Whippet - National Whippet Club of Canada
Whippet - National Whippet Club of Canada
J U N E 2 012 Whippet WANDERINGS N AT I O N A L W H I P P ET CL U B O F CA N A D A advertising Full page ad $15 (11”wide x 8.5”deep) Ads requiring setup $5 additional per ad Half page ad $10 (5.5”wide x 8.5” deep) > AGM Deadlines are January 15, April 15, July 15 & October 15 > Signs of Dehydration Include detailed instructions with ads requiring setup. See below for required specifications for best > 2011 Final Top 10 CKC Obedience, Rally and Agility Whippets > Tips reproduction. Send all ads, articles, club & member news, comments and anything whippet-related to the Editor: Laura Baratta 604 625-8654 [email protected] Please make all cheques or money orders payable to NWCC and mail to: Laura Baratta 320 – 248th Street, Aldergrove, BC, Canada V4W 2H1 N E X T D E A D L I N E : OCT 15 submissions / specifications Ads to be designed: emailed files or photos to be maximum 3 megs per email. Send text in email or Word doc format. Single photos required: high resolution RGB JPEGs (minimum 200 dpi) or TIFF files. Photos must be supplied separately – photos embedded within programs such as Word will not be accepted. Completed ads: full or half page PDFs (maximum 200k), or PSD files (maximum 3 megs). Send files [or questions about formats] to: [email protected] 2 0 11 / 2 0 1 2 N W C C B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S PRESIDENTLinda Buchholz, Aldergrove, BC [email protected] 604 856-5660 Laura Baratta, Aldergrove, BC [email protected] 604 625 - 8654 SECRETARY Janet Juzkiw, Grand Forks, BC [email protected] 250 442-2400 TREASURER / WEB MISTRESS Heather-Jean Dansereau, Hamilton, ON [email protected] 905 659 -1188 RESCUE CO-ORDINATOR Paulette Blinch, Prince George, BC [email protected] 250 964 -1429 BRITISH COLUMBIA Blair J. Shinski, Victoria, BC [email protected] 250-479-5818 ALBERTA Susan Nordstrom, New Norway, AB [email protected] 780 855-2278 MANITOBA /SASKATCHEWAN Lynne Samuel, Winnipeg, MB [email protected] 204 783-5863 ONTARIO Mary Morris, Chatsworth, ON [email protected] 519 794-3303 QUEBECVacant EDITOR Laura Baratta, Aldergrove, BC [email protected] 604 625 - 8654 in this issue: VICE PRESIDENT Minutes for Keeping Fast at Agility > Member News > Current Top 10 Canadian Show Whippets > NWCC 2012 National Judging Critique > NWCC 2012 National Results > Other Specialty Results > The Whippet in the Kennel Encyclopaedia > A True Whippet Story > Litterbox News > Lure Coursing Results Whippet A W NDERINGS is the quarterly publication of the National Whippet Club of Canada. Issues are included with NWCC membership. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor or the NWCC. The Editor reserves the right to edit or withhold any item or article which, in the opinion of the Editor, reflects badly or unfairly upon any group, individual or dog. Check out news and upcoming events at whippetcanada.com next issue: EDITOR’S NOTE Can you believe it has been 3 years already since I took over the post of publishing your newsletter? I hope you are enjoying the updates, news and articles. Sincere appreciation to HJ for sending in the perspective, attitude and specifications of the whippet in the mid 1900’s. Also thanks to Sue Nordstrom for summer fun water photos, to Linda and Steve Buchholz for the peaceful cover photo, John Heffernan for an article on keeping a whippet fast in agility, and to HJ for submitting coursing results. On a personal note, our Tanzy twisted her hock while playing outside, fracturing it, so we are hoping for a speedy recovery without surgery. She has adapted to her cast as best she can, and is getting as spoiled as possible. Wshing you the best! WW the HARE AWARD HARE GOOD! the TURTLE AWARD TURTLE NAUGHTY! house mates! Tell us what other interesting creatures your whippets live with or have lived with, and how they get along. The member with the most interesting story or photo will win a free ad! Laura Baratta [email protected] destruction by whippets! The innocence before (Szabo) * (Bakes) The ear nibbler (Baratta) The innocence after (Szabo) The mysterious destuffed eyeball (Baratta) >> What happens when young whippets discover an open cupboard door and the five pound bag of flour within? I was at work and got a phone call from my son who had just gotten home from school. He said “oh Mom the dogs have just done the worst thing ever, but it’s also the funniest”. Picture flour everywhere and then imagine what happens when it’s raining and the naughty dogs have a dog door to the wet outdoors. In and out, in and out, all day. Get a bit wet then get another coating of flour when you come back in. Repeat until crusty. (Lyttle)* Congratulations to Gale Lyttle for winning a free ad! Previously black and smooth, now grey and crusty Partay!! (Lyttle) PRESIDE NT ’ S REP ORT I’m sure I’m once again the not proud recipient of the Turtle Award! Sorry, Laura, just have had so much happening in the last while that I can hardly catch my breath. I can start off with our great adventure to Ontario for our NWCC National – 2 people and 5 Whippets hit the road for a month. We logged 6,000 miles round trip and had a great time. Having never driven further east than Winnipeg through Canada, it was all new sights beyond that for us and we enjoyed every minute of the drive. We found northern Ontario to be very much to our liking – seemingly endless numbers of lakes, rivers, trees and lush forest growth. Our timing was perfect to be able to avoid most of the bugs we’d heard are voracious at other times of the year. Luck was with us on this trip as we seemed to be a couple of days ahead of forest fires, floods and tornado, thankfully! We had some great camp spots – in particular enjoyed camping right on several of the Great Lakes. We arrived at the beautiful little town of Caledonia in the bright sunshine and settled in to our RV spot at the show. Unfortunately, that was about the end of the warm temps and blue skies, as the entire show weekend we endured cold, strong winds, heavy rains and generally very unpleasant conditions for showing Whippets outdoors. Although it was cold and breezy the day of our National, fortunately it never did rain and our judge was able to use the entire huge ring that had been provided for us, rather than all of us huddling under the ring canopies to stay dry as had been done the previous day. Not only was the size of the entry very nice, but the overall quality was stellar and Judge Bengtson had his work cut out for him. For the first time, we had 30 (yes, THIRTY) Whippets in the ring at one time for BOB judging and it was a grand sight! It was also truly a “national” with representatives from BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and various US states. I won’t repeat the winners as they are reported elsewhere in this issue, but sincere congratulations to those beautiful dogs and their owners and thank you to each and every one of you for supporting our National. It was great fun to meet many of our members in person for the first time as well as see so many lovely dogs that I had only seen in pictures. Whippets had an excellent weekend, quality so deep that a different dog won BOB each event, placed high or won the Hound Groups and the first day went all the way to Best in Show. Our wonderful breed showed off their many talents by also taking High Score in Obedience Trial! I can’t say thank you enough to Heather-Jean Dansereau and Lorraine Burch for putting together this National and working so hard on the day to make sure things went smoothly. I have to say I was disappointed to see so little help in setup and even less in take-down (everyone vanished!!). Just a handful were left to pack up – so much so that it was 8 p.m. before we were able to arrive at the restaurant for the dinner. We had barely enough members and BOD present for a very hasty Annual General Meeting (we were all exhausted). My weekend was over, but felt badly for HJ who had another day of work with the lure coursing trial the following day. We left on Sunday for our journey home – this time taking a faster route (and cheaper gas ) thru the US. The weather started to turn hot and we were anxious to get back to more temperate climes. Seems like a total blur now – Ontario, Michigan, Illinois, Nebraska, Iowa, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and eastern Oregon all went flying by. After several long, hot 500+ mile days, we were soon happily situated in our favorite spot on the Oregon Coast. We needed a vacation to recover from our vacation! The dogs were thrilled to finally be able to stretch their legs on the miles of pristine beaches after too many hot days of leash walking, as were we. All in all, a really interesting trip that we wouldn’t hesitate to do again. In other Club news, very happy to report that we have been able to secure the CKC Stud Book printouts for Whippets for many of the past 25 years. This information is being added to The Whippet Archives – www.whippetarchives.com as time permits. Information on Canadian Whippets has been very hard to find and I’m very pleased that this information will soon be available on this wonderful world wide pedigree site. I’m sure we’ll be hearing soon about plans for our 2013 National to be held in Calgary in August at the famed Spruce Meadows Equestrian venue. Enjoy the rest of the summer – have fun with your Whippets! WW Linda Buchholz, President NWCC ANNUAL GE N ERAL MEETI NG Saturday, June 2, 2012 Members Present: Linda Buchholz, Steve Buchholz, Heather Jean Dansereau, Everett Dansereau, Heather Dansereau, Mary Morris, Lorraine Burch, Kyle Burch. Meeting called to order at 8:10 p.m. President’s Report – thank you to Heather Jean for all the work involved in putting on our National Specialty Show. It was a tremendous entry and a job well done. VP Report – absent Secretary’s Report – absent Treasurer’s Report – to follow at a later date Old Business - no old business New Business – 2014 National location. Motion by Heather Jean, seconded by Mary that the 2014 NWCC National Specialty Show be held in British Columbia. All in favour, motion passed. Motion to adjourn by Heather Jean, seconded by Lorraine. >> S E C R E TA RY ’ S R E P O RT NWCC’s National Specialty was recently held in Ontario and was a huge success. Renowned whippet authority Bo Bengtson as our judge was a very good drawing card for entries from several provinces as well as the US. Please read the results elsewhere in the newsletter. You can now start thinking about next year’s National in lovely Calgary, Alberta. It will be held in conjunction with the prestigious Alberta Kennel Club summer show in early August 2013, held at the exquisitely beautiful Spruce Meadows equestrian centre. This is a world-class facility, and I know our specialty will be of world-class calibre as well. Our judge will be Ms. Shelley Hennessey (Chaparral). Not too much happening as far as official NWCC business of late. We do have a new member join since last report, and I’d like to welcome Valerie Carter from Ontario (thank you, Laurie Rusticus, for