Church Meeting Minutes - Goring United Reformed Church
Church Meeting Minutes - Goring United Reformed Church
Church Meeting Minutes Fully Searchable from May 2010 To find a word or phrase, press ‘CTRL F’ Some other minutes may be available by request Minutes of Church Meeting 30 July 2015 Chair. Rev Andrew Sellwood Devotions led by Ryan Thomas 28 members present. 1 apology received. Minutes of previous meeting were approved and signed as correct. Matters arising from previous meeting – an update on our 75th Anniversary celebrations was provided by Wilf. With apologies Wilf announced that there would be no face painting. The Prayer Cards were circulated and Wilf announced that the Tea Towels would be sold at £3. An e-mail from Geoffrey and Irene Dearsley was read, sending their apologies. Likewise the Ebelings would be unable to attend. Pastoral news –the meeting received updated news of – Lesley Richardson, Lily Collison and Rev William Connelly. Agenda items. Elders Election – After appointing Paul and Ryan as tellers the meeting elected Valerie Cooper and Hilary Redman to the Eldership - induction date to be arranged! Appointments – Print Room Manager Bett Swierk Posters/Notice Board Ryan Thomas Finance Group Alan Westcott We also heard that Barbara Padeffke has gained employment with CPO. Group Reports Finance: Matthew reported from the Finance Group that our budget was not looking too healthy this year. But there are a number of fluid issues confusing the picture at this time, and hopefully we will have a clearer picture at the end of the next quarter. The Group does not feel that a Gift Day is called for this year. Matthew updated the position on Ministers Fund Pension Deficit and the meeting agreed to make a contribution of £420. The meeting also approved the reduction in our MoM contribution to £42,996 for 2016. Property Management: Graham hopes to bring figures to the September meeting re replacement transept windows. The AV changes are almost complete – just some tidying up to do! The East Transept blind has been fitted, and the central carpet runner secured. This raises the question of the carpets to the 2 sides of the Church – after discussion the meeting decided they should be removed. Outreach: The Juniors Table Tennis is going well, with 4/5 children attending plus adults. Good feedback has been received. World Church and Mission: The Shoe Box morning will be on 24 October – an update of needs will be produced in August. The Advent Hope Service at Lancing College will be on 30 November. CTG: No report Diary Dates – there were none. Notices and Correspondence – Church House Newsletter available on website. “Precious Time” has been set up to help the lonely through visits, talk, transport, w.h.y. Irish Folk Music is to commence in the Barn, Goring on Sunday evenings in August AOB – Margaret conveyed the thanks of the Bible Society for the Night at the Proms concert in the sanctuary on 11 July which drew a capacity audience and collected £1,079. Open the Book is still running regularly at Durrington and Springfield. The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. The next Church meeting will be held on 24 September. Minutes of Church Meeting 25 June 2015 Chair. Matthew Smith Devotions led by Matthew Smith 24 members present. 9 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting had one amendment made, then were approved and signed as correct. Matters arising from previous meeting – an update on our 75th Anniversary celebrations was provided by Wilf. For various reasons there will not be a banner but there will be lots of posters and publicity. A timetable of events is being produced and will appear in the Chronicle and Welcome. Eileen will require volunteers to help with Stewarding between the Friday and the Sunday evening. Two or three people will be required both in the Sanctuary and in the halls. Valerie will also require helpers in the kitchen. Anyone with any crafts or hobbies to display should let Bobby know. Prayer cards are being produced so that everyone attending over the weekend can take one home. Pastoral news – the following individuals were to be remembered in prayer – Graham Redman, Betty Razzell, Lesley and John (Betty’s daughter and son-in-law) and Alan Cooper. Agenda items. Elders Election – 2 Nominees are standing for election; Valerie Cooper and Hilary Redman; both should be remembered in our prayers. They will each write a short synopsis. The election will take place at our July church meeting. Group Reports Finance: nothing to report as such but it looks like the Apostolic Faith Mission Church may be using our Sanctuary each Friday evening. Property Management: Paul brought two items (on behalf of Graham) to the meeting for consideration. Audio/Visual System – In the last report at the May church meeting, Graham omitted to mention the wall mounted monitor that the property management group are proposing to place in the vestibule. The idea is to provide a ‘Welcome’ screen for people entering the church – for services as well as other events. Funding for this was allowed for within the £2,000 budget agreed by Church meeting. Paul asked that Church meeting approve the installation of this screen. Eileen stated that she would not want this to replace the personal (face to face) welcomes provided by the Stewards on a Sunday morning. This is not the intention, the ‘Welcome’ screen is in addition to the stewards’ welcome, particularly for latecomers after the service has started. The screen should be very useful on other occasions. Valerie pointed out that it would be of particular benefit when we are holding outreach events. There being no further discussion, a vote was taken and a significant majority of members voted in favour. 1. Paul will tell Graham that he can proceed with the installation of the screen. 2. The Property group are looking at the carpet in the Sanctuary which could cause a serious trip hazard. Paul asked that everyone give some thought to three questions – 1. Do we provide edging for the existing carpet 2. Do we replace all carpets or 3. Should we remove the side carpets completely? People were asked to feedback their thoughts to a member of the Property Management Group. Outreach: Valerie shared her thoughts about a new children’s outreach initiative. Beginning on Monday 7th September between 4.30 – 6.00 pm a children’s event ‘The Big Story’ will be held in the Church hall. This will be for children between ages 6 to 10 years of age; their parents will not stay with them. Andrew had approved this before his Sabbatical began. It will also include monthly family services beginning in October; these will take a different format to the usual family services. The meeting agreed that Valerie should take this forward. Children’s Table Tennis Club will begin on Monday 6 July between 6.30 and 7.30 pm and will run throughout August. If anyone would like to come along to help or mentor any of the youngsters attending that would be great. Valerie had written to the Elders back in April regarding the use of the Sanctuary for a drop-in session between 9 and 12 on a Friday morning. This is primarily for people who are mobile. The Sanctuary will be used as the doors open onto the street. This will be publicised through the use of leaflets in local GPs surgeries and other community groups. Two or three church members will be needed each week to help with teas/coffees. The Internet will be made available to allow people to check their emails etc. This is part of the Church’s Mission/Outreach; it is what we should be doing as a Church. We need to give it a try and see how it goes. The finer details are still to be agreed but there will be no charge for coffee, there will be the opportunity to give a donation. It is anticipated that this will now begin middle to end September. Outreach will take this forward and keep Church meeting informed. A significant majority of members voted in favour of the initiative, giving the ‘go-ahead’. World Church and Mission: Bett had met the new Christian Aid coordinator, Mark Rogers at the meeting on 24th June. Mark comes from Hastings and covers all of the South. He had shared how Christian Aid had been involved in the recent Nepal disaster. £50,000 had been allocated immediately and on the practical side they had reached 97,000 + people and provided shelters, water purification and emergency hygiene kits. During Christian Aid week a total of £15,642.09 had been raised this year. This was an increase of 8 ½% from last year and up 15% on house to house collections. Eileen stated that she had been disappointed that our collection had been down and that we had not held a ‘special event’ in the Church this year. Bett had been content with the amount we had raised as a church. There had been a number of events/emergencies this year where the Church members had been asked to provide donations; we are a very giving Church. Bett agreed that there would be an additional event next year for Christian Aid week. CTG: Rosina reported that the Annual Sunday walk had not been well attended. There had been 8 people in total who took part, 3 from our Church. Bury Drive Methodist Church will be holding their summer fayre on 4 July between 11 and 2 pm. Diary Dates – there were none. Notices and Correspondence – there were none AOB – there was none The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. The next Church meeting will be held on 30 July 2015 with election of Elders. Minutes of Church Meeting 28 May 2015 Chair. Wilfred Rhodes Devotions led by Rosina Bayley 25 members present. 6 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting had one amendment made, then were approved and signed as correct. Pastoral news – the following individuals were to be remembered in prayer – Betty Razzell, Lesley and John (Betty’s daughter and son-in-law) and Joan Eley. Matters arising from previous meeting – the Family Fun Day which was held recently was a great success. The closing date for the Elders election is this coming Sunday, any nomination should be given to Hilary. Nominees will be brought to the next Church meeting. Anyone else thinking about standing down from any position they hold should make it known now. Caroline is standing down from looking after the print room; everyone is asked to give this position prayerful consideration. Agenda items. Update for 75th Anniversary - various things are going on behind the scenes. Bett and Tony are busy designing the banner for outside the Church and there will be the opportunity again this Sunday to sign the cards for our tea towel. Safeguarding – The Churches Children Protection Advisory Service (CEPAS) recently ran a day course on this topic; Matthew and Wilf attended and brought back numerous booklets/leaflets. Wilf read some material from one of the leaflets – What do we mean by Vulnerable Adults? Abuse and Managing those who pose a risk. All of us need to know a little about and be alert to safeguarding. Eileen had also recently attended training which was run by the Chichester Diocese as part of her work with The Open Book. They had looked at case studies which had been presented simply. Some of us who work with children had received training from Nick White when he ran a training day at our Church last year. Other elders will be encouraged to attend any courses organized in the future Group Reports Finance: nothing to report. Property Management: Graham brought three items to the meeting for consideration. 1. Sound System – this comes from the Survey which was carried out. Some members find it difficult to hear what is being said at a Sunday morning service. Graham had acquired various quotes from specialist companies which ranged from £2,500 to £15,000. He thought that we could do this work ourselves for about £2,000 at most. This would involve upgrading the microphones; installing extra speakers; installing equipment to stop feedback and moving the sound desk (taking out all the old stuff and renewing it). 2. Blind – it has been obvious for some time that the sun shining through one (or two) of the windows is making it difficult for people to see the screen. Graham has received a quote for a blind for one of the windows which he thinks should help the situation. The cost would be £640 including VAT. 3. Double Glazing for the transept windows – the transept windows have been installed since the Church was built and damp has started to come in. Worthing Glass had provided a quote a few years ago which was £2,000 - £3,000 per side; this will have increased. John Bradley from Worthing Glass has been back to look at them again and has suggested that the dampness is coming through because each pane of glass is no longer sealed correctly. He has proposed that Worthing Glass take out three panes of glass and replace them with double glazed panes of glass and ensure they are sealed correctly; hopefully this will solve the problem. He thinks this will cost in the region of £300 to £400. This will give Worthing Glass a better idea of the overall cost involved to replace all of the transept windows. This will also ensure that the look of the windows doesn’t change as there will be no plastic involved. A full discussion took place on all three items and the consensus of the meeting was that each item was as important as the other. The Treasurer although not present had asked for the Sound System to be referred to the Elders. The meeting felt that subject to the money being available we should pursue all three items. Each item was proposed, seconded and carried by the meeting. Graham will take all items forward keeping in mind that the meeting agreed that up to £2,000 should be allocated for updating the Audio Visual System. Graham also reported that the Property Management Group are actively working with Little Fishes to have the Little Fishes details added to the main notice board. Four toilet seats are currently being replaced. The curtain in the little chapel needs attention. Graham is going to arrange for another survey to be carried out at the Manse. Although we are in negotiations with HMRC regarding the state of the hedge Vic has been in contact with Waitrose who are happy to send out a team of people to help trim it back. Outreach: the Family Fun Day had been very successful and a spin-off from that is something for pre-teens and teens. Val (and Bett) would like to bring them together on a Monday evening for Table Tennis from 6.30 – 8.00 pm. Val has spoken with Roy who is happy for both tables to be used for that purpose. Church meeting gave Val approval to take this forward. World Church and Mission: Christian Aid had held their annual service when Calum Humphreys had spoken on equality. Our Church collection (which was a little down on last year) raised a total of £262.53. Last year we had held an organ recital but there had been no extra event organized this year. Christian Aid are currently working in the Nepal disaster. A new coordinator has been appointed for Christian Aid, Mark Rogers and the next meeting will be held on 24th June. CTG: the Annual Sunday walk will take place on 14th June at 3 o’clock and will begin at St Mary’s Church hall. This involves a bring and share tea. Anyone attending is also asked to bring their own liquid refreshment. Rosina extended a personal invitation to everyone; the tea will be held at 4.30 pm. Diary Dates – 20th June - Concordia arrive 11th July - Concert in our Church by Worthing Voices in Aid of the Bible Society at 7.30 pm 31st Oct. - Cambridge Quiet Day TLS Lite “Getting to Grips with the Bible” Course will be run in East Croydon during July, August and September. Details on the Notice Board. Correspondence – The May edition of the URC newsletter can be seen on line. It contains resolutions prepared by Mission Council – to present at the one day General Assembly in Birmingham later this year – in response to the local churches vote on same sex marriages, as well as some other interesting news. Anyone without a means of seeing it should ask Hilary for a paper copy. AOB – Val thanked everyone for the tea towels they have been donating. These are tea towels from their travels; more will be gratefully received. A new set of pans have been purchased for the kitchen. Eileen spoke of the Fire Drill which had been held on 26th April (in Stewart Newell’s absence). Only the Stewards knew that a drill would be held. On the whole it had gone very well with just a couple of hiccups. The fire exit leading from the choir vestry has a step; this is not a good idea. The other fire exit where there had been problems was the one by the Resource cupboard – people had not been allowed to use it and had been sent through the Cornwall Room. Everyone should note that the Assembly Point is by the main Notice Board. These Fire drills should be held twice yearly. The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. The next Church meeting will be held on 25 June 2015. Minutes of Church Meeting 26 March 2015 Chair. Revd. Andrew Sellwood. Devotions led by Carole Culliss. Minister and 23 members present. 10 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting were approved and signed as correct. Matters arising – none. Pastoral news – the following individuals were to be remembered in prayer – Betty Razzell, David Butcher and Janet’s father. News had been received from Colin Wilde, he has remarried and Alan and Alison Westcott celebrate the birth of a granddaughter. Agenda items. Southern Synod Meeting – which was held on 14th March 2015 at Easy Croydon was presented by Wilfred Rhodes. (Copy Report included with these Minutes) Sussex/Surrey Area Meeting – Andrew had attended this meeting at Caterham URC and the focus was on deployment. There are 160 churches and 51 Ministers in the area. Surrey churches fill all the criteria to qualify for Ministers however our area has 50% or less. One attendee commented that if the URC were a commercial enterprise they would put money into the thriving part not the other. A Church is only vacant if the Moderator declares it ‘vacant’. Sussex is facing a real problem. Group Reports Finance: the treasurer presented the audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2014. We did not have a Gift Day this year however there is a General Fund Surplus of £11,698.57. Income from rents had increased considerably partly due to a contribution of £1,650 from Little Fishes and £1,150 on hiring out the Sanctuary. We had also increased the hire rates, picked up a new regular hire (weekly) and the number of parties had increased. We had received £1,200 extra team allocation from St Andrews. Expenditure – we made no contribution to the Ministers pension fund during 2014 but we now have a request in hand. The utility bills are distorted during 2014 because no electricity bill had been received from EDF. Other notable items of expense were for the front door to the Church and transept plans. It was noted that Little Fishes is keen to be seen as an integral part of the Church. Thanks were expressed to Wilma for her work as Letting Secretary. The church meeting approved the accounts and a copy is included with these Minutes. Property Management: nothing to report. Outreach: another Family Fun Day has been requested by three of our children. It was suggested that we hold this on Monday 4th May. Church meeting approved. World Church and Mission: Bobby reported that the World Church and Mission committee had allocated this year’s spending as follows - £100 to each of the following groups; Bible Society, FEBA, Leprosy, Living Hope, MAF, Tear Fund and the Gideons. Under the toilet twinning scheme we have paid for two more toilets at £60 each. The Church also helps Ruth and Mamy. Christian Aid – Bett reported that Christian Aid will celebrate 70 years this year. Anyone interested can access their website where they will find items of interest such as their timeline. The first Christian Aid week was held in 1957, it then became an annual event. The purpose of Christian Aid was to highlight what it is like in refugee camps. Since then they have included Fair Trade / Live Aid and Red Nose Day. The Christian Aid annual service this year will be held on 8th May at West Worthing Baptist Church. CTG: the end of Lent service will be held at the Methodist Church; followed by tea. Andrew’s Time – a number of items have come from Elders’ meeting – (1) A vote of thanks was expressed to Valerie and Bett for all of their hard work in Messy Church during the past 5 ¼ years. The Church’s sincere and grateful thanks were expressed for what they had done for the life of the Church. (2) A recommendation came to Church meeting from the Elders that we reduce the number of Church meeting we hold. It was agreed that we would hold Church meetings on alternative months beginning from September 2015. Should any extraordinary topics crop up we can hold them more often. (3) Our 75th Anniversary Celebrations are being held during the 1st weekend in August. We will be setting up on Friday morning and taking down on Monday morning. Ideas in hand at the moment are – Caroline is organizing the making a new Banner, a Prayer card is possible for everyone and we may obtain tea towels with a picture of the Church on them. Graham will set up a display of ‘archive’ materials at the back of the Church. Carol is looking after the flowers and Bobby is organizing the crafts and hobbies display in the hall(s). Valerie will be in charge of the bring and share lunch on Saturday; this may be followed by a concert on Saturday afternoon. We will be holding a service of celebration on the Sunday morning to which the Mayor and others have been invited. Posters and banners are being looked at and Suzanna Gauntlett will deal with any advertising. It will be good to invite Little Fishes. A full programme needs to be organized and set in place. (4) The Elders had carried out a review of the Thursday afternoon prayer meetings. We have been meeting to discern the way forward for our Church. The conclusion was that the prayer meetings should be ongoing as we wait upon the Lord. We are learning to be patient! (5) A request has come forward that the children (7 years and older) be allowed to attend vestry prayers and carry the Bible into Church in the morning service. The Church meeting agreed that this would be ‘trialled’ on Easter Sunday. Andrew informed the meeting that his Sabbatical will begin on 28 April 2015 for 3 months. Elders will be briefed further in due course. Andrew will be busy on three topics (1) Developing Elders training courses (2) Deployment Strategy Review and (3) Producing Lectures for Christian Art appreciation. Diary Dates – 28th March - Elouise’s wedding at 1.00pm 18th April - Ruth and Danny’s wedding at 12.30pm 25th April - Emmanuel Quiz evening 16th May - Jonathen Viera at Emmanuel Church at 7.30pm AOB – None The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. The next Church meeting will be held on 30 April 2015. Minutes of Church Meeting 26 February 2015 Chair. Revd. Andrew Sellwood. Devotions led by Revd. Andrew Sellwood. Minister and 21 members present. 8 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting were approved and signed as correct. Matters arising – The meeting heard that Wilf Rhodes has struggled to find a suitable venue for the proposed weekend away. He is no longer able to pursue this and it is necessary for someone else to take over if this is to proceed. Pastoral news – the following individuals were to be remembered in prayer – Betty Razzell, Joan Eley, Olive Jones and Trudie Sanders. Stan Sanders and Vera Irving have died and the meeting stood in remembrance Agenda items. Group Reports Finance: The treasurer invited the meeting to pick up copies of the 2014 accounts which will be discussed at the next meeting. Property Management: Graham reported that a revised Health & Safety document has been prepared and posted on-line. Stuart Newell has agreed to be the Church’s Fire Safety Officer. The Fire Safety matters raised at the last meeting have been dealt with. The garage repairs have been completed and flat roof problems above the corridor addressed. Graham also announced that he is in the process of digitizing the baptism, marriage and death records, and will be inviting help in taking the project forward. Outreach: no report. World Church and Mission: Mission Group have met and agreed on the distribution of their budget allocation. A full report will be given at the next meeting. Details were given of the Shoe Box donation requirements for March. CTG: The Lent groups are under way. The Closing service and “bring and share” tea will take place on 29 March. Andrew’s Time – Andrew announced that his sabbatical will run from 20 April to 26 July inclusive. Diary Dates – 22nd March – Sompting holding an Ishmael family praise & tea. Goring afternoon Holy Communion at 3p.m. 26th April – Quiz at Emmanuel. 20th June – 4th July, and 12 - 26 September – Concordia Booking AOB – Val Cooper announced that the kitchen was in need of new tea towels, and invited members to bring new towels back from their travels. The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace The next Church meeting will be held on 26 March 2015. Minutes of Church Meeting 29 January 2015 Chair. Revd. Andrew Sellwood. Devotions led by Wilfred Rhodes. Andrew welcomed everyone and in particular Rev. Jenny Morgan and Marianne Barber who were attending as members for the first time. Minister and 26 members present. 7 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting one correction was made to the minutes of the previous meeting; they were then signed as correct. Matters arising – the Church’s 75th Anniversary – Vic Joy is writing to the Mayor and Wilfred Rhodes has offered to help with the other invitations. The meeting was reminded that we are still open to suggestions/ideas for our weekend of celebration. Open the Book – Eileen Rhodes had joined the two Bible Society reps (Mary and Peter Stewart) in Cloe’s school. They will be working there every second week for the rest of the year. Mary and Peter also attend Springfield School twice a term. Pastoral news – the following individuals were to be remembered in prayer – Stan and Trudie Sanders, William and Mary Connelly. There were also two Synod items – Rev. Mike Hensman and Rev. Ron Talmey have both died. Agenda items. One Plus One – Andrew reminded everyone that this is the issue of same-sex marriages being conducted in URC Churches. Local Churches were to share their views and opinions. We were not voting on what we would do locally but what we think Assembly should permit. The question on the voting slip is – “Should local URC church congregations who want to offer and host same-sex marriage services be allowed by the Church to do so”? General Assembly are testing the water to see how local churches feel about the issue. There being no questions we focused on the Confidential Vote the choices being Yes / No / Abstention. The Question above was proposed and seconded and two tellers appointed. Following a time of prayer and reflection the vote was taken and counted – the result 12 Yes, 13 No and 1 Abstention. Group Reports Finance: The treasurer informed the meeting of the Christmas collection amount £290.88, sent to the Worthing Churches Homeless Project. Property Management: Graham reported that the garage was in a state of disrepair; he had received two quotes to get the work done. One for £2,000 and the other for £850. The Treasurer had approved the £850 spend as there was a short time to take advantage of a special price for the garage doors. The meeting ratified the spend. A change has been made to the heating set-up in the Cornwall Room; it can no longer be adjusted on the radiators. The temperature can be adjusted on the control unit; this will allow each group using the room to adjust the temperature to their own preference. Should the control unit be adjusted Graham asked that it is changed back to the normal setting of 18C. The Fire Risk Assessment document has been updated and is now on our Website. The H & S document is still to be updated. The PAT testing should be carried out every 3 years with the exception of the kitchen which should be tested annually. Four H & S issues were raised by Eileen Rhodes. One was in hand and another had been resolved. Property Group will look into the other two Outreach: the Christmas Advent Calendar has been reviewed. It was thought that the men’s night out had been a great success and another night is being planned for February. The Quiz and fish and chip supper evening had also been very well attended. Mary asked whether people could give feedback or any other ideas for next year. The leaders of Messy Church are finding it difficult to maintain the craft etc. and the age of attendees has changed with mostly very young children attending. Notice was given that Messy Church will take place in February and March and then it will finish. The leaders are looking at other options for children’s outreach. Thanks were expressed to Val, Bett and everyone else who has helped with Messy Church. World Church and Mission: nothing to report. CTG: the Carol singing at the Mulberry had gone very well. The Lent groups will be beginning in February – details at the back of the Church. Anyone wishing to attend will need the book, available through the Internet or on order through Chapel Road. Diary Dates – 6th March – Women’s World Day of Prayer; local services will be held at 2.30 in the afternoon at St. Mary’s and 7.30 in the evening at St. Michael’s, Hayling Rise. The theme this year is “Jesus said to them do you know what I have done to you”, and has been put together by the ladies of the Bahamas. 