THE WHIPPET NEWS - American Whippet Club
THE WHIPPET NEWS THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN WHIPPET CLUB AWC OFFICERS President.... ............................................Russell McFadden 505-753-6782 Vice President.... ....................................Connie Brunkow 217-431-8972 Treasurer... ............................................ .David Samuelson 651-454-4174 Secretary ..........................................................Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 ................................. 3655 Cragwood Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Board of Directors: Class of 2011……….Lisa Costello, Cindy Scott Class of 2012: ….Connie Brunkow, Russ McFadden, Kay Nierengarten Class of 2013: .... ...Henry Heil, Christine Hopperstad, Donna Lynch, David Samuelson AKC DELEGATE.… ............................ …..Donna Lynch 508-636-0705 ASFA DELEGATE:…………………………... CJ Foxx 303-424-5144 AWC COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Archives ......................................................... Bo Bengtson 805-646-3151 Health................. Drs. Connie Austin, Connie Brunkow, Lisa Costello Futurity .......................................................... Kathy Slater 618-585-4677 Judge’s Education ........................................... Mary Dukes 704-843-7195 Membership .......................................... Kay Nierengarten 218-729-8003 Parade of Honors ............................ Alice VandenBussche 315-945-2672 Performance Events ............................... Dr. Lisa Costello 815-695-1930 ROM Program ............................................ Donna Lynch 508-636-0705 Show ................................................................Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 Top Twenty ............................................ Linda Waggoner 541-347-2171 Versatility ..................................................John Heffernan 413-369-4399 INDEPENDENT WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS: Whippet Health Foundation ............... Mary Beth Arthur 414-355-4776 Whippet Rescue, WRAP ............. Dr. Barbara Henderson 301-490-6598 Applications for AWC membership may be obtained either on request from Membership Chair Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN 55779, or emailed to [email protected] AWC website: Breeder Referrals: Mary Downing [email protected] THE WHIPPET NEWS Newsletter Editor ...................Christine Hopperstad, 130 34th Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98112 phone & fax 206-322-5872, [email protected] Assoc. Editor ……………….Kirsten Hopperstad, [email protected] Annual Editor ............................ Wendy Clark, 5088 Breckenhurst Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026 614-777-0124 [email protected] One year subscription rate for monthly newsletter & annual: online only $25.00, print $45; foreign: online only $25, print $60 Advertising (on a space available basis): Full page, one photo -- $50.00, each additional photo $10.00 Full page, camera ready -- $40.00 (preferably emailed as an attachment, or printed out on standard paper) Text only, no photos: Full page -- $35.00, Half page -- $25.00 Photographs should be originals and will be returned. Pedigrees must be typed in standard pedigree format. DEADLINE — The first day of the month for that month’s issue. THE WHIPPET NEWS ANNUAL Current issue: 2009. Back issues available for 1986-2008 (except 1987 & 1990 through 1992). Cost: $25.00 each ($30.00 foreign), which includes shipping; all funds in U.S. dollars, payable by check or money order to Whippet Annual. Mail to Annual Editor Wendy Clark (address above). Purchase can also be made through PayPal at: awcannualbackissues.html The American Whippet Club and The Whippet News assume no responsibility for statements or claims made in the letters to the editor or advertisements that appear in its publications. MAY 2010 APPLICATIONS FOR AWC MEMBERSHIP � Debra Borton, 21881 San Sebastian Dr., Delavan, IL 61734 [email protected] 309-244-9321 Spon-sors: Mary Beth Arthur, Connie Austin � Christine Heath, 770 County Rd. 143, Gaylesville, AL 35973 256643-5391 [email protected] Endorsers: Harriet Lee, Barbara Henderson � Mary Hermon, PO Box 4066, Palmer AK 99645 907-745-2042 [email protected] Endorsers: Renee Iler, Nancy Schramm � Richard Miller, 9084 N. Jessy Lane, Tucson AZ 85742 520-579-8808 [email protected] Endorsers: Connie Boulton, Rhonda Gifford � Karen Rogers, 9084 N Jessy Lane, Tucson AZ 85742 520-579-8808 [email protected] Endorsers: Connie Boulton, Rhonda Gifford � Annique Smith, 31414 Helen Ln., Tomball, TX 77375 307-349-3309 [email protected] Endorsers: Nancy Schramm, Constance Boulton � Paula Snell, 83 Senoia Springs Ct., Senoia, Ga 30276 770-599-9650 [email protected] Endorsers: Nancy Schramm, Constance