Newsletter - Kentucky Horse Park Foundation


Newsletter - Kentucky Horse Park Foundation
Kentucky Horse Park Foundation
Winter 2010
s the Kentucky Horse Park emerged last fall from
sixteen thrilling days of equine competition and
international acclaim, the tremendous potential of
the Kentucky Horse Park’s legacy shone brightly for all of
us who love the park. “History will record that the Alltech
FEI World Equestrian Games of 2010…was a tremendous
success,” said John Nicholson, Executive Director of the
park. “It is important to remember that the Games did
not cause the success of the Kentucky Horse Park. The
World Games are, instead, a reflection of the success of the
Kentucky Horse Park.”
The Kentucky Horse Park has contributed indelibly not
only to the history of the horse, but to the future of equine
sport worldwide, cementing Lexington’s role as the “Horse
Capital of the World.” Attracting over 500,700 attendees, 600
athletes, and 700 horses from 58 countries, the park ably and
consistently provided the top-notch competition facilities that
these equestrians expected. And it has been the selfless, tireless
commitment of time and resources of many of the KHP
Foundation’s donors and trustees who have made possible
the high level of excellence in our competition and stabling
facilities. We are very grateful for the generosity of all of
our friends and supporters.
The Kentucky Horse Park Foundation’s
Man o’ War Hospitality Suite, provided
during the World Equestrian
Games for our members,
James Shambhu
The Kentucky Horse Park
Looks to the Future
a very popular spot to watch the competition, meet with
friends and colleagues, and gain a welcome, refreshing
respite from the hustle and bustle at the Games. The
foundation staff welcomed over 900 guests during those
16 days. Not only did many of our long-time friends and
supporters seek out the hospitality suite, but we met many
new friends from around the world, welcoming them to
the incredible facilities of the Kentucky Horse Park, and
introducing them to the important mission and work of the
The Kentucky Horse Park’s true legacy will not lie in
what we have already accomplished, but in what we are now
confident and capable of achieving. “As we predicted,” said
Nicolson, “these new facilities have been extensively booked
by new events and many of our long-standing events are
growing dramatically. It is with this in mind, that we can state
confidently that there will be world-class equine competition
at our Horse Park for decades and generations to come.”
The Kentucky Horse Park Foundation has delighted in
recounting the stories of the vision and support of people
who have given so much of themselves to the park over the
years. And it is with great pleasure that we look forward
to the immense possibilities that now lie before us. Please
partner with us in our mission to enhance and expand the
Kentucky Horse Park by joining the Man o’ War Society,
contributing to the building and renovation of the barns, or
to the Nina Bonnie Endowment. As John Nicholson said,
“Without doubt, the best, most exciting, and exhilarating
days for the Kentucky Horse Park lie in the future.” ◆
The KHP Foundation proudly supports the Kentucky Horse Park.
KHP Foundation
Board of Directors
Mr. Rogers Beasley
Mrs. Jane Beshear
Mrs. Nina Bonnie
Mrs. Caroline H. Boone
Mr. Alex Boone
Dr. Andrew Clark
Dr. Nancy Cole
Mr. Kip Cornett
Mrs. Mary Anne O. Cronan
Mr. Roger Dalton
Ms. LuLu Lenihan Davis
Mr. Luther Deaton, Jr.
