2015 Welcome Package
2015 Welcome Package
W E LCO M E TO SHAAREI SHOMAYIM 2 01 5/57 76 SY N AG O G U E G U I D E WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 Table of Contents WHO WE ARE 5 BUILDING A COMMUNITY 7 OUR CLERGY 9 OUR SERVICES (MINYANIM) 19 ADULT EDUCATION AND PROGRAMMING 22 YOUTH PROGRAMS 31 SIMCHAS / CELEBRATION 36 A HELPING HAND 38 GENERAL INFORMATION 40 FLOOR PLANS 42 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 WHO WE ARE SHAAREI SHOMAYIM: WHERE COMMUNITY MATTERS Our synagogue is a home. It is the place where we come together during the course of a year to share the highs and lows, for smachot and for tragedies. The people we sit next to in shul are our family. We embrace a distinct, Modern Orthodox ideology. Our shul is where we engage the world. The Torah is strengthened by this interaction – and we affect the word by bringing Torah values into our modern lives. Our community is where we fight for what is right, where we realize our lives as Jews, and where with God’s help we achieve things which we could not have done alone. 5 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM 6 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 BUILDING A COMMUNITY SHAAREI SHOMAYIM: WHERE VISION MATTERS Our extensive renovations were completed in the Spring of 2015, when we celebrated with a beautiful Chanukat HaBayit celebration. We built a beautifully refurbished Sanctuary, an expanded, more functional lobby, acoustical improvements, new main level washrooms, expanded sanctuary seating, Gottdenker Remembrance Gallery, front canopy and new doors and windows. We have ensured that our building is now as accessible as possible, including proper ramping, areas for wheelchair seating and a fully accessible lower bimah. Our beautiful new space is available for events and celebrations and is supported by our world-class caterer, Menchens Catering. 7 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM 8 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 RABBI CHAIM STRAUCHLER Rabbi Chaim Strauchler loves being a rabbi. When asked about his work, he replies, “I wake up every morning and do mitzvoth – good deeds.” As a rabbi, he is fortunate to help people during their most joyous and also most challenging times. He particularly loves the opportunity to teach Torah. Rabbi Strauchler has been blessed with superb lay leadership and has partnered with them to create a meaningful and exciting synagogue environment. Rabbi Strauchler believes in synagogue life. “A great synagogue like Shaarei Shomayim is a multiplier. It is the place where we go to make a difference, to make our Jewish lives matter. We come together here to do things that we cannot do alone. We educate the next generation in our values and enjoy the seasons of Jewish life together. We support the State of Israel and work on behalf of the beautiful Canadian society in which we are so blessed to live. A shul is a place where we do things together that truly matter.” The warm, knowledgeable and skilled clergy and staff of Shaarei Shomayim invite you to join us, get in touch with a question, and get involved. Please be sure to say hello after the service! Since Rabbi Strauchler’s arrival at Shaarei Shomayim in 2008, the shul has witnessed dramatic growth. In the past two years, the shul has welcomed over 60 new families. In May 2015, the synagogue completed a momentous renovation and fundraising campaign – the largest in the synagogue’s history. The success of this effort reflects the vibrancy of Shaarei Shomayim and the continued importance of Modern Orthodoxy in Toronto. While committed to Modern Orthodoxy, Rabbi Strauchler stresses the importance of being able to see past labels, towards the right and the left of the religious spectrum. He tries to look at a person for who they are, and not at the external appearance. Rabbi Chaim Strauchler received his ordination from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University. Rabbi Strauchler earned a diploma in theology and a master’s in religious studies from Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. He also holds a master’s degree in Biblical studies from Bernard Revel Graduate School, and is a Wexner Graduate Fellowship alumnus. As a student, Rabbi Strauchler founded the literary journal, Mima’amakim. Before joining Shaarei Shomayim, Rabbi Strauchler served as rabbi at Beit Chaverim Synagogue in Westport, Connecticut. Rabbi Strauchler is currently a member of the executive of the Rabbinical Council of America and the Rabbinical Vaad HaKashruth of COR. Rabbi Strauchler is married to Avital. They have five children: Tehilla, Adir, Atara, Zvi and Freda. 