Winter 2014 - ColdharBour Parish Council
Winter 2014 - ColdharBour Parish Council Coldharbour News The The Coldharbour Coldharbour Parish Parish Council Council Newsletter Newsletter January 2014 2014 October Pictures of Fair in the Square and Fairford Leys Dog Show inside Published by Coldharbour Parish Council Volume 9 issue 3 Coldharbour Parish News Your Coldharbour Parish Councillors Who deals with what? The Parish Council were informed recently that some people are expressing concerns about local issues on social media sites and whilst people are voicing their opinions – they are not contacting the relevant bodies such as the Police and Parish Council to report them. All councillors agreed that people need to take responsibility and report matters to the relevant authority to deal with rather than complaining on a social media site. Failing to report concerns or specific problems means those able to help are not aware of the problems. Chairman Cllr Andrew Cole Tel. 01296 334651 [email protected] Vice Chairman Cllr Sally Pattinson Tel. 01296 331822 [email protected] Cllr Pat Martin Tel. 01296 426384 [email protected] Everyone is welcome to come along to Parish Council meetings if they have any questions they would like to ask the council, but we thought, that it would be useful to outline these responsibilities and to publish the names and contact deals of those who have the responsibilities so that people are able to contact them direct, see page 4. We hope that this will help you to understand who has responsibility for which areas, but if you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact Coldharbour Parish Council on 01296 422800. Cllr Paul Hughes Tel. 01296 630654 [email protected] Cllr Lesley Yates Tel. 01296 291281 [email protected] Cllr Steven Lambert Tel. 01296 338387 [email protected] Cllr Stuart Jarvis Tel. 01296 331290 [email protected] Traffic Regulation Orders (Double Yellow Lines) Cllr Claire Hughes Tel. 01296 630654 [email protected] Cllr Tony Whittaker Tel. 01296 399907 [email protected] Cllr Judith Heberer Tel. 01296 427760 [email protected] Plans are in progress for making improvements to the main play area in Fairford Leys with a view to making it more attractive to older children and teenagers in our community as well as maintaining facilities for the younger ones. Once these are finalised, we will make them available for any residents who would like to see them. Clerk to the Council Keith Gray JP, PILCM, MILM Tel. 01296 422800 [email protected] Meet your Parish Clerk 5 The Church on Fairford Leys 7 9 Village News and Events 10/11 Fair in the Square 12/13 Fairford leys dog Show 14/15 Schools18/19 If you have any interesting articles for inclusion in the next edition please send them to [email protected] Cover Picture by Terry Pattinson. This area has always been known as ‘the main play area’ and when the improvements have been completed we feel that it would be appropriate to give it a new name. We are therefore asking for suggestions from residents as to what the playground should be called. We then plan to hold an official opening when we will name the winner. Please send your suggestions to the Fairford Leys Centre [email protected]. uk or telephone 01296 422800. St Mary’s School Extension All the legal agreements have now been signed for the extension to St Mary’s School and preparation works will commence in mid-October on site. The works will take until July 2015 with new classrooms, staff facilities, playground lay out and hall space ready for the September 2015 intake. During the works there will be an immediate Just a reminder to all residents that you must seek separate approval from the Parish Council on any changes you make to your property even if you have been given planning permission or your changes are considered to be “Permitted Development”. When you come to sell your house your purchaser’s solicitor will pick up on this matter and some people are experiencing difficulties at the final stages of selling their homes because they failed to obtain permission from the Parish Council relating to the Ernest Cook Covenants (ECT) that are on every property on Fairford Leys. These covenants have not lapsed. AVDC Planning Authority explains this on their “Planning Permission Allowed” document making it clear that their permission to allow people to build or make changes does not mean permission under the ECT Covenants and the property owner must seek separate permission from Coldharbour Parish Council. Please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council for any advice. 01296 422800 clerk@ coldharbour-pc Fly Tipping - Illegal dumping of waste shortage of parking spaces for staff. The Police and parking teams at Bucks CC are aware of this and have developed a parking plan for the staff. However, this means that during this period there will be fewer parking spaces for parents at drop off and pick up time. Parents who have to drive Copy Deadline & Advertising Rates In This Issue: 2 Planning and Permitted Development - Ernest Cook Covenants A New Name for the Main Play Area Cllr Nicola Eastwood Tel. 01296 397075 [email protected] Fairford leys Centre News Following the Parish Council’s decision to support the repainting of the double yellow lines around the village and to extend some of the areas covered, Buckinghamshire County Council has now begun the Traffic Regulation Order process to carry out the works. This will take around ten weeks to complete. We hope that will help to make our streets safer and for the Silver Rider bus to pass more easily. are being urged to park at the main car park in the village centre and walk to the school during this time. Advertising space is strictly limited - To book your space please call Andrew Barnett on 01296 422800 or email [email protected] Copy deadlines and Advertising Rates for the February edition: Deadline for advertising is Friday 23rd January Deadline for articles is Friday 30th January ¼ page £55 ½ page £85 Full page £115* * Discounts available to advertisers committing to 3 consecutive editions with payment in advance. The inclusion of an advertisement does not imply endorsement of the company or it’s products by Coldharbour Parish Council, nor does it constitute a recommendation. Coldharbour Parish Council cannot be held liable for any loss, damage or injury arising from goods sold through these columns or any advertising in this magazine. We have been notified of residents dumping garden waste near to properties around Fairford Leys and especially along the riverine corridor and land adjacent to the golf course. Please note that the dumping of all garden waste is classified as “fly-tipping” and is punishable under the law. If you see anyone dumping garden waste, or any other types of rubbish, please report it to either Coldharbour Parish, Buckinghamshire County or Aylesbury District Council. Bucks County Council and Aylesbury Vale District Council have a website that makes it easy for