Mr. Tracy Farmer
Mr. George Jeffrey Fisk
Mrs. Jennie Garlington
Mrs. Mary F. Glasscock
Mr. Greg Goodman
Mr. Clay Green
Mrs. Linda Green
Ms. Dell Hancock
Ms. Sherry Hempfling
Mr. Bill Hilliard
Mr. William Hintze
Mr. William C. Hurt
Mr. Andrew Jacobs
Ms. Meg Jewett
Mrs. Becky Jordan
Mrs. Alston Kerr
Mr. Arnold Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Elisabeth LeBus Lang
Mrs. Deirdre Lyons
Mr. Zeff Maloney
Mrs. Ann McBrayer
Ms. Kathy Meyer
Mrs. Judy Miller
Mrs. Misdee Wrigley Miller
Mr. Robert Morgan
Mr. Joe Murphy
Mr. John R. Neal
Mr. Allen Northcutt
Mrs. Mary Jane Nuckols
Mrs. Judy Oetinger
Mr. Orson Oliver
Ms. Lynn Pedigo
Mr. P.G. Peeples
Mrs. Catharine Peterson
Mrs. Michelle Primm
Dr. Tom Riddle
Mr. William G. Robbins
Mr. Walt Robertson
Mr. Justin Sautter
Ms. Lisa Ball Sharp
Mrs. Martha Slaughter
Mr. Dan Stewart
Mrs. Donna Ward
Ms. Mary Wathen
Dr. Kelli Greer Webb
Mrs. Benny Bell Williams
Mr. Steve Wilson
Mr. Brian C. Wood
International Council
Ms. LuLu Lenihan Davis, Chair
Mrs. Sherry Adams
Mrs. Janice Aron
Mrs. Nina Bonnie
Mrs. Mary Guinness
Mrs. Gillian Johnston
Mrs. Annie Jones
Mr. Douglass C. Mesker
Mrs. Christie Metz
Mr. George Morris
Mrs. Annette O’Callaghan
Mr. John Seger
Mrs. Lisa Seger
Mr. Greg Simon
Mr. Howard B. Simpson
Mrs. Jenny Sutton
Ms. Melanie Smith Taylor
Mr. Jim Wofford
KHP Foundation Chair
Caroline H. Boone
KHP Foundation Vice Chair
Linda L. Green
KHP Foundation Secretary
Jane K. Beshear
KHP Foundation Treasurer
Orson Oliver
KHP Commission Chair
Alston M. Kerr
KHP Foundation Executive Director
Laura Harrison Klumb
Winter 2011
Why Does The Park Need
Philanthropic Support
ecently, a friend asked me why
the Kentucky Horse Park needs
philanthropic support when it is a statefunded entity. I was surprised by her question,
but quickly realized that many people who love
the park may not realize the important role that Director’s Notes
private support plays in keeping it operating.
Executive Director
Yes, the Kentucky Horse Park receives funding
Laura Harrison Klumb
from the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and that
funding is vital to the organization. But the state
support and the revenue generated from admissions paid by park visitors
provide only a portion of the funding needed to continue fulfilling the park’s
three-pronged mission as a working horse farm, a world-renowned center
for show and competition, and an international center for equine education.
Charitable gifts to the park made through the Kentucky Horse Park
Foundation are critical to the park’s on-going existence. A few examples:
• By joining the Man o’ War Society through an annual gift, our
supporters help provide operating support to provide food, shelter,
veterinary care and equipment for the horses living here.
• By making donations to the International Museum of the Horse, our
friends have assisted in bringing critically acclaimed exhibitions to the
park from China, England and most recently, the Near East.
• Support of our Education Department enables local children to
participate in the Mustang Troop and the Black Stallion Literacy
Program, introducing them to horses while instilling in them a love for
learning and improving their self-esteem. These gifts also help adults
wishing to pursue a career in the equine industry to obtain the job skills
they need through the Professional Horseman’s Course.
Other KHPF donors have designated their support for capital projects
to build and maintain the world-class arenas, show rings, barns and footing
that make the Kentucky Horse Park a place where equestrians want to
compete – be they young Pony Club participants or top level athletes
participating in the World Equestrian Games or the National Horse Show.
Finally, there are those friends who want to ensure that the Kentucky
Horse Park is here for future generations to explore and enjoy. Those donors
make gifts to our Nina Bonnie Endowment Fund or make planned gifts
through their estates, providing a permanent source of philanthropic income
to support the park for their children and their grand-children and beyond.
Philanthropic support of the Kentucky Horse Park is needed, and
in fact required, for the park to continue to grow, improve and evolve.