21st March – Worthing Voices will be holding a concert in our Sanctuary with Rehearsals on 19th March. 11th July – again Worthing Voices will be holding a concert in the Sanctuary with rehearsals on 9th July, in aid of the Bible Society. Notices – can be found on the table at the back of the Church. Correspondence – an email has been received notifying us that Ian Sweeting is the new PA to the Synod Clerk in Synod Office. The “bring and share” lunch had been very much enjoyed with a lovely time of fellowship; thanks to everyone who contributed. AOB – Wilf reminded the meeting of the weekend away which 44 people had attended in March 2009 at Pilgrim Hall. He suggested another weekend away, again at Pilgrim Hall with people from all four churches in our area attending, perhaps September or October 2016. Wilf has written to all four churches and spoken to them and there is real interest. This is something which those interested in attending would need to commit to. It would be from Friday tea time to Sunday tea time and the cost would be roughly £170 - £180 each. It would be less for children and we would hope to organise someone to look after them. Bible Society – as Mary and Peter Stewart are heavily committed towards the end of the year Margaret Butcher asked if it would be all right to have our Bible Society Sunday in November this year, when Mary and Peter are available. This was agreed. The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace The next Church meeting will be held on 26 February 2015. Minutes of Church Meeting 27th November 2014. Chair. Revd. Andrew Sellwood. Devotions led by Vic Joy. Minister and 24 members present. 10 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting were signed as correct. Matters arising – the Church’s 75th Anniversary next year - Elders have formulated the first draft of proposed activities – a display of flowers will be co-ordinated by Carol Webber. On Saturday 1st August suggestions are for a display of hobbies and crafts in the morning, bring and share a lunch, a walk along the prom, and a musical event in the evening. For the Sunday morning - a celebratory service was suggested inviting past members, past ministers and people who use our halls. It was suggested that we invite the Moderator of the General Assembly, Dereck Hedidor and the Churches in the CTG and the Mayor. A new banner may be dedicated. In the evening we can hold a Songs of Praise service. It is hoped that there will be something to take away as a memento to mark the occasion. These are just the initial ideas and we are still open to any new ideas. Pastoral news – the following individuals were to be remembered in prayer - Irene Kitto, William and Mary Connelly, Betty Razzell and Robin Bradley (a past member); and Donna who is to start a new job. Audrey Gerlach will be 90th years of age next Sunday and Denise Woods also celebrates her birthday on the same day. Ron Courtnadge passed away on Friday 21st November. Peter Mitchell has also passed away; there will be a thanksgiving service in our Church for Peter on Monday 15th December at 10.15 a.m. Durrington LEP celebrate their 30th anniversary on Sunday. Rev Jenny Morgan is to be received into membership by transfer from Bansted URC. Mr Charles Morgan, Miss Ruth Covey, Mrs Joan Jaques, Mrs Edna Nicholas and Mrs Penny Norfolk’s names will be added to the Church handbook. Agenda items. Group Reports Finance: The treasurer presented a budget update for the current year, projecting a surplus of £2,000 due to increased rental income, and a proposed budget (copy attached) for 2015. The recent DEC appeal had raised £177.25 for which a cheque has been sent. Alan Westcott is stepping down from the post of Auditor, thanks were expressed for everything he has done. Gaynor Anderson-Easey was proposed, approved and ratified as the new Church Auditor. Outreach: the Christmas Advent Calendar is now available, any gentlemen wishing to go on the men’s night out need to contact Ryan. World Church and Mission: the Christian Aid giving from all of the Churches in our area was up by £2,000. Lancing College will be holding their Carols by candle light on 1 st December, tickets available on line. A total of 44 shoe boxes have been completed and £157.50 donated towards postage; the shoeboxes will be collected tomorrow morning. Andrew and Michelle Gay will be bringing their baby Braxton for thanksgiving on Sunday. We came 2nd in the Quiz evening; it was very enjoyable. CTG: the CTG Carol singing will take place on 20th December at 10.30. Bury Drive are holding a ‘moving’ nativity, beginning at 3 o’clock and finishing back at the Church at 4 o’clock for the service. Synod Report Wilf Presented a report of the Southern Synod Together meeting which was held at Caterham School on 8th November 2014. (Copy attached) Andrew’s time: the meeting had its first opportunity to discuss General Assembly Resolution 31 - same sex marriages in the URC. The Synod had deflected the decision to the local churches. The voting procedures will be by secret ballot. We need to think about how it affects our doctrine – how we interpret the scriptures. Andrew will facilitate a meeting in January 2015; and only if it is right will we take a vote. It may be that we will not be ready and a further meeting will be required. It was suggested that it might be helpful for two people to read the role play which is available in the literature. The one plus one booklet is available on line; more publications are becoming available all the time from GEAR. Every Church member should be encouraged to come along and take part. We were all asked to formulate out thoughts and feelings before the next meeting. Members who cannot attend will have the opportunity to write in on the subject. Diary Dates - the December dates have been widely advertised – 7th December – gift day for the food bank. The offertory will go to the Worthing Churches Homeless Project. It has been suggested that we bring a ‘bring and share’ lunch and show a film to replace the New Year party. On 14th December Mary and Peter Stewart from the Bible Society will be speaking to us and there will be a retiring collection in aid of Bible Society. Hilary has received a Christmas letter from the Moderator. The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace The next Church meeting will be held on 29 January 2015. Minutes of Church Meeting 30th October 2014. Chair. Revd. Andrew Sellwood. Devotions led by Hilary Redman Minister and 19 members present. 9 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting were signed as correct. Matters arising – The Thursday prayer meetings are continuing – a corporate act well supported by both those in attendance, and those unable to attend. Wilf Rhodes has prepared the safeguarding document, which will be displayed on our premises from December. Members were urged to keep the Church’s 75th anniversary in our prayers. The Elders are presently working on how best to co-ordinate the event. Pastoral news – The following individuals were to be remembered in prayer – Stan & Trudi Sanders, Wilf Rhodes, Betty Razzell, Janet Dean, Donna Standing, and Jean Webb. News was also received about Rev Philip Tout. Agenda items. Finance: Matthew Smith reported that new 3 year contracts have been negotiated for utilities, which will save the church around £1,000 pa. The meeting agreed to support a special collection for the DEC Ebola Crisis Appeal over the next 3 Sundays. Property: Graham Redman reported that a letter has been sent to HMRC regarding the state of their boundary fence/hedges. He also provided an update on damp problems at the manse. A new hoover is to be purchased for cleaning the Church. Outreach: An update was received on the Family Fun Day plus the Advent diary, with special mention given to the Christmas Craft Day (6 December), Coffee & Christmas Treat Nibbles (9 December), and the Alternative Christmas Table Decoration event (13 December). World Church and Mission: Completion of the boxes will be carried out on 8 November. Also mention was made of the Leprosy service along the coast the same day. CTG: A report was given on the Saints and Sinners event, which raised £950 (up £100 on last year). The next CTG service will be here on 16 November, while there will be Carol Singing at The Mulberry on 20 December. Andrew’s time: Andrew encouraged us to seek out prayer partners and encourage the network of prayer support for our regular Thursday prayer meetings. Diary Dates:The meeting’s attention was drawn to WCHP’s Woolly Hat Day and Quiz Night, Messy Church, and the Prayer Service and & pilgrimage to the sea shore to be led by Alex Mabbs on 1 November at Brighthelm. The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. The next Church meeting will be held on 27 November, when we will give first thoughts to One plus One document. Church Meeting Minutes 25th September 2014. 20 members present. 5 apologies received. Devotions led by Andrew. Minutes of previous meeting approved. Matters Arising. 75th Anniversary 2015. A Steering group is to be appointed. The date for this group’s first get together will be agreed at the next Elders meeting. Plans need to be agreed as soon as possible as room lettings are already being booked for next year. Elder’s election. All four candidates were elected. The 1st Open Prayer meeting takes place on Thursday 2nd October at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Matters from Elders Meeting. The One -plus-One booklet is available online there are also paper copies which can be borrowed. Andrew had attended a meeting regarding same sex marriage. The denomination is being asked to make decision as to what stance they take. The question is not, ‘would your local church expect to offer and host services of this kind?’ The question being asked of us is: what do you think assembly should permit? Therefore the question is, ‘Would you wish General Assembly to allow same-sex marriage, in those local URC churches that wish to offer and host these services?’ Pastoral news. The needs of the following people were brought to the meeting. William and Mary Connelly, Irene Kitto, Trudy and Stan Sanders, Ken Woods, Wilfred Rhodes. It was also noted that Eileen Rhodes has now stepped down from her key role in the Women’s World day of Prayer after 9 years of service. A new date will be set for the thanks giving service for Master Braxton Gay. This service was postponed after family bereavement. Agenda Items. Group reports. Finance. Nothing to report. Property. Nothing to report. Outreach. there has been some difficulty in getting a date for the mission enabler Martin Hayward to visit as he is currently covering the role of Training Officer as Nick White is leaving to train for ordained ministry. Bet has taken delivery of 100 shoe boxes which have kindly been paid for by a church member. This supply should last two year. The 8th November between 10-11 am has been set to fill boxes. We still need certain items a list of which is available from Bet. A request was made for pictures of people and animals for the next Messy Church. Also for a chalk board for the Ark if anyone has one they can donate. A list of outreach dates, including the family fun day was made available and will be filed with the minutes. C.T.G. Donations of quality items were requested for the Saints and Sinners day. Please leave in the choir vestry. The afternoon event commences at 3pm, the evening event at 7pm. Andrew's time. Andrew reported that the Moderator, who preached at Goring recently, described our prayer initiative as "very positive". Andrew asked the meetings approval to bring two new members into the church family. Revd. Jenny Morgan - transfer from Banstead URC and Marianne Barber - by profession of Faith. The meeting agreed unanimously. Notices and Correspondence. We have been asked to send prayer requests to Synod Council who are having two days of prayer for churches. There is a prayer and pilgrimage forum at Brighthelme URC on 1st November. Details will be in welcome nearer the time. The Joint Public Issues Team is holding a ‘Love your neighbour’ conference as part of the build up to the 2015 General election; Entitled - How to build a more just society. All notices and correspondence will be available at the back of the Church on the Notice board. Diary Dates. Next meeting is on 20th October. AOB, Vic will take the Harvest gifts to the Food Bank. Wilfred asked if anyone can attend Southern Synod meeting on 8th November as he is unable to attend. A request was made for volunteers to take services at Caer Gwent. Please speak to Wilfred if you can help. The meeting ended at 8:30 pm with the sharing of the Grace. Minutes of Church Meeting 31st July 2014. Chair. Revd. Andrew Sellwood. Devotions led by Rosina Bayley Minister and 30 members present. 8 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting were signed as correct. Matters arising – Alison Westcott delivered a statement from Little Fishes; the statement named the Little Fishes Committee for the year 14/15. This was ratified by Church meeting. It is the Church’s 75th Anniversary next year; it is hoped that we will hold special events to mark the occasion. Any thoughts on how we can mark the occasion should be passed to Hilary. A small committee will be formed to pilot it through. Pastoral news – we remembered members who are currently on holiday. The following individuals were to be remembered in prayer - Caroline Hibbs, Jill and Andrew Sellwood, Stan and Trudie Sanders, Pete Mitchell, Irene Kitto, Stuart and Donna’s friend (Elise) and Lesley Kovacs. Agenda items. Elders Election – Tellers were appointed - Carole Cullis and Graham Redman. Four nominees, Vic Joy, Matthew Smith, Wilfred Rhodes and Ryan Thomas were duly elected; voting papers will be destroyed. Next Elders meeting will be held on Thursday 4th September at 2.30 pm. Church Appointments – Ray Elliott is stepping down from the property Management Group; the meeting’s appreciation and thanks were extended to Ray. From the Elders’ Meeting: Future Plans for Outreach and the Developing use of the premises: Discussion has taken place at Elders regarding the recent letting of the Sanctuary. The development of the transepts have already been discussed. Graham, as chairman of the Property Management group is asked to revisit the original plan for the rear of the Sanctuary. Little Fishes do not currently have sole use of the Harris room; the Church can still use it. There have been a number of problems and misunderstandings and the Elders felt that this was due to not putting items before the Lord in prayer. There has been a lack of focused prayer and the way forward is to bring everything cooperatively, as a Church, to the Lord in prayer. Prayer is the answer – for those members who wish to share in this initiative there is a list to sign. Whatever we do, any decision taken must be right. Leadership is needed, we need the Lord to direct us. If we have more co-operative prayer then we can share the vision. Finance: The budget is progressing as planned and it won’t be necessary to have a Gift day this year. The MOM Allocation for 2015 is set at £43,428.00; this was approved by Church meeting (1% reduction). Outreach: Martin Hayward will be glad to come and work with the Outreach group, a time and date to be arranged. The Family Fun Day on 31st October 2014, was approved as was the Christmas Advent Calendar. A suggestion for the Christmas Advent Calendar was a co-operative prayer day to be held on 31 December 2014 to pray for all Church members/families. World Church and Mission: the Coffee morning held on 26th July raised £90.10. The meeting was reminded about the Saints & Sinners day which is being held in October. Bett reported that 100 flat-packed shoe boxes are on their way to her. They will cost £3 each to post so any contributions of money will be gratefully received to help with postage. Completion of the boxes will be carried out on 18 November 2014. In 2013 Operation Christmas Child received a total of 44,000 boxes. 4,000 boxes were received in remote parts of Zambia, we can only imagine the joy and excitement of those children. Andrew’s time: General Assembly had been held in Cardiff when lots of business had been discussed and Andrew provided the meeting with his personal observations/highlights. In particular he mentioned the revisiting of same sex marriages in the URC – a matter which will need to be discussed further, with Local Churches required to make decisions by December – a booklet on the subject is available on the URC website. Diary Dates:September 28th October 4th October 16th - Harvest with 3pm Holy Communion - Bible Society Concert - A lunch-time Organ recital in aid of the Royal College of Organists. 1.00 pm Geoffrey Redman. Notices and Correspondence – Dereck Haydor, Bernard Edwards, formerly Synod Treasurers have passed away. Linda White has retired and Nick Foulger is now PA to Synod Moderator. ‘Saying Goodbye’ are arranging services for families who have lost babies/children they have a Website if anyone wishes to find out more. A.O.B. A farewell service is to be held at St Richards for the Rev. Jo Gavigan who is retiring shortly. Eileen Rhodes reported that a number of visitors have been made very welcome. She thanked the Stewards for everything they do. There are two vacancies for stewards at present and she asked for this to be given consideration, Jane Bond has a spare copy of the Reform magazine and took the opportunity to give the magazine some publicity. The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. The next Church meeting will be held on 25 September 2014. Church meeting 26th June 2014 27 members present, 5 apologies. Opening devotions led by Hilary. Minutes of previous meeting signed as correct following amendments. Matters arising. 1. Little Fishes. Valerie Gill read out a statement on behalf of Little Fishes. They have declined the grant from WSCC due to the terms and conditions involved. Among the issues were – the fact that the full amount of money was not offered, as well as the additional paperwork involved in taking on more children, most of whom could potentially have complex needs. Also the building work would not have been completed during the school holidays. It was stated that this is the best decision for Little Fishes. A request was made to use the Harris room on a permanent basis. Matthew and Gaynor will discuss this further. 2. Outreach Proposals. Andrew spoke on the initial responses following the presentation made at last month’s meeting. New outreach proposals need to go through the Elders meeting. Andrew has approached the Mission Enabler Martin Hayward to come and talk to the Fellowship. Andrew thanked the mission group for their stimulating challenge to the meeting. It was acknowledged there is much work to be done but it needs to be done well. 3. Diary dates/ Sanctuary bookings. Andrew acknowledged the responses, both verbal and in writing, to the use of the Sanctuary by outside groups. These concerns will be taken to the Elders Meeting for discussion and then a procedure developed which will need to be agreed by the Church Meeting. There are no further bookings for the Sanctuary at this time. Pastoral News. Hilary. The following individuals were to be remembered in prayer. Denise Woods, Wilma Smith, Lesley Kovacs, Rosemary and Irene Kitto, William and Mary Connelly. Agenda Items. Elders election. Hilary. 4 candidates were named. Wilfred Rhodes, Matthew Smith, Ryan Thomas and Vic Joy. All will write a brief resume about themselves. The Ark. Wilma has resigned due to other obligations. Rosina has offered to take on this role. The proposal was accepted unanimously by the meeting. Thanks were offered to Rosina. Group Reports. An application for major works has gone to Synod - no feedback as yet. The Property and Finance groups will meet together and a full update will be brought to the July meeting. Outreach. Mary brought two proposals from the outreach group. 1. The suggestion of a one day ‘festival of light’ family fun day on 31st October. This would use the entire premises and would have a selection of family games but in a giant format. Some equipment may need to be hired in but other items may be sourced for free. Hot dogs, drinks and popcorn would be available. A nominal fee of 20p per player per game would be charged. 2. A Christmas Advent calendar with events for every day in December. This would include events already in the diary such as carol services, Bible study, Kestro and Messy church. Not all events will be for outreach some will be for building up the fellowship as well as reaching out to the community. Both of these suggestions will be put to the July Church Meeting for approval. Other ideas would be appreciated. The meeting asked questions regarding these two events. Any plans would need to bear in mind groups already using the premises and would need to be discussed with Wilma in respect of hall bookings. World Church and Mission. Bobby. There will be a coffee morning on 26th July with a ‘good as new stall’ and cakes. This will provide an opportunity for a get together and raise money for mission funds. This will be advertised in welcome. C.T.G. The walk last Sunday was successful with 22 people walking. ‘Saints and Sinners’ takes place on 11th October. Please collect items for the Nearly New stall. Andrew's time. Andrew spoke of inevitable changes and challenges ahead. During these potentially difficult times we need to be working together and channeling our passion for Jesus. We are stronger together than when we are when being drawn apart. We all have different opinions but we should strive to work together to proclaim the gospel. We need some spontaneity but Systems and structures need to be in place to provide clarity and transparency. Good communication is essential. Any radically new initiative needs go through the Elders Meeting then Church Meeting. But above all everything we do should be discerned through the Holy Spirit by prayerful consideration. Dates for diaries. 4th August 2015 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the church. It was suggested a committee is formed to consider how best to mark this event. A weekend at Pilgrim Hall in Spring 2016 was suggested. Notices and Correspondence. Available at the back of the Church. AOB. Wilfred reported on the Worthing Community Chest and how they raise some of their funds from textile banks. The process of allocation was also explained. Susanna suggested we include prayers on the Church website. Software will be explored. The poppies planted at Easter have unfortunately failed. Anyone shopping at ASDA please use the token system to raise money for Kestro. The meeting ended with the sharing of the Grace Church Meeting 29th May 2014 17 members present. 5 apologies. Devotions led by Carole Culliss. Minutes of previous meeting agreed and signed by Revd. Andrew Sellwood as correct. Matters Arising. Little Fishes project. We are still awaiting plans for the Little Fishes area and the modifications to the East and West Transept. Three quotes will then need to be obtained. Matthew Smith has sent in a Major Works form as required by Synod. They will await the plans and costings. The Property and finance groups will meet to discuss these further. Gaynor is actively involved in the re writing of the LF Constitution. Purchase of Defibrillator. Vic has applied to the Community Chest for a grant of £2,750 to purchase this. If this grant is not forthcoming then it is not anticipated that a Defibrillator will be purchased. Pastoral news. The following people were remembered in prayer Daphne Eames, Freda Flint, Terry Beasley, Janice and Philip and brother Robert, William and Mary Connelly , Janet Dean's father. Agenda items. Election of Elders. Hilary updated the meeting on this. The closing date has now passed for nominations. Four names have been put forward. Each will have the opportunity to talk to the elders' before their names are brought to the Church meeting. Group reports. Finance – no report . Property Management. Graham. The new front doors have now been installed. Outreach. Valerie Cooper informed the meeting about plans to distribute leaflets around the new Housing estate. It was proposed that details of one table tennis morning and the games afternoon to be included in the leaflet for people to attend. There was also mention of a weekly drop in session to begin in the near future. These suggestions were promoted as part of a programme for developing and building a more informal and relaxed relationship with the community. Valerie asked for feedback on these suggestions as soon as possible to enable the leaflets to be printed and distributed. The proposal was debated at length by the Meeting; there was concern over the timing, and lack of consultation. It was unfortunate that therefore no agreement was possible at this stage. This issue will be discussed further by the Elders and at subsequent Church meetings. Andrew stated that the Church will need to pull together and have discussions regarding the vision for our Outreach plans. It was also noted that Andrew has been made aware that at least 3 other churches in the area are also hoping to make moves into this new mission field. We do not wish to miss the opportunities but wisdom and discernment are required to ascertain how to move forward. World Church and Mission. £250 was raised for Christian Aid at Geoffrey's organ recital. Donations totalled around £500. Bett thanked the Church for their support. C.T.G. Carole. There is a poster available advertising the ‘Walk around Goring’ on 22nd June. This begins and ends at English Martyrs. The Sunday evening congregation will be asked if they wish to cancel the evening service on this day as Fred Manuel has already been booked. The Saints and Sinners event will take place later in the year. Please can quality items be donated for the White Elephant stall. Andrew's time. Andrew reported he has to attend two significant Synod meetings, one at Reigate Park and one at East Croydon. The redeployment of Ministers is to be discussed with ministry being spread even thinner and less money available. Andrew is still the Interim Moderator for Sompting and it is taking a long time to get them ministry. We wait expectantly to see what the Lord will provide in respect of our future but Andrew stressed we are to be encouraged as there remains a great deal of potential within this Church. Diary Dates. Wilma advised the meeting of the diary dates for June which is a busy month. The church members were asked to respect these bookings and to not visit the premises when the rooms are occupied. The full booking information will be included in the minutes folder. Notices and Communication. The new General Secretary elect is to be Revd. John Proctor. All information and correspondence will be made available at the back of the Church. The meeting ended with the Grace Church Meeting 24th April 2014. 