416.789.3213 ext 201 | [email protected] 9 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM 10 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 RABBI NOAH CHESES ASSISTANT RABBI A native of Boston, Rabbi Noah Cheses received his ordination from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University in 2011. Before joining Shaarei Shomayim, Rabbi Cheses served as an associate Rabbi at the Yale University Hillel where he also was the CoDirector of JLIC, the Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus. At Yale, Rabbi Cheses built a “home away from home” for hundreds of Jewish students through his warm personality and love of teaching Torah. During the summers, he has been the Rabbi of the High School Tikvah Summer Seminar on Jewish Theology, Economics and Politics. Rabbi Cheses’ vision of Jewish community is one in which every member has a strong sense of belonging to something larger than themselves. He hopes to advance the values of Modern Orthodoxy by inspiring people through powerful and relevant Torah. Rabbi Cheses has done graduate work in Family Therapy has completed a graduate degree in Religious Studies and Theology from Yale University. During his studies at Yeshiva University, he was a Norman Lamm Fellow in Jewish Thought and a Wexner Graduate Fellow. In high school, Rabbi Cheses was on the Grounds Crew at Fenway Park where he spent his summers mowing the field for the Boston Red Sox. He is an avid runner who ran on the cross country team in college and who has competed in the Boston, Miami, and Jerusalem marathons. He is married to Sarah Cheses and is the proud father of Adina, Natan and Orly. 416.789.3213 ext 204 | [email protected] 11 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM 12 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 RABBI Elliott Diamond RABBI of downstiars minyan Rabbi Elliott Diamond has long been associated with Jewish education in Toronto and currently serves as the Head of Jewish Studies at Netivot HaTorah Day School. Rabbi Diamond has been an important member of the Shaarei Shomayim community for many years and has contributed to the synagogue in many capacities. Currently, he is the leader of our Downstairs Minyan and a member of the synagogue clergy. Rabbi Diamond holds a BA from the University of Toronto, pursued his Masters in Education from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education and received his rabbinical ordination from the late Chief Rabbi of Montreal, Rabbi Pinchas Hirzprungz”l. The Downstairs Minyan at Shaarei Shomayim offers intimate Shabbat and holiday services led by participants. Rabbi Diamond’s weekly D’var Torah is a thoughtful and meaningful part of the service. “Everyone deserves a moment of inspiration,” says Rabbi Diamond. “At the Downstairs Minyan, we try to make that moment happen in our warm and friendly atmosphere.” Rabbi Diamond and his wife Rochelle have three children, Avi, Eliana and Amiel, and six grandchildren. [email protected] 13 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM CHAZZAN ZVI KATZMAN CHAZZAN Zvi Katzman and his wife Yael have five beautiful children. At a young age, Zvi began studying classical Ashkenaz Vilna nussach with his Zaidy, Yisrael Stercz, who was a prize pupil of Moshe Koussevitzy. Zvi led the Forest Hill Jewish Centre congregation in High Holiday Services for 10 years, and in 2014 Zvi was the Chazzan at the Mountainview Pesach Experience in Collingwood. Zvi and Yael spent 2 years abroad, one in Yerushalayim, where Zvi studied at Yeshivat Ohr Somayach. While there, Zvi led the Ohr Somayach Jewish Learning Experience trips several times a year. The other year was spent in Coral Gables, Miami. Zvi and Yael served as the campus outreach family at the University of Miami. Today, Zvi takes pleasure in leading the congregation of Shaarei Shomayim as the Chazzan. Zvi enjoys bringing new modern tunes together with the classical nussach of the past to create an inspiring and meaningful davening. [email protected] 14 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 Ralph Levine shamash / ba’al koreh Ralph Levine, Shaarei Shomayim’s Shamash and Baal Koreh is responsible for the Torah readings at our services and for overseeing daily morning services. Ralph is a resource to those who are sitting shiva and can assist with the recitation of kaddish. He offers training to boys in advance of their Bar Mitzvah and can provide tutorials to adults who wish to improve their davening or haftarah reading skills. [email protected] gabbaim The minyanim at Shaarei Shomayim are supported through the diligent efforts of our gabbaim, Irving Benmergui in the main m inyan, and Jay Stochinsky and Hyim Bessin in the Hashkama and Downstairs Minyanim. 15 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM AVITAL STRAUCHLER While the role of a rebbetzin is not a formal position in our shul, Avital Strauchler develops and directs many programs as well as fills an important role as a communal educator. She is responsible for Shaarei Shomayim’s successful Bat Mitzvah program, the development of young family programming and for teaching Torah classes throughout the year. She provides one-on-one lessons to many of our young women as part of their bat mitzvah studies as well as to brides in advance of their weddings. Avital also plays an important role in supporting our members in times of need. A native of Edison, NJ, Avital attended the Yeshiva of Flatbush and studied at Midreshet Lindenbaum in Jerusalem. She received a BA with Honours from Stern College in Biology and earned a doctorate in Physical Therapy from Columbia University. Prior to moving to Toronto, she worked as a pediatric physical therapist. She has spent many of her summers studying Torah in programs in NY and in Israel. Avital is married to Rabbi Chaim Strauchler. They