IN THIS ISSUE - American Whippet Club
The Official Newsletter of the American Whippet Club SEPTEMBER 2011 In this issue WRAP: In Memory of Brigitte Greenberg AWC Midwest 2011 Sweeps and Specialty: Judges’ Critiques Whippet Health The American Whippet Club Table of Contents OFFICERS Russell McFadden, President 505.753.6782, [email protected] Scot Northern, Vice President 319.621.2982, [email protected] David Samuelson, Treasurer 651.454.4174, [email protected] President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Editor’s Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 AWC: The Official Poop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The WRAP Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Cindy Scott, Secretary 719.594.9974, [email protected] 3655 Cragwood Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Board of Directors Connie Brunkow, 217.431.8972, [email protected] Lisa Costello, 815.695.1930, [email protected] Henry Heil, 619.445.1777, [email protected] Letters to the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Random Thoughts: All-Time Records, China and Brazil.... . 14 From the Editor’s files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 AWC Midwest Sweepstakes 2011: Judge’s Critique . . . . . 20 Christine Hopperstad, 206.322.5872, [email protected] AWC Midwest Specialty 2011: Judge’s Critique. . . . . . . . . 24 Kay Nierengarten, 218.729.8003, [email protected] Whippet Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Class of 2012: Connie Brunkow, Russ McFadden, Kay Nierengarten Class of 2013: Henry Heil, Christine Hopperstad, David Samuelson Class of 2014: Lisa Costello, Scot Northern, Cindy Scott Advertising Rates and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Obedience Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 AWC COMMITTEE CHAIRS Archives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bo Bengtson, 805.646.3151 Futurity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathy Slater, 618.585.4677 Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Connie Austin, 217-498-8661 Dr. Connie Brunkow, [email protected] Dr. Lisa Costello, [email protected] Judge’s Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Dukes, [email protected] Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Hubble, 719.272.7037 Parade of Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alice VandenBussche, 315.945.2672 Performance Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Lisa Costello, 815.695.1930 ROM Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gail Boyd, 919.362.4427 Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindy Scott, 719.594.9974 Top Twenty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Waggoner, 541.347.2171 Versatility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sharron Lane, 413.369.4399 AWC Show Chairs National. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindy Scott, 719.594.9974, [email protected] Eastern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harriett Lee, 434.295.4525, [email protected] Midwest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pat Richey, 330.806.6945, [email protected] N. Central. . . . . . . . . . . David Samuelson, 651.454.4174, [email protected] S. Central. . . . . . . . Kathy Rasmussen, 913.681.8929, [email protected] Southern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken Latimer, 706.296.5489, [email protected] Western. . . . . . . Pam Magette, 562.598.8717, [email protected] AWC Breeder referals THE WHIPPET NEWS Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 206.322.5872, [email protected] 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743, [email protected] Subscriptions One-year (the monthly newsletter and printed annual): Online-only newsletter $25. Print newsletter (plus online access) $45. Foreign subscribers: online-only newsletter $25. Print newsletter (plus online access) $60 Advertising rates (on a space available basis) $50 per page with one photo, each additional photo $10 Text only, no photos: full page $35, half-page $25 Camera-ready (.pdfs preferred, see ad specs below): $40 per page Advertising Specifications Contact the Editor for file submission specifications or go to: ad_specifications.pdf DEADLINE: the first day of the month for that month’s issue Payments: Subscription and advertising payments may be made by PayPal at: or by check to the editor (address above). Mary Downing, [email protected] THE WHIPPET NEWS ANNUAL INDEPENDENT WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS Wendy Clark, Annual Editor 614.777.0124, [email protected] 5088 Breckenhurst Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026 Whippet Health Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Beth Arthur, 414.355.4776 Whippet Rescue, WRAP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Barbara Henderson, 301.490.6598 AKC DELEGATE ASFA DELEGATE Donna Lynch, 508.636.0705 CJ Foxx, 303.424.5144 Applications for AWC membership may be obtained either on request from Membership Chair Jackie Hubble, 719.272.7037 or on the AWC website: 2 Cover: A special thank you to Yvonne Sovereign for the use of one of her lovely Whippet illustrations for our first cover of the redesigned Whippet News. | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 Current issue: 2010. Back issues available for 1986-2009 (except 1987 and 1990-1992). Cost: $25 each, ($30 each foreign), including shipping; all funds in U.S. dollars, payable by check or money order and mailed to the Annual Editor (address above). Purchase can also be made through PayPal at: http://www. The American Whippet Club and The Whippet News assume no responsibility for statements or claims made in the letters to the editor or advertisements that appear in its publications. President’s Message It’s nice to be able to start this column with some good news – the new Illustrated Standard is at the printer. The Board feels that every member or multiple member household of the club should receive one complimentary copy of the new booklet. However, the Illustrated Standard is costing about $8.00 per copy to be published and postage costs on top of that to mail it, we would therefore like to ask any member who doesn’t want to receive a copy to let one of us know so we can remove your name from the mailing list. Copies will always be available if a member who hasn’t already received their complimentary copy changes their mind and wants one later. I don’t have a definite time frame for the copies to be mailed but if at all possible the mailing will take place before the end of the year. In due course, the Board intends to have the Illustrated Standard available on the AWC website as a PDF file in the future. This year the Nominating Committee will be chaired by Scot Northern. As I previously mentioned both Connie Brunkow and I have hit the three term limit defined by last year’s membership vote to enact term limits so neither of us will be running for re-election. Kay Nierengarten has also decided not to seek another term on the BOD even though she would not have been constrained by the term limits vote. Obviously, that leaves three seats to be filled. The Nominating Committee must name two candidates for each empty Board position so will offer the names of six members to the club as their slate for the next BOD election. If you are interested in having the Nominating Committee consider you for a BOD position please let Scot know so he can propose your name to the rest of the committee once that working group is fleshed out (prior to October 1, 2011). Before any more time goes by, I want to say that I think Wendy Clark did a stellar job with the 2010 Whippet News Annual. I mentioned the Annual being in the mail a couple of months ago and then much to my enjoyment received mine the very next day. I fully intended to thank Wendy for the time and effort she spends on each and every Annual last month and somehow didn’t get it into this report. I apologize for the oversight because this effort for the club should never go unrecognized. Speaking of efforts for the club, I hope everyone is enjoying the new format of The Whippet News. This monthly publication is another huge undertaking by an AWC member that should not go unrecognized. Christine Hopperstad with support from her daughter Kirsten (who is not even an AWC member) has, in my opinion, done a magnificent job in bringing this newsletter to the forefront of this type of periodical. I don’t know of many clubs that can claim to have a monthly newsletter of this caliber. Before I close, I would like to welcome Lisa Buzzell and Robert Paust as the newest members of the AWC. Be safe, take care and have fun with your Whippets. Russell Editor’s Notes Welcome to our new, redesigned Whippet News. With a new front cover, new format and, maybe best of all for the printed edition – gone is the dreaded staple holding it shut. Things have moved around and look different but the basic content remains the same. Be sure to check out the revised ad specifications on page 32 of this issue. For the printed edition, we’ve kept to the classic black and white format to keep costs down, but you may now submit ads with full bleeds (ad content printed to the edge of the page). This issue includes reports from the usual suspects, news from recent specialties, two Letters to the Editor, and a note that reads: “To my many Whippet Friends….Many thanks for your cards, calls and good thoughts while I was in the hospital for 5 months with 2 fractured hips and a fractured femur in three places. I’m home now and, with the help of an aide and PT therapist, I’m doing very well. Thanks again, and I hope I can make the National in April!!!” ~Carol H. Willumsen, Willcare With our new format, we’ll be exploring new ways of bringing members important club information, news, and articles about our favorite breed, always welcoming your suggestions, contributions, and ideas about issues or stories you might like to see in the future. Christine Welcome Back Subscribers Georgia Cushman, Tehachapi, CA; Deborah Knutson, Petaluma, CA Last Issue, Time To Renew Martha Cramer, Monroe Kornfeld SEP T EMBER 2011 The Whippet News | 3 AWC: The Official Poop APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP None at this time. Comments regarding applicants may be mailed to AWC Membership Chair Jackie Hubble, 5472 Spoked Wheel Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80923, or emailed to sagehound@ and should be sent no later than 30 days after the applicant has been published in the WN. SHOW CALENDAR AWC 2012 National Specialty, 4/14/12 thru 4/22/12 at the Sawmill Creek Resort in Huron, Ohio; Breed Judge Dr. Connie Brunkow, AWC Southern Specialty Atlanta KC, Saturday, October 22, 2011; Breed Judge David Samuelson; Sweeps Donna Richards. AWC Support, Sunday, October 23, 2011, Newnan KC; Breed Randy Tincher. OTHER WHIPPET EVENTS MAWA Specialty Thursday, October 20 with the Prestige Specialty Clubs of Atlanta. Breed Judge: Connie Alexander; Sweeps: Stephen LeVan. MAWA Support Friday, October 21, Douglasville KC of Georgia, Breed: Barbara O’Neill Whippet Specialties From September 2011– AKC Awards American Whippet Club (AKC Awards 9/11 p. 49), held with