Kuwait MEdical JourNal
Kuwait MEdical JourNal
VOLUME 47 NUMBER 4 DECEMBER 2015 KMJ Kuwait MEdical JourNal the official Journal of the Kuwait Medical association Editorial 289 Surgical Interventions for Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Mohammad H Jamal rEviEw articlE 291 Diabetes: A Fast Evolving Epidemic Ali H Ziyab, Anwar Mohammad, Elizabeth Maclean, Kazem Behbehani, Manuel Carballo oriGiNal articlEs Clinical and Laboratory Features, Complications and Treatment Outcome of Tularemia and a Review of Literature 302 Mehmet Ulug 308 Arcuate Line Variations: Are They Important for TEP Surgeons? 313 Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Psoriasis Patients 317 Closed Reduction of Pediatric Nasal Bone Fractures 321 325 casE rEPorts Carbimazole-Induced Agranulocytosis Treated with Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (GCSF): A Report of Two Cases 330 Male Child 333 Scimitar Syndrome: Two Cases in Different Age Groups 336 Left Main Coronary Artery Stenting in a Patient with L-I Type Single Coronary Artery 339 343 346 Cerebral Cryptococcoma - But Why? 348 KU ISSN 0023-5776 Continued inside dEcEMbEr 2015 vol. 47 No. 4 Kuwait MeDiCal Journal c o N t E N t s Continued from cover lEttEr to tHE Editor Student-Centered Teaching to Enhance Learning in Histology Lab 351 sElEctEd abstracts of articlEs PublisHEd ElsEwHErE by autHors iN Kuwait 352 fortHcoMiNG coNfErENcEs aNd MEEtiNGs 356 wHo-facts sHEEt 370 1. Disability and Health 2. Congenital Anomalies 3. Obesity and Overweight 4. Infant and Young Child Feeding 5. Four Ways to Reduce Health Risks from Climate Pollutants yEarly titlE iNdEx 381 yEarly autHor iNdEx 383 Open access for articles at: Indexed and abstracted in: EMBASE ( ) Science Citation Index Expanded ( SciSearch®) Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition IMEMR Current Contents Index Medicus PUBLISHER: COPYRIGHT: INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS: CHANGE OF ADDRESS: KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Kuwait Medical Journal (KMJ) Published by the Kuwait Medical Association Previously known as The Journal of the Kuwait Medical Association (Est. 1967) Honorary President: Abdulaziz Al-Babtain EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief:Fuad Abdulla M Hasan, Kuwait Editor:Adel Khader Ayed, Kuwait International Editor:Pawan K Singal, Canada Associate Editors:Adel A Alzayed, Kuwait Ignacio Rodriguez, USA Michael Redmond, USA Mousa Khoursheed, Kuwait Mustafa M Ridha, Kuwait Nasser Behbehani, Kuwait Noura Al-Sweih, Kuwait iNtErNatioNal advisory board Ananda S Prasad, USA Anders Lindstrand, Sweden Andrew J Rees, UK Belle M Hegde, India Bengt Jeppsson, Sweden Charles A Dinarello, USA Christian Imielinski, Poland Elizabeth Dean, Canada Fiona J Gilbert, UK Frank D Johnston, UK George Russell, UK Graeme RD Catto, UK Giuseppe Botta, Italy James W Roach, USA Jan T Christenson, Switzerland Jasbir S Bajaj, India John V Forester, UK Julian Little, Canada Kostadin L Karagiozov, Japan Lewis D Ritchie, UK Mechael M Meguid, USA Mohammed Zayer, Sweden Neva E Haites, UK Nirmal K Ganguli, India Oleg Eremin, UK Peter RF Bell, UK Philip M Moody, USA Raymond M Kirk, UK Samuel Dagogo-Jack, USA S Muralidharan, India Stig Bengmark, Sweden Tulsi D Chugh, India William A Tweed, Canada William B Greenough, USA Zoheir Bshouty, Canada rEGioNal advisory board Abdulla Behbehani Abeer K Al-Baho Alexander E Omu Ali Al-Mukaimi Ali Al-Sayegh Asmahan Al-Shubaili Chacko Mathew Eiman M Mokaddas Faisal A Al-Kandari Habib Abul Joseph C Longenecker Kamal Al-Shoumer Kefaya AM Abdulmalek Khalid Al-Jarallah Mazen Al Essa Mohamed AA Moussa Mousa Khadadah Mustafa Al-Mousawi Nasser J Hayat Nawaf Al-Mutairi Nebojsa Rajacic Sami Asfar Soad Al-Bahar Sukhbir Singh Uppal Waleed Alazmi Waleed A Aldhahi EDITORIAL OFFICE Editorial Manager : Babichan K Chandy EDITORIAL ADDRESS P.O. Box: 1202, 13013-Safat, Kuwait Telephone: (00-965) 1881181(Ext. 201) - Fax: (00-965) 25317972, 25333276 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.kma.org.kw/KMJ KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL (KMJ) Instructions for Authors etc., INTRODUCTION saved as Fig 1, Fig 2 the corresponding author will be advised of the status; acceptance/ recommendation for revision or rejection of the paper, AIMS AND SCOPE Original articles, case reports, brief to the editor are all considered. Review articles are solicited. 