24 members present. 3 apologies received. Devotions led by Vic Joy. Previous minutes corrected and signed by Andrew. Matters Arising. • Messy Easter was a great success. The meeting thanked Mary, Valerie and all the helpers for their hard work. 25 children attended the Easter Sunday service following this event. • Little fishes. £54,000 has been offered following the submission of Plans. It has been decided to go ahead with the expansion project. Due to the shortfall in the funds offered there may be some amendments to the plan. Matthew Smith is liaising with Eloise. A further request has been made to the Council to request the full amount. The proposed work on the Transept will most likely not be met through the grant and will be discussed by the finance group. It was noted that the extra rental income from Little Fishes will be around £2000 per year and this will pay for the Transept work over a period of 3-4 years. Matthew suggested it would make sound financial sense. The property committee will obtain estimates and bring these to the next church meeting. Firmer proposals on how the £54,000 can be best used will also be brought to the next meeting for discussion. • Defibrillator. No update available yet. Vic is waiting to hear from his contact. Eileen Rhodes suggested we purchase a defibrillator for the town centre which would potentially benefit more people. It was agreed the matter of a defibrillator needs to be investigated further. • The poppy seeds were planted on Good Friday. Pastoral news. Prayers requested for the following people: Doreen Norris, Joyce Minshaw and Ruth Cooper who has recently become engaged. Agenda Items. Safeguarding. Wilfred informed the meeting that we need to update our policies around Safeguarding adults and children. Details have been passed onto the Elders. All users of church premises will need to sign to say they have read the 17 page document. Everyone within the Church is required to be aware of our responsibilities around Safeguarding. Tearfund link person. Gaynor Anderson-Easey has volunteered to take on this role. Elders election. These begin with notification raised every Sunday morning in May and also in Welcome - Nominations to be received by 25th May. The result will be announced on July 31st. Potential candidates need to have been Church members for at least two years. Ryan and Vic have served three years and will be standing down. They are eligible for reelection. Hilary Redman was ratified as Church Secretary for a further year. This was carried unanimously by the Meeting. Thanks were offered to Hilary for her work in this role. Group reports:Finance. Matthew. The group will meet again in May. We are awaiting the final deliberations from Synod Council regarding the outcome of the results of the finance questionnaire the Church Meeting had previously completed. Property Management. Graham. New doors are on order. The Property group are due to meet in May. Outreach. Bett. The crèche area was again discussed. It was noted that for the Messy Easter service some families left babies and toddlers at home because they were unsure of what would be available. The benefits of having an enclosed area were noted. Stewards can direct families with young children to the crèche area. The Boys Brigade flags need to be securely fastened to the wall if they are to remain in the West Transept. World Church and Mission. Bett On 8th May the Christian Aid service will be held at St Andrew's, Tarring and will be led by Rachel Lees. CTG. No information until next meeting. Andrew's time. Andrew spoke of feeling blessed by the preparations for Easter and the encouraging and positive responses. Diary Dates. Various correspondences with greetings and invites to events have been received and will be available at the back of the Sanctuary for anyone who may be interested. It was noted that the communion service for June has been changed from 1st to the 8th to allow Andrew to receive new members. The meeting ended with the sharing of the Grace. Goring URC Church Meeting 27.03.2014. 17 members present. 16 apologies received. Devotions led by Hilary. Previous minutes amended, then agreed and signed by Revd Andrew Sellwood. Matters Arising. Eileen Rhodes gave a report on the W.W.D.P. Little Fishes. Copies of plans have been submitted. The pros and cons of the sanctuary play area were debated. It was suggested that stewards could explain the facilities to visiting families. This led to a discussion about provision of a crèche. The situation will be monitored and reviewed. Toilet twinning photos will be displayed in church facilities. Pastoral news. Hilary. The following people to be remembered in prayer. William Connelly, Joyce Minshaw, Peggy Mott, Janet Dean. Agenda Items. The Elders have recommended the purchase of a Defibrillator to be kept on the premises. This suggestion was debated by the meeting. More information was needed to make any decision. Finance A copy of the Finance report is filed in the minutes folder and has already been audited and signed off. It was noted that income does not include the proceeds from sales of investments as this is "new money ". The church meeting approved the accounts. Property management. Graham. The new Church doors are on order. Church Lettings - The Apostolic Faith Church has booked the church hall this coming Sunday afternoon. Our evening service will be held in the sanctuary. 3rd. April Worthing Voices are rehearsing in the Sanctuary and may need to re arrange the seating, this is in readiness for their event the following Saturday. Outreach. Messy Easter. Mary informed the meeting 25 children and a possible 3 more will be attending, over half with no connection to church. Mary has a list of names and requested each child is prayed for by name. The Easter Sunday service will follow through from this event and will use elements from the programme to reflect the previous week’s activities. This will include the children "role playing” the taking of communion whilst it is served to the congregation. Mary and her team were thanked by Andrew for their hard work and commitment it was acknowledged that this is a challenging piece of work for the church. W C & M Bett. Christian Aid service at St Andrew’s Tarring on 8th. May at 7:30. Sat 17th. May Geoffrey will be giving an organ recital followed by tea and cakes. This will include a retiring collection. 12th. April West Worthing Baptist church are holding a recycling coffee morning. C.T.G. Carole. The Lent groups are now taking place. The closing service is on 13th. April at bury drive Methodist Church and will include a tea. Andrew's time. The following people have come forward on profession of faith to be church members. Mrs Freda Flint, Miss Chris Howie, Mr Brian Mitten, Miss Donna Standing and Mr Stewart Newell. Date for the service to be arranged. Diary Dates. 30th. anniversary of Christian resources exhibition at Sandown race course. 13-16th. May. Correspondence. This includes the suggestion from Synod that red and white poppies are planted on Good Friday with the hope they will bloom on 4th. August. This is to commemorate the 100th. anniversary of the outbreak of WW1. Vic and Maureen joy kindly offered to oversee this project. Hilary will make available relevant information and leaflets at the back of the Church. A request was made for a church representative to be the contact person for Tear Fund. This will involve receiving correspondence. 14th. June Leatherhead URC will be using our premises. All diary dates will be available in Welcome. No AOB was received. Meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. Goring URC Church Meeting 27 February 2014 27 members present. 11 apologies. Devotions led by Ryan. Previous minutes agreed and signed by Revd. Andrew Sellwood. Matters arising. Wilfred has agreed to update the outside notice board. Pastoral news. Joyce Minshaw, Irene Kitto. The Meeting was asked to remember them in prayer. Agenda Items. Group reports. Finance. Matthew had statements of the accounts for people to take away and study before the next meeting when they will be brought for approval. Please raise any questions with Matthew prior to the meeting. Property. Graham reported on the costs for replacing the front doors which is £1800. Work to be carried out by Worthing Glass. The meeting agreed unanimously to this work being carried out. WC&M. 2 church toilets have been twinned. A brief explanation of this venture was provided. CTG. Commissioning Service for the Lent study groups would be held on Sunday 2nd March at St Richards 6:00pm. Closing Service at Bury Drive Methodist on 13th April which will include a bring and share tea. Sunrise Service Easter Sunday at 06:45am. Walk around Worthing Churches event to be 22nd June . Andrew had nothing to report this month. Diary Dates. No evening service on 13th April. 30th March. Mothering Sunday. The evening service that day will be held in the church as the Apostolic Church has hired the Hall. Eileen Rhodes gave details of the Women’s World Day of Prayer. Notices and Correspondence. News was received about the death of Revd. D Ceri Lewis, his life and ministry will be remembered in prayer. Valerie Cooper has invited any interested persons to join a trip to the Holy Land on the 14-21 Feb. 2015. Members may like to know Geoffrey and Eileen Dearsley will be attending church on 30th March. A written update was provided by the Revd. Sue Lovedale regarding the situation along the Thames valley where flooding has been very serious. The local URC premises were used for distributing supplies and feeding rescue agency workers. It was requested that we continue to hold the situation in our prayers. There is a worship leader’s weekend. See Hilary for details. Lay preachers conference held at Westminster College will be attended by three people from our church. AOB. It was agreed that flowers can be purchased for distribution on Mothering Sunday. The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace Church meeting 30th January 2014. 34 members + 3 non-members present with 2 apologies. Devotions led by Rosina. Minutes of previous meeting signed as correct. Matters Arising. Hall lettings secretary. Wilma Smith volunteered to fulfil this post. Her appointment was unanimously agreed and ratified by the meeting. Toilet Twinning - leaflets have been sent to the Mission committee for consideration. Church Insurance. Matthew has challenged the loss of the No Claims benefit. 20% has now been reinstated and a reimbursement received. Pastoral news. Hilary. Two members have passed away since the last meeting, Joyce Jordan and Betty Hislop, the meeting stood in silence to remember them. Janet Dean's father is in hospital. 2 Church members have now moved into Nursing Homes. Agenda items- Group reports Property and Finance. Little Fishes have been invited by WSCC to expand their premises to enable them to take children aged 2 upwards. Matthew and Graham presented a proposal to extend Little Fishes accommodation by modifying the Harris Room. As a result of the loss of a meeting room possible alterations to the Sanctuary were considered to provide an alternative meeting space. Little Fishes can apply to WSCC for a grant to finance their expansion, and had to submit their application the day after the church meeting.. A detailed proposal to be included in the minutes folder. The resolution was carried with 1 abstention. Graham presented an artist's impression of how the two transepts could be made into meeting rooms with the use of glass doors and possible false ceilings. This overall plan was agreed in principle by the meeting but there would need to be further discussion as to the detail. The costs cannot be finalised until plans are drawn up. Part of Little Fishes grant application will be to cover the cost of alterations to replace the loss of the Harris room, the meeting voted in principle to accept this proposal with 3 votes against and 3 abstaining. The majority voted in favour. Outreach. Valerie. The meeting debated whether to hold the skating Festival of Light event this year. Various opinions were expressed, some in writing. The resolution was NOT carried to hold the event this year, by a majority with 2 abstaining. Messy Easter. Tuesday 15th -Thursday 17th April .this is an event for school age children from 09:30 -12:00 noon. This will be a pre book event. 18 volunteers have come forward which means we can accommodate 25-30 children. More volunteers are welcome which would mean more children can be accommodated. Children’s carpeted area installed in the sanctuary. Valerie presented a suggestion of removable interlocking matting with fenced area in the shape of a train; this could also be used by the Ark. It was suggested this may help encourage new families with young children into church without them feeling "on show" The finance for this would come from the Ark and Outreach budget. Drop In. the idea was raised to hold a drop in session for socially isolated people. This is a problem area identified by the Elders. Ideas include tea and coffee, provision of newspapers, Knit and natter and crafts. If this were to go ahead it would start around May. The meeting asked various questions about this initiative, more details to follow. A suggestion box for possible outreach ideas was proposed with the premise that anyone making a suggestion should be willing to take an active role in the running and organising of their proposal. Matthew informed the meeting we are moving into a phase of letting sections of the Sanctuary and setting charges for this. The meeting agreed that the Finance committee could set charges. It was acknowledged however that we cannot deny people free access to the Church Sanctuary. Finance. Matthew. The finance committee have met and raised a number of issues these will be discussed further when the Church accounts are presented in February. Matthew will distribute the accounts for consideration. Manse. Graham reported on the external work which has been hampered by bad weather. The damp in the little chapel and vestry was discussed. The initial expenditure of £285 was approved by the meeting. There may be additional costs in the future to sort out this problem. World Church and mission. Bett reported that 43 shoe boxes were filled last year. We can now purchase flat packed shoe boxes at a cost of 25-30 pence per box. A church member has kindly agreed to contribute to the cost of these. Bett has offered her services again for this task and will start again next month. Christian Aid. On Saturday May 17th Geoffrey will be giving an organ recital with afternoon tea. This will be a ticketed event. CTG. Dates are now available for the ecumenical Lent groups. Please see the poster. Details of this event will be available in Welcome and at the back of the church. The course this year is titled Parables and Possessions and runs over 6 sessions. This can also be downloaded. The event begins on 2nd March with a service at St Richards and ends on 17th April with a service at Bury Drive Methodist Church. This service will include a ‘bring and share tea’. The Easter sunrise service will be at 07:45 hours and will be led by Father George. Diary dates. Wilma is to provide a booking sheet for the Sanctuary. An organ recital on 16th October part of a nationwide event. A letter was received asking if we have any concerns regarding the new street lights. AOB. It was suggested we look at how our Notice board can be made more interesting. If anyone is willing to take on this task please see Hilary. Flower arranging. A notice will be in welcome asking for volunteers. There is a list in the vestibule to add names to. Kitchen. Valerie informed the meeting there is no need for individuals to take tea towels home to wash. Instead these can be placed in the available wash baskets. Also, any unclaimed bins/buckets in the kitchen will be disposed of after the 2nd week in February. Unlabelled food in the fridge will be thrown away. Valerie also asked for permission to put 1 of the portable water urns on Freecycle as it is not needed due to us having the new water boiler. Permission Granted. The meeting ended with the Grace. Church Minutes 28th November 2013. 16 members present. 5 apologies given. Devotions led by Hilary. Previous minutes signed as correct by minister following approval from the meeting. Matters arising. 1. Hall booking secretary. This post is still vacant. The meeting was asked to consider if this could be done on-line using PayPal for payments. Ryan is looking into this option. We will still need someone to oversee this process. The Elders are aware of the issues and have discussed this. It will be necessary to ask what the booking is for on the booking form issued. This suggestion would make the task easier for whoever takes it on. It was acknowledged that human resources are fairly low and that we need to consider alternatives. 2/3. Update on play carpet and toilet twinning. No one available at the meeting to provide further information so will have be taken to the next meeting. Pastoral news. Hilary. The following people will be remembered in prayer. Irene Kitto, Derek Walker, John Flack, Janet Dean, William and Mary Connelly, Richard and Iren Tulley. Colin Wilde has requested a change of membership. Hilary will obtain details and arrange this. The meeting agreed to distribute plants to the housebound. Hilary will arrange this. Agenda Items. 1. Group reports. Finance. Matthew discussed Gift day. Changing the date for this in 2015 was discussed. It was also suggested that if people increased their giving by a suggestion of 10% this would negate the need for a gift day to balance books. Gift day could then be used for special projects. If this idea is taken up it would be monitored for a year and reviewed by the Finance group mid-2014. If gift day needs to continue in 2015 then the date would be changed to another time of year, such as Pentecost. It was suggested that a letter goes out to members regarding this. Ministers Pensions. We have been asked to contribute £830 this year. Last year the amount was £1300. Meeting agreed to pay this. F.o.L. This event did not do so well this year, making a £504 loss. The main reason for this was the reduction in sponsorship. The shortfall will be met out of the Mission and Evangelism budget. The meeting agreed that Christmas giving this year will go to Worthing Dapper Snappers charity as we are unable to send money from F.o.L. DEC appeal for Philippines amounted to £285. Matthew reported the budget this year is looking good. Church insurance cost has increased by £700 as result of recent claims; the ‘no claims’ bonus has been lost. The meeting asked if there were any plans to increase our income such a hiring out the Sanctuary area. This would need to be discussed amongst the Elders. Hall rents will increase in January. The meeting was shown a copy of the budget proposal which was Approved. Property Management. Graham. The Manse- external plastering is in progress at a cost of £1,600 using a ‘One coat’ product that will not need painting. The church projector has gone to be repaired and will be back in a few weeks. This is covered by warranty. The toilet next to the Harris room has had the leaking roof repaired at a cost of £300. Once dry the room will be decorated. The installation of the new sanctuary heating will start on Monday with regards to payment, Matthew requested approval from the meeting to sign a blank cheque for the builders this was given to Wilfred to pass on. The service on 8th December will be held in the hall. A hot water dispenser has been donated by a representative of Voice of Disability in memory of his wife. This will be plumbed in on Monday. Health and Safety issues were discussed. Notices will ned to be put up as these heaters dispense not just hot water but boiling water. Meeting was reminded that agendas and recorded services are available on the church website. The cross on the roof of the church is now fully alight having had LED bulbs fitted .It was noted this landmark can be seen from out at sea. Outreach. A letter was read out from Mary Redman regarding F.o.L. requesting the meeting give consideration as to whether this event happens again next year. Mary would be happy to organise this if we decide to go ahead. Mary would like approval soon as she would like to organise more corporate sponsorship, supporting a charity of their choice. It was suggested the event takes place over three days with the possibility of private parties in the evenings with 2 people trained to give out skates. It was agreed the decision would be made at the January church meeting it was requested that Mary's letter is included in the Church minutes to be circulated for members and adherents to consider. . World Church and Mission. No report provided. C.T.G. Rosina/ Carole. There is a Christmas tree festival at St Mary's on 5-8 Dec. Christmas carol singing by the Mulberry shops on 21st Dec from 11-12 am. Consideration is being giving to next year’s Lent groups. Feedback for the churches said that the recent CTG service held at GURC was much enjoyed. Andrew's time. Andrew reported he has recently been interviewed on Premier radio. Andrew also reported on the deployment of ministers and possibility of the South Coast URC/Methodist working together. Andrew has been working with a small group of 8 people who originally attended the bible study group, to discuss membership. 7 people are considering this. The meeting was asked to clarify if a person is required to be a church member in order to take on tasks/jobs in the church. Due to the fact there are limited people available to do these things, the meeting responds on an individual basis. Nonmembers are helping support some groups and committees as they have the expertise required. Rosina was ratified and approved to take on the role of pulpit supply secretary. Marianne had covered this role for three months and has now stepped down. The meeting recognised Marianne's help and also Doreen's past work, thanks were expressed. Wilfred gave a report from the Synod Together meeting which he recently attended. Graham will speak to the Inland Revenue regarding their Christmas carol service and the heating situation. Valerie and Bet have offered to put the Christmas tree up before Messy Church. There will also be a small tree on which church friends can pin greetings. It was agreed we would like a New Year’s party. A poster is required to advertise the children’s nativity service on Christmas Eve. Jonathan Cooper will be approached do this? Hilary will liaise with Valerie Cooper regarding candles for the candle light service. Information regarding the URC year book and prayer hand book will be available in Welcome. Information was given regarding correspondence received. Date of next meeting was set for the last Thursday in January 2014. AOB. It was requested that meeting minutes be put on the website and available the Sunday before the meeting. More volunteers are required for Messy Easter next year. This cannot go ahead without support. The meeting close with the sharing of the Grace. Church Meeting 24th October 2013 24 members present. 6 apologies. Devotions led by Carole Culliss. Minutes of the previous meeting were amended then signed as correct. Matters Arising – Vic Joy will become a member of the Property Group. The vacancy for managing the hall bookings has not yet been filled; prayerful consideration should be given to this important role. An update on the request for carpet at the back of the Church will be provided at the November meeting. More information will be forthcoming with regards the ‘Twin your toilet’ initiative. Pastoral News – The meeting stood in remembrance of Joan Burrage who recently passed away. The following were brought to the meeting for prayer – Janet Dean and the Festival of Light. Thanks were given for improvements in the health of Irene Kitto and Simon. Agenda Items. Finance – Investments have been sold for around £17,600. Our 2014 MOM allocation has been reduced by 1% and will be £43,872; the meeting approved this. Property – the contract for the new heating system has been put in place. Installation should take place during the first two weeks in January 2014 (could possibly be installed a little earlier). The cross light is to be repaired on 6 November by Keith Best. Outreach – FOL - we are stretched for volunteers this year and will be grateful for any extra help. Dance International will be holding a Barn dance on the Friday evening; the Disco Skating will also be held at that time. All competitions are organised and bracelets with ‘Jesus, Light of the World’ and the Church website address will be given away. Online bookings are working very well; thanks to Ryan. The Mayor and Mayoress will be attending the Sunday service. Help will be required for the removal of the chairs from the Sanctuary on Monday morning prior to the arrival of Ice Magic. World Church and Mission – Bett had attended the Christian Aid AGM at Bury Drive. £19,296 was raised in the area this year. On 2 December the Sussex Advent Hope will take place, tickets are in great demand and are only available on-line. A very interesting presentation was delivered on how Christian Aid deals with emergencies. (A full report will be in the Autumn Chronicle). A new chairman for the area has been appointed – David Burt. Shoebox filling will take place on the morning of 9 November. CTG – The Saints and Sinners event has taken place and thanks were expressed to everyone who donated. A profit of £850 was made. GURC won the quiz. Next year’s event will be held on 11 October. Andrew’s Time – We have received thanks from St. Barnabas for the lovely time that was had at the memorial Service held in our Church. The Local Mission and Ministry Review (LMMR) will be held on 23 November between 10.00 and 13.00 at Crawley. The URC are to hold a training course; if anyone is interested please see Andrew. A general item – we should review our prayer life and the possibility of forming more house groups. Making Waves – Wilf reported on the training day held in our Church on 14 September. Nick White who is the Children and Youth Development Officer for the URC had led those who attended through Safety and Safeguarding children and young people. Many issues had been covered; the security of our premises, the setting of policy in the local church and organisations, risk assessment, good practise guide, abuse and how important it is to be vigilant and observant. Diary Dates for November 7th Andrew: Bible Study at the Church 9th Synod meeting at Reigate Park (Wilf and Eileen are attending) 17th CTG evening service at Goring 28th Church Meeting 30th Helen Shapiro at Ferring Baptist Church Notices and Correspondence A letter had been received from Chris Chatfield, together with pictures of his wedding and news of his Mission work. The monthly Wycliffe call to prayer is at the back of the Church. The meeting ended with the sharing of the Grace. Church Meeting 26th September 2013. 