Intergenerational contact by european migrants in belgium
Intergenerational contact by european migrants in belgium
Lindsay Theunis1, Christine Schnor1,2, Didier Willaert1 & Jan Van Bavel1, 2 1 Interface 2 Demography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Family and Population Studies, University of Leuven Divorce Conference 2014 Educational Assortative Mating and Union Stability: A Prospective Analysis Using Belgian Census and Register Data Motivation • People tend to choose romantic partners who are educationally similar to themselves • Educational heterogamy, and especially hypogamy (woman more educated), is expected to have a negative effect on union stability as a consequence of frustrations and tensions related to the dissimilarity • Past research often confirmed this expectation BUT inconsistencies remained because of variations in legal, social and economic costs of divorce across time and between and within countries 2 Motivation Recent evidence from the US (Schwartz & Han 2014) suggest changing patterns over time the stability of marriages between educational equals has increased the negative association between hypogamy (W>M) and union stability disappeared among marriages formed after 1990 Because of the changed gender gap in education? A “diffusion of innovation story”? Deviant union behavior (such as unions with a higher educated woman) can be seen as an innovation to marriage market constraints (‘not enough highly educated men on the mating market’) --> when such marriages become more common, do they become more accepted and less unstable? 3 Objectives & research questions 1. To examine the effect of relative education on union stability in Belgium How are educational differences between partners related to union stability, net of individual educational effects? 2. To test the diffusion hypothesis by including educational context factors Does the effect of couples’ relative education on union stability depend on the proportion of hypogamous couples (W>M) in the neighborhood? 4 Data • Belgian CENSUS 2001 – National Register 2006 Covers the whole Belgian population Linkage on the individual level Changes in union status are calculated by comparing the dates and destinations of residential migration of both partners • Sample selection (N = 472,945 couples) Got married between 30/09/1986 and 30/09/2001 Female age at marriage between 18 and 49 Both man and woman had Belgian nationality of origin in 2001, were not enrolled in school in 2001 and did not emigrate or die between 2001 and 2006 5 Absolute & relative education • Operationalization education man and woman in 2001 Low = lower secondary education Medium = higher secondary education High = tertiary education • Distribution of the sample, in % Absolute education woman 18.7 man 36.3 24.3 0 42.7 37.8 20 35.2 40 low medium 60 high missing 80 2.3 2.7 100 6 Absolute & relative education Relative education (Man-Woman) homogamy (M=W) 10.4 0 19.3 10 low-low hypogamy (M<W) 9.5 0 3.8 10 low-medium hypergamy (M>W) 30 medium-medium 40 50 60 50 60 50 60 high-high 12.2 20 low-high 30 40 medium-high 6.0 1.6 7.0 0 10 medium-low missing = 3,75% 20 26.4 20 high-low 30 40 high-medium 7 Belgium 8 Map 1: % homogamous couples, per municipality 9 Map 2: % hypergamous couples, per municipality 10 Map 3: % hypogamous couples, per municipality 11 Map 4: % divorced couples, per municipality 12 Method • Piecewise constant multilevel hazard model Event = marital household dissolution between 2001 and 2006 Time = marriage duration Left truncated data, entry in 2001 Control for a municipality-level random residual • Control covariates Age = female age at marriage, relative age Children = parity and age youngest child (TV) Occupational status = male occupational-related income, relative occupational-related income (2001) Marital residence = ownership, comfort level (2001) Place of residence = region, degree of urbanization (2001) 13 Results Hazard ratios of relative education* (95% confidence interval) 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 homogamy (W=M) hypergamy (W<M) hypogamy (W>M) 14 *Controlled for female education and controls = homogamy (W=M) = hypergamy (W<M) = hypogamy (W>M) Results Hazard ratios of female education*male education (95% confidence interval) 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 low medium highly low medium highly low medium highly educated educated educated educated educated educated educated educated educated man man man man man man man man man low educated woman medium educated woman highly educated woman 15 Results Hazard ratios for % hypogamous couples in municipality* (95% confidence interval) 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 <24% 24-26% >26% 16 *Categorization of % hypogamous couples is based on tertiles = homogamy (W=M) = hypergamy (W<M) = hypogamy (W>M) Results Hazard ratios of male education*% hypogamous couples for couples with a low educated woman (95% confidence interval) 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 <24% 24-26% >26% <24% 24-26% >26% <24% 24-26% >26% low educated man medium educated man highly educated man 17 = homogamy (W=M) = hypergamy (W<M) = hypogamy (W>M) Results Hazard ratios of male education*% hypogamous couples for couples with a medium educated woman (95% confidence interval) 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 <24% 24-26% >26% <24% 24-26% >26% <24% 24-26% >26% low educated man medium educated man highly educated man 18 = homogamy (W=M) = hypergamy (W<M) = hypogamy (W>M) Results Hazard ratios of male education*% hypogamous couples for couples with a highly educated woman (95% confidence interval) 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 <24% 24-26% >26% <24% 24-26% >26% <24% 24-26% >26% low educated man medium educated man highly educated man 19 Preliminary conclusion • Simple homogamy-heterogamy distinctions cover more complex results • The highest divorce risks were found among couples in which the woman is low educated and the man is medium educated, the lowest divorce risks were found among couples in which both man and woman are highly educated • Couples in which the woman is medium educated have a higher divorce risk if the man is highly educated (hypergamy) and a lower divorce risk if the man is low educated (hypogamy) than with a man who has a similar educational level (homogamy) • Living in a municipality with ‘more than average’ hypogamous couples lowers the risk of divorce, especially of hypogamously married couples 20 Future prospects • We are in the process of adding unmarried cohabitations: We will determine dates of union formation (start of cohabitation) of couples in 2001 by their residential movements between 1991 and 2001 • We will create place-varying covariates: If a couple moves during the time at risk, we can adapt the values on the context variable (% hypogamous couples) and the place of residence variables (region and degree of urbanization) to those measured for their destination • We will consider other context covariates • We will estimate similar analyses with the linked data of CENSUS 1991 and National Register 1996 21 Thank you for your attention! Suggestions and remarks are very welcome Contact: [email protected]