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ABBREvIATIONS and then STRUCTURED ABSTRACT is required for studies Articles” should contain “Original NUMBERS AND UNITS kilogram, liter etc. in metric units KEY WORDS MeSH terms, comma, e.g i.e. e.g. ii < KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL DRUG NAMES “This manuscript (write the title) is an unpublished work which is not under consideration elsewhere and the results contained in this paper have not been published previously in whole or part, except in abstract form. In consideration of the KMJ accepting my/ our submission for publication, the author(s) undersigned hereby assign all copyrights ownership to the KMJ and shall have no right to withdraw its publication. It is expressly REFERENCES in sequence using Arabic numerals within square brackets and as superscripts e.g., etc. etc < this study and agree to the accuracy of contents of this manuscript. It was conducted in accordance with current approval. I/all of us agree to its publication in KMJ and to the authorship as expressed in this declaration and in the title page of our manuscript”. et al data, etc NOT Index Medicus, ACKNOWLEDGMENT ExAMPLES COPY RIGHT nd SUBMISSION OF A MANUSCRIPT Kuwait Medical Journal at www _accord htm min tobacco extn. 114 AUTHORSHIP AND CONSENT FORM E-mail: [email protected] iii OUR GRATITUDE The Editorial Board of the Kuwait Medical Journal gladly expresses its gratitude to The Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) during the year 2012 December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Editorial Surgical Interventions for Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Mohammad H Jamal glycemic control Mohammad H. Jamal MBChB(HONS) MEd FRCSC FACS FASMBS, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, Kuwait. E-mail: [email protected] December 2015 et al. Bariatric et al. Bariatric REFERENCES et al et al December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Review Article Diabetes: A Fast Evolving Epidemic Ali H Ziyab , Anwar Mohammad , Elizabeth Maclean , Kazem Behbehani , Manuel Carballo ABSTRACT KEY WORDS: INTRODUCTION DIABETES IN HISTORY i.e the growing challenge Ali H Ziyab, PhD, Department of Community Medicine and Behavioral Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, Kuwait. Tel: (+965) 24636545; Fax: (+965) 25338948. Email: [email protected] December 2015 Enivioromental Agents cell mass cells 100% Genetic Predisposition REASONS FOR LATE ATTENTION Primary Diagnosis Pre-Clinical Diabetes (undiagnosed) Immune Activation Secondary Fig. 1: degradation TYPES OF DIABETES PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF T1DM PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF T2DM Clinical Diabetes Tertiary 0% December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Fig. 2: alone , and PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF GDM role EPIDEMIOLOGY DIABETES AND TRENDS OF December 2015 th th , but Fig. 3: December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Fig. 4: PREDIABETES: THE RISING EPIDEMIC i.e., Federation i.e., December 2015 RISK FACTORS T2DM AND PREDIABETES IN YOUTH weight CONSEQUENCES December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL morbidity PREvENTION CONCLUSION REFERENCES th December 2015 et al et al et al et al et al et al December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL et al et al et al et al et al et al et al et al December 2015 et al et al et al et al et al et al et al et al et al December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL et al et al KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL December 2015 Original Article Clinical and Laboratory Features, Complications and Treatment Outcome of Tularemia and a Review of Literature Mehmet Ulug ABSTRACT Objective: Design: Subjects: Conclusion: Main outcome measures: Results: KEY WORDS: INTRODUCTION Francisella tularensis F. tularensis subsp. tularensis tularensis subsp. holarctica subsp. tularensis F. tularensis F. F. tularensis F. tularensis subsp. holarctica treatment @hotmail.com December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL F. tularensis MATERIAL AND METHODS RESULTS Epstein-Barr virus and Brucella Toxoplasma F. tularensis Antigen, Becton F. tularensis F. tularensis Table 1: No Age Sex M M M F M F M M M M M F F F Occupation AT (day) Date of arrival Clinic form Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Glandular Glandular Glandular First MAT titer Second MAT titer Result December 2015 Table 2: Risk factor n (%) F. tularensis Table 3: Symptoms n (%) Signs Myalgia Headache Cough n (%) DISCUSSION Bilateral country tularensis subsp. holarctica holarctica et al al F. F. tularensis subsp. and Korkmaz et al et December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL our country et al a tularemia et al et al and Celebi et al et al et al al et al , et et al et al et al al et December 2015 et al ACKNOWLEDGMENT REFERENCES Turkish Article et al et al delayed CONCLUSION December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL et al et al Turkish Article Article Turkish December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Original Article Mean Platelet volume, Red Cell Distribution Width and Hakan Aylanc ABSTRACT Objectives: Childhood an adulthood to the between red cell albumin mean and childhood Design: control : General the , Canakkale Mart , Subjects: hundred and and normal weight children and aged Interventions: Age, gender, body were recorded and blood count the were , , hemoglobin Hb hematocrit Hct mean red blood cell count and white blood cell count were the automated blood count Main Outcome Measures: and were higher in children and than normal weighted < were minimally in to normal weighted Results: Hb, , and were between normal and Hct and count were higher in Conclusions: the we that and are higher in children and to with normal weight and had correlation with that and begin in childhood body INTRODUCTION Childhood with an incidence in recent an health that the children in the in childhood a adulthood the , non alcoholic [ and with metabolic and a endocrine organ and a [ which local and , can and the nuclear and the [ in [ may lead to red cell width to be correlated with clinical chronic heart , and , either chronic or acute[ related to and [ nutritional et al[ that in and the in children can the terminal region albumin in that may the albumin been Sule Yildirim, Department of Pediatrics, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Medicine, Canakkale, Turkey, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] . Tel: + , December 2015 are metabolic DM[ Mean which Clinical and [ KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL in related to obe , , and an automatically in the blood count the correlation with with low grade , , , can , our between , , to the and childhood Statistical Analysis All the were normality to and Mann abnormally Chi categorical between were rank correlation linear the method were to the age, the Chicago, , , with < by , SUBJECTS AND METHODS Study population included children and aged who the general the Canakkale Mart , , to July out them were and were with normal weight and children were and and obtained local the Exclusion criteria Children with hematologic abnormal were , were , chronic count and and and congenital , , endocrinological children with anemia, Baseline variables All underwent detailed Height and weight were body w calculated each the data normally mean to detect the t U among RESULTS A children and and normal weight were included in the Hb, , , were between normal and Hct and count were higher in and were to be higher in children and were minimally in to normal weighted , clinical and laboratory are in Table 1: variables Normal weight (n = 50) Obese (n = 57) p-value , and Body Mass Index (BMI) calculated by the weight kg height m were labeled , their the th and age Laboratory investigations albumin by the method which by Bar et al[ Hemoglobin Hb hematocrit Hct mean , mean red blood cell count, count and white blood cell count were the automated blood count a Coulter LH Hematology Analyzer Beckman Coulter, CA, correlation between and and were Fig r correlated December 2015 Table 2. Blood parameters with had Fig r and BMI r IMA p-value correlation Fig had a r and r RDW p-value r correlation Fig correlation All the and Fig. 1: Fig. 3: C Fig. 2: Fig. 4: mean MPv p-value r r are between in p-value , December 2015 , linear to and KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL method the the to age, and Table 3: variable B p-value 95% CI DISCUSSION and are and , artery the childhood term , we determined that and in children to normal weighted correlation with that and begin in childhood that early in children[ children and , , and carotid [ , detection chronic in will allow to the long et al[ and were who metabolic that were in a red blood by automatical hematologic iron may the and may in bone marrow [ et al[ and in that children correlated with our , but we did not indicator in circulation calculated in the laboratory in hemolytic and with , but not in bone marrow to For , adrenergic a enhanced heterogen [ circulating red blood recent , to be in with chronic heart , [ , myocardial and chronic and it that could be the underlying Felker et al[ the an morbidity and mortality another indicated that with metabolic [ by three to be related with the metabolic ndrome abdominal , , and [ et al[ concluded that abdominal the only that an with high our , in chronic , and with in the literature the correlation between and , , [ , and Coban et al[ that in the renal and But conducted in children with or without metabolic [ ndrome ed no in the , were minimally in to normal weighted CONCLUSION determined that , and are in children and the correlation between , and to be by the Childhood in adulthood , which an obtained laboratory can be to indicate the in the in early ACKNOWLEDGMENTS thank Dr Binnetoglu their and Dr Fatih to Funding source: Financial disclosure: of interest: to REFERENCES to article to no no December 2015 et al et al et al et al et al et al et al et al et al et al December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Original Article Arcuate Line variations: Are They Important for TEP Surgeons? ABSTRACT Objectives: Design Subjects: Intervention: Conclusions: Method of analysis: Results: : INTRODUCTION SUBJECTS AND METHODS abdominal wall [email protected] December 2015 B A D C F E G Fig. 1: E&F A&B H C&D G H December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Table 1: inguinal hernia S. No. Classical arcuate line (n = 18) Secondary outcome measures variant arcuate line (n = 12) p-value DISCUSSION RESULTS th down the , although in rd rd December 2015 REFERENCES i.e th i.e CONCLUSIONS et al ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Presentation at Conference: Funding: et al th et al December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Original Article Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Psoriasis Patients Mohammad Ebrahimzadeh , Ali Akbar Akaberi , ABSTRACT Objectives: Main Outcome Measure: Design: Results: Subjects: Intervention: Conclusion: KEY WORDS INTRODUCTION i SUBJECTS AND METHODS [email protected] December 2015 Table 1: variables RESULTS Patients Height HDL LDL DISCUSSION et al Control group December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL et al et al et al that they could not et al ACKNOWLEDGMENTS REFERENCES December 2015 et al et al December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Original Article Closed Reduction of Pediatric Nasal Bone Fractures ABSTRACT Objective: Results: Design: Conclusion: Subjects: Intervention(s): Main Outcome Measure(s): , INTRODUCTION nd Among children, [email protected], @gmail.com December 2015 Table 1: trauma Gender Type older Type of trauma Fall Down Football RTA Fight Total Male Female Table 2: Type of Fracture MATERIALS AND METHODS Frequency Percent Comminuted RESULTS Table 3: variables 1 - 3 days (n = 12) 21% 4 - 7 days (n = 16) 28% 7 days (n = 29) 51% December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL DISCUSSION , trauma et al e.g e.g. et al et al According to Moran CONCLUSION etc. December 2015 ACKNOWLEDGMENT REFERENCES J Craniofac Surg December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Original Article Prevalence and Risk Factors of Severe Perineal Injuries during Childbirth in Saudi Arabia ABSTRACT Objectives: Results Design: Arabia Subjects: All Interventions: Conclusion Main Outcome Measures: . INTRODUCTION Lateefa O. Al-Dakhil, Assistant Professor and Consultant,King Saud University/King Khalid University Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and [email protected] December 2015 ethnicity Statistical Analyses weight MATERIAL AND METHODS rd th in the introduction RESULTS December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Table 1. Cases (n = 73) Characteristics/Risk Factor Control (n = 146) p-value Age labor Table 2. Risk Factors OR 95% C