Presentation 25th Street


Presentation 25th Street
The Assemblage/
25 Street
Un Proyecto de
P- 2
The Assemblage | 25 Street
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
P- 3
The Assemblage | 25 Street
Fundada en 2003, Prodigy Network es una empresa de FinTech1
especializada en crowdfunding inmobiliario. Conecta a la comunidad
mundial con oportunidades de inversión en proyectos inmobiliarios de
calidad institucional en mercados
principales como Nueva York.
Con sede en Nueva York, Prodigy Network es la plataforma líder de
crowdfunding inmobiliario en los Estados Unidos, habiendo recaudado
más de US $350 millones de dólares
de capital, de más de 6.400 inversionistas provenientes de 22 países,
con el fin de invertir en 8 proyectos.
Con su innovador modelo, Prodigy Network ofrece la oportunidad
de invertir en el sector inmobiliario
de gran escala, que anteriormente
solo estaba disponible para inversionistas con alto poder adquisitivo o a
grandes instituciones financieras.
• US $126 millones han sido recaudados para 4 proyectos ubicados en Nueva York.
La plataforma líder en
crowdfunding inmobiliario
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
Con esta participación del público,
así como con financiación tradicional proporcionada por instituciones
financieras de talla mundial, como
Deutsche Bank, Bank of America,
CIBC y Vanbarton Group, Prodigy
Network ha financiado el desarrollo
de sus proyectos.
• US $224 millones han sido recaudados para 4 proyectos ubicados en Bogotá.2
1. FinTech o Financial Technology, es el nombre que se le da a una nueva industria que está basada en el uso de la tecnología para
proporcionar servicios financieros. Las empresas de FinTech, como por ejemplo Paypal, son startups que están irrumpiendo la tradicional
industria financiera con el fin de facilitar y beneficiar las transacciones financieras de consumidores finales.
2. Las campañas de crowdfunding para los proyectos en Colombia son hechas solo con inversionistas colombianos, debido a que no
queremos exponer a inversionistas extranjeros al riesgo de país o de moneda.
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
The Assemblage | 25 Street
P- 4
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
A la fecha, nuestros cuatro proyectos en Bogotá, tienen un valor proyectado de
mercado de $400MM, con $224MM recaudados de inversionistas individuales.
BD Bacata1
EXE Bacata
Bogotá - Colombia
Costo: US $245MM
Capital Promotores: US $55MM
Crowdfunding: US $190MM
Uso: Uso Mixto + Hotel
Bogotá - Colombia
Costo: US $24MM
Capital Promotores: US $5MM
Crowdfunding: US $19MM
Uso: Hotel
Airport Business HUB
72 HUB
Bogotá - Colombia
Costo: US $35MM
Capital Promotores: US $20MM
Crowdfunding: US $15MM
Uso: Oficinas
Bogotá - Colombia
Costo: US $85MM
Uso: Uso Mixto
1. Prodigy Network comercializó este proyecto para BD Promotores, pero no hizo parte de la construcción. Es el único proyecto del portafolio en el cual Prodigy
Network no se ha involucrado en la construcción.
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
The Assemblage | 25 Street
P- 5
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
Nueva York
A la fecha, nuestros cuatro proyectos en Nueva York, tienen un valor proyectado de
mercado de US $700MM, con más de US $125MM recaudados de inversionistas
Aka United Nations
The Assemblage/17 John
Retornos entregados - Enero 2016
En Construcción - Inauguración 3er trimestre 2018
Nueva York - EE.UU
Costo: US $99MM
Crowdfunding: US $12MM (Fondeado)
Sponsors: US $9MM
Deuda: US $78MM, asegurada por
Vanbarton Group / Bank of America
Nueva York - EE.UU
Costo: US $220MM
Crowdfunding - Adquisición: US $38MM (Fondeado)
Crowdfunding - Desarrollo: US $14MM (Fondeado)
Deuda: US $168MM, asegurada por Deutsche Bank /
Vanbarton Group
Aka Wall Street
En Construcción - Inauguración 2ndo trimestre 2016
Nueva York - EE.UU
Costo: US $135MM
Crowdfunding: US $42MM (Fondeado)
Sponsors: US $4MM
Deuda: US $89MM, asegurada por
CIBC / Vanbarton Group
The Assemblage/25th Street
Oferta Abierta
Nueva York - EE.UU
Total proyecto: US $87.1MM
Crowdfunding a la fecha: US $20MM
Objetivo de Crowdfunding: US $47.1MM
Deuda: US $40MM
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
P- 6
The Assemblage | 25 Street
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
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The Assemblage | 25 Street
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
La Oportunidad
Generadores de Valor
La oportunidad consiste en invertir en la adquisición y el
desarrollo del edificio ubicado en 114 East 25th Street, para así
beneficiarse de los retornos del desarrollo del proyecto.
