July 2009 AWC News - American Whippet Club
THE WHIPPET NEWS THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN WHIPPET CLUB JULY 2009 AWC OFFICERS President.... ....................................... Russell McFadden 505-753-6782 Vice President.... ............................... Connie Brunkow, 217-431-8972 Treasurer... ........................................ .David Samuelson 651-454-4174 Secretary ...................................................... Cindy Scott, 719-594-9974 ............................. 3655 Cragwood Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Board of Directors: Class of 2010: . ...Christine Hopperstad, Donna Lynch, Patience Renzulli, David Samuelson Class of 2011……….Lisa Costello, Carolyn Mountan, Cindy Scott Class of 2012: …….Connie Brunkow, Russ McFadden, Kay Nierengarten AKC DELEGATE.… ........................ …..Donna Lynch 508-636-0705 ASFA DELEGATE:…………………………... CJ Foxx 303-424-5144 AWC COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Archives ..................................................................... Bo Bengtson 805-646-3151 Health. ........................... Drs. Connie Austin 217-498-8661, Connie Brunkow .......................................................... 217-431-8972; Lisa Costello 815-695-1930 Futurity ........................................................................ Kathy Slater 618-585-4677 Judge’s Education ..................................................... Mary Dukes, 704-843-7195 Membership ..................................................... Kay Nierengarten 218-729-8003 Parade of Honors ..................................... Alice VandenBussche 315-945-2672 Performance Events ......................................... Dr. Lisa Costello 815-695-1930 ROM Program ........................................................ Donna Lynch 508-636-0705 Show ............................................................................. Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 Top Twenty ....................................................... Linda Waggoner, 541-347-2171 Versatility .............................................................. John Heffernan 413-369-4399 INDEPENDENT WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS: Whippet Health Foundation ......................... Mary Beth Arthur 414-355-4776 Whippet Rescue, WRAP ..................... Dr. Barbara Henderson, 301-490-6598 APPLICATIONS FOR AWC MEMBERSHIP Kristal Couch, 6290 State Hwy 20, Eucha OK 74342 918-253-2680 [email protected] KRISDAN Sponsors: Dwight Caffee, Dianne Bower Kelle Livingston, 134 Broadway St., Redwood CA 94063 [email protected] 650-368-3145 Sponsors: Jean Balint, Guin Borstel Janet A. Phillips, 990 Little Texas Rd., Travelers Rest, SC 29690 864-834-0566 [email protected] Sponsors: David Howton, Margaret Norkett COMMENTS regarding applicants may be sent to Membership Chair: Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN 55779 or emailed to [email protected] WELCOME TO NEW SUBSCRIBER: Lynne Armstrong, Concord, California. AWC website: www.americanwhippetclub.net Breeder Referrals: Mary Downing [email protected] WELCOME BACK: Gisela Burke, Boise, Idaho; Nancy Crader, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Patricia Edgington, Sarasota, Florida; Shirley Fremo, Moorhead, Minnesota; Ellen Kristensen, Pasadena, California; E. Nichols, Aptos, California; Debra Parravanni, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Christa Snyder, Loveland, Ohio; Rita Vanhaeren, Tongeren, Belgium; Geoffrey Waddell, Brooklyn, New York; Donna Wilhoyte, Antelope, California THE WHIPPET NEWS Newsletter Editor ................. Christine Hopperstad, 130 34th Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98112 phone & fax 206-322-5872, [email protected] Assoc. Editor ……….Kirsten Hopperstad, [email protected] Assoc. Editor................................................Pat Dresser 330-239-1829 Annual Editor ......................... Wendy Clark, 5088 Breckenhurst Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026 614-777-0124 [email protected] LAST ISSUE, TIME TO RENEW: Ray Barwick, Janet Busch, Mark Callahan, James Clever, Kristal Couch, Terri DeLuca, Brian Doherty, Robin Exsted, Anne Herrett, Bob Hisert, Carol Howley, Heather Nichols Applications for AWC membership may be obtained either on request from Membership Chair Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN 55779, or emailed to [email protected] One year subscription rate for monthly newsletter & annual: online only $25.00, print $45; foreign online only $25, print $60 Advertising (on a space available basis): Full page, one photo -- $50.00, each additional photo $10.00 Full page, camera ready -- $40.00 (printed on standard copier paper, photos scanned onto page, no paste-ups; or emailed) Text only, no photos: Full page -- $35.00, Half page -- $25.00 Photographs should be originals and will be returned. Pedigrees must be typed in standard pedigree format. DEADLINE — The first day of the month for that month’s issue. THE WHIPPET NEWS ANNUAL Current issue: 2007. Back issues available for 1986-2006 (except 1987 & 1990 through 1992). Cost is $25.00 each ($30.00 foreign), which includes shipping; all funds must be U.S. dollars, payable by check or money order to Whippet Annual. Send to ANNUAL EDITOR Wendy Clark (address above). The American Whippet Club and The Whippet News take no responsibility for statements or claims made in the letters to the editor or advertisements that appear in its publications. Dear Readers, The Annual is here and it is, as always, SPLENDIFEOUS!! Wendy Clark at her best once again. If by some hideous chance you haven’t gotten yours in the mail yet, be sure to let me or Wendy know and we’ll see if we can figure out why not. — Be sure and read Legislative Liaison Sharyn Hutchins’ excellent statement in this issue spelling out the AWC’s stance on various aspects of the animal rights movement. — Nothing much else new to report, it’s HOT here in Seattle where, believe it or not, it hasn’t rained in a couple of months and we’re all getting really tired of it. National Show Chair Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 [email protected] Eastern Harriett Lee 434-295-4525 [email protected] Midwest Pat Richey 330-735-2486 [email protected] N. Central David Samuelson 651-454-4174 [email protected] South Central Nancy Billups 806-381-0601 [email protected] Southern David Howton 770-345-2120 [email protected] Western Pam Magette, 562-598-8717 [email protected] AWC SHOW CALENDAR AWC 2010 National Specialty, Tucson AZ www.awc2010.com AWC Western Specialty Friday, July 24, 2009 Lompoc, California Sweeps: David Powers, Breed: Harriett Nash Lee; Saturday, July 25 Lompoc Valley KC, Judge Patricia G. Burnham; Sunday, July 26, Judge Chris Abraham. Super: Jack Bradshaw AWC Midwest Specialty Saturday August 1, 2009 Beaver County KC, Breed: Dr. Connie Brunkow (Fallowfield), Sweeps: Bobbi Mason (Masonhill); Thursday, July 30 Ft. Steuben, AWC Support Breed: Lori Nelson (Wildfire), Sweeps: Johnnie Roe (Tripletime); Friday, Columbiana KC Breed: Anne Billups; Sunday Breed: Randy Garren. Super: MBF AWC North Central Specialty, Friday August 21, Lake Elmo, MN; Breed: Iva Kimmelman (Merci Isle), Sweeps: Angie Diehl (Nysa Hill). Saturday, August 22, St. Croix Valley KC, Breed: Donna Lynch (Hamrya), Sweeps: Nancy Billups (Cloud Nine). Sunday, August 