Mid-Del-Tinker KC in Oklahoma City, OK 7-2-11. Judge Gary K. Newton, 57 dogs in competition. WD Cariad’s Get My Drift, RWD Sporting Field’s Top of the Rock, WB & BOW Kamada’s Girl Of My Dreams, RWB Karasar’s Remembrence, BOB GCh. Karasar’s Masterpiece, Select GCh. Winway Million Heiress, BOS Windborn Oxford New Moon at Krisdan SC, Select GCh. Harmony’s Van Gogh. American Whippet Club (AKC Awards 9/11 p. 339), held in Lompoc, CA 7-29-11. Judge Thomas Münch (Flic-Flac, Germany), 107 dogs in competition. WD Summit Above The Rim, RWD Grand Prix’s Skip Away, WB & BOW Jetstream Forgetmenot Tigerpaw, RWB Lishima’s Fancy Pants, BOB Ch. Brushwood’s Moxi of Endeavor, Select GCh. Starline’s Chanel, BOS Ch. Destiny Pursuit of Happiness at Nysa, Select GCh. Counterpoint Painted by Bohem SC. –Bo Bengtson NATIONAL SHOW CHAIR REPORT 2012 National If you are on Facebook, Mary Alderman and Judy Lowther have a great group you can join to get information on the 2012 National. Search for AWC National Specialty Group and click join. Great fun and great info! 4 | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 North Central I finally got to go to a regional specialty this year and had the usual great time in Minnesota. David and Gina Samuelson and their crew do a fantastic job and put on a great specialty. Beautiful weather, no bugs! THANK YOU. Judging Ballot for the National I just want everyone to know that the ballot that will be coming out soon is being handled just like we do for the election of officers. Putting together the ballot is not an easy task and is time consuming. On the first ballot you will receive a list of judges that are eligible to judge Whippets, an explanation of how to select them and an envelope marked ballot. You will also receive a return envelope with your address on it and the PO Box of where to return them. Our accountant will be given the latest membership roster to check names against and once the deadline for ballot return has passed, he will send me a list of the top 10 names (and any that are tied) which I will publish in Whippet News with his letterhead. I have unfortunately been accused again of cheating on the ballot because people don’t understand why Board members are always being elected to do a National. Part of the reason for this is because of name recognition and people that work very hard for the club. The final ballot will go out with the same procedure but anyone whose name is on the ballot must agree to come for expenses only. We have had a few in the past who have turned it down for this reason. Great news! Katrina Hamilton (Khiva) will be judging Veteran sweeps, stud dog/brood bitch, brace and teams at the 2012 National in Ohio. Originally from California, Katrina and her husband now live in Tennessee and raise and show miniature donkeys. She still has a couple of Salukis but no Whippets. The Khiva Whippets in the 70’s and 80’s were well known, did quite a bit of winning and are probably back in quite of few of the pedigrees of today. I have been approached by several people to change the judging moratorium for the National from 15 years to 7. At the Board meeting in North Carolina in 2004 it was changed from 10 years to 15, and was reported at the annual meeting the next day so this is a new development. The reasoning behind this is people want to show to the judges they like and not be restricted from selecting them a second time. We are fortunate that we have so many breeder judges in the Whippet world. There are many clubs that don’t have any restrictions at all. I was told one person has judged the Australian Shepherd National 4 times. Also, the current restriction for judging an AWC regional specialty is 1 year prior and 3 years after the assignment. BOS to Ch. Cariad’s The Full Monty bred by Kim Pritchard, T C Taft and R Russ owned by Kim Pritchard. The suggestion is the person cannot judge ANY specialty one year prior to their regional assignment and 1 year after. That, of course, does not restrict them from judging an independent specialty after a regional assignment. Veteran BISS was Ch. Tattershall Ticket to Fly, bred and owned by Pat Richey and Debbie Butt. I would REALLY like to have your input on this as soon as possible. You can email me at brookwood22@comcast. net or call me at 719-337-6517 (cell). Regular classes were judged by Russell McFadden. Thanks! Cindy Veteran BOSS to Ch. Sportingfield The Force, bred by Pat Richey and Debbie Butt, owned by Pat Richey and Nicole Terry. WD/BW to Longlesson Indian Summer, bred by Longlesson and Pat Richey, owned by Longlesson. RWD/Best Puppy to Tattershall Risky Business bred by Pat Richey, owned by Stan and Pat Richey. Dear Whippet folks, WB to Plumcreek New York Memory bred by Linda Larsen, owned by Susan Walker and breeder. RWB to Free Wynd’s Can You Say Abstract, bred and owned by Debbie Syrja. Some registration info I just received from AKC. Doesn’t that seem like a LOT of Whippets being registered in just the first two quarters? Best of Breed to GCH. Sporting Fields Bahama Sands, bred by Dionne Butt and Jesse Martin, owned by Jane Cooney-Waterhouse and Dionne Butt. We are including the 1st & 2nd quarter, 2011 registration statistics for dogs and litters for your club’s breed since they are no longer published in the AKC Gazette. We realize the importance to parent clubs of knowing the number of AKC registered dogs and litters for breed analysis. BOS to GCH. DC Ableaim Patent Pending bred by Gail, Ch.uck and Jenny Boyd and A. Tad Brooks and Linda Johnson, owned by Jenny Boyd. Secretary’s Report 2011 Annual Registration Statistics for Whippets: Quarter 1: 84 litters, 374 dogs Quarter 2: 78 litters, 338 dogs 2011 thru Q2: 162 litters, 712 dogs Scrapbook I received a package a couple of days ago from a Gwen Farnsworth from Dexter, Oregon which contained a wonderful, 2 inch thick scrapbook of 40 years of collecting pictures and little items about Whippets. Does anyone know this lady? I am sending her a thank you note and it will go to Bo for the Whippet archives. I have more info if anyone wants it. AWC Secretary Cindy Scott AWC Midwest Specialty 2011 Here are the weekend highlights for the Midwest Specialty. It’s Ohio. It’s August. It’s hot. Nothing we can do about that so we won’t go there. The AWC supports the entry the entire four-day weekend. Sweepstakes were judged by Rhonda Gold on Friday. BISweeps to Sporting Fields Heavenly Body bred by Dionne Butt and Amanda Giles, owned by Leslie Potts and breeders. Select Dog was GCH. Tripletime Change of Heart bred and owned by Johnnie M Roe and J Randall Tincher. Select Bitch to GCH. Cherche Bearfoot Hooker, bred by Chris Durance Watkins and Crystal McNulty, owned by breeders and Ken Latimer. Award of Merits to Ch. Willabe You Turn Me On, bred and owned by Dick and Jean Schroeder, Ch. Tripletime Silver Lining bred by J Randall Tincher, Johnnie Roe and Britt Calhoun, owned by Jody Paquette, Sandi Jordan and Leonardo Garcini; Ch. Plumcreek Going Big Time bred by Sarah Shakespeare, owned by Sarah and Richard Shakespeare, Ch. Mariner Diablesse I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butters bred by Kristen Fredericks, Karen B Lee and Deann Christianson, owned by Karen Lee, Kristen Fredericks and Leila Anichini, and Ch. Seaspell’s Point Cabria bred by Judith Britton and Karen Roberson owned by Polly Clements and Karen Roberson. Our breed winner “Tawny” went on to win the Group. It should be noted that she won the breed all four days as well as all four groups. Our famous luncheon and fabulous raffle were followed later in the day by the Annual Scooper Bowl which was won by Karen Roberson. Submitted bt Pat Richey, AWC Midwest Coordinator continued on page 6 SEP T EMBER 2011 The Whippet News | 5 AWC: The Official Poop—continued from page 5 AWC North Central Specialty 2011 The newspaper headlines read — “snowiest winter in Minnesota history!” “record breaking heat!” “water levels at an all time high!” — but for 3 days at Lake Elmo in August the sun shined, a cool breeze blew, and we were treated to a weekend of good friends and beautiful Whippets. First, I would like to thank the judges, Christy Nelson, C.J. Foxx, Charles Roberts, Cindi Gredys, and Tracy Hite, for their thoughtful examination of the entry. You made it a pleasant experience for dog and handler alike. The stewards, Karyn Krahn and Carol Slattery, did a fine job of assisting our judges. Thank you both. A special thanks to our committee members for their hard work. Morning Hospitality was organized by Carol Juelfs, Cassie Rogers, Lexie Rogers and new committee member Aubrey Jean, 4th generation Whippet lover. We were all tickled to help celebrate Aubrey’s 1st birthday at the end of judging on Friday. Thanks to the Greater Twin Cities Whippet Club for sponsoring the morning treats. The lunch crew, Shelley Kruger, Jennifer Beach Buda, Julie Prentice, Joyce Szymaniak, and Bill Johnson set up a delicious spread. Karyn Krahn’s wildrice salad is always a big hit and as promised, the recipe is included here. Shelley Kruger once again provided her “specialty cookies” which disappeared within minutes, what does she put in those things? Jennifer Beach Buda’s relish tray always provides the perfect compliment to the lunch sandwiches. The camaraderie at the raffle and cheese party was exceptional. Our wine steward, Joanne Bohl, served up refreshing libations along with platters of real Wisconsin cheese provided by Shelley Kruger. Thank you to our raffle committee, Bill and Janell Johnson, for organizing items and selling raffle tickets. Mrs. Miller was thrilled when her number was called for the coveted birdhouse. Cindy Scott provided a striking quilt as a silent auction item. Congratulations to Patience Renzulli for having the high bid. Thanks to the exhibitors for generously buying raffle tickets. The raffle supports the lunch and cheese party. The Whippet specialty trophy table always receives envious adoration from other breeds’ exhibitors so a special thank you to the trophy donors. The request letter comes out in the middle of winter when the last thing on most people’s minds is a show at the end of August but every year the region comes through with generous donations. We couldn’t do it without all of your help. See you in 2012! David & Gina Samuelson AWC North Central Specialty Show Chair & Trophy Chair 6 | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 Wildrice Salad from Karyn Krahn 1 c. raw wild rice, cooked in 3.5 cups of water until tender 1 c. yellow raisins 1/2 c. craisins 4 green onions sliced 1/4 c. fresh mint chopped 1 c. pecan halves Dressing: 1/3 c. fresh orange juice Grated rind of one orange 1/4 c. of Oilve Oil 1/2 tsp. salt (or to taste) ground pepper to taste Cook rice until tender but not mushy. Drain and cool (can be cooked a day ahead). Make dressing and refrigerate. The day you want to serve the salad, add onions, mint, raisins, craisins and dressing. Let sit at room temp for at least 3 hours. Add pecan halves just before serving. Serves 8 to 10. The WRAP Report In memory of Brigitte Greenberg 11/3/67 - 6/15/2011 September 2011 Dear Whippet Community, It has been three months since Brigitte passed away. I still have a hard time believing she is gone and find