Crestwood Middle School - Crestwood Local School District


Crestwood Middle School - Crestwood Local School District
April 2010
Dr. Andrew. Hill, Principal
Janet M. Zimmerman,
Principal of Curriculum
Crestwood Middle
Dr. Andrew Hill
Miss Janet Zimmerman
Principal of Curriculum
Dear CMS Community,
I’d like to remind you of a few upcoming events that I touched
on last month. Please refer to the calendar that is part of this newsletter
for a complete list of all of the activities that will occur over the last
month of school.
8th Grade Honor Assembly: Tuesday, June 1st 7:00 p.m.
7th Grade Honor Assembly: Thursday, June 3rd 1:00 p.m.
6th Grade Honor Assembly: Wednesday, June 2nd 8:00 a.m.
Students who will be recognized at each assembly will have a
letter mailed home the week of May 10th. The 8th grade award ceremony
will feature the induction of our first group of 8th grade students to the
CMS Honor Society. Eighth grade students have until April 30th to finish their service hours and submit their service verification forms.
On Saturday, May 22nd, we will host our third annual CMS
Family Picnic. The picnic will run from 11:00A.M.-2:00 P.M. There will
be free food, drinks and games, and all CMS families are welcome to
attend. An RSVP form will be sent home soon to help us plan how
much food and drinks to purchase.
I’d also like to focus this month on the importance of our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), which we have formerly called the
PAC. Our CMS PTO has a very dedicated core of 5-6 ladies who coordinate numerous fundraisers and events throughout the school year for
our students and faculty/staff. Outside of the core group, there are
many others who dedicate their time to helping with the many different
activities. I would like to encourage you to attend the May 25th CMS
PTO meeting which will be held in room 101 at CMS. At this meeting,
officers will be elected for next school year. While the core group for
the PTO is strong, they always need more members. Many of the rewarding and educational opportunities that our students participate in
during the school year are made possible by the PTO; examples include
the field trips that 6th and 7th grade will be going on in May, the Great
Lakes Theatre visit for 8th grade last fall, the grade rewards that occur
each quarter for students who improve on their report cards, the fun
nights at Hiram College for each grade level, many of the dances that
our students can attend, and the list goes on and on. It’s obvious to me
our school is a better place because we have such an active PTO.
Finally, thank you for your continued support of CMS. If you
should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at
330-274-2249 or at [email protected].
Andy Hill
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Ohio Achievement Assessment for 2009-2010
is now behind us. Thank you so very much for your help
and assistance in preparing your child(ren) for the tests.
The students were awake, well fed, and most of all they
were here. The results of the tests should be in our hands
by the middle of June. You will receive a copy of your
child(ren)’s results in the fall.
Once again, the CMS Drama Department is hard
at work. Please mark your calendars for either Friday, May
7th or Saturday, May 8th to enjoy over fifty students demonstrate their acting abilities in Bel Kaufmann’s “Up the
Down Staircase.” Mr. Judd and his cast have been hard at
work. It is always amazing to see the sixth, seventh, and
eighth graders on stage sharing their various acting talents.
So many times we only see the athletic side of our students
in extracurricular activities. I can assure you that you will
not be disappointed by our CMS drama production.
Janet Zimmerman
Crestwood Middle School
Page 2
Lynne Morrison
John Vanags
School Counselor
Athletic Director
Sports, More Sports, and Vacation
Dear Parents/Guardians
Another exciting year is almost behind us but there are
many exciting activities to still take place. There are many important
dates coming up that are worth noting:
June 3rd – 8th graders visit Crestwood High School
May 12th and 13th – Mrs. Morrison visits 5th grade classrooms to
discuss Middle School
May 17th – “Keeping Kids Safe” – for parents of 5th-12th grad-
ers – Drug Awareness by Deputy Jim McRitchie – 6:30 PM
May 24th and 25th – 5th graders visit Crestwood Middle School
May 24th – 5th grade Parent Orientation for Middle School – 6:30PM
More information will be coming home soon for each of the above
listed events.
