In thIs Issue - American Whippet Club
The Official Newsletter of The American Whippet Club September 2012 In this issue AWC: The Official Poop Letter to the Editor Midwest Specialty – Judge’s Critique Mrs. Scott at the North Central The World’s Most Expensive Whippets? North Central Specialty – Judge’s Critique Our Friend the Dog Obedience Report The American Whippet Club Table of Contents OFFICERS President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 David Samuelson, President 651.454.4174, [email protected] Editor’s Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Lisa Costello, Vice President 815.695.1930, [email protected] AWC: The Official Poop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Gail Boyd, Treasurer 919.362.4427, [email protected] Letter to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Board of Directors Henry Heil, 619.445.1777, [email protected] Christine Hopperstad, 206.322.5872, [email protected] Karen Lee, 610.932.4456, [email protected] Crystal McNulty, 309.579.2946, [email protected] Cindy Scott, 719.594.9974, [email protected] Harold “Red” Tatro, 817.297.2398, [email protected] Class of 2013: Henry Heil, Christine Hopperstad, David Samuelson Class of 2014: Lisa Costello, Cindy Scott Midwest Specialty – Judge’s Critique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Mrs. Scott at the North Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The World’s Most Expensive Whippets?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Advertising in The Whippet News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 North Central Specialty – Judge’s Critique . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Our Friend the Dog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Class of 2015: Gail Boyd, Karen Lee, Crystal McNulty Advertising in the 2012 AWC Annual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 AWC COMMITTEE CHAIRS Obedience Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Archives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bo Bengtson, 805.646.3151 Futurity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathy Slater, 618.585.4677 Health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Connie Austin, 217.498.8661 Dr. Connie Brunkow, [email protected] Dr. Lisa Costello, [email protected] Judge’s Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Dukes, [email protected] Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Hubble, 719.272.7037 Parade of Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alice VandenBussche, 315.945.2672 Performance Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Lisa Costello, 815.695.1930 ROM Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gail Boyd, 919.362.4427 Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindy Scott, 719.594.9974 Top Twenty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Waggoner, 541.347.2171 Versatility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sharron Lane, 615.418.7216 AWC Show Chairs National. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindy Scott, 719.594.9974, [email protected] Eastern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harriett Lee, 434.295.4525, [email protected] Midwest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pat Richey, 330.806.6945, [email protected] N. Central. . . . . . . . . . . . David Samuelson, 651.454.4174, [email protected] THE WHIPPET NEWS Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor 206.322.5872, [email protected] 130 34th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112 Kirsten Hopperstad, Associate Editor 206.325.7743, [email protected] Subscriptions One-year (the monthly newsletter and printed annual): Online-only newsletter $25. Printed newsletter (plus online access) $45. Foreign subscribers: online-only newsletter $25. Printed newsletter (plus online access) $60 Advertising rates (on a space available basis) $50 per page with one photo, each additional photo $10 $40 per page submitted as camera-ready (.pdfs preferred, see ad specs below) Text only, no photos: full page $35, half-page $25 Southern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken Latimer, 706.296.5489, [email protected] Advertising Specifications Contact the Editor for file submission specifications or go to: specifications.pdf Western. . . . . . . Pam Magette, 562.598.8717, [email protected] DEADLINE: the first day of the month for that month’s issue AWC Breeder referrals Mary Downing, [email protected] Payments: Subscription and advertising payments may be made by PayPal at: or by check to the editor (address above). INDEPENDENT WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS THE WHIPPET NEWS ANNUAL Whippet Health Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Beth Arthur, 414.355.4776 Wendy Clark, Annual Editor 614.777.0124, [email protected] 5088 Breckenhurst Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026 S. Central. . . . . . . . Kathy Rasmussen, 913.681.8929, [email protected] Whippet Rescue, WRAP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Barbara Henderson, 301.490.6598 AKC DELEGATE ASFA DELEGATE Bo Bengtson, 805.646.3151 [email protected] Claudia Miller, f/k/a CJ Foxx, 303.589.9238 Applications for AWC membership may be obtained either on request from Membership Chair Jackie Hubble, 719.272.7037 or on the AWC website: 2 On the cover: a classic line-drawing from Eugene Jacobs, husband of Sybil Jacobs, Whippet News Editor from the 1950’s and 60’s | The Whippet News September 2012 Current issue: 2011. Back issues available for 1986–2010 (except 1987 and 1990–1992). Cost: $25 each, ($30 each foreign), including shipping; all funds in U.S. dollars, payable by check or money order and mailed to the Annual Editor (address above). Purchase can also be made through PayPal at: http://www. The American Whippet Club and The Whippet News assume no responsibility for statements or claims made in the letters to the editor or advertisements that appear in its publications. President’s Message The leaves are turning to beautiful hues of red and orange. There is a crispness to the air. Fall is upon us. Now more than ever I enjoy my morning walks with my Whippet gang. I hope you are, too. This month has brought about some changes to the Board of Directors. Scot Northern has decided to resign from the AWC board. Scot, you will be missed. I would like to thank Scot for his service to the club. Per our Bylaws the Board members have appointed Harold “Red” Tatro to the vacancy. Red was the next highest vote-getter in the last annual election and a natural choice to fill the position. Red brings a wealth of knowledge to this position. He has many years of experience serving breed and all breed clubs. Please join me in welcoming him to the Board. Memberships. We have received a couple of suggestions of possible members. If you know of a deserving person please send any Board member a detailed letter identifying the significant contributions the candidate has made to the sport, the breed or the Club. The American Kennel Club will be updating the AKC Complete Dog Book. We have been asked for our input in the new revision. Karen Lee has agreed to head this committee with fellow contributors Bo Bengtson and Dr. Lisa Costello. We look forward to seeing their work in the new edition. And a special welcome to new member Jennifer Smith! Safe Travels, David We are in the process of determining who will assume the Secretary position. Please be patient as we work through this transition. The Board has formed the nominating committee for the annual election of the Board of Directors. Gail Boyd is the chair of the committee and fellow committee members include Brad Briscoe and Jennifer Beach-Buda. Alternates are Libby Rice and Donna Bost. If you are interested in running in the board election please contact one of the committee members. In a previous President’s message I reported that the new Bylaws have been accepted and are now posted on the AWC website. With the acceptance of the new Bylaws, the Board has the ability to grant Honorary Editor’s Notes DEAR READERS Today is the first day of autumn and the weather has decided for once to behave seasonally and we have an overcast day with cooler temperatures. The dogs aren’t so happy about it; they LOVE to lie on the pads on the patio so they can soak up the sun. Isn’t it funny how they lie in the sun until they’re panting like mad and have to stagger off to the pads in the shade until they’re cool enough to go back and bake some more. For those of you who might worry about it, we’ve never had a Whippet turn up with a sunburn or skin problems of any kind. They seem to have a sixth sense about how much is enough. – I hope all of you are experiencing weather that has lost the challenges of an over-heated summer. – The local