ReconstruXtion Supplement List
ReconstruXtion Supplement List
ReconstruXtion Supplementation Supplements and vitamins are a big deal in the fitness industry, and for good reason too. When you are a part of a strenuous workout program looking for muscle gains or weight loss how you eat and the nutrients that your body needs to perform at optimum peaks is a very vital element to you obtaining your goals or hitting a plateau. This is where vitamins and supplements come in play. Why Use them? It is very unlikely that the nutrients that you need to obtain your goals whether loss or gains will all come from the foods you eat. While that would be an ideal situation it’s really not realistic. Enters in vitamins and supplements. The purpose for vitamins and supplements is to give your bodies the nutrients or boost needed to obtain your goals or, maintain healthy inner body levels. Supplements fill in the gaps left by the table in an effort to be at premium health. Many workouts are outward focused and while supplements used properly can help you look sexier, more muscular, slimmer or otherwise they also help to give your body the nutrients it really needs to operate at maximum capacity. . However! RECONSTRUXTION SUPPLEMENTATION There is no one size fits all supplement program, just as there is no one size fits all diet. It’s very vital that you know through visits with your physician which nutrients are best suited for your physical health needs. As there are many factors that will either positively or negatively affect the body if you take the wrong or too much of any particular vitamin or supplements at any given time. Age, current health, allergies etc. all play a major role in choosing the best supplementation program for you With That Being Said! Welcome to the ReconstruXtion program. With these workouts your entire body will be challenged so I would recommend first that you check with your physician who can give your better guidance into your internal levels and what would be best for you. Also your physician could inform you in you have any allergies which will help guide you away from ingesting certain items. I f you’ve never taken vitamins before I would suggest starting with a multi-‐vitamin which has a little bit of everything your body will need to be at premium condition without really over doing it with any one thing. A simple one a day vitamin for men or women can go a long way. RECONSTRUXTION SUPPLEMENTATION What’s in that stuff? What do all those things in the supplements mean? What do they do? While it would take an extensive list and explanation to go through all of this and you’ll get waaay bored before you read even 25% of it, what I have provided for you below are a few charts that will lead you into the right direction for what you’re looking to accomplish with you goals. Use these as a guide for what you should be looking for on the bottle or container. RECONSTRUXTION SUPPLEMENTATION/VITAMINS RECONSTRUXTION SUPPLEMENTATION WHEY & IT’S KEY AMINO ACIDS BCAAS (BRANCHED-‐CHAIN AMINO ACIDS) TRYPTOPHAN Increases endurance Relieves mild to moderate depression Prevents fatigue Relieves insomnia and promotes restful sleep Improves mental performance Promotes weight loss by suppressing appetite Increases energy level Reduces overall sensation of pain (i.e. migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, general muscle pain) PHENYLALANINE ARGININE Maintains nervous system health Increases growth hormone levels Relieves depression Protects against heart disease Elevates mood Lowers blood pressure Decreases pain Improves poor circulation Boosts memory Aids in the production of creatine, an important source of energy Suppresses appetite Lowers ammonia levels, which can be increased in athletes due to frequent exercise RECONSTRUXTION SUPPLEMENTATION WHEY & IT’S KEY AMINO ACIDS (continued) GLUTAMINE PROLINE Boosts immune system function Rebuilds cartilage and bones Maintains muscle mass Speeds injury repair Prevents muscle catabolism (breakdown) Promotes tissue recovery following exercise Enhances glycogen storage Protects against overuse injuries (sprains, strains, tendonitis) Aids recovery from exercise Promotes healing Increases growth hormone levels RECONSTRUXTION SUPPLEMENTATION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SPECIFIC GOALS TO LOSE FAT DHEA Meal replacement drinks with balanced micro-‐and macronutrients from high grade sources TO GET STRONGER Protein drinks with egg or whey Ornithine alpaketoglutarate (OKG) Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) Herbal Formulas (xaio pangmei, brindall berry, qung herb formulas) Insulin-‐like growth factors (Colostrum) Coffee (caffenine) L-‐Glutamine Yerba mate (stero-‐isomer of caffeine) Herbal formulas Bifidobacteria Alpha ketoisocaproate (KIC) Alpha ketoisocaproate (KIC) Other lipotropic substances RECONSTRUXTION SUPPLEMENTATION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SPECIFIC GOALS TO BUILD MUSCLE MASS For Anaerobic Energy Creatine monohydrate Medium-‐chain triglycerides (MCT oil) Protein drinks with egg or whey Creatine monohydrate Ornithine alphaketoglutarate (OKG) Lactic acid buffers (e.g., baking soda) Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) Pyridoxine alphaketoglutarate (PAK) Medium-‐chain triglycerides (MCT oil) Inosine Insulin-‐like growth factors (colostrum) Herbal formulas L-‐Glutamine Flaxseed oil Herbal formulas Flaxseed oil Arginine RECONSTRU XTION SUPPLEMENTATION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SPECIFIC GOALS For Aerobic Energy For More Rapid Post-‐Exercise Recovery Lactic acid buffer (e.g., baking soda) Creatine monohydrate Coenzyme Q-‐10 (CoQ10) Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) Octacosanol L-‐Glutamine Ammonia scavengers Immune boosters (mumie) Dimethylglycine (DMG) White willow bark Inosine Adaptogens (Siberian ginseng) Herbal formulas Herbal insulinomimetic formulas Bifidobacteria Mumie RECONSTRUXTION SUPPLEMENTATION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SPECIFIC GOALS To Reduce Pain or Inflammation For General Health Aspirin Vitamin and mineral complex Glutamine White willow bark Antioxidants (vitamins A, C, and E, glutathione, selenium, green tea, ginkgo biloba Aloe Vera Trace elements DLPA (di-‐Phenylalanine) Immune boosters (colostrum, mmie, Echinacea, DHEA) For Better Mental Focus or Arousal Individual amino acids (many have specific applications to health Phosphateidylserine (500 mg.) Chaparral, maria thistle, anthocyanadins Careful meal balance and meal scheduling will ensure that blood sugar levels are kept stable Cardiovacular tonics (garlic, onion, ginger, cayenne, kullcap, black cohash, goldenseal, valerian, hawthorn berries For More Rapid Tissue Healing Vitamin C (1000 mg.) Insulin-‐like growth factors (colostrum) Ornithine alphaketoglutarate (OKG) Glucosamines Adaptogens (Siberian ginseng) Bifidobacteria