Boulton � Patricia Spinazzola, 3605 Hampshire Glen Ct., Phoenix, MD 21131 410-628-6902 [email protected] Endorsers: Crystal McNulty, Barbara Henderson COMMENTS regarding applicants may be sent to —Membership Chair Kay Nierengarten, 5654 Chalstrom Dr., Saginaw, MN 55779 — or emailed to: [email protected] WELCOME NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Connie Peterson, Marana, AZ WELCOME BACK: Bebe Berkoff, Bayside, WI; Shirley Boelter, Granada Hills, CA; Debbie Boyle, Woodland Hills, CA; Lynne Burns, Clermont, FL; Karen Cosgrove, Carson City, NV; Lois Dabbraccio, Hamden, CT; Glenda Durance, Hull, GA; Patty Ewing, Harvard, MA; Connie Faldzinski, Vernon, NY; Stephanie Gladney, McKinney, TX; Neale Gordon, Baton Rouge, LA; Karen Larsen, Torrance, CA; Chris Laidman, Chilliwack, BC; Steven Seay, Thornton, CO; Beverley West, Marysville, WA LAST ISSUE, TIME TO RENEW: Lynne Armstrong, Ken Carter, Stephanie Connerton, Roger Fremo, Priscilla Gabosch, Nilla Lindholm, Pia Mannila, Pirjo Muhonen, Erin Nichols, Debra Parravanni, Calvin Perry, Christa Snyder, Rita Vanhaeren, Donna Wilhoyte Dear Readers, I think I say the same thing every year about the National and how wonderful it was, just the best experience for meeting and greeting old friends and new, and feasting your eyes on our beautiful breed. The entry this year was average in size but outstanding in quality. — BIG next month the Whippet News will be ready to take Paypal payments for subscriptions and advertising!!! — From the April 29th NY Times, off topic but sighthound related. sports/26greyhounshounds.html?hpw And another interesting link Don’t forget that it’s the WN Annual time of year. I don’t have a firm publication date from Wendy yet, but make sure now that you’re eligible to get it. National Show Chair Cindy Scott 719-594-9974 [email protected] Eastern Harriett Lee 434-295-4525 [email protected] Midwest Pat Richey 330-735-2486 [email protected] North Central David Samuelson 651-454-4174 [email protected] South Central Nancy Billups 806-381-0601 [email protected] Southern David Howton 770-345-2120 [email protected] Western Pam Magette, 562-598-8717 [email protected] AWC SHOW CALENDAR AWC 2011 National Specialty, 2/2/12—2/9/11 Lexington, Kentucky, Judge Harriett Nash Lee (Winsmith) Eastern Specialty Friday, 6/04/10 Greater Philadelphia KC, AWC Support, Breed: Sharon Sakson, Specialty Sweeps: Lew Griffitt; Saturday 6/05/10, Huntingdon Valley KC Eastern Specialty Breed: Donna Lynch; Sunday 6/06/10 - Burlington County KC Support Breed: Gail Boyd, Sweeps: Jenny Boyd South Central Regional Specialty July 3rd held with the Oklahoma KC Cluster, Breed Michael Dougherty, Sweeps Todd Miller (JOMYR). July 4, Lone Star Whippet Club Support, Sweeps Denise Travis, Breed Mrs. Jane Forsyth. AWC Western Regional Friday, July 30. Breed Allan Pepper (Canada); Sweeps Floyd Gale (Beachbrook Afghans) Weekend judges are Mary Lou Harris & Daniel Dowling. Midwest Regional Thursday, August 5, Judge Reggie Nesbitt, Friday Connie Alexander, Saturday Wendy Gay, Sunday Geir Flykt-Petersen. Sweepstakes Friday PM, Judge Crystal McNulty. North Central Regional August 27, in conjunction with St. Croix Valley Combined Specialties and the St. Croix Valley Cluster in Lake Elmo, MN. Breed Lori Nelson (Wildfire), Sweeps Jenny Boyd (Ableaim). AWC Support Saturday, August 28, Sweeps Debbie Davenport, Breed Kathy Davenport (Kamada). Sunday Breed judge Jamie Souza (Bartlett). Southern Specialty Saturday, 10/23/10, Sweeps Karen Roberson, Breed Madison Weeks; Friday, Breed Luc Boileau. Sunday, Breed Patricia Murphy OTHER WHIPPET EVENTS Greater Twin City Whippet Club will support Duluth KC, July 15-18, 2010; Thursday, Judge Denny Mounce; Friday, Judge Everett Dean; Saturday, Judge Barbara Dempsey Alderman, Sweeps Judge Mary Moran; Sunday, Judge William Bergum. Going Up North Club, July 16-17, lure coursing judges are Kathy Nelson, Jeff Lipps & Kay Nierengarten. MAWA Specialty Thursday, October 21, Sweeps Rachel Amado, Breed Dr. Robert Indeglia Greater Chicago Whippet Club Specialty Saturday, November 27th, Crete, IL. Specialty Judge Denise Tatro, Puppy & Veteran Sweeps Gail Wegner. GCWC Support Sunday, Breed Harold "Red" Tatro (no sweeps). Superintendent Roy Jones. Show Chairs Shelley Kruger & Lisa Costello. 