Parish Staff Parish Center Office Hours Saint John Bosco Roman
Parish Staff Parish Center Office Hours Saint John Bosco Roman
Saint John Bosco Roman Catholic Church PARISH BULLETIN Dec. 27, 2015 Feast of the Holy Family Saint John Bosco Roman Catholic Church Parish Center Office 215 E. County Line Road Hatboro, PA 19040 Tel. (215) 672-7280 In emergency, call anytime 24/7. Otherwise, please call during Office Hours. Faith Formation Office (PREP) Tel. 267-803-0774. St. Vincent de Paul Society Tel. 215-882-2707. Parish Staff Rev. Gary J. Kramer, Pastor Rev. Gerald C. Ronan, Parochial Vicar Rev. James E. McVeigh, Weekend Assistant Deacon Daniel J. Rouse, Financial Administrator Mrs. Doris Duncheskie, CRN, Parish Nurse Mrs. Diane Falchetta, Secretary Loretta Ceniviva, Secretary Mrs. Christine Flack, Faith Formation Coordinator Mrs. Lisa Quaranto, Music Director & Youth Ministry Coordinator Mrs. Janet Shepherd, Bulletin Editor. Schedule of Religious Services Saturday, 12/26 Feast of St. Stephen, First Martyr Confession: 3-3:30 pm; 6-6:30 pm. Sunday, 12/27 Feast of Holy Family Parish Center Office Hours Sat. Eve. Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm (English); 7:00 pm (Spanish). Sun. Morning Mass: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 am. No afternoon or eve. Mass on Sunday. Mass Cards/Mail/Messages/Documents/Facility Keys are available only during open office hours: Week of Dec. 27, 2015 Mon. to Thurs. (incl. New Year’s Eve 12/31/15): 9:00 am to 12 noon; 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Eve. Closed. Fri. (1/1/16): Closed. Sat./Sun.: Offices are closed on weekends. New Year’s Day Jan. 1, 2016 Feast of Mary, Mother of God Holy Day of Obligation Mass Schedule How to Contact Priest (Emergency) New Year’s Eve Within Parish Call Parish Center Tel. (above). Parish priest is “on-call” (24 hrs./7 days wk.) for emergencies within SJB parish territory incl. Majestic Oaks Nursing Home and Hospice Unit at Abington Health Center in Warminster. Outside Parish Other hospitals, nursing homes, rehabs, etc. have their own local priest “on-call” “24/7”. Patients or family members at any time may ask the facility staff to contact the local Catholic parish or assigned Catholic chaplain. Thurs. Dec. 31, 2015. Thurs. Eve., Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm. New Year’s Day Fri. Day Jan. 1, 2016 Masses: 9:00 & 11:00 am. No afternoon or eve. Mass on Sunday. 1 118 SJBosco Sunday, December 27, 2015 The World is Mine Today, upon a bus, I saw a very beautiful woman and I wished I were as beautiful. When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle. She had one leg and used a crutch. But as she passed, she passed with a smile. Oh, God, forgive me when I whine, I have two legs; the world is mine. I stopped to buy some candy. The lad who sold it had such charm. I talked to him, he seemed so glad. If I were late, it would do no harm. And as I left, he said to me, “I thank you, you’ve been so kind. It’s nice to talk with folks like you. You see he said, “I am blind.” Oh God forgive me when I whine. I have two eyes; the world is mine. Later while walking down the street, I saw a child I knew. He stood and watched the others play, but he did not know what to do. I stopped a moment, and then I said, “Why don’t you join them?” He looked ahead without a word. I realized he couldn’t hear. Oh God forgive me when I whine. I have two ears; the world is mine. With feet to take me where I’d go. With eyes to see the sunset’s glow. With ears to hear what I know. Oh, God forgive me when I whine. I’ve been blessed indeed, the world is mine Give the gift of love. It never comes back empty! I am truly blessed with AWESOME FRIENDS and FAMILY! Oh, God, forgive me when I whine. (Author Unknown) Christmas will remain in our hearts, but our decorations need to be put away! Help is needed to un-decorate our church. Christmas Decorations need to be moved back into storage. Please meet in the church Sunday,1/10 at noon. Trucks a plus !!!! Many hands make light work. Thank you. Schedule of Religious Services CONT. Mon. Dec. 28 to Thurs. Dec. 31 Confession: 8:30-8:50 am. Daily Mass: 8:45 am Fri. Jan. 1 See today’s Cover Page for Holy Day Schedule. Sat. Jan. 2 Confession: 8:30-8:50 am. Rosary: 8:30 am; Holy Mass: 9:00 am Novena after Mass to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Confession: 3-3:30 pm; 6-6:30 pm. Sat. Jan. 3 Feast of the Epiphany (Three Kings) Sat. Eve. Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm (English); 7:00 pm (Spanish). Three Kings re-enactors will present gifts at the 7 pm Mass in Spanish. Sun. Morning Mass: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 am. No afternoon or eve. Mass Sunday. 2 118 SJBosco MASS INTENTIONS This WEEK 12/28 12/29 12/30 12/31 Please Pray for Our Faithful Departed Robert Kiesel, Joseph L. Rufino, John F. Smith, Jr. MON. 8:45 AM Joseph Rachwal TUES. 8:45 AM Samuel N. Paone WED. 8:45 AM Dominick Magnavita THURS. 