Recently I was given an article, “Beware of the Choking Game,” by
Nancy Bass, MD. It contains very important information that I
wanted to share with parents. It discusses what is popularly known
by adolescents as “The Choking Game.” In this game, kids choke
each other or themselves with their hands or a noose around the
neck with the goal of passing out. As stated in the article, this can
be extremely dangerous causing bleeding retinas, brain damage or
broken bones from falls, and even death. Eighty two deaths associated with this game have been reported since 1995. Please discuss
the dangers of a game such as this with your child. Adolescents tend
to think that things like this won’t happen to them and yet they do.
In her article, Dr. Bass provides the following warning signs:
1. Discussion of the game or its aliases: “pass-out”, “space monkey,” suffocation roulette,” scarf game”
2. Bloodshot eyes
3. Marks on the neck
4. Wearing high-necked shirts, even in warm weather
5. Frequent, severe headaches
6. Disorientation after time spent alone
7. Ropes, scarves, and belts tied to bedroom furniture or doorknobs, or found knotted on the floor
8. Unexplained presence of dog leashes, choke collars, bungee
cords, or the like
Pinpoint bleeding spots under the skin in the facial area, especially
the eyelids.
Copies of this article are available in the main foyer of the Middle
School for your reference.
Enjoy the last few weeks of school!! Please don’t hesitate to contact
me with any questions or concerns.
Lynne Morrison
As the school year winds down, athletes and parents need to wind up for
the fall season. Athletes need to prepare for fall start times.
Family discussion may need to occur about an important vacation that
will interrupt the baseball, softball and summer basketball seasons that run deep into
summer with championship tournaments. Family time priorities don’t need to be
denied; our family would try to take a week during the first third of the season after
the team had been established and some games played, early enough that our athletes
didn’t miss the play off games.
Go and enjoy some planned time off….you deserve it. Fall will be here
soon enough.
Earliest Fall Sports Starting Dates:
August 8
August 9
Cross Country
August 9
August 9
August 9
* That’s right! CMS will offer co-ed soccer next fall!
Eligibility for each grading period is determined by grades received the preceding grading period. Semester and yearly grades have no effect on eligibility.
Grades 9-12: The student must be currently enrolled in the Crestwood School
District, obtain the minimum requirements established by O.H.S.A.A., and
attain a 1.5 G.P.A. in the immediately preceding grading period. The G.P.A.
will be the factor used to determine eligibility. A single failing grade will not
cause a student to become ineligible. A failing grade will qualify a student for a
mandatory tutoring program established by the building principal. Failure to
participate in the tutoring program may result in the denial of participation.
Grades 7-8: The student must be currently enrolled in the Crestwood School
District. A student enrolling in the seventh grade for the first time will be
eligible for the first grading period regardless of previous academic achievement. Thereafter, in order to be eligible a student in grade 7 or 8 must be
currently enrolled and must have been enrolled in school the immediately
preceding grading period and received passing grades during that grading period in 75% of those subjects in which the student received grades. For eligibility purposes, summer school grades may not be used to substitute for failing
grades received the final grading period of the regular school year or for lack of
enough subjects taken the preceding grading period.
Age limitations
Grades 9-12: if you are 19 years of age prior to August 1, 2010, you are
ineligible for the 2010-2011 school year.
Grades 7-8: If you are 15 years of age prior to August 1, 2010, you are
ineligible for the 2010-2011 school year in grades 7-8.
If you are 15 years of age prior to August 1, 2010, you are eligible to
participate in athletics in grades 9-12. Consult your principal for procedures to follow.
Student Participation and Physical Forms
All students in grades 7-12 must submit a completed student participation form and pass a physical examination before they may practice for a
school sport. Check with your school principal or athletic administrator
for the procedure to follow. Physical examinations are valid for one
calendar year.
