PRODUCT PUZZLE - Model Retailer
PRODUCT PUZZLE - Model Retailer
What’s Selling: products that make you the most FEBRUARY 2010 11 all-new product reviews RESOURCES FOR SUCCESSFUL HOBBY RETAILING SOLVING PRODUCT PUZZLE THE Retailer stories about adding product lines, increasing business The top 10 hobby stories of 2009 PLUS Vol. 36 • Issue 2 What the Treasury Department is doıng to help your business • 2009's hottest products • Former R/C dealer makes movie • Horizon names new train chief • The Edge: Tinkering in America !! 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PRODUCTS F E AT U R E S 14 16 special report – The tried, true and new 18 industry watch – the top 10 stories of 2009 FIRST LOOK Our first impression of seven new products: • Revell Proto CX Ultra-micro Heli RTF • E-flite mCX Tandem Rescue Heli RTF • Encore Models 1:72 “Blue Max” Pfalz D.III Econokit • Bachmann HO-scale Deluxe Salty with moving eyes • HobbyBoss 1:48 F-111A Aardvark 26 • Airfix 1:72 Bf 109 G-6 • Micro Engineering HOn3 Turnout 22 • Mayfair Games Steam • Reaper Miniatures The Dark Maiden • Life-Like Stock Car Thunder Set 26 32 40 42 48 50 radio control model railroading 32 MOdels DIE-CAST IN THE NEXT ISSUE Signs say a lot more about your store than just where products are and their prices. Model Retailer explores how to make good signs. Want to grow your customer base? Consider adding new items as well as expanding on the categories you already carry. The last year of the decade leaves no doubt as to just how global the industry has become. 20 Business basics – tough but not impossible Much of the government-backed economic relief has focused on big business, but you can get that loan if you need to. PRODUCT LAB We review four new products: • Woodland Scenics Scenery Clinic 42 • Nuremberg show preview • Former R/C dealer makes movie • Horizon names new train chief • The Edge: Tinkering in America Figuring out your store’s product mix and balancing customer expectations can be a challenging but rewarding puzzle to solve. Cover photo/Bill Zuback specialty Slot cars DEPARTMENTS 6 8 EditoR’S note Don’t guess; ask them. INDUSTRY NEWS The What’s Selling 2009 top picks, an R/C retailer makes a movie, Athearn’s new director, and more. W H AT ’ S S E L L I N G What products or product lines are giving you the best margins, and what are you doing to capitalize on them? 28 36 44 radio control model railroading MOdels/ DIE-CAST MODEL RETAILER (ISSN 0191-6904, USPS 395-730) is published monthly, except two issues in October, by Kalmbach Publishing Co., 21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187-1612. Periodicals postage paid at Waukesha, Wis., and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Model Retailer, 21027 Crossroads Circle, P. O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI, 53187-1612. Canada Publication Mail Agreement # 40010760. MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 EDITOR’S NOTE by HAL MILLER EDITORIAL OFFICE 21027 Crossroads Circle, Box 1612 Waukesha, WI 53187-1612 Phone: (262) 796-8776 Fax: (262) 796-1383 Web site: E-mail: [email protected] Don’t guess; ask them EDITORIAL AND ART Editor Hal Miller We spend a lot of time talking about cus- hands or an informal customer conversa- Associate Editors Sue Brettingen, Tim Kidwell tomer service and having the right prod- tion, but a hard-numbers kind of thing? Editorial Assistant Jenny Maaske uct mix in a store. We even have a feature on the latter topic on page 16, but don’t numbers on the bottom of their receipts go there just yet. that customers can call and rate their expe- The basics of the former are simple: be Art Director Tom Ford For years, I’ve seen restaurants put phone Photographers William Zuback, Jim Forbes Publisher Terry Thompson rience to win a free dinner or other prize. ADVERTISING Many also have customer comment cards Ad Sales Manager Rick Albers (x652) on their tables. Most of these businesses Ad Sales Representative Aaron Jors (x537) have customer service and what the eating Ad Services Representative Sue Hollinger-Yustus public likes down to a science, primarily due Production Coordinator Diane Olp to the answers they get from these polling K ALMBACH PUBLISHING CO. methods. President Gerald B. Boettcher Why not do something similar in your Executive Vice-President Charles R. Croft store? You could have, say, a 5-question poll V. P. Editorial Kevin P. Keefe at the checkout that customers could fill out quickly before leaving. Make it easy for V. P. Advertising Scott Stollberg them to answer — multiple choice is always V. P. Marketing Daniel R. Lance Ad Director Scott Bong good — and ask them about product catGood customer service means you’re always listening. Like this guy. egories they’d like to see, if they’d like to Corporate Art Director Maureen M. Schimmel Managing Art Director Michael Soliday see more of an existing category and what items, how their overall shopping experi- courteous, be helpful, go a little bit above ence was and maybe even collect an e-mail and beyond to make a customer for life. address. Trying to figure out the combination you collect a solid database of e-mail necessarily so easy. You know what sells addresses, there are a lot of online survey- in your store and what doesn’t, and you’re ing tools you can take advantage of at constantly racking your brain to figure out reasonable cost to collect more data. Plus, what to bring in next, and what must go to there’s the added benefit of the customer make room for it, and wondering if the new feeling like his voice is being heard. rid of the old thing. There’s enough uncertainty in business these days. Help yourself by eliminating How about taking a poll? Not a show of Assistant Circulation Manager Janice Zimdars TO ADVERTISE Toll-free: (888) 558-1544 x652, x537 Which leads you to the next level: once of customer service and product mix isn’t thing will sell well enough to have gotten Production Manager Annette Wall what you can. TO SUBSCRIBE Toll-free: (800) 558-1544 x818 CUSTOMER SERVICE (Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central time) Toll-free: (800) 558-1544 x818 E-mail: [email protected] Subscription rates: Distributed free to qualified hobby shop owners and managers. Others – U.S.: $85/year. International, payable in U.S. funds: $85/year, surface mail. © 2009 by Model Retailer, division of Kalmbach Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Title and tagline registered as trademarks. Model Retailer is an associate member of Game Manufacturers Association, International Model-Hobby Manufacturers Association, Kite Trade Association, National Retail Hobby Stores Association and Radio Control Hobby Trade Association. Printed in the U.S.A. Send your comments to Hal Miller at [email protected]. MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 INDUSTRY NEWS BY THE MODEL RETAILER STAFF Best-selling products of 2009 Every month, retailers across the U.S. and Canada share information with Model Retailer about their stores’ top-selling products. The results are published in the magazine’s What’s Selling columns. The products and companies that follow are those that appeared most frequently in the January–December 2009 What’s Selling sections. The results have been tallied by the Model Retailer staff, and here are the results: The Edge Product of the Year For three years, Traxxas has come out on top as a best-seller in R/C. This year is no different, except the reigning king, the T-Maxx has been dethroned by its short-course cousin, the 1:10 Slash. This year has been a banner year for short-course style trucks, and Traxxas has played this one beautifully, sponsoring the Traxxas Off-Road Championship series and offering plenty of licensed products too! Traxxas Slash And now the rest, by category: Model Railroad No hobby store in Spamtown And no, we’re not talking about your e-mail inbox. Austin, Minn., may still be home to Hormel, the manufacturer of the processed meat product, but it doesn’t have a hobby store anymore. Marty’s Hobbycraft closed for good in November 2009 due to damage from a January fire. The owner, Marty Miland, had run the store since 1986. According to the Austin Daily Herald, there had been a hobby store in town for the last 50 years, but no more. Fortunately, Spam continues to be churned out at the rate of 44,000 cans an hour. Athearn Genesis FP45 Lionel O-gauge The Polar Express set HO scale: Led by products such as its Genesis FP45 and standard SW1500, Athearn was the top vote-getter in the scale. It wasn’t just locomotives that got the manufacturer to the top; it was also its now-discontinued Blue Box kits and ready-to-roll cars. at each end of the year. However, Aristo-Craft gave Lionel a run for the latter’s money, as its large-scale track and rolling stock made a prominent showing. THIS MONTH’S BIG NUMBER 60% In a poll conducted by The Foundation of the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, nearly six out of every 10 people said that they’d never made or built a toy. Shocking? Yes, but without an earlier poll to compare it to, it’s hardly ironclad. MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 Atlas N-scale SD60 N scale: Atlas takes top honors in this scale through the combined efforts of its locomotives, rolling stock and track. Motive power like the GP9 and tank cars showed up a number of times over the year. Kato proved a worthy challenger, however. Other scale: Always strong in the category, Lionel again proved to be the winner with its FasTrack and The Polar Express sets, especially Radio Control Vehicles: Traxxas 1:10 Slash (Product of the Year) Aircraft: If there was any doubt that E-flite is on top of the micro-heli craze, this should put it to rest. While competitors took a shot at toppling this mighty micro, the mCX was a favorite E-flite mCX among consumers, and flew off store shelves. This was also the first product that E-flite offered as either Readyto-Fly with a 4-channel controller included, or as Bind-N-Fly, allowing customers to use their own DSM2 compatible radios. Boats: It must be something in the water, because Traxxas has snagged another win in What’s so Great Traxxas Blast Models/Die-Cast Vehicles: Of course, Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox, didn’t really speed a dune buggy over the sands of the Sahara, but that’s what made this kit so much fun; well, that, and the bleached skeletons included with the model. Designer Tom Daniel included some authentic details, including about advertising in a Kalmbach Revell’s 1:25 Rommel’s Rod German Afrika Korps markings and a Mercedes engine and front. Aircraft: Estes has been producing model rocket kits, engines and accessories since 1958. The company’s name comes up time after time in Model Retailer’s What’s Selling survey as a popular mainstay among aircraft model products. Magazine? • Quality audience of loyal readers and subscribers • Incredible subscriber renewal rates • Always searching for more new customers • Trusted magazines give credibility to advertisers • Ad sizes and sections to fit all budgets • Readers spend quality time with our magazines – ads included ADV-ADH-MD10154-MRH 2009, with the Blast. Fast and easy to drive, the Blast was solid on fun, and R/C boaters like to know that they are going to have a good time right out of the box. That’s great news for you when you advertise in Kalmbach magazines. 