Student Handbook - Grant Beacon Middle School
Student Handbook - Grant Beacon Middle School
Family and Student Handbook 1751 S. Washington St Denver, CO 80210 720-‐423-‐9360 (office) 720-‐423-‐9385 (Fax) Contact Information 2015-‐2016 Daily School Schedule 24 Hr. Attendance line: 720-‐423-‐9363 Main Office: 720-‐423-‐9360 Office Fax: 720-‐423-‐9385 Monday -‐ Thursday 7:35 AM – 3:55PM Friday 10:00 AM – 3:55 PM Welcome to Grant Beacon Middle School (GBMS) OUR MISSION: Achieve, Lead, and Grow Together Grant Beacon Middle School is committed to the high achievement and growth of every student, providing a college preparatory program of study that sets high expectations and requires critical thinking and problem solving skills. Through the integration of technology and collaborative work of students, staff, families, and community partners, GBMS will bring together its neighborhoods’ diverse communities and prepare students with the academic knowledge and 21st century leadership skills necessary for college and career success. Our Values GBMS Character Traits Leadership * Perseverance * Integrity * Curiosity * Kindness Beacon Contract All Parents, Students, and Advisory Teachers are expected to sign the Beacon Contract. Signing this document indicates you understand the expectations at Grant Beacon Middle School and will live up to these expectations in order to promote student achievement. A copy of this contract is in the appendix of this handbook. School Calendar Grant Beacon Middle School does not follow the DPS calendar. We create our own school calendar and daily schedule. Please check our website for any calendar changes. Our Model: GETTING TO AND FROM SCHOOL GBMS Program Innovations Technology Enhanced Teaching • Blended Learning • 1 to 1 technology • Promethean Boards Rigorous Academics • Common Core aligned to Essential Learning Goals. • Data teams • Intervention Programs: Math 180 and Read 180 • Pre-‐AP Pathways • Extended day interventions. Extended Learning Opportunities • Teacher led enrichments and interventions. • Community led enrichment programming • Programming in: STEM, student leadership, athletics, arts and culture, humanities, interventions and advanced classes. • Summer school and 6th grade academy Character Development • Family time advisory • Grade level celebrations and awards • Student leadership opportunities Students should ARRIVE at school between 7:15-‐7:30 AM. Students not in class by 7:35 will be considered tardy. Students should DEPART school grounds by 4:10 PM unless accompanied by a GBMS staff member. WALKERS All students and adult role models walking to or from school must cross at the designated crosswalks. DROP OFF Students should be dropped off on South Washington Street or on Pearl Street, which is on the West side of the building. When students are dropped off they should report to the blacktop. PERSONAL VEHICLES All drop-‐offs and pick-‐ups will need to use the signed areas on South Washington or South Pearl Street. BUS RULES Students who do not follow the rules will receive a bus referral. Consequences will follow the school as well as the DPS Transportation Department behavior system. DPS Transportation reserves the right to suspend students off the bus for misconduct. Chronic problems may result in suspension from the bus for the remainder of the year, at which time it will then be the responsibility of parents to arrange for transportation. Students riding the school bus: • Must sit in the seats designated by the bus driver, and remain seated for the duration of the trip • Must speak in a quiet conversational voice • Must follow the bus driver’s directions • Must not eat or drink on the bus • Must not fight, shove, push, or argue Remember: Riding the school bus is a privilege. Repeated and/or serious misconduct could result in loss of riding privileges. BEFORE AND AFTER-‐SCHOOL The grounds are not supervised and the building is locked until 7:15 AM. Students should not enter the building before 7:30 AM unless they have specific business approved by teachers or office staff. Students must enter the building through the blacktop entrances. If the temperature is below 320 F, then the building will be opened at 7:15 AM and students will be supervised in the auditorium. Students must sit in designated grade-‐level areas and wait to be dismissed by rows at 7:30 am. Dismissal is at 3:55 PM and students need to be picked up at this time. All students are expected to leave the school grounds by 4:10 PM unless accompanied by at GBMS staff sponsor. Parents may phone the school to relay emergency messages to students regarding changes in plans for transportation home. These messages must be received prior to 3:20 p.m. if possible. EARLY PICK UP Parents may pick up their child at any time during the school day, but they must report to the school office to sign their child out of school. The teacher will be contacted and will send your child to the office with their belongings. The office, not the Classroom Teacher, will then release students. Only parents (or adults authorized by parents that are listed on the emergency card) may sign children out of school during the school day. Someone other than their parent may take students out of school only when written permission of the parent has been provided in advance. Proof of identification will be required. Please notify the office of any other arrangements if your child needs to be picked up by an adult who is NOT listed on your child’s registration card. Please note that a person NOT listed on the registration card will not be allowed to take your child without notification from you and without a picture ID identifying them as the person you told us would be picking up your child. WE WILL STRICTLY ADHERE TO THIS POLICY. Please alert school administrators regarding court-‐restraining orders and provide a copy of the official