show chair for next year’s National in Oregon has been under the weather herself for the last few weeks and is now on the mend. I’ll speak for all of us and wish Sue Carbajal a steady return to good health. Christine NEW SUBSCRIBER Michael Long, Roanoke, VA WELCOME BACK James Clever, Fort Loudon, PA TIME TO RENEW Allyn Boucher, Martha Cramer, Stephanie Gladney, Scott Mazer, Sharon McCollum, Wendy Montroy, D’Layne Parker, Joanne Pelton, Stefan Raghammer, Richard Steele September 2012 The Whippet News | 3 AWC: The Official Poop APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP Elizabeth Campbell, 1403 West Heavens Gate Ave., Taylorsville, UT, 84123, 801.580.9329, [email protected]. Endorsers: Janet Walters and Susan Mallonee Betty C. Carroll, P.O. Box 1722, Pulaski, VA, 24301, 540.320.5358, [email protected]. Endorsers: Susanne Hughes, DVM and Gail Boyd Sara C. Krieger, 1656 139th St W., Rosemount, MN, 55068, 612.385.8500, [email protected]. Endorsers: Kay Nierengarten and Cassie Juelfs-Rogers Alexandra (Lexie) Rogers, 27 Lilac LN, Farmington, MN, 55024, 651.233.8561, [email protected]. Endorsers: Gina Samuelson and Lisa Costello Barbara G. Rupert, 1606 Joshua Tree LN, Fallbrook, CA, 92028, 760.723.6669, [email protected]. Endorsers: Bo Bengtson and Cindy Scott Kim and Tim Tucker, 972 Eastmont Pl., Escondido, CA, 92026, 760.839.9047, [email protected]. Endorsers for both: Henry Heil and Pamela Magette Comments regarding applicants may be mailed to AWC Membership Chair Jackie Hubble, 5472 Spoked Wheel Dr., Colorado Springs, CO, 80923, or emailed to sagehound@ and should be sent no later than 30 days after the applicant has been published in The Whippet News. AWC SHOW CALENDAR AWC National Specialy – Eugene, OR, April 21–27, 2013, AWC Southern Specialty – Thurs 10/18/12 (MAWA Specialty): Breed Judge Ann Meyer (Simbali Ridgebacks and Whippets), Sweeps Judge Margaret Norkett (Kenmar Whippets); Fri 10/19/12 Douglasville KC: Breed Judge Luc Boileau; Sat 10/20/12 (Southern Specialty) Atlanta KC: Breed Judge Judy Lowther (Pfyre Whippets), Sweeps Judge Stephanie Mason (Mason Hill Whippets); Sun 10/21/12 Newnan KC: Breed Judge Stephan LeVan (Irish Wolfhounds his initial breed) Greater San Diego Whippet Asso. Specialty – Friday 1/4/13, Indio, CA: Sweeps Judge Pam Lambie, (Tucson, AZ), Breed Judge Paolo Dondina, (Italy); Kennel Club of Palm Springs – Saturday, 1/5/13: Breed Judge Joy Brewster; KCPS, Sunday, 1/6/13 – Breed Judge Susan M. Carr PAST WHIPPET SPECIALTIES The following results from Whippet specialty shows which have not already been recorded in WN were listed on AKC’s website on Sept. 11, 2012. Sweepstakes results, Best Puppy, and Awards of Merit are not published by AKC. 4 | The Whippet News September 2012 American Whippet Club, Lompoc, CA on July 28, 2012. Judge Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter. Number of entries 99. Number of competitors 87 (41 dogs, 46 bitches). BOB Ch. Tangens Triton X-100. BOS GCh. Starline’s Oxford Victim of Love. Select Dog GCh. Counterpoint Painted by Bohem SC. Select Bitch Ch. Kamio Solar Flare. WD Windborn N’ Starline Movin’ Out. RWD Bohem Last Call. WB & BOW Lakota’s Witch Witch Are You JC. RWB Winway Classic Madeline. Western Washington Whippet Associaton, Auburn, WA on Aug. 3 (a.m.). Judge Mrs. Jacqueline Quiros-Kubat, Argentina. Number of entries 59. Number of competitors 54 (27 dogs, 27 bitches). BOB Ch. Oxford Rowingdale Beautiful Eyes. BOS Ch. Sunbeam Oxford El Cid. Select Dog GCh. Fanfare’s Cordova at Runners. Select Bitch Ch. Summit La Signora Cristabel. WD & BOW Highbridge Home Ice Advantage. RWD Sporting Field At Long Last Love At Heart. WB Sugarrun Diamond In The Sky at Summit. RWB Ripplerock Fantasia. Western Washington Whippet Association, Auburn, WA on Aug. 3 (p.m.). Judge Wendy J. Gay. Number of entries 50. Number of competitors 46 (24 dogs, 22 bitches). BOB GCh. Fanfare’s Cordova at Runners. BOS Ch. Oxford Rowingdale Beautiful Eyes. Select Dog Ch. Summit Above The Rim SC. Select Bitch Ch. Alcyon Twinkle Toes. WD Highbridge Home Ice Advantage. RWD Serendipity Malarkey at Whimsy. WB & BOW Summit Hoop Dreams. RWD Serendipity Skylark. American Whippet Club, held with Beaver County KC in Canfield, OH on Aug. 4. Judge Mrs. Iva Kimmelman. Number of entries 62 (22 dogs, 40 bitches). BOB GCh. & DCh. Cherché Bearfoot Hooker SC. BOS Ch. Plumcreek I’m A New Yorker. Select Dog Ch. Seaspell’s Storington. Select Bitch GCh. Willabe You Turn Me On JC. WD Divana Arborlea Just Having Fun JC. RWD Cariad’s The Ring of Fire. WB & BOW Plumcreek Romance In New York. RWB Kamada’s Radio City Rockette. Results from the AWC Specialty in Lake Elmo, MN on August 24 have not yet been published by AKC. Judge Ms. Karen A. Dumke had an entry of 64. Bo Bengtson Show chair report GREAT NEWS!! AKC has approved the following new rule rewarding a 3-point major to the Reserve Winners Dog and Reserve Winners Bitch at the National Specialty. This is effective January 1, 2013 so our National in Oregon will include this great new rule: “Unless the Parent Club, in its Application to the AKC to hold its National Specialty, chooses to exclude the following award: At the National Specialty the dog designated Reserve Winners Dog and the bitch designated Reserve Winners Bitch will be awarded a three-point major, provided that the number of dogs competing in the regular classes of the Reserve Winner’s sex totals at least twice the number required for a five point major, in the region in which the event is held. No major for Reserve Winners shall be given based upon an award of Best of Winners. In counting the number of eligible dogs in competition, a dog that is disqualified, or that is dismissed, excused or ordered from the ring by the judge, or from which all awards are withheld, shall not be included.” EUGENE NATIONAL Sue Carbajal, Red Tatro and I are working out the details for the new Show Treasurer which we will be implementing in 2013. The website for info is and you will soon start seeing info about the National on the site. The trophies this year, besides the plates, will be the beautiful artwork of Yvonne Sovereign. WESTERN REGIONAL Pam Magette, the Western show chair will be posting some other info in this edition but I just wanted to throw in a big thank you to all that helped out this year for the last show in Lompoc. Next year it will be a new adventure in Long Beach and hopefully will draw a great crowd. JUDGES SELECTION By now all members should have received a ballot for selecting the 2014 National Specialty judge. Please take time to vote. This is your National!! We have received a proposal for National judges selection from Bobby Paust. Please read and send me your thoughts on this. “Upon receiving the ballot this year for the National Specialty judges and after putting a lot of thought into the process as it is. I have some ideas to put out to the membership. There are so many people who are eligible to judge, but are not really “qualified.” By qualified, I mean true students of the breed. As exibitors, don’t you find that there are some judges who you will not show to at all? and some that you would really respect their opinion? Well, the list that is sent out is HUGE, and filled with many people who simply will just never really be our choice to judge our national specialty. It is overwhelming for some to see that list. And sometimes it is not even a complete list of those who are qualified. In fact, it leaves out many foreign judges who many would LOVE to show to.” Proposal to the America Whippet Club general meeting, April, 2013: That a judge’s committee, to nominate judges for the AWC national specialty, be elected by the members of the AWC at its general yearly meeting. The committee would have 3 members, each elected for a term of 2 years. The first election would have the selection of a person for one year and 2 for a term of two years. The following year the members would have to fill one seat for a term of two years. A person cannot serve on the committee for more than three consecutive terms. The work of the committee would be to accept suggestions from the general membership as well as those on the committee itself, to construct a ballot of judges for the membership to vote upon. Suggestions from members are to be in the form of an email or letter sent to the committee. The committee’s judges list is to include: two breeder judges, two hound specialist judges and two foreign judges. No financial reimbursement will be given to the committees members. Regards, Robert Paust, September 3, 2012 JUDGING A PARENT CLUB SPECIALTY AKC has just enacted some new guidelines for judging a National or other specialties. One, the Parent Club can recommend someone to judge their breed as long as they meet the criteria. Two, the Parent Club can invite eligible