La estrategia de Prodigy Network consiste en adquirir
propiedades en Manhattan, con ubicaciones privilegiadas, para
luego desarrollar un concepto atractivo y generar valor en la
propiedad, lo cual justifica una venta futura que provee retornos
atractivos para los inversionistas.
01. Adquirir una propiedad con atributos de alto valor como una
ubicación deseable, un barrio atractivo y un mercado subatendido.
02. Crear un proyecto innovador de
espacios de trabajo colaborativos,
tendencia en crecimiento, diseñado por la reconocida boutique
de diseño con base en Nueva York
“Meyer Davis”.1
03. Transformar el uso de la propiedad de residencial a comercial, lo cual aumenta el
precio de manera intrinsica.
1. Meyer Davis es reconocida a nivel mundial por sus clientes comerciales más importantes que incluyen el Four Seasons, Le Meridian, Ritz Carlton, W Hotels, los boutiques de Oscar de la Renta y John Varvatos, entre otros.
2. Esto sucede debido a que las propiedades comerciales se venden a tasas de capitalización menores que las propiedades residenciales, por el potencial de generación de flujos de caja permanentes en el tiempo.
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
The Assemblage | 25 Street
P- 8
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
NoMad, Manhattan
The Assemblage / 25th Street, está
ubicado en el corazón de NoMad,
llamado así por su ubicación al
norte de Madison Square Park. Esta
conveniente ubicación, se encuentra
muy cerca de Flatiron, Union Square,
Soho y Midtown East.
El edificio está bien localizado, como
parte de los distritos residenciales y
de oficinas de Midtown South, cerca
de estaciones de tránsito como la
de 23rd Street y amenidades de alta
calidad de vida, como el Madison
Square Park.
Madison Park
Square Park
Assemblage/25th Street
Durante los últimos años, este barrio
se ha convertido en un lugar de moda,
al ser el destino predilecto de diversos
hoteles boutique y restaurantes de
primera categoría, como Gramercy
Tavern, 11 Madison o Eataly.
114 East 25th Street
Fuente: Google Earth
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
The Assemblage / 25th Street tendrá
48,000 pies destinados a este único
e innovador concepto de espacios de
trabajo colaborativo.
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
P - 11
The Assemblage | 25 Street
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
¿Por qué desarrollar
espacios de trabajo
Estos son espacios de trabajo con diferentes
configuraciones, que pueden ser arrendados
por días, semanas o meses, donde sus
miembros comparten un espacio físico
y virtual, así como los equipamientos y
servicios típicos de una oficina.
Los espacios de trabajo colaborativos se han vuelto populares en
Nueva York por 5 principales motivos:
Las restricciones de espacio (el tiempo
de espera promedio para un espacio de
300 pies cuadrados es de 3-5 meses).
Las altas rentas y sus constantes
La inflexibilidad de los contratos de
arrendamiento (la duración mínima de
un contrato suele ser de 1 año).
Las sinergias desarrolladas entre los
diferentes usuarios (profesionales independientes, emprendedores, y pymes,
principalmente) provenientes de diferentes industrias, quienes no solo se
benefician de tener un espacio en donde
trabajar, sino que se benefician de trabajar de forma colaborativa.
Los usuarios desarrollan un sentido de
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
P - 12
The Assemblage | 25 Street
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
Demanda por espacios
de trabajo colaborativo
Número de usuarios en espacios de trabajo colaborativo a nivel mundial
La forma de trabajar a nivel mundial está
moviéndose hacia esta modalidad, lo cual
se evidencia por el rápido crecimiento de
esta industria en los últimos 4 años.
De 2011 a 2015 la tasa de crecimiento
anual del número de locales dedicados a
esta actividad ha sido del 62%. Esto va
de la mano con el crecimiento anual del
85% en el número de usuarios, los cuales
pasaron de 151,000 en 2011 a 510,000
en 2015.1
Tasa de crecimiento anual
de número de usuarios en
los últimos 4 años.
Grandes empresas como General Electric,
KPMG y The Guardian recurren con
regularidad a complementar sus oficinas
tradicionales con espacios subarrendados
en estas oficinas flexibles.2
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
Características de The Assemblage / 25th
• 48,000 pies2 de espacio de trabajo colaborativo con distintas configuraciones
(membresías básicas, mesas comunales, puestos reservados y oficinas
• Salones de conferencias de distintos tamaños.
• Servicios compartidos; recepcionista, asistente virtual y apoyo en tecnología,
entre otros.
• Plataforma en línea para que los miembros estén permanentemente
• Bar en la terraza de la azotea con vista al emblemático skyline de Nueva York.
• La membresía en The Assemblage dará acceso a todas las ubicaciones de la
marca en NYC. (The Assemblage / 17 John ubicado en el Distrito Financiero de
Manhattan es otra de las ubicaciones ya confirmadas).
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
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The Assemblage | 25 Street
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
Bar en la azotea
The Assemblage | 25 Street
P - 18
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
Retornos esperados
Supuestos de operación:
• # de miembros: ~ 900 aprox
US $150,000 - $180,000
• Precio de membresía mensual: ~ US
Retorno final
Supuestos de liquidación:
• Cap rate estimado: 8.50%, que se
aproxima a US$ 2000/pie2 (supuesto
Retorno anual preferencial
TIR estimada
12% - 16%
• Se espera liquidar la inversión después
de 3-4 años de operación.
US $100,0002
1.5x - 1.8x Múltiplo estimado
1. Existirán 4 tipos de membresía cuyos precios y beneficios son diferentes. El promedio ponderado de la membresía mensual es de $900.
2. La inversión mínima para inversionistas internacionales es de US $100,000 y para inversionistas estadounidenses (acreditados) es de US $20,000.
3. Retorno anual preferencial pagadero a partir de la fecha de cierre de la propiedad a fin de cada semestre del año. TIR, múltiplo estimado y retorno final son calculados antes de impuestos.
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
The Assemblage | 25 Street
P - 19
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
Presupuesto y
estructura de capital
Estructura de Capital
Costos del proyecto
$ 49.5 M
$ 40.0 M
Costos directos e indirectos
$ 37.6 M
Monto capital objetivo
$ 47.1 M
Total proyecto
$ 87.1 M
Costos del proyecto
$ 87.1 M
Costos por pie cuadrado
Área total (48,000 pies cuadrados)
Costos directos e indirectos
Total proyecto
$ 1.031.25
$ 783.33
$ 1,814.58
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
The Assemblage | 25 Street
P - 20
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
Timeline del
Prodigy Network
Firmo opción de
Comenzó de
la campaña de
Comienzo del
Termina la
Campaña de
Comienzo de
la operación
Liquidación de
la Inversión
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
The Assemblage | 25 Street
P - 21
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
Administrador de Fondos de Terceros
Diseñador de Interiores
NES Financial, es una compañía privada que provee soluciones para
simplificar y monitorear transacciones financieras complejas. La
compañía se especializa en la administración de fondos y cuentas
de escrow, y es por esto que es el administrador externo de Prodigy
Network; actuando como un ente tercero que esta en permanente
monitoreo de las finan- zas y desarrollos de los proyectos, para así
garantizar la transparencia y legitimidad de cada oportunidad. Entre
los clientes de NEW Financials se encuentran diversas compañías
de Fortune 500.
Shorewood es una plataforma de inversión inmobiliaria de multi-estrategia que se especializa en estructurar la adquisición, financiación
y desarrollo de activos inmobiliarios de calidad institucional. Shorewood invierte capital de los inversionistas que participan en la plataforma Prodigy Network. Hasta la fecha Shorewood ha estructurado
las inversiones con una base de costo de más de $ 500 millones. La
firma cuenta con una amplia experiencia en todos los aspectos del
campo de la inversión de bienes raíces y ofrece soluciones integradas e innovadoras para maximizar el valor a largo plazo de los activos inmobiliarios.
Meyer Davis Studio estará encargado del diseño interior del edificio.
Esta boutique de diseño con sede en Nueva York, es reconocida a nivel
mundial y se encuentra a la vanguardia de los entornos de hospitalidad, residenciales, comerciales y de trabajo de alta gama, tanto en
los EE.UU como a nivel internacional. Algunos de sus clientes comerciales más importantes incluyen el Four Seasons, Le Meridian, Ritz
Carlton, W Hotels, los boutiques de Oscar de la Renta, John Varvatos
y numerosos entornos de oficina de marcas de lujo.
Consultora de Construcción
Consultora de Gastos de Construcción
CCM fue construido a partir de la idea de que los resultados exitosos
se logran mediante la combinación de la creatividad, la artesanía y el
comercio. Desde 1997, el equipo de CCM ha convertido 35 antiguas
propiedades comerciales; un total de casi 7 millones de pies cuadrados, a más de 6.500 unidades residenciales. Como líder en este
mercado, CCM ha completado con éxito algunos de los proyectos de
escala más complejos a nivel de logistica y tamaño jamás llevadas
a cabo en la ciudad de Nueva York, transformando muchos edificios
icónicos en la mayoría de los entornos modernos, funcionales y lujosos de la actualidad.
Merritt y Harris se esfuerza por ser el líder en el suministro consistente de excelentes servicios de consultoría relacionados con la construcción para la comunidad de inversores y prestamistas de activos
inmobiliarios. Merrit y Harris asume la responsabilidad individual y
colectiva para establecer, mantener, y contribuir a los más altos niveles de profesionalismo, la integridad, la honestidad, la cooperación y
la confianza en su relación con los clientes y compañeros de trabajo.
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
P - 22
Riesgos y
The Assemblage | 25 Street
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
Hemos estructurado el proyecto bajo supuestos conservadores
de tal manera en que en caso de que haya desaceleraciones
en las condiciones de mercado seamos capaces de cubrir los
costos de operación y servicio de deuda; incluso con una caída
del 50% en el NOI proyectado estaríamos cubriendo el servicio
de deuda y los costos de operación.
Atrasos en el desarrollo
Creemos que el riesgo de desarrollo es mínimo dado el alcance
de la construcción. Sin embargo, la pre-construcción de la
propiedad ha comenzado (a pesar de que la propiedad no ha
sido adquirida) y el promotor tendrá una garantía de finalización
con el constructor.
Cambios en las
condiciones del mercado
El plan es operar la propiedad como un espacio de co-working
con un promedio de 900 miembros; nuestras suposiciones de
operación indican que con el 50% de la cantidad estimada de
los miembros seríamos capaces de dar servicio a los costos de
deuda y operación.
Tenemos un nivel de deuda para la propiedad menor que el
del mercado con el fin de ser conservador. Esto permitirá a los
inversionistas beneficiarse de la protección de tener un menor
apalancamiento que les permite recibir flujos de caja operativos
con mucha menos incertidumbre.
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
The Assemblage | 25 Street
P - 23
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
Limitación de
El contenido de este documento fue creado
por Prodigy Network y/o sus personas
relacionadas (colectivamente, Prodigy o
nosotros) para su información y uso exclusivo. Se trata de un documento confidencial diseñado y desarrollado para proveer
información resumida, privada, preliminar
y no definitiva relacionada con una oportunidad de inversión presentada por Prodigy, y no puede ser utilizada para ningún
otro propósito. Prodigy no autoriza que el
contenido de este documento sea distribuido o reproducido sin previa autorización
escrita. El incumplimiento de lo anterior,
con relación a la totalidad o parte de este
documento, constituirá una violación de
las leyes aplicables en la jurisdicción en la
que este documento sea visto.
La presentación ha sido preparada exclusivamente para fines informativos y no constituye ni contiene una oferta, ni una solicitud
de una oferta, de compra o suscripción de
ningún valor o acción, ni podrá ser utilizada
como base para la compra de valores. Cualquier oferta para invertir en proyectos de
Prodigy se hará únicamente mediante la
entrega formal de todos los documentos
jurídicos necesarios para tal fin, los cuales
no están incluidos en este documento. Los
destinatarios de esta presentación deben
considerar y analizar dichos documentos
jurídicos incluyendo, entre otros, un Private
Placement Memorandum y un contrato de
suscripción, de manera independiente y con
el apoyo cualificado de sus propios asesores financieros, jurídicos y fiscales. Nada
de lo contenido en este documento puede
ser considerado como una recomendación
de inversión. En caso de presentarse una
contradicción entre esta presentación y los
documentos jurídicos relacionados con la
oportunidad de inversión descrita, prevalecerán los documentos jurídicos. Invertir en
valores implica riesgos y los inversionistas
deben poder asumir la pérdida de su inversión. Los factores de riesgo de las oportunidades de inversión de Prodigy estarán
detallados en esos documentos jurídicos
y deberán ser cuidadosamente revisados
antes de tomar la decisión de inversión.
La información contenida en esta presentación incluye estimaciones y proyecciones
de Prodigy, e importantes elementos de juicio y análisis subjetivo. Las imágenes, conceptos y declaraciones contienen estados
financieros proyectados y/o declaraciones
especulativas. Ni Prodigy ni sus personas
relacionadas declaran o garantizan, expresa
o implícitamente, la exactitud o integridad
de la información presentada, y ninguna
parte del presente documento deberán
tomarse como una promesa o declaración
de desempeño pasado o futuro. Ni Prodigy
ni ninguno de sus directores, funcionarios,
empleados, representantes o agentes asumen responsabilidad derivada de errores
o imprecisiones de hecho u opinión, o la
falta de cuidado en la elaboración o distribución de este documento. La información
presentada puede no estar actualizada y,
aunque las imágenes y conceptos reflejan
expectativas, estimaciones y/o proyecciones de buena fe, los mismos no se garantizan y están sujetos a cambios. Los datos
económicos y de mercado que figuran en
este documento se han obtenido de fuentes
consideradas fiables por Prodigy. Aunque
no dudamos de su exactitud, no ofrecemos
ninguna garantía respecto de los mismos.
Las participaciones o valores a los que se
refiere este documento y la presentación
(las “Participaciones”) pueden ser comercializados únicamente a: (A) Los inversionistas dentro de los Estados Unidos que
califiquen como (i) “Inversionistas Acreditados” (Accredited Inverstors), como dicho
término se define en la Regla 501 de la Ley
de Valores de los Estados Unidos (Securities Act of 1933) (la “Ley de Valores”); o
que cumplan con la definición de (ii) “Compradores Calificados”, según tal término
se define en la Sección 2 (a) (51) de la Ley
de Compañías de Inversión (Investment
Company Act of 1940) (la “Ley de Compañías de Inversión”); o (B) los inversionistas
fuera de Estados Unidos que no sean “Personas Estadounidenses”, tal como dicho
término se define en la Regla 902 de la Ley
de Valores.
Antes de invertir las calidades necesarias
de los inversionistas serán verificadas, y
éstos deberán confirmar que aceptan los
altos riesgos asociados a la inversión.
Prodigy ofrecerá las Participaciones bajo
exenciones de los requisitos de registro
o en operaciones no sujetas a la Ley de
Valores, específicamente las consagradas
en las Regulaciones D y S, y las Participaciones estarán exentas de los requisitos
específicos de publicación y reporte de la
Comisión de Valores de los Estados Unidos (Securities Exchange Commission) (la
“SEC”) obligatorios para las operaciones
registradas bajo la Ley de Valores.
Más aún, las Participaciones no han sido
ni serán registradas en ningún otro Estado,
ni con ninguna otra autoridad en cualquier
otra jurisdicción fuera de los Estados Unidos. Ninguna de las empresas aquí implicadas ha sido registrada como un fondo,
según se define tal término en la Ley de
Compañías de Inversión de los Estados
Unidos. Por lo tanto, los inversionistas no
gozarán de los beneficios de la protección
establecida en dichas leyes. Ninguna autoridad se ha pronunciado respecto de las Participaciones o la aprobación de las mismas,
la oferta o la exactitud o integridad de la
documentación de las eventuales ofertas.
Las Participaciones están sujetas a restricciones legales de transferencia y/o reventa,
y los inversionistas no deben asumir que
podrán enajenarlos libremente.
Las inversiones y/o servicios de Prodigy
Network no constituyen “crowdfunding”
como dicho término se utiliza en el Título
III del Jumpstart Our Business Startups
Act (“JOBS Act”).
P - 24
The Assemblage | 25 Street
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
P - 25
The Assemblage | 25 Street
Un proyecto de Prodigy Network
Accredited investors now have the
opportunity to invest in projects like
the 17 John Street commercial real
estate overhaul in Manhattan, a project of real estate crowdfunding platform Prodigy Network. With $35
million raised from accredited investors so far, Prodigy Network’s 17 John
project is the largest equity-crowdfunded deal, according to Crowdnetic
Rodrigo Nino, the Founder and CEO
of Prodigy Network, said “Here in the
States we focused only on projects in
New York. We want to provide access
to what we believe is the better real
“A recent study from Massolution
reports that crowdfunding investors
injected $1 billion into the U.S. real
estate market last year. By the end
of 2015, that number should climb to
$2.5 billion…”
Harvard Business School published
a case study on the real estate crowdfunding platform Prodigy Network
and its founder Rodrigo Niño.
“And while other crowdfunding platforms merely act as an intermediary
between developers and investors,
Prodigy co-develops all the projects it
He is the most successful real estate
developer using crowdfunding in the
Nota: los artículos originales están en inglés, por eso el idioma de esta lámina es este.
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
Prodigy Network líder
en la democratización
de las inversiones
según Harvard.
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
Prodigy Network: Democratizing
Real Estate Design and Financing
Karim R. Lakhani
Katja Hutter
Greta Friar
Rev: Jan 20, 2015
• “In developed economies, crowdfunding provides access to commercial real estate assets
that were privy to large investors before; in emerging markets, crowdfunding enables
projects that were not possible in the traditional equity financing model. Crowdfunding will
disrupt the status quo of traditional equity investment in real estate”
• Despite the complex legislative environment in the U.S., Prodigy proceeded to search for
projects in Manhattan. Niño followed institutional guidelines to select promising properties.
• “Institutional investors have managed the selection of projects for the past 80 years with
very stringent rules. I only focus on institutional assets in the best locations, and that helps
me mitigate a lot of the risks, because these guys are experts at choosing projects that
generate predictable cash flow.”
• "Every investor's portfolio around the world will eventually include specific commercial real
estate assets in metropolitan areas in the U.S."
Nota: El caso original de Harvard está en inglés, por eso el idioma de esta lámina es este.
The securities offered by the issuers on Prodigy Network (the “Securities”) may be sold only to (A) investors who are (i) “accredited investors” as defined in Rule 501 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), or (B) certain eligible investors who are not “U.S. persons” as defined in Rule 902 under the Securities Act. The issuers on Prodigy Network offer the Securities
in reliance on Rule 506 and Regulation S under the Securities Act, which are exemptions from the registration and disclosure requirements that apply to offerings registered under the Securities Act. None of the issuers offering Securities through Prodigy Network have been registered, or are required to register, as an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.
Therefore, investors will not benefit from the protection of those acts. The Securities and Exchange Commission has not passed on the merits of or approved the Securities, the offering or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. The Securities are subject to legal restrictions on transfer and resale, and investors should not assume they will be able to resell their Securities. Risk
factors disclosed in the offering materials for each investment should be carefully reviewed prior to making any investment decision and investors should be able to bear the entire loss of any investment. The material contained in this presentation may include forward looking financial statements and/or representations. Neither Prodigy Network nor its affiliates make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation that past performance will be indicative of future performance. The information presented in this presentation may not be up to date and although images and concepts reflect good faith beliefs, expectations, estimates and/or
projections of Prodigy Network, they are not guarantees and are subject to change. Prodigy Network undertakes no obligation to update any outdated information. The investments and/or services offered through Prodigy Network do not constitute “Crowdfunding” as described in Title III of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”).
The Assemblage/
25 Street
Un Proyecto de