October 2010Download pdf
October 2010Download pdf
BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 1 INSPIRED FOR TUBE Number 13 October 2010 INSPIRED FOR TUBE Opinion BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 2 2 OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 3 A It is, however, useful to remember what factors have been decisive over these past fifty years for the growth of BLM and make good use of them for the future. Human resources, have always been considered the real capital of the company. Attention has been paid to creating favourable conditions for individual growth with continuous training and education in the company (individual growth is the engine to collective growth), but also through simple everyday actions such as tidiness and cleanliness. The numbers Turnover (ml/€) % Turnover of new products % Export % R&D / turnover N° employees Industrial area (m2) INSPIRED FOR TUBE n anniversary always offers a double opportunity: to look back and reflect on what has been done and to look ahead to find new goals, which is what BLM has always aimed for. A goal must not be considered simply an achievement, but rather a starting block which triggers the next target. Opinion Born to grow The "culture of us" A principle in which each person recognises that individual wealth derives from the company’s wealth; the company has always been interpreted by me as a source of emotional energy and potential with the aim of creating social wealth. From here, the value of a team is greater than the value of an individual with the intention of encouraging a broader and more horizontal than vertical vision. 1999 53 11% 45% 6% 283 107,000 2009 100 70% 71% 7.2% 467 130,000 The ability to make tough choices. The acquisition of Adige. The acquisition of Montorfano. These were choices made almost entirely by entrepreneurial intuition and the ability to create business synergies. Internationalisation. A must for a company’s survival and growth. Sales and service close to the customer, speaking the same language, acquiring the same culture. Research & Development, at all times and whatever the case, regardless of whether the economic conditions allow / encourage R&D or not, because added value is created only by bringing continuous benefits to customers. We all live in what we can define as the efficiency war. All these factors have certainly contributed to the achievement of results that are now obvious to all, but are also the basis for looking towards the Group’s development with confidence, because as mentioned in the title, we were born to grow! Pietro Colombo President & CEO 3 BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 4 Contents INSPIRED FOR TUBE INSPIRED FOR TUBE 5 JOB SHOP 8 INTERVIEW Evolving to keep abreast of the times We are a big country, let’s not forget it 12 MOTORCYCLE 16 RAILWAY 18 BLM GROUP 19 AUTOMATION 24 HEATING 26 BORN TO GROW FILO 28 AUTOMOTIVE 100% required precision Italo-Chinese high-speed Speaking the same language Laser and value added Tier 1 of the parent company Metal wire in all its shapes and uses What we need, when we need it pdf version and other news can be found in: www.blmgroup.com INSPIRED FOR TUBE Inspired for tube By Area Comunicazione BLM GROUP Giovanni Zacco Emanuela Colombo Cristina Guzzetti e-mail: [email protected] tel. +39 031 7070 200 Produced by BLM GROUP Via Selvaregina 30 22063 Cantù (CO) Italy www.blmgroup.it Number INSPIRED FOR TUBE Nr. 13 - 10/2010 Design and Graphics by Studio Grafico Page Vincenzo De Rosa Fabrizio Santini Printed by Intergrafica Verona S.r.l. Verona Photo Fabrizio Santini Vincenzo De Rosa Reproduction, even only in part, of the articles and illustrations published in this newsletter is strictly prohibited unless otherwise authorised. BCF, Italy, is specialised in processing copper tubes with traditional and all-electric bending machines and has recently introduced the fibre laser technology INSPIRED FOR TUBE Evolving to keep abreast of the times Job Shop BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 5 CF, a Friulian job processing company is specialised in processing copper tubes for the production of coils, headers, assembled units and, more generally, components for the conditioning, refrigerating, heating, heat exchanger and air treatment industries. B Sergio Burato and Emilio Sangoi, owners, founded the company back in 1995 with another partner.“We started business here in Rivignano in rented property - explains Burato – then in 1997, we built the first of our own buildings, in 2001 the second and in 2005 we added a third, which is now being fitted out and will be used to process aluminium”. Relations with BLM started immediately already back in 1995 with the purchase of the first tube bending machines for small diameter tubes used for domestic conditioning. Core bending was not required and the BLM PLAUNO and PLANET systems guaranteed a suitable quality for the application. Since then, the relationship with BLM has become very sound to the point that the BCF workshop could easily be used as a showroom given the number of BLM machines installed. Innovating and differentiating Since 2000 there are only 2 partners, Burato, who is responsible for production and sales and Emilio Sangoi who is responsible for the administration. The company has a head count of 110 employees and Mr. Burato talks with satisfaction about the pleasant internal relationship between the employees and management.“I’m always in the company” he explains “and if anyone needs to speak to me for any reason, they can always stop me even in the corridor” and continues “even if this type of relationship is increasingly more challenging as the company grows”. When speaking about BCF he describes it as a service company, then goes on to explain,“a service company that aims at quality, which is understood as satisfying the customer’s expectations, of course, within the limits of the resources that we have. We operate throughout 5 INSPIRED FOR TUBE Job Shop BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 6 Europe and even, to a small extent, outside Europe. To find outlets abroad has been one of the goals of the sales network since the beginning. It is important to differentiate both in terms of customers and territories. Moreover, it is important to invest in innovation and technology; the margins on these products are limited, therefore we try to focus our efforts on the products we have. With BLM we have found a partner who pays attention to innovation and who invests in research, keeping abreast of technology. The technological evolution is more than clear and is very important for a company who wants to stay on the market. Over the years, the company has experienced various moments of rapid and dramatic changes. As already mentioned, initially the company followed the domestic conditioning market, but that type of production literally disappeared overnight in Europe and moved towards the emerging countries such as China most of all. The company therefore reacted by investing 6 OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 TECHNOLOGY LT Fiber Application of fibre laser sources to the metal laser cutting system has brought about various new elements. The higher performances mostly relate to speed on smaller thicknesses,reductions in the consumption of electricity, lower maintenance costs, wider field of laser cutting applications to include high-reflecting material.The latter in particular is particularly important thanks to the extended outlets possible on the laser cutting market in the copper tube industry.In fact,as to the tube processing field, the copper tube sector has taken a considerable market share, which until a little while ago had been practically excluded from the possibility of applying the laser technology. between the stations and a higher possibility of errors in the multiple operations to process the tube. The reduction in the overall production cost of the pieces in most cases is surprising. To take the step from traditional tube processing to the application of the laser technology means that various processes are eliminated from the various machines that had downtimes and transfer times Material Stainless steel Steel Aluminium Brass Copper and purchasing different machines to penetrate other spin-off sectors such as industrial conditioning, aiming at larger diameter tubes with high-tech reliable products.