the whippet news - American Whippet Club
the whippet news - American Whippet Club
THE WHIPPET NEWS THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN WHIPPET CLUB JANUARY 2010 AWC OFFICERS President.... ............................................Russell McFadden 505-753-6782 Vice President.... ....................................Connie Brunkow 217-431-8972 Treasurer... ............................................ .David Samuelson 651-454-4174 Secretary ..........................................................Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 ................................. 3655 Cragwood Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907 APPLICATION FOR AWC MEMBERSHIP � Shawna McKay, PO Box 783, Fort Langley, British Columbia V1M 2S2 604-377-4293 ironwoodwhippets@ Sponsors: Sue Vernon, Janis Castle Renzulli, David Samuelson Class of 2011……….Lisa Costello, Cindy Scott Class of 2012: …….Connie Brunkow, Russ McFadden, Kay Nierengarten COMMENTS regarding applicants may be sent to— Membership Chair Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN 55779 — or emailed to: [email protected] Board of Directors: Class of 2010: ....... ...Christine Hopperstad, Donna Lynch, Patience AKC DELEGATE.… ............................ …..Donna Lynch 508-636-0705 ASFA DELEGATE:…………………………... CJ Foxx 303-424-5144 AWC COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Archives ......................................................... Bo Bengtson 805-646-3151 Health................. Drs. Connie Austin, Connie Brunkow, Lisa Costello Futurity .......................................................... Kathy Slater 618-585-4677 Judge’s Education ........................................... Mary Dukes 704-843-7195 Membership .......................................... Kay Nierengarten 218-729-8003 Parade of Honors ............................ Alice VandenBussche 315-945-2672 Performance Events ............................... Dr. Lisa Costello 815-695-1930 ROM Program ............................................ Donna Lynch 508-636-0705 Show ................................................................Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 Top Twenty ............................................ Linda Waggoner 541-347-2171 Versatility ..................................................John Heffernan 413-369-4399 INDEPENDENT WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS: Whippet Health Foundation ............... Mary Beth Arthur 414-355-4776 Whippet Rescue, WRAP ............. Dr. Barbara Henderson 301-490-6598 Applications for AWC membership may be obtained either on request from Membership Chair Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN 55779, or emailed to [email protected] AWC website: Breeder Referrals: Mary Downing [email protected] WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Katie Aisling, Grants Pass, Oregon; Shawn Westbrook, Cedar Rapids, Iowa WELCOME BACK: Helen Dalton, Reading, Pennsylvania; Nancy Dechant, Graham, Washington; Virginia Hopkins, Wilmington, Delaware; Jan Leikam, Snohomish, Washington; Kathy Mittler, San Antonio, Texas; Kathy Searles, Tumwater, Washington; Meagan Shertzer, Lincolnville, Maine; Patricia Shiley, Walla Walla, Washington; Mary Lynn Sobun, Darien, Illinois; Mr. Shinji Tokoro, Japan; Cathy York, Whiteland, Indiana; Mrs. Fukie Yoshimoto, Japan LAST ISSUE, TIME TO RENEW: Leigh Ann Bauer, Jennifer Brisbois, Cora Mackey, Kathy Rither, Justyna Szopa, Patricia Younger THE WHIPPET NEWS Newsletter Editor ...................Christine Hopperstad, 130 34th Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98112 phone & fax 206-322-5872, [email protected] Assoc. Editor ……………….Kirsten Hopperstad, [email protected] Assoc. Editor ....................................................Pat Dresser 330-239-1829 Annual Editor ............................ Wendy Clark, 5088 Breckenhurst Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026 614-777-0124 [email protected] One year subscription rate for monthly newsletter & annual: online only $25.00, print $45; foreign: online only $25, print $60 Advertising (on a space available basis): Full page, one photo -- $50.00, each additional photo $10.00 Full page, camera ready -- $40.00 (preferably emailed as an attachment, or printed out on standard paper) Text only, no photos: Full page -- $35.00, Half page -- $25.00 Photographs should be originals and will be returned. Pedigrees must be typed in standard pedigree format. DEADLINE — The first day of the month for that month’s issue. THE WHIPPET NEWS ANNUAL Current issue: 2008. Back issues available for 1986-2007 (except 1987 & 1990 through 1992). Cost is $25.00 each ($30.00 foreign), which includes shipping; all funds must be U.S. dollars, payable by check or money order to Whippet Annual. Send to ANNUAL EDITOR Wendy Clark (address above). The American Whippet Club and The Whippet News assume no responsibility for statements or claims made in the letters to the editor or advertisements that appear in its publications. Dear Readers, Peggy Swayze, Longlesson Whippets and Afghans, passed away in her sleep after a long illness on January 11, 2010, at home and surrounded by her family and dogs. — Another recent loss was Becki Lansford who was very involved with Whippet and Greyhound groups in Atlanta, and who developed complications after a bout with an intestinal virus and was finally overcome with pneumonia. — Carroll Hayhurst of Whirlaway Whippets passed away at his home in California last month. He was a founding member of SCWA and GWWA, and was a longtime supporter, breeder and exhibitor of athletic, dual-purpose Whippets. — YIKES!! Check out the Whippet Health Foundation’s recent donations list elsewhere in this issue, every one of them admirable, one of them stupendous! — Happy New Year wishes to Whippeteers everywhere, here’s to having fun with your dogs whatever you choose to do together!!!!! National Show Chair Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 [email protected] Eastern Harriett Lee 434-295-4525 [email protected] Midwest Pat Richey 330-735-2486 [email protected] N. Central David Samuelson 651-454-4174 [email protected] South Central Nancy Billups 806-381-0601 [email protected] Southern David Howton 770-345-2120 [email protected] Western Pam Magette, 562-598-8717 [email protected] AWC SHOW CALENDAR AWC 2010 National Specialty, Tucson Arizona April 17th—April 25th Breed Judge Russell McFadden, Futurity Judge Linda Johnson (Barchet) AWC 2011 National Specialty, Lexington Kentucky, Breed Judge Harriett Nash Lee (Winsmith) Eastern Specialty Friday, 6/04/10 Greater Philadelphia KC, AWC Support, Breed: Barbara Rupert, Specialty Sweeps: Lew Griffitt; Saturday 6/05/10, Huntingdon Valley KC Eastern Specialty Breed: Donna Lynch; Sunday 6/06/10 - Burlington County KC Support Breed: Gail Boyd, Sweeps: Jenny Boyd South Central Regional Specialty July 3rd held with the Oklahoma KC Cluster, Breed Michael Dougherty, Sweeps Todd Miller (JOMYR). July 4, Lone Star Whippet Club Support, judges TBA. AWC North Central Specialty held in conjunction with St. Croix Valley Combined Specialties and the St. Croix Valley Cluster. The Specialty is Friday, August 27, Sweeps Jenny Boyd, Breed Lori Nelson. AWC Support Saturday, August 28, Sweeps Debbie Davenport, Breed Kathy Davenport. OTHER WHIPPET EVENTS Arizona Whippet Association Specialty Thursday, March 4, Breed: Iva Kimmelman, Sweeps: Kelly Riney. Secretary: Nancy Wilson-480-949-5389; March 5, Scottsdale DFA AzWA Support, Breed James Reynolds; Sweeps Arlene Rubenstein, Super Jack Bradshaw; March 6 Scottsdale DFA, Breed Sharon Sakson; March 7, Superstition KC, Breed Karen Wilson; March 8, Superstition KC, Breed Linda Moore Lone Star Whippet Club Specialty March 26, 2010, Sweeps (puppy & veteran) Ms. CJ Foxx, Breed Mrs. Betty Stites; March 27, FWKC all breed, Breed Mrs. Cindy Scott; March 28, FWKC all breed, Breed Mr. Alan Arthur. Super Onofrio 2 | The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 President’s Message Even though we are well into the first month of 2010, I would still like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year. I hope all of your endeavors both with your Whippets and without are prosperous and fulfilling. I want to welcome Tina Macgregor, Brad Briscoe, Jenni Knutson, Dee Anna Miller, Kristi Osterloo, and Rhonda Rhines as the newest members of the AWC. I look forward to getting to know and work with each of you. Speaking of memberships when each of us filled out the application form to join the AWC we contracted by our signatures on the form to uphold the following statement: “I agree to abide by the American Whippet Club’s Constitution and By-laws and its Code of Ethics…” I would like to ask each of you to take the time to review and/or reread the AWC Constitution and By-Laws and the Code of Ethics when you have the time to do so. The members of the Board of Directors periodically receive questions and sometimes complaints that are clearly answered in one or the other of these documents. None of us mind responding to anything like this that a member poses to us but it makes me wonder how many people have signed the membership application form agreeing to uphold the ideals in documents that they’ve never read. Still on the membership theme, if you haven’t yet paid your dues please don’t forget to send them in or pay them on line. Until next month, be safe and have fun with your Whippets. Russell AWC Secretary’s Notice Board of Directors – Class of 2013 In accordance with Article IV, Section 4 (a), of the AWC Constitution and By-Laws, the nominating committee chaired by Dr. Connie Brunkow with members Kevin Carlson (WI), Laurel Wilks (WA) and alternates Linda Johnson (GA) and Sean McMichael (FL), submitted the following slate for the Board of Directors Class of 2013: Christine Hopperstad (incumbent), David Samuelson (incumbent), Donna Lynch (incumbent), Henry Heil (CA), Chris Durance-Watkins (GA), Scott Hurlbert (KS), Sally Long (IL) and Kathy Davenport (IL). In accordance with Article IV, Section 4(b) of the AWC Constitution and By-Laws: “Additional nominations of eligible members may be made by written petition addressed to the Secretary and received at her regular address on or before February 15, signed by five members and accompanied by the written acceptance of each such additional nominee signifying his willingness to be a candidate.” Since e-mail is being used for communication to members that have email, it will serve as the vehicle to be used to notify members of this slate. Members that do not have e-mail will be notified by regular first class US Mail. This notification will also be published in