myself picking up the telephone to call her with a question regarding rescue. This summer, in my area on the East Coast, we had a heat wave, earthquake, hurricane, and flooding. In spite of all this, not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about Brigitte and all she meant to the Whippet Community. There has never been a more dedicated lover of Whippets than Brigitte. She was always available to answer the call for a Whippet that needed help, was lost or just needed love. Brigitte’s 6 Whippets - Bambi, Rudy, Summer, Daisy, Cory and Pony were entrusted to me for care and to find homes that Brigitte would have approved. I have had several calls regarding their placement and want to share with you where they are living. Cory and Pony, the youngest and most energetic, have been placed with Chuck and Jean Brown. Chuck and Jean are very good friends and long term clients. Earlier this year they had lost their last Whippet rescue at the age of 16. After I called them regarding the two Whippets they were here the next day. Needless to say it was a match made in heaven (I was sure Brigitte was smiling). Chuck and Jean are retired and they have now found what coursing and racing are all about. The local Whippet folks have welcomed them and are thrilled to have Pony and Cory back in their group. The Brown’s brought Cory and Pony to the Funeral home the day of Brigitte’s funeral. They were on the porch to greet those that arrived to pay their respects to Brigitte and her family. Cory and Pony accompanied the casket to the grave site. Rudy and Summer went to live with Christi Shewman. Brigitte and Christi became good friends when Christi adopted a rescue. Christi was very involved with Brigitte’s Whippet play dates and spoke up immediately saying she wanted them to live with her and her canine family. Christi, Rudy and Summer also were present at Brigitte’s funeral. Bambi and Daisy are living with me. Bambi was Brigitte’s first Whippet and that is how I met Brigitte. She was looking for a Veterinarian that knew Whippets and that was me. We became good friends and she volunteered to help with WRAP. Little did I know what an energetic “bunny” 8 | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 A note from Dr. Barbara Henderson, WRAP President she would be. Whenever there was a request for help, Brigitte was right there. For many years, she volunteered to write the WRAP Report for the Whippet News, as that was her profession. She organized play dates and various other activities for the local Whippet owners and instrumental in organizing the parade of rescues at many AWC Nationals. One year, I sent Brigitte on a rescue mission, The Maryland 6 Rescues. She transported all six Whippets that were covered with fleas to my clinic. Daisy was one of the 6. Daisy was in terrible condition and covered with scars. Brigitte adopted Daisy saying she would never ever be abused again. Unfortunately later in years Daisy suffered some neurological problems that left her paralyzed in one rear leg. Today, Daisy is happy and doing well with assistants to walk her. She is with Bambi and seems to be enjoying all the attention my staff gives to her. I think she likes being just with Bambi and not the rowdy young ones at her old home. The family, in honor of Brigitte’s commitment to WRAP, requested donations be sent to WRAP. The response has been overwhelming from friends, colleagues, adopted Whippets and their families and various organizations. To date, the donations in Brigitte’s honor come to over $7700. Thank you. Barbara L. Henderson, VMD President, WRAP August Donations In Memory of Brigitte Greenberg Chris and Michael Horne $20; Beverly Greenberg $100; MAWRA $100 August Donations Robert and Sylvia Shuey $50 in memory of Frank and Shirly Volberg’s “Boz”; Marianne Staudt-Stolz $100; Ruby Gertsch $100; Kathleen Thomas of Watch Me Whippets $100; Kerri McDonald $100; Carol Plett-Henryson $5 August Adoptions Dane and Catherine Gibson of NC adopted Ole and Sven Wendy Borcyk of FL adopted Trouble Michael Soileau of LA adopted Jonathan and Tina Patricia Smith of OR adopted Jimmy Kristanne Garrison of IA adopted Diva Eric Hill of MD adopted Mustang Sally Christina Patrickios of PA adopted Spike Catrina McDowell of TX adopted Dash and Bolt The Lazar’s of LA adopted Mia Ann Dickerson of Oregon adopted Miss Lyla Viggo and Phoebe Booth WATCH FOR THEM ON THE EAST COAST THIS FALL GCh. Counterpoint Painted by Bohem, SC MULTIPLE SPECIALTY BEST IN SHOW WINNER MULTIPLE HOUND GROUP WINNER HOUND SHOW BEST IN SHOW WINNER Viggo is still only 2 years old. A special thank you to Paul Lepiane for his excellent presentation of Viggo in California. Ch. Bohem Bon Vivant x Can. Ch. Counterpoint Winning Colors OWNED BY Scott Mazer • CO-OWNED BY Bo Bengtson BRED BY John Ross and Trudy Taphorn HEALTH TESTING Cardio, BAER and CERF Normal Letters to the Editor I’m writing to you as an American Whippet Club (AWC) member about two issues that warrant your serious consideration. First, there has been a good deal of acrimony about web sites and my activities. Second, several others and I raised concerns about the election of the current Board of Directors (BOD). I believe these issues are interrelated. I’d genuinely hoped that these matters could have been resolved in an amicable fashion, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Therefore, I feel that I must share my thoughts with you. were not mailed and the only notification appeared in Whippet News. Our Bylaws call for dues notices to be mailed to the membership, and while some may recognize email or notification in the newsletter as the proper method, past history showed a much greater response to renewals when dues notices were sent to each member via US Mail. At the Annual Meeting in Lexington, the AWC President agreed that the election had not been conducted in accordance with the Bylaws, but these violations were dismissed by saying that the same rule had been broken before and had not been called into question until this year. It was this indifference that moved several of us to challenge the election to the AKC. The AKC has yet to rule on petition, but look forward to their review. Several years ago, I started the WhippetView website which was intended to provide information to the Whippet community. It included information I’d collected over a long period of time. Most of these historical materials had been purchased by me or had been given to me by other Whippet fanciers. It’s clear to me that the disputes regarding my service on the website arose after and likely, as a result of the concerns that were raised in our petition regarding the BOD. I hope that you will spent a few minutes to review this correspondence, read our Bylaws and ask whether you feel our elections and membership dues should be handled as required by the Bylaws--not by a few folks who we’ve elected to represent us. As WhippetView grew, I added a second web site, Whippet History. Like WhippetView, this was a free site which anyone could access. Ultimately, I offered to work on the AWC site and added a lot of the historical materials that were originally on WhippetView. In addition, I added all the AWC Annuals dating back to 1977. This consisted of over 7,500 images and pages which I personally scanned one page at a time. Most of those pages came from my personal collection (obtained at my expense) or from folks who shared documents with me. I believe the BOD manipulated the Bylaws for their own benefit. The revised Bylaws, which include term limits, were completed in October 2010, but were not submitted to AKC for approval until March 21, 2011. While this delay, acknowledged by our AWC President, did not influence the 2011 election, it certainly could influence the 2012 election. If we don’t have time to vote and put the new Bylaws into effect by October 1, 2011, they will not be in place for next year. The AWC provided me with Annuals from 1998 to 2005 in a digital format which were added to the site. These were the only documents that I didn’t obtain on my own. Beginning with the 2000 Dallas National, I’ve scanned the catalogs and provided daily results online via the AWC’s website in the Show Section. This allowed everyone around the world to enjoy being part of our National event. My personal collection of Whippet-related materials includes over 15,000 pages which I’ve made available to the Whippet community as a “labor of love solely for the Whippet community and Whippet fancy around the world.” That purpose was to provide information on a public domain, for everyone to enjoy. I’ve never allowed advertising on the pages, nor have I ever charged for access. Questions concerning the election of the BOD coincided with criticism directed to me about the AWC website. This culminated in a “Cease and Desist” letter from an attorney working for AWC I was ordered to remove all documents from my personal websites, since the AWC BOD believes it has “copyright” over the material. After talking with my attorney, I voluntarily removed all the documents in question until the issue could be settled. That’s why the WhippetHistory and WhippetView websites were shut down. Concerns regarding the election led to a petition that was circulated in Lexington alleging that AWC Bylaws were violated. Along with many others, I believe the Bylaws were broken in conjunction with our 2011 election and the outcome was thus put into question. (The letter in the June Whippet News and a review of the Bylaws provide more information onthat issue.). Specifically, it charged that the BOD election did not comply with the AWC Bylaws. The Bylaws have been in place for many years to protect our club and our members. Another issue involved notifying members about dues. Over 125 members, or about 25% of the club, were unable to vote because they had not paid their dues. Contrary to our Bylaws, dues statements 10 | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 I’ve spent most of my adult life serving on the boards of 501 C organizations and I’ve never before known of board members who willingly broke the pledge that they took to uphold the bylaws of an organization. Bylaws are written to protect club members and I believe the AWC BOD needs to adhere to them. I hope you can appreciate that I’m reluctant to send this letter, but feel that I have the right to explain my position. There are two sides to every story and I know not everyone will agree with mine. However, if you believe the Bylaws were broken, I encourage you to write to Mr. Michael Liosis, Director of Club Relations at the American Kennel Club. His email address is [email protected]. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns or opinions about these matters and I’ll gladly discuss them with you. David H. Howton Hi Christine, I cannot begin to imagine how David Howton connects these two events, at least in relation to anything I have said or written. Anybody who read the letter which I sent previously to the Newsletter could not possibly read anything from it except my understandable dismay that David claimed authorship and propriety of the AWC Whippet News Annuals simply because he VOLUNTARILY scanned them for the AWC website. The majority of my letter spoke to the spirit of volunteerism. There was nothing “political” in print or thought. God knows the fuss about the BOD was furthest from my mind at the time. These are two distinct issues. Trying to tie them together to make a case that he is correct about one or the other is just nonsense. Wendy Clark, Editor AWC Whippet News Annual He is now... Ch. Tivio’s spellbound (BIS, SBIS, NSBIS Ch. Starline’s Masterpiece x Ch. Tivio’s Falling In Place) Desi has given us many thrills the few times he was shown on the way to his title! These include: M ajor s froM 2 br eeder j u dges ( joa n fr a ile y a n d Con nie a le x a n der) at speCi a lties t w iCe bis sw eeps at speCi a lties best of br eed ov er speCi a ls 5 tiMes a n d t wo grou p 2 awa r ds And a special thank you to Connie Alexander for the 4 point major at the WWWA Specialty for his finishing points. Ow n e d by M J & e d OdrOn a n d T r ac y & JOh n h i T e A Top Ten WhippeT And MulTiple Group plAcinG * “Miss Trixie Delight” RELIANT PARK WORLD SERIES OF DOG SHOWS Houston, TX, July 22-24, 2011 Houston Kennel Club Judge Dr. Ronald I. Spritzer Beaumont Kennel Club Judge Paula Nykiel Galveston County Kennel Club Judge Dana P. Cline *Canine Chronicle – July 31, 2011 GCh. Ch. Snow Hill Beatrix Soul Delight, JC (Ch. Crossing the Rubicon De Sud, SC x Ch. Snow Hill Mind Body & Soul, JC, ROMX) William Dvorak H a n d l e d & p r e s e n t e d by: Gerry L. Thornton b r e e d e r /C O - O w n e r : Susanne Hughes, DVM • Snow Hill Whippets Owner: Random Thoughts: All-Time Records, China and Brazil... All-Time Records Congratulations to Carey and Lori Lawrence on their Ch. Starline’s Chanel continuing to set records. She won the 60th AKC all-breed BIS that unquestionably established an all-time record for our breed at Redwood Empire KC in California on Sunday, Sept. 11. This is an impressive achievement no matter which way you look at it. Carey and Lori, as well as co-breeder Dianne Bowen and handler Lori Wilson, deserve a lot of credit. Yes, I know that it’s not “fair,” because not everyone is able to campaign their dogs at this level nationwide, but regardless of the obvious conformation requirements, just being able to go to as many shows and travel as much as required, showing up looking happy and healthy and turning on the charm for the judges more than 100 times in a single year — that’s an tremendous effort in itself. Nobody knows exactly how many BIS the past recordholder, Ch. Sporting Fields Clansman (“Buoy”) really won: the figures vary from 55 to 59, depending on whom you talk to. We’ll probably never establish the real figure, unless somebody has the time and energy to plow through years of AKC Awards issues at the AKC library. By most accounts Buoy won 58 BIS between 1977 and 1981, but just how many isn’t quite clear. AKC can’t tell you, because in those days they didn’t maintain any annual statistics. I’ve searched through year-end records published in Kennel Review and The Gazehound (predecessor to Sighthound Review), but for various reasons the figures don’t quite match: KR didn’t publish Whippet stats every year, and The Gazehound stopped publication before year-end 1981 results had been compiied — so we’ll just have to accept an approximate figure. At least everyone agrees that Buoy’s total did not get up to as many as the 60 BIS Chanel has won at the time of writing. There will no doubt be more. It would be interesting to compare the two careers: Which dog was shown the most often? Who won the most groups? Travelled the longest distances? Defeated the most competitors? Etc. etc. Chanel’s BIS total is probably also a world record, although that’s difficult to say with certainty. The closest figure I am aware of would be another bitch, Ch. Arjai Field O’Passion, who won 47 BIS (plus 27 Reserve BIS and 118 Hound groups) in Australia in the 1990s. In any case, it’s like comparing apples and oranges because the circumstances vary so much. For instance, the top all-time Whippet in the UK, Ch. Nutshell of Nevedith, “only” won BIS seven times at all-breed championship shows, but most of those By Bo Bengtson shows had 10,000 dogs entered, sometimes more, so she probably defeated as many dogs in her career as most US top winners. Whippets in Brazil A correspondent in Brazil, Sergio Gebram, sent the August 2011 issue of the pet magazine Caes & Cia, which has a big Whippet feature: seven pages of text and beautiful color photos. It’s obvious that Whippets, as the headline says, are “conquering Brazil” — Sergio says that “Whippets are gaining reputation as a wonderful family pet by the general public and are being recognized in the streets of our major cities.” According to Sergio, last year the Brazilian KC registered 388 Whippets, not a particularly high figure by our standards, but this puts Whippets ahead of such established, once more popular breeds as the English Cocker Spaniel, Dalmatian, Miniature Pinscher, etc. Brazilian Whippet breeding is mostly based on US bloodlines. Off the top of my head I can’t think of any other foreign judge we’ve had for the AWC Futurity than Saulo Biscoto of the Silkrock Whippets in Brazil. (That was back in 2003.) Saulo not in touch as much as he used to be, but he’s still actively breeding and showing successfully. If anyone can read Portuguese I would be happy to hand the magazine over for a complete translation. — and in China We’ve been told that Whippets are virtually non-existent in China. Certainly very few are exhibited at their shows, and most of my Chinese dog friends are much more interested in Golden Retrievers, Siberian Huskies or Schnauzers, all of which are as good over there as in the US. On the two occasions I’ve visited dog shows in China, not a single Whippet was shown. From a Whippet fan in Shanghai, Glory Gu, I have learned that contrary to common perception there are LOTS of Whippets in China, however. There are a couple of show dogs in Hong Kong, including a Summit dog from the US (imported via Thailand) and a Shenace dog from New Zealand, but most of the Whippets are in North China, especially in the Hebei and Shandong provinces. Their ancestors were imported from Japan and these are working Whippets: almost all are used in hunting rabbits by the farmers. Apparently the Whippet has also had a hand in creating the native XiQuan, a Saluki-like breed descending from ancient Asian Sighthounds crossed with Greyhounds imported from Australia and Macao in the beginning of the 1900s. continued on page 16 14 | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 “Zola” – aka “Cupcake” New Ch. Tivio La Dolce Vita Del Oro (Ch Tivio’s Falling For You x Ch Bo Bett’s Paintin The Town) Photo by Beth Levine Zola finished her championship from the puppy classes in grand style at the Rocky Mountain Hound Assn Specialty and Greely KC weekend with 5 & 4 pt major wins. Zola has a BOB win from the 6-9 class over BIS & SBIS winning Specials. Her debut as a Champion with her owner, Caroline, rewarded her with a 5 pt. major Select towards her GCH. Photo by Les Korcala Breeders: Tivio & Carol H. Willumsen [email protected] Owners: Caroline & Tracy Hite, Robert Edison & John Jarvise Random Thoughts: All-Time Records, China and Brazil... —continued from page 14 Later, when Whippets were imported into the mainland of China, it was found that they are good coursers, able to change direction quickly. The XiQuan, the Greyhound and the Whippet are all popular in northern China, which consists mainly of level plains — good for coursing — with more hilly areas in the south. It’s all very different from our Western dog shows, but perhaps not so far from how the Whippet was initially created in England a couple of centuries ago. Incidentally, I assumed that Glory must be a woman, but Glory’s real name is Gu Zhongguang — he’s the married father of a young son, and like many Chinese just picked an English name because he liked the sound of it. We don’t think of the Chinese as having a long history in purebred dogs, but in fact they do. There are wonderful paintings of beautiful Salukis from hundreds of years ago, and in the 1700s the court painter Lang Shah-ning painted the famous “Ten Prized Dogs” for Emperor Qianlong (Ch’ienlung), of which most are Sighthounds and two are clearly Whippets or Greyhounds. (There’s no way to tell size.) Glory Gu says he loves Whippets, but since he lives in the city, works and has no previous dog experience he’ll have to wait before he gets one. He says he’s watched the video of Moxi winning BOB at Westminster “again and again,” looks at American Whippet kennel websites, reads his Whippet book and magazines over and over… Who knows, maybe there’s a future for show and pet Whippets in China? I personally wouldn’t sell a puppy to China today unless I knew the future buyer very well and had guarantees they would not breed from it, but things will no doubt change in the near future. Bo Bengtson From the Editor’s files Dog Rules 1. 2. The dog is not allowed in the house. Okay, the dog is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms. 3. The dog is allowed in all rooms, but has to stay off the furniture. 4. The dog can get on the old furniture only, but has to stay off the new couch. 5. Fine, the dog is allowed on all the furniture, but is not allowed to sleep with humans on the bed. 6. Okay, the dog is allowed on the bed, but only by invitation. 7. The dog can sleep on the bed whenever it wants, but not under the covers. 8. The dog can sleep under the covers, but only by invitation. 9. The dog can sleep under the covers every night. 10. Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the dog. Men and dogs Why dogs are better than men Dogs do not have a problem expressing affection in public. Dogs miss you when you are gone. Dogs don’t brag about who they have slept with. Dogs are very direct about wanting to go out. Dogs are happy with any video you rent, because they know the most important thing is that you’re together. Dogs don’t feel threatened by your intelligence. You can train a dog. The worst social disease you can get from dogs is fleas. (Okay the worst disease you can get is rabies, but there’s a vaccine for that.) Dogs understand what no means. You can force a dog to take a bath. Dogs are colorblind. Why men are better than dogs Men only have two feet to track in mud. Men open their own cans. Holiday Inn accepts me. Why men and dogs are the same Both take up too much space on the bed. Both have irrational fears about vacuum cleaning. Both are suspicious of the postman. 