individuals to judge their breed. Rather than me trying to explain it I have included the new guidelines and would love to hear from you regarding this new information from AKC. Parent Club’s Recommendation for AKC Approval on a member of their club to judge their breed To participate, the Parent Club must have been recognized by AKC for a minimum of 10 years. Parent Club is invited to submit recommendations, not to exceed three members each year. Submit certified copy of meeting minutes at which action was taken by the Parent Club Board. continued on page 6 September 2012 The Whippet News | 5 AWC: The Official Poop continued from page 5 Requirements from Applicant/Judge All Recommendations by Parent Clubs must include 20 years in the breed by applicant with breeding/exhibiting success. Must include 10 year’s membership in Parent Club. Must be occupationally eligible. Must be 21 years of age. Procedural and anatomy test required and if applicable, scale and wicket test required. Provide letter of synopsis defining background and experience in the breed. Pass interview with AKC Executive Field Representative. Complete three permit assignments with dogs present and AKC Executive Field Representative reports before applying for regular status. A non-refundable $25 per breed processing fee required. Parent Clubs by Request May Invite Eligible Individuals to judge their Nationals or Specialties Requirements for Applicant/Judge Any eligible individuals including, but not limited to, professional handlers may be approved on a case-by-case, event-by-event request from the National Specialty Club for approval to judge their Parent Club National or Parent Club Regional events. Must be 21 years of age. Must be occupationally eligible. Should be knowledgeable, with success in breeding/ exhibiting/handling in the breed for 15 years or more. North Central Specialty report It is hard to believe another specialty has come and gone. It never ceases to amaze me what a great group of people we have in this region. So many step up to the plate and help out when we need them. This year posed its own set of challenges, weather, family weddings, etc. but once the show got going it took on a life of its own. Kay Nierengarten reminded me that this was the 10th AWC North Central Specialty. I think this year was a wonderful tribute to the Whippet breed and sportsmanship. Thanks to our judges: Karen Dumke, Dee Halley, Cindy Scott, Connie Alexander and Steve Hockstein. They were easy to work with, thorough, and enjoyable. We had a few laughs including the stud class with one entry and a ring full of dogs and how could any of us forget the surprise that awaited Cindy Scott when she checked the bite on Quincy only to find remnants of a toy wedged in between his teeth (see Kay’s story in this issue on page 18). We were honored to have Dee Halley judging the sweepstakes and presenting the Stan Halley trophy for Best Puppy. I would like to thank the many volunteers that made the weekend special. At the last minute two of our friends from our all breed club volunteered to steward on Friday. Thank you Kim and Carol. The Greater Twin Cities Whippet Club sponsored the morning treats hosted by Carol Juelfs, Cassie Juelfs Rogers and Lexie Rogers. The trophy table was filled with wonderful prizes thanks to many generous donors. The luncheon was once again tasty and delightful. Thanks Roger Fremo for bringing the yummy pie. The raffle went off without a hitch thanks to Steve Shimer, Jodi Ellison and Todd Miller. Proceeds from the raffle were used to support the lunch. (Professional handler is defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay.) This year’s specialty was held in memory of Shirley Fremo a long time Whippet fancier and supporter of the specialty. The AWC North Central Specialty was Shirley’s favorite dog show. She passed away on the day of the specialty in 2011 so it was only fitting we pay tribute to her this year. Her husband, Roger Fremo, presented the Best of Breed trophy in her memory. We will all miss sitting with Shirley ringside. I can picture her in her folding chair in the front row under the tents smiling and laughing with her friends. Godspeed Shirley, your spirit will always be with us. Thanks! Cindy Scott AWC Show Chair Gina Samuelson AWC North Central Specialty Trophy Chair Procedure and anatomy test required and if applicable, scale or wicket test required. A non-refundable $25 per breed processing fee required for non-approved judges. 6 | The Whippet News September 2012 Whippet Health Report New Eye Certification Registry The OFA has announced a new Eye Certification Registry (ECR). This is actually a joint effort between OFA and the people who perform the eye exams, the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO). The new registry will work very similarly to CERF in terms of forms, fees, exams, CHIC, etc. but will be more inclusive of all eye diseases, including dogs examined for abnormal problems. All normal results will be posted on OFA, abnormal results will be with owner permission. This will help direct heritable eye disease research funding and will provide a much more inclusive database for use in helping to eradicate eye diseases in our dogs. Because we have an amazing number of Whippet owners who are diligent about eye testing, I recommend you read the press release in this issue along with the FAQ’s put together by OFA. If you still have questions you can direct them to myself, Dr. Connie Brunkow or Eddie Dziuk at OFA. The Official Press release from OFA The new OFA Eye Certification Registry will be available as of November 1, 2012. Transition to this new registry should be seamless for both owners and examining ophthalmologists: EXAMS – There will be no changes to the existing exam protocols. The standard exam process will still be conducted by ACVO Diplomates assessing dogs for the presence or absence of observable hereditary eye disease. RESULTS – There will be no changes to the interpretation or classification of the exam results. Dogs with normal eye exams will receive OFA eye clearance numbers similar to the OFA numbers issued for hips, elbows, cardiac, etc. Dogs with observable, but passing conditions (currently known as Breeder Option Codes), will be issued notated OFA eye clearance numbers. Dogs with observed eye diseases of significance will be reported as ineligible for eye clearance numbers. A complete list of Breeder Option Codes and Ineligible Categories will be available on the OFA website soon. FORMS – All active ACVO Diplomates will receive the new OFA exam forms by mid-October in advance of the transition. The forms will be similar in format to the exam forms currently in use. VALID PERIOD – OFA eye certification numbers will be considered valid for one year from the time of the exam. to breeders it is important to encourage owners to share all exam data, both normal and non-passing results. To that end, there is no charge to owners to submit non-passing results to the database if they authorize open disclosure. ONLINE ACCESS – All normal/passing eye exam results submitted to the OFA will be available on the OFA’s website. Non-passing results will be available on the OFA website if the owner authorizes disclosure. AKC – OFA eye certification numbers will be shared with the AKC for inclusion on their registration and pedigree documents if the dog was permanently identified via microchip or tattoo AND the id was verified by the ophthalmologist at the time of the exam. STATISTICAL DATA COLLECTION – Regardless of whether the owner opts to register eye exam results with the OFA, the examining ophthalmologist will submit the results for statistical purposes to monitor disease prevalence and progression at the breed level. Working with the ACVO Genetics Committee, the OFA will make aggregate statistics available to ACVO Diplomates, breed clubs, and the public. In addition to the new Eye Certification Registry (ECR), the OFA is working with the ACVO to establish a new Clinical Database of Ophthalmic Diagnoses (CDOD). Recognizing that the ECR represents a biased population of primarily normal dogs, the CDOD will capture additional data regarding disease prevalence for those dogs presenting to private and institutional practices for reasons other than a certification exam. Together, the OFA’s new ECR and CDOD will be important tools to monitor canine inherited eye conditions and reduce their incidence. As a not-for-profit organization, a portion of the proceeds from all OFA eye registrations will be donated to the ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation to support research leading to the elimination of ocular diseases causing vision loss and suffering in animals. In keeping with the OFA’s existing policy to support canine health research grants, these