1-888-558-1544 INDUSTRY NEWS Americans don’t tinker anymore, do they? In a recent poll of 1,000 U.S. adults sponsored by Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs (NBT), The Foundation of the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, more than a quarter of those polled have never made or built even one item from a list of eight common projects ranging from a dollhouse or piece of furniture to a fence or flower box. TOY ASSEMBLY TOO HARD The staff of Barston’s Childs Play in the Washington-Baltimore area assemble many of the toys they sell, since parents get frustrated doing it themselves. — Hillary Stout, “With new toys, more assembly required,” The New York Times “Many Americans simply do not work with their hands anymore, whether it’s to tackle a hobby for pleasure or to handle a necessary household repair,” said Gerald Shankel, president of NBT. However, a Nov. 13, 2009 story in The Wall Street Journal titled “Tinkering makes comeback amid crisis” tells a different tale. “The American tradition of tinkering — the spark for inventions from the telephone to the Apple computer — is making a comeback, boosted by renewed interest in hands-on work amid the economic crisis and falling prices of high-tech tools and materials,” writes the WSJ’s Justin Lahart. The claim is bolstered by these numbers: SparkFun Electronics, an electronic parts dealer, expects sales around $10 million this year, up from $6 million in 2008. Make magazine, full of DIY articles, has grown from 22,000 subscribers in 2005 to more than 100,000 now. Its annual “Maker Faire” in San Mateo, Calif., attracted 75,000 people this year. Which is it and what does it mean? Only time will tell. Two things are certain: hand wringing is not the answer and like it or not, the word “hobby” now encompasses more than the traditional models, railroads and R/C. 10 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 RMS Titanic; USS Constitution Ships: Two Revell models emerged as top-selling products for 2009 in the category of ships. One was a 1:96-scale model of the USS Constitution, a ship that survived fierce battles in the War of 1812. The other was a 1:570-scale replica of the RMS Titanic, which went down on its maiden voyage in 1912 and has been immortalized in films and traveling museum exhibits. Former R/C retailer makes movie Many in the hobby industry are used to seeing radio-controlled cars zip around carpeted tracks at high speed, and the personalities associated with racing. The rest of the world isn’t, but soon could be because of a new film called Carpet Racers: A Crash Course. The feature-length documentary is the brainchild of former Pittsburgh, Penn., hobby retailer Mike Rooney and director Jay Thames. It covers a year in the life of the men and women who make a living, or try to, racing R/C cars indoors on carpeted tracks. Watch the Carpet Racers: A Crash Course trailer at The venues are familiar to those who follow R/C racing: places like the Snowbird Nationals in Orlando, Fla., and the International Indoor Championships in Las Vegas. Many of the names are familiar too: Barry Baker, Mike Dumas, Jilles Groskamp, Paul Lemieux and Chris Tosolini are the primary racers followed but there are a number of other familiar faces, or voices, like Scotty Ernst. The movie is a down in the trenches, wartsand-all look at the ups and downs of the racers lives, their quest to be the best, and the toll it takes on their families while they’re on the road. The promotional poster reads, “Welcome to life in the small lane.” Rooney, now the director of media convergence at Empire City Casino at Yonkers Raceway in New York, is the film’s executive producer. The movie has played at the Orlando International Film Festival in Florida, the Three Rivers International Film Festival in Pittsburgh, and the Queens International Film Festival in New York. It’s also scheduled for the Ventura (Calif.) International Film Festival, the South Africa International Film Festival and the Great Lakes International Film Festival. To see the trailer, visit Business Briefs Mueller named new train chief at Horizon Paula “Gwen” Mueller has been named director of Horizon Hobby’s proprietary model railroad division, which includes Athearn, Roundhouse and McHenry brands. She is a consumer packGwen Mueller aged goods executive, with experience in the product development, marketing, sourcing and sales in the tools, automotive after-market, toys, juvenile products and sporting goods industries. Most recently, she had been doing some consulting for Horizon and said she was surprised and excited when they offered her the job as director. “I have a natural affinity for trains anyway,” she says. “I really fall in love with things.” She said she’s been very familiar with Horizon for some time as her sister also works there. Mueller brings global marketing and manufacturing experience to the position after working for companies like AMF, Hedstrom and Alltrade. But ultimately, what she’s tasked to do is simple: “My job is to help people have fun with trains.” One of the areas she says shows a lot of promise for growth right now is N scale, but What’s so Great about advertising in a Kalmbach E-mail Newsletter? precisiontools = pleasant profits Profit from selling Xuron® brand hand tools – the more you sell, the more you profit. • High click-through rate • Quick Inventory Turns • Attractive Profit Margins • Support of a Worldwide Distribution Network • Factory Warranty • Customer Satisfaction • Timely, fresh content Made in U.S.A. 62 Industrial Park Road Saco, ME 04072 207-283-1401 [email protected] THUMLER’S TUMBLER ROCK POLISHING Professional Quality Rock Polisher An Exciting Hobby for the Entire Family. An Ideal Gift! There are very few people who have not at one time or another carried home a pocketful of interesting or "pretty" rocks from a hike or vacation trip. It is a natural interest and curiosity we all experience, for in the world of Nature, surely few things are more important than earth and rocks beneath our feet. MODEL A-R1 Special Kit No. 102 3 lb. Capacity tumbler. One rubber barrel. Deluxe kit contains Model A-R1 tumbler (pictured above) which has larger motor than Model T, set of 4 grades of polishing abrasives, generous supply of polishing rock, jewelry findings. The tumbling of stones is as old as the earth, for Nature has been doing so in may ways since the beginning. Glaciers, wind, rivers and the oceans provide an incessant tumbling of Nature’s variety of rocks. Model B No. 140 8 Models to choose from. Call for FREE Brochure! 1(800) 225-1017 fax: (253) 833-2349 [email protected] TRU-SQUARE METAL PRODUCTS / P.O. Box 585 • AUBURN, WA 98071 • Reaches more new customers every issue • Fewer ads increase your impact • Readers opt-in to receive a newsletter • Quick, measurable results That’s great news for you when you advertise in Kalmbach e-mail newsletters. 1-888-558-1544 ADV-ADH-MD10154-ERH Xuron Corporation manufactures high quality precision tools for all hobbies and crafts. Call or email for free catalog. INDUSTRY NEWS Build it and they will come Dynamic Hobbies of Hemet, Calif., has “A gigantic model train layout, stretching as far as half a basketball court,” according to a recent column by Bob Pratte in the Riverside, Calif.-based Press-Enterprise. Store customers pay $75 per year to join a club and can run their trains on the layout. Store owner Bob Parcell says the layout is “a good investment” and is “a key to surviving sour economic times.” VISIT US ON THE WEB For up-to-the minute industry news, bonus content and the Business Pages directory, visit us at You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter — search for: Model Retailer. she says she’s committed to making all the company’s customers happy and finding more, no matter what the scale. She says she’s also anxious to promote the model railroading hobby in general. Mueller is a 1981 graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. — Hal Miller Schuco die-cast models win awards Schuco’s VW minibus model received the Innovation Award from the German diecast magazine Modell Fahrzeug. Modell Fahrzeug organizes the awards but opens each category to readers’ votes. Schuco received three awards at the annual “Model of the Year” event hosted by the German magazine Modell Fahrzeug, a publication that covers the die-cast industry. The magazine presented the 2009 awards Nov. 30 in a ceremony at the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart. The Schuco 1:10 model of the 1954 NSU Max received first place for motorcycle models. The Schuco 1:43 Mercedes-Benz LS 1620 heavy truck tractor received first place for 1:43 commercial vehicles. The 1:18 die-cast, radio-control Schucotronic 2.4GHz Porsche 356 and VW minibus model received the Innovation Award. Testor Corp. adds new U.K. distributor Creative Models Ltd., which currently serves 400 hobby retailers in Great Britain, is Testor Corp.’s newest international distributor. Testor Director of Sales Tom Richardson hopes the addition will expand Testors product availability to hobbyists in the U.K. PLANET HOBBYTYME 64-c Oakland Ave., East Hartford, Ct., 800-441-3302 fax 860-291-9814 Email [email protected] HOBBIES Http:// A WORLD OF EXPERIENCE A WAREHOUSE OF Academy Models, Accurail, Accurate Miniatures, Activa, Adica Pongo, AeroMaster Decals, AFV Club, AFX, AG Industries, Airfix, Amaco Clays, Ambroid, American Craftsman, AMT, Aoshima, Arii, Armour Diecast, Artesiana Latina Ships, Atlantic Models, Atlas, Atlas O, Auto World, Aztec, Bachmann, Badger Airbrush, Bar Mills, Bare Metal Foils, Billy V Toys, BLMA, Blueline, BMC, Bob Smith, Boley, Bowser, Brightboy, Broadway Limited, Bronco Models, Caboose Industries, CalScale, CanDo, Carl Goldberg, Carousel One, Caterpiller, Chameleon, Chooch Ent., Circuitron, Classic Airframe, Classic Metal Works, Classic Warship Publication Deluxe Innovations, Design Preservation, Detail Masters, Digitrax, Dragon, Con-Cor, Concord, Corgi, Creative Toy, Cyber Hobby, Czech Model, Delta Modelz, Donegan Optical, Dremel, Dubro, Dumas, Eagle Int'l, Eagle Strike, Easy Model, lue, Encore, Envirotech, Edmonds Aerospace, Elmer's Glue/Kits, Encore Models, Enviro-Tech, Estes, Evergreen, Excell, Fast Women 4U, Flagman, Floquil, Forces of Valor, Fox Chapel, Fox Engines, F-Toys, Fox Valley, Franklin