2 | The Whippe t News May 2010 FUTURITY REPORT The 2010 Futurity was held on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 and judged by Ms. Linda Johnson of Barchet Whippets. Thank you Linda. You did a beautiful job. Congratulations to the 2010 Best in Futurity winner from the 810 month dog class: WINDBORN OXFORD NEW MOON AT KRISDAN by Ch Starline’s Sovereign out of Ch Oxford Windborn Bold N’ Beautiful. Bred by Lori Lawrence, Lori Wilson, Dianne Bowen & B. Buttner. Owned by Kristal Couch & Lori Wilson. The 27th Annual Futurity had 81 Futurity entries representing 33 nominated litters. There were 34 ballots mailed out with 23 final ballots returned. The firm of Joseph E. Miller counted ballots for judge’s selection. Prize money will be awarded as follows: Best in Futurity $918.00. Class placements were awarded as follows: 1st place – $68.20, 2nd place – $51.14, 3rd place – $34.09, and 4th place – $17.04. The 2011 Futurity will be held on April 5, 2011, in Lexington, Kentucky. Nominated litters born on or after October 21, 2009 to October 5, 2010 are eligible for the 2011 Futurity. As you plan your future breedings, remember that Bitch Nominations for the 2012 Futurity must adhere to the new CERF requirements. CERF exams for both the sire and dam must have been completed before the breeding date. Copies of CERF Certificates or a copy of the application for a CERF Certificate (the actual exam paperwork marked normal in both eyes) must be submitted for both the sire and dam with the Bitch Nomination Form. If a copy of the application is submitted, copies of the CERF Certificate(s) must be sent with the Litter Nomination Form. CERF examinations are valid for one year. If the sire or dam of the litter being nominated is 10 years of age or older, a current CERF exam is not required for that dog. HOWEVER, the dog must have had and passed at least one CERF exam between the ages of 8 and 10 years. A copy of the last CERF Certificate must be submitted with the Bitch Nomination Form. I would like to thank Mrs. Pat Dresser and Mrs. Wendy Clark for their continued support and expert stewarding of the Futurity Ring. I would also like to thank my husband, Mike Slater, for all his work compiling the pedigrees for the catalog. Please include the registered name of the bitch on all correspondence. As always, I will acknowledge receipt of all nominations so, if you don’t get an acknowledgment, drop me an email. Kathy Slater, Futurity Chairman [email protected] 241 Prairietown Road Dorsey, IL 62021 618-585-4677 President’s Message As most of you know by now Henry Heil was elected to fill the seat on the AWC Board of Directors left vacant by Patience Renzulli. I would like to welcome Henry to the Board. I look forward to working with him. I would also once again like to thank Patience for her time and the contributions she made while on the Board over the last few years. The slate of officers that represented the AWC last year was reelected by the Board at their meeting that immediately follows the annual membership meeting. The election of officers is the only business conducted at that meeting. My thanks to my fellow Board members for the vote of confidence in electing me to serve as President for another year. The minutes from the regular Board meeting held on April 20th (or at least a synopsis of that meeting) and those from the annual meeting will be published as soon as they can be put together. Often times the Board meeting and annual meeting overlap in content so much there isn’t any real point in wasting the space required to publish both so only a synopsis of any differences needs to be printed. I didn’t attend the regular Board meeting but I’m not aware of anything happening there that wasn’t somehow covered at the membership meeting. Two items of significant interest that were brought up at the membership meeting were the report on the suggested changes to the By-Laws and the motion made to set term limits for serving on the Board of Directors. Both of these items will go before the entire membership for consideration sometime during the next couple of months. The suggested changes to the By-Laws once approved by the entire Board will be posted on the Members Only section of the AWC website and published in The Whippet News for those that don’t have internet access for comment from the general membership before being submitted to AKC for their approval. Once AKC has given their approval to the suggested changes the document as a whole will be voted on by the membership to be approved or not. The motion to set term limits for Board members will go before the entire membership as a ballot to either approve the motion which sets three consecutive terms as the limit for anyone sitting on the Board or to be turned down and allow Board members to serve as many terms as they are voted into by the membership. This ballot will be sent out sometime in the very near future. The June issue of The Whippet News will have the critiques from both the Futurity judge and the conformation judge from the National Specialty. Speaking of the National, I would like to thank Rhonda Gifford and all of the hard working individuals in Arizona and Cindy Scott and her team at the national level for the spectacular job they did in putting on this year’s National Specialty with all of the events that are included as part of that week. Even the weather being unusually cold in Tucson