November Newsletter 2015 - The Congregational United Church of
November Newsletter 2015 - The Congregational United Church of
THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH United Church of Christ NOVEMBER 2015 Friends in Christ— Paul once quoted a Greek philosopher saying that in God “we live and move and have our being.” In life terrible things happen and wonderful things happen. Through all of them—and often right in the midst of them—we sense the reality of God, creating, redeeming, and sustaining all of life. Out of this awareness, every once in a while we remember the people who have been important in our lives who are no longer living. Although they are no longer present physically, they continue to influence our lives, helping us to be better people than we might otherwise be, strengthening us to love more than we might otherwise love, and giving us the courage to do what is right in the face of opposition. A member of a church I once served told me that in some ways he felt his father more present with him after his father’s death—an experience others have spoken about as well. Now and then we look around and our hearts are filled with gratitude toward God. This can happen when everything falls into place and life seems very good indeed. Surprisingly, it can also happen when everything falls apart and we are struggling to get through each day. Even then we recognize the sustaining power of God. From time to time we look forward in hope, realizing that the past and the present are moving us toward something new, that the story isn’t finished yet. In faith at such times we trust in the goodness of that the new thing that is coming into being, that is seen only dimly. When we remember and give thanks and look ahead all in one month, we call that November. This year November gives us All Saints Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, and the First Sunday in Advent. That’s a lot of religious life to put into thirty days. These days and this month remind us that all of life is in God’s care. Often enough, we need that reminder. In all our days, we live and move and have our being in God. This is our strength our hope. Peace, Bill TRANSITIONS AND NEW MEMBERS Long time member Pete Knapp died on Saturday, October 24. Welcome to:new members Sharon Garton, Ed Keogh, Becky Keogh, Dean Logan, Jeff Schabilion, Lenore Maybaum, Nathan Morton, Dale Roberts, Patty Roberts, Kristy Nabhan-Warren and Stephen Warren. CHURCH ACTIVITIES LITERACY PROGRAM: Our new adult literacy tutoring program continues to move toward holding its first class on November 5 at 6;30pm.. If you are interested in being a part of this program or would like more information, please contact the church office. UNAIDS Offering Update: Thanks to everyone who gave generously to our annual UNAIDS offering in October. This year we received $1019.00 - an increase of more than $319 from last year. Your giving makes a difference in the lives of many people. Thanks again. ALL SAINTS JAZZ WORSHIP SERVICE - NOVEMBER 1 Each year on the First Sunday in November, Congregational UCC observes “All Saints Sunday”. This is a time for us to remember and give thanks to God for all the saints and especially for those members of our congregation who have died in the past year. This year we will remember Pete Knapp, Mike Romanowski, Maile Sagen, Jim Sangster, and Darrell Wyrick. Our worship service on this day is both solemn and joyful, befitting a congregation of people who live in the light of the resurrection. We will celebrate the sacrament of communion. As is our custom, we will have a jazz band leading our worship on this Sunday in order to help us look toward that day when the saints go marchin’ in. This year the well-known local jazz pianist Dick Watson will lead the music in what promises to be an inspiring event. Please plan to join us for this special time of worship. NEIGHBORS IN NEED - Special UCC Offering Received on November 1 Imagine another world is possible—a world without hunger, without poverty, without violence, without discrimination. Across the United States, UCC congregations are imagining and working toward a new world. Each year we receive the Neighbors in Need Offering to support their efforts and programs. Please give generously to this offering on Sunday, November 1. NEW PRAYER/MEDITATION GROUP MEETS WEEKLY; Wednesdays at Noon in the Sanctuary You are invited to join others for a time