The VolunTeer - Gulfside Regional Hospice


The VolunTeer - Gulfside Regional Hospice
The Volunteer
Winter 2015
Volume 10, No. 1
News From Our CEO
An Ever-Growing Organization
As 2014 draws to an end, I reflect upon the growth, accomplishments, and success we
have achieved together at Gulfside Hospice & Pasco Palliative Care.
Here are some of the highlights:
• A total of 78,429 hours were donated to Gulfside by volunteers.
• More than 15,000 volunteer hours were given towards patient care.
• 49,660 volunteer hours were spent in Gulfside Hospice’s five Thrift Shoppes
• Last year, 92 talented employees joined the Gulfside Hospice & Pasco Palliative
Care team, several of whom were previously volunteers.
• Throughout the year, 15 employees were promoted into leadership roles.
In This Issue:
News from
Volunteer Staff
Thrift Shoppe News
Upcoming Events
Welcome Aboard
2014 Banquet Photos
Dates to Remember:
• 123 new volunteers oriented and began serving Gulfside in all areas of service.
February 2: Groundhog Day
• 99 Hospice Heroes were named by patients and caregivers, resulting in donations
and support, 4 of whom were volunteers.
February 14: Valentine’s Day
• AHCA deemed Gulfside clinically deficiency-free during the bi-annual state
• Many new programs were introduced to enhance lives and bring meaning to
those we serve.
• Overall company culture and cohesion has improved during a year of strategic
growth and change.
As the New Year begins, 2015 projects further transformation for healthcare and the
hospice industry. I am confident that our team is positioned beyond moving with the
tide, but instead leading the fleet!
February 16: President’s Day
February 18: Ash Wednesday
March 7: Ride for Hospice
March 8: Daylight Savings
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day
March 29: Hittin’ The Road
for Hospice
March 29: Palm Sunday
April 12-18: National
Volunteer Appreciation
Board of Directors
Charles Walker, CFP
Cornerstone Financial Planners, Inc.
First Vice Chair
Allen Crumbley, CCIM
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Florida Properties Group
Second Vice Chair
Joan Nelson Hook, Esq.
Hook Law Group, P.P.A.
Candace Bell Glewen
MIDFlorida Credit Union
VP Commercial Lender
Preventing the Flu Depends on You
By Maria Greskowiak, Clinical Educator & Infection Control Nurse
What is the flu and how is it spread?
The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose,
throat and lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times, can lead to death. Most
experts think that flu viruses are spread mainly by droplets made when people with the flu
cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can then land in the mouth or nose of people who are
nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. A person might also get the flu by touching a
surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.
Is there flu activity in Pasco County?
Patricia Jones, CPA
Jones and Company, CPAs P.A.
John Butler
Michels & Lundquist Funeral Home
Vice President & General Manager
Paul Dumke
Community Volunteer
Stanley M. Giannet, Ph.D.
Pasco Hernando State College
Provost, Wiregrass Ranch Campus
Kevin Glenn
Florida Design Consultants
Vice President of Marketing
Daniel Heinig, M.D.
Dr. Daniel Heinig Medical Practice
John Judice
Community Volunteer
This year, the Florida Department of Health has announced the death of two children, one in
Pasco County and one in Orange County, from flu-related complications. In the most recent flu
surveillance report, Pasco County is among 11 counties that reported moderate flu activity. What is Gulfside doing to protect patients and employees from the flu?
Gulfside has initiated a new influenza vaccination program. It is designed to help protect
healthcare personnel, volunteers, patients and families of Gulfside staff from acquiring seasonal
influenza disease and help prevent the unnecessary spread of the influenza virus. Gulfside’s
influenza vaccination program is an essential part of infection prevention and control for
slowing or stopping the transmission of seasonal influenza viruses from affecting individuals
who are most susceptible.
How can I protect myself and others from getting the flu?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend a three-step approach to
fighting the flu.