23rd, Breed: Lee Canalizo. Super: Onofrio AWC Southern Specialty Saturday, September 19, 2009 Atlanta KC Sweeps: Debbie Davenport (Kamada), Breed: Dana Cline; Sunday, September 20 Newnan KC, Breed: David Samuelson, (Dashing) OTHER WHIPPET EVENTS Western Washington Whippet Association Specialties, July 31st and August 1st, 2009, Argus Ranch, Auburn, WA; Friday, July 31st Breed: Espen Engh (Norway); Sweeps: Lyndell Ackerman (Carma Saluikis); Saturday, August 1, Breed: Geir Flyckt-Pederson; Sweeps: Erin Campbell DVM (Kimera); Obedience & Rally: Marsha Carroll Dandridge. Super: Baray MAWA Specialty Thursday, September 17, 2009 Sweeps: Robin Barry (Hound Hollow), Breed: Donna Lynch (Hamrya); Friday, September 18, Douglasville KC; Judge: Judy Park (Collairine) PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I hope by now everyone has gotten their 2008 Whippet News Annual. Kudos to Wendy Clark for yet another spectacular job on a beautifully put together publication. In her capacity as the AWC legislative liaison, Sharyn Hutchins has put together a very clear and concise statement regarding the AWC’s stance on organizations such as PETA and the HSUS. This statement is now on the club’s website under the drop-down menu that the “About the AWC” button brings up. It’s included in this issue of The Whippet News as well. The Board is sending out a ballot regarding the AWC Futurity CERF requirement. The ballot has a proposed wording change to the current requirement and a proposed addendum that can be added to the changed wording if approved or the current wording if not approved. The ballot requires a separate vote for each proposed change. This ballot will be due back to Secretary Cindy Scott by September 15, 2009. It will go out in the same mailing with the ballot to elect the next National judge so make sure to return each ballot to the correct person. The AKC is working on special features for the Gazette’s 125th Anniversary issue (September 2009) and is asking that interested Jr. Showmanship exhibitors submit essays of 200 words or less on the topic of The Future of Dogs. If you know a Junior who shows Whippets who might be interested, please have him or her contact: Rebecca Wallwork at: 212-696-8335 or [email protected] for complete information. Essays are due by August 10, 2009. I’ve received no additions or corrections to the April 2009 General Meeting minutes so I am going to assume they are correct. The minutes as published will therefore to be approved at the next meeting in April 2010. The AWC Western and Mid-West Regional Specialties are both being held within the next couple of weeks. If you are attending those shows good luck and have fun with your four-legged children. Until next month, take care and above all be safe, Russell SHOW CHAIR REPORT First of all, I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers during this past couple of months dealing with my husband’s motorcycle accident. He’s on the mend but still in the hospital. Tucson National 2010 If you don’t already know, the National will be in Tucson, Arizona next year and the dates are April 17 thru 24. Please check out the website at www.AWC2010.com Rhonda Gifford and cochair Connie Boulton will soon be populating the website with lots of information. 2011 National We have a place and a contract!! It will be held at The Griffin Gate Resort in Lexington, Kentucky with Jan Swayze Curry at the helm. The dates will be April 2 thru 9. Please take a minute to go out and look at it. It’s about 5 miles from the Lexington Horse Park where the lure coursing will be held and the room rates are great, $89 for any size room. http://www.marriott.com/hotels/hotel-photos.mi? marshaCode=lexky&pageID=HWGRD Cindy 2 | The Whippe T NeWs July 2009 AWC POLICY STATEMENT The American Whippet Club believes dogs and people belong together. Purebreds were developed over the centuries to fill specific needs and perform specific jobs. People devoted to preserving these breeds have continued through the years to mate healthy specimens with proper instincts, select the best puppies from the resulting litters, and thus retain the breed's form and function. The AWC is dedicated to the preservation and continuing health of the Whippet breed. Animal rights organizations such as the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), and others raise funds from members of the public who believe they are donating to help animals. That money is used to promote local, state, and federal laws that make the keeping and breeding of dogs more difficult, more expensive, and legally more risky. If successful, the animal rights agenda will end in the elimination of domesticated animals, including dogs. ========================== The AWC supports: Cruelty and neglect laws - Pets should be treated humanely. Owners and breeders have a responsibility to provide for their animals' needs, and laws requiring this are necessary. Appropriate laws already exist in most areas of the U.S. When new laws are proposed, they must be studied carefully to identify adverse consequences. Reasonable dangerous dog legislation - Laws providing a fair, nondiscriminatory process by which specific dogs may be deemed dangerous based on specific, observable actions by the dog are appropriate. The AWC believes dog owners are responsible for their dogs' behavior. We do not support laws that punish dogs for normal canine instincts such as chasing cats, killing wildlife, etc. In the case of damage to another person's property, owners should be required to pay restitution as well as appropriate fines for not maintaining control over the dog. When a dog is determined to be dangerous to humans, it may be humanely destroyed. Nuisance, noise, clean-up, and leash laws, and other reasonable regulations designed to ensure that dog owners remain responsible neighbors. Dog owners have an obligation to their communities to keep their pets confined and reasonably quiet, and not to intrude on the lives and rights of others. The AWC opposes: Replacement of 'owner' with 'guardian' (or equivalent) in laws. The legal rights and responsibilities of an owner are clear: those of a guardian, much less so. A change to the concept of guardianship would impair the ability of owners, veterinarians and government agencies to protect and care for dogs. Mandatory spay/neuter - The decision whether to sterilize a dog should be between the owner and veterinarian. We do encourage voluntary spay/neuter of animals not suitable for breeding to prevent unplanned and unwanted litters of puppies. Breeder licensing, permits, or bans - The AWC supports educational programs for breeders and the public, as well as strict enforcement of laws against abuse and neglect. We do not support laws that restrict or substantially burden the rights of people to breed dogs responsibly and humanely. Laws limiting numbers of dogs kept - The issue is not the number of dogs but the care they receive and owner compliance with confinement and nuisance laws. Some owners are incapable of caring for even one dog; others can properly care for a much larger number. ================================= The AWC strongly supports animal welfare, but opposes the animal rights agenda. We believe all dog owners and all breeders must work together in fighting the current nationwide attack on our rights as whippet owners and breeders, and as citizens. AWC