sponsoring her). With all the summer shows, race meets, lure coursing, et cetera, be sure to support your regional director by sending them your news for inclusion into their reports for the newsletter. Have a wonderful summer. WW Janet Juzkiw Secretary [email protected] B C REP ORT A L B E RTA R E P O RT Summer finally arrived on the West Coast the first weekend of July. The heat ramped up quickly, like overnight. Us West Coasters were gladly soaking up the rays of sunshine. Hello from Sunny Alberta! Sunshine led the way as we entered two Whippet Specialties held on July 8th and on July 9th, Lure Coursing and Field Trial Conformation Show for all Sighthounds. The two Specialties were well attended with over 50 entries, Lure Coursing 3 stakes of Whippet and F. T. Show was well attended. Best of all was seeing our beautiful breed grace the show ring. There were some really lovely Whippets this year. Congratulations to all the Winners. Saturday following the shows, the Lower Mainland Whippet Association hosted a fantastic barbeque at Steve and Linda Buchholz’ beautiful property. The food was yummy – who knew what great cooks you all are. It is always nice to kick back for a little down time and connect with Whippet folk. Moving backward in time to the month of June to our National Whippet Specialty, the Great Lakes Specialty and Ontario Gazehound Specialty, congratulations to all the winners. Thanks to all the volunteers, I heard the events were enjoyed by all. Member reports: Percy (Am GCH, Can Ch Highbridge Power Play, Am/ Can RN, Am RA, CGC, CGN) finished his American championship on April 20th, and on the following day started working on his Am Grand Championship and finished that title on June 24th. He is the second Am. Grand Champion this year for his sire, Bongo. Pender (Ch Kamada’s No More Pending Dreams, CGN, CGC) got a couple of US major reserves on our spring road trip and in June, passed his Canine Good Neighbour locally. Janet Juzkiw Until next time, that’s all folks. Enjoy the summer and we will connect in the fall. WW As ever, Blair Shinski Well, another summer is upon us and we seem to be experiencing a hot and dry one in this part of Alberta. It seems to be raining all around us, but we are not getting a lot of moisture here. : ( Our dogs are enjoying the warmer temperatures though and we have been spending a lot of time out in the yard playing with the dogs and the new litter we have at Lynallan. I do have a few show & trial results to share, but unfortunately I don’t have full results from the shows. Medicine Hat Canine Association May 11 – Judge: Sandra Lex BOB & Group 2: Ch. SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll owned by Karen LeJeune. BPIG: Ch. Manorcourt’s Set Precedent owned and bred by Sandy French and Jenny McCartney May 12 – Judge: Dr. Michael Woods BOB, Group 4th and BPIG: Ch. Manorcourt’s Set Precedent May 13 – Judge: Barbara Dempsey Alderman BOB, Group 3rd & BPIG: Ch. Manorcourt’s Set Precedent Northern Alberta Canine Association, Edmonton, AB June 1 – Judge- Deborah Graffman WM & BOS: Dreamwindz EROS Coolblueoutlaw owned by Claudine Hamilton No Reserve Male WB, BOW & BP: Bretica’s Lipstick On My Collar owned and bred by Penny Lewis >> RWB: Manorcourt’s Case Study owned by Sandy French BOB & Group 2: Ch. SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll Saturday, June 2 – Judge: Gloria Geringer WM & BOS: Dreamwindz EROS Coolblueoutlaw No Reserve Male WB, BOW, BOB & BP: Bretica’s Lipstick On My Collar RWB: Sorry I don’t have her registered name, but she was bred by Alexis Shymanski of Tarapaca Whippets. Unfortunately I don’t have full results for the next two days though. June 23, Show #3 – Judge: Linda Millman BOB & Group 2: Ch. SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll BPIG: Ch. Manorcourt’s Set Precedent June 23, Show #4 – Judge: Judith Shurb BOB & Group 3 - Ch. SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll BPIG: Ch. Manorcourt’s Set Precedent June 24, Show #5 – Judge: John Rowton BOB, Group 4 and BPIG: Ch. Manorcourt’s Set Precedent owned and bred by Sandy French and Jenny McCartney June 24, Show #6 – Judge – Richard Lopaschuk June 3 – Judge: Kristen Francis BOB & Group 2: Ch. SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll BOB and Group 2: Ch. Harmony’s Dreamwindz Ally Oop owned by Claudine Hamilton. BPIG: Ch. Manorcourt’s Set Precedent BPIG: Bretica’s Lipstick On My Collar Foothills Gazehound Club Trial June 4 – Judge: Raymond Filburn May 19, 20 & 21, 2012 (results further in newsletter) No results Grande Prairie Regional Kennel Club, Clairmont, AB June 22, Show #1 – Judge: Skip Stanbridge BOB, Group 4 and BPIG: Ch. Manorcourt’s Set Precedent June 22, Show #2 – Judge: Nancy Popowich BOB & Group 2: Ch. SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll BPIG: Ch. Manorcourt’s Set Precedent Well that’s all the news I have fit to print! Hope you all have a wonderful summer. WW Sue Nordstrom, AB Director [email protected] O N TA R I O R E P O RT Well, I just keep telling myself, at least it is not snowing. It is so hot this summer, that only my Whippets are happy about that. If we don’t soon get rain, there will be no crops left. Finally Ontario folks are sending me some brags. The first two are from Kate Darbyshire. My 2 1/2 yr. old boy Clearhounds Pell Mell got the 3rd leg for his CDX in March at the Belleville obedience trials. He got a score of 195 for each of the 3 legs, under 3 different judges. The same day he got his CDX, he also got his 1st Rally Excellent leg, with a perfect score. That’s great news, Kate. Then she sent this.. My boys & I had a great weekend at the Specialty. We ended up missing all our conformation classes for obedience, but that’s OK, because: Clearhounds Pell Mell CDX - finished his RE title, qualified 3 of 3 times in Open B (scores 194-196), then won the field trial after the show June 3, finishing his FCH, too (my first FCH, so pretty exciting); MOTCH Clearhounds Jim Key CR,RAE, CGN, who, at 12, was only entered as long as he seemed to be feeling OK, won High in Trial on the Sat. June 2 under Isabel Hutton, with 197.5 in Open B. Brought tears to my eyes, I’m so proud of my little Jim. That is so good to hear. After Kate sent two brags, I got one from the Freckashpeng Kennels. We have had a relatively quiet summer so far, and enjoyed our time spent at the National, meeting new people and spending time with friends who we don’t get to see often. We would like to announce the arrival of our litter born on June 27, parents are Ch. Freckashpeng Liam My Lionheart and Int’l Can Ch. Hi Tor’s My Honey at Freckashpeng, and they produced a lovely litter of 1 boy and 2 girls. Everyone is doing well and healthy. Paul & Steve, The Hounds of Freckashpeng Reg’d Thank you everyone for sending the brags. My own two puppies are having fun this summer. The one little girl fell in the pond today. Lucky the level is so low. WW Mary Morris, Ontario Director [email protected] summer cool down Torchy Sneak Torchy good toS I Gknow N S O F D E H Y D R AT I O N To test for dehydration, put your finger under your dog’s upper lip and test for wetness. It should be moist and slippery. If the gums feel tacky, he is lacking in saliva and could be dehydrated. Skin turgidity can also be assessed to estimate dehydration. The skin over the shoulder blades is pulled away from the body and released. The time taken to fall back into a normal position increases with escalating dehydration. In a well-hydrated dog, the skin will snap quickly back into place. Don’t use the skin over the neck for testing because this skin is less pliable than that over the shoulder, so it naturally goes down more slowly. The last test for dehydration is looking at your dog’s eyes. If his eyes are sunken, he is extremely dehydrated. WW Percy Our newest American champion – Canadian Bred and Owned AmCan Ch Highbridge Power Play, AmCan RN, Am RA, CGC, CGN BAER – CERF – OFA CARDIAC (Doppler) normal Sire: MSBIS AmCan Ch Counterpoint Jungle Drums, FCH, DPC, TRP, PR3 Dam: Whimsy’s Harriet the Spy, FCH, PR A big thank-you goes to Linda Buchholz, who guided him to his final win for this title, and many thanks to all the judges who appreciated his beautiful curves. Bred by Cara and Roger Takahashi, Langley, BC * * * * * * * * Owned by Bo & Janet Juzkiw (The Covenstead Whippets) Grand Forks, BC, Canada e-mail: [email protected] Thank you Mrs. Paula Hartinger for this final win. WE HAD A G RAND TIME ON OUR AMERICAN SHOW TRIP THIS SPRING Percy After Percy finished his American Championship on April 20, we decided to move him up the next day…. by June 24 he had earned all points and met all requirements (with a total of 5 majors) for his AKC Grand Championship – 100% owner-handled. Am GCH, AmCan Ch Highbridge Power Play, AmCan RN, Am RA, CGC, CGN BAER – CERF – OFA CARDIAC (Doppler) normal Sire: MSBIS AmCan Ch Counterpoint Jungle Drums, FCH, DPC, TRP, PR3 Dam: Whimsy’s Harriet the Spy, FCH, PR Percy is the second American GCH for his sire Bongo this year! We sincerely appreciate all the support from friends on this incredible journey and thank all the judges who gave consideration to our curvy boy. Percy will now work on earning more titles on the right side of his name. Bred by Cara and Roger Takahashi, Langley, BC Owned by Bo & Janet Juzkiw (The Covenstead Whippets) Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada e-mail: [email protected] NAME OWNER POINTS (# OF QUALIFYING SCORES) CKC Obedience 1 Clearhounds Pell Mell 2 Clearhounds Jim Key Cr 3 Avalonia Muddy Waters 4 Clearhounds Keira 5 Ocean’s Seeking The Gold 6 Aikerskaill Criminal Intent Darbyshire 29 (7) Darbyshire 20 (3) Quance 15 (4) Darbyshire 11 (2) Purewall 6(2) Dvernichuk 3 (1) final TOP 10 2011 OBEDIENCE, RALLY OBEDIENCE AND AGILITY CKC Rally Obedience 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Swiftsure Cameroon Baratta 90 (15) Baccarat Wheatenridge Gem Fulton 36 (10) Mooncroft The Wynn of Claymar McKenney 22 (5) Oceans Song of The Sandman Purewall 17 (3) Clearhounds Keira Darbyshire 13 (2) Seacoast Shock Wave Merrithew 11 (2) Abbeywood Fabric of Dreams Theresa Bryshun 10 (2) Clearhounds Pell Mell Darbyshire 8 (1) Devonair’s Quinn Dansereau/Dansereau 4 (1) Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery Dansereau 4 (1) CKC Agility 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NWCC scoring Unofficial point system based on NWCC scoring, compiled by Laura Baratta. Obedience points are based on CKC scores earned in the Novice, Open and Utility classes. Rally Obedience and Agility points are based on CKC scores earned in the Novice, Intermediate and Excellent classes. Obedience Score Novice Open Utility 200 198 - 199.5 8 9 10 7 8 9 195 - 197.5 190 - 194.5 6 7 8 5 6 7 185 - 189.5 180 - 184.5 4 5 6 3 4 5 2 3 4 1 2 3 Swiftsure Cameroon Baratta 31 (4) 175 - 179.5 170 - 174.5 Ragtime Mauna Loa Smith 30 (3) Rally/Agility Score Novice Adv/Int Excellent Belaya Silver Thistle Gillies 24 (3) Tcs Jammin at Your Quebecncall Ivanitz 23 (3) Devonair’s Quinn Dansereau/Dansereau 20 (3) Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery Dansereau 18 (3) Swiftsure Tanzania Baratta 16 (3) 100 98 - 99 95 - 97 90 - 94 85 - 89 80 - 84 75 - 79 70 - 74 Tcs Zoomerang McNiven 14 (2) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 10 Tips for Keeping the Fastest Dog Fast at Agility by John Heffernan For the fastest dog around under 200 yards, whippets should be really fast in agility too. But I see many slow whippets and I also see many whippets that slow down over time. Here are 10 tips for keeping your whippet (or any other dog) fast in agility. 