have five children: Tehilla, Adir, Atara, Zvi, and Freda. Avital can be reached at [email protected] and 647-740-0697. SARAH CHESES Originally from Columbus, Ohio, Sarah Cheses is excited to have joined the Toronto community, where she is teaching Judaic Studies at Ulpanat Orot High School. For the past three years, she served as the Co-Director of the Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) at Yale, and is continuing this work as a part time JLIC educator for university students in Toronto. She is a graduate of the Keren Ariel Yoatzot Halacha Program at Nishmat. As a Yoetzet, she is trained to serve as an adviser in women’s health and halacha. She holds a Master’s degree in Public Health from Columbia University and a BA in Biology with Honors from Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women. Sarah would be happy to serve as a resource for women in the community and can be reached at [email protected] or 647-907-9298. 16 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 dr. elliott malaet pray and learn Dr. Elliott Malamet is the co-founder and program director of Torah in Motion, whose mission is to explore the interface between Judaism and modernity. He made aliyah in 2013 with his family and lives in Jerusalem. Dr. Malamet currently teaches Jewish Philosophy at Yeshivat Machanaim in Efrat and lectures in English Literature at the Rothberg International School of Hebrew University. Dr. Malamet has run seminars on teaching Judaism to young people in the United States, Canada, England and Israel. Dr. Malamet is currently working on a book which examines ethics as they relate to teenagers. For the High Holidays and selected weeks throughout the year, Dr. Malamet will lead “Pray and Learn” at Shaarei Shomayim. For this season’s dates, please see page chayim rubin HOLIDAY BAAL TEFILLAH Chayim Rubin was born in Ottawa where his late father Avraham was the Rabbi of Machzikei Hadas. His family soon moved to Montreal where he performed for many years as a child soloist for the High Holidays at the Zichron Kedoshim Synagogue accompanying Chazzan Pinchas Rabinovitch. Not long after marrying his wife Tovit Stern, Chayim accepted the post of Chazzan for the High Holidays in Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania continuing there for ten years. He then returned to Toronto and accepted a position in Shaarei Shomayim as the Chazzan Sheini, which he has performed for the past nine years. He is also the leader of The Zemer Orchestra where he has been performing and bringing joy to hundreds of families since 1990. Chayim and Tovit are blessed with six beautiful children and four gorgeous grandchildren, K’nein Hora! 17 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM 18 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 OUR SERVICES (MINYANIM) SHAAREI SHOMAYIM: WHERE SPIRITUALITY MATTERS Shaarei Shomayim offers many different opportunities to come together and pray. Each service (minyan) has its own approach and atmosphere. Please join any (or all) of the different minyanim offered during the holidays, Shabbat or during the week. Feel free to join any minyan at any time as there are no assigned seats. MAIN MINYAN: Clergy: Rabbi Chaim Strauchler, Rabbi Noah Cheses, Chazzan Zvi Katzman Shaarei Shomayim stands among the great synagogues of Jewish history. Our Main Minyan in the main sanctuary reflects the grandeur of the Temple, with its soaring ceiling and modern architecture. The tall windows bring warm light to this airy space. Our sanctuary is filled with the wonderful sounds of prayer led by our classically trained Chazzan. For eighty years our synagogue has shown that a Jew can be fully committed to halacha (the laws of the Torah) and yet proudly North American in lifestyle and outlook. Everyone is welcome. Location: Max and Lil Sharp Sanctuary (main floor). DOWNSTAIRS MINYAN: Clergy: Rabbi Elliott Diamond, lay baalei tefilah (prayer leaders), Chayim Rubin on Holidays Over 30 years ago, the Downstairs Minyan began as a special teenage service that gave students an opportunity to learn how to lead the services and read the Torah and Haftarah. Over time, the teens turned into adults and never left! Today, they come with their own children to this minyan that has developed into a service attractive to all ages. The services are conducted by members, and the atmosphere is one of warmth, informality and participation. Everyone is welcome. On the Yamim Noraim, the minyan recognizes the seriousness and purpose of these days. Meaningful participation is the goal, and participants are asked to be particularly mindful of this objective. The davening slows down to give all an opportunity to follow, and more singing is introduced. Location: Sisterhood Hall (lower level). 