expats express kuwait! - Yvonne Pepin


expats express kuwait! - Yvonne Pepin
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-magazine for the Western minded expat
NOVEMBER #3, 2011
Always wanted to write a book about your time in Kuwait? Someone just did!
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
“thousands of brands rushing online without thinking...”
“No, no, no my dear, EEK! is NOT “ONLINE” anything, it is simply “e”. Yanni, you can say it is “PRINTED MEDIA DELIVERED IN A DIGITAL FORMAT”. And so it goes, in so
many of our marketing pitches we, EEK!, have to explain that we are not an online entity, and that “e” does not mean “website”. I know this is preaching to the converted,
but yikes folks, if you’re not subscribed you don’t get it! Get it?! LOL
This whole issue of “e” has been a very interesting road to take. I recently met up with an old friend and we had a chat on where and what EEK! is and where it fits in in the
local media landscape. “Dude, EEK! is like a printed blog” he said as his glasses fogged up from the coffee half an inch from his nose. This statement made me realize for
the first time that “yes, EEK! isn’t just about news, its way too intimate for that!”. (And intimate it is let me tell you. We receive loads of mails from you, our subscribers,
and we try to read each and every one - we’re doing our best to keep up...) But I digress. Who and what is EEK! e-mag? Part of the answer is “what is EEK! not”. EEK!,
most certainly, is not “online” or “social media”.
Social media is ever present and ever expanding but also ever changing! This by definition implies that the advertiser never actually knows who the heck he or she is talking
to. Which brings me - very quickly - to the point. What is talking to who. That “what”, is “the brand”. Can a brand really be effectively positioned and developed in the social
media environment? Can any advertiser “own the page” without totally upsetting the “surfer”? The answer is a clear “no” according to research group TNS. They write
“Choosing the wrong channel, or simply adding to the cacophony of online noise, risks alienating potential customers and impacting business growth. Digital waste is the
accumulation of thousands of brands rushing online without thinking who they want to talk to - and why. Many brands have recognized the vast potential audiences available to them on social networks; however they are failing to understand that these spaces belong to the consumer...”.
Six years ago we
put up a website
called abcq8.com,
and this was at a
time when the terms “blog” and “forum” didn’t even exist. We had a page called “pinboard” (which eventually lead to the e-mag known as EEK! in Kuwait). Yahoo was
there, and they speculated about “real time communications” which later translated into the likes of Skype, Facebook, Twitter, etc. And today, a mere six years later? Have
a look at the above line of logos enabling me and you, the web surfers of this world, to “stay connected” and have “immediate access” to information. Come on, where is
this heading to?! I’ve no idea, but in the words of a young ad agency secretary (who had three phones on her desk annoyingly informatively bleeping every 5 seconds
“keeping her connected”) its probably something like “I don’t know anymore, I don’t have time to be connected”. Seems to me even blogs are old news these days...
EEK! Publisher
PS: I’m not so sure, but are people who go online still called “surfers”?
PSS: To those marketers subscribed to EEK! who do not know the expression “own the page”, you're showing your age! Luv ya! :) XXX
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
Homer the reluctant stud.
More cat tails from Arabian Tails
edly to the vet for check ups and blood
tests. He got a clean bill of health and I got
a hefty bill.
Eventually almost one, long year later I
decided enough was enough. I needed a
new stud boy. The house was sliding in to
moral decline.
Hollie had taken to rolling in my husbands
underwear and Rose was gazing soulfully
out the patio door at a local street cat we
had named Scarface. He only had half an
ear on one side and was the ugliest, meanest looking cat I’ve ever seen. But Rose
was obviously suitably impressed by his
battle scarred physique. She did not share
my view that this was not the boy for her.
I searched all over Europe and USA for a
tried and tested, virile, male pedigree cat
of suitable lineage for my special girls..
Lots of people offered me young males but
For some reason Homer was addicted to
Anyone who has ever tried to breed pedigree cats can tell you that it is not as easy spraying all over my leather sofas. At least I needed a proven male cat, I did not need
the smell reassured me he wasn’t lacking in Boys Town !
as you might imagine. In the summer of
male hormones, he just seemed to be lack- The search was long, but during this time I
2008, I was to find out, just how tricky it
did get offered some advice by breeders in
ing in interest. So a room was duly set
can be.
Homer, or to give him his full name, Cham- aside for Homer and the girls slept in there USA. Someone suggested giving Homer a
vitamin supplement that would supposedly
pion Keystone my Hometown, was 2 years every night with him. It should have
boost his male hormones.. Hmm, interestworked perfectly..
old when he arrived in our home. A truly
beautiful boy who we hoped was going to
make the perfect stud boy for our two girls. The very short winter in Kuwait means the Unfortunately my husband was in China on
a business trip at the time and too impafemale cats are almost constantly in seaIt was a nervous cat who stepped out of
tient to wait for his return, I took myself off
son. Oh what a long year followed! The
the carrier and I sensed it was going to
to the vitamin health supplement shop in
take this boy a little longer to feel at home. girls were singing their hearts out, usually
Souk Sharq, accompanied by a good friend,
on the staircase for maximum “echo efUnfortunately I soon realized he could not
be allowed to roam freely like the girls. An fect.” We used to sit in the lounge playing for moral support.
It was always going to be embarrassing,
“name that cat’ by the tone of the howl..
unaltered male will spray and the smell is
In desperation Homer was dragged repeat- but I tried to sort of ease my way inconenough to floor an elephant.
spicuously, over to the male health section.
I scanned the shelves, hoping to spot what
I needed without going in to explanations.
However, I was not that lucky and a salesman approached me quickly with the standard.’ Can I help you madam, routine’.
Feeling a little uncomfortable I said “Well
I’m looking for something to boost male
hormones, you know, increase stamina etc.
And, if you could check that it’s not poisonous to cats, well that would be very helpful!.”
He stared at me for about 10 seconds before saying “Excuse me?”
So I again repeated my demand. Puzzled
he gave me the same blank stare again..
Fearing I could be there all day at this rate,
I thought oh what the heck and taking the
bull by the horns. I said “Look, I need your
help to get my cat pregnant.”
Out of the corner of my eye I saw my
friend disappearing out the shop door, but I
did get a response from the salesman. He
even went in to the back room and checked
in his files to see there was nothing in the
product that could harm Homer.
So, home I came, armed with a bottle of
tablets called ‘ Boost Male Stamina 51’ and
one very embarrassed friend who said she
was never going shopping with me again!.
Guess some people are touchy J.
He was a nice man and he still waves to
me every time, I try to sneak past his
shop. Oh well, I probably gave him something to tell his friends over coffee.
Continued on the next page...
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Homer the reluctant stud.
More cat tails from Arabian Tails
So back home again I looked at he pills and
wondered how much I could actually give
Homer? It truly was a pity my husband
was away because I would have preferred
to test these on someone, before risking
the cat.
We dubiously started with one a day. I
have to say it did seem to work. Homer
was jumping all over the girls. However his
excitement like mine, was short lived…
At last my new stud boy arrived from USA
and was delighted to be with us. He wasted
no time getting down to business and just
over 2 months later, our home was blessed
with the cutest litter of 6 kittens anyone
could have wished for. Finally we were
breeding pedigree cats..
But, what to do with Homer? He was now
4 years old and I thought I’d exhausted
every option.. My vet expressed his desire
to have him and I was prepared to neuter
and let him go to live the life of the pet he
seemed destined to be. I was only waiting
for the summer vacation to pass.
Now this is where the story takes a turn.
Along with my stud boy I had also purchased another female, Pearl. She arrived
in not very good condition. Very underweight and unknowing to me she was also
pregnant. I struggled very hard to get
weight on her but she had a premature
delivery and it all went badly wrong for her.
It was a very worrying time for me but finally after 2 days in the vet hospital I had
her home again. I felt she needed lots of
rest and TLC.
However, little Pearl made a great recovery. She settled into our home and adjusted so well.. She was the cutest little
thing. I just had no desire to breed her
again.. However, when she came into season she was like a tiger!. She didn’t cry or
howl, instead she rolled, she kneaded her
front paws and then she would reverse her
butt in to anything upright. She also
seemed to be constantly in season!
The final straw came when I was called
downstairs to remove her from the legs of
my daughters’ Arabic tutor. She was happily reversing her butt right in to his shins.
“What’s wrong with your cat?” he asked
me. Well even 28 years in Kuwait had not
equipped me with sufficient Arabic vocabulary to answer that one! So instead I simply replied, “She wants to get married.” I
hauled her away, leaving him looking down
at his legs in astonishment.
Oh Pearl what ever am I going to do with
you I wondered?
That’s when I had the brain wave...I’d just
read an article about using cats that had
undergone vasectomies to keep females
happy during long breeding seasons.. I was
convinced Homer was as good as useless,
so I put her in with him to see if she would
calm down.
Sure enough she came out of his bachelor
pad 2 days later, considerably calmer and
life returned to normal.
About 4 weeks later I couldn’t help but no-
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
& Radisson Blu Hotel
Final Classical Concert-Opera Show
of Season 2011
Sunday, December 4th 2011 at 8:30 pm
at Al Hashemi II Ballroom at Radisson Blu Hotel
program: G. Pergolesi, W.A. Mozart, L. Spohr, F. Schubert, G. Rossini
Tickets available:
Radisson Blu Hotel, call: 25673000 or visit www.kuwaitcp.com
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Homer the reluctant stud.
More cat tails from Arabian Tails
ticed she was looking very rounded. As I
was taking the kittens for vaccinations I
decided to have the vet take a look at
Pearl. I feared she was either having a
“Phantom pregnancy” or something was
wrong from her previous bad experience. I
decided doing an ultra sound sonar would
be a good thing. That’s when I got the
news that left me in shock. The vet declared, “she’s pregnant, I can see 3 very
active kittens.”
“Kittens”, I repeated, “.are you sure?”
“Yes” he replied, “I’m sure.”
Well looking at the options I realized it had
to have been Homer, I just couldn’t believe
“You Floozie, Pearl,“ I declared when we
got home,” What did you do to Homer?”
I have to tell you she didn’t look the least
bit repentant. But that boy had taken a
vow of celibacy till that little minx went into
his room. I’m still not convinced he was a
willing participant.
He also showed not the least sign of guilt
when I went into his room later that day,
Sitting there on his cat tree, gazing out the
window, looking smug.
Two months later the following message
duly went up on the nursery page of our
website.. …
Pearl was a naughty girl and surprised her
mom with 3 beautiful kittens.
PS...Homer was naughty too!
Looking back on the whole experience and
trying to make sense of it, I came to con-
sider the issue of size.
Homer like many pedigree cats is a small,
compact boy. The females tend to be bigger as I choose breeding girls who are larger. But Pearl is the exception. She’s a
tiny little thing. So I wonder, did her size
simply make her more compatible? In
other words when it comes down to matters of intimacy, even in the feline world,
does size matter?
This was 2 years ago and Homer never repeated the feat with any other cat. I don’t
know, may be he’s forgotten how he did it?
May be this spring Pearl will pay him another visit to remind him.
If you have
stories you’d
like to
share with
EEK! subscribers,
mail us!
Mail us on:
[email protected]
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Ceilidh practice for beginners Learn the steps.
