Caro, Sono Bianca Costantini, sono mamma di una


Caro, Sono Bianca Costantini, sono mamma di una
Sono Bianca Costantini, sono mamma di una bellissima bimba di 15 mesi e un’Assistente di Direzione
che da oltre 15 anni lavora in ambito internazionale e multiculturale, parlo 4 lingue e amo il mio
La mia avventura in ambito internazionale comincia dopo la laurea in Lingue, quando, dopo brevi
esperienze nel settore privato, inizio a lavorare per un’organizzazione internazionale: l’Agenzia
Spaziale Europea (ESA,, prima nella sede Italiana (ESRIN, Frascati), e poi in
Olanda, dove ho lavorato e vissuto per cinque anni.
L’esperienza lavorativa all’estero in un’organizzazione internazionale quale l’ESA è stata
fondamentale per sviluppare le competenze indispensabili in ambito multiculturale. Comunicare
quotidianamente in inglese e francese, lingue ufficiali dell’Agenzia, e interagire con nazionalità
diverse sono il miglior esercizio per mantenere la mente aperta, sviluppare empatia con culture
diverse dalla nostra ma soprattutto accettare tali differenze ed appropriarsi di nuovi schemi culturali
utili per affrontare le sfide della multiculturalità.
Esperienza tanto fondamentale da dire che non potrei più farne a meno, anche ora che sono tornata
in Italia. Dal 2006 lavoro infatti per l’European Training Foundation
(, un’agenzia dell’Unione Europea, con sede a
Torino. L’ETF è un’agenzia specializzata dell’Unione europea che aiuta i paesi partner1 a sfruttare le
potenzialità del loro capitale umano nel contesto delle politiche dell'UE per le relazioni esterne.
In ETF ho iniziato come Recruitment Assistant, nell’Unità delle Risorse Umane. Ho accolto centinaia
di candidati di svariate nazionalità che venivano a Torino per posizioni diverse. Quasi sempre tesi e
nervosi il giorno dei colloqui, è stato utile per me e per loro, mettere a frutto le mie doti di ascolto
ed empatia.
Dal 2010 sono Executive Assistant nell’Operations Department, il “core business” dell’ETF. Dal 2010
ad oggi ho lavorato come assistente di managers di diverse nazionalità: un inglese, un danese,
un’austriaca e una greca.
Ma le sfide più faticose e gratificanti al tempo stesso le ho avute lavorando all’organizzazione di
eventi. Primo fra tutti il “Torino Process” 9-11 Maggio 2011, evento al quale hanno partecipato 286
invitati provenienti da tutti i paesi partner dell’ETF, dal bacino del Mediterraneo, all’Asia Centrale ai
Balcani, membri di organizzazioni internazionali, rappresentanti della Commissione Europea e di
altre istituzioni europee, esperti internazionali, Ministri e alte cariche politiche
E’ sicuramente stato l’evento più impegnativo della mia carriera, per l’alto numero di partecipanti, le
numerose sessioni, i workshops e meeting bilaterali, il programma culturale e soprattutto la
partecipazioni di Ministri da molti dei paesi partner dell’ETF. Ecco alcuni feedback ricevuti a
conclusione dell’evento dai miei superiori:
“Dear Bianca,
Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaigian, Bielorussia, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Egitto, ex Repubblica iugoslava di
Macedonia, Georgia, Islanda, Israele, Giordania, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kirghizistan, Libano, Libia, Repubblica
moldova, Montenegro, Marocco, Palestina, Russia, Serbia, Siria, Tagikistan, Tunisia, Turchia, Turkmenistan,
Ucraina e Uzbekistan.
Your performance in preparing the Torino conference has been outstanding - and you have kept your
customary high level of professionalism and positive, practical attitude towards the corporate
interest and cooperation with colleagues from all services, as well as with external stakeholders of all
Thank you
Peter Greenwood
Head of Evidence Based Policy Making Department”
“Dear Bianca
In addition to the Director's message yesterday, I would like to express my warm thanks to you for
your handling of participants for the TP event. Your professional, service-oriented approach ensured
a smooth invitation-process and a quick approval of individual travel requests. Despite the
complexity of this event, several changes and peaks during the planning process, you kept a strong
focus on providing quality information and ensuring close cooperation with internal colleagues and
our partners at AIM.