24 members present. 7 apologies. Devotions led by Andrew. Minutes of previous meeting amended then signed as correct. Matters arising. Rosina is now elected to the Eldership and was formally welcomed by the meeting. Pastoral. The meeting stood for a minutes silence in remembrance of the life of Peggy Kean who recently passed away. The following people were brought to the meeting for prayer:- Joyce Minshaw, Irene Kitto, Joan Burrage, Sam Foxwell, Beth Gauntlett, Donna Standing, Janet Dean. Agenda Items. Finance. Matthew. The meeting responded to a questionnaire from Southern Synod regarding their financial situation. Currently Synod is running a ½ million pound deficit each year. Please refer to the attachment in the Minutes folder. Property. Graham reported the heating options are now down to 2 choices. Infra-red chandeliers or like for like gas heaters. The gas heaters were felt to be the best option for the church. They will have intelligent programmes and can self-calculate the temperature required. 10 heaters would cost £25,000. 8 heaters cost £18,000. The second option would mean keeping the 2 old heaters in the transepts. It was proposed that we purchase 8 heaters. This was the recommendation of the property committee and was unanimously agreed by the meeting. To fund this spend the meeting unanimously passed a resolution to sell the investments in the Goring URC A Account (namely 15394.95 units Epworth Affirmative Fixed Interest Fund valued at £18,520.12 at 31st December 2012) Currently we are £63,000 in hand as from the end of last year. Church lighting – it was agreed to ask Keith Best to look at this. Cost could be between £500 -£1000. To replace the Church lights with LED will cost around £4000. Problems with the video projector - A decision will need to be made as to whether a replacement projector should be purchased if the problem is more than just the bulb. Peter Mitchell is standing down from the property committee due to ill health. The meeting was asked if anyone else might be interested in joining the committee. Graham was thanked by the meeting for all his hard work regarding the church heating. Outreach. F.o.L Mary advised the meeting that all information can be found in the Welcome. Eileen has requested for more volunteers to be Stewards. The Mayor of Worthing has been invited to the commissioning service on the Sunday before the event starts. It ends on November 1st. The Ark. Wilma reported this has got off to a good start with 25 children and 18 adults the first week and 19 children and 13 adults the second week. Donna Standing will be leaving the Ark to start her new job. The meeting wished her well. Bet Swerk has joined the Ark, as has Valerie Cooper when her other commitments allow. Wilma will be attending a Care for the Family day titled Playtime. This takes place in Tunbridge Wells. The meeting was asked to pray that Wilma’s health will be well enough for her to attend. World Church and Mission. Bet reported on the Christian Aid quiz. Shoe box donations are down this year compared to last year with only enough provisions to fill 20 boxes. Last year 50 boxes were filled. October Welcome will have a list of items still required. We can order collapsible boxes at a cost of 30pence each, something to think about for next year. Boxes to be filled at the end of October. CTG. The Saints and Sinners event takes place on 12th October. Cream teas tickets cost £4:00. Fish and chip supper tickets cost £6.50. Items for the stall can be left in the choir vestry. Volunteers were requested to help clear up at 6pm. Andrew’s time. Andrew reported that the elders had discussed the 6pm Sunday service and that this will continue for now but it may need reviewing again in six months’ time. A volunteer was requested to attend a Surrey and Sussex Synod meeting on Tuesday in Crawley. AOB Sheila and Roy will be stepping down from managing hall bookings after Christmas. A volunteer will be needed to fill this important role. Valerie Cooper put forward a request for carpet to be provided at the back of the Church for young children to play on during the Sunday service. After some discussion it was decided this needs more looking into in terms of what is best for the children and will therefore be brought to November’s meeting. This idea for this came out of the Making Waves seminar. The Twin your toilet initiative will also be discussed next month. Diary Dates On 5th October the Revd. Dr. Peter Stevenson is leading a training session at our church from 09:30-12:30. Please bring your own lunch if you wish to continue in a time of fellowship. December diary:December 8th is Bible Sunday. 15th December will be a Gift Day. The November meeting will decide where this money should go. 22nd December will be Carols by Candlelight (evening service). 24th December will be the Little Fishes service at 5:30. 25th December Christmas Day service at 10:30. There will be no midnight service on Christmas Eve. The meeting voted to donate the harvest food to the Food Bank. Notices and Correspondence. Information regarding the Urban URC network will be available at the back of the Church. Town Development and Marketing for Adur, Arun and Worthing are advertising local Christmas events. Hilary has agreed to place details of our various services in this journal. Eileen Rhodes gave details of the preparation day for the Women’s World day of Prayer. This takes place on 29th October. See Eileen for further information. Next years’ service has been written by the Women of Egypt. Thanks were given to Alison and Alan West for cutting the Church hedge. The meeting ended with the sharing of the Grace. Minutes of Church Meeting 25th July 2013. Chair. Revd. Andrew Sellwood. Devotions led by Matthew Smith. Minister and 22 members present. 6 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting. Two amendments were made; they were then agreed and signed by the minister. Matters arising – The Autumn 3pm Holy Communion will be held on Sunday 29 September, not 22nd Harvest Sunday as previously notified. The time of the Christianity Explored course was confirmed as 7.30 pm beginning on Thursday 1st August. Pastoral news - Irene Kitto has improved and Sam Lasso requires another operation. Agenda items. Elders Election – Tellers were appointed; Ray and Roy. 1 new nominee; Rosina Bayley. Rosina was duly elected with 100% of the votes; voting papers will be destroyed. Thanks were expressed to Matthew Smith and Wilfred Rhodes for their long years of service and dedication as they both stand down. Church Appointments – Valerie Cooper, Kitchen Manager - replaces Sheila Gooderham. Caroline Hibbs, Print Room Manager - replaces Mary Redman. Marianne Barber to organize Pulpit Supply (for 3 months trial period) - replaces Doreen Norris. Wilma Smith will take over the Ark from Hilary Redman. Thanks were extended to everyone who is standing down and also to those who are taking over. Group Reports: Finance: meeting held and Church budget reviewed. Maintenance spend is running high and an overall shortfall of £3,000 is currently anticipated. Hall rentals will increase by £2 per hour. Our Gift Day will be held on 22 September; a target of £8,000. One concern has come to light – Scottish Power has undercharged the Church by about £4,000. To help offset this HMRC Rules on Gift Aid have changed, we can claim a quarter in advance. Matthew will investigate other suppliers to see if we can get a more beneficial tariff. Property Management: Graham presented a summary of the various options (updated) for a new heating system for the Sanctuary. He is intending to visit a Church in Kings Lyn to look at an Infra-Red system. Graham will be meeting with other heating specialists and Guy Morfett again, the outcome of which he will bring to the September Church meeting. Thanks were expressed to Graham for all of the time and effort he has spent on researching this topic. Outreach: Messy Church will be held on 5 August and 3 September. On 14th September ‘Making Waves’, a training day for leaders of children’s groups, will be held in our Church. The afternoon session will cover ‘Child Protection’. World Church and Mission: None CTG: The recent joint service had not been very well supported. A box to collect items for the Saints and Sinners will be placed in the Choir Vestry. ‘Redeem Our Community’ initiative - a meeting is to be held in October. Andrew’s time: There are some important decisions to be made in the life of the Church; pray earnestly for God’s Vision for Church Renewal. Our Church does well with volunteers; we need to be careful not to overburden people. We appear to be OK financially, with personnel and new members; we need to give all of this to the Lord. Diary Dates:September 14 Nick White “Making Waves” 15 CTG Bury Drive Methodist Church 22 Harvest with bring and share lunch (lunch to be held in the hall) 26 Church meeting 29 3pm Holy Communion October 5 Rev.Dr. Peter Stevenson – teaching Day in our Church 13 St Barnabas Memorial Service (no evening service) 24 Church meeting 29 October – 2 November “Festival of Light” Notices and Correspondence – can be found on the table at the back of the Church or on noticeboard. The URC quarterly update newsletter is available on-line. A letter had been received entitled ‘Christians in Prayer’. A.O.B. Alison Westcott read out a statement from the Little Fishes Committee – this was agreed by Church meeting. It was proposed and agreed that Sunday evening services during the month of August should be suspended. A notice will be placed in Welcome and on our Website. Andrew hoped that these would be attended with more enthusiasm when they resume in September. The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. Church meeting 27th June 2013 22 members present plus Minister. 9 apologies received. Devotions led by Andrew. Previous minutes approved and signed. Matters arising. None. Pastoral news. Hilary. George Bailey, Jane Bond, Irene Kitto, Pete Mitchell, The grandson of Revd. Peter Elliott who was sadly killed in a car accident. The Gauntlett’s who celebrated their Ruby wedding anniversary. Betty Razzell. Agenda Items. Elders’ election. Rosina Bayley has been nominated. The election will be held on 26th July. Rosina’s profile will be circulated. Group Reports. Finance. Nothing to report. Property Management. Graham. Manse rendering. Quote received for £1600.+vat . It will cost more to replace the mock beams. Also discussed the need to re-do some electrics in the bathroom. Church. The outside Cross light s have been in place since 1961.These now need replacing. The options are, 1. L.E.D,’s, 2. Fluorescent tubing, 3. Neon’s. The latter would be the best option but are more costly. We will also need to hire a scaffolding tower the cost £500-£1000. Alternatively we could chose not replace the lights at this time. This will be brought to next month’s meeting. Four new CCTV cameras are now in place. These cost £425 and included £125 to replace the stolen one. Heating. Options discussed .See attached sheet in church minutes file. The members debated the options. A decision will be made at July’s meeting. Matthew informed the meeting that we might have to sell some investments to pay for the heating. Synod will sell at the optimum time and this could cause some delay. The meeting thanked Graham for his efforts so far. Thanks were also given to Graham, Paul and Ryan for installing the cameras. The good use of the varied gifts of individuals was noted as a blessing. Outreach. F.o.L. A cheque has been received from the Initiative Community fund for £1000. Envelopes are also ready to pass to potential sponsors. World Church and Mission. Bobby reported that six charities will benefit from money this year. The church was able to provide more money than last year C.T.G. 30 people went on the walk last Sunday. This was followed by tea and evening service led by Andrew. A request was made for items to go on the Saints and Sinners stall later in the year. A box will be in the choir vestry to put donated items in. From the elders meeting. Doreen has notified the Elders she is stepping down from pulpit supply. This post will need filling. Doreen has provided a job description. The Christianity Explored course will start on Thursday 4th August. The venue is yet to be confirmed. Ark. Wilma has volunteered to take this over from Hilary. Thanks was given by the meeting. William Connelly’s 60th anniversary of ordination. A card was circulated. There will be a display compiled by Mary in the church on Sunday. Valerie has offered to make a cake. The next afternoon Communion [formally known as ‘Armchair Communion’] service will be 28 th July and 22nd September. Andrew’s time. Andrew reported feeling positive and hopeful for the future. He attended the deployment meeting last Wednesday and Goring seems to be fulfilling its mission objectives. AOB. Sheila reported the Concordia group are currently on the premises. Notices and Correspondence. Wycliffe call to prayer leaflet is available. Information regarding new streetlights has been received. Information regarding the Sussex Synod meeting is available at the back of the church. A letter has been received from Marianne Barber suggesting an idea for fund raising for WCHP. This involves asking friends and neighbours round for tea and cakes. Date for next meeting 25th July The meeting ended with sharing the Grace. Minutes Church meeting 30thMay 2013. Present. Minister and 23 members. Apologies 7. Devotions led by Hilary Redman. Previous minutes signed as correct by Revd. A. Sellwood. No matters arising. Pastoral news. The following people were named for prayer, Irene Kitto, Joan Burrage (who recently celebrated her birthday), Janet Dean’s therapy/exercise group. Finance .No report. Property Maintenance. Graham Redman. Reported there was a further break in at the church causing damage to the kitchen window. The perpetrator has been caught and charged thanks to the security cameras recently installed. A decision has been made to spend a further £3-400 to purchase more cameras. These are in the process of being installed. Information was also provided regarding the floodlight with pir sensor on the back wall of the church, it will come on and trigger the cameras in the event of an intrusion. Graham also gave an update on the heating plans. He is awaiting more quotes for hot water radiators along with options of gas fired heating and electric heating. This will be brought to next month’s meeting. It was also noted that the security lights outside the church need replacing or repairing. The decorating of the new toilet facility is now complete. Outreach/Mission/Discipleship. Mary updated the meeting regarding the F.o.L. This year’s charity will be Worthing Kids and Dappersnappers which supports children with Downs Syndrome. Once more information has been received from the charity, letters will be written to hand out to prospective sponsors. These will be available from Mary. Valerie Cooper gave a presentation about the Messy Church Easter event for the meeting to consider holding next year from 15-17th April. A team of helpers will be needed, all requiring up to date Disclosure checks. The meeting voted in agreement of this event. The Ark. Hilary reported there has been some interest by a member in taking over its running. Margaret Butcher will also stand down at the end of July after 16years, thanks for her help was expressed by the meeting. Andrew reported he will be discussing a discipleship course (Christianity Explored) with the Elders. Bet reported the Christian Aid event raised a total £408.05. Bet was thanked for organising this. C.T.G. A reminder was given regarding the walk on 23rd June starting and finishing at Goring U.R.C. This will be followed by tea/coffee and evening worship. Goring URC will provide drinks. A notice will be placed in Welcome. Minister’s Time. The St Barnabas Remembrance Service will be held at our church following a conversation with the Hospice chaplain. This will take place on 13th October at 3pm. It is anticipated that 50-100 people may attend. There will be no evening service that day. Geoffrey kindly offered to play. We will consider holding our own Remembrance event sometime in the spring of 2014. Sompting news. Sompting URC is holding a fund raising day on Saturday 1st June from 10am. Lunches will also be served followed by entertainment (Congregational Players) from 1pm at a cost of £3. AOB Church Membership. 3-4 people have shown an interest. Any other names to be given to the Elders please. Elder’s nominations have now closed with one person being nominated. William Connelly celebrates the 60 year anniversary of his ordination on 4th July. Ruth Cooper will make a cake. The church will send a card. Valerie Cooper reported on the Mission Means seminar she attended recently. Diary Dates. No evening service on 9th June due to the afternoon communion service at 3pm. Correspondence. There is a letter available for information regarding planning permission for a building redevelopment scheme within the vicinity of the Church. The meeting ended at 8:30 pm with the sharing of the Grace, Minutes of Church Meeting 25th April 2013. 20 members were present. 13 Apologies including Revd. Andrew Sellwood who was unwell. Meeting chaired by Hilary Redman. Devotions led by Carole Culliss. Minutes of previous meeting signed by Hilary after amendments made. Matters arising. There will be no evening service on May 12th as there is an afternoon Christian Aid service in our church. Pastoral news. The following people were remembered.. Alfred Cleall, who passed away on 9th April. Alice Cleall. Mike Bayley who passed away on 24th April. Rosina Bayley. Joyce Minshaw. Betty Razzell. Joan Burrage. Donna. Agenda items. Election of Elders. Nomination papers are now available. Last day for nominations is the last Sunday in May. This will be announced in the Sunday service starting in May. Matthew Smith and Wilfred Rhodes will both be standing down from the Eldership this year. Finance. No report. Property. Graham. The new toilet near the Harris Room is now installed but the decorating is yet to be done in the next two weeks. The heating and extension plans are still being discussed. Graham has discussed the suggested plans with Synod who will be consulted again when the meeting is nearer to making a decision as to how to proceed. Little Fishes now have an alarm system following two recent break ins. Graham has also obtained quotes of around £1,500 to alarm the Church. Graham has installed some security cameras which can detect movement and records a brief snapshot. Church members can view the Sanctuary via the website. As a concrete post has recently been taken from the front of the church it was suggested a camera is also installed outside. Outreach. Valerie suggested a Messy Church event for next Easter to be held over2-3 days .She will provide more information at next month’s meeting. World Church and Mission. Christian Aid service takes place in our church on Sunday 12th May at 3pm. Revd. Gary Ingram will lead this. Posters will be available to advertise this. On Saturday 25th May Bet is organising a table top sale from 10-12 noon. Flyers will be available. At £6 per table, all proceeds will go to Christian Aid. We will not be involved in house to house collection due to the poor response last year. Bett is still collecting empty shoe boxes for the Samaritans Purse appeal. Knitted scarves and bags are still required but we have enough hats and gloves. C.T.G. Carole reported that a prayer walk is being arranged for 23rd June. This will start and end at Goring URC. Refreshments will follow in the Cornwall Room and it has been suggested that each Church can provide a plate of food with us providing drinks. This event is awaiting confirmation. Correspondence. Sussex Historical Churches Trust will be doing their cycling event again this year. There is a training day for church secretaries taking place at Tooting URC. Southern Synod is holding a workshop on 11th May for elders and worship leaders. This takes place at St Andrew’s, Brockley Rd, London A programme is available for the Christian Resources event at Sandown racecourse from 14-17th May. AOB. Valerie will be attending the Mission Means event in Croydon. Next Meeting 30th May. The meeting stood for a minute’s silence to remember Mike Bayley, then ended with the sharing of the Grace. Minutes of the Church Meeting 21 March 2013 Welcome : Wilfred Rhodes welcomed everyone to the meeting. Matthew Smith took the minutes 16 members were present and 7 apologies for absence were received Devotions :Wilfred opened the meeting with devotions on the Bible as our “Book of Instructions”, with particular emphasis on loving our neighbour. Minutes of the previous meeting : were approved and signed. Matters arising The matter of Link Lunches was carried forward. Ryan has placed a notice in Welcome, inviting people seeking further help on accessing the Church Website to talk to him A Church Workshop, to be held at GURC and led by Rev Dr Peter Stevenson, has been arranged for 5 October – local URCs will be invited. Pastoral News – Margaret Brown’s funeral took place on 12 March – Norman Croft presided. The following people were remembered – Irene Kitto, Grace & Jim Hope, Lily Collison, Eileen Rhodes, Mike & Rosina Bayley. News was also received of Chris Chatfield’s forthcoming wedding. Valerie Cooper announced the engagement of Anna Cooper to Jason Wood. They are soon off to Jacarta in connection with their Street Pastor work, Nigel O’Dwyer retiring and Ken and Denise Woods Diamond Wedding. Church Secretary – The meeting was pleased to ratify Hilary Redman as Church secretary for a further year. Agenda Items : 1. Group Reports : Finance : Matthew Smith presented the 2012 Accounts,which the meeting approved. He also informed the meeting of a report to the Minister and Elders on the subject of Financial Controls. As a result dual control arrangements are to be put in place for counting both loose cash and Free Will Offering Envelopes. World Church and Mission : News was received of the Christian Aid Service, to be led by Gary Ingram on 12 May at 3 p.m. in our Church, with tea and cakes to follow. It is likely there will be no evening service as a result - Hilary will check with Andrew on his return. A list will be issued for the Shoebox appeal at the beginning of April. We heard about Queen Street Church’s fundraising Singalonga Sound of Music in support of Christian Aid and were invited to think about it for our Church for the next meeting. 2. CTG – The next joint service will be on Sunday at 4p.m., followed by a bring and share tea – there will be no evening service in our church. The Easter Sunday Sunrise service will be held at 6.45a.m. Notices and Correspondence: DEC has launched an appeal for the Syrian crises and it was agreed that we would hold a collection for 2 weeks. We were informed of the “Making Waves” workshop (focussing on child protection) to be led by Nick White on 14 September. AOB : None. Next meeting – 25 April The meeting closed with the Grace at 8.22p.m. Church Meeting 28th February 2013. The Minister and 25 members present. 5 apologies received. Devotions led by Matthew Smith. Previous minutes amended and signed by Minister. Matters arising. Mary Redman has offered to teach some new songs/hymns to Junior Church. Pastoral news from Hilary. The following people were remembered: Joan Eley, Stan and Trudie Sanders, Olive Jones, Mike Bayley, Lily Collison, Eric Bond brought the concern for the Bury Drive Luncheon Club, Jenny Carrington, Richard Tuley, Eileen Rhodes, Joan Burrage, Janet Dean’s father. Finance/Property Report. Matthew and Graham. This year’s accounts are complete and audited. They will be brought to next month’s meeting. A copy of the figures will be included in the minutes file There has been an increase in spending due to the new church roof and new chairs. It is anticipated we could go into the Red from 2015 onwards. Property and Finance met to discuss how to move forward. 3 items discussed. 1. Sanctuary Heating various options and costing’s will be considered. 3 out of the 10 current heaters are not working. It will be April/ May2013 before we will be ready to make a decision. Synod will be consulted regarding costs. 2. Welcome area. Suggestions were offered, including a structure being built on the side of the church building which would be visible from the main road. This will require further consideration. We will need to speak to the Planning office, Synod and possibly an architect. These plans should come to Church meeting in 2014/15. 3. Children and Family worker. Should come to Church Meeting in 2016/18. All these items will be reviewed on a yearly basis. Work is need on the Manse to a cost of approx. £3,000. This cost will be shared with St. Andrew’s and Synod also will be asked to make a contribution. Outreach/Mission/Discipleship. Valerie talked about the Link Lunches, which currently take place in East Worthing, Maybridge Church and Durrington New Life Baptist church. Valerie has met with the church leaders about this project and asked the church meeting to consider a plan for us to provide a soup and roll lunch on a weekly basis. The link lunches are for people who access the Food Bank and are given a voucher for a lunch when they collect their food parcel. The meeting asked various questions regarding this suggestion. The meeting voted to the Principle of the idea and asked Valerie to get more information from the churches already running this service, on viability, numbers, and any issues that have arisen from the project. Festival of Light. Matthew requested approval from the meeting to hold this event and stressed the importance of it for mission, outreach and the future viability of the Church. This relates to the fact that future scooping for ministry is dependent on church mission criteria. However, it was noted that it could take many years to see the fruits of our labour in this project. Mary Redman has already agreed to project manage this event if the meeting agrees. This was proposed and seconded and agreed by the majority of the meeting. It will take place during the October half term. It was then suggested by Matthew that we could consider having a Roller Skating rink hired from the same company during spring half term. After some initial explanation the event was proposed and seconded but failed receive enough votes to go ahead. The Meeting felt this was too short notice to do this year but agreed to consider it for next year. It was noted that our people resource were limited and help from other churches/organisations would be needed to make the running of these events more manageable. World church mission. It was not possible to play a DVD from Bobby on Living Hope Mission it will be shown at the next meeting. C.T.G. Eric Bond has reported that the Bury Drive Luncheon club needs more people to help run it. The joint service on 17th. March at St Richards has been cancelled due to its close proximity to the service on Palm Sunday at Bury Drive. This service also includes a Bring and Share tea. It will be advertised in Welcome. Church Website preview. Ryan gave a presentation on the new church website. He is happy to speak to anyone who would like further information/ instruction on this. Andrew’s Time Andrew told the meeting he has asked the Revd Dr Peter Stevenson (Minister of Crossways church at Elephant and Castle) to present a workshop to the church on a Saturday morning during the autumn. It will be based on his research for his latest book on how to translate the Gospel message into modern lives. A date is yet to be set for this. Diary Dates. It is currently Fair Trade fortnight. Hilary is putting all post directing on the back table in the Sanctuary for information. Information from Synod: Ian Fletcher is now the Lay Preacher coordinator. David Skit is now the area leader. Peter and Kay Mackintosh are in need of prayer at this time. LMMR training takes place on 9th March at the Brighthelm centre. A.O.B. Anna Cooper is having an open time at home on Saturday 11th March for anyone who would like to know more about the project she is involved with. All are welcome. Wilfred on behalf of Eileen reminded the meeting of the Women’s World Day of Prayer service here on Friday 1st March at 14:30. Please come if you can. Meeting ended at 21:05 with the sharing of the Grace. Next meeting 21st March. A week earlier due to Maundy Thursday falling on the last Thursday of the month. Church Meeting 31st January 2013. Present 23 members +minister. Apologies 7 Devotions lead by Hilary. Previous minutes amended and then signed as correct. Matters arising. Christmas services were reviewed and it was agreed these were a success. It was agreed to discuss this year’s Christmas services around September time. Feedback was given regarding the Guinness carol singing record-breaking attempt. 