I p-value < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 DISCUSSION and debate December 2015 ACKNOWLEDGMENT REFERENCES et al nd nd rd CONCLUSION th December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL December 2015 Case Report Carbimazole-Induced Agranulocytosis Treated with Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (GCSF): A Report of Two Cases ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION CASE REPORTS Case 1 [email protected] December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL DISCUSSION Case 2 et al cell monitoring . December 2015 CONCLUSION in vitro and in vivo ACKNOWLEDGMENT REFERENCES et al Fumarola A, Di Fiore A, Dainelli M et al et al et al et al et al December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Case Report Rare Case of Non-Parasitic Chyluria in Pediatric in a Four-year-old Male Child ABSTRACT : INTRODUCTION in children CASE REPORT Fig @sancharnet.in, [email protected] December 2015 Fig. 1: DISCUSSION Fig. 2: Fig December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL CONCLUSION and ACKNOWLEDGMENT REFERENCES i.e., a - . C, PB , H, J Urol H, , Mahmood M, J Urol KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Case Report ABSTRACT bronchial abnormality, INTRODUCTION CASE 1 CASE 2 December 2015 December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Fig. 1: Fig. 4a: Fig. 2: Fig. 4b: right lower lung lobe Fig. 3: Fig. 5: December 2015 Fig. 6: CONCLUSION DISCUSSION REFERENCES December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Case Report Left Main Coronary Artery Stenting in a Patient with L-I Type Single Coronary Artery ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION choice CASE HISTORY Heng-Chia Chang, MD, Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Buddhist Tzu-Chi Hospital, Taipei branch, 289 Jianguo Road, Xindian [email protected] December 2015 Fig. 1: Fig. 2: December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL CONCLUSION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding: REFERENCES , DISCUSSION et al et al et al et al et al narrowing , December 2015 et al et al December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Case Report Primary Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Uterine Endometrium: A Case Report , ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION CASE HISTORY Dr. Rashmi D. Patel, MD (Path & Bact), Additional Professor, Department of Pathology, Laboratory Medicine and Transfusion Services and E-mail: @yahoo.co.in December 2015 Fig. 2: Fig. 1: Fig. 3a: Fig. 3b: Fig. 3c: in December 2015 DISCUSSION KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL REFERENCES th CONCLUSION Primary HL et al ACKNOWLEDGMENTS December 2015 Case Report Cerebral Cryptococcoma - Why? ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION et al CASE REPORT Cryptococcus neoformans E-mail: [email protected] December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Fig. 1: Fig. 2: CONCLUSION REFERENCES DISCUSSION 1. 2. 3. and might be the 4. 5. . KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL December 2015 Case Report Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum Mimicking Angioedema in an Asthmatic Teenager ABSTRACT KEY WORDS INTRODUCTION CASE HISTORY December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL A B C D Fig 1: DISCUSSION CONCLUSION December 2015 REFERENCES et al December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Letter to the Editor Student-Centered Teaching to Enhance Learning in Histology Lab What problems were addressed? What lessons were learned? What was tried? ACKNOWLEDGMENT Grant sponsor: REFERENCE [email protected] KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL December 2015 Selected Abstracts of Articles Published Elsewhere by Authors in Kuwait to Reduce Infectious Complications: Systematic Review Urol Ann 201; 7:417-427 Epub 2015 Oct 14 Diversity of Multi-Drug Resistant Population in a Major Hospital in Kuwait Kuwait Cambridge, UK Front Microbiol 2015; 6:743. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00743. eCollection 2015 Acinetobacter baumannii hundred A. baumannii A. baumannii December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL A. baumannii A. baumannii A. baumannii Spatial-Temporal variations and Diversity of the Bacterioplankton Communities in the Coastal Waters of Kuwait Almutairi A Mar Pollut Bull 2015 Sep 21. pii: S0025-326x(15)30031-x. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.09.016. [Epub ahead of print] A Comparison of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion vs. Multiple Daily Insulin Injection in Children with Type I Diabetes in Kuwait: Glycemic Control, Insulin Requirement, and BMI Oman Med J 2015; 30:336-43. doi: 10.5001/omj.2015.69 Objective: Methods: Selected Abstracts of Articles Published Elsewhere by Authors in Kuwait December 2015 Results: Conclusion: Prognostic Indicators of Secondary Progression in a Paediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Cohort in Kuwait Akhtar , Alroughani , Ahmed , Al Mult Scler 2015 Oct 9. pii: 1352458515608960 [Epub ahead of print] Background: Methods: Results: Conclusions: Normal Reference Ranges for Cardiac valve Annulus in Preterm Infants Pediatr Cardiol 2015 Sep 1 [Epub ahead of print] Objective: December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Subjects and Methods: Results: Conclusion: Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Disease Progression in Kuwait: A Retrospective Analysis Pediatr Neurol 2015 Jun 17. pii: S0887-8994(15)00289-1. doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol 2015.06.010 [Epub ahead of print] Background: Objective: Methods: Results: Conclusions: December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Forthcoming Conferences and Meetings Babichan K Chandy Healthcare & th Biological Thailand th Infectious Diseases United States / Neurological Society th Annual Dermatology United States / India Medical Oncology Internal Medicine & Geriatrics Australia Singapore Fertility Gynecology United States / United Kingdom Digestive Diseases Cancers China United States / Healthcare & Life th Science th India Malaysia Management Com Urological Society December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL nfectious diseases Recurrent Pregnancy Loss France United States / Clinic Atrial Fibrillation Breast Imaging & Optional Digital Mammography United States / Hawaii th Reconstruction & Trauma United States / Ophthalmic & Oculoplastic Austria Abdominal Wall Reconstruction United States / ADHD & Related Disorders th Annual Canadian Paediatric United States / Canada / Dermatology th Otorhinolaryngology, Audiology & Communication Disorders United States / United Arab Emirates rd COPD th Ophthalmic & Oculoplastic Reconstruction & Trauma Lung Health. Asthma & Monaco Austria Spinal Disorders Cataract Surgery United States / United States / America Forthcoming Conferences and Meetings th December 2015 Mild Cognitive Impairment Skin Cancer United Kingdom United States / Functional Neurosurgery Stereotactic & Gynecologic Oncology Spain United Arab Emirates nd th Biological Research Healthcare & Annual Emergency Medicine Canada / United Arab Emirates Athlete’s Knee United States / Diagnostic Radiology Medicine United States / Rheumatology United States / Dialysis th Brain Research th United States / United States / Colposcopy United States / nd Thoracic Surgeons Pathology United States / Arrhythmia rd United Arab Emirates Surgery United States / Oral & Maxillofacial December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL th Paediatric Neurology nd Child & Family Maltreatment United States / United Kingdom Forensic Examiner Training United States / Aging Skin France Pancreatic & Biliary rd Colonography Endoscopy Canada / United States / th Radiology Annual T-Cell Lymphoma Forum United States / United Kingdom Facial Injuries viruses United States / Colorado America Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition Meeting Breast Cancer Canada / United Kingdom Hand Surgery Cardiovascular Bahrain Cme United States / Forthcoming Conferences and Meetings Traumatic Brain Injury Canada / December 2015 Malignant Melanoma & Beyond United Kingdom Anesthesia United States / Diabetes Italy Musculoskeletal United States / Abdominal & Pelvic Imaging: United States / Knee Surgery th France Management Arrhythmias & the Heart: Anaesthesia United Kingdom United States / CME th Spinal Disorders General Internal Medicine United States / United States / Continuing Education th Annual Infectious Diseases United States / Geriatrics & Rheumatology: United States / rd Australia Cardiology Meeting December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Clinical