2) Keep practices fun and short. Whippets typically don’t tolerate 1) Don’t correct. Don’t let your dog know you are disappointed. 3) Avoid RFPs and call offs. Try dropping your shoulder or Your dog should never know if your qualified or not. 99.9% of the time you either made a mistake on your handling or your training or your proofing (the latter is most often ignored). How many times have you watched a handler scold their dog for not doing what they said when you clearly see that the dog exactly followed the handler’s body language? From the dog’s point of view, they are getting punished for doing what you asked them to do. One great way if you don’t get the behavior you want is to go back to a small sequence and try it again. Reward if you get the behavior you want. If you still don’t get it after 3 times, you either did not train it well enough or you need to try it at a different time and/or place. Let’s say your course at home has a sequence of jump, jump, A-Frame, jump. If you don’t get the contact you are looking for don’t stop, don’t treat, but run back as fast as you can and do try the jump, A-Frame, jump part of the sequence again. It’s better to do that than just the A-Frame because you keep the game and excitement going. Praise and treat if you get what you are looking for. Many handlers will try and correct, get mad, or stop and talk to their coach, ignoring there dog. Think about the dog’s point of view. In the first case, the game stays exciting and they get to try again and maybe get a treat. In the second case, they are corrected and/or ignored, the game stops, and they know they have done something wrong. a lot of repetition and will get bored. I use a rule of three. Never practice the same thing more than 3 times in row. changing your path instead of using a reverse flow pivot or a strong call off. I use my voice when things are not clear but try to keep it fun helpful rather than either a “barked” order or panicked plea. Most whippets are “soft” and can’t take the strong corrections over time. 4) Give your dog distance. Don’t crowd. Work on distance all the time and from the beginning. Distance is not something you only use in Gamblers, FAST, and Chances. Dogs can find the fastest path by themselves when possible. Don’t over-handle them. Trust them. Don’t crowd or over-handle just at trials to try and get the Q. 5) Don’t yell at your dog; use a cheerful tone of voice. Even if you choose to mark a mistake, keep it happy and try again. 6) Don’t let your dog know you are nervous. I found that Wyatt can sense my nerves if he licks my face. The best thing is to work on not actually being nervous, but if you can’t, fake it. I find my voice can change and I can act differently in terms of petting Wyatt when I am nervous. He seems to be an expert at picking up on this. So I try and act just like I would at class at a practice run. >> 7) Don’t front cross in your dog’s path. Front crosses have their place but I see lots of whippets handlers doing front cross much too close to their dog and either almost colliding or getting in their way and slowing them down. In these cases, use a rear cross if you can or use distance so you have enough space for a front cross. 8) Try NADAC, especially NADAC tunnelers. NADAC courses tend to be very open and flowing and motivating especially to long striding dogs. Tunnelers can be an especially fun game for whippets. They love the speed and running with nothing to slow them down like tables, contacts, and weaves. Wyatt has gone over 6 yards a second in tunnelers, which is 18 feet in one second. It’s the closest thing to racing you can do with your whippet! 1 1 # CKC # NWCC A W A R D S 2 0 1 1 CKC AGILITY RALLY OBEDIENCE CH SWIFTSURE CAMEROON, CAN FCH, DPC, TRPX, PR4, SR, OTR, MADC, MJDC, MSDC, AGDC, AGI, AGIJ, NJP, RE, AM. RN, CRNMCL, CGN, CGC MBISS Am.Can.Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums, Can.FCh, DPC, TRP, PR3 x Can.Ch & Alt.Ch Surrey Hill’s Crystal Wave, Can.FCh, ARX, DPCX, TRPX, PR4 bred by Linda Buchholz, Karen Lee, Jeff Bowra 9) Run fast; make it a race. Run on the outside if you have to. Patriot really loves a good race to the end. It can be demotivating to be too far ahead though. If this happens, shorten your stride but keep your feet moving fast. 10) Have clear and consistent handling, don’t flail your arms. A Flailing tends to bring your dog into you. Keep your hand out consistently for the whole course. Your dog is going to be the least stressed if your handling is clear, predictable, and consistent. Easier said than done but you will rock as a team if you both know what to expect. You can them relax more and focus on the tricky stuff and not the whole course. Most of all, have fun with your whippet! Ultimately, it’s not about titles, placements, Qs but about forming and enjoying a special partnership with your dog. WW N INCREDIBLE HONOUR for a novice team, we are thrilled with Smoke’s continued success in agility and rally obedience. With 12 titles in agility and 5 in rally, we just couldn’t be more pleased. > 2011 Rally - #1 Whippet and #2 Hound* in Canada Views by Linda Photography (Canuck Dogs stats) OWNED AND HANDLED BY LAURA BARATTA 1 # NWCC A W A R D S 2 0 1 1 CKC OBEDIENCE Clearhounds Pell Mell CDX, RE, FCH 2 NWCC A W A R D S # 2 0 1 1 CKC OBEDIENCE My Clearhounds boys Jimmy, now 12 , is my first whippet and helped to sell me on the breed. He’s been awesome in obedience, has won High in Trials beating goldens, has messed up at times in ways that have made me laugh many times. He never finished a conformation Ch - too little, a bit tank-like, and “bad” ears; never finished his FCH had the heart, but did not realize he hadn’t the speed. Wonderful dog to live with, lots of personality, great around other dogs (except puppies – never hurt one, but hissed at them – really). Pell Mell, less confident, but doing well in obedience, already has his CDX, with 190’s scores consistently; maybe UD in 2013; got his FCH at the NWCC Specialty trial, which was pretty exciting. Ironically, he also has only a few conformation points, but probably due to being on the big end for size. Happy, loving personality; if I didn’t already love whippets, he would make it happen! I’m so grateful to Lynn & Shannon Cleary, their breeders, for all the help and support; and all the whippet people out there who have been friendly; and even my obedience instructor, who said, when I told her I was getting a whippet “Oh, Kate; a hound?” (her golden was one that Jim beat for a HIT …), but was always helpful. Whippets are the best! ~ Katherine Darbyshire MOTCH Clearhounds Jim Key CGN, RAE, CR ~ Katherine Darbyshire NWCC NWCC 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 A W A R D S 2 # CKC RALLY OBEDIENCE Baccarat Wheatenridge Gem CGN PCD AGI AGNJ RAE, RX (CARO), ADC SGDC (AAC) Ch Baccarat Special Delivery X Ch Baccarat Thyme At Wheatenridge Breeders Terry Taft and Diane Waters Owned and handled by Wendy Fulton A W A R D S 2 # CKC AG ILITY Ch. Ragtime Mauna Loa FCHX SHDM AGMX-V AGMXJ-V CGN Beauty Brains and Character all in one great girl owned and handled by Linda Smith Janet Juzkiw, BC Percy (now AmGCH, AmCanCh Highbridge Power Play AmCan RN, Am RA, CGC, CGN) finished his American championship on April 20 in Lewiston, Idaho, guided to his final win by Linda Buchholz, his sire’s owner. We then went on an additional 3-state show trip (Utah, Ohio and Wisconsin) where he earned 21 of the 25 points he needed for his American Grand Championship, which he finished on June 24 in Montana with a total of 5 majors, all owner-handled. Pender (Ch Kamada’s No More Pending Dream, CGC, CGN) is patiently waiting in the wings but did pick up one more point in the US and also got two major reserve wins on that trip. He passed his Canine Good Neighbour test on June 5th as well. Linda Buchholz, BC Member News We had a great Spring – our beautiful Kai (MBISS Am.Can.Ch. Whimsy’s Swiftsure Kilo Kai) is now an American GRAND Champion – finishing very quickly with six majors and several BOB’s over top ranked specials. Her brother, Cruz (Ch. Whimsy’s Swiftsure Cruzan Gold) finished his American Championship in grand style with his third major – a BOB from the classes (entry of 50) for 5 points! Cruz and Kai are always breeder/owner/handled. Summer has started out with a bang – Kai and Cruz each won a Best in Specialty Show (each entered in one), and the next day Kai followed up with a lure coursing placement and a Best in Field Trial Conformation show! Current Conformation Standings Points as of July 15, 2012 GRP 1st GRP 2nd GRP 3rd GRP 4th BISTotal 1. Ch Stoneledge ‘N Lorricbrook La Nina 21 12 5 4 5 1656 2 Ch Aikerskaill In A NY Minute 17 14 9 1 2 880 3 Ch Lorricbrook Albelarm Believer 8 8 5 11 1 827 4. Ch Festiva’s No Excuse 1000 1 359 5. Ch Whimsy’s Swiftsure Kilo Kai 0 1 2 1 0 175 6. Ch SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll 0 5 3 0 0 154 7. Ch Lorricbrook More Than Real 1000 0 135 8. Snow Hill Dakota Bad Sneakers 0010 0 128 9. Ch Manorcourt’s Set Precedent 1 0 2 4 0 125 10. Ch Doron N Starlaine Hocus Pocus 1 4 1 1 0 123 unofficial results from www.canuckdogs.com (note: points are only counted for Group placements, not BOBs. For official standings and official point totals, contact the Canadian Kennel Club) judging critique The Canadian National Specialty Weekend The four days of May 31 - June 3 were a big Whippet weekend in Ontario. There was one all-breed show each day, all held at the Caledonia Fairgrounds, plus two independent specialties (the Great Lakes Whippet Club on June 1st, and the National Whippet Club of Canada on June 2nd), followed by the Gazehound Ontario specialty on June 3rd. I believe there was lure coursing in a different location as well, but was not able to participate in any of that. There were seven opportunities for Whippets to compete in conformation over four days, even more if you include the specialty and all-breeds sweepstakes. I’m not sure how many participated in all the shows, but staying active certainly would help both dogs and people to stay warm, if not dry: it rained a lot over the weekend, and although the sun came out for a few minutes every now and then it was much colder and windier than most Whippets would appreciate. On the day before the national, while judging a Borzoi specialty, I had to keep my eyes away from the Whippets, which was not easy, as they were everywhere – easily the biggest breed of the weekend. Entries varied from around 20-30 at the all-breed shows to 60 at the regional specialty, 67 at the national and 49 at the Sighthound show, and most of the BOB winners at the all-breed shows seemed to go on to win the Hound group as well. More about that later. The national specialty started with Dee Laurie Beaumont judging sweepstakes. The name didn’t ring a bell at first, but I soon realized we had met before: she’s the daughter of Audrey Benbow of the famous old Sirhan Borzoi and herself the owner of some top Whippets of the past, including the English imports Am. Can. Ch. Leatty Court Marshall (#1 Whippet USA 1968) and Am. Can. Ch. Cherann China Clipper of Oakbark (#1 Whippet Canada 1997), and Ch. Stoney Meadows Sound of Music from the U.S. Her Best in Sweepstakes winner was Snow Hill Fine Feathers, with BOS to Ch. Dragonsong’s Single Malt. THE REGULAR CLASSES It was my pleasure and honor to judge the regular classes at the national specialty. There was a very impressive trophy table, a large grass ring, efficient stewards, beautiful dogs and courteous exhibitors – and the rain miraculously stayed away almost all the way through the national specialty judging. What more can you ask for? The dog classes were not particularly well filled (why is it that bitches are ALWAYS so much more numerous, and usually also much better, than the males in our breed?), but I was delighted with my WD, a black with white trim, Am. Ch. Snow Hill Dakota Bad Sneakers (Ch. Sporting Fields Hot Topic x Snow Hill N Dakota Ivy League). He won pretty comfortably on his clean outline, beautiful neck, excellent proportions, general soundness and superior movement. If I was going to criticize him I’d like a little more spring of pasterns, but he’s a top class dog who should be a credit to the breed anywhere. I hear he left for a new home in Sweden immediately after the weekend. >> WD / BOS Best Puppy RWD was the brindle & white Junior Puppy, Lightfalls On Willowisp’s Flight of the Navigator (Ch. Plumcreek Hollowell Go Forth x Willowisp’s Belle Star), a very attractive youngster of great promise with exceptional sidegait. No less than four of his litter sisters were also shown, the best one winning the Junior Puppy Bitch class as well as WB at the subsequent Sighthound show. Incidentally, the catalogs of course do not list any AKC titles, but I have added those I’m fairly sure of. There were a number of beautiful bitch classes, especially Bred By Exhibitor, but I had no hesitation in awarding WB to a black brindle with white trim, Forgetmenot Miss Take (Ch. Forgetmenot Guardian Angel x Ch. Tylko Ty Viking’s Poetry). She gave me my first goose bump moment simply by her presence, standing there on her own and demonstrating what to me are ideal Whippet proportions: a beautiful, sweeping topline with sufficient length and just enough rise over the loin, excellent angulation at both ends, a long, muscular, crested neck, and excellent substance. She moved very well also, although she lost out a little in co-ordination and carriage when competing for BOB; I understand she’s not been shown much, but she is a born showgirl with great charisma. I hope she will do well in the future. She was also BOW. RWB was a tougher choice; I finally settled on the very young Cariad’s Full Moon Party (Ch. Cariad’s The Full Monty x Ch. Cariad-N-Wolfhaven We Believe), who I felt was the best complete package of those in contention: very appealing, excellent proportions and substance, correct in all the essentials, and sound movement. She was also beautifully presented. There was one terrific Veteran Dog, Ch. Lishima’s Iron Man (Ch. Airescot Gold Field x Lorricbrook High Spirit), who showed with more enthusiasm than most youngsters, moved with drive and had excellent proportions. It was very close between him and the best Veteran Bitch, the classy brindle Ch. Devonair’s Mabel (Ch. Byerley Savile Row x Ch. Devonair’ Dharma), who I was reminded did well under me in a big Puppy class at the AWC National in 2006. THE SPECIALS CLASS WB / BOW The specials class, with Veterans, WD and WB (Winners Male and Female in Canada) filled the large, beautiful ring: if I counted right there were 30 dogs in all. After an initial go-around I temporarily excused the bitches and whittled the males down to a half dozen or so, and then made a competition for Best Male between WD and the only 8-months old white and light fawn Ch. Manorcourt Set Precedent (Ch. Chelsea Coturri at Lorricbrook x Ch. Lorricbrook Mallymaloe). He lost out to WD for BOS only on maturity, can go far and reminded me a lot of the old Laguna dogs (in a modern package, naturally), which is about the highest >> praise I can give. He was later also Best Puppy. It was interesting to hear afterwards that Espen Engh, who judged the Great Lakes specialty the previous day, had narrowed it down to the same two dogs, but placed them in the opposite order: the puppy champion was BOS and the black WD got an Award of Merit. I gave BOS to the Winners Dog and Best Puppy to the young champion. The bitches offered more, and more difficult, choices, although frankly I knew she would be hard to beat as soon as I had gone over Ch. Snow Hill Onyx at Stoneledge and seen her sail around the ring. This is a bitch I’ve admired from ringside several times; I judged her just a few months ago but have never seen her look better than this day. She’s nearly five years old now and perhaps not in as hard condition as she has been, but she was so smooth, so shiny and above all possessed just about the best Whippet movement anyone could ask for. She is difficult to fault point by point, with a lovely head on top of a long, crested neck, a wonderful front, topline and body, an excellent, strong rear, and a short, glossy coat that shone like satin. However, her movement is really her best point, especially on a day like this when she was obviously having a great time and KNEW she was beautiful. The way she flowed around the ring made it impossible to deny her: clean, smooth and utterly effortless. I’m glad I got a chance to judge her again and grateful for another goose bump moment. She was my very worthy SBIS winner. BOB There were at least half a dozen other really top class bitches, and only three Awards of Merit to hand out. The WB pushed hard, but although I felt she was extremely competitive even at this level it seemed a pity not to honor as many of the lovely champions as possible. The trio of bitches I selected in the end is rather disparate in ‘family type’, but I’ve never felt it’s the judge’s duty to select cookie-cutter dogs, or to put up only those that happen to look like the judge’s own dogs. Good Whippets can fit the standard even though their strongest points may differ a bit. My eye was immediately drawn to the tall, stunning young Ch. Lorricbrook More Than Real (Ch. Chelsea Coturri at Lorricbrook x Lorricbrook Keeping It Real), white and light brindle. She is not yet 18 months old and obviously has a great career ahead of her. She presented perhaps the most eye-catching silhouette of all, with a long neck, sweeping outline and extremely well-angulated rear – almost too sweepy even for me (which is saying something), but she handled all her angles really well on the move. She could perhaps be a little more feminine. Another easy choice was the orange brindle & white Ch. Jetstream Forgetmenot Tigerpaw (Ch. Talk of the Nation de Sud x Ch. Foregetmenot Glamore): very charismatic and curvy, fully mature, with wonderful substance and an excellent mover. She is perhaps not as long cast as I would really prefer, but she’s extremely well balanced and so well put together it’s difficult to criticize her point by point. She was also Best Bred by Exhibitor. The third Award of Merit went to the day’s ‘problem child’, Ch. Aikerskaill In A NY Minute (Ch. Bohem Just In Time x Ch. Aikerskaill Miss Independence), perhaps the most feminine and the best size of them all, just a little model of what a Whippet bitch should be with excellent proportions. However, she never really got her act together and seemed more disturbed by the cold and wind than the others. When she came back after BOB to compete for Best Canadian-Bred she relaxed, showed much better and won this award quite deservedly. She’s only 18 months old and should be interesting to watch as she matures. The ‘Best Sexually Altered’ award went to Ch. Wheatenridge Baccarat Endora, best Stud Dog was Ch. Cariad’s The Full Monty, best Brood Bitch went to Ch. Forgetmenot Glamore, and best Lure Coursing to the previously mentioned Ch. Devonair’s Mabel. >> THE REST OF THE WEEKEND I am indebted to Lorraine Burch for results of the other BOB winners during the weekend. At the all-breed shows, Thursday’s BOB under Australian judge John Bink (as well as Group 1st & BIS) went to Ch. Festiva’s No Excuse (Ch. Bohem Just In Time x Ch. Festiva’s Whats Your Excuse). Friday’s BOB (& Group 1st) under Dr. Jim Sillers of the U.S. was Ch. Lorricbrook Albelarm Believer (Ch. Sporting Fields Spot On at Albelarm x Ch. Albelarm Lorricbrook Finesse), who was not shown at the specialties. Saturday’s BOB (& Group 1st) under Carlos Fernandez-Renau of Spain was Ch. Lorricbrook More Than Real (mentioned above); and Sunday’s BOB (and Group 3rd) under Eugene Blake of the U.S. was the WD at both specialties, Ch. Snow Hill Dakota Bad Sneakers (mentioned above). BOB at the Great Lakes Whippet Club specialty under Espen Engh of Norway the day before the national was the only 8-months-old Snow Hill Fine Feathers (Ch. Sporting Fields Spot On at Albelarm x Ch. Snow Hill Onyx at Stoneledge). I’m told her dam, my SBIS winner, received an AOM; she was only shown at the two specialties. Finally, at the Gazehound Ontario show on Sunday, BOB was Ch. Lorricbrook Fascination (Ch. Chelsea Coturri at Lorricbrook x Ch. Albelarm Lorricbrook Fancy Me). It was a very busy weekend for Whippet people in Canada. The numbers may not be as large as we’re used to at the AWC national specialties, but as anyone who has studied the lists of top winners in the U.S. knows, the top Canadian dogs are as good as the best anywhere else. The hospitality and kindness of the Canadian fanciers was outstanding; I had a great time and enjoyed seeing so many Whippet lovers, some of whom I’ve met before and some who were new acquaintances. ~ BO BENGTSON SPECIALTY COURSING RESULTS June 3 (15 competed) BOB: Clearhounds Pell Mell; Kate Darbyshire - New FCh. 2nd: Whispers Santana FChX3; Adrienne & Anton Osfolk, P Munnikhuysen 3rd: Devonair’s Hyacinth Bouquet FCh; Adrienne & Anton Osfolk 4th: Devonair’s Trisha; H & E Dansereau NBQ: Ch Corandy Country Road Can FChX3; HJ Dansereau Congratulations to Kate Darbyshire for her first Field Champion with a First at the National, AND a High in Trial obedience on Saturday for her MOTCh Clearhounds Jim Key! NWCC National Specialty Results S W E E P S TA K E S Dee Laurie-Beaumont JUNIOR PUPPY DOG CLASS 089LIGHTFALLS ON WILLOWISP’S FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR, Owner: S. Nichols & M. Cummings 163MONARCH N SNOW HILL ABSOLUTE DELIGHT, Dog, Owner: Betty Caroll, H Carroll, S Hughes 163 1st ________ 89 2nd ________ SENIOR PUPPY DOG CLASS 472 CH DRAGONSONG’S SINGLE MALT, Owner: Scott Dyson 472 1st ________ 12 - 15 MONTH DOG CLASS 365 VRYMEER’S RED BARCHETTA, Owner: Sarah Gudmundson & Laurie Rusticus 365 1st ________ 15 - 18 MONTH DOG CLASS 461 LORRICBROOK CELTIC HOT SHOT, Owner: Sherry Hamilton & Kelly Riney 461 1st ________ 15 - 18 MONTH BITCH CLASS S P E C I A LT Y C L A S S E S 392 CH LORRICBROOK MORE THAN REAL, Owner: Shelby Cooper & Jenny McCartney 3-6 MONTH DOG CLASS 392 1st ________ 165 Best in Sweepstakes________ 472 Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes________ V E T E R A N S W E E P S TA K E S 7 TO 9 YEARS VETERAN DOG CLASS 863 CH LISHIMA’S IRON MAN, Owner: Debbie & Jason Mckenzie JUNIOR PUPPY DOG 863 1st ________ 7 TO 9 YEARS VETERAN BITCH CLASS 308 CH ALBELARM LORRICBROOK FINESSE, Owner: Jenny Mccartney 586 CH WHEATENRIDGE BACCARAT ENDORA, Owner: Diane Waters; T. Taft; F. Ueno abs 668CH APPRAXIN’S SOUTHERN `BELLE AT HI TOR, Owner: Patti Coles & Calvin Perry & Justin Smithey 586 1st ________ 308 2nd ________ 005 LIGHTFALLS AT WILLOWISP BY PLUMCREEK, Owner: Tiina Paulaharju 164 MONARCH N SNOW HILL BED OF ROSES, Owner: Betty Carroll, H Carroll, S. Hughes DVM 586 Best of Opposite Sex in Veteran Sweepstakes________ 670 HI TOR’S FLY HIGH FREE BIRD, Owner: Patti Fitzgerald 165 2nd ______ 005 670 164 1st ______ 3rd ______ 4th ______ 852TOUCHSTONE TOP HAT N’TAILS, ZC442229, 02/22/2012, Breeder: Debra J. Wright, by Ammardan Dumond Avalonia ex Ch Touchstone A Splash Of Blue, Canada. Owner: Debra J. Wright. 861TAILWIND’S BON VIVANTE, ZA439266, 01/19/2012, Breeder: Rhonda Ship, by Ch Freckashpeng’s Orion ex Ch Tailwind’s Diamonds R Forever, Elsewhere. Owner: Rhonda Ship. Agent: Rhoda & Wally Ace. JUNIOR PUPPY BITCH CLASS 165 SNOW HILL FINE FEATHERS, Owner: Susanne Hughes DVM Bo Bengtson 3rd ________ 863 Best in Veteran Sweepstakes________ 861 1st ________ 852 2nd ________ 089LIGHTFALLS ON WILLOWISP’S FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR, LISTED, 10/13/2011, Breeder: S. Nichols & R. Gardner & S. Call, by Plumcreek Hallowell Go Forth ex Willowisp’s Belle Star, Elsewhere. Owner: S. Nichols & M. Cummings. 163MONARCH N SNOW HILL ABSOLUTE DELIGHT, ERN12000537, 10/31/2011, Breeder: Betty Carroll, H Carroll, S Hughes, by Snow Hill Copperline, MC LCM ex Snow Hill Heart & Soul, SC, Elsewhere. Owner: Betty Caroll, H Carroll, S Hughes. 089 1st ________ 163 2nd ________ 12 - 18 MONTH DOG to BOB 365VRYMEER’S RED BARCHETTA, YE398187, 03/22/2011, Breeder: Laurie Rusticus, by Albelarm High Voltage Ww ex Ch Vrymeer’s Thyme To Tapdance, Canada. Owner: Sarah Gudmundson & Laurie Rusticus. 860VRYMEER TARNHOWS VOLTAIRE, YE398186, 03/22/2011, Breeder: Laurie A. Rusticus, by Albelarm High Voltage ex Ch Vrymeer’s Thyme To Tapdance, Canada. Owner: Linda Ratcliffe. 860 1st ________ 2nd ________ >> BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG 123LYRICAL’S UNDER THE TUSCON SUN, LISTED, 11/14/2011, Breeder: Melissa Leishman, by Ch Dragonsong’s Errol Flynn ex Ch Dragonsong’s Avalon, Canada. Owner: Melissa Leishman. 252CARIADS THE RING OF FIRE, YJ419329, 05/25/2011, Breeder: K. Pritchard, T.C. Taft, R. Russ, by Ch Cariad’s The Full Monty ex Ch Cariad Baccarat Into The Fire, Canada. Owner: Kim Pritchard. 672HI TOR’S CELTIC FIRE OF APPRAXIN, ERN12000525, 02/21/2009, Breeder: Patti Fitzgerald, Calvin Perry, Justin Smithey, by BoBett’s Lord Of The Ring ex Ch Woodsia Appraxin Whitetail, Elsewhere. Owner: Patti Fitzgerald & Calley Rupp. 252 1st ________ 672 2nd ________ 123 3rd ________ OPEN DOG 006LIGHTFALLS ON HE WHO WOULD BE KING, 1109866, 12/29/2009, Breeder: Rebecca Gardner, Sue Nichols, by Windstar’s Valley Of The Kings ex Petrez Selyem Projekt Scarborough Fair, Elsewhere. Owner: Tiina Paulaharju. abs 007CLEARHOUNDS PELL MELL R.A., CDX, WQ306354, 08/29/2009, Breeder: Lynn Cleary, Shannon Cleary, by Bitterblue’s Before Colour ex Ch Clearhounds Lolita, Canada. Owner: Kate Darbyshire. 166SNOW HILL DAKOTA BAD SNEAKERS, LISTED, 03/02/2010, Breeder: Kristine Benoit, Susanne Hughes DVM, by Sportingfields Hot Topic ex Snow Hill N Dakota Ivy League, Elsewhere. Owner: Susanne Hughes DVM, Kristine Benoit. 461LORRICBROOK CELTIC HOT SHOT, ERN12000381, 12/31/2010, Breeder: Jenny McCartney, by Ch Lishima’s Hot2trot ex Ch Lorricbrook Ballykissangel, Elsewhere. Owner: Sherry Hamilton & Kelly Riney. 749WENRICK’S THE WILD ONE, LISTED, 09/09/2010, Breeder: Jody Paquette, Leonardo Garcini, Sandi Jordan, by Wenrick’s Dash Rip Rock ex Tripletimes Silver Lining At Wenrick, Elsewhere. Owner: Jody Paquette & Leonardo Garcini. Agent: Jennifer McClintock. 848MY CAMELOT RQ MARC, 1103512, 05/01/2008, Breeder: Zoran Sordjan, by My Camelot Forever Fire ex My Camelot Sable Swan, Elsewhere. Owner: Susan Prokopenko & Jocelyne Gagne. 855SHAMASAN BLUE SUEDE SHOES, LISTED, 11/13/2009, Breeder: Phoebe J. Booth, Joan Fisher, S. Honaker, L. Crain, by Ch Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery, CD FCHX AGN ex Shamasan Y Tu Mama Tambien, Elsewhere. Owner: Karen Wheeler, P. Booth, S. Honaker, L. Crain. Agent: Heather Dansereau. 166 749 461 855 1st ______ 2nd ______ 3rd ______ 4th ______ 166 Winners Dog ________ 89 Reserve Winners Dog ________ 7 TO AND INCLUDING 9 YEARS VETERAN DOG 863CH LISHIMA’S IRON MAN, MN820484, 07/21/2002, Breeder: Jenny McCartney & Sherry Bodden, by Ch Airescot Gold Field ex Lorricbrook High Spirit, Canada. Owner: Debbie & Jason McKenzie. 863 1st ________ 36 MONTH BITCH CLASS 132FORGETMENOT JETSTREAM ON FIRE, LISTED, 01/10/2012, Breeder: Joanne Beaudreault, by Plumcreek Going Big Time ex Ch Willabe Forgetmenot I Matter, Canada. Owner: Lorraine Burch, J. Boudreault. 222FORGETMENOT PRETTY AMAZING, LISTED, 02/18/2012, Breeder: Joanne Boudreault, by Ch Cariad’s The Full Monty ex Ch Forgetmenot Gabrielle’s Beauty, Canada. Owner: J Boudreault. 850TOUCHSTONE LITTLE BLACK DRESS, ZC440968, 02/22/2012, Breeder: Debra J. Wright, by Ammardan Dumond Avalonia ex Ch Touchstone A Splash Of Blue, Canada. Owner: Debra J. Wright. JUNIOR PUPPY BITCH 005LIGHTFALLS AT WILLOWISP BY PLUMCREEK, LISTED, 10/13/2011, Breeder: Rebecca Gardner, Sue Nichols, Sandra Call, by Plumcreek Hollowell Go Forth ex Willowisp’s Belle Starr, Elsewhere. Owner: Tiina Paulaharju. 090LIGHTFALLS ON WILLOWISP’S FLIGHT OF ANGELS, LISTED, 10/13/2011, Breeder: R. Gardner & S. Nichols & S. Call, by Plumcreek Hollowell Go Forth ex Willowisp’s Belle Star, Elsewhere. Owner: Rebecca Gardner. 091LIGHTFALLS ON WILLOWISP’S FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX, LISTED, 10/13/2011, Breeder: Rebecca Gardner, Sue Nichols & Sandra Call, by Plumcreek Hollowell Go Forth ex Willowisp’s Belle Starr, Elsewhere. Owner: Rebecca Gardner & Sue Nichols. 092LIGHTFALLS ON WILLOWISP’S FLIGHT OF FANCY, LISTED, 10/13/2011, Breeder: Rebecca Gardner, Sue Nichols & Sandra Call, by Plumcreek Hollowell Go Forth ex Willowisp Belle Starr, Elsewhere. Owner: Rebecca Gardner & Sue Nichols. 164MONARCH N SNOW HILL BED OF ROSES, ERN12000536, 10/31/2011, Breeder: Betty Carroll, S Hughes, H Carroll, by Snow Hill Copperline, MC LCM ex Snow Hill Heart & Soul, SC, Elsewhere. Owner: Betty Carroll, H Carroll, S. Hughes DVM. 867ELAINWARD N FESTIVA’S SUPERBOWL SUNDAY, LISTED, 09/25/2011, Breeder: Julie A. Konwent & Kelly Riney, by Festiva’s Any Given Sunday ex Elainward’s Illusion At Paragon, Elsewhere. Owner: Julie A. Konwent & Kelly Riney. 005 2nd ______ 092 867 090 1st ______ 3rd ______ 4th ______ 851TOUCHSTONE BELLE OF THE BALL, ZC440967, 02/22/2012, Breeder: Debra J. Wright, by Ammardan Dumond Avalonia ex Ch Touchstone A Splash Of Blue, Canada. Owner: Debra J. Wright. 222 851 132 850 1st ______ 2nd ______ 3rd ______ 4th ______ >> 12 - 18 MONTH BITCH 133JETSTREAM PARTY AT THE MANSION, YA399101, 01/23/2011, Breeder: Lorraine Burch, Kyle Burch, by Plumcreek Hollowell Proclaim ex Ch Jetstream Classique, Canada. Owner: Lorraine Burch, Kyle Burch. 485ECLIPSE ELEGANCIA, 1116124, 01/26/2011, Breeder: D. ArnerMotzkus, L. E. & K. Day, by Eclipse Rising Sun ex Ch Daydreams Nights N White Satin, Elsewhere. Owner: Barbara E. Crossley. 547VRYMEER CELESTINE PROPHECY, YE398188, 03/22/2011, Breeder: Laurie A. Rusticus, by Albelarm High Voltage WW ex Ch Vrymeer’s Thyme To Tapdance, Canada. Owner: Kyle H. Sibinovic & Laurie Rusticus. Agent: John Or Hailey Griffith. 133 1st ________ 547 2nd ________ 485 3rd ________ CANADIAN BRED BITCH 510CARIAD’S FULL MOON PARTY, YQ431771, 08/31/2011, Breeder: Kim Pritchard & Donita Osborne, by Ch Cariad’s The Full Monty ex Ch CariadNWolfhaven We Believe, Canada. Owner: Richer Poissant & Kim Pritchard. 510 1st ________ BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH 122LYRICAL’S MISS CONGENIALITY, LISTED, 11/14/2011, Breeder: Melissa Leishman, by Ch Dragonsong’s Errol Flynn ex Ch Dragonsong’s Avalon, Canada. Owner: Melissa Leishman. 165SNOW HILL FINE FEATHERS, ERN12000535, 09/14/2011, Breeder: Susanne Hughes, J Clever, by Ch Sporting Fields Spot On At Alberlarm ex Ch Snow Hill Onyx At Stoneledge SC, Elsewhere. Owner: Susanne Hughes DVM. 190FORGETMENOT MISS TAKE, WG286679, 04/19/2009, Breeder: J. Boudreault, by Ch Forgetmenot Guardian Angel ex Ch Tylko Ty Viking’s Poetry, Canada. Owner: J Boudreault. 253CARIAD’S FULL TO THE RIM, YQ430399, 7 TO AND INCLUDING 9 YEARS VETERAN BITCH 08/31/2011, Breeder: Kim Pritchard & Donita Osborne, abs 668CH APPRAXIN’S SOUTHERN BELLE AT HI TOR, by Ch Cariad’s The Full Monty ex Ch CariadNWolfhaven ERN12000526, 02/10/2005, Breeder: Patti Fitzgerald, We Believe, Canada. Owner: Kim Pritchard. Calvin Perry, Justin Smithey, by Broadstriders Cordillera ex 670HI TOR’S FLY HIGH FREE BIRD, ERN12000523, Appraxin Wilhaus N Th’ Clover, Elsewhere. Owner: Patti 09/05/2011, Breeder: Patti Fitzgerald, by Hi Tor’s Celtic Coles & Calvin Perry & Justin Smithey. Fire Of Appraxin ex Hi Tor’s Free Bird, Elsewhere. Owner: 858CH DEVONAIR’S MABEL, RC996692, 02/23/2005, Patti Fitzgerald. Breeder: Heather H. Dansereau & Everett Dansereau, by 704AZURE’S CUTEY PITUTY, YE394289, 03/04/2011, Byerley Savile Row ex Ch Devonair’s Dharma, Canada. Breeder: Mary Morris, by Noteworthy Excalibur ex Ch Owner: Everett Dansereau & Heather Dansereau. Azure’s Everlasting Love, Canada. Owner: Mary Morris. 862CH AZURE’S PINWHEEL AT SITCOM, PL967916, 06/10/2004, Breeder: Mary Morris & Melody L. Roth, 190 253 165 122 1st ______ 2nd ______ 3rd ______ 4th ______ by Ch Lishima’s Iron Man ex Ch Vishnu’s Duchess Of Trishamar, Canada. Owner: Barbara Crossley. OPEN BITCH 099PETRAZSELYEMPROJEKT SCARBOROUGH FAIR, LISTED, 02/07/2009, Breeder: Dr. Annamaria Mozes, by Panther’s Ghost Z Uplnku ex Lightfall’s Willowisp, Elsewhere. Owner: A. Mozes, S. Nichols & R. Gardner. 191FORGET ME NOT JAY LO, UL259094, 06/10/2008, Breeder: J. Boudreault, by Ch Tylko Ty Viking’s Pride ex Ch Plumcreek Moon Dance, Canada. Owner: Yves Wirtz. 238HIELAND’S GET OUT OF JAIL FREE, LISTED, 12/31/2009, Breeder: George Guba, by Ch Hillsdown Raphael To Astri ex HielandLightfalWillowsp Crazy LittleThingCalledLove, Elsewhere. Owner: George Guba. Agent: Mary Cummings. to 7-9 308CH ALBELARM LORRICBROOK FINESSE, 1087192, 05/19/2004, Breeder: Lesley Anne Potts & Jenny Mccartney, by Ch Lorricbrook Trussardi ex Ch C.square Albelarm Say When, Elsewhere. Owner: Jenny McCartney. Agent: Harper Getty. 