91 people attended our service; unfortunately the record was not broken. The retiring collection raised £105 for the WCHP. Pastoral news. Hilary. The following people’s names and needs were bought to the meeting. Joan Eley. Stuart Newell. Dennis Elliott. Lily Collison. Richard Tuley. Joan Burrage. John and Elsie Flack. Finance . Nothing to report. Property Management. A costing was given of £1,500 for a new toilet facility to be installed near the Harris Room. This would be situated outside the Little Fishes room. There was a general discussion around the hiring of the Harris room and locking up afterwards. The property committee recommended this project is given the go ahead. The meeting voted in favour. Volunteers have come forward to clean the church sanctuary. Two more people are required and a request will be put in this week’s Welcome. Plans regarding church improvement s will be bought to February’s meeting. Outreach/Mission/Discipleship. Valerie told the meeting about the ‘link lunches’ which are available to people who access the Food Bank and are currently held at the New Life Church Maybridge or the Community café church in East Worthing. World Church and Mission. Nothing to report. C.T.G. Leaflets for the Lent groups are now available at the back of the Church. Sign up by this Sunday if interested. Posters are available for Lent services. The commissioning service will be held at St Richards on 10th Feb. Closing service will be held at Bury Drive Methodist Church on 24th March . This service will be followed by a Bring and Share tea. Other dates for CTG activities to be checked for accuracy. Minister’s time. Andrew advised the meeting he would be attending a Churches Together in Worthing ‘Hub’ meeting. No diary dates given. Correspondence. Details were given regarding the Southern Synod Programme on Mission. This will be held on 27th April in East Croydon. Programme will be available at the back of the church. St. Matthews’s church in Croydon is hosting a study day on 13th April titled Getting to grips with the Bible. Please speak to Hilary if interested. Premier Radio sent thanks for being involved in the Guinness Record attempt. Their magazine can be accessed on line. The Windermere Centre is holding an on line course about the Bible. Participants will need Broadband access and headphones. Cost of course £120. Concordia have requested to use the premises this year on the following dates. 22nd June –6th July and 7th –21st September. Sheila and Roy will open up. A.O.B. 1. Women’s World Day of Prayer. Is being hosted by Goring URC this year. The service is on 1st March and starts at 14:30.The service is written by the women of France and is titled ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me’. Eileen has requested support for this service, which will be followed by refreshments. 2. 10th Feb is the Bring and Share lunch, which will take place in the Hall. Volunteers requested to help set up at around 09:30. Lunch to start at 12:00noon. 3. It was suggested Church meetings are not held in the Cornwall room due to the noise from users of the hall next door. It was suggested the Sanctuary or Harris room could be used instead. 4. A request has been made for a Children’s hymn to be included in the Sunday service. Young People’s leaders to be involved in this. The meeting ended with the sharing of the Grace. ___________________________________________________________ Church meeting 29th November 2012. 22 members present. 11apologies received. Meeting chaired by Matthew Smith as Rev. Sellwood was unwell and sent his apologies. Devotions led by Carole Culliss. Previous minutes signed as correct after one amendment. Pastoral news. Hilary. Prayers were requested for the following people:Mike Bayley, Joan Burrage, Irene Kitto, Brennan Stevens, Malcolm, Audrey G. Lily C. Chris Chatfield who is getting married, Richard Tooley, Janet Dean’s father. Wilma Smith who has now retired. Agenda Items. The Elders agreed to support the provision of Christmas plants for the housebound. Volunteers are needed to help with distribution. Finance. Matthew informed the meeting that Kate Nicholls has joined the Finance committee; Lily is no longer able to attend but still has a keen interest. The committee reported the running costs for the church are looking reasonable. Please refer to sheet attached in the minute folder. The Meeting approved the budget. Donations are still being received towards the cost of the new sanctuary chairs. The Manse kitchen has now been painted and the new floor will go down next week. The Elders will review the concept plan when they meet in February following the end of year financial review. Wilfred gave a report on the Southern Synod meeting which took place on 10th October 2012. in Orpington. Outreach. Mince pies were requested to serve after the Church Carol service on 16th December. This service includes the Guinness Carol singing record attempt. A cheque for £980 was presented to the Worthing Churches Homeless project following the Festival of Light. Property Management. Graham reported the Church has reached a milestone. The new roof is completed and the new chairs are in place. Estimates have been requested to do further work from the same company as previously used. Church cleaning was discussed. It is proposed that Malcolm focuses on cleaning the Hall and areas that are hired out. Church volunteers using a rota system would clean the Church Sanctuary and associated areas. The Meeting asked various questions with regard to this proposal. It was suggested that details of this proposal should go in the Church magazine and a list put up for volunteers to sign up. The Meeting agreed to trial this suggestion and review after a period of time. It was proposed that a white display board is purchased for the back of the Church to display literature .This would replace the easel which has a health and safety risk. A panel fell from the ceiling in the Cornwall room during the F.o.L. it will be replaced once the builder has returned from holiday. The cause of this was believed to be the windy weather. World Church and Mission. Bet S. 52 shoeboxes were filled for the Samaritans purse, and also a cheque for £155 donated. Bet has offered to do this again next year and this was accepted by the Meeting. A request was made for shoe boxes. Christian Aid quiz may be held sometime in February/March 2013. Hilary has written to FEBA radio to have us removed from their mailing list for prayer notes. However, Hilary will advise FEBA if a small prayer group would like to receive these in the future. A request was made to remove out of date literature from the back of the church. C.T.G. The joint carol service takes place on 22nd December at the Mulberry shops. Leaders were requested for next year’s Lent groups. Rev. Andrew Sellwood will not be available to do this due to Pastorate and Synod duties. Please see Rosina or Carole if anyone is able to take on this role. Diary Dates. 3rd December Messy Church. 4th December Civic Carol service. 9th December Bible Sunday, Gifts for WCHP. Also the afternoon ‘sit down’ communion service. 16th December Carols by Candlelight and Guinness record carol singing attempt. 23rd December Morning service only. No evening service. 24th December Children’s nativity service at 5:30pm. 25th December Morning service. Correspondence. Various items of information were available for members to read. GEAR conference January 2013. Poster will be available at the back of the Church. Bible study for 6th December was cancelled. To be announced in Sunday morning service by the duty Elder. AOB. Wilfred spoke about the Community Fund who gave the Church £1000 towards the F.o.L. Wilfred now sits on the Community Fund committee. Meeting ended at 9:15 with the sharing of the Grace. Church Meeting 25th October 2012. 20 members and Minister present. 12 Apologies received. Devotions led by Vic Joy Minutes of previous meeting corrected and then signed as correct. Matters arising. The new photocopier has now been installed. Please see Graham Redman for instruction. The Clothing collection will take place after the F.o.L. week has ended. Pastoral news. The names of the following people were brought to the meeting: Peggy Titmus. Joan Eley. Mike Bayley who gave good news about his health. Nathan Redman who arrived safely. 6 year old Brennan Miranda, her new husband and their two children. Lily Collison. Meeting was asked to remember the above in prayer. Agenda Items 1. Finance Nothing to report. 2. Outreach. The agenda for the F.o.L was circulated. A group of underprivileged children from Hassocks will be visiting the skating. A representative from the Community Chest fund will present a cheque on the Tuesday and there will be a photo shoot at this time. 165 people have already booked to skate. The children will remain in church for the commissioning service but will go out during the 4 th Nov service. The Elders notified the meeting that they have made a decision for the church to join Premier Radio in their attempt to break a Guinness Record for Carol singing. This takes place on 16th December at 7:00pm. During the evening carol service. The service will commence at 6:30. Information was given about this event and questions answered. The Meeting was asked to invite friends and family. The record attempt involves singing 5 well known carols back to back. It was suggested we give our donations to the Worthing Churches Homeless Projects. It was suggested refreshments be served after the service (coffee and mince pies). Volunteers were requested to help Matthew with the arrangements for this event. 3. Property Maintenance. Graham. New chairs will be arriving after the w/c 5 th November. Volunteers are needed to take old chairs to the tip. It was also suggested we could ask if any groups holding bonfire parties may like some. 4. World Church and Mission. Bet. 50 + shoeboxes were filled on 22nd October. Bet thanked the meeting for their generosity. The knitted gifts were appreciated. Christian Aid Carols by Candlelight service takes place at Lancing College on 4th Dec, staring at 7:30. Information about Present Aid is available. C.T.G. Rosina reported that £126.36 was made from the stall at the Saints and Sinners event. Thanks were given to both helpers and attendees. Request made for people to start saving suitable items to sell next year. Remaining items were taken to the Cat Protection League and Link Romania. Andrew’s time. Synod together meeting takes place at Orpington URC on 10 th Nov. Andrew told the meeting that important issue will be discussed and prayers were asked for this meeting. Dates for Diaries are available on the website. Notices and Correspondence. The church secretary for Ewell, Viv Baker has passed away. A card was available to sign for Peter and Eileen Heckles for their retirement. AOB. Malcolm requested the use of the church for a brief movie scene he and friends are filming. Meeting agreed but Sheila G. to be consulted first in case the rooms are already booked. Valerie Cooper has suggested we hold two Bring and Share meals each year as the last harvest meal was very successful. It was suggested February 10th and September Harvest would be a good choice. The Elders will sort another date for the afternoon Communion and tea next year. Redeeming our Community RoC. Valerie has received an E-mail outlining areas of concern in our community. These include services for young people including safe, alcohol free places to socialise. People experiencing poverty, unemployment and mental health problems, isolated elderly and vulnerable adults. There are suggestions of s job and mentoring club and also a community bus. Any plans will need to be area specific and it is acknowledged this will take time and planning. Christmas hampers for those in need are also requested. The next meeting of RoC takes place on 30th November at 12:15 at the Elim Centre. The meeting closed at 8:35 with the Grace. Next Church Meeting is on 29 th November. Church Meeting 27th September 2012. 15 members plus Minister present. 9 Apologies received. Opening devotions led by Revd. Andrew Sellwood. Minutes of previous meeting agreed and signed by Minister. No matters arising. Pastoral news. The following people were brought to the meetings attention Peggy Titmus Miranda and her son Sam. Alf Cleall. Betty Saunders. All who attended the Harvest lunch gave thanks Group Reports. Finance. Wilfred presented the request for a new photocopier. The new machine would cost £1200 + vat, this including a trade in price of £750. The advantages were explained. The proposal to purchase was made by Wilfred and seconded by Graham. The church meeting unanimously gave the go ahead. Outreach. Valerie Cooper. Last Tuesday a meeting was held regarding the Festival of Light. So far the sponsorship total has reached £1,914.88p. On-line booking opens on 15th October. The Worthing Tabernacle is manning a Tradecraft stall. More advertising is needed in the local community and members were asked to take flyers and posters to display and deliver. Property Management. Graham. Harris room is now decorated and the new carpet was laid today. Thanks were given to Ray Elliott for his hard work. Graham presented a short slide show to demonstrate the options as to where the new Sanctuary chairs will go. Delivery of the new chairs has been put back until 5th November, after the F.o.L has finished. The aisle carpets will need to be cut and re-fitted as part of the reorganising of the Sanctuary. World Church and Mission. Bet reported on Christian Aid. The service next year will take place on 12th May at 3pm at Goring URC. Gary Ingram will lead; tea and cakes will follow the service. More shoeboxes are required for Samaritans purse. These will be filled on Monday 22nd October. Further items such as toiletries, games, toothbrushes, flannels brush and combs. Bet reported that 94 million shoeboxes have been collected since the initiative started. It is hoped the 100million target will be reached this year. On 29th October there is a day of prayer at Wembley for this project. There was also a request for photos to go in the boxes and it was suggested that we provide group photos. CTG. Rosina reported on the forthcoming ‘Saints & Sinners’ event. This will be held on 13th October, at the English Martyrs ‘Barn’. There will be a cream tea in the afternoon at a cost of £4:50 and in the evening a Quiz and fish and chips supper at a cost of £6:00. Goring URC is manning the bric-a-brac stall. A request was made for the donation of good quality items to sell. Help is also required to set up before and clear up afterwards. The meeting was asked to support this event. Andrew’s time. Hilary Redman was congratulated on completing her TLS training. She is now an accredited Local Lay Preacher. Andrew announced he would formally recognise this achievement during a Sunday service. Rosina has also completed the initial section of training, on the TLS lite course. Diary Dates. These will be announced in Welcome. Free ‘nosh and drink’ day at Westminster College, Cambridge on 27th October. Notices and Correspondence. All available on the notice board. A.O.B. Valerie thanked the meeting for her gift following her stepping down from the role of church secretary. 26 bags of food were collected at the Harvest service to take to Food bank We have also been asked to support their Textile recycling project. Valerie will organise collection bags. Collection date to be announced. The meeting agreed to this. Valerie recently obtained her level 2 Food Hygiene certificate. This is necessary for such events as Messy Church and F.o.L. Food hygiene regulations must be abided by as not doing so could result in the kitchen being closed down. Tradecraft annual review. This is available on the information table. The meeting was advised that any issues or concerns that used to go through the Secretary can now be taken to the Elders. The secretary role is now a shared responsibility, its operation and effectiveness to be regularly reviewed. Hilary continues to take responsibility for Pastoral news. The meeting agreed that Valerie Cooper would have the job title of Catering Convener and would continue to organise such events as the Harvest Lunch as she did this year. Next meeting is on 25th October. The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. Minutes of Church Meeting Thursday 26th January 2012. CHAIR Revd Andrew Sellwood. DEVOTIONS - Hilary Redman. Minister and 30 members present. Eight apologies received. Previous minutes signed as correct after the following amendment:Church meeting did approve authority to go ahead with the roof repairs. Matters arising. Addressed under Agenda items. Pastoral news. Doris Nkosi is feeling much better and slowly returning to work. Mike Bayley came home from hospital today. Ken Woods has now received a diagnosis of Parkinson's and is quite unwell at the moment. Irene Kitto and Grace Hope both suffered falls over the Christmas period. Trudy and Stan Sanders are both ill, as is Mary Luckin. The Elders have decided to hold a further 'armchair service'. Date to be set at the next elders meeting. l .AGENDA ITEMS. Group Reports. Andrew began by stressing to the meeting that the ideas presented at last church meting have come about as a result of the questionnaires completed by the congregation. Andrew has heard comments, which have indicated some members have concerns. These individuals need to share their thoughts with the leadership or Church meeting. Andrew made the point that this will be a phased project and that each stage will be brought to the meeting to be ratified. Finance. Matthew. The prioritising exercise carried out by the Elders was explained to the meeting. All elements of the proposed building works were presented, along with costings and dates. Again it was stressed that each stage will be taken to the church meeting for approval and also in consultation with the Property group. Both the Elders and the Church meeting will review the progress and figures regularly. A copy of Matthew's presentation will be included with the signed minutes. Matthew also explained that the figures he presented are based on the need to increase Giving by 10% a year and stressed this is all achievable. The meeting was asked to consider the information and to feedback any comments, preferably in writing, to the Elders for consideration. Various questions were asked by members regarding the presentation. Synod will also need to be consulted. Property. Graham. Members were asked again to put all their concerns and questions in ¥.riting. The subject of new chairs was raised. The meeting were advised they can see these chairs in St Symphorians and Bury Drive. It was also suggested a small representation form the church go to the Christian resources exhibition in May where a selection of church chairs can be seen. Plans for the new roof have been submitted by the architect to the planning office at Worthing council. Unfortunately this has led to an article in the Worthing Herald, which advertised the fact we had a copper roof. Members were asked to be vigilant until the new roof can be completed. It was also suggested we ask the Police to be observant, especially during the early hours of the morning. We should have an outcome from this by the February meeting in order to authorise the contractors to proceed. The Church meeting also approved the necessary work to replace slates on the Manse roof. Outreach. The Jonathan Veira concert 2nd March. This is now being publicised. People are needed to sell tickets and, put up posters. Help is also needed on the night to act as stewards, collect tickets and to serve refreshments. We need to sell 200/250 tickets at a cost of£ 10 or £8 for concessions. Proceeds will go to the WCHP. Ryan is designing a web page for PayPal online ticket orders. F.o.L. The meeting was asked to consider whether or not we hold the ice skating event again this year .If so volunteers will be needed to organise this as Mary Redman is stepping down this year. If the meeting decides against the F .o.L. we will need to consider an alternative outreach exercise. However, Andrew asked the question - why do something else when we have a project that we know works and is appreciated by our community. Names of volunteers would need to be available by the February church meeting. There is already the previous offer of sponsorship by Marshall's carpets. This would need to be confirmed as still available to us for this year. Eileen Rhodes volunteered to organise the stewards for the event. The meeting would also have to consider which charities would be the beneficiaries of the event should it go ahead. It was suggested the task of organising the event could be divided up between several volunteers but would need a coordinator. Messy Church. Bet reported this is still drawing children and carers in .In December 34 children and 20 adults attended. It was also noted that the wider URC have taken an interest as to how we do Messy Church. More volunteers are needed to help at craft tables or to set up before and wash up after the meal. World Church and Mission. Bet is organising shoeboxes for Samaritans purse. Shoeboxes are needed please as are monthly donations of various items to go in the boxes. Knitting patterns and wool are available for those who want to make a gift to go in the shoeboxes. Andrew's time. Andrew reminded us that we are making important decisions in the life of the church and moving forward in faith. He spoke of his excitement that people within the church do have a vision for the future. Z.I. Andrew reported there are changes in the advertising campaign. The meeting was asked to decide if we go forward to the next stage, known as the Companion stage. The meeting voted for this. Volunteers are also required to be trained to take on the role of Companion for other churches. L.M.M.R. Andrew explained how this would work. Representatives from individual churches will meet with reviewers. Parallel to this the Minister will be appraised. A report will then be put together and will be made public. Andrew has a list of 14 new abbreviations pertaining to this process. Prior to this review a pastoral profile will need to be produced. The meeting discussed the potential benefits of this process. It was noted that there is currently a shortage of volunteers for this process and so the members were asked if they would consider taking part. Emmanuel Church is being reviewed first. CTG. Payer day on 14th July in the Cornwall room. This will run from 9or10 am until 6 pm and people can drop in during this times. The theme will be the Olympics and each church will have a continent to focus on. On 4th June there will be a Fun day at Bury Drive to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee. Concordia Volunteer group they will be using our premises from June 23rd to 7th July. They have also requested to stay from gth -22nd September. Notices and Correspondence. The Revd. Olive Syms (Haywards Heath) passed away on 11th January. She had been retired for 20 years. Synod is putting on a course that provides an opportunity to explore Preaching. This is a one-day workshop on 24th March. Anyone interested in the TLS light teaching course. Please see Valerie for information. AOB. Eileen R. Women's World Day of Prayer. Takes place on 2nd March 2:30pm at English Martyrs. The women of Malaysia have put this together and the theme is Let Justice Prevail. CRB checks. Wilfred R. Wilf reported he is in the process of distributing the forms to relevant people. The meeting closed at 9:05 with the sharing of the Grace. Church meeting. 24th November 2011. Devotions led by Wilfred. Minister and 28 members' present.IO apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting signed by minister after corrections made. Matters Arising. 1. Andrew has reviewed the Children and Families Worker. This has now been put on hold pending more information and details. This will be reviewed meeting by meeting. 2. Zero intolerance campaign. Official title is still Zero intolerance, not Radical Welcome. Launch date is now 9th May 2012. Pastoral report. Joan Burrage is now home. Joan Finlay attended church last Sunday. Doris Nkosi. Home from hospital and is now feeling better. Olive Jones is spending time between Worthing and Southlands hospitals. Eileen Rhodes is recovering from a small operation. Continued prayers requested for Mike Bayley and Peter Mitchell. Mary Lambourne passed away unexpectedly. Funeral to be held on 29th November, 12 noon at Worthing Crematorium. Janet Dean has volunteered to take a recording of the church services to Dorothy Bruford. Lily Collison had a fall recently and remains frail. Irene McOwen. Used to attend in William Connelly's day. Recently passed away. Agenda items. 1. Synod report. Given by Wilfred and report attached to minutes. 2. Group reports. a) Finance. Matthew. See attached report. £225 given each to St Barnabas and Chestnut House. This is from the proceeds raised from the Festival of Light. Matthew advised the meeting that giving needs to increase if we are to reduce our dependency on Gift days. The meeting approved the Budget proposal. b) Outreach. Mary. The Festival of Light was a great success. Mary thanked all those who helped in any way. Visitors took 250 information packs home. 4 new families are attending messy church. 1 new person has started attending church. 1 new person has started attending the Ark. Nick White, the Youth and children's officer has written articles on both messy church and the Festival of Light and posted them on his website. See Mary for the link to this. The questionnaires were returned with various responses including requests for more skating. Disco's, Roller discos, other children's events. The suggestion of Commuter coffee was made. c) Property management. Graham presented the results of the church questionnaire 75% would like improved seating. 46% improved heating and insulation. 42% improved visual and audio system. 12% rearrange /remove carpet runners. 4% would like to see the Sanctuary used during the week and open up the Welcome area. This was taken to the Elders meeting who discussed plans for changing the Sanctuary. Firstly the Church roof will be replaced with suitable material. This will consist of a copper look alike plastic over insulation boards. Quotes are coming in around £20.000. The Church meeting was asked to give the -M , Property group authority to proceed with the roof arrangements. C yt c..