project deliverable
project deliverable
CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal PROJECT DELIVERABLE CASPER CHILD ADVANCED SAFETY PROJECT FOR EUROPEAN ROADS Grant Agreement number: 218564 Date of latest version of Annex I against which the assessment will be made: 31/12/2011 Deliverable No. D4.4 Deliverable Name Report of the feasibility from physical testing to numerical criteria Dissemination level Public Written By Xavier Trosseille (GIE RE PR) Tel: +33 1 76 87 35 16, [email protected] Ines Lehmann (VFSB) Tel: +49 30 692057212, [email protected] Checked by Heiko Johannsen (TUB) Tel: +49 30 31 47 29 88, [email protected] Philippe Lesire (GIE RE PR) Tel: +33 1 76 87 35 60, [email protected] Approved by Alejandro Longton (Applus IDIADA) Tel: +34 600 927 756, [email protected] Issue date 08th October 2012 1/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal This page is left blank intentionally. 2/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The objective of this delivery was to demonstrate the feasibility of using the virtual track for the development of enhanced Child Restraint Systems. Physical development requires the availability of physical dummies, test setups, CRS prototypes as well as injury criteria and limits. In the same way, virtual development first requires virtual dummies and CRS and test setup models. In that particular case, injury criteria and limits can be the same for physical development. However, all the components of this approach have to be validated and have to demonstrate their ability to mimic reality. In addition to this, human body models were developed aiming at a better understanding of injury mechanisms and better predictions of injuries. These models may also be used to go further in the development of enhanced CRS. However, whereas their potential is higher than dummy models, their level of validation requires much more attention and data. This is all the more important as we can not physically check the results. The analysis of the work performed in CASPER shows that dummy models together with CRS models, setups and criteria are almost mature and can be used to help develop CRS. They can mimic physical tests and may speed-up the development process as well as allowing the investigation of new solutions. Besides, the use of Human body models is still in a research phase. Progress was made during CASPER, with the creation of a family of human child models, the development of generic CRS and a first step into the development of tolerances. However, further efforts are needed to fully exploit the potential of the developed tools and make them available as design safety tools. The feasibility of the virtual process was demonstrated as well as the necessary steps to take for it to become a routine process. 3/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal This page is left blank intentionally. 4/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................8 2 CRS MODEL DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................................9 2.1 GENERIC CRS MODELLING .......................................................................................................................................... 9 2.1.1 General Practice............................................................................................................................................. 10 2.1.2 CRS Group 0+.................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.1.3 CRS Group 1.................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.1.4 3 Choosing a CRS....................................................................................................................................................... 16 Model Information................................................................................................................................................. 17 Model Validation ................................................................................................................................................... 18 CRS Group 2/3 ................................................................................................................................................ 20 2.2 2.3 Choosing a CRS....................................................................................................................................................... 11 Model Information................................................................................................................................................. 13 Model Validation ................................................................................................................................................... 14 Choosing a CRS....................................................................................................................................................... 20 Model Information................................................................................................................................................. 