Mint Dolls, Fujimi, Futaba, Gayla, Gearbox, Gemini Jet, GMP, Glencoe, Gunze Sanyo Harris, Hasegawa, HaT, Heller, Highway 61, Hobbico, Hobby Boss, Hobby Express, Hobbyfan Trading Co., Hobbycraft, Humbrol, ICM, IMEX Industriasl Rail, IHC, Italeri, J.L. Innovations, Jada, JWD Loads, K&S, K-Line, Kadee, Kalmbach, Kato, Keystone Locomotive, Kinetic, LaBelle, Launch Pad, Libery Classics, Life-Like Racing, Lindberg, Lion Roar, Lionel, M2 Machines, Mabuchi Motors, Maisto, Mantua, Master Airscrew, MasterBox, Mattel, Megatech, Microbrush, Micron Art, Microscale, Midships, c Model Expo Tools, Model King, Model Power, Model Shipways, Modelcraft, Midwest, Miller Engineering, Mini Art, Mini Highways, Mini Hobby, Minicraft, Moebius, Monarch, Morningsun Books, Motor Max, Model Rectifier , MTH Trains, N Scale Architect, Natural Science, NCE, New Rail Models, N.J. International, Northeast Scale, OcCre, Oryon, Osprey, Pactra, Paintworks, Panda, Park Plastics, Peg Hooks, Pegasus, Perfect Science, Pheonix Toys, Pine Pro, Pine Car, Plastruct, PM Models, Polar Lights, Polly Scale, Power Slots, Precision Craft, Price Labels, PST Models, Railway Express, Rapido Trains, Revell Germany, Revell Rix/Pikestuff/Smalltown, Roden, SCX , Signature, Skillcraft, Skullduggery, Slinky Science, Soar Art, Squadron, R. St John, Stewart, Sun Star, Tamiya, Tank & Space Museum, Targa, Tasca, Tenex 7, Testors, Timber Kits, Thumblers Tumblers, Tomar, Tortoise, Train Control Systems, Trainman, Trainworx, Transcona Yard, Traxxas, Tristar, True Line Trains, Trumpeter Models, Twenty First Century, Varta, Verlinden, Welly, White Mountain, Whitman Coins, Wiffle Ball, Williams Brothers, Williams Trains, Witty, Woodland Scenics, Xacto, Xuron, Yankee Models, Yat Ming, Zap/Pacer, Zona, Zvezda Hobbytyme Distributors We Still Have The Best Service on Planet Earth! 1-800-441-3302 12 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 METAL DETECTORS Call OUTDOOR OUTFITTERS 800-558-2020 824 N Hartwell Avenue Waukesha, WI 53186 262-542-7772 • Fax 262-542-4435 What’s so Great AMERICANMADE model rockets and parts Distributed through: Stevens International, Hobby X, Ace Hobby Distributors, Pyrotex/ Red Arrow Hobbies and Hobbytyme. For more information and ordering contact: Starlight Model Rockets 11960 E 500 North Grovertown, IN 46531 about advertising on a Kalmbach 1-574-936-4469 Web site? CALIFORNIA HOBBY DISTRIBUTORS CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF OUR FAMILY SERVING YOURS • All ads are run-of-site Over 200 major hobby lines: Revell Plastic Models & Slot Cars, Lindberg, Athearn Blue Box, Moebius, Excel Tools, Woodland... We are your supplier not your competitor & support brick & mortar stores only. No minimum requirements! 415 South Palm Alhambra, CA 91803 (800) 242-4440 FAX (626) 289-3882 (forums included!) • Interactive opportunities attract more visitors • Content updated daily • Ads work immediately • High visibility of ads by thousands each day • Great reference source for hobbyists That’s great news for you when you advertise on a Kalmbach Web site. 1-888-558-1544 ADV-ADH-MD10154-WRH Go to our web site for new dealer informationSign up for our monthly newsletter & specials!!! FIRST LOOK information on selected products to help you sell today Proto CX Ultra-Micro Heli RTF Prod. No.: RMXE6059 MSRP/Street: $99.99/$79.99 Availability: Great Planes Model Distributors Revell micro helis now: all of them similar. However, while the Proto CX’s frame and design are familiar, it comes with Target consumer: For ages 14 and up; customers looking for a cool gift or R/C heli that can be flown in a small space First impression: The market is full of ultra- mCX Tandem Rescue Heli RTF Prod. No.: EFLH2500 MSRP/Street: $224.99/$179.99 Availability: Horizon Hobby Target consumer: Recommended for ages 14 and up; customers looking for something a little different than the typical ultra-micro heli look and experience First impression: E-flite has got this thing with micro RTFs down to a science. As always, everything you need to fly is in the box: four AA batteries, a 250mAh 1S 3.7V LiPo battery and AC charger, and 2.4GHz transmitter. And let’s not forget the heli! Don’t expect to zip around like you would with the mCX. That’s not a bad thing; the Tandem is a good deal slower and as a result, extremely sta- MSRP: $9.99 Availability: MMD Target consumer: This plane could easily be a first build for a 10- or 12-year-old with supervision; good kit for quick build or change of pace First impression: What a neat little kit! For a great price, you get a full-color paint guide, instructions, a 14 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 The Proto CX flies well, and has both a beginner and advanced setting, including dual rates. Why you should stock it: Micro helis continue to be popular, and this one comes in at a great price point. An extra set of blades, the sturdy battery connector and builtin charger make it a great choice for novices. — Tim Kidwell E-flite 1:72 ‘Blue Max’ Pfalz D.III EconoKit Prod. No.: EC72004 a futuristic-looking 2.4GHz transmitter that made me say, “Cool.” Is it a gimmick? Sure, but that’s okay. The 3.7V LiPo charges in a neat little compartment on the transmitter, which is nice. What’s better is that the battery has a very robust connector with large surfaces that similar helis lack. There’s practically no chance of ruining the connector or connecting the battery improperly. It’s a very nice feature. ble. It also has cool scale looks and flashing lights that add to the realism. Nice, gentle flights got around 10 minutes of battery life; an aggressive session ran it down in a little more than six minutes. Why you should stock it: This is the first high-end tandem ultra-micro heli on the market. The mCX Tandem’s scale looks and unique design will grab attention. There are hints that consumers are tired of being thrifty. If this is the case, the Tandem could play right into the postholiday “splurge” market. — Hal Miller & T.K. Encore Models/Squadron Products wonderful set of decals and a easily built biplane. No, there isn’t the sort of detail that you get with other Encore or Czech Model kits, but then again, you’re only paying $10. Why you should stock it: This is exactly the sort of kit that could be given to a young modeler and, with supervision, could build up into something he would be proud to have built. It would be a great starting point for any modeler interested in WWI aircraft — and let’s face it, “researching” the “Blue Max” Pfalz (watching the movie) can be a lot of fun. The model can be hung on pegs, allowing for depth with very little room taken up. Finally, Encore Models is part of MMD’s Profit+ Line, which means stores get a full 50% off. — T.K. HO-Scale Deluxe Salty with Moving Eyes Prod. No.: 58804 MSRP: $55 Availability: Bachmann Trains Target consumer: Parents or grand parents of children, 8 and older, familiar with the “Thomas & Friends” TV show First impression: Not the flashiest of Thomas’ friends, Salty is still a nice little locomotive. Based off of a diesel British Rail Class 07, Salty has the looks of the TV character, down 1:48 F-111A Aardvark Prod. No.: HY80348 MSRP: $109.99 Availability: MMD to the designator 2991, hazard stripes and eyes that roam back and forth as he moves along the tracks. Why you should stock it: “Thomas and Friends” continues to be a popular license and draws interest First impression: It looks good in the box and should build into an impressive model. Surface detail comprises finely recessed panel lines and rivets. Fuselage vents are very well executed. The F-111’s little nose wheel and big rear tires are molded in soft rubber. The kit features dropped flaps, 1:72 Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 Prod. No.: A02029 price conscious MSRP: Approx. $6.99 First impression: Yay! Another kit that has nice features but doesn’t break the bank. With just 41 parts on three sprues, this Bf 109 is uncomplicated, has nice surface details Target audience: Modelers who prefer 1:72-scale aircraft; the among young children. Bachmann has HO-scale sets available on which Salty can be used and would make a nice addition to a collection even though he is a minor character in the TV show. — T.K. HObbyBoss/Squadron Products Target consumer: Modelers looking for large, detailed jet aircraft kits Availability: Check with your favorite model distributor Bachmann HOn3 Code 70 #6 Turnout Prod. No.: 15-105 (lefthand turnout); 15-106 (right-hand turnout) Availability: Direct from Micro Engineering; 636-349-1112 MSRP: $19.95 each Target audience: deployed leadingedge slats, and even spoilers. Lots of options are included. Why you should stock it: All in all, this kit looks great and will probably build up into a nice model of the early Aardvark. The price tag may seem a bit steep, but it is a large plane and the detail is quite good. Fans of the F111 or contemporary jet aircraft should be pleased. — Aaron Skinner Airfix and can be modeled with the landing gear up or deployed. Also included are a fullcolor paint guide and decals for three different planes. up very little space on the shelf and is packaged in Airfix’s eyecatching red package. Price could be a big Why you should stock it: This kit is all new tooling, takes selling point. It would be appropriate for beginners and experienced modelers. For the price of one larger kit, a customer could buy three and have three different planes to display. — T.K. Micro Engineering Company Narrow-guage model railroaders First impression: Micro Engineering produces nice track, and these feature sprung switch rails. While the frog is all-metal and can be power routed through switch machine contacts, it does look a bit rough. However, this can be hidden by paint. Details are molded into the ties, such as spikes, wood grain, and rail braces and slide plates in the switch-rail area. Why you should stock it: HOn3 has a solid following. These turnouts are DCC compatible and without any modifications match Micro Engineering’s HOn3 Code 70 Flex-Trak. — David Popp & T.K. 15 special report: product line diversification The tried, true and new Want to grow your customer base? Consider adding new items as well as expanding on the categories you already carry By sue bret tingen M aking new friends, keeping the old — you probably recognize these as the lyrics to a classic Girl Scout song. But there’s also some sound business advice to be taken from these words, especially if one of those friends is silver and another is gold. Think about the “gold” you can acquire by bringing in new customers as well as satisfying your regulars. After all, these days maintaining the status quo is not enough. In order to survive and flourish, you need to draw in more people. However, big gestures are not always necessary. Sometimes something as simple as changing the mix within your core