“It was necessary to adapt to the new market requirements, explains Burato – for larger diameter tubes and bigger machines that bend with core. BLM was ready with systems like E_turn and RH/LH all-electric tube bending machines with automatic loading system”. “The step taken from the hydraulic machine to the all-electric system was important both from the performance viewpoint, that is higher ac- LT Fibre: examples of workable materials Thickness 5 mm 8 mm 6 mm 5 mm 3 mm curacy and reliability in the bend and from a practical elimination of the hydraulic oil with all the problems that came along with it”. Flexibility at all levels 2009 was a difficult year worldwide, but BCF came through without exploiting payoff supplement funds, which meant that the employees were kept on and ready to resume production immediately as of January this year. Now BCF is looking at recruiting new staff even if the market has once again radically changed. “We are now talking about reducing the batch BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 7 1960 Founding of BLM INSPIRED FOR TUBE r. Pietro Colombo sets up a company, taking over a small business that manufactures tube bending machines. The new company continues with name of the original company, BLM (an acronym of the founders). Born to grow M 1961 volumes that are required even quicker” says Burato.“The solution is to continue investing in technologically avant-garde machinery that is able to provide automation and mostly flexibility in meeting the customers delivery requirements”. The new fibre laser system has recently been introduced in this renewal towards a greater flexibility.The Lasertube LT Fiber with 2 kW fibre laser source has made it possible to apply the laser technology in copper tube processing with a considerable advantage as regards decisively shorter processing times. “Before – says Burato – with traditional machinery holes were made that then needed to be burred; now programs are created in the technical office and they are sent directly to the LT Fibre. The automation is also important; to avoid possible operator errors, the LT Fibre system is equipped with a camera that checks that the material section actually corresponds to what is indicated in the work program, thereby preventing damage and waste. I° Automatic bending B LM implements the first electro-hydraulic tube bending system to perform core tube bending in an automatic cycle. The machine has a manual angle programmer. The B40, B25 and B90 systems are produced in the decade from 1961 to 1971. 1964 Move B LM builds a facility in via Selvaregina (which at the time was nothing but a thick forest with a small road the size of a trail running through it) and moves there at the end of ’64. 1964 Automatic saw A dige builds the ADIGE CICLOMAC that operates in a completely automatic mode, loading bars with a diameter of up to 70 mm 1965 The market expands B LM starts to exhibit at national fairs in Messina, Palermo, Triest and Bari, and then also abroad. From 1966 to 1969 BLMs export turnover soars from 50,000,000 to 120,000,000 of the old Italian currency (Lire). Export countries are mainly Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Iran and Saudi Arabia while Germany, France and the UK are among the leading markets for BLMs continental exports. 1966 1967 The Trento floods T he flood in Trento destroys the Adige facilities, but luckily drawings and accounting documents were recovered. In the year to follow, with a headcount of 100 employees, Adige moves to an 11,000 m2 area in Levico to meet the growing needs. 7 BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 8 Raccorderie Metalliche S.p.A. is national and international leader in the production of fittings distributed mostly in the thermohydraulic field but with the recent development of the press-in systems, the so-called pressfittings, application can Interview also be found in other sectors such as oenology, gas, compressed air and industry in general. With its 5,000 articles, Raccorderie Metalliche S.p.A. is one of the European INSPIRED FOR TUBE producers that offer the most complete range. We are a big country, let’s not forget it 8 he choice of suppliers made by Raccorderie Metalliche is based on an unequivocal standard: absolute excellence. Only in this way can it guarantee continuous commercial success, year after year. The BLM Group is one of these suppliers and it is thanks to the close relationship that we had the honour to meet and interview Pier Luigi Ceccardi, President of Raccorderie Metalliche S.p.A. and President of Federmeccanica (the Italian metal and mechanical workers trade union Federation); a fine entrepreneurial figure in our Country as confirmed by the numerous positions covered and honours received. P of fields, from Pavesini, Fidenza Vetraria, Silva in Villa D’Ossola to then end up in Fargas, which produced and distributed boilers, ascots, kitchens and heaters. I worked in Fargas until 1965 first as an employee and then as an agent until 1969. I then opened up this business because a wholesaler in Brescia encouraged me to do so and financed me to get started; a commitment that I honoured in just a couple of years and from then on, slowly, year after year the company grew to become what Raccorderie Metalliche is today and that is a great business in our sector with a head count of 250 people, a turnover of 70 million Euros and an export rate of 63% in well over 54 countries throughout the world. Perhaps it’s a trivial question, but we like stories. What is the entrepreneurial course that leads to these achievements? The Pier Luigi Ceccardi entrepreneur came about quite by chance. I studied at Rovereto and graduated with excellent marks that ensured a call from the Edison Group. I didn’t have any help; I came from a very poor family that I am proud of. It goes without saying that at the age of 19 I was recruited by Edison and was lucky to have worked for the various companies of the Group located all over Italy. Therefore, I gained considerable and varied experience in a wide range Next year your business officially celebrates its fortieth anniversary? Raccorderie Metalliche effectively dates back to 1971, but 1996 is an important date as it is the year in which the current facilities in Campitello di Marcaria, 15 km from Mantua was inaugurated. In fact, most of the design and production activities of the whole product range are carried out: radiator caps, radiator reducers, pipe clamps, pipe fastening systems, pressfit systems, stainless steel and carbon steel fittings, radiator brackets and many other hydrothermosanitary articles. OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 I’ve never been attracted by these sirens because personally I believe that if you are wellequipped and automated, with a raw material cost that is the same all over the world, it’s not only the cost of labour that makes the difference. Mine has been a choice against the tide, which may seem wrong, but I am still convinced that to keep production in Italy is rewarding. Up to now I’ve been right. Pier Luigi Ceccardi was President of the Association of Industrialists in the province of Mantua in the four-year period from 2002 to 2006, Vice President of Federmeccanica in 2004 and from October 2005 up to the date of his appointment as President of Federmeccanica, he was President of the COMETA Fund. In December 2002 he was he was bestowed the honour of Grand Officer of the Italian Republic, after that of Commander in 1991, Officer in 1989 and Knight in 1978. INSPIRED FOR TUBE You are a patently clear example of made in Italy? We are an Italian company and proud of it. For this reason we are launching a very strong campaign to identify our product as “made in Italy” by placing this mark on each piece produced by us. It is a very big challenge and a sound response to distributors who import from the East and Far East. Having a production that is 100% Italian, we want to stand out from those who create confusion on the market. We want to let people know that we can still produce in this country if certain principles and parameters are respected without necessarily having to delocalise production in countries like Romania rather than Slovakia or Poland. It is already complex enough to manage a company on one’s own doorstep let alone thousands of km away, particularly for the typically SMEs like the Italian ones. Interview BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 9 The fact that an Italian product is often a synonym of quality, is it therefore an important added value? A fitting is something that connects two pipes together and therefore, quite sincerely, producing is not something so extraordinary. Nevertheless, since 1994, the year of certification Raccorderie Metalliche has applied the procedures to eliminate waste, to be more competitive and to create customer value.This philosophy forces us to keep pace with continuous improvements and quality controls on each product and process. Our quality level is recognised and approved by the leading European certification bodies with about forty homologations obtained throughout the world. Last year, for example, we starter the certification procedures for two new product ranges: pressfit systems in copper and cupronickel.The first will be used mainly for sanitary and gas ap- 9 BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 10 1968 The hydraulic era A INSPIRED FOR TUBE Born to grow dige: the electro-pneumatic world is taken over by the hydraulic era with the first CM400 hydraulic sawing machine, immediately followed by the CM2500, which is presented at the BIMU trade fair in 1970. 