Whippet News and on the message board on the AWC website at In accordance with the By-Laws, members must be notified of this slate on or before January 15, 2010. AWC 2010 National Specialty April 17 - April 24, 2010 Tucson, Arizona January 2010 Our host hotel is the beautiful InnSuites Tucson City Center in Tucson, Arizona. We have a great room rate of $89.00 per night for a Studio Queen (2 beds) or a Studio King (1 bed). The Executive/Family Suites are 2 room suites with a rate of $99.00 for King (1 bed) or Queen (2 beds) and this includes a convertible sofa in the living area. All rooms have a microwave and a refrigerator and the hotel provides a free hot break‐ fast buffet every morning. You must state that you will be attending the American Whippet Club Spe‐ cialty and please let them know if you are coming with dogs or without dogs. Reservations can be made by calling 1‐520‐622‐3000 or on the hotel web site at : NOTE: All of the King and Queen Suites are sold out! NO EXPENS WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE GRASS IN THE COURTYARD AREAS. Donna Lynch is the Chairperson for our Trophies this year. You can contact Donna at 508‐636‐0705 or [email protected]. We have beautiful Horsehair Pottery from the Navajo Nation for trophies and donations are always appreciated. Check the web site to see pictures of the trophies. The RV Parking, Vendor Application, Catalog Advertising, Catalog Pre‐Order, Logo Shirt Parade of Honors, Special Dinners and Judges Education Forms are available on the web site and they will be included in the next several issues of The Whippet News. Please try to get your forms sent in ASAP. There will be a Race Meet on Saturday, April 17. This meet is sponsored by River City Racing Association and I want to thank Jean Balint for taking care of this. We are still looking for volunteers to help in all areas of the specialty, from the performance events to clean up duties. To date‐we have had no response. Please drop us an email if you can help for a few hours with one of the many jobs at the National. Please check the website on a regular basis for information. We have been adding to the site as we go along and more will be coming in the future. Official Web Site - WWW.AWC2010.COM Email: [email protected] Rhonda Gifford 2010 National Show Chair (602) 459‐9032 Connie Boulton 2010 National Show Co‐Chair (520) 241‐0354 The WhippeT NeWs JaNuary 2010 | 3 PARADE OF HONORS Deadline is March 1, 2010 • ENTRY FEE IS $50.00 Please submit your information as soon as possible Eligibility rules are as follows: 1. BOB or BOS at any AWC Specialty 2. BOB at any Specialty in the US 3. BIS at a Hound Group show 4. AKC All Breed BIS Winner 5. AKC Champion and any one of the following: ORC, SORC, RCH, SRCH, WRCH, WRCHX, ARX, SRA 6. AKC Dual Champion (Breed & Field Championships) 7. AKC Champion & LCM or LCX 8. AKC Obedience Trial Champion (OTCh) 9. AKC Champion & CDX ,UD UDX 10. High in Obedience Trial at any AKC All Breed Show or AWC National Specialty 11. AKC Champion & TDX or VST (Variable Surface Tracking) (new) 12. AKC Champion & MX or AX (Master Agility Excellence or Agility Excellent) 13. AKC Champion & FMCh. or FGDCh. (Flyball Master Champion, Flyball Grand Champion) 14. Whippet ranked #1 by a nationally recognized system 15. AWC ROMX Please circle the specific accomplishments above that entitle this Whippet to participate in the Parade. Entrants will receive: 1. Half page catalog ad 2. Exhibition in Parade 3. Giant Commemorative Rosette 4. Inclusion of Photo in the AWC Library Name of Whippet:________________________________________________________ Birth date: _____________________________________________________________ Sire:__________________________________________________________________ Dam:__________________________________________________________________ Breeder(s):_____________________________________________________________ Owner(s):______________________________________________________________ Telephone number: [____]__________________ e-mail_________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________________________ Please submit with your entry: 50 words of copy on another sheet, a 4-generation pedigree and a photo (which will remain in the Parade Library after use in the catalog), and $50.00 entry check payable to AWC to: Alice VandenBussche 12591 Old Rte. 31, Savannah, NY 13146 315-945-2672 evenings • E-mail [email protected] NOTE: Entries received on or before March 1, 2010 will be confirmed either by e-mail or regular mail. Entries received after March 1, 2010 will be returned. 4 | The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 2010 National Specialty Catalog Pre-Order The 24th Annual Specialty Catalogs will be spiral bound with indexed sections. Catalogs will be available one-half hour before Obedience judging on Monday, April 19, 2010. Pre-Order catalogs will be $20.00. Shipping will be an additional $7.50. At the show, catalogs will be $25.00 and quantity will be limited. Pre-Orders must be received by April 1, 2010. Name:_________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________E-mail address:_______________________ (Check One) Show Pickup___________ Please Ship_____________ Qty: __________________ Total: $________________ Make checks payable to “AWC” and mail to: Connie Boulton 11470 E. Escalante Road Tucson, AZ 85730 (520) 241-0354 [email protected] The WhippeT NeWs JaNuary 2010 | 5 2010 National Specialty Special Dinners and Wrap-It-Up Closing Party Tuesday, April 20, 2010–Cowboy Cook-Out- Tossed garden greens with Ranch dressing, 10 oz. New York Steak with Herb Butter, Marinated and Grilled Chicken Breast, Baked Potatoes, Corn on the Cob, Baked Beans, Rolls and Cornbread Muffins, Warm Cherry Cobbler and Apple Pie. CASH BAR Thursday, April 22, 2010-Mexican Fiesta- Ensalada Verde, Tomatoe, Cucumber and Cilantro salad, Cheese Enchiladas, Fajita Bar, Sliced Marinated Steak and Chicken Breast with Pepper and Onions, Flour tortillas and all the condiments, Spanish Rice and Refried Beans, Crispitos and Churros. CASH BAR Saturday, April 24, 2010- Wrap-It-Up Closing Party-Instead of a buffet-type dinner, we will be having Hors D’oeuvres (hot and cold) along with fruits, cheeses, veggies, dips, desserts, Margarita and Champagne Stations. CASH BAR Please Note: There are no refunds or cancellations after March 1, 2010. If you find that you cannot attend after this deadline, please find someone to take your spot. No reservations without payment in full. Total Number of Cowboy Cook-Out ONLY_____________ @ $25.00 each = $___________________Total Total Number of Mexican Fiesta ONLY__________________ @ $25.00 each = $__________________Total Total Number of Wrap It Up Party ONLY _______________ @ $25.00 each = $___________________Total Meal Package Cowboy Cook-Out, Mexican Fiesta and Wrap-It-Up Party Total Number of Package Dinner ___________________ @ $70.00 each = $_____________________Total DEADLINE FOR DINNERS IS MARCH 15, 2010 Make Checks Payable to AWC and Mail to: Connie Boulton 11470 E. Escalante Road Tucson, AZ 85730 (520) 241-0354 [email protected] NAME__________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP__________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE________________________________________ E-mail__________________________________________ 6 | The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 The 2010 AWC National Specialty Logo Shirts All of the shirts are embroidered designs; full color on upper left front of all shirts. Payment in full must be received by March 15, 2010. Shipping is available for those who will not be at the show. A very limited number of items will be for sale at the National. No returns or exchanges. T-Shirts: Hanes Beefy-T 6.1 oz. 100% Ring Spun Cotton Colors: White, Ash, Black, Daffodil Yellow, Lavender, Stonewashed Blue Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL, 3XL Price: $20.00 Long Sleeve T-Shirts: Hanes Beefy-T 6.1 oz; 100% Ring Spun Cotton Colors: White, Black, Dark Chocolate Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL, 3XL Price: $23.00 Sweatshirts:-Hanes Ultimate Cotton; 90% cotton/10% poly Colors: White, Black, Charcoal Heather, Deep Forest Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL, 3XL Price: $30.00 Polo Shirts: PA Silk Touch Sport Shirt; 65/35 Poly/Cotton pique Colors: White, Light Stone, Hibiscus, Lime, Tropical Pink, Ultramarine Blue, Black Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL, 3XL Price: $25.00 Ladies L500, Mens K500 - Please list this number when ordering ITEM QTY COLOR SIZE PRICE Shipping Charge Total Amount Enclosed Show Pickup____________________ TOTAL $ $ Please Ship____________________ (Check One) Shipping – Items will be shipped USPS Priority Flat Rate Box 1-2 tee/polo shirts or 1 sweatshirt -- $9.85 2-4 tee/polo shirts or 2 sweatshirts-- $13.50 Over these quantities-please inquire before sending order Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________E-mail address: ______________________________________________ Make checks payable to “AWC” and mail to: Connie Boulton 11470 E. Escalante Road Tucson, AZ 85730 (520) 241-0354 [email protected] The WhippeT NeWs JaNuary 2010 | 7 AWC Top Twenty Listed in alphabetical order from AKC Breed statistics, January 1st – December 31, 2009 Congratulations! You are the final Top Twenty Contenders! Ch. Ableaim Just Not Anthr Pretty Face SC Ch. Andauer Porsche Carrera GT Ch. Arwen’s Main Event At Summit SC Ch. Dashing The Gentleman Aviator Ch. Emerald’s Enchanted Brooke Ch. Kamada’s Instant Millionaire Ch. Karasar’s Jezebel JC Ch. Karasar’s Parexcellence Ch Kimera Karma De Kotan JC Ch. Moongaze Jomyr Some Splainin Ta Do * Ch. Seaspell’s Point Cabria SC Ch. Snowcap’s Sierra Rose Ch. Snow Hill Calliope SC Ch. Snow Hill Onyx At Stoneledge SC Ch. Sonsteby’s In A Pickle Ch. Sporting Fields Bahama Sands Ch. Sporting Fields Tiger Lily Ch. Starline’s Chanel Ch. Tattershall Ticket To Fly Ch. Wasatch Tangerine Dream Ch. Winway Redford With A Splash * past winner / ineligible See you in Tucson in April! FUTURITY REPORT I am pleased to announce that Ms. Linda Johnson has been voted the 2010 Futurity Judge. Congratulations Linda! The 2010 Futurity will be held in Tucson, Arizona on Tuesday, April 20, 2010. Thank you to the seven finalists: Phoebe Booth, Tad Brooks, Joe Buchanan, Jan Swayze Curry, Mary Dukes, Jackie Hubble and Linda Johnson for supporting the Futurity with your participation. With the recent change to the Futurity Rules voted on by AWC members, Cindy Scott and I compiled all the Futurity Requirements into one document. Elsewhere in this issue of the Whippet News you will find the current "Futurity Requirements & Rules". Please note that the change to the CERF requirements goes into effect for the 2012 Futurity. This may seem like a long time away but puppies born in October 2010 (actual date to be determined) will be eligible for the 2012 Futurity. Please include the registered name of the bitch on all correspondence. As always, I will acknowledge receipt of all nominations so, if you don’t get an acknowledgment, drop me an email. Best of luck with your puppies! Kathy Slater, Futurity Chairman [email protected] 241 Prairietown Rd., Dorsey, IL 62021 618-585-4677 8 | The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 WHIPPET HEALTH FOUNDATION DONATIONS Andi Jacobs $50.00 Carol Weber $100.00 CWA $50.00 Anonymous $30,000.00 Sandra and Bob Husted $40.00 in honor of Dr. Lisa Costello Susan Kirkham $50.00 in memory of Dr. William R. Belmont, father of Dr. Connie Brunkow Mary Alderman $100.00 in lieu of a judging fee FUTURITY NOMINATION REQUIREMENTS & RULES The Futurity is sponsored by the American Whippet Club and is exclusively for the competition of puppies and juniors between 6 months and 18 months of age. The Futurity is open to all breeders of AKC registered whippets in good standing with the American Kennel Club and the American Whippet Club. Puppies eligible for the 2010 Futurity must be out of Futurity nominated bitches and whelped on or before October 20, 2009. The bitch must be nominated prior to whelping. The official Bitch Nomination Form, along with the fee of $20 and copies of current CERF certificates for both the sire and dam, must be sent to the Futurity Chairman and postmarked prior to the whelping date. CERF exams for both the sire and dam must have been completed before the breeding date. (This is effective starting with the 2012 Futurity). Copies of CERF Certificates or a copy of the application for a CERF Certificate (the actual exam paperwork marked normal in both eyes) must be submitted for both the sire and dam with the Bitch Nomination Form. CERF examinations are valid for one year. If the sire or dam of the litter being nominated is 10 years of age or older, a current CERF exam is not required for that dog. HOWEVER, the dog must have had and passed at least one CERF exam between the ages of 8 and 10 years. A copy of the last CERF Certificate must be submitted with the Bitch Nomination Form. Late bitch nominations are accepted if they are postmarked prior to the litter turning 6 weeks old. The fee for a late nomination is $75. Breeders of late nominated bitches waive their right to nominate and vote for the Futurity Judge. The official Litter Nomination Form, along with the fee of $25 and a four-generation pedigree, must be postmarked prior to the litter turning 3 months old. To enter the Futurity, puppies must be entered in a Regular Conformation Class and the appropriate Futurity Class as an 'additional' class at the AWC National they were nominated and are eligible for. Puppies are only eligible to be shown in one Futurity; the first Futurity that they are at least 6 months of age. Futurity Classes will be divided according to age and sex as follows: Dogs 6-8 months Bitches 6-8 months Dogs 8-10 months Bitches 8-10 months Dogs 10-12 Months Bitches 10-12 Months Dogs 12-14 Months Bitches 12-14 Months Dogs 14-18 Months Bitches 14-18 Months The winner of each class will compete for Best In Futurity. In the event that the date of the AWC National is later in April than the previous year, the age limit shall be increased and the nominees affected shall be eligible for competition in the 14-18 Month classes. The Futurity Judge is chosen by a two-step process by breeders of nominated bitches who are members in good standing of the American Whippet Club. Step 1: Ballots are sent to the First AWC Member listed as breeder on the Bitch Nomination Form. For each nominated bitch, the breeder/or breeders may submit one slate of two names. One ballot will be accepted for each bitch nominated. Once those breeders have voted (nominated), they may not vote (nominate) again during the current year. It is up to the breeder(s) to decide which litter they wish to be considered eligible on if they are listed as a breeder or co-breeder on other litters. All eligible breeders must nominate two (2) different names of any person with the qualification of “hands on experience” with the Whippet breed. These people must be in good standing with the AKC. Step 2: Ballots are again sent to the First AWC Member listed as breeder on the Bitch Nomination Form. The breeder/or breeders will select two (2) names from the final list of a minimum of six (6) names. The nominees will be queried as to their willingness to judge the event by the sequence established in the balloting process. The alternate Judge will be selected by the second greatest number of votes. The nominee who accepts this nomination will be assigned as an alternate. “Late” bitch nominations forfeit their right to ballot for the Futurity Judge. Prize Money – 35% of entry & nomination fees will be retained by the Futurity for expenses. 35% of the remainder will be given to the Best In Futurity winner. The remainder will be divided as follows: 40% for First Place, 30% for Second Place, 20% for Third Place and 10% for Fourth Place. Prize money shall be awarded to the breeder/breeders only. If an owner or exhibitor of the winning dog is not the breeder, and the breeder is not present, a check will be mailed directly to the breeder. It is between the breeders, exhibitors and owners to decide possession of any awards or cash prizes presented for any wins. Entry fees will be retained in the event a nominated bitch or puppy is found to be ineligible under any of the above conditions. The WhippeT NeWs JaNuary 2010 | 9 AWC Versatility Update John Heffernan, AWC Versatility Chair The third annual Versatility Competition will take place this year in Tucson. Dogs compete in agility, rally, lure coursing, and conformation. Phoebe Booth will be the conformation judge. Both Carol Chittum and Fred and Bobby Lutz have donated special trophies and awards. We had a very nice group of dogs last year in Atlanta with Heather Dansereau’s Ellery coming out on top. Carol Chittum’s TJ won the first competition. Applications for the Award of Versatility and it variants are now being accepted. This coveted award recognizes whippets that have significant achievements in a variety of dog sports. The deadline is February 12, 2010. There are no rule changes this year. See whipversatile.html for an application. The awards include a beautiful ribbon and certificate and are given out each year at the National Speciality. The web page also contains a complete list and some photos of past year’s winners. If you have a photo of a previous year’s winner I can add, let me know. Award of Versatility Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) I consider my dog is to be very versatile. Why does he not qualify for the awards? The standards for this award are high, especially compared to other breed clubs. We did a major revision of the rules a few years ago but the number of awards given out has remained about the same with some variation each year. Although some dogs are very talented in a specific area, or do well within one type of event, the versatility awards were created to recognize whippets that excel in several different performance venues. We do not make exceptions to the rules for particular dogs. Many previous award winners have carefully planned their training and schedules over years to achieve these awards. We want the award to be meaningful so the bar is high, especially for the excellent awards. If you do have a thoughtful proposal for rules changes that are not about an individual dog, we always welcome comments. Why is rally considered a related sport? Why is the RAE not included? A new category for rally with the following points was added a few years ago. 2 – Rally Excellent (RE) 1 – Rally Excellent (RA) Rally does not count as a separate sport where the rules require a certain number of sports from different categories for the each award. This is because rally is related to traditional obedience. The number of points from the same or related sports should not be more than 5 points for the AV/CAV award and not more than 7 points for the AVX/CAVX award. Examples of related sports are: Rally obedience, obedience, and HIT from miscellaneous Lure coursing category and the BIF from miscellaneous Conformation and the BIS variations from miscellaneous Because of the nature of the versatility awards, we needed to institute a rule that required dogs to earn points from different sports. Without this rule, a dog could receive over half of its points in obedience related sports and still qualify for a versatility award. This same logic was also applied to straight and oval racing. We feel the RAE represents a dog that is consistent at repetitive rather than different events since it consists of double Qs from rally advanced and rally excellent. Though we consider it to be a very worthy accomplishment, it does not show additional versatility. Why don’t you include jumpers as an option instead of standard classes in the agility section? Contacts are a really integral part of agility so we did not feel that jumpers titles classes, however worthy in and of themselves, would be a good standard to judge dog’s versatility in agility. Whippets, in general, find jumpers much easier and many whippet struggle with contacts. So, again, we want to keep the bar high and compare “apples to apples” as much as possible in agility. Allowing jumpers OR standard would not be fair to dogs that have mastered contacts. 10 | The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 Top Ten Performance Whippets: 2009 A very Happy New year to all of the whippet performance people out there! This was another fun year in performance with new and really talented dogs finishing the year at the #1 spot in their venues. In NAWRA and CWA, however, we had two incredibly talented dogs repeat their past accomplishments by taking the top honors again… ages where most dogs have either hung up their racing blankets or are no longer running competitively. Last year I had a request for listing the Top 20 dogs in each event, rather than simply the Top 10 so here it is….enjoy and congratulate any of these fine dogs and their owners should you see them along the way. NOTRA Top Twenty 2009 1. 54 Zip 2. 41 Nico 3. 24 Bohdi 4. 23.5 Whistle 5. 22 Jitterbug 6. 19.33 Threnody 7. 18.5 King 8. 17 Chief 9. 16 Carney 9. 16 Rooney 11. 14.3 Kelp 12. 14 O.B. 12. 14 Stoney 14. 12 Gilley 15. 11 Dani-B 15. 11 Gnarls 17. 10 Stoli 18. 9 Schooner 19. 9 Homey 19. 