category is enough to shake things up in a positive way. Tweaking the tried-and-true Model railroaders make up the main audience at The Doll House & Train Emporium in Port Hope, Ont. Five years ago, Colleen Dobie and her husband, Jim, took over an existing store that sold doll house miniatures, model trains and slot cars. “After traveling around the area visiting other stores, we realized that what was lacking in our 100-mile radius was a really good train shop,” Colleen said. “This is what we’ve tried to create. We still carry doll house miniatures and have expanded on our slot-car trade with stock, layout and a race league. “[But] where we’ve had the most growth has been in the area of model railroading. We also expanded our store, moving from a 600-square-foot retail space to 2,200 square feet about a year and a half ago. This not only allowed us to expand our stock, but also to run workshops and howto’s, build displays and offer other services such as repairs and installations.” HO is the most popular scale, particularly Atlas, Kato, Athearn and InterMountain 16 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 Railway products, but N-scale is giving HO a run for the money, Dobie said. The store also carries G, OO and O-scale products. “In the last year, the main line we added was Lionel O scale,” she said. “This isn’t a huge seller yet, but does draw a certain core group of collectors and hobbyists. The other area we’ve really expanded on since our move has been in building supplies and scenery. “We now carry lines of styrene (Evergreen), metals (K&S Engineering), paints (Polly Scale), and wood products and kits (Osborn Scale Models). Our Woodland Scenics stock has seen the most expansion, with more in building kits, scenery supplies and school supplies.” Keeping these items in stock has resulted in a significant increase in sales. The area that has seen the biggest reduction has been G scale, primarily due to decreased interest, but also because of fluctuations in the cost of track and the shakeup at LGB. The store has also halted plans on expanding doll house miniatures until sales pick up. Some customers are disappointed by these changes, but the store is willing to order products that aren’t in stock, and in the case of doll house products, Dobie said she refers customers to a store about an hour away that specializes in miniatures. Dobie said she and her husband have a good feel for what customers want and which areas of the store need expanding or changing. Of course, the economy has had some effect on this, but growth in model railroading has actually been larger than first expected. Having the right product is only part of the equation, though. “Having knowledgeable staff on hand, as well as providing good customer service and support, is just as important,” she said. “Our motto is, ‘If we can, we will; if we can’t, we’ll tell you why.’” Adding a little something new Model railroading has also been the mainstay category at Blue Ridge Hobbies in S.C., most of the five years the store has been in business, and while it continues to make up the bulk of the store’s offerings, radiocontrol is gradually working its way into the mix. “It’s a small section of the store at this point,” said owner Frank Ruby, “but word is getting out there on the street that we’ve got it.” So far, it’s moving well, considering he hasn’t advertised it yet. Ruby decided to bring in R/C during the grand opening of the new store back in October. At its new location — directly across the street from the old — the store is 2,400 square feet, double its former size. One of the reasons Ruby chose to bring in R/C was because the local HobbyTown USA (which did most of the R/C business in town) closed. Taking on a new product line has presented a learning curve for Ruby and his staff, but so far, they’re managing. “We’re to the point now where we know enough to be dangerous,” he said. And, he said, they’re feeding off information their R/C customers share. Puzzles, games, Steiff bears and plastic model kits are other items Ruby has added recently. Ruby said his hardcore model-railroad guys are a skeptical about the R/C. “And the helicopter guys say, ‘You don’t have enough!’” But Ruby keeps regulars happy by continuing to offer them good customer service and competitive prices. Making room for changes Modellbahn Ott Hobbies in Gilbertsville, Pa., has been around since 1983. Owner William Ott has been unafraid of changing products and locations as he sees fit. A recent move means the store now has 11,000 square feet, including a 6,000square-foot showroom and 2,200-square- foot indoor radio-control racing track. Model railroading is also a strong performer. According to Ott, more than 30% of store sales are related to Märklin trains (primarily HO scale) and European buildings and accessories to go with them, including Faller, Kibri and Vollmer building kits, Preiser figures, Wiking HO-scale vehicles and Itty Bitty Lines Z-scale cork roadbed. Customers range in age from 10 to 90, with most between 35 and 50 years old. Radio control makes up about 15–20% of sales; mainly nitro vehicles, followed by electric helicopters, electric vehicles, electric and nitro boats, and electric planes. Main customers range in age from teens to 45 years old, with Traxxas being the top brand. “They’re an excellent company to work with, either as a shop or a consumer,” Ott said. “They really stand behind their vehicles.” Heli-Max and E-flite are the bestselling helicopters. Ott said his eyes are always open to new ideas. “In the late ’90s, we started to add Thomas the Tank Engine products, along with Brio wooden trains,” he said. “I pursued handling everything made under the Thomas the Tank license, and it worked very well for several years. “We added room decorations (stickups and borders) plus licensed children’s bedding. After 2003, that business began to drop, as did all areas, but the Thomas interest waned to a great extent.” Soon after that, the stickup manufacturer and bedding supplier went out of business, and although Ott tried to find new suppliers, he had no luck and began phasing out inventory in 2008. “Now, in the new store, we are working more towards the typical hobby shop items and expect to grow our R/C area by having an indoor race track, an outdoor race track, and hopefully, in the spring, an adjacent flying field,” Ott said. “We’ve already jumped back into slot-car racing, as we owned two tracks.” One, he said, had been out of service; another had been disassembled and placed in storage. Both tracks are back in business, he said, and adding incremental sales to the bottom line. Despite reduced credit lines, Ott said he’s always on the lookout for new products. Once he can stretch the budget to do it, he hopes to add metal detectors to his product mix. “Customers really like the changes they see, not just because the store is much nicer, but because they know exciting changes are in the works,” Ott said. Taking on more toys Sometimes, dramatic changes are required in order to keep your business solvent. Mike Crocker, owner of Capitola Toys & Hobbies in Capitola, Calif., said his store is now almost entirely toys. “If not for toys, I would be out of business,” he said. “That’s just the way it went … I’ve seen it coming for so long, and here it is.” Twenty-two years ago, when Crocker opened his doors, the store went by the name “RC Sports” and was a single-line hobby shop. Horizon and Great Planes provided 99% of what he bought. Ten years later, Crocker added general hobby products as half of the total mix. Now, he’s at 70% toys, 25% general hobby and 5% R/C. The declining interest in R/C was one of the reasons for the shift, but Crocker said the biggest factor for him is the way toy manufacturers and distributors do business as compared to hobby manufacturers and distributors. The profit margins, the terms, the service: these are all areas in which the toy industry outshines the hobby industry, according to Crocker. Crocker said he rarely hears from the hobby distributors, and even then, it’s mainly on an e-mail basis. Conversely, many of the toy distributors send reps right to the store, and they bring in their wares and make recommendations. “I’ve got a couple of great toy reps that come in three to four times a year and show me all the lines,” Crocker said. With hobby distributors, he said, “It’s hard to find new product. You’ve got to learn it on your own. They don’t have the personalization.” Crocker is most impressed with Melissa & Doug, but named many other companies, such as Schylling, Toysmith, Alex, Out of the Box, Georgetown Hobbies Distribution, Rhino Toys and the Orb Factory as providers of products that are popular and profitable in his store. Capitola Hobbies’ customer base is about 60% female now; it used to be 80% male. Crocker said his R/C customers grumble about the low inventory of R/C parts, but on the other hand, they buy most of their supplies from online retailers. And, on the flip side, he said, “Ladies will walk in and say, ‘Gosh, I just love the Melissa & Doug line. I love your selection. And it’s terrific that you’re carrying this stuff.’ So we’re getting more repeat business.” General hobby products have continued to hold their own, with plastic model kits, paint, model rockets and model trains selling well. Crocker recently moved from a 3,000square-foot space to one that’s 1,300 square feet in order to save on rent. But he said he’s glad to still be in business: “The real key to surviving now is diversification.” 17 Industry watch The top 10 stories of 2009 The last year of the decade leaves no doubt as to just how global the industry has become By Hal Miller L et’s face it: 2009 has been a year of survival for the hobby industry, just as it has for many other businesses. While Washington says the recession is over, everyone outside the Beltway is saying, “It is?” The economy is but one of the stories that has affected the hobby industry in 2009. It’s been a busy year, with some good, some bad, and some ugly. So, without further ado, here are this year’s Top 10 stories, not necessarily ranked in order of relevance: 1 The economy Not that this needs a lot of reporting, because we’re all living through it. The economic slowdown late 2008 became a full-fledged recession in 2009, with small retail bearing the brunt of consumers’ diminished spending habits. The retail hobby business fared fairly well through the first quarter of 2009, with dealers tightening their inventories and consumers still buying. Many dealers reported a slowdown in the late spring which continued through the summer. Also reported was a shift away from high-ticket items to accessories and items at lower price points. Several retailers have reported the holiday season to be off to a slow start; we’ll have to wait to assess the numbers after Christmas to get the full picture. 