If you have not yet made a gift, I hope you will consider doing so,
and please contact me with any questions about how you can make a
difference. For those of you who already provide charitable support,
thank you for all you have done – and for all you will continue to do – on
behalf of the Kentucky Horse Park. ◆
Kentucky Horse Park Foundation
4089 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511-8400
phone: 859-255-5727 fax:859-254-7121
[email protected] •
National Horse Show
Moving to Kentucky
Horse Park
The Kentucky Horse Park
Welcomes a Prestigious
Organizers of the National
Horse Show, one of the
oldest and most prestigious
hunter-jumper horse shows
in the country, have announced that the show is
moving to the Kentucky
Horse Park in November,
2011. Originating in 1883
at Madison Square Garden in New York City, the
National Horse Show is
America’s oldest indoor
horse show. It features the
top equitation competition
for U.S. riders younger than
18, known as the ASPCA
Maclay Finals. This show
is firmly established on
national and international
sporting and social calendars. “I remember attending many times when the
show was held at Madison
Square Garden, with all the
pageantry,” said Alston Kerr,
Chair of the Kentucky Horse
Park Commission, “and
we at the Kentucky Horse
Park plan to continue this
spectacular tradition with
world-renowned Kentucky
In the past, the show also
included Saddlebreds. Given
the popularity of that breed
in Kentucky, John Nicholson,
KHP Executive Director, said
there is serious consideration to returning a Saddlebred competition to the
While the contract between
the Kentucky Horse Park and
the National Horse Show has
not yet been signed, John
Nicholson said the park is
already planning to host the
show. “Like the World Equestrian Games, the National
Horse Show moving to the
Kentucky Horse Park is further reflection of the park’s
outstanding reputation and is
further evidence that our city
and state is truly regarded
as the horse capital of the
world,” said Nicholson.
More details about the
National Horse Show’s move
to the park are not available
at press time, but please
contact the KHP Foundation office at 859-255-5727
for more information as it
becomes available.
The Kentucky Horse Park
Foundation Contributes
to the Competition
Mason Phelps, President and
CEO of the National Horse
Show, said the show’s board
members were impressed
with the park’s facilities. The
National Horse Show will be
held at the Alltech Arena, the
park’s new $40 million indoor
complex. The Kentucky Horse
Park Foundation was instrumental in helping to build
a state-of-the-art, climatecontrolled barn complex next
to the Alltech Arena, and
that barn complex has been
essential to the park’s ability
to attract prestigious new
competitions to Kentucky.
Enhancing and expanding
the Kentucky Horse Park is
the only mission of the KHP
Foundation, and important
projects like the construction
of these barns are only possible through the generosity
of our donors. Fundraising
to complete the new barn
complex as well as renovate
additional stables throughout
the park is ongoing; find out
how you can help by contacting the Kentucky Horse Park
Foundation. ◆
Horse Park
of 2010
Rood &
Grand Prix
Dr. Tom Riddle
of Rood & Riddle
presents the
KHPF and the
KyEHC with
funds generated
by Hats Off Day
2010. Pictured
left to right are
Dr. Tom Riddle,
Laura Klumb,
Meg Jewett,
Lori Neagle, and
Deirdre Lyons
Offering something for everyone, Hats
Off Day celebrates Kentucky’s Equine
Industry at the Kentucky Horse Park by
inviting all Kentuckians to a FREE day
of family adventure at the park. The
thrilling entertainment includes the
$50,000 Rood & Riddle Kentucky Grand
Prix – a premiere show jumping competition. The Grand Prix has served as a
charity fundraiser since 2003, and has
donated over $275,000 to charitable
The proceeds from the 2010 event
benefitted the Kentucky Horse Park
Foundation and the Kentucky Equine
Humane Center. The Foundation
thanks our friends at Rood & Riddle
for their generous donation. ◆
Thanks to
Our Sponsors
Southern Lights 2010 was
a fantastic success again
this year, offering visitors a
magical holiday experience.
Thank you to American
Founders Bank, our
Signature Sponsor, and to
Kerr Brothers Funeral Home,
our Associate Sponsor. We
appreciate your support!