you to report this illegal activity anonymously. forms/ShowSecureForm Please note that you are also responsible for the correct removal of household waste even if you use someone else to remove it for you. If someone is taking your household waste away (including DIY), you must check with the Environment Agency that they are legally authorized to do so. If your waste is dumped illegally and you haven’t checked the carrier’s credentials, you and the carrier could be fined up to £5,000. If you would like to discuss this matter further or wish to receive any further information, please contact either the Clerk or one of your local parish councillors Dog Mess Again!! We are sorry to have to keep repeating this but it is one of the biggest issues that concern residents. The Parish Council are not responsible for cleaning up after your dog - you are. Please think about other people walking where your dog has been, pick it up put it in a bag and put it into one of the bins (which the grounds staff ARE responsible for) or take it home with you. Please report anyone you see who does not do this and let’s all work together to make this an even pleasanter place to live. Grounds Maintenance Update The summer bedding which has been so beautiful is now coming to an end. We hope that the all the residents enjoyed the planters and baskets throughout the village. The baskets will soon come down and will be cleaned prepared and filled with lots of winter bedding and bulbs which we hope you will enjoy over the winter period. The months seem to be speeding by and we are nearly three quarters of the way through the year! We have been busy over the last few months watering the summer bedding and trying to keep the grass cut and litter down. We have placed an order for some new trees, which we will be planting in the autumn to replace the dead ones in cages around the village. The MVAS is being regularly moved around the village with data being collected and areas being monitored by the Council and Thames Valley Police. Speed checks have been carried out by the Police recently and it is almost exclusively Fairford Leys Residents who are breaking the speed limits. The Remembrance Service is nearly upon us and the team will be working hard to make sure the square is cleaned and the wreaths are in place for this well attended and respected day. Christmas in the Square is the next big event for us and we look forward to seeing you all there. The lights and the trees will be decorated with a couple of extra additions this year. We would like to welcome and introduce Brian Neal to the team and we hope he enjoys his new appointment. Steve Webb Grounds Manager From Your Chairman Welcome to the October edition of Coldharbour News, it seems just yesterday that we were enjoying the sunshine at the Fair in the Square. Now the nights are drawing in and the Parish Council are already planning for Christmas in the Square. Talking of Fair in the Square, this year was our busiest yet, with more visitors and more local businesses supporting the event. Of course the weather was gorgeous which always helps and I was very pleased to meet so many of you. Not only was the fair busy, the Fairford Leys Dog Show was also very well supported and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting some of our four legged residents who were very well behaved. My thanks go to all those involved in organising both events, the Clerk and Councillor Judith Heberer, our Parish Councillors and the Fairford Leys Centre staff who willingly give their time to help proceedings run smoothly and to all our stall holders who make the fair the brilliant event it is. Special thanks to Zandra Carrington and her helpers for organizing the dog show. As I mentioned winter is fast closing in and at this time of year my thoughts always turn to the safety of our residents. Again the focus is on street lamps, as the days get shorter making sure our streets have ample lighting is an on-going job. So don’t forget if you notice a streetlight out please make a note of its number and location and drop me an email. Last year although a very wet and stormy winter it was fairly mild. The Parish Council continues to try to be prepared for bad weather and will be monitoring weather reports and severe weather notifications, to try to ensure that the main roads around the village remain as passable as possible. With the possibility of bad weather I would ask that if you have an elderly neighbour just to check that they are ok from time to time. I hope to see you at Christmas in the Square and take this early opportunity to wish you and your family a very joyful Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Cllr Andrew Cole Chairman Coldharbour Parish Council 3 Who is responsible for What? Coldharbour Parish Council is responsible for: Bucks County Council is responsible for: Grass cutting (but not overall ownership) Litter collection in Hampden Square & Main Car Park Dalwood Mews Garden Fairford Leys Centre Bandstand Flowers & Planters Allotments Emptying of Dog Bins Covenants on Fairford Leys (Management) All Play Parks/Areas (11 in total) Hampden Square / Village Square management For details of Parish Councillors please see page 2 of this Newsletter. Aylesbury Vale District Council is responsible for: Riverine Corridor (adoption) Maintenance of paths, trees, hedges in riverine corridor area Litter in all main open spaces and riverine corridor Dog Fouling Flooding problems (future land owner) Hartwell Housing Estate boundary (trees and hedges and gravelled pathway running alongside Fairford Leys & Hartwell Housing Estate) Future ownership of all open spaces/grass cutting areas in Fairford Leys Aylesbury Vale District Council CEO: Andrew Grant 01296 585858 [email protected] [email protected] AVDC Councillors - Coldharbour Ward (Fairford Leys) Cllr Steven Lambert 07884 428833 5 Grosvenor Way, Fairford Leys Aylesbury HP19 7B slambert@ Cllr Mike Smith 01296 484299 Chancellors Road Aylesbury HP19 9SH [email protected] [email protected] Cllr Paul Hughes 50 Long Plough, Aston Clinton Bucks HP22 5HB [email protected] [email protected] 4 Roads Street Lights / lamp posts Highway matters Parking Enforcement / Yellow Lines Ownership of Highway Grass Verges Bucks County Council County Councillor for Aylesbury West (Fairford Leys) Email: [email protected] Twitter: Meet your Parish Clerk Mr Keith Gray JP, PILCM, MILM 01296 338387 The Ernest Cook Trust is responsible for: The Landowner The Covenant Owner Responsible for Land Adoption Process and matters relating to overall land ownership The Ernest Cook Trust CEO: Nicholas Ford 01285 712492 [email protected] Keith originates from Northumberland and moved to Fairford Leys in 2000. Taylor Wimpey is responsible for: He is the first Clerk of Coldharbour Land adoption with AVDC Parish Council having spent a short time as Deputy Clerk to Stone with Road adoption with BCC Bishopstone and Hartwell Parish Flooding prevention responsibilities / Maintenance of reed beds and riverine area (landowner) Council. He is experienced in national and local government work and has worked in various government departments. Keith is the Town Clerk of Aylesbury Town Council and also Clerk to Dinton with Ford & Upton Parish as well as Buckingham Park Parish Council. Keith is a member of the Executive Committee of the Society of Local Council Clerks (Bucks Branch) and spent a number of years as Chairman of the Society. He is a Principle Member of the Institute of Local Council Management (PILCM) and a Member of the Institute of Leadership & Management (MILM) – He holds the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA) along with Section 7 Qualification – General Powers of Competence. Keith also serves the public in his role as a Justice of the Peace, Governor and Vice-Chairman of The Aylesbury Vale Academy and also Chairman of The Joyce Trust. Keith has held trusteeships of an international and national charity dealing with immunology issues and was a member of the Consultative Panel of the Human Genetics Commission. He has an interest in matters relating to immunology and genetic diseases and has represented charities abroad, speaking at various events, including the European Parliament, on matters relating to caring for people with long-term illnesses and genetic life-threatening conditions. He has worked with Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital on the Steering Committee for “Jeans for Genes”. As Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer of the council, he is the main point of contact for the Parish of Coldharbour and attends many meetings and functions representing the council and residents of the parish. He works closely with the various business owners and works with The Ernest Cook Trust on matters relating to Fairford Leys, the County and District Councils through their Officers and Members and many other stakeholders working in and for Fairford Leys. Taylor Wimpey Keith Millard (Fairford Leys Development) Taylor Wimpey South Midlands Beech House 551 Avebury Boulevard Central Milton Keynes MK9 3DR 01908 544800 Chairman of the Taylor Wimpey Board: Kevin Beeston 01494 558323 Managing Director: Pete Redfern Gate House Turnpike Road High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP12 3NR 01494 558323 Thames Valley Police are responsible for Law and Order 0129 6 630654 Your local neighbourhood team are PC D Burns, PCSO Diane Timms and PCSO J Gavin Call 101 to report any concerns and of course 999 in an emergency. 5 The Church on Fairford Leys NURSERIES Large Selection of Hedging Plants, Shrubs & Winter Bedding Plants Now In “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to their span of life?” Christmas Shop Opens 1st November. Large Selection of Decorations & Lights For some people, a Harvest Festival Service would not be complete without the hymn “We plough the fields and scatter”. It’s a good enough hymn: a rousing tune, easily understood words, and some decent theology. The problem with it is that we can get too caught up in the sentimentality. For me, it has the same problem as another old favourite hymn, “Jerusalem”. When we ask “And did those feet in ancient time…” The answer if of course - No they didn’t. It’s a nice thought, but Jesus never did visit this green and pleasant land. And similarly - do we actually plough the fields and scatter? Not many of us do that these days. Christmas Tree Sales Re-Opens 1st December How to find us: Aylesbury Park Golf Club Turn at the Bugle Horn towards Haddenham, we are ½ a mile on your right at HP17 8RZ O Oxford Road i ne to ps ho oad R P 18 A4 A4 1 d or xf O ad Ro Fo rd R oa d ay tw or oad R 8 s B BISHOPSTONE The Dinton Hermit ish B Email: [email protected] d or xf LOWER HARTWELL Ford Road, Stone, Aylesbury, Bucks HP17 8RZ Tel: 01296 747961 Ro ad Open 7 days a week o ps tone AYLESBURY Instead, we fight our way onto the 07:28 to Marylebone; we stay up late at the weekend writing next week’s lesson plans; we worry over whether this contract will be signed, or that sale will be closed. We do labour, even if it’s not often in the fresh air surrounded by rolling hills and lowing cattle. And perhaps sometimes we stop and ask ourselves what is it all for. Harvest is a time not only to be thankful for all we have, but also to remind ourselves that for all our technological advances, we are not ultimately in control of our lives. We can use our intelligence to make life more comfortable and enjoyable on the whole, but - as the hymn, and Jesus’ words, reminds us - what we plant and sow, is ultimately controlled by God who gives the growth and provides for our needs. The autumn calendar is always very full; there are many important occasions in these next few months, and we will be tempted to be busier than ever. This will be true for many of us in the church as well, not only because of the number of special events and services, but also because our long-awaited building re-development work will soon be underway, and will occupy us all the way through to next Easter. But the objective of this work - and hopefully of all our labours - is to enjoy “all good gifts around us” that are “sent from heaven above”. We hope that the re-developed building will provide an environment that is better able to help us be still, reflect and be thankful. We want to provide a facility that will help us to worship God in all sorts of ways, which is the main purpose of the Church. The harvest hymn ends by reminding us of that: “But what thou most desirest, our humble, thankful hearts.” Christmas may seem a long way away, but why not make a note in your diary of any services you would like to attend. The Church on Fairford Leys Christmas Programme 2014 7th Dec 9.15 am 10.30 am Quiet Communion "Little Angels" Nativity 14th Dec 10.30 am Holy Communion & Gifts Service Christingle Service 4.00 pm 21st Dec 9.15 am 10.30 am 6.00 pm Quiet Communion Morning Worship Carols by Candlelight 28th Dec 10.30 am Morning Worship Wed 24th Dec Christmas Eve 4.00 pm Crib Service 11.30 pm Holy Communion Thu 25th Dec 10.00 am Christmas Day Family Communion We invite you and your family to join us for worship over the Christmas season. Revd Anthony 6 7 STONE Heading What's on at the Centre Fairford Leys Centre News Fairford Leys Centre News Summer School 2014 Fairford Leys Centre News Summer School 2014 FairfordJan Leys Centre News please can you revise layout to include the programme as set out here. Over the summer holidays we held a couple of summer workshops for children to Over the summer holidays we held a couple of summer workshops fo Summer School 2014 Heading What's on at the Centre attend including one by Lara's School of Drama. attend including one by Lara's School of Drama. Over the summer holidays we held a couple of summer workshops for children ‘Night at the Movies’ to ‘Night at the Movies’ Summer 2014 of Drama. attend including one bySchool Lara's School leave the audience to