of silent prayer and meditation each Wednesday at noon. After a brief reading, participants sit silently for about 20 minutes. We conclude our time together with a brief period of conversation. This group is open to everyone. You do not need to attend every week in order to participate. We are all just beginning to pray, so feel free to join us when you are able. BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION SPONSORS ADVENT FESTIVAL. Our annual Advent Festival will be held on Sunday, November 22, from 4-6 p.m. in Rockwood Hall. This is a wonderful opportunity for children, families, and individuals of all ages to make Christmas crafts, enjoy cocoa and cookies, and sing Christmas carols as we begin our preparations for Christmas. Each year this festival attracts more people and it is a favorite event in the life of our congregation. Watch the Sunday bulletins and listen to the announcements during worship for more information. Want to help? Interested in attending? Have questions? Please call the church office at 337-4301 or talk with a member of the Board of Christian Education. (Church Activities continued on next page) CHURCH ACTIVITIES Cont. COLLECTING FOR THE CRISIS CENTER FOOD BANK AND SHELTER HOUSE: Throughout November and into December, the Mission Board would like to have all of us consider contributing generously to two of our local missions. These have both been long standing projects of the Congregational Church. The needs, as always, continue to be great. Your donations may be placed in the collection box in Rockwood Hall where you will also find take-aways lists of needed items. For more information, contact Edie Roberts at [email protected]. Shelter House Items of Greatest Need: Toothpaste (full and travel-sized tubes) Diapers (Size 3 and up) Body Wash Facial Tissue Toilet paper Deordorant Laundry detergent (high efficiency and regular) Shampoo/Conditioner Lotion Hotel/sample sizes: shampoo, conditioner, lotion Foot powder Ear Plugs Grocery store gift cards Iowa City/Coralville bus passes or strip tickets Over-the-counter medications: Antihistamine, Sinus Medication, Acetaminophen and DayQuil Crisis Center Food Bank Top 10 Needed Donations: Financial Donations Peanut Butter and Jelly Pastas & Rice Hearty Soups & Stews Baby Formula & Food Toilet Paper Canned Fruits and 100% Fruit Juice Canned Vegetables Baby Diapers (all sizes) Laundry Detergent STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN 2015: We want to thank you for your generous gifts to support the ministry and mission of Congregational UCC again this year. In presentations during worship this fall, the Stewardship Board has encouraged members to “Trust in the Promise.” We heard the words of the prophet Jeremiah, telling the people that God has plans for them, “...plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future of hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Our future as a congregation is indeed filled with hope. This year we are starting a new outreach to provide literacy tutoring to adults in our community. We are strengthening our spirits with a new time for prayer and meditation on Wednesdays at noon. We are welcoming an increasing number of new members. We are continuing to repair and renovate our building as a way to enhance our welcome of all people, no matter who they are or where they are on life’s journey. Pledge cards were mailed in October. If you have not already done so, please prayerfully decide on the amount of your support for the coming year as you give thanks for God’s gifts and hope for the future. We ask that you fill out the pledge card and return it as soon as possible to help the Trustees as they prepare the budget for the coming year. Thanks again, Your Stewardship Board: Bryan Clemons, chairperson, Chuck Connerly, Cynthia Kemp, Chris Knapp, Tom Mittman, Derek Willard The next Women’s Luncheon is scheduled for November 19 at 11:45pm. The Men’s Breakfast will be on Saturday, November 21 at 8:00am. (Church Activities continued on next page) CHURCH ACTIVITIES Cont. UPDATE ON HOMECOMING GRILL SALES: What an event! First, we had new and old members jumping in with enthusiasm, making new friends, enjoying the day/evening, great food and fantastic weather, all while making good use of our building and location. Special thanks to everyone, particularly Bill D. for the sandwich boards and John J. for setting up the lights and being our building