KHP Foundation
The Man o’ War Society Features
New Donor Benefits
ith so many exciting new events and facilities here at the Park, we’ve updated the benefits available
to our annual fund supporters at each giving level. As before, these levels honor past and present
residents of the Kentucky Horse Park’s Hall of Champions, but benefits have changed for each
level. Please consider “moving up” to your favorite horse’s level so you can continue to support the Kentucky
Horse Park Foundation in our mission to enhance and expand the Kentucky Horse Park. It is not too late to
upgrade your membership to the “Cigar” level to receive your tickets to the Foundation’s Rolex Hospitality Tent!
Man o’ War Society
Membership Levels:
$5,000 - $9,999 Rambling Willie Member
• Complimentary car pass to Southern Lights at KHP
• Acknowledgement in report of donors
• Tri-annual Newsletter
Tax deductible amount is: gift amount less $15
• Player’s Club pass for Lexington Polo matches for one season
(excludes Polo in the Park tournament)
• 2 tickets for 2 days of hospitality at Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event
• Complimentary Trackside Parking for High Hope Steeplechase at KHP
• One year’s admission to the Park for 4 people
• Kentucky Horse Park parking pass for one year
• 15% discount at the KHP Gift Shop
• Complimentary car pass to Southern Lights at KHP
• Acknowledgement in report of donors
• Tri-annual Newsletter
Tax deductible amount is: gift amount less $515
$250-$499 John Henry Member
$10,000-$24,999 Alysheba Member
• One year’s admission to the Park for 4 people
• Kentucky Horse Park parking pass for one year
• 15% discount at the KHP Gift Shop
• Complimentary car pass to Southern Lights at KHP
• Acknowledgement in report of donors
• Tri-annual Newsletter
Tax deductible amount is: gift amount less $130
• 2 seats in KHP Skybox for donor’s choice of one event in Alltech
Indoor Arena, subject to availability
• 2 tickets for 3 days of hospitality at Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event
• Player’s Club pass for Lexington Polo matches for one season (excludes Polo in the Park tournament)
• Complimentary Trackside Parking for High Hope Steeplechase at KHP
• One year’s admission to the Park for 4 people
• Kentucky Horse Park parking pass for one year
• 15% discount at the KHP Gift Shop
• Complimentary car pass to Southern Lights at KHP
• Acknowledgement in report of donors
• Tri-annual Newsletter
Tax deductible amount is: gift amount less $695
$25-$99 Friend of the Park
• Acknowledgement in report of donors
• Tri-annual Newsletter
Tax deductible amount is: full value of gift
$100-$249 Funny Cide Member
$500 - $1,499 Sgt. Pepper Feature Member
• Complimentary Trackside Parking for High Hope Steeplechase at KHP
• One year’s admission to the Park for 4 people
• Kentucky Horse Park parking pass for one year
• 15% discount at the KHP Gift Shop
• Complimentary car pass to Southern Lights at KHP
• Acknowledgement in report of donors
• Tri-annual Newsletter
Tax deductible amount is: gift amount less $155
$1,500 - $4,999 Cigar Member
• 2 tickets for 1 day of hospitality at Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event
• Complimentary Trackside Parking for High Hope Steeplechase at KHP
• One year’s admission to the Park for 4 people
• Kentucky Horse Park parking pass for one year
• 15% discount at the KHP Gift Shop
• Complimentary car pass to Southern Lights at KHP
• Acknowledgement in report of donors
• Tri-annual Newsletter
Tax deductible amount is: gift amount less $235
$25,000-$99,999 CH Imperator Member
• Applicable naming rights arranged at time of gift
• One free rental of Farmhouse for private event
• 4 tickets for 3 days of hospitality at Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event
• All other benefits listed for Alysheba Member above
Tax deductible amount is: gift amount less $1435
$100,000+ Kona Gold Member
• 2 free rentals of Farmhouse or Judge’s Tower for private events
• All other benefits listed for CH Imperator Member above
Tax deductible amount is: gift amount less $1935
If you prefer to make your entire contribution tax
deductible, please let us know that you wish to decline
membership benefits when you make your gift.
KHPF mourns loss of long-time
friend and supporter
he Kentucky Horse Park
Foundation is saddened to
announce the passing of one its
most devoted donors and International
Council members, Mrs. Rebecca
Broussard. Mrs. Broussard passed away
at her Montana home on December 24,
2010 after a long battle with cancer.
Mrs. Broussard has supported the
KHPF since 2004 and has served on the
International Council since its inception
in 2007. The KHPF first asked Mrs.
Broussard to join the International
Council because of her tremendous
reputation in the eventing world.
“When we were the process of
forming the International Council,
it was important to ensure solid
representation from the eventing
discipline. When Becky agreed to
join us, we were so thrilled. Becky’s
commitment to eventing and her
passion for horses in general made
her the perfect ambassador for the
Kentucky Horse Park Foundation,”
said LuLu Davis, International
Council Chair.
Mrs. Broussard was also a board
member of the U.S. Equestrian
Team, a trustee on the Endowment
Foundation of the USEA, as well as
a member of the Board of Governors
and Executive Committee for the
USEA. She was a sponsor of the
North American Young Riders’ and
Juniors’ Championships for many
years. She served on the Governor’s
Advisory Council for the 2010 Alltech
FEI World Equestrian Games™.
Perhaps most notably, Mrs.
Broussard was the founder of
The Event at Rebecca Farm. This
equestrian triathlon and World Cup
Qualifier held annually in Kalispell,
Montana will celebrate its tenth
anniversary this summer. Last summer,
she helped organize a historic flight of
18 horses from the East Coast, including
Cross Country Schooling Days
Return to the Kentucky Horse Park
The Kentucky Horse Park
Foundation is delighted to
announce the return of Cross
Country Schooling Days for
riders who want to school
their horses on the Kentucky
Horse Park’s world-renowned
cross country course.
Cross Country Schooling
Days are a fundraiser for
the KHP Foundation and
cost only $35 per session.
Proceeds raised from this
event help the Foundation
continue to maintain and
improve the facilities yearround for all equine competitions at the park. From the
registration fee, $20 will be
considered a charitable do-
nation, and all participants
will receive a tax receipt for
that amount.
There will be two sessions
per day. Weekend times are
8 a.m. to noon, and noon
to 4 p.m. Weekday session
times are noon to 4 p.m.,
and 4 to 8 p.m. Several sessions are scheduled throughout the season:
many Olympians, to compete at The
Event at Rebecca Farm.
Alston Kerr, KHP Commission
Chair and life-long friend of Mrs.
Broussard said, “The eventing world
has lost a legend, the KHPF has lost
a loyal supporter, and I have lost a
dear, dear friend. Her passing leaves
a tremendous vacuum that we will
not be able to fill. We must all plan
to honor her life by building on the
legacy she leaves in the world of
equestrian sport.”
Mrs. Broussard is survived by
her husband Jerome, her daughters
Rebecca and Sarah, and her
grandchildren. ◆
schooling days. For riders
who are not stabling at the
park, a one-day $20 trailer
pass or $75 seasonal trailer
pass must be purchased at
registration. Seasonal passes may also be purchased in
Riders will also have an
opportunity to earn a free
schooling session by helping
the park continue its clean-
up from the 2010 Alltech FEI
World Equestrian Games™.
Participants may pick up
one 32-gallon trash bag of
litter from the cross country
course, in exchange for one
free schooling session of
their choice. The two dates
for this volunteer cleanup effort will be Saturday,
March 12 and 19.
For more information
please call the Kentucky
Horse Park Foundation at
859-255-5727. ◆
Sunday, May 15
Wednesday, June 1
Wednesday, June 29
Saturday, August 13
Saturday, September 10
Stabling is available, but
is not guaranteed for all
School Your Horse on a world-famous course, while supporting
a great cause!