donations will be in addition to grants supported through the AKC Canine Health Foundation and the Morris Animal Foundation. Please refer back to the OFA website ( in the coming weeks as more details become available. If your club has any questions in the interim, please contact the OFA’s Chief Operating Officer, Eddie Dziuk, at [email protected]. continued on page 8 FEES – Fees for both initial submissions ($12) and resubmits ($8) of passing results for eye certifications will remain the same with one change. In order to maximize the benefits September 2012 The Whippet News | 7 AWC: The Official Poop continued from page 7 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS regarding the new OFA Eye Certification Registry Is the OFA Eye Certification Registry (ECR) replacing CERF? Is CERF going away? The OFA and CERF have always had a collaborative working relationship. However, we are two distinct organizations. The OFA cannot speak for CERF. The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) has designated the OFA’s Eye Certification Registry as their endorsed registry as of November 1, 2012. ACVO diplomates (veterinary ophthalmologists) will be receiving OFA eye examination forms in mid-October, and the ACVO is encouraging their use and registration of results with the OFA going forward. How will this transition affect those breeds including CERF as one of their CHIC requirements? The key element of the requirement is the exam itself, not the organization registering the result. There are no differences in the eye examination protocol whether the intent is to register with CERF or the OFA. The exam protocol and the resulting interpretation and classifications are the same. Prior to the transition date, all CHIC requirements that currently include CERF eye exams will automatically be updated. The new criteria will read, “Eye examination by an ACVO Ophthalmologist with the results registered with either the OFA or CERF”. Going forward, both OFA and CERF registrations will meet the CHIC eye exam criteria. Will the OFA continue to display CERF results on their website? All public domain data that CERF has previously shared with the OFA will be archived and will continue to be displayed on the OFA website. Is my ophthalmologist aware of the transition? The ACVO Board of Regents communicated formally with all active diplomates in early August. The OFA has also communicated with all active diplomates regarding the implementation. Additionally, the new program will be formally rolled out at the Annual ACVO Meeting in October. Are there any differences between the OFA’s Eye Certification Registry and CERF? For the average dog owner, there are no significant differences. The exam protocol, interpretation of results, and fees are all the same. Eye exam results registered with the OFA will continue to generate certification numbers, and these will be forwarded to the AKC and displayed on the OFA website. 8 | The Whippet News September 2012 Since there are no significant differences in registering results with the OFA or CERF, what are the benefits of one over the other? The primary benefits of the new ACVO and OFA joint Eye Certification Registry are on the backend. The OFA has committed to more frequent and enhanced reporting of aggregate statistics regarding disease prevalence and progression by breed. Enhanced reporting will be available for ACVO diplomates and for parent breed clubs. Regularly updated aggregate statistics will be made available to the public via the OFA’s website. The OFA is also establishing a Clinical Database of Ophthalmic Diagnoses to capture data from ACVO diplomates on canine eye exams in an institutional or practice setting where the dog is presenting for reasons other than a certification exam. The inclusion of this data will greatly enhance disease monitoring. As a notfor-profit organization, the OFA will be sharing a negotiated percentage of all eye registrations with the ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation to support research leading to the treatment and elimination of ocular disease. Submission of eye exams to the OFA will support all of these efforts and will maximize the value of data in a single central database. CERF exams are currently considered valid for one year. What about the OFA Eye Certification Registry? OFA eye certification numbers will also be valid for one year from the time of the exam. If I previously submitted an eye exam to CERF, and submit follow up exam results to the OFA, will the OFA charge the initial or resubmit fee? In the above scenario, even though it represents an initial submission to the OFA, if a previous CERF submission on the dog is documented, the reduced resubmit fee ($8) will be applied. How should breed clubs that incorporate specific CERF language into their Code of Ethics, Breeder Guidelines, Advertising Requirements, etc handle the transition? Neither the OFA nor the ACVO can dictate how clubs handle these types of changes, especially since the changes may be specifically governed by their club Constitution, Bylaws, or Operating Policies. However, since the eye exam is the key element, not the registry, the OFA recommends updating such language in line with the following…”eye examination for observable inherited eye disease by an ACVO diplomate (ophthalmologist) with the results registered with either the OFA or CERF” . Can I submit a CERF exam form to the OFA’s Eye Certification Registry? Since the exam data is the same, the OFA will accept submissions recorded on CERF exam forms. However, so the owner’s intent is clear, the OFA will require a signed note from the owner or authorized agent indicating they would like the exam results entered into the OFA Eye Certification Registry, and accompanying payment must be made to the OFA. If a submission includes a check payable to CERF, the application will be returned. How will OFA assign eye certification numbers and how will they differ from CERF? The OFA will assign eye certification numbers for dogs found free of observable inherited eye disease. Dogs with observable, but passing conditions (currently known as Breeder Option Codes), will be issued notated OFA eye certification numbers. Dogs with observed eye diseases of significance will be reported as ineligible for eye certification numbers. The OFA eye certification numbers will follow the same format as existing OFA numbers for other disease databases. The following example illustrates the anticipated format: LR-EYE-100/24M/VPI. In this example, the first two characters indicate the breed, in this case a Labrador Retriever. EYE indicates this is an OFA eye number. 100 would indicate this is the 100th Labrador assigned an OFA eye number. These numbers are issued sequentially within breed. 24M indicates the age in months at the time of evaluation, and the sex. VPI indicates that the dog was permanently identified via microchip or tattoo and the examining ophthalmologist verified the id during the examination. Other possible suffixes would include NOPI (no permanent identification provided), or PI (permanent id provided on the application but not verified by the examining ophthalmologist). Only dogs with verified permanent identification will have their normal results automatically shared with the AKC for inclusion on their registration and pedigree documents. Breeder option codes will be noted on the OFA report and on the OFA website. confidential while releasing the passing certification number. Non-passing results will only be posted and released if the owner authorizes disclosure. Will eye exam clinics continue to be held at dog shows? Eye exam clinics are arranged independently by the show giving club and the attending ophthalmologist. There is no reason to believe that these will be discontinued. More Information If you have any additional questions regarding the new OFA Eye Certification Registry, you can contact Dr. Lisa Costello at [email protected]. Most questions asked are answered in the above FAQ. This will be a wonderful new addition for the OFA program as they will be tracking not only the results from regular exams but also those dogs who present for abnormal conditions to Ophthalmologists registered with the ACVO. Respectfully submitted, Dr. Lisa Costello [email protected] What will be the OFA’s policy regarding posting of eye exam results on the OFA website? The OFA will follow its existing policy for posting of exam results. All normal/passing results are considered public domain information and will post and display on the OFA’s website. Dogs with observable, but passing conditions (currently known as Breeder Option Codes) will have their results posted and released into the public domain, including the specific notation. There is no option to keep a passing observable