April 2015 - Wichita A`s Model A Ford Club
April 2015 - Wichita A`s Model A Ford Club
P.O. Box 25 Wichita, KS 67201 April 2015 www.wichitaas.com Volume 30 Issue 4 April 2015 S M T June 2015 May 2015 W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S 3 17 M T W TH F S 1 2 9 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 24 S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 28 31 April Refreshments Arley Bennett Norma Agard Jane McLaughlin Lenette Kottas Grace Brooks April 2015 27……. Club Meeting at Minisa Park, 704 W. 13th ….............. …....….7:00 PM Program: Chance Hayes / Warning Coordination Meteorologist May 2015 WHAT'S INSIDE Calendar Minutes & President Note 1 2 Future Tours 3 Past Event 4-5 Announcements 6 Tech Talk 7 Neighbors Restuarant 8 Era Fashion 9 Swap Calendars 10 14…… All Wheels Day/ Lake Afton…………………………… ………...J Clark Classified 11 21-26... MARC National Meet in Ontario, Canada……………... ….Niagara Falls 5…….. Newsletter Deadline for May & June issue.…………... …...Linda Kibbe 9…….. Peabody: Alpaca Shearing…………………………….. ……...Ellerman 18…… Club Meeting Picnic……………………………………. …...Watson Park June 2015 7-12….. MAFCA National Tour Lobster & Lighthouses……………... ….State of Maine 8-12…. Regional Meet by the NW Missouri Model A Club ..St. Joseph, MO 22…… Club Meeting at Minisa Park, 704 W. 13th …................. .…..….7:00 PM Page 2 Rumbleseat Review April 2015 WICHITA A’S MEETING March 23, 2015 President Dennis Ellerman called the March 23, 2015 meeting to order. The minutes from the February meeting were approved as printed in the Newsletter. Treasurer Rex Kraus r epor ted on the club’s finances. Dennis reported to the club the names of new members. They are Charlie and Abby White, Bob and Bunny Broeckelman, Mark Mooney and Mike and Kathy James. Bonita Graham, our Sunshine Lady reported that four members of the club had passed away who were Wilbur Albers, Lynn Andrews, Charles Ivey and Ernest Seville. Bob Bruce is having to prepare for more chemo by having blood work drawn. She announced that John Weninger was attending our meeting and Lonnie and Arley Bennett are celebrating their anniversary. Brenda Broadhead pr esented awar ds fr om MARC to Jim and Judy Sharp and Jim Nungesser for miles dr iven in 2014. Jim Nungesser, our Wichita Area Car Council representative reported that a local radio station was hosting a car show and cruise in Haysville on April 18th from 4:00 P. M to 6:00 P. M. Tom Ruggles r epor ted that the 2016 Sunflower Char ity Swap Meet would indeed be at the Kansas Pavilion and not at the Kansas Casino as previously announced. Dennis reported that John Saindon and Carl Frye of the Sunflower Charity Swap Meet asked that Claudia Ellerman, our second applicant that applied to their Board of Directors have an appointment on the Board but not be a representative of the Wichita A’s. This would be in addition to Tom Ruggles who is serving representing the Wichita A’s. Linda Kibbe announced the “Shake Down” tour would be leaving the Kwik Shop at 37th and Ridge Road at 7:30 A. M. on Saturday, March 28th and will tour to Moundridge and on to Carlton, Ks. Don Arnold made a suggestion to member s to check on their insurance rates as there is a large difference in rates. Dennis r eminded member s to sign up for the Nor thwest Missouri Regional Meet. It was announced that plans were being finalized for the May tour to Peabody and Marion, Ks areas. There will be a trip to an Alpaca Farm and antique shops scheduled on the tour. There will be additional information later. Donna Hileman announced that plans had not be finalized for a tour to a Sign Business and other points of interest. She will be reporting on this at a later date. After a short break with refreshments by Joanna Adams, Linda Bolvin, Kat Gleeson, Donna Hileman and Vicki Scroggin, an announcement was made that a Wichita A’s Board meeting would be held on Monday, April 13th at 7:00 P. M. at the home of Dennis Ellerman. The program for the evening was a video on Annual Maintenance for Tour Preparation. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting: April 27th, 7:00 P. M. Joanna Adams , Secr etar y PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE & BOARD MEETING Spring has sprung and the flowers are flowering. The days are growing longer with beautiful evenings made for a trip to your favorite ice cream or burger joint. Just perfect for getting the Model A out and about. We have a number of club events coming up which are perfect for a Model A trip. Check the schedule found in this newsletter and plan to join us in the fun. The Wichita A’s board met April 13th, as was announced at the March club meeting, and the board has adopted the following changes. Annual club dues will change to $25.00 per family. For club tours the following will go into effect immediately. Each member attending a club tour will pay the first $10.00. The club will then pay a maximum of $10.00 per day per person. Any additional cost will be added to the members expense. Our tour chairman, Don Grabendike will have revised Tour Guidelines available soon. Dennis Ellerman, Pr esident The Wichita A’s meet on the 4th Monday of the month with exception to the month of May and December. Due to Memorial Day Weekend in May, the meeting is held on the 3rd Monday of the month. We do not hold a meeting during the month of December. Other meeting changes will be published in the newsletter prior to the scheduled meeting. The meetings are held at Minisa Park, 704 W. 13th, Wichita, KS. Meeting time is 7:00 PM. April 2015 Rumbleseat Review Page 3 Note From The Editor There has been a change to the location of the “2016 KS Sunflower Swap Meet for Charity”. Please read the information under the “Future Activities and Tours”. Richard and I ar e going to attend the MAFCA National Tour in Maine. The June issue of the Rumbleseat Review will be combined with the May issue. If at all possible, I would like the June and July information sent to me by the May 5th deadline. Also be sure to check you emails during May-June for any updated news not covered in the newsletter. Linda Kibbe, Editor FUTURE ACTIVITIES AND TOURS PEABODY/MARION ALPACA TOUR 4TH JULY PARADE & PICNIC Saturday, May 9, 2015 Saturday, July 4, 2015 We will leave the Kwik Shop at 37th North and Ridge Road at 7:30 a.m. and drive to Peabody to visit the Prairie Oak Alpaca Farm owned by Jeff and Laurie Methvin. They plan to be shearing the alpaca’s during our visit. They are also making arrangements to have a wool spinning demonstration going on at the farm. Jeff and Laurie love to talk about their alpacas, so ask as many questions as you would like while we are there. We will eat lunch in Peabody at Pop’s Diner then drive to Marion to visit the Prairie Oak Alpaca store. We will have ice cream at their store. They have many different flavors of soft ice cream, so you are in for a treat. You will have time to see the products they have for sale, all made from alpaca wool. There are a couple of antique stores and a quilt store in Marion to visit if you wish. Also, the owners of one of the antique stores will have “The Mill” open for us. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A TIME AND MEETING PLACE CHANGE FROM WHAT WAS ANNOUNCED AT THE MARCH CLUB MEETING. There will be a sign up sheet at the April meeting. Dennis and Claudia Ellerman ………. You can sign up during the May and June club meetings. If you can't sign up at meetings please call: James and Judy Sharp ……... Gary and Donna Hileman …... 2016 KANSAS SUNFLOWER SWAP MEET FOR CHARITY The following update was entered on the “Annual KS Sunflower Swap Meet for Charity” site on Facebook. In case you haven’t heard…. We are staying at the KS Pavilions! For those that re-signed up at the swap meet in February, we will be honoring your current spaces that you have had at the Pavilions so that you will have your same locations that your customers are use to. If you have any questions, please let us know. We will be posting updates on this page as we get more information. Thank you. John Saindon [email protected] (To keep ;updated you can enter “Annual KS Sunflower Swap Meet for Charity” in the