19 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM OUR SERVICES (MINYANIM) SHAAREI SHOMAYIM: WHERE SPIRITUALITY MATTERS HASHKAMA MINYAN: Self-led by participants The Hashkama Minyan is a less formal minyan with an early start time of 7:30 am. Participants enjoy a quiet ambiance and the camaraderie of its devoted following. Rabbi Strauchler gives a short D’var Torah at this minyan. Location: Weinbaum Beit Midrash (lower level). PRAY AND LEARN: Led by: Dr. Elliott Malamet The philosophy of the Open Service is that no Jewish question is undeserving of a thoughtful and honest answer. Join Dr. Malamet in this friendly and relevant service. Participants will discuss and learn about the meaning and richness of the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur service; about methods for more powerful prayer; about core spiritual values that can transform our lives and those of our families, and how Judaism can be a source of light and inner wellbeing. Please bring your questions and your insights. The services are a shared quest for meaning. The invitation to absolutely everyone is very simple: WELCOME. Location: Weinbaum Beit Midrash (lower level) at 11:00am. DAILY MINYAN: We invite you to join us for minyan throughout the week. We have two regular morning (Shacharit) services on weekdays (Mondays and Thursdays – 6:55am and 7:45 am; and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays – 7:00am and 7:45am) and one Shacharit service on Sundays (8:30am). We have one Mincha and Maariv service which begins approximately fifteen minutes before sunset. Fast days, Rosh Chodesh, holidays, and Selichot may affect minyan times. For evening services, the community comes together for intimate tefillah in one minyan in the Weinbaum Beit Midrash . Location: Weinbaum Beit Midrash. Various times. Please go to our calendar at shomayim.org to check on daily minyan times. 20 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 OUR SERVICES (MINYANIM) SHAAREI SHOMAYIM: WHERE SPIRITUALITY MATTERS SHABBAT MINYANIM: Hashkama: 7:30am (Weinbaum Beit Midrash) Main Minyan: 9:00am (Max & Lil Sharp Sanctuary) Downstairs Minyan: 9:00am (Sisterhood Hall) Teen Minyan: 10:00am (Weinbaum Beit Midrash) BUILDING SPIRITUALLY AT SHAAREI SHOMAYIM As part of our renovations last year, we piloted a program to focus not just on how we build physically but also how we build spiritually. We plan to continue this effort in the coming year. On three Shabbat mornings this winter, davening will conclude at 11:00am. We will break into groups for 45 minute classes led by our clergy. These classes will create learning environments that are participatory and open to the discussion of how we build spiritually. 21 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM PROGRAMMING: FALL 2015 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM: WHERE torah MATTERS Shaarei Shomayim offers many opportunities for meaningful learning experiences. All are welcome. Our adult education committee presents regular classes and lecture series, we host a wide array of special events and dinners throughout the year, and the scholar-inresidence weekends are unique opportunities to learn from distinguished and prominent experts. There are daily and weekly classes and shiurim on a variety of topics; we offer occasional “Lunch-N-Learns”, small group chaburas, and Saturday night learning programs. Our community is enhanced by meaningful programming targeted to members of all ages. CURRENT WEEKLY LEARNING PROGRAMS: Daily Gemara Shiur taught by Rabbi Chaim Strauchler – Tractate Pesachim Sundays: 7:30am; Mondays and Thursdays: 6:10am; Tuesdays, Wednesdays (taught by Rabbi Cheses) and Fridays: 6:15am Tanach: Divrei HaYamim taught by Rabbi Chaim Strauchler Mondays: 9:30am Tuesdays: 8:00pm Chumash-Rashi Shiur taught by Melech Halberstat Shabbat mornings: 8:15am Bible Study Class – “The Birth of Moral Selfhood” taught by Dr. Shoshana Zolty Tuesdays: 9:30am Wednesdays: 10:00am The Book of Job (Iyov) taught by Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner Tuesdays: 1:30pm YU Torah MiTzion Beit Midrash Zichron Dov Beit Midrash Mondays: 7:30pm Please check the calendar at www.shomayim.org to see all the great programming happening at Shaarei Shomayim. 22 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Shaarei Shomayim Young Professionals seek to create a meaningful and dynamic community for Modern Orthodox Jews in their 20s and 30s in the mid-town Toronto area. This includes educational programming such as the popular “Living Room Learning Series,” which features lectures on contemporary issues, as well as social events such as beer tasting in the sukkah, Simchat Torah Hakafot, and communal Shabbat lunches. silber family lecture series The Silber Family Lecture Series brings the best and most insightful speakers to our community. This program embodies Shaarei Shomayim’s leading role as the place where topical, impactful Jewish ideas and issues are discussed and debated with top scholars. Our vision is to create a community culture of honest engagement with the world in which we live giving us the knowledge to make it a better place for all. The Silber Family Lecture Series is generously sponsored by Allan and Hinda Silber. 23 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM pray and learn shabbatot with Dr. elliott malamet Dr. Elliott Malamet joins us on select Shabbatot throughout the year. This year we will welcome Dr. Malamet on October 31, November 21 and January 23. 24 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 WALERSTEIN SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE The Walerstein Scholar Program allows the Shaarei Shomayim community to engage in ongoing learning with a renowned academic during the course of an entire year. The Walerstein Scholar will address our community at least five times over the course of the year on Shabbat and holidays, as well as establishing informal learning relationships within our community. James diamond October 3 Professor James Diamond is the Joseph & Wolf Lebovic Chair – Jewish Studies at the University of Waterloo. He has published extensively on many topics of Jewish Studies. Professor Diamond has an LLM in International Legal Studies from New York University and a PhD in Medieval Jewish Thought from University of Toronto. He is the author of numerous articles and studies on Maimonides’ thought and exegisis, his latest book, Maimonides and the Shaping of the Jewish Canon, was published in 2014. Sponsored by David and Bernice Walerstein in memory of David’s parents, Max and Sally Walersteinz”l. 25 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM Michael Hattin shuli taubes November 6 - 7 December 4 – 5 Rabbi Michael Hattin teaches Bible and Halacha at Pardes in Jerusalem. He holds a professional degree in Architecture from the University of Toronto and rabbinic ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Rabbi Hattin recently published two books, Passages: Text and Transformation in the Parsha, and Joshua: The Challenge of the Promised Land. Shuli Taubes is the Sopher Community Scholar at Young Israel Ohab Zedek in North Riverdale. She holds a Masters in Divinity from the Harvard Divinity School, with a focus on Scripture and Interpretation. She serves as a faculty member at SAR High School in Riverdale, New York, where she teaches Tanach, Jewish Identity, and chairs the Jewish Philosophy department. Sponsored by Mark Nusbaum L’ Zeicher Nishmat Ishti-Frumit Bat Yosseif (Yuda) Nusbaum. 26 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM THEATRE SERIES November 14, 2015 at 8:00pm Aspaklaria “Dead End” Jake, a successful New York lawyer, finds himself in a NYC park at midnight searching for his daughter, Sara, who ran away from home after an argument with her parents. While at the park he meets Aaron, a troubled teen from a religious family, who is hanging out with friends. While each one sees the other as a nuisance, gradually Jake realizes that Aaron can help him understand his daughter, and Aaron finds someone he can open up to, because he is a stranger. December 5, 2015 at 8:00pm HOW – Harmony Over War: “A Simple Twist of Faith” In 1917, a Jewish American soldier in Germany enters a synagogue seeking solace from the terrors of war. After initial mistreatment, he is touched by an act of kindness from a German congregant. The moment sets off a ripple effect and changes the course of both of their lives. Harmony Over War (HOW) is an innovative social initiative which combines student activism with live music, media, poetry, visual and performance art as well as other forms of creative expression in a global campaign to promote planet peace in the historical context of world war. How is a collaborative movement for global peace and has a mission to make history relevant today. They strive to heal the world through creativity and non-violence. 27 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM shaarei shomayim WHERE health MATTERS Shaarei Shomayim is pleased to offer several opportunities to maintain and improve your health. Consider joining one of the following classes. Please call the office for more details. ONGOING TRAINING •Bicycle for Your Life with Rabbi Chaim Strauchler •Chai Lifeline Half Marathon with Rabbi Noah Cheses EXERCISE •Frumba with Bette Barmherzig – Sunday mornings at 10:30am (check our calendar for specific dates) • Pilates with Arielle Farber • Senior’s Low-Impact Exercise Circle – Monday and Wednesday: 2:45pm LECTURES •Medical Halacha with Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner – November 2, 2015 at 8:00pm • Lara Bloom Speaks: Ehlers-Danlos Lecture – November 8, 2015 • Nishmat Health and Halacha Day for Women – November 15, 2015 28 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 shaarei shomayim WHERE making a difference matters Shaarei Shomayim proudly supports and / or takes part in the following: •North York Food Pantry – on April 28, 2015, volunteers from Shaarei Shomayim gave their time to the North York Food Pantry, sorting over 5,228 pounds of food, which aided in the support of thousands of families who access the food bank. This is a yearly volunteer effort. • Impact India Program with Rabbi Cheses - In May of 2015, Shaarei Shomayim sent 20 Young Jews from our community on a 12 day service learning trip to India with Rabbi Noah Cheses. The goal of the mission was to learn about the rich history of the Bnei Israel Jews and to impact 40 underprivileged children from the Colaba slums through an enrichment camp. The energetic learning sessions and dynamic volunteering experiences had a transformative impact upon all the participants. A photo exhibit of the trip is being displayed in the lower level hallway. Plans are in motion for a similar trip in May of 2016. •Weekly Charity with Rabbi Strauchler •Peace of Mind - helping Israeli soldiers who have served three or more years in high-risk combat units pave the way back to civilian life. •Shaarei Shomayim will be sponsoring a Syrian refugee family in the coming year. •Camp AIM – a local Jewish camp exclusively serving children with special needs, joins our Youth Programs and community during special Shabbatot throughout the year. •Shabbat Itanu – UJA Federations Inclusion Initiative, which aims to promote full participation in all areas of Jewish life for people with disabilities and their families. Shabbat Itanu strives to be a fully inclusive Shabbat experience. • Holocaust Education Week: Through its museum and programs, the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre generates knowledge and understanding about the Holocaust and serves as a forum for dialogue about civil society for present and future generations. This year, we will host the following programs: October 31: Rabbi Nechamia Polin: Out of the Holy Fire: The Rebbe of the Warsaw Ghetto and the Post-War Rebirth of his Work – in conversation with Dr. Elliott Malamet November 9: Closing Evening program featuring Dr. Marc Grellert: Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual Reconstruction 29 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM shaarei shomayim sisterhood and brotherhood Under the leadership of Katy Korman and Rob Klein respectively, the Shaarei Shomayim Sisterhood and Brotherhood have been rejuvenated. We can look forward to several interesting and varied programming, including: SISTERHOOD •Pizza in the Hut – September 30 at 7:00pm • Sara Chana Radcliffe – November 16 at 7:30pm • Aspaklaria “Dead End” Theatrical Performance – November 14 at 8:00pm • HOW – Harmony Over War: “A Simple Twist of Faith” – December 5 at 8:00pm • Bubbie and Me – scheduled for January 2016 BROTHERHOOD •Bills Game / Tailgating party • Afternoon at the Rink • Summer Family BBQ 30 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 JACOB POSLUNS YOUTH DIRECTOR Jacob Posluns is our Youth Director. He is a Ryerson Student studying for a BComm in Business Technology. After returning from yeshiva two years ago, he realized the importance of childhood education and how necessary it is to be a part of a congregation in order to help facilitate the important values that parents work so hard to teach their children. He has been working with children for the past seven years at various camps and in different youth oriented volunteer groups including Bnei Akiva, Afikim in Israel, The Chai Lifeline big brother program, as well as working in the youth program at Shaarei Shomayim for the past five years. He is very excited to take on this important role in the shul, and is looking forward to another amazing year. Jacob is joined by a very talented and enthusiastic team: Noa Borden, Assistant Youth Director, Debra Posluns, Head of Preschool Program, Noa Voss and Yoni Hadar our Israeli ‘Shinshinim’, and of course our devoted team of Youth Leaders. The entire team works together under the guidance of Rabbi Strauchler, Rabbi Cheses and the Youth Committee to create a positive experience for the children. Our Youth Leadership team really enjoys seeing the smiling faces of our youth as they learn a new game, win a prize, master a mitzvah, or make a new friend while learning about the weekly pasha or davening together during ‘tfilla time’ with us! [email protected] 31 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM youth programs shaarei shomayim: where kids matter Got Kids? Shaarei Shomayim has programs! Every Shabbat and Yom Tov we offer four separate services / programs for kids aged two to twelve, as well as a teen service. Each program is unique and includes a great mix of davening, fun activities, and yummy treats. SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Shaarei Shomayim’s Youth programs from past years included special Shabbatot with Camp AIM, great holiday programming (Big-Kids Purim Carnival and Little-Kids Carnival, Shavuot Ice Cream Party and Puppet Show, Chanukah Party with Gift Wrapping Toy Drive, Sukkah Hop, and Simchat Torah Acrobats), Parent-Child Learning and after-school programming. We have regular young leadership (young families, young couples, singles) Shabbat meals with kids’ programming, and Friday night kinderminyan (a kid-friendly service for families with small children) led by Rabbi Strauchler in the winter months. WEEKLY SHABBAT & HOLIDAY PROGRAMS All youth programming takes place in our youth wing on the west side of our building’s lower level. Room assignments will be posted at the entry to the youth wing. We partner with Jewnior Games to bring a comprehensive and fun Shabbat and holiday program this year. MOMMY & TOT: (Rosh Hashanah only) Ages: 0–2 This room is reserved for parents with infants and toddlers who wish to have a quiet place to spend with their baby. Note: a private nursing mothers’ room is accessible off the east corridor, adjacent to the Youth Lounge. Please see a shul volunteer or staff for the access code. SHAAR HACHADASH: Ages: 2–5 This is a drop-off program that includes free play with a wide variety of preschool toys, books, and games, story time, as well as snack. 32 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 youth programs shaarei shomayim: where kids matter SHAAR YAFO: GRADES 1 & 2 This program involves a mix of davening and play. Children move among three activities: tefilla (prayer), tochnit (fun activity), and parsha (learning activity relating to the weekly Torah portion). SHAAR ARYEH: GRADES 3–5 This program involves a mix of davening and fun. Children move among three activities: tefilla (prayer), tochnit (fun activity), and parsha (learning activity relating to the weekly Torah portion). We focus on davening skills, fun activities, and conversations on the Torah and its values. TEEN MINYAN: GRADES 6-12 Our Teen Minyan, under the leadership of Koby Spiegel, meets throughout the year on Shabbat mornings. On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, however, our teens daven with their parents and lead our youth groups. This is much more than a minyan: teen-run shabbatons, Friday night tisches, kumzitz in the sukkah, Shavuot night learning, shiurim at the Rabbi’s home, and much more. AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS Shaarei Shomayim offers youth programming after school two nights a week for an additional charge. For more information please call the office at 416-789-3213. MONKEYNASTIX Ages 2-4 and 5-7 – A fun and challenging non-competitive fitness movement education program which helps children develop confidence and positive self-image. CHAMELEA Ages 4-7 - Chamelea Center After School Programs offer children a chance to become a scientist, artist and explorer. ART WITH TANYA Ages 4-7 – Allows for children to experiment with self-expression through art. Sportball Ages 4-7 – Focuses on building developmentally appropriate skills through non-competitive sports, games and activities. 33 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM youth programs shaarei shomayim: where kids matter PARENT-CHILD LEARNING Join us this year for our parent-child learning program. Each session is an hour and includes time for parents to study with their child/ren, a short overview of the learning, and pizza, pop, Parsha questions and prizes for all. Parent-Child learning is the perfect way to welcome the new week with your family. We look forward to seeing you there. The schedule for 2015-2016 is: Nov 7 – 6:30pm Jan 9 – 6:30pm Nov 14 – 6:30pm Jan 14 – 6:30pm Nov 21 – 6:30pm Jan 24 – 6:30pm Melaveh Malkah / Tu B’Shvat Seder Nov 28 – 6:30pm Jan 30 – 7:00pm Dec 5 – 6:30pm Feb 6 – 7:00pm Dec 19 – 6:30pm Feb 15 – 7:00pm Additionally, Shaarei Shomayim hosts the popular MiNer L’Ner program, a Chanukah Havdalah with celebration with the residents and staff of Baycrest, featuring the a musical program, family arts and crafts, and cookie decorating. This year’s program will take place at the shul on December 12, 2015. BAR / BAT MITZVAH PROGRAMS Coming of age and entering into the Jewish faith as an adult is an exciting milestone for Jewish youth and their families. At Shaarei Shomayim, we tailor the Bar / Bat Mitzvah experience to meet the abilities and needs of each young person and his / her family. Please schedule an appointment with Rabbi Strauchler approximately 12 months before your celebration. He will discuss options for your family and will develop a plan to meet your needs. Shaarei Shomayim offers wonderful group programs for boys and girls prior to their Bar / Bat Mitzvah. These programs begin in November; members and non-members are welcome to participate. 34 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 youth programs shaarei shomayim: where kids matter BAR MITZVAH PROGRAM: Shaarei Shomayim will be starting a new Bar Mitzvah Program in the fall. Young men will have an opportunity to study with Rabbi Cheses on a regular basis. They will discuss ideas and values that matter to them and establish a closer relationship with their shul community. This program is intended as a supplement to a young man’s individual preparation for his Bar Mitzvah. Please contact Rabbi Noah Cheses for more information. BAT MITZVAH PROGRAM: Coordinated by Avital Strauchler, Shaarei Shomayim’s Bat Mitzvah Program is designed to prepare girls for their Bat Mitzvah, providing them with time and inspiration to delve into the study and practice of Torah and mitzvot as they grow into young women members and leaders of our community. They prepare for their own Bat Mitzvah by learning about relevant topics in Tanach, halacha and Jewish philosophy during enjoyable evenings together. Please contact Avital Strauchler for more information. 35 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM 36 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 SIMCHAHS / CELEBRATIONS shaarei shomayim: where simchas matter MAZAL TOV! Shaarei Shomayim is the place to have your simcha, big or small. We have rooms of all sizes to cater to your needs. Whether you are a long time member of our Shul, new member, or a not yet member, our facilities are available to all for renting. Weddings, Bar / Bat Mitzvot, Baby Namings, Britot, Special Birthdays, or for an intimate family gathering, Shaarei Shomayim would love to host your simcha! CapacityCost Members: Up to 400 people Starting from: $300 Non-Members: Up to 400 people Starting from: $450 LIFE CYCLE EVENTS Life cycle events are a large part of Jewish communal life and often revolve around the shul. Please turn to the shul for both religious practice and celebratory