Deck Blaster and Grate Cleaner
Deck Blaster and Grate Cleaner
SURFACE PREPARATION DECK BLASTER™ with eight-jet bar head. Adjustable rotation and traverse speed. Height adjusts quickly and easily. MECHANIZED SYSTEM Up to 40k psi 2800 bar DECK BLASTER DECK BLASTER "JS1PXFSFE%FDLBOE4VSGBDF$MFBOJOH The DECK BLASTER™ features air powered traverse and head rotation. Both drives are independently adjustable to maximize efficiency and decrease cleaning time. A 3” vacuum port pivots to either side for easy connection to an external vacuum system. A simple adjustment allows the height to be changed with ease. PAINT GRATE CLEANER 'PS"VUPNPUJWF1BJOU#PPUIT The FCT-JS™ features a maneuverable 3-wheel chassis with integral height adjustment designed specifically for cleaning automotive plant paint grates. We removed the vacuum, sized the dome for paint booth access and designed a 6-arm manifold with adjustable jet angles. 6 gpm 20 l/min Vacuum Compatible Up to 40k psi 2800 bar PAINT GRATE CLEANER 10 gpm 38 l/min Compact Design for Paint Booth Access DECK BLASTER & PAINT GRATE CLEANER SPECIFICATIONS DB™ FCT-JS™ 40k psi 2800 bar 40k psi 2800 bar Maximum Flow 6 gpm 20 l/min 10 gpm 38 l/min Jet Path Diameter 14 in. 350 mm 17.5 in. 440 mm 300-800 rpm 300-1000 rpm MODEL Maximum Pressure Rotation Speed Nozzles Head Configuration Surface Speed Weight ™ Up to 8 x OS6 6 x OS6™ 8-Port Bar Head 6-Port Radiused Head 3-20 ft/min 0.9-6 m/min 215 lb 98 kg Not Applicable 290 lb 132 kg WWW.WATERBLAST.COM | 1-800-231-8192 9