21 Model Validation ................................................................................................................................................... 21 PRINCIPLE OPERATION WITH THE GENERIC CRS MODELS ................................................................................................ 23 GENERIC CRS APPLICATION ....................................................................................................................................... 24 CHILD MODEL STATUS ...................................................................................................................................... 24 3.1 DUMMY MODELS ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 3.1.1 Model development ....................................................................................................................................... 24 3.1.2 Injury criteria and risk curves (IRC)................................................................................................................. 24 3.2 HUMAN MODELS ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.2.1 Model development ....................................................................................................................................... 25 3.2.2 Injury criteria and risk curves (IRC)................................................................................................................. 26 Head....................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Neck, chest, abdomen ........................................................................................................................................... 26 Lower limbs............................................................................................................................................................ 26 4 USE OF CRS, HUMAN MODELS AND INJURY CRITERIA........................................................................................ 26 5 CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES ..................................................................................................................... 26 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 28 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................... 29 5/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal This page is left blank intentionally. 6/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Favoured CRS brands............................................................................................................. 11 Figure 2: Group 0+ FE and hardware CRS dimensions ........................................................................ 12 Figure 3: Generic group 0+ CRS model ................................................................................................ 13 Figure 4: HEAD Acceleration results (side impact) .............................................................................. 14 Figure 5: CHEST Acceleration results (side impact) ............................................................................ 15 Figure 6: PELVIS Acceleration results (side impact)............................................................................ 15 Figure 7: Group 1 FE and hardware CRS dimensions........................................................................... 16 Figure 9: Head acceleration results (Side impact) ................................................................................. 18 Figure 10: Chest acceleration results (Side impact) .............................................................................. 19 Figure 11: Pelvis acceleration results (Side impact).............................................................................. 19 Figure 12: Group 2/3 FE and hardware CRS dimensions...................................................................... 20 Figure 13: Generic group 2/3 CRS model ............................................................................................. 21 Figure 14: Head acceleration results (Side impact) ............................................................................... 22 Figure 15: Chest acceleration results (Side impact) .............................................................................. 22 Figure 16: Pelvis acceleration results (Side impact).............................................................................. 23 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: The five CRS groups, according to ECE-R 44 ........................................................................ 10 Table 2: General steps in creating a generic computer simulation model ............................................. 11 Table 3: Dummy models available ........................................................................................................ 24 Table 4: Human body models developed in CASPER .......................................................................... 