resource. To Sharyn Reitz and Phyllis Ruppert for setting up the inside Membership Committee potluck event including decorations, hospitality and clean up. The Mission Board had a successful drink fundraiser for the Crisis Center selling soda. Special thanks to Edie Roberts for setting up the condiment tables and keeping them refreshed and appealing throughout the event. To our grillers, Tom Sandersfeld, John Fieselmann, Bob Ashman, Bob Jury and others for expert grilling. They created the smells that brought in the customers. But the wrappers, servers and cashiers are the real heroes of this event. They took the time and care to place the meat in the buns, tenderly wrap them in foil, take the orders, deliver the orders and offer warm smiles and congenial chit-chat in the midst of a wild atmosphere. Thank you Jo and Steve Bowers, Ray Muston, Bob Ashman, Mike Groth, Phyllis Ruppert, Dale Roberts and all the other folks for pitching in. Thanks to the cleanup staff as well which made it a very smooth transition back to normal. Thank you Derek, Pam, John Rauer., John J., Mike G., Sharyn R., John R., Edie R. & Phyllis R. and all the folks that help put things back in place. Again, it was a remarkable event and one that will be remembered for a long time to come. It highlights why we are on this corner and I couldn't be happier with the wonderful support received from our faithful members. What did we learn? Looking back to last year when we ran out of food so early and in light of the grand weather we were blessed with, I upped the amount of meat and buns. It was slow at first, then steady to heavy then pooped out after the parade started. But in the end, we did just fine. Rick Ruppert PLANNING FOR A NEW WEBSITE: Wanted: Anyone interested in helping develop our new website. All experience levels needed. We need a small group to look at how we want to proceed and how to choose who will build the website and what content will be included. This will be a short term project. Our website is the first thing many people encounter when they are looking for a church. It is the “new front door”. Our current website has been great but it is time to update and get mobile friendly. What do you think we need to have on our new website? Do you have ideas? We want to hear from you. There are countless options, styles and set ups available. Take a little time and browse other church websites. It is very informative. Start with some UCC churches. There are many that have great websites. Let us know what you like and what you don’t. We will begin our planning very soon and your input will help. If you are interested in being part of this short term interesting project, please let the office know. We are eager to get started. Cynthia Kemp and James Robinson VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED: The Ten Thousand Villages pop-up store at 112 E Washington St., Iowa City, is seeking volunteers who are interested in assisting customers. Ten Thousand Villages is a nonprofit organization with the goal of bringing quality, fair trade products to the Iowa City area. Products include artisan-crafted gifts, home decor, jewelry, personal accessories, textiles, art, and sculptures from over 130 artisan groups in 38 countries around the world. Three-hour work shifts are available from now through December. Contact [email protected] or 330-310-3750 if you are interested in helping. Volunteering also gives you opportunity to check out the Villages products for your Christmas gift giving. It’s Our Turn on November 30th! We Will be Hosting the Free Lunch A sign-up sheet has been posted in Rockwood Hall. Please consider helping with food and/or time. This is an important effort that not only helps people in our community, but also lets them know that our church cares. Helping is fun! We make a great team! Join us! LOOKING AHEAD Looking Ahead to Advent and Christmas. Each year brings festivities and celebrations as we move through Advent and the joy of Christmas. Mark your calendars so that you won’t miss these special events: November 29 December 6 December 13 December 21 December 24 First Sunday in Advent; celebration of communion during worship Second Sunday in Advent; Choir Sunday, Advent potluck Third Sunday in Advent; Children’s Christmas pageant presented during worship Christmas caroling with the choir in the afternoon Fourth Sunday in Advent. Christmas Eve candlelight worship service at 5:30 