8 Beastro QuiXand's Just Zip'n Around Wildblue's Turn Me Loose Wild Blue's Point Break Poeta Wheatland Whistle Stop QuiXand Feel The Beat QuiXand Weabe Singin' The Blues Divine BB King Ringdove Chieftain Carnivale Justice Spinnuendo Monkey House Kelperton Rocket Shadowrun Obsidian Night Windyglen’s Stoney Mountain Surprise Illegal Smile Ariodante Vitesse Original Spin Heezyourdaddy Vincetveritas Bluenose Wheatland Funk Soul Brother Beastro Chadra Sans Dos Burrus Cox/Banks Irvine/Irvine Strickland Heiniger Heiniger/Bassett Strickland James Bassett Weilbacher/LeClair Kirschbaum Sowards Leicht Hayden/Shomo Burlingame LeClair/Weilbacher Bowen Busch Otero Damant Zip put on a phenomenal performance in his inaugural year of racing and was the youngest dog ever to win the NOTRA national. His Sire, Stuart, is also a racing phenom and an accomplished sire in his own right, having been #1 NAWRA in 2005 and the sire of multiple supreme titled dogs. His dam, Wendigo, won the WRA national in 2005. Congratulations to Jerry Burrus and Susan Heiniger on this super hot youngster. QuiXand’s Just Zip’n Around, WRCh, SORC #1 NOTRA 2009 NAWRA Top Twenty 2009 1. 33.0 Chip 2. 27.0 Chief 3. 22.0 Gunnar 4. 18.0 Poly 5. 17.5 Dani 6. 17.0 Treadwell 7. 10.5 Amade 8. 9.5 Kelso 9. 9.0 Clovis 10. 8.0 Danny 11. 6.0 Vinnie 12. 5.0 Aztec 12. 5.0 Tristan 14. 4.5 Dazzler Rosmors White Squall Ringdove Chieftain Smoking Gun Vitesse Hippolyta Ariodante Vitesse Grizzly Man Vitesse Amade' D'mar Elektra's Limited Spin Oberon Clovis Vincetveritas My Blue Danube Quixand Van Go Of Reata Quixand Faster Than Angels Fly Vitesse Tristan Vincet Veritas Bobby Dazzler Rosko James Stigum Burlingame Burlingame Bowen Cutherell/Burlingame Casperson Sanders Allison Lewis Devall Fusselman Allison The WhippeT NeWs JaNuary 2010 | 11 14. 16. 16. 16. 16. 16. 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Pd Cayley Arianna Topogigio Floyd Ralph Edwards Sheeza Primo Donna Ringdove Cayley Arianna Vitesse Kentfield Wheatland Topogigio Ringdove Mini Cooper Oberon Truth Or Consequences Stigum Browder/Demere Burlingame Otero/Palmer James Heiniger Chip is one of those energizer bunnies that just keeps on going! At the tender age of 5 he has been in the Top 5 in NAWRA for the past 5 years and has won the national championship now twice. He is an amazing dog with a big personality and some big guns that keep him going and going and going! Congratulations to Leslie and Bob Rosko on their second national championship! Rosmor’s White Squall, SRChIII #1 NAWRA 2009 WRA Top Twenty 2009 1. 39.0 Colt 2. 37 Fuller 3. 30 Tula 4. 27 Schooner-B 5. 24 Bandit-K 6. 15 Kira-H 7. 11 Hudi 7. 11 Yodel-S 9. 10 Cayley 9. 10 Nico-C 11. 9 Mariah-E 11. 9 Sonnet 13. 8 Dani-B 13. 8 Marmot 15. 7 Gnarls 15. 7 Rooney 17. 6 Treadwell 18. 5 Zip-Bu 19. 4 Dougall 19. 4 Leroy Lyth Groovin' Full Moon Fever Oberon Tularosa VincetVeritas Bluenose QuiXand's Reflection of Infineon Chesco Candy Sniper O'Sithean Whodunit Notorious Poeta Fudge Fandango Ringdove Cayley Wild Blues Turn Me Loose Windwalker Mariah Notorious Poeta Panocha Ariodante Vitesse Vitesse Deep Powder Original Spin Spinnuendo Grizzly Man Quixand's Just Zip'n Around Notorious Poeta's Stornoway Bitterblue's Before Colour Kemerly Husted Picogna Busch Kemerly Healy Wilcox Straehle Browder/Demere Cox Estis Hoelscher Burlingame Costello LeClair/Weilbacher Weilbacher/LeClair Bowen Burrus Robinson Loube/Garwacki Colt came on strong in his initial year of racing, especially after a significant injury as a youngster. With owners new to whippet racing, he dominated the Midwest and put in a tremendous showing at the WRA national. Congratulations to Brent and Lisa Kemerly and to Tony Lewis on your first WRA national championship! Lyth Groovin’, WRCh #1 WRA 2009 CWA Top Twenty 2009 1. 55 Charlotte 2. 33 Gem 3. 29 Lacey 3. 29 Minnie D 3. 29 Topa 6. 25 Paige 7. 19 Noble 8. 14 Dina 9. 5 Simone 9. 5 Faye-Faye 11. 4 Trax Cogshall's Spider Lily of Coswin Maybach Cabriolet Gem Cogshall's Sweet Everlasting Loughren Cogshall's Painted Daisy Topaz At The Gamble Pinerun First Paige of Wind Cogshall's Noble Mandrake CH Windsheen Dashing Divine Ms D Marial's Madison Licketysplit Fate to the Wind Loughren Sand Trax of June Luehrs Wegner Higginson Huff Elliott Morgan Huff Hurlburt/Samuelson Hutchinson Damron/Shegogue Clarke 12. 12. 14. 15. 15. 15. 18. 19. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Phisher Sealey Validus Naughty Sawyer Stretch Sullivan Vijay Brom Cairo Cruz Dewey Dickens Moses CH Ima Measure for Measure Ima Semele's Divine Doubt AmCh Peppertree Woodland Sprite Cogshall Forget Me Not Marial's Mequon Wistwind Wynmor Longfellow Wildhare Ima Comic Opera Ocean's Seeking the Gold Can Annadar SDW All About Heart Swiftsure Senegal Windflight's Route SixtySix Dewey Wannago Marial's Shamasan Stonewall Marial's Mosinee of Cogshall Moran Moran Talley/Graham Austin/James Arthur Beranek Moran/Caffee Purewal Konopka/Lyons Gaull DeLuca Hedges Hutchinson Huff Charlotte repeats as the CWA national champion for the third year in a row. This little curvy girl is unstoppable on the track and loves to run. This year she also had success in the CWA conformation ring and finished her DPCX. Congratulations to Charlotte on her third national championship, to her owner, Fred Luehrs for his dogged dedication to his red and white girl and to Mary Huff on breeding such a talented running bitch! Cogshall’s Spider Lily of Coswin, SRA2, DPCX, CR #1 CWA 2009 NAFA Flyball Top Twenty 2009 1. 12870 2. 12244 3. 12199 4. 11058 5. 9124 6. 7046 7. 6930 8. 6203 9. 6183 10. 6128 11. 5559 12. 5458 13. 5457 14. 5297 15. 5120 16. 4688 17. 4396 18. 4286 19. 4117 20. 4027 Teller [Shaldra's I Count The Money] Kizmet Spirit [Blue Moon Cool Whip] Gina [Allure's Blue Moon Renegade] Barje's Iron Butterfly At Renegade Striker [Kisharo Midnight Star] Pippin [Sunshine's Sun God] Drama [Windchase's Actin' Out] Clouseau [Ch Shamasan's A Shot In The Dark] George [George Rudd] Rythm Tofu Tess [Autumn Harbour Contessa] Hannah Jack-Jack Torque [C'est La Vie's Torque 'N Twist] Darcie [Renegade's Rainbow In The Dark] Wings [Crosswinds Wings of Missjiff] Jamone Marty [Adagio Jilzan My Favorite Martian] Shaldra’s I Count The Money #1 Flyball Whippet 2009 Lozupone DeVenne Lozupone Nappier Nappier Doucet Hamm Cappel Feldheim Rudd Stopay Delarue DiFazio Chalker Mak Bradley Nappier Johnny Robbins Erickson AKC Lure Coursing Top Twenty 2009 1. 738 FC Cali N Tnts Spirit Of The Wild Of Nitro MC LCX 2. 433 DC Tnt's Ima Tequila Sunrise MC 3. 326 FC Tnt's Taking The Checkerd Flag MC LCX5 4. 312 DC Arwen's Touch The Flame Of Chelsea MC LCX2 5. 305 FC Tnt's Week-End Warrior O Nitro MC 6. 286 Ableaim Making Memories MC 7. 249 DC Ableaim Keeper Of The Genes MC 8. 216 DC Snow Hill Obvious Child MC 9. 198 FC Tnt's Crank It Up MC LCX2 10. 183 FC Wildabout Lucky Lucille SC 11. 169 DC Devereux A Star Is Born MC LCX 12. 64 Ableaim Morgan Le Fay MC 13. 163 FC Indigo Charged To The Max CD RA MC 14. 158 FC Tnt's Lil Miss Right MC 15. 153 FC SDW Kismet Golden Colors SC 16. 138 FC Tnt's Ima Always Right SC 17. 137 Ableaim Olympic Reign SC 17. 137 FC Wegner's Maverick Wild Child SC 19. 133 FC Devereux Unchained Melody SC 20. 132 FC Belaya Sterling Silver SC McNamer Bush/Richards/Moran Richards Bauer/Christianson Horner/Richards/McDonald Boyd Boyd Lenahan Richards Byrum Brown/Bass McNamer Obelcz Richards Voorhees Richards Boyd Wegner Brown/Bass Sayre Spirit was our winner at the AWC AKC lure trial in Georgia this past April and what a competitor she is. Congratulations to the McNamers on this fine running whippet! FC Cali N TNT’s Spirit of the Wild of Nitro, MC, LCX, FCh#1 AKC Lure Coursing 2009 AKC Lure Coursing at the AWC National: READ UP! The AWC national lure trial has been switched from ASFA to AKC this year. If you have never run AKC and are planning on attending and competing with your whippet, please read on. Your dog MUST be eligible before running at this trial. From the AKC rule book: The Open Stake is open to all hounds that have obtained an AKC Qualified Courser certificate. This requirement will be waived for hounds that have earned a Field Championship title from the American Sighthound Field Association (ASFA) or the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC). ASFA or CKC Field Champions must submit a copy of their title certificate to the host club when they enter their first AKC Open Stake. (Ed. Note: AKC will NOT accept the ASFA pre-certification form.) This score will be used as part of the Versatility and Triathlon competitions so all dogs entered in these events must be qualified to run AKC. For your dog to run in the National specialty trial, you must do one of the following: 1). If your dog is an ASFA/CKC FCh or LCM of record, you must provide proof of that title along with your entry and your dog will be in the Open stake. 2). You must run your dog in a pre-qualifying run at an AKC event and submit the approved Qualified Courser certificate along with your entry. We will have qualifying tests on Saturday, April 17th, the day BEFORE the trial. You must provide a dog for the qualifying dog to run with. These forms will then be accepted the following day at the trial. If you have questions, please contact me at [email protected] Dr. Lisa Costello AWC National Performance Director From AWC Secretary Cindy Scott Hi Christine, Dear Parent Club Officer: We are pleased to share this information with you from our friends at Eukanuba regarding the new Eukanuba Breeder’s Sweepstakes. Winning breeders from a series of regional competitions will be invited to participate in a final at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship in December, with the ultimate winner to compete in the Eukanuba World Challenge. Please pass along to your membership and we look forward to seeing you out at the shows! Eukanuba Dog Foods proudly announces the Eukanuba Breeder’s Stakes. The Eukanuba Breeder’s Stakes is an event designed to honor a group of unsung heroes – the purebred dog breeder. Breeders are the backbone of the sport, dedicating their lives to planning and producing generation upon generation of the finest and healthiest representatives of their breed. The Eukanuba Breeder’s Stakes is an event designed to celebrate these noble efforts. This special competition is designed to evaluate an overall breeding program rather than the traditional approach of evaluating a single specimen. Respected expert judges will evaluate the breeder’s ability to consistently produce superior dogs of uniform type, health, and conformation - consistent with the breeder’s mission of improving their chosen breed. Each breeder will exhibit 3 dogs from at least 2 litters chosen from their breeding program. The 