16 | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 AWC Midwest Sweepstakes 2011: Judge’s Critique What an honor to judge the Midwest sweepstake! Overall the entry of approximately forty puppies and ten veterans was elegant, graceful, and fit. The majority of the Whippets displayed correct down and backs and showed low effortless profile movement with adequate reach and drive. Temperaments were delightful! While our breed standard calls for conditioning and muscling, I found that some of the dogs were carrying bulky muscle masses just behind the withers that detracted from their balanced outlines and overall smoothness during my manual exam. I was pleased to note mostly freedom of movement in the majority of the entries and only a handful of straight upright pasterns, overly restricted movement, and/or turning in or out on the down and back. I make every effort to evaluate each entry in a natural stance on the ground on all sides with careful attention to front and rear construction to better understand the movement that I am observing as well as to avoid any misperceptions from less fortunate show side markings. Puppy Sweepstakes Puppy Dogs 6-9 Months KAMADA TURN OFF THE DARK I am delighted to report that we have some very strong males coming forward in the breed. The 6-9 month class of seven was very deep in quality. I found myself splitting hairs in this class for the first and second placers. The eventual winner of the class was a fawn brindle male with a white collar. His off-side highlighted the length of neck he possessed that flowed gracefully into the shoulder. His pasterns were well let down and he was clean coming and going and flowed easily on the go around. Second place went to TATTERSHALL ALONG CAME A SPIDER. Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months STARLINE’S WINGMAN Masculine white with fawn brindle marked dog that had a beautiful head, expression, and large round eye. He was balanced, possessing a lovely topline with a nice arch over the loin through the croup. Powerful drive was noted as he moved easily around the ring. He possessed the best layback of upper arm in the class. Junior Dogs 12-15 Months RAYBAR’S FEET DON’T FAIL ME The 12-15 month class was exceptionally deep in quality, so-much-so that the first two placers, both lovely dogs in superb condition were in strong contention for the first place ribbon. The eventual winner was a striking dark brindle male with a lovely neck, head, and large eye 20 | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 by Rhonda M. Gold possessing incredible side gait. He was able to maintain his topline and body carriage on the move and effortlessly cover ground. Second in the 12-15 month junior dog class was ALBELARM KALEIDOSCOPE AT LORRICBROOK. Junior Dogs 15-18 Months CH CARIAD’S THE FULL MONTY While the class had only 3 entries they were all beautiful and sound movers. The winner was a moderate balanced dog possessing lovely equal angles. This fawn brindle male was elegant from head to tail with a beautiful expression, large dark round eye, long graceful neck into well laid back shoulders, a lovely flexible topline and short lowto-the-ground hocks accompanied by low tail carriage on the move. This class dog was not only beautiful but he possessed breed type and athletic fitness. The 15-18 month class dog went on to garner the Best of Opposite Puppy in Specialty Sweeps. Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months SPORTING FIELDS HEAVENLY BODY Very deep quality in the 6-9 month puppy class of ten entries. I was impressed with these young bitches as they all seemed expert in the show ring. The class winner was a dark brindle and white bitch with a deep brisket and nice front fill accompanied by flexible pasterns. She had a long elegant neck that flowed smoothly into her shoulders with adequate topline. Well angulated front and rear, purposeful and correct on the move. Exceptional reach and drive on every go around with ease in movement and correct head and body carriage on the move. Won the class and finished the morning with the Best Puppy in Specialty Sweeps placement. Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months KAMADA’S IN MY EVERY DREAM Two dogs showed in the 9-12 bitch class with the winner possessing nice S-shapes and curves that she held on the move. White and fawn brindle bitch with well let down hocks handled to perfection. Junior Bitches 12-15 Months SHAMASAN ISLAND OF IMAGINATION Lovely Irish marked red bitch in superb physical condition. She held her shape on the move and won this very competitive class. Smooth elegant bitch that exemplified the Whippet standard in regards to an elegant and fit sighthound with curves in all the right places. She was balanced and displayed correct, sound movement. This bitch was in strong contention for the sweepstake win. Junior Bitches 15-18 Months SURREY HILL SAY TRUFFLES DIABLESSE Two beautiful shapely fawn and white bitches graced this class. The winner was a lovely moderate sized bitch who was more effortless on the move. She was athletically built with a long neck that flowed smoothly into the shoulders and she possessed a graceful natural arch over the loin through the croup, holding her shape on the move. Veteran Bitches 10 Years and Over CH SEASPELL’S POINT CABRIA A beautiful white and fawn brindle bitch with an exquisite Whippet head, large dark round eyes, and a keen alert expression. In amazing physical condition, she displayed sound down and back and profile movement. This bitch truly appeared to enjoy her time in the ring with her handler. Veteran Sweepstakes Rhonda M. Gold Artemis Whippets Special thanks to those who entered their beautiful veterans. I always enjoy seeing veterans in the ring and never cease to feel teary-eyed in watching them enjoy their day to shine as they trot around the ring to the crowd’s accolades. In my eyes, each and every one is a true winner! I wish I could have awarded each one Best Veteran in Specialty Sweeps. Veteran Dogs 7 Years and Under 10 CH SPORTINGFIELD THE FORCE A masculine moderate sized black Irish marked dog who was such a graceful smooth dog with lovely ‘S’ curves. He was both smooth and muscular, balanced front and rear and moved with ease with powerful drive and flexibility. He also possessed adequate layback of upper arm and had flexible pasterns and hocks that were low to the ground. He won Best of Opposite Veteran in Specialty Sweeps on the day. Veteran Dogs 10 Years and Over CH PLUMCREEK GOING BIG TIME JC What a well-conditioned and alert dog in his glory in the sweeps ring. This red brindle Irish marked male did not appear anywhere near his age. He was so sound and held his shape on the move. Beautiful head and expression with strong underjaw. He had excellent front fill, a deep brisket and adequate tuck-up. Veteran Bitches 7 Years and Under 10 CH TATTERSHALL TICKET TO FLY Gorgeous elegant black brindle bitch with lovely head, neck, and breed type as well as powerful, effortless correct gait from every view. This balanced moderate bitch possessed a continuous flowing series of ‘S’ curves and held her gracefully arched yet flexible topline on the move. She went on to win Best Veteran in Specialty Sweeps. I later learned that the two veteran winners were littermates! BISS & BOSS Veteran BISS & BOSS SEP T EMBER 2011 The Whippet News | 21 AWC Midwest Specialty 2011: Judge’s Critique First I want to thank the members of the Whippet community who honored me by showing me their beautiful Whippets at this show. I also want to thank the members of the Midwest Regional committee and the members of the Beaver County Kennel Club for asking me to judge this specialty. I thoroughly enjoyed the day. This show offers a really nice venue for the Whippet exhibitors. The ring was a really good size, the big tent offered ample shade when it was needed and the footing itself was mostly level. I’d never been to this show site before so I have to say I was duly impressed. Before I go any further with this critique I must say that much of what you will read in the next couple of paragraphs is going to sound very similar to what I’ve written in critiques in the past. Wide ranging, my thoughts about what make an ideal Whippet haven’t changed much in a number of years so my general description of that ideal isn’t going to change much (if at all) from one critique to the next. So with that being said, in general I was very impressed by the overall quality of the entire entry at this show. Some of the larger classes had a great deal of depth and a couple of the smaller classes also had some first-rate exhibits. First, I want it to be known that I take into consideration that some dogs are uncomfortable on either the table or ramp and therefore can’t fairly be evaluated for overall balance at that point (in cases like that, I make that determination when they are on the ground and more comfortable), but if there is no uneasiness on a platform then overall balance is the first thing for which I am looking. I want to see the parts and how well they fit together into what is in my opinion the ideal example of the breed. I look at the head for shape and balance, the muzzle for strength of underjaw, how the head fits into the neck, how the neck fits into the shoulders, how the shoulders fit onto the body, the length of shoulder in ratio to the upper arm, the bend of pastern; shape of feet; the top line; the rear angulation, the tail set and the length of the tail, etc. The pieces should all blend into each other to form the flowing and fluid lines for which this breed is known. Then I look for the important details: expression, large dark eyes, correct pigmentation (to the degree that incomplete pigmentation may make a difference in the placement of two equally matched exhibits), and correct ears (although I will state here that I will forgive poor ears more quickly than I will forgive poor structure) that should fill in the total look of the individual Whippet. When in motion, I’m looking for the Whippet that best exemplifies the movement that I believe is what is desired by the standard. I want to see a Whippet be very clean on the down and back. Going away from me I don’t want to 24 | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 by Russell McFadden see cow hocks or hocks that wobble or that are so close they look like they are rubbing each other. And coming towards me I don’t want to see popping elbows or rolling shoulders or flipping pasterns. I want to see the feet tend to converge toward a center line. One should not see this breed coming at one with their front feet hitting the ground wider than their shoulders. From the side I want to see easy ground covering movement with reach and drive that is balanced and powerful and also movement “that covers a maximum of distance with a minimum of lost motion.” This means I don’t want to see a dog mincing around the ring nor do I want to see a dog flying around the ring whose reach and drive is over-extended – wasted motion is wasted motion whether it is too restricted or too much. I want to see a properly held (somewhat arched - not flattened) top line with a loin that is flexible and that allows for a “low, free moving, and smooth” gait. That, in general, is what I am looking for when I judge any entry of this breed. Some of the things I did see in a few of exhibits that I think should be noted because of their incorrectness were: some very straight pasterns, some exhibits whose front footfall fell outside the width of their shoulders, some toplines that were too flat both standing and/or on the move, some tails that were curled (not just curved), some tails that were carried too high, and whether balanced or not - mincing side gait. In my opinion placements in each of the classes fit the ideal I described above to varying degrees and in most cases the larger the class the better I was able to find that over all picture for which I was looking. So reading this please realize that the higher each exhibit placed in each class and particularly with those that won their classes the closer I felt that particular dog met my opinion of the ideal Whippet I outlined above. That being said I am going to restrict my comments to the winners of each class to avoid the repetitiveness of restating the same reasons for liking each of the class placements. Puppy Dogs – 6 to 9 There were six dogs in this class in which first place went to Tattershall Risky Business. This puppy has a great outline - a nice topline and complementary underline. He has a nice head and expression. He has good neck set into his shoulders. He has a really nice balanced front and rear and covered ground effortlessly on both the down and back and from the side. This puppy ultimately was my choice for Reserve Winners Dog. Puppy Dogs – 9 to 12 There were two shown in this class in which first place went to Starline’s Wingman who won this class because of his movement and nice outline. Dogs – 12 to 15 There were three shown in this class. First place went to Stoneledge Perfect Storm. This dog won this class because of his correct outline and his more correct movement. Dogs – 15 to 18 There were two entries that was won by Surreyhill Diablesse The Morel Of The Story. This dog was a nice young dog with a nice outline and clean movement who deserved the blue ribbon that day. Bred By Exhibitor Dogs There were six dogs shown in this very competitive class and there was more than one that I could have given a first place ribbon to that day. However, I could only hand out one blue ribbon and that ended up going to Longlesson Indian Summer. This dog is outstanding. He is has a beautiful smoothly balanced outline with all of the right curves and yet there is no question that he is a male. He has great front and rear angulation and he covers ground with tremendous ease and is as clean coming and going as he is effortless from the side. This superb young dog was my ultimate choice for Winners Dog. Open Dogs This was the largest of the dog classes that day with 12 shown. This class that had a number of deserving dogs but the one who stood out on the day was Sporting Fields Relentless so he took the blue ribbon. This is a very nice dog with a lot of really good attributes: nice outline, good balance, nice front and rear assemblies, and easy, fluid ground covering movement. Puppy Bitches – 9 to 12 Three puppies were shown in this class. The winner of this class was Starline Wind Beneath My Wings. This is a very pretty puppy with a lot going for her: nice outline, pretty head and expression, nice movement. I seriously doubt she will have any difficulty finishing her championship. Bitches – 12 to 15 There were four shown in this class. The first place ribbon here went to Merry Mead De Sud. This bitch has a nice outline, good balance both front and rear and covers ground with ease. Bitches – 15 to 18 This class was a single entry class. This bitch, Surrey Hill Say Truffles Diablesse, is a very nice bitch. She has a very nice outline with good balance throughout. She has nice head and expression and has really nice movement both coming and going and from the side. She was a very strong contender in the Winners Bitch Class. Novice Bitches This class was another singleton entry. This bitch has some nice qualities but she needs to mature. Bred By Exhibitor Bitches This class had ten entries and was a quality class in which I had to let some deserving exhibits walk out of the ring without a ribbon. The winner of the class, Plumcreek New York Memory, is stellar. Her lines are smooth and flowing and she is as beautiful stacked as she is in motion. She has a beautiful outline with very correct balance. She is very clean coming and going and has easy and effortless ground covering side gait. She was ultimately my choice for Winners Bitch. On the day the decision for Winners Dog and Reserve Winners Dog came down to the Bred-By Dog, the 6 to 9 Puppy Dog and the Open Dog. As stated above WD was to the Bred-By Class Winner and RWD went to the 6 to 9 Puppy Dog Class winner. American Bred Bitches There were two bitches shown in this class. The first place ribbon in this class went to Surrey Hill’s Truth Or Dare who has a very nice outline. She is clean coming and going and has nice side movement. Puppy Bitches – 6 to 9 There were ten puppies shown in this class so it was not difficult to find four that were the caliber for which I was looking. First place went to Kamada’s New York Minute, a very elegant young lady with a lot of style. This baby has beautiful expression, a smooth flowing outline and moves effortlessly. She beat several other very nice puppies for the first place ribbon. Open Bitches This was the second largest of any of the classes with 18 being shown and was a class with a huge amount of quality. First place went to Free Wynd’s Can You Say Abstract, a truly lovely bitch who has a beautiful outline. She was very clean on the down and back and also has an easy smooth ground covering side gait which, unfortunately, she didn’t consistently let me see because continued on page 26 SEP T EMBER 2011 The Whippet News | 25 AWC Midwest Specialty 2011: Judge’s Critique —continued from page 25 she was distracted by something at ringside. However, she let me see enough of her quality that I thought she unquestionably deserved the blue ribbon. In the end, I also felt I saw enough that I couldn’t deny her quality and placed her Reserve Winners Bitch. Even though the Winners Bitch Class had a number of bitches in it that I liked very much, the choice for Winners Bitch that day came down to the winners of the Bred-By Class, the Open Class and the 15 to 18 Month Class with WB ultimately going to the Bred-By bitch and RWB going to the Open bitch. Veteran Dogs – 7 Years and Over This was a singleton class entry. Ch. Seaspell’s Stonington is a very handsome dog with a really nice outline and very nice movement. He is clean coming and going and covers a lot of ground. Veteran Bitches – 7 Years and Over This class had two entries with first place going to Ch. Seaspell’s Point Cabria. This is a bitch I had seen many years before and I must say I was very impressed at how great she still looks at ten years of age. She is beautiful in outline and still covers ground like a three year old. She was ultimately one of mychoices for an Award of Merit. The Specials Class was the largest class of the day with 24 being shown. It was a class that was very deep in quality and therefore it was truly a sight to behold. There were some spectacular representatives of the breed that could win anywhere in the country that left the ring that day without the recognition they would receive in a normal entry. Final Placements The Best of Winners ribbon went to the Winners Dog, Longlesson Indian Summer (see above). The Best of Opposite Sex placement went to GCh. DC Ableaim Patent Pending. This dog was Winners Dog at the 2010 National under me and I was very pleased to get the chance to see him again. He was and still is what I think a male Whippet should be in every respect. He is not over done in any way, masculine and wonderfully built. Stacked he offers a correct picture from head to tail – great outline and balance. In motion he is clean and smooth and effortlessly covers ground. The Best of Breed ribbon went to the bitch, GCh. Sporting Field’s Bahama Sands that had also won under me at the 2010 National. As with the BOS dog I was very pleased to get the chance to see her again to see if a year and one half later I still thought as highly of her as I did at the previous 26 | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 specialty. This stunning bitch didn’t disappoint me in any way. I am still in awe of this incredible Whippet and I still think she is as close to perfection as I’ve ever seen in this breed. She is absolutely magnificent. She has a beautiful outline and (the following is almost word for word from my critique from the 2010 National because I can’t think of any way to better describe this bitch than to repeat what I have already said about her) she fills the eye with the smooth S curves for which this breed is known – her topline and underline are in perfect harmony. She has a gorgeous head with beautiful expression which is only highlighted by the markings around her eyes; her head is set on a neck that flows into her properly laid back shoulders that are in perfect balance with her upper arm. Her hindquarters are also beautifully in proportion. She is flawless on the move whether coming and going or from the side. The ease with which she covers ground is breathtaking and she was shown to me in fantastic condition. The Select Dog and Select Bitch and the Award of Merit winners were also each very deserving of consideration for the top honors of the day. The Select Dog winner was GCH. Tripletime Change Of Heart and the Select Bitch placement went to GCh. Cherche’ Bearfoot Hooker. Award of Merit winners were: Ch. Willabe You Turn Me On, Ch. Plumcreek Going Big Time JC, Ch. Mariner Diablesse I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butters, Ch. Seaspell’s Point Cabria, and Ch. Tripletime Silver Lining at Wenrick. Ch Endeavor’s Kick Off At Meisterhaus,SC (Ch.Meisterhaus Ableaim Kick It x Ch.Endeavor’s Air Tight Alibi, SC) Between weekends of Track and Field, K-Man will be joining Mandy Clevenger for some outings in the Show Ring. So easy, even a K-Man can do it! Owners Don McGuire Linda Stewart Endeavor Breeders A.Tad Brooks Linda Stewart SEP T EMBER 2011 The Whippet News | 27 Whippet Health AKC CANINE HEALTH FOUNDATION It was my pleasure to represent the AWC and the Whippet Health Foundation at the AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) National Parent Club Health Conference, held in St. Louis on August 12-14, 2011. It had been quite a few years since I attended the first conference, and I was impressed with the caliber of the presentations, which were comparable to any sessions I have attended at my veterinary continuing education meetings. Nestle Purina sponsored the event and I would like to remind everyone feeding Purina products to join the “Pro Club” and to save and submit their weight circles to help fund projects thru the CHF donor advised fund program. The conference began Friday afternoon with a short History of Veterinary Medicine and Canine Research. This lecture was followed by several talks on genetics, nutrition and immune function, canine IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), and degenerative myelopathy and its possible relationship to Lou Gehrig’s disease. Saturday’s meetings included talks on the molecular genetics of cancer, and sessions on cancer therapy using antibody fragments, vitamin D, and other new products in future development. There were also presentations on the latest on the inheritance of dilated cardiomyopathy and subaortic stenosis, and a final presentation on a followup study of the health of the 9-11 search and rescue dogs. Dinner Saturday night was at the new Purina Event Center at Purina Farms, and a right nice spread it was! We were given a tour of the new center before dining, and it is truly a showplace. Purina