prepare for next piece. The students worked really hard to achieve the successful performance of ‘Night at the This year Lara’s School of Drama ran a three day summer scho Over the summer holidays we held a couple of summer workshops Movies’. th Summer School 2014 including This year Lara’s School of Drama ran a day ofsummer school on 27 -29thto a variety of movies. The first day children to attend one three by Lara’s School Drama.August. ‘Night at thefor Movies’ The theme was linked Lara’s School of Dramaskills continues run classesteam on Mondays shopping characterisation and to developing work in the g August. TheThis theme was to a Drama variety of movies. The first day was spent th workth Over the linked summer holidays we held a couple of summer workshops for children toCentre at Fairford Leys during term time. For more information year Lara’s School of ran a three day summer school on 27 -29 ‘Night at the Movies’ ranged from 5-18 years old. In the afternoon we began devising o attend including oneand by Lara's School of Drama. please contact on age 07538961232 or Follow on twitter @ shopping characterisation skills work infirst the group asLara the August. The This theme was a variety ofteam movies. The day was spent workyear Lara’s linked School developing oftoDrama ran a three day summer school from the film ‘Planet ofadd theLara apes’. This was in the style of naturalis laraschooldrama or Collins on facebook. on 27th -29th August. The theme was linked to a variety of movies. Fairford Leys Centre News atold. the Movies’ ranged fromshopping 5-18 ‘Night years In the afternoon we began devising the as firsttheextract characterisation skills and developing team work in theofgroup age theatre. The first day was spent work-shopping characterisation skills and th extract th ranged from 5-18 years old. In the afternoon we began devising of the first Looking Forward from the film ‘Planet the apes’. This was inthethe style of naturalistic physical -29 Thisof year Lara’s School Drama ran aage three dayfrom summer school onand 27 developing team work inofthe group as ranged 5-18 from the film ‘Planet of the apes’. This was in the style of naturalistic and physical years old. In the afternoon we began devising of the first extract As was the evenings draw in and our thoughts begin to turn to August. The theme was linked to a variety of movies. The first day spent worktheatre. from the film ‘Planet of the apes’. This was in the style of naturalistic Christmas,( by the time you read this only about 60 - 70 days to theatre. shopping characterisation skills and developing team work in the group as the age and physical theatre. is probably a good time to remind you of the two main events ranged from 5-18 years old. In the afternoon we began devisinggo!), of itthe first extract we have coming up at the centre in the next few weeks. from the film ‘Planet of the apes’. This was in the style of naturalistic and physical theatre. On Sunday 9th November there is the Remembrance Sunday Service held in conjunction with the church. This begins in the church at 10.30 before moving in to the square for the main part of the service. After the service tea, coffee and biscuits are available in On day weLeys continued thetwo Fairford Centre. to create more extracts from ‘Oliver’, ‘ ‘Cowboys and Indians’ and ‘Harry Potter’. This included the style On Saturday the 6th December it is the annual Christmas in the physical theatre and naturalistic theatre. On the final day we created Square event, details of which will be released over the next few ‘ironman’ thissowas also in the physical theatre. weeks please contact thestyle centreofnearer the time. On day two we continued to create more extracts from ‘Oliver’, ‘Despicable Me’, During the week the centre hosts a number of classes for a wide On day two we continued to create more extracts from ‘Oliver’, Indians’ and ‘Harry Potter’. This included the styles jazz, ballet, range ofof ages. A timetable of these is printed below. Don’t forget On day two‘Cowboys we continued to Me’, create more extracts from ‘Oliver’, ‘Despicable Me’, Onand day two we continued to and create more from ‘Oliver’, ‘Despicable Me’, ‘Despicable ‘Cowboys Indians’ andextracts ‘Harry Potter’. This the centre is available for private hire at the weekends for weddings, physical ‘Cowboys theatre and naturalistic theatre. On the final day we created an extract from theIndians’ styles of and jazz, ballet, naturalistic and ‘Harryphysical Potter’.theatre This and included thestyles styles ofof jazz, ballet, ‘Cowboys and Indians’included and ‘Harry Potter’. This included the Christenings,jazz, parties ballet, etc. Please do not hesitate to contact me theatre. On the final day we created an extract from ‘ironman’ this theatre naturalistic Ontheatre. the final day we created an extract from ‘ironman’physical this was alsoand in the style oftheatre. physical on [email protected] or 01296 422800 for more ADJ Electrical Services ‘for all your electrical needs’ Fully insured, qualified and experienced electrician with NAPIT Part P registration. Approved by Trading Standards & Trustatrader. Free estimates and advice available. Over 60 satisfied customers on Fairford Leys already! All work considered, regardless of size including: Garden / Security Lighting / CCTV EICR and Landlord Reports Change of Consumer Unit (fuse box) Additional lights and sockets installed Power to sheds, garages and other outbuildings Rewires (full or partial) Sockets and connection boxes for Xmas lights Also now quoting for simple property maintenance and plumbing jobs 5% discount on labour with this advert Contact: Alan 07812 492418 Email: [email protected] 8 Villa Vista was also the also style of theatre. physical theatre and naturalistic theatre. On finaltheatre. day we created an extract from ‘ironman’ this inwas in physical the style ofthe physical information. ‘ironman’ this was also in the style of physical theatre. A luxury 3 bedroom villa with private pool and gardens, 2 bathrooms and a games room, all in a stunning countryside location (sleeps 6 + 2) Experience the real Portugal in a quiet and peaceful location. Only 1 hour from Lisbon and near the historic walled town of Obidos on the Silver Coast. Barnett To link all the extracts together the performance was set To in a linkAndy all the extracts together the performance was set in a cin cinema and had 3 different groups of characters attending the different groups of characters Fairford Leys Centre Manager attending the cinema. Before eac cinema. Before each extract those involved would make excuses to involved would make excuses to leave the audience to prepare for What’s on at the Centre Great for families, golf, water sports, sightseeing, walking, horse riding, bird watching and a day on the beach! Pool water temperature has already hit 22 degrees and rising! Many supermarkets, amenities and great restaurants nearby. Fly direct from Luton or Heathrow to Lisbon. Flexible changeover days to help you get the best flights. 