breeder option code condition September 2012 The Whippet News | 9 PReSentinG tHe WRAP StORyBOOk – Our StOrieS Help support a fundraiser for Whippet Rescue and Placement! We’ve created a beautiful black and white 56-page booklet packed with images and heartfelt stories celebrating our rescue volunteers and the wonderful Whippets who have crossed the paths into our hearts, including narratives from all over the country. All proceeds from the sale of the storybook are designated to “The Brigitte Greenberg Fund” used to assist older dogs Whippet Rescue and Placement OUR STORIES and older people that might otherwise have to release their Whippet to rescue. Send a $12 check (includes postage) with your mailing address to: WRAP Storybook 6606 SW Capitol Hwy Portland, OR 97239 Any questions, please email [email protected] for more information. Thank you for your support! Letter to the Editor Editor’s Note: This is a letter sent to Bo Bengtson, written by longtime AWC member Chris House regarding an article in the 2011 Whippet News Annual. It also addresses the provenance of AWC Western Specialty trophies awarded in 1987. August 4, 2012 Bo, Just loved your article about the Landseer Whippet painting in the current AWC annual. And it is quite a coup that you were able to get permission for printing the painting in the annual. It truly is a fabulous painting. How fortunate that your hosts took you on a repeat visit to the Chatsworth House! If you could see my face as I write this, you’d wonder why I am wearing this funny smirky-smile... My husband has so little innate artistic talent that it is actually quite funny, in a very big HA HA way, that Paul thought perhaps Lee had something to do with carving the mahogany disk for the Whippet specialty really makes me (and Lee) laugh out loud!! I know you and I had a conversation about it last year – perhaps just via email – but I must help set the record straight with regard to this misperception. Kristy Kenyon and I were in charge of the AWC Western specialty trophies that year, 1987. Her sister, Kathy, lived in the Philippines at that time. Kathy is an artist with a couple of university Degrees in Art. She is quite talented. Kristy had Kathy commission the trophies to be made in the Philippines. Kathy did NOT make them. Someone there did. I believe Kathy now lives in San Diego county, so if you are curious to actually find out who carved your trophy, you might contact Kristy who could ask her sister. It is obvious that the carving is of this painting... no doubt the artist who carved it had knowledge of it or that engraving “The Chieftain’s Friend.” I don’t recall how the subject of the trophies was determined or even if there were suggestions on what to do. Certainly the artist had some direction... Perhaps Kristy has memories of just what else went on at the time with regard to the trophies. Maybe even Kathy will recall some details. Great addition to the Annual. Thanks for your contribution to make the annual informative and interesting to read. Best to you, Chris House Whippet magazines for sale • WhippetChampions1952-1980 $35.00 + postage • SighthoundReview1984-1987(4years) $200.00 + postage • WhippetChampions1981-1986 $35.00 + postage • SighthoundReview1990-1993(4years) $200.00 + postage • Who’sWhoinAmericanWhippets 1950-1980(listseveryWhippetwhoeither siredorproducedanAKCregisterlitter $35.00 + postage • TheGazehound 1977September/October;1978March/April;1978 May/June;1978July/August;1978September/ October;1980May/June;1981January/February 10.00 each + Postage Please contact: Henry A. Doder 2222Scottwood#4,Toledo,Ohio43620,Tel.419-241-1030(pleaseleavemessage) 12 | The Whippet News September 2012 Bronson Ch.* Bohem Last Call (SBIS GCh. Counterpoint Painted by Bohem, SC x GCh. Charlamar Sashays In White Linen) Bronson finished at 9 mo. 1 day by winning his fourth pedigree is studded with old favorites, such as BIS & major & BOB over a stellar collection of specials at SBIS Ch. Bohem C’est La Vie, SBIS Ch. Bohem Three Santa Barbara KC under judge Mr. Edd E. Bivin. At Ring Circus, Natl. Specialty Select Ch. Bohem Just In least six of the specials were BIS or SBIS winners. Time, and the dam of those three, SBIS Ch. Bohem All Bronson has only been shown five weekends and has never been defeated by any other puppy. He is from the first litter bred at Bohem in many years, and his **FLASH** BOS and BOB over 7 specials at his first two shows as a special! About Eve, ROMX, one of the most influential brood bitches of all time. Thanks for all the wonderful comments from judges and ringside alike! C O - Ow n e r s : *Pending AKC approval Ow n e r , B r e e d e r & h a n d L e r : Bo Bengtson Toni & John Comerford • Ridgesetter–Australia and Dick & Barbara Rupert • Oakhurst, CA Midwest Specialty – Judge’s Critique At last I can say I have added judging the Midwest Specialty in Ohio to my library of great assignments. I appreciate the entry and thank everyone who brought their sweet Whippets to me. On the day, I had a really tough time getting everything I wanted in one animal, but the top winners came closest to my ideal. I would see lovely outlines and powerful gait only to find the head was not breed specific. I was surprised to see many of the entry with these nice outlines and proper side gait who, when I went to view them head on, had very narrow back skulls, as narrow as the muzzle, which makes for a very unpleasing head and expression. I will forgive some head properties that deviate but this is taking it too far. Our standard is specific about the amount of width that is desired between the ears. Some of these Whippets had small eyes, but most had nice large eyes set almost on the side of the head. Many years ago Mary Beth Arthur wrote about oblique set eyes on Whippets and how incorrect it is. Well, it is still with us to some degree. I mention this to help keep our breed’s character intact, not hurt anyone’s feelings. by Iva Kimmelman Dogs I liked a lot: Sporting Fields Bermuda Shorts (moved really well even with a straighter upper arm than he should have), Cariad’s The Ring Of Fire (RWD), Lorricbrook Fascination and Hollowell Rumor Has It. My WD was Divana Arborlea Just Having Fun. A nice, honestly sound dog who finished his title on the day. Bitches were very strong, as usual for obvious reasons I mention above and several would be welcome to come live with me. Those I really liked: Kamada’s Radio City Rockette, Forgetmenot Miss Take, Longlesson Big Bang Theory, Sporting Fields Shamless (I believe it should have read Shameless, but this is how it was in the catalog) Laurel Jomyr Bewitched, Longlesson Albearm Born This Way, Cariad’s Full To The Rim and Lightfall’s On Willowisp’s Flight Of The Phoenix. WB/BOW went to Plumcreek Romance In New York. She was just flawless in shape and sound movement with a most pleasing head/expression and happy nature about her. There were so many beautiful specials... I was swooning with the decision process. I also wonder if some breeders understand proper conformation in dogs they bring to the ring to show as potential breeding stock. There were many exhibits that were straight from the top of the shoulder to the ground. Our standard is very specific about what we should be breeding for (BALANCE of angles front and rear) and this is not it. For new fanciers who want to breed good Whippets and make a difference in a positive way in your breeding plans, read our standard and look at lots of dogs. Don’t just show what you have, breed what you keep, and then continue the cycle if it isn’t correct. Make sure you stand for something in our breed and that your dogs match a real image of what a Whippet is supposed to be. I was especially impressed with many bitches and could have easily handed out several WB awards, BOB awards and more than the one WD award. The AKC rule of two testicles is keeping us down in the male department. I really believe this. Remember Barr Sinister the great Bull Terrier with one testicle. He revolutionized his breed for the better. People have asked if I would use a great dog with one testicle and I think I would. For a reasonable rationale, email me privately at [email protected]. 