25 7/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal This page is left blank intentionally. 8/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal 1 Introduction The objective of this delivery was to demonstrate the feasibility of using the virtual track for the development of enhanced Child Restraint Systems. Physical development requires the availability of physical dummies, test setups, CRS prototypes as well as injury criteria and limits. In the same way, virtual development first requires virtual dummies and CRS and test setup models. In that particular case, injury criteria and limits can be the same for physical development. However, all the components of this approach have to be validated and have to demonstrate their ability to mimic reality. In addition to this, human body models were developed aiming at a better understanding of injury mechanisms and better predictions of injuries. These models may also be used to go further in the development of enhanced CRS. However, whereas their potential is higher than dummy models, their level of validation requires much more attention and data. This is all the more important as we can not physically check the results. We will, in this report, review the availability of the different components of dummy and human virtual testing, make a critical evaluation of the existing possibilities and provide some advice for the future. 2 CRS model Development 2.1 Generic CRS Modelling One important objective of the CASPER project is to develop tools for improving the use of CAE techniques for the development of CRS and cars. While a complete CAE chain has been used for adult safety for decades, numerical simulation for child safety is still underrepresented. In order to achieve this aim, it is essential to have CRS models available to check both dummy model and human model behaviour and also check test procedure model behaviour. As no models of actual CRS were available for the CASPER consortium it seemed beneficial to develop generic CRS models that average the properties of real CRS within one type of CRS (e.g., forward facing (FF) harness system). It was not expected to get perfect validated CRS models but to have first models with general properties which are capable to make first analysis and experiences. At the end no exact results with these models may be expected but trends for whether or not measures or modifications would improve the child safety. It should also be possible to take the generic models as basic templates to create or educe special CRS models. The models were developed in LS-Dyna code to be compatible with the CASPER dummy models, the CASPER human models and the CASPER models of the test procedures. 9/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal According to ECE-R 44 regulation CRS are subdivided in five groups shown in Table 1: Group 0 Group 0+ Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 up to 10 kg from birth to 6 - 9 months up to 13 kg from birth to 12-15 months 9 - 18 kg from 9 months - 4 years 15 - 25 kg from 4 - 6 years 22 - 36 kg from 6 - 11 years Table 1: The five CRS groups, according to ECE-R 44 From these five groups the three main groups could be derived. They are, first a rearward-facing baby shell (group 0+), followed by a forward-facing harness type child seat (group 1) and for older children the booster seats (group 2/3). The generic CRS models were created according to these three groups. The general practice to create the CRS models will be explain in the next chapter and afterwards the three CRS models will be described. 2.1.1 General Practice For creating a generic CRS model the first step was to make an overview of which different types of CRS were available on the market for each group. Afterwards the main dimensions from a number of CRS from each group were measured and one type was chosen as the basic design which would represent the average for the group. From this chosen type all relevant dimensions were measured so that the geometry with 3D xyz coordinates were available and could be meshed with a special tool. The FE mesh model was adjusted to the average group dimensions and assembled with contact, joint and material definitions. Available material definitions were used for the first simulations. Then the first simulations were compared with existing test results from corresponding CRS for the group and the material definitions were altered if necessary. The decision was to use the GRSP test procedure for the validation because it would be the new side impact test procedure for CRS homologation. So experiences with the CRS test procedure proposal could be made and at TUB were such test results with different dummies and several CRS available. A concise version of this process is shown in Table 2. The focus for the validations laid on side impact because there is the important impact between dummy and CRS. For frontal impact the belt definition and interaction with the dummy is more important than the CRS. The dummy acceleration output from head, chest and pelvis was the main analysed data for the validation (for Q0 only head and pelvis output exist). Additional parts like an inlay, ISOFIX and support leg were created and they can be added into the model as optional included files. Furthermore transformation cards were defined to position the moveable parts like back rest, wings and/or the CRS shell. So analyses with different positions like in the reclining position were possible. 