Step 1: Vaccination
A flu vaccine is the first and most important step in protecting against the flu. There
are many different flu viruses, but the seasonal flu vaccine protects against the three
viruses that research indicates will be the most common.
Step 2: Everyday Preventative Actions
Take action every day to prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you do not
have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow.
Marie Picone
Community Volunteer
Wash your hands often with soap and
water. If soap and water are not available,
use an alcohol-based sanitizer. Hand
hygiene is an important step in preventing
the spread of the flu and other infections.
Stay home if you are sick to avoid
spreading the flu to others.
Larry Starnes
Starstorm Investments
Carol Springer, RN, BA
Community Volunteer
President and Chief Executive Officer
Linda Ward
News from Our Operations Team
Step 3: Antiviral Drugs
Take flu antiviral drugs if your doctor
prescribes them.
“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” - Ryunosuke Satoro
From Your Volunteer Director
“Don’t ever question the value of volunteers. Noah’s Ark was built by volunteers;
the Titanic was built by professionals.”
It is hard to believe another year has come and gone
and what a busy year it has been for Gulfside’s volunteer
department! The managers have been busy reviewing
volunteer files and gathering needed paperwork in preparation
for The Joint Commission (this is ongoing.) We celebrated
National Volunteer Week and held picnics in West, East and
Central Pasco. The volunteer department won third place in
the Positive Promotions National Volunteer contest!
The We Honor Veterans Program has been busy as well,
and many of our veteran volunteers participated in several
patient and community pinning ceremonies. They were held at
assisted living facilities, Spotlight on Pasco mall events, Armed
Forces Day ceremony at Harley-Davidson in New Port Richey,
Veterans Day ceremony at Bayfront Health in Dade City, as well
as at the Pasco County Stand Down three-day event in Hudson.
In 2014, there were changes made to the annual volunteer
banquet and how volunteers were recognized. Instead of
individual awards and an overall volunteer of the year, we
changed the format to recognize years of service. Each
volunteer in attendance received a pin commemorating their
Save the Date!
National Volunteer
Appreciation Week
April 12 - 18, 2015
years of service. (If you were unable to attend the banquet,
please contact your volunteer manager to receive your pin.)
We had a sing along with Mitch Miller, as well as many great
prizes that were won. More than 260 volunteers attended the
banquet this year!
In East Pasco, there are about 10-15 volunteers who have
formed an entertainment group. They had their first of two
performances on December 10 caroling at Pretty Pond Manor
and Pond’s Edge Assisted Living Facilities. Both the residents
and volunteers had a great time!
Whether you work in the office, sit with patients, work
in the kitchen at the Gulfside Center for Hospice Care in
Zephyrhills, make memory bears, help out at fundraising
events, go shopping and deliver paperwork and supplies, etc.
- THANK YOU! We could not do what we do without your
dedication and support.
I hope everyone had a great holiday and a blessed and
joyous New Year!
Kelly Milner
Paradise Lakes
Volunteers Raise
$1,000 for Gulfside
Residents of Paradise Lakes
Resort held a special fundraiser
for Gulfside Hospice & Pasco
Palliative Care, raising $1,000
to support patient care in
Pasco County.
Residents competed in a Texas Hold‘em poker tournament, as well
as a bingo tournament as a fun way to raise money for the non-profit
Paradise Lakes residents Barbara Hale and MJ McNamara, who is also a
Gulfside volunteer, organized the event.
Celebration information to
be announced!
“Gulfside Hospice works to provide peace and comfort to patients,
regardless of their ability to pay,” said Carla Armstrong, director of
philanthropy for Gulfside. “Only donations to Gulfside Hospice make this
“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” -Dr. Seuss
Thrift Shoppe
West Pasco
The Thrift
Shoppes were in full
gear for the holiday
season. The windows
were beautifully
decorated for the festive
occasion. Our friends from the
North have returned once again
to enjoy a few months with us.
We welcome all of them back.
In October, the New Port
Richey Thrift Shoppe facilitated
a fashion show for The Women’s
Connection of New Port Richey.
Then, in November, an Appraisal
Fair was held, conducted by
Bill McCarty, an appraiser from
Tarpon Springs. All proceeds from
the appraisal fair were donated
toward the Hike for Hospice on
November 16.
On December 1, Renee
Wingeier became manager of
the New Port Richey Thrift
Shoppe. Wayne Brown is now
the assistant manager. We wish
them well and know they will be
great team leaders for the store.
Former manager Paul Devine
decided to move back to Indiana
to spend time with his family. He
will be missed.
We encourage everyone
to shop at our Thrift Shoppes!
Gulfside’s 2015 calendars are now
available at the Shoppes, and
paper horses will be coming soon
to support the upcoming Ride for
Hoping that everyone had
happy holidays!
Shirley Finn
From Your Volunteer Managers
Central & East Pasco
2014 proved a hectic, challenging and life-changing year for many. I
know I was not alone breathing a huge sigh of relief as the clock struck
midnight on New Year’s Eve, feeling like an exhausted runner crawling
across the finish line! A number of our dedicated volunteers experienced
illness, loss of their spouse or other close family members last year. Our
hearts are with you all at this time. Please do not hesitate to reach out for support. We are
here to help each other as well as the patients!
There were many positive things about the year past as well! Firstly, a HUGE THANK
YOU to everyone for your support, dedication and willingness to help with anything and
everything throughout the year. Quite simply, Gulfside couldn’t have done it without you
and neither could I! A lot of my “busy-ness” was a result of increased volunteer interaction,
communication and involvement as existing volunteers reshuffled to find their niche. It was
all inspired by the evolving Gulfside organization rife with new opportunities, enthusiastic
newcomers swelling our ranks with their talents and ideas, new programs begun and a
general flourishing of positive creative energy. These are the qualities that announce 2015,
and with everyone’s help and heartfelt passion and enthusiasm, we can make the Rumi quote
a reality, transcending the busy-ness below to find the sky’s
huge, open relief as our spirit’s soar!
Land O’Lakes volunteers- as I’m sure you know by now,
you’re stuck with me. Despite my best intentions to call
and introduce myself, I haven’t come close to achieving this.
Please feel free to contact me with any thoughts or ideas. You
can email me at [email protected] or call me at
813-780-1235 ext. 1103.
I look forward to collaborating with you all this year!
Onward and upward 2015! Let’s give this year the best we
Tracey Thompson
Volunteer Manager
Valuable is the Work You Do...
Valuable is the work you do.
Outstanding is how you always come through.
Loyal, sincere and full of good cheer,
Untiring in your efforts throughout the year...
Notable are the contributions you make.
Trustworthy in every project you take.
Eager to reach your every goal.
Effective in the way you fulfull your role.
Ready with a smile like a shining star,
Special and wonderful - that’s what you are.
- Author Unkown
“Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.” - Margaret Peters
From Your Volunteer Managers
West Pasco
Another calendar year has come to a close and so many challenges became
successes. This is all made possible by YOU – our wonderful volunteers.
We celebrated all our volunteer’s accomplishments at our annual volunteer
banquet on December 5, 2014. I have received great comments how everyone
enjoyed themselves. Thank you for coming and allowing us to celebrate you and
all you do for Gulfside.
We are sorry to hear that some of our volunteers are moving out of state and they will
surely be missed. The holidays approached and some of us were missing loved ones; however, I
belong to a bigger family by working at Gulfside Hospice & Pasco Palliative Care. That includes
staff, but most of all, such wonderful caring people in our volunteers.
In my mind, our volunteers are caring people willing to do whatever it takes to get the job
done. Gus, Travis, Peggy, Ann Marie, Cora, Sha, Valerie, Nancy, Elyse, Diane, Denise, Annette,
Cathy, Cameron, Alan, Sonja, Jeannine, Virginia and many others appear at the office and work
tirelessly to “get ‘er done.” From filing to data input and folding newsletters to making training
books, setting up visits for our patient care volunteers and working with staff to update records
and so much more. We would not be able to do all that we do without all of you volunteers. I
have confidence in the volunteers that come in the office that if I am out of the office for any
reason, I know they all work like a well-oiled machine.
We have so many more of our volunteers that care for others by visiting for companionship,
sitting so the caregiver can get out of the house a little, running errands with even the small
task of grocery shopping and so many more working in our Thrift Shoppes.
Someone once said that those who enjoy doing their job don’t really have a job, but they
have a mission to serve and enjoy what they do. I am one of those lucky people because I have
been touched by YOU – OUR VOLUNTEERS. I know that my world is so much better because of
each one of you.
May your New Year be blessed with all the goodness you give Gulfside Hospice & Pasco
Palliative Care.
Kathie Poole
Volunteer Manager
Thrift Shoppe
East & Central Pasco
We have heard
it said that the only
constant in life is
change, and Gulfside
Hospice is no exception.
We remodeled the Dade City
Thrift Shoppe with new tile floors
and a different arrangement.
We bought racks from K-Mart
as they were closing and will be
distributing them amongst the five
stores to improve the efficiency of
all the Thrift Shoppes.
We welcome Eugene Krise as
the new Assistant Manager at the
Zephyrhills Thrift Shoppe.
We are looking forward to four
young men from Zephyrhills High
School to become active volunteers
with us.
We want to thank all the
volunteers at the Thrift Shoppes
for making our new volunteers
welcome and making things
happen with all the recent changes.
Without our wonderful volunteers,
we could not have survived all the
changes we have seen.
We hope everyone had a
wonderful holiday season and look
forward to working with all our
wonderful volunteers.
Nearly 9,000 wreaths were layed on
tombstones at the Florida National
Cemetary in Bushnell in December. Several
Gulfside staff and volunteers were able
to take part in this event held by the
Wreaths Across America organization.
Tammy Johnson
“You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.” - John Wooden
Calendar of Events
Save the date for attending Gulfside volunteer events! If you
know anyone interested in volunteering for Gulfside, please
share the upcoming volunteer class schedule with them.
National Volunteer Appreciation Week
April 12 - 18 - Celebration information to be announced.
Hearts for Hospice
West Pasco
February 9 & 10
Volunteer Orientation - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
March 9 & 10
15% off Storewide
Saturday, February 14
Like us on Facebook for daily sale updates!
Volunteer Orientation - 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
April 13 & 14
Volunteer Orientation - 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
East Pasco
January 29
Patient Care Support Group Meeting 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
All proceeds benefit Gulfside Hospice.
Poker Run
February 5 & 6
Volunteer Orientation - 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
February 26
Patient Care Support Group Meeting 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
March 5 & 6
Volunteer Orientation - 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
March 26
Patient Care Support Group Meeting - 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
April 14 & 15
Volunteer Orientation - 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
April 28
Patient Care Support Group Meeting - 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Central Pasco
February 2
Thrift Shoppe Volunteer Orientation - 2 - 5 p.m.
March 16
Thrift Shoppe Volunteer Orientation - 2 - 5 p.m.
April 18
Thrift Shoppe Volunteer Orientation - 2 - 5 p.m.
Unless noted, all events will take place at the Education Center in New
Port Richey; the Gulfside Center for Hospice Care in Zephyrhills or the
Lutz Thrift Shoppe Conference Room. Call the volunteer office with any
questions about times and dates. For more information, call 800-561-4883.
Sunday, march 29
Attention West Volunteers:
There is now a locked drop box located
outside the door at Gulfside’s Bereavement &
Community Outreach Center, 6230 Lafayett e
Street in New Port Richey.
If you need to get paperwork to the volunteer
department and the office is closed, you can
come by the office and drop it in the box.
“The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than rule.” - Albert Einstein
Thank you!
March 7 • Skydive City
2014 Annual Volunteer Banquet
Gulfside held its annual Volunteer
Appreciation Banquet on Friday,
Dec.5 at Spartan Manor in New Port
Richey to recognize and thank more
than 500 volunteers.
“Every volunteer for our organization
is special,” said Kelly Milner,
Gulfside’s director of volunteer
services. “Each volunteer was
recognized for their contribution
from the newest volunteer to the
seasoned veterans with more than 15
years of service.”
In total, Gulfside’s volunteers
donated 78,429 hours in the
previous fiscal year. This included:
• Patient care – 15,075 hours
• Office - 5,347 hours
• Thrift Shoppes – 49,660 hours
• Board – 1,776 hours
• Other (including trainings/
meetings, crafters, special events)
- 6,571 hours
Get Well Wishes
Joanne Boyle
Marion Caughy
Jean Coe
Theresa Fuhrmann
Gary Garlock
Barbara Hall
Val Morin
Joanne Snyder
Theresa Fuhrmann
Kath Herman
Penelope Hiner
Romaine Koepp
Kathie Poole
Brenda Porter
Suman Ravi
Shakuntala Shah
Barbara Scarlata
Adrienne Terrace
Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Tony
Patino for 56 years of marriage.
Welcome Aboard!
Hank Auwerda
Pat Bartkoski
Valerie Blakeley
Mareen Brennan
Marlow Byrd
Ronald Cervone
Carolyn Coe
Linda Davies
Janie Donaldson
Ginny Dunigan
Christian Estrada
Roberta Falk
Monica Fender
William Geren
Eva Griffin
Joyanne Griffith
Irma Hayhurst
John Hayhurst
Kelly Johnson
Brandon Kennedy
Andrea Lawhorne
April Martin
Jane Martinson
James Mead
Lorraine Murphy
Shirley Oelke
Toni Palavis
Pauline Policastri
Maxine Preston
Ellie Pulsifer
Beverly Railey
Bill Reaver
Logan Robbins
Chris Romeo
Valda Rossi
Lisa Scheffler
Sharon Shupard
Amani Smith
Sandra Weingart
Kurt Wolf
Anna Zaczynski
Teen Volunteers
Chelsey Tyre
Nethanel Walsh
Mike Yater
“Never underestimate your ability to make someone else’s life better, even if you never know it.” - Greg Louganis
2061 Collier Parkway
Land O Lakes, FL 34639-5202
Corporate Resource Center
2061 Collier Parkway
Land O’ Lakes, FL 34639
West Pasco Clinical Office
6117 Trouble Creek Road
New Port Richey, FL 34653
East Pasco Clinical Office
and Bereavement Center
37826 Sky Ridge Circle
Dade City, FL 33525
Gulfside Center for Hospice Care
5760 Dean Dairy Road
Zephyrhills, FL 33541
Gulfside Center for Hospice Care
at Bayfront Health Dade City
13100 Fort King Road on the Second Floor
Dade City, FL 33525
Gulfside Center for Hospice Care
at Heather Hill Healthcare Center
6630 Kentucky Ave.
New Port Richey, FL 34653
Thrift Shoppes
New Port Richey Thrift Shoppe
6117 State Road 54
New Port Richey, FL 34652
Gulfside Hospice Center at Bayonet Point
Hudson Thrift Shoppe
Bereavement and Community
Outreach Center
Dade City Thrift Shoppe
7210 Beacon Woods Dr.
Hudson, FL 34667
6224 - 6230 Lafayette Street
New Port Richey, FL 34652
12154 US Highway 19
Bayonet Point, FL 34667
37925 Sky Ridge Circle
Dade City, FL 33525
Zephyrhills Thrift Shoppe
a not-for-profit organization
36524 State Road 54
Zephyrhills, FL 33541
Lutz Thrift Shoppe
1930 Land O’Lakes Blvd.
Lutz, FL 33549