1969 Double-head tube bending system B LM introduces the “mythical” A25 that automatically bends several tubes at a time without core by using two bending heads. The production output of this model is amazing and for the garden/camping furnishing sectors and household articles it is a real “blessing”. 1970 The first automatic end-forming system T he end-forming system is added to the tube-bending system (AST (Allarga-Sagoma-Tubi) and makes its debut in the BLM product range. 1971 Il Mercurio d’oro B LM wins the prestigious “Mercurio d’oro” award given to companies who have particularly stood out thanks to their ability to grow and export. This award is met with great satisfaction by all the staff at BLM, some of whom visit Rome to receive the acknowledgement. 10 OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 plications, whereas the second will be used in the naval sector for firefighting applications and special plants. The homologations necessary for applications on board a ship are numerous and all with very stringent requirements relating to product performance. We believe that this is the right path to have a different approach on the market and stand out above our national and international competitors. In this way, they too are forced to reach quality levels of excellence to keep up with us. To date, this has paid off, seeing that Europe has practically become a domestic market for Raccorderie Metalliche when in reality it is the third biggest market in the world after China and India. One thing is, though, that every morning you need to do some soul-searching and accept the challenge. Last year, we also suffered from the overall recession, but we never laid anyone off temporarily on state funds, nor have we ever done so in all forty years of business. There is only one other metalworking business in the province of Mantua besides us, who can boast about the same result: the great Marcegaglia and this makes us proud. Raccorderie Metalliche is, in fact, characterised by a constant growth, even in difficult and complex times. Is there a secret to this? The“secret”is a deep-rooted culture of work and always having believed in the company’s potential. We have put work at the centre of our interest, but without ever letting us get distracted by parallel and secondary activities. Finance is a banker’s job. I’m just an “honest metalworker from the Province of Mantua”; so we have to produce fittings and we’ve always tried to do it to our best. Our constant growth is undoubtedly due to this. We have simply pursued our goal, also because we believe in what we are doing. Concepts like automation and innovation, how important have they been for Raccorderie Metalliche? Enormously.Think that only in the past year we have installed eleven new robots. In total, we have about forty robots among pick and place and anthropomorphic systems, dedicated to more or less strategic roles. This gives an idea of the automation level we have in the company. In general, technology has always played a fundamental role in Raccorderie Metalliche’s growth. The number of laser systems that we have are further confirmation of this. The laser is probably the most important technology in which I believed right from the beginning, but the merit goes to those who were truly and practically able to show me what I could have achieved with such a marvellous tool; and I’m referring here to Adige. I knew how to listen and you knew how to sell me an idea. Which one of the two is the most prevailing aspect I can’t say, but what I know for sure is that it is the result of a cooperation, and this is not a circumstantial phrase, it’s the truth. To give you an idea of how important the laser has been and will still be for our production, we are particularly interested in making a further quality leap. For example, with the laser we could perform several processes that are traditionally carried out to remove burrs and shavings.We’re talking about“simple”CO2 lasers and if what we have been told is true when applied, it means that we are making a revolutionary change. Think that normally all the bends in fittings are faced and rounded. But if it were possible to cut the tube using the laser,what reason would there be not to cut the bend; it would immediately be trimmed to say the least.This bend is already being handled by a robot, therefore, by using a fiveaxis laser it could also be finished with a bevel angle of 45°,giving us evident advantages mainly in terms of cleanliness of the pieces without any shavings and burrs to dispose of and there would be no downtime to change the tool. We would have a more linear production process with fewer downtimes and significant savings of time and money without having to machine the components again. BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 11 If we could turn all of this into real facts, it would really be a quantum shift even if rather binding and exacting considering that a change of this extent would not only involve one laser but a whole series of systems,because we produce 8 million fittings in carbon steel and 1,200,000 fittings in stainless steel per year. If all goes as planned,we would install about ten laser systems over a couple of years. In view of what you have just told us, was the choice to install the fibre laser a bet or was it the response to a clear production requirement? Both one and the other. We produce fittings in four different materials, that is, carbon steel, stainless steel, copper and cupronickel. We were not able to cut the last two material with CO2 system due to their reflectivity. Therefore we took the challenge on a technology with endless po- tential and which, according to many, is absolutely beneficial and efficient, but on the whole is not yet widespread, particularly for tube cutting. Nowadays, the machine produces and we are satisfied also because thanks to BLMs assistance we have gone into full production well ahead of time. I could define it as a win and have no problems in saying that the future lies in the fibre laser technology, even if in our production field the CO2 systems still have much to say for themselves. How would you define the relationship between Raccorderie Metalliche and BLM Group? It is definitely a cooperation. The fibre laser system confirms it, apart from the Lasertube system. However, over the years we have installed many other BLM systems including the end-forming and tube bending systems that we have transformed to be able to bend pieces of tube as we do particular work. The last traditional machine purchased from BLM is, for example, a cutting system for copper tube from coil. We could almost define ourselves as a permanent BLM production show room, given that BLM use as a reference and often bring us their potential customers to see the machines in production and we are more than pleased to welcome them. As I was saying, it is an extremely cooperative relationship. In conclusion would like to address Mr. Pier Luigi Ceccardi President of Federmeccanica and ask if the crisis has really been overcome. I feel that the crisis is largely behind us. If we managed to consolidate the weak signs of recovery of a market that is starting to open up and, most of all if we managed to do it with more concrete industrial relations and a more co-operative trade union, I am strongly convinced that we could start again. I will say one thing that may seem a little difficult for the younger generation to realise but in which