377BOXING HELENA’S JUSTAQUEEN, 1117223, 11/27/2010, Breeder: Bart Scheerens, by Nevedith Eefa Empra ex Nevedith Pfa Princess, Elsewhere. Owner: Joshua M. Morry. Agent: Debra Wright. 099 191 238 377 1st ______ 2nd ______ 3rd ______ 4th ______ 190 Reserve Winners Bitch________ 510 Winners Bitch______ 869CH AZURE’S SHIMMERING JEWELS, NL883984, 06/03/2003, Breeder: Mary Morris, by Ch Airescot Goldfield ex Ch Azure’s Moulin Rouge, Canada. Owner: Mary Morris. 858 862 869 308 1st ______ 2nd ______ 3rd ______ 4th ______ SPECIALS ONLY 017CH FRECKASHPENG MISS MAIZEL, Bitch, XJ353754, 05/01/2010, Breeder: Steve Pedro & Paul Allard, by Ch Freckashpeng’s Orion ex Ch Freckashpeng Hi Tor Madison Ja, Canada. Owner: Steve Pedro & Paul Allard. 040CH AIKERSKAILL IN A NY MINUTE, Bitch, XW390273, 11/21/2010, Breeder: D. Markus, H. Lee, by Bohem Just in Time ex Ch Aikerskaill Miss Independence, Canada. Owner: D. Fast, H. Lee, D. Markus. 058CH SHETARA’S MOONDANCE, Bitch, YS422063, 09/12/2011, Breeder: Kerry Bauer, by Ch Wenrick’s Rebel Without A Cause ex Ch Dragonsong’s Willow, Canada. Owner: Kerry Bauer. 076CH WENRICK’S REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, Dog, 1114973, 12/09/2010, Breeder: Jody Paquette, Leonardo Garcini & Sandi Jordan, by Ch Wenrick’s Dash Rip Rock ex Ch tripletimes Silver Lining At Wenrick, Elsewhere. Owner: Kerry Bauer. >> 100CH MANORCOURT SET PRECEDENT, Dog, YS429472, 09/21/2011, Breeder: Sandy French, Jenny McCartney, by Ch Chelsea Coturri at Lorriebrook ex Ch Lorriebrook Ballymaloe, Canada. Owner: Sandy French, Jenny McCartney. Agent: Cathy French. 347CH ALBELARM KISS KURL AT LORRICBROOK, Bitch, 1114216, 08/02/2010, Breeder: Kathleen Holden & Lesley Anne Potts, by Ch Chelsea Coturri At Lorricbrook ex Albelarm High Faluton Ww, Elsewhere. Owner: Erin Lister & Stacey Cronyn. 121CH LYRICAL ABBYKADABRA DRAGONSONG, Bitch, XE360952, 03/14/2010, Breeder: Scott Dyson, Melissa Leishman, by Ch Festiva’s Been There Done That ex Ch Dragonsong’s Avalon, Canada. Owner: Melissa Leishman. 392CH LORRICBROOK MORE THAN REAL, Bitch, XY387139, 12/30/2010, Breeder: Jenny McCartney, by Ch. Chelsea Coturri At Lorricbrook ex Lorricbrook Keeping It Real, Canada. Owner: Shelby Cooper & Jenny McCartney. 134CH. JETSTREAM FORGETMENOT TIGERPAW, Bitch, WS319533, 09/20/2009, Breeder: Lorraine Burch, J. Boudreault, by Talk Of The Nation De Sud ex Ch. Forgetmenot Glamore, Canada. Owner: Lorraine Burch, J. Boudreault. 472CH DRAGONSONG’S SINGLE MALT, Dog, YN439710, 07/27/2011, Breeder: Scott Dyson, by Ch Dragonsong’s Walker At Sardula ex Dragonsong’s Glory, Canada. Owner: Scott Dyson. 174CH WHIMSY’S SWIFTSURE KILO KAI, Bitch, ERN1000826, 02/06/2009, Breeder: Mary Downing, Linda Buchholz, by Ch Counterpoint Jungle Drums, FCH ex Ch Lost Creek Smile Jamaica, Elsewhere. Owner: Mary Downing, Linda Buchholz. 254CH CARIAD’S THE FULL MONTY, Dog, XE355761, 03/30/2010, Breeder: K. Pritchard, T.C. Taft & R. Russ, by Ch Festiva’s Been There Done That ex Ch Cariad Baccarat Into The Fire, Canada. Owner: Kim Pritchard. 500CH FESTIVA’S NO EXCUSE, Bitch, ERN10001019, 03/12/2009, Breeder: Katie Rudolph & Dr. Susanne Hughes, by Bohem Just In Time ex Festiva’s Whats Your Excuse, Elsewhere. Owner: Kelly Riney. Agent: Katie Rudolph. 696CH LUDAH’S PRETTY BOY FLOYD, Dog, TL171334, 06/22/2007, Breeder: Lucy Hudson & Scott Dyson, by Ch Ludah’s Fats Domino ex Ch Dragonsong’s Ludah’s Amie, Canada. Owner: Lucy & Dave Hudson. 302CH SOLOMAG THE SORCER’S APRENTICE, Dog, XA324358, 01/21/2010, Breeder: Nichole P. Bossence, by Ch Lepus Han Solo ex Ch Ludah’s Snow White, Canada. Owner: Nichole P. St Germain. 853CH OLIVERIDGE EIRELOOM TAG THYME, Dog, XJ353792, 05/17/2010, Breeder: Alison J. Short, by Ch Wheatenridge Baccarat Thyme Keeper, CGN ex Ch Wheatenridge Baccarat Willow, Canada. Owner: Jeannette Tinsley. 312CH TOUCHSTONE A SPLASH OF BLUE, Bitch, WE281957, 03/21/2009, Breeder: Debra J. Wright, by Ch Avalonia Trick Or Treat ex Ch Avalonia Blueberry Lemonade, Canada. Owner: Debra J. Wright. 854CH COLLOONEY MOUNTAIN DEW, Dog, 1108226, 07/09/2006, Breeder: Viv Coulter, by Collooney He’s The One ex Cobyco Call Me Madam At Stonefox, Elsewhere. Owner: Stacey Cronyn. 313CH TOUCHSTONE MAKING MEMORIES, Bitch, XS368155, 09/07/2010, Breeder: Debra J. Wright, by Ch Avalonia Bondi At Touchstone ex Ch Avalonia Blueberry Lemonade, Canada. Owner: Debra J. Wright. 856CH VRYMEER’S THYME TO TAPDANCE, Bitch, UU251433, 10/07/2008, Breeder: Laurie A . Rusticus, by Ch Whtnrdg Baccarat Thyme Keeper ex Ch Carriads Black Eyedpeas, Canada. Owner: Laurie Rusticus. 314CH TOUCHSTONE REMEMBER WHEN, Dog, XS368152, 09/07/2010, Breeder: Debra J. Wright, by Ch Avalonia Bondi At Touchstone ex Ch Avalonia Blueberry Lemonade, Canada. Owner: Debra J. Wright. 857VRYMEER DELIVERS UNOBTANIUM, Dog, XG341590, 04/09/2010, Breeder: Laurie Rusticus, by Ch Baccarat Special Delivery ex Ch Cariad’s Black Eyedpeas, Canada. Owner: Laurie Rusticus, Anna Morison, W. Don Morison. Agent: John Griffith. 859CH SHAMASAN DEVONAIR’S DALE, FCH, Bitch, 1109571, 11/13/2009, Breeder: Phoebe Booth, Joan Fisher, S. Honaker, L. Crain, by Ch Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery, CD FCHX AGN RA ex Shamasan Y Tu Mama Tambien, Elsewhere. Owner: Heather Dansereau & Everett Dansereau. 866CH SNOW HILL ONYX AT STONE LEDGE, Bitch, ERN28000796, 07/08/2007, Breeder: Susanne Hughes Dvm, by Ch Sportingfield Hot Topic ex Snow Hill Mind Body And Soul, Elsewhere. Owner: James Clever. Agent: Lesley Anne Potts. 868CH HH HEARTLAND KINGMAMBO, Dog, 1105391, 07/13/2008, Breeder: M.e.r. Barry, V. Smith & C. King, by Ch Cariad’s Mr Bo Jangles ex Hh Heartland Heart Of Gold, Elsewhere. Owner: C. King, D. King & M.E.R. Barry. 948CH JETSTREAM BUTTERSCOTCH RIPPLE, Bitch, WS319521, 09/20/2009, Breeder: Lorraine Burch, Joanne Boudreault, by Talk Of The Nation De Sud ex Ch Forgetmenot Glamore, Canada. Owner: Lorraine Burch. 866 166 Best of Breed__________ Best of Opposite Sex________ 190 100 Best of Winners________ Best Puppy in Breed________ 40 Award of Merit________ 392 ________ 134 ________ 222 863 Best Veteran__________ Best Baby Puppy ________ 40 Best Canadian Bred in Breed________ 134 Best Breeder/Owner/Handled________ >> EXHIBITION ONLY CLASS SEXUALLY ALTERED FEMALE LURE COURSING CLASS abs 137CH JETSTREAM EXOTIQUE, UJ227015, 135CH FORGETMENOT GLAMORE, TC146607, 02/07/2007, Breeder: Joanne Boudreault, by Plumcreek 05/17/2008, Breeder: Lorraine Burch & Kyle Burch, by Hollowell Go Forth ex Ch Willabe Forgetmenot I Matter, Ch Tylko Ty Viking’s Pride ex Tailwind Kireisa Jet Stream, Canada. Owner: Lorraine Burch, Joanne Boudreault. Canada. Owner: Mona Wilkes. 849CH AVALONIA BLUEBERRY LEMONADE, RW064746, 11/16/2005, Breeder: Joshua M. Morry, by Ch Scheik’s Ardbeg Avalonia ex Ch Avalonia Wispa Jesta, Canada. Owner: Debra Wright. 870CH WINTERBOURNE’S PIED PIPER, XS401006, 09/26/2010, Breeder: Jodi Allward, by Ch Festiva’s Been There Done That ex Winterbourne’s Hurricane Hannah, Canada. Owner: Jodi Allward & Katerina White. Agent: Luci White. SEXUALLY ALTERED MALE abs 008MOTCH CLEARHOUNDS JIM KEY RAE, KJ658111, 05/08/2000, Breeder: Lynn Cleary, Shannon cleary, by Clearhounds Islander ex Ch Clearhounds Fantasia, Canada. Owner: Katherine Darbyshire. 136JETSTREAM FORGETMENOT PLAYBOY, YA399089, 01/23/2011, Breeder: Lorraine Burch, Kyle Burch, by Plumcreek Hollowell Proclaim ex Ch Jetstream Classique, Canada. Owner: John J Henry. 864LORRICBROOK REAL SAGE, TY207392, 12/22/2007, Breeder: Jenny Mccartney, by Chelsea Gherardelli (USA), CGN ex Lorricbrook Keeping It Real, Canada. Owner: Nivia Gomes. abs 865CH CORANDY COUNTRY ROAD, FCHX2, 1088002, 01/29/2005, Breeder: Corinne Smith, by Ronndal At The Ritz ex Corandy Country Girl, Elsewhere. Owner: HeatherJean Dansereau. 136 864 1st ______ 2nd ______ 3rd ______ 4th ______ 136 Winners Altered Male _____ 864 Reserve Winners Altered Male _____ 233BACCARAT WHEATENRIDGE GEM, CGN PCD AGNJ AGI RAE, NS910646, 09/27/2003, Breeder: T.C. Taft, F. Ueno, D.E. Waters, by Ch Baccarat Special Delivery ex Ch Baccarat Thyme At Wheatenridge, Canada. Owner: Wendy B. Fulton. 586CH WHEATENRIDGE BACCARAT ENDORA, RG018415, 04/01/2005, Breeder: T. Taft, F. Ueno, D. Waters, by Ch Edelweiss Baccarat Allstar ex Ch Baccarat Thyme At Wheatenridge, Canada. Owner: Diane Waters, T. Taft, F. Ueno. Agent: Danielle Clark. 586 1st ________ 233 2nd ________ 3rd ________ 586 Winners Altered Female_______ 233 Reserve Winners Altered Female______ 586 Best of Breed Altered_________ 136 Best of Opposite Sex Altered_________ STUD DOG AND GET CLASS 254CH CARIAD’S THE FULL MONTY, XE355761, 03/30/2010. 254 Best Stud Dog________ BROOD BITCH AND PROGENY CLASS 135CH FORGETMENOT GLAMORE, TC146607, 02/07/2007. 849CH AVALONIA BLUEBERRY LEMONADE, RW064746, 11/16/2005. 856CH VRYMEER’S THYME TO TAPDANCE, UU251433, 10/07/2008. 135 Best Bood Bitch ________ 858 CH DEVONAIR’S MABEL, RC996692, 02/23/2005. 859CH SHAMASAN DEVONAIR’S DALE, FCH, 1109571, 11/13/2009. 865CH CORANDY COUNTRY ROAD, FCHX2, 1088002, 01/29/2005. 868CH HH HEARTLAND KINGMAMBO, 1105391, 07/13/2008. 870CH WINTERBOURNE’S PIED PIPER, XS401006, 09/26/2010. 858 Best in Lure Coursing Class________ Other Specialty Lower Mainland Whippet Association Specialty Abbotsford, BC July 7th Regular Specialty Classes: Jocelyne Gagne WD: Serendipity Malarkey at Whimsy (Am.Ch. Shamasan Hound Hill Cherokee x Ch. Serendipity Skylark), owned by Mary Downing RWD: Lost Creek McCaden Saltimbanco (Am.Ch. Summit Ironwood Other Sutherland x Am.Can.Ch. Lost Creek A Taste of Red), owned by Helen Brettell WB/BOW: Am.Ch. Oxford Rowingdale Beautiful Eyes (Am.Ch. Starline’s Sovereign x Am.Ch. Oxford Tobell Jadore for Rowes), owned by Karren and John Pynsia RWB: Lost Creek McKaden Quidam (Am.Ch. Summit Ironwood Other Sutherland x Am.Can.Ch. Lost Creek A Taste of Red), owned by Helen Brettell BOB: AmGChCan.Ch Whimsy’s Swiftsure Kilo Kai (Can.Am.Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums, FCH, TRP, DPC, PR3 x Am.Can.Ch. Lost Creek Smile Jamaica), owned by Linda Buchholz & Mary Downing BOS: Am.Can.Ch. Whimsy’s Over The Moon (Am.Can.Ch. Whimsy’s Bananas Foster x Ch. Alcyon A Rumor of Whimsy), owned by Mary Downing & Christine Hopperstad R E S U LT S Best Brace: Blue Prints Homebrew (Surrey Hill’s Tell-Tale Heart x Lady Hilerica Lexus, F.Ch.) and Hilerica Lady Lexus, F.Ch (Hilerica Cat Scratch Fever, FCH x Ch. Hilerica Faraway Eyes, FCh), owned by Malinda Evans Best Coursing Class: Ch. & Alt.Ch. Swiftsure Tanzania, DPC, TRPX, PR3, SR, AGNJ (Am.Can.Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums, F.Ch, DPC, TRP, PR3 x Ch. & Alt. Ch. Surrey Hill’s Crystal Wave, FCh, ARX, DPCX, TRPX), owned by Laura Baratta Lower Mainland Whippet Association Field Trial Conformation Show July 8, 2012 Judge: Carmen Haller WD: Serendipity On A Lark, owned by Beth Levine RWD: Belaya Chanson d’Amour, owned by Carol Chittum WB/BW: Camelot Elegant Lady of Summit, owned by Janis Castle & Susan Vernon RWB: Serendipity Hark The Lark, owned by Beth Levine AOM: Ch. Burnt Sienna Red Mountain (Swe.Dan.Ch. Play A While Nokia x Int.Swe.DK.Nor.Fin.Ch. Burnt Sienna Midsummer Breeze), owned by Laura Baratta BOB: AmGCH.CanCh. Whimsy’s Swiftsure Kilo Kai, owned by Linda Buchholz & Mary Downing Best Puppy: Alcyon All Mimsy At Whimsy (Am.Can.Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums, F.Ch, DPC, TRP, PR3 x Alcyonn Tykhi Fortuna), owned by Christine Hopperstad & Mary Downing BOS: Am.Can.Ch. Whimsy’s Over The Moon, owned by Mary Downing “Kai” went on to Best in Show, under Judge Jocelyne Gagne >> Best Veteran: Ch & AltCh. Poseidon’s Kamikaze (Ch. Poseidon’s Santa Fe x Poseidon’s Gelato), owned by Linda Johnston WD Altered/BOB Altered: Ch & AltCh. Poseidon’s Kamikaze WB Altered: Ch. Highbridge On The Fly, FCH, DPC, TRP, PR2 (Am.Can.Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums, FCh, TRP, DPC x Whimsy’s Harriet The Spy, FCH), owned by Janet Stritychuk & Cara Takahashi Best Baby Puppy: Sailaway Time Traveller (Am.Can.Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums, F.Ch, TRP, DPC, PR3 x Sailaway Bugatti Veyron, F.Ch.), owned by Lorna Leinbach photo by Jennifer Szabo Whippet Club of BC Sweeps Judge: Lisa Tremblay Best in Sweeps: Starline’s Walk This Way (Am.Ch. Starline’s Sovereign x Am.Ch. Oxford’s Dynesty), owned by Charles R. Roberts BOS: Alcyon All Mimsy at Whimsy Whippet Club of BC Specialty Abbotsford, BC July 7th Regular Specialty Classes: Ann Billups WD/BOW: Alcyon Tinker Tailor (Am.Can.Ch. Morlais Imagine at Whimsy x Alcyon Tykhi Fortuna), owned by Anne Jacobs Before the shows RWD: Brystal Gallantry Streaming (Am.DC.Can.Ch. Belaya Cirquedusoleil, RN,SC, NA, AXJ x Special Acre’s Wings of a Dove), owned by Darcy Shurin WB: Camelot Elegant Lady at Summit (Am.Can.Ch. Camelot’s Nerves of Steel x Summit Maiden’s Blush), owned by Janis Castle & Susan Vernon RWB: Belaya Alouette (AmFC. Blue Heron’s Belmont, SC x Can.Ch.AmDC. Belaya’s Velveteen Rabbit, SC, Am.F.Ch.) owned by Carol Chittum BOB: Am.Can.Ch. Whimsy’s Swiftsure Cruzan Gold (Can.Am.Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums, FCH, TRP, DPC, PR3 x Am.Can.Ch. Lost Creek Smile Jamaica), owned by Linda Buchholz & Mary Downing BOS: Ch. Fireworks Wild Berry, TRPX, DPC, OTRM, SR (Am.Ch. Hound Hill Hex x Ch. Ragtime Firestarter, F.Ch., CGN), owned by Marie Bruner AOM: Alt.Ch. Alluring Austin Without Limits (Am.Ch. Tivio’s Chiricahua x Ch. Icatcher’s Silver Promises), owned by Jennifer Szabo Best Puppy: Starline’s Walk This Way Best Veteran: Ch. Fireworks Wild Berry, TRPX, DPC, OTRM, SR WD Altered: Ch & AltCh. Poseidon’s Kamikaze WB Altered/BOB Altered: Ch. Fireworks Wild Berry, TRPX, DPC, OTRM, SR Best Brace: Blue Prints Homebrew and Hilerica Lady Lexus, F.Ch Best Coursing Class: Ch. & Alt.Ch. Swiftsure Tanzania, F.Ch, DPC,TRPX, PR3, SR, AGNJ After the shows photos by Dogshots Photography Cruz does everything in a BIG way! Am.Ch. & BISS Can.Ch. Whimsy’s Swiftsure Cruzan Gold • Canadian Championship with a Specialty BOB from the classes • Two Specialty BOS awards (to his sister) • Third time out as a Special – Specialty Best in Show, LMWA, July 7th, Judge Ann Billups DogShots 2012 • American championship with 3 majors, including a 5 pt. BOB from the classes (entry 50) over top specials to finish. Along the way he won 3 specialty WD awards (Judges John Shelton, Donna Lynch and Susan Badick). On the two occasions that he was measured – he was IN both times. Cruz has been a lot of fun to show with his flawless movement, stunning body and charismatic showmanship. co-owned & co-bred by Swiftsure Whippets Steve & Linda Buchholz Aldergrove, BC [email protected] Kai does everything in GRAND style…. BISS Am.G.Ch. & MBISS Can. Ch. Whimsy’s Swiftsure Kilo Kai, PR, DPC,TRP DogShots 2012 We are so proud of our beautiful girl who continues to turn heads on both sides of the border. Kai’s most recent achievements include finishing her American GRAND championship in quick order, with 6 majors and several BOB wins over top ranked specials. Kai continues to dominate the specialty ring with another Specialty BOB at the LMWA Specialty show on July 7th, under Judge Jocelyne Gagne. The following day, she earned a coursing placement and an hour later was crowned Best in Show at the Field Trial Conformation Show, under judges Carmen Haller and Jocelyne Gagne. (And, yes I *do* have more than one show outfit!! Both these specialties were on the same day and no time to change!!) co-owned & co-bred by Swiftsure Whippets Steve & Linda Buchholz Aldergrove, BC [email protected] bpig Ch. Burnt Sienna Red Mountain SE UCH, DK UCH Play A While Nokia x Nord V-07, SE UCH, DK UCH, NO UCH, C.I.B. FI UCH Burnt Sienna Midsummer Breeze Tristan finished owner-handled this spring with a 3 pt Best of Winners and despite mooning over a bitch in season. His Specials debut at the Lower Mainland Whippet Assoc. Specialty resulted in receiving the single Award of Merit under Jocelyne Gagne. We are so honoured, especially with such a high quality entry of over 50 whippets! In his first official puppy races, he enthusiastically went High Score Puppy in both CWA and NAWRA races, and had conformation placements in both CWA entries. owned by Laura Baratta | [email protected] bred by Lisa Winder tristan AWARD OF MERIT AT 14 MONTHS © Dean Williams Photography at 1 year old SAILAWAY TIME TRAVELLER “MAX” (Am.Can.Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums F.CH, TRP, DPC, PR3 x Sailaway Bugatti Royal F.Ch) Pictured at 5 1/2 months and his first show, where Judge Jocelyne Gagne selected Max as Best Baby Puppy in Specialty at the Lower Mainland Whippet Association Specialty on July 7. The following week Max went Best In Match at the Western Gazehound Club All Breed Sanction Match under Joanne Dixon. Lorna Leinbach Sailaway Whippets (Perm. Reg’d) [email protected] taken from “The Kennel Encyclopaedia” by Frank Townend Barton, MRCVS Fifth Edition – 1949 Whippet, The Amongst all varieties of dogs the Whippet has always had to take a back seat, originally because it was mainly in the hands of colliers and the artisan class, more especially in Lancashire where whippet racing was a favourite pastime. As to how or when these dogs first came into existence there is nothing of a reliable nature to show. Built on the lines of a racing dog or greyhound, the manufacturer must have had in view the production of a dog suitable for fast work on a limited course; in short, a modification of the work required from a greyhound. The generally accepted theory regarding the making of the Whippet is that it is a cross between the Greyhound and Terrier, which is quite a tenable view. The term “snap dog” is synonymous with that of whippet. The collier has always maintained a predilection for this breed, and his Sunday morning racing thrills have been, and still are, the most delightful pleasures so dear to him. At the present time whippet racing as a Sunday morning sport is fast becoming an institution in London. Darlington was the first show to introduce a class for these dogs under the title of snap dogs. It was not until 1899 that the Whippet Club was established, and the good work that it has done is still carried on. As to what variety of terrier was used in the “make up” of the whippet, evidence favours the view that some sort of rough or broken-haired terrier was employed. Rough-coated whippets were first of all produced, but those in the know soon found out that a smooth, fine coat was more suitable to the dog for racing purposes. The evidence of the rough-coated dog is commonly seen in the tails of some whippets. This alone is reliable evidence of a rough-coated dog being part of the breed’s early ancestry. Avoid overfeeding, as a fat whippet is useless either for show or racing. No special feeding is necessary beyond a little meat and table scraps, hound meal, etc. No matter how produced originally, the Whippet is a soundly constructed greyhound in miniature, and one that breeds fairly true to type on all occasions. Any colour is admissible, of which there is a wide range; a few are white. The coat should be close and of fine texture. Height for dogs 18-1/2 in., and bitches about 1 in. less. The front limbs should be perfectly straight and the pasterns strong, but not too upright. In passing, it may be as well to mention that particular attention must be paid to the nails. These must not be allowed to grow too long, but trimmed unless the dog has plenty of exercise on hard roads. If the nails are too long they are liable to split and also prevent the feet from bearing their proper share of weight. Make good use of the file if needful to do so. Most Whippets live in the domestic circle, where they make excellent pals. Mr Maine Tucker writes on the Whippet as follows: The whippet is a greyhound in miniature, standing about 17 to 30 (typo in book?) in. from the ground; it must not be confused with the Italian Greyhound which is a smaller dog about 12 in. from the ground. The whippet is a very graceful animal and deserves to be popular, well adapted to the house or to take part in the sport of whippet racing, which sport is becoming more and more popular. There are rough and smooth-coated whippets, but the rough coated is now nearly extinct and is never seen on a show bench. The head should be long and clean in its outline, flat on the skull and wide between the eyes, which latter ought to be large and lustrous. Small ears, a long and muscular neck, a deep chest and long oblique shoulders are essentials in a Whippet, whilst broad, well-arched loins, plus long and muscular first and second thighs are equally important. The feet should be thick and cat-like; tail long, tapering, and nicely carried on a level with the hocks. A whippet should stand over a lot of ground and be the quintessence of agility, alertness, and constitutionally sound. In order to keep the coat fine and in pristine condition, all whippets should wear a rug in winter and a calico one in summer. To ensure that this dog shall have its “bellows” in full working order all the year round, regular running exercise daily is the first essential. >> The ideal weight for the show dog is 20 lbs. for bitches and 21 lbs. for dogs, and the height 17-1/2 for one and 18-1/2 for the other; a slight deviation either way is allowed. The head line a snake. The neck like a drake. The back like a beam. The long and lean head should be rather wide between the eye and flat at the top; the jaw powerful and clean cut; eyes bright and fiery; ears small, fine in texture and rose shaped. The side like a bream. The tail like rat. The feet like a cat. The neck is long and muscular, elegantly arched, and free from throatiness. Shoulders sloping and muscular, chest deep and roomy. Back broad and square, rather long and slightly arched over the loins, which should be strong. Forelegs rather long, set well under the dog, and having a fair amount of bone. Hind-quarter strong and broad across. Stifles well bent; hocks well let down; feet round; tail long and tapering; coat fine and close. The origin of the Whippet is not quite clear, but it is generally thought that he was a cross between a greyhound and a terrier; this would account for the few rough-coated whippets still to be seen on the running track. Here, perhaps a word about the Whippet as a race dog would not be out of place. The make and shape must be carefully considered, and also the strain from which the animal is bred. Blood will tell in the same way with whippets as in horse racing, so therefore always look out for something nearly thoroughbred, and with the right blood in their veins. The old description of the Greyhound may be takes as a good description of the Whippet: - As a house dog he is now becoming very popular, a nice size, very affectionate, clean about the house in all weathers on account of his height from the ground, and he makes a good watch-dog without being vicious; not a fighter, but very sporting. There is a mistake idea amongst a great many that the Whippet is a delicate dog, and I should like to say most emphatically that he is not. The probably reason for this erroneous idea is that one very often sees the Whippet wearing a rug, but this is only when he is going to compete in a racing handicap, and every care has then to be taken of him. My own experience is that he is far from delicate. I have always found him to be an all-round sporting dog and an excellent companion. submitted by HJ A new Canadian Champion! Audrey CH HIGHBRIDGE FIREBIRD Multi-BIF DC Can CH Belaya CirqueDuSoleil SC, FCH, NA, NAJ, AX, AXJ, RA, CGC X CH Highbridge On The Fly FCH TRP DPC PR2 Our little girl has grown up! She finished in fine style by winning Best of Breed at the Sighthound Club of BC’s annual specialty held on July 15, 2012, judged by Ms. Lee Ann Bateman. A huge thank you to Laura Baratta who handled Audrey to all of her wins. Owned by Janet Stritychuk, Aldergrove, BC [email protected] Co-bred by Cara Takahashi and Janet Stritychuk true story about whippets Most of you have met me, Sally Forseth. Ticket, Tattle, Elly May, Sarah and Lilah are my whippets. We are never in the money at the show or coursing. We are just there to help others get points. I have always said if I had a kennel it would be called NBQ. There are two in my life right now I am so proud of. I gave them titles. CH Trail dogs. Ticket and Lilah. I have been on four camping trips this year with the horse and these two dogs. Ticket is a seasoned trail dog. This year is Lilah’s first. Living with whippets at home every day is comforting. Living with two good ones on the road is better. These two dogs know me better than myself. They spend hours waiting. In the truck or in the trailer or laying around in camp. They have portable beds, chew things, food, freedom, responsibility, water and me. When we saddle up and head out of camp to ride they are right there. Looking up at me, ready. Nothing gives me more happiness or pleasure than seeing them loose on the trail amongst several horses and other dogs. It is a survival game for them. They are on their own down there in the mud, long grass, steep banks, hot long trots across fields or cold, wet down pour. They mind their own business and keep going. Several times in the past I have had a girlfriend pass Ticket up to me so I can cross a freezing fast river with her on the front of my saddle. She sits tight and doesn’t move. Eyes are a little buggy but she knows she will be lifted off shortly on the other side. Many extra miles are put on chasing chipmunks and squirrels on the rides. If I stop, dismount for a pee, guess who has to pee too? When I am finished they pee on my pee. Ticket first, then Lilah. When I stop for lunch with friends to chat and rest, they do too. Flat out in the dirt. They know they have to recharge. They don’t share lunch or my attention with any other dogs. They eat, drink and rest. Back at camp they find a place to lay where they can see me. I cook dinner for the three of us and have a couple of drinks. Gather with the other girls and potluck it. Ticket and Lilah love me and respect me. In my eyes they are the perfect dogs. What is in a dog to be so loyal to one human? It amazes me all the time that they want to be with me. They are always looking up and checking with me. We sleep together in the trailer. Usually one of us has thrown the covers off to sleep upside down. I check the two of them for cuts and ticks. They love life and adventure. I smile and think how can we live like this forever. Living outdoors, looking after ourselves and enjoying nature. I have a few great friends and being with them and my animals sharing the same enjoyment is a good life. >> There is a friend I travel with. She has a huge wall tent we set up for her to live in. When Ticket sees that tent set up she gets wiggly. She asks to go over. I say Okay, off she goes over to Philippa’s tent. Goes in and sniffs everything and checks the bed and the groceries. She comes out with a big smile and hopes that I will drag our bedding in there too. It is the cutest thing. Philippa has dogs but doesn’t bring them on these trips. She is organized and calm. Sets everything in place and takes the time to write a journal each trip. I think Ticket feels the calm and finds things always in the same place. I, on the other hand, fly by the seat of my pants and change things around depending on the weather. The horse is usually priority when arriving. So again the dogs have to wait and wonder where we are going to be and when they are going to be fed. I hope all of you have a fun filled summer. Enjoy yourself where ever you are. Hopefully your dogs are there too. Next time you look into their little faces, appreciate the love. This snippet of terrible writing does come from my heart. I wanted to share something that means a lot. A dog’s love. WW - Sally the We are proud to announce the arrival of our new litter co-bred with Paulette Blinch of Icatcher Whippets. On May 22, 2012 our girl “Torchy” - Icatcher Lynallan Torch Singer (co-owned with Paulette Blinch) gave birth to six beautiful babies, 4 girls and 2 boys. The sire is our own “Guinness” - Ch. LynallanNasusa Just My 2 Cents. We are very pleased with how this litter is turning out and have high hopes for some of them in the show ring and on the coursing field. Sue Nordstrom, AB [email protected] Lure Coursing R E S U L T S WHIPPET CLUB OF BC FOOTHILLS GAZEHOUND CLUB May 5 (12 Competed) May 19 (13 Competed) BOB: Quixland Blue Oyster Cult; Leanne Harrington 2nd: Take Five Allegro FCh; Leanne Harrington BOB: Harjue Moving Puzzle FCh; Heather & Ben Johnson 3rd: Blueprints Home Brew; Evans 2nd: Weerob There’s Hemi in T FCh; Jenn Council 4th: Ch Weerob Southern Gentleman; Robert & Wendy Rossetti 3rd: Kentfield Infinity Live for the Chase FCh; Curtis G Deck NBQ: Ch Maxnme Life of Riley Weerob; Robert & Wendy Rossetti 4th: Ch Shannon Down Angel Eyes V Lifelong NC; Claudine & David Hamilton, Shannon & Krystal Lyons May 6 (7 Competed) NBQ: Oceans Marble Halls; Jana Sharon BOB: Quixland Blue Oyster Cult; Leanne Harrington May 20 (14 Competed) 2nd: Blueprints Home Brew; Evans BOB: Ch Lynallan Nasusa My Oh My; S Nordstrom & C Badick 3rd: Ch Maxnme Life of Riley Weerob; Robert & Wendy Rossetti 2nd: Harjue Moving Puzzle FCh; Heather & Ben Johnson 4th: Take Five Allegro FCh; Leanne Harrington NBQ: Ch Nasusa Lombard Street; T Russian & Carla Badick 3rd: Tarapaca’s It’s Not The Head; Burak Zanbak 4th: Ch Maxnme Life of Riley Weerob; Robert & Wendy Rossetti NBQ: McQueen Maybelline; Mike Shapley GAZEHOUND ONTARIO May 12 (16 Competed) May 13 (15 Competed) May 21 (13 Competed) BOB: Whispers Santana FChX3; Adrienne & Anton Osfolk, P Munnikhuysen BOB: Carbeth Richie Rich; Bill Chapman BOB: Tarapaca’s Hot Tamale; Shaurat Sayani & Gus Asenso 2nd: Whispers Kestral at Wiseria FCh; Cathy Sanderson & P Munnikhysen 3rd: Devonair’s Speakeasy FCh; Hunter Wilson 4th: Devonair’s Trisha; H & E Dansereau NBQ: Ocean’s Sail Away; Elisa Holland 2nd: Devonair’s Beam Me Up Scotty FCh; Eva Hunter & Heather Dansereau 3rd: Whispers Santana FChX3; Adrienne & Anton Osfolk, P Munnikhuysen 4th: Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX; N & S McInnes & P Munnikhuysen NBQ: Whispers Kestral at Wiseria FCh; Cathy Sanderson & P Munnikhysen 2nd: Weerob There’s Hemi in T FCh; Jenn Council 3rd: McQueen Maybelline; Mike Shapley 4th: Harjue Moving Puzzle FCh; Heather & Ben Johnson NBQ: Ch Lynallan Nasusa My Oh My; S Nordstrom & C Badick >> ONTARIO LURE COURSING ASSOC May 19 (25 Competed) VANCOUVER ISLAND LURE COURSING ASSOC June 23 (19 Competed) Stake A - 13 Competed June 2 (13 Competed) BOB: Devonair’s Trisha; H & E Dansereau BOB: Devonair’s Speakeasy FCh; Hunter Wilson BOB: Hilerica Pinarello;Susan & Andrew Ball 2nd: Whispers Santana FChX3; Adrienne & Anton Osfolk, P Munnikhuysen 2nd: Take Five Allegro FCh; Leanne Harrington 2nd: Whispers Santana FChX3; Adrienne & Anton Osfolk, P Munnikhuysen 3rd: Whispers Kestral at Wiseria FCh; Cathy Sanderson & P Munnikhysen 3rd: Ch Kindred Monarch Rules FCh; Blair Shinski/ Brenda Malick 4th: Quixland Blue Oyster Cult; Leanne Harrington 4th: Candy Cane NC; Donna McGowan NBQ: Briarshan’s Out of the Blue; Sara Lynn Forseth NBQ: Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale FCh; H & E Dansereau June 3 (14 Competed) Stake B - 12 Competed BOB: Take Five Allegro FCh; Leanne Harrington 1st: Lightfalls On He Would Be King; Tiina Paulharju 2nd: Hilerica Pinarello; Susan & Andrew Ball 2nd: Bodeswell Tucker FCh; E Shumway & A Blyth 3rd: Quixland Blue Oyster Cult; Leanne Harrington 3rd: D evonair’s Beam Me Up Scotty FCh; Eva Hunter & Heather Dansereau 4th: Briarshan’s Out of the Blue; Sara Lynn Forseth 4th: Ch Devonair’s Smarty Joan FCh; Heather Dansereau NBQ: Burnt Sienna Home Brew; HJ Dansereau May 20 (22 Competed) BOB: Devonair’s Speakeasy FCh; Hunter Wilson 2nd: Lightfalls Lady of the Two Lands; Tiina Paulharju NBQ: Ch Kindred Monarch Rules FCh; Blair Shinski / Brenda Malick Shannon Down Luck O The Irish FCh; Blair Shinski / Shannon Down NATIONAL WHIPPET CLUB OF CANADA ONTARIO LURE COURSING ASSOC 3rd: Devonair’s Speakeasy FCh; Hunter Wilson 4th: Whispers Fuzzy Navel FChX; Donna McGowan & P Munnikhuysen NBQ: Whispers Kestral at Wiseria FCh; Cathy Sanderson & P Munnikhysen June 24 (17 Competed) BOB: Devonair’s Speakeasy FCh; Hunter Wilson 2nd: Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale FCh; H & E Dansereau 3rd: Whispers Kestral at Wiseria FCh; Cathy Sanderson & P Munnikhysen 4th: Devonair’s Trisha; H & E Dansereau NBQ: Devonair’s Quinisha FChX; Jason & Samantha Wilson Results submitted by HJ Dansereau WW June 3 (15 competed) 3rd: Whispers Fuzzy Navel FChX; Donna McGowan & P Munnikhuysen BOB: Clearhounds Pell Mell; Kate Darbyshire 4th: Whispers Santana FChX3; Adrienne & Anton Osfolk, P Munnikhuysen 2nd: Whispers Santana FChX3; Adrienne & Anton Osfolk, P Munnikhuysen NBQ: Whispers Guess Who FCh; Donna McGowan & P Munnikhuysen 3rd: Devonair’s Hyacinth Bouquet FCh; Adrienne & Anton Osfolk 4th: Devonair’s Trisha; H & E Dansereau NBQ: Ch Corandy Country Road Can FChX3; HJ Dansereau photo by Jennifer Szabo
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Janet Juzkiw, Grand Forks, BC [email protected] 250 442-2400
TREASURER / WEB MISTRESS Heather-Jean Dansereau, Hamilton, ON [email protected] 905 659 -1188