20.00—21.30 Hatha Yoga 09.00—10.45 Available for Hire involved would make excuses to leave the audience to prepare Tuesday for next piece. The 11.00 –12.00 Badminton (Private Hire) 09.30-15.00 Pre-School Tuesday 16.00—17.45 Claydons Dance Academy 18.30—20.00 Gentle & Therapeutic Yoga 20.00—21.00 Pilates 15.00-18.10 Claydons Dance Academy 19.00—21.00 Slimming World 17.15—18.15 Weight Watchers 18.30—21.00 Seido Karate 20.15-21.45 Glow To link all the extracts together the performance was set in a cinema and10.00—11.30 had 3Glow Wednesday 13.30-14.15 different groups of characters attending the each extract thoseTiny Tots FC 09.45—11.30 Busy Bees cinema. Parent & Toddler Before Drop-in Wednesday 15.00—18.00 Claydons Dance Academy Fitness Yoga Cheerleading involved would make excuses to 12.00—13.00 leave the audience to prepare for next piece. The 15.00—16.45 Claydons Dance Academy 19.00-20.00 Shotokan Karate 2 long weeks left in summer holidays (31/7 – 8/8 & 22/8 – 30/8) only £600 each! 15% discount for any other week in 2014 (excluding Christmas and New Year). Visit for more photos and info or phone: 01296 398709 Fly direct from Luton or Ernest Cook Hall Coldharbour Hall To link all the extracts together the performance was set in a cinema and had 3 09.30 –15.00 Pre-School 11.30—12.30 Toy Library (every other week) Monday Monday different groups oftogether characters attending Before extract those To link all the extracts theDrama performance was set in aeach cinema and had 3 16.55—19.30 Samba Soccer 16.00—18.00 Class the cinema. 14.30—16.30 make18.45—19.45 excuses toFergie’s leaveFitness the prepare for nextextract piece. 19.45-22.00 The different involved groupswould of characters attending theaudience Before each those For Hire Thursday 09.30-15.00 Pre-School 16.00—17.00 Little Dragons (ZKS) 17.00—20.00 Childrens Martial Arts (ZKS) 19.15—22.00 WI (3rd Thursday Only) Friday 09.30-15.00 Pre-School 18.00-21.00 Youth Club Thursday 10.00-11.30 Glow 19.00 Parish Council Meeting (1st Thursday of every Month only) 20.00—22.00 Available for Hire Saturday 9.00—12.30 Tots Tennis 9 Village News and Events DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Remembrance Service Sunday 9th November Our Annual Remembrance Service will be held in Hampden Square at 11:00am following a short service in the Church. As usual wreaths will be laid and The Two Minute Silence observed in memory of those who have lost their lives in conflicts past and present. Please come along and join in this act of remembrance and join the Parish Council afterwards for refreshments in the Fairford Leys Centre. Christmas in the Square Saturday 6th December The 2nd biggest event organised by the Parish Council is Christmas in the Square. Father Christmas and the Aylesbury Concert band are already booked, so make a note of the date now and come along to sing a few carols and enjoy a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie, while the children visit Father Christmas. near the bridge at the end of Woodford Close. The seeds were sown by the Parish Council Grounds Maintenance Team and add a wonderful splash of colour. Your Local Police Team Officers from the local Police team attended the September meeting of the Parish Council; PC D Burns, PCSO J Gavin and PCSO Diane Timms. Cllrs. Lambert and Eastwood have had very useful discussions with the Officers who said that they would try to attend more Parish Council meetings in the future. Some of the matters discussed were, The Care Homes on Fairford Leys and Speeding Vehicles - Police have given various “warnings” to residents who are deemed to be the main culprits for speeding vehicles on Fairford Leys inner roads. They also hope to set up a mobile Police Station in Fairford Leys, in order that residents can report any concerns more easily. In the meantime they can be contacted by calling 101 Beautiful Wild Flowers This picture of a breathtaking display of wild flowers was taken at the end of September The Parish Council is also looking to sow wild flowers across other parts of the parish. We are in discussion with AVDC on taking over the ownership/transfer of all open spaces on Fairford Leys which means the Parish Council would be responsible for their maintenance. Discussion will also centre around financial assistance from AVDC as well as careful discussion on how the Parish Council can manage and pay for the upkeep. The ownership or transfer of land would mean that all the areas would be carefully managed by CPC for the residents. New Painter and Decorator living on Fairford Leys forever, with the added bonus of being healthier! You may have noticed a bright blue van out and about round Fairford Leys. This belongs to painter and decorator Shaun Berry who has been advertising regularly in Coldharbour News and has recently moved to live here. Joanna Beardsmore-Dilks who runs the classes in Aylesbury said “We are overjoyed to have broken the record: it was such an honour to be involved!! I loved every moment of it. It is always a great feeling to raise money for local causes and what better way to do so, than to mark the official launch of Glow with such an exciting event” Shaun has over 30 years experience in decorating and can turn his hand to many of the jobs, big or small that we are unable to undertake ourselves. His skills cover both indoor and outdoor painting, so if your front door is looking a bit tired, why not give him a ring. He can also deal with coving and wallpapering to add a bright new look to your home. Other jobs that Shaun is able to carry out include, general maintenance, small plumbing and carpentry jobs, gutter cleaning and maintenance, garden fencing and repairs and even putting together flat pack furniture. His prices are reasonable and he is fully insured, so why not give him a ring on 01296 294122 or 07766560914. email [email protected]. Aylesbury Glow together to smash Guinness World Record In September nationwide fitness franchise Glow confirm they have triumphantly broken the Guinness World Record for the largest high-intensity interval training class A nationwide event, this record breaking success saw 35 individual Glow classes across the country come together as one to break the record with OVER 3,000 fitness fans taking part. Aylesbury played a key role in helping the Glow network hit their target with 40 local residents descending on Mandeville School for a fantastic mix of fitness and fun that would see them secure a place in the record books for years to come! The record breaking experience also showcased the friendship focus of the brand, with Aylesbury residents arriving as strangers and leaving as friends, bonded over a unique experience they can treasure Business Cards Letterheads Comps Gifts & Coffee shop Design your own merchandise - Everyone’s favourite gift shop in Aylesbury Open 7 days a week 10% discount and a FREE coffee on presentation of this advert 01296 752014 58 Wedgewood Street, Fairford Leys, Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 7HL 01296 339000 with our superb Online templates W ! O N N PE O Utopia Serving locally sourced food For further information, imagery or to trial a Glow class for yourself please visit: Or contact Jo on 01296 485933 or [email protected] Large Posters Banners Leaflets Flyers Ps lmuosre:- lot Graphic Design Appointment Cards Booklets Stationery Have a question?