2 China slowdown Problems with China’s toy industry have been brewing since 2007 when it was hit by a massive recall. Add in changes in labor laws, increased environmental scrutiny, and compound it all with the global economic downturn and the result has been closed factories and delays in deliveries of new products. Production backups at firms like model railroad manufacturer Sanda Kan has been especially vexing for U.S. manufacturers. Also adding to the 18 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 Consumer days at the 2009 iHobby Expo attracted more than 20,000 visitors interested in everything from R/C trucks and model trains to puzzles and robots. problems with product availability is the unpredictable nature of the overseas shipping industry, another business hard-hit by the economy. 3 Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) Signed into law in August 2008, the law went into effect in February 2009, catching many companies flat-footed and making them scramble to meet its mandates. Intended to prevent the problems that caused the massive toy recalls of 2007, it set new lead and other chemical testing and documentation requirements on toys and products consumers — primarily children 12 and younger — might come into contact with. Many companies in the hobby industry were forced to relabel products to skirt the age requirements of the new law. In the broader toy industry, many items, including apparel, bedding and books could not be sold and had to be destroyed. Numerous small companies have gone out of business. One poll put the cost of the CPSIA at $2 billion to the toy industry. Ironically, the large toy companies whose recalled products brought about the law suffered least. Almost a year later, there are still reports of toys sneaking onto store shelves that don’t meet the law’s requirements. 4 Märklin insolvency Talk about bad timing: on the eve of the Nuremberg Spielwarenmesse Toy Fair that was largely going to be a 150th birthday party for Märklin, the German train manufacturer, which also owns LGB, declared bankruptcy. The unfortunate event cast a pall over the show, but receiver Michael Pluta did make an appearance to answer questions. In the bigger picture, new product development for the company has slowed, as have exports of Märklin and LGB products to the North American market. Perhaps the most visible impact has been on the U.S. large-scale segment. After putting together a reorganization plan, potential buyers have been identified and the sale of the company could happen this spring. 5 More German insolvencies Märklin wasn’t the only German model railroad manufacturer to reorganize in 2009. Fleischmann also entered bankruptcy and is in the process of restructuring. Another casualty of the economy and slumping European train sales has been building and scenery manufacturer Faller, which, like the other companies, has seen a significant portion of its workforce slashed to stay alive. 6Hobby trade shows It was a mixed bag in 2009, with the economy playing the biggest role in the drop in attendance. Retailer numbers were reported up 10% at the National Retail Hobby Store Association’s Table Top Expo in Las Vegas. However, exhibitors were down. After selling out of booth space early for the 2008 iHobby Expo, 2009 saw about 25 fewer exhibitors, with dealer attendance comparable to the previous year. The bright spot? iHobby Expo drew more than 20,000 consumers, eclipsing 2008’s numbers by more than 5,000. 7 Train shows doing well 8 expands into hobbies The January World’s Greatest Hobby show in Philadelphia, Pa., drew possibly the largest crowd ever to attend a model train show in the U.S.: just over 40,000 in two days. Almost 25,000 attended the first day, causing a 5-mile backup on the route to the show. The WGH shows continue to average about 25,000 people per event. Additionally, individual shows like Trainfest in Milwaukee continue strong. This year’s event in the Brew City drew more than 21,000. Model railroading is dying? Hardly. This is a story that’s going to be making news for some time to come. The late summer brought rumblings that the massive e-tailer was looking to expand its hobby offerings; the fall brought confirmation Model railroading was popular with kids young and old this year. The WGH show in Philadelphia, Pa., drew more than 40,000 attendees, its largest crowd ever! from the company itself: among the hobbies represented are coin collecting, diecast, hobby tools, models, radio control, rockets, science, sports trading cards, stamp collecting, games and model railroading. 9 R/C explores new marketing channels There is no denying that R/C, overall, has been down for the last year. As hobbyists held on to dollars, R/C companies looked to utilize their marketing dollars outside the traditional hobby channels to reach a wider audience. One of the biggest players in this movement was Traxxas, which not only penned a deal with Pep Boys to sell products in its stores, but also landed top billing for the Off-Road Championship series. A coalition of respected names in R/C, which includes Tamiya, Kyosho and HPI Racing, formed the R/C Motorsport Experience and exhibited at the Toyota Grand Prix in Long Beach, Calif., this past year. That show alone exposed the R/C hobby to 180,000 visitors over three days. Only time will tell whether this new marketing approach will build a broader R/C audience. 10 Fantasy & sci-fi lead plastic model resurgence According to manufacturers, distributors and retailers, plastic models have been selling well even with a recession on. What has been a surprise is the banner year that fantasy and sci-fi plastic models have had. Moebius Models, building on its Aurora repops, has made licensing agreements with Marvel Comics, DC, and Universal Studios, and is producing kits as fast as it can. Meanwhile, Round 2 is rereleasing many old Polar Lights kits and making new molds for its Star Trek license. Even Revell has thrown its hat into the ring, repopping its own classic Aurora monsters and Babylon 5 kits, along with continuing its partnership with the Star Wars franchise. The other important factor in the success of these types of kits has been price. There have always been sci-fi and fantasy model makers, but the kits are often expensive and not widely available except to those in the know. Recent releases have been accessible, priced right, and some are targeted at novices or youngsters, which doesn’t hurt. All of this in the face of increased production and shipping costs is a testament to the resiliency of plastic models. The buying public has proven to be open to products that are new, different and eye-catching. — Tim Kidwell contributed to this article. Polar Lights’ Robby the Robot is just one kit among many that made a nice showing in models this year. Business Basics Tough but not impossible Much of the government-backed economic relief has focused on big business, but you can get that loan if you need to By Mark E. Bat tersby J ust three months after the recession reportedly ended, at least according to many experts, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner made the announcement: “This credit crunch is not over.” Geithner’s statement, “It may feel dramatically better for large companies, but it is not over for small businesses across the country,” was prophetic; several days later, CIT Group Inc., the company that provides badly-needed credit to thousands of small and mid-sized businesses, many in the retail sector, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The lack of available capital has affected every hobby retailer and appears to be continuing as a major concern for the foreseeable future. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), for example, recently reported that lending at U.S. banks fell 3% in the third quarter of 2009, representing the fifth consecutive quarter in which banks have reduced lending. Surprisingly — and frustratingly — the FDIC report revealed that the largest banks, those that received billions in taxpayer dollars via the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), were responsible for nearly 75% of the lending decline. What’s more, this occurred during a period when banks posted aggregate profits of $2.8 billion. With all available capital apparently going to big business and government, what can the average, financially-strapped hobby-shop owner do? Fortunately, there are a few bright spots among the clouds. As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the maximum guarantee on U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 7(a) loans was increased to 90% and borrower fees were temporarily eliminated for the 7(a) program as well as for both borrower and lender fees for 504 loans. 20 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 The SBA’s primary and most flexible 7(a) Loan Program is designed for both start-up and existing small businesses, and involves government-backed guarantees for amounts loaned for general business purposes. Last spring, the Treasury and the SBA announced a joint initiative to make direct purchases of securities backed by 7(a) loans on the secondary market in the hope of freeing capital and encouraging more small-business financing. The SBA’s CDC/504 Loan Program provides long-term, fixed-rate financing to acquire fixed assets (such as real estate and equipment) for expansion or modernization. It is ideal for small retailers and businesses requiring “brick and mortar” financing. Rather than commercial lending institutions, 504 loans are delivered via CDCs (Certified Development Companies) set up to contribute to the economic development of their communities. The SBA itself hasn’t been idle. The SBA’s weekly loan volume is up more than 75% since the beginning of the year. It has expanded 7(a) loan eligibility to more than 70,000 businesses through alternative size standards and recently proposed increasing the size definitions for three commercial sectors, two-thirds in the retail sector. The SBA also has a unique program to provide small (up to $30,000), short-term “microloans” for working capital or the purchase of inventory, supplies, furniture, fixtures, machinery and/or equipment. Ideal for those needing small-scale financing and technical assistance, the SBA microloan is available from specially designated intermediary lenders. The America’s Recovery Capital (ARC) loan program provides viable small businesses suffering immediate financial hardship some temporary financial relief so they can keep their doors open and get their cash flow back on track. An ARC loan is a deferred-payment loan of up to $35,000, 100% guaranteed by the SBA. In addition to no interest charges to the borrower, the SBA will pay the monthly interest at the rate of Prime plus 2% to the lender on behalf of the borrower. After a 