document. Without legal documentation we cannot restrict pick-‐up by a non-‐ custodial parent. AFTER-‐SCHOOL REFOCUS 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. After-‐school refocus will be assigned as an intervention to students who are: habitually disruptive throughout the day; tardy three or more times to school; caught in a hall sweep after the bell rings between classes; out of dress code; missing their ID; sent down to the Dean with a referral. Transportation for After-‐School Refocus will be provided on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Parents will be notified via a phone call from the student or dean or a letter sent home. If a student is placed in After-‐School Refocus on Monday or Friday it is the responsibility of the parent to make transportation arrangements. Students cannot ride the after-‐school bus if they were not part of an after-‐ school intervention with a teacher or staff member. Saturday School Saturday School will be assigned as an intervention to students who: are truant from 4-‐5; truant from class; habitually tardy or absent; have earned 3 or more After-‐School Refocus in one month; sent to the student center with a referral; are habitually disruptive; or have been suspended. It is a quiet study hall staffed by teachers and administrators. Saturday School is available to all students with parent communication to school administration. Saturday schools are held from 8:30 am-‐12:00 pm the seconf and fourth Saturday of the month. Transportation is not provided. Parents will be informed through a phone call, email or letter home if students are required to attend Saturday School. Failure to attend an assigned after-‐school refocus can result in an In-‐School Intervention or Suspension. The Denver Public Schools policy concerning closing school during inclement weather is as follows: Occasionally, schools are closed or delayed for emergencies. The Superintendent upon advice of the Transportation Supervisor and/or the other central administrators makes the final decision. The principals are notified when the decision has been made. The decision is made before 6:00 AM of the day affected and radio stations are notified so they can broadcast this information. The official stations are: KGNU (88.5 FM) KWBI (91.1 FM) KYGO (98.5 FM; 1600 AM) KCFR (90.1 FM) KBCO (97.3 FM) KOSI (101.1 FM) KDKK (104.3 FM) KXKL (KOOL) (105.1 FM) KQKS (107.5 FM) KHOW (630 AM; 95.7 FM) KOA (850 AM) KKFN (950 AM) KBNO (1220 AM) KBVI (1490 AM) TV stations 2,4, 7, 9,10 and 13. ATTENDANCE AND TARDIES ATTENDANCE AND REPORTING OF ABSENCES It is essential that parents make sure their child is at school, on time, everyday. However, if your child is going to be absent due to illness, legal obligations or a family emergency, please call and leave a message at 720-‐423-‐9363. To ensure the safety and well-‐being of our students, parents of absentee children who have not called in to report the absence will be contacted by our school attendance clerk or our social worker. School district policy requires that students be in school unless they are too ill to attend. A student who has more than 10 days of unexcused absences during a school year is in violation of the state attendance law and will be referred to the school social worker. If students are out of school for 3 or more days due to an illness, a note from a doctor will be required to excuse the absences. Please do not plan extended family trips during regularly scheduled school days. Provision of assignments during such absences is at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Extended absences can be very disruptive to a child's educational program. Good attendance is also important for our school funding. DPS has one official attendance count day. This count day is Wednesday, October 1, 2015. Our school goal is 95% average daily attendance. Prompt school attendance is required. Students with 100% attendance will be acknowledged monthly during our community grade-‐level meetings and they will be rewarded during lunch. Grade-‐levels will be acknowledged weekly during our community meetings and when they meet our attendance goal of 95% every student in the grade will be rewarded during lunch. TARDY POLICY It is important that each student is in his or her classroom and prepared at 7:35 AM. If students are late, they miss important early instruction, and slow the learning of other students when the teacher has to repeat information and instruction. Tardy students must report to the office to receive a pass to class. When students are tardy three or more times they will be assigned After-‐School Refocus from 4:00 – 5:00 PM. Habitually tardy students may be referred to the social worker. Dress Code GENERAL POLICIES EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS You must provide at least three names and phone numbers of people to contact in an emergency. This information must be updated if it changes during the school year. This is essential for safety of your child and of the school so we are able to find parents whose children need them. Thank you for this important information. DRESS CODE Grant Beacon Middle School maintains the policy that all students are expected to be in dress code each school day. GBMS enforces the dress code policy in all aspects. Students out of dress code will have to call home, change clothes and serve an After-‐School Refocus that afternoon from 4:00-‐5:00pm. In addition, students with repeated defiance in the area of dress code violations may be required to wear a GBMS uniform to school. Dress code is outlined in the box to the right; however, all violations are up to the discretion of Administration. Students who are out of dress code will be offered an opportunity to comply by bringing alternative clothes, using loaner outfits, or removing piercings. Non-‐compliance will result in a referral for defiance and/or suspension from school. LOST AND FOUND A lost and found is located in the lunchroom. The lost and found is emptied and donated every 10 (ten) days. If your child has lost an item please check there first. Students should have their names on all clothing and other items brought to school. MONEY AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Personal property brought to school is the responsibility of the student, and at their own risk. Neither GBMS staff, nor Denver Public Schools is responsible for any lost or stolen items, nor will the school spend time or energy on finding or reclaiming stolen or lost personal items (i.e. iPods, cell phones, hand held games, etc.). If students have an emergency and need to use a phone, they should always ask an adult for permission to use a school phone. CELL PHONES GBMS strictly enforces its’ no cell phone or tablet policy. If students have a phone or tablet at school, it should always be turned off, kept secured, and out of sight/sound during school hours. If a communication, music, or gaming device is used during school hours, it will be confiscated and considered a “lost item,” meaning school staff has no responsibility to secure the item. If a student continues to break the cell phone rule, school staff may hold the phone and a parent or guardian can come to reclaim it at the school. Allowed ●T-‐shirts or collared shirts that cover chest, shoulders, and mid-‐drift. ●Pants, shorts, skirts and dresses of appropriate size and length (at least 2” below student’s fingertips and not sagging below the waist) ●Hoodies are allowed, but hoods cannot be worn on the head at any time. ● IDs and bus passes (if applicable) MUST be worn on a lanyard around student’s neck at all times with no exception. Not Allowed ●Sagging pants / shorts ●Short skirts / shorts (shorter than two inches below the fingertips) ●Low collar shirts ●Pajama pants or slippers ●Ripped/torn jeans ●Tank tops ●Half-‐shirts or crop tops ●Clothing with inappropriate messaging such as drugs, alcohol, or degradation towards groups of people. ●Sunglasses ●Hats or hoods ●Coats (in the building) ●Gang affiliated clothing or shoe items/colors (solid or mostly solid red, purple, blue), bandanas, tagging on body or possessions. ●Distracting hairstyles ●Headphones outside of class ●Non-‐religious head coverings ●Visible tattoos ●Body Art ●Facial Piercings Student ID Cards and Bus Passes School IDs and Bus Passes (if applicable) are required to be worn on a lanyard around students neck and clearly visible at all times. All students will wear an identification photo card at all times on a lanyard around their neck during the school day. If students ride a bus, their bus pass must accompany their ID. Students will be responsible for replacing any lost bus p ass at a cost of $3.00. Students will not be able to board the bus without a school bus pass. Students will be issued one lanyard that connects to the student identification photo. Additional lanyards can be purchased in the School Store. The school will provide the initial identification photos and School IDs will be distributed in the first two weeks of school. Students will be responsible for replacing any lost identification photo at a cost of $5.00. Failure to wear School IDs is considered a GBMS dress code violation, and 4-‐5 After School Refocus will be assigned. PETS: Cats and dogs are not allowed in the school or on school property. HALLWAY / BATHROOM PASSES Students should not leave the classroom for any reason unless allowed by an adult. All bathroom and water breaks must be taken during passing periods. Only GBMS Hall Passes will be permitted. The school nurse will make staff aware of any conditions that might require a student leaving class. Students who request to use the restroom on a frequent basis should be referred to the school nurse to determine if a physical condition exists necessitating the student’s frequent trips out of the classroom. Bathrooms will only be used for their intended purposes. When students are not in class they are to have a hallway pass or a designated bathroom pass. Only one student may leave the classroom at a time. Lunch is also a class. Each teacher will be assigned one Hall Pass. These are the only recognized passes when students leave a classroom. NO STUDENT IS TO BE IN THE HALL WITHOUT A PASS. ADVISORY FAMILIES Every student will be assigned to an Advisory Family class. The Advisory Families will meet during first period at the beginning of each day. Breakfast will be served Monday-‐Thursday during the morning Advisory Family-‐time. Students will work with advisory teachers on goal setting at the beginning of the week, and on Friday’s character development and team building activities will be completed. POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORTS GBMS is committed to focusing on positive behaviors and rewarding our students who are showing great character and academics. We do this through the following rituals and routines: Friday grade level community celebrations, student of the week awards, character trait awards, Griffin Bucks, Friday GBMS spirit wear competitions, attendance incentives and school wide celebrations such as socials, carnivals and field trips. Student participation in these events can be determined by behavior, character traits or academic progress. LUNCH EXPECTATIONS Students are to report to lunch on time every day. Students will be required to have their student ID visible, on a lanyard around their neck when entering the cafeteria. If a student does not have their photo ID upon entering the cafeteria they can be assigned an After School Refocus. Due to cafeteria capacity, boys and girls eat lunch and attend recess separately Monday-‐Thursday. Half way through the lunch hour the lunchroom advisor will radio to the recess advisor to prepare the