ASFA Lure Coursing Specialty July 3, 2009 The weather was cooler and overcast for our 2nd AWC ASFA coursing specialty in Metamora, Michigan. Rains had flooded our original field so we were forced to change fields at the last minute; luckily we ended up with a beautiful hilly field which challenged the 36 whippets entered. Judges were Dawn and Mike Ferris. Rosettes and Blue pottery from High Horse Farms were given for prizes. Here are the results: OPEN: 1st-Arnie, Ch. Andauer’s Bently Arnage, Sirwaitis & Guest 2nd-Cricket, Sowagla Nevesongbird of Sportingfield, Timm 3rd-RV, Whispers Harvard Graduate, Douglas & Munnikhuysen 4th-Grace, Wildwood’s Sense of Propriety JC, Shoemaker NBQ- Chase, Ch. Wildaire Cut to the Chase, JC, Reuter & Bea FIELD CHAMPION: 1st-Skeet, Devonair’s Hi Tor Larry Skeet FCH, Young 2nd-Evan Brown, Cherche Worse Than Bonkers FCH, RN, Rapoport & Durance 3rd-Skol, DC Wildwood’s Only You SC FCH, Guest 4th-Carina, Imani Shooting Star FCH, Bernier & Libersher NBQ-Sammi, Wheatland Talltree CD, RN, FCH, Hayes VETERAN: 1st-Ellery, Can Ch Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery FCH, AGN,VFCH RN, SC, FCHX, CD, Dansereau 2nd-Spike, AAA Spike El Kandahaq, NA,NAJ, RA, Hayes 3rd-Andauer’s Sausalito SC, FCH, Guest & Gibson SINGLES: 1st-Fish, Shojins Catch of the Day, Romer 2nd-Kasey, Jaama’s Canes Venatici, Hornby 3rd-Nigel, Freewynd Sir Nigel of Fife, Seeley 4th-MacGyver, Ch. Devonair’s MacGyver Remus, Hornby NBQ-Feather, Raybar’s Firestarter, Parsons BEST OF BREED: “Ellery” from Veterans Kennel Stake: Faith Diane Guest Breeder Stake: “Tie” Crosswind/Kathy Kennedy & Wildwood/Faith Diane Guest The WhippeT NeWs July 2009 | 3 The WHIPPET By Bo Bengtson The best present for you, your Whippet friends and puppy buyers… If you have a friend who likes Whippets, and doesn’t already have a copy of THE WHIPPET, your gift shopping is easy. From the reviews: “A Ferrari among dog books… Invaluable to the serious breeder, judge or first-time buyer.” (Deborah Lawson, Dog News) “This book is beautiful enough to be on your coffee table, comprehensive enough to be used as a reference book, and entertaining enough to be read again and again.” (Gretchen Bernardi, Canine Chronicle) “Sumptuous… a far higher standard than most breed books can Aspire to. If only all breeds could be so lucky.” (Simon Parsons, Dog World, UK) “FANTASTIC! You simply have to buy the new edition—there is so much more in it that you can hardly believe it’s built on the old book. An absolute must for all Whippet owners.” (Sighthound News, Denmark) “A treasure for its variety, interest and value. The writing flows in a relaxed and witty fashion, so entertaining that the reader only belatedly realizes the wealth of commonsense information within. Most truly a Bible for Whippet lovers…”. (Jan Buchanan, Dogs in Canada) 217 pages hardcover with 154 illustrations, many in color, and 46 pedigrees, with comprehensive treatment of all aspects of the Whippet world-wide. Price: $35.00 plus shipping* Send check or money order made payable to the AWC to: Carolyn Mountan, 1092 Schultz Lane, Latrobe, PA 15650 * Shipping in U.S. $5 by priority mail; Canada: $10; Foreign airmail $20 world-wide 4 | The Whippe T NeWs July 2009 A NOTE FROM IVA KIMMELMAN Jean Krikorian (Seafire) had a double lung transplant on May 12th, after 16 years of ill health. She became ill right after the 1993 National in Dallas, she was a healthy young woman one minute and dying the next. They believe she picked up some kind of strange virus at the hotel. She and her family have had a very difficult life since this happened to Jean. She’d been on the lung transplant list for a year, when she finally got the call. This kind of procedure is challenging and Jean has had numerous unexpected setbacks. Jean is still in critical condition, and her prognosis is unknown. Let’s always try to remember that our good health is everything. Nothing else much matters without it. If you are inclined, it would make her feel so much better to receive notes of encouragement from her Whippet friends. She is in the hospital in Massachusetts but cards may be sent to her home address Her address is: Jean Krikorian 88 North End Rd. Townsend, MA 01469-1125 THANKS TO WHF DONORS — Friends of Mary Magee $200.00 in memory of "PhaseYa", CH. SaeSi You've Got the Look, JC" Joe Meister & Iva Kimmelman $250.00. Jo purchased Iva's prize winning art exhibit and the purchase price was donated to the WHF. AWC Board of Directors President Russ McFadden...505-753-6782 [email protected] Vice President Connie Brunkow...217-431-8972 [email protected] Secretary Cindy Scott…719-594-9974 [email protected] Treasurer David Samuelson...651-454-4174 [email protected] Lisa Costello...815-695-1930 [email protected] Christine Hopperstad...206-322-5872 [email protected] Donna Lynch...508-636-0705 [email protected] Kay Nierengarten…218-729-8003 [email protected] Patience Renzulli...270-575-9753 [email protected] 2009 AWC National Futurity Critique Judge Carolyn Bowers Thank you for the honor of judging the Futurity at the 23rd Annual National Specialty. I was shown lovely puppies, well behaved on the table, exhibiting the time and care given by their owners and handlers. I was looking for that beautiful Whippet outline, a large dark eye, scissors bite, front fill, and an upper arm the same length as the shoulder blade layback. It is also important to me that the puppy carry its outline (topline and underline) on the go-around. The majority of the entry met my basic criteria, so my final decisions were made difficult and I ended up often going with those who gave a little bit better show. If I repeat myself a lot in the critique, it is simply because the class winners and high placers were all very strong in the same areas that I emphasize. It was easy to find what I was looking for in such a high quality entry. Dogs: 6-8 months: HARMONY’S VAN GOGH Brindle particolor. Lovely pup, excellent neck set, good in upper arm, and carried his topline well on the go-around. Not overdone in any way. 2nd: SNOW HILL SOUL UNSIGNED was also outstanding, a bit longer in back than winner and therefore giving appearance of less shapely outline, but should mature to square. 8-10 months: AMBERWIND HAMRYA ONE HOT PEPPER Solid brindle, moved well once he settled, with nice balance standing. I really liked this dog's topline and how he carried his outline both standing and moving. 2nd: COREYMORE SMOOTH OPERATOR OF CHELSEA a well-balanced fawn and white dog, very lovely with nice type, a little less shapely at this age than the winner. 10-12 months: WILDHARE GOOD RIDE COWBOY Another puppy with a very strong outline, very correct pasterns, excellent movement. 2nd: NORTHWIND THE DAILY SHOW DE SUD sorry, no recorded comments on this dog, but he must have been strong in my overall criteria to place high in such a deep class. taste, but as was the case in the prior class, did not use himself well enough when it mattered to top the class winner. A close decision. Bitches: 6-8 months: SUMMIT SOUND OF MUSIC Lovely head and expression, correct neck set, carried topline well around the ring. 2nd: WESTMEATH WHAT I LIKE ABOUT YOU similar style bitch to the winner, a little longer in back, but did not show quite as well. 8-10 months: HOUND HILL QUITE LIKELY Red and white, nice bone and well-balanced, overall a good type. Beautiful pasterns and good reach and drive. 