

REMTC Celebrates 25 Years
Officer Exchange — January 10th, Graton Community Center
Special Events planned all year to
Celebrate our 25th Year Anniversary
Published Monthly by
The Redwood Empire Model T Club (REMTC)
P.O. Box 1058 Forestville, CA 95436
(An Official Non-Profit Chapter Of The Model T Ford Club Of America)
Volume 25, No. 1
January 2015
President Richard Chuck
Vice PresidentRich Randolph
Nanette Chuck
Bill Newlin
Tour Chair
George Jones
Ginny Rich
Steve Vining
Jeanne Nelson
Pam Johnson
Pete Rich
Special Events
Vince Gregorie
Web Site
Steve Vining
“Toys for Tots” — 2014
A big thanks to all the REMTC members who donated to the “Toys for Tots”” conducted
by local fire departments. Every year is different and this year the need for toys for children
with families who are homeless, in great financial distress or even abused children in foster
homes was greater than ever.
Pete Rich got a call on a December morning from Bill Newlin asking if we wanted help with
delivering the toys to the Forestville Fire Department. Bill arrived in a couple of hours to help
with the donation. Thanks, Bill for your generous offer of your time
Thanks so much to all for opening your hearts to help these children in need.
President’s Message
Hello REMTC,
2014 has been a fantastic year with a very successful overnighter, a cooker tour which produced wonderful tasting
foods, a fabulous car show at Coddingtown Mall, and a well-received Christmas celebration to just mention a few.
Congratulations Steve Vining for another very successful year!
With that being said, what lies ahead? I am privileged to be elected President and plan to make this a special year
for the club. 2015 is an anniversary year and the anniversary committee, chaired by Rich Randolph, is in full swing.
Member participation is critical to making it a year to remember.
In each month’s newsletter, I plan to include an agenda of the items that were discussed, and those that will be voted
upon. Publishing the agenda in advance will give everyone ample time to think about what was discussed at the
meeting, and to be an informed voter. Any issues involving expenditure of the clubs funds will be discussed one
month, and voted on the following month, unless the issue is presented as an emergency that needs immediate
My goals, as President of the club this year, will focus on member & tour safety, 25th anniversary celebrations &
remembrances, touring courtesies & coordination, and member-helping-member programs.
Most REMTC members are experienced in the operation and care of Model T’s, and some are even experts. Sharing knowledge is appreciated by everyone. I would like to propose a program where members could post online
upcoming car-care activities. Steve, our webmaster, can tell us what posting options are available. I encourage
anyone interested to come and help. Two heads are better than one, and the moral support is invaluable.
I encourage everyone to “get the word out” what a great club we have. If you know of any members who do not
attend meetings, please encourage them to participate, or even offer them a ride. If you know of members who do
not go on tours, encourage them to participate.
Happy Touring in 2015!
Richard Chuck
February Meeting Discussion Items
Flash Tour Ideas
Preparation for Safety Check—food desired
Hosts for Special Events Ideas – Cooker Tours, Ladies Tea, car shows, etc.
Establish a Christmas party Committee for next year.
Ed’s Notes
Dues are Due
Dues are due on January 1st and delinquent on February 1st. Please try to mail your dues before the February deadline. We would like to print the roster and have it ready by the Safety check in March. Dues are $30
per year and if you wish to include a business card for the ad page, it is $25 per year.
Thanks in advance for helping us complete the task of dues collection and roster printing.
REMTC General Meetings for 2015
The meeting place is Round Table Pizza on Marlow Road. 6:00 pm for dinner and 7:00 pm for meeting. We meet on the first Thursday of each month unless otherwise noted.
REMTC Tours for 2015
January 10th ‑— Officer’s exchange luncheon & flash tour. Lunch at Graton Community Center. See flyer pg. 6
February — Watch for “Under the Hood” date.
March 21st. — Annual Safety Check — Hosted by the Hasse Family.
April - Open
May - Open
June - Open
Watch remtc.org for flash tours
July — Welsh barbecue and tour for HCCA & REMTC
July — Montgomery village car show. Vince will set the date.
August 26-30th — Overnight Tour to the Gold Country Hosted by the Chuck family.
September 19th — REMTC’s 25th anniversary party at Cazanoma Lodge. Rich Randolph - committee chair.
October 24th — Fall color Tour — Rich Family hosts.
November - Open
December — Annual Christmas Party.
"For Sale: Brass era 1916 Model T Depot Hack.
Wanted for REMTC tours.
Call if found! WA-1115
Model T’s For Sale
For sale: 1916 Model T Touring Car
“Theresa” Orginally sold in Oregon, Theresa is look-
ing for her 4th owner. All original parts and paint except
for seats and top (replaced in the 80’s); Rocky Mountain
brakes (installed 1993). Newer tires, tubes and flaps.
Brass radiator (services 1999); clear California title. Excellent presentation car. Lovingly garaged except for
parades, weddings, cameo appearances on The Young
Indiana Jones Chronicles, and jaunts around the block
to thrill the neighborhood children. Crank engine S/N
1067347 manufactured Jan. 1916: like many ladies of
her age, Theresa may be slow to start but runs great
once she’s going. Detailed service records back to 1993
included as well as available manuals. $14,250. or B.O.
Phone 415 460 1346
Unique, custom coach-built hack body seats 6 passengers. Completely restored this year with new
Ruckstell, RM brakes, electric starter, leak-proof water pump, turn signals, seat belts. All mechanics done
by Pete Rich of the Antique Ford Garage. Many brass
details throughout including correct vintage doubletwist Rubes horn as well as klaxon. Wolf whistle for
parade fun. Strong stock engine, August 1916, Number 1,389,298. Shows very well with great curb appeal. See pictures at hbghack.smugmug.com/1916Depot-Hack. Manuals, Model T, and Woodie books
included in sale. Can be inspected in Healdsburg by
appointment: 707-433-0423 or hbgandy@comcast.
net Asking $25,000 O.B.O. Bill Andersen
Redwood Empire Model T Club
General Meeting,, December 2014
Meeting held at Round Table Pizza, Marlow Rd., S.R.
President Steve Vining called the meeting to order at
7:00 p.m. Pete Rich updated us on Ginny’s recovery;
and Chris Rich reported the death of and services for
Myrna Traversi. A card will be sent to Al Traversi.
Attendance: There were 32 members in attendance.
All board members were present except Ginny Rich
and Jeanne Nelson.
Secretary’s Report: The November meeting minutes
were read by Secretary, Nanette Chuck, and approved
by Linda Mori and seconded by George Jones.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report was
read by Ted Shimkowski and approved by Judy
Konvalinka, and seconded by Chris Rich.
Tour Report: George passed around a sign-up sheet
for trouble truck drivers.
There was a discussion about consolidating the tool
kit. Andy suggested that there be a tool kit for small
tours, and a separate tool box for overnighters
Andy Clary is planning a garage day for January.
New Business: Web Master reported that the
proposed upgrades to the website will speed it’s
A 2015 overnighter is being planned with the possible
dates being August 26 thru 30.
Steve Nelson reported that the 100th anniversary
World’s Fair committee requested that a 1915 Ford
Model T be put on display for the year 2015. The
marina in San Francisco was the location of the Ford
assembly plant that was filled in to make way for the
1915 World’s Fair, of which, the Palace of Fine Arts is
the last remaining building.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Nanette Chuck, REMTC
It was decided that the Tour Chairman should store
the club banner and stanchion.
Sunshine Report:
librarian Report:
Editor’s Report: Pete reported the Newsletter was
sent out by Ginny.
Brownie peppermint bars, and guys & dolls cookies
desert provided by Nanette and Richard Chuck
Membership Report:
Special Events:
Old Business:
Installation luncheon and flash tour is scheduled for
Jan 10, 2015.
The Buckaloos program was suggested as the annual
Christmas donation.
Meals-on-Wheels was also suggested, and carried the
vote, for the donation.
Officer’s Exchange Tour & Lunch
Saturday, January 10th, 2015
Date :
January 10th, 2015
9:30 at CVS Parking lot, Sebastopol, CA
Graton Community Center, 8996 Graton Road, Graton
$15 per person ~ Bring cash or check to the event
RSVP: by Jan.5th. We are ordering food from
Pasta King so we absolutely need RSVP’s!
Tour will be as weather permitting. You are welcome to bring your
modern car to the lunch at 12:00.
Come and celebrate the officer’s exchange. Thank the outgoing and
welcome the incoming officers. These volunteers keep the club running smoothly to provide great touring destinations, as well as attending to the Club business.
Please RSVP to Ginny at [email protected] or 707-887-9585
Louie Colombano turns 100 years old on February
17th, 2015. Lou is a charter member of REMTC and his
beautiful 1915 Runabout came off the assembly line the
same year that Lou was born. Lou is so proud of his
Model T as the car has won awards and never ceases to
draw attention. We are also proud that Lou is an honorary member of the Redwood Empire Model T Club.
Happy 100th Birthday, Lou!!
Hats from 1915
Dessert list for 2015
January Anniversaries
Jones, George & Linda
Donohue, Russ & Barbara
Chuck, Richard & Nanette
January Birthdays
John Groff
Jim Pappakostas
De Andersen
Charlie Bradbury
Laura Meyer
Melanie Taylor
Ted Shimkowski
Jan Storm
Please bring dessert for 40. Also bring paper plates and plastic forks if needed. If you
can’t make the meeting you are signed up for,
please call a substitute.
Thanks to all the folks that brought desserts
last year. It is so good to see all the months
filled on the first signup sheet.
Thanks to all of you!
Jeanine Clary
Lind Mori
Fran Faraudo
Chris Rich
Sandy O Halloran
Rich & Betsy Randolph
Earl & Dot Holtz
Fritzie Amantite
Robin Summerfield
Cindy V./Donna Jones
Gwen Brown
Dianna Shimkowsku
Redwood Empire Model T Club
Christmas 2014
Mr. Mc Goo's was a great venue. Thanks to Robin and Larry Summerfield and Jeannine Clary for setting it all up
and doing a great job decorating. Around 60 REMTC members with their guests/spouses attended. Many looked
sparkling in their Christmas attire or vintage clothing. (I know what a challenge that is to get it all together! ) There
was plenty of tasty food that was served quickly. You could tell we were all satisfied as the noise level sure went
down when the food was served. We even had entertainment during dinner and after when Bev Wright on the
ukulele lead us in Christmas carols. We have such a great club with so much camaraderie that this was the perfect
way to start the Christmas season . . . Linda Mori
Ed’s Note: A special thanks to Linda for the photographs and the article.
Don & Pam Johnson
Deb Wright entertained with Ukulele and
vocals. Got REMTC into the Christmas spirit
Dante & Richard DeCarli
Ted & Tippi Grosman
Cindy, Steve & Dianna
Joan & Vince Gregoire
Fern & Bill Newlin
Warren & Phyllis Welsh
Larry & Robin Summerfield
Earl & Dot Holtz
Jeanne & Steve Nelson
Patty & John Girman
Sebastian & Joy Ambra
Annemarie & Dick Winterhalder
Dianna, Ted Shimkowski and Fritzie
George & Linda Jones
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