p.m. Gala reception follows Flowers always enrich our worship services. There is a sign-up sheet in Rockwood Hall for anyone who would like to provide flowers. They can be given in memory or honor of loved ones or in celebration of special events such as birthdays and anniversaries. This information will be included in the Sunday bulletin. Flowers can also be given simply for the joy and beauty that they bring. If you have questions, please contact Jane Murphy at 351-9079 or at [email protected]. Women’s Retreat at Pilgrim Heights: Pilgrim Heights Camp & Retreat Center is offering a retreat entitled “Sharing the Invisible Story” with presenter Sara Peak Convery. It’s a day away to reflect on the meaning of relationships, refresh your body, mind and spirit and rest, relax and enjoy fellowship. The retreat begins at 6:00 pm on Friday, November 6 and ends at 4 pm on Saturday, November 7th. More information is available on the Community News Bulletin Board. SYRIAN REFUGEE BENEFIT: St. Raphael Orthodox Church, 722 E College St, Iowa City, invites everyone to an Iowa City benefit event for Syrian Refugee Relief on Saturday, November 7. The program begins at 6:00 p.m. with a reception and Middle Eastern hors d’oeuvres. At 7:00, Nick Kasemeotes of International Orthodox Christian Charities will give a presentation on the refugee crisis. International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, supports one of the largest established networks to deliver life-saving humanitarian aid inside Syria where more than 12.2 million people (7.6 million internally displaced) are currently in need of assistance. In addition to its work inside Syria, IOCC staff is working regionally to address the growing needs of more than 4 million refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Armenia, Greece and Serbia, as well as people in need in those host countries. IOCC helps people regardless of creed. For more info about IOCC's work inside Syria, see Tickets are $25. All proceeds will benefit relief efforts for Syrian refugees through International Orthodox Christian Charities. Both tickets for the event and charitable donations to the cause can be arranged through Please Remember the Annual Gifts for Parents Project: Every December we collect and distribute gift items that are appropriate for children ages 3 to 14 to give to their parents and other significant adults in their lives. This annual, city-wide event gives children an opportunity to experience the joy of giving. Volunteers help the children choose presents from among items donated for up to four adults in their lives. Other volunteers wrap the gifts. All enjoy a free pancake breakfast provided by St. Mark’s United Methodist Men beginning at 8 AM on December 5th. Please check your closets and shelves for those “white elephants” that someone else might enjoy, or the extra wrapping paper, bows, and boxes you have tucked away. A collection box will be placed in Rockwood Hall for your new or slightly used items. If you have the time to help, volunteers are needed to set up and sort gifts on Friday, December 4th, startingat 9 AM. Volunteers are also needed to escort the kids and wrap gifts (bring you own scissors) on December 5th, starting at 8:30 AM. For more information, contact Edie Roberts at [email protected]. Pleasantview Home Benefit: You are invited to the Pleasantview Home Benefit Sale on Nobember 6 and 7 at Iowa Mennonite School, 1421 540th St., SW, Kalona, IA. Pleasantview is a continuing care retirement community in Kalona. Friday activities begin at 4 pm with a turkey tenderloin supper (donation basis) served until 7:30; musical entertainment by Myrtle Ave Duo and Great Bluegrass Herons from 5:15 - 6:15; silent auction sections end at 6:20 and 6:35; live auction begins at 6:45. November 7th: Pancakes and sausage breakfast (donation basis) 6:30 – 10:00 am; live auction 8:30 until sold out, about noon. Please come and experience the Kalona Country Charm! For more information, go to or call 319-656-2421. LIBRARY CORNER March, Book Two Written by John Lewis with Andrew Aydin Art by Nat Powell The trilogy March, in graphic novel form by Congressman John Lewis, takes the reader behind the scenes of some of the most pivotal moments in the Civil Rights Movement. "Congressman John Lewis (Georgia) is an American icon and one of the key figures of the Civil Rights Movement. His commitment to justice and non-violence has taken