- Give our friendly staff a call! Menus Order of Services Roller Banners Mouse Mats Beer Mats Mugs, Pens And more.... Shaun Berry Decorating & Maintenance Office: 01296 294122 Mobile: 07766 560914 Buckinghamshire’s Leading Printing Store [email protected] Authorised User Print Partner Debit and Credit Cards accepted No Job too small • Friendly & Reliable Pop isnee and ! us 07545 107385 Suite 23, Midshires Business Park, Smeaton Close, Aylesbury, HP19 8HL e-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @MediaPRINTHub 10 11 Media Hub C.News Ad.indd 1 18/09/2014 14:04 Fair in the Square 2014 Fair in the Square 2014 Once again we were so lucky with the weather! The fair has become such a well recognized event in the summer at Fairford Leys and this year it was as well supported as ever. Thanks to everyone who worked hard to make this a success. Special thanks go to the Clerk, Cllr Heberer and the Leisure Committee for organizing the event and to the Fairford Leys Centre staff and Maintenance Team who willingly give up their time to contribute to the running of the fair. Without them we would not be able to hold the event. Ice-cream, candy floss, burgers, and cakes were on offer at various stalls and the bar did a roaring trade all afternoon. Thanks to the efforts of Cllr Eastwood, this year we had more stalls than ever before offering their wares. Some were to raise money for charity and some simply to offer a market place for their arts and crafts. Hartwell Nurseries in particular made a bright splash of colour with their flower displays. Thanks to all the stall holders who helped to make the day a success. See pictures on page 21 Chairman, Councillor Andrew Cole opened the proceedings.The Ferris wheel, carousel, swing boats and helta-skelta were all there as usual and there were queues for these throughout the afternoon. Once again the climbing wall proved very popular with the children as did the kiddies rides and the children’s entertainer who kept them busy dancing as well as teaching them to make balloon models. We re- instated the Fancy Dress Competition this year which was won by the Mad Hatter of Fairford Leys. Later in the afternoon Chairman, Councillor Andrew Cole presented the prizes to the winners of the Dog Show. This increasingly popular event was again very successful. Thanks Zandra Carrington and her team for organizing it. See pages 14 and 15 for a report and pictures. The church also opened its doors to the children who were amused by church members helping them with various arts and crafts including the very popular loom bands. Outdoor activities were available in the garden. Thanks to the Church ladies who served tea and cakes. Take a look at the pictures of the fair which we hope brings back memories of a very pleasant summers afternoon. 12 Pictures by Cllr Tony Whittaker and Terry Pattinson 13 The 5th Annual Fairford Leys Dog Show 2014 It was quite a spectacle, when the photographer from the Bucks Herald gathered together all the dogs and owners for a quick photo at the start of this year’s show. So many gorgeous dogs, so many happy human faces of all ages. It made me realise how far the Dog Show has come in the 5 years since its modest beginnings. It has grown rapidly, and this year we had more dogs, more stalls and more sponsors than ever. I think it’s clear that Fairford Leys needs a Dog Show and I am enormously grateful to all who made it possible again this year - Emily and Jonathan Ladyman from Domino’s Petcare for constant support, boundless energy (and fabulous family); my own family – Tim and Emily Carrington; Keith Gray, David and Shelley Lovesay, Mary Bridgewater, Joy Webb. And to the many people who travelled from villages and towns far and wide to help out, in the absence of sufficient local volunteers. An especial thanks to Unique Pets in Ducks Farm Court who donated all of the goody bags – amazingly generous; to Hampden Vets who have been very generous every year. And of course to all of the owners who show up, and make it (honestly) the best day in the year, simply by being there and allowing us to enjoy their lovely dogs. A cheque for £180 is winging its way to each of the charities (Hearing Dogs and Medical Detection Dogs). Could You run the Dog Show next year? I’m hanging up my boots. It is a huge thing, now, and it needs someone with more energy than I have to run it. Every year, I put an ad in Coldharbour News asking for local volunteers to give up an hour or two, and every year I get exactly zero responses. Which makes me even more grateful for those listed above, especially those who come from Devon, Hardwick and other far flung places to help out at our local show …. I’m happy to offer advice, to pass along all the bits and pieces you need, and a checklist to help. I really hope that someone does take it on…….someone just like you? Zandra Carrington [email protected] and the winners...... 14 Pictures courtesy of Domino’s Petcare and Cllr Tony Whittaker. 15 Open to all SELLING HOMES NOT HOUSES ON FAIRFORD LEYS FOR OVER 15 YEARS Aylesbury Park Golf Course is set in magnificent historic parkland. Memberships are available or you can simply pay a green fee. Bookings should be made (up to one week in advance). In addition to the 18-Hole Main Course we have a charming 9-hole Par 3 ‘Short Course’ with full size greens and a range of bunkers and water hazards. This is a great place to start playing golf or for established players to improve their short game. Our Coffee Shop is open to all—so come and try our Daily Specials freshly prepared by our Catering Manager. Enquiries Tel: 01296 399196 AYLESBURY PARK GOLF CLUB Andrew’s Way, Fairford Leys Aylesbury HP17 8QQ E-mail: [email protected] Pay & Play Green Fee Charges MAIN COURSE (18-Holes) Weekends £25 Weekdays £20 After 5.00pm £10 Over 50’s and Emergency Services Tues-Fri £15 Mortimers have a proven track record of selling homes on Fairford Leys since its inception 15 years ago. This means that we have a thorough knowledge of the area, the many varied property styles and what makes Fairford Leys such an attractive area in which to live. This expertise means that we are not only ideally placed to sell your home but also achieve the best sale price. Monday Special £12.50 SHORT COURSE (9-Holes) £6 (up to 18-holes) Adult and Child (under 16) £9 (up to 18-holes) As a Director of Mortimers I really value your business and you can be sure of my personal commitment to achieve a successful sale for you. I can give you up-to-date information on the market place, realistic pricing, and tips on how to present your home to get the best price. I currently have a strong demand for homes in this area so if you’re thinking of selling please contact me personally on: Come and try our snack menu Fergie’s Fitness Exercise to Music / Pilates Classes Great ‘all-‐round’ fitness classes Work comfortably at your own level – enjoy great music Have fun – Get Fit – Stay Fit! Burn Calories! Mondays – Fairford Leys Centre – 6.45pm Aero-‐Tone – 30 mins Aerobics / 30 mins Conditioning & Toning 01296 398555 or email me Tuesdays – Weston Turville Village Hall – 7pm [email protected] Exercise to Music – All levels Wednesdays – Bedgrove Pavilion R READER S FO 7pm Pilates 8pm Exercise to Music O Fridays – Bedgrove Pavilion F 1 OFF 0% OU R 1.15 pm 50+ Exercise to Music 2.30pm Pilates Pilates FEE L D S H S CO standard AR E BOUR N W Jonathan Mortimer Pilates is a combination of Matwork Exercises Incorporating flexibility and strength work, looking at Body Awareness, Posture and Core Stability – working on those muscles which support the spine – great abdominal workout! £5 per class Director of Mortimers Estate Agents Call or email for more information or just come along 01296 338140 [email protected] ›› SELLING HOMES NOT HOUSES YMCA/RSA –. – Pilates Institute Member of the Zumba Instructor Network – Level 3 Reps 17 St Mary’s C of E School The new academic year has got off to a happy and busy start. Last year’s Year 6 pupils are now all settled into their secondary schools and we have welcomed 60 children into our Reception Class. Our School Improvement focus this year is Maths. We have bought a range of practical apparatus and equipment to help all our pupils learn and enjoy their maths lessons. We have also appointed two specialist members of staff to deliver a programme of individual and group teaching and support called Numbers Count. This programme was introduced last term and the children who have taken part in it have made amazing progress as a result. In Year 6 Fifteen pupils are taking part in an accelerated learning programme delivered by “Igetmaths”. Every Monday they have a 90 minute lesson from their “Igetmaths”. teacher Matt Deans. He has started off the programme by introducing them to the wonders of algebra. class set of ukeles. This means that every child in KS2 has the opportunity to play an instrument. opened up lots of opportunities for our pupils to represent the school in sporting competitions. Over the last two years we have worked hard to offer a wide range of after school clubs. We now have 14 different clubs on offer ranging from yoga to gardening and including seven different sports clubs. Our PE Subject Leader, Miss Weeks has If you would like to see our school in action then please ring the school office to make an appointment. Patricia Gurton Head Teacher An exciting new approach to the reduction of inequalities in child development, and to improve readiness for school is being launched by Bearbrook and Elmhurst Schools as part of Buckinghamshire County Council’s strategy to improve prospects for children and their families. The two schools have been working in partnership with Buckinghamshire County Council to create an Early Years Excellence Hub, which will incorporate the existing children’s centres and both schools’ early years’ teams. From 1 October 2014 the management of the Children’s Centres at Coldharbour and Elmhurst will be transferred to Bearbrook and Elmhurst Schools. The creation of the Early Years Excellence Hub will provide: • Help and support to families and carers who will be at the heart of this new approach; • High quality provision from pre-birth to age 5 and beyond, which is easily accessible to parents; We are very lucky to have a very hardworking PTA who raise lots of money to support the school. Most recently they have funded an exciting opportunity for all our KS2 pupils. With their help we have been able to buy a • Integrated services for children and families from pre-birth to age 5. Yoga The Early Years Excellence Hub will operate throughout the year and will work with partner agencies to provide universal support for all families and targeted support for vulnerable families. Many existing services will stay the same but the local needs of the catchment areas of Elmhurst, Watermead, Coldharbour and Oxford Road will be explored to decide on new services. Services will be designed with partners and families to meet their needs and to provide the support they need. A launch day for the Early Years Excellence Hub took place on Friday 10th October at the Elmhurst site and was enjoyed by all. This is an exciting initiative, welcomed by both governing bodies and they will work with all local partner agencies to strengthen the current services and to widen the reach of the new Excellence Hub’s services. Marcus Faulkner Nuserytime ad A6.pdf Head Teacher. 1 20/05/2014 13:17 Gentle & Therapeutic to let Three-bedroomed house in the heart of Avoca village Idyllic rural setting, right on the banks of the Avoca river Ideal for a quiet retreat, for walking, fishing, golf Surrounded by stunningly beautiful countryside Only 1 hour from Dublin port and airport special rates available for off-peak, single or double occupancy, please enquire or contact Zandra 07525 186805 Beginners Welcome Relax Mind & Body Practise gentle and therapeutic yoga incorporating breathing and relaxation techniques with the gentle movement of yoga postures. My classes are designed for relaxation, de–stressing and gentle stretching. This is not a strong physical workout and is suitable for beginners and those who do not want a strenuous class. Improve your flexibility and restore your sense of calm and energy levels. Tuesday Evening 6:30 to 8:00pm at The Fairford Leys Centre, Fairford Leys, Aylesbury. I am a qualified Yoga Teacher with the Yoga for Health Foundation Tel: 07775 531502 Email: [email protected] C Nurserytime has been established at Watermead, Aylesbury since January 1991 and offers the following for young children: M Y CM MY CY CMY K • Quality childcare in large, safe, • secure landscaped gardens entry system with private car park • Nurserycam CCTV in operation • Awarded Buckinghamshire internally and externally Quality Assurance Award 2007 • Nutritious freshly cooked meals • July 2009 - Ofsted Inspection rated GOOD • Open Mon to Fri 8am to 6pm • High quality key staff : child (extendable by arrangement) ratios For appointment to view please telephone 01296 397407 [email protected] 18 19 e ce Prriic H allff P Ha MOT tion n ucctio du od ((o prro np eerrtt)) on v d a v is d h a t o off this AYLESBURY’S BEST KEPT SECRET FAIRFORD LEYS LOCAL GARAGE WWW.DRIVE-IN-AYLESBURY.CO.UK 10% OFF ((o on np prro od du uccttio o ion off tth n his is aad dvveerrtt)) FREE FREE MOT MOT TEST TEST WITH WITH EVERY EVERY FULL FULL SERVICE SERVICE LISTED LISTED BELOW BELOW INCLUDES: INCLUDES: •• SPARK SPARK PLUGS PLUGS (EXCL. (EXCL. PLATINUM) PLATINUM) •• AIR AIR & & OIL OIL FILTER FILTER •• FUEL FUEL FILTER FILTER (DIESELS) (DIESELS) •• OIL OIL •• ALL ALL LEVEL LEVEL TOP TOP UPS UPS •• COMPUTERISED COMPUTERISED ROLLING ROLLING ROAD ROAD BRAKE BRAKE TEST TEST WITH WITH PRINT PRINT OUT OUT •• MOT TEST • COMPREHENSIVE 60 POINT WHEELS OFF INSPECTION • LABOUR • VAT MOT TEST • COMPREHENSIVE 60 POINT WHEELS OFF INSPECTION • LABOUR • VAT Stall holders at Fair in the Square Fair in the Square As well as the rides and entertainment, it is the many stall holders that help to make the day. Without them the whole atmosphere of the day would be greatly reduced. Here are a selection of pictures of some of them with apologies to anyone who is not included. A big thank you to you all. A SAMPLE OF DRIVE IN COMMERCIAL VEHICLES: NISSAN NISSAN CABSTAR CABSTAR MAZDA MAZDA B B SERIES SERIES UP UP TO TO 3000 3000 CC CC UP TO 2200 UP TO 2200 CC CC VW VW LT LT RENAULT RENAULT TRAFIC TRAFIC RENAULT RENAULT MASTER MASTER UP UP TO TO 2500 2500 CC CC UP UP TO TO 3000 3000 CC CC MOVANO MOVANO // VIVARO VIVARO EXPERT EXPERT // BOXER BOXER TOYOTA TOYOTA HIACE HIACE VW VW TRANSPORTER TRANSPORTER TOYOTA TOYOTA HILUX HILUX £179.99 £179.99 VITO VITO 108 108 // 110 110 // 112 112 // CDI CDI MERCEDES SPRINTER MERCEDES SPRINTER ALL ALL MODELS MODELS UP UP TO TO 2800 2800 CC CC UP TO 2800 UP TO 2800 CC CC MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI L200 L200 PICK PICK UP UP NISSAN NISSAN NAVARA NAVARA PICK PICK UP UP UP UP TO TO 2700 2700 CC CC UP TO 2800 UP TO 2800 CC CC FIAT FIAT DUCATO DUCATO FORD FORD TRANSIT TRANSIT FORD FORD CONNECT CONNECT UP UP TO TO 2400 2400 CC CC FORD FORD RANGER RANGER CITROËN CITROËN RELAY RELAY IVECO IVECO DAILY DAILY UP UP TO TO 2300 2300 CC CC UP TO 2700 UP TO 2700 CC CC ALL ALL MODELS MODELS UP UP TO TO 2800 2800 CC CC ALL MODELS ALL MODELS UP UP TO TO 2800 2800 CC CC ALL ALL MODELS MODELS UP UP TO TO 2800 2800 CC CC UP TO 2500 UP TO 2500 CC CC ALL ALL MODELS MODELS A SAMPLE OF DRIVE IN DOMESTIC VEHICLES: NISSAN NISSAN MICRA MICRA FORD FORD KA KA £119.99 £129.99 HONDA HONDA CIVIC CIVIC VAUXHALL VAUXHALL CORSA CORSA VAUXHALL VAUXHALL ASTRA ASTRA UP UP TO TO 1400 1400 CC CC UP TO 1400 UP TO 1400 CC CC UP UP TO TO 1400 1400 CC CC ALL ALL MODELS MODELS VAUXHALL VAUXHALL AGILA AGILA FIAT FIAT PANDA PANDA UP UP TO TO 1200 1200 CC CC UP UP TO TO 1400 1400 CC CC ROVER ROVER 25 25 RENAULT RENAULT CLIO CLIO HYUNDAI HYUNDAI GETZ GETZ FORD FORD KA KA // FIESTA FIESTA VW VW GOLF GOLF VW VW BEETLE BEETLE RENAULT RENAULT MEGANE MEGANE MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI COLT COLT HONDA HONDA JAZZ JAZZ HONDA HONDA ACCORD ACCORD MG MG ZR ZR // ZT ZT VAUXHALL VAUXHALL ASTRA ASTRA CITROËN CITROËN C5 C5 UP UP TO TO 1400 1400 CC CC UP UP TO TO 1300 1300 CC CC £139.99 £149.99 UP UP TO TO 1400 1400 CC CC UP TO 1500 UP TO 1500 CC CC ALL ALL MODELS MODELS UP UP TO TO 1800 1800 CC CC UP UP TO TO 1600 1600 CC CC ALL ALL MODELS MODELS ALL ALL MODELS MODELS FIAT FIAT PUNTO PUNTO // STILO STILO FIAT FIAT 500 500 £129.99 £139.99 MAZDA MAZDA 33 VW VW POLO POLO PEUGEOT PEUGEOT 206 206 // 207 207 // 307 307 NISSAN NISSAN ALMERA ALMERA VAUXHALL VAUXHALL ASTRA ASTRA FORD FORD MONDEO MONDEO FORD FORD FOCUS FOCUS £149.99 £159.99 FORD FORD S-MAX S-MAX AUDI AUDI A3 A3 // A4 A4 // A6 A6 BMW 1 / 3 / 5 BMW 1 / 3 / 5 SERIES SERIES ALL ALL MODELS MODELS UP UP TO TO 1800 1800 CC CC VW VW PASSAT PASSAT VAUXHALL VAUXHALL VECTRA VECTRA // INSIGNIA INSIGNIA UP UP TO TO 2000 2000 CC CC RENAULT RENAULT GRAND GRAND SCENIC SCENIC ALL ALL MODELS MODELS UP UP TO TO 2000 2000 CC CC UP UP TO TO 1600 1600 CC CC UP TO 1600 UP TO 1600 CC CC UP UP TO TO 1400 1400 CC CC UP UP TO TO 1600 1600 CC CC UP UP TO TO 1600 1600 CC CC UP UP TO TO 1800 1800 CC CC ROVER ROVER 75 75 CITROËN CITROËN C2 C2 // C3 C3 HYUNDAI HYUNDAI i10 i10 // i20 i20 UP UP TO TO 1600 1600 CC CC ALL ALL MODELS MODELS MAZDA MAZDA 66 LANDROVER LANDROVER DISCOVERY DISCOVERY UP UP TO TO 1400 1400 CC CC UP TO 1600 UP TO 1600 CC CC ALL ALL MODELS MODELS ALL ALL MODELS MODELS ALL ALL MODELS MODELS ALL ALL MODELS MODELS UP UP TO TO 3000 3000 CC CC ALL ALL MODELS MODELS ALL ALL MODELS MODELS ALL ALL MODELS MODELS ALL ALL MODELS MODELS ALL ALL MODELS MODELS PLEASE PLEASE CALL CALL IF IF YOUR YOUR VEHICLE VEHICLE IS IS NOT NOT LISTED LISTED ABOVE ABOVE We We are are a a female female friendly friendly business business so so call call Alison Alison now now to to book book an an appointment! appointment! COLLECTION & DELIVERY FROM ALL SURROUNDING VILLAGES * FREE * Clutches • Exhausts • Timing Belts • Brakes • Welding • Batteries • Tyres • Air Conditioning MOT Class 4-7 • Free wash & vacuum with every service • Free courtesy car available on request For all help, advice & to book your vehicle in with us, just call 18 20 01296 488588 Unit 4 Printers End, Gatehouse Way, Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 8DB 21 THE K R O W E R I F 01296 339100 Open till 7pm Best Brands Lowest Prices Whose Job Is It? Useful Numbers SHOP In Business for the 12th Explosive Year Aylesbury Retail Park, Cambridge Street Aylesbury, HP20 1BB Fairford Leys Centre 01296 422800 BT Fault Line 0800 800151 Fairford Pharmacy 01296 485050 Childline 0800 1111 Gas - Emergency 0800 111999 The Church on Fairford Leys 01296 424980 N.H.S. Out of hours 111 Stoke Mandeville Hospital 01296 315000 Clerk to Coldharbour Parish Council 01296 422800 This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. Up To 60% Off rrp Arriva Buses 0871 2002233 There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done. We need volunteers to help with events organised by the Parish Council, delivering Coldharbour News or the next Fairford Leys Dog Show. If you can help, please call O1296 42288 or email [email protected] . Thames Valley Police 101 Doctors Surgery 01296 424488 Thames Water 0800 714614 Eastgate Dental Practice 01296 433222 Train Times 08457 484950 Electricity - Power loss 0800 7838838 Z & S Buses- Silver Rider 01296 415468 Dates for the next full council meetings Thursday 4th December Thursday 6th February There is no meeting in January Meetings are held at the Fairford Leys Centre at 8pm. Everyone is welcome but please check the Parish Notice Board or the website to ensure that no last minute changes have been made UNTIL 10TH NOVEMBER RE-OPENS BETWEEN CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR ● Creative Design ● Litho Print ● Digital Colour Copying ● Websites ● Posters ● Signs ● Vinyl Banners ● Binding Tel: 01296 489998 22 [email protected] This newsletter is designed and printed by fresh 23 The only Estate Agent based on Fairford Leys Why would you choose anyone else! Great Service from start to finish Friendly and helpful team Comprehensive knowledge of the area and its benefits Our new marketing pack is the best on the market and will make your property stand out from all the others on Rightmove, therefore getting you the best price possible. More houses required urgently, lots of buyers waiting! Please call one of the team for a free valuation on 01296 395710 or email [email protected]