September 2014 - Advocates International


September 2014 - Advocates International
571-319-0100 @AIPREZ
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“What is impossible with men is possible with God.”– Luke 18:27
Dear Friends,
When Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani was arrested and held in Iran, many around the world prayed for
his release and many more sent letters to the Iranian government, asking the same. One country’s
efforts, more than many others, may have assisted most in his release. That country was Brazil. It
is a nation that is widely respected and, according to the Pew Research Center, has the least
restrictions on religious freedom among the world’s 25 most populous countries, ahead of South
Africa and the US.
Brazil: A Beacon of Hope
Last month, I traveled to Brazil where I encouraged lawyers and pastors to continue to make a
difference. At my first stop In São Paulo, Gilberto Ribeiro, former Global Council member and
head of Advocates Brasil, arranged three key opportunities for me. First, I was interviewed for a
TV Justiça program. Second, we met with a group of key pastors (one of whom is also a lawyer)
about how they might better engage the lawyers in their congregations. Their prayers that
afternoon for us and the work of Advocates were a powerful testimony of God’s faithfulness
through his servants, and helped to prepare me for our next event.
Immediately following that meeting, I spoke to the São Paulo Bar Association’s (OAB) Human
Rights Commission. With an audience from many different faith traditions, it was a great blessing
to be salt and light, encouraging a terrific group that is actively engaged in the battle for religious
liberty. In hindsight, the evening session was an intense spiritual battle that was strengthened by
your prayers and those of the pastors that afternoon.
The most important time in São Paulo, however, was the time I spent with Gilberto and his wife,
Nadir Chagas, encouraging them. Nadir served as my translator at the OAB event. By a divine
coincidence, I reserved my hotel room in the same building in which they live during the work week.
Following our time in São Paulo, Gilberto and I flew to Belo Horizonte where I spoke to 250
lawyers and law students from the Igreja Batista da Lagoinha, a church with 60,000 members. I
encouraged them to make sure they don’t leave their faith out of their practice, but rather, that they
more actively engage with their community, allowing the excellence of their work, as unto the Lord,
to be a witness to their clients and colleagues. Gilberto encouraged them with practical ways they
can be engaged through Advocates Brasil. All in all it was a great blessing.
Doing Justice with Compassion
Our hosts in Belo Horizonte, Thomas and Esther Prete, are both attorneys and a bright young
couple that I firmly believe the Lord will use mightily in Brazil and around the world. Thomas, also
a friend of Mark Mudri (Australia’s Global Council Representative), through the International
Christian Chamber of Commerce, is currently in a corporate job, and Esther is studying for an LLM
in legal philosophy. We spent about six hours with Thomas and Esther and they would greatly
appreciate your prayers for God’s guidance in their next season of life.
After a day in Belo Horizonte, I flew to my final destination, Cuiabá, where I joined our colleagues
from the FIAJC (Advocates Latin America) board at the 2nd National Conference of ANAJURE. The
conference included panels on religious liberty, human rights, bioethics and the struggle between
religious liberty and indigenous rights, among others. ANAJURE, led by Uziel Santana, is the
National Association of Evangelical Jurists, and they are actively engaged across Brazil fighting for
religious liberty and assisting refugees.
Join with us in praying for the work of Advocates Brasil and ANAJURE as they take on the
challenges of religious liberty, not only in their own nation, but across Latin America. When we
take on these seemingly impossible battles, we are actively opposed (Eph. 6:12) by the enemy, but
we know with God, all things are possible (Luke 18:27).
Europe: Battleground for Religious Liberty
Speaking of seemingly impossible challenges, I travel this month to Europe, where the battles for
religious liberty are raging. My first stop will be London, where the leadership team of the
Religious Liberty Partnership (RLP) will meet. We have many key decisions to make concerning
the work of the RLP and covet your prayers for discernment.
I then travel to Uppsala, Sweden where I will be joined by Ruth Ross, Mats Tunehag, and some
friends and colleagues from ADF for the Scandinavian Academy: “God, The Life & The Freedom.”
Our hostess is Ruth Nordström, President of the Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers and
Advocates Sweden. The seminar will encourage lawyers and law students—as well as some
pastors—in pro-life, pro-family, and religious freedom advocacy. When we conclude our meetings
in Sweden, Ruth Ross will spend a day with our colleagues from Christ und Jurist in Frankfurt.
Thank you so much for your prayers for our safe travels and all of these meetings in Europe.
Snapshots from the AI Network
I’ve enclosed with this letter a recent report from the Christian Legal Society of Zimbabwe and pray
that you will also be encouraged to see what they are doing to make a difference in southern Africa.
Please pray with us for CLS Zimbabwe, and all of the fellowships around the globe, particularly
Indonesia CLS, host of the 13th Advocates Asia conference, October 31 November 2, and
Advocates St. Vincent, host of the 2014 Advocates Caribbean conference, November 7 - 9.
With seemingly impossible challenges around the globe, it is good to know that with God, all things
are possible. Thank you for your continued prayers and your financial support that demonstrate
His faithfulness.
May the Lord bless and keep you in His perfect . . .
Grace and Peace,
Brent McBurney
President and CEO
Christian Legal Society of Zimbabwe (CLS) in partnership with Legal Resources Foundation (LRF) and Masakhaneni Projects Trust; conducted
Community Legal and Peace Outreach towards the elimination of violence by young people in Mbembesi Area in Umguza District located in
Matabeleland North Province on Zimbabwe.
The Mbembesi Area (located in Umguza District) is presently inhabited by a community of Xhosa speaking people. Most of these people trace their roots
from South Africa (Eastern Cape Province). In Zimbabwe the Xhosa Community is a minority group and most of them are found in Mbembesi area. The
Xhosa people are a conservative community that still practice their culture such as male circumcision, and stick fighting. Stick fighting is the dominant
cultural practice and is mainly practiced during certain festivals such as weddings and rite to passage ceremonies.
The main characters in the circumcision ceremonies are young boys who will be preparing to go for their initiation (adulthood), and they are known as
“inkwenkwe”. The circumcision ceremony is regarded as an important transitional stage where one moves from being boy to being a man. Over the years
the custom of stick fighting was confined to festivals however of late it has emerged from the community leaders and police reports that some juveniles
are alleged to have been abusing the culture of stick fighting by engaging in gang fighting and assaulting people in the community for unclear reasons.
Some young boys are reported to be using sticks that are outside the ones prescribed during their cultural ceremonies as such this has resulted in a
number of incidences where boys have received assault charges.
In a joint programme between CLS and LRF titled “Access to justice for Children” it was noted that were many of cases of assault, attempted murder,
and murder from Mbembesi area which were mostly perpetrated by juveniles. Adults have also been victims of vicious attacks by the some of the boys
from the area. The escalating number of cases from the area was a cause of concern even to the Area Public Prosecution Department which noted that
there was need to urgently respond to issues relating to violence perpetrated by young people. As such, it was agreed by the above mentioned
organizations, that a programme that is based on a more preventive approach should be adopted to address the problem.
The same concern was also raised by the police and the courts as they have been handling a lot of cases involving juveniles from Mbembesi area. CLS in
collaboration with LRF and Masakhaneni Projects came up with an intervention programme where the community will be educated on implications of
such violent behaviors. There is a need, as organizations that are working with the community, to educate both youths and parents from the area on the
legal implications of such behaviors.
This action is a response to following number cases where CLS and LRF provided legal and psychosocial support to a number of young offenders
accused of assault and attempted murder. However after realizing that cases are still being received from the same area, the CLS and the partner
organizations noted that there was a need to adopt a preventive action which addresses the community members directly and also highlight issues around
Christian Legal Society of Zimbabwe - Activity Update
culture and the law. As such the action seeks to heighten awareness on implications of violence as well as encourage young people to desist from violent
acts. Between December 2013 and April 2014, CLS and LRF have handled more than twenty-five (25) cases of assault involving juveniles from
Mbembesi area. The cases from Membesi area constitute almost 50% of assault cases that both CLS and LRF handle. A trend of organized crime is
emerging and the involvement of juveniles is a matter of cause for concern. There was thus a need to intervene in this area by doing an awareness
campaign on juvenile delinquency. The collaboration between CLS, LRF and Masakhaneni Projects Trust seeks to promote legal awareness, peace and
conflict resolution in the area.
To date CLS,LRF and Masakhaneni has since launched the Outreach in Mbembesi by holding a Community Leaders meeting in participation were the
Zimbabwe Republic Police- Public Relations Officer, Village heads,Councilors,Chief’s representatives from the 12 villages in Mbembesi Area. To
spread the reach it was agreed that the 12 Villages in Membesi Area shall be merged into four(4) working groups with each group representing three
villages and this means that a total of four meetings shall be conducted.
Summary of Activities to date:
Community Legal Awareness and Peacebuilding Outreach in Mbembesi -Umguza District
Description of Paxx
Number of Paxx
Community Leaders
(ZRP PRO,Village
Heads,Councillor and
Chief Representative)
14 May 2014
Community Strategy
Meeting -Eliminating
Youth led Violence
Legal Awareness and
Peace Outreach
Parents,Children and
Village Heads
20 May 2014
Legal Awareness and
Peace Outreach
Prents,Children and
Village Heads
22 May 2014
Legal Awareness and
Peace Outreach
Parents ,Children and
Village Heads
23 May 2014
Legal Awareness and
Peace Outreach
Parents,Youths and
Village Heads
4 June 2014
Christian Legal Society of Zimbabwe - Activity Update
Issues Discussed
Developing Strategies towards
reduction of acts of violence by
young people as well as action plan
to promote tolerance within villages.
Ematanjeni Village
Cultural practices and the Law
Nombembe Village
Cultural practices and the Law
Mandlutshana Village
Cultural practices and the Law
Engxingweni Village
Cultural practices and the Law
Highlights of Activities in Pictures:
Outreach and Awareness Campaign in Emathanjeni Village
Christian Legal Society of Zimbabwe - Activity Update
Awareness Campaign at Nombembe Village
The CLS Social Worker (Mr. A Ncube) addressing Villagers at Madlutshana
Christian Legal Society of Zimbabwe - Activity Update
Women and Young people following proceedings at the Community
Outreach at Madlutshana Village
The LRF -Social Worker (Mr. W Jiri) addressing the community in
Villagers following proceedings at the meeting at Engxingweni Village.
The success of this campaign is attributed to the collective effort with the partners aforementioned as well as the willingness by the respective community
leadership and other stakeholders in Mbembesi area to respond to the challenges facing the community. This collaborative action is yet to convene a
feedback/consolidation meeting to the community leadership and further to initiate a sustainable action plan to address other social and economic
challenges facing the community in greater Mbembesi.
Christian Legal Society of Zimbabwe - Activity Update