didn’t put a damper on the week’s festivities. Lori Wilson has been voted in as the newest AWC member. I would like to take the opportunity to welcome her to the club. Completely changing the subject, I would once again like to ask AWC members who may have a question about the club to send those questions to those individuals within the club who should have the answers or should be able to get the answers to those questions. I’ve made this plea before but it has obviously fallen on some unhearing ears because we (meaning any of us who attended the National) had barely gotten home before an AWC member had posted an inquiry to one of the Whippet related email lists asking about the election of officers. How would anyone who subscribes to one of these lists many of whom are not even AWC members better be able to answer that question than would one of the members of the Board? How much more difficult would it have been to send this question directly to a Board member rather than to a list? Unless, of course, the real intent of the posting was not to gain information as much as it was to use the email list as the public vehicle to make what are in my opinion the sarcastic comments that went along with the query. In closing, I would like to say that I look forward to the next year and the things we hope to accomplish. The revised Illustrated Standard is in the final stages of being completed. One of the significant suggested changes to the By-Laws is the addition of several different types of memberships that include a non-voting Junior Membership for Whippet fanciers less than 18 years of age. Once the Junior Membership is approved (if it is) it will allow us to move forward with offering an educational scholarship for which we are in the process of defining qualifications. Until the next time, be safe, take care, and have fun with your Whippets. Russell AWC Board of Directors President Russ McFadden...505-753-6782 [email protected] Vice President Connie Brunkow...217-431-8972 [email protected] Secretary Cindy Scott…719-594-9974 [email protected] Treasurer David Samuelson...651-454-4174 [email protected] Board Members: Lisa Costello...815-695-1930 [email protected] Henry Heil...619-445-1777 [email protected] Christine Hopperstad...206-322-5872 [email protected] Donna Lynch...508-636-0705 [email protected] Kay Nierengarten…218-729-8003 [email protected] The Whippet News May 2010 | 3 AMERICAN WHIPPET CLUB 2010 REGISTER OF MERIT QUALIFIERS REGISTER OF MERIT EXCELLENT – Sires (2) Ch Andauer Am I Gonna Be A Star ROM Owners: Karen Gibson & Scott Boyd D-41 Ch Wilcard-N-Snowcap’s Sovereign JC ROM Owner: Dianne Riemer D-41 REGISTER OF MERIT – Sires (2) DC Summit Autumn Gabardine Martin CD LCM CAV Owner: DeeAnna Miller and Dr Todd Miller D-62 Ch Sunbeam Rembrandt of Endeavor JC Owners: Danielle & Peter Jacobsen D-63 REGISTER OF MERIT EXCELLENT – Dams (1) Am Can Ch Brushwood Zoom of Tanglewynde ROM Owner: Karen L Gibson B-50 REGISTER OF MERIT – DAMS (4) Ch Oxford's Dance Upon Air Owners: Sarah & Leigh Balkam B-173 Ch Snow Hill Mind Body & Soul JC Owner: Susanne Hughes DVM B-170 Ch Starline’s Dream Date Owners: Carey & Lori Lawrence B-172 Ch Summit Some Days Are Diamonds Owners: Susan Vernon & Jennifer McEachern B-171 SECRETARY’S REPORT Several people have inquired about what happens at a Board meeting or, for that matter, during the year. We only have one actual meeting in person and it’s always at the National. With electronic communication available to almost everyone, we do most of our business by electronic means. So, I will start including Board decisions and some discussions in the Whippet News each month. Of course if there is anything proprietary and dealt with in Executive Session, it won’t be included. This will serve two purposes. Keeping the membership informed on a monthly basis and a good record for the Secretary when it comes to the annual Board meeting. Here’s the first one — After our return from the National in Tucson the Board received a proposal from AKC to allow deaf dogs to compete in Agility and Obedience and they were asking for our input. One of the publications that I receive, Dog News, had some interesting points of view on the subject both pro and con so I decided to contact the Dalmatian Club of America to get their take on it. They are definitely against it as this is their main health issue. They are most concerned about the “over developed startle reflex” as well as not being able to hear their owner in a dangerous situation even though they may respond to hand signals. After some discussion which included concerns about advantages a Whippet may have in these events, the Board decided to answer AKC’s inquiry with no to their participation in Agility and Obedience. Here is some of the logic behind our discussion which Lisa put together and the Board agreed. In both obedience and