1st exhibitor must be breeder of record on all 3 dogs, and all 3 dogs must be over one year old. Breeders will be able to enter on the day of the show. The Eukanuba Breeder’s Stakes will be held at prominent North American shows between January and November. The first installment will take place in conjunction with the Rose City Classic in Portland, Oregon on January 23, 2010. Each breeder will receive a gift bag for participating, and 4 places in each group will be awarded. Prizes for group placements are: 1st - $250.00 and 40 lbs of Eukanuba Dog Food, 2nd–4th - $100.00 and 40 lbs of Eukanuba Dog Food. The Group winners will compete for Best In Stakes, which earns an additional $500.00 plus a trip to the December 2010 AKC/Eukanuba National Championship in Long Beach, CA on Dec. 4-5. The Best In Stakes winners of each regional competition will then compete at the AKC Eukanuba National Championship in December, 2010 for the final Eukanuba Breeder’s Stakes Champion. This will be an exciting win for this well deserving breeder as they earn the right to compete in the 2010 Eukanuba World Challenge. For more information about the Eukanuba Breeder’s Stakes, please email Vicki Seiler at [email protected] or call (513) 622-2967. I would like to include a thank you in the Whippet News to the contributors to the Wistwind Memorial Trophy Fund calendar contest to raise funds for the memorial trophy for Carolyn and Greg Mountan, Wistwind Whippets. For all the people who entered and those that voted to raise $2,730.05 for the trophy that will be given for the first time this year at the 2010 National. Regards, Lisa Peterson Director of Communications American Kennel Club 212-696-8360 - office 203-788-1951 - cell [email protected] Thank you to contributors: Destinie Langford, Vickie Smith, Angie Diehl, Leslie Jordan, Kathy Wilkinson, Heather Nichols, Patti Price, Susan Mallonee, Robyn Pope, Sara Lenahan, Barbara Duffield, Pauley Denney, Terrie Dwyer, Rhonda Gold, Susie Hughes, Greg Owens, Mark Unger, Emilio Velazquez, Carola Beranek, Carol & David King, Sandra Kim, Deborah Clawson, Leslie Lighthouse, Lisa Saunders, Laurie Erickson, Linda Zaworski, Judy Bein, “For The Love Of Hounds”, Lisa Emery, Kristina Churchill, Iva Kimmelman, Peter Sorensen, Robin Barry, Tina MacGregor, Katie Rudolph, Joe & Lisa Stewart, Nancy Doucette, Paul & Linda Garwacki, Susan Colflesh, Mary Downing, Lisande Donohoe, Julie Poole, Walt Taylor, Nancy Arnold, Jeanne Poirier, Laura Hall, Mark Abbott, Lori Lawrence, Ping Pirrung, Mary Alice Bufalino-Kurtzhals, Nancy Dinkfelt Thanks to everyone! Vickie Smith 2011 National Judge The judge for the 2011 National Specialty to be held in Lexington, Kentucky will be Mrs. Harriet Nash Lee. Here are the results for the first 5 vote getters. Identified ballots received: 266 Harriett Nash Lee 75 votes Dr. Connie Brunkow 70 votes Donna Lynch 63 votes Tracy Hite 58 votes Michele Billings 55 votes Most of us have been in the deep freeze so far this Winter and by April we will all be anxious for the National to roll around. The temperatures all this week in Tucson have been in the low 70’s and will probably be that or higher in April. Make your plans now to attend if you can! Rhonda Gifford has published a LOT of info in this issue of Whippet News regarding the National. SOUTHERN SPECIALTY The cluster of all-breed clubs that we hold our Southern Specialty with is changing their dates. It has always been held around the 3rd week of September but, led by the Atlanta Kennel Club, they are moving to October 21, 22, 23 and 24th for 2010 and will remain there for years to come as far as we know. The WhippeT NeWs JaNuary 2010 | 15 AWC ART SHOW RULES The theme of all entries will be “the whippet”. 1. Applications for artwork close March 1th, 2010. No late applications will be accepted. 2. Applications should be mailed to: Linda Waggoner, 54653 Morrison Road, Bandon, Oregon 97411 3. There will be a $10.00 entry fee. (per artist, not per entry). 4. Artwork will be exhibited in a secure area. 5. The following categories and sub categories will be available for exhibitors. A. Painting and Graphics: oils, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, pencil, pen and ink, mixed media. B. 3-D/Functional Art: fiber arts (quilting, needlework, all fiber arts), sculpture, glass, designer arts/jewelry, decorative painting, pottery, and functional art. C. Photography and Digital Art: black and white, color, digital, graphic art. You may enter under the following classes: Junior: ages 10 – 16 Amateur: Professional 6. Ribbons will be given for first, second, third and fourth in each category and subcategory. 7. Ribbons and trophy will be given for Best Junior, Best Amateur, and Best Professional. “People’s Choice” award will receive a special ribbon and trophy. “Best in Art Show” will receive a special ribbon and trophy. 8. All artwork in categories A. and C. must be mounted and/or framed for presentation. 9. Exhibits may be placed “for sale” or marked “not for sale”. 10. Entries brought to the show must arrive at the show site by April 19th . You do not have to attend the National to enter your work. You may ship your entry. Shipped artwork must be received by March 30, 2010. Artwork maybe shipped to: Linda Waggoner 54653 Morrison Road Bandon, Oregon 97411 PLEASE NOTE! Art work for sale will be sold in the following manner. The artist may set a base price for the entered work. AWC will take 20% of all art work sold based on the base price of the work. All artwork for sale that receives a placement will be put into a live auction. All artwork for sale that doesn’t receive a placement will be placed in a silent auction. The funds will be divided in the following manner. - 20% of the base price goes to AWC - 80% of the base price goes to the artist or an AWC activity indicated on the application. - Anything above the base price raised in the auction will go to AWC. The AWC, host hotel, or any AWC member will not be held responsible for any damage, loss or shipping hazards for entered artwork. The artist will be responsible for artwork that is returned by shipping. The artist will be charged return shipping fees, insurance and a handling fee for shipped artwork. For more information, you may contact: Linda Waggoner, 541-347-2171 or 541-290-9171 or [email protected] 16 | The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 AWC Art Show Application Blank The theme of all entries will be “the whippet” Name of Exhibitor: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________ State: ______________________________ Zip: _________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: daytime: (________) _________________________________ Evening or cell: ________________________________ Art Work Information: Category: ___________________________________________________ Sub-category: __________________________________ Class: (circle one) Professional ___________ amateur_____________ junior/ age ____________________ Title of Exhibit: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Camera Art: Make/model of camera: _________________________________________________________________________ Please give me the finished size of your exhibit: _______________________________________________________________ Please list any special handling instructions on the back of this application sheet. Is your exhibit for sale? Yes No The base price that you want your exhibit set at: ______________________ AWC will take 20% of the base price from the sale of all artwork. I want the remaining 80% of the base price to be returned to me: Yes No OR, I want the proceeds from the sale of my work to go to: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (AWC activity of your choice) Please read the rules for how the artwork will be sold! Art work that is for sale and wins a placement will be put into a live auction held by AWC. The rest of the artwork for sale that doesn’t place will be put into a silent auction. The artist’s base price will be the starting point. The final price for the artwork will be divided in the following manner: 20% of the artist’s base price and any additional funds generated will go to AWC. The artist’s price for the artwork minus the 20%, will be returned to the artist or will be given to the artist’s choice of AWC activity. All Applications are due: March 1, 2010. There will be a $10.00 entry fee per artist. Mail your application to: Linda Waggoner 54653 Morrison Road, Bandon, Oregon 97411. You do not have to attend the National to show your work. All applications to enter are required by March 1th. If you do not plan to attend, you may ship your exhibit to the above address. All shipped artwork should arrive before March 30, 2010. Please Note: If the exhibit is mailed back to the artist, the artist will be charged shipping, insurance and a handling fee. Reasonable steps will be made to keep the artwork safe. However, the Exhibitor will not hold AWC or the host hotel, or any AWC member accountable for damage, theft, or loss of the exhibit. I have read the preceding statement and agree with it. ____________________________________________________________ Signature of Exhibitor ___________________________________ Date The WhippeT NeWs JaNuary 2010 | 17 Whippet Health Foundation Health Clinics - 2010 Once again the Whippet Health Foundation will be conducting health clinics in conjunction with the AWC National in Tucson, Arizona. The following testing will be available: CERF, BAER, Cardiac Echocardiogram, AKC DNA profile testing and Myostatin Deficiency DNA tests from DDC. As we did last year, the WHF will subsidize a portion of the per dog cost for BAER, cardiac and myostatin testing for those owners willing to enter their dogs and test results into the WHF database. While test results from all clinics are confidential, test results released to the WHF Database will be public record (open database). Eye Clinic Thursday, April 22. This clinic will be conducted by Caroline Betbeze, DVM, MS, ACVO. Cost is $30 per dog. The CERF (Canine Eye Registration Foundation) exam is a once a year test that examines your dogs eyes for inherited eye disease. The exam will require pupil dilation and takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes. This test is required for all sires and dams of futurity nominated litters. Sign up sheets for appointments will be available Monday morning in the ballroom. The clinic will run from 8am until finished. BAER Hearing Clinic Tuesday morning, April 20. This clinic will be conducted by Susanne Hughes, DVM. The cost is $45 per dog ($25 for database participants). The BAER (Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response) test