2nd: MOONBEAM SOWAGLA N SPORTINGFLD GOTHIC GIRL pushed the winner hard, but slightly preferred the bone of the winner. 10-12 months: NORTHWIND ELVES IN TREES Irish marked brindle — nice strong bitch, a little straighter in pasterns but acceptable, covered ground well on the go-around. 2nd: ABLEAIM O’HALLELUIAH IT’S REIGNING MEN very nice bitch, could have been first but acted up on her go-around. 12-14 months: ANDAUER PORSCHE CARRERA GT Excelled in head and neck set, moved beautifully. 2nd: KARASAR’S PARADISE overall quality bitch, placed over 3rd on length of back. 14-18 months: ABBEY’S RED CREAM SODA Magnificent, and met all my expectations of what a Whippet puppy bitch should be at this age. 2nd: STARLINE’S FENDISSEME AT OXFORD Very finishable, lovely head, expression, and wellpresented. BEST IN FUTURITY went to the winner of the 14-18 month bitch class, Abbey's Red Cream Soda. She is everything I like in a Whippet bitch. Congratulations to her owners and breeders on such a lovely young Whippet! 12-14 months: STARLINE’S WINDBORN I AM LEGEND Fawn Brindle and White. Lovely type, a slight dip behind the withers, but good movement — correct on the line and the go-around. 2nd: WILDWOOD’S DEUCES ARE WILD More my type of dog but did not show well enough to beat the class winner. 14-18 months ABBEY’S FANTA Nice upper arm, strong rear, well-balanced, lovely head properties. 2nd: TAPESTRY’S SILK ROAD was also much to my The WhippeT NeWs July 2009 | 5 ClassiC tyPe. Timeless Beauty. simply BreathtaKinG. MultiPle Best in show, MultiPle sPecialty Best in show, ch. starlines C CHANEL Greater PhiladelPhia dFa Best in show Mr. Kent delaney GrouP 1 howard atlee Best oF Breed aMerican whiPPet cluB suPPorted entry Mr. Kent delaney handled By lori Wilson and Bradley BuTTner owned By lori and Carey laWrenCe ranCho sanTa Fe, CaliFornia Bred By lori and Carey laWrenCe and dianne BoWen www.starlinewhippets.com (The following article first appeared in the 2009 March issue of Dogs In Review.) Perception Is Reality – How we are shooting ourselves in the foot with the public When I worked for GE Commercial Finance, I had a boss that loved to say, “Perception is reality.” He used it in nearly every team meeting we had, and even sent out surveys to our internal customers asking them for feedback on how our team and team members were perceived. Since I’m a computer programmer, the bar is set pretty low for inter-personal skills, but I’d like to think of myself as the exception to that rule, and always went out of my way to be very social with the departments I wrote applications for, and to explain to the users what the programs did. (Let’s face it; most computer programmers would prefer a dark basement, some Star Trek DVDs, and a couple of slices of pizza to the thought of having a conversation with a “real” person.) For over a year, nearly all of my surveys came back with glowing reviews, but then I got one with very low scores, and the comment “Scot gave me exactly what I needed, and it works perfectly, but he consistently talked down to me, and made me feel stupid.” I didn’t give it much thought, but my boss printed out the comment and taped it next to my computer. He explained his actions by saying, “9 out of 10 people may love you, but that 10th person will spread their negative opinion more strongly to others who don’t know you than the other 9 combined. “Perception is reality.” When you think about it, it makes sense. The last time you had a good meal at a restaurant, how many people did you tell? Probably a couple. But, I bet the last time you had a terrible dining experience, you told everyone you knew who could possibly ever eat there. If this meal was during a dog show weekend, you probably told everyone near your set up, your fellow exhibitors, and maybe a couple of judges too. Right about now you are thinking, “What does this have to do with dog shows?” Good question. The answer is EVERYTHING! If you haven’t noticed, the AKC is in a Public Relations battle with not only PETA, but also dozens of other dog registries, and many high-powered state/local politicians. Right or wrong, the perception the general public has of us is their reality. You can’t talk Public Relations, without using the word PUBLIC. (I have a feeling that “Public Relations” will be quite the buzzword to the new Board of Directors, as it should be.) This PR battle begins and ends on the front line. A front line that isn’t in a far away country or on Capitol Hill, but 8 | The Whippe T NeWs July 2009 one that is found at every dog show, next to every ring, all over the United States. The problem is that, as dog show participants, we stand on BOTH sides of this line…and John Q. Public is caught in the middle. “Can I pet your dog?”…“Is that dog fast?”…“Is this a greyhound?”…“My brother has a Golden Retriever that looks just like this.”…“Do you ever put a Sherlock Homes hat on the bloodhound, and fake pipe in its mouth?”…“If your dog were a football player, what position would he play?”… “Guess how much I can bench press.” Without a doubt, we have all heard questions and statements like that from a well-meaning spectator at a dog show. Our reply is what will either win us the PR war, or lose us everything we hold dear about showing dogs. Unfortunately, by the time this article is printed, both Westminster and the Chicago International Kennel Club shows will be over, and thousands of people will have either left with a positive experience, or a negative one. Those that left feeling good will tell a couple of people about the cute dogs they saw, or the Saint Bernard they got to touch. But, those that left having a negative experience will tell everyone they know about the “snobby dog show elitists,” they will NOT care when the AKC comes under fire, they will NOT care when BSL laws are passed, or when PETA compares us to the KKK. The John Q Publics of the world will sit back and watch as laws are passed which limit our ability to own dogs, and they won’t just watch, they will probably feel good about it…all because of a bad experience. The challenge we all face, from big time handler to long time breeder to owner handler, is to provide the public a positive experience, to share with the public everything we love about showing dogs. Why do we do this? Why do we have the breeds we do? What is it about those breeds that we adore? Why do we like showing dogs? It only takes 2 minutes to influence their opinion…for the better or for the worse. Judging from the decline in entries, kennel club membership, and new exhibitors, we need to get a lot better. Your knee-jerk reaction is most likely: “They should know better!” or “Why isn’t the show giving club making an announcement?” When the general public is at a dog show, they are in sensory overload, they are seeing dogs they have never been exposed to, they are seeing that their Cocker at home doesn’t quite look like the Cockers at the show, and much like the masses walking through a mall at Christmas time, they are just there in body, and might have checked their head at the door. After all, this is their family day together at a dog show. As far as announcements go, well, most of the time, the announcement is muffled or too quiet, and sounds much like Charlie Brown’s teacher “Wah wah wah wah, wah, wah, wah.” “Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image” - Goethe As I sat at the St. Paul