him from an Alabama sharecropper's farm to the halls of Congress, from a segregated schoolroom to the 1963 March on Washington, and from receiving beatings from state troopers to receiving the Medal of Freedom from the first African- American president." Congressman Lewis shares his remarkable story, in graphic novel form, with new generations. Now the trilogy "March" brings the Civil Rights Movement to life for a new audience. Book One and Book Two of the trilogy March can be found on the Library bookshelf in Rockwood Hall. Judy Doorenbos Library Committee Serving Our Church In the Congregational United Church of Christ, we all share in performing duties for the worship service. A list is provided each month for the assignments of Greeters, Ushers and Hospitality. Please arrive one-half hour before the service, which begins at 10:15 am. If you cannot serve on the assigned date, please call someone else on the list to arrange a trade with them. Please let the Deacon of the Month, John Fieselmann, know of any changes. He can be reached at 319-354-0292 or cell 319-321-5968. NOVEMBER GREETERS USHERS HOSPITALITY 1 Robert and Claire Ashman Stuart and Deborah Cobb Scott and Patricia Hansche Sally Strang Laura Stunz 8 Martha Ann Crawford Charles Connerly John Fuller Anna Mary Mueller Roger and Melissa Jensen Derek and Pamela Willard 15 William Dickinson Rod Malcolm Mark, Carrie, Abigail, Grace and Anna Whittaker Kathleen Clark and Richard Valentine 22 Kathy Koegle and Kevin Richards Mike and Joyce Myer Kathy Thede-Reynolds and Bruce Reynolds Chris and Vernette Knapp 29 Betty Mather Jane Murphy Kai and Amanda Bouma Willis Sisley Lyle Tonne Bob and Betty Stein NOVEMBER 2015 Sunday 1 Monday 2 JAZZ Service Communion Sunday NIN Offering Daylight Savings time ends Worship 10:15 Chinese School Coffee Sales Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 4 5 6 7 Election Day Diaconate 7pm Mission Bd 7pm FRC Noon Midday Prayer/ Meditation Noon Literacy Class 6:30pm Voices of Soul 6:30pm Wedding Rehearsal Bell/Weipert Wedding 5:00pm 3:00pm 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 Choir 9:00 Church School 9:15 Worship 10:15 Children’s Church During worship Chinese School Korean Classical Society Rehearsal 7pm Christian Ed Board 7pm FRC Noon Midday Prayer/ Meditation Noon Veteran’s Day Literacy Class 6:30pm Voices of Soul 6:30pm Korean Classical Society Concert 7:30pm 15 16 17 18 19 20 Stewardship 4pm Kantorei Rehearsal 6:30pm Trustees 7pm FRC Noon Women’s Lunch 11:45am Literacy Class 6:30pm Voices of Soul 6:30pm 24 25 26 27 Midday Prayer/ Meditation Noon Office Closed Thanksgiving Office Closed Choir 9:00 Church School 9:15 Worship 10:15 Children’s Church During worship Chinese School 22 23 Thanksgiving Sunday Choir 9:00 Church School 9:15 Worship10:15 Children’s Church During worship No Chinese School 29 Advent Begins Communion Sunday Alternative Gift Bazaar Choir 9:00 Church School Worship 10:15 Chinese School 30 Saturday Midday Prayer/ Meditation Noon 21 Men’s Breakfast TBD 28 Happy Birthday 16 James Keogh 1 Frank Zlatnik Sophia Jacobsen 17 Naomi Sherer John Holmes 2 Sheryl Amos 3 Danielle Weipert 18 Ann Leefer Alison Wilder 5 Linda Christensen 20 Eston Bartels Marcia Kuechenmeister Andrew Knapp 7 Scott Hansche Valerie Cobb Daniel Morgan-Harris 24 Darin Wells 8 John Fuller 10 Michael Seidl 11 Jeanna Otto 26 Michael Myer Grace Brookfield 13 Amy Lewis 29 Kevin Richards Hayden Beerends 15 David Schoonover Carol Fischer Sara Murph To You! 30 Mary Bartels THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 30 North Clinton Street Iowa City, Iowa 52245-1700 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED NOVEMBER 2015 NEWSLETTER PARKING INFORMATION SUNDAY SCHEDULE Parking is available evenings and all day Sunday at the IMU or North Hall Parking Ramps. 10:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Ask your usher for a voucher (or get one from the church office). Church Office is open Monday - Friday 9-3pm OUR CHURCH STAFF Pastor: The Rev. William Lovin Music Director: Organist: Office Manager: Financial Secretary: Custodian: Patrick Zubiate Bill Crouch Nan Martin Sharyn Huriaux Reitz Eddy Ghumm Worship Fellowship HOW TO CONTACT US Monday - Friday 9 am to 3 pm Phone: 319-337-4301 E-mail: Minister………………..……..…[email protected] Office Manager……….……...…[email protected] Financial Secretary……[email protected] Music Director……… [email protected] Visit our Web Site: