the whippet news - American Whippet Club
the whippet news - American Whippet Club
THE WHIPPET NEWS THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN WHIPPET CLUB AWC OFFICERS President.... ............................................Russell McFadden 505-753-6782 Vice President.... ...................................Connie Brunkow, 217-431-8972 Treasurer... ............................................ .David Samuelson 651-454-4174 Secretary .........................................................Cindy Scott, 719-594-9974 ................................. 3655 Cragwood Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Board of Directors: Class of 2010: ....... ...Christine Hopperstad, Donna Lynch, Patience Renzulli, David Samuelson Class of 2011……….Lisa Costello, Carolyn Mountan, Cindy Scott Class of 2012: …….Connie Brunkow, Russ McFadden, Kay Nierengarten AKC DELEGATE.… ............................ …..Donna Lynch 508-636-0705 ASFA DELEGATE:…………………………... CJ Foxx 303-424-5144 AWC COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Archives ......................................................... Bo Bengtson 805-646-3151 Health................. Drs. Connie Austin, Connie Brunkow, Lisa Costello Futurity .......................................................... Kathy Slater 618-585-4677 Judge’s Education .......................................... Mary Dukes, 704-843-7195 Membership .......................................... Kay Nierengarten 218-729-8003 Parade of Honors ............................ Alice VandenBussche 315-945-2672 Performance Events ............................... Dr. Lisa Costello 815-695-1930 ROM Program ............................................ Donna Lynch 508-636-0705 Show ................................................................Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 Top Twenty ........................................... Linda Waggoner, 541-347-2171 Versatility ..................................................John Heffernan 413-369-4399 INDEPENDENT WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS: Whippet Health Foundation ............... Mary Beth Arthur 414-355-4776 Whippet Rescue, WRAP ............ Dr. Barbara Henderson, 301-490-6598 Applications for AWC membership may be obtained either on request from Membership Chair Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN 55779, or emailed to [email protected] AWC website: Breeder Referrals: Mary Downing [email protected] AUGUST 2009 APPLICATIONS FOR AWC MEMBERSHIP Heather Badgett, 330 Olive Ave, Woodburn, OR 97071 503-982-5630 [email protected] Endorsers: Debi Adams, Ron Waggoner COMMENTS regarding applicants may be sent to Membership Chair: Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN 55779 or emailed to [email protected] WELCOME TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Sharon McCormack, Southhampton, New York; Marina Slepneva, Russia WELCOME BACK: Jan Busch, Oro Valley, Arizona; Lorna Finlayson, Durham, Connecticut; Rob Studley, Yemassee, South Carolina LAST ISSUE, TIME TO RENEW: Diane Barr, Cathryn Day; Virginia Hopkins; Cynthia Hubbard, Candace Huzel, Deborah Knutson, Monroe Kornfeld, Sanna Koski, Wendy Montroy, Kristi Osterloo, THE WHIPPET NEWS Newsletter Editor ...................Christine Hopperstad, 130 34th Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98112 phone & fax 206-322-5872, [email protected] Assoc. Editor ……….Kirsten Hopperstad, [email protected] Assoc. Editor ....................................................Pat Dresser 330-239-1829 Annual Editor ............................ Wendy Clark, 5088 Breckenhurst Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026 614-777-0124 [email protected] One year subscription rate for monthly newsletter & annual: online only $25.00, print $45; foreign online only $25, print $60 Advertising (on a space available basis): Full page, one photo -- $50.00, each additional photo $10.00 Full page, camera ready -- $40.00 (printed on standard copier paper, photos scanned onto page, no paste-ups; or emailed) Text only, no photos: Full page -- $35.00, Half page -- $25.00 Photographs should be originals and will be returned. Pedigrees must be typed in standard pedigree format. DEADLINE — The first day of the month for that month’s issue. THE WHIPPET NEWS ANNUAL Current issue: 2008. Back issues available for 1986-2007 (except 1987 & 1990 through 1992). Cost is $25.00 each ($30.00 foreign), which includes shipping; all funds must be U.S. dollars, payable by check or money order to Whippet Annual. Send to ANNUAL EDITOR Wendy Clark (address above). The American Whippet Club and The Whippet News take no responsibility for statements or claims made in the letters to the editor or advertisements that appear in its publications. Dear Readers, This issue features an article by Susan Mallonee about her dock diving Whippet Kody, including pictures, all of which amazes me. To my mind Whippets just aren’t constructed properly to take flying leaps into water, but obviously nobody told Kody and his relatives that. — I’ve added a drawing of two Whippets just to the side here, it was done by Gene Jacobs and I’ve always found his simple line drawings of Whippets amongst the very best. National Show Chair Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 [email protected] Eastern Harriett Lee 434-295-4525 [email protected] Midwest Pat Richey 330-735-2486 [email protected] N. Central David Samuelson 651-454-4174 [email protected] South Central Nancy Billups 806-381-0601 [email protected] Southern David Howton 770-345-2120 [email protected] Western Pam Magette, 562-598-8717 [email protected] AWC SHOW CALENDAR AWC 2010 National Specialty, Tucson AZ AWC North Central Specialty, Friday August 21, Lake Elmo, MN; Breed: Iva Kimmelman (Merci Isle), Sweeps: Angie Diehl (Nysa Hill). Saturday, August 22, St. Croix Valley KC, Breed: Donna Lynch (Hamrya), Sweeps: Nancy Billups (Cloud Nine). Sunday, August 23rd, Breed: Lee Canalizo. Super: Onofrio AWC Southern Specialty Saturday, September 19, 2009 Atlanta KC Sweeps: Debbie Davenport (Kamada), Breed: Dana Cline; Sunday, September 20 Newnan KC, Breed: David Samuelson, (Dashing) AWC Support: November 21st, Windham County KC in W. Springfield, MASS. Sweeps, Puppy and Veteran: Mary Downing (Whimsy) Regular classes: Helen Brettell (Lost Creek). We will have great trophies, due to the contributions of so many generous friends of our breed. All donations will be listed in the Premium list and Catalog. Judge the day prior: Donna Lynch (Hamrya) Judge the day after: Rachel Gongre OTHER WHIPPET EVENTS MAWA Specialty Thursday, September 17, 2009 Sweeps: Robin Barry (Hound Hollow), Breed: Donna Lynch (Hamrya); Friday, September 18, Douglasville KC; Judge: Judy Park (Collairine) AWC Board of Directors President Russ McFadden...505-753-6782 [email protected] Vice President Connie Brunkow...217-431-8972 [email protected] Secretary Cindy Scott…719-594-9974 [email protected] Treasurer David Samuelson...651-454-4174 [email protected] Lisa Costello...815-695-1930 [email protected] Christine Hopperstad...206-322-5872 [email protected] Donna Lynch...508-636-0705 [email protected] Kay Nierengarten…218-729-8003 [email protected] Patience Renzulli...270-575-9753 [email protected] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A few days ago I celebrated the passing of another year and I guess that’s put me in a rather reflective mood. I’m finding it hard to believe that in just a few short days it will be the 36th anniversary of the day I got my first Whippet. I never imagined at that time how the simple act of bringing that puppy home would change the entire course of my life ever after. Gemini didn’t turn out to be a show dog, but it was because of living with him and working with him and showing him in obedience that I became more and more interested in this wonderful, amazing breed that we all enjoy so much. I have over the course of the years since that fateful day in September 1973, had the opportunity to meet and know and work with some truly amazing people. (I’ve also had the misfortune of meeting some truly despicable people but, as we all know, all walks of life attract all kinds of people.) I’ve known mentors without whose generous sharing of their knowledge I wouldn’t be able to make even the small claims of success that I am able to make today as either a Whippet breeder or a dog show judge. Some of these people I am in daily or at least weekly or monthly contact, some are no longer with us and I miss them and think of them often, and still others I’ve, unfortunately, let fade from my life because our interests grew in different directions. I often think of them and remind myself that I need to somehow reconnect with them although, sadly, I rarely, if ever, make that effort. However, the impact they have all made on my life – whether great or small – will be something that will be with me forever. I only hope that in some small way I’ve been able to make the same positive impact on the lives of those who I have in some way touched. The summer show season is half over but there are still some great Whippet venues coming up. If you are traveling to any of them, please be safe, have fun, and share something of yourself with someone you know and care about or even better someone you don’t know – a person new to Whippets or dog shows in general. The rewards for making that effort might last a lifetime. Regards, Russell SHOW CHAIR REPORT Regional Specialties I haven’t been able to attend any of the specialties this year due to my husband’s accident, but I keep getting great reviews from those who have attended. The Western, in the capable hands of new chair Pam Magette, had a HUGE raffle this year that netted a nice booty and everyone tells me it went off without a hitch. The Midwest was very successful but still having some parking problems with the all breed club. Hopefully, Pat Richey can get that straightened out. The South Central, also with a new chair Nancy Billups, got great reviews from exhibitors and next month I can report on the North Central in Minnesota. Don’t forget about the Southern in Atlanta in September and the great lineup of 4 shows catering to Whippets—two specialties and two supported entries. 2011 NATIONAL JUDGE BALLOT In the next couple of weeks all AWC members will be receiving a ballot to select the 2011 National which will be held in Lexington, KY. Please take the time to pick judges that you think should judge an AWC National specialty. In the same mailing will be two important issues to vote on regarding the Futurity. One is the issue of the timing of CERF testing and the second addresses the age when CERF testing is necessary. This is your club and the membership makes these important decisions. Thanks, Cindy NOTES FROM THE WESTERN Now that I’ve regained my strength, I can take a moment to reflect on my inaugural adventure as Show Chairman for the AWC Western, held in Lompoc, California on Friday, July 24, 2009. As promised, we had wonderful weather, and I was delighted that our entry held up to past years despite the flagging economy. So, a huge THANK YOU to all the exhibitors who made the trek to Lompoc, and to all of our donors who made it possible for the beautiful array of trophies presented to this year’s winners. I assure you that, from greeting the sunrise with Deann Christianson to wrapping up the day with Henry Heil and Russ Vernon, the presentation of a successful Specialty definitely takes a village! I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had the benefit of seasoned Specialty pros to lead me on this journey. I would like to thank my Show Committee — Decorations: Christy Nelson and Isabell Stoffers; Hospitality: Henry Heil, Russ & Sue Vernon and, especially, Trophy Chairman Extraordinaire, Deann Christianson for her amazing organization, trophy selection and irrefutable powers of persuasion. In addition, my great appreciation goes to Cindy Scott for her encouragement and support, and to Dianne Bowen for so graciously handing over the reins. Kudos also to our judges: Harriett Nash Lee and David Powers. I so appreciated their great attitude and genuine excitement at their judging assignments. I enjoyed sharing a pre-show dinner with them and having the opportunity to get to know them as lovely individuals and committed judges. And, our ring ran like a top thanks to Ring Steward, Janice Pardue. I think I can safely say that everyone enjoyed our very wonderful silent auction, with more than 40 Whippety items ranging from bronze statuary to art and jewelry. I owe a great debt of gratitude to the auction donors, in particular my Whippet partner-in-crime and mentor, Daniel Lockhart, who literally emptied his “vault” for the event. Other great items were donated by Kim Tucker, Cindy Scott, Bo Bengtson, Ric Metts, Dara Loeper, Marritta McMillian, Lois Magette, Debbie Boyle, Hilda Spain-Owen and PoshPawz. A big THANK YOU to Debbie Boyle, her sister Jan and my mother, Lois Magette, for so expertly displaying the items and so deftly collecting the money!! Our day’s events wrapped up with a lovely hospitality spread organized and presented by Henry Heil and Russ & Sue Vernon. (Thanks Ra- chel for sharing Henry.) And, to top everything off, all Western Sighthound Combined Specialties exhibitors were treated to dessert courtesy of Dawne Deeley & Fran Reisman of The Sighthound Magazine. All in all, it was a great start and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at the Western next year!! Pamela Magette Show Chairman AWC WESTERN REGIONAL SPECIALTY 2009 SWEEPSTAKES CRITIQUE Judge David Powers It was cold! It was wet! My first class of 6-9 puppy dogs was not happy. They looked like circus ponies in Whippet drag. Fortunately, they decided after a full circle around the ring that they would not die if they moved naturally and my job was made a lot easier. The overall quality was quite good with a few notable exceptions. I felt that fronts, in general, seemed much improved over what I have seen in the recent past; however, this may be due to hands on rather than ringside judging. Layback on the whole was adequate and short upper arms did not seem to be a great problem. Along with this, I was pleased to see adequate forechest overall. When I judge Whippets around the world, I have found extremely straight fronts with the resultant gothic arches and restricted movement. Some of the points which I would like to see improved are what I consider “type” characteristics: small eyes, large ears, weak muzzles, short necks lacking arch and incorrect toplines. None of these factors were predominant in the dogs that I judged but should definitely be considered when evaluating one’s breeding program. It was very pleasing to me to discover that three of my favorite choices were litter mates: Cottonwood Melts like Butter of Chelsea (Best in Sweepstakes), Coreymore Smoothoperator of Chelsea (2nd to the preceding in 12-18 month dogs) and Cottonwood Buttercream of Chelsea (BOS in Sweepstakes). All three of them come close to my “picture of perfection”. One other dog that I should like to mention specifically is Counterpoint Painted by Bohem, This nine month old dog was without a doubt the best mover of the day. Both from the side and coming and going, he was close to perfection in movement. The Whippet News August 2009 | 3 AWC WESTERN REGIONAL SPECIALTY 2009 CRITIQUE—Regular Classes Judge Harriett Nash Lee I would like to thank the AWC Western Region members for the honor of judging your 2009 Specialty. I had been anticipating this assignment since 2007 and it more than fulfilled my expectations! Thanks to Pam Magette, Show Chairman for her care and hospitality and my Ring Steward, Janice Pardue. First a few general comments. Good Sportsmanship was much in evidence and appreciated. I felt the quality of the entry was very good especially in the Bitch Classes. I had not been to this region in about 10 years and was pleased to see dogs with beautiful outlines, better toplines and symmetry. Overall the movement was very good. My only suggestions would be to pay better attention to your dogs teeth - judges like to see pearly whites, and if you are cutting nails the day of a show, take down the rough edges. As is every Judge's nightmare when doing a critique, I had a tape recorder malfunction (I am sure it was a "handler error"). So my Dog class Critique is spotty as it is from memory - my apologies. 6 MONTH TO 9 MONTH PUPPY DOG 1. ENDEAVOR'S PRIVATEACCOUNTATNYSAHILL Breeder: L. Stewart, A. Diehl & D. Sumara. Owner: L. Stewart White/Red Br. This was a lovely puppy with correct shoulders, nice underline and topline, strong rear and a good mover. 2. ADAGIO JILZAN WHIPPED BY 6 SISTERS Breeder: L & K Johnson & J. Baum. Owner: D & G Alridge 3. ENDEAVOR'S CENTER STAGE AT MEISTERH. Breeder: R & R Keller & L. Stewart Owner: K. Bicknell & L. Stewart 4. OXFORD SUNBEAM AS GOOD AS IT GETS. Breeder D. Bowen & L. Lawrence. 9 MONTH TO 12 MONTH PUPPY DOG 1. COUNTERPOINT PAINTED BY BOHEM. Breeder: J. Ross & T. Taphorn. Owner: J. Mazer & B. Bengtson. Dark Br/White with lovely topline and underline. Correct shoulder placement with nice layback. Good mover and already quite a showman. - BEST PUPPY 2. WINWAY PORTFOLIO OF SPORTING FIELDS. Breeder: S. Fosnot, V. Atkinson & D. Butt. Owner: D. Harvey & M.A. Peers. White/ Fwn Br. Head markings 3. BOHEM JUBILEE WHAT DREAMS MAY COME Breeder: B. Bengtson, C. & A. Gredys. Owner: C & A. Gredys Brindle/with White markings 4. ELIDAS GLAD OVER ALL. Breeder: J. Judeen & S. Vernon. Owner: K. Santana & S. Juden RedBr/W markings 4 | The Whippe t News august 2009 12 MONTH TO 18 MONTH DOG 1. COREYMORE SMOOTH OPERATOR OF CHELSEA. Breeder: S. Carbajal, H. Vincent & D. Christianson. Owner: K. Newell & S. Carbajal. White/Red. Nice outline, pretty front fill. Nice mover. 2. SAYS YOU DE SUD. Breeder: K. Armato & K. Nierengarten. Owner: A. Meyer & K. Armato. White/Br. markings 3. NYSA HILL THE ART OF HAPPINESS. Breeder: A. Diehl Owner: K Wilkenson & A. Diehl. 4. ELAIN-WARD'S MYSTIC Breeder: T. Pasky & J Konwent. Owner: C & R Bailey and J. Konwent BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG 1. TALIESIN MOONSTRUCK. Breeder: J Kilgore & L. DeMille. Owner: L. DeMille. Br./W with good substance and well put together. Nice shoulders and outline. Clean coming and going. Very business-like in the ring not flashy but does his job. RESERVE WINNERS DOG 2. RUNNERS COMMANDER IN CHIEF Breeder: C. Nelson & I Stoffers. Owner: C. Nelson, I Stoffers & C. Gore. Fawn dog well up in size. Nice outline and good mover. 3. MILESCROSS CHAMPLEVE, SC Breeder/Owner: G. Borstel Br/W AMERICAN BRED DOG 1. MAVERICK MOONSHINE FOR TANGENS OF G. Breeder: R. Amado & E. Engvall Owner: W. Gay. Fawn Br. Nice substance, Well balanced and moved well. OPEN DOG 1. COTTONWOOD MELTS LIKE BUTTER OF CHELSEA. Breeder: S. Carbajal, H. Vincent, D Christianson. Owner: J. Ashley-Fennell. R/W elegant dog with lovely outline, correct shoulder placement and proportions, strong rear. Very nice mover. He showed to the max - asking to be looked at. I see that his brother won his class and his sister was 2nd in her class. Though he was pushed hard by all the dogs in for Winners, I was pleased to make him WINNERS DOG 2. SPORTING FIELDS BACCARAT. Breeder: A. Giles, D. Butt, D. Black. Owner: S. Leroy, A. and Breeders. Black/ White trim. A dog with plenty of substance, nice topline and underline, attractive head, expression and neck. Covered ground well and in fit condition. 3. SONG SUNG BLUE GOLDDUST. Breeder R. Vanhaeren. Owner: M. Slepneva. Pretty R/W dog with pleasing outline. Very pretty head and expression, more in the style of the 1st place dog. Unsettled when moving. 4. KAMIO'S CUT ABOVE THE REST, SC. Breeder S. & L Balkam. Owner: J. Goodman. 6 MONTH TO 9 MONTH PUPPY BITCH 1. NYSA HILL CAPRICIOUS ENDEAVOR OF M. Breeder: L. Stewart, A. Kiehl, D. Sumara Owner: R. Amato, H. Heil & A. Diehl. RBr/W Very feminine girl , good mover with nice layback of shoulder and good upper arm. Balanced and showing well. 2. OXFORD SUNBEAM IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT. Breeder D. Bowen & D Jacobsen. Owner: N. & K. Billups, D. Bowen, L. Lawrence. FawnBR with more substance than #1 Pretty outline and moving well. See that her brother was 4th in his class 3. ZAFARA DESTINY'S CHILD OF BRUSHWOOD. Breeder/Owner: R. Keller , R Yurick, M. Clevenger 4. ADAGIO JILZAN SUNDAY COWGIRL. Breeder/ Owner: L Johnson & J. Baum 9 MONTH TO 12 MONTH PUPPY BITCH 1. SNOW HILL WEATHERED SOUL. Breeder: S. Hughes Owner: K. Churchill & S. Hughes W/F beautiful shape and head. Up to size for her age. Would like less ear though she has beautiful expression. Good mover. 2. ENDEAVOR'S SPELLBOUND AT TALIESIN. Breeder Dr. T. Bankstahl & L. Stewart. Owner: L. DeMille and Breeders. FBr/W shorter cast than #1. It was a difficult decision as they were pretty equal in my eyes. She showed better but #1 beat her out moving. 3. ELIDAS SUMMIT HERE COMES THE SUN. Breeder S. Juden & S. Vernon. Owner: S. Juden & B Grundl. W/R not very ring wise though pretty when standing. A bit of a black mask which gives her a harder expression than the first two. 4. TANGENS MY FAIR LADY. Breeder M. Magno & E. Engvall. Owner: E. Engvall. BlackBr. Very curvy but not sure of herself on the day. 12 TO 18 MONTH BITCHES - A STRONG CLASS 1. CHARLAMAR SASHAYS IN WHITE LINEN Breeder: C. Lee & D. Bowen. Owner: B. Bengtson & C. Lee. Cream/Fawn . Beautiful type, clean outline and nicely balanced. Pretty head and expression, nice layback of shoulder with proper return of upper arm allowing for her effortless movement. I would take her home in a heartbeat. RESERBVE WINNERS BITCH 2. COTTONWOOD BUTTERCREAM OF CHELSEA. Breeder: S. Carbajal, H. Vincent & D. Christianson. Owner: S. Simmons & D. Allen. W/F. Similar in type to #1 with exquisite head and lovely body. I preferred this headpiece but #1 beat her out on movement. I see she is a litter mate to WD. 3. COVE CREEK MONTEREY MOMENTS. Breeder/ Owner: Dennis Seiler. W/RBR Compact bitch of a different cast than 1 & 2. Beautiful type and lovely mover. 4. ELAIN-WARD'S CLAIRVOYANT. Breeder: T. Pasky & J. Konwent. Owner: C & R Bailey J. Konwent. R. with beautiful head and scope of body. Very nice mover. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH 1. COVE CREEK MOONLIGHT TANGO. Breeder D. Seiler Owner: K Cosgrove & D. Seiler FBr/W This bitch caught my eye when she first came into the ring. She is a beautiful size, has a lovely head with a melting expression. Good shoulder layback and angle of upper arm, correct topline and underline with a strong rear. She is a complete package and moved beautifully around the ring. I would not change anything about her. Another one I wanted to kidnap! I was pleased to make her my WINNERS BITCH and BEST OF WINNERS. 2. SUMMIT IRONWOOD CREME BRULEE. Breeder:/ Owner: S. Vernon & J McEachern. W/F markings. A little more to her in size than #1 but also a nice mover. Unlucky to meet #1 today. 3. BRUSHWOOD DRAMA AT SAXON SHORE. Breeder: D. Sumara, L. Stewart, D. Lockhart & R. Yurik. Owner: D. Boyle, D. Lockhart, D. Sumara. Br/W Lovely outline, beautiful head, unfortunate marking over topline. Had nice side gait but her rear let her down on the down and back. 4. MAVERICK LIGHTNING IN A BOTTLE. Breeder:/ Owner.:R. Amato & H, Heil. Fawn Much the same size as #1. Attractive headpiece. Lovely mover though a bit wide in front -quality bitch AMERICAN BRED BITCH 1. TANGENS BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY. Breeder: M. Magno & E. Engvall. Owner: E. Engvall DarkBr. Quite curvy girl which makes for a pretty outline. 