I believe profoundly; many businessmen of my age were the authors of the rebirth of this country that was a pile of debris after the war had been lost. Nevertheless, Italy has succeeded in becoming the fifth largest industrial power in the world.This is our vocation and our mission. Therefore, I make this appeal: let us rediscover the price of being an entrepreneur. We have to invest in our companies and bring them to the centre of our attention and interest. We need to restart and resume our position on the market, returning to be the great businessmen we have shown to be. We are a great country and we must never forget it. 11 BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 12 New machines 1974 CM500 INSPIRED FOR TUBE Born to grow 1972 1975 100% requ T he period from 1972 to 1975 is still remembered with fondness in BLM due to the considerable number of new machines in the assembly shop and the numerous prototypes produced. In 1973 the first end-forming system, the AST40 emerges. The first loading systems also belong to the early ‘70s: in 1972 the AL40 is implemented, which then becomes the AL38 in 1974. A t Adige, the CM500 is introduced, which is an evolution of the old CM400 and constitutes the father of a series of machines that are still part of today’s product range. Alongside the cutting system are the perforating, threading and milling units with a vast possibility of customisation. 1976 The first NC tube-bending system B LM produces the first numerically-controlled tube-bending system in Europe, the B63CN. Now the whole cycle to process a tube with several bends is managed by a fully automatic 3-axis numerical control system with program storage. 12 OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 on Keeling and Phil Atkinson admit they are obsessed with motorbikes, engineering and exotic materials, which explains why in 2004 they set up Racefit Ltd to manufacture titanium exhausts for the motorcycle after-market. However, these were never going to be me-too exhaust systems, with the emphasis from the beginning on innovative design and quality of manufacture. It is the consistency and reliability provided by J a new BLM CNC tube bender that explains why Phil Atkinson says “it was not so much a case of whether we could afford to buy this machine, as a case of it being exactly what we need to guarantee 100 per cent good parts that will fit precisely into our assembly jigs.” “BLM is a class act and the ELECT is an awesome machine that has the capability to do exactly what we want and more,” adds Jon Keeling.“In fact, we are now equipped to offer BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 13 INSPIRED FOR TUBE Motorcycle quired precision At Racefit Ltd, UK, the BLM ELECT63 tube bending machine meets the quality criteria required to produce motorcycle exhaust pipes. quality tube bending on a subcontract basis…and because we work with tube all the time we know we can bend titanium, steel and aluminium tube to a very high standard.” Prestigious results “We had to be different to be successful,” says Phil Atkinson.“Other manufacturers faced with rising material prices were outsourcing production to China to cut their costs and there was no way we wanted to do that.” To which Jon Keeling adds: “Having worked for pretty much all the major exhaust manufacturers in this country, Phil knew enough about manufacturing exhaust systems to be able to look at it from a completely different perspective. I didn’t know anything about manufacturing exhaust systems, so I was looking at it from a different perspective anyway!” The result is that five years later the Matlock, Derbyshire-based business has emerged as a leading supplier of titanium exhaust systems bearing such evocative names as Growler, Slash and Mega. In fact, this year’s FIM Sidecar World Championship-winning LCR Suzuki outfit sports a Racefit exhaust. Despite finishing second in the final race of the season at Le Mans on 6th September 2009, Ben and Tom Birchall made it into the record books, with Ben’s 13 INSPIRED FOR TUBE Motorcycle BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 14 TECHNOLOGY ”ALL ELECTRIC” is the new product philosophy of BLM GROUP: the perfect combination of environment-friendliness and production efficiency. Environment-friendliness • Up to 80% reduced power consumption • Noise level equal to a normal conversation • Clean working environment and no oil disposal Qualità prodotto finito Maggiore efficienza Maggiore produttività • Quicker and automatic changeover • More independent from the operator's skills in the bending process younger brother making history by becoming the youngest-ever passenger to win a World Sidecar Championship. Accurate and reliable bends, without any waste “We are passionate about what we do, and that is designing and manufacturing products that appeal to like-minded people who simply want the best,” says Jon Keeling.“This is why we use titanium tube. It’s light, strong and super-corro- 14 OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 • Right pieces at first production, no scraps • Perfect, endlessly repeatable bending • Double productivity compared to electro-hydraulic machines sion resistant but it is also ten times the price of stainless steel. That’s why we have invested in a BLM CNC tube bending machine…because we can’t afford to waste material.” Apart from carbon fibre sleeves and laser cutting of support brackets, everything is processed in-house.“We were subcontracting our tube bending but we use big diameter – up to 63 mm – thin wall titanium tube, and that can be difficult to bend,”says Phil Atkinson.“Virtually every bit of our product involves tube that we have to buy in 200 metres at a time and, at around £50 per metre, rejecting subcontracted components because of ‘wrinkles’ on the bends was expensive and time-consuming.We were also experiencing delivery problems as our work was not always seen as a priority.” Right from the first piece, the bend was already to measure The latest-generation all-electric BLM ELECT63 CNC tube bender was installed in June 2009, INSPIRED FOR TUBE Motorcycle BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 15 with the inherent precision and control of all the axes positioning guaranteeing consistent, highly accurate, bends. However, the benefits for an end-user such as Racefit do not stop there. The machine’s multi-stack tool mounting facility allows multi radius and variable radius bending of the same tube to take place in a single set-up. Bends with very little straight between them, even compound bends, can also be accommodated, along with tight bends that can have a radius less than the tube di- ameter. “Because the ELECT’s control holds all the relevant programs, it allows us to make to order,” says Jon Keeling.“Given that most orders come in via the internet, this ensures the shortest possible time between receipt of order and dispatch of the completed exhaust system.” All critical machine setting parameters are managed by the Siemens 840D SL CNC ‘Solution-Line’ control system, which interfaces with BLM’s VGP3D graphical programming and simulation software to provide fully automatic and truly interpolated simultaneous movement of all nine machine axes. This eliminates ‘dead time’ within the tube bending cycle and effectively de-skills the tube bending process previously so reliant on individual operator expertise. The new machine’s precise calibration cycle means that it is set right-first-time and guarantees that a first-off part, and all subsequent parts, will be to specification. 15 INSPIRED FOR TUBE Railway BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 16 Italo-Chinese highThe Italo-Chinese joint venture, Sessa Klein Shenfei Ltd, supplies two of the three high-speed train manufacturers in China with windows and other furnishings. The BLM machines are at the centre of the production system, which is working at full capacity with the use of the plants over three shifts to meet the agreed delivery times. he development of the rail industry has undergone a hyperbolic acceleration in China over the past few years. Statistics show that more wagons for high-speed trains are produced in China than anywhere else in the world and that China has the highest number of kilometres of high-speed railroads. This, of course, is good news for operators in the field, provided that one is organised to take these opportunities. This is not an operation that is taken for granted because the railway industry is run either directly or indirectly by the Chinese State and not all suppliers are admitted. T 16 OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 Sessa Klein Spa based in Castronno in the province of Varese designs and produces furnishing systems in light alloys for the railway industry and has decided to take on this challenge and try to enter the difficult and competitive Chinese market considering its high technological and quality level. These are characteristics that are not easy to find and that could be appreciated by the customers in China. “So after a laborious search, Sessa Klein Italia concluded negotiations in September 2008 to set up a joint venture called Sessa Klein Shenfei Ltd, of which it holds 51%, with the Chinese partner, Shenfei Vehicle Windows Manufacturer Co., ltd.(SCE). The Chinese partner is not a competitor and, moreover, has contributed with its knowledge of the Chinese market from a commercial viewpoint. The results to date appear to be very positive. Sessa Klein Shenfei supplies two of the three high-speed train manufacturers in China with windows and other furnishings” says Alfredo Novelli, President of Sessa Klein Spa and Guido Cardullo, Operations Manager of Sessa Klein Shenfei Ltd. BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 17 -speed To give an idea of the quantity one of the manufactures out of the three mentioned, manages to make eight complete trains with eight wagons per month. That is 64 wagons. The production plans are based on a 4-5 year forecast and in the meantime, important railroads are being completed, such as the Beijing-Shanghai line which will come into operation in 2012.The conditional form in China for these projects does not exist. “The choice of a local partner was imperative as without there is no chance of getting into these companies. In our case, we are delighted with the level of cooperation that has been achieved considering that we are complementary and necessary to one another”.Explains Alfredo Novelli to highlight how the JV was necessary and useful. “The current output of the Chinese unit exceeds the Italian production of windows” continues Guido Cardullo.“To guarantee the same quality level of the products, the Chinese JV has focused on production and quality standards.” All the main processes are carried out internally, such as welding and bending of the aluminium profiles for train windows, likewise the final bonding. The quality controls are carried out both during the manufacturing process as well as at final testing (resistance and fatigue tests). The company is ISO9000-2000, EN15085 certified for aluminium welding in the rail industry and, moreover, has adopted the International Railways Industry Standard (IRIS) quality system that is specific for the railway industry. “The aluminium profiles are procured locally and we bend them on a BLM 863VGP machine that was supplied with all the equipment. This was a key production strategy that lead us to chose such a machine to guarantee the results that we needed. Moreover, having to bend extruded profile is not as easy as bending pipes and it was necessary to adapt and customise the machine to meet our requirements” explains Guido Cardullo. “The technical and commercial support is supplied directly from the BLM GROUP in Shanghai with Chinese staff, which is less than two hours away. It is very useful for us to be able to train our operators directly in China so a to avoid any misunderstanding as much as possible”. Production has now reached full capacity with the use of plants over three shifts to guarantee the agreed delivery times and prospects are good. A very encouraging start for a choice that was not easy and predictable at the beginning. This is an excellent example of how by choosing the right partner; success can be achieved even in markets that are apparently very difficult. 17 BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 18 BLM GROUP Shanghai Co. Ltd was set up at the end of 2003, but the Group has been present in China long before. In fact the initial contact and first sale dates back to the ‘80s and then since ’80s … and other developments 1992 commercial activities have been constant. T Speakingthe same language INSPIRED FOR TUBE Born to grow he ‘80s witnesses a considerable growth for BLM. The B63 is followed by the B32 and the B42, which represent the basis of the CNC machines that are still produced today. Even the end-forming line introduces the new AST102. ver the past two decades, China has considerably changed. We have all witnessed this change, which still intimidates us in terms of intensity, depth and duration. The BLM Group has adapted to these radical changes by taking a different sales approach compared to the first decade, which made use of agents and advisors, and that is to set-up its own subsidiary. Even the clientele has changed and the spectrum has slowly completed and grown from a technological point of view from the automotive, conditioning and rail industry to aerospace. The BLM Group Shanghai structure has preserved the continuity of technicalcommercial personnel over the years to guarantee a suitable and full cover. O Structure and services follow the trends ’80s Turnover increases F rom 1984 to 1991 BLMs turnover doubles to reach a soaring figure of 23,182,000,000 Lire. This rise in sales consequently means an increase in the sales force which goes from 93 active employees in 1984 to 113 in 1991. 1981 The TS70 A dige produces the famous TS70; a competitive system thanks to the extremely high production output, easy fine-tuning and possibility of cutting two different lengths. 1987 The beginning of the laser era T he first experiences with the laser source brings Adige to present the first CO2 lasertube cutting system in Europe, at the next BIMU in 1988 (on a stand with BLM) the S90. 18 BLM GROUP Shanghai, which moved to its new offices in May, offers all the sales services required to operate in China, including invoicing in local currency and import-export of the goods. The after-sales technical service is complete both in terms of customer assistance and spare parts supplies. The technicians live in the main areas of the territory (centre, north and south) and report to the Shanghai offices for spare parts and coordination. Among the services offered are also machine installation and training in Chinese, the supply of manuals and documentation in Chinese and continuous support throughout the year. Moreover, technical support is also available for the implementation in loco of equipment and accessories complete with design, production and testing. Commercially, the sales area has been divided into three territorial areas with a resident manager operating locally and reporting to the Shanghai offices. The extent of the territory and the different local cultures have lead us to localise these services so that we can be close to our customers and guarantee them a greater and more efficient service.Furthermore,BLM GROUP Shanghai has a permanent show room where various machines produced by the Italian companies of the BLM Group are on show and can be demonstrated, such as: bending, cutting and end-forming machines. A training room is also available and all customer support services. This is sufficient enough reason to motivate the BLM Group to find more suitable ways to participate in the future growth and guarantee continuity both to the Group and to its clientele. OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 BLM GROUP ( SHANGHAI ) CO. LTD. Unit A1, No. 155 Dongshe Road, Dongjing District, Songjiang, 201619, Shanghai Tel. 021-57686430-108 Fax 021-57686432 E-mail: [email protected] INSPIRED FOR TUBE Automation BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 19 Lasertube technology at Gruppo System, Italy, guarantees very fast processing times. Laser and value added 19 INSPIRED FOR TUBE Automation BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 20 n an area of 120,000 m2 half of which is taken up by buildings located near Fiorano in the lowlands of Modena is the main facility of Gruppo System, which also has production facilities in Spain, China and USA. The Group is divided into three divisions: Ceramics, which deals with decorating and automation of ceramic products; Logistics, dedicated to automatic handling systems in various industrial environments and Electronics, which creates control and integration systems for industrial production. The three divisions are characterised by one common denominator and that is the spirit of innovation that transpires from the products of each individual unit. I “Conquering the world” To welcome us is Mr. Stefani, President of Gruppo System, a person with much enthusiasm who has followed his passions and turned them into a company of surprising dimensions. The passion for applied technology that Stefani has shown since he was a young boy 20 OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 above and over any other interest, including school came about from his profound curiosity for anything that had to do with automation. In fact, he tells us that he started out as an employee in a company, but then, with his innovative ideas and just a small loan, he started to “conquer the world” and created a business with a total turnover of almost 280 M€ and a headcount of 800 employees, half of which are based in Italy. The current company was set up back in 1970 and the first system to be purchased was not a machine tool but an automatic storage system and this was already a sample of the ideas that would have later given life to the “business”; a business that started off by outsourcing in an industrious and dynamic environment in the plains of Modena where there was far from a shortage of craftsmen to outsource the initial ideas and what others could not do was done in-house. A laser “training ground” Mr. Stefani is an enthusiast and this spirit lead him to take on the challenge in the laser tube field, but only after being fully convinced of the advantages. “Relations with BLM have been on-going for 15 years – explains Stefani – during which time I have listened carefully to the description of the machines that were being offered to me and mostly of the opportunities and the vast range of innovations that laser technology could have brought to my company”. The determining factor in the choice made was the improvement in the quality of tube available on the market. “At first, tubes were used for structural steel works and were generally of poor precision and quality, but today even following the increasing demand encouraged by laser systems, quality tube is requested, perhaps specifying that the end use is for laser cutting, high quality material can be obtained and the sys- BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 21 B etween 1988 and 1992, BLM records important new machines in the product range. The PLAUNO system, which bends from coil and is fitted with orbital cutting belongs to this period. 1989 Expansion abroad B LM feels the need to cover some markets with more perseverance. To this end, BLM Deutschland, BLM France and Tecmatub (Mexico), fully-owned branches of the parent company, are set up to provide sales, after-sales service and technical assistance to their customers. tems allow precise structures to be implemented without the need for expensive and complicated mechanical processes to be carried out on machine tools”. Quality without laps Mr. Stefani is the first to promote innovation in his company and is very careful not just to sit back when a target has been achieved; he is always on the go to reach new horizons. “Others can copy – he says referring to hypothetical competitors – but our ideas by that time are already well ahead”. “When the first laser system (an LT JUMBO 20 for large tubes with diameters of up to 508 mm) was installed we started our training” he says, using the term that perfectly describes the efforts made at the beginning. You go to a gym to train and, in effect, the initial samples helped in our training, giving us a deep understanding and helping us to seize the potential of the new tool that was available. “Today we manage to produce complex structures using fitted tubes with unique reference keys Born to grow Bending from coil INSPIRED FOR TUBE 1988 that make fast and accurate assembly possible without errors and with a final accuracy of 3 tenths on the diagonal sections of a frame”. Initially, the choice of the ADIGE LT JUMBO 20 was made assuming the possibility of reducing the weight of the structures produced using tube by 40%. The savings alone from this effectively reduced weight were such to justify the purchase of the system, but today, when looking back, this perhaps was not the most interesting aspect that lead to introducing the laser. 1990 T he first public appearance of the TT650 by Adige; the first system of the lasertube family destined to revolutionise the tube processing scenario with an innovative construction concept that has paved its way up to today's date. 1993 Installation of the second lasertube, an LT8 system with double bundle and single tube loader, complete the machine shop adding speed and performance with the same tube processing concepts and advantages for the production of smaller tubes. Logistics costs; replacement of boxes with tubes has reduced transport costs. Today, with precise tubes processed by accurate machines, quality can be achieved without the need for machining. Tube laser The BLM Group is created A t the end of 1993 the long-suffered acquisition of Adige by BLM takes place. This is the start of a mutually successful story. In the meantime BLM obtains the UNI EN ISO 9001 certification, the first UCIMA company certified by ICIM (Industrial Certification Institute for mechanics). 21 Automation BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.49 Pagina 22 “Customers not always manage to grasp the essential elements of innovation that characterise our inventions, but the benefits brought to the production process at System fully justify their use, regardless of the customers’ appreciation” explains Mr. Stefani.“Very fast processing times, thanks to the fact that there are no real transfers from one machine to another for the different machining that are now all carried out on the laser system. What the customer sees is the final result, that is, aesthetically appreciable systems that are essential in their form, but sturdy and accurate in terms of operation.” Designing for tube The introduction of new systems has lead to a revolution in the design concept. “It hasn’t been easy. All the previous principles had to be reviewed to adapt to the new situation” says Stefani. “Designing for tube means doing a job very similar to that of a carpenter who works with precise interlock fitting and the same has to be done with tubes to take advantage of their full potential”. The innovative company must push the market,not follow it.Recently, Systems has focused on the new solar panel business,but in its own way,with an innovative product based on covered tramping tiles with a solar panel inside. “The traditional markets are getting smaller to the advantage of emerging countries – concludes Stefani – therefore, the idea is to produce less volume, but with added value and penetrate growing markets”. 22 BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.50 Pagina 23 BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.50 Pagina 24 1995 A pproaching the customer and speaking in the same language is an ever-increasing necessity therefore, with the addition of BLM UK and BLM South Africa the BLM foreign branches become five. Born to grow INSPIRED FOR TUBE … and further expansion 1996 Square tube cutting T he first TT650 to cut round tubes only. With the TT651 TQR laser system Adige is now able to offer a machine that cuts square and rectangular tubes as well. This is a determinant evolution in the development of the lasertube product that, at this point, expands its range of action to other new sectors like the furnishing sector that turn out to be a success. 1997 I sistemi combinati A t EMO Adige presents ADILAS, the combined system for tube and steel sheet, the first of a series that will proceed in time with alternate events, but unchanged prospects of growth. 1998 Variable radium bending. W ith the advent of the multi-radius tube bending systems BLM introduces the variable radius (or programmed) bending system. This no longer has a fixed radius, but it is now possible to program any radius and the machine carries it out. This is a revolution in the furnishing field where design has no limits (or almost) to fantasy. 24 OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 Tier 1 of the parent company he only production facility on Polish territory of the Viessmann Group, world leader in the production of heating systems, is located in the splendid city of Wroclaw, with its numerous cathedrals. Mr. Waldemar Cwiklinski, engineer and developing manager explains how this facility produces 85% of the copper tube components and electrical cables for boilers that are assembled in the German facility of Allendorf, where the Group’s headquarters are based. T Quality first and foremost To supply the parent company means having to strictly observe production times, costs and quality. To keep these aspects under control requires an efficient production or- ganisation that is able to take action at various levels, from programming, material procurement, selection of production machinery that is suitable to guarantee quality and reliability. An efficiently organised production cycle is essential to meet the delivery dates. Production efficiency can be increased with just a simple change in the shop floor layout, but to be able to plan production efficiently you have to be able to count on reliable and fast production systems. “Here we are always looking to improve efficiency” says Cwiklinski. Quality is, however, an aspect that is always mentioned without hesitation by Cwiklinski as being the most important. The company is certified from material selection to the pur- INSPIRED FOR TUBE Heating BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.50 Pagina 25 In the Polish facility of Viessmann, having to replenish the parent company means strictly observing production times, costs and quality. Since 2007 the BLM tube bending and end forming systems have considerably contributed to achieving these goals. chase of adequate systems, which is all done according to strict procedures aimed at reaching the highest quality possible. Even the choice of machines to be used on the shop floor is influenced by these requirements and in view of this the purchase of quality machinery allows using a less expensive copper, although more difficult to process, with a saving compared to the competitor’s quality. Being number 1 The relationship with BLM started back in 2006 and in January 2007 the first PLANET machine was installed for the production of an end product that met the quality and repeatability requirements. A determining factor for an efficient use of the system was the technical assistance and Cwiklinski expressed his appreciation of the fact that BLM provided assistance in Poland with technicians who were able to speak Polish and were thus able to perfectly communicate with the system operators. They did not have previous experience on systems of this type, but were fully satisfied as regards delivery and installation. The initial startup problems of the machine were solved by technical assistance and a sound relationship of cooperation has been established. The installation of a second machine, a TUBEFORM end-forming system, confirms what has just been stated. The machine was purchased to carry out a second end-forming process after the PLANET system. Last, but not least is the E_TURN, which was purchased for larger, more complex core tubes. With this machine, the company has been able to benefit from the advantages of the all-electric technology to produce even complex bends with precision and ease. The automatic adjustments allow constant levels of performance to be reached and operating at the same set-up conditions, independently from the experience of the operator. Being number 1 is not easy, but the versatility of the BLM machines has contributed to achieving this result. Cwiklinski sees a bright future inasmuch as ecological requirements encourage innovation that heavily involves this sector, pushing towards the replacement of old products with new types of boilers with a lower impact on the environment. This makes us optimistic about the future. 25 INSPIRED FOR TUBE Born to grow filo BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.50 Pagina 26 BONPEZ, Italy, is satisfied with the development of the Montorfano wire bending machines by BLM from a mechanical point of view as well as the electromechanical components and VGP software. Metal wire in all its shap he history of BONPEZ from Corte Franca has distant origins. It was initially set up in 1974 by Luca’s father together with a partner only to break away later, in 1988 to set-up a company as it is known today with his wife, hence the name that is taken from their surnames BONtempi and PEZzotti. Luca Bontempi officially joined the company with his sister, Cinzia after getting his diploma in 1991. T “I already knew all about the company as I used to work here during the summer holidays as normal around these parts of the country” says 26 OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 Luca with pride. His sister deals with the administrations side, whereas he directly follows production and sales. To process metal wire in the most varied shapes and uses is the company’s specialisation and thanks to the company’s avant-garde structure any type of demand and requirement can be met. “The experience gained over the years and our technical preparation make it possible to offer an accurate feasibility study for the component that needs to be produced in order to optimise costs and solve any difficulty” continues Luca.“We are always at the customer’s disposal for quotations and the possibility of making samples according to the drawings, thereby guaranteeing assistance throughout the entire preparation process of the piece. Our production does not require large quantities, but we can agree adequate batches with the customer to reduce costs without the obligation of having useless stocks”. BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.50 Pagina 27 In – out-door furniture INSPIRED FOR TUBE Shops accessories Construction Hospital fixtures Toys and childcare Hooks, baskets, partitions, supports Grates, brackets, racks and accessories for refrigerators, ovens, gas stoves. Bathroom accessories, components for chairs, kitchen fixtures and accessories Trolleys, baskets and stands Structures, uplift hooks Beds and furniture accessories, medical appliances Pushchairs frame and brackets, baby carriages, handlebars. Born to grow filo Application industries Supermarket furnishing Household appliances apes and uses Buy sight unseen “The quality leap was done in 1995 – continues Luca – when we moved from Marone on Lake Iseo, the initial location of the company, to Corte Franca, where we still have three buildings that cover a total of 3,000 m2. Of the three buildings, the first is the bending and spot-welding facility for the wire products, the second is the cutting facility and the third is the welding and storage facility. In total there is a head count of 22 in the company, approx. 15 employees plus 4/5 people that belong to a cooperative”. The first wire bending system purchased was Montorfano, one of the first vertical machines that was in operation from 1976 up to 2005. “Those were manually loaded machines; I still remember the pneumatic noise during the bending operations” recalls Bontempi. “In 1993/94 we purchased a machine with an electronic panel, automatic sliding blocks and loader that was in operation up to 5 years ago, while in ‘96/97 we got a used machine from an affiliate company of Chicco”continues Bontempi. “To reach today’s date, in 2006 we purchased the first 2010 wire bender from Montorfano and then last year we got a used Montorfano ma- chine dated 2003”. The pride and joy of our machine shop however is the DH2010 VGP, which was purchased in 2010 from BLM without even ever seeing it.“Only hearing about the all-electric technology combined with the VGP was enough for me to understand the evolution of the product with the acquisition of Montorfano by the BLM Group” points out Luca. The customer is pleased that BLM is handling the product, which in this way has been further developed both mechanically and electro-mechanically with Siemens components and VGP software. 27 BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.50 Pagina 28 At Nitator, in Sweden, the laser has revolutionised production INSPIRED FOR TUBE Automotive of truck chassis systems What we need, when we need it e are in the south of Sweden to visit Nitator, whose name derives from Latin, meaning progressive development, which is the company’s characteristic feature. Ian-Eric Petersson, owner and managing director explains how the company, as it is today, was started in 1983 by his father and with only seven employees dedicated to the sub-supply in the heavy automobile industry. Nowadays, the group consists of two companies in Sweden with approximately 150 employees and another company in Lithuania with a further 90 employees and an on-going partnership with a Chinese company. W Skilled consultants 28 tinues Petersson.