You may receive an award or merchandise as a result of your participation in school or non-school competition from any source, provided the
value does not exceed $100.00 per award.
When pay-to-participate fees are in effect, they must be paid before the
first practice/rehearsal.
John Vanags
Crestwood Middle School
Page 3
New 7th Grade Immunization Requirement
The Ohio Department of Health is requiring that students entering 7th grade beginning with the 2010-2011 school
year be vaccinated with one dose of Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis for adolescent and adult).
This dose is intended to be administered as a booster dose for students who have completed the initial series of
early childhood tetanus “shots” (DTaP, DT, Td).
In order to be in compliance with Ohio law, students must have proof of receiving Tdap or Td before the
start of school in August 2010 or they will not be permitted to attend school. The Portage County Health Department is making it easy for families to protect their children from these diseases by holding an in-school shot
clinic at Crestwood Middle School on May 17, 2010. Tdap will be given to 6th grade students whose parents
choose to take advantage of this convenient service. There is only a $10.00 administration fee for this immunization and Medicaid medical cards are accepted for payment. A letter explaining the immunization requirement, a
parent/guardian permission form and a vaccine information sheet will be sent home with 6th grade students May
7th along with their interims. Parents are encouraged to check their child’s shot record or contact their healthcare
provider to see if their child has already had this vaccine. Permission forms should be returned to the school nurse
by May 13, 2010.
All other 6th grade students will need to submit proof of immunization from their healthcare provider before entering 7th grade in August. Please contact the school nurse if you have any questions about this requirement.
As Clark Kent is Superman, Valerie Waugaman is the Green Goddess!!! Valerie has envisioned a self-empowerment role
model program for kids as part of her Fit Mission Revolution. The Green Goddess mission is to prepare the children of our
future to create a fulfilling, purposeful, healthy life of their own creation for their generation and many generations to follow.
One concept guides kids to create their own super hero with personality traits, physical attributes, and career paths they
would like to express and experience in their own life.
Sponsored by PAC
Crestwood Middle School
Page 4
Biography Research
Recently, the sixth grade students completed their biography research unit. The students found information from a
variety of sources, drafted a report, and then presented their
writing to their peers, all while they learned interesting facts
about influential people throughout history.
The highlight of the unit was when the students
dressed up as the people they researched. The students “met”
celebrities such as Cleopatra, Bill Gates, Mother Teresa, and
Harry Houdini over tea and cookies.
Power of the Pen State Qualifiers
Power of the Pen State qualifier information has finally been released! We are so proud of our state qualifiers. In twenty years of Crestwood involvement in Power of the Pen, this is only the second time we have
had this many qualifiers for this level of competition! Qualifiers will be traveling to Wooster College.
Congratulations to Amanda Fosnight, Samantha Kulish, Lena Baldwin, and Hannah Bennett.
CMS is proud of you!
Crestwood Middle School
Page 5
7th and 8th graders
conduct Mock Trial
Seventh and eighth grade students in Reading Enrichment classes recently experienced the challenges of bringing a trial to court during
a mock trial based on the Lincoln assassination. Though assassin John Wilkes Booth was killed during his capture, the trial was based on the
premise that Booth lived to stand trial. The prosecution was to convict on charges of first degree murder and treason; the defense was to defend
on an insanity plea.
Students volunteered for roles such as attorney, judge, bailiff or witness. Six students from other classes were seated as jurors. Attorneys, especially, learned the importance of inferential reading as they planned strategies, using affidavits to evaluate evidence and formulate questions. Cooperative learning happened naturally, as teamwork was a must for effectively presenting the case.
The powerful seventh grade defense team of attorneys Oliver Green, Jay Gerhardstein and Daniel O’Sickey won a decision based on the
insanity defense for Booth. Prosecuting attorneys Clay Reid, John Scotton and Joe Slechta also presented a well-researched and convincing case
for Booth’s guilt. Judge David Hill presided.