is a once per lifetime test to definitively determine if your dog can hear from both ears. The test usually takes 10-15 minutes and sedation is not necessary. It is possible for a dog to be deaf in one ear and appear to have normal hearing so it is important to have all whippets checked, particularly animals used for breeding. Sign up sheets for appointments will be available starting Monday morning in the ballroom. We will have additional exam time if we run into a conflict with the Futurity. If you are willing to enter both your dog and the BAER result into the WHF database, we will subsidize $20 of your cost, so you will only pay $25. These results will be acquired the day of the test. Cardiac Echocardiogram Clinic: Wednesday, April 21. This clinic will be conducted by Dr. Whitney Church, Arizona Veterinary Specialists, LLC, Gilbert, AZ . This exam is for anyone wanting a pre-breeding echocardiogram on their dog. The cost of the exam is $170. If you are willing to enter both your dog and the echocardiogram result into the WHF database, we will subsidize $50 of your cost, so you only pay $120. These results will be acquired the day of the test. Only one whippet will be allowed per owner to pre-register but more will be accommodated if time and space allow. If you have additional dogs you want to examine, please let me know when I contact you to schedule your appointment. AKC DNA Profile Test: (DNA cheek swab test): $30/sample, mailed in with all samples following the national. Myostatin Deficiency Test: (DNA test for the double muscle gene): $48/sample ($28 for database participants), mailed in with all samples following the national. If you are willing to enter both your dog and the test results into the WHF database, we will subsidize $20 of your cost, so you only pay $28. These results will be requested from you when available. Swabs will be available during the national from Dr. Lisa Costello. If you will not be attending the national, you can acquire the swabs from DDC and send them along with payment directly to Dr. Costello and she will submit them with all samples following the national specialty (they must be submitted together). These samples must reach her at 14855 Newark Road, Newark, IL 60541 no later than May 31, 2010. If you will not be attending the AWC national and need to order sample collection kits directly, call 1-800-625-0874, or email [email protected] ... do not order them from Dr. Costello! If you have any questions regarding these clinics, please contact Mary Beth Arthur, [email protected] or 414355-4776. DEADLINE TO PRE-REGISTER IS APRIL 10, 2010 18 | The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 HEALTH CLINIC REGISTRATION FORM Payment MUST accompany sign up sheet or have been processed by PayPal on WHF website Deadline to Pre-register is April 10, 2010. Name: Address: City: Phone: State: Cell Phone: Zip Code: e-mail: BAER Testing (April 20) BAER testing: results released to WHF database ________ # of dogs @ $25 each $_______ BAER testing: results remain confidential @ $45 each $_______ ___________ @ $30 each $_______ ________ # of dogs CERF Testing (April 22) Number of dogs for CERF testing ECHOCARDIOGRAM Cardiac (April ) Echocardiogram: results released to WHF database _______ # of dogs @ $120 each $_______ Echocardiogram: results remain confidential @ $170 each ________ # of dogs $_______ AKC DNA cheek swab test Number of dogs for DNA testing ________ # of dogs @ $30 each $_______ MYOSTATIN DEFICIENCY DNA test (double muscling or bully) Number of dogs for myostatin testing: results released to WHF database ________ # of dogs @ $28 each $_______ Number of dogs for myostatin testing: results remain confidential ________ # of dogs @ $48 each $_______ Make checks payable to the Whippet Health Foundation, Inc (or WHF), or use Paypal at TOTAL $__________ Mail check along with this form to: Mary Beth Arthur, 12035 West Brown Deer Road, Milwaukee, WI 53224 The WhippeT NeWs JaNuary 2010 | 19 tHank you to all oF tHe judges WHo made cHanel’s First year incredible. best in sHoW december 5, 2009 greater clark county kennel club judge: mr. micHael dacHel group judge: mr. james reynolds breed judge: mr. klaus anselm a december to remember. best in sHoW december 10, 2009 brandon kennel club oF mississippi judge: mr. robert slay multiple best in sHoW, multiple specialty best in sHoW, cH. starlines CCHANEL group judge: mr. james briley breed judge: mr. garry neWton best in sHoW december 19, 2009 skokie Valley kennel club judge: mr. cHarlie olVis Wrapping up 2009 as tHe #1 WHippet #4 H o u n d all systems group judge: ms. elizabetH mutHard breed judge: dr. robert indeglia and tHank you to tHe FolloWing judges For cHanel’s most recent group Firsts! mr. del ricHards ms. judy Webb mrs. pat trotter mr. garry neWton mr. bill cunningHam mr. garetH morgan jones mr. doug joHnson col. joe purkHiser mrs. patricia murpHy mr. cHarlie olVis Handled by lori Wilson w w w. s t a r l i n e w h i p p e t s . c o m oWned by lori & carey laWrence rancHo santa Fe, caliFornia bred by lori & carey laWrence and dianne boWen 4 all breed best in sHoWs 2 Hound best in sHoWs 6 specialty best in sHoWs 30 group Firsts and not yet 2 years oF age! Bohem Bianca of Jubilee (Ch. Bohem Resounding Highjinks SC x Ch. Bohem Some Like It Hot JC) Bianca Bianca made her show debut at the big California shows in December. Although just 7 months of age she was completely unperturbed by it all, won Best Puppy each day, twice Puppy Hound Group 2nd, RWB twice and WB & BOW at the AKC/Eukanuba & the So. Cal. Whippet Association specialty under judge Dorothy Macdonald. Also pictured with Puppy Group judge Marcia Hall Brown. Bianca’s dam qualified for AWC Top 20 in 2007 and 2008, and just missed out in 2009 by having a litter. Bianca is from her sire’s first litter; he is at stud at Jubilee. We look forward to the future with a lot of anticipation. Breeders & Owners: Cindi & Amelia Gredys & Bo Bengtson SBOS & Select Ch. Counterpoint Painted By Bohem (Ch. Bohem Bon Vivant x Can. Ch. Counterpoint Winning Colors) V iggo Viggo was BOS both days shown during the big AKC/Eukanuba/So. Cal. Whippet Association specialty weekend in Long Beach under judges Wayne Burton and Dorothy Macdonald, handled by Paul Lepiane. Viggo defeated a total of 12 male specials; he was the youngest one entered at only 14 months old. Viggo finished with Sweepstakes and specialty wins at 12 months. His show career so far has been full of high points, and he will be lightly specialled as he matures. Thanks for all the positive comments! FLASH – Viggo wins SBOS again next time out at the WCGSD specialty under breeder-judge Donna Lynch! Owners: Scott Mazer [email protected] Co-owner: Bo Bengtson Breeders: John Ross & Trudy Taphorn AWC and the Longhaired Whippet The following is a brief history of the American Whippet Club’s stance regarding the improperly named Longhaired Whippet. In 1982-1983, the Board of Directors of the American Whippet Club (AWC) approved a special committee to examine questions raised by a breeding experiment conducted by Walter Wheeler in which Wheeler reported that he had been able to produce purebred, longhaired Whippets. The Committee requested and received information from 36 breeders in the US and Great Britain. It also consulted experts in canine genetics, received data from the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other sources, including Walter Wheeler, and examined photos taken by AWC Committee Chair Dr. Charles Billings during his visit to Wheeler’s home. The Committee concluded that these animals, regardless of their origin, differed materially and substantially from the approved Standard of the Whippet breed, from the animals produced by all other Whippet breeders, and from the classic purebred Whippet as known worldwide. The Committee also concluded that these differences were so substantial that the longhaired animals must be considered to be an emerging but separate and distinct breed of coated miniature sighthound not withstanding the fact that a major part of its primal bloodlines may have come from the documented Whippet genetic pool. Because of these findings the Committee recommended that the approved Standard of the Whippet breed be amended to impose a disqualification for longhaired animals. This was passed and changed. They also found that a substantial number of these animals were registered with the AKC as purebred Whippets. The linking of Wheeler’s bloodlines in published breed records posed a serious potential threat to the classic Whippet so the Committee petitioned AKC requesting that registration of certain dogs bred by Wheeler and represented to be purebred “longhaired Whippets” be cancelled. The Board of Directors of the AKC concurred and the registration of 45 litters and 82 individual dogs were removed from AKC”s Stud Book. In recent years a gene (MDR1) responsible for drug sensitivity has been identified in several herding breeds, including the Shetland Sheepdog (assumed by many to be the source of the long coat in Wheeler’s dogs). This gene has recently been identified in the designer breed, the Silken Windhound (SW), a mixture of Borzoi and Whippet. Many of the foundation Whippets used in the creation of the SW originated 26 | The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 from Wheeler’s kennel and SW breeders now readily admit that his dogs were not purebred Whippets. Because the MDR1 gene is not found in either Whippets or Borzoi, this further proves the inclusion of other breeds in the creation of the original “Longhaired Whippet” as defined by Walter Wheeler. Based on the research done in the early 80’s by the AWC Special Review Committee, and genetic proof of the MDR1 gene in offspring from Wheeler’s dogs, the AWC feels that the proponents of this designer breed need to stop promoting these animals as a variety of Whippet as well as change their name so that there is no implication that they are a variety of a recognized dog breed. Further, the AWC Code of Ethics for members states: “Each member should understand and accept the breed standard as presented by the American Whippet Club and should, whenever breeding a litter or allowing the use of a stud dog, direct all possible efforts to producing individuals of quality that conform to that standard. All other puppies or adults offered for sale shall be registered, or eligible for registration, and the breeder or owner of the dog shall be in full accordance with the rules of the American Kennel Club regarding record keeping, registration, sale, and transfer of dogs.” In line with this, regardless of today's culture of rapidly appearing mixed-breed designer dogs, be they puggles or labradoodles, or a small, longhaired sighthound cross, the Board of the AWC is tasked: (a) to unite those people interested in the breeding, showing, racing, coursing and generally improving the Whippet breed for the purpose of exerting effectually a combined influence upon all matters affecting the breed (b) to urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which Whippets shall be judged. AWC Board of Directors President Russ McFadden...505-753-6782 [email protected] Vice President Connie Brunkow...217-431-8972 [email protected] Secretary Cindy Scott…719-594-9974 [email protected] Treasurer David Samuelson...651-454-4174 [email protected] Board Members: Lisa Costello...815-695-1930 [email protected] Christine Hopperstad...206-322-5872 [email protected] Donna Lynch...508-636-0705 [email protected] Kay Nierengarten…218-729-8003 [email protected] Patience Renzulli...270-575-9753 [email protected] Half sisters steal the show:! WB and BOW: Tangens Moon Over Maverick (right) (Ch Winsmoor Maverick Cowboy Up!, JC X Plumcreek HW Across The Moon) RWB: Tangens Karelia Suite (left) (Ch Winsmoor Maverick Cowboy Up!, JC X Fire-X Elida Tiikeri, JC) Cook photography Judge: Mary Ann Alston, ‘Judge Of The Year’ nominated by Dogs in Review San Luis Obispo Kennel Club, Paso Robles, CA, November 09 Eva Engvall [email protected] Lone Star Whippet Club Is very pleased to present a big whoopti do Whippet Weekend with THREE BREEDER JUDGES Friday - March 26, 2010 L.S.W.C. Specialty o Sweeps Ms. C. J. Foxx-(veteran sweeps too) o Regular Mrs. Betty Stites o Juniors Mrs. Denise Tatro Saturday – March 27, 2010 FWKC ALL BREED o Whippets Mrs. Cindy Scott o Group Ms. Denny Mounce Sunday – March 28, 2010 FWKC ALL BREED o Whippets Mr. Alan Arthur o Group Ms. Helen Haas As always, we are delighted to present Lisa Costello’s pottery Superintendent – Onofrio – Whippet Premium can be found in with the “combined specialty” – 34 Specialties on Friday – we usually start ours around 4:00 p.m. – The all breeds are Fort Worth Kennel Club We hope you will join us for some good ol’ Texas Hospitality For additional information contact Denise Tatro [email protected] - 817/297-2398 32 | The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 Island Broadstrider’s Cheers Me Dears Ch. Sportingfield Hot Topic x Broadstrider’s Bright Night At seven months Island has already won a Best in Match, several Best of Breeds, a Puppy Group 1 under Australian Judge Stephen Wailes (pictured) and a Group 4 under Jon Cole. Doug and Ruth Broadfoot 34 | The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 “Sibelle” ~SBIS Ch. Forgetmenot Kimono~ (Ch. Sportingfields Hot Topic x Can. Ch. Forgetmenot Exquisite) BOB winner to FINISH with her FOURTH major Greater Chicago Whippet Club ~ Judge Linda Scanlon. Best In Sweepstakes ~ Greater Chicago Whippet Club Breeder/Judge Judy Walton-Carerra. Breeder /Owner Joanne Boudreault Forgetmenot Whippets-Canada Sibelle is OFA cardiac normal by echocardiogram Handler /Co-Owner Shelley Kruger Fanfare Whippets-Wisconsin January 2010 AKC Obedience Report By Irene Mullauer, National Obedience Chairperson Rally rankings 1/1/09 thru 11/30/09 Class RAE 1 2 3 4 Adv A 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 Adv B 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 36 | Dog Name Owner Average Qualifying Scores Wyatt Of Dodge City Mirage’s Here By Accident Lucy Andrews Arlen’s Red Letter Day d heffernan/J Heffernan C Odom A Andrews F Head/E Feldheum 97.5 95.7 92.67 91.58 2 20 6 12 Krislyn Debmar Just A Dream Ampersand Airborn Autumn Harbour Contessa Sporting Field Just Deal With It Mama Mia Sky High Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery Orion’s Moondance Of Amulet Shannon Down Blazing Star Shannon Down Mind Control Willabe Scarab Dobby Timbreblue Windrydr Biker Girl Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel Starline’s Most Wanted Sporting Field Just Deal With Indigo Charged To The Max Autumn Harbour Contessa Chaparral Emmy Of Elain-Ward Special Acres Desert Jasmine Grand Prix’s Golden Eagle Tnt’s La Femme Nikita Kemar’s No Place Like Home Mariki Kalico Lets Get Physical Amberwind Hamrya Tears Of Fire Fermanagh Wgasa Why Not Windryder’s Americade Cruiser Paris Diablesse Say I Do Endeavor’s Reign Or Shine Norika Rh Ingenuity C Pearce/R Pearce/R Sipper/D Bahm R Henery J Difazio E Feldheim R Henery H Dansereau K Richter-Sand/R Richter-Sand J Phillips S Lane L Lessmiller/R Lessmiller R Lutz/F Lutz A Andrews C De Clerk/E Scott/L Stewart E Feldheim L Obelcz/P Obelcz J Difazio. S Hennessy/J Konwent P Clinton C Maclean R Lutz J Phillips/S Phillips G Gramarossa/M Gramarossa S Holley/S Mallonee R Lutz R Lutz/F Lutz L Anichini-Downen K Goguen/L Lawrence C Hirko/B Opsahl/G Putnam 98 95.5 95.5 94 94 92 90 89.67 89.33 88 87.25 87 86.67 86 85 85 85 84.5 83.5 83.25 83 83 82.33 79.5 74.67 74 71 71 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 4 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 3 4 3 1 1 1 Northwind’s Echo Of Poetry Seaspell’s Concord Point Wheatland Talltree Surrey Hill Petaluma Sunsation So B It At Karamac Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero Marial’s Mishicot Wild Indian Belaya Cirquedusol Kentruth Famous Grouse K Nierengarten/I Mullauer J Heffernan/d heffernan L Hayes/S Hayes L Duffy C Mcdermott E Adler D Borton C Siipola Chittum/V Carter L Duffy 98.33 98 98 97 97 96 96 94 91 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 Exc A 1 2 3 4 8 6 7 8 Exc B 1 2 2 3 3 4 8 6 7 8 Nov A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 Summit Red Silk Boxers Mirage’s Stack The Deck Aslan Artemis Harvest Moon Aaa Spike El Kandahar Hamrya’s Excalibur Whippoorwill Mystic Warburton Heart Of Steel Wolfram Ways Rabbit In The Hat Snow Hill Soul Unsigned Shamasan Hndhill Thief O’Hearts Mirage’s Here By Accident Amberwind Nasusa Wicked Moon Shamasan Wingardium Leviosa Belaya Cirquedusoleil Wolfram’s Mitzi The Celebrity Endeavor’s Reign Or Shine Karasar’s Royel Flush Interlude Wish Upon A Star C Huzel N Gordon/N Wascom M Caro/C Davies/T Caro L Hayes/S Hayes S Rogers/D Lynch A Andrews/B Henderson L Erickson K Couch S Lane/S Hughes L Crain/P Booth/S Honaker C Odom S Holley/S Mallonee L Crain/S Honaker/P Booth C Siipola Chittum/V Carter K Couch K Goguen/L Lawrence G Ball/K Kuper H St Hilaire/J Quimet Boulinguez 90.33 89.33 88.5 88.33 87.67 87.33 87 86.33 86 86 86 85 85 81 79 78 77 75 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 4 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 Orion’s Moondance Of Amulet Renegade’s Red Alert At Sea Krislyn Debmar Just A Dream Shannon Down Mind Control Amberwind Nasusa Wicked Moon Willabe Scarab Dobby Special Acres Desert Jasmine Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel K Richter-Sand/R Richter-Sand K Cole S Lane S Holley/S Mallonee L Lessmiller/R Lessmiller P Clinton A Andrews 89.67 87 86.33 80.67 79.33 78.33 76 74.33 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 Foxford Sam Hill Mirage’s Going For Broke Shaldramikater Drum Of Autum Thundering Tarnation Unsnkablgalacticwateringhole Loughren Pepper Of Rockabye Unsinkable Blessed Thistle Cogshall Forget Me Not Krislyn Take It Easy Chesara’s Mariki Nerys A Lubbers/J Lubbers N Gordon K Sibinovic/S Olmsted A Lubbers/J Lubbers A Schoenfeld C Austin/U James M Schoenfeld/L Nelson C Austin/U James A Sowders/D Bahm M Ronning 100 99 99 97 97 93 89 88 77 75.67 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Jammin’ Gunpowder Shannon Down Mind Control Belaya Silver Thistle Laurel Chase Leia Bug Tcs Zoomerang Avalon Just Say Uncle Abbey Boston Belle Devereux’s Evening Star Shaldra’s Kahlua And Cream Carry On Von Dutch Wildaspen’s Letz Do Th’ Wild Thang Whippoorwill Lady Of The Lake Nouveau’s Organized Chaos A McNiven/L Wilks/S Heiniger S Lane C Gillies J Pichette A McNiven M Lynne J Hopfenbeck R Brown/C Brown/A Bass S Dyer/K Dyer L Wagner 97.67 96.33 95.5 94.33 93.67 93 92.5 92 92 89.5 3 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 H Badgett/T Brumbaugh D Myers/J Myers/B Henderson E Houle 88.5 86.33 86 2 3 1 C Pearce/R Pearce/R Sipper/D Bahm The WhippeT NeWs JaNuary 2010 | 37 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Nov B 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 38 | Renegade Smokeless Wardance Halmarque Santa Cruz Belaya Sweet William Northwind’s Land Shark Heartland Hh Lamborgini Diablo Galewind’s Life Of Reilly Windwalkers Blueyed Misty Jo, Delcielo Solar Star K Dyer/R Nappier J Honza C Ellis S Krieger/C Krieger J Stewart/L Stewart/V Smith N Anderson/W Brizius L Lingle/M Breyer M Lu/R Lattuga 86 86 81 80.33 77.33 75 74 73.5 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 Lanaken’s Hot-Shot Hero Midori Days De Sud Affinity Like A Rock Anlan’s Sierra Mist Starline’s Extra Savoir-Faire Sunsation So B It At Karamac Mirage’s Accidents Happen Cherche’s Chance To Dance Aaa Spike El Kandahar Surrey Hill’s Ripon Jewel Longlesson Turtle Dove Mama Mia Sky High Vitesse Full Pull Interlude Wish Upon A Star Baccarat Luck Be A Lady Krislyn Debmar Just A Dream Wheatland Talltree Summit Red Silk Boxers Wildaspen’s Letz Do Th’ Wild Thang Chesco Man On The Run Snow Hill Soul Unsigned Warburton Ww Southern Skies Belaya Silver Thistle Shamasan Smokin’ Magic Sporting Field Just Deal With It Biscuit Ima Leda’s Loving Swan Devereux’s Evening Star Karasar’s Jackpot Hamrya’s Excalibur Wegner’s On The Sly Diablesse Say Surrey Hill Wolfram’s Mitzi The Celebrity Agstone Punch Diademas Shaldra’s Kahlua And Cream Marial’s Mishicot Wild Indian Kelave’s Call Me Diamond Domino Brazil Bardot Tivio N Woodrose Crazy For You Shaldra Mikater Jitterbug Finghin’s Time Bandit Finghin’s Dropkick Murphys Redglen Wyl E Coyote K Planchak I Mullauer R VanTassell T Lubbers/A Lubbers/J Lubbers R Miller C Mcdermott C Odom S Colflesh L Hayes/S Hayes K Lee/K Fredericks/L Anichini L Hayes/S Hayes C Huzel 100 99.33 99 99 99 98.75 98.75 98.5 98.5 98.33 98 98 98 98 98 97.67 97.5 97 1 3 2 1 1 4 4 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 H Badgett/T Brumbaugh L Armstrong S Lane/S Hughes L Erickson/P Renzull C Gillies M Shanley E Feldheim B Lawrence B Stockard R Brown/C Brown/A Bass G Ball/K Kuper S Rogers/D Lynch C Austin/U James L Anichini-Downen K Couch C Stone/B Lowans S Dyer/K Dyer D Borton E Rogers/S Rogers P Ewing/B Lessley C Foxx/J Hite/T Hite J Myers/D Myers B Lessley/P Ewing/C Williams E McMichael/S McMichael H Tatro/D Tatro 96 96 95.67 95.67 95 95 95 94.5 94.33 94 93 92 92 92 91.67 91.33 90.5 90 90 89.33 89 88.33 88 88 87.33 1 3 3 3 1 3 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 2 1 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 L KENNEL/S PEAK/M PRICE/L PRICE R Henery L Costello/J