2. ADAGIO JILZAN SUNDAY SONNET. Breeder:/Owner: L & K Johnson, J Baum. R/W young bitch with unfortunate ear injury which didn't effect her placement. She is a bit flat in topline today hopefully due to her age. OPEN BITCH 1. SUMMIT UPTOWN GIRL AT CORLIZA. Breeder: S. & R. Vernon Owner: E. Lyon & S. Vernon W/RBR. Beautiful outline, not extreme anywhere. Very nice mover, nice shoulders. She was very steady, pretty head and expression. She used everything she had. 2. CHELSEA CHAMISAL Breeder/Owner: D. Christianson & J . Melton. Pretty standing and on the go around. Not as clean in the rear and I would have preferred a smaller ear 3. ELIDAS A DREAM IS A WISH. Breeder: S. Juden Owner: L & J Casper and S. Juden R/W Beautiful outline and head. Nice mover, less of her than 1 & 2. 4. AVITA COUP DE FOUDRE, JC Breeder: C. & J Boyer Owner: E.Uyehara, R Kunkel C.Boyer F/W. Pretty side movement. Nice type but comes at you wide. COURSING DOG 1. GRAND PRIX'S VAREKAI, FCH, SC. Breeder W. Gay Owner: C & R Pope . RBR/W dog nice outline standing, moves well and is in lovely condition. VETERAN DOG 7 YEARS AND UNDER 10 YEARS 1. CH HEADLINER HE GOT GAME, CD, JH. Breeder: S. Simmons, K. Thomas & L Vasquez Owner: L. Vasquez & The Whippet News August 2009 | 5 K. Britt. R/W . A. Beautiful dog, in lovely condition, moved well and seemed to enjoy himself back in the ring. VETERAN DOG 10 YEARS AND UNDER 12 YEARS. 1. CH ONYXX SILENCE IS GOLDEN. Breeder: W. & L Weller. Owner: D O'Toole & L Weller F/W with great substance and in beautiful condition. Absolutely not showing his age and can move with the best of them. Georgous front assembly. VETERAN BITCH 7 YEARS AND UNDER 10 YEARS 1. CH CHELSEA MELT EVERYONE. Breeder: L & D Christianson & K. Armato. Owner: L. & D Christianson. R/W bitch who definitely likes her food though she is not really fat! She is in lovely condition, beautiful shoulder and has not lost a thing in the movement department. Seemed to be enjoying her day in the ring. 2. CH RED CLOUD SAND N ONYXX. Breeder: R & B Nyby. Owner: L & B Weller FBR/W Beautiful shape, sweeping outline. Lovely face with white eyelashes. Nice front assembly and she too can still move. BEST OF BREED - This was a LOVELY ring full of dogs! BOB - CH BRUSHWOOD'S MOXI OF ENDEAVOR. Breeder: D. Sumara, L. Stewart, R. Yurik Owner: A. Diehl, D. Sumara and L. Stewart. BR/W Absolutely exquisite. Georgous outline with superb movement at just the right speed. Her front assembly and strong rear enable her to show that wonderful "daisy clipping" gait that you always hear about when talking about Whippet movement. She has a lovely head with melting expression and is in beautiful condition. In my opinion she is the epitome of a Whippet. I was thrilled to be able to go over and judge her and pleased to make her my BEST OF BREED BOW - COVE CREEK MOONLIGHT TANGO- See WB. BOS - CH WASATCH CAPRICIOS DREAM OF THE RING. Breeder/Owner: J. Walter FBR/W. Plenty of substance, very clean coming and going and nice side gait. He is not exaggerated anywhere and made the best of his time in the ring. SELECTS 1. CH SPORTING FIELD'S BAHAMA SANDS. Breeder: D. Butt and J. Martin Owner: J. Cooney-Waterhouse, D. Butt. F/W I was anxious to get my hands on this bitch and she didn't disappoint me. Very balanced, lovely head and eye , nice clean shoulders, beautiful mover and quite the show girl. Unfortunate to meet the BOB today. 6 | The Whippe t News august 2009 2. CH ARWEN GLITTERATI OF BOHEM, JC. Breeder: L Donohoe & D. Christianson. Owner: B. Bengtson. Br/W Quality bitch. Beautiful outline and type. Very good mover 3. CH STARLINES VERSACE AT OXFORD. Breeder/ Owner: D. Bowen, L. & C. Lawrence FBR/W. Nice size dog with pretty head and neck. Nice body and good mover. 4. CH STARLINE'S CHANEL. Breeder/Owner: L. & C. Lawrence. FBR Elegant bitch, nice outline and head. Good mover. 5. CH SILVERHILL SUNSET LIMITED. Breeder: J. Kay & Dr. B Williams Owner: L. Krokover & Breeders. W/FBR Very pretty dog well up to size , nice outline - both topline and underline. 6. CH ONYXX SILENCE IS GOLDEN. ( See above) This Veteran does not show his age at all and can move with the best of them. STUD DOG 1. STARLINE SOVERIGN Breeder: L Lawrence & L. Stewart. Owner: M. Citrin & L Lawrence FBR/W Nice outline, plenty of substance, gorgeous expression. Had FBr puppies with him that are nice also with pretty outlines. BROOD BITCH 1. CH CHELSEA MELT EVERYONE, JC. (see above) Has two lovely R/W puppies with her - one being WD. The three made a nice picture together. BRACE 1. GRAND PRIX'S SKIP AWAY/TANGENS BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY This was a FBR brace that matched well and behaved nicely. 2. TANGENS MY FAIR LADY/MAVERICK MOONSHINE FOR TANGENS OF G. This was a BR brace, evenly matched in size and color but not moving as well together as #1. ( I have figured out that these dogs were mixed up in the catalogue. The Tangens go together.) Third Time’s a Charm!! MBIS, MBISS, 2NSBIS Am. Can. Ch. Brushwood’s Moxi of Endeavor wins the AWC Western Specialty for the third time, retiring the coveted challenge trophies: The Ch. Stoney Meadows Royal Fortune memorial trophy offered by Mr. & Mrs. H. G. Frailey, TERRACE HILL and The Ch. Runners’ He’s The Continental, ROMX Memorial Challenge Trophy offered by Isabell Stoffers, RUNNERS. MANY thanks to Breeder/Judge Mrs. Harriett Nash Lee (Winsmith) for this incredible specialty win. Once again, Moxi took her good friend Daniel Lockhart (Saxon Shore) for this spin around the ring. Thank you, Daniel!!! Moxi officially entered the Veteran ranks three weeks following her record-tying win at Lompoc. Happy Birthday Moxi! Ow n er s Linda stewart, endeavor | Angie Diehl, nysa Hill | Dr. Dennis sumara, Brushwood words fail when beauty speaks. multiple best in show, multiple specialty best in show, ch. starlines C CHANEL best in show cascade hound association Judge: mr. lou Guerrero at only 18 months of age, chanel has earned 2 best in shows, 2 hound best in shows and 3 specialty best in shows appreciated by breeders and hound specialists from around the world, chanel is the #1 whippet all systems and is the #6 hound in her first 6 months of showing. handled by Lori WiLson and BradLey Buttner • owned by Lori & Carey LaWrenCe • ranCho santa Fe, Ca bred by Lori & Carey LaWrenCe and dianne BoWen WRAP Report: 14 in Pennsylvania By Brigitte Greenberg As many of you no doubt know by now, 14 Whippets were admitted to a shelter in Pennsylvania in late July. The Whippets were young and in excellent health, obviously having been well cared for. They included a dam and six four-week-old pups; two three-month-old pups; a male about 1-year-old; and four bitches ranging in age from one to three. The owner had, in fact, at one time volunteered at the Bucks County SPCA and so, when faced with a lifethreatening illness, a job loss, and the possibility of losing her home, turned to an organization that she trusted to find good homes for them. WRAP was notified and offered its services. The shelter was willing to work with WRAP but under its policies, didn't require assistance in housing them. Instead, WRAP volunteers were directed to refer their wait-listed applicants to the shelter for adoptions directly from the SPCA. WRAP volunteers visited the facility and reported finding that the shelter was spacious, well-equipped and that the Whippets were being well cared for. Said New Jersey WRAP volunteer Jeff Winton: “If and when my loved ones tire of me or can't afford to keep me any longer, I only hope that they also take me to this shelter.” WRAP President Barbara Henderson cautioned that often times, the initial negotiations with a shelter can be sensitive and require that only one person work with a shelter so that the facility isn't overwhelmed. Henderson expressed some concern that people may make hasty conclusions based on scant information garnered from the Internet. “Please, until all facts are known regarding