n dooie gevoel of
prikkeling in die arms of bene ervaar
word. Dit kan aandui dat die rugsak
nie behoorlik pas nie, of dat die kind
te swaar dra.
Kyk wanneer jou kind die rugsak op
sy rug tel of dit afhaal om te sien of
hulle probleme daarmee ervaar. As
dit lyk of ’n rugsak te swaar is, laat die
kind van die boeke uithaal en dit in
hulle hande dra om die las op die rug
te verlig.
Look after your
Many people don't know how to brush their
teeth properly. Improper brushing can cause
as much damage to the teeth and gums as
not brushing at all.
Lots of people don’t brush for long enough,
don’t floss and don’t see a dentist regularly.
Hold your toothbrush in the same way that
would hold a pencil, and brush for at least
two minutes. This includes brushing the
teeth, the junction of the teeth and gums,
the tongue and the roof of the mouth.
And you don't need a fancy, angled
toothbrush – just a sturdy, soft-bristled one
that you replace each month.
Uncomfortable - and sometimes
embarrassing gas and bloating are very
common problems. A little gas is normal,
but excessive amounts can be caused by
bacteria in the colon feeding on partially
digested food, such as carbs and sugars.
Fortunately, many herbs and some
foods can ease gassiness. Most bitter
foods (such as chard and kale) stimulate
the production of enzymes that allow
your body to digest food more fully and
efficiently, so there's less for gas-producing
bacteria to consume. Bitter herbs like
dandelion and chamomile also promote
healthy digestion, especially when
combined with carminatives - herbs that
reduce intestinal cramping and bloating.
That's almost all the aromatic spices
and culinary herbs, including ginger,
anise, fennel, peppermint, and thyme.
Other foods that help are yogurt with
live and active cultures and enzyme-rich
For chronic bloating and gas, you can take
an herbal supplement that contains bitters
and carminatives. Or drink the herbs in
this smoothie, which also includes two
other digestive aids: enzyme-rich fruit and
yogurt with active cultures:
1/2 cup chamomile or dandelion root
tea, cooled; 1 cup strawberries; 1 cup
pineapple chunks;
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt with live and active
cultures; 1 tsp honey or maple syrup; 1/2
cup ice cubes
Place all ingredients in a blender and
process on high to the desired consistency.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that KK Publishers, it’s contributors and/or associates cannot be held liable in any way for errors that may occur in any of
the articles printed in this newsletter. Information and articles published
in this newsletter do not constitute medical advice or a medical claim
for any product of any nature whatsoever on behalf of the publisher, the
pharmacy or the distributor. Consult a qualified health care practitioner
for diagnosis or treatment of any diseases or medical condition.
CC, Cape Town
Tel.: (021) 418 6708; Fax: (021) 418 6707 E-Mail: [email protected];
Website: www.newsletterfactory.co.za
Continued from front page ...
skin or the underlying tissues, and skin
ulceration. Most male breast cancers are not
The incidence of breast cancer in men,
like in women, increases with age. It is
rare before the age of 35. The average age
of men at diagnosis is close to 65, about
5 years older than the average age for
women. Some studies also suggest that the
prevalence is higher among Jewish males
of European ancestry. A recent study found
that breast cancer patients were more likely
to be college graduates and employed as
professionals or managers.
The treatment is generally similar to the
treatment of female breast cancer. The basic
therapy for cancer that shows no signs of
distant spreading is surgery. In advanced
stages, it is hormonal and chemotherapy.
Also, it is always best to consult your
physician about treatment alternatives, such
as involving yourself in an experimental
clinical trial.
To improve the prognosis of male breast
cancer, broader efforts are needed to let
men know that the disease exists and
that, like other cancers, it can be cured or
controlled if it is diagnosed and treated
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