is encouraging clubs to consider holding their specialties there and the facility would be outstanding. But until there are more hotels and restaurants built nearby, it won’t be suitable for very large specialties such as ours. Sunday was spent in various breakout sessions. The discussions were very informative. I attended two on nutrition of sporting dogs, and one on fundraising techniques. There were quite a number of good fundraising ideas. These included donation challenges where an individual or club offers to match funds if a donation level is reached by a certain time or date, donations of art works for sale or auction, and EBay seller donations. Also vehicles can be donated – the information is on the CHF website. Life insurance policies can be earmarked to the CHF, as can donations in a person’s will. Unused funds, left from a trust for the care of an individual’s dogs after their death, can be earmarked as well. The CHF has a Heritage Society that can be named in a person’s will. Also parent clubs could donate an amount for each entry at a National Specialty, sell logo pins and donate a portion, and set up a Facebook page for the parent club and request donations 30 | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 thru there. Obviously some clubs do an outstanding job at fund raising (BernerGarde, the Bernese Mountain Dog Foundation jumps to mind – I was told they raised $60,000 last year!) and have a lot of ideas to share. The Canine Health Foundation has updated their website and it’s very good. The address is: All of the sessions were videotaped and will be available there, as well as info on fundraising, donations, the various projects being funded and those needing funding. I found it easiest to do a search using “parent club conference” which will return 3 pages of previous meetings, videos, excerpts, etc. I feel this meeting really showed how far the AKC and the CHF have progressed in supporting research into the diseases of the purebred dog, and supporting their mission is an important facet of parent club functions. I was pleased, in conversations with other club representatives, to find that the AWC is still considered progressive in the area of health issues, as we had been when I attended the first conference. Continued funding of projects, as well as support of our own WHF database, is important to this goal. Connie Brunkow, DVM AWC Canine Health Liaison/WHF Board of Directors Whippet Health Foundation Whippet Health foundation Thank you to our recent donors: Mallory Ballard $100.00, in honor of Jan Curry Lynn Brown-Quick and Gary Quick $25.00 in memory of Ch.Starline’s Masterpiece Kellee Livingston $25.00 in memory of Milescross Lyric of the Elandan AKA Isodora Advertising Specifications AdvertisingRates in TheandWhippet News Here are the rates and specifications for advertising in The Whippet News. Per the instructions below, you may submit your complete, camera-ready ad, or provide us with text and photos and we’ll design it for you. Any questions, just let us know. Thank you, and have fun with your Whippets! –Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor N O N C a m e r a - r e a dy C a m e r a - r e a dy rates: $50 per page with one photo, each additional photo $10; Text only, no photos: full page $35, half-page $25 rate: $40 per page Text: Type your ad text or print it out very clearly on a layout sheet. Or include your content in the body of an email message or as an attachment. Photographs: Mail high-quality, original color photographs. Do not send color photocopies or inkjet prints. If you are emailing digital images for your ad (see submission info below), the resolution of the image should be 300 dpi (dots per inch) at the final size of the photo. Contact the Associate Editor for more information. Indicate special cropping of your photo(s) using a paper overlay or just specify what you want, like “dog only” or “dog and handler only”. Mark the back of each photo with a gummed label, including your name and address and the dog’s name (do not write on the back of your photos). If you are including several photos, number them and put corresponding numbers on the layout sheet. Original materials: All submitted materials will be returned with the advertiser’s copy of the newsletter. File formats: PDF (.pdf) files are preferred, created as single-page, “press quality” with all of the fonts embedded in the file. Other files types accepted: Adobe Photoshop (.psd, .jpg), Illustrator (.ai), InDesign (.indd), Microsoft Word (.doc), Publisher (.pub), and Powerpoint (.ppt). Very ImPOrTaNT: If sending a native file (anything other than a .pdf) all fonts and images used in the ad must be included in a zipped folder along with the original file. ad size: 8.5 x 11", with full-bleeds (content to the edge of the page). NEW: For the printed newsletter, add an additional clear space of .25” on each edge (page size: 9 x 11.5”) if you want the ad to bleed. resolution: 300 dpi Color: Full-color. RGB and CMYK color spaces are both accepted. File naming: Name your electronic files with either your Kennel name or your first initial, last name, then the month and year of the issue, then page numbers, if applicable. For example: “TidewaterMarch2011.pdf” or “SEvans_032011_pg1.pdf”. FOr all ad submIssIONs Contact information: Be sure to include all of your contact info with your submission, and the best times to reach you. You may also ask to see an electronic proof of your ad before we run it. Placement: Advertisers who wish their ads to be placed together or in a specific location may contact the Editor. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request. ad submission: Submissions up to 15 mg in size may be emailed to the Editor. Files larger than 15 mg must be either mailed on a disk to the Editor, or sent electronically using a free service for sending larger files like (contact the Associate Editor for details). Payments may be made by check, mailed to the Editor, or by PayPal at: deadline: Ads and full payment are due by the 1st of the month, for that month’s issue. 32 | The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 Please note: For the print version of the newsletter, ads are printed in black and white. We will convert your color ad to a b&w version, ensuring that your text and photos look terrific and have good contrast. Or if you prefer, you may submit both versions. Newsletter editor Christine Hopperstad 130 34th Ave E Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872 [email protected] associate editor Kirsten Hopperstad 206.325.7743 [email protected] annual editor Wendy Clark 614.777.0124 [email protected] Ashley earned two Rally Excellent B legs to finish her RE title at the Skyline KC 11&12 June ’11. She earned a 4th place with a 95 on Sat. and a 1st place with a 99 on Sunday, thanks to judges Richmond Mullen & Ted McCall. Ashley’s now the #1 Ex.B Whippet! Each day she also went Best of Breed to the thanks of judges June Penta & Mrs. Houston (Toddie) Clark. CH, UGRCH, UAGII, UR02, UCD, Timbreblue Windrydr Biker Girl, CD, RE, SC, FCH, NA, NAJ, NAP, NJP, CGC, TT, CAV Fred & Bobbie Lutz – Windryder – home of the versatile Whippets 540-545-8851 GCH, UGRCH, UAGII, UR02, UCD, Timbreblue Windrydr Biker Girl, CD, RE, SC, FCH, NA, NAJ, NAP, NJP, CGC, TT, CAV Ashley thanks all her judges, noteably her major judges James Fredericksen (11/27/10), Jane Treiber (1/13/11), & Frank McCartha (7/07/11). She’s pictured here for a major Select under P. Levi Marsman on 7/9/11. Thank you Russella Wilkerson for handling our girl to this fantastic win!! Fred & Bobbie Lutz – Windryder – home of the versatile Whippets 540-545-8851 Tyler went Grp 1 in the Bred-by-Exhibitor class at the Shawnee KC 16 July ‘11 under judge Dr. Klaus Anselm with Bobbie handling. The next day he was Best Opposite Sex under judge Mrs. Robert D. Smith with Fred handling. <<>> Then at the New River Valley KC 7 Aug.’11 under judge Pat Trotter, he went major Reserve WD with Aaron Wilkerson handling. We also would like to thank Russella Wilkerson for handling most of his show career. Thanks also to Joe Buchanan for some of his past handling to points too. Tyler finished his CHAMPIONSHIP! with both majors at Mohawk Valley KC on 12 Aug.’11 & Southern Adirondack DC, Inc. on 13 Aug’11 under judges James Frederiksen & Daniel J. Smyth. Then he finished up the weekend with another BOB with a move up to Specials for his first Grand CH major at the Bennington County KC under judge Carol Reisman. All with Phoebe Jordan Booth handling. >> He’s now: << CH, UGRCH, UAGII, RO1, Windryder’s Full Throttle, FCh, SC, RN, NA, NAJ, NAP, OJP, CGC, TT Fred & Bobbie Lutz – Windryder – home of the versatile Whippets 540-545-8851 Obedience Report By Irene Mullauer, National Obedience Chairperson September 2011 AKC Obedience Report By Irene Mullauer, National Obedience Chairperson Rally rankings 1/1/11 thru 7/31/11 Class Adv A 1 2 3 4 5 Adv B 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 Exc A 1 2 3 4 5 Exc B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Nov A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 36 | Dog Name Owner Average Qualifying Scores Mirage’s Accidents Happen Krislyn Cat Man Do Shannon Down I Like To Move It Devereux Sportingfield Truly Pristine Windryder’s Full Throttle Apollo’s Arrow Lancar Keyzer Highway Run Satori Of Xzora Mystic Run Strawberry Fields Forever Highbridge Power Play C Odom J Cook/C Pearce J Phillips A BASS/R Brown R Lutz/F Lutz M Fuchs R Lutz/F Lutz A Andrews J Juzkiw/B Juzkiw 99 96.5 96 95 94 94 89.33 88 76 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero Belaya Silver Thistle Shaglan Wildaspen Eastr Magic Devereux’s Evening Star Warburton Heart Of Steel Mama Mia Sky High Shamasan’s Lily Potter Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery Vitesse Deep Powder Lucy Andrews Summit Ironwood Farrahst Of Them All Wegner’s On The Sly Belaya Cirquedusoleil Watch Me Our Bright Light Of Runners E Adler C Gillies H Badgett/T Brumbaugh R Brown/C Brown/A BASS L Erickson R Henery M Shanley H Dansereau L Costello/M Cutherell A Andrews L Hagey/D Hagey/S Vernon C Austin/U James C Siipola Chittum/V Carter J Lambertsen 98 96 95 93.67 93 92 92 89 89 88 87 81 71 70 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Anlan Sam Adams Ampersand Airborn Halmarque’s Oh Henry Windryder’s Americade Cruiser Fermanagh Wgasa Why Not C Canard R Henery C Canard R Lutz/F Lutz R Lutz 90.33 88 86.25 80 78 3 1 4 2 1 Timbreblue Windrydr Biker Girl Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero Dreams Charm Me Warburton Heart Of Steel Anlan’s Sierra Mist Tnt’s La Femme Nikita Devereux’s Evening Star Woodslea Summer Breeze Karasar’s Jackpot R Lutz/F Lutz E Adler P Younger L Erickson T Lubbers/A Lubbers/J Lubbers R Lutz R Brown/C Brown/A BASS K Goguen G Ball/K Kuper 96 94 93 91 87.5 83 81 80 76 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 Cogshalls Noble Mandrake Apollo’s Arrow Lancar Keyzer Longlesson Run For The Roses Chadwick’s Grady White Festiva’s Sunsational Paco Felix Carbonell Ableaim Morgan Le Fay Kemar’s Love Torn M Huff M Fuchs R Zienert/C Zienert J Stanner-Driscoll/P Gall S Lane/K Riney G Carbonell-Coll D McNamer K Martell 98 96.67 96 