Whippets that are turned into a shelter or directly to WRAP, I would ask that you wait until all the facts are known before you make remarks that could jeopardize the placement for these Whippets,” said Henderson, who added that she has established a “very good” working relationship with the shelter's executive director. WRAP volunteer Ruth Beall noted that these situations can often be delicate. “If too many people approach the shelter or if we call too often, the shelter ‘shuts down’ and will not talk to anyone about the situation,” Beall said. “WRAP's policy in these situations is to have one person do all the communicating with the shelter until we can determine the situation and what direction we need to take to ensure the safety of the Whippets.” Beall added that WRAP will, at times, on a case by case basis, request help from the Whippet community but not 10 | The Whippe t News august 2009 always through the various e-mail lists. “Some situations are very political or have legal ramifications, and we have to maintain our calm and remain quiet, as much as we would like to talk about them,” Beall said. As of this writing, the shelter had three and in some cases, four applications for each Whippet available, leaving some would-be adopters disappointed not to get one. The shelter was sterilizing the Whippets before placement and was waiting for the pups to be weaned from the mother for them to go to their new homes. The dam and litter were fostered off-site and were being monitored by the shelter management. Dr. Henderson said that although this was a difficult situation, the former owner did what she thought was best for her dogs. “I know this had to have been a heartbreaking decision but one that was done out of love for her Whippets.” Good Karma… Ch Cove Creek’s Moonlight Tango (Ch Abelaim Kodak Moments x Ch Cove Creek’s Spanish Dancer) Congratulations to Karma for finishing her championship in grand style at the AWC Western Specialty. Thank you to breeder/judge Harriett Nash Lee for this thrilling win by awarding her BOW from the BBE class. We also thank Barb Wayne for her assistance. Breeder/Owner: Dennis L. Seiler Owner: Karen D. Cosgrove WHAT WILL THEY BE DOING NEXT?? Ten year old Kody (Amer DC/Can Ch AmberWinds Casanova SC, LCM2, VFCH) was introduced to swimming 6 years ago. An acquaintance of mine hunted Canadian Geese during the cold Colorado winter. During the summer he would swim his Lab in local ponds to keep him in condition. My Whippets, Kody, Snapper (Crestfield Rembrant) & Kanook (Ch. Nasusa Patagonian SC, FCH) and I tagged along. At first the Whippets played at the waters edge and looked for bunnies to chase, but the second time we went, Kody started watching the Lab intently. Before we left that day, Kody had jumped into the pond and taken away the Lab’s bumper. From then on I took along Kody's toy of choice, a soft frisbee. Not long after Kody started jumping in the pond and swimming for the frisbee, Snapper and Kanook followed. During the hot summer, I took my Whippets as often as I could, particularly to one pond close to home that had a 3 foot high, 30 foot long dirt mound along one side. Kody would run up the dirt for me to throw the Frisbee and he would do these spectacular leaps into the air into the pond. It was around that time I saw Dock Dog diving on Animal Planet and thought "Kody could do that." Not too long after, as soon as I turned on the dirt road to the pond, all three Whippets were whining like crazy because the knew they were going to go "Frisbee swimming". It's a family thing too! In January of 2005 Kody and Kanook had a litter of 2 puppies, KJ and Koda, and by the end of the summer both were swimmers. KJ making the leaps off the dirt mound like his dad and Koda doing a real ugly dog paddle. In June of 2008 a litter out of Mira (CH Hamrya's Mandalay Bay SC, FCH) co-bred with Donna Lynch was born. My sister Julia took Peppie from that litter when he was 12 weeks old. At the time Julia lived in Central America and Peppie went to West Bay on the Island of Roatan, Honduras. As my sister and brother Pete enjoyed the warm Caribbean ocean, so did 12 week old Peppie. He ran out into the ocean and spend his time there swimming! When Julia got home to Guatemala, Peppie enjoyed daily swims in the pond on the golf course in her neighborhood. Litter sister Baci, owned by Casey and Rob Pope went to the Western Sighthound Specialties this summer and stayed with friend Wendy Gay who has a beautiful pool in her back yard. Without hesitation, Baci jumped right into Wendy’s pool for a swim once they arrived there. Two brothers who live in Utah, Draco (owned by Liz Campbell) & Khaos (owned by Melissa Egbert) also swim in local ponds. In April, 2009, Kody sired a litter out of CH Hamrya's Ultimate Survivor. One pup Dexter (Chad and Pam Cherry) lives here in Colorado, his sister Twister (Dorothy Lindmier) in Wyoming. Dexter can not be kept out of any stream or pond he finds and Twister loves swimming in the rivers of Northern Wyoming with Kiwi (Kody grandaughter). Sadly on August 20 my first Whippet Snapper passed away. While I was in the vet hospital that day, my wonderful vet Dr. Dianne told my about Dock Diving coming to the Larimer County fair in two weeks. Dock Diving is a competition where dogs run the length of a 40 foot dock and jump into a pool of water and they’re judged on the distance they jump and the dogs love it as much as our Whippets love lure coursing. So Friday evening off we go — me, my sister Julia and boyfriend Pete with four Whippets in tow. We started in a smaller 20 foot diameter, training pool. Now Kody and Kanook hadn't been swimming in 3 years and never in a clean pool, so I wasn't sure about their response. Kody and Kanook jumped in with no hesitation so it was off to the official pool where Kody dazzled the crowd and the snickering Lab folks. On our way out the man running the event stopped me and suggested that we bring Kody back the next day for the competition. Well, we did. We were in the 2nd heat of 11. We got quite the looks from the "pros" & some Lab/Golden folks. Kody got to the end of the dock and stopped. As he crouched to make his first jump, the crowd started calling "Kody, Kody". The ham that he is took a great leap into the air and made an 11 foot jump from a stand still. His second jump was just over 10 feet and he won second place for the first time jumpers. Susan Mallonee AmberWind Sighthounds Kody in his younger days SayS you de Sud (MultiSelect cH. SuNbeAM ReMbRANdt of eNdeAvoR, Jc x Select cH. NoRtHwiNd’S SoJouRN deSud) Nigel is pictured taking WD at the Greater San Diego Whippet Specialty. He accumulated two majors that weekend from the puppy classes. Congratulations to Nigel’s other three brothers, all major pointed. Breeders: Owners: andrea Meyer & Kathy armato Kathy Armato • [email protected] & Kay Nierengarten CANINE BIRTH DEFECT RESEARCH PROJECT Our dogs share our living environment and are therefore susceptible to many of the same diseases that we suffer from. Birth defects are believed to result from interactions between genes and environment. Some of the defects that occur in humans and dogs include: Umbilical hernia – a birth defect in purebred dogs that is surgically correctable if the body wall defect is not too large. However, puppies born with their internal organs pushed outside of the body (Omphalocele or Gastroschisis) are usually euthanized. Cryptorchidism - a common congenital problem seen in male dogs and men where one or both testicles fail to descend which requires surgical intervention to prevent tumor development. Cleft palate - one of the most common human congenital disorders and quite prevalent in certain dog breeds. These three birth defects are of concern to breeders since it is recommended that affected animals be euthanized (cleft palate) or not bred (cryptorchidism or umbilical hernia). In breeds predisposed to one or more of these birth defects, a genetic basis is probable. Genetic analysis should identify the genes involved and enable breeders to select against these defects. Researchers in the Bannasch Laboratory at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California -Davis are undertaking a research project to identify genes and environmental factors that predispose puppies to these birth defects. Specific details for the birth defects and a sample identification sheet follow. Umbilical Hernia Dr. Noa Safra, Dr. Danika Bannasch Umbilical hernia is a birth defect that occurs when the abdominal wall ring through which the umbilical cord passes does not close completely. To identify the genetic factors that contribute to this disorder, samples from affected and unaffected littermates are being collected. We are seeking blood samples from dogs with severe umbilical hernias, those that require surgical intervention, and blood samples from a smooth bellybutton littermate. 