search area of Facebook. Click on it and then click “like”. You will be informed of future updates covering the swap meet on your Facebook page.) Page 4 Rumbleseat Review April 2015 PAST EVENT SHAKE DOWN TOUR On the 28th of March we left for Moundridge to view the Swedish Mennonite Memorial. Our club member, Francis Grady built the memorial at his company a few years ago. We were given a tour of the Moundridge Museums which include the Cole House Museum, Agriculture Museum, Heritage Museum and the Blacksmith Shop. After the tour we had lunch at Quincy’s Bar & Grill in Moundridge. We drove to Carlton, KS to view the older signs and erect a new sign that Terry Grabendike had painted. Before 1987 the Wichita A’s had driven through Carlton and noticed a an erected sign stating, “In 1986 Nothing Happened Here”. The club returned in 1987 erected a sign next to it stating, “On May 23, 1987 10 Model A’s Stopped Here”. This tradition has been repeated every few years. We had 21 Model A’s drive to Carlton on this trip. The town people turned out for the showing of our new sign. We gave the town kids a ride in our Model A’s to the community center for cake and ice cream. I would like to thank Randy Frazer for or ganizing the events in Moundridge, Ray Harshfield for donating the sign, Eric Weninger for restoring and painting the base coat on the sign, Terry Grabendike painting the sign using her very talented art work, Don Grabendike for organizing the Cake and Ice Cream Social in Carlton and Helen Louise Beaver for purchasing and transportation of the cake and utensils. With everyone’s help and input, it made the tour easy to plan. Linda Kibbe Terry Grabendike did the ar t work on the sign for Carlton, KS. Blacksmith Shop at the Moundridge Museums. Swedish Mennonite Memorial. Touring the Heritage Museum. Lunch at Quincy’s Bar & Grill. Joanna & Gilbert Adams with Randy & Aaron Frazer. April 2015 Rumbleseat Review Page 5 Shake Down Tour Continue: A few of the 21 A’s that drove on the tour. Club members posing for the camera. Wichita A’s and people from Carlton conversing. FIRST AUTO REPAIR SHOP THIS SIDE OF KANSAS CITY, IN 1906. MAIN STREET NEWTON, KS. Getting ready to serve the cake and ice cream. A family from Carlton enjoying ice cream. E.C, Cory Gavitt opened the first auto repair shop in South Central Kansas in Newton in 1906. Mr. Gavitt worked on the railroad, repairing generators, and decided to start his own auto repair shop. In 1908 he moved to Wichita and worked for an early day auto dealer, as a salesman, driver trainer, and mechanic. He eventually went to work for, Butts Buick which later evolved into Ben Robinson Buick which maintained that name into the sixties. Dennis Dye met Mr . Gavitt in 1959 while he wor ked at Ben Robinson. Dennis reports that Mr. Gavitt was a real character. He told Dennis about an experience that he had with a lady while working for the first Wichita dealer, He had taught the lady how to drive. One day she came in and complained that her car would quit running after a few blocks. He replied, OK, lets go for a drive. She pulled out the choke cable knob and hung her purse on it. PROBLEM SOLVED!! Submitted by Dennis Dye Page 6 Rumbleseat Review May Birthdays 1 2 3 3 9 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 18 18 19 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 Wanted!!! Feryl Giesen Sue Johnson Jane McLaughlin Ron Eyres Mary Hilger Lu Andrews Max Lumbert Eric Weninger Garry Brashear Tony Pezzola Gary Rau Scott Guinty Ron Kester Kat Arnold Richard Wunder Linda Lumbert Cherie Slater Don Waller Milton Hessefort Kim Slater Judy Hill Marvin Stoss Jim Robertson Steve Huscher Hazel Roberts Shirley Albers Karolyn Wendt Peg Mahoney Live in person. Can have own bathroom and bedroom. Can discuss my needs to have full time help and all other details. I certainly hope to get back to Wichita A’s activities and touring. John Weninger Phone: ………. Cell: ……….. New Members Ronald & Connie Naab ………... Garden City KS 67846 ……... R: ………. ‘31 Roadster Ryan & Rachel Schober ………... Wichita KS 67203 ……. Ryan: …. Sympathy Newsletter Deadline Tuesday, May 5, 2015 July 14, 2015 Auction Saturday May 2nd 1005 E. 20th Ave., Hutchinson, KS 1929 Model A Sedan among other things. http://www.reib.org/auctions/auction_pages/petty_may2.html May 2015 April 2015 June 2015 Pat McHenry Due to the picnic there Judi Sharp will not be a refresh- Keri Unruh ment committee. Marie Hildibrand Roy Goats Prayers of sympathy to Lu Andrews and her family for the loss of her husband, Lynn Andrews in observation of his death. They are long time club members of the Wichita A’s. _____ Prayers of sympathy to Al & Shirley Albers and family for the loss of his br other Wilbur. Wilbur has been a member of the club for several years. ____ Prayers of sympathy to Richard & Connie Craft in obser vation of the death of Richard’s mother , Mer le Cr aft. July 2015 Linda Lumbert Kay Lumbert Bev Grant Susan Stone Ruth Anne Praeger August 2015 Linda Kibbe Bonita Graham Doris Jean Ludlow Judy Hill Carolyn Nungesser September 2015 Francis Grady Ruth Goodman Randy Frazer Peggy Chenoweth Trudee Harshfield April 2015 Rumbleseat Review Page 7 Page 8 Rumbleseat Review April 2015 Neighbors Restaurant Moved There are a few Wichita A’s club members who meet at Neighbors Restaurant every Saturday morning for breakfast. Last week Neighbors Restaurant moved to a new location at 2315 W. 21st Street. Those who attended the first breakfast at the new location were (left around table to right): Francis Grady, Chris Cushman, not seated Linda Kibbe, Richard Kibbe, Wayne Orr, Eric Broadhead, Leslie Broadhead, Jim Broadhead, Ken & Nora Meyer, June & Norm Hall and Tommy Grady. WICHITA A’S 2015 TOUR & EVENT SCHEDULE DATE TOUR OR EVENT PERSON IN CHARGE May 9 Peabody: Alpaca Shearing Ellermans May 18 Club Meeting: Picnic at Watson Park June 8-12 Regional: “A’s in NW MO” / St Joseph, MO NW Missouri Model A Ford Club June 14 All Wheels Day/ Lake Afton J Clark July 4 Derby Parade & Picnic Hilemans / Sharps July 11 Automobilia Moonlight Car Show August ???? Guthrie & South (Oklahoma) Adams / Ludlows September 20 Ice Cream Social Ludlows September 26 International Model A Ford Day Grabendikes October 4 All Ford Day J Clark October ???? Men’s Tour Ruggles November 7 Mennonite Thanksgiving Dinner / Yoder Waller December ???? Ladies Christmas Luncheon C Ellerman / D Ruggles December ???? Club Christmas Party ???? January 1 First Tour of 2016 Grabendike February ???? Post Swap Meet Party / Bunco ???? 2016 April 2015 Rumbleseat Review Page 9 ERA FASHIONS ROMANTIC LINES FOR EVENING Youthful frocks for the gayeties of winter. Demure dropped shoulders from the romantic 1830’s, deep skirt flounces, cape-backs, rosettes– all these are flattering to the slim young figure and all these will appear on the frocks that whirl through Christmas dances and on through the gayeties of the winter season. As for color the young dancer has a choice among the brightly toned pastels, especially blue or green, and black or white. Because it is smart her wrap will probably be the favorite black velvet trimmed with white fur-one that will harmonize with all her frocks. Net is used for the green frock pictured here with its romantic shoulder line and flat crepe for the white frock with its rosette of velvet. The black velvet wrap is one of the sleeveless models to be worn with long gloves. It has a romantic elbow cape edged with rabbit. Costumes from the Debutante Shop, Bonwit Teller Drawing by Ben-Hur Baz Copied from January 1931 Woman’s Home Companion National model a clubs The Wichita A’s Model A Ford Club encourages members to join both National MARC and MAFCA Clubs. MAFCA 50 S. Cypress St. La Habra, CA 90631-5515 www.mafca.com U.S. Membership Cost: $40 For membership information you can check MAFCA and MARC web sites. MARC 6721 Merriman Garden City, MI 48315 http://modelarestorers.org U.S. Membership Cost: $40 Page 10 Rumbleseat Review April 2015 April 30-May 3, 2015… Pate Swap Meet………………………………………………………. …..….….Fort Worth, TX May 1-3, 2015………. Lawrence Antiques Automobiles of America Swap Meet…………… …………..Lawrence, KS May 7-9, 2015…...