shows, the first weekend of January, and watched the general public meander through the show building I was appalled at how they were treated. The treatment ranged from slight disgust, to a reaction that seemed to be a cross of nausea and a bad allergic reaction to shellfish. If you’re a professional handler reading this, you’re thinking that you have a string of dogs to show, or groom, or exercise, and you don’t have time for “them.” Although, I’m pretty sure that if you’re able to text on your “Crackberry,” while clipping the PWD, all while listening to your iPod…you’re able to answer a few simple questions…or at least smile politely. I realize that there isn’t anything worse than having someone come up to as you are rushing to the ring to ask you questions, most likely it’s a small child with a half melted chocolate ice cream cone and you just groomed your Samoyed. But, all it would take to give you peace is: “I’m about to go in the ring, catch me later today when I’m done showing.” That answer resolves your issue of sticky fingers on nicely quaffed fur, but also gives John Q Public the perception that they will eventually get 30 seconds of your time. Last year at the International, my wife (a professional handler) gave me the job of “handling the public.” Once we were done for the day, while she exercised the dogs, I pulled the Saint Bernard out of his crate, put him on the grooming table, and let everyone and their brother take pictures or pet him, or just look at him. (He had a temperament that fit that task, and his owner actually took pride that Harvey was our ambassador to the public.) It was a small, simple action, which drew quite a crowd, and hopefully gave them all a fun end to their day at the dog show. You know what questions they are going to ask you. What’s his name? What kind of dog is it? Does he eat a lot? Being a professional handler is a lot of work, it’s incredibly tiring, both mentally and physically…but try to remember, that to these people, to the people asking you these questions, you and your dog are the most fascinating thing in their world at that moment. You may have just finished 3rd out of 2…but to the child asking to pet your dog…your dog is the most beautiful animal in their world. You may be tired, cranky, and no longer have an “indoor voice”…but to them…you will be remembered for your actions. If you’re a breeder, or owner handler, you should love the fact that someone is taking an interest in your breed or the dog you are showing. After all, that’s how you got started, right? At some point, you too were the “public” asking all kinds of silly questions, and hoping someone would answer them for you. I look back on how I got started in dogs. Just some guy who had never shown before, looking for a Vizsla, and lucky enough to talk with Betty Anderson (She’s got top ranked Vizslas!), taking lessons from the late judge, Lenny Schulman (Holy cow, a judge!), and from Michael Canalizo (I think he showed at Westminster!), watching my dog finish with Ron and Tigger Hahn (Real life professional handlers!). I was wide-eyed, and in awe of these people. They all shared one thing. They all had patience, knowledge, and a pure love for not only what they did, but for sharing their experiences. Thankfully, about 10 years ago, when I was “the public,” those people gave me a positive dog world experience. There isn’t a show that goes by that I don’t think about some lesson that I learned from one of them, or the countless other folks that took the time to work with me. If, we, as a dog show community are perceived as dog show snobs. If the general public looks at us, and perceives us to be rude, arrogant, and unwilling to answer their questions…then that is THEIR reality. When enough of the public have that same shared reality, then OUR reality will become one that does NOT include the AKC or dog shows at all, because at a time when we needed to win the PR battle…we were too busy to answer a few questions… we were too proud to let the “public” pet our dog… and we were too rude to care…that is…until it was too late. Just remember, the next time John Q. Public asks you if your Whippet is a greyhound, or if they can pet your dog…take the time to give them a good experience. After all, a little kindness goes a long way. Scot Northern is a Sr. Software Engineer living in North Liberty, Iowa with his wife Kate. He actively shows and breeds Whippets under the kennel name Angelic Whippets and is a past 2-term president for the Cedar Rapids Kennel Association. The WhippeT NeWs July 2009 | 9 Correction for Pedigree Section, page 248, in the 2008 Whippet News Annual. The sire for this dog was incorrect. Please insert this page in your Annual or make the appropriate correction. Sorry Linda! SBIS Am.Can.Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums, FCh, DPC, TRP OWNER: Steve & Linda Buchholz 26767 13th Avenue Aldergrove, BC Canada V4W 2S4 604.856.5660 Email: [email protected] BREEDER: John C Ross COLOR: Red Brindle SEX: Male HEIGHT: 21.25” CALL NAME: Bongo WHELPED: June 3, 2003 Ch Rhode Paved With Gold ROMX SBIS DC Chelsea Gold Rush of Keynote FCh ROMX HEALTH TESTING: BAER CERF OFA Cardic Thyroid Ch Chelsea Bulgari JC ROM Ch Albelarm Espirit Of Saxon Shore Ch Chelsea Mesmorize Ch Jocora Chelsea One For The Rd Ch Idolor Chelsea Heartfelt ROM SBIS AM. CH. BOHEM THREE RING CIRCUS Ch Hamrya’s Lucky Charm SC FCh ROM SBIS Ch Starline’s Reign On JC ROMX Ch Ringmaster’s Gold Fever ROM Ch Bohem All About Eve ROMX Ch Hardknott Maestro of Bohem ROMX BIS Ch Bohem Of Thee I Sing ROMX Ch Bohem I Hear Singing SBIS Am Can Ch Counterpoint Jungle Drums FCh DPC TRP SBIS AmCan Ch Marial’s King Arthur ROM AmCan CD SBIS Can Ch Swiftsure Happy Daze ARM Am Can FCh Can Ch Ringo’s Sonny Daze of Course Am Can FCh MBIS MNBIS MSBIS Am Can Ch Swiftsure Out of Africa Whippoorwill Moonstone ROM SBIS Am Can Ch Surrey Hill’s Savannah ROM Ch Whippoorwill Surrey Can Ch Counterpoint the African Queen Can FCh Am Can Ch Briarwyke’s Keep The Change Can Ch Woodsmoke’s In Hot Pursuit Can FCh Am Can Ch Woodsmoke’s Making A Scene Can Ch Counterpoint Emma Peel Can Ch Woodsmoke’s Stop N’ Stare Can Ch Canisphere’s Emma Can Ch Canisphere’s Baby Bear 10 | The Whippe T NeWs July 2009 Tivio N Woodrose Crazy For You, JC, RN (Ch. Bo-Bett’s Spotlight Pursuit x MBIF Select Ch. Tivio Shine On You Crazy Diamond, LCM, CGC) “Gianna” Gianna picked up her first major under Judge Sidney Marx and received her Rally Novice Title all in the same week-end!! Congratulations to her littermates “Lily” owned by Carol Harris and “Tori” owned by Celia Almes and Michael Piccolo on becoming New Champions this year! B r e e d e r s /O w n e r s : C J F O x x , J O h n & Tr a C y h i T e 12 | The Whippe t News July 2009 Snowcap’s Patent Leather (Ch. Wildcard-N-Snowcap’s Sovereign, JC x Ch. Snowcap Taliesin Felicitations) Patty Did we have fun in Montana? That should be PATENTLY clear! Patty was WB and BOW at Yellowstone Valley Kennel Club under Mrs. Terry Carter and WB under Mrs. Mary Ann Alston. Patty is shown above with her handler Beep Lee. Owner: H arriet Vincent cO - Owner: Dianne r eimer BreeDers: Dianne r eimer & m arty wilsOn Champion Coreymore Smooth Jazz of ChelSea “Desmond” Sire: Ch. Surrey Hill's Golden Boy Dam: Ch. Chelsea Melt Everyone Desmond is the first puppy to finish an AKC Desmond will now be at home at Coreymore Championship from this very promising litter. for some couch and play time while he matures. Watch for him as a special in months to come. At 11 months of age Desi finished with three majors and three Best of Breed wins over male specials. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first weekend Desi was shown as a move-up More thanks than I have ways to express for the TLC, special he garnered a Best of Breed that led to a training, and handling provided by Beep Lee and Hound Group III as pictured above. Shari Rhodes-Lee. They truly do “Handle With Care.” Thank you to Breed Judge Dr. Steve Keating and Group Judge Virginia Lyne. L it t er Cobred B y: Specialty Select Ch. Arwen Glitterati of Bohem, JC (Ch. Bohem Three Ring Circus x Ch. Chelsea Supernatural Odyssey, JC) We are thrilled that in spite of an extremely limited stud career, her late sire ‘Chili’ produced not only Dazzle and her champion littermates but also Ch. Maverick Griffin of Bohem and Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums — both of whom are now multiple SBIS winners and proving their worth as sires. Dazze Dazzle is shown taking Group placements at Rio Hondo KC under Judge Thomas Kilcullen and at KC of Pasadena under Judge Dennis Gallant, handled by Paul Lepiane. Owner: Bo Bengtson [email protected] Breeders: Lisande Donohoe & Deann Christianson Counterpoint Painted By Bohem (Ch. Bohem Bon Vivant x Can. Ch. Counterpoint Winning Colors) V iggo Shown four weekends, Viggo has won 8 points from the 6-9 mo. Puppy class, a major, a Breed over five specials and twice BOS over specials. Show above with Sighthound specialist Judge Lee Canalizo. Viggo’s sire is a son of Ch. Bohem C’est la Vie from her only litter and his dam is a granddaughter of Ch. Bohem Three Ring Circus, which means he’s linebred on Ch. Bohem All About Eve. Owners: Scott Mazer [email protected] & Bo Bengtson Breeders: John Ross & Trudy Taphorn Charlamar Sashays In White Linen (Ch. Bohem Just In Time, CR x Ch. Oxford’s Kamio Hope and Glory) Izzy In her last three show weekends, Izzy has won WB or RWB each time, 9 points, a major and two major reserves, and BOB over five specials from the puppy class under Sighthound Judge Eugene Blake (pictured). Owners: Bo Bengtson [email protected] & Charlotte G. Lee Breeders: Charlotte Lee & Dianne Bowen Song Sung Blue Golddust (Int. Ch. Bohem Time Flies x Starline’s Limited Edition) Dandy Just two days after arriving with his owner from Russia (8 hours by train to Moscow, 10 hours flight to Chicago, then 5 hours to LAX), Dandy and Marina walked into the show ring in Ventura: Day 1: WD & BOS over specials (3-pt. major), Judge Dr. Eric Liebes Day 2: WD & BOW (3-pt. major), Judge Ms. Beverly Capstick Day 3: WD & BOS over specials (3-pt. major), Judge Mrs. Houston Clark Marina will show Dandy a few more times during their stay at Bohem in California before going back home after Lompoc. Thanks for all the nice comments! Owner: Marina Slepneva St. Petersburg, Russia [email protected] Breeders: Rita Vanhaeren & Gilbert Simal, Belgium Fanfare’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Ch. Plumcreek Hollowel Go Forth x Ch. Fanfare’s Too Cute to Care) Miranda’s proud and powerful sidegait earned her back-to-back majors at the Janesville Beloit KC! She is exactly what I envisioned from this breeding which combines the best of Plumcreek, DeSud, Chelsea and a little bit of Fanfare! Breeder /O wner /H andler Shelley K ruger, FanFare WhippetS 715-325-5341 • kruger@ wctc.net • fanfarewhippets.com For family-oriented FUN, don’t miss these upcoming events! July 4-5 Gopher State Whippet Racing Group Farmington, MN race sec [email protected] July 18-19 Badgerland Whippet Association Milwaukee, WI race sec [email protected] August 22-23 Racing for Fun Abbotsford, BC, Canada race sec [email protected] September 4 (16th Annual CWA Fun Match day before National) Oberlin, OH September 5-6 Rock and Roll Whippet Association Oberlin, OH Seventh Annual CWA National September 19-20 Alamo Area Whippet Club Bush, LA race sec [email protected] September 26-27 Gopher State Whippet Racing Group Farmington, MN race sec [email protected] CWA NATIONAL EVENTS ARE COMING UP! CWA 16th Annual Fun Match • September 4, 2009 CWA Sixth Annual National Race Meet • September 5, 2009 Oberlin, Ohio Please visit the CWA website for details and entry information www.continentalwhippetalliance.com All the GREATS are known by one name. Maggie is on her way to adding her name to the list of great ancestors in her pedigree. ELAIN-WARD’S MOLLY BROWN (05/29/08) (CH. Festiva's Hot-As-Hell x CH. ElainWards I Luv The NytLife, JC) Pictured winning BOB from the BBE class over six specials for her 2nd major under respected Judge Mrs. Patricia Trotter. Maggie is always handled by her co-breeder/owner, Shon Michael. Breeder/Owner: Elain-Ward Sighthounds Julie A. Konwent Phoenix, AZ 602-565-2279 [email protected] elain-wardsighthounds.com !MAJORS~PRIZES~FUN! Aug 28th - Aug 31st, 2009 Amana, IA ***AWC SUPPORTED ENTRY*** Breed Judge Sweeps Judge Aug 30th, 2009 – Charles Roberts (Strebor Whippets) – Mike Slater (Rosewood Whippets) Cluster Judges Aug 28th, 2009 – Mr. Reginald E Nesbitt Aug 29th, 2009 – Mrs. Murrel Purkhiser Aug 31st, 2009 – Mrs. Carol D. Duffy Show Site - Amana Colonies RV Park (www.amanarvpark.com) - 60-ACRE Campground and RV park - LARGE OUTDOOR RINGS - The heart of Iowa's HISTORIC Amana Colonies - EXCELLENT restaurants - ANTIQUE SHOPPING - MINUTES off I-80 (exit 225) Superintendent – Jack Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C. Closing Date – Aug 12th, 2009 – www.crka.info / www.amanacolonies.org More Info – Scot Northern ([email protected]) 24 | The Whippe T NeWs July 2009 Ch. Yorktown's Extra Vitamin C, JC 7 AWC Specialties – 7 AWC Awards of Merit AWC Awards of Merit received: 2004 AWC North Central Mrs. Betty Stites 2005 AWC National Mrs. Anne Clark 2005 AWC North Central Mrs. Mary Beth Arthur CC 2006 AWC National Mr. Bo Bengtson 2006 AWC North Central Mrs. Cindy Scott 2008 AWC North Central Mr. Michael Dougherty 7-10 Veteran Bitch 2009 AWC National Mr. Magnus Hagstedt 7-10 Veteran Bitch Breeder Owners Ellen Morgan (Yorktown Whippets) Scot Northern (Angelic Whippets) Ellen Morgan (Yorktown Whippets) “Marmot” (Vitesse Otello, SORC, RCh, FCh x Vitesse Semele, RCh) Vitesse Deep Powder, WRCh, CGC After winning his Open flight at the AWC national in April, Marmot went on to finish his WRCh in style by winning the GCWC WRA meet on June 14th and taking the High Combined Score trophy for the weekend. The following week he was RWD under Linda Scanlon in Iowa City, IA. Marmot is looking forward to more coursing and starting the oval this summer with a dog show thrown in here and there….see you on the field! Marmot is Owned by Dr. Lisa Costello & Mary Cutherell And Bred by Patrick Burlingame Vitesse Whippets Photo by Shannon Lyons “Mango” Wildhare Good Ride Cowboy (Ch. Euphrates de Sud x Ch. Wheatland Delta Dawn) Mango is pictured winning the 10 to 12 month Futurity class at the 2009 AWC National Owner: Dr. Lisa M. Costello 14855 Newark Rd. Newark, IL 60541 (815) 695-1930 [email protected] Breeders: Paula and Dwight Caffee; Wildhare AWC Performance Directors Report ASFA International Invitational Results June 2009 On May 2nd and 3rd the American Sighthound Field Association (ASFA) held their international coursing event of the year in Boswell, OK at the home and