rally there is a significant audible component to distraction during the competition. When you remove this sense from a dog, it will have the opportunity to concentrate completely on the handler since it will be trained entirely with hand signals. Therefore this might represent an unfair advantage for a deaf dog who wouldn’t be able to hear a dog barking or crying in another ring, people laughing, building noise, camera noise, etc. This advantage would exist in agility as well since the dog would have to look to the handler for every future obstacle and the distraction of noise would be eliminated. Removing one of the keenest senses the canine has that would pick up distractions seems an unfair advantage for the deaf dog. This was discussed with Irene Mullauer, National Obedience Chair, and she also agreed. This is what the Treasurer is working on. As he mentioned at the board meeting, David will be working with an accountant on the AWC filing status with the IRS. He has met with an accountant who has all the AWC reports and it looks like the AWC will need to file a return. The accountant will be getting back to David in the near future. Cindy Scott 4 | The Whippe t News May 2010 WRAP’s Activities and Fun at the 2010 AWC National Specialty By Ruth Beall It’s all about the Whippets!! The week’s activities at the 2010 AWC National Specialty in Tucson, AZ, were awesome. We want to thank all those who worked so hard to make it happen! Most people will never know the amount of effort that goes into producing the AWC National Specialty each year. Before one year’s specialty is complete, work is already in progress toward the planning and execution of the following year’s specialty. Our hats are off to all! WRAP’s week started on Monday morning at the WRAP table. This year, we had one of the best seats in the house. What fun we had, being up on the stage in the main room, where we could see ALL of the activities in the ring over everyone else’s heads! We shared the stage with the event trophies and the AWC Raffle table. The layout for this year’s specialty was the best I’ve been to. The main room was large enough for all of the vendors to be in the room, as well, so we could all watch the week’s activities. Throughout the week, items donated for the WRAP table arrived and were sold or placed in the silent auction. Our sincere thanks go to those who donated items for the table. Your generosity has helped to raise funds to support future care for WRAP’s foster Whippets. Item donors for the table included Dick and Jean Schroeder, Nancy Schramm, Donna Richards, David Howton, Connie Bolton, Jan Swayze, Fuzzy Wumpets, Julia Pieper, Kay Nierengarten/Northwind Whippets, David Samuelson, Juanita Troyer/Drag-N-Glass, Deb Rinard, Candy Stepan, Nancy Crader, Erin Campbell/Hound Togs, Renee Kirchen/Midnight Sun Beading, Karen McDonald/The Golden Hound, Sue Ross/Silk Road Collars, Sue Horner, Dara Loeper, Carol Zienert, and Kathryn Smith. Some items came in when I was not at the table. If I missed anyone who donated items for the table, please let me know and I will add your names to the list. On Wednesday evening, April 21, three Whippets and their owners participated in the Parade of Rescues. Their stories and photos follow. Bosco, owned and loved by Barbara Hall This is Bosco, our rescue boy. We rescued him in June of 2009. Originally we were just a part of the transport plan from San Antonio WRAP, where he was relinquished, papers and all, back to his breeder in Arizona. Bosco had huge anxiety problems and abandonment issues. Once at our house, I realized every time I went through my house there was a cold wet nose in the palm of my hand. Two days later we headed for a dog show, and while loading, realized there was Bosco planted in the driver’s seat of the show van. Family votes took place, and he was packed up and traveled with us, and has gone to every show since. He has become my constant companion and sleeping buddy. He had a large lump on his leg when rescued and we had it checked immediately, only to find it was cancer. It was removed the next day, and as of now Bosco is cancer free. This past fall, Bosco and I started classes, and within five weeks, Bosco received his Canine Good Citizen title. We continued classes and entered Bosco in a three-day weekend in Dallas in Rally Novice, where he earned that title that very weekend. He achieved the highest score of 96 on that Sunday. We are now working in Rally Advanced, and have high hopes for success. I realize that Bosco made the choice, but I totally agree he is my soul mate, too. Jester, owned and loved by Olivia Wade Alexander We have had rescues from Whippet Rescue since 1984. They have each stolen our hearts and become a real part of our family. When our 18-1/2 year-old Lindy crossed over the Rainbow Bridge in March 2008, we once again, through tears, emailed