12-month deferral period, the borrower pays back only the ARC loan principal over a period of five years. To date, more than 4,000 ARC loans totaling $130 million have been granted to viable small businesses. Microloans from the SBA and a variety of other sources ranging from banks and credit unions to community development organizations are increasingly popular. The nonprofit Web site, which has traditionally facilitated microloans only in developing countries, began testing a new micro-lending program in the U.S. in 2009. The White House recently announced two new programs designed to increase access to credit for small businesses. Although details are not yet available, these will support institutions that do a disproportionate share of their lending to small businesses through: • an initiative that provides lower-cost capital to community banks that submit a plan to increase small-business lending; or • a program to support Community Development Financial Institutions lending to small businesses in the hardest-hit rural and urban communities The Treasury Department’s recent announcement of an initiative to provide lower-cost capital to community banks, along with a new program to support Community Development Financial Institutions lending to small businesses, illustrate the ongoing efforts of the Treasury and the SBA to help ease the credit crunch affecting so many small businesses. Stock this NEW, must-have DCC book DCC DCC Projects & Applications Vol. 2 answers questions VOL. 2 cations Projects & Appli NEW! about starting with or upgrading Digital Command Control equipment, selecting state-of-the-art gear, and installing and operating these new electronics. Based on the popular Model Railroader magazine column, “DCC Corner”, this volume focuses on actual readers’ problems and gives real-world solutions that apply to commonly available contemporary equipment. Your customers will get the answers and information they need to be successful with DCC. 12441 • 88 pgs • $19.95 Receiver Locations Optional repeater station Radio repeater station Mike Polsgrove NCE radio base station with David Popp Make sure you have this title in stock! Contact your distributor or order direct: BMK-ADH-09X1740RH Phone 1-800-558-1544, ext. 818 Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST. Outside the United States and Canada call 262-796-8776, ext. 818. Fax 262-798-6592 E-mail [email protected] Trade Web site Mail Kalmbach Publishing Co. 21027 Crossroads Circle P.O. Box 986 Waukesha, WI 53187-0986 PRODUCT LAB REVIEWS AND MARKETING IDEAS FOR ITEMS IN YOUR STORE Clinic helps set the scene for sales 1 Medium Green Bushes 1 Hob-e-Tac Adhesive 1 Scenic Cement 6 Scenic Glue 6 Mountain Dioramas 6 Sifter Lids 1 Black Color 6 Spray Bottles 1 Burnt Umber Color 30 Plastic Cups 1 Earth Undercoat Pigment 1 Yellow Ochre Color 6 Stir Sticks 12 Tree Armatures Promotional Materials 1 Green Blended Turf 1 Medium Green Coarse Turf 1 Scenery Clinic DVD 1 Medium Green Clump-Foliage 1 Yellow Grass Fine Turf Product: First off, this isn’t something to sell — it’s something to help you sell. You know clinics and classes can help bring traffic into your store, but where do you start? Woodland Scenics has come out with its Scenery Clinic, a box full of all the stuff you need to teach a class on the basics of this skill; one that’s useful in a variety of hobbies. The box contains enough materials to teach the class to six people. There are six bases made of foam covered with plaster cloth that are basically hills with a rocky outcropping, plus grass, bushes, tree armatures with bases, glue, rock-colored washes, and containers and spray bottles. Perhaps most importantly, there’s also a DVD that gives easy, step-by-step instructions not only on how to build the scenery, VITAL STATS Product: Scenery Clinic Maker: Woodland Scenics Stock No.: LK958 MSRP: $30 Availability: Woodland Scenics 1 Paintbrush 6 Foam Brushes but also on running the class. There’s also a printed set of instructions that includes sales tips. Topping the kit off is a promotional poster for your class as well as 24 color handouts to give to interested customers. The only things you need to provide for the class are a sharp tool, like a nail, to plant the tree; masking tape; newspaper; paper towels; a plastic bucket for discarding excess paint; scissors; a permanent marker; rinse water; and a trash can. Performance: Even if you’ve never Marketing: If you think classes like this done scenery before, you can demonstrate how. A quick viewing of the DVD gives you all you need to know about laying groundcover, making trees, painting rocks and finishing a scene. The materials inside are bulk versions of tried-and-true Woodland Scenics products, so you know they’ll work as intended and look great. The great part about scenery is it’s really hard to do it wrong. Generally, if it doesn’t look quite right, you haven’t put enough material on. BOTTOM LINE • Helps you sell products • Contains all you need for a class • Useful for many hobbies will be of interest only to model railroaders, think again. Modelers can use these scenery techniques to make dioramas; table-top gamers will also be interested in learning how to bring their playing surfaces to life. You might even try out the clinic with your staff to get them more familiar with the products and how they’re used. Getting these hobbyists into your store and teaching them how to do scenery for themselves not only increases the likelihood of selling scenery products, but also other products related to their hobbies, too. Additionally, classes help you build customers for life. Even if you charge $5 per person to attend the class, it’s still an attractive proposition. One more thing: orders of two or more kits get free shipping. Reviewed by Hal Miller 22 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 RETAILER REVIEW Mayfair Games’ Steam a complex yet rewarding game Product: Steam is an “all in the box” modular game. The box contains a sturdy, 6part fold-out game board. Either side can be used, as the only difference is the map. All other vital parts of the game board are identical. Depending on how many players you have, one side is better than the other. As for the playing pieces, there are several wooden tokens: small cubes represent goods to be shipped; larger round tokens represent victory points, income, completed links, and locomotive level. Also included is a turn marker, dozens of hexagonal track tiles, and action and city growth tiles to indicate that a city has been resupplied with goods. On the positive side, the multiple pieces make for good variety in game play. No two games will be the same, due to different track and goods layouts. As always, Mayfair’s game pieces are of the highest quality, and the game itself is challenging. However, setting it up is a complicated affair, with lots of small pieces, and the rules are complex. Players should expect to spend a few hours learning the game. Gameplay: Steam puts each player in charge of their own start-up railroad company. Each player must acquire capital from the bank, lay track, overcome obstacles, upgrade locomotives and deliver goods. Players must accomplish all of this while competing with rival companies that are all fighting for the best delivery routes. Shipping product means money in the company coffers. But the money must be continually spent to lay new track, complete links, upgrade locomotives and create new cities: the never-ending cycle of commerce! All of this is set in the Golden Era of steampowered locomotives. VITAL STATS Product: Steam: Rails to Riches Maker: Mayfair Games Stock No.: MFG4551 MSRP: $55 Availability: ACD, Aladdin, Alliance, Brown Box, Centurion Hobby Distributor, Diamond Comics Distributor, GTS Distribution, Mad Al, Premier Hobby Distribution, R&M, Southern Hobby Supply Marketing: If you have hardcore boardgame customers looking for a challenge, they’re your target audience for Steam. The average customer just walking in off the street is probably going to be intimidated by both the gameplay and the involved set-up. This is a game that needs to be displayed to be appreciated. The box is rather plain, and isn’t going to reach out and grab a perusing customer’s attention. If you have space to set it up, Steam’s detailed board and cards, as well as its wooden pieces, are impressive and will make shoppers stop and take a look. Yes, it will take up a lot of table space, but we believe that if you take the time to display it, Steam will sell. And to be fair, while the price of the game is a little on the expensive side for regular consumers, avid boardgamers will be more than pleased with how well it’s made for its price point. Reviewed by the staff at The Hobby Shop, Wilson, N.C. BOTTOM LINE • Very challenging • Not for casual boardgamers • Demo will attract attention Visit our Web site for these bonus Product Lab reviews: •1:25 “Scooby Doo” Mystery Machine Polar Lights •Cessna T-50 ‘Bamboo Bomber’ Czech Model •Small World expansion sets Days of Wonder Plus the latest news, business articles and much more! 23 PRODUCT LAB Reaper Miniatures model easy to assemble, fun to view Product: The Dark Maiden is Reaper Miniature’s first foray into the realm of large-scale resin models. The Maiden stands nearly 12 inches tall and comes in four parts for easy assembly and painting. Included with the figure are also metal replacements for the resin arms, just in case there is warpage, particularly in the swords that the figure wields. The kit is safely packed in styrofoam and a large, rather plain box. VITAL STATS Product: The Dark Maiden, Shipwreck Angel resin model kit Maker: Reaper Miniatures Stock No.: 30012 MSRP: $129.99 Availability: E-mail ron@reaperminis. com for more information Assembly: As you would expect from a figure with only four parts, assembly was simplicity itself. No written instructions were provided; none were needed. For those who might find themselves wondering if they’re putting the model together correctly, there’s a small assembly diagram on the side of the box. In my experience, there were only two minor, obvious, expected and easily correctable flaws in the model. First, the figure had a couple of small bubble holes in the resin casting itself, but with a dab of super glue on the chin and in the hair, these flaws were quickly fixed. Thankfully, Reaper remedied the second flaw — somewhat flimsy arms — by providing a set of white-metal arms, which I opted to use, since one of the resin swords was warped. Marketing: The main attraction of this particular figure is its fantastical subject and dramatic pose. This may be an easier sell to clientele interested in fantasy, sci-fi or superheroes than it will be to your standard modeler. However, that doesn’t mean that the model won’t sell. First, don’t rely on the box to make your sale. Its design isn’t