fields of Don Papin (Windyglen). Here are your results (unofficial), thanks go Ping Pirrung, II FTS. International Invitational Saturday, May 02, 2009 Open Stake 1. Linus 2. Vidalia 3. Vendome 4. Rita NBQ Whisper Field Champion Flight A 1. Pigalle 2. Neville 3. Harley 4. Oreo NBQ Carly Field Champion Flight B 1. Bonzer 2. Cosmo 3. Lilly 4. Bella NBQ Quinn Field Champion Flight C 1. Samantha 2. Roux 3. Sammi 4. Jewel NBQ Solo (Aus/Am Ch. Byerley Savile Row x Ch. Diablesse Surrey Hill Say Yaha, DPC, CR, OTRM) Veteran Stake 1st Everett 2nd Chula 3rd Spike 4th Ellery NBQ AfriKa Open Stake Winner: Linus Field Champion Stake Winner: Bonzer Veteran Stake Winner: Everett Kennel and Breeder Stake Winners: Vendome & Bonzer Leila Anichini, Diablesse Whippets 28 | The Whippe T NeWs July 2009 Saturday Best of Breed and Gillette Cup Winner “Bonzer” Ch. Surrey Hill's Galfrey, LCM, OTRM, CR, DPCX Breeders: Leila Anchini and Karen Lee Owners: Breeders and Kristen Fredericks International Invitational Sunday, May 03, 2009 Open Stake 1. Vidalia 2. Scraggles 3. Linus 4. Rita NBQ Souris Field Champion Flight A 1. Vendome 2. Oreo 3. Samantha 4. Pigalle NBQ Less Field Champion Flight B 1. Carly 2. Solo 3. Jewel 4. Neville NBQ Quinn Field Champion Flight C 1. Roux 2. Sunday 3. Swaps 4. Kahlua NBQ Wyatt Veteran Stake 1. Everett 2. Spike 3. AfriKa 4. Ellery NBQ Cappi Open Stake Winner: Vidalia Field Champion Stake Winner: Vendome Veteran Stake Winner: Everett Kennel Stake: Vendome and Bonzer Breeder Stake: Oreo and Samantha (Lyth Windwalker x Lyth Deil) Sunday Best of Breed “Vidalia” FC Lyth Vidalia Breeders: Tony Lewis Owners: Deborah and Maurice Bahm The WhippeT NeWs July 2009 | 29 WRAP Report: Home At Last By Brigitte Greenberg For the past 14 months, two mostly white girls from Minnesota have graced the list of available dogs that Whippet Rescue and Placement (WRAP) puts out regularly, and finally, WRAP volunteer Becky Corley's patience and care has led Pippee and Vespa to their new home. The 8-year-old girls needed to be placed together, and they required a lot of work by Corley to get them confident enough to be adoptable. The following is a recent note from Corley to other WRAP volunteers: “I am sure that most of you have followed the WRAP list every week listing dogs available for adoption and saw the two girls in MN, Pippee and Vespa, on the list month after month after month. I am happy to report that they have been in their new home since Sunday now and are doing great! I call them every day and check on their progress. “They are doing much better than I thought they would and are adapting to their new situation much quicker than I thought they would. Guess I didn't give them enough credit for the progress they have made here over the last year. “When I first got them, along with a younger brother, they were terrified of everything. I didn't dare let them off lead in a fenced area for over a week and then just one at a time. I would just sit on the ground or floor and let them work up the courage to come to me and see it was alright...good to be petted by someone else...not scary at all. “I worked with them and anyone who came over had to do the same. They did get better after their brother left, too. But they learned to love visitors and over time, saw everyone as their friend. I do want to thank all my local whippet friends who were made to ‘come and see the girls' whenever they were over for race practice or whatever. “I did occasionally get inquiries about them, but most people only wanted one of them or wanted younger dogs, and these two were so closely bonded to each other that they needed to be placed together. They had numerous scars from their previous life, both physical and mental, but these wonderful dogs overcame all that and moved on. “They now have a lovely home and fenced yard and a stayat-home Mom, as well as a kind resident mini-Dachshund who is sharing her home with them. They even have a grandson who gives tummy rubs in exchange for kisses. “They had a long ride to their new home but did fine and have settled in quickly. Well, there was the incident with the glass door, which they now know has to be opened first, and Vespa's prey drive really kicked in when the miniDachshund raced across the yard, but Vespa pulled up short and hasn't made that mistake again. 30 | The Whippe T NeWs July 2009 “This afternoon, they were all sitting in the garden swing, enjoying a summer afternoon. They had been here a long time waiting for that perfect home, patiently waiting, and now the picture of them: one woman, two Whippets and a Dachshund all sitting in a garden swing just makes my day! I guess this is why we do Rescue, to have these happy endings. May you all have the opportunity to experience this.” Becky Corley, MN WRAP, Hastings MN For more information on how you can adopt a Whippet in the Rescue program, please visit the WRAP website at www.whippet-rescue.com, where you will find a list of Whippets who need homes. If you cannot adopt, please consider making a donation to WRAP. Donations can be mailed to WRAP Treasurer Jean Schroeder, 17502 S. 750 W. Wanatah, IN 46390. Adoptions for the month: Debra Offer-Fox of NY adopted Winston; Linda Boone adopted Bailey and Brice; Andrea Hazuda of VT adopted Scout; and Peter and Laura Rizzo of MI adopted Winnie. Thank you to the following people for making donations: Pam Baranski $50; M.C.S. Kennedy $100 in honor of Rick Goodhead and Tom Nelson for their love of Whippets and in celebration of their marriage in Davenport, IA on June 25; Whippet Whiner shirts $845; Eastern Regional Specialty raffle for WRAP $213; Karen Comer $50 in memory of Sky, Lori Rose's rescue Whippet who just passed away; Nadia and David Youngson $100 in memory of Sky Rose, a lovely Whippet who is now a lovely angel. Vespa Pippee July 2009 AKC Obedience Report By Irene Mullauer, National Obedience Chairperson Below are the Rally rankings 1/1/09 thru 5/31/09. Class Rank Dog Name Owner Average Qualifying Scores RAE 1 Mirage’s Here By Accident C Odom 97.75 8 2 Wyatt Of Dodge City D Heffernan/J Heffernan 97.5 2 3 Lucy Andrews A Andrews 93.5 2 4 Arlen’s Red Letter Day F Head/E Feldheum 91.5 6 Adv A Adv B Exc A Exc B Nov A 1 Autumn Harbour Contessa J Difazio 95.5 2 2 Ampersand Airborn R Henery 94 1 3 Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery H Dansereau 92 1 3 Shannon Down Mind Control S Lane 92 2 4 Orion’s Moondance Of Amulet K Richter-Sand/R Richter-Sand 90 3 5 Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel A Andrews 87 2 6 Shannon Down Blazing Star J Phillips 7 Chaparral Emmy Of Elain-Ward S Hennessy/J Konwent 7 Indigo Charged To The Max L Obelcz/P Obelcz 8 Special Acres Desert Jasmine P Clinton 85.5 2 85 2 85 3 84.5 2 1 9 Tnt’s La Femme Nikita R Lutz 84 10 Kemar’s No Place Like Home J Phillips/S Phillips 83 2 11 Paris Diablesse Say I Do L Anichini-Downen 74 1 11 Timbreblue Windrydr Biker Girl R Lutz/F Lutz 74 1 11 Mariki Kalico Lets Get Physical Gramarossa/M Gramarossa 74 1 12 Endeavor’s Reign Or Shine K Goguen/L Lawrence 71 1 13 Windryder’s Americade Cruiser R Lutz/F Lutz 70 1 1 Northwind’s Echo Of Poetry K Nierengarten/I Mullauer 98 2 2 Seaspell’s Concord Point J Heffernan/d heffernan 98 1 3 Surrey Hill Petaluma L Duffy 97 3 4 Mirage’s Stack The Deck N Gordon/N Wascom 96 2 5 Summit Red Silk Boxers C Huzel 93 2 6 Aslan Artemis Harvest Moon M Caro/C Davies/T Caro 88.5 2 7 