So in short: Well done!
Have a great weekend.
Kind regards
Bent Sorensen
Head of Unit, ETF Communication Unit”
Questo è solo un esempio dei tanti eventi organizzati fino ad oggi.
Elasticità e flessibilità sono sicuramente le parole chiave del mio lavoro, insieme a professionalità e
voglia di mettersi continuamente in gioco per affrontare le sfide quotidiane della multiculturalità.
 Check stakeholders’ availability for the proposed dates (3-5 June 2015): send an email to
their assistants to enquire, ask them to reply within two days)
 Prepare a draft budget taking into consideration all possible expenses: hotel, catering,
welcome dinner, meeting room, transfers from/to hotel, guided tour, translation of material
 Contact the Finance Unit for approval of the budget
 Once received the stakeholders’ availability:
o book meeting room
o hotel reservation (make provisional booking of 4 single rooms for 3 nights at Hotel
Principi di Piemonte, as first option)
o contact restaurant for welcome dinner and ask for different menu proposals
o contact tour organiser to check their availability to have a guided tour on 4 June
from 16:00
o contact catering and ask quotes for lunches and coffee breaks (vegetarian and “no
pork” menu choices), plus water on the table during the meeting
 Send official invitation letter to all participants (annex Agenda and visa template in case they
need entry visa to Italy)
 Confirm flights details with stakeholders’ assistants
 According to flights schedules confirm number of nights for each participant to the hotel
 Get in touch with the transfers company to schedule transfers from Turin airport to the
 Choose the menu for the welcome dinner and confirm it to the restaurant
 Confirm menus to catering for lunches and coffee breaks menus
 Coordinate internal collection of material for the meeting
 Ask as well external invitees in case they want to send documents or PowerPoint
presentations in advance
 Meeting room on-site inspection: check technical equipment and room layout (boardroom,
PowerPoint projector, microphones, lights); if needed prepare signage with indications for
the meeting room, reception and rest rooms
 Prepare nameplates with invitees names to be put on the meeting table
 Prepare folders with docs and presentations (check that all documentation received is in
English. In case not, contact translation company and ask translation by end of May)
 After the event: send thank you emails to all participants with Minutes of meeting and
relevant discussion documents or presentations
 Schedule an internal meeting for event debriefing and evaluation
 Collect all invoices and check them against budget
 Get in touch with the Finance Unit for payment of all invoices within maximum one month
from the event date
Quarterly meeting
Turin, 4-5 June 2015
MAY 2015
JUNE 2015
1 Public Holiday - Labour Day
2 Revise all logistic details carefully
3 EVENT (Welcome dinner h 19:30)
4 check availability of invitees for 3-5 June
5 prepare draft budget and contact Finance Unit
6 book meeting room and hotel rooms, draft invitation
letters and programme and get them signed by
7 send out invitation letters and Agenda
8 contact restaurants and catering and ask quotes for
dinner, lunches and coffee breaks ; contact tour
8 Sending "Thank you" emails with Minutes
9 Event debriefing & evaluation internal meeting
10 Checking event invoices against budget
11 (Payments within 30 days by GE Italy)
13 Deadline for confirmations
14 Send reminders if needed or thank you emails Ask for materials/presentations by 22/5
15 Confirm flight details with stakeholders' assistants 15
18 Confirm nights to hotel; book transfers
19 Confirm menus to restaurant and catering
22 Deadline for receiving presentations/materials
25 Translation of documents needed?
26 Meeting room on-site inspection
27 Prepare nameplates and signage
29 Prepare folders with all supporting documents
Viale dell’Energia, 77
I - 10177 Torino, Italy
Green Energy International
TEL +39 011 630 7777
FAX +39 011 630 2299
EMAIL [email protected]
Title Name Surname
Job Title
Post Code / City
6 May 2015
Ref. nr. 2015-301
Invitation to the “Green Energy International Quarterly meeting”, 3-5 June 2015, Turin
Dear Mr/Ms,
I am pleased to invite you to the 2015 second meeting of the Director’s Management Team of Green Energy
International (GEI), that will take place on June 4 and 5 2015 in Turin, Italy.