as good as it could be. It looks like a common white packing box with three images of the Dark Maiden pasted on the sides. To the good, the pictures are large and clear, and show the figure finished three different ways. Many shops are disinclined to unpack a 24 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 product and display it. This is one model that you may have to. Even unpainted, the model is impressive and will attract attention. Second, the Dark Maiden would make an outstanding first resin model. The details are quite crisp, and the model’s size provides plenty of room to make mistakes that can be cleaned up later. At the same time, if you have customers who are already interested in large-scale fantasy or sci-fi figures, the Dark Maiden could be hopped up by experienced modelers using pigments and oil paints. Its design even lends the model to airbrushing. Depending upon your customer’s skill level and ambition, make sure to offer a selection of paint: acrylics are probably the safest bet with novices. Since Reaper is a fantasy miniatures company first and foremost, it also has a line of Master Series paints that offers a wide variety of colors that would be appropriate to the Dark Maiden. Other acrylics you might carry with appropriate colors are Acrylicos Vallejo or Citadel paints from Games Workshop. Suggest using 7-minute epoxy to assemble the Dark Maiden. Using epoxy will ensure a strong bond that super glue cannot. It also provides some working time to make sure that the model’s parts are positioned correctly. There are magazines and books dedicated to modeling figures that can be helpful to modelers. One such periodical is Figure International, published by Andrea Miniatures and distributed in North America by Otium Intellegens USA (call 877-544-9960 for more information). Each issue is instructive, providing practical painting advice, tutorials and color mixes. Reviewed by Craig Johnson BOTTOM LINE • Large statue, great detail • Watch for warpage of resin parts • Great for beginners and experts PRODUCT LAB Life-Like’s Stock Car Thunder a fast intro to HO slots Product: Life-Like’s Stock Car Thunder set is a good mix of a lot of things: a track with enough features to keep the racing exciting; cars in popular liveries; and easy to set up. The very attractive and compact box holds 23 feet of track that assembles into a 60- by 49-inch layout. Also included are two stock cars, in paint schemes for the 88 of Dale Earnhardt Jr. and the 24 of Jeff Gordon. Controllers, a wall power adapter, guard rails and decorative flags round out the components. Performance: I liked the box; it has a handle on it that makes it easy to carry and VITAL STATS Product: Stock Car Thunder Set Maker: Life-Like Scale: HO Stock number: 433-9114 MSRP: $109.98 Availability: Wm. K. Walthers to assemble are also the set’s weak point. You have to be very careful not to flex the assembled track or the plastic tabs will snap. Disassembling the set can also cause them to break. Marketing: For the reason stated if opened properly, provides a good place to store the equipment. Setting up the track is literally a snap, as all sections have center connections that lock together and metal tabs transmitting the power between sections. Add the guard rails and flags, and it’s race time! The thing I’ve always loved about HO slots is their low center of gravity and how they seem to stick to the track with less finesse than their larger counterparts. That makes them attractive to new and younger racers who might not have the dexterity yet to “drive” on the bigger-scale tracks. The tabs that make the track so easy above, it’s a good idea to keep extra track in stock; customers are also going to want to add to what they have as their experience level increases. The box the set comes in itself has a thin profile, so you can stock more of them on the shelf. Another good thing to keep in stock is other Life-Like HO NASCAR car offerings. Reviewed by Hal Miller BOTTOM LINE • Easy assembly, plenty of features • Track connections are fragile • Earnhardt, Gordon cars popular The Hobby Manufacturers Association is the only group representing the entire hobby industry. H MA Members join one of four product divisions: General Hobby, Model Railroad, Plastics & Die Cast Models, and Radio Control and each division has a representative council of leaders who oversee programs and services of value to each segment of the industry. T he General Hobby Division of HMA includes companies who manufacture and distribute tools, paints, specialty toys, and hobby accessory items. The Division provides research data on the value of general hobby products in hobby retail stores. Members of the Hobby Manufacturers Association are the company you can keep by joining HMA today….your resource for industry research and education, iHobby Expo™, legislative and regulatory updates, and access to consumer and trade information across all product categories. MEMBERS: AA Portable Power Corp. Acrylicos Vallejo S.L. Alpha Precision Abrasives Inc. Atlas Brush Company Badger Air-Brush Company Bruder Toys Burfitt Tools Australia California Hobby Distributors Casemate Publishing CIS-Associates LLC CST – The Composite Store Daylight Company Delta of North America Visit and see how you can benefit from group discounts on variety of benefits and services available to HMA members. Donegan Optical Co., Inc. DX Energy, Science & Technology Co. Ltd. Enerland Co. Ltd. Estes-Cox Corporation Excel Hobby Blades Flex Products Grex Airbrush G-S Supplies, Inc. Hobby Town USA Hobbytyme Hornby America International Hobbycraft Co., Inc. Iwata-Medea, Inc. JHC Inc./Smartech Racing Kalmbach Publishing/Model Retailer Magazine Mercury Adhesives Midwest Products Co. Inc. Moebius Models My Hobby Store Ltd. Paasche Airbursh Company Palco Sports Paul K. Guillow, Inc. Pegasus Hobbies Phoenix Unlimited, Ltd. Proxxon - Prox-Tech Inc. Quest Aerospace Racemasters Inc. REH Distributing Round 2 LLC Sunward Aerospace Group Ltd. Super Pro Edge Blades Tecnitoys Juguetes, SA Thunder Power ToyMine International Inc. Tri-Technical Systems, Inc. Tru Square Metal Products Tyler Retail Systems, Inc. Walnut Hollow Xuron Corporation Zona Tool Company Join Today! 25 RADIO CONTROL BY TIm Kidwell Rock Crawlers driven by Robbie Nishida for 2009. The package includes photo-realistic decals, front and rear light buckets, window masks and overspray film. PT Gyro to accommodate a brushless outrunner motor and LiPo battery. The rotor diameter is 34 inches, and the model’s overall length is 28 inches. Contact AeroBalsa for more information. Wheels & Tires 7" & 8" Treaded Lightweight Wheels Du-Bro Trail Honcho SCX10 kit Axial Based on the SCX10 chassis, this R/C kit (No. AX90014, $275) comes with a .040" Lexan body, molded skid plate, Pro-Line Flat Irons tires, bead lock wheels and more. Hex socket hardware is featured throughout. Requires a 2-channel radio, servos, ESC, motor and battery. Du-Bro has expanded the “TL” (Treaded Lightweight) series of wheels to include 7-inch (No. 700TL, $37.95) and 8-inch (No. 800TL, $41.95) diameter wheels. Extremely durable and perfect for paved runways, these wheels are great for large aircraft. Aircraft Accessories Blue Block Evolution Blue Block is specifically formulated to protect glow engines from rust and corrosion. The applicator bottle (shown; No. EVOX1001, $2.99) contains 0.7 fl. oz. of Blue Block After Run Oil. The After Run Oil Refill (No. EVOX1002, $4.99) contains 4.4 oz. of Blue Block, making refills of the applicator bottle quick and simple. Available from Horizon Hobby. Bodies 200mm R5-N Gas Sedan Body Extra 330 SC Indoor Aerobat ARF Protoform Electrifly Transmitter Bag This body (No. 1520-30, MSRP $27) is pulled from clear .030" Lexan and meets all for EFRA, ROAR and 200mm GBS rules. Includes a large wing for downforce tuning, overspray film, window masks and a sheet of stickers. A black and yellow 3D aerobat, this plane (No. GPMA1129, MSRP/Street $79.99/$49.99) comes with prehinged control surfaces, carbon-fiber wing spars, laser-cut hardware and alignment jigs. Requires radio, servos, battery and motor. Distributed by Great Planes. Venom Now in silver! This transmitter bag (No. VEN-2006S, $24.99) can accommodate most of the popular pistol-grip transmitters available on the market today. The padded case secures the transmitter to prevent damage during transit. 10x1.1mm Tapered Shock Pistons Factory Team/ Team Associated 200mm Nissan 350Z Hankook body HPI Racing Doozy Autogyro kit Fans of full-size drifting can get the replica body (No. 103886, $32) of the Nissan FlyingBalsa 26 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 The Doozy ($109.95) is a redesign of the Designed to fit Team Associated’s 16mm big bore shocks, these machined Delrin tapered pistons (No. 89456, $19.99) provide more progressive damping and improve rebound damping. Use with 25– 30 weight oil. Sold in packs of four. Pro Tuned SS Exhaust-KOS Venom This tuned pipe (No. VEN-1911, $179.99) is constructed from polished 22-gauge 304 stainless steel and features an integrated, water-cooled coupler with dual O-ring seals. For use with 21.8mm/0.85-in. outer diameter header pipes. Electronics DSM2 12-channel PowerSafe Receiver Spektrum Designed for models using multiple hightorque servos or multiple servos that draw excess current, the AR12100 PowerSafe receiver (No. SPMAR12100, MSRP/Street $299.99/$279.99) features a robust power bus to manage high-current loads. Includes four remote receivers. Available from Horizon Hobby. Batteries G4 Pro Race 50C LiPo ThunderPower RC An all-new range for ThunderPower RC, the G4 50C series LiPo packs are available in 5000mAh 1S 3.7V (No. TP5000-1SPR50, $69.99), 5200mAh 2S 7.4V (No. TP52002SPR50, $129.99), 5200mAh 3S 11.1V (No. TP5200-3SPR50, $199.99) and 5200mAh 4S 14.8V (No. TP5200-4SPR50, $259.99) sizes. E-mail Tim at [email protected]. Unless otherwise indicated, contact information for all companies mentioned can be found in Model Retailer’s Business Pages at "OATERSEVERYWHEREHAVECOMETORELYON/CTURA-ODELSFOR THEBEST2#-ODEL0OWER"OATINGNEEDSSUCHAS 02/0%,,%23-%4!,0,!34)# -/4/2-/5.43 5.)6%23!,3 25$$%23 4(2534"%!2).'3 3425$$%23 7!4%20)#+503 $2)6%$/'3 02/03(!&43 4!),.543 02/0"!,!.#%2 342543 &,%8)",%3(!&4(!2$7!2%-/2% 7HYSPENDMOREFORLESSINSISTON GENUINE/CTURA-ODEL-ARINE3UPPLIES /#452!-/$%,3)NC .