“Today we have 25 welding robots on multiple stations. Then there was the need for a painting booth, which at the end of the ‘80s required an investment equal to the entire turnover of the previous year”. of the batches was worrying – says Petersson – now we are able to produce what we need, when we need it, therefore benefiting the production process”. From raw material to finished product with just one station “We started working with tube right from the beginning in 1983 to make truck structures. The tubes were outsourced and then assembled in house,” continues Mr. Petersson.“When the first lasertube machines came out on the market, the advantages were quite clear, but our production volumes could not justify such an expense. Recently, the more consistent orders received have allowed us to purchase a lasertube system. The advantage was noticed not only in the increased production and precision, but also in the possibility of making different shapes that were previously unthinkable. The easy prototyping makes it possible to experiment different solutions and thereby to quickly find the most advantageous solution that can be sent directly into production without the need for costly equipment”. The laser machines arrived at the beginning of the ‘90s. Introduction of the laser technology, first with the sheet processing machines and then the LT Combo by the BLM Group was an extremely important step and brought about numerous advantages. The main and most renowned customers for which Nitator produces chassis systems are Volvo and Scania. The job is delicate and requires a high level of specific competence. While Petersson shows us a valuable model of the first chassis prototype for trucks made by Nitator, he in fact explains how their skill in the field allows them to be something more than just simple sub-suppliers and how they are real specialised consultants in the production of chassis systems. “Our customers include very large companies who we have managed to continue working with thanks to an efficient service that involves not only the product with its extremely high quality but also, more generally an all-round service, which includes top quality technical and logistics support. In fact, what we sell is the knowhow. We know what’s behind a product, which is something that not everyone knows”. Automation of the cutting process eliminated the errors arising with manual work; moreover, the greater precision of laser cutting guaranteed greater reliability in the downstream process, during the robotized welding stage and, last but not least, an increase in the production output thanks to laser cutting and optimisation of material handling which is now processed by a single station from the raw material to the finished product, which is ready for welding. “Moreover, our philosophy has always been to maintain a high added value of our products by investing in technology, which is why we made heavy investments in the welding robot” con- Even the material flow on the shop floor has had a positive evolution thanks to the laser. “When we had to depend on suppliers, the size OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 Prototyping is easy and flexible For companies like Nitator, who are more than just a plain supplier, this versatility to offer tailored solutions to its customers is very important.“Nowadays, we are able to give our customers suggestions on how to produce more efficiently. Customers are not always prepared to modify their drawings, but when you are able to give them suggestions, this is a great advantage. Our competitors are very aggressive, particularly in the East, but our strong point is the use of technology. Low technology can sometimes mean low costs, but with an increase in production the overall cost is offset and quality makes the difference”. BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.50 Pagina 29 29 INSPIRED FOR TUBE Automotive BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.50 Pagina 30 Assistance and unattended shift “We look for reliability, precision and, of course, production output in the machinery that we buy,” explains Petersson. “The systems are thoroughly analysed, calculating the production output of the overall process. When we started thinking about the production of tube in house, we had a good look round, visiting suppliers and exhibitions and we immediately thought that BLM was the right company for tube handling. Another aspect that could not be left aside was the availability of a valid and effective technical assistance service for spare parts and fast on-site service needs. We knew Mr Edstroemm, BLM’s agent in Sweden, for years even though we had not yet had the opportunity to do business with him, with his technical assistance structure, and the result was successful. 30 OCTOBER 2010 NUMBER 13 Nitator purchased an LT Combo system complete with automatic steel sheet feeding system, spider speed (Ragno speed), that was able to guarantee unattended shift work. To do so, Petersson confesses to have had to fight his natural inclination that forces him not to trust any combined systems.“What convinced me – he says – was the possibility of an unattended night shift with the steel sheet system fitted with spider speed (Ragno speed) and although the machine was a combined system, there was no compromise in processing the tube”. “For the future, I feel that the time has come to increase in size, that is, in terms of production area, also to improve the material flow within the facilities. As regards the machinery, I think that the next investment could well be in a specific lasertube system.This will be the next step”. “I’ve found BLM to be a competent company who knows all about tube processing and not only; I was well impressed with the technological level that was perceived when I visited the headquarters in Italy”. This was the reason behind Petersson’s choice, who added with a smile “of course even inflation of the Euro in this period also helped us to choose”.As far as we’re concerned, we have absolutely no doubt! Bimu - Milano (Italy) September 5 – 9, 2010 BLM Group: Hall 18 – Stand D08-F03-D06-F01 1999 raphic programming software for systems takes on an increasingly important role both in Adige and BLM. The VGP3D for bending and TubeWork for laser cutting make it possible to implement complex programs in total safety without necessarily being specialised in computer language. 2001 Overseas landing T he American market appreciates the BLM and Adige with increasing interest and the group takes advantage of this tendency to cross the ocean by creating the BLM GROUP USA Corp. 2002 Electric bending N o more oil, no more noise, no more adjusting, the BLM bending systems become more versatile, modern and Green Tech. 2004 Born to grow G EuroBlech - Hannover (Germany) October 26 – 30, 2010 BLM Group: Hall 12 – Stand B14-B15-B19 FabTech - Atlanta (USA) November 2 – 4, 2010 BLM Group: Hall B – Stand 2647 Visual graphic programming INSPIRED FOR TUBE EVENTS 2010 BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.50 Pagina 31 The Far East C hina starts to show potential and BLM isn’t going to miss out; it sets up the BLM GROUP Shanghai 2005 LT Combo A crucial turning point in the evolution of the combined laser cutting system that leads it towards an ever-increasing success. 2006 … and South America T he long commercial presence (since 1970) in Brazil, a country that is growing strong, consolidates with opening of the BLM GROUP do Brazil office. 2008 Not only tube! I n the end of 2008 the takeover of Officina Meccanica Montorfano, specialized in the manufacturing of patented multihead machines for tube and wire bending, allowed BLM to increase its range of products. 2009 Fibre laser A dige and Adige-Sys experiment the new fibre laser sources with unanimously appreciated results in terms of quality. The first products are the LT Fibre and LT Combo Fibre systems. 2010 More novelties … P resentation of several new systems: the new lasertube LT8 (the best performing system in circulation for lasertube processing), SMART (the new small bending machine of the AllElectric family) the ELECT (also part of the All-electric world), the DH2000 VGP (wire bending machine), the MULTFLEX, (new cutting line) … 2011 ….. OTHER MILESTONES LIE AHEAD! 31 INSPIRED FOR TUBE BLM 13 ING_BLM intero ITA imp 27/09/10 11.50 Pagina 32 Also available in pdf format on: www.blmgroup.com
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