8:45 AM Frances Bonavigna Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May all the souls of the Faithful Departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. Feast of Mary, Mother of God Vigil 4:00 PM Giulio Bonavigna FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 2016 Feast of Mary, Mother of God 9:00 AM Keith Bergan 11:00 AM Carmine Ciardullo Family SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 2016 9:00 AM Mark Meeks 4:00 PM Ann & John Christof 7:00 PM Pro Populo (For the People) SUNDAY, JANUARY 3, 2016 7:00 AM Peter Urban, III 9:00 AM Carmella Petruzelli 11:00 AM The Kent Family PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK AND INPhil Adamo, Jr. Patricia Ambrose Rosemary Anthony Orville Ballard Edward Bauman Melissa Bauman Elizabeth Beck William J. Brady Joseph Campbell Linda Cunningham Skip Cunningham Ellen Dardis Anthony Durante Joseph Felix Carol Gallagher Rita Garafolo Siena Healy Debbie Hipple John F. Keebler Tim Keebler Dr. Raymond Kent Gail Maines Florence McHugh Anthony Osimo Joanne Osimo Adoration Chapel We wish all of SJB’s Adorers a “Happy New Year”! HOLIDAY SCHEDULE New Year Week: Closed from Sat. 12/19 to Sun. 1/3/16 inclusive. Re-opens Mon., 1/4/16 as usual after 8:45 am Mass. Intentions earlier requested for period closed will be listed in week of Jan. 3, 2016 unless otherwise directed. Prayer Intention Candles (6) burn alongside Blessed Sacrament in the Adoration Chapel when open. We list names of those for whose intentions candles are dedicated in this space. Just send your name with intention & offering to ADORATION CANDLE c/o Parish Center. Please name one Person, Couple (engaged/married), Family, Group per request (living or deceased). Offering requested: $ 15. Joseph Reagan Rolene Rose Ann Sabina Marie Sanchez Catherine Sarsfield Joanne Schreiber Mary Sheridan Barbara Sieber Joe Sienkiewicz Lisa Sikova Marie R. Smith Gerald Sutliff, Jr. Brett Vivian Frank Waltrich Jim Wyatt How we list: We list sick persons for one month at their own or family member’s request. To place/extend a listing, please call Parish Center. Sunday Amount* Difference 11/22/15 $ 12,199.80 11/24/14 10,457.00 + 1,742.80 11/29/15 $ 10,694.24 12/01/14 11,958.00 - 1,263.76 *Incl. E Giving 12/07/15 $ 12,024.50 12/08/14 12,391.00 - 366.50 12/13/15 $ 14,413.50 12/15/14 13,908.97 + 504.53 Religious Retirement Fund 12/07/15 $ 2,230.00 12/08/14 2,404.00 - 174.00 Immaculate Conception Holy Day 12/08/15 $ 3,427.50 12/08/14 2,147.00 + 1,280.50 Seniors Monthly Meeting Wed., Jan. 13, 12 Noon Refreshments and Bingo follow meeting. February luncheon tickets on sale at the January meeting. Please submit items for Bulletin issue dates (left) by 12 noon on submission dates (right): Jan. 17…………...…………….….Mon., Dec. 28 Jan. 24…………………………….Mon., Jan. 4 Jan. 31…………………………….Mon., Jan. 11 Please send info./questions to Bulletin Editor at Parish Ctr. Email [email protected]. Capital Improvements 12/13/15 12/15/14 3 $ 2,333.00 2,231.00 + 102.00 118 SJBosco BASKET BINGO Sun., Jan. 10, 2016 (Snow Date: Jan. 24, 2016) Saint John Bosco’s Minnie Vinnie’s (Youth of St. Vincent de Paul Society) Doors open 1 PM/ 1st game starts 2 PM 10 Chances for you to win. Longaberger baskets or products! Plus raffles, door prizes and more… $15 per ticket in advance/$20 at the door Call Mary Ann Tel. 215.882.2707 for tickets/info. Join St. John Bosco Book Club! Like to read? Enjoy a fun, stimulating discussion group? Join us Mon., 1/25/16 7 PM in Parish Center Library. (Note, no AM meeting Tues.). Join our adventure through WHAT SHE LEFT BEHIND by Ellen Marie Wiseman. Great way to meet friends of friends. Please bring own beverage and a snack to share. Hope to see you there! Longaberger and the other basket and collection names are property of the Longaberger Company. This fundraiser is not in any way connected with or sponsored by the Longaberger Company. ST. VINCENT de PAUL CONFERENCE FOOD CUPBOARD Tel. 215-882-2707. Call to request food or other assistance for your family. Food or Money Gifts are welcome to assist our neighbors in need. WRINKLE FREE WOMAN. January Meeting Theme. Have fun guessing Laundry Product Slogans and Cleaning Products! Prizes will be awarded. We invite all women to 9AM Mass Sun., Jan. 3, 2016. Pews will be reserved on the Blessed Mother Side of the Church for all the ladies. Please join us in Drexel Hall (cafeteria) right after Mass for refreshments, fellowship and a brief meeting. It’s all about bringing everyone together. Hope to see you there! 