Aaa Spike El Kandahar L Hayes/S Hayes 88.33 3 8 Amberwind Nasusa Wicked Moon S Holley/S Mallonee 85 1 9 Endeavor’s Reign Or Shine K Goguen/L Lawrence 78 1 1 10 Karasar’s Royel Flush G Ball/K Kuper 77 11 Interlude Wish Upon A Star H St Hilaire/J Quimet Boulinguez 75 1 1 Orion’s Moondance Of Amulet K Richter-Sand/R Richter-Sand 91 2 2 Renegade’s Red Alert At Sea K Cole 87 1 3 Special Acres Desert Jasmine P Clinton 76 1 4 Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel A Andrews 70 1 1 Foxford Sam Hill A Lubbers/J Lubbers 100 1 2 Mirage’s Going For Broke N Gordon 99 1 3 Unsnkablgalacticwateringhole A Schoenfeld 97 1 3 Thundering Tarnation A Lubbers/J Lubbers 97 1 4 Loughren Pepper Of Rockabye C Austin/U James 93 1 5 Unsinkable Blessed Thistle M Schoenfeld/L Nelson 89 1 1 6 Cogshall Forget Me Not C Austin/U James 88 7 Krislyn Take It Easy A Sowders/D Bahm 77 1 8 Chesara’s Mariki Nerys M Ronning 75.67 3 1 Jammin’ Gunpowder A McNiven/L Wilks/S Heiniger 97.67 3 2 Shannon Down Mind Control S Lane 96.33 3 3 Belaya Silver Thistle C Gillies 95.5 2 4 Laurel Chase Leia Bug J Pichette 94.5 2 Class Nov B Rank Dog Name Owner 5 Tcs Zoomerang A McNiven 6 Avalon Just Say Uncle M Lynne Average Qualifying Scores 93.67 3 93 1 2 7 Abbey Boston Belle J Hopfenbeck 92.5 8 Shaldra’s Kahlua And Cream S Dyer/K Dyer 92 1 9 Whippoorwill Lady Of The Lake D Myers/J Myers/B Henderson 86.33 3 10 Renegade Smokeless Wardance K Dyer/R Nappier 86 3 11 Halmarque Santa Cruz J Honza 79 1 12 Heartland Hh Lamborgini Diablo J Stewart/L Stewart/V Smith 75 1 13 Galewind’s Life Of Reilly N Anderson/W Brizius 75 1 1 Ima Leda’s Loving Swan B Stockard 100 1 1 Longlesson Turtle Dove L KENNEL/S PEAK/M PRICE/L PRICE 100 2 1 Lanaken’s Hot-Shot Hero K Planchak 100 1 2 Midori Days De Sud I Mullauer 99.5 2 3 Surrey Hill’s Ripon Jewel K Lee/K Fredericks/L Anichini 99 1 3 Cherche’s Chance To Dance S Colflesh 99 1 3 Anlan’s Sierra Mist T Lubbers/A Lubbers/J Lubbers 99 1 3 Starline’s Extra Savoir-Faire R Miller 99 1 4 Mirage’s Accidents Happen C Odom 98.75 4 98.5 2 98 1 5 Aaa Spike El Kandahar L Hayes/S Hayes 6 Mama Mia Sky High R Henery 6 Interlude Wish Upon A Star H St Hilaire/J Quimet Boulinguez 98 1 6 Baccarat Luck Be A Lady R Russ/M Metevia 98 1 98 1 6 Vitesse Full Pull L Costello/J Szymaniak 7 Wheatland Talltree L Hayes/S Hayes 8 Summit Red Silk Boxers 8 97.5 2 C Huzel 97 1 Tivio N Woodrose Crazy For You C Foxx/J Hite/T Hite 97 1 3 9 Chesco Man On The Run L Armstrong 96 10 Belaya Silver Thistle C Gillies 95 1 11 Biscuit B Lawrence 94.5 2 12 Karasar’s Jackpot G Ball/K Kuper 93 2 12 Shamasan Smokin’ Magic M Shanley 93 2 13 Wegner’s On The Sly C Austin/U James 92 1 13 Diablesse Say Surrey Hill L Anichini-Downen 92 3 13 Galewind’s Life Of Reilly N Anderson/W Brizius 92 1 14 Wolfram’s Mitzi The Celebrity K Couch 91.67 3 15 Shaldra’s Kahlua And Cream S Dyer/K Dyer 90.5 2 16 Domino Brazil Bardot P Ewing/B Lessley 89.33 3 17 Finghin’s Time Bandit B Lessley/P Ewing/C Williams 88 3 18 Anlan Sam Adams C Canard 87.5 2 19 Redglen Wyl E Coyote H Tatro/D Tatro 87.33 3 20 Summit About Last Night C Huzel 86.67 3 21 Amberwind Hamrya Tears Of Fire S Holley/S Mallonee 85.67 3 22 Agstone Fonseca Cosacos C Stone/B Lowans 85 1 22 Bitterblue’s Nestor L Garwacki/P Garwacki 85 1 22 Cherche’ Silver Jubilee S Colflesh/C Durance 85 1 23 Warburton Roots Of Rhythm S Phillips/P Renzulli 84.67 3 2 24 Amherst Woods Forever Windrose S Kirkham 77.5 24 Blackmarbles CR Winter Ryde B Wood 77.5 2 25 Finghin’s Dropkick Murphys E McMichael/S McMichael 76 1 26 Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel A Andrews 75 1 27 Finghin’s Summer Ale Of Anlan E McMichael/S McMichael 73 1 28 Shamasan Lumos Solarum M Shanley/P Booth 71 1 It has been requested that I separate out the obedience classes for the monthly reporting. Please keep in mind that for the year-end awards all classes will be combined and a minimum 3 qualifying scores will be required for consideration for the Top Obedience Whippet for 2009. AKC Obedience Ranking 1/1/09 thru 5/31/09 Class Novice A Novice B Rank 1 Average 190 Dog Name Affinity Like A Rock Owner R Van Tassell 2 3 4 5 186.5 Devereux’s Evening Star R Brown/C Brown/A BASS 1 183 Cabria’s Spell Of The Sea M Conta/K Roberson 1 179.5 Kinvara Victory Of Endeavor G Vanderford/L Stewart 1 174.5 Wolfram Ways Rabbit In The Hat K Couch 2 6 172 1 196.5 2 Qualifying Score 2 Shantellie Countess Of Steel P Campbell 1 Midori Days De Sud I Mullauer 1 194.875 Devereux The Sweetest Thing-Fanny T Lerner/M Lake 4 3 194.167 Dreams Charm Me P Younger 3 4 192.5 Wheatland Talltree L Hayes/S Hayes 1 5 191.25 Seaspell’s Concord Point J Heffernan/d heffernan 2 6 191 Ima Leda’s Loving Swan B Stockard 1 6 191 Paris Diablesse Say I Do L Anichini-Downen 1 7 190.5 Hunterhill Snowdrift G Ball 1 8 189.5 Krislyn Take It Easy A Sowders/D Bahm 1 4 9 189.375 Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero E Adler 10 189 Lucy Andrews A Andrews 1 11 188 Mirage’s Stack The Deck N Gordon/N Wascom 1 12 185.5 Summit Autumn Gabardine Martin D Miller/A Miller 1 12 185.5 Lanaken’s Hot-Shot Hero K Planchak 1 13 185 Summit Red Silk Boxers C Huzel 1 14 184.5 Notorious Poeta Omg Fudge V Jackson 3 15 184 Mirage’s Here By Accident C Odom 1 16 183 Diablesse Say Surrey Hill L Anichini-Downen 1 17 182 Whippoorwill Mystic A Andrews/B Henderson 3 17 182 Aaa Spike El Kandahar L Hayes/S Hayes 3 Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery H Dansereau 1 Bitterblue’s Nestor L Garwacki/P Garwacki 2 17 182 18 181.5 19 179 Baccarat Luck Be A Lady R Russ/M Metevia 1 20 179 Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel A Andrews 1 21 177.33 Kentruth Famous Grouse L Duffy 3 22 177 Indigo Charged To The Max L Obelcz/P Obelcz 2 23 173.75 Endeavor’s Reign Or Shine K Goguen/L Lawrence 2 24 173 Broadstrider Soul Of Heian M Pruett/P Jones 1 Open A 1 171.5 Geordon Seaspell Say Hey Kid L Kaufman/M Kaufman 2 Open B 1 195 Maverick Cowgirl Chic R Amado/H Heil 2 2 192 Foxford Sam Hill A Lubbers/J Lubbers 1 1 180.5 Lakes Play Beyond Liberty T Lerner/M Lake 1 Utility A The above Rankings are compiled from the AKC Awards Publication. Please forward any questions to me at [email protected]. Below is the number titles earned in May according to the New Titles report from the AKC. Agility Excellent Count Agility FAST Open Count 1 Master Excellent Jumper Count Field Champion Count 8 Junior Courser Count 26 Master Courser Count 4 Novice Agility Count 1 Senior Courser Count 25 Novice Agility Jumper Count 1 Total Coursing 63 Novice Agility Jumper Preferred Count 1 Open Agility Count Companion Dog Count 0 Excellent Agility Jumper Preferred 1 Rally Advanced Count 2 Total Agility 5 Rally Excellent Count 0 Rally Novice Count 5 Total Obedience 7 Champions 17
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AKC DELEGATE.… ............................ …..Donna Lynch 508-636-0705
ASFA DELEGATE:…………………………... CJ Foxx 303-424-5144
Archives ................................................
the whippet news - American Whippet Club
ASFA DELEGATE:…………………………... CJ Foxx 303-424-5144
Archives ......................................................... Bo Bengtson 805-646-3151
Health................. Drs. Conni...
the whippet news - American Whippet Club
ASFA DELEGATE:…………………………... CJ Foxx 303-424-5144
Archives ......................................................... Bo Bengtson 805-646-3151
Health................. Drs. Conni...