~.A. Graham also gave a presentation on the possible changes to the Sanctuary, including a ~\ ooV' -,c Mezzanine roof with upstairs seating. These plans are in the very early stages and an architect 1 has not yet been consulted. Members asked various questions and made various suggestions. Including the fact that the new St Barnabas Hospice has a similar roof to the one we are considering. East and West transepts. It has been suggested these are divided off to provide separate meeting rooms. This will also help to conserve heat. The plans for the Church roof will be discussed at next meeting along with the proposed building work. This will include the financial side and Synod intervention. Andrew suggested a display board to go up in Church to inform everyone. Matthew reminded the meeting that financially, we are £15,000 down on reserves this year and will need to prioritise spending, ():/> . especially if income is not matching expenditure. This,_will also be considered at the next ~ lw E:\..Lr> · ~ meeting. It was suggested a small committee is set up to oversee the plans. (oJ)} \ The subject of insulation, AN systems and carpeting will also be discussed in the January meeting. Members offered various suggestions and comments about the new proposals. World Church and Mission. Bet reported that Goring URC sent 53 Samaritans Purse boxes. We will start collecting for 2012 boxes in January. A request was made for shoeboxes please. Also Bet has knitting patterns available for people who may wish to make items for the boxes. 3. CTG. Carol singing at the Mulberry on December 17th. The Saints and Sinners event raised £900 for Worthing Churches Homeless project. St Mary's church are having a Christmas tree festival from 30th Nov-3rd Dec. Lent courses start in February. The theme will be "handing on the torch". If anyone is able to lead a course please let Rosina know. 4.Andrew's time. Due to time constraints this was not used. 5. Christmas services. Gift service is to be held on 11th December. Donations to go to the Worthing food bank. Armchair service to be held on 11th December at 3pm followed by tea. Help was requested with transport to this service. There will be no evening service on this date. Carol services on 18th December. The evening service will be a candlelight service. There will be no 11 :30pm service on Christmas Eve. Christmas day and New Years day will have services as usual I the mornings but there will not be evening services on these days. On Tuesday 6th December the Inland Revenue will hold their Christmas service. The church party will take place on Saturday 7th January. Andrew advised there would be no bible study on 1st December. 6. LLMR. Volunteers are needed for the following roles: Review convener, Minister Facilitator, and pastoral facilitator. See Valerie Cooper if you are able to help. Training will be available. 7.a) Flower secretary. Audrey is stepping down. Carol Webber and Tania Hunt have volunteered to take on this role. There was then a discussion around what this role should be called and also questions raised as to the actual description of the role. Valerie has agreed to discuss this with Carol and Tania. b) Reform magazine. Jane Bond is taking over this role. Anyone who wishes to subscribe please speak with Jane. 8. Request for Olympic Pastors. These are required to go to Olympic venues and will operate in similar ways to Street Pastors. Valerie has the job descriptions and person specifications if any one is interested. The role will require commitment to five days of 2x4hour shifts and will also require a level of fitness. 9. Westminster College Appeal. A request has been made for funds towards the upkeep and improvements to the college. A DVD is available if anyone requires more information. Notices and Communication. Information available on Spring school. Also a Christmas letter from the moderator. AOB. Church meeting agenda's. Valerie will endeavour to have these available on the projector screen after the Sunday service prior to the Church Meeting. Library. Hilary Redman is in the process of cataloguing books which have been left to the church, including those left by Geoffrey Dean. Hilary is also going to organise a system for borrowing the books. The meeting agreed to name the library the "Dean Library" Margaret Butcher reminded the meeting about Bible Sunday on 4th December and asked for bibles to be brought in to add to the display at the back of the church . The meeting concluded with the Grace and ended at 9 .30pm. Church Meeting October 2011 There was no meeting held this month because of Festival of Light Event Minutes of Church Meeting 29th September 2011. Chair. Rev. Andrew Sellwood. Devotions. Rev. Andrew Sellwood. Minister and 26 members present. Apologies. 9 received. Minutes of previous meeting .After amendments these were signed as accurate by the Minister. Matters arising. 1. Ordination and induction of Elders. Ryan Thomas and Vic Joy will be ordained on 9th October. 2. Annual appointments. Carole Cullis to the CTG representative. A volunteer is still required for World Church and Mission. Pastoral news. Mike Bayley. Is awaiting further tests. Pete Mitchell. Continues to make good progress. as Doris Nkosi was recently visited by her daughter from South Africa. There is no update on her treatment progress. r.6- Joan BurrDJge. Will be leaving hospital tomorrow if arrangements can be made. Betty Hislop. Remains in hospital. Betty Saunders. Recently had a fall and is now staying with her nephew. Glen Dean. Was recently visited by Hilary Redman. Eric Bond. Is recovering from his recent ill health. Olive Jones. Was in church last Sunday. Douglas Pullen. Passed away on 27th August. Prayers and a minutes silence were observed. Ruth Cooper is now on the Synod Youth executive. Jonathan Cooper has started his new job. Agenda Items. 1. Children and Young families Worker. The Elders have been considering the viability of employing someone into a part time post. The meeting was asked to approve further enquiry into this. Approval granted. Various questions were asked from the meeting around cost, job description, and purpose of the post. Andrew explained this was not about getting people into church but more an extension of our ministry into the community. It would come under the umbrella of Fresh Expressions, as does Messy Church. If the church decides to go ahead the post will be offered and will not necessarily be to a URC candidate. The applicant will have trained at a Christian college. The Church would need to have a management committee and the post would be wholly funded by us. Andrew has suggested we ask other churches in the area that already use this ministry to come and talk to us. 2. Group Reports. Finance. No report. Outreach. Festival of Light. Mary reported on progress so far. A report is attached to the minutes. Volunteers are required for cake making and the making up of gifts packs. Property Management. Graham advised the Church questionnaires are available to all who attend our Church until the end of October Lockable hall cupboards are now complete. Church members have -covered payment so no cost has been incurred. Various organisations who use the premises have requested to rent cupboard space. The kitchen is now usable and just waiting for extra sockets to be put in. World Church and Mission. No report. 3. CTG. Tickets for the Saints and Sinners evening are available from Carol Cullis. 4. Wilfred has taken on the role of 2"d CRB checker. The church meeting ratified this. 5. ZI news. This is now referred to as Radical Welcome. We have a 36 page information pack to read through about this. Andrew would like to tie this into Vision 2020. 6. Andrew's time. 7. Andrew reported on the changes within synod around deployment of ministers. Notices and correspondence. We have received notification of the passing away of Rev. Keith Tryce AOB. Eileen Rhodes has requested the church premises be kept clean and tidy prior to the Women's World day of prayer preparation day on 19th October. She has also requested use of the display board. Graham advised the kitchen would be complete once the final five-door unit has arrived on Monday. New Photocopier. Mary reported the current photocopy is very old. She has been offered a newer, reconditioned copier for £1,500.We would still be eligible for 3000 free copies per quarter with a cost of 1pper sheet for additional copies. The meeting asked if we own the current photocopier and could we get any cash back on this. The meeting agreed to this purchase. There will be no meeting in October. Meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. Minutes of Church Meeting 28th July 2011. Chair. Revd Andrew Sellwood. Devotions. Matthew Smith. Minister and 41 members present. 3 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting. These were agreed and signed by the minister. Matters arising. We will host Jonathan Veria Concert sometime in May 2012; further details will follow. Pastoral news. Mike Bayley is now in Durrington Ward at Worthing Hospital. Doris Nkosi is in and out of hospital. Mary Lambourne has had a fall and is not well enough to attend Church. Betty Hislop is dealing with difficult decisions and is in pain. Stan and Trudy Sanders continue to experience problems. Joan Finlay has had her cataract operation this afternoon and won't be in Church for 4 weeks. Olive Jones is now home. Ruth and Marni will be in Church on 24 August to say hello. Membership - Monica Leal has been going through a difficult time recently and will no longer be worshipping with us. She will be missed as she has attended Church for over 30 years. Agenda items. Elders Election - 2 new nominees; Vic Joy and Ryan Thomas. Wilfred Rhodes, Matthew Smith and Valerie Cooper are standing for a further year. Result - all 5 nominees received well over 75% of the votes and were duly elected. AP - Andrew to arrange ordination/induction service. Thanks were extended to Sue Mitchell for her long years of service and dedication as she stands down. Annual Appointments - Ken Woods is standing down from the Finance group. Monica's departure leaves a vacancy for World Church & Mission and CTG representative. Please give prayerful consideration; speak to Andrew if you are interested in this opportunity. Group Reports: Finance: meeting had been held on Tuesday. This year's budget is going well; the target for Gift Day was to be £8,000 plus; this can now be reduced to £5.000. Gift Day will be on 25 September (Harvest). Hall letting rates are to increase by 50p to £1 per hour with effect from 1 January 2012; this should help cover the increases in gas and electricity. We have honoured our commitment of £684 to the Pension Fund Deficit this year; this will double next year and the following year. The MOM has reduced by 1% per annum over the past 2 years; this will decrease from £45,000 to £44,760 in 2012; the Church meeting approved this decrease. Outreach: Sue expressed her thanks for all the prayers/help/support, which contributed to the Little Fishes open day being a great success. The staff has decided to buy the required electronic equipment as funds permit. Festival of Light poster competition closes on Sunday. Can letters be taken to local businesses to seek sponsorship please? Continue to pray for everyone and everything involved. Property Management: The quinquennial survey has been received; a meeting was held on Monday and the group are pleased with the overall report. The report highlights the high standard of our buildings following all the recent work, however it also mentions the Sanctuary, which now requires work to bring it up to the same standard as the rest of our buildings. A questionnaire will be distributed to church members to ask how they think the Sanctuary should be used/upgraded. There are various jobs listed which need attention immediately and Graham sought and was granted approval from Church meeting to approach Lee Nicholas for this work to be carried out. An autumn cleaning day will be held on 15 October at 10 am when there will be a list of jobs to be done by volunteers. A letter had been received requesting the kitchen be upgraded - replace the dishwasher/upgrade cupboard doors, drawers etc. The plan is to replace the set up on the west wall of the kitchen. A new dishwasher can be sourced from a company in Redhill at a cost of about £3,600. The meeting agreed that the dishwasher should be purchased and approved additional spending up to a total cost of around £7,500. This would cover a newAboiler, all electricity and plumbing works. ~~Kw CLO. Cupboards in Hall -groups using the halls desperately need storage. Lee Nicholas has provided a quote of £780 (including VAT) to build 4 X 6' 6" cupboards. Approval was given for this spend.World Church and Mission: there are only 3 members on the Mission group, other members are needed; they have a small budget of £268. The Bible Society and FEBA will each receive a donation of £100 this year. The £68 will be held in reserve with a view to raising additional funds. Christian Aid collection raised £1 L_048.88, a 3% increase from last year; although the house-to-house collection was down 11 %. Shoeboxes - during August, donations of sweets (in date for the following year). During September, anything we are short of. A shoebox filling and wrapping day will be held towards the end of Sept or early October. Donations of Christmas wrapping paper would be helpful. CTG: Additional diary dates were provided: 25.08.11 -CTG meeting in our Church at 7.30 p.m. Rosina to welcome 4.09.11-CTG 'Big Picnic' - 3 to 5 p.m. 10.09.11at7.30 - St Matthews Church, 'Serenade the Strings' English Martyrs Church; 8.10.11 - CTG - Saints & Sinners- 3 - 5 Cream Teas; 7 - 9.30 p.m. Supper at funds raised for Worthing Churches Homeless Project. 20.10.11 at 2.30 - Holy Trinity Church Hall; 'Good News for Ethiopia' a visual presentation by Heather Clement (Bible Society Volunteer Development Manager for South East). 4.12.11 'Bible Sunday' - a retiring collection will be taken and Bibles (old/modern/unusual) will be displayed in the Church. Andrew's time: St Andrews have been in contact with the Social Services regarding the use of their Church. A full plan of what they have to offer/how many volunteers and how much money is involved has to be submitted for consideration. ZI Campaign - Churches are finding that they cannot comply with this, they are feeding their thoughts back and the title may change to 'Radical Welcome'. When Andrew has clarification he will let us know. October Church Meting: falls in the Festival of Light week. We will consider and set a date, if necessary. Training Opportunities: anyone interested can get information (dates/venues) from Andrew or Valerie. A.O.B. There was none The meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. Church Meeting June 2011 Munutes Missing Minutes of Church Meeting 26th May 2011. Chair. Revd Andrew Sellwood. Devotions. Carole Culliss. Minister and 23 members present. 10 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting. These were agreed following amendments to the finance report. Signed by minister. Matters arising. No volunteer has come forward to order palm crosses for next Easter. If anyone can take on this task please see Valerie Cooper. Zero Intolerance presentation to the church will be arranged. There is no sign up deadline for this campaign. There are a limited number of booklets available. Pastoral news. Janet Dean continues to improve and thanked the church family for their prayers. Olive Jones continues to improve. Audrey Gurlach was well enough to attend the evening service last Sunday. Jim Hunt. It is anticipated he will be home soon. Mike Bayley. Is awaiting an assessment regarding his fitness to undergo an operation and is due back in hospital on Thursday. Pete Mitchell is unwell and awaiting treatment. Wilf and Eileen Rhodes are both recovering from their operations. The funeral of Michael Donnelly takes place on Thursday 2nd June at 12:30 at Goring URC. The meeting stood for a minute's silence in memory of Michael. Agenda items. Finance. The recent gift day has raised £4243 so far, which has exceeded the cost of repairing the hall ceiling. Outreach. Mary. Festival of Light sponsorship has reached £450:00 so far. Mary has letters that she has requested members take and give to local businesses to seek sponsorship. There will be a competition for the church to design the advertising poster for the Festival of Light event. Further details will be available in Welcome. The meeting was asked to approve a service of dedication and commissioning-to be held on the ice rink the Sunday before the event. Passed as agreed. The event will take place over four days starting on the Wednesday through to Saturday. Property Management. Graham R. New church signs on the front wall are now in place. Hall ceiling is complete. The quinquennial survey has been completed. The church roof and Sanctuary area may need some attention but we need to wait until the surveyors report is received. It was suggested that money is put aside to pay for double-glazing and insulation. Andrew spoke of how our buildings, including the Sanctuary area, should be multi-purpose. World Church and Mission. Brighton Welsh choir are performing at West Worthing Baptist Church on 25th June. Margaret Butcher will have tickets if anyone is interested in attending. CTG Monika reported that the Lent group had been successful as was the Easter sunrise service. There is the possibility of a further course being run late in the year, possibly pre advent. The picnic originally planned for July is now taking place on 4th September on Goring Greensward from 3-5 p.m. The I 0th Saints and Sinners event will take place on 8th October to raise money for Worthing Churches Homeless Project. The aim is to raise £1000.t this event. All CTG churches have been asked to run a stall at this event. Can anyone who can help run a bric a brae stall please see Monika. Elders Elections. Sunday is the last day for nomination papers. Kitchen manager. Sheila G. is happy to continue in this role. Hymn books. Graham asked for suggestions about what could be done with spare copies of songs of fellowship and junior praise. Sheila G. is going to look into a distribution agency. Books currently located in the Minister's Vestry are to be moved into the Sanctuary once we have a new bookcases, people can then borrow them. There followed a general discussion about whether or not the church Bibles remain where they are on the chairs or be given out as requested, as are hymn books. Back to Church Sunday 25th September. This is the same weekend as our Harvest Festival and Gift Day. There followed a discussion as to whether or not this would be too much for one day. Meeting agreed that this would be possible. Valerie requested permission to purchase resources for Back to Church Sunday. It was also suggested we serve coffee and cake after the service. Andrew's time. Andrew reported on his recent experience at spring school and the challenges this personally raised for him. Notices and Correspondence. These were made available for members to read after the meeting. A.O.B. Graham is to organise a fire drill for the Church. The meeting ended with the sharing of the Grace. lr1 _3.0/06 Signed.... . ................................................................... Date .............. ~. .' .................. . Church Meeting 28/4/2011. Minister and 27 members present. & Apologies. Devotions led by Rev. Andrew Sellwood. Minutes of previous meeting signed as true and accurate. Matters Arising. Pastoral news. Hilary recently visited Glen Dean in her care home. Jim Hunt continues to improve. Olive Jones had a fall and is currently in St Botolphs ward WGH. Janet Dean. Due for a follow up check today but is confident all is well. Mike Bayley. Rosina reported that Mike went into Guilford Hospital today and will have his operation once his tests have been completed. Rosina gave thanks to the church for their support on behalf of her self and Mike. r'l Mary Lalilfborne remains in Southlands Hospital. Jean Hillis passed away on 19/4 aged 97 in Bangor, Northern Ireland. Agenda Items. Group Reports. Finance: Matthew. There was a presentation of the 2010 accounts prior to them going to the auditors. See attached sheet. There was a 10% increase3 in the Free Will offering. This is the second year an increase has ..., been seen .Mr and Mrs Gooderham were thanked for the increase in rental income. '9ift 9ay 111el'lie,, tfrle ~ rQGef\t-of wi'lid'H'atsed·atet-al..o~.f~,200, have-elso helped fine11ees ~~~t- .-_...t.-v·cJ..,,.,. ....t«:.....,,.. The meeting unanimously approved the accounts in principle before going to the auditors. CLt....::c:::.~ ~ Matthew also thanked the property group for completing the lighting, only coming in £56 over b~. t . ..._ .eL-, Outreach. Sue. Nothing to report this month. '--- -(£,..., J Bet Swierk. Reminded the meeting of the Barn Dance on ih May. r:)-iw ~ . . ,~ Christian Aid week 15th May. Bet will organise a display at the back of the church. Vl~ ~G ,T~ ...~Shoebox donations for May are toys and games. v-·'~ c:_.,, ~ '1Property. ~~ah~m. Qui~qXennial survey i~ due ~awards the end of May. a> ,..t,...JJ ~_,._.. .~_ :~~--.J The hall celling 1s now finished and new lights in place. w-~ t"\..• °:, ~World Church and mission. Nothing to report this month. -tW t: ---~ U _t.i~ 'j__'J.~ CTG. The sunrise service was well supported. -,,(...,~ t.:o"" Easter services. Valerie apologised for the lack of Palm crosses this year and asked for a volunteer to ,_~ C( organise this for next year. Thanks were offered to Andrew for all the Easter services. Review of Evening Easter service to go to the Elders in the first instance. Church secretary and Elders election. The meeting voted unanimously for Valerie Cooper to be the church secretary for a further year. Val intends to stand down after next year. The election of Elders will take place on 28th July at the Church meeting. Nomination papers will be 1 available from Sunday 29 h May. Notice of the election of Elders will be in Welcome throughout May. The meeting was asked to prayerfully consider this. Sue is standing down this year. Valerie, Matthew and Wilfred have already completed an extra year and so new Elders are needed. The members were asked to consider carefully if approached with a view to being nominated. Zero Intolerance. Valerie gave a presentation on this campaign including a preview of the adverts. Initial leaflets have been produced. Andrew then invited general questions about the campaign and gave additional information. Media coverage will include a national poster campaign, coverage in the press and smaller resources such as carrier bags and beer mats. The idea of this is to provide a vehicle with which to engage with people. The campaign will run for a lengthy period of time and will then be reviewed and assessed. n.... 7_ ..a'7J t 1 J..:t:__.- . . There will be training available in the form of localised courses and in- house training. Ministers and church leaders will be expected to do this training. People can also volunteer to become a "mystery worshipper" Sue M. suggested the church family would need to be open and honest with each other around any difficulties we may encounter. Some members felt the typeface of the leaflets hard to read. Andrew asked if the meeting would consider signing up for the Zero Tolerance campaign in principle. o.J:> Members offered various comments around the need to do this. ~ • A further presentation was requested to reach members not present at the meeting. It was suggested this could be after a Sunday morning service. The deadline for making our decision is July 2011.Matthew commented that if we fail to sign up for the campaign there may be wider implications for the church. Sheila G. made the observation that 'all we are being asked to do what Jesus did'. Andrew's time. Andrew would like to do the Vision 4 Life course for the Church by the end of the year. The Festival of Light 2010 was featured in Reform magazine. Andrew is now acting to support a URC in Hastings during their period of interregnum. Notices and correspondence. Various information was available for members to read. Notification of deaths given. Rev. Kwandaio Amaning of Upton Chapel. Basil Carter, former organist of Grove Congregational .Dr David Langsborough. Funeral at Tavistock Place on 14th May. We have been invited to take part in "Stride and Ride" on 10th September by providing the church as a venue. This would require some commitment from the church members. Mission Means. Training available for this at Hassocks on 4th June. Please see Valerie if you can attend. 30TH May and 2nd June dates for Walk in the Spirit. AOB. Jonathan Cooper suggested as we now have the projection system displaying the words of the hymns we no longer need to have hymnbooks on the chairs. Instead the door stewards could give books out to those who request them. After some discussion it was agreed to give this idea a trial run. Meeting closed with the sharing of the Grace. Minutes Of Church Meeting 31st March 2011 23 members and minister present. 10 Apologies received. Chair. Revd Andrew Sellwood. Devotions Bet Sweirk. Previous minutes signed as correct. Matters arising: - Mothering Sunday. Primroses have been organised for distribution. Problem with Reform magazine is now resolved. Pastoral news:Mary Lambourne is now home and receiving care. Janet Dean. Having her operation tomorrow. Mike Bailey Awaiting his operation next month. Rosina sent her thanks for the prayers and care of the church. Doris Ngosi is having to work Sunday shifts so will not be in Church so frequently. Tom Woodcock. Is now out and about after being ill since last September. Michael Donnelly. Andrew took communion to Michael in Pentlands Nursing home. Agenda items. Group reports - Finances. Matthew S. The unaudited accounts are available if anyone wishes to see them. Work on the Manse is completed and the grant has been approved. Wilfred is preparing finance papers to be sent to the Archive office in Chichester (up to year 2000). Outreach. Sue Mitchell. Little fishes building is now complete apart from the playground. An additional amount of money has been granted by Sussex County Council. Four new children with additional needs have started at Little Fishes. Mary Redman. Informed the meeting that reform magazine next month will contain an article about last years Festival of Light. Just for Laughs are a comedy act .The meeting was asked to consider inviting them to perform for the opening of this years Festival of Light. The cost will vary from £190 -£300 depending on the day of the week. Questions were asked regarding sponsorship. Mary has not yet started to address this. Property Management. Graham Redman. The audiovisual equipment is now working in the Cornwall room. Graham will demonstrate how this works to interested parties. Building work starts on the hall ceiling on 11th April. The hall will be out of use for around one week. The new sign for one-way system is ready. The meeting was asked to consider if the entry and exits should be swapped. World Church. Bet Swierk. Kate Parr of Christian Aid will be speaking at the service on 1oth April. She will also be speaking at St Andrews Tarring on 5th May. Christian Aid week is 15-21 May. Barn dance on J1h May form 5-7.30pm to include a Ploughman's style meal. The shoebox collection is going well. During April this will be toiletries. C.T.G Monika. The Sunrise service on Easter Sunday is at 6.45 am outside Sea Lane cafe with tea and hot cross buns afterwards at St Mary's. There is also a picnic planned for 1oth July on Goring Greensward. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Synod Report. Wilfred Rhodes gave an account of his attendance at the SS synod meeting on 81h March. There are various posts in synod that still to be filled. Three representatives are required to attend a meeting regarding Back to Church Sunday. Westminster College requires funds for upgrading. Revd Roberta Rominger presented the Zero In-Tolerance advertising campaign which is to be launched in September 2011 and will go public via Newspapers in 2012. This will advertise the URC's tolerance to anyone who comes though our doors. Easter Services: Maundy Thursday service will include communion. Good Friday: 10:30 am. Easter Sunday: Last year the question was asked as to whether there should be a service in the evening and does the meeting want this. It was agreed to have an evening service this year and review the Andrew's time. Andrew spoke about Synod. Comments have been made that not all the Synod areas are working efficiently and local churches are not relating to each other. There will be some restructuring of officers and their duties. Peter Southcombe (the Regeneration officer) is now charging churches for his services. Following the mapping exercise there is to be a meeting at Brighthelm to inform of the results. Next years mapping will include Methodists. There are 168 Churches in our Synod and some will inevitably close if they remain as they are. The status of churches is based on mission criteria, age profile and finances. Some churches are only opening for Sunday morning services and have no mid week activities. The viability of buildings is also to be considered. The Zero Intolerance campaign is something churches have to sign up to. Andrew would like to look at Vision for Life4 before the Festival of Light. Anyone wishing t know more about the year of Evangelism can speak to Andrew. The meeting asked various questions about Synods plans for the future. Notices and Correspondence. The Victoria Care Home has written to request help in providing a prayer service to their residents. Volunteers please. AOB- Wilf reported on Ruth and Mamy. Hilary has received a letter from them about their time in Madagascar. Meeting close with the sharing of the Grace. Minutes of the Church Meeting held on 24th February, 2011. In the Chair-Wilfred Rhodes. Devotions led by Valerie Cooper based on Romans 21 vv. 16 and 17. There were twenty five members present and nine apologies for absence. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been amended, were approved and signed. Matters Arising-The Church shelves, Tania Hunt had offered to do these. Kitchen Manager-Sheila Gooderham came forward to take this on for a three month trial period. Janet Dean said she would continue to oversee the care of the Cornwall Room kitchenette. Pastoral news- Hilary reported that Mary Lambourne was now staying with her son in Southampton. Several other members were in need of our prayers. Janet Dean was still awaiting surgery. Margaret Dobson had recently died and Caroline and Doreen were going to her funeral with a card from our fellowship to give to relatives. Wilfred had been in touch with Grace Ralph who was now worshipping at Rugby Road Evangelical Church and sent her love to all her friends at GURC. Group Reports: Finance-Matthew reported that Graham had obtained two quotations for the Manse work and these had been submitted to Synod. Heritage to do the work and we are waiting for the Grant application to go through. Property Management Group-Graham reported that work had begun on the Manse and it would be completed tomorrow. Outside work to be started next week. The Hall ceiling would be started on 11th April. Fire Protection-call point to be installed in Little Fishes and a further one on the main premises. They recommend checks twice a year at a cost of £125 each time. Fire drill to be arranged after Andrew's return. No Entry signs-these would be put on the walls at the front of the car park. Geoffrey had done some research into this on the internet but the result was that it would cost £2000. C.T.G. nothing to report but notices of the Lent Courses are in the Church. These start on Monday, ih March with an opening service in our church on Sunday 61h at 4.0 p.m. there would be no evening service that day. Mothering Sunday: There was some question as to whether we should distribute plants again this year. Apparently Peggy Mott had talked about doing this. In the past they had been paid for by the people donating the plants. Valerie to talk to Peggy. Lent Flowers: After some discussion it was decided not to have flowers in the sanctuary during Lent except on Mothering Sunday. Hilary would talk to the two people signed up at present for flowers during this period. Reform Magazine: Reform had rung Valerie to say that we haven't got a distributor. However Sue Nicholls had had some difficulty with them recently and the next issue would be in March. Little Fishes- new room now finished and they would move in there next week. There would be a grand opening with the Mayor present later on. rotten. Wilf thanked Vic for all his hard work in the church garden. A new rota for lawn mowing was needed. W.W.D.P. Eileen Rhodes reminded members of the times of the Women's World Day of Prayer. There would be a Coffee Morning at Bury Drive on Saturday 5th. Wilfred encouraged folk to look on the table for information leaflets There being no further business the meeting closed with a prayer and the Grace at approx. 8.30 pm .. Church Meeting January 2ih 2011 Minutes Chair: Matthew Smith Devotions: Matthew Smith led from Psalm 56, Proverbs 16:28 and Corinthians Twenty seven members were present and 6 apologies were received. The minutes of the previous meeting having been previously circulated were corrected and signed as a correct record. Pastoral News: Grace Hope is unwell. Mary Lambourne has been unwell since Christmas, but is now recovering. Andrew and Jill are on their way to Australia. Janetfil!? be~~3rd February for her operation at the Brampton Hospital. Mike Bayley is now in Guildford Hospital and Rosina is awaiting the results of his operation. Grace Ralph has resigned her membership. Agenda Items: Festival of Light: Mary gave the evaluation from the green forms. Many positive comments: gone well; family feeling; so many extra people in church; good prayer support. Some niggling things: more communication with the rink company needed; advertising needs to be quicker to be more effective; booking line was open for too long, could be open for a shorter period of time, but open for longer hours each day; duties some were too long, others not long enough. Matthew said that the gross income was £7890 with a profit of £2887 which was rounded up to £2900 and was split between St BarnabQs and Chestnut Tree House. A vote was taken on whether to hold the event again this year - passed with 2 against and 1abstention. Group Reports: Finance: 1or 2 concerns about the Free Will envelopes as there is a space on the front to enter the amount inside. Matthew had ticked the wrong template for the envelopes. There is no need to fill this in, but it could be helpful as the envelopes are not always sealed and the money drops out. There is no security issue with this. Mike Bayley is unable to audit the Church accounts this year. The meeting approved Alan Westcott to audit the accounts when he returns from Mexico in two months time. Outreach: Sue handed out a report on the Little Fishes building works and answered questions about it. She also talked about the children that attend the playgroup, those with special needs and difficult backgrounds and the amount of support that they get from West Sussex County Council. Valerie mentioned that while collating the information for the Annual Returns, she had discovered that 53 children come to worship at our church (Junior Church and Messy Church) and that 73 different children are associated with our church through ARK, Little Fishes and Pilots. Our children's work is very strong and asked for continued prayer support. Property Management: The Manse roof has been repaired costing £170. The damp problem remains. There is hope of a Synod grant for this as it is structural work. It was proposed that Graham Redman obtain quotes to address the damp problem at the manse, and that he and Matthew Smith take the matter forward urgently to seek to have the necessary works done while Andrew and Jill are away. The meeting approved. A piece of plaster fell from the Church Hall ceiling narrowly missing a member, so action must be taken. Two estimates have come in: Adam Steel quotes £5000 +VAT= around £7000 and Lee Nicholas quotes £4000, and this will also include insulating the roof space along the eves and replacing the current row of strip lights with two rows (one on each side) lower down the ceiling, nearer the eves. The suggest time for this work is around Easter time this year. Lee Nicholas was approved to do the work. Graham suggested a special gift day (second gift day) to help toward the cost of this work and to help balance the book. Barbara proposed and Roger seconded, the meeting approved with 3 suggested that special fund raising events, including perhaps a sale of work, could be arranged. Ideas to Hilary or Matthew. Carol W asked if there was any way in which the one way system around the building could be promoted. The Property Group will look into it again. World Church and Mission: Bett gave a report which is available from the Minute Secretary. CTG: They are looking for 2 leaders for the Lent House Groups from each church. The York Course will be followed. Speak to Valerie if you are able to help. Church Windows and Shelves: The meeting was asked if anyone would be willing to decorate the front windows and the shelves in the church. It was suggested that the shelves should be left bear and decorated for festivals. This request will be put into Welcome. Junior Church: Several people have come forward to help. Kitchen Manager: Sue is resigning this post due to the increased work with the extension to Little Fishes. This will be put into Welcome. A.O.B: Women's' World Day of Prayer. This is on Friday 4th March. Eileen told us the service this year comes from Chile. The 2:30pm service will be lead by Deacon Jean Cole and will take place at Bury Drive. Further information is available from Eileen. Print Room: Mary asked that the heater in the print room be left on as it is essential that the room is kept warm, the Canon photo copier and the paper jams if the room is cold and damp. We are using too many copies on the Canon, please use the Samsung. Mary is happy to give instruction on the Samsung after the Sunday morning service. There is a chart to fill in when using the Canon, once it is full, please only use the Samsung. A minute taker for the meeting in March was requested - Barbara volunteered. Hilary will distribute the minutes as usual. Andrew will be available from 3rd March following his return from Australia. There being no further business Matthew closed the meeting with prayer at 20:55. Minutes of Church Meeting 25th November 2010. Chair. Rev. Andrew Sellwood. Devotions. Hilary Redman. The Minister and 28 members present 7 apologies received. Previous minutes signed as correct. Matters arising. There is now a T.V. in the Cornwall room. Pastoral News. Mrs Bet Swirk has a grandchild. Roy and Sheila Gooderham have a great grandchild. Mary Lu~in has a grandchild; Mary had a recent fall but is recovering. A Mother from the Ark who was in our prayers is now out of hospital. Denise Woods is recovering slowly. Festival of Light follow up. Matthew S. Reported a profit of £2900.This will be split between St Barnabas and Chestnut Tree House. There will be a formal presentation on either 12th or 19th December. There will be an evaluation presented at the next meeting. Andrew then proposed the Church repeat the ice-skating again next year in order to keep the momentum and capitalise on sponsorship. The meeting will be asked to make a decision about this at the first meeting of the New Year. This plan will also tie in with the URC advertising campaign for next year. A question was raised as to whether the company who supplied the ice rink have been asked about the fact they did not take the rink away as agree in their contract. A suggestion was made that Worthing College may be able to help with volunteers as they already help with Kestro club. Synod report. Wilfred R. gave a report, a copy of which will be filed with the minutes. This then prompted a discussion around the provision and maintenance of Manses. TLS course module. Hilary R. has completed her study on 'Talking to God' and is now applying for 'Getting to grips with the Bible'. Andrew is supporting this. Group Reports Finance. Matthew. Recent gift day yielded a total of £6,890.This leaves a deficit of over £10,000. The target of £15,000 was not achieved. Ministry and mission contributions have reduced slightly. Little Fishes will be responsible for their own utility costs once they re-open. Matthew advised the meeting that the weekly offertory needs to increase if we are to avoid another Gift Day. The Church Meeting will need to decide what works to the property can be carried out bearing in mind the financial implications. In four years we could have exhausted all our reserve finances. Money is ring fenced for the new roof. It was suggested that teaching is given from the minister around giving (a stewardship campaign) and for the members to be aware of the cost of running the church. It was noted that some members did increase their giving after Matthew's last letter. It was suggested that non-members be encouraged to take up membership to promote more involvement. There was then a general discussion around offertory and increased giving. The meeting approved Matthew's budget for next year (copy attached to minutes). Outreach. Sue M. Planning for Little Fishes building work is now sorted and building work will restart tomorrow. This has to be completed by March next year. Property. Graham R. Gave a report on work needing to be done on the manse and in the Church. This includes solving damp problem in the Manse and insulating the loft. Wilfred was thanked for re laying the carpet in central aisle of sanctuary. Meeting approved the cost of hiring scaffolding to replace lights at a cost of £240.This work to be completed before Christmas. The cost of replacing all the lights with energy efficient bulbs would be £1300. Meeting agreed to the less costly option. Mr Geoffrey R. raised his concerns that people would be expected to volunteer to do this work and would it be better to get in professionals. The meeting noted the point but agreed to continue with the in-house plan. Wilfred R requested the Harris Room be cleared in order to be used as a meeting room again. World Church and Mission. Bet S. Bet thanked everyone for supporting the Mission coffee morning, which raised £92. 26 shoeboxes have been collected this year, less than last year when 54 were collected. It was suggested that the Church start collecting shoe box items throughout the year from January and then have a day when everyone can get together and fill the boxes. Bet will organise this. Any spare knitting wool would be appreciated and will be made available for people to knit items for the shoeboxes. C.T.G. Rosina has joined Monika as a second rep. Carol singing at the Mulberry shops is at 11a.m. on 18th December. Prayer meeting arranged for 20th December at 2p.m. to be held at Bury Drive. A thank you letter was received from Worthing Churches Homeless project for the £900 raised from the Saints and Sinners event. Events suggested for next year include a Lent course and a picnic on the Green. Prayers were requested for Tearfund and also donations for families in Peru. More information for this cause could be found on the Internet or from Monika Evening Services. Meeting decided to hold these in the Cornwall Room during the winter months to promote a spirit of fellowship and also have a financial benefit. This will also be beneficial for the Organ as it will be easier to maintain even temperature. A notice will be put in Welcome and there will be a steward on the main door to redirect people. Joint services and special events will continue to be held in the Sanctuary. The 8a.m. service has said they would prefer to continue meeting in the Sanctuary, without heating if necessary. Heating to be switched on % hour earlier to warm the Sanctuary before 10:30 service. Eileen R expressed her concerns over services being held in the Cornwall Room. Sheila G. reminded the meeting that the Church is the people not the building. Andrew's time. Nothing specific to report to the meeting. Notices and correspondence. A letter was received to inform us of the death of Rev David E Clarke on 27th October. Suzanne G. Will put a contact number for Neighbourhood Watch in Welcome. Worthing Sentinel has ceased publication but a new publication will start to be known as the Worthing Journal £ 11 :00 for 12 issues. Hilary R. Informed the meeting of a thank you note from Doris, which is at the back of the Church. Meeting closed at 9:30 p.m. with the Grace. ,,,---..____ ~ • I Church Meeting October 2010 No meeting held because of Festival of Light Minutes of Church Meeting 30th September 2010. CHAIR. Rev Andrew Sellwood. MINISTER and 24 members present. 10 Apologies received. MINUTES of previous meeting. Three amendments agreed. Signed as correct by minister. MATTERS ARISING. None PASTORAL NEWS. Hilary. Vera Irving. See Hilary for Vera's new address. Doris sent a thank you card for flowers received. She will soon be returning to South Africa. Colin and Maggie Wilde, card received to say they are enjoying their new home. Beryl Richardson. Will be transferred into membership at Woking URC this week Church meeting agreed to the transfer of membership and Hilary will send a card. Denise Woods, had an operation this week is now back in Romford. Meeting was asked to remember Ken in our prayers. Betty Hislop, more information should be available on Sunday as to when her operation is due. Glen Dean, is in poor health at the moment. Peggy Titmus, is to give up singing in the choir. Janet Dean's father is in hospital and due home on Tuesday. Janet herself is waiting for surgery. Grace and Jim Hope's daughter in law has passed away. Funeral on ?1h October. Meeting was asked to remember all in our prayers. AGENDA ITEMS. FINANCE. Matthew. Informed meeting that Gift Day envelopes are ready. OUTREACH. Festival of Light - Mary thanked all those who attended the meeting on Saturday 25th September with Martin Hayward. There is a DVD available for those who could not attend. See Mary. £1,500 received in sponsorship so far. Booking line for skating opens on 1st October. An answer phone has been set up in the print room. The booking line is fully manned during the mornings but volunteers are still required for 2-4 and 6-8 slots. Volunteers requiring a key can speak to Sheila. Banner arriving on Wednesday which will be placed somewhere on the Bridge. Posters and flyers available for members to take away. Adverts to be placed in the Goring Guide and the Advertiser. Vic Joy asked for volunteers to help with security (2-3 hour slots) Members were asked to continue praying for the event. Hilary suggested a prayer group to meet before and after the event, which she will organise outside of the meeting with those interested. Graham. Plans for a magazine originally to go out around the time of the FOL have been amended it will now go out around Christmas time. People who have already contributed articles will be advised of this. Sue M. Reported on the building work, which is progressing to plan. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. Graham. As part of the Fire risk assessment we should have a fire drill once a year. Graham will speak to Eileen about this. Money is available for a T.V. monitor for the Cornwall meeting room. There will be a Tidy Up Day on 16th October. The red carpet in central aisle will be taken up in readiness for the ice rink. Volunteers needed. Over flow problem by the kitchen will be attended to in Nov. Matthew gave a report regarding works needed to Manse. He is liasing with Synod. Meeting were asked to pray about this. WORLD CHURCH AND MISSION. Bett. Monies to be distributed as follows:£100 Mission Aviation Fellowship. £100 Leprosy Mission. £100 Living Hope Ministry. Remaining £74 to be allocated at a later date. Bett is hoping to organise a Christian Aid quiz later this year and a barn dance next year. Shoe boxes to be collected sometime end of October. This will be confirmed in Welcome. Bible Society are holding an event on ?1h October at 2:30. The speaker will be Ian Fletcher. All welcome. Ian will also be speaking on Bible Sunday 1?1h October 10:30am. Coffee morning 13th October. Margaret thanked the meeting on behalf of the Bible Society for continuing to collect used stamps. Retiring collection on 10th and 1?1h October will be donated to the Bible society. Monika reported positive news from our friends in Ghana. They have completed their clinic and have now started on their Church. To be remembered in our prayers. 1 C.T.G. Saints and Sinners event on 16 h October at English Martyrs in aid of Worthing Churches Homeless Project. They have had their funding reduced and are in need of support .See Monika for tickets and also information about a Tearfund catalogue. WELCOME LEAFLET. Compiled by Graham the Elders as part of mission and outreach. Meeting made suggestions to improve this. Leaflet will be reviewed periodically. Meeting approved the leaflet and thanked the Graham and the Elders. BIBLE READING NOTES. Sheila has arranged to borrow a selection of Bible reading notes from the new Christian bookshop Living Oasis for people to look at and order via Sheila. These will be available in Church on 10th and 17th October. CONCORDIA. Elders have approved the request to use our facilities again. URC UNIVERSAL LITURGY. Synod has requested help to write a Liturgy for use when inducting Local Lay Leaders. See Valerie Cooper if interested. HARVEST AND CHRISTMAS GIVING. After some discussion the meeting agreed that produce from these would go to Worthing Churches Homeless project, also the Retiring collection from these services. ANDREW'S TIME. Andrew reported on his recent meeting with local church leaders and their discussions about how churches may be able to bridge the gap following cuts in resources to local community agencies. QUEEN ALEXANDRA'S HOSPITAL HOME.A letter has been received asking for financial help. Meeting agreed that the retiring collection on Remembrance Sunday should go in rotation to Q.A.Hospital, British Legion and Help for Heroes, starting this year with QA Hospital. OCTOBER CHURCH MEETING. The meeting agreed there should be no meeting in October due to Festival of Light. Date was set for 25 1h November. NOTICES AND CORRESPONDENCE. Glomos leadership training course. On 13th November. See Valerie if interested. Where the Wild Things Are. A Day Conference on 23rd October.See Valerie. Worthing World Mission Weekend. Information about this event provided to meeting. AOB. 1.Eileen requested permission to book the church on 19th October 2011 for preparation for Women's World Day of Prayer. Approved by meeting 2.Geoffrey Redman Asked for the meetings approval to dispose of choir gowns which are no longer required. Approval given. 3. Graham is to get a new plastic letters to repair the sign on the outside of the Church. ~12//_~ ~ ?-~/tr/to Signed... . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................................... Dated ..................... . Minutes of Church Meeting 29th July 2010 Chair Revd. Andrew Sellwood. Devotions led by Matthew Smith. Minister and 33 members present. 7 apologies received. Minutes of previous meeting. Passed as correct and signed by minister. Matters arising. Maybridge Holiday at Home took place on 26th and 27th July. Pastoral news. Denise Woods has broken her el:bow. °'-"1Yt · M Betty Hislop was taken into hospital last week and is due to have surgery. Grace Ralph and son Keith are currently worshipping at Findon Valley Free Church. Vera Irving is moving to Suffolk to be nearer her sons. Two members of the Church family have passed away. Eileen Jordan and Ivy Madge. Andrew had conducted the funerals. The meeting stood for a minute's silence in memory. Agenda Items. Eider's election. Both Matthew Smith and Wilfred Rhodes were re- elected. Graham Redman and Jonathon Cooper acted as Tellers with the approval of the meeting. Annual Aooointments. Grace Ralph is standing down from being the Chronicle Secretary. Susie Thomas has volunteered to take on this role. Grace was responsible for decorating the shelves in Church. Eileen Rhodes proposed these are longer need to be decorated. Jane Bond seconded this. General Assembly. Andrew gave a report. Group reports Finance. Matthew Smith. The Church Gift Day will be at Harvest on 3rd October. Target M is £,ilQ!1., ~I 0 0 0 The meeting was asked to accept the recommendations of the Finance Committee on the following matters. Matthew advised the meeting of figures for marriage fees (£420) and new figures for funeral fees (£270). In future funeral fees will be paid to the treasurer for dispersement. Matthew will advise Funeral Directors accordingly. It was agreed that no charge will be made for use of the church for church family (people in the handbook/Chronicle updates) With discretion to be exercised by the minister as appropriate. Matthew informed the meeting of a new formula for MoM contributions resulting in a 1% reduction (£456) in 2011. However Synod are levying churches to meet their target contribution toward the current deficit in the Ministers Pension Fund. He explained the background to the levy. Our allocation is £684 in 2010 (double in 2011 & 2012). The meeting approved the MoM allocation for 2011 and the levy for 2010. Outreach Festival of Light. Mary Redman. Pledged sponsorship has now reached £855.We need to raise £3,500. Letters have gone out to local businesses. 