Whippet Rescue in Texas to see if there were any available rescues. Right away, The Whippet News May 2010 | 5 wwe heard from Nancy Billups in Amarillo that no rescues were available, but she offered us her retired champion. We happily accepted her kind offer, as well as a rescued Italian Greyhound so our new dog could have a companion. A couple of months later, Nancy and her family came through our part of Texas, and delivered our two new dogs to us. In the back of her van was another dog they were traveling with. His name was Jester, and we were drawn to him immediately. Nancy had literally rescued him from death. His first family had decided to euthanize him rather than deal with his health issues, but Nancy stepped in and took him back. When he arrived, he still had staples in his belly from exploratory surgery, which revealed no problems the vet could find. He also had Demodex mange and was losing a lot of his hair, along with being quite underweight. But thank goodness we have responsible breeders who take an avid interest in their dogs and are not only willing but determined to rescue them back when someone doesn’t care for them as they should. We knew Jester needed us, and he apparently wanted to stay with us, since he crawled into the crate we had and wouldn’t come out. Within a month, his mange was a thing of the past without any physical treatment; he had gained four pounds, and was the happiest dog we’ve ever seen. He loves his new companions, his freedom to run and play all day, and cuddles up on the bed at night. Then we discovered Jester’s talent for lure coursing. In his first trial, he won Best of Breed in an ASFA event this past October, then became an AKC Junior Courser and was second by just one point to the eventual Best in Field winner in November’s AKC event. Because of his love for coursing, we wanted him to have the opportunity to compete in the AWC Whippet National, which is why we are here. We are so grateful for the hard-working people of Whippet Rescue, through whose efforts we have been blessed with six wonderful Whippets and one small Iggy. Riley, owned and loved by Tom Titus Riley was rescued out of an animal shelter in Salina, Kansas, by WRAP rescuer Libby Rice from Missouri. It was two weeks before Christmas in 2008. Riley was 6 months old and had already been in three previous homes. The history of his first two homes is unknown, but the report from his last home was that he barked a lot and that he kept trying to kill the cats. He had been left all day in the basement with the cats. By the way he acts toward cats now, I am sure he just wanting to play with the cats in his previous home. Since I have had him, Riley has been a perfect gentleman (except for the chewed-up remote control, car keys, and cell phone). He lives with other Whippets, Labrador Retrievers, a Beagle, three cats, and two goats. Riley has tried his hand at lure coursing, but finds that to be way too much work. He would rather lay on the couch with me and watch TV. He enjoys running in the back yard with the other Whippets. This past winter, Riley experienced an injury while running in the back yard in the snow. He tore his ACL in his knee, which required surgery. He is healing nicely and enjoys pampering. 6 | The Whippe t News May 2010 WRAP continued Our thanks go to those who helped make the Parade of Rescues possible: Barbara Henderson, master of ceremonies; Harriet Lee, narrator; Ruth Beall, coordinator; and Dick and Jean Schroeder, Cindy Scott/ AWC, Nancy Billups, Renee Kirchen/Midnight Sun Beading, Karen McDonald/The Golden Hound, and Ruth Beall for the items donated for the gifts for the rescues in the parade. Very special thanks go to Tom Titus with his rescue Riley, and Libby Rice with her rescue Ginger, who volunteered to walk around throughout the week with the two rescues wearing the WRAP donation jackets. This year’s raffle proved to be just as great as those in previous years, with three elegant prizes for three lucky winners! Jo Meister won the quilt, made by Veronica Dooling and donated by Peg Rideout. Judy Bein won the adorable needle-felted Whippet, made and donated by Iva Kimmelman. Nancy Schramm won the limited edition print by artist Darlene Wilson, of Whippet pups on a couch watching a bird, which was donated by Lori Nelson. The final activity in which WRAP participated took place on Saturday. The WRAP and AWC committees joined forces to have a single cash raffle. Thanks go to Lori Nelson, Debi Adams, Jean Schroeder, Barbara Henderson, Henry Heil, and Ruth Beall, who helped to sell tickets for the raffles. Debi Adams, Charlotte Lee were the winners, sharing the cash with the AWC and WRAP. The week went too fast, and a lot of tired Whippets and happy owners returned home with great memories. Congratulations to all those who went home with trophies earned during the