6th Annual Ladies Retreat Fri., Jan. 22, 2016 5:00 to 10:00 PM SJB Parish Center Retreat Leader: Fr. Tom Viviano, Parish Son. Eve. starts with potluck dinner, continues with retreat talks and time for reflection, confession and adoration. Time for Friendship and Fun, too. 2016 Trip to “Sight and Sound”! Are you interested in going to see SAMSON Fri., Oct. 7, 2016? We need a preliminary head count to gauge interest in the trip. As many of you know, we need at least 56 participants in order to take the trip. If enough people respond, we can confirm the trip. Complete this form and drop in any Collection Basket along with a $ 10.00 deposit no later than 12/31/15. If we do not have enough interest by that date, your deposit will be refunded. YES! We are interested in the trip to Sight and Sound in 2016. Ladies Retreat Registration Form (Please register by Jan. 17) Name:__________________________ Phone:__________________________ Email: _________________________ Cost: $ 10.00 donation requested with registration. Plates, utensils, coffee, tea/water provided. Bring favorite snack and beverage if desired. I can bring the Name: __________________________________ following to share at the potluck: __ Dinner Entrée __ Salad/Side __ Dessert Phone: _________________________________ Info. Faith Formation Office 267-803-0774. 4 118 SJBosco Experience 2000 years of Vatican history at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia at their limited time exhibition Vatican Splendors. Celebrate National Hat Day at SJB on Fri., Jan. 15, 2016! National Hat Day is set aside to wear & enjoy a hat of your choice & style. Isn’t it great that hats come in all shapes, sizes, colors & styles? Hats are not intended just to keep you warm. Join us in Drexel Hall (Cafeteria) right after morning Mass with your favorite hat! A prize will be awarded for the most unusual hat! Spread the word! Hope to see you there! See more than 200 works of art and historically significant objects that together form a greater mosaic of the history of the Church and its impact on art, history, and culture. From the sights and sounds of the grand Basilica to a touchable cast of the hand of Saint John Paul II; embark on a journey through the ages of artistic expression and religious iconography. Many of these objects have never left the Vatican, including a personalized note from our beloved Pope Francis. The exhibition is presented in settings as a lesson for us all to better understand our history and faith. Parishioners will receive $10 off each adult ticket by referencing discount code VSARCH through one of the following methods: telephone 215-448-1200, on-line For groups of 10 or more, additional savings are available by calling Owen Mullin at 215-448-1207. This special offer ends on Feb. 1, 2016. We are bringing the Covenant of Love Date Night from the Alexander House to the St. John Bosco Community. Please join us Thurs., Jan. 14 at 7 PM in Drexel Hall. Light refreshments will be served. Date Night is a gift to the couples of our Parish to help enrich and support Catholic Marriages. Attendees will rediscover God’s plan for marriage and will gain practical tools to treat their marriage as a daily Sacrament, building a stronger and more joy-filled marriage. Date Nights are for all married couples! During 2016, we will meet once a month for six (6) months; couples will explore the great adventure and mystery of marriage; and, couples will receive insights to a deeper love. Longing for more out of life? Struggling to see what faith has to do with everyday life? Get energized, educated and inspired. Learn to apply the genius of our faith to your life – in practical, livable ways. For planning purposes, please RSVP by Sun. Jan. 10. Complete this form and drop in any collection basket or at the Parish Center by Jan. 10. Need info.? Ques.? Call 215-718-7841. YES! We will attend the Date Night Series at Saint John Bosco. Names: ___________________________ Phone: ___________________________ Please return to the Parish Center c/o Janet & John Sikina by Sun., Jan. 10. Pick up a FREE copy of REDISCOVER JESUS in the Parish Center Office during normal office hours starting Monday, 1/4/16. Your life won’t be the same! We hope you will enjoy this incredible gift from Saint John Bosco Parish. 5 118 SJBosco The Archdiocese of Phila. invites us this Holy Year to pray daily the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Along with your personal, family and parish intentions, please including these intentions for: Renewal of regular reception of Sacrament of Confession by all Catholics of our Archdiocese; Increase in Vocations to Priesthood and Sanctity of all priests; Conversion of those who do not know the love of Jesus Christ. What is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy? The Chaplet prayer uses traditional Rosary beads to meditate upon and ask for God’s infinite mercy poured out upon the world through Christ’s passion. Jesus gave the prayers below to St. Maria Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938) with His promise of many powerful graces as a fruit of this prayer. To learn more about the Chaplet and our local Holy Year activities: visit 9 118 SJBosco