The meeting will focus on budget monitoring and will be the occasion to discuss the 2015 work programme
It would be an honour if you could join us for the meeting and the welcome dinner that will take place on 3 June
2015 at 19:30.
Enclosed you will find the Agenda of the meeting and some practical information. The working languages of the
meeting will be English. Please note that you will be expected to make all arrangements for your travel, while
Green Energy Italy will cover the costs of transfers from/to the airport, accommodation (excluding extras) and
I would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance, to my assistant, Ms Bianca Costantini (email
[email protected], phone +39 011 6302335) by 14 May. Should you need a visa to enter Italy, please fill in
the enclosed template and return it to my assistant at your earliest convenience.
I look forward to meeting you in Turin.
Yours sincerely,
Marco Pinco
GEI Director
Agenda, Visa template letter
Viale dell’Energia, 77
I - 10177 Torino, Italy
Green Energy International
Green Energy International Quarterly meeting
Torino Incontra, Via Nino Costa 8, Turin, Italy
3 June 2015: Welcome dinner, Circolo dei lettori,
Via G. Bogino 9, turin
TEL +39 011 630 7878
FAX +39 011 630 9999
EMAIL [email protected]
4-5 June 2015: GEI Quarterly meeting
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Meeting in the Lobby of Hotel Principi di Piemonte, transfer by bus
Dinner at Circolo dei lettori, Via Giambattista Bogino 9 Torino
Thursday 4 June 2015
Welcome and opening remarks
9:15 – 9:45
9:30 – 9:45
Mr Marco Pinco, GE Italy Director
General overview and progress update
Mr Alexander Brown, Head of Finance Unit, GE Italy
9:45 – 10:45
Session 1: Work Programme 2015 implementation : monitoring of
planned activities: GE China
Mr Xang Lee, GE China
11:00 – 11:30
Coffee break
11:00 – 12.30
Session 2 : Work Programme 2015 implementation : monitoring of
planned activities: GE Portugal
Mr Joao Pessoa, GE Portugal
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:45
Buffet lunch
Session 3 : Work Programme 2015 implementation : monitoring of
planned activities: GE Mozambique
Mrs Eduarda Maria Beira, GE Mozambique
14:45 – 15:30
Session 4: Work Programme 2015 implementation : monitoring of
planned activities: GE Egypt
Mr Ahmed Nader, GE Egypt
15:30 – 16:00
Social Programme: Guided Tour
16:00 -19:00
(see programme in annex)
Friday 5 June 2015
Wrap up
9:00 – 9:15
Mr Marco Pinco, GE Italy Director
Budget update
9:30 – 9:45
Mr Alexander Brown, Head of Finance Unit, GE Italy
9:45 – 10:45
Session 1 : Evaluation and budget monitoring
11:00 – 11:30
Coffee break
11:00 – 12.30
Session 2 : Session 1 continued
13:00 – 14:00
Buffet lunch
Session 3 : Budget forecast for 2016
14:00 – 15:45
Mr Alexander Brown, Head of Finance Unit, GE Italy
Conclusions and final remarks
15:45 – 16:00
Mr Marco Pinco, GE Italy Director
Viale dell’Energia, 77
I - 10177 Torino, Italy
Green Energy International
TEL +39 011 630 7777
FAX +39 011 630 2299
EMAIL [email protected]
xxx Embassy in xxx, xxx
Telephone: xxx
Email: xxx
Turin, Date
Issuing of Entry Visa for Italy
The GE Italy – Green Energy Italy is a global leader in innovative power and control technologies for highgrowth, precision power conversion solutions. We are based in Turin, Italy, and are operational since 1998.
A Site Agreement between the GEI and the Italian government assures the issuing of entry visas at short notice
and with no cost.
We would greatly appreciate if you could issue an Entry Visa for Italy to Mr/Ms [Name Surname], [title, function,
Organisation, address of the organisation, City and Country of origin] who has been invited to participate in the
[title of the meeting] which will take place in Turin, Italy from 3 to 5 June 2015.
Please note that Mr/Ms [Surname] is not yet in possession of his/her travel ticket and we kindly ask you to take
his/her travelling days into consideration.
For further information, please contact Ms Bianca Costantini, (tel.: 00 39 011 632335, e-mail:
[email protected]
We will be in contact with your services in order to follow up this request.
Yours sincerely,
Marco Pinco
GEI Director
Viale dell’Energia, 77
I - 10177 Torino, Italy
TEL +39 011 630 7878
FAX +39 011 630 9999
[email protected]
Green Energy International
Green Energy International Quarterly meeting
Turin, 4 June 2015
At 16.00 meeting with an English speaking guide at Torino Incontra.
Tour of the best known sites and baroque masterpieces of the city, which was founded by the
Romans and became the first capital of Italy in 1861. Torino is also known for its cinema history, in
particular for one of the most important horror directors, Dario Argento, who set some of his movies – such
as Deep Red (Profondo Rosso) and Suspiria – in Torino.
The link between cinema and the city is also represented
by the Mole Antonelliana: it is the National Cinema
Museum of Torino.
And yet it’s not a museum. At least not in the traditional
meaning of the term.
The Museum is
one of the most
important of its
kind thanks to its
vast collection and
its many different
scientific and
activities. What
makes it truly
unique is its special exhibit setup. The museum is located inside the
Mole Antonelliana, a fascinating monument which is the symbol of
the city.
The Museum is more than a museum and whoever enters it isn’t just
a visitor but also an explorer, an author, an actor, a spectator… to
whom the Museum offers the emotions of an experience we hope
won’t be easily forgotten.
The exhibition covers 3.200 square meters, 5 floors and a
spectacular elevator offering a view of the Temple Hall and a breathtaking city panorama.
After the visit, the excursion moves on to another Torino tradition: the historical cafès, stopping at Cafè
Baratti & Milano.
The historical cafès have played an important role
during the years of Italian unification, as they were
important meeting points for the most famous
aristocrats and politicians. Here you can taste the
famous “Bicerin”, loved by Alexandre Dumas, made by
a hot combination of chocolate, coffee and milk.
Return to the Hotel is scheduled at 19.00.
“Green Energy International Quarterly Meeting” – 3-5 June 2015
Menu for Welcome Dinner, 3 June 2015
(includes 3 courses, desserts, wine or soft drink, water and coffee/tea)
Asparagus pudding with clams chowder and fish
Borage potato dumplings with fresh tomatoes
and fried sage
Blanched Turbot, endive, red chicory, serverd
with typical Piedmont sauces
Raspberry and yogurt parfait with lime sauce
Homemade Ice Cream and Sorbet
Langhe Arneis Doc
Dolcetto d’Alba Doc
Soft drinks
Coffee or tea
Menu Buffet Lunch 4 June 2015
Chicken salad with cheese fondue
Asparagus Risotto
A variety of typical cheese from Piedmont with
honey and jam
Fruit basket, Tiramisù
Barbaresco Doc
Moscato d’Asti Doc
Soft drinks
Coffee or tea
Menu Buffet Lunch 5 June 2015
Castelmagno cheese pie with honey
Homemade ravioli of fonduta cheese butter and
Fillet of trout with almonds and parsley potatoes
Fruit basket, Bonet
Langhe Arneis Docg
Barbera Docg
Soft drinks
Coffee or tea
Menu Coffee breaks, 4 & 5 June 2015
Coffee, Tea
Assorted fruit juices
Homemade break with jam
Chocolate pastries
Salty muffins