Sundays - New English School 7:30pm - 8:45pm
65996347 or any committee member of the
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
Suitcase Filled with Nails: Lessons Learned from Teaching Art in Kuwait
Kuwait certainly is a polarizing experience, and Yvonne decided to write about it.
on paper what everyone whispers or com-
Suitcase Filled with Nails, is available at
plains about as life as an expat here. This
authorcloud.com/store, Amazon, Barnes &
honest and often humorous account chroni- Noble, iBooks, Sony Reader.
cles the highs and lows of her life in Kuwait,
2004-2010. Readers will recognize both
physical and psychological landmarks encountered as they negotiate life in a foreign
country they might, if even briefly, call
More than a good read, Suitcase Filled
with Nails, is filled with insights on
working, living and coping
in a culture that
prevalent Middle East
Suitcase Filled with Nails: Lessons Learned
Author Judith Roche writes,
from Teaching Art in Kuwait, by Yvonne
“This innocent abroad, ‘tells her
Wakefield (AuthorCloud, paperback
story with vivid language, living
$14.95), is required reading for any expa-
metaphor, and above all, great
triate living or working in Kuwait. Artist and story-telling skill.”
arts educator Yvonne Wakefield puts down
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
Suitcase Filled with Nails: Lessons Learned from Teaching Art in Kuwait
Quotes from the book...
A civil ID, I learn, is like a birth certificate, social
security number, voter registration, and insurance card, all
rolled into one. It’s your ticket to life in Kuwait – there is
little you can accomplish here without one.
“When can I get it?”
“Maybe five weeks. Maybe six weeks. Inshalla.”
Inshalla is an Arabic word that means, “If God is
willing,” or, “God willing.” Inshalla ends every sentence.
For example: “When will you return my passport?” Answer:“Tomorrow, Inshalla.” In this circumstance, realisticallytranslated, Inshalla means, “You get it when you get
it. Don’t bother me.” This literally translates to, “You are
stuck here and can’t leave without your passport, whose
whereabouts no one really knows, and even if someone did
know, they couldn’t possibly predict how long it would take
to get it back to you.” Inshalla
Then there is also the dreaded travel ban. In
Kuwait, if you displease a student or parent, or any national for any reason – a reason you may not even be
aware of – you can find yourself waiting in line at the
airport, plane ticket home in hand, only to be turned
back. Some pampered-to-oblivion student or the father
of a student, whose assignments are plagiarized, grades
negotiated through intimidation, has registered a complaint against you. But you don’t find this out until you
hand your passport over at passport control. So you are
stuck here.
One morning during that third and final year
working for the college, I nearly trip over a Naif Chicken
box at my doorstep as I’m leaving for work. I pick up
the carton, ready to throw the neighbor’s trash into the
dumpster, when a mouse-like mew stirs within greasy
Wasta, I soon learn, is as essential as a civil ID
cardboard. Inside is a black and orange kitten no bigger
card. Without it you are lucky if you can get anything
than a chicken wing, its eyes still closed.
done in Kuwait. Wasta constitutes a powerful tool that
For the next eleven days, I alter my schedule
can be used to take the misery out of life – or make your
to leave late and return home early to feed the clawing
life miserable – in Kuwait. It connects you to a mafia-like
heartbeat. After three days, the nearly lifeless sprout
tribal brotherhood or sisterhood with societal and political
grows hungry for the mother it finds in me and an eye
connections. Having wasta equates to having power, or
dropper filled with kitten formula. After three weeks,
powerful connections. If you don’t have wasta, the next
this trash becomes a playful, purring fluff of love, and I
best thing is to know someone who does.
have to find a new home for what I’ve saved. It is not
Wasta is a Middle Eastern blend of syndicates,
heavy on the reasoning of Italy’s Camorra, seasoned by Ali the first of twenty-four cats I will rescue, nurse, spay,
neuter, and find homes for (and this count doesn’t inBaba and the Forty Thieves conniving, and served with a
clude dogs). I also volunteer to foster strays from the
healthy dash of Desperate Housewives’ behind-your-back
local animal rescue organization. Whenever I meet
bitchiness. It can be used to further personal or tribal
someone new, after introducing my self I always add,
agendas or to destroy people and their agendas. It’s an
“Do you want a cat?”
honor to have a Kuwaiti offer you wasta. If a Kuwaiti with
even a modicum of wasta chooses to use it against you,
move to Antarctica – quickly.
expats express kuwait!
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3 11/2011
Want to start your own business in
Kuwait? Have a great product or idea
to launch but finding it hard to get a
Email [email protected] and
inquire about available options.
Edo Kiriko is
traditional hand
made cut glassware from Japan(1834)which
uses traditional
motifs such as
plants and animals.
Akio Kurokawa
has been at its craft for over 50 years and
is considered a master craftsman. For further information on these exquisite pieces
contact: 65921247 Jazmyn
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
He recent season opened at KLT (Kuwait Little
Theatre) with Mad Musicals 7, and it was fantastically full of fun: professional, uplifting and
simply delightful!
Pictured here are two scenes: The 'nuns' are
doing a rousing rendition of "I Will Follow Him"
from Sister Act II and the ladies in abayas are
from "You Don't Own Me" in The First Wives
Club movie.
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
Harley-Davidson Kuwait on a roll.
Harley Davidson Kuwait held their first
not have a license, so that they can get the
demonstration day at Starbucks Rahal out
feeling of how to operate a Harley Davidson
on Highway 40 on Friday 18 November. The motorcycle.
purpose of the day was to give prospective
The day was well attended with more than
and current customers the opportunity to
100 bikes arriving in a spectacular mass
test ride the new 2012 Dyna Switchback
ride by the HD Kuwait HOG chapter.
and the new upgraded 2012 Softail 103 Fat
Big thanks to thank Starbucks Rahal for
Boy Special on the open road.
allowing us the use of their premises and
For any info on Harley Davidson Kuwait feel
They also had the Jumpstart Dyno Ma-
more of these demo days in 2012 were
free to visit our showroom in Shuwaikh or
chine for prospective customers that does
contact us on 1804020”.
From far left; the Harley-Davidson Kuwait
demo day was exceptionally well attended
and early visitors were quick to get a
glimpse of the new machines before the
rush. Starbucks welcomed riders, families
and guests and their friendly, fast service
impressed. The unique Harley-Davidson
Jumpstart Dyno Machine affords prospective
buyers the opportunity to get the real feel of
the real deal by providing a stationary riding
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
Short, tall, skinny, white or black, how do you take it?
Part 1, by Milla Moroney
It’s 7.30am and nine days into my new life
as an expat I find myself embraced in ‘Sex
and the City 2’, a purchase recently made
from the dodgy DVD man.
What a luxury, I thought to myself, whilst
munching on my crunchy cornflakes and
slurping my cup of instant coffee. Rewind a
couple of weeks and at precisely 7.30am
you would find me speed walking down the
Cut on my way to the office on Blackfriars
Road in London, only slowing the pace
slightly to grab a white Americano from the
local Cafe Nero.
Now fast forward a couple of weeks and at
7.30am you will find me in my apartment in
Salmiya watching ‘Sex and the City 2’. I
was starting to feel a little guilty as surely I
should be doing something more productive
with my time, like looking for a job. Okay,
no problem I thought, let’s treat this as
‘Research’. If you have seen the ‘Sex and
the City 2’ you know that the movie is set
in Abu Dhabi, after Samantha is introduced
to a Sheikh in New York who then invites
her and her friends to his country – on an
all expenses paid holiday/business meeting.
Today I would be Carrie Bradshaw of Kuwait City, just doing some background research into the Gulf countries and their cultural differences. All I would need to do is
swap the Cosmopolitans for Caffe Lattes,
her Manolos for sandals and the New York
City Star for our very own expat publication
Coffee shop - a centre for work, play and
people watching
So, at my first attempt of Carrie in Kuwait,
let’s talk Coffee. Okay, I am not interested
in whether you prefer it short, tall, skinny,
white or black. But I bet a KD that you are
consuming more coffee now than before
you arrived here, (unless you’re Finnish,
the crazy Nordic nation consumes 12kg of
the lovely fragrant bean per capita making
it the world’s biggest consumer each year).
My first impressions are that the Coffee
Culture is an integral part of the Kuwaiti
everyday life, and I should not be surprised
considering that the formation of Coffee
Culture and coffeehouses dates back to
14th century Turkey. The cafes have always been an important part of Arabic history and they have served as social hubs,
as well as artistic and intellectual centres.
During the 16th-century coffeehouses were
banned in Mecca because they attracted
political gatherings.
Today, the coffee shops continue to be venues where people gather to talk, write,
read, entertain one another, pass the time
or indeed do business.
Coffee Culture in Kuwait
If you have seen the ‘Sex and the City 2’
movie, you probably agree that the way the
Arab world is portrayed on the film is admittedly hilarious and the girls’ knowledge
of the Arab world is somewhat naive, but it
is supposed to be funny after all it is entertainment. During the film I kept thinking to
myself ‘this is so ridiculous I know so much
better’ but in reality, do I? And if so why
do I get nervous of accepting an invitation
for a cup of coffee?
It’s always good to know few facts and with
that I mean that coffeehouses are meeting
places. But surely sometimes just knowing
a few facts isn’t enough when you throw in
the cultural differences.
Whilst still in the UK I managed to make a
few contacts here in Kuwait, mainly through
job applications and LinkedIn. The correspondence I received was always very polite, helpful and professional. After a string
of emails having established that I was relocating to Kuwait to join my husband and I
would be looking for work, all my contacts
would finish the email saying something
along the lines of; Let’s meet up for a coffee once you get here, here’s my number,
ring me...The Technology community is
very small in Kuwait, they are all my
friends, let’s discuss over a coffee...I will
introduce you to my contacts, let’s have
Every possible future meeting seemed to be
taking place in a coffee shop. It is very
black and white, right? Just like coffee.
This is where it gets syrupy
Now, here’s the tricky bit, if I would go for
a coffee with a male colleague in the UK, it
would soon have the tongues wagging.
Nonetheless, I would not even flinch or
consider twice whether I should go for a
coffee with some of my male colleagues
and will normally be the first to offer.
However, now 3000 miles away and still
baffled by these invitations I was uncertain
whether I should accept. It just seemed a
bit unusual to be invited to an informal environment such as a coffeehouse to discuss
employment opportunities. As an educated
and well travelled western woman, I have
found myself questioning these invitations.
Is it safe? Can I meet up with a man in
public? Should I ask my husband to come
along and sit in another table as a back up?
Okay, that’s a bit extreme but I do think
that these are valid points. Back at home I
would meet my best friends for a coffee but
not a stranger as the surroundings would
seem too intimate and relaxed. I guess it’s
not so much being safe, the issue here is
that I do not want to create the wrong impression.
I wonder what Carrie would do would she
put her career before her fears?
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Necessity is the mother of invention...man in motion.
The recent floods in Thailand brought
these amazing creations to the fore...
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Necessity is the mother of…..
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
My job search...
7. My best job was a Musician, but eventually found I
wasn't noteworthy.
8. I studied a long time to become a Doctor, but didn't
have any patience.
If German u-boats could fight a war with
schnorkels, then surely Japanese pickups
can battle high waters? How about that
three wheeler MPV you always promised
yourself but never had the funds, where
meanwhile back at your local Tesco’s its
business as usual...
1. My first job was working in an Orange
Juice factory, but I got canned.
I couldn't concentrate.
2. Then I worked in the woods as a Lumberjack, but just couldn't hack it, so they
gave me the axe.
3. After that, I tried being a Tailor, but
wasn't suited for it -- mainly because it
was a sew-sew job.
4. Next, I tried working in a Muffler Factory, but that was too exhausting.
9. Next, was a job in a Shoe Factory. Tried
hard but just didn't fit in.
10. I became a Professional Fisherman, but discovered I couldn't live on my
net income.
11. Managed to get a good job working for
a Pool Maintenance Company, but the
work was just too draining.
12. So then I got a job in a Workout Center, but they said I wasn't fit for the job..
5. Then, tried being a Chef - figured it
would add a little spice to my life,
but just didn't have the thyme.
13. After many years of trying to find
steady work, I finally got a job as a Historian - until I realized there was no future in
6. Next, I attempted being a Deli Worker,
but any way I sliced it.... couldn't cut the
14. My last job was working in Starbucks, but had to quit because it was the
same old grind.
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
The new Van is here!
The new grooming van has arrived, if
you are a Cat or Dog owner then you
can waive good bye to those dirty
paws or smelly coats, Animal Care Kuwait’s number one pet specialist has
just received their new grooming van
the Pet Stylist Elite Grooming Van from
the worlds leading Grooming Van conversion specialist WAGNTAILS.
The Kuwait roll-out for the van, the company’s second, is linked to the playful media campaign (pic right). As for the van,
The Stylist Elite is the most advanced and
luxurious grooming van available which
 1 x fully automated grooming table
complete with grooming arm and holdalls
 1 x standard grooming table complete
with storage
 Double Sliding windows to increase
light for better scissoring
 Commercial None Slip flooring to avoid
 Advanced A/C Unit to maintain the correct temperature during the grooming
 1 x Flat Screen to entertain your pet
during their grooming session
 16 Inch Stainless steel bath tubes custom made to include double drains and
raised shelf’s to cater from the largest
breeds of dogs to the smallest cats.
To find out more information or to book
your grooming session please call Animal
Care on 50015757.
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
A few final trim snips and this little beauty
“What about me!?”
will be handed back to an expectant
owner. Animal Care’s beauty van is quite
remarkable in terms of equipment and of
course total mobility.
“Hey watch it back there…”
Lets play!
Left: A 2nd ultra modern van just arrived from the US, ready to pamper.
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Doug Niblack recently
tried catching a last
wave before setting of
for work when his
board hit something
hard off the Oregon
Coast. Looking down
he found himself
standing on the back
of a thrashing great
white shark! Dude,
way to go dude!
He could see a dorsal fin
in front of his feet as he
stood on what he describes as “three meters
of shark-back as wide as
my surfboard and as
black as my wetsuit”.
The several seconds Niblack spent on the back of
the great white off Seaside, Oregon, was a rare
encounter, though not
unprecedented, according to Ralph Collier,
president of the Shark
Research Committee in
Canoga Park, California.
(picparody, true story)
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Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
KES charity “Bake n Sale”
Kuwait English School Preparatory Depart-
"We would really appreciate it if you
Farah Hamid, mother of
ment raised KD254 on Wednesday during a
could spend some time making some cakes
Shamil and Reception
one hour Bake Sale in support of Cardiac
or biscuits with your child to bring in on
teacher at KES until June,
Risk in the Young (CRY). The event was in
Wednesday so that we can sell them" re-
baked a huge amount
memory of Shamil Hamid, a former KES
quested Head Teacher Mrs Searle. Teachers of delicious cakes which
student who passed away at University in
manned the tables for the sale, which
England one year ago.
started at noon.
sold immediately.
Generous parents of children in KG and Reception
donated baked goods and
others contributed by buying the treats.
More information can be found at
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Operation HOPE - Kuwait
A Mission of Mercy
Tis the start of autumn in Kuwait, which
means winter is just around the corner. While the cold season is relatively
short-lived in Kuwait it can get quite cold especially for the street sweepers, and others working in the labor industry. More
often than not they are under dressed for
the rain & cold while they perform their
work duties. It has been the goal of OHKuwait to provide winter warmth for our
brothers & sisters in need since 2005.
KD 4. Here's how you can help: 1) sponsor
1, 2 or 100 needy people by presenting us
with the funds in which to purchase these
items. 2) purchase & bag the aforementioned items (for a set # of people) and
bring them to our premises before December 1st, and we'll deliver them to the
needy (our address will be provided upon
request). or 3) directly pay our wholesale
merchant for the # of workers you wish to
sponsor and he'll deliver your prepaid goods to our premises, whereby our
This year our goal is to provide winter
warmth to 2,500 such workers each in one volunteers will bag them and deliver them
(contact details will be provided upon reof three ways: 1) a winter warmth bag
consisting of thermals, socks, gloves, and a quest).
hat, 2) a heavy-duty blanket, or 3) a coat.
Mother Teresa was also noted for saying,
"If you can't feed a hundred people, then
Will you help us? Further to that goal is
feed just one." Your provision of support
another important project concerning the
will mean a great deal to those receiving
maids living at their embassy's shelter. We aim to provide each with a toiletry the help. Any of these means of service
could be managed individually or corpobag which contains: a toothbrush, toothrately - you choose; but DO choose to help,
paste, body soap, shampoo, and sanitary
napkins. We estimate at this time
Will you help us?
We have determined that the average
cost per person for either campaign is
Issue #3 11/2011
Not in
Mother Teresa once said, "We cannot all do
great things, but we can do small things
with great love."
there are more than 1,000 such shelter
residents in need of these basic toiletries.
Free Subscription: [email protected]
We always welcome new volunteers to sort,
bag, and distribute aide to Kuwait's neediest ~ won't you join us?
Sheryll Mairza
To all our subscribers from other GCC countries
(Jordan, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, KSA) please forward
copies of EEK! to friends and other expats in your
EEK! we will post events and classifieds in your
respective areas SO SEND THEM IN!
Simply mail “subscribe Jordan” or (something similar
Indicating your region) to [email protected]
and we will add you to our database.
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Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
Get your latest copy of Bazaar here:
Starbucks Coffee
Al-Fanar Complex
Galleria Complex
Souk Sharq
Costa Cafe
Jacques Dessange
Miss Sixty
Airport Mall
Haagen Dasz
Virgin Megastore
The One Cafe
ACK (Australian College of Kuwait)
AUK (American University of Kuwait)
AUM (American University of M East)
Boxhill College
Marble Slab
Harley Davidson
Al-Kout Mall
Johnny Rockets
Pizza Express
PQ Cafe
Simply send “subscribe” to [email protected] for your weekly FREE copy of this e-magazine
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Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
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Issue #3 11/2011
Regular contributor Ondine Chadwick sent us these stunners by
her husband Peter. Great shots of the migrating Greater Flamingo
(Phoeniconaias ruber) near the Free Trade Zone.
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
incident were horri- cluding x-rays. One bird appeared to have
rescue and rehabilitation who has worked
fied that the nature escaped injury but instead exhibited the
with flamingos throughout his ca-
preserve, a joint
symptoms of severe stress and a condition
reer. Based upon his advice, K’S PATH was
project between
called capture myopathy. The second did
able to adapt one of their raptor enclosures
KOC and the Public
not fare so well. One leg was completely
to accommodate the flamingos by adding a
Authority for Agri-
broken and there was one injury from a
large children’s pool and a household mir-
culture and Fish
piece of birdshot.
ror. The mirror helps the flamingos feel like
they are in a flock environment, which can
(PAAFR), had been
K'S PATH is a non-profit organization that
help to reduce stress. Additionally, all of
broken into and
works with all types of animals in Kuwait,
the raptor perches and feeding stands were
turned into a car-
from the lowliest forgotten hamster to a
wrapped to prevent injury and the entire
nage house.
Eurasian brown bear and a striped
10x4 meter enclosure was covered with
hyena. One of the many challenges they
sheets to prevent stress caused by the
Thanks to the long- face as an organization is that they never
standing partner-
know what animal is going to be in need
ship between KOC
next. They therefore
and K'S PATH, the
maintain a global network
latter was able to
of contacts that can be
respond promptly
consulted on short no-
and work with the
former to access
At approximately 11:22 am on November
the birds. K'S PATH response staff mem-
In the sad case of these
17, 2011, the Kuwait Society for the Pro-
bers were on scene within 45 minutes to
two flamingos, a quick
tection of Animals and Their Habitat (K’S
rescue the surviving birds and to collect
text message to a pro-
PATH, pronounced kay’s path), received a
and document the dead.
gram director at Humane
Society International led
distress call from one of their partner companies, Kuwait Oil Company (KOC). The
The two living birds were brought directly
them to Dr. Robert Agui-
caller relayed that poachers had broken
to the Royal Animal Hospital, which acts as
lar, a veterinarian with
through the fencing surrounding the Ab-
the K'S PATH veterinary medical part-
the Humane Society of
daliya Nature Preserve and had massacred
ner. Dr. Jill Mullen and her team were
the United States. Dr.
11 flamingos. Two more were left to
ready for the birds when they arrived. Both Aguilar is a veteran ex-
die. The KOC employees who reported the
birds received a thorough examination in-
pert in the field of wildlife
sight of people and other animals. PTO...
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
meager assets and hope for a miracle.
Failure will mean that nothing good whatsoever came out of this terrible act of senseless violence.
It also remains to be seen what will be
done to prevent future attacks like this
one. Poaching has become an epidemic in
Kuwait, and no bird in any location is truly
safe. K’S PATH regularly receives calls and
According to Dr. Aguilar, wild flamingos are
complaints about dead birds, vehicles bris-
very difficult to keep in captivity, especially
tling guns driving around shooting at any-
if they are alone or even in pairs. The mir-
thing that moves, and every once in a while
rors may help, but much more is needed to
a desperate plea to save a life. It is truly
save a wild flamingo. K’S PATH appealed to the responsibility of everyone to protect our
the Kuwait Zoo for help but was told the
birds before their beauty is gone forever.
zoo will only help by taking healthy animals
Without protection in the form of law en-
for their collection. In lieu of any govern-
forcement and prosecution, it will continue
ment support, K’S PATH can only act within
to fall upon preserve administrators and K’S
their own network of staff and supporters.
PATH to do what they can and try to save
as many animals as possible.
Sadly, after three days of desperate efforts,
the injured bird succumbed to his injuries.
To find out more about K’S PATH and to
As this article goes to press, the surviving
make a donation toward this or any of their
bird is finally accepting food, which is a
programs, visit www.kspath.org, call 6700-
good step. K’S PATH now faces the chal-
1622, email [email protected] or search K’S
lenge of getting him standing again through PATH on Facebook.
a regiment of physical therapy and medication. The odds are great, but the K'S PATH
OK, so lets see if there’s some wasta com-
team is committed to making every effort
ing from the big guys to regulate gun own-
to get this bird well and released back into
ership. Also, lets say the poachers do get
the wild.
caught, will anything happen to them? Ed.
But they must stretch all of their
Winter Fayre
Saturday December 3rd,
Sadu House, Arabian Gulf Street, On the
corner of the museum. 10am – 4pm.
* Come to the Fayre!
A great day out for all the
* Handicrafts, jewellery
baked goods, seasonal
gifts, sadu weaving,
rugs and carpets,
frankincense & myrrh
* Free admission and
great door prizes.
* Relax after shopping
with refreshments in
the Diwaniya
* Need more info? e-mail:
[email protected]
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Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
K’S PATH (Kuwait Society for the Pro-
cause, K’S PATH Chairman Ayeshah Al Hu-
tection of Animals and Their Habitat) –
maidhi highlighted the progress made over
a non-profit organization committed to
the year in wildlife and habitat protection
animal welfare and habitat conserva-
and K’S PATH’s future plans. These include
tion – successfully held its annual
a humane animal control program in part-
‘Welcome to the Jungle’ Charity Ball
nership with KOC which successfully
and Art Auction under the patronage
proved to the government that inhumane
of Sheikha Lulu Mubarak Al Sabah on
use of poison is not the most effective way
Friday, 18th November 2011 at the
to control stray animals; implementing Ku-
British Embassy gardens.
wait’s first nationwide marine conservation
program; the launch of a comprehensive
The fundraiser event was attended by 250
humane animal education program in pri-
patrons, well-wishers, animal lovers and
vate and public schools following Ministry
members of K’S PATH’s growing commu-
of Education approval; and several meas-
nity who came out to pledge their support
ures to track, protect and rehabilitate wild-
of K’S PATH’s many programs in animal
life, migratory birds and endangered
welfare, habitat protection and the envi-
The fundraiser was facilitated by main
‘treetop’ sponsors Essa Hussain Al Yousifi
and Sons, and Pet Providers. 10.oh.8 Restaurant and Petzone supported the event
as the ‘waterhole’ sponsors while several in
-kind contributions were extended by
brands such as Ethan Allen, Al-Othman
Fashion, Westwood Heritage, Basic Organic
Pet and Feed; Organica Fish and Chips,
While thanking the event’s sponsors, art-
and Kayan.
ists, guests and the British Embassy for
generously contributing towards a worthy
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
The hugely successful fundraiser titled ‘’Welcome to the Jungle’ invited
guests to don attire inspired by wild
animals except fur, as a symbolic
pledge of support of Kuwait’s many
indigenous and endangered wildlife
species. “Wildlife in Kuwait is truly in
a state of crisis. Pollution, development, and rampant poaching have
left few places where animals are
safe to live as nature intends. Our
precious wildlife stands little chance
of survival without our combined and
consistent efforts to stave off their
absolute destruction.
Kuwait, and support expansion of the
The obstacles are vast, but at K’S PATH,
scope, scale, and effectiveness of our wild
we don’t see a problem without seeing a
animal programs.”
solution. We consider it our job to find solutions”, Al
The highlight of the ball was a special art
Humaidhi ex-
auction hosted by the patron of the charity
plained. “Your fundraiser Sheikha Lulu Mubarak Al Sabah
generous con- featuring exquisite artworks, paintings,
tribution to-
couture and photography by both upcom-
night will go a ing and renowned local and international
long way to-
artists including Alison Zapata, Ghada Al-
ward stopping Kandiri, Philip Kamble, Abdullah Al-Awadhi,
the pointless
Amira Behbehani, Shurooq Amin, Christian
exploitation of Ghammachi, Lulu Rocka, BTZ Group, Grit
our wildlife in
Skillandat, and Taher Sultan.
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Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
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Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3 11/2011
BGIFC recognizes the outstanding contribution of Amanda Weldon to Girlguiding
the Ambassadors to Kuwait District BGIFC, Mrs.
Maria Pilar Fernandez Baker, wife of the British
Ambassador to the State of Kuwait, and Mrs.
Sue Read who both addressed all present.
ior Section members, Guides, Brownies and
Rainbows were there to show their appreciation
too. They provided tea, drinks and sandwiches.
Tributes to Ms. Weldon were read out by Senior
Section members and Guides on behalf of those
who could not be present.
Awards were also presented to a number of indi- who would like to train as assistant leaders or
viduals who have been very supportive of BGIFC
leaders are encouraged to con-
activities in Kuwait. The Kuwait Girlguiding rep-
tact:[email protected]. All the training required
resentatives also received a gift and certificates
will be provided; volunteers just need to have
recognizing the importance of the links between
energy, enthusiasm, and a willingness to try out
the two organizations. They responded with a
new activities.
presentation for the BGIFC team leaders.
On 13th November, 2011 a special ceremony
sponsible for members of Girlguiding UK who
Ms. Weldon has been a leader within Girlguiding
was held in the grounds of the British Embassy.
live and work overseas to ensure that they are
for over 20 years, and has shown total commit-
Ms. Amanda Weldon, District Commissioner for
able to follow the Girlguiding programmes where ment and enthusiasm during that time. Prior to
British Guides in Foreign Countries (BGIFC) in
they live. Also present from London for this
her 11 years in Kuwait, she was a leader in the
Kuwait, was awarded the prestigious Laurel
presentation was Fiona Carle, Assistant BGIFC
UK. During her time in Kuwait, Ms. Weldon has
Award. Recipients are selected by a Girlguiding
Commissioner and Guiding Development Advisor
been an inspiration to leaders and guides alike.
UK committee based in London which receives
who provides support and training for adult
She has provided support and encouragement to
submissions from the local area where the per-
leaders overseas.
everyone involved. BGIFC in Kuwait consists of
Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section
son is based. The Laurel Award is only given in
cases where someone has shown exceptional
There were a number of representatives from
members. Although there is a dedicated team of
service to Girlguiding. The award was presented BGIFC in Kuwait and from the Kuwait Girlguiding
leaders running the groups, there are now wait-
by Ruth Sara, BGIFC Commissioner who is re-
ing lists of girls wishing to join, so volunteers
movement in the audience. Also present were
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
Big thank you to Rounél Siecker
For this great shot near the Marina Mall
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
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Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
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Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
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Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
The Spa
Kuwait’s hidden treasure
Purely Holistic
Choice of body scrub
Choice of body wrap
Skin solution
Total of 2 hours and 55 minutes for 48KD
Potent Purification
Deluxe Moroccan Hammam
Choice of one hour massage
Total of 2 hours and 20 minutes for 39KD
The Revive Package
Cleopatra Bath
Indulge your body and senses with a visit
Aroma stone massage
to The Spa at the MÖvenpick Hotel & Resort Elemis tester facial
Al Bida’a Kuwait. Our fully-trained profes-
Total of 2 hours and 5 minutes for 38KD
sional therapists are on hand every day
from 9.00am to 10.00pm to pamper your
mind, body and soul and provide a personal Chill-out
experience guaranteed to leave you re-
Cleopatra Bath
freshed and invigorated.
Swedish massage
Indian head massage
Book any Elemis facial and receive
Foot massage
a 50% discount on the second one. Total of 2 hours and 10 minutes for 40KD
For reservations or more information please call The Spa at:
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3 11/2011
Apartments & Villas
Al Mutawa Real Estate has for rent:
1. Salwa, A specious duplex with a
big living/dining room (some of them have
a balcony) a kitchen without appliances . Master
bedroom and 2 bedrooms sharing 1 bathroom
850 KWD
bedroom and 2 bedrooms sharing 1 bathroom.
outside area and shutters all around the house.
There is a big terrace on the roof with all the
Living, dinning, kitchen, storage, sun lounge and
things u need for a good (BBQ) party with a
drivers room on the ground floor. Kitchenette 3
beautiful view. Apartment for rent on floor 7 & 8
bedrooms sharing 1 bathroom and 2 master bed-
- 1200 KWD and floor 9 & 10 - 1250 KWD On
rooms on the first floor. Maids room and storage
floor 9 there is also a furnished apartment for
on the second floor. 1400 KWD
rent 1450 KWD
shutters all around. Two shaded parking places,
2. Salmiya, furnished apartments. The complex has a pool on the roof and
a gym.2 bedroom apartments 550 KWD. 3 bedroom apartments 650 KWD
3. Salwa
furnished apartments with
24/7 security, a gym an outside pool, internet
and telephone line. Housekeeping comes 3 times
a week! 2 bedroom apartment 550 KWD, 3 bedroom apartment 750 KWD
4. Salmiya high quality apartment
close to shopping centre and restaurants. This
complex has 24/7 security, a pool, a gym and a
play room which is suitable for kids and teenagers. Every floor has 2 apartments and every
apartment has a living/dining room, a fully
equipped kitchen, laundry, maids room, a master
8. Bayan, block 4 an apartment with
5. Al Salam, block 6, A well secured
a living, kitchen 1 master bedroom and 2 bed-
(with camera’s) villa with private swimming pool
rooms sharing one bathroom. The bedrooms
and garden. Drivers room, garage, outside
have built in cabinets. Ground floor 650 KWD
kitchen and storage. Living /dining area with
2nd floor 600 KWD
view on the pool. Guest bathroom, kitchen and
Telephone: 00 965 66722793
[email protected]
(under construction)
Large Villa floor with view of the Arabian
Gulf. Fully furnished to a high standard. Located
in a quiet area of Mubarak Al Kabeer, Block 8,
bordering Abu Fatira, just off road 250.
5 spacious bedrooms, including generous master
bedroom/en-suite bathroom. Large lounge with
storage. On the other side of the house you find
Please call for more information or an ap-
dining area, kitchen (electric oven), 1 further
2 master bedrooms and 2 bedrooms sharing 1
pointment to see our properties with Karen
bathroom, 1 shower room and a utility room.
bathroom. In the basement there is a bathroom,
97729359 or Ahmed 99200974
a hall and a kitchenette. On the first floor you
Screen TV’s and cinema surround sound systems
can house the maid, there is a laundry, storage
Expat Property Rental
(lounge and master bedroom). 2 dedicated cov-
and a maintenance room. The house has a very
Western Estate Agent giving expats a Per-
ered parking slots. Available from mid-
sonal Professional Service
December. The landlord is very helpful and we
5 years’ experience in the Kuwait rental market
have thoroughly enjoyed our time living there.
with living/dining area, stainless steel kitchen (no
Low commission rates – cannot be beaten
Rental 650 KD monthly.
appliances) 1 master bedroom, 2 bedrooms shar-
Lease contract after care support service
For more information call Colonel Abdullah
To register your property requirements, general
Al-Khozam on 99404515. Or Linda on
enquiries, help or advice:-
97634039 (photos available).
high quality of finishing. 2500 KWD
6. Jabriya, block 8, a nice apartment
ing 1 bathroom and a maids room. 550 KWD.
7. Bayan, block 13, a nice villa with
Ample wardrobes and storage facilities. 2 Large
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Apartments & Villas
Deluxe Apartments For Rent
a Panoramic view of the Gulf Good size Kitchen, Guest
2 Deluxe Apartments (sea view) in Fintas, 10th floor, Du-
bathroom + Maids room or Storage area A/C + Win-
rat Al Fintas Bldg, in front of Safir Fintas Hotel, fully fur-
ter Heating facilities. Swimming Pool- small male /female
nished, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, Dining Room, 3 living
Gyms. Security For more info Please call:
areas, fully equipped kitchen with washing / drying ma-
mbl 99677834 after 3 pm
chines, fridge, microwave, stove, etc., building security,
Expat Leaving - Huge 3 br Apt for sale - sea view -
suitable for Western Executives. Easy access to Fahaheel
Expressway. Rent based on best
Shaab Sea side, Spectacular direct sea view, very close to
offer. Contact : 99444574
the Canadian Embassy - 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, maid
Deluxe Duplex Apartment For Rent
1 Deluxe Duplex Apartment (sea view) in Fintas, 11th &
12th floor, Durat Al Fintas Bldg, in front of Safir Fintas
Hotel, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, large Living/Dining Room
area, fully equipped kitchen with washing / drying
machines, fridge, microwave, stove, etc., building security, suitable for Western Executives. Easy access to
Fahaheel Expressway. Rent based on best
offer. Contact : 99444574
Just Available. Apartment for Rent in attractive
family complex in Marboula. Furnished Apartment with 3
Bedrooms, Master bedroom with ensuite bathroom
plus 2nd Double bedroom w/bathroom and optional office
or 3rd bedroom. Fair size lounge with balcony overlooking
room + bath, parking in basement. Wood flooring and wall
paper in the living room. To go by December 5th 2011
Call : 6002-7061 or 9731- 0272
Waterfront apartment for rent, available
February 1, 2012
Large 3-bedroom flat in the popular complex in Mangaf.
1st floor with balcony, extra tall ceilings, maid room, uninterrupted views of the Gulf. Child-, pet-, and expatfriendly, very social environment. Rent 650 KD per month,
takeover existing contract, save on real estate fee, optional purchase of wardrobes and some equipment from
current resident (negotiable). Please call Yuri 6705 5302 or
Margarita 6062 3974 more details and photos.
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Issue #3 11/2011
Email: [email protected]
Visit our website HERE
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Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
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Issue #3 11/2011
Are you a
Business Owner,
Business Development Manager, or
Marketing Manager?
Company with a community agenda?
Then this might interest you.
All EEK! subscribers,
 Read English,
 Earn good money, and
 Spend money in Kuwait!
If you want to get in touch with our 5300+ subscribers on a weekly basis,
please contact us, we’ll gladly share more info over for a medium ghawha:
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Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Culture Club back in the 80s. It’ll be good to see the lads back in action in Dubai
this December!
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Issue #3 11/2011
Moss (drums and percussion) and flamboyant front man Boy George (lead vocals) will
perform all of their smash hits including Do You Really Want to Hurt Me, Time (Clock of
the Heart), I’ll Tumble 4 Ya and Karma Chameleon.
Having achieved seven straight Top 10 singles in the UK, nine Top 10 singles in the USA
and nine smash hits in Australia, the Grammy Award-winning Culture Club are set to
bring their biggest hits back to the stage in Dubai this December!
Tickets will be available to purchase online from today at a cost of AED 295 each. The
Tennis Stadium is on a first come, first serve basis.
For all concert information and to purchase tickets please visit
Culture Club, one of the biggest pop bands in the world – who have sold over 50 million
albums and 100 million singles worldwide – are coming to Dubai for one show only on
December 29th 2011 at the Dubai Tennis Stadium. With their track record of No. 1 singles in over a dozen countries and multi platinum album sales across the globe, Culture
Club’s original line up of Mikey Craig (bass guitar), Roy Hay (guitar and keyboards), Jon
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Do you...
Write articles
Visit places and
would love to report on them
Have an affinity to share info (lol!)
Do you have interest in...
Local and regional histories,
Matters environment,
Blog reports
Mall reports
Schools and related
If you want to try your hand at a bit of after hours
journalism, please let us know about it:
[email protected]
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
Mövenpick Hotel & Resort Al Bida’a
Friday Brunch:
Known for it’s wonderful range of live cooking stations, an array of Arabic and International food, freshly made Pasta, Chinese delicacies prepared in front of your eyes and
the chocolate fountain where strawberries, fresh pineapple pieces and marshmallows
disappear in soft dripping milk chocolate, the Friday Brunch at the Mövenpick Hotel
Restaurant displays a great place to be on Friday.
You enjoy live entertainment, which contains a marvellous blend of Oriental & International music. Highlights of the Brunch are in fact all the action stations – May it be the
fried noodles made to order, shwarma station or the fresh pasta station. The wide
range of International specialties makes it hard to choose where to start.
All this for only 12 KD +10% service charge per person. Kids between 6 and 12 years
old get 50% discount and under 6 can eat for free. The Friday Brunch starts from 12:30
pm until 4:00pm.
For reservations or more information, please call 22253100 extension: 5444.
Italian Night:
Pizza, Pasta Festival! – The choice is yours on Wednesdays. Take your favourite
ingredients from a wide range of pizza toppings or pasta choices and our Chef will
prepare it to your liking.
For only 12 KD +10% per person at Breeze Restaurant every Wednesday from 7.00pm
to 11.30 pm.
For more information or bookings, please call 22253100 extension: 5444
Oriental Night:
A tapestry of cultural cuisines brings you a wide selection of oriental dishes from Kuwait, Morocco, Egypt, Syria , Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia, make a date in your dairy
every Thursday for the best of the Arabic food for just 12 KD+10% per person.
Taking place in Breeze Restaurant from 7.00 pm to 11.30pm.
For more information or bookings, please call 22253100 extension: 5444.
Seafood BBQ at Beldani Restaurant:
Seafood is everyone’s favourite, especially barbecued and dipped with variety of
sauces. Drop by Beldani Restaurant every weekend and enjoy the freshest seafood in
A lavish buffet of Kuwaiti and regional classics, a barbecue of the freshest fish and seafood, and delights such as sushi and sashimi combine for a traditional yet innovative
dining experience. It starts from 7.00pm to midnight.
Call 22253100 for more information
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
I want this guy’s job
Small wheels, big deals.
nounced plans
to manufacture the
world's most
expensive and
most precious
model car to
make it to the
Guinness Book
of Records.
planned Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4
car is a unique
creation made
according to
the personal requests of the potential
buyer."Essentially the model is made of solid
gold and platinum. And it is not a model car. It is
a piece of art," Gulpen said in a press release.
German model carmaker Robert Wilhelm Gulpen
has a wonderful way of spending his time and
making some dosh. He builds super detailed
model cars from super precious metals and those
shiny stones buffed up in facets. Here in hand is
the model he made of a Lamborghini Aventador
which is expected to sell at auction for around
KD13.mio, that’s roughly twelve times the price
of the real thing!
Robert has been creating luxury car models from
solid precious metals such as gold, silver and
platinum for the past 12 years, and he’s an-
with a taste for luxury and a love of cars.
As for the car in the main pic, Robert tells us:
"Essentially the model is made out of solid gold
and platinum. The body of the prototype addiFor Gulpen, the car model name indicates the
tionally features genuine carbon fiber, as used in
number of jewels on the front seats to be used:
Formula 1 cars; gold and platinum rims and to
Aventador LP 700-4, that means 700 pieces of
add that extra wow factor diamonds in the seats,
precious stones per seat, or 1400 just for the two steering wheel and headlights."
If a potential buyer doesn't feel like waiting until
It is the customer who will decide exactly what
Christmas, they can buy the model car right now
the most expensive and most precious model car by plonking down a cool KD430000 extra. Sure,
in the world will look like. The customer name his why not, I mean, who has times these days to
preferences and instruct the type of materials
wait for the auction!?
that should be used, he added.
Gulpen's replicas cover the range of all leading
If you need to talk to Robert, get over to
car manufacturers and are accessible to anyone
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Dear EEK!,
As promised a couple of photos and a few
words about "The Avenue of the Giants" (click) , Northern California.
It is an incredible 31 mile drive along a narrow road (old highway 101), which meanders through an amazing Giant Redwood
The trees really have to be seen to be believed as it is impossible to do their majesty
and magnitude justice in words and pictures. If you ever get the opportunity to
see them, take it as it will be well worth
your while.
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat! Everyone's schedule is filling up, so please don't forget
the Ahmadi Music Group's traditional Christmas concert on 9 and 10 December at 5.00 and 7.30
pm. We hope to see you there for Christmas music both traditional and modern, and at the 5.00
concert, a special treat for the children... Ho ho ho!
More details at www.ahmadimusicgroup.com. Tickets available online at
www.ahmadimusicgroup.com, or from any choir member.
You can also order tickets by emailing
[email protected] and then collect your tickets on several occasions over the next
few days (the first of these was on Saturday 26th at Starbuck’s, Marina Crescent).
See you at the concert!
Ahmadi Music Group
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
Shaab Park Coaching Course Days:
Wednesdays: 17:00-19:00.
(One day per week KD- 45, two days per week KD- 85, three days per week KD120).
Shaab Park Centre of Excellence days and timings;
Under 9/10/11/12
Fridays 13:00-14:30, Saturdays 09:00-11:00 and Mondays 17:00-19:00.
Under 13/14 Fridays 14:30-16:00, Saturdays 11:00-13:00, Tuesdays 17:00-19:00.
Under 15/17 Fridays 14:30-16:00, Saturdays 1300-1500 and Tuesdays 17:00-19:00.
PGA/Everton Coaching Courses are also available as follows;
Canadian Bilingual School- in Khaitan on Mondays 14:15-15:45
Indian and Pakistani School- Coaching Course for on Thursdays 16:00-17:00
Mishref Coaching Course- on Saturdays for 3 to 16 years 09:00-11:00
Girls Coaching Course- at Shaab Park on Wednesdays 17:00-19:00
Freestyle Coaching Course- at Shaab Park on Wednesdays 17:30-18:30
Specialist Goalkeeper Coaching- at Shaab Park on Saturdays 11:00-13:00
For Further details contact : Mike: 99981327
or Baker: 66918666
The Premier GOAL Academy, sponsored by Porsche Centre Kuwait, Behbehani Motors
Company, is pleased to announce the visit of Glasgow Celtic F.C. coaching staff to Kuwait from 25 to 28 November, 2011. Dave Cook, ex Everton F.C., and now with Scottish giants Celtic will be accompanied by Greig Robertson, the International Academy
Development Officer and Senior Youth team coach. Dave and Greig are visiting Kuwait
as part of their role to develop strong working relationships with clubs.
The support and active involvement of Scottish Premier League and European Club
giants Glasgow Celtic F.C., alongside the association with Everton Football Club from
the English Premier League, ensures that players at the Premier GOAL Academy receive the very best football development programme available in the State of Kuwait.
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
A new Everton Football Coaching Course has commenced at Yarmouk Sports Club in
Mishref from 0900-1100, continuing for five action packed weeks. Fully qualified, exThe Premier GOAL Academy Girls football coaching course has started at Shaab Park
perienced coaches will provide expert coaching following the Evertonway curriculum,
every Wednesday 1700-1900 under the expert guidance of ex Arsenal Ladies
developing individual skills and techniques, and covering the topics of passing, con-
player Coach Carly. Open to all girls aged 11 years and above, for further details con-
trol, dribbling, shooting, running with the ball, tackling and team play. All players
tact Mike on 99981327.
aged 3 to 15 years are welcome to participate with all ability levels catered for. Everyone attending this course will be invited to participate in the International Youth Football Tournament at Shaab Park on 10 December when medals will be presented to all
players by HE the British Ambassador to Kuwait, Frank Baker. Free footballs and Tshirts provided for all, for further details contact Mike on 99981327 or Baker on
Specialist Goalkeeper training is taking place at
Shaab Park on Saturdays from 1100-1300 under
the expert instruction of UEFA Goalkeeping
Coach Khalid. Suitable for all aspiring young goal-
The British Academy of Sport
keepers aged from 8 to 18 years of age at the
Sporting courses for all now available with UK qualified Coaches in
Premier GOAL Academy in association with Ever-
Football, Swimming, Basketball, Gymnastics, Karate (LADIES ONLY!!
ton F.C. and sponsored by Porsche Centre Kuwait,
Behbehani Motors Company. For futher details
Self Defence Classes), Pilates, unique Fit4Fun classes for Kindergar-
contact Baker on 66918666
ten ages and lots more.
For further information please contact
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
2011 ISACK champions, and KES’s sixth championship. Well done lads!
the most points KES has ever had in a
championship game and defeated a talented BSK squad. This is the sixth basketball championship in ten seasons for the
Under 19 team.
Their story, however, begins two seasons
ago when inexperience and uncertainty
were lost to HARD WORK, COMPETITIVENESS and INTENSITY! The focus of this
season was to continue raising standards
and expect championship play consistently,
both individually and of teammates. Coach
Quinn feels that this team ranks up there
The Open Age Boys Basketball Team has
had a terrific year! For the third season in a among the hardest working group in his 11
years at KES. They averaged 50 points per
row they played in the ISACK final against
archrival BSK. Dedicating the final to all the game and allowed a measly 23.6 points.
KES dominated every opponent using an
KES players before them, the team came
aggressive style of defense and full court
out with intensity and confidence, scoring
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
Congratulations to the Open Age Boys Basketball Team. They made it to the ISACK final against
BSK for the third straight season and proved that hard work and determination pay off as they
captured KES’s sixth championship.
pressure; forcing numerous turnovers and
scoring like a ‘pack of wolves’ in transition.
This success took the better part of the
past two seasons to develop. After disappointing finishes in two ISACK finals, Coach
Quinn and the nucleus of his team dedicated themselves to improving. After the
season finished in November 2010, the
team stayed together and practiced for
most of the school year. They entered the
GUST high school league and played
against some of Kuwait’s best teams. After
a shaky start the team gained confidence in
a near comeback victory over American
International School (AIS). The team focused on fundamentals and continued to
improve by playing a series of games
against Bayan Bilingual School (BBS) and
Universal American School (UAS). Once the
2011 season started, there were noticeable
KES has the potential players to dominate
ISACK for years to come but need to adopt
a championship attitude and PREPARE for
success by working on skills and fitness,
before, during and after the season. With
so few players returning next year opportunities for playing time will be abundant, but
only for the few that make it happen.
Report by Tom Quinn.
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Debbie Reeve
Sign up for classes today.
Contact Debbie Reeve
at 55050749 or by
email at
[email protected]
PAINTING CLASSES starting Monday, Sept.
12 9:30am-12:00pm
(8KD per class) All levels.
½ day 10KD)
September 24 Beginners 101/102 9am3:30pm
October 4 Drawing 9am-3:30 All levels
October 8 Painting Water 9am-3:30pm
October 15 Beginner 101/102 9am-12pm/
Painting Trees 12:30-3:30pm
October 22 Drawing Architecture 9am12pm/ Watercolour: Architecture Pen and
Ink 12:30-3:30pm
October 29 Watercolour Mixed Media 9am3:30pm
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Issue #3 11/2011
International Squash Tournament
currently at Green Island here in
Kuwait City. Click anywhere in this
column for a detailed analysis and
tourney details!
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
EEK! is not responsible for or involved with any of the ads published.
Moving Sale:
Children’s Toys – From KD 1
Jigsaws & Toys – Various prices
Clothes – Baby, Girls, Men’s, Womens - From
KD .250
Shoes – From KD 0.500
Maclaren Stroller exclnt cond. KD 20 Slide – KD
5 Dressing Table – KD 25Children’s Pool Table
– KD 23
White Chest Drawers x 3 – KD 7 each
Little Tykes Football Table – KD 25
Kitchen Table and 6 chairs – KD 30Children’s
Electric Car – KD 50
Wardrobes x 3 ( 3 and 2 doors) – KD 20 each
Bike – Age 7 – KD 10
Cupboards x 3 – KD 10 each
Deep Fat Fryer – KD 10
Cot – KD 35
Bassinet – KD 25
Cross – Trainer – KD 10 Children’s Trampoline 3ft by 3ft – KD 5
Ski Clothes Kids KD 10
Ski Clothes Adults KD 15
Ski Helmets – KD 10 each
Puppet Show – KD 8
All in excellent condition - Contact 97215905
When: Saturday, 3rd of December from 10 am
to 1pm
Where: Egaila 1, street 117, House 34
What: Toys and clothing for up to 5 year old
boys and girls
books for children and adults
kitchen and household items
electronics, laptop, sewing machine
quilts crib size and crib bedding
stroller, car seat covers
outside ride on toys
and much more.
[email protected]
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
EEK! is not obliged to publish all ads or material received and the decision to publish, or not, is solely that of the Editor.
House Sale:
I'm leaving Kuwait
and need to basically
sell of my whole
household. Mid to
high quality stuff at
“take them home”
prices. The prices are
on a word file by
each item.
Call Mark 97109442
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
Free Subscription: [email protected]
For Sale
* Boy’s Spiderman Bicycle with stabilisers.
Good condition. 13” wheels – 15KD
EEK! is responsible or involved in any of the ads placed herein. All transaction are at the own risk of the respondent.
* Girl’s Rhapsody Pink Bicycle with stabilisers.
* Good condition, 13” wheels – 15KD
* Fussball table. Pine. Good Condition. –
* Rowenta Pedestal Fan (Black) Height 4ft.
– 10KD
* Electric Keyboard (Yamaha) with stand –
* 2 CD players with radio – one pink, one
grey. Free to good home (after 10th December).
* Moulinex Odacio Food Processor – 25KD
(available from 1st December)
* George Forman Fat Free Grill – 10KD
* LPD 850 Portable DVD Player, can be
used in cars – 15KD
* 2 Children’s life vests – 5KD each
* 2 Children’s ? – 4KD
* Pizza maker – 5KD
* Two sets of children’s Hagen Series II
golf clubs with bags.
One right handed
and one left handed. - 25KD each
* Riding hat (Jockey Skull) Size: 0, Young
Riders – 5KD
* Rider’s Protection Vest (Rodney Powell,
Body and Shoulder Protector Standard
* Mattresses
Intercoil Home Classics Orthopaedic
(80” x 60”)
Intercoil Triple A Treatment
(76” x 58”)
15KD each
(Available after 10th December)
Level 3)
Size: Small – 5KD
Tel: 97634039, Linda J. Ferguson
events blog
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
EEK! is not obliged to publish all ads or material received and the decision to publish, or not, is solely that of the Editor.
Issue #3
Free Subscription: [email protected]
For Sale 2002
Roller Desk brand new 50KD; Set of pots
Harley Davidson
dium 3KD; Anthony Wharrel grill
Soft Tail Deuce
lips Juicer hardly used 11KD, swing 8KD,
big 4KD, medium 3KD, large 4 KD, me5KD;
diwania set 7 KD (for 2 sets); Phil-
Gas BBQ with side stove: 27KD,
new single arm chair 45KD
Ex Pat Owned from new
1483 cc Stage 2 Engine (95HP)
20,000 kms
Screaming Eagle pipes
Unique Ghost Rider paintwork
Fully chromed
Short handlebars
Custom Hard Bags + Frame
Proper and Regular service
New Front tyre
Range of spares
events blog
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
EEK! is not responsible for or involved with any of the ads published.
We have a wide range of young children's toys
and games (easy jigsaw puzzles, car garage
with cars, large plastic building blocks, little
tykes cars, ride along car) to sell asap.
We also have a bed guard, a baby floor gym/
play mat, matching Winnie the Pooh bath mat,
potty and toilet trainer seat and a nappy wrapper.
We have a large amount of good quality boys
clothes, in bags from ages 3-6 months up until
2-3 years.
We also have a LG LCD rear projection 48" T.V.
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
for sale, it works fine but it needs a new bulb.
Maximum 2 of any sort, price range 10-15 KD
Call Alison 94456743 or Daren 99586971
per chair.
Please feel free to pass on to anyone with
(weekdays between 4-9pm and weekends 9am
Contact Anna-Lou 99900675 or Hein 60009813
young children who you think may be
- 9pm). The money from the toys and clothes
will go to Operation Hope.
Seeking Occupational Therapist/Physical
Jo Vickridge - [email protected]
Therapist specializing in hands!
Very Good Condition Kuwaiti Style Household
Therapy needed post surgery for trigger finger
furniture for sale, items incl
release. Contact: Karen e-mail: re-
1. Wardrobe
[email protected]
2. Master Bed room set
3. Sofa set
MagiKats offers out of school Maths
4. Diwaniya set
and English tuition
5 Stove
suitable for all children from 4 to 16 years.
6 Oil Heater
Every student has a programme that is built for
Plenty odds and ends for sale as well.
them. They concentrate on coming to grips with
For viewing please call ( Shaheed (haris) who
topics that they are covering at school whilst
will be able to show the items at anytime 99-
also working on a parallel thread that is put
together to fill any gaps that may exist in their
Nasrin Ejner
core skills. Special support is also available
Toyota Prado 2008 VX model, V6 4000cc
when exams are looming. For further informa-
automatic, only one owner, full dealer service,
Big Sale of Baby and Kids stuff!
tion please visit www.magikats.com or call
no accidents or problems. KD 7200
Saturday, 03. December 2011 from 9 – 12
Abu Hassania, Bock 11, Street 79, Villa 4A
(from Fahaheel Expressway take exit 209, U
turn back to highway towards Kuwait City, stay
We are having a sale of numerous bits and bobs
left, take first unmarked exit (Police Officers
of baby stuff that was left with me when a few
Club), 2nd left and you are there)
friends left in august this year, there is multi-
We have tons of kids clothes (newborn -3
tude of small toys, as well as a couple of high
years), from socks to swimsuits, pants, jackets,
chairs, books, DVD's, bedding, baby bath,
hats …you name it, all from 100 fills to 2 KD.
strollers of varying ages as well as an extremely
Also toys, puzzles, baby car seat, crib bumpers,
nice white wood cot with mattress, a dolls
changing table, and lots more. Some of the
house, etc etc etc - Its all going cheap as I want
things were never used. Come see for yourself
it out of the house!!!! :-) so we are having a
For more information call 6682 4634.
yard sale........
Egaila, Block 1, street 105, house 54 - from 10
Let us take any odd chairs you have!
-12 am on saturday November 26, welcome to
We are looking for a mixture of dining room
bring your kids - we have a trampoline and
climbing frame.
Full-size American pool table, slate bed with full
accessories, plus wooden cover with
table-tennis accessories KD 650.
CALL 94495451
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
With Eid here, Thanksgiving very near, and
Christmas just around the corner I am a per-
Do you want to improve your core stability and
sonal trainer starting my new exercise classes.
strength, have relief from stress and back pain,
Want to take off a few inches before the holidays?
better posture and take part in an exercise that
has no impact and easy on the joints?
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Please contact AG 65.6000.96
If so,
Pilates may be for you. All you do is provide
the space and I provide the equipment e.g.
mat, fitness circle, flex bands and toning
Look good; feel great with Sienna X
balls. I am experienced in post-rehabilitation,
back care and the management of scoliosis, pre
and post natal pilates. If you would like further
information on costs, etc you can contact me:
Sunless Tanning in only 20 minutes.
Mobile spray tanning service provided by a Sienna X certified professional. (Training accredited by the Guild of Beauty Therapists UK).
Mobile: 99719903
For details, consultation or to book your ap-
pointment contact:
[email protected]
Leigh Young on
[email protected]
Mobile: 66135652
EEK! is not responsible for or involved with any of the ads published.
Workshops & Classes
Jalusion offers a host of Skilled
Workshops & Classes linked to
History, Heritage, Culture and Hand skills.
For more info
contact [email protected]
good until July 2012. Urgent sale folks!
Normally KD700, we’re willing to take KD400.
Must go by Nov 28th. Note this membership is
for a married couple.
Please mail me for more info on
[email protected]
Available for local contracts on full time or part
time basis.
Internal & External Communications
Identification of Stakeholders (internal &
Intimate knowledge of the local work culture
C&CM strategy and plans
Pre- and post project CM measurement
Email [email protected]
9.920 KM
Power: 37KW / 50 hp
Change Management
A “COUPLE” gym membership at the Hilton
BMW F 650 GS
Model Year: 2002
Elect. Starter
Catalytic converter
Windshield (Turatech)
LED indicator Arrow
Sport mudguard
Frond Spoiler
Tires new
Good Condition
Bargain Price: 1.200KWD
Phone: 97218993
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Fish tank complete with full accessories, lights
EEK! is not responsible for or involved with any of the ads published.
KD 25
14 foot trampoline with netting KD 60
Wall cabinet KD 20
Children’s climbing frame KD 60
CALL 94495451
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Kuwait Hotlines
Children’s hard
cover Enid Blyton
Child’s Ski Suit. Navy and
books. Good condi-
light blue, Size 7/8 years,
tion. 6KD for each
122 – 128 cm. Hardly
set of 12 books.
used. KD10. Text or call
Text or call after
CIVIL ID 1 88 99 88
after 5pm on 66801245.
5pm on 66801245.
AIRPORT 1888 180
EMERGENCY - Police - Fire - Ambulance 112
Boy’s books and
Private Hospitals
comics. Suitable for
6 to 8 year old. KD3
for all 13. Text or
Al-Rashid Hospital
Small black
call after 5pm on
Dar Al-Shifa Hospital
Ikea computer
Hadi Clinic
London Hospital
Mowasat Hospital
Salam Hospital
EEK! is not responsible for or involved with any of the ads published.
desk and chair.
Both on
wheels. KD10
Do you want to learn one of the most
together. Text
important languages in the world?
or call after
This is the moment!
5pm on
Spanish Private Lessons for
Beginners or Conversational lessons
Interested in German classes?
Contact Veronica
Please contact
[email protected]
1m high. KD4. Text or call
[email protected]
after 5pm on 66801245.
Arabic, French & Italian
Math Problems?!
private lessons for
Qualified mathematician (PhD) offers private
beginners/children. Do you want to learn as
lessons in Mathematics at all levels (high
beginner/child Arabic, French or Italian? This is
Crowne Plaza Kuwait 24772000
school or university/college level). Call:
the right decision at the right time.
Hilton Kuwait Resort 22256222
Contact Nayla 97914320
Girls’ books to
Conversational English
Arabic Lessons
suit 8 to 12
Ideally seeking a Chinese expat to provide con-
Want to learn how to speak ARABIC?
Ceramic black pedestal.
Radisson Blu Hotels & Resorts 25673000
Movenpick Albid’a 22253100
Al-Manshar Rotana Hotel 23931000
JW Marriot Kuwait City Hotel 22455550
Kuwait Regency Hotel 25766666
Marina Hotel Kuwait 22244970
Movenpick 24610033
years old. Popu-
versational English practice to a
lar authors
Chinese lady for a couple hours 2 or 3 times a
Want to have private lessons in the comfort of
Jaqueline Wilson,
week during weekdays. Alternatively, suit a
your home! Learn Kuwaiti Arabic in less than 6
Gwyneth Rees,
housewife with good command of English. No
months! Don’t want to pay a fortune?
Jean Ure, Sharon
formal qualification required.
Safir International Hotel Kuwait 22530000
Creech etc. KD10
Rate to be agreed between parties.
Mudassar Iqbal Muhammed on 66612300 to
Sheraton Kuwait Hotel & Towers 22422055
for 21 books.
Please contact: [email protected]
book your first lesson.
Safir Hotel & Residences Kuwait 25455555
Palms Beach Hotel & Spa 22824060
Refad Palace 23908630
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
with the carrycot, encouraging parent-baby eye
Tutor available for all
Tutor available for English American and British
Primary level subjects
English, Maths, Science and general topics
For rates please call 67643483.
•Includes pushchair, infant car seat with apron
15kd an hour, Salmiya based
Median Hawali based but
suitable from birth to 13kg, cosytoe, newborn
Secondary English available
can come to your home
liner, carry cot and change bag
20KD an hour
EMail for more details
[email protected]
Mr. Majidudeen Umar
Looking for someone to proof read?
American available to tutor English, math sci-
Native English speaker with a background in
ence and history grades 3-11
business and journalism is able to proof read
essays, dissertations, reports, papers, articles
etc. For more information call 65921247
Tools etc for engraving on glass.
Hobby level acceptable.
Professional level considered.
EEK! is not responsible for or involved with any of the ads published.
Arthur Barber, mob 66431096
[email protected]
Mobile number:66773842
Prefer Pearl, Yamaha ,Sonor etc. but anything
considered. Cash waiting.
Call 97669670
[email protected]
I am a teacher of piano for the beginners. I
would like to teach kids and females only, whoever are interested to learn playing pls call me.
I have a keyboard at home and I live in
Pet Passage
Pet Import &
Export Services
Munira tel: 94982843
Barely used Mothercare Trenton Deluxe Pram &
Pushchair Travel System – Lightning:
Original price: KD 175/- Selling KD100/Product information
Karen Orobey
+965 6697-5644
[email protected]
•A complete travel system which includes everything you need for your baby
•Suitable from birth to max. child weight: 15kg
•Can be used in parent-facing mode when used
Use the “SUBJECT” line in your email to indicate
what your email to EEK! is about.
Due to massive email traffic to our inbox,
priority is given to clearly marked emails, e.g.
Long, 3 seater, blood red leather seat
“Article for EEK!”, “For Sale”, “Information re-
from The One KD 80. Wall unit from The One,
quired”, “subscription” etc.
with lights, KD400, 2 silver bar stools The One
KD 35
Furniture and Household items for Sale
Furniture and Household items for Sale
Telephone 97827188
Telephone 97827188
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
2 Silver dinning chairs The One
KD 35 for both
Large Stacking Baskets KD 7
Small Wansa Chest Freezer KD 30
White Desk and Chair
KD 5
Skittles is 5 months old, has had all shots, been
micro chipped and has been neutered. Please
call Karen at 9 959-4898 if you can adopt Skittles.
L Shaped 5 seater sofa, matching
One Metre Square Solid Wood Table KD10
EEK! is not responsible for or involved with any of the ads published.
large stool and lots of cushions KD 200
Panasonic Video Player KD 5
Sunstech DVD Player KD 5
Two small safes, internal dimensions w 22cm, d
24cm, height 32cm with shelf in place, height
36cm without shelf. KD 30 each
1 Desk Lamp KD 2
2 LG Air Purifiers,
Ikea desk and chair KD 50
Blue and Red KD 50 each
Furniture and Household items for Sale
Telephone 97827188
Small Stacking Basket Sets
1 x Orange
Coco is a year old, very sweet. Has all of her
1 x Blue
Nila is looking for a full or a part time live
KD 4 each
out job.
gets on well with other cats.
Nila has worked for us for over 4 years. She is
Please contact Karen at 9 959-4898 if
very honest and is GREAT with children & pets.
interested in adopting her.
Nila is a very hard worker and cleans very well.
Roland EM-15 Keyboard w stand KD40
shots, micro chipped & has been spayed. She
Please call Nila at 9 929-6145
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
If you wish to
change the email address in which you
receive your weekly
issue of EEK! e-mag
simply mail us on
Baby is an
affectionate 1
year-old female Shitzu
dog. This little
girl is an absolute sweetheart and
loves people
and dogs
alike. She
would do
great in a family with children of all ages.
[email protected]
with the request to
EEK! is not responsible for or involved with any of the ads published.
change the address.
Linus is a super friendly 2
year-old Domestic Short
Haired male
cat. This
buddy is as
sweet as can
be and loves a
good cuddle.
Linus would
be a fantastic
new family
member in a
household with children over 8.
Queensize matress in great condition.
Two door wardrobe. Including mirror and
locking drawer. 2 side tables with drawers
Cabinet with 4 drawers. Makeup cabinet
including small display shelf with glass,
mirror, storage and a small stool to sit on.
Pictures upon request. Available for purPool Table for sale incl cues, balls, rack
chase now. Asking 150 KD for set.
( 8 and 9 ball), bridge and wall rack to
hang it all! 140 kd
Dark ( walnut) color bedroom set for sale.
Queen size bed with shelf on headboard.
[email protected]
Nelson, a two year old neutered male cat
in need of a new home please!
Call me on 99372742 if you can give this
boy a happy home.
For more info contact
(+965) 6700 1622 or
visit the website
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Silver Toyota Prado for
2008 Model VX 6v 3.2lt
7 seats
Approx 41,000km
Owned since new by
KD 6,250
EEK! is not responsible for or involved with any of the ads published.
Tel: 97827188
Looking for
Dog Trainers...
If you can help pet (dog)
owners manage and train their
pets and are interested in
taking up such projects,
please register with PAWS at:
[email protected]
events blog
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
Spanish Language Teacher, from Spain
and living now there
Master Titled and experienced in
EEK! is not obliged to publish all ads or material received and the decision to publish, or not, is solely that of the Editor.
Eastern University
Private or Public Institution
Contact Paloma
You do not have to go into a lot of trouble
to prepare a laid out presentation document if you need to submit household sales
Simply mail us the photos as attachments
with proper descriptions matching the item
descriptions. We will make the layout and
place photos and details.
Parent and Toddler mornings
On: Fridays, From: 9.30 – 12.00
Parents with toddlers 3 years old and
under are welcome. (free of charge)
[email protected]
Workshop to Rent
Fully equipped workshop available
Morning & Evenings…
Ideal space for art & crafts & design.
Design table and high stools supplied.
What we need to place your sales items:
 Photos of your items
 Item descriptions
 Item prices
 Contact details
Kuwait English School
At: Kuwait English School Prep. Dept.
Looks for job in some
How to submit classified ads…
*Conditions apply.
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
For details of rent and terms please
Al Muhallab Street (Street 69)
Bneid Al Gar
[email protected]
9734 6008, 6557 4637
New Just Arrived
Private Tutor Available
Secondary Science, Physics specialist, available for iGCSE and ASlevel private tuition, either individually or in small groups.
iGCSE at 15KD per hour and AS-level at 20KD per hour.
For more information email
[email protected]
Homework Club
Carol’s Luxury Goods - Kuwait
Hats n things
Australian handmade Sunhats - Ladies and Girls
Pearls for Girls
Direct from the farms – all hand chosen by Carol
Assorted personal items
Carol Boots Ph: 97184974
[email protected]
helps students of ages 6-12 years, gain the self-confidence and critical thinking skills
required to be successful academically by adhering to 3 fundamental components:
Homework Support, Reading Enrichment and Physical Education.
Our program meets two hours a day, four days a week.
For more information, call 97234527
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Colombo and
Xena are the
smallest of the
four, but they
are also the
How to submit classified ads…
You do not have to go into a lot of trouble
to prepare a laid out presentation document if you need to submit household sales
EEK! is not responsible for or involved with any of the ads published.
What we need to place your sales items:
 Photos of your items
 Item descriptions
 Item prices
 Contact details
Simply mail us the photos as attachments
with proper descriptions matching the item
descriptions. We will make the layout and
place photos and details.
*Conditions apply.
These kittens are presently 8 weeks
If you are thinking of adopting 2 of the
old and are needing homes. Their
kittens, they seem to have paired them-
first set of shots will be paid for.
selves off already. Colombo and Xena are
a pair and Apricot and Apollo are the other
From left to right the kittens are:
Colombo - a male. The explorer
Apollo - a male. Very easy going
Xena - a female.
Apricot - a female. A quiet kitten.
If you are interested in adopting any of
these kittens, please contact
Lisa at 6501 3591.
Do you want to lose a few inches
of extra weight your body with a
professional and certified Personal
AG Mayahi
65 6000 96
Findus is a lovable 3,5 yearold male Persian Mix. This
easy-going fella
loves a good
cuddle and a
belly rub! Findus would be a
sweet new
family member
in a household
with children
over 8.
Veran is a super sweet 1,5
year-old female
Saluki Mix. This
soft natured
and happy girl
loves to be
scratched on
her back and
go for walks.
Veran would be
a fun addition
to a home with
children over
For more info contact K'S PATH at
(+965) 6700 1622 or visit the website
In association with
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Issue #3
events blog
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Harvard University trained professional educators available (male
and female) for tutoring subjects in core
EEK! is not obliged to publish all ads or material received and the decision to publish, or not, is solely that of the Editor.
classes: Business, finance, economics,
math, and sciences; preparing students
for U.S. university admissions, college &
graduate application essays and Standardized test prep (SAT, GMAT, GRE,
LSAT, SAT SUBJECT, and AP exams)
Language Instruction: English, Spanish,
German, Italian, French,
Check us on Facebook! http://
Email:[email protected]
Unique opportunity to take
your Hair & Beauty career
to the next level.
Luxury Salon and Spa under new Western ownership seeks professionals with
experience in the following positions:
Hair Stylist
Nail Technician
We teach Cuban Salsa
Monday & Wednesday from 8pm to 9pm
Learn the moves, unleash your potential
Live the experience of true salsa dancing.
We provide individual attention to students .
You can join as an individual or as a couple.
Contact : Tony Alvaries / Sunita Alvaries
Tel: 55885102
If you would like to work in a luxurious
environment with top-of-the-range
products and services and the opportunity to develop your skills please call
Marilyn on 96626824
expats express kuwait!
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
List your expat group or society here for free.
Send us your society’s name, a basic description, contact details and a logo if you have.
Send your info to
[email protected]
Welcome to Kuwait Little
League baseball. We have a
baseball program that has
25 teams with layers from 5
to 17 years old. We even
have a division for children
with special needs.
Our fields are located inside the Hunting and
Equestrian Club, off 6th ring road, next to the
Sahara Golf Club. Our season runs from October to April. We are an all volunteer organization and we are always looking for coaches,
scorekeepers, and umpires.
[email protected]
British Ladies Society
The Kuwait Textile
Arts Association
The KTAA is a multinational non profit organization whose membership is open to anyone interested in textile and fiber arts. General information and membership: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Latin American
and Spanish
Ladies in Kuwait
Sharing language, culture and folklore, our
mission is to keep our customs and traditions
alive, even here, far away from our countries.
email: [email protected]
phone: 992 24228
www.facebook.com/Olek Kuwait
provides British ladies living in Kuwait the
friendships and learn more about the culture
and customs of Kuwait. The BLS also invites
women from other countries to join the Society
through the Associate Membership programme.
For further information or enquiries, please see
our website: www.theblskuwait.com or
9contact us on [email protected]
Bachata is a Latin dance.
Just come to the class and
enjoy the music and
dance with the other people!
The classes take place in
Salmiya every Tuesday
and Saturday. It is 5 KD
per one session. The
registration is for a 5 week session. Register at
[email protected]
Belly Dance classes take place in Salmiya both
on Saturdays and Tuesdays and the classes are
only for women. Every age, size, and shape are
welcome and respected as we journey into this
rich art form. Register at
Tai Chi in Kuwait
I am tai chi practitioner and I
would like to meet up with people
who are seeking for an active
Dejan Gavric
6515 0179
of Ahmadi
Founded in 1993, the British Ladies Society
opportunity to meet one another, form lasting
Expat Mums in Kuwait is an online and face-toface group for mums and mums-to-be based in
Kuwait. We have over 165 members from over
36 countries. A number of our members regularly host events including weekly coffee catch
ups, mums only dinners, play-dates and much
more! The group is open to all Englishspeaking expat mums and mums-to-be regardless of faith, origin or belief.
Join us at: www.expatmumskwi.com
Provides quality badminton games both at leisure time and
tournament level for its members and foster
camaraderie among badminton enthusiasts.
The main aim is to promote the game of
badminton and to encourage the spirit of
sportsmanship and fellowship among the fellow
expatriate members in Kuwait.
For more info please visit us at
or email us at [email protected]
expats express kuwait!
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Welcome to SOSA-Q8.
The web home of
South Africans living in
Kuwait or if you’re interested in how we do our
Canadians in Kuwait
"Feeling at Home, Away from Home"
Join us on Yahoo
Groups, click HERE.
Membership open to Canadians
and Non-Canadians
Almost 200 members and growing!
List your expat group or society here for free.
Send us your society’s name, a basic description, contact details and a logo if you have.
Send your info to
[email protected]
Free Subscription: [email protected]
the quality
of companion animals'
lives in Kuwait by rescuing animals and providing them with shelter,
food and medical attention; educating people
about the basic needs and proper treatment
and care of animals.
www.kspath.org Ph: 6700 1622
Join CIK online - www.cikq8.com
Our new Breakfast Brunch location is the
Movenpick Al Bidaa from 9:30-11:00 every
Friday (4KD PP).
Call for
Kuwait Little Theatre (KLT) is an amateur dramatic society supported by the Kuwait Oil Com-
Caribbean Association Kuwait
pany. Established in 1948 and has staged pro-
Calling all Caribbeans to come
and join us. Socials, information,
expat events—its all happening.
ductions over 60 annual seasons. Membership
[email protected]
events for the enjoyment of those interested in
Supported by the Jamaican Embassy in Kuwait
[email protected] or call 66327130
Canadians and Non-Canadians welcome.
PAWS Kuwait
Voluntary nonprofit organization
in Kuwait to assist
neglected and
abandoned animals by providing veterinary
care, rescue and adoption services, to domestic, wild and pet animals in Kuwait.
[email protected]
Founded in 1993, it is a group of writers who
are all involved in some sort of creative writing
in progress: Eg. novels, poetry, short stories,
travelogues. The writing must be creative and
writers are normally first language English or
people with a very good command of the English language. It is a workshop environment.
We meet Every second Saturday in each others’
residences over light snacks: 19.30 to 21. 30
This is a call for expats to form a support or
interest group for diabetics. If you have family,
or yourself, or just keen to be involved with
diabetes, please email me and perhaps we can
get something going here in Kuwait.
is open to all who are willing to work towards
the society’s objective of providing a variety of
theatre. www.theklt.com
[email protected]
[email protected]
expats express kuwait!
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
List your expat group or society here for free.
Send us your society’s name, a basic description, contact details and a logo if you have.
Send your info to
[email protected]
Kuwait Mantas
Dive Club
GOAL Academy
Are you living in, or visiting
Kuwait Saracens RFC
Kuwait? If you're a qualified
The Kuwait Saracens Rugby Football Club is one
why not come out with our
of the biggest expatriate organizations in the
well established club? Have
diver or want to learn to dive
country with more than 150 members. The
fun exploring our website by clicking HERE or
Saracens RFC is a member of the Arabian Gulf
emailing us on [email protected]
Rugby Football Union (AGRFU), which in turn is
affiliated with the International Rugby Board
We look forward to hearing from you.
All coaches are IRB certified.
We hold training on Friday mornings at the
Jazeera Airport pitch.
Email us at:
[email protected]
Porsche Centre Kuwait, Behbehani Motors
Company Under the Patronage of H.E. The
British Ambassador Frank Baker The number
one football academy in Kuwait located at
Shaab Park catering for boys and girls from 3 to
18 years, beginners to advanced groups.
Regular matches, tournaments and tours plus
visits from top professional coaches from
Everton F.C.
We provide training all for Age groups from 519 years old.
in association with Everton F.C. Sponsored by
For details contact Academy Director Mike
[email protected]
Finn on 99981327, email;
It is a member of
Round Tables in the
Arabian Gulf (RTAG) and Round Table International (RTI). RTK has grown to be a strong and
vibrant organization from its initial days. Every
Are thinking of studying in the U.K., looking to
month the Table holds a Business meeting and
test and develop your English skills, planning to
a Fellowship event for Tablers and families to
strengthen the bonds of fellowship.
study or train abroad?
We build engagement and trust for the UK
through the exchange of knowledge and ideas
For Round Table membership please write to
between people worldwide.
[email protected]
Visit www.roundtablekuwait.org
For more info visit our website HERE.
expats express kuwait!
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
American Women's
League, Kuwait (AWL Q8)
AWL is a non-political, non-profit organization
which provides which provides friendship and
List your expat group or society here for free.
Send us your society’s name, a basic description, contact details and a logo if you have.
Send your info to
[email protected]
support among American women living in Kuwait. Regular meetings, special events and activities are held throughout the year. Members
meet to make friends, share ideas and interests, participate in social and cultural activities
and customs of their host country.
Email us at: [email protected]
Calling all Bridge Players
We are constantly on the lookout for
people who enjoy a good game of bridge.
Want to learn more about it? You may not
have been aware of our existence.
We meet twice a week at the Sea Club in Ras
Salmiya on Sundays and Tuesdays for a prompt
start at 20:00 with about five tables for duplicate bridge. All players speak English.
We are a small, but very friendly club and we
would hope to make you feel most welcome. If
you would like to find out a little more – visit
our website at http://q8bc.blogspot.com/
Better still – please contact anyone below for a
little more information.
Numan Al Turki – 99707404
Bianca Russo – 99628929
Samia Boukhris – 99759118
(email - [email protected])
If you are interested in playing netball then
come and join us on a Tuesday night at The
Kuwait Offshore
English School, Salmiya.
We have 2 leagues that run weekly and cater
for all abilities, aged 17+, from 6.30pm ‘till
For more info contact Rachel (66636912)
email: [email protected]
Operation HOPE- Kuwait (OH) is a mission of
mercy, founded in late 2005, humanitarian relief primarily to expatriate laborers in Kuwait in
a manner that restores their God-given dignity.
Our purpose is to alleviate despair and bring
hope to third country national laborers and domestic workers whenever possible. We also
help equip every embassy shelter operating in
Kuwait with clothing, non perishable foods,
toiletries etc. To volunteer a few hours of your
time, or donate gently used clothing or household items, or to make a financial contribution,
do email us at:
[email protected]
Visit: www.operation-hope-kuwait.com
KOSA hosts a wealth of sailing opportunities.
Wish to learn to sail, crew during a race or simply cruise? Contact us for more information.
Carmen Loren on 99664102, or mail us on
[email protected]
expats express kuwait!
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
Kuwait Jazz Trio
The Kuwait Jazz Trio is Kuwait’s premier jazz
instrumental ensemble, providing musical entertainment to all those who enjoy jazz. With
more than one hundred standard jazz songs in
our repertoire, the Kuwait Jazz Trio is the per-
List your expat group or society here for free.
Send us your society’s name, a basic description, contact details and a logo if you have.
Send your info to
[email protected]
fect entertainment choice for your store opening, private party or celebration.
Under the leadership of jazz pianist Mike Seals,
the works of Cole Porter, Duke Ellington, Hoagy
Carmichael, Billy Strayhorn, George Gershwin
and Rodgers and Hart are as alive today as
when they were first written. Using the traditional jazz trio instrumentation of piano, bass
and drums, the Kuwait Jazz Trio can provide
suitable back-ground music for any occasion or
easily serve as the main entertainment event.
Email us at: [email protected].
Rehearsals are held in Rumaithiya, on Wednesday mornings from 8.30 to 10am – yes, that’s
right – we are probably the only musical group
that rehearses at such an early hour! Not very
cool, but practical.
Contact Janet: 9098-8031, or email me at
[email protected]
BAR NONE is a live performance cover band
located in the State of Kuwait. We play a blend
of rock and roll classics from five decades, with
a bit of country, blues and jazz sprinkled in for
good measure. Some of the artists covered by
BAR NONE include: The Beatles, Lynyrd
Skynyrd, The Eagles, ZZ Top, Jimi Hendrix,
John Mellencamp, Eric Clapton, BachmanTurner Overdrive, Santana, and Dire Straits.
Formed in 2008, our unique and versatile style
draws on the diverse experience and professional backgrounds of our band members. The
Gustavo Ferrari:
Professional photographer based in Kuwait
and covering the Middle
East. Corporate,
editorial and
photojournalism assignments. Stock photos.
“Gustavo Ferrari is the most active photojournalist and corporate photographer in Kuwait
and the Arabian Gulf; he has covered assignments for publications like Time Magazine,
Newsweek, L.A.Times, New York Times, Der
Spiegel, World Architecture, BirdAir.” Photolinks.
Email: [email protected]
Website HERE.
perfect entertainment for your party or event,
our goal is to provide our audience a live music
Q8 Foot Soldiers
performance that is professional, entertaining
and a reminder of that favorite club back home.
Email us at: [email protected]
Do you have a
social group for
If you have periodic get togethers with others
who share your socials, hobbies, lifestyle activities or book corners, let other know whare they
can get hold of you.
Please email EEK! on
[email protected]
A new social
club dedicated specifically to the
most ancient
activity; Running. Run for
Health: A one
of a kind,
new approach, promising to traverse many locations in Kuwait, enjoying them on foot, and
sharing tips and diet tricks. Set your goal, and
then exceed it!
For more info: [email protected]
expats express kuwait!
Free Subscription: [email protected]
Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat
For any corrections to the content on this
page please email us:
[email protected]
American School of Kuwait
Kuwait English School
British School of Kuwait
The American School of Kuwait, was
founded in 1964. It is a privately owned,
independent coeducational day school
which offers a general academic curriculum for students of all nationalities.
The English School, Kuwait
High expectations, resilience, optimism –
these intangibles all have a very real presence at KES from our youngest KG child of
3 years through to our oldest Senior High
School students preparing to study at Universities throughout the world.
New English School
The English School, which is the only not
for profit school in Kuwait, has served the
English speaking community here for over
half a century now. Our aim is to provide
the very best in British education for all
our pupils in a supportive and
caring environment.
The school serves local and international
communities, with children from over 50
nationalities and close ties are maintained
with the U.K. and with other overseas
British and International school.
BSK is proud of its reputation for academic*, sporting and creative excellence.
BSK is also proud of its reputation for offering the widest range of extracurricular
activities of any school in the region.