KHP Foundation
The Farmhouse Shines in the
Culinary Spotlight
uests of the James Beard Foundation’s “Cookin’ in the
Bluegrass” Celebrity Chef Dinner series at the KHP
Foundation’s Farmhouse were treated to an exquisite
taste of Kentucky hospitality! This fundraiser provided sixteen
evenings of culinary pleasure, joining the talents of nationwide
celebrity chefs with the expertise
of Kentucky chefs, and creating
unforgettable meals featuring
Kentucky Proud products. The
event was a remarkable success and
proceeds benefitted the James Beard
Foundation, the World Equestrian
Games Foundation, and the
Kentucky Horse Park Foundation.
Create Your Own Event at the Farmhouse
The Farmhouse is available for rental for lunch, dinners, meetings
and retreats, or other special events. Joining the Kentucky Horse
Park this year are the new Director of KHP Food Services, Brent
Porter, former owner of the Meadowthorpe Café, along with Chef
Adam Wade, who formerly served as chef at Murrays Restaurant.
“I love to sit down with clients and help them design a menu
to create the perfect event,” said Wade. Plan your next special
occasion in the historic setting of the Farmhouse. All rental
proceeds benefit the Kentucky Horse Park Foundation. Please call
us at 859-255-5727 for more information. ◆
Volunteers Made It All Possible
The Kentucky Horse Park welcomed
record-breaking crowds in 2010. The
World Equestrian Games of course
generated massive crowds, but other
prestigious equestrian competitions,
the very popular entertainment and
educational programs produced by the
Equine and Education departments,
and the highly acclaimed “Gift from
the Desert” exhibit at the International Museum of the Horse attracted
visitors to the park like never before.
It requires a small “army” of hardworking and talented people to help
with a venue as complex and
busy as the Kentucky Horse
Park, and we are fortunate
to have just such an army of
volunteers. Organized and
motivated by our Volunteer
Coordinator, Gina Beare, over
320 volunteers at the Kentucky Horse Park contributed
23,650 hours of their time
to make everyone’s visit to the park
enjoyable. This is the equivalent of
11 full-time employees working a 40
hour week year-round, which saves
the park an estimated $375,000!
“We appreciate every minute they
give, whether it is for a couple of
hours or a couple of hundred hours,”
said Beare. “Each year I say it is a
record, but this year they surpassed
themselves!” Thank you to all of the
KHP volunteers! If you’d like to join
this fantastic crew, please call Gina
Beare at 859-259-4267. ◆
KHP Volunteer Tom Seidel
welcomes visitors to the
new Arabian Galleries
Meredith Skaggs
and Teton
Fond Memories
of a Beloved
Kentucky Horse
Park Pony
“Teton is the reason I
am who I am today ... he
gave me confidence and
he ignited my passion for
horses. It is amazing what
the warmth of a pony can do
to the life of a young girl.”
December 25, 2010
Dear Ms. Klumb,
We are sending our KHP Foundation donation this year
in memory of Teton, the Cayuse Indian Pony, who was
at the Kentucky Horse Park for twenty-plus years. Teton
passed away on December 22, 2010.
Our daughter, Meredith, who is now 22 years old
“fell in love” with Teton when we first took her to
the Park in the early 90’s. We visited the Park several
times to see Teton – we went to both Parade of
Breeds shows each time we went. As a result, we
have a nice collection of Meredith sitting on Teton
from the “Pick a Picture” activity the staff used to
provide each Parade of Breeds!
We grew to love the staff – RK, Linda, Peggy, Shelli,
Laurie and Melissa to name a few. Meredith volunteered as much as she could when she became old
One of her fondest memories is that of getting to
ride Teton in the Parade of Breeds – we thank Peggy
Carrol for that awesome opportunity! I could go on
and on about our fond memories from the Kentucky
Horse Park.
When the Park was ready to retire Teton, Meredith
was asked if she would like to take him home. With big
tears in her eyes, she said, “Yes!”
We were thrilled to be able to bring Teton to our
home in Breckenridge County, Kentucky. Having him
has been a real blessing!
Thanks to all of you who work so hard to provide
others with opportunities to “experience and celebrate
the wonder and majesty of our equine friends.”
Judy Skaggs
Thank you, Judy, James, and Meredith Skaggs for
providing a loving retirement for Teton, and for
your years of support of the Kentucky Horse Park
Professional Horseman’s Course
Offers Unparalleled Opportunity
he Kentucky Horse Park’s
Education Department
offers a unique and hands on
educational opportunity unequalled
by other equine schools. Students will
have the opportunity to study and work
with over 30 breeds of horses present
at the Kentucky Horse Park while
acquiring the knowledge and skills to
launch a productive career in the equine
industry. This program challenges
students with daily practical interaction
with horses in a variety of different
environments, health issues and training
levels, as well as broadening their overall
level of equine understanding.
Classes and practicum work in stable
management, anatomy and physiology,
reproduction, marketing and career
development all ensure a well rounded
education. Students will also receive an
introduction to and be able to interact with
breeding practices, and multiple disciplines.
Through a comprehensive curriculum
and small class size, ensuring
individualized learning experiences,
students will be prepared to seek entry
level work or advance their current
position in the industry upon graduation.
The generous support of Kentucky
Horse Park Foundation donors helps
make possible unique educational
initiatives like the Professional
Horseman’s Course. The gifted
employees of the KHP Equine and
Educational Departments also offer
other highly-acclaimed programs
such as the Mustang Troop, the Black
Stallion Literacy Program, and riding
programs for adults and youth. ◆
Champions’ Circle Society of Giving
The Kentucky Horse Park Foundation Planned Giving Committee is delighted to announce the formation of the Champions’ Circle Society of Giving. This distinguished
group includes all individuals who have shared in writing their intent to make a
planned gift to the KHP Foundation. Individuals notifying the foundation of their
intent before December 31, 2011 will be considered charter members in perpetuity and
will be honored at an exclusive reception in the spring of 2012. Planned gifts provide a
wonderful way of supporting the park, often without impacting your current financial
position. If you have questions about planned giving or the Champions’ Circle Society,
please contact the KHP Foundation office at 859-255-5727.
Rein of Nobility
If ever the power and majesty of
the horse has been captured on the
screen, it is in the Kentucky Horse
Park’s remarkable new film presentation, Rein of Nobility. More
than ten years in the making, Rein
of Nobility is a treasure house of
images that exalt humankind’s most
honored companion. Filled with
one of a kind moments and breathtaking artistry, it brings the story
of the horse to vibrant life. Your
narrator and companion on this
extraordinary journey is one of the
world’s best-loved performers, actor
and horseman William Shatner. An
incomparable experience awaits
you on your next visit to the Horse
Park… the Rein of Nobility.
Written by Misdee Wrigley Miller,
directed by Chris Fournelle and
Jesse B. Kelsey, produced by Graeme
Hart and Post Time Productions,
Rein of Nobility is now showing in
the Visitors Information Center
at the Kentucky Horse Park. The
foundation is very grateful for the
talents and generosity of Misdee
Wrigley Miller, William Shatner and
the staff of Post Time Productions.
Thank you! ◆
Save a stamp! Donate online at
Enclosed is my gift for $_____________________
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Exp. Date
Kentucky Horse Park Foundation • 4089 Iron Works Parkway • Lexington, KY 40511-8400
Lexington, KY
Permit #599
4089 Iron Works Parkway
Lexington, KY 40511-8400
Upcoming Events
January 18 – May 6
Professional Horseman’s Course
March 15 – May 30
Vavra’s Vision: the Equine Images of Robert Vavra
At the International Museum of the Horse
April 1
The Kentucky Horse Park resumes its regular
summer schedule of activities.
April 16
Hippity-Hoppity Hunt
At the Kentucky Horse Park Campground
April 28 – May 1
Rolex Kentucky 2011
May 22
4089 Iron Works Parkway
Lexington, KY 40511-8400
phone: 859-255-5727
[email protected]
Winter 2011
High Hope Steeplechase
High Hope
May 15, June 1, June 29,
August 13, and September 10
Cross Country Schooling Days to benefit the
Kentucky Horse Park Foundation
For a complete listing of all events at the Kentucky
Horse Park, please go to