events. Whether you are celebrating a birth, bar / bat mitzvah, wedding, or mourning the loss of a loved one, our shul has the people, resources and information to guide and support you. Please contact Rabbi Strauchler for any guidance during these times at 416-789-3213 ext 201 or by email at [email protected] 37 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM 38 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 a helping hand shaarei shomayim: where you matter SHABBAT AND HOLIDAY MEALS If you do not have a place to go for a holiday or Shabbat meal, please let us know. There are many families who would be happy to welcome guests into their home. Please identify yourself to the Rabbi at the end of the service, and he will happily facilitate this introduction. WALKING TO SHUL For senior members who find the walk to shul daunting, or who just want a little company, please call Nicole Toledano, our Executive Director at 416-789-3213 ext 209 before Shabbat or Yom Tov. Nicole will be happy to arrange for one of our volunteer members to accompany you. RABBI STRAUCHLER’S CHESSED HOTLINE If you, or someone you know, could use a hand, our Rabbi wants to know! We are a big shul and sometimes it is hard to hear news in a timely manner. Please email him at RabbiStrauchler@ shomayim.org. The Rabbi handles any news of a sensitive or personal nature and when appropriate, he liaises with the Chessed Committee, which provides additional support, helping with meals, hospital or shiva visits or just a call to say hello. Please email us with news of births, deaths, or the sick at [email protected]. 39 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM GENERAL INFORMATION shaarei shomayim: where YOU matter SECURITY Security guards are on duty every Shabbat and holiday. During High Holidays, officers from Toronto Police Services are hired as well. If one witnesses anything that could endanger the congregation, it is vitally important to inform the guards so that they can address the situation. If you see something, say something. CLOAKROOMS The main cloakroom is in the main level lobby. Individuals manning this room will provide you with a ticket upon receipt of your belongings. The lower level has two areas for you to hang up your own coats or leave small bags. FIRST AID The shul has a first aid kit on hand, as well as oxygen and a defibrillator. In case of emergency, please identify yourself to someone in the cloakroom or to an usher, and they will notify the appropriate people to assist you. WHEELCHAIR ACCESS The shul is wheelchair accessible. An elevator that accesses all three levels is located at the north end of the building. The elevator will be on Shabbat mode during Shabbat and holidays and will stop automatically at each floor for two and half minutes. WASHROOMS Women and men’s washrooms can be found on both levels. The main level washrooms are wheelchair accessible and have been equipped with baby change tables. On the lower level, a wheelchair accessible washroom is located off the lobby across from the lower level social hall. Baby change tables are provided in both the women’s and men’s washroom in the youth wing. Please note that these washrooms are not accessible during school hours. NURSING ROOM Women wishing to have a quiet and private place to nurse are welcome to use the Nursing Room. This is located on the Lower Level north of the Beit Midrash, off the east corridor. There is access to a private washroom off the Nursing Room. 40 WELCOME GUIDE 2015 / 5776 GENERAL INFORMATION shaarei shomayim: where YOU matter SIDDURIM (PRAYER BOOKS) SHABBAT During a regular Shabbat, our shul provides prayer books either at your seat or in the entryway to each service. We stock three different prayer books. Each prayer book contains the text of the service in Hebrew and in English. Please ask the person sitting next to you for help in finding the correct page. Page numbers are announced from the Artscroll Siddur and the Birnbaum Prayer Book for Sabbath and Festivals. We also have available the new Koren Sacks Siddur. We stock two different Chumashim (Hebrew Bibles) from which we announce page numbers. They are the Artscroll Stone Chumash and the Hertz Chumash. HIGH HOLIDAYS On the high holidays, members and guests are reminded to bring their own prayer book (machzor). Should you not have a machzor for the holidays, a select number of additional books will be kept at the welcome desk inside the main doors to the shul. WWW.SHOMAYIM.ORG Our website is the ultimate resource for all information relating to Shaarei Shomayim as well as an efficient way to find and register for events and make donations. Don’t miss weekly updates from Rabbi Strauchler in the Torah for Your Life emails. Find us on Facebook at: facebook.com/shaareishomayim OFFICE HOURS The Synagogue office hours are as follows: Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm Friday (and erev yom tov): 9:00am - 2:00pm Contact us at 416-789-3213 or [email protected]. You can find a copy of this Guide online in the Shul Publications section at SHOMAYIM.ORG 41 SHAAREI SHOMAYIM SHAAREI SHOMAYIM FLOOR PLANS 42 WELCOME GUIDE 43 2015 / 5776 W here I t A l l M atters 470 glencairn avenue | toronto on m5n 1v8 | 416.789.3213 www.shomayim.org