10/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal General practice: Analyse available CRS on market Measure CRS dimensions Select a CRS as basic Measure all dimensions from chosen CRS Create the FE mesh Resize the CRS model to group average dimensions Assemble the CRS model Compare CRS model simulations with test results Validate the CRS model with test results Table 2: General steps in creating a generic computer simulation model 2.1.2 CRS Group 0+ Choosing a CRS From the previous project CHILD a CRS model group 0+ in LS-Dyna code was available which was used as a basic model. Six hardware CRS from known manufactures were measured and the average dimensions calculated. The CRS that parents prefer and recommend are listed in Figure 1. The data was from a survey of [Source: Survey 2010/2011 on]. Therefore Maxi Cosi is a good and representing basic model. Other brands; 15% Chicco; 3% Cybex; 4% Maxi‐Cosi ; 49% Hauck; 9% Römer; 20% Figure 1: Favoured CRS brands 11/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal The basic model dimensions were adjusted to the corresponding average value from the hardware CRS. The values from the average hardware CRS and FE model are compared in Figure 2. CRS group 0+ Description Harness - backward edge Harness - middle point Lower belt guide - middle point Lower upper belt guide Upper belt guide - forward edge Width backward edge Width harness Width middle point Width lower belt guide Width upper belt guide With edge at the top Hight wing between edge at top + lower belt Hight wing upper belt guide Hight wing lower belt guide Hight wing middle point Hight wing harness Distance wing between front edge + upper belt Distance wing upper belt guide Distance wing lower belt guide Distance wing middle point Distance wing harness Distance foot rear Distance foot middle point Length foot middle point front Length foot middle point rear Thickness styrofoam frontal Thickness styrofoam shoulder belt Thickness styrofoam wing (head) Thickness styrofoam average Maxi Cosi Cabrio Fix 105 160 263 43 184 264 290 217 250 234 137 142 136 117 183 110 244 274 283 298 323 225 243 262 145 14 10 15 12 Concord ION 145 135 230 105 180 240 252 242 236 230 190 145 155 160 135 70 273 294 300 304 312 200 204 265 130 15 20 40 22 Avanti 0+ 140 143 210 80 180 283 262 291 230 230 190 80 89 91 157 100 250 265 275 301 288 232 220 194 115 10 10 10 10 Römer Maxi Cosi Maxi Cosi Baby Safe Citi Pebble 120 110 130 140 150 135 190 240 250 112 50 48 210 177 195 253 260 260 269 280 290 267 270 223 250 240 240 225 225 230 170 140 120 155 100 150 140 110 145 113 120 140 160 180 200 90 90 100 270 267 220 285 285 265 287 290 280 300 320 286 287 317 303 225 230 225 248 245 245 250 250 210 128 133 145 10 10 12 10 10 12 10 10 40 10 10 21 Average Value Hardware CRS 125 144 231 73 188 260 274 252 241 229 158 129 129 124 169 93 254 278 286 302 305 223 234 239 133 12 12 21 14 Size FE Model 118 147 227 78 193 267 275 260 236 233 161 135 128 115 169 93 243 283 279 304 309 220 243 257 122 18 13 18 16 Figure 2: Group 0+ FE and hardware CRS dimensions 12/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal Figure 3: Generic group 0+ CRS model Rearward facing baby shells have a removable inlay for the small newborn babies. So this part is available as separate included file and can be simple integrated into the model for simulations with the Q0 dummies. This can be seen as the green part in figure 3. Some group 0+ CRS are available with an ISOFIX base to be anchored simply and quickly. This base can mostly also be fixed in the car by the car belt. This system isn’t really popular on the market. Therefore the rearward facing baby shell isn’t modelled with a base. But this system can be simply created and included in the model if necessary. Model Information Model name: Generic_CRS_Group0+_1.0.k Model numbering: Parts Nodes Elements from 8.000 from 80.000 from 80.000 CRS to environment Contact definition: 8000_CRS_to_env_contact Optional include parts: Generic_CRS_Group0+_Inlay.k CRS position file: Generic_CRS_Group0+_position-file.k 13/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal Model Validation The existing group 0+ CRS model was designed for a frontal sled test environment. For the generic CRS model validation a side sled test environment according to the new GRSP proposal was configured. It included the test bench, the group 0+ CRS and the positioned Q0 dummy. All parts were loaded with the initial velocity and the bench was decelerated in the given corridor. The first simulation showed that the CRS model was too stiff for side test