switch from cafeteria to recess or vice-‐versa. In the cafeteria the expectation is that everyone finds a seat and is silent to prepare for dismissal to recess. Lunchroom advisor will dismiss students by row and will ensure that: no trash is left behind or on the floor; trays are stacked; floors are swept. Outside, it is the expectation that all students participate in an outside activity. It is the expectation that all student follow GBMS school rules and character traits in the cafeteria. Cell phones and tablets are not permitted at lunch and recess. Failure to do this can result in Lunch Detention or missing out on recess. On Fridays, all students eat lunch together after Friday Community Meeting. When the weather does not permit, students will need to be inside during recess time. Instead of girls and boys reporting outside they will report to the auditorium and/or gym. An announcement will be made prior to lunch hour time notifying teachers and students if it is an inside day due to inclement weather. LUNCH DETENTION Lunch detention can be assigned for negative behaviors, failure to complete classwork, attendance, or other student behaviors that can impact their academic and social success. Students will get their lunch and report to a classroom with a teacher. Teacher and student will inform parents via phone call, email or letter home. Lockers Lockers are assigned in advisory classes by advisory . Students are only able access before and after school and before and after lunch. Basic Locker Rules: • Do not share lockers • Backpacks can be stored in lockers and string backpacks can be used in the building • Locker checks will be held once per quarter to ensure lockers are clean and organized • The school security officer, a dean of students, or administration can conduct locker searches. SUPPORT SERVICES Staff Positions: • Dean of Students • Social Worker • School Psychologist • Speech Specialist • Nurse • Campus S ecurity Officer • AN and MI Center Program Staff Safe2Tell Safe2Tell is an anonymous reporting line for anyone who is fearful about a potential violent activity or bullying. 1(877) 542-‐SAFE or Teachers will have the Safe2Tell number posted in their classroom. Digital Citizenship GBMS student are provided with 1 to 1 technology via the Blended Learning Model. Appropriate behavior and responsibility on all technology is a priority and expectation for all students at GBMS. ALL students and p arents are required to review and sign the Digital Citizenship Contract in addition to the Beacon Contract. BUILDING SERVICES FOOD SERVICE Grant Beacon Middle School is proud to be a part of the 4-‐H Food Service Program. This program promotes healthier food options for students. Breakfast Served Monday – Thursday during morning family advisory time to all students free of charge. Please help your child memorize their lunch numbers if they do not know them. For additional information see lunchroom policies in the discipline and procedures section of this handbook. Free & Reduced Breakfast/Lunch Application Forms Your child may qualify for free or reduced meals through the district’s Food Service Department. Forms are available in the registration packet. Please complete the form during registration. If you have questions regarding this program please contact the school office (720) 423-‐9385 and ask for the Food Service Manager. HEALTH SERVICE Since we do not have a full time school nurse, our policy is to only call parents if their child’s condition is significant. Normal childhood scrapes and complaints will be handled within the school setting. Students may be sent to the office or nurse for the following reasons: 1. Bleeding 2. Fever 3. Trouble breathing 4. To take scheduled medication. Students with other minor issues like stomachaches or headaches will be sent back to class. Medications DPS policy requires that no medication may be given at school without a signed DPS form. This policy includes all over-‐the-‐counter medication. Prescription medications may be given only with both the parent’s and the doctor’s signatures on a DPS medication form. Medications must be in their original container with the student’s name on the label. Also, refilling a prescription is the parent’s responsibility. INTERNET AND COMPUTER USE Students have access to one-‐to-‐one technology in the classroom. Specific computer skills are taught to each grade level. The Internet is used for research and to enhance classroom lessons. Internet use must occur under the direct visual supervision of a staff member. All students and parents are asked to sign a Digital Citizenship and Computer/Internet Usage Contract and pay a $25 technology fee (used for maintenance and repair) before using the computers to access the Internet. Inappropriate use of the Internet will result in suspension of computer privileges for that student and possible disciplinary action. In addition, misuse of technology (via phone or personal device that impact the school community) can result in suspension of computer privileges for that student and possible disciplinary action. Computer/Internet Usage Agreement and Online Accounts Consent Form Students have access to one-‐to-‐one technology in the school building. All students and parents who are enrolling into Grant Beacon Middle School for the present year are required to sign the “Computer/Internet Usage Agreement and Online Accounts Consent Form” and pay a $25 technology fee (used for technology repairs and maintenance) before students will be allowed to use any of the school's technology resources. Misconduct regarding the use of the Internet or school equipment will result in suspension of the computer privileges for the student and the student can possibly face disciplinary action. In addition, misuse of technology (via phone or personal device that impact the school community) can result in suspension of computer privileges for that student and possible disciplinary action. Students are responsible for paying damages to any equipment that exceeds the $25 repair fee paid at registration mentioned above. For more information on the “Computer/Internet Usage Agreement and Online Accounts Consent Form” please visit or visit the main office. A copy of the form is in the appendices. COLLEGE CENTER (LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER) All students utilize the library on a regular basis. It is open to individual students throughout the school day. Information skills, which integrate with the curriculum, are cooperatively planned and taught by the Librarian and classroom teachers. Students are responsible for the cost of replacing any books that are lost when checked out in their name. Throughout the year, students may receive some free books to keep through various grants we apply for each year. Students will need to know their student ID number to check out book. ENRICHMENTS At Grant Beacon Middle School we offer a wide array of enrichment activities to all of our students including: advanced, intermediate and intervention classes, classes in STEM, Leadership, Arts and Culture, Athletics and Humanities. Classes are taught by GBMS teachers or community providers and held Monday through Thursday in 9-‐11 week cycles, and change every quarter. These programs provide students with incredible opportunities that are outside of the realm of the traditional school day, and may include field trips off campus. Students have the opportunity sign up for enrichments from a catalog of over 60 different classes per quarter. Students that are not meeting GBMS Academic Expectations will participate in targeted intervention classes. Students not meeting behavior expectations can be assigned a behavior intervention in the enrichment period. GBMS Middle School Sports are integrated into enrichment. All enrichment providers are required to go through the onboarding process with DPS, which includes criminal background checks. More information can be found on the GBMS website at Consequences of Violating Classroom Expectations GBMS Athletics GBMS Discipline Ladder The following DPS Middle School Sports are offered at GBMS • Fall: Cross Country, Boys soccer, Girls Softball, Flag Football and GBMS holds high Girls Volleyball expectations for classroom • Winter: Boys and Girls Basketball behavior for all students. • Spring: Baseball, 6th Grade Boys and Girls Basketball, Girls Soccer Serious offenses, including fighting or defiance, may In addition, enrichment programming can provide non-‐traditional result in skipping steps listed athletic programming such as martial arts, tennis, rugby, etc… below. Students practice daily during enrichment and play games both at GBMS Step 1: Teacher gives verbal and at other Denver Public Schools. Every student has the opportunity to warning/reminder. try out for any team. Uniforms are provided and are to be returned at end of the season. A $25 “pay to play” fee, an up to date doctor’s Step 2: Teacher sends physical and a parent permission form is due at try-‐outs. Students must student to a refocus seat in meet weekly eligibility requirement in academics and behavior to the classroom. participant in games. Step 3: Teacher may send a OUR GBMS CHARACTER TRAITS student to a buddy teacher GBMS fosters student leadership and character development focused on next door to complete a the following five traits: Leadership, Perseverance, Integrity, Curiosity reflection form. and Kindness. Character traits are explicitly taught during family advisory time to create common language and understanding of expectations. Step 4: The Quarterly student progress reports include a Character Report Card so teacher conferences with that students, parents and teachers can engage in conversation around student to help student the characteristics students display in and out of the classroom and the reintegrate back into impact of these character traits on academic and social outcomes. classroom. STUDENT CONDUCT-‐ DISCIPLINE Step 5: A referral is issued to At Grant Beacon Middle School, we strive to maintain a healthy, a student who has to report constructive, and supportive, environment for students, families, and to Dean of Students. staff. Disruptive behavior, harassment, intimidation and bullying constitute behavior that disrupts our students’ ability to learn and our Step 6: A Parent-‐Teacher-‐ staff’s ability to educate our students in a safe and welcoming Student conference is held environment. Student conduct matters include all student behaviors at with support staff to create a school or between school and home as well as all behaviors outside of behavior plan. school that impact the school community. Non-‐Negotiables Dress Code–Students are required to come to school in dress code and with a student ID on a lanyard around their neck everyday. Drugs/Alcohol – Use or possession of tobacco, drug or alcohol products in all school buildings or on school grounds is prohibited. Weapons – School district policy prohibits the use or possession of weapons of any kind on any school grounds or on any school vehicles. The possession or use of any weapon requires immediate notification to the Denver Police Department, suspension and a request for expulsion. Graffiti -‐ Graffiti of any kind on school property will result in immediate suspension. Students responsible for writing graffiti or in possession of graffiti materials on school property will be ticketed, suspended and charged for the cost of graffiti removal. Destruction of school property -‐ Knowingly destroying school property by any means will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Bullying/Harassment-‐ Harassment, intimidation and bullying are negative behaviors or actions intended to harm, upset or compromise the physical, psychological or emotional safety of a targeted person or persons. These behaviors include, but are not limited to: • actions that take place on school property, at any school-‐ sponsored function (regardless of location); on a school bus; or via technological devices. • harassment, intimidation or bullying of a person based on actual or perceived characteristics such as age, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression; a mental, physical or sensory handicap; or by a distinguishing characteristic (such as clothing or socioeconomic status). It is important to notify school staff, parents or other trusted adults of any harassment/bullying that is taking place. Or Call SAFE2TELL® at 877-‐542-‐7233 to report anonymously. COMMUNICATION GBMS WEBSITE Please consult the GBMS Website for upcoming events and up-‐to-‐date information: NEWSLETTERS The school newsletter will keep parents informed about the school calendar and important events taking place during the school year. For information on lunch menus and District Programs, please consult the DPS website: . THURSDAY FOLDERS Period times throughout the school year, students will be sent home with school communications to parents and families via Thursday Folders. PROGRESS REPORTS Monthly Academic and Character Trait Progress Cards will be sent home with students. Parents can also log on to and parent portal to monitor their child’s progress. Please contact the main office for additional parent/guardian login information. Restorative Approaches Restorative Approaches (RA) is a model, which works to help students “fix” their problems. The process provides an opportunity for students and community members to understand their role and to take responsibility for their behavior. The questions answered and examined during an RA process are: 1) Who was harmed? 2) Who are the participants? 3) What part are you responsible for relative to the incident? 4) What are some solutions to fix problem? Offenses that are more serious in nature (Type 3-‐ 5), such as on-‐going bullying, defiance and fighting will be handled according to the Denver Public Schools’ Discipline Policy (JK-‐R). This policy requires students to participate in Restorative Approaches opportunities. Non-‐Discrimination Policy Denver Public Schools does not discriminate against anyone in the school system on the basis of race, age, marital status, creed, color, sex, disability or national origin. Denver Public Schools will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or violence against anyone, including students and staff members, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or religion. Questions or concerns should be addressed to the principal. If you have special needs due to a disability, and wish to request accommodations in order to participate in a school activity, please notify the school office at (720) 423-‐ 9360 at least two (2) days in advance of the event so that appropriate arrangements for reasonable accommodations may be made. CONTACTING TEACHERS Teachers appreciate having a better understanding of their students and welcome comments and questions from parents. • Send a note to the teacher • Leave a voicemail message • Send an email or message over Engrade • Schedule a meeting or visit Parents are welcome as helpers and visitors in the classroom; please ensure that discussions with teachers, deans or administrators are to be scheduled in advance to ensure quality-‐teaching time. Parents should always check in at the office when visiting classrooms, the cafeteria and playground. Cell Phones must be turned off when visiting classrooms. TELEPHONES The school phones may be used by students only for calling home on school related business. Permission must be obtained from a staff member before using the school phones. OTHER ON-‐LINE COMMUNICATIONS: GBMS Moodle: Grant Beacon Middle School Community Facebook Page:‐Beacon-‐Middle-‐School-‐Community-‐ Page/227112897356691 GBMS Webpage: Engrade: PARENT ENGAGEMENT PARENT GROUP Parents interested in the policies and future plans at Grant Beacon Middle School are invited to join the parent group. Please contact the front office for more information, 720.423.9360. PARENT LUNCH BUNCH WITH THE PRINCIPAL Parent Lunch Bunch with the Principal will be held monthly. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss happenings at GBMS in relation to school academic programming; Blended Learning; GBMS character traits; etc…. Dates will be published in school calendars and newsletters. It is also an opportunity to share a meal with the GBMS principal and additional school staff to share ideas. Please contact the main office at 720-‐423-‐9360 for additional information or to RSVP. PARENT PORTAL DPS Parents have access to their child’s data through the parent portal service in Infinite Campus. The link to this service is: Beacon Contract 2015-‐2016 Families will… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Require your child to be at school every day, on time, prepared with all supplies. Pay school fees of $25.00 for computer usage and $5.00 for photo ID and lanyard. Monitor homework, maintain a regular study/reading place, and set a regular bedtime. Require your child to complete all assignments and produce proficient/advanced work. Ensure that your child has a 2.6 GPA to be promoted to the next grade level. Communicate on a regular basis with your child’s teachers and attend school events. Support and require your child to attend school-‐sponsored activities/interventions. Support Summer School as an Intervention for successful passage to the next grade. Support the blended learning model by signing GBMS Tech Agreement/digital citizenship. Students will… 1. Be Respectful, Be Prompt, Be Prepared, Be Productive, Be Positive Attend school every day and be on time to all classes with 95% attendance. Hold a 2.6 GPA or better to be promoted to the next grade level. Be prepared with all school supplies including the $25.00 computer fee and $5 photo/lanyard fee. Honor GBMS Character Traits: Leadership, Perseverance, Integrity, Curiosity and Kindness and earn a Character GPA Complete all daily homework and classroom assignments, produce proficient/advanced work, participate in all class activities and seek help as needed. 