….. Chickasha Spring Swap Meet………………………………………... ………....Chickasha, OK May 15-16, 2015……. Sedgwick Street Rodders Swap Meet, Kansas State Fairgrounds….… ………...Hutchinson, KS June 4-6, 2015……….. Kansas City Swap Meet, Kansas Speedway, 400 Speedway Blvd…… ………..Kansas City, KS June 16-20, 2015……. Petit Jean Swap Meet………………………………………………... …………..Petit Jean, AR June 27-28, 2015……. Swap Meet Fremont………………………………………………….. ……………Fremont, NE July 9-12, 2015…..….. Iola Old Car Show & Swap Meet…………………………………….. ………………...Iola, WI October 7-10, 2015.…. Hershey Region AACA Swap Meet…………………………………... …………….Hershey, PA October 15-17, 2015… Chickasha Swap Meet…………………………………………………. ………….Chickasha, OK October 24-25, 2015… 16th Annual Swap Meet by Sedgwick Street Rodders……………….. ………...Hutchinson, KS February 5-6, 2016…... 2016 Kansas Sunflower for Charity Swap Meet at KS Pavilions…….. …………..Park City, KS June 7-12, 2015…………..... MAFCA National Tour……………………………………….... …..Lobsters & Lighthouses of Maine June 8-12, 2015……..…...… Central Midwest Regional Meet………………………………... ...…..………………..St. Joseph, MO June 21-26, 2015…………..... Canadian MARC National Meet…………………….…………. ………………………..Niagara Falls December 2-5, 2015………… MAFCA National Awards Banquet………………………….… ………………………..Medford, OR June 19-24, 2016………...…. 2016 MAFCA National Convention………………………….… ....….…….…………...Loveland, CO June 25 - July 1, 2016………. MARC National Meet - Sweet Sixteen Region………………... ……………………..Perrysburg, OH September 19-22, 2016…….. ……………………..Newburgh, NY MARC National Tour Hudson Valley Region………….…….. 2016…………………………. MARC Membership Meet………………………………………. ………………………………...Open June 5-9, 2017………………. Omaha Regional Meet………………………………………….. ………………………….Omaha, NE September 10-17, 2017 ……. …………..Lions Gate Model A Club MAFCA National Tour - Pacific Northwest Tour…………….. CENTRAL—MIDWEST MEET June 8-12, 2015 St Joseph, MO June 8-12, 2015 Host: Northwest Missouri Model A Ford Club MARC NATIONAL MEET June 21-26, 2015 Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada Host: Canadian MARC MAFCA NATIONAL CONVENTION July 19-24, 2016 Loveland, CO Host: Model A Ford Club of Colorado MARC NATIONAL MEET June 25-July 1, 2016 Perrysburg, OH Sweet Sixteen Region Wichita A's Club Meeting Minisa Park, 704 W. 13th. N Meeting Starts 7:00 PM 4th Monday of each month except the month of May. No Meeting in December Wichita A’s Model A Ford Club P.O. Box 25 Wichita, KS 67201 Address Service Requested __________________________________ Wichita A’s Model A Ford Club Contacts President, Dennis Eller man [email protected]……… Vice President, Randy Fr azer [email protected]…. Secretary, J oanna Adams [email protected]……… Treasurer, Rex Kr aus [email protected]……… Tour Chairman, Don Gr abendike [email protected]…….. Membership, Susan Stone [email protected]….. Newsletter Editor, Linda Kibbe [email protected]…………. Webmaster, Dar r en Schuster [email protected] The Rumbleseat Review is the official publication of the Wichita A’s Model A Ford Club, Inc., a local chapter of the Model A Ford Club of America and the Model A Restorers Club. It’s purpose is to keep members informed of past, present and future events, activities, and club news. In addition, this newsletter includes articles and other information to aid in the restoration and enjoyment of the Model A Ford automobile. This publication is mailed or emailed to members, prospective members and editors of similar publications prior to monthly meetings. Meetings are usually the fourth Monday of the month. Members may publish antique car related ads only for free of charge which includes items wanted, items for sale, or items for trade. We invite members to submit articles containing technical Model A information and other interesting tidbits for publication in this newsletter. Items to be published must be submitted to the newsletter editor by deadline shown in the calendar. Wichita A’s membership dues are $25.00, per year (October to September30). MAFCA dues are $40.00 per year and MARC dues are $40.00 per year. A business card advertisement in this newsletter is $25.00 per year.