week. The Navajo pottery trophies were gorgeous! We look forward to seeing all of you again next year, in Lexington, Kentucky where, again, it will be all about the Whippets! Adoptions for the month: Andrew Savage and Linda Gordon of Kansas adopted Loki; Catherine Bayer of New York adopted Molly; Michael Garcia of Oklahoma adopted Toby; Steve and Donna Skinner of Michigan adopted Gracie; Brigitte Beaudry of Canada adopted Gino; Tara Murphy of Maryland adopted Lexie; Joanne Gilson of Vermont adopted Chili; Lynette Dahlman of California adopted Hallie; Robert and Diane Elam of Virginia adopted Ollie. Thank you to the following people for making donations: Joseph and Mary Haddock $50 in loving memory of Am/Can Ch. Whippoorwill Paisley "Elisabeth"; Susan Rene- Farebrother $50; Catherine Bayer $50; Robert Youngblood $150 to help with Anne Marie's bills; Kenneth and Carol Gikas $50 in honor of Marie Hand. AWC Top Twenty January 1st to April 21st, 2010 Listed in alphabetical order Ch. Andauer Porsche Carrera GT Bohem Bianca Of Jubilee Ch. Counterpoint Painted By Bohem Ch. Cove Creek Minuette Ch. Fanfare Milestones Silverado Ch. Kamada’s Happy Hour Ch. Kamada’s Instant Millioniare Ch. Karasar’s Jackpot RN SC Ch. Karasar’s Par Excellence Ch. Nysa Hill Serendipity Ch. Oxford Sunbeam Sleepless In Seattle Ch. Runner’s Call To Arms Ch. Sonsteby’s In A Pickle Ch. Sporting Fields Bahama Sands Ch. Sporting Fields Tiger Lily Ch. Starline’s Chanel Ch. Talk Of The Nation de Sud Ch. Wasatch Capricious Dream Of The Ring Windborn N Oxford Twilight At Starline Ch. Winway Redford With A Splash The Whippet News May 2010 | 7 FROM THE SHOW CHAIR NATIONAL VIDEOS If you were at the National or heard about the videographer you know how fantastic his work was. We’ve already contracted him for next year. You could actually walk up when he wasn’t filming and ask to see your dog and he could pull it up in an instant. He had a live video feed as well as a webcam that a lot of folks that stayed home could watch. His website is the best way for folks to order videos. Whippet.html He also still has the streaming video loaded for folks to watch the show exactly as it was filmed. Some might think that 50 bucks is a lot to pay for video, but geez, two show photos are $35, entries are $25 - $30, handling fees are $75 - $100. AND, you don't need to spend money for travel, hotels, gas or food to stay at home and watch our videos on line. You might want to see this. 8 | The Whippe t News May 2010 A LITTLE KNOWN STORY This story comes from Mary Jane Frank who heard it directly from Peggy Newcombe. It concerns Ch. Courtenay Fleetfoot of Pennyworth and his huge win at Westminster many years ago, one that has yet to equaled. At the Garden in 1964 Peggy knew, before anyone except the judge and the stewards, that Ricky had won Best in Show. Seems that there was a Perpetual Trophy for Best American Bred in Show, and by then it was offered only if the regular Best in Show winner was American Bred. There were five American Bred dogs in the final lineup. And there was Fleetfoot, an English import. That Best Amercian Bred Best In Show trophy stayed on the table when the judge walked back to the middle of the ring to make his BIS choice. And Peggy knew!! Ch. Counterpoint Painted By Bohem (Ch. Bohem Bon Vivant x Can. Ch. Counterpoint Winning Colors) Viggo At only 18 months, Viggo continues garnering BOB wins over top-rated BIS bitches. He is currently a Top 10 Whippet* (#2 Male) and has already won multiple Specialty BOS awards. Viggo is pictured winning Group 3rd at Kern Co. KC under past Westminster Whippet judge Mr. Randy Garren. Most recently, Viggo won BOB at the Western Hound Association of Southern California in April in an impressive entry of 45 under breederjudge Mr. J. Randall Tincher. Thank you to Mr. Tincher. *AKC Breed statistics through April 20, 2010 Owner: Scott Mazer [email protected] Co-owner: Bo Bengtson Breeders: John Ross & Trudy Taphorn Handler: Paul Lepiane Island Broadstrider’s Cheers Me Dears Ch. Sportingfield Hot Topic x Broadstrider’s Bright Night What fun we had in California on our way to the National! At the Western Hound Classic/Southern California Whippet Association Supported Show on Saturday, Island won Best in Sweepstakes under Katie Rudolph (Festiva); Winners Bitch and #1 AOM under Isabell Stoffers (Runners, pictured); and Hound Sweepstakes Group 3 under Richard Beauchamp. Doug and Ruth Broadfoot Island Broadstrider’s Cheers Me Dears Ch. Sportingfield Hot Topic x Broadstrider’s Bright Night The fun in southern California continued! On Sunday, Island won Best in Sweepstakes under Dr. Susanne Hughes, DVM (Snow Hill); Best of Winners under J. Randall Tincher (Tripletime); and Hound Sweepstakes Group 1 under Edmund Dziuk (pictured). And it gets even better after we reach Tucson for the National two days later! To be