In the eighth grade trial, prosecuting attorneys Olivia Cobb, Amanda Fosnight and Kyle Cox won a conviction on both charges. Judge
Marissa Midgley presided, while Tori Krause contributed a powerful opening statement for the defense, as well a convincing portrayal of witness
Laura Keene.
Fifteen middle school student artist’s works are displayed this year
at the Portage Couny art show’s new venue, Gelbke Gallery on the campus
of Hiram College. The gallery is what we have all been looking for; spacious enough to display the 1,000 pieces of art from our county middle and
high schools.
The students artwork chosen from the middle school’s budding
artists are: Sixth graders Alex Strahler, Courtney Capel, Colson Faust and
Ashley Goodrich, seventh graders Leannah Francis, Hannah Hilty, Craig
Davis and Raiden Foris and eighth graders Amanda Fosnight, Kayla Diroll,
Julia Pfaff, Olivia Cobb, Nathan Green and Emily St. Hilaire.
Our students winning ribbons are: Amanda Fosnight, first place in
both mixed media and acrylic painting, Craig Davis, first place in clay sculpture, Julia Pfaff, second place in acrylic painting, Leannah Frances, second
place in watercolor and Courtney Capel, fourth place in watercolor.
Congratulations to those student artists and to all the students who
love to make art and express themselves with all the wonderful mediums
and choices available through the arts.
Crestwood Middle School
Page 6
Invention Convention
Science students in Mrs. Welch’s and Mrs. Duesing’s classes created their own inventions. The process began by completing
a survey in an effort to recognize problems. Any invention solves a problem or fulfils a need in society. After selecting a
problem to solve, each student recorded the process in an invention log. The students were required to make a concept
model showing the solution to the chosen problem. The collection of inventions designed to solve problems was amazing!
The diverse and unique display was a blended combination of creativity and science. This project also included a summary
report and individual class presentations. We are proud of our excellent eighth grade inventors!
Crestwood Middle School
Page 7
Straight A Students—3rd Marking Period
Amy Auble, Miranda Beatty, Hannah Bennett, Lauren Bissell, Samantha Boross,
Sarah Bridgman, Brittany Caldwell, Courtney Capel, Olivia Cobb, Carlie Cofojohn,
Lauren Crislip, Makenna Delgado, Scott Durham, Morgan Engelhart, Chelsea Evans, Morgan Faldowski, Jeremiah Fitzgerald, Amanda Fosnight, Leannah Frances, Adriana French, Julya
Gamble, Meaghan Green, Nathan Green, Katie Gregory, Amber Harrison, Miranda Head, David Hill,
Holly Hoffman, Isabel Hysing, Kelli Janus, Taylor Jenkins, Brandon Johnson, Kira Judd, Amanda Krakowski, Audrey Kulish, Samantha Kulish, Tyler Labas, Alyssa Lamb, Reba Mach, Alexis Mazey, Caitlin
Mcswain, Keith Medvetz, Taylor Michael, Marissa Midgley, Jenna Morgenstern, Sydney Nemec, Nicole
Nero, Nathan Nielsen, Ross Nielsen, Rosalie Novotny, Daniel O’Sickey, Samuel Oliphant, Joanna Ondash, Nathan Pallotto, Rebecca Pochedly, Rachel Quesenberry, Mckenzie Shea, Lauren Smith, Abigail
Soltisz, Lindsey Soltisz, Madeleine Sorrick, Eliza Soukenik, Maddison Spencer, Isabella Wagner, Kaitlin
Wolff, Hayley Zigman
Cell Model Project
Did you know that we shed 25,000 skin cells a minute or that most cells are only about 0.0025 cm in diameter?
The 6th grade has been investigating the parts of a plant and
an animal cell. In addition, they have been learning about the
functions and purpose of those cell parts. The 6th grade red
team was asked to create their own cell model of the plant
and animal cells.
What creative and talented students we have here at CMS! Joanna Ondash painted t-shirts depicting an animal cell
on one and a plant cell on the other. Several other students including Kim Bretland and Sydney Nemec used modeling clay
or styrofoam balls to represent their models. Courtney Capel and Morgan Faldowski were just two of our students who
used their scrapbooking and coloring talents to produce their models. You can find them on display in Mrs. Mattmuller’s
classroom for the next several weeks.
Penny Drive - Hope for Haiti
Crestwood Middle School has some of the most generous students around!
The Crestwood Middle School Leadership Organization along with Leo Club, sponsored a week long Penny Drive
beginning March 22nd to raise money for the International Lion’s Club. This year, students chose to donate all of the proceeds to their Hope for Haiti Fund. Crestwood students raised $520!
Students competed by grade level teams in the Penny Drive Contest. Jars labeled for each team were set out during
lunchtime for students to make donations. The winning team was the eighth grade gray team. Everyone donated very generously! Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Mattmuller wish to thank the Leo Club and their advisors, Mrs. McDermott and Mrs. Manfrass for their participation in the coordination of this event.
Crestwood Middle School
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Choir Solo & Ensemble Contest
Students from the7th and 8th Grade choirs participated in the Solo & Ensemble
event at Crestwood Middle School. Our students have worked hard and their accomplishments were noted by the judges.
We are pleased to have Ms. Gloria Gasser come to judge our students. The judge gave a rating of I (Superior), II
(Excellent), III (Good), IV (Average) or V (Poor). The following students participated and received the following ratings:
Solos receiving a I (Superior rating)
Brooke Hunter, Paige Kellar, Victoria Andexler, Marissa Midgley, Kristen Jones, Nicole Perkins, Julie White, Brittany
Campbell, Amber Harrison, Kathleen Murray, Arizona Misseldine, Natalie Cline, Hali Derr, David Bowles, Megan
Oswald, Kira Judd, Brian Ferguson, Brandon Johnson, Samantha Moore, Danielle Cavanaugh
Ensembles receiving a I (Superior rating)
Dena Pieronek, Carlie Cofojohn, Ashley La Manna, Katie Benjamin, Taylor Paige Happel
Nicole Derthick, Emily Smith, Kelsey Mertes, Laney Velek, Samantha Vojtush, Lindsey Marshall, McKenzie Bollinger,
Katie Shoff, Allana Swan
Morgan Strenk, Nikki Nero, Haley Zigman, Maddeleine Sorrick, Amber Powers, Miranda Gregorie, Jessica Sanicky
Natalie Cline, Ashley Adkins, Chelsea Evans, Kira Judd, Miranda Beatty, Megan Oswald
Victoria Andexler, Amber Harrison, Kristen Jones, Kathleeen Murray, Marissa Midgley, Nicole Perkins
Arizona Misseldine, Hali Derr, Danielle Cavanaugh, Brittany Campbell, Taylor Ward, Julie White
Ensemble receiving a II (Excellent rating)
Carlie Cofojohn, Dena Pieronek, Morgan Strenk, Nicole Nero, Madeleine Sorrick, Ashley LaManna
Crestwood Middle School
Page 9
Band Solo & Ensemble Contest
Seventy CMS Band students participated in the annual Solo and Ensemble Contest Saturday, April 10, 2010
held at Crestwood Middle School. Students in grades seven and eight performed in 40 solos and 21 ensembles.
Each performance was evaluated by an adjudicator on rhythm and pitch accuracy, intonation, tone quality, and
interpretation. Each was then awarded a rating ranging from I to V. Our band students received 46 Superior and
14 Excellent ratings. The adjudicators were all very complimentary of our students and their preparation for this
Mrs. Debbie Wiandt, Mrs. Judith Guegold, Mr. Drew Senkar and Ms. Courtney Lambert prepared CMS band students for this event. We want to thank Mrs. Virginia Goodell, Mrs. Becky Oliphant and Mrs. Michal Cope for volunteering to accompany the soloists. Thanks to Mrs. Kate Ferguson and Mr. Drew Senkar for helping students
warm-up and tune before each performance.
7th Grade Band students who received a
superior (I) rating for solo performance are:
8th Grade Band students who received a superior (I) rating for solo performance are:
Natalie Cline, George Monroe (2), Maia Pancost, Jackie Young, Hannah Bennett, Taylor
Mendiola, Nikki Nero, Hannah Hilty, Leannah
Frances, Danny O'Sickey, Morgan Strenk
Ariel Sherry, Amanda Krakowski, Emily St.
Hilaire, Michael Fletcher, Olivia Cobb, Danielle
Magyarics (2), Amanda Fosnight, Jenna
Morgenstern, Nathan Green, Tyler Brady, Zach
Strenk, Morgan Engelhart, Brittany Campbell
7th Grade Band students who received a
superior (I) rating for ensemble performance
All 7th Grade ensembles were rated Superior!
8th Grade Band students who received a
superior (I) rating for ensemble performance are:
Miranda Gregoire, Jackie Young, George Monroe
Amanda Fosnight (2), Morgan Engelhart (2),
Danielle Magyarics, Olivia Cobb, Michael
Miranda Beatty, Emily Smith, Katie Gregory
Savannah Geib Rosalie Novotny, Madison Sara
Maia Pancost (2), Chelsea Evans (2), Alex Bigler
(2), Taylor Mendiola, Bryanna Herbold
Kim Zielinski, Emily Kotrlik, Taylor Chism, Lauren
Hannah Bennett, Natalie Cline
Cameron Moodie (2), Noah Gula, Alec Harrington-Cook
Nikki Nero (2), Joe Slechta, Jeremiah Fitzgerald,
Hannah Hilty
Lena Baldwin, Jessica Sanicky
Morgan Giaimo, Sammy Vojtush, Megan Oswald
Morgan Strenk, Leannah Frances, Alyssa Lamb,
Danny O'Sickey,
Amanda Krakowski, Julia Pfaff
Allison Little, Ariel Sherry, Abby Soltisz
Megan Blankenship, Mary Richards, Cheyenna Frederick
Tyler Brady(2), Cody Imars
Zach Strenk, Nick Labas, Nathan Green,
Jenna Morgenstern
Jacob Lovick, Tori Krause, Taylor Michael,
Ray Stewart
Crestwood Middle School
Page 10
Band Solo & Ensemble Contest — continued
7th Grade Band students who received an
excellent (II) rating for solo performance are:
Paige Markuzic, Miranda Gregoire, Kim Zielinski,
Cameron Moodie,
Noah Gula, Greg Haas, Alec Harrington-Cook, Jessica Sanicky
One 6th grader, Sam Oliphant, who has been
studying privately, performed a trumpet solo for
which he received a superior (I) rating.
8th Grade Band students who received an
excellent (II) rating for solo performance are:
Amanda Krakowski, Caleb Wyatt, Julia Pfaff, Kenzie
8th Grade Band students who received an excellent (II) rating for ensemble performance are:
Katey Paxton, Samantha Canepa, Mackenzie Gregoire
Kathleen Murray, Zach Strenk, Brittany Campbell
Congratulations to these students
for their success, hard work and
commitment to excellence! We are
so proud of your effort.
Page 11
April 2010
Crestwood Middle School
10880 John Edward Drive
Mantua, Ohio 44255
Phone: 330-274-2249
Fax: 330-274-3705
We’re on the web
Students of the Month for March
PAC’s name has been changed to CMS Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). We are an
organization of parents committed to helping
the staff of CMS by providing funds and support for enriching activities for our students.
PTO involvement provides support for educational activities, materials, family events,
and more. Involvement in PTO is a rewarding way to make a real difference in the lives
of our students, and to show your support.
You can help by baking/cooking, volunteering your time for activities, and assisting with
fundraising efforts. Our meetings are held
once per month with the next meeting scheduled for May 25, 2010 at 5:00 P.M.
in Room 101.
Maddison Spencer, Quinten Stone, Tomanie
Schwickert, Jacob Parr, Keri Fisher, Cameron Moodie
Nicole Nero, Ryan Ambler, Miranda Gregoire, Torri
Fillippi, Angelena Nero, Camron Moodies,
Julia Pfaff, Nicholas Labas, Morgan Engelhart,
Craig Tuner, Taylor Jenkins, Tyler Brady
Thanks to the support of our community in the Giant Eagle Educational Awards program, Crestwood Middle
School students will have additional supplies for making signs and banners to show their school spirit, or to
encourage participation in a good cause, or to share the creative results of their learning activities. Also, students making spoken or computer presentations are sure to be heard with their new portable speaker/PA. We
thank you again for using your Giant Eagle card for Crestwood Middle School's "Advantage."
Crestwood Middle School
May 2010
Right to
Read Week
“Master of
the Art of
Theme 2
Right to Read
Board of
Education Mtg.
7:00P.M. at High
Day—no school for
CMS Track vs.
Coventry and Norton @ HOME
5 CMS Track 6
vs. Norton &
for students
Jazz Band
Book Fair
6th Grade
Field Trip
5th grade visit
Leadership Seminar
7th/8th Grade
Band Concert
25 P.E. Field
5th grade visit
PTO Mtg.
2:50P.M. 3:50P.M.
26 6th/7th/8th
Grade Choir &
Girls’ Choir Concert at High
School 7:00P.M.
14 PTC Track Tour-
nament at Crestwood
State Power of
the Pen Competition
8th Gr. Choir to
Cedar Point Competition
PTO Dance 7-10P.M.
27 7th Grade
Field Trip
28 Student of the
Month Recognition
5th/6th Grade
Band Concert
8th Grade
Dance 7:0010:00P.M.
June 2 8th Gr.
June 3
June 4
8th Grade
Awards Assembly 7:00P.M.
7th Gr. Award
Last Day for
7th Gr. Band to CPS
6th Gr. Award
Assembly 8:00A.M.
8th Gr. Visit CHS
7/8 “Anything
Goes” Assembly
8th Gr. Picnic
Play - Up
the Down
Stair Case
7:00 P.M.
Band Large Group
Contest @ Univ. of
Akron 7th Gr. @
10:10A.M. 8th Gr. @
Band to CIS
31 No School June 1
CMS Play
11 CMS Play 12
6th Gr. Immunization Clinic
Jazz Band
7 Interims
sent home with
22 CMS
11:00A.M. 2:00P.M.
June 7-11 CMS Summer Band Camp 9:15—11:30 A.M. - Concert on June 11 at 7:00 P.M.
Report Cards mailed home on June 11, 2010
School Resumes on August 31, 2010
6th Grade
Shannon Martin, Noah Stuczynski, Kaitlyn Goldinger,
Collin Engelhart, Shannon Happel, Aaron Czerny
7th Grade
Taylor-Paige Happel, Harley Lanham, Holly Hoffman,
Brandon Johnson, Jessica Sanicky, George Monroe
8th Grade
Skylar Scala, John Kilbourne, Samantha Kulish,
Jacob Agle, Kayla Diroll, Cody Imars
Our annual 8th Grade
Dance/Party will be
held on Friday,
May 28, 2010 between
7:00 P.M. and
10:00 P.M.
This dance is for those
8th graders presently
attending Crestwood
Middle School.
Please arrange to pick up your 8th grader at 10:00 P.M.
All Crestwood Middle
School families are
invited to our third
annual Family Picnic
May 22, 2010 from
11:00 A.M.-2:00P.M.
MAY 3-7, 2010