Szymaniak H St Hilaire/J Quimet Boulinguez R Russ/M Metevia C Pearce/R Pearce/R Sipper/D Bahm 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Summit About Last Night Windwalkers Katrinas Fanfare Sporting Field Just Deal With Amberwind Hamrya Tears Of Fire Atelier It’s About Time Bravado’s Jeronimo Agstone Fonseca Cosacos Bitterblue’s Nestor Galewind’s Life Of Reilly Warburton Roots Of Rhythm Cherche’ Silver Jubilee Laurel Chase Leia Bug Anlan Sam Adams Mariki Kalico Roketsred Glare Belaya Silver Lining Finghin’s Summer Ale Of Anlan Shamasan Lumos Solarum Blackmarbles CR Winter Ryde Amherst Woods Forever Windrose Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel Rideout’s First Edition Of Mimbres C Huzel R Fremo/S Fremo E Feldheim S Holley/S Mallonee K Harwood S Orman/L Orman C Stone/B Lowans L Garwacki/P Garwacki N Anderson/W Brizius S Phillips/P Renzulli S Colflesh/C Durance J Pichette C Canard G Gramarossa/M Gramarossa C Siipola Chittum/V Carter E McMichael/S McMichael M Shanley/P Booth B Wood S Kirkham A Andrews D Myers/J Myers/P Rideout 86.67 86.67 86 85.67 85.5 85.33 85 85 84.75 84.67 84.5 84 84 83.67 82 80.33 78.5 78 77.5 75 72.67 3 3 1 3 4 3 1 1 4 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 4 2 1 3 Obedience Ranking 1/1/09 thru 11/30/09 Class Nov A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nov B 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 Average Dog Name Owner Qualify ing Scores 190.5 190 186.5 183 182.83 182 180 177.33 174.5 173 Abbey Boston Belle Affinity Like A Rock Devereux’s Evening Star Cabria’s Spell Of The Sea Marial’s Mishicot Wild Indian Where Its Att Moon Beam Triton Wildaspen’s Letz Do Th’ Wild Thang Kinvara Victory Of Endeavor Wolfram Ways Rabbit In The Hat Shantellie Countess Of Steel J Hopfenbeck R Van Tassell R Brown/C Brown/A BASS M Conta/K Roberson D Borton W Whereatt/C Holliday H Badgett/T Brumbaugh G Vanderford/L Stewart K Couch P Campbell 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 195 194.17 194.17 194 192.5 191 191 190.6 190.5 190 189.5 189 188 188 187.5 Devereux The Sweetest Thing-Fanny Dreams Charm Me Warburton Heart Of Steel Midori Days De Sud Wheatland Talltree Paris Diablesse Say I Do Ima Leda’s Loving Swan Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero Hunterhill Snowdrift Seaspell’s Concord Point Krislyn Take It Easy Lucy Andrews Mirage’s Stack The Deck Northwind Top Speed Travlr De Sud Kamada Two Thumbs Up 5 3 3 4 1 1 4 5 1 3 1 1 1 4 1 186.33 Longlesson Turtle Dove T Lerner/M Lake P Younger L Erickson I Mullauer L Hayes/S Hayes L Anichini-Downen B Stockard E Adler G Ball J Heffernan/d heffernan A Sowders/D Bahm A Andrews N Gordon/N Wascom C Foss-Tietz/K Nierengarten W Tracy/M Tracy L KENNEL/S PEAK/M PRICE/L PRICE 3 The WhippeT NeWs JaNuary 2010 | 39 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Open A 1 2 Open B 1 2 Utility A 1 186 185.5 185 185 184.5 184.5 184.375 184 183.83 183.75 182.25 182 182 181.67 181 180.5 179.5 179 179 177.5 177.33 176.5 175 173 172.17 170 Wyatt Of Dodge City Summit Autumn Gabardine Martin Indigo Motion Blur Summit Red Silk Boxers Notorious Poeta Omg Fudge Surrey Hill’s Ripon Jewel Bitterblue’s Nestor Mirage’s Here By Accident Mariki Kalico Lets Get Physical Siskin’s Seventh Heaven Whippoorwill Mystic Aaa Spike El Kandahar Devonair’s Mysterious Ellery Lanaken’s Hot-Shot Hero Wildaspen’s Letz Do Th’ Wild Thang Kindred Hopes And Dreams Diablesse Say Surrey Hill Baccarat Luck Be A Lady Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel Indigo Charged To The Max Kentruth Famous Grouse Grand Prix’s Golden Eagle Endeavor’s Reign Or Shine Broadstrider Soul Of Heian Tnt’s La Femme Nikita Endeavor’s Hammer d heffernan/J Heffernan D Miller/A Miller C Huff/J Huff C Huzel V Jackson K Lee/K Fredericks/L Anichini L Garwacki/P Garwacki C Odom G Gramarossa/M Gramarossa J Pieper A Andrews/B Henderson L Hayes/S Hayes H Dansereau K Planchak H Badgett/T Brumbaugh I Scalone/B Malick L Anichini-Downen R Russ/M Metevia A Andrews L Obelcz/P Obelcz L Duffy C Maclean K Goguen/L Lawrence M Pruett/P Jones R Lutz C De Clerk 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 2 3 2 4 3 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 183.75 174.83 Devereux The Sweetest Thing-Fanny Geordon Seaspell Say Hey Kid T Lerner/M Lake L Kaufman/M Kaufman 2 3 Maverick Cowgirl Chic Foxford Sam Hill R Amado/H Heil A Lubbers/J Lubbers 2 1 Lakes Play Beyond Liberty T Lerner/M Lake 1 195 192 180.5 The above Rankings are compiled from the AKC Awards Publication. Please forward any questions to me at [email protected]. Below is the number titles earned in November according to the New Titles report from the AKC. Agility Excellent Master Agility Champion 2 Agility FAST Novice Excellent Agility Jumper Novice Agility Novice Agility Jumper Open Agility Total Agility Champion 40 | The Whippe T NeWs JaNuary 2010 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 9 20 Field Champion Junior Courser Master Courser Senior Courser Total Coursing 12 39 9 24 84 Companion Dog Rally Advanced Rally Excellent Rally Novice Total Obedience 4 5 4 5 14 WRAP Report: Volunteers Needed in Texas By Brigitte Greenberg For the last two years, Whippet Rescue and Placement volunteer Dianna Johnson has had as many as three Rescue dogs come in at a time. With Johnson covering everywhere from San Antonio to the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area, huge swaths of the second largest state in the country are going uncovered. Things have become so desperate at times that WRAP is being forced to rely on other rescue groups to help get dogs out of shelters, transport and even sometimes foster Whippets. Regional adviser Nancy Billups is north in Amarillo, and WRAP also has volunteers in Austin, Garland, Granbury, and Lantana, but more are desperately needed, Billups said. For Johnson, who has seen the most rescue action, it can be frustrating. “If a dog is in a shelter, WRAP can have all the cash in the world, but it's useless to me if I can't get there and can't get help,” Johnson said. “I can't spend 14 hours on the road. I can't drop my job and go.” Johnson said she believes that Whippet breeders in Texas can help, not just by making cash donations to WRAP, but also by pitching in to assist with transport and fostering Rescues now and again. “I get it that people are busy or whatnot, but my thing is, if you breed Whippets, I'm saying you can't just send cash, not in Texas,” Johnson said. “My slant has always been it's a way of giving back to the community.” Billups said the influx of dogs bounces back and forth between the Dallas/Ft. Worth, south Texas areas and Houston. “We have had a lack of volunteers,” said Billups, noting that she has taken in five dogs and Johnson as many as 20 in the last year. Billups and Johnson attribute the problem to puppy mills, a few breeders who don't adequately screen homes and then refuse to take their dogs back, and the economy. Between breeders who are trying to make a living off of breeding, and buyers who may lose their jobs, the situation has become untenable, Billups said. She noted that some breeders in Texas always have puppies available. The rewards for helping a dog can be immeasurable, Johnson said. She cited an older Whippet named Abby as one example. She came into Rescue in rough shape, after having been abandoned. Even at 11½ and after being treated for heartworm, she was adopted by a woman named Ashley and Abby lived out the rest of her life as a beloved pet. “What Ashley said to me was, ‘I was blessed to have her in my home and I would do it again in a heartbeat,’ and then I lost it because that's how I feel. A lot of dogs come to you when they're old and have had a hard life and you want to give them some comfort. With Abby, I was able to do that. That is the sole reason why I do this. It's those cases because it just renews my spirit to see a dog blossom like that and to give someone that joy.” If you are in Texas and can help or know someone who can help, please contact Billups at (806) 206-6470 or by email at [email protected] to get more information. To find out how you can adopt a Whippet in the Rescue program, please visit the WRAP website at, where you will find a list of Whippets who need homes. If you cannot adopt, please consider making a donation to WRAP. Donations can be mailed to WRAP Treasurer Jean Schroeder at 17502 S. 750 W. Wanatah, IN 46390. Adoptions for the month: Gerald Alimonti of NM adopted Truman; Sharon Ratterman of NM adopted Dash; Annin McAlpine of CT adopted Spook; Shelley Prophater and Graham Voss of TN adopted Emmy; Brenda Armstrong of NY adopted Andy; Todd Martin of IL adopted Zephyr; Glen and Lois Helton of GA adopted Tucker; Terrance and Susan Salak of IL adopted Mamas; Sarah and John Shumway of VA adopted Carson; Michael and Melanie Mazzone of FL adopted Troy; Brigitte Beaudry of CAN adopted Cappy; Todd Grover of MI adopted Cocoa; Emily Brunner of PA adopted Eden/Lyla; James and Erika Wong of CO adopted Samson and Delilah; and Tim and Alexa Allison of TX adopted Cooper. Thank you to the following people for making donations: Rebecca Dunn $25; Juanita Troyer $10 for sale of collar charms; Leigh Ann Bauer in memory of "Eli" Am/Can Ch. Colburn Oh My Heavens!; Marguerite and Russell Jacobs $50; Joseph and Mary Haddock $50; Ian Herrick and Dawn Livingstone $250 in tribute to Emma-Emily; Western Region of AWC $300 from their specialty; Pamela Campbell $27; Pamela Kay Blesh in memory of her beloved Whippet HighTones Pajama Game "PJ"; Connie Alexander $30; Michael Peck $45; Mikel Miller $30; Ellen Brilliant $100 in tribute to Jennifer Hime "the best K9 counselor in the world"; Kari Bigger $100; Tom Hanton $100 in memory of Ruth Browns' Bianca; Patricia Spinazzola $50; Gregory and Rachel Kurstin $300; Frank and Helen Myers $30 in memory of Devo; Brenda and Andy Hartle $200 to help other Whippets find their forever homes like Gracie did; Susan Stanley in honor of Ellen Pehek, Banjo, Rina and Corky; Christi Shewman $100; Carl and Nancy Schramm $250 in memory of Black Marble Claymar Madeira Dance SC "Colie"; Neil and Kathleen Ryan $200; Jason Cohen $500 in remembrance of Cliona 11-14-01 to 12-17-08 Forever Daddy's Little Girl; Kenneth and Faye Olafson $100; Kevin and Elizabeth Sprouls $150 in honor of Max; Jeffrey Nelson and Robert Cogorno $100 in honor of Steve, Casey and Cosmo. Abby Kera Truman THE WHIPPET NEWS Christine Hopperstad, Editor 130 34th Ave. E. editor Christine hopperstad, Seattle, WA 130 34th ave e 98112 seattle Wa 98112 Eugene Jacobs
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December 2009 AWC News - American Whippet Club
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