continued... Doug and Ruth Broadfoot 12 | The Whippe t News May 2010 “Asa” First impressions can be very revealing: Merci Isle Incantation (Dual Ch. Tangen’s The Maverick Cosmonaut X Dual Ch. Merci Isle Dove Feather) MERCI ISLE Jeffrey and Iva Kimmelman Stow, MA [email protected] For family-oriented FUN, don’t miss these upcoming events! May 29-30 • C-U Racing • Rochester, IL • [email protected] June 5-6 • Northern California Whippet Fanciers Assn • Suisun, CA • [email protected] June 12-13 • Rock & Roll Whippet Association • Oberlin, OH • [email protected] July 3-4 • Gopher State Whippet Racing Group • Farmington, MN • [email protected] July 10-11 • Mid-Atlantic Whippet Racing Association • Fort Mott, NJ • [email protected] July 23-24 • Racing For Fun • Abbotsford, BC, Canada • [email protected] DON’T FORGET OUR NATIONAL EVENTS IN ABBOTSFORD, BRITISH COLUMBIA! August 20 • 18th Annual CWA Fun Match August 21 • 8th Annual CWA National Race Meet August 22 • Race Meet Hosted by Racing For Fun Sept 4-5 • Dairyland Whippet Club • Milwaukee, WI • [email protected] October 2 • Badgerland Whippet Association • Farmington, MN • [email protected] October 3 • Gopher State Whippet Racing Group • Farmington, MN • [email protected] October 2-3 • Racing For Fun • Abbotsford, BC, Canada • [email protected] October 9-10 • Pretty Darn Quick Whippet Club • Milwaukee, WI • [email protected] November 6-7 • Alamo Area Whippet Club • McKinney, TX • [email protected] Bohem Bianca of Jubilee (Ch. Bohem Resounding Highjinks SC x Ch. Bohem Some Like It Hot JC) Bianca Bianca is pictured after winning her fourth major, Bianca has been shown only a half dozen weekends third BOB over specials and second Group so far. She needs a single point to finish and will placement — all from the Puppy class. This win then be lightly specialled as she matures. She is came at 11 months of age at Terry-All KC in April always owner-handled by Cindi or Amelia. under judge Dr. Daniel Dowling. Breeders & Owners: Cindi & Amelia Gredys & Bo Bengtson May 2010 AKC Obedience Report By Irene Mullauer, National Obedience Chairperson Rally rankings 1/1/10 thru 03/31/10 Class Adv A Dog Name Owner Average Qualifying Scores 85.5 77 2 1 92.67 81.33 80.5 78 3 3 2 3 1 2 Tcs Zoomerang Galewind’s Life Of Reilly A McNiven N Anderson/W Brizius 1 2 3 4 Wheatland Talltree Wildaspen’s Letz Do Th’ Wild Thang Amberwind Nasusa Wicked Moon Dreams Charm Me L Hayes/S Hayes H Badgett/T Brumbaugh S Holley/S Mallonee P Younger 1 2 Snow Hill Soul Unsigned Shannon Down Blazing Star S Lane/S Hughes J Phillips 98 72 1 1 1 2 3 Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero Dreams Charm Me Wheatland Talltree E Adler P Younger L Hayes/S Hayes 95 90.5 89.5 3 2 2 1 2 Quixand Perstriatus Majestic Jazz L Statler/R Statler S Heath/C Heath 99 85 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Vitesse Deep Powder Anlan’s Sierra Mist Atelier Moment In Time Karasar’s Jackpot Surrey Hill’s Ripon Jewel Belaya Sweet William Amberwind Nasusa Wicked Moon L Costello/M Cutherell T Lubbers/A Lubbers/J Lubbers K Harwood G Ball/K Kuper K Lee/K Fredericks/L Anichini C Ellis S Holley/S Mallonee 99 98 97 97 88 84 85 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 Adv B Exc A Exc B Nov A Nov B RAE Obedience Ranking 1/1/10 thru 3/31/10 Class Average Dog Name Owner Qualifying Scores Nov A 180.5 179.75 Kenya Of Windyglen Abbey Boston Belle K Livingston J Hopfenbeck 1 2 185.5 182 180 175.5 170 Wyatt Of Dodge City Anlan’s Sierra Mist Agstone Whippoorwill Isabel Endeavor’s Challenge The Wind Kamada Two Thumbs Up d heffernan/J Heffernan T Lubbers/A Lubbers/J Lubbers A Andrews D Noble W Tracy/M Tracy 1 2 1 1 1 187.5 178.25 Hasue Here Comes Trouble Alouette Rdrunner Mucho Dinero S Mullins E Adler 1 2 Nov B Opn A The above Rankings are compiled from the AKC Awards Publication. Please forward any questions to me at [email protected]. 20 | The Whippe t News May 2010 Ch. Charlamar Sashays In White Linen (Ch. Bohem Just In Time, CR x Ch. Oxford’s Kamio Hope and Glory) Izzy “It’s not easy being blond!” Izzy won what must be a record FOUR Select Awards Thanks for all the great compliments from both of Merit in a single weekend April 16-18: at both the judges and ringside. Everyone seems to love So. Cal. specialties under Sandra W. Frei and Jamie everything about Izzy… except sometimes her color! Souza Bartlett, and both Hound shows under Isabell From the AKC Breed Standard: Stoffers (pictured) and Randy Tincher. Color immaterial … Eye color may vary with coat … Owners: Bo Bengtson & Charlotte G. Lee (The Bohem website has been revised and updated! Go to Breeders: Charlotte Lee & Dianne Bowen THE WHIPPET NEWS Christine Hopperstad, Christine Hopperstad, EditorEditor 130 Ave 34thEAve. E. 130 34th Seattle, WA 98112 Seattle WA 98112 Photo by Greg Kurstin
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