94 91 90 87.33 84 2 3 7 1 2 3 3 4 The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 10 11 12 Nov B 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RAE 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kemar’s Tomorrow’s Another Day Serendipity Peregrine Of Gp Mariner Colonel Mustard At Surrey Hill Wenrick’s Dash Rip Rock P McNeill/E Doyre S Mcneill D Itter S Lee/M Lee 84 83.5 82 72.5 1 2 1 2 Debmar’s Sparks Will Fly At Liberty Devereux Sportingfield Truly Pristine Northwind’s Grin And Bear It Ace’s Snowball El Kandahar Cooper’s Shining Comet Festiva’s Sunsational Amherst Woods I Have A Dream Shamasan Who’s That Lady Atlantis Pure Spice Pax’s Pandia Chadwick’s Grady White Summit Ironwood Farrahst Of Them All Stillwater Wicked Blue Polliwog Shojins How Hard Can This Be Mariki’s La Dolce Vita Cu Liath Rantina’s Rejoyce High Card Wins Redglen I Love Rock N Roll Horsetooth Penelope Pogostick Timbreblue’s Mysterious Dream Warrior Cabria’s Song Of The Sea Whisperun Enchanted Tim Lakewoods Blue Velvet Bitterblue’s Living Colour Black Marbles Sapphire N Ice Cypress Spirit Of The Game Tru-Luv’s Goodnite Mrs Calabash Chapleton’s Little Wing Stillwater Wicked Blue Polliwog Bijoux Saesi Bacardi Silver Mooncroft The Wynn Of Claymar Stillwater Whisper Jet Ziggy Stardust Of Wyndsor Gracegift John James Audubon Bravado Cypress Speedwell Bitterblue’s Treacle Tart C Odom A BASS/R Brown C Foss-Tietz/K Nierengarten/S Tietz S Hayes C Odom S Lane/K Riney C Gillies P DEGOL/M COHEN A Boucher/S Boucher J Stanner-Driscoll/P Gall L Hagey/D Hagey/S Vernon J Hime/K Shiarella C Pond M Cardassi N Gordon H Richman/H Tatro/D Tatro K Shiarella/J Hime D Cognigni H Frank K Shiarella/J Hime J Hime L Garwacki/P Garwacki M Hermon/L Pelzer N Pisias/S Pisias M Rubin/L Rice L Pocurull/D Langford K Shiarella/J Hime D Buck/M Magee J Trudeau/S Bender K Shiarella/J Hime U James/C Austin K Echols S Pisias/N Pisias L Garwacki/P Garwack 100 99 99 97.33 97.33 96.67 96 95.67 95.5 95 95 95 94 94 92.5 $92.33 $91.33 91 $90.67 90 90 90 89 88.5 88.25 88 86.5 86 85 84 80 78 78 73 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 Mirage’s Here By Accident Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero Wheatland Talltree Snow Hill Soul Unsigned Hasue Here Comes Trouble Sunsation So B It At Karamac Dreams Charm Me C Odom E Adler L Hayes/S Hayes S Lane S Mullins C Mcdermott P Younger $95.83 94.75 93.25 92.38 91.5 88.5 87.17 6 4 8 8 2 2 6 Top Rally Whippet of the Year Rules: 1. There must be a minimum of three qualifying scores in the calendar year (Jan 1st – Dec 31st ) regardless of class. 2. All qualifying scores will be averaged together. Example: if there is 1 Novice score and 2 Advanced scores, all 3 will be averaged together. 3. Non-qualifying scores will not be included in average. 4. Titles do not have to be earned in the award year. SEP T EMBER 2011 The Whippet News | 37 Obedience rankings 1/1/2011 thru 7/31/11 Class Beg Nov A 1 2 3 4 Beg Nov B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 38 | Averag e 195 193 188.5 182 Dog Name Owner Qualifying Scores Dehk’s Nelwyn Mystic Snow Hill Soul Unsigned Devereux Sportingfield Truly Pristine Shannon Down I Like To Move It T Doyle/M Williams S Lane A BASS/R Brown J Phillips 1 1 1 1 198.5 196.5 196.5 196.5 194.75 193.5 193 193 192.5 Watch Me Our Bright Light Of Runners Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero Renegade’s Red Alert At Sea Mirage’s Accidents Happen Sea Island’s Kimi-Kai Ala Breezy Horsetooth Elizabeth Q Linguini Ziggy Stardust Of Wyndsor Agstone Whippoorwill Fiesta Atlantis Pure Spice Pax’s Pandia 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Grad Nov 1 Nov A 1 2 3 4 Nov B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 192.33 192 189 188.83 188 187.33 185.67 184 183 182 178 Northwind’s Grin And Bear It Devonair’s Quinn Windryder’s Full Throttle Redglen Wyl E Coyote Arlen’s Red Letter Day Alcyon The Soprano Timbreblue’s Mysterious Dream Warrior Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery Fermanagh Wgasa Why Not Cabria’s Song Of The Sea Highway Run Satori Of Xzora J Lambertsen E Adler K Cole C Odom K Cole J Hime/K Shiarella U James/C Austin H Frank/C Stone/B Henderson A Boucher/S Boucher C Foss-Tietz/K Nierengarten/S Tietz H Dansereau/E Dansereau R Lutz/F Lutz H Tatro/D Tatro F Head/E Feldheum C Foxx D Cognigni H Dansereau R Lutz H Frank R Lutz/F Lutz 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 Mirage’s Accidents Happen C Odom 1 189.25 186 181.33 176.25 Apollo’s Arrow Lancar Keyzer Shannon Down I Like To Move It Snow Hill Soul Unsigned Quixand Desert Willow M Fuchs J Phillips S Lane E Campbell 4 1 3 2 192 191 191 190.5 189.67 188.5 188.5 186.25 186 186 183 Northwind’s Echo Of Poetry Vitesse Deep Powder Mirage’s Here By Accident Anlan’s Sierra Mist Warburton Ww Southern Skies Cooper’s Shining Comet Rantina’s Rejoyce High Card Wins Shamasan’s Crusader Rabbit Agstone Macanudo Ascot Blue Willow La Dolce Vita Bitterblue’s Living Colour 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 1 2 2 12 13 14 15 182.5 182 181.75 181.25 Northwind’s Grin And Bear It Timbreblue Windrydr Biker Girl Mystic Run Strawberry Fields Forever Snowcaps Solari Quick Step K Nierengarten/I Mullauer L Costello/M Cutherell C Odom T Lubbers/A Lubbers/J Lubbers L Erickson/P Renzulli C Odom N Gordon M Flynn/C Flynn C Stone/B Lowans J Mccurdy L Garwacki/P Garwacki C Foss-Tietz/K Nierengarten/S Tietz R Lutz/F Lutz A Andrews D REIMER/S Couzin 193.5 The Whippet News SEP T EMBER 2011 4 1 2 2 Obedience rankings 1/1/2011 thru 7/31/11 Averag Class e Dog Name Beg Nov A 16 181 Baccarat Luck Be A Lady 1 195 Dehk’s Nelwyn Mystic 17 178.5 Endeavor’s Challenge The Wind 2 193 Snow Hill Soul Unsigned 18 178.5 Alcyon The Soprano 3 188.5 Devereux Sportingfield Truly Pristine 19 Fanfare Milestones Silverado 4 177.83 182 Shannon Down I Like To Move It 20 175.25 Shamasan Lumos Solarum Beg Nov 21 B 175.17 Tru-Luv’s Goodnite Mrs Calabash 22 172 Mystic Here Comes Sun 1 198.5 Watch Run’s Me Our Bright Light The Of Runners Open A 2 196.5 Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero 1 191.5 Renegade’s Midori Days De 3 196.5 RedSud Alert At Sea 2 179 Waldersee’s SydneyHappen Alan 4 196.5 Mirage’s Accidents 3 194.75 175 Sea Wheatland 5 Island’sTalltree Kimi-Kai Ala Breezy Open B 6 193.5 Horsetooth Elizabeth Q Linguini 1 189 Ziggy Maverick Cowgirl 7 193 Stardust Of Chic Wyndsor 8 193 Agstone Whippoorwill Fiesta Top Obedience Whippet the Year Rules: 9 192.5 of Atlantis Pure Spice Pax’s Pandia Owner Qualifying Scores R Doyle/M Russ/M Metevia 1 T Williams 1 D Lane Noble 1 S 1 C Foxx 1 A BASS/R Brown 1 Anderson/J Bohl 3 JC Phillips 1 M Shanley/P Booth 2 M Rubin/L Rice 3 A Andrews 1 J Lambertsen E Adler 1 IKMullauer 1 Cole 2 L Corsini-Hebert C Odom 1 L Hayes 1 K Hayes/S Cole 2 J Hime/K Shiarella 3 R Heil 2 U Amado/H James/C Austin 1 H Frank/C Stone/B Henderson 1 A Boucher/S Boucher 1 st 1. There must be a minimum of three qualifying scores in the calendar year 1st – Dec 31 ). C (Jan Foss-Tietz/K Nierengarten/S 2. All qualifying scores willNorthwind’s be averagedGrin together. Example: 10 192.33 And Bear It if there is 1 Novice Tietz score and 2 Open scores, all 3 will 3 be averaged together. 11 192 Devonair’s Quinn H Dansereau/E Dansereau 1 3. Only regular classes will be counted; Novice A/B, Open A/B, Utility A/B. 12 189 Windryder’s Full Throttle R Lutz/F Lutz 1 4. Non-qualifying scores will not be included in average. 13 188.83 Redglen Wyl E Coyote H Tatro/D Tatro 3 5. Titles do not have to be earned in the award year. 14 188 Arlen’s Red Letter Day F Head/E Feldheum 1 15 187.33 Alcyon The Soprano C Foxx 3 The above Rankings are compiled from the AKC Awards Publication. Please forward any questions to me at 16 185.67 Timbreblue’s Mysterious Dream Warrior D Cognigni 3 [email protected]. 17 184 Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery H Dansereau 1 18 183 Fermanagh Wgasa Why Not R Lutz 1 19 182 Cabria’s Song Of The Sea H Frank 1 20 178 Highway Run Satori Of Xzora R Lutz/F Lutz 1 Grad Nov 1 193.5 Mirage’s Accidents Happen C Odom 1 Nov A 1 189.25 Apollo’s Arrow Lancar Keyzer M Fuchs 4 2 you186 Shannon Down I Like and To Move It for anything J Phillips I remember bringing home. You were so small more than to have me pat your head so you1 Unsigned S to Lane 3 cuddly with your 3tiny181.33 paws andSnow soft Hill fur. Soul You bounced could go sleep with your head over my leg. Quixand Willow E Campbell 2 around the room 4with176.25 eyes flashing andDesert ears flapping. As you got older, you moved around more slowly. Then one Nov B Once in a while, you’d let out a little yelp just to let me day, old age finally took its toll, and you couldn’t stand on 1 territory. 192 Northwind’s Echo Of Poetry K Nierengarten/I Mullauer 1 know this was your those wobbly legs anymore. I knelt down and patted you 2 191 Vitesse Deep Powder L Costello/M Cutherell 1 Making a mess of the house and chewing on everything lying there, trying to make you young again. You just looked 3 191 Mirage’s Here By Accident C Odom 1 in sight became a passion and when I scolded you, you up at me as if to say that you were old and tired and that 4 190.5 Anlan’s Sierra Mist T Lubbers/A Lubbers/J Lubbers 2 just put your head down and looked up at me with those after all these years of not asking for anything, you had to 5 189.67 Warburton Ww Southern Skies L Erickson/P Renzulli 3 innocent eyes as if to say: “I’m sorry, but I’ll do it again as ask me to do one last favor. 6 188.5 Cooper’s Shining Comet C Odom 1 soon as you’re not watching.” With tears in my eyes, I drove you one last time to the vet. 7 188.5 Rantina’s Rejoyce High Card Wins N Gordon 1 As you got older,8you186.25 protected me by looking out the One last you Flynn were lying next to me. Shamasan’s Crusader Rabbit Mtime Flynn/C 4 window and barking who walked by. Ascot 9 at everyone 186 Agstone Macanudo C Stone/B Lowans For some strange reason, you were able to stand up at 1the 10 186 Blue Willow La Dolce Vita J Mccurdy 2 When I had a tough day at work, you would be waiting for animal hospital–perhaps it was your sense of pride. 11 183 Bitterblue’s Living Colour L Garwacki/P Garwacki 2 me with your tail wagging as if to say, “Welcome home, I As the vet led you away, you stopped for an instant, turned C Foss-Tietz/K Nierengarten/S missed you.” your head and looked at me as if to say, “Thank you for 4 12 182.5 Northwind’s Grin And Bear It Tietz When I sat down the paper and watch TV, you taking care of me.” 13to read182 Timbreblue Windrydr Biker Girl R Lutz/F Lutz 1 would hop on my looking for attention. You neverFields askedForever 14lap181.75 Mystic Run Strawberry A Andrews 2 I thought, “No, thank you for taking care of me.” 15 181.25 Snowcaps Solari Quick Step D REIMER/S Couzin 2 Dogs don’t have souls, do they? SEP T EMBER 2011 The Whippet News | 39 Christine Hopperstad, Editor 130 34th Ave E Seattle WA 98112 Team Northwind at the AWC North Central Specialty August 2011, AWC Board member Kay Nierengarten and hubby Mark Shubert
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Board of Directors:
Class of 2010: . ...Christine Hopperstad, Donna Lynch, Patience Renzulli,
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