18 | The Whippe t News august 2009 Cryptorchidism Dr. Noa Safra, Dr. Danika Bannasch Cryptorchidism is a condition present at eight weeks in which one or both testicles fail to descend into the scrotum. Surgical intervention is required and bilateral castration is highly recommended. To research the genetic cause of this defect, the Bannasch laboratory is collecting blood samples from affected dogs that are identified with cryptorchidism by eight weeks along with samples from normal male littermates. Owner contact information is requested for follow-up at six months of age. Cleft Palate Nili Karmi (DVM/PhD student), Dr. Danika Bannasch Cleft palate is a split in the roof of the mouth (hard palate) that is present at birth. It has been observed in several different breeds. In order to study this condition, the Bannasch laboratory is currently collecting samples from affected dogs and their unaffected relatives. Samples can be sent to us in the form of whole puppies (euthanized or stillborn), dewclaws, tails, blood or swabs. To request additional information and contribute samples to any of the above studies, please contact: Noa Safra Bannasch Laboratory School of Veterinary Medicine Dept. of Population Health and Reproduction 1114 Tupper Hall 1 Shields Ave Davis, CA 95616 Email: [email protected] Phone: (530) 754-7289 Canine Birth Defect Study Announcing: Tangens New Brindle Brigade b born J July l 27 27, 2009 2009, 5 males, l 5 ffemales, l all ll b brindle i dl with ith a littl little bit off white hit Sire: BIF FC Tangens Riley Outback Runner, MC CGC (Am Austr Ch Byerley Savile Row, ROM x Ch Merci Isle Northern Lights) Dam: Plumcreek HW Across The Moon “Laika” Laika (Ch Plumcreek Come Fly With Me, JC ROM x Plumcreek Red Moon At Night) See Riley, Laika, and their offspring at and Eva Engvall 805-686-5637 [email protected] w w h a s p e c i a lt y wB, BOw & BOs a lcyOn twinkle tOes (Am. Can. Ch. Morlais Imagine At Whimsy x Alcyon Tykhi Fortuna) Many thanks to Judge Patti Neale for finding our darling Maeve and awarding her her second four point major, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex, plus Best Puppy over lovely competion on a very hot day at the Western Washington Hound Association Specialty. Thanks as well to Norwegian Judge Espen Engh for Hound Specialty Puppy Group One over many outstanding youngsters. Bred and owned by Christine Hopperstad ALCYON WHIPPETS Co-owned by Mary Downing WHIMSY WHIPPETS The Owner-Handlers Serenity Prayer EXCEPT the things we could actually control. Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. If you think you are going to fail, and you do…Did You? The one nice thing about worrying so much about all those other things we had no control over is that when we would lose, we knew exactly what to blame it on… everything else! We lost because the umps called a horrible game. We lost because the other team cheated, or played dirty. We lost because we played Big Blue. That’s exactly how I approached the show ring with my first show dog, Bradley, a Vizsla. As I began showing him, we would routinely get defeated every weekend by a professional named Gwendolyn. After about 6 months of solid losing, Gwen had officially become my “Big Blue”. Every show I would go to, I would worry about whether or not Gwen would be there. As soon, as I got to the show grounds, I would find a catalog to see if she was listed as an agent on any Vizsla I would compete against. Sure enough, if she was there, I just knew I was going to lose. Picking up my armband was nothing more than an exercise in futility. What was the point? I knew I was going to lose, after all, my dog show “El Guapo” had the other Vizsla Open Dog, and all I had was my pet, Bradley. In my head, there was nothing I could do at that moment. It had been written on some Aztec slate somewhere that this Vizsla, shown by El Guapo, was destined to defeat me. The judges were also clearly in on this astrological conspiracy, as they always pointed to El Guapo. I really felt that she could have had a paper bag, and she still would have taken that coveted purple ribbon. (At the time, I only knew it was purple because I had read it in a book, I had never actually touched one of those purple ribbons.) We have all heard those words, a short paragraph offering sage advice on how to live life. Religious or not, believer or non, the words are simple yet powerful. When I first began showing dogs, I never thought about applying those words to the show ring. It’s only been the last few years that I have taken it to heart, and into the ring gating on the weekends. I feel I should place a disclaimer on this article. Something like, “Warning, just like most advice columnists, the reader is advised to do as I say, not as I do.” Admittedly, I am not the most skilled handler in the world (think Forrest Gump with bait and a Whippet) , I’ve only been showing dogs since the turn of the century (Y2K), and I still get nervous before going in the ring (now how many till I go in? how bout now? now?)…but I try to practice what I am about to preach. (I’ll be sending around a collection plate to everyone’s kennel club next month) Youth Sports: Orange slices, and Certain Defeat Growing up playing sports, from grade school through college, I learned to formulate a game plan. To take a look at the playing field, figure out what your goal was, identify how to achieve that goal, and then go try the best you can. And thanks to my 1st year on the college hockey team, I also learned that I do NOT look good with a shaved head and one eyebrow, but that’s a different story. When I was in grade school, I played for a baseball team called the Strykers, and since we lived near an Air Force Base, many of the opposing teams were filled with kids from all over the country…many very skilled… unfortunately, the Strykers always seemed to get the kids that had the athleticism of my dad’s Saturday night bowling team as opposed to a well oiled youth baseball team. Several times a year, we would get slaughtered by The Big Blue, they were El Guapo to our Three Amigos. But, The Big Blue was not your ordinary 11 year old baseball team. Oh no, this was a team of professional baseball players, who got shrunk down to 11 year old size, who’s sole purpose was to justify “the 10 run mercy rule” in little league baseball. As the season wore on, and we marched towards certain defeat each Saturday, with all of the enthusiasm of Paris Hilton attending a MENSA meeting, it quickly became more and more difficult to accept each loss. We would complain about the other teams, we’d worry about what the umps were going to do, and our team even fretted over what we would tell our friends after another loss. Of course, our fears would grow exponentially when we knew we had to face The Big Blue. For such young kids, we worried about everything on that field Zen and the art of Dog Showing The only thing consistent in life is change, and the time had come for me to move from Florida to Iowa. From the land of Ybor City, beaches, The Ice Palace, and 70 degree days in December…to the land of…um… corn….and, uh….anyway, Kevin Costner was right when he asked, “Is this heaven?”…but, I digress. The last show I was at in Florida, Bradley did finish his Championship, and before I left the grounds I found Gwen to say goodbye and to ask for advice on how to show better. What she said to me knocked me over. Her advice, like the prayer above, was so simple yet so powerful. “Your job in that ring is to show YOUR dog. You CAN NOT control who else is going to be there. You CAN NOT control what the other handlers will do in the ring. You CAN NOT control what the judge is going to do. Of all the things in that ring, you CAN control two things: YOUR performance and how prepared YOUR dog is. Nothing else in that ring matters.” Wow. She was right. At that moment years of blaming defeats on everything from the weather (Its just TOO sunny!), to judges politics (My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who The Whippet News August 2009 | 21 knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw the judge and the winner at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.), to the other handlers in the ring (I can’t believe they would use a squeaky toy.)…suddenly, all those attempts to externalize my show experience became clear. I had worried about everything else except me and my dog. The two most important things in any dog show ring had not even been a passing thought in my head. Gwen wasn’t my El Guapo. It was as if I had transported into the movie Bull Durham, and Crash Davis was telling me “don't think it can only hurt the ball club.” Although, my problem wasn’t that I over thought, but that I thought about all the wrong things. Big Blue didn’t win all those little league games because of some magical device that shrunk the 1982 St. Louis Cardinals down to 11 year old size. They won because my team didn’t prepare, we rarely practiced, and spent most of the 5 innings it took to enact the “mercy rule” worrying about how badly we were going to lose. Gwen didn’t finish all those Vizslas because she had the “in” with the judge, or because of any of the dozen other reasons I came up with. She won because she focused on her performance, her dogs performance, and their performance together better than I did. While I was worrying about Gwen in the ring, she wasn’t giving me a second thought. She was presenting her dog beautifully and ensuring that every time the judge looked, her Vizsla was rock steady. The wisdom to know the difference …. From that moment on, I had found the mystical secret to winning in the show ring, simply go in the ring and only think about yourself. Hardly! What that conversation did teach me was that when I am in the ring with my dog, I need to BE in the ring with my dog. If I’m not focused on what we are doing, if I haven’t prepared my dog to show well, and if I’m worrying about everything else going on except the two most important things in that ring…I might as well turn my armband in, because I’ve already decided I’m going to fail. Winning happens, losing happens. Some things you can control, most things you can’t. What makes showing so much more fun is when you have that moment of clarity…when you have the wisdom to know the difference. See you ringside, Scot FUTURITY REPORT The 2010 Futurity will be held on April 20, 2010, in Tucson, Arizona. Nominated litters born on or after October 8, 2008 to October 20, 2009 will be eligible for the 2010 Futurity. The nomination process to select the 2010 Futurity Judge will begin in November. Breeders will be asked to nominate two different names of individuals with the qualification of “hands on experience” with the Whippet breed and who are in good standing with the AKC. You must be an AWC member to participate in the nomination/voting procedures. Late Bitch Nominations waive their right to participate in the judge selection process. The Bitch Nomination form is available from me or can be found on the AWC website. You can still use old forms if you have them, but you must include the new fees. Please include the registered name of the bitch on all correspondence. As always, I will acknowledge receipt of all nominations. If you don’t get an acknowledgment, drop me an email. Kathy Slater, Futurity Chairman [email protected] 241 Prairietown Road Dorsey, IL 62021 618-585-4677 THANK YOU I just now am reading the new Whippet News (July) and want to send out a very sincere and heartfelt thank you to those who were so kind to put a tribute page in a previous Whippet News for my very very missed PhaseYa (Ch SaeSi You've Got the Look, JC) - Anne Herrett, Annie Kelsey, Bill & Sally Long, Darlene Buck, Del & Maggie Wasso, Ellen Pehek & Jack Baker, Guy & Mel Joyce, Kathy Phillips, Mike & Linda Stone, and Cheryl & John Grubaugh. I had requested that any moneys extra go specifically to the Whippet Health Foundation and there before my eyes (which are now tear filled) I read just how giving all of you were: "THANKS TO WHF DONORS — Friends of Mary Magee $200.00 in memory of "PhaseYa", CH. SaeSi You've Got the Look, JC": To say I am deeply touched is putting it mildly. This is so kind and I know that the money will be put to good use in helping keep our breed healthy. The support I have received over the past 6 years of PhaseYa's life is topped with kindness to honor her at her passing and then help others. Scot Northern is a Sr. Software Engineer living in North Liberty, Iowa with his wife Kate. He actively shows and breeds Whippets under the kennel name Angelic Whippets and is a past 2 term president of the Cedar Rapids Kennel Association. Thank you to each of you, (Editor’s note: This article originally appeared in the August 7th edition of “Dog News” ) Memories may be all I have left, but they are many and they are mine. -mmagee 22 | The Whippe t News august 2009 With deepest of gratitude, Mary Magee Harry wins the Western Washington Hound Association specialty! SBIS CH. SNOW HILL HOT STUFF (CH. SPORTING FIELDS HOT TOPIC X CH. SNOW HILL MIND, BODY AND SOUL, JC) Proving he is indeed “hot stuff” Harry was awarded SBIS by judge Patti Widick Neale over 385 hounds including the #1 Whippet, Borzoi, Scottish Deerhound and Wolfhound. We are honored and proud to receive this award from such an esteemed line up of incredible hounds! Owner: Debi Adams, Jade Whippets – Breeder: Suzy Hughes, DVM, Snow Hill Whippets July 2009 AKC Obedience Report By Irene Mullauer, National Obedience Chairperson Below are the Rally rankings 1/1/09 thru 5/31/09 Rank RAE Dog Name Owner Average Qualifying Scores 97.75 97.5 93.5 91.5 8 2 2 6 1 2 3 4 Mirage’s Here By Accident Wyatt Of Dodge City Lucy Andrews Arlen’s Red Letter Day C Odom d heffernan/J Heffernan A Andrews F Head/E Feldheum 1 2 3 3 Autumn Harbour Contessa Ampersand Airborn Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery Shannon Down Mind Control J Difazio R Henery H Dansereau S Lane 95.5 94 92 92 2 1 1 2 Orion’s Moondance Of Amulet Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel Shannon Down Blazing Star Chaparral Emmy Of Elain-Ward Indigo Charged To The Max Special Acres Desert Jasmine Tnt’s La Femme Nikita Kemar’s No Place Like Home Paris Diablesse Say I Do Timbreblue Windrydr Biker Girl Mariki Kalico Lets Get Physical Endeavor’s Reign Or Shine Windryder’s Americade Cruiser K Richter-Sand/R Richter-Sand A Andrews J Phillips S Hennessy/J Konwent L Obelcz/P Obelcz P Clinton R Lutz J Phillips/S Phillips L Anichini-Downen R Lutz/F Lutz Gramarossa/M Gramarossa K Goguen/L Lawrence R Lutz/F Lutz 90 87 85.5 85 85 84.5 84 83 74 74 74 71 70 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Northwind’s Echo Of Poetry Seaspell’s Concord Point Surrey Hill Petaluma Mirage’s Stack The Deck Summit Red Silk Boxers Aslan Artemis Harvest Moon Aaa Spike El Kandahar K Nierengarten/I Mullauer J Heffernan/d heffernan L Duffy N Gordon/N Wascom C Huzel M Caro/C Davies/T Caro L Hayes/S Hayes 98 98 97 96 93 88.5 88.33 2 1 3 2 2 2 3 8 9 10 Amberwind Nasusa Wicked Moon Endeavor’s Reign Or Shine Karasar’s Royel Flush S Holley/S Mallonee K Goguen/L Lawrence G Ball/K Kuper 85 78 77 1 1 1 11 Interlude Wish Upon A Star H St Hilaire/J Quimet Boulinguez 75 1 1 2 3 4 Orion’s Moondance Of Amulet Renegade’s Red Alert At Sea Special Acres Desert Jasmine Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel K Richter-Sand/R Richter-Sand K Cole P Clinton A Andrews 91 87 76 70 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 Foxford Sam Hill Mirage’s Going For Broke Unsnkablgalacticwateringhole A Lubbers/J Lubbers N Gordon A Schoenfeld 100 99 97 1 1 1 Adv A 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 11 12 13 Adv B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Exc A Exc B 24 | The Whippe t News august 2009 Rank Average 97 93 89 88 77 75.67 Qualifying Scores 1 1 1 1 1 3 97.67 96.33 95.5 94.5 93.67 93 92.5 92 86.33 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 86 79 75 75 3 1 1 1 B Stockard 100 1 Longlesson Turtle Dove Lanaken’s Hot-Shot Hero Midori Days De Sud Surrey Hill’s Ripon Jewel Cherche’s Chance To Dance L KENNEL/S PEAK/M PRICE/L PRICE K Planchak I Mullauer K Lee/K Fredericks/L Anichini S Colflesh 100 100 99.5 99 99 2 1 2 1 1 Anlan’s Sierra Mist Starline’s Extra Savoir-Faire Mirage’s Accidents Happen Aaa Spike El Kandahar Mama Mia Sky High T Lubbers/A Lubbers/J Lubbers R Miller C Odom L Hayes/S Hayes R Henery 99 99 98.75 98.5 98 1 1 4 2 1 Interlude Wish Upon A Star Baccarat Luck Be A Lady Vitesse Full Pull Wheatland Talltree Summit Red Silk Boxers Tivio N Woodrose Crazy For You Chesco Man On The Run Belaya Silver Thistle Biscuit Karasar’s Jackpot Shamasan Smokin’ Magic Wegner’s On The Sly Diablesse Say Surrey Hill Galewind’s Life Of Reilly Wolfram’s Mitzi The Celebrity Shaldra’s Kahlua And Cream Domino Brazil Bardot H St Hilaire/J Quimet Boulinguez R Russ/M Metevia L Costello/J Szymaniak L Hayes/S Hayes C Huzel C Foxx/J Hite/T Hite L Armstrong C Gillies B Lawrence G Ball/K Kuper M Shanley C Austin/U James L Anichini-Downen N Anderson/W Brizius K Couch S Dyer/K Dyer P Ewing/B Lessley 98 98 98 97.5 97 97 96 95 94.5 93 93 92 92 92 91.67 90.5 89.33 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 Dog Name Thundering Tarnation Loughren Pepper Of Rockabye Unsinkable Blessed Thistle Cogshall Forget Me Not Krislyn Take It Easy Chesara’s Mariki Nerys Owner A Lubbers/J Lubbers C Austin/U James M Schoenfeld/L Nelson C Austin/U James A Sowders/D Bahm M Ronning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Jammin’ Gunpowder Shannon Down Mind Control Belaya Silver Thistle Laurel Chase Leia Bug Tcs Zoomerang Avalon Just Say Uncle Abbey Boston Belle Shaldra’s Kahlua And Cream Whippoorwill Lady Of The Lake A McNiven/L Wilks/S Heiniger S Lane C Gillies J Pichette A McNiven M Lynne J Hopfenbeck S Dyer/K Dyer D Myers/J Myers/B Henderson Renegade Smokeless Wardance Halmarque Santa Cruz Heartland Hh Lamborgini Diablo Galewind’s Life Of Reilly K Dyer/R Nappier J Honza J Stewart/L Stewart/V Smith N Anderson/W Brizius 1 Ima Leda’s Loving Swan 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 Nov A 10 11 12 13 Nov B 6 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 The Whippet News August 2009 | 25 Rank 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 Dog Name Finghin’s Time Bandit Anlan Sam Adams Redglen Wyl E Coyote Summit About Last Night Amberwind Hamrya Tears Of Fire Agstone Fonseca Cosacos Bitterblue’s Nestor Cherche’ Silver Jubilee Warburton Roots Of Rhythm Amherst Woods Forever Windrose Blackmarbles CR Winter Ryde Finghin’s Dropkick Murphys Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel Finghin’s Summer Ale Of Anlan Shamasan Lumos Solarum Owner B Lessley/P Ewing/C Williams C Canard H Tatro/D Tatro C Huzel S Holley/S Mallonee C Stone/B Lowans L Garwacki/P Garwacki S Colflesh/C Durance S Phillips/P Renzulli S Kirkham B Wood E McMichael/S McMichael A Andrews E McMichael/S McMichael M Shanley/P Booth Average 88 87.5 87.33 86.67 85.67 85 85 85 84.67 77.5 77.5 76 75 73 71 Qualifying Scores 3 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 It has been requested that I separate out the obedience classes for the monthly reporting. Please keep in mind that for the year end awards all classes will be combined and a minimum 3 qualifying scores will be required for consideration for the Top Obedience Whippet for 2009. AKC Obedience Ranking 1/1/09 thru 5/31/09 Rank Novice A 1 26 | Average 190 Qualifying Score Dog Name Owner Affinity Like A Rock R Van Tassell R Brown/C Brown/A BASS M Conta/K Roberson G Vanderford/L Stewart K Couch P Campbell 2 I Mullauer 1 T Lerner/M Lake P Younger L Hayes/S Hayes J Heffernan/d heffernan B Stockard L Anichini-Downen G Ball A Sowders/D Bahm E Adler A Andrews N Gordon/N Wascom D Miller/A Miller K Planchak C Huzel V Jackson C Odom 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Novice B 1 186.5 183 179.5 174.5 172 Devereux’s Evening Star Cabria’s Spell Of The Sea Kinvara Victory Of Endeavor Wolfram Ways Rabbit In The Hat Shantellie Countess Of Steel 196.5 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 194.875 194.167 192.5 191.25 191 191 190.5 189.5 189.375 189 188 185.5 185.5 185 184.5 184 Midori Days De Sud Devereux The Sweetest ThingFanny Dreams Charm Me Wheatland Talltree Seaspell’s Concord Point Ima Leda’s Loving Swan Paris Diablesse Say I Do Hunterhill Snowdrift Krislyn Take It Easy Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero Lucy Andrews Mirage’s Stack The Deck Summit Autumn Gabardine Martin Lanaken’s Hot-Shot Hero Summit Red Silk Boxers Notorious Poeta Omg Fudge Mirage’s Here By Accident The Whippe t News august 2009 1 1 1 2 1 Rank 16 17 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Open A 1 Open B 1 2 Utility A 1 Average 183 182 182 182 181.5 179 179 177.33 177 173.75 173 171.5 195 192 180.5 Qualifying Score 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 Dog Name Diablesse Say Surrey Hill Whippoorwill Mystic Aaa Spike El Kandahar Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery Bitterblue’s Nestor Baccarat Luck Be A Lady Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel Kentruth Famous Grouse Indigo Charged To The Max Endeavor’s Reign Or Shine Broadstrider Soul Of Heian Owner L Anichini-Downen A Andrews/B Henderson L Hayes/S Hayes H Dansereau L Garwacki/P Garwacki R Russ/M Metevia A Andrews L Duffy L Obelcz/P Obelcz K Goguen/L Lawrence M Pruett/P Jones Geordon Seaspell Say Hey Kid L Kaufman/M Kaufman 2 Maverick Cowgirl Chic Foxford Sam Hill R Amado/H Heil A Lubbers/J Lubbers 2 1 Lakes Play Beyond Liberty T Lerner/M Lake 1 The above Rankings are compiled from the AKC Awards Publication. Please forward any questions to me at [email protected]. Below is the number titles earned in May according to the New Titles report from the AKC. Agility Excellent Count Agility FAST Open Count Master Excellent Jumper Count Novice Agility Count Novice Agility Jumper Count Novice Agility Jumper Preferred Count Open Agility Count Excellent Agility Jumper Preferred Total Agility Champions 1 1 1 1 1 5 17 Field Champion Count Junior Courser Count Master Courser Count Senior Courser Count Total Coursing 8 26 4 25 63 Companion Dog Count Rally Advanced Count Rally Excellent Count Rally Novice Count Total Obedience 0 2 0 5 7 The Whippet News August 2009 | 27 Christine Hopperstad, Editor 130 34th Ave E Seattle WA 98112
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July 2009 AWC News - American Whippet Club
............................. 3655 Cragwood Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Board of Directors:
Class of 2010: . ...Christine Hopperstad, Donna Lynch, Patience Renzulli,
David Samuelson