7. Participate in intervention enrichment classes if not meeting Essential Learning Goals. 8. Attend After-‐School Refocus from 4:00 – 5:00 PM if assigned. 9. Attend Saturday School if student is not meeting academic standards or assigned by teacher. 10. Attend Summer School if assigned, as an intervention for successful passage to the next grade. 11. Students will support the GBMS Tech Agreement and practice digital citizenship. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Grant Staff will Honor Grant Character Traits: By 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Honor GBMS Character Traits: Leadership, Perseverance, Integrity, Curiosity and Kindness Model expectations we have set for students and families. Foster a climate that supports high standards and quality performance. Provide a safe environment for students. Communicate, respect and build relationships with all students and families. Communicate student progress on a regular basis. Teachers and Staff will support and monitor the GBMS Tech Agreement/digital citizenship. Identify Summer School students as an intervention for successful passage to the next grade. As a staff, our goal is to prepare all students for a successful future. Failure to meet requirements of the contract will require a meeting with the administrative staff to ensure the student is meeting expectations. Grade-‐level/Continuation Requirements Attendance q q q q q Arrive at school no later than 7:30am Be on time to every class Be at school every day Excused absences are only for serious medical reasons or legal obligations Have a 95% attendance rate or better Behavior q q q q Be Respectful, Be Prompt, Be Prepared, Be Productive, Be Positive Earn a Character GPA of 2.6 or higher Complete all homework assignments Meet behavior requirements no classroom referrals or school suspensions. Performance q q q q q q q Complete online Khan Academy Program Have a 2.6 GPA for successful promotion to the next grade level Meet 60% of Essential Learning Goals in Math Meet 60% of Essential Learning Goals in Science Meet weekly reading goals as measured by Accelerated Reader Meet Writing to Read goals in SS, SC Electives and LA. All scores for Character Traits in all classes must be a 3 or 4 to be considered for Continuation. § § § § 4 Progress exceeds expectations 3 Progress meets expectations 2 Progress sometimes meets expectations 1 Progress is below expectations Continuation q q End of Year Celebrations Grade-‐level/Continuation certificate *If students do not meet the above requirements they will be recommended for retention of the current grade or they will need to attend and successfully complete summer school. Summer school will take place for 2 weeks in June. Grant Beacon Middle School Computer/Internet Usage Agreement and Online Account Consent Congratulations! You are attending an Innovation and Blended Learning School. What this means is that your child will have daily interaction with many forms of cutting-‐edge technological tools including iPads and Chromebooks. These exciting tools are destined to become commonplace, but as for now, very few students in DPS are afforded this privilege. With this privilege comes additional responsibility, therefore, terms of technology use are outlined below. Please note that your signature indicates your approval and agreement with the terms and conditions stated below. If you do not agree with these terms and agreement we will assist you in selecting a school other than Grant Beacon Middle School. The Internet is an electronic network connecting millions of computers and individuals all over the world. It is coordinated through a complex association of government agencies and regional and state networks. The smooth operation of a network that provides both in-‐district and worldwide access depends upon the proper conduct of each end-‐user. Users must adhere to the guidelines of this policy in order to acquire and maintain network access. Violation of any of the provisions of this policy will result in: • possible termination of access • possible denial of future access • possible disciplinary action Denver Public Schools provides a wide-‐area network service that connects district facilities to each other and to the Internet at large. Access to the Internet offers vast and unique resources to both students and teachers. The district's goal in providing this service is to promote educational opportunities to schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. On a global network it is impossible to control all materials, and even casual users may easily discover, or come across controversial material. GBMS and the school district believes that the valuable information and interaction available on this worldwide network far outweighs the possibility that users may access material that is not consistent with the educational goals of the school/district. The use of the GBMS issued devices and/ or the district's network is a privilege, not a right, and must be treated as such by all users. Inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of this privilege. The following activities are expressly prohibited: 1. Use of technological devices and/or the district's network for or in support of an illegal or obscene activity, and/or inappropriate use. 2. Use of the device and/ or the district's network for any non-‐district-‐related business and/or commercial purpose, product advertising, or support of any political or lobbying activity. 