10 have replied so far. Some businesses are reported to consider £50 too much and would donate £25. It was agreed that we would be happy to accept whatever they can afford with reduced advertising space for smaller donations. t' Andrew is also applying for a grant from the URC New Growth Fund to help cover advertising costs. " 6 local churches, 5 schools and Camilla Bo~ar, are supporting event. Local Girl Guides a~ will also be approached to help decorate the Church. All the Group leaders have been appointed and will be looking for helpers. Anyone who can help is asked to see Mary. Members were reminded that they could volunteer for more than one job All helpers will be supplied with yellow tee shirts to ensure they can be easily identified. Andrew reported the URC Mission Enabler has been invited to help us in our preparation and also to offer advice on what to do after the event. Building work. Sue Mitchell. The building work is causing a lot of interest with the general public. The meeting was asked if anyone had any questions regarding this work and were thanked for their patience during this time. Sue is keeping a photographic record of this work. Property Management. Graham Redman. Nothing to report. World Church and Mission. Bobbie Hitchin Nothing to report. CTG. The prayer group will continue to meet monthly. Monika has asked if someone can attend the CTG meeting on 26th August on her behalf. Bobbie Hitchin has provisionally agreed to do this. Monika provided some information from Tearfund for Harvest. Andrew's time Andrew requested prayers for the Holiday at Home day on Wednesday 4th August at St Andrews. Notices and correspondence The Church has been asked if we would like to contribute towards Nigel Uden's leaving gift. It was agreed to send £50. A service of thanksgiving is arranged for 16th October with a social event to follow. Venue is yet to be decided. Oak.grove college have given their thanks for accommodating them at short notice. The seventh Worthing Alpha Course is being introduced on 23rd September.Venue is the Barn at Field Place. On 24th September there is a multicultural celebration and information is available. A.O.B. Sheila Gooderham reported on a dance/swing band that had used the premises for rehearsals. It was requested that in the future could they and other groups use the Sanctuary for this purpose. Each request would have to go to the Elders for approval and a charge equal to that of using the hall was suggested. The meeting was asked for its view on this request. A member asked if the Church meeting could take place on a three monthly basis. This has been tried in the past and has not been successful. However, there will be no meeting in August. Meeting was asked for permission to destroy the voting slips. Approval was given. Date of next meeting is 30th September. Meeting ended at 9.1 Op.m. with the Grace >o-oq-10. Minutes of the Church Meeting Thursday 24 June 2010 Devotions were led by Mrs Valerie Cooper Chair : In the absence of the Minister, Mr Wilfred Rhodes rook the chair Present : 19 members. Apologies for Absence : 19 The Minister is away on holiday. He will be going ID General Assembly on 2nd July. There is ID be a new format for Assembly with members sitting at tables ID encourage everyone to join in. About 300 are expected and 75 young people. The Minutes of the meeting held on 27 May 2010 were approved and signed. Matters Arising : Elders Election - Mr Wilfred Rhodes and Mr Matthew Smith have been nominated to continue in service. Their synopses will be available soon. The elders election will be held on 29th July. The secretary has sent a card to Rev David Skitt as he retires from his post as Synod Pastoral Secretary. Pastoral news : Mrs Eileen Jordan has hurt her back, and is very low in spirits. The meeting stood in remembrance of our friend and member Mrs Sylvia Cane who died on 18th June. Her funeral will be in this church at 1 pm on Thursday 1 st July. Friends have been invited to join the family at the graveside and for refreshments afterwards at The Fox, Patching. Mrs Hilary Redman asked the meeting to support her application for a course to be held at East Croydon during the summer. It is part of the TLS LITE training, called "Theology - Talking about God". The meeting gave it's approval and the secretary signed the sending form. On Sunday 6th June Mr Wilfred Rhodes went with Eileen to take the service at Caer Gwent Residential home. About 20 people attended. Mrs Amina Whittey now worships at Carr's Lane URC in Birmingham. The secretary has sent a letter of commendation. Agenda Items : Street Pastors • Miss Anna Cooper came and told the meeting about her work as a Street Pastor in Worthing - a national movement which started in London. She and other Christians go onto the streets on a Friday night to offer help wherever they can. They dress appropriately with the Street Pastors logo prominently displayed, and in groups of six - four on the street two offering prayer support at base (Salvation Army Welcome Inn) to give support to the Police and Social Workers in the area. They take mouth to mouth shields, foil blankets, water, tissues and flip flops to offer those with no adequate shoes. They have a mobile phone. They clear away debris from the streets such as glass bottles or anything that could be used as a weapon. They take opportunities to tell people about God when they are asked. Anna was thanked for her interesting presentation, and she was asked to write something for the next church magazine. Synod Report : • see following pages Group Reports : Outreach : Messy Church meets on Monday 5th July. Cardboard cereal boxes are needed to build the walls of Jericho. We will be short of coffee/tea mugs at the Festival of Light, so we were asked to check our shelves for unwanted mugs and/or Charity Shops for bargain mugs at 50p or fess. Correspondence/ Notices • the Secretary now has the new Prayer Fellowship Handbooks available £5.00 + £1.00 p+p We are invited to the Farewell Day for David and Zam Walker on 18th July at Brighthelm. See poster in church. We have been invited to attend the farewell service for Rev John Gordon - details on Welcome We are invited to suggest names of people on their own to attend St Andrew's Holiday at Home Day on 4th August. There is another at Maybridge - date to be announced. AOB : Mrs Eileen Rhodes told the meeting that the Old Wesley Owen Christian Bookshop has been taken over by "Nationwide Christian Trust" who have taken over several Wesley Owen shops. They intend to increase their outreach by adding other activities within their premises besides the sale of books. They would be glad of our prayers, and an opportunity to address church groups and organisations Little fishes are back in their refurbished playroom, and are waiting for the next phase of development to begin in the holiday. Wilfred closed the meeting with prayer at 8.35 pm Minutes of Church Meeting 27th May 2010. Chair Rev Andrew Sellwood. Devotions led by Carole Culliss. Minister and 22 members present. Apologies. Wilf and Eileen Rhodes, Ray and Verna Elliot, Sue Mitchell, Vic and Maureen Joy, Wilma Smith and Ryan Thomas. Minutes of previous meeting. Passed as correct with one name correction before being signed by the minister. Matters Arising. Elder election. Nominations to be received by Sunday 30ttr May. World Church and Mission. Bobby Hitchin is now the convener. The meeting expressed its thanks to Bobby. Pastoral news. Beryl Richardson has now moved. Hilary Redman has her new address if anyone requires it. Hilary will also endeavour to get the new address for Colin Wilde. Birthdays. Joan Burrage 91. Betty Hislop 90. Joan Finlay 90. Janet Dean informed the meeting she has an appointment at Royal Brampton on 1Bfh June. Agenda Items. ~inance. Matthew Smith Reimbursement has been received from Synod for the manse shower room. Outreach. Mary Redman. Festival of Light The following events are being considered. Candlelight procession, opening dedication service, fairtrade fashion show, fairtrade stall/cake stall, entertainment from Rowland singers/ organ recital, disco, dosing service. Sponsorship is still needed. Andrew will make further enquiries. Volunteers are required to take on various roles. Team leaders will be appointed to each task. In particular we need certificated first aiders on site at all times. Follow up ideas indude: - Messy Church on 200 November with the theme of Jesus, Light of the Wor1d. Walk through the Old Testament. Property management. Graham Redman. There are two new notice boards in the front of the Church. Awaiting new keys. Service times and weekly events to be posted. Members have been asked to view the new posters and pass any comments to the Elders for discussion at the next Elders meeting. World Church and Mission. Bobby Hitchin Gave an update on who represents the various missions: Ghana - Monika Leal. Christian Aid - Bet Swierk. Bible society - Margaret Butcher. Leprosy Mission - Bobby Hitchin. C.T.G. Nothing to report. '"'ndrew's time. Nigel Uden, Moderator of Southern Synod is leaving his post to take up pastoral care of a church in Cambridge in the summer. The process of selecting a new Moderator will then commence. Moderator for pastoral care is also moving on to a Church in Oxted. Goring URC has been invited to contribute towards his leaving collection. The meeting decided to send a Best Wishes carcJ. Other officers in the Synod Office may also be moving on in the near future. WCT are seeking to have further dialogue with other agencies in our community to see how we can work together to serve the needs of our community. We have been asked to complete a survey of our resources, ie, Buildings/time/manpower. The Life Centre, which supports victims of sexual abuse, is looking to recruit volunteers for their telephone helpline. Training will be provided. See Andrew if interested. Andrew and the Elders are working on a Welcome pack for visitors to our Church. Andrew's phone is currently out of order. He can be contacted on email. Information sourced from the Christian Resources exhibition was made available for members to read. A.0.8. Valerie Cooper asked for the Churches support as she tries to tum £10.00 from Proceeds to go to an Aids charity. Si)ri Harvest into £100.00. I t Minutes of Church Meeting 29th April 20rft. Chair. Rev. Andrew Sellwood. Devotions. Led by Mrs Bett Swierk. The Minister and 25 members were present. Apologies for absence. 8. Minutes of previous meeting. One amendment. Rev. Andrew Sellwood is not acting as a Moderator in Leicester, but is taking a service there in July. Minutes then approved and signed. Matters arising. World Church and Mission Convener. Still require a volunteer. CTW. Representative needed. Members were asked to consider both these important roles. Church Meeting minutes. Jill Sellwood to do this. Pastoral news. ,,,(J)J -Trudi Sa)tnders is still waiting for an operation date. Beryl Richardson will be moving to live near her daughter in Woking on 14th May. Janet Dean expressed her thanks for all the help she has received since her father stopped driving. Agenda items. Elders election 29th July 2010. Matthew Smith and Wilfred Rhodes have both agreed to stand for a further year. This will be reviewed in 12 months. Ratification of Secretary. Valerie Cooper was asked to leave the room. The meeting then gave its agreement to this before inviting Val back into the meeting. Group reports. Finance. Matthew Smith talked through the accounts for year ending 31st December 2009. £50,000 has been transferred into the Roof fund to ring fence it for this purpose. The cost of insuring the Church halls and contents, and also the Manse were queried by the meeting. Matthew gave a satisfactory explanation. The meeting then approved and passed the amended accounts. For the benefit of the Finance group Matthew gave a brief explanation of the £105,056 deficit.. A.V system, Colour Photocopier, and Manse repairs, along with other one off expenses have contributed to this. The Church has also lost one of its bookings at a cost of£ 1,700pa. (see under Lettings and heating). Matthew will be writing to all Church members asking them to commit to meeting outgoings with their weekly offering. Gift Day monies should not be used to meet general expenses, but to fund exceptional spends. The new area set up for St Andrew's in Rustington should not be affect the current shared team expenses. The shower room in the Manse is now complete and reimbursement will be requested from Synod. Outreach. Festival of light. Mary Redman Four companies have been approached to supply the Ice rink. Ice Magic haS been selected at a cost of £3,583. 75 including VAT. Forms for the Police and Council need to be completed. An indoor sport event licence is to be applied for in order to have the ice rink. Times of the Festival: - Wednesday and Friday 2-9 pm. Thursday and Saturday l Oam -5pm. Sponsorship for the event will be sourced. Rev. Sellwood has already spoken with Dillistones Undertakers who are interested in sponsoring the event. They would also like to use the church to hold a memorial service in our Church for people who have been bereaved. Rev. Sellwood is also in discussion with other potential sponsors. Meeting was informed that Sponsorship would hopefully cover the cost of hiring the ice rink. Payments to use the rink will go to charity. Meeting agreed for St Barnabas and Chestnut House to be the beneficiaries. Hall users will be contacted to inform them they cannot use the premises during week of festival of light. They will also be asked if they would like to sponsor the event for a minimum of £50. This charitable giving is to be treated as a "one off' to exclude it form the 2010 analysis. Mary Redman will give the presentation after Church on 2°d May during coffee. People who have not yet heard this were encouraged to attend. Volunteers will be needed to help with all aspects of the event. Messy Church. Valerie Cooper. May 17th. Everyone welcome. Property Management. Graham Redman. Only essential work is being carried out at the moment to keep costs down. No working party date set as yet. World Church and Mission. Lisa Lewis from the Leprosy Mission spoke at recent service. Christian Aid coffee morning raised £135.12p, half going to Pilots funds .. CTG. No report. Only two people attended the last meeting. Lettings and Heating. Matthew Smith. Problems with heating system discussed. A recent loss of a letting was due to heating difficulties. Repeated heating problems are having an impact on finances as booking costs have had to be reduced due to poor heating. The meeting was asked NOT to interfere with either the thermostat programme or the radiator settings, as these are pre- set for the week. Various discussions ensued around these issues. Meeting decided to look into the use of signs or locked boxes to restrict access to thermostats. Family Service. The Elders have been discussing the format of this and it will be discussed further. Church Flowers. Email received from Carole Webber. Some weeks no flowers available due to lack of volunteers. Silk flowers suggested as alternative. Donation tin for flowers and list for volunteers to be made more visible. If this is not successful in bringing in more volunteers then the issue of silk flowers will be discussed in future meetings. The meeting agreed to not having flowers in Church during Lent. If flowers are required for those in need they can be purchased via the Benevolent Fund. Contributions for flowers given in the form of cheques can be used to claim Gift Aid. Matthew will then give the cash to Carole. Andrew's time. Meeting informed of the proposed reduction of Synod staff. General discussion took place around the URC. How it got its name and the role of Synod and Districts. Notices and Correspondence. W.C.H.P .. Fund Raising information available. Electric Storm has purchased a school site and is going to have skate ramps, a cinema and a recording studio. They have an Open Day on gth May. AOB. Sheila and Roy Gooderham now have an answer machine. Meeting close with the Grace at 8.55pm. Please note. Copy of finance report available from the minute secretary. Jill Sellwood. [f:feV· _/ 7_7/o>/10 Minutes of the Church Meeting Thursday 25 March 2010 Devotions were led by Rev Andrew Sellwood Present: The Minister and 27 members. Apologies for Absence : 10 The Minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2010 were approved and signed. Pastoral news : Mrs Trudi Sanders and Mrs Doris Baker have both had operations postponed. Mr Colin & Mrs Maggie Wilde are moving back to Scotland in April. Mrs Eileen Jordan sent greetings to the church meeting. Matters Arising : See main agenda Group Reports : Finance - report at next meeting. Members received copies of the accounts, yet to be audited, for discussion at the next church meeting. The Group have not been able to think of an alternative date to harvest for the Gi~ Day. Members were told that there is insufficient money to buy a monitor for the Cornwall Room. Property: The choir have elected not to have a monitor in the church for the time-being. Nothing is to be done about the Cornwall Room Monitor. The Choir vestry ceiling has been repaired and painted, also the boards at the base of the echelon windows. There will be a socket outlet outside the front of the church for power tools and lawn mowers. It is hoped to make the old choir gown cupboard into bookshelves. New cupboards at the back of the hall are to be built. The missing 'E' and 'F letters from the outside wall of the church will be re-fixed, but the 'E' is missing. Outreach : Messy Church meets on Monday 29th March. Helpers 2.30 pm, families from 3.30 pm World Church & Mission: No report. A Convenor for this group is needed. We are asked to pray about this. CTG : A reminder of the 6.45am Sunrise Service at the Sea Lane Cafe car park followed by hot cross buns at St Mary's Church hall. CTW: New representatives from GURC are needed. There are 56 churches and places of worship in CTW. Easter Services: Maundy Thursday - Seder meal 7.30 pm. Good Friday - 10.30 am. Easter Day - Sunrise service by the sea, at Sea Lane Cafe. Rev John Jennings 10.30, Joy Service, Cafe Style 6.00 pm. Report from the Meeting at Emmanuel Church on Bth March to discuss possible links between the Worthing Churches and the Methodist Circuit - see following pages. Andrew added that Acts [8rea Qo-ordination Ieams] no longer exist and the Synod Committees are not yet fully staffed in our area. Ministerial deployment is in the balance as 3 ministers from the Sussex West Area are leaving. It was noted that the Methodists are in discussion with the Anglicans. Synod Report - see following pages Andrew's Time - Andrew will be attending General Assembly at Loughborough in July, and is standing in for the Moderator at a service in Leicester in the summer. Festival of Light - Questions which were raised last month were answered - The Chichester Church is planning to do this again, and noticed an increase in Communicants and Confirmations following the event. The congregations at Christmas increased, and there is a better sense of goodwill in the community. The numbers of children attending has increased. Rev Stuart Craddock has offered to come and talk to us. To obtain a license we would need a Council Form for a Temporary Event also forwarded to the Police. We will be limited to 8 hours per day for 4 days. Everyone would need to be involved. A presentation can be given to the whole church. A small group would discuss details - Outreach Group already established. We should be careful not to put on a gimmick with short-term benefit. There must be suitable means of follow-up, both for adults and children. Further discussion took place. The meeting paused to be still and offered prayers for the Lord's guidance before a vote was taken. It was agreed that the meeting needed 75% of members in favour. The Minister, as chairman, proposed ''That this event takes place in October" - seconded by Mr Jonathan Cooper. In favour 22 members, abstentions?· The Outreach Group will co-opt people to set up the structures. Correspondence/ Notices - the Food Bank thank us for donating 228.3 Kilos of food in 2009. The Rev Margaret Ashby requests prayers for the Durrington Community Centre Church as it prepares to serve the new housing and community at the Tesco complex. AOB : Church Meeting Minutes : No volunteer has come forward to take over church Meeting Minutes The meeting closed w;th the Grace at~ joy./i O, Minutes of the Church Meeting Thursday 25 February 2010 Devotions were led by Mrs Hilary Redman Present : The Minister and 34 members. Apologies for Absence : 5 The Minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2010 were approved and signed. Pastoral news : Miss Chloe Redman has chickenpox .. Matters Arising : Projector system in the church : postponed 'til next month Cornwall Room Screen : postponed 'til next month Manse Shower room : the grant has been approved, see last month's minute Christian Aid Quiz Date : 12 June, time to be arranged Little Fishes : Kitchen Manager: Four people have offered to help, and it may be possible to split the duties. Group Reports : Finance - no report Property : No report Outreach : Mrs Mary Redman gave an illustrated presentation on behalf of the Outreach group, outlining a proposal for a Festival of Light. This would be in the October half term, Weds 27 - Sat 30 October, and be an anti-Halloween event. The Festival would be centred on the provision of an 'ice' rink to be assembled in the Sanctuary with a range of other activities in the halls ie. refreshments, bring & buy etc. The rink is made of a synthetic material, and requires special skates which are provided by the company who supply the rink. Funding, approx. £3,000-£4,000, may be by sponsorship from local businesses, and from the cost of hiring the skates and supporting activities in the halls. The idea stems from a Chichester church who welcomed 4,000 visitors to their rink in a similar period of time last Christmas. It was the second time the Vicar had used this as an outreach tool. Once in Chichester and once in a previous parish. The aim at Goring would be to open the premises to the community, and help people to have a better understanding of what we are about, giving us an opportunity for us to talk to people and to advertise our Christmas activities. There was an extensive discussion with questions - some still to be answered include those about licensing, parking, advising the police, health & safety. Follow up will be considered through Messy Church, a short discipleship course etc. Andrew asked the members to look prayerfully at the principle, and to come to the next church meeting for a decision. Mary was thanked for her informed presentation. -- 1 World church & Mission: No report CTG : Mrs Monika Leal gave three dates: 1. Friday 5th March 2.30pm at St. Mary's Church - Women's World Day of Prayer 12.00 noon - 1.00 pm CTG Lent service at St Laurence's Church with bring & share lunch 2. Sunday 28th March Bring & Share Ecumenical tea at Bury Drive Methodist Church 3. Sunday 4th April, Easter Day, 6.45am Sunrise Service in the Sea Lane Cafe car park followed by hot cross buns at St Mary's Church hall. Andrew's Time - Andrew will lead the Friday Ecumenical Lent service at Goring URC on Friday 12 March 12noon 1.00pm. There will be no Lent meeting on Tuesday 2 March, but resumes on 9 March. Andrew would like to preside over a Seder meal on Maundy Thursday, 1st April, but this is the day of the inauguration of the Southern Synod, which he is required to attend. He will also be unavailable for Bible study on Thursday 4th March and Thursday 1 st April. On 8th March there is to be an important meeting at Emmanuel URC for preliminary discussions about the future of the Worthing Churches ie. as a part of Synod or part of the United Area, or something else? Correspondence/ Notices - none, other than on the table AOB : Women's World Day of Prayer - Mrs Eileen Rhodes gave times for Friday 5th March : 10.00 at Broadwater. 2.30 at St Mary's Goring, speaker Rev Zam Walker. 7 .30 at Hayling Rise, speaker Sister Maria Parcher The theme this year is "Let Everything That has Breath Praise God", and has been prepared by the Christian Women of Cameroon Church Meeting Minutes : Mrs Hilary Redman would like to step down from taking church meeting minutes, and asked that any one who might interested to speak to her. #~~{; Minutes of the Church Meeting Thursday 28 January 2010 Devotions were led by Mr Matthew Smith Present: The Minister and 31 members. Apologies for Absence : 3 The Minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2009 were approved and signed. Pastoral news : Mr Brian Mitten is going to hospital next Thursday for surgery. Mrs Christine Rogers is in hospital with a broken hip. Two members had died since the last meeting : Mr Alec Ralph on 9th December 2009 and Mrs Gladys Marshall on 25th January 2010. Mr Malcolm Nicholls' father died on 19th January 2010. The meeting stood in remembrance. The Minister welcomed Mr Jonathan Cooper to his first church meeting · Matters Arising : Memorial Service. After further discussion by the Elders it was recommended that a memorial service be held on All Saints Day - 7th November. Those who are part of the church, or families for whom Andrew has taken funeral services will be invited to submit names for remembrance. To be monitored. Group Reports : Finance - no report Property: Mr Alan Cooper has joined this group. Audio visual system ready to use next Sunday. Those leading worship may bring their own material to display. Hymns and readings will be projected. Two monitors are still needed in the Sanctuary, one either side of the choir stalls. There is still no monitor in the Cornwall Room. The Treasurer said:- we were running at a loss of £2,900 last year; we are committed to a new outside notice board, the soundproof curtain - £800, Main Hall ceiling replacement. The Quinquennial Survey is due in October - the last survey recommended double glazing and wall insulation to the Sanctuary- £11,000. He proposes to separate £50,000 within the account for a roof fund, leaving £50,000 in reserve. This reserve could last only 4/5 years. One screen for the church is no problem but he asked if the second screen be really necessary? The screen in the Cornwall Room is needed to optimise it's letting potential. After discussion Mr Graham Redman proposed : one monitor in the church to begin with and when funding allows a second monitor be purchased - seconded by Mr Roger Wilde. 26 members voted in favour, 1 against and 2 abstained. It was then suggested that to buy three monitors at the same time may reduce the price. It was noted that the Sanctuary roof has leaked since the time it was built in1961. The Manse Shower Room is in need of refurbishment. The Treasurer is applying for Manse funding from Synod, and needed a formal resolution : "Church Meeting recognises the need for refurbishment of the downstairs shower room at the Manse and approves the necessary refurbishment, by M. Manvell, at a cost of £2,514, and supports the application to Southern Synod for funding from the Manse Fund." Mr Matthew Smith proposed that we accept this resolution and was seconded by Mr Wilfred Rhodes. The 31 members present voted unanimously in favour. Outreach : Messy Church was a success in spite of the snow, so also the Christmas Nativity service. World Church & Mission - Christian Aid Week begins 10 May. Fund Raising:- Pilots Coffee Morning17 April - money 50/50 with Street Children of Columbia; 9th May Annual Christian Aid Service at St Andrews, Ferring; donations for refreshments after CTG service 16 May; Quiz evening 5 or 12 June. Tear Fund : We were reminded of The Global Poverty Prayer Week 1 - 7 March, various material available. Mrs Monika Leal asked members to think of ideas which might help Frederick Amissah in Ghana set himself up in business and so support his mother and family. Andrew mentioned the Romans 1 :11 Trust as a possible source of help. Synod Report : See following pages Andrew's Time - the last ACTS meeting will be held at the end of March, then the new Synod structures will be in place. The Southern structures are still fluid. Andrew attended the inauguration service of the South West Sussex United Area URC/Methodist - held at Revelation Church, Chichester. Haiti : the church is collecting relief money which the treasurer will send through DEC. Little Fishes : The long process, begun in April 2008, to satisfy the requirements for a West Sussex County Council grant is now complete, with a grant of £130,000 of the initial application for £147,000 being awarded. Mrs Sue Mitchell, Manager, who has driven this project forward apologised in advance for the inevitable mess and disruption which will occur. The builders Lee Nicholas, who refurbished the Cornwall Room will begin work in two weeks' time. The Elders had to give assurance to the Council that the remaining £17,500 would be underwritten by the church, and they agree~ that this should be done either by a loan or a grant. Plans were on show. Appreciation for Sue's hard work and determination is recorded. She knows this is the Lord's doing. Lent: Andrew will lead Lent study on the 5 Tuesdays of Lent. Vision 2020: This ten year project begins at Pentecost. Kitchen Manager: Mrs Sue Mitchell steps down from this post. A new manager to be found. Mr Eric Bond recorded the member's thanks for the work that Sue has done. Correspondence/ Notices - none, other than on the table AOB : Women's World Day of Prayer - Friday 5th March. Wesley Owen Christian Bookshop has been purchased by a Christian, so may not now close. Mrs Sheila Gooderham spoke about hall lettings, sound insulation, and a possible wedding reception booking using both halls. She asked for East Hall keys to be handed in immediately. Thanks were recorded to Sue Mitchell and Val Gill for arranging Christmas events. The meeting closed with the Grace at 9.30 pm 4 // · ,. Jd'J ~ »~~1