16 | The Whippet News September 2012 The Best Of Breed award went to GCh. DC Cherche Barefoot Hooker (pictured above). I have had her before and all I would change on her is the plane of her muzzle, but she has the most correct outline possible and soundness in all directions. She was shown in top running condition which helped push her to the top on the day. Best Opposite to Breed was Ch. Plumcreek I’m A New Yorker. A well made, elegant and sound mover with correct shape and correct male head. The rest of the very best in my opinion, on the day: Ch. Sporting Fields Bahama Sands (AOM), Ch. Kamada’s New York Minute, (AOM), Ch. Willabe You Turn Me On (Select Bitch) and Ch. Seaspell’s Stonington (Select Dog) and Cariad’s Full To The Rim (AOM). Mrs. Scott at the North Central Cindy Scott loves the North Central Regional Specialty. She was the specialty judge in 2006, braving a harrowing and heart stopping flight to get here and was back this year to judge the Saturday all-breed show. As always, David and Gina Samuelson put together a terrific group of volunteers to create a lovely Specialty weekend. Nice day, beautiful entry, pleasant exhibitors and sometimes an occasional odd happening. In the 6–9 puppy class an exhibitor who we will call “Kathie” had her puppy bitch up on the table. Of course, it’s one of the Terrible Ten of recent WN fame. Cindy examines the puppy, pauses, and with a mildly confused look, politely asks the handler to show her the bite. Since Cindy had simply examined all the puppies prior to hers, “Kathie” wondered what was wrong. As she showed the bite, it became apparent that the puppy had a piece of soft plastic from a dog toy impaled on her canine on the show side. Mortified, she tries to pull off the offending item, but it was well and truly stuck. Pretty soon both Cindy and “Kathie” both had their hands in the dog’s mouth, prying with fingernails from both sides to remove the plastic. They finally succeed and “Kathie” tucks the foreign object into her pocket. Cindy backs up to allow the puppy to be re-stacked for examination. All is well and the judging proceeds. On to Best of Breed – a beautiful group of Whippets are arranged on three sides of the huge, grassy ring. Out of nowhere, an exhibitor with a Border Collie runs full speed into the center of the ring, looks up and sees the Best of 20 | The Whippet News September 2012 by Kay Nierengarten Breed arrayed around her. She spins on her heel, saying loudly in embarrassment, OH, SH*T! and races out of the ring. Of course, we all are Minnesota nice, so the poor girl gets a polite round of applause. However, even Minnesota nice can’t resist a good joke. Knowing Cindy has a terrific sense of humor (anyone attending past years of Whippet Idol knows that….) an opportunity for a good laugh just couldn’t be passed up. Besides, “Kathie” was double-dog dared and was assured Cindy wouldn’t mind the unexpected. “Kathie” was also showing a special. After a little encouragement from her “friends,” she couldn’t resist putting the piece of plastic on her front tooth to wear into the ring for BOB. Cindy began to examine her group of lovely specials, reaching “Kathie” and her dog in line. Cindy began to examine her dog, never looking at the handler. The handler hisses, “Cindy, I’m baaaack,” surprising her and causing her to look up. “Kathie” flashes her a wide, toothy grin, exposing the plastic covered tooth. Cindy gasps out OMG! briefly losing it completely in laughter, leaning on the table for support. But, being a judge with vast experience and self-control, she regains composure quickly and continued on to her breed selections. Judges beware! We ARE Minnesota nice, but we also like to have a little fun… Kay Nierengarten Our Rockstar’s accomplishments include: Best In FuturIty, AWC nAtIonAl speCIAlty Judge Christine Durance Watkins, Cherche Whippets Best In sWeepstAkes, WAukesHA supporteD entry Judge Lisa Costello WInners Dog, AWC nAtIonAl speCIAlty Judge Connie Brunkow, Fallowfield Whippets Best In sWeepstAkes, nortH CentrAl speCIAlty supporteD entry Judge Steve Hockstein, Bayleaf Whippets WD AnD BoW, mAjor WIn, mIDWest speCIAlty WeekenD Judge Bonnie Threlfall WD, BoW & Bos, mAjor WIn to FInIsH, nortH CentrAl speCIAlty WeekenD Judge Cindy Scott, Brookwood Whippets BoB, A mAnA supporteD entry WeekenD Judge Red Tatro, Redglen Whippets Bos, A mAnA supporteD entry Judge Rachel Gongre, Deco Whippets In an effort to avoid all the fame and fortune going to his head, Jethro will stay home for awhile to stay grounded. No rehab for this Rockstar! Breeders/Owners: Shelley Kruger ~ Fanfare ~ [email protected] Joanne Boudreault ~ Forgetmenot ~ [email protected] Start the New Year right! The Greater San Diego Whippet Association presents an unbenched Designated Specialty Show and Sweepstakes within the Inland Empire Hound Club of Southern California Shows at the Empire Polo Grounds in Indio, CA. Majors are anticipated on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in conjunction with the Kennel Club of Palm Springs Shows. Friday, January 4, 2013 GSdWa SWeepStakeS JudGe Pam Lambie Tucson, AZ GSdWa Specialty JudGe Paolo Dondina Italy (BIS Judge at Westminster 2011) Saturday, January 5: kcpS JudGeS Breed: Joy Brewster, Group: David Miller, BIS: Sari Tietjen Sunday, January 6: kcpS JudGeS Breed: Susan M. Carr, Group: Susan M. Carr, BIS: Paolo Dondina Superintendent: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows Show closing date: Noon (PST) Wednesday, December 19, 2012 The World’s Most Expensive Whippets? by Bo Bengtson You don’t need to be particularly interested in art to have heard of Lucian Freud. He was, until his death last summer at 88 years of age, widely considered as the pre-eminent British artist of his time. His thickly impastoed portraits and figure paintings, often nudes, created great controversy in the media, he lived the kind of colorful life (multiple marriages and divorces, dozens of children, most of them extramarital, etc.) that artists are typically expected to live, and he had the added cachet of being Sigmund Freud’s grandson. The family, in fact, fled from Austria to England in 1933 to escape the rise of the Nazis, and he lived in London for the rest of his life. Generally considered grossly unflattering, his portraits sell for huge sums and are as revered in art circles as reviled by many outside: his 2001 painting of Queen Elizabeth was described in some circles as a “travesty.” In 2008 his huge nude “Benefits Supervisor Sleeping” was sold by Christie’s in New York for $33.8 million, a world record auction price for a living artist. "Double Portrait" 1986 "Pluto Aged 12" 2000 Freud was known to be very fond of animals, particularly dogs and horses, and what makes him particularly interesting to us is the fact that he owned and painted several Whippets — and generally treated them with a much gentler brush than his human models. From 1988 and for many years later he had a fawn Whippet bitch which he called Pluto, and his long-time assistant and close friend David Dawson still owns Eli, a fawn & white male, who was painted by Freud several times. Eli is reportedly a great-grand-nephew of Pluto and was a Christmas gift from Freud to Dawson. Poignantly, Freud’s last painting, which he was still working on at the time of his death, was of Dawson and Eli. The Whippets Freud painted are obviously purebred, and I am indebted to Joanna Russell’s breed column in English Dog World for identifying their registered names. The brindle bitch asleep on the couch with a young girl was named Affpuddle Lily of Copsebury (Darquell Misty Morning x Travimas Mooncluster); she was born in the 1980s and her pedigree is full of Dondelayo, Deepridge, Samarkand, Palmik and Oakbark dogs. Eli’s registered name is Darquell Dick Dastardly (Going For the Jackpot at Darquell x the CC-winning Darquell Dizzy Blonde), again with well-known English champions in the pedigree. Eli was bred by Jan Banyard, whose 24 | The Whippet News September 2012 "Eli and David" 2005-2006 Darquell dogs are behind all the Freud dogs. Pluto’s registered name is not known, but she also came from Darquell. Whippets have often been used as artists’ subjects, but few have captured their spirit as well as Freud, and certainly none have fetched higher prices than these have done. Bo Bengtson Advertising in The Whippet News Here are the rates and specifications for advertising in The Whippet News. Per the instructions below, you may submit your complete, camera-ready ad, or provide us with text and photos and we’ll design it for you. Any questions, just let us know. Thank you, and have fun with your Whippets! –Christine Hopperstad, Newsletter Editor N O N C a m e r a - r e a dy C a m e r a - r e a dy rates: $50 per page with one photo, each additional photo $10; Text only, no photos: full page $35, half-page $25 rate: $40 per page Text: Type your ad text or print it out very clearly on a layout sheet. Or include your content in the body of an email message or as an attachment. Photographs: Mail high-quality, original color photographs. Do not send color photocopies or inkjet prints. If you are emailing digital images for your ad (see submission info below), the resolution of the image should be 300 dpi (dots per inch) at the final size of the photo. Contact the Associate Editor for more information. Indicate special cropping of your photo(s) using a paper overlay or just specify what you want, like “dog only” or “dog and handler only”. Mark the back of each photo with a gummed label, including your name and address and the dog’s name (do not write on the back of your photos). If you are including several photos, number them and put corresponding numbers on the layout sheet. Original materials: All submitted materials will be returned with the advertiser’s copy of the newsletter. File formats: PDF (.pdf) files are preferred, created as single-page, “press quality” with all of the fonts embedded in the file. Other files types accepted: Adobe Photoshop (.psd, .jpg), Illustrator (.ai), InDesign (.indd), Microsoft Word (.doc), Publisher (.pub), and Powerpoint (.ppt). Very ImPOrTaNT: If sending a native file (anything other than a .pdf) all fonts and images used in the ad must be included in a zipped folder along with the original file. ad size: 8.5 x 11", with full-bleeds (content to the edge of the page). For the printed newsletter, add an additional clear space of .25” on each edge (page size: 9 x 11.5”) if you want the ad to bleed. PLeaSe See the next page for diagrams of single and 2-page (spread) layouts. Please note: For the print version of the newsletter, ads are printed in black and white. We will convert your color ad to a b&w version, ensuring that your text and photos look terrific and have good contrast. Or if you prefer, you may submit both versions. resolution: 300 dpi Color: Full-color online, then black and white for the printed version (see note above). RGB and CMYK color spaces are both accepted. File naming: Name your electronic file with either your Kennel name or your first initial, last name, then the month and year of the issue, then page numbers, if applicable. For example: “TidewaterMarch2012.pdf” or “SEvans_06-2012_pg1.pdf”. FOr aLL ad SubmISSIONS Contact information: Be sure to include all of your contact info with your submission, and the best times to reach you. You may also ask to see an electronic proof of your ad before we run it. Placement: Advertisers who wish their ads to be placed together or in a specific location may contact the Editor. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request. ad submission: Submissions up to 15 mg in size may be emailed to the Editor. Files larger than 15 mg must be either mailed on a disk to the Editor, or sent electronically using a free service for sending larger files like (contact the Associate Editor for details). Payments may be made by check, mailed to the Editor, or by PayPal at: deadline: Ads and full payment are due by the 1st of the month, for that month’s issue. 26 | The Whippet News September 2012 Newsletter editor Christine Hopperstad 130 34th Ave E Seattle, WA 98112 206.322.5872 [email protected] associate editor Kirsten Hopperstad 206.325.7743 [email protected] annual editor Wendy Clark 614.777.0124 [email protected] North Central Specialty – Judge’s Critique Thank you for inviting me to judge your fabulous Specialty! As always, the venue, the hospitality and the quality of the animals was top notch. My general impressions of the entry was that movement was very strong-- something which has been a problem in the breed in the past. The majority of the entry had the long, low ground covering movement that I love. Another thing I was pleased to see was the condition of the dogs. Muscle tone was overall good. All of my winners had beautiful breed type, proper movement, and the lovely curves that make a Whippet a Whippet. My only warning to breeders is to please not breed Borzoi heads on Whippets. I did see many entries with very refined, narrow heads with almond shaped eyes. These are Borzoi heads! by Karen Dumke Many of the classes, especially the puppy classes, Bred By Dog class and the Open bitch class were outstanding classes with unbelievable quality. Many entries who did not place could easily have won on another day. I had to split hairs to make my final decision. The Veteran classes and Best of Breed competition was a joy to judge with deep quality throughout. My final selection for BOB was a mature bitch with superb type, correct feminine head and eye, lovely curves and stunning movement/soundness. Again, I thank you all for giving me the opportunity to put my hands on your dogs and for allowing me to give my opinion at this Specialty. Best of Breed GCh. Snowcap’s Patent Leather September 2012 The Whippet News | 27 It’s time to hang up her hat... GCh. Snowcap’s Patent Leather (Ch. Wildcard N Snowcap’s Sovereign JC x Ch. Snowcap Taliesin Felicitations) Our beautiful GCH. Snowcap’s Patent Leather has been retired. “Patti” has accomplished more than we ever dreamed possible and has provided us with a myriad of unforgettable memories which include: #1 SBIS at the MIdweSt SPeCIaLty August 2010 under Judge Wendy Gay, and Group 1 under Mr. Charles Olvis #2 SBIS at the MetroPoLItan atLanta whIPPet aSSoCIatIon SPeCIaLty October 2010, under Judge Robert Indeglia #3 BoB at weStMInSter KC February 2011 under Judge Age Gjetnes #4 SBIS at the eaStern SPeCIaLty March 2011 under Judge Cindy Scott #5 SBIS at the north CentraL SPeCIaLty August 2012 under Judge Karen Dumke ...and take off her dancing shoes. Her outstanding accomplishments also include being awarded Bronze Grand Champion, being a participant in the Top Twenty Competition at the American Whippet Club National Specialty in 2011 and 2012, and winning the “Peoples’ Choice Award” at the Top Twenty in 2011. Our deepest appreciation to handlers Lesley Potts and Holly Eldred for Patti’s many thrilling wins. ownerS: Harriet Vincent COTTONWOOD and Diane Reimer SNOWCAP Our Friend the Dog Editors Note: The following article appeared in a bi-weekly magazine published by The Mentor Association in the early 1900’s. “The pur-pose of The Mentor Association is to give people, in an interesting and attractive way, the information in various fields of knowledge that they all want and ought to have. The information is imparted by interesting reading matter, prepared under the direction of leading authors, and by beautiful pictures, produced by the most highly perfected modern processes.” In fact, the entire 20-page magazine was all about dogs with several breed articles and a number of photographs (unfortunately nothing about Whippets). The motto on the cover was “Learn One Thing Every Day.” We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet; and, amid all the forms of life that surrounds us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us. A few creatures fear us, most are unaware of us. They do not love us, do not know us, scarcely notice us. Now, in this indifference and this total want of comprehension in which everything that surrounds us lives, where not the smallest sympathy has ever made a conscious leap from one species to another, one animal alone, among all that breathe upon the earth, has succeeded in breaking through the circle, in escaping from itself to come bounding toward us, definitely to cross the enormous zone of darkness, ice and silence that isolates each category of existence in nature’s unintelligible plan. This animal, our good familiar dog, simple and unsurprising as may today appear to us, is thus perceptibly drawing 30 | The Whippet News September 2012 nearer to a world in which he was not born and for which he was not destined, has nevertheless performed one of the most unusual and improbable acts that we can find in the general history of life. When was this recognition of man by beast, this extraordinary passage from darkness to light, effected? Did we seek out the poodle, the collie, or the mastiff from among the wolves and the jackals or did he come spontaneously to us? We cannot tell. So far as our human annals stretch he is at our side, as at present; but what are human annals in comparison with the times of which we have no witness? The fact remains that he is there in our houses, as ancient, as rightly placed, as perfectly adapted to our habits as though he had appeared on this earth such as he now is, at the same time as ourselves. We have not to gain his confidence or his friendship; he is born our friend; while his eyes are still closed, already he believes in us; even before his birth he has given himself to man. But the word ”friend” does not exactly depict his affectionate worship; he loves and reveres us as though we had drawn him out of nothing. He is, before all, our creature full of gratitude and more devoted than the apple of our eye. He is our intimate and impassioned slave, whom nothing discourages, whom nothing repels, whose ardent trust and love nothing can impair. Maurice Maeterlinck The Mentor Association, 1918 IntroducIng Dylan: Presence, style, Attitude A lcyon A Bit of Whimsy At morlAis (Am/Can Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums, Can. FCH x Alcyon Tykhi Fortuna) Thank you to Mary and Christine for letting this lovely boy come to California. We love his looks and his outgoing and enthusiastic personality. Pictured above at 11 months of age, we are very excited about his prospects! Look for Dylan to be selectively shown by Kim White. Owned by Frank and Sallie Richards [email protected] bred by Christine Hopperstad ALCYON and Mary Downing WHIMSY Advertising in the 2012 AWC Annual 2012 AWC Whippet News ANNUAL The time is near to gather your ads, candids, stories and all things “whippet-y” for the 2012 Annual! PULEEZE follow the instructions below to submit your completed camera-ready ad(s) – OR – provide us with text and photos and we will gladly design it for you at no extra charge. Any questions, just contact the WNAnnual Editor! Fees still at the lowered rates set last year! AD RAtes:___________________________________ Inside Front Cover Available ............................ contact Editor Full Page Ad - Black & White ....................................... $ 125.00 Full Page Ad - Color ......................................................... $ 350.00 Half Page Ad - B&W ............................................................ $ 90.00 Pedigree Section Page: This formatted section includes photo of dog, dog’s name, color, sex, height, call name, date whelped and FOUR generation pedigree, owner’s name, address, phone, email and web and breeder’s name. You may also note if your dog has been checked clear for CERF, BAER and/or HEART anomalies. Be sure to include all necessary information! Send legible pedigrees! (one dog per page) ..................... $ 70.00 Kennel Listing: Includes kennel name, your name, mailing address, phone number, email / web address. If accompanying other advertising ..................................... $ 5.00 Kennel Listing only.................................................................. $ 10.00 NoN-CAmeRA ReADy ADs_ – PLeAse ReAD!___ We will gladly set up your ads for you ad NO extra charge, but please help us by reading and following these guidelines for submitting ads: Your Words: Type your ad text or print it very clearly (so someone besides you can read it) on a layout page. You can include your text in the body of an email or as a Word doc attachment. Keep in mind that short is sweet. Your Photographs: Mail high quality, original color photographs. Do NOT send color photocopies or injet prints! Do not cut your photos. If you are emailing digital images for your ad (or sending on a cd), the image resolution should be 300 dpi at the final size the image will be used in the ad. If you don’t understand what this means, contact the WNAnnual editor for clarification. Indicate special cropping of your photo(s) using a paper overlay or just specify what you want, like “dog only” or “dog and handler only”. Do NOT put “post-its” on the front of your photos. DO NOT cuT YOur phOTOs! Mark the back of each photo with a gummed label, including your name and address and the dog’s name. Do NOT write on the back of your photos with anything. If you are including several photos, number them and put corresponding numbers on the layout sheet. to ALL CoNCeRNeD:________________________ Ad Placement: DON’T EVEN AsK ME FOr A LEFT Or rIGhT pAGE pLAcEMENT. This idea has gotten out of control. I won’t promise anything, so set your ads up to work on either side. Advertisers who wish to be placed together (or apart) should clearly indicate, BY ADVERTISER NAME (not by kennel name or dog’s name), who they wish to be with and in what order the ads should be placed when sending advertising or payment for ads. Every effort will be made to accommodate these requests. Your Stuff: All submitted materials (photos, cds, etc) will be returned with the advertiser copy of the WNAnnual. Be sure to put your name and mailing address on all photos and cds (including candids), so they may be returned to you. Your Contact Info: Be sure to include all of your contact info with your submission and the best times to reach you in case there are questions about your ad submission. IndePendent WhIPPet ClubS: regional whippet clubs are invited to send a one-page report on their 2012 activities to be included in the Annual FOR FREE. (additional pages may be included at regular ad rates) send your black and white page, typed or camera-ready, and submitted by January 15, 2013. Don’t be left out! CLuBS may also send a one-page summary of their Independent specialty results, including a BOB photo. Candids: candids! candids!! candids!!! We love ‘em! Don’t forget to send your favorite candids of your whippets doing their favorite things. chose the best of your best and at the highest resolution you have available. Submitting Your Ads: All ads must be paid in u.s. funds, either by check (payable to “Whippet Annual” and mailed to the WNA Editor at the address below) or via paypal or credit card at htm note: All covers are reserved on a first-come basis / contact the WNA editor by email or phone for availability. note2: You do NOT have to be a member of the AWC to advertise in the AWC Whippet News Annual. DeADLINe for Advertising and Payment: JANUARy 15, 2013 Wendy Clark, Editor 5088 Breckenhurst Drive, Hilliard, OH 43026 uSA [email protected] / 614.777.0124 2012 AWC Whippet News ANNUAL If you are sending CAMERA READY ADS, please read the information and specifications below. If you are having a graphic designer do the ad for you, be sure he/she has this information. CAmeRA ReADy ADs:________________________ Software supported: Adobe InDesign, Adobe photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXpress and corel Draw. please include a pDF proof along with all fonts and images. color files must be in cMYK. PdF Files: pDFs are acceptable as camera-ready art, but they must be save as high resolution PDFs (“press quality”) with fonts embedded. If in color, they must be save as CMYK. photos included must be 300 dpi. Fonts: Fonts must be Type 1 or OpenType fonts. send the fonts even if they are embedded. parts, etc). I would recommend allowing 0.75” (3/4 inch) on the bound edge for anything you don’t want lost in the binding. bleeds: must be +0.125 (1/8 inch) on all sides (page size: 8.75” x 11.25”), however, original margin requirements still apply (see above). label all electronic files: with the Advertiser’s Name (not kennel name), the page number and position. For example: “smith p1L.pdf”, “smith p2r.pdf”. If a file contains more than one page, be sure to specify whether the ads begin on a LEFT or rIGhT side page. Pedigree Section pages cannot be submitted as camera ready black and white ads: must be submitted in grayscale, whether they are hard copy or digital files. don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions! ~w. Color ads: must be submitted in CMYK. DeADLINe for PAymeNt: JANUARy 15, 2013 Include proof: send a hard copy, JpG, or pDF proof of your camera ready ad, so we know what it’s supposed to look like. WnAnnual Final trim Size: 8.5” x 11” MArgInS: Margins of 0.5” (1/2 inch) should be allowed on all sides of the page for anything deemed important (text, dog DeADLINe to sUBmIt CAmeRA ReADy ARt: JANUARy 31, 2013 Wendy Clark, Editor 5088 Breckenhurst Drive, Hilliard, OH 43026 uSA [email protected] / 614.777.0124 0.125” bleed This file available as “2012WNA AdvInfo.pdf” online at: http://www.americanwhippetclub. net/awcpages/advertising.htm 11” A blank psD (photoshop) file formatted with proper margins and bleeds is available on request. Email Wendy at [email protected] 11.25” 0.5” margin 8.75” 8.5” Obedience Report Monthly AKC Title report August, 2012 By Irene Mullauer, National Obedience Chairperson Here is the summary of the titles reported by AKC in July, 2012, combined. Congratulations to all! It is always exciting to see new titles earned. It is especially nice to see that AKC has included the new Therapy Dog title in this report. Champion 28 Agility Excellent Preferred 1 Grand Champion 5 Novice Agility 1 Companion Dog 1 Agility FAST Novice 1 Open Agility Jumper 2 Novice Agility Jumper Companion Dog Excellent Beginner Novice 2 Open Agility Jumper Preferred Graduate Novice 1 1 Excellent Agility Jumper 2 1 1 Rally Advanced Master Agility Excellent 1 Master Bronze Agility 2 Master Bronze Jumper Master Silver Jumper 3 Field Champion 8 Master Agility Champion 8 1 1 Rally Novice Junior Courser Senior Courser ONYX 13 Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 2 Coursing Ability Master Courser Fly Ball Champion 1 1 1 1 2 The above statistics and records are from the AKC so if there are any errors or missing data, please advise the AKC. 38 | The Whippet News September 2012 Christine Hopperstad, Editor 130 34th Ave E. Seattle WA 98112 From the Editor’s files: an unknown trio saying so long to summer!
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