3. Vandalism, which includes, but is not limited to, any malicious attempt to harm, destroy, or alter data or the device itself and / or the district's network, including introduction of any computer virus. Please also see the section entitled Replacement at the bottom of this document for specific information related to the proper care and use of the device. 4. Any attempt to access restricted data or to disrupt the use of the network for other users. 5. Use of profanities or language that is generally offensive, defamatory, harassing, or threatening to another individual and/or group. 6. Creating or accessing dangerous information. 7. Violation of copyrights or interference with license agreements. This includes, but is not limited to, software, Apps (iPad applications), unaccredited use of text, graphics, photographs, electronic data, or interference with the privacy rights of individuals or entities without their authorization. Plagiarism of any information gathered via the device and / or the district's network is also prohibited. 8. Users have no proprietary ownership of the device or the materials placed on the district's network, unless such material is otherwise covered by copyright. 9. Providing access to the device or the district's network to unauthorized users. 10. Sharing electronic mail account passwords, leaving passwords available in obvious locations, or leaving "signed on" devices unattended. 11. Compromising personal safety. 12. Abuse or misuse of a device including the alteration of settings, installation or alteration of a device or any Apps. Communication conducted over the device and the district's network is not private and district staff may, in conducting network supervision and maintenance, review and inspect directories or messages. GBMS and the district reserve the right and will access stored records with or without reasonable cause to assure compliance with this policy. GBMS and the school district make no warranties that the functions of the device or its network system will meet any specific requirements. Nor will GBMS or the district be responsible for any damages suffered through use of the network. This includes loss of data, non-‐deliveries, misdeliveries, or service interruptions. Use of any information obtained through the district's network is at each user's risk. The GBMS and the district specifically deny any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the Internet. Electronic Mail Definitions: 1. Illegal activities -‐ include, but are not limited to, any activities in violation of local, state, and/or federal laws. 2. Obscene activities -‐ include activities in violation of generally accepted social standards for use of a publicly-‐owned and operated communication vehicle. This includes retrieval of or access to any sexual explicit materials. 3. Inappropriate use -‐ includes any activities conducted in violation of this policy or additional activities deemed inappropriate by system administrators. 4. System administrators -‐ employees of the school district whose job functions include oversight of the district's computer network. 5. Dangerous information -‐ information that if acted upon could cause damage, present a danger, or cause a disruption to the district or the community-‐at-‐large. 6. Compromising personal safety -‐ revealing personal contact information relating to themselves or other persons DEVICE CARE and REPLACEMENT: Unless granted permission in writing, students cannot remove devices from school. GBMS students are solely responsible for the care of their device and accessories. Any malicious, intentional, OR accidental damages to the device and/or its accessories outside of reasonable and anticipated wear and tear (at the discretion of the GBMS Principal and/or Tech Committee) will result in loss of device use and replacement/repair charges. Students are responsible for paying damages to any equipment that exceeds the $25 repair fee paid at registration mentioned above. ONLINE ACCOUNTS CONSENT: In order for a teacher to use an online tool with student records or other information that could be personally identifiable, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that we obtain your consent due to the possible exposure of your student’s information to the website’s operator or to other participants. In order for students to use this program/service, certain personal information must be provided to the web site operator. Under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), these websites must provide parental notification and obtain parental consent before collecting personal information from children under the age of 13. For more information on COPPA, please visit Schools are permitted to consent to the collection of personal information on behalf of parents of students, thereby eliminating the need for individual parental consent given directly to the web site operator. We will have your student use his or her School-‐provided email account when using these sites. Please sign and return this form to Grant Beacon Middle School at registration. This will serve as your permission for your student to have access to sites that are used in the classroom as well as your permission for us to upload your student’s information into the application so that we can make the most of its functions. This permission will expire at the end of this school year, and can be revoked any time. For information on programs and sites we are using or question about our technology policy you can refer These sites can change throughout the year. Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Grade Level: _______ Student Signature: ____________________________________________ Date:___________________ Parent Print Name:_____________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________________________ Date:___________________