configuration. The connection between handle bar and baby shell was defined as a rigid component and too stiff with the impactor input. Therefore the parts were defined with elastic material. The specific material values were adapted to better comply with the test results. For the generic group 0+ CRS model validation with the Q0 dummy no test curve results and movies were available. Only averaged maximum values from sled tests performed outside CASPER were existent. For this reason the generic model was validated to catch the maximum test values. The Q0 load values results for the validated model in Figure 4 - Figure 6. Figure 4: HEAD Acceleration results (side impact) 14/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal Figure 5: CHEST Acceleration results (side impact) Figure 6: PELVIS Acceleration results (side impact) The inlay which is important for the Q0 positioning is defined with a low density foam material. This material can have stability problems in LS-Dyna simulations and bring an error termination with negative solid element volume. 15/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal 2.1.3 CRS Group 1 Choosing a CRS To choose a CRS for group 1 nine different hardware CRS were analysed and measured. At the end the Maxi Cosi PrioriFix was selected as the basic design. This CRS was the most sold one and also on the first position in the category “satisfaction” for the customers [Source: Survey 2010/2011 on]. The seat was measured, meshed, adjusted and assembled. The values from the average hardware CRS and FE model are compared in Figure 7. CRS group 1 Description Britax Römer Bebe Confort Iseos Isofix King TS Maxi Cosi XP Chicco Key 1 Concord Trimax Maxi Cosi Priori Fix Fair G0/1 Chicco Key One X-Plus Nania Safety Paris SP 0/1 Average Value Hardware CRS Size FE Model Width seating area frontal 300 300 290 310 300 290 300 310 290 299 299 Width seating area rear/back rest 290 280 280 270 300 280 270 260 260 277 274 Width back rest min. position belt 280 240 280 270 230 290 270 260 270 266 267 264 Width back rest max. position belt 240 240 265 260 240 265 250 260 250 252 Width back rest upper 240 250 240 250 230 270 240 240 230 243 252 Depht seating area 260 300 280 310 310 300 270 300 300 292 292 Hight back rest 580 540 590 590 610 590 550 570 550 574 578 Hight wing rebound 160 190 160 130 100 170 150 130 130 147 148 Hight min. position belt 310 300 310 250 330 310 260 260 260 288 280 Hight max. position belt 410 420 410 360 440 410 380 350 390 397 408 Depth shoulder wing max. pos belt 190 190 170 160 140 180 160 150 180 169 161 Depth shoulder wing min. pos belt 130 130 120 140 160 140 120 110 120 130 127 Depth shoulder wing rebound 80 90 90 100 90 90 90 80 70 87 81 Hight leg wing from anchorage 120 170 150 120 110 150 100 120 70 123 128 Thickness leg wing 50 50 60 55 40 60 40 60 60 53 53 Thickness shoulder wing 30 50 50 40 50 50 30 40 50 43 54 Seating angle 101 95 95 91 93 92 97 102 -- 96 100 15 20 Leg wing angle 5 13 16 17 23 16 18 98 -- Shoulder wing angle 25 21 22 23 28 19 28 -- -- 24 25 Anchorage 5-point-belt seating area 160 170 150 150 180 150 170 160 100 154 156 Anchorage 5-point-belt pelvis 120 100 130 120 100 120 130 130 130 120 121 Anchorage 5-point-belt shoulder 50 50 60 50 50 50 60 60 60 54 57 Figure 7: Group 1 FE and hardware CRS dimensions Figure 8: Generic group 1 CRS model with support leg and ISOFIX 16/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal The group 1 CRS is modelled with an elastic seat shell and a rigid seat base. In the seat shell back rest the holes for the belt anchorage are visible. Depending on the child dummy used and the repetition of misuse different harness belt positions can be used. The seat shell is covered with a foam covering (Figure 8, covering is the purple part). Some group 1 CRS are equipped with the additional anchoring system ISOFIX with support leg, top tether or anti-rotation system. The most popular system is ISOFIX with a support leg. The Maxi Cosi PrioriFix is equipped with ISOFIX and support leg. For this reason these parts were also created to have the possibility of analysis with this kind of connection. These parts are available as separate included files and can be simply integrated into the model if desired. The top tether anchorage can be simply integrated into the model but has a lot of variables. So the user must develop and integrate the top tether anchorage if necessary. The anti-rotation system isn’t widely-used and therefore was not included. In the positioning file the rotation of the CRS shell is defined to have the possibility to move the seat into a reclining position. The CRS is created in the normal seating position. In the position file there are predefined middle and end reclining positions. Model Information Model name: Generic_CRS_Group1_1.0.k Model numbering: Parts Nodes Elements CRS to environment Contact definition: from 8.000 from 80.000 from 80.000 8000_CRS_to_env_contact Optional include parts: Generic_CRS_Group1_ISOFIX.k Generic_CRS_Group1_support_leg.k CRS position file: Generic_CRS_Group1_position-file.k 17/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal Model Validation To validate the group 1 CRS three test results with corresponding seats and a Q3 dummy were available. From the test pulses an average pulse and an average initial velocity for the simulation were derived. The generic CRS was fixed to the bench, the impactor was positioned, a Q3 dummy model was placed in the CRS and then the simulation was started with the test initial velocity and test pulse. The covering defined with solid elements caused some problems because the hard impact with the dummy produced negative volume in the solid elements and resulted in error terminations. Therefore the simulations were conducted without the covering first. The simulation acceleration output curves from the Q3 dummy model were compared with the test result curves. The corridor represents the limits from the respective measurement course from the test results. For validation the outputs from head, chest and pelvis were observed. By adapting the seat shell stiffness the dummy load values were adjusted to within the test result corridor (Figure 9 - Figure 11). With a stiff seat shell definition the dummy will be decelerated harder than with a softer seat shell definition. So the intention was to find a good middle value to catch the test result corridor. Figure 9: Head acceleration results (Side impact) 18/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal Figure 10: Chest acceleration results (Side impact) Figure 11: Pelvis acceleration results (Side impact) At the end some analyses with the covering were made. The curve characteristic shows that with the covering the dummy will be smoothly decelerated. But the hard impact to the covering with the small thickness still causes problems with the solid element stability and error terminations with negative volume problem results. With other solvers (for example PAM Crash, ABAQUS) a more stable or better validated/defined material could improve the covering definition. 19/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal 2.1.4 CRS Group 2/3 Choosing a CRS Four different CRS types from group 2/3 were measured to choose a basic CRS design. The type of designs for booster CRS are more variable than for example for baby shells. Therefore it was less simple to choose a good CRS basic design. At the end the chosen CRS was the Jane Indy Racing seat because it has separate moveable wings in the head and chest area. Therefore the model has a lot of variable parts and can be well adjusted. Also the backrest is displaceable to customise it to the size of the used dummy. The hardware CRS was measured and meshed. Afterwards the mesh was adjusted to the average hardware seat dimensions. The values from the average hardware CRS and FE model are compared in Figure 12. CRS group 2/3 Description Hight upper wing Width upper wing Hight belt guide Width belt guide Hight lower wing outside Hight lower wing inside Width lower wing up Width upper wing up Width upper wing center Hight lower wing Width lower wing up Width lower wing center Width lower wing down Hight lower wing down Width back rest Length seat Hight seat frontal Hight seat center Hight seat belt guide Hight seat at hump Length seat belt rear Length seat upper rear Width seat inside at back rest Width seat inside at belt guide Width seat outside Length seat inside Length seat outside Ultra Fix Chicco 220 180 40 -300 130 150 190 -220 310 310 270 340 180 400 155 210 80 70 100 270 260 310 420 280 400 Maxi Cosi Rody XP 220 160 20 ---180 230 150 230 150 270 210 380 --170 230 110 110 160 280 260 280 380 290 330 no name XYAP 150 160 100 40 200 150 160 -210 -220 250 ---420 160 230 120 70 140 300 290 290 -290 370 Average Value Hardware CRS 197 167 53 40 250 140 163 210 180 225 227 277 240 360 180 410 162 223 103 83 133 283 270 293 400 287 367 Size FE Model 190 160 40 60 230 120 180 180 180 210 230 240 250 330 190 380 160 220 120 70 120 280 260 320 400 280 325 Figure 12: Group 2/3 FE and hardware CRS dimensions 20/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal Figure 13: Generic group 2/3 CRS model At the end the model was assembled with contact, joint and material definitions. Also all possible movements for the wings and back rest were defined and stored in the positioning file. Figure 13 shows the group 2/3 model. Model Information Model name: Generic_CRS_Group23_1.0.k Model numbering: Parts Nodes Elements from 8.000 from 80.000 from 80.000 CRS to environment Contact definition: 8000_CRS_to_env_contact Optional include parts: - CRS position file: Generic_CRS_Group23_position-file.k Model Validation For the validation of the generic group 2/3 CRS model side sled test results with a Q6 dummy, different CRS were available. As described in the designs for group 2/3 CRS are more variable. This fact made the validation difficult. After many validation cycles it was decided that a model below the best compromise for the dummy load values would be acceptable. Figure 14 to Figure 16 show the 21/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal generic model which is not well modelled for the pelvis acceleration. The pelvis decelerated to late and to excessively. Also an additional cushion couldn’t reduce the effect significantly. Figure 14: Head acceleration results (Side impact) Figure 15: Chest acceleration results (Side impact) 22/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal Figure 16: Pelvis acceleration results (Side impact) The Q6 dummy chest acceleration output from the simulation shows a swinging characteristic. The reason for the swinging output in the dummy can’t be currently clarified. Hopefully the source for that can be found by communicating with HUMANETICS. With LS-Dyna it is partly difficult to reproduce stabile edge contacts. Such problems occurred in the generic CRS model where soft Styrofoam parts hit the hard ribs from the outer shells. For this reason the edges of the fins were additionally defined with beam elements to ensure a clear contact. The generic group 2/3 CRS model is applicable for basic kinematics’ analysis. For special analysis or for comparison with a special CRS type the generic model should be checked if the side wings have to be positioned or modified. See more about using the models in the next chapter. 2.2 Principle Operation with the Generic CRS Models The aim of the generic CRS models was to have CRS simulation models available for general analysis. Therefore the three created models have generally accepted properties. Due to this two general principles for the operation of the models shall be considered: 1. If an analysis with a specific CRS should be done, the corresponding generic model could serve as a basis for a more specific CRS model. As the first step a comparison between the specific CRS and the generic CRS model should be done, especially for the parts that are expected to mainly influence dummy performance. Afterwards the generic CRS model has to be modified and validated if necessary. 2. If a general analysis should be done, then it depends on the problem definition if the generic CRS model is sufficient or should be modified. Maybe more validation is necessary with another dummy or another test environment to improve the CRS model. For simple kinematics analysis especially without deciding contact between CRS and dummy the generic model is sufficient. Simple statements and trends for improvements could be done. 23/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal 2.3 Generic CRS Application The generic CRS models are available for the CASPER project partners on the CASPER internal web site. The models will be made available to third parties with licensing conditions requiring that user report back on improvements. 3 Child model status 3.1 Dummy models 3.1.1 Model development Several dummy models were developed in CASPER and others are available from dummy or code manufacturers (Table 3). They are generally available in several codes (LS-Dyna, Pam-crash or Radioss). Their level of validation is acceptable and consortiums were created to reach industrial quality, like for the Q6 dummy. Moreover, positioning tools are available. Table 3: Dummy models available Age Dummy FE models DUMMY TUB Q0 1 Y FTSS Q1 1.5 Y FTSS Q1.5 3Y FTSS Q3 6Y TUB Q6 VSFB initiated modeling works on Q10 model Q10 6W 6M 10 or 12 Y 3.1.2 Injury criteria and risk curves (IRC) The same injury criteria that are used for adults can be used for the children. They include head acceleration, HIC, neck force or moment, chest acceleration, chest deflection, VC, abdominal pressure, pelvis acceleration or pubic force. In addition, force and moment in the upper and lower limbs can be measured. IRC were developed in WP1 from accident reconstructions. Results were provided in an IRCOBI paper (Johannsen et al., 20121) and a Stapp paper (Beillas et al., 20122). 1 Heiko Johannsen, Xavier Trosseille, Philippe Lesire, Philippe Beillas (2012) Q-Dummy Injury Criteria Using the CASPER Project Results and Scaling Adult Reference Values, Proceedings from IRCOBI Conference, Dublin, 2012. 2 Philippe Beillas, François Alonzo, Marie-Christine Chevalier, Philippe Lesire, Franck Leopold, Xavier Trosseille, Heiko Johannsen (2012) Abdominal Twin Pressure Sensors for the Assessment of Abdominal Injuries in Q Dummies: In-Dummy Evaluation and Performance in Accident Reconstructions, Stapp Car Crash Journal, Vol 56. 24/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal IRC were not provided for all segments. However, when not available, IRC can be scaled from the adult version. Injury Assessment Reference Values are selected either from reconstruction or from scaling by regulatory bodies or consumer organizations. They can be applied to dummy models as well as to physical dummies. 3.2 Human models 3.2.1 Model development Child human body models were created within CASPER as can be seen in Table 4, these were aimed at achieving a better understanding of injury mechanisms. Head and neck models were developed by Uds for all ages. However, due to a lack of literature data, no validation was provided for the head. Thorax and abdomen models were developed by Chalmers, and TUB and INRETS respectively for the 1 YO, 3 YO and 6 YO children. Lower leg and pelvis models were developed by Chalmers for the 1 YO and the 3 YO and by INRETS for the 6 YO. Segments were then assembled and full models tested for numerical stability. All the model segments (Head and neck, chest and abdomen, lower limbs and pelvis) were checked against available data (either child tests or scaled adult tests). Positioning tools are not yet available and the process of model positioning is still tricky. Table 4: Human body models developed in CASPER Age \segment 6W 6M 1Y 3Y 6Y Thorax abdomen Lower L + pelvis UdS CHA CHA CHA ~15 000 ~20 000 20000 20000 20000 UdS UdS TUB 15.00020.000 CHA Head Neck Institution Name UdS UdS Estimation of elements number ~15 000 ~15 000 Institution Name UdS UdS Estimation of elements number ~15 000 ~15 000 Institution Name UdS Estimation of elements number Institution Name Estimation of elements number ~15 000 TUB 15.000~20 000 20.000 Institution Name UdS UdS Estimation of elements number ~15 000 ~15 000 INRETS INRETS ? INRETS ~25 000 200 000 ‐ 300 000 (HUMOS ~ 80 000) 25/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal 3.2.2 Injury criteria and risk curves (IRC) IRC were developed from accident reconstructions in WP2. Head For domestic accident reconstructions, an isolated head-neck segment was launched against the ground. For crash reconstructions, an isolated head-neck segment was loaded at T1 level by dummy measurements obtained in physical reconstructions. The injury criteria developed for the adults were calculated for all the reconstructed cases. While the number of cases is quite small, some first limits were suggested for skull fracture and DAI. Neck, chest, abdomen No injury criteria or limits were provided. Lower limbs Ultimate stress and strain were provided in the model, which allow for the reproduction of fractures in subsystem tests (3 point bending tests). These values were not evaluated in accident reconstructions. 4 Use of CRS, human models and injury criteria While dummy models are already used, even in industrial processes, the use of full Child HBM in a complete crash environment is still seldom. Tentative were made in CASPER, mainly for reconstruction purposes. Chalmers simulated an accident reconstruction with a full 1 YO child model in a CRS developed by TUB. It demonstrated the feasibility of the principle, but also the limits. IFSTTAR simulated an accident reconstruction with a partial 6 YO child model in a CRS. It demonstrated the potentiality of the process, but also the work to be done before it can be operational. 5 Conclusion and perspectives Dummy models together with CRS models, setups and criteria are almost mature and are already used to help developing CRS. They can mimic physical tests and may speed-up the development process as well as allow investigations for new solutions. Besides, the use of Human body models is still in a research phase. The following items have to be considered: Improving biofidelity and performance of the models (starting with the full human model) o Perform robustness and stability testing o Tissue mechanical properties and model validation: use recent results (PMHS and volunteer) o Need for basic research for data collection effort o Geometry/mesh: increase detail where needed Use the models in Casper/Child/Crest accident simulations and develop numerical injury criteria o Approaches can give results even with missing biomechanical data (model based criteria) o Links using the dummy when possible o May require procedural work to ensure quality of results 26/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal Extend the domain of application / environment o Positioning tools o Develop models for more ages (e.g. 18 months) + geometrical/child variability o Active models (if/when needed) o Application to other types of loading conditions: pedestrian models and domestic accidents Would also allow reinforcing the injury risk curve o More FE codes (currently: LS-Dyna3D only) Apply the models as support tools for CRS and dummy development o Help improve dummy hardware and instrumentation o CRS: Still a perspective as of now. 27/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The CASPER Project (Grant Agreement 218564) is funded by the European Commission under the EC 7th Framework Programme. The authors would like to thank the child safety experts who have supplied local knowledge on child restraint use in their countries. 28/29 CASPER- OCTOBER 2012 - IDIADA – WP4-D4.4 _vfinal References For more information on Generic CRS, please contact: Verein für Fahrzeugsicherheit Berlin e.V. c/o Technische Universität Berlin Fachgebiet Kraftfahrzeuge Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, TIB 13 13355 Berlin Dr.-Ing. Heiko Johannsen +49 30 692 057 210 [email protected] 29/29