Interventional Oncology United States / Endovascular th Therapy th Heart Disease United States / United States / Management Hepatology Sleep Apnea & Snoring United States / Management th nd Gastroenterology & United States / Echocardiography th United States / Head & Neck Surgery Neuro & Musculoskeletal United States / United States / Anesthesia th United States / Annual Obstetrics & Gynecology United States / Medicine Neurology th United States / Therapaeutics United Kingdom Sleep Medicine United States / Stroke United States / Forthcoming Conferences and Meetings Blood & Marrow Transplant th Laparoscopy & Minimally Invasive Surgery United States / December 2015 United States / Infectious Diseases & Immunological Disorders Care Italy Dominican Republic th Head & Neck Cancer For Primary Critical Care United States / United States / HIv & Women th nd Ophthalmology Controversies in United States / Thailand Medicine & Rehabilitation Melanoma Surgery Meeting nd Physical Canada / United Kingdom nd Tendon Transfers Craniomaxillofacial Trauma & Reconstruction United States / America th Portugal Sclerosis th Surgery United States / Oral & Maxillofacial December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL rd Heart & Brain rd Cancer Medical France Singapore Brain rd Cardiovascular Medicine Cardiology & Airway United Kingdom Singapore Emergency Surgery & Trauma Colonography United Kingdom Canada / Men’s Health th India Medical CBT Canada / th Canada Pregnancy Cardiac Problems In United States / Podiatric Practice Management com United States / Probiotics Malaysia th Ophthalmological Society Annual th India Fetal Medicine, Paediatric Gastro, Hepatology & Nutrition Annual Canadian Critical Care Canada / nd United Arab Emirates th Netherlands Brain Injury Forthcoming Conferences and Meetings Perioperative Infectious Diseases th December 2015 United States / India Diabetes Neonatology nd United Kingdom United States / Perinatal Stem Cell nd Endometriosis & Chronic Pelvic Pain United States / United Arab Emirates Retina Canada / Family Physicians United States / American Glaucoma Meeting th United States / Florida valve Disease & Diastology United States / Prehypertension, Hypertension & Cardio Metabolic th th Parathyroid Italy Thyroid & United States / th Child Health China Pediatrics & Critical Care Spain Trauma & December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Menopause Cardiovascular United Kingdom United Kingdom Gastrointestinal Cancer 2-D & rd Doppler Echo United States / Ambulatory Anesthesia Arosa Infectious Diseases United States / th Annual Chest Convention Pulmoconnect Annual Snowmass Retina & Eye United States / Philippines th th Breast Cancer th Psychiatry Spain Netherlands th Surgery of the Nose & Chin Alzheimer Therapy United States / th Neurosurgery Neonatology Norway United Arab Emirates Forthcoming Conferences and Meetings Neurology & Therapeutics th United Kingdom Metabolism December 2015 Endocrinology & United States / Endocrinology Forensics United Kingdom Pulmonary Hypertension United States / th Bergamo Open Rhinoplasty th Italy Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Canada / th Immune Regulation Meeting th Lymphoproliferative Disorders United States / th Toxicity Uremia Research & Mexico th Neurology rd Annual Miami Lung Cancer United States / Controversies in Portugal Controversies In Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility rd Australia Autism, Adhd & Devlopmental Disabilities rd Austria Nutrition & Growth Australia December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Pediatrics rd Multidisciplinary Pain th Italy Spain th th Ophthalmology Infectious Diseases Poland Turkey Microbiology & Comtecmed th th Biennial Schizophrenia Science Healthcare & Life Turkey Italy Medicine CME Anesthesia Austria Singapore th Autoimmunity th Biennial Canadian Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Canada / Obesity Medicine United States / th Critical Care United Arab Emirates & Musculoskeletal Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis Spain Neuro-Anaesthesia & Neuro-Intensive Care Meeting th Spain Forthcoming Conferences and Meetings Congenital Hypoglycemia Disorders th December 2015 nd Contraception & Reproductive Health United States / Cancer & Dementia Dystonia rd United Kingdom Management Ag Hematology th th on Breast Healthcare United Kingdom Poland Medical Writing rd Blood & Marrow Transplant Turkey Canada / Gynecology Ultrasound In Obstetrics & rd India Rhinology & Otology United Arab Emirates Transfusion Medicine th Obesity Canada / Canada / Surgical Pathology Spain nd Annual Cervical Spine Czech Republic December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Dermatologists Australia Physical & Rehabilitation Malaysia Stress & Behavior Neuroscience & Biopsychiatry rd Russia th Atherosclerosis Austria Anesthesia Aids & Co-Infections China f Psychology & Psychiatry Italy Health Cardiology & Cardiovascular Mexico th Shoulder & Elbow th Surgery Middle Ear Surgery United Kingdom South Korea th Critically Ill Surgical Patient United Kingdom Care Pediatric Intensive & Critical Canada / Anesthesia Netherlands Cholesteatoma & Global Cancer: Occurrence, Causes France KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL December 2015 WHO-Facts Sheet 1. Disability and Health 2. Congenital Anomalies 3. Obesity and Overweight 4. Infant and Young Child Feeding 5. Four Ways to Reduce Health Risks from Climate Pollutants Babichan K Chandy 1. DISABILITY AND HEALTH Unmet needs for health care Overview e.g., e.g., How are the lives of people with disabilities KEY FACTS · · · · Secondary conditions December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Co-morbid conditions Addressing barriers to health care Age-related conditions Engaging in health risk behaviours Higher rates of premature death Barriers to health care WHO-Facts Sheet December 2015 WHO response · · · · · 2. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES Overview Fig. 1. Causes of 2.761 million deaths during the neonatal period in 2013, worldwide child death · · · e.g., metabolic · KEY FACTS · · · · · Causes and risk factors Socioeconomic and demographic factors Although low income may be an indirect December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Genetic factors · e.g., · Infections Detection Maternal nutritional status · Environmental factors · Prevention · · · · · · Treatment and care e.g., e.g., imaging WHO-Facts Sheet WHO response December 2015 What are overweight and obesity? · · Facts about overweight and obesity · 3. OBESITY AND OvERWEIGHT Overview · · · · KEY FACTS · · · What causes obesity and overweight? · · · · · December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL How can overweight and obesity be reduced? What are common health overweight and obesity? consequences of · · · · · · · Facing a double burden of disease · WHO response · 4. INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING Overview WHO-Facts Sheet · · · KEY FACTS · · · · · · · · · Breastfeeding · · December 2015 December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Complementary feeding · · e.g., · · · · · · · · · · · WHO’s response and HIv and infant feeding monitor adherence to the Code, and take action to WHO-Facts Sheet · Black , CG, and Child undernutrition and middle income online , and the Maternal Maternal and child in low income and Lancet who int 5. FOUR WAYS TO REDUCE HEALTH RISKS FROM CLIMATE POLLUTANTS Overview in collaboration with the Climate and Clean Air · · · · December 2015 December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL · · What is the impact of SCLPs on health? What are SLCPs? Can SLCP emissions be reduced? What are the mitigation actions? Where do these pollutants come from? · · · December 2015 WHO-Facts Sheet What can I do? · e.g., by walking or cycling will contribute to the reduction etc., What else is being addressed? for health? The way forward Why should we act now? Christian Lindmeier, E-mail: [email protected] Why is it important for policymakers? Nada Osseiran, WHO Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health, Mobile: + , Telephone: + , E-mail: [email protected] Dr Margaret Harris, Communications WHO. Tel: + ; Mobile: + E-mail: [email protected] , . December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Yearly Title Index Kuwait Medical Journal (KMJ) 2015; Volume 47 Kuwait Medical Journal 2015, 47 (4): 381 - 382 A. baumannii Yearly Title Index December 2015 December 2015 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL Yearly Author Index Kuwait Medical Journal (KMJ) 2015; Volume 47 Kuwait Medical Journal 2015, 47 (4): 383 - 384 Yearly Author Index December 2015