(AMLIN!VEs3KOKIE),ss&!8 7%3%,,$%!,%2$)2%#4 27 What’s selling: RADIO CONTROL ? COMPILED BY JENNY MAASKE What products or product lines are giving you the best margins, and what are you doing to capitalize on them? Trumpeter and Kinetic. I can sell them cheaper than most and pass the savings on to the customers. Rick Chin Uncle Bill’s Hobby Calgary, Alta. It seems like the E-flite line of helicopters is doing well for us. The replacement parts, and, in some cases, aftermarket parts, are always in demand. Helicopters are intriguing to anyone who comes through the door. I make sure to give brief flight demos on a regular basis. John Brown Brownie’s Pro & Sport Hobbies Staten Island, N.Y. Our best margins come from bulk products that we repackage with our own name tag. Since we specialize in R/C cars, screws and other fasteners are a great example. We WIN THIS PRIZE! can make a 100–150% profit this way. No one wants to go to the hardware store and buy a box of 50 or 100 screws when they only need two or three. Kimberly Miller-Gordon Turn 4 Hobbies West Boylston, Mass. Toys. Some of the toys can have margins up to 50%. I’m stocking a lot of R/C toys like Kid Galaxy. I’m also stocking more toys for girls. In fact, you need to add a general line to your survey. Don Dietz D&S Hobbies Florence, S.C. Plastic models carry the best mark up lately, especially since many distributors are overstocked with so many kits released every week. We are able to buy selected excess plastic, mostly all current items at W RTH MORO E THAN 40 RETAIL0 ! $ 50% off to as much as 90% off. We price them at retail and sell them at 50% off after six months of inactivity. Some lines, like Dragon, Revell and Hasegawa, we buy six to 12 items and create a “buy it now” area at 50% off. This creates a lot of buzz and helps the distributors clear out overstock. Paul Scopetski The Spare Time Shop Marlborough, Mass. Innova Disc Golf. We are in a unique region that has several public disc golf courses. Our selection of product is the largest in the state. James Ochoa HobbyTown USA Tulsa, Okla. ParkZone and Losi. Advertising focuses on these lines. Stacy Martin Adventure Hobbies Christiansburg, Va. Right now it’s plastic models. We had a 10% off sale on cars and that’s what has really brought the margin in. Donald Terbush Hillcrest Hobbies Yuba City, Calif. You can win these Etomic and ParkZone planes in our next quarterly drawing. All you have to do is participate in the What’s Selling survey. E-mail Jenny Maaske at [email protected] or call 262-796-8776 ext. 260 for more information. Congratulations Mike Duncan of River Eagle Hobbies in Boonville, Mo. He received a Tamiya RTR car and a ParkZone BNF plane. Thanks to all the retailers who returned the survey! 28 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 Sponsored by: What’s selling: RADIO CONTROL Atlantic North Central South Mountain Pacific Store location Turn 4 Hobbies West Boylston, Mass. The Hobby Shoppe Orangeville, Ont. RC Hobbies Plus Lafayette, Ind. HobbyTown USA Tulsa, Okla. Prairie Unique Terry, Mont. Players Hobby Shop Fort Bragg, Calif. Vehicles T-Maxx Traxxas Slash, B4 Traxxas, Team Associated Aftershock Losi 1:16 E-Revo VXL Traxxas T-Maxx, Slash Traxxas VXL models Traxxas Aircraft manufacturer Blade mCX, mSR E-flite Super Cub HobbyZone Ultra-Micro P-51D ParkZone Blade mSR RTF E-flite Revolver Great Planes Blade mCX RTF E-flite Boats No trend No trend Hammer AquaCraft Apache Catamaran EP Pro Boat Crackerbox Dumas No trend Accessories manufacturer Batteries, glow plugs Various makes Batteries, radios Venom, Spektrum Various Spektrum Batteries, chargers Tenergy Servos, receivers Various makes LiPo batteries Venom Store location Hillsborough R/C Hobby Hillsborough, N.J. Paris Junction Hobbies Paris Junction, Ont. Tom Thumb Hobbies Columbus, Ohio Adventure Hobbies Christiansburg, Va. Hobby Hut Models Grand Junction, Colo. Hillcrest Hobbies Yuba City, Calif. Vehicles Desert Truck Losi GST 7.7 CEN Racing Blitz HPI T-Maxx 3.3 Traxxas Micro-Rock Crawler Losi Slash Traxxas Aircraft manufacturer Ultra-Micro P-51D ParkZone Blade mSR, mCX E-flite Blade mSR E-flite Messerschmitt Bf 109G ParkZone Ultra-Micro P-51D ParkZone Super Cub LP HobbyZone Boats No trend Apache Pro Boat No trend No trend Mini Wildcat AquaCraft No trend Accessories manufacturer Various Spektrum Fuel, batteries Morgan, Venom Chargers Onyx DX5e Spektrum RealFlight G5 Great Planes Aftermarket parts Traxxas Store location Brownie’s Pro & Sport Staten Island, N.Y. Leading Edge Hobbies Kingston, Ont. Al’s Trains & Hobby LLC Bedford, Ohio D&S Hobbies Florence, S.C. Earl’s Hobby Hangar Logan, Utah RCPlus Hobbies and Bikes Salem, Ore. Vehicles Micro-T, HIGHRoller Losi Slash Traxxas No trend Slash Traxxas Stampede, T-Maxx Traxxas 1:18 Mini-Rock Crawler Losi Aircraft Blade mSR BNF E-flite Blade mCX S300 E-flite Firebird Commander HobbyZone Blade mCX E-flite T-28 Trojan ParkZone Ultra-Micro P-51D ParkZone Boats 1:12 Miss Elam Hydro Pro Boat Rio EP AquaCraft No trend Bandit II Thunder Tiger No trend SuperVee 27 AquaCraft Accessories Transmitters Spektrum DTX 5000 batteries DuraTrax Various Hitec 2 PL 2.4GHz radio Futaba Motors Scorpion LiPo batteries Various makes manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer Lists are based on retailer reports of hot-selling items in each category. Survey was taken in December. !!! 30 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 4'. *'/'70804##/&%25+3'2('#452'3#! 3*#(4&2+6'/$#4*45$%*#33+37+4*(20/4&05$-' 7+3*$0/'2'#2-+/,3531'/3+0/*',+4 +/%-5&'3#-+)*45/+47+4*(20/42'#2-+)*43 10-8%#2$0/#4'$0&8 0402 " " 9 " 7774#.+8#53#%0. MODEL RAILROADING by JENNY MAASKE locomotives HO EMD GP7 locomotive Bachmann Features on Bachmann’s GP7 locomotive (MSRP $85) include all-wheel drive, can motor, die-cast chassis, E-Z Mate Mark II couplers and DCC sound. Available in Pennsylvania (No. 62401), Union Pacific (No. 62402), Chessie (No. 62403), Baltimore & Ohio (No. 62404), New York Central (No. 62405) and Clinchfield (No. 62406) paint schemes. HO EMD GP40-2 locomotive Athearn New paint schemes on Athearn’s Ready To Roll GP40-2 include Boston & Maine, Kansas City Southern de Mexico, CSX (Operation Redblock logo), Norfolk Southern, Indiana Harbor Belt and Southern Pacific. Two road numbers each. Delivery is expected in April. O SD35 diesel MTH Electric Trains The Premier Line SD-35 diesel locomotive features add-on details such as windshield wipers, metal see-through body grilles, lift rings, metal grab irons and handrails, seethrough rooftop fan housings, and truckmounted brake cylinders and air pipes. Road names include Chessie, Pennsylvania, Southern and Western Maryland. Available with Proto-Sound 2.0 (MSRP $429.95) or unpowered ($199.95). Rolling stock HO freight cars Accurail Assorted freight car kits include an Asso32 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 ciation of American Railroads 41-foot steel gondola lettered for various road names (two-pack, $26.98); an AAR 40-foot steel boxcar lettered for Denver & Rio Grande Western ($13.98); an 89-foot trailer-on-flatcar lettered for RTTX and TTX (three-pack, $39.98); and an American Car & Foundry 3-bay covered hopper in CSX livery (three-pack, $39.98). Conoco (No. 06600060, $23.25); and a 40foot Central Vermont rib side boxcar (No. 02500700, $21.45). N freight cars Deluxe innovations Micro-Trains line Co. DeLuxe Innovations announced its first run of Nedlloyd 40-foot hi-cube corrugated containers, available in a five-pack (No. 520181) for $37.95. Also announced is a second run of Flex-Van 48-foot smoothsided containers (two pack; No. 8171, $16.95), and red Stax 53-foot corrugated domestic containers (shown, two-pack, No. 13031, $16.95). Delivery is expected in the third quarter of 2010. N Containers New paint schemes from Micro-Trains include a bay window caboose with white and blue Union Pacific shield (No. 13000060, $32.85); a 40-foot Baltimore & Ohio boxcar with white “13 Great States Capitol Dome” logo (No. 0200826, $17.90); a 50-foot boxcar lettered for Denver & Rio Grande Western (No. 03200450, $24.70); an ACF three-dome tank car lettered for Structures HO Grand Gazebo Woodland Scenics Woodland Scenics has added the Grand Gazebo (No. BR5035, $74.99) to its line of HO-scale Built-&-Ready Landmark Structures. A perfect centerpiece for any layout’s city or village park, the Grand Gazebo design includes an interior open raceway to accommodate wiring and lighting. Ho, N Hudson Oil Gas Station is based on the Hudson Oil gas station design used from the 1950s to 1990s. The kit includes office structure with restrooms, canopy, pump island with four gas pumps, roadside Hudson sign, changeable gas price signs and two billboard frames with four printed billboards. The HO kit (No. 2002) retails for $39.95 and the N kit (No. 1002) for $34.95. Blair Line LLC HO Roadside Americana Wadham’s This new kit, available in HO and N scales, walthers New! Just for You! for Dealers only. SDH164D $49.95 msrp 6 FX3 Functions 28mm Round Speaker 1.273” x 0.67” x 0.25” New Digitrax SoundFX Decoders: Sound, Motor and Functions All-In-One Decoders for N & HO • • • • • • • • • • 1 Amp Continuous / 2 Amp Peak Rating FX3 Functions Includes speaker and 330uF capacitor Preloaded with diesel & steam sounds Additional sounds available for free download Fully customizable sounds No external sensor for sound workload changes No programming booster needed No in-rush current problems Superior performance and reliability • Full Digitrax Series 3 mobile decoder feature set: Speed Tables Simplified Scaleable Back EMF Advanced Consisting Transponding Supersonic Motor Drive Decoder Lock and so much more! SDN144PS $49.95 msrp 4 FX3 Functions 18mm x 13mm Oval Speaker 1.22” x 0.405” x 0.164” Short 8 Pin Harness for HO Based on the gas station in West Allis, Wis., this assembled model (No. 933-2854, $69.98) features a unique pagoda roof, separate pump island with 1920s-style clockface gas pumps, four non-operating lamp posts and decorated picket fencing. Delivery is expected in late March. Complete Train Control Digitrax, Inc. 2443 Transmitter Road, Panama City, FL 32404 Phone 850 872-9890 / Fax 850 872-9557 33 MODEL RAILROADING vehicles Figures accessories XL lubricant Excelle Lubricants These lubricants are made specifically for use on model railroad motive power and are compatible with many types of plastic. Offerings include XL Ultra-Lite, XL Light, XL Medium, XL Heavy, XL Gear, XL Bearing, XL PTFE, XL NLGI 1 Grease and XL NLGI 2 PTFE Grease. Available from Phoenix Unlimited, Ltd. Contact the company at 847-515-1263 or e-mail [email protected]. HO, G Scenic Accents HO 1950 Dodge Meadowbrook 4-Door Sedan Classic Metal Works Mini Metals HO-scale 1950 Dodge Meadowbrook sedan ($13) features separately applied parts including the grille, bumpers, trunk latch, wheel covers, hood ornament, and taillight and headlight parts. Paint schemes include cadet red (No. 221-30225), dawn gray (No. 221-30226), island green (No. 221-30227), black (No. 221-30228), and Yellow Cab Co. (No. 22130229). Available from Walthers. Woodland Scenics The latest HO-scale Scenic Accents figure sets include Swingin’ Sensation (shown, No. A1950), Music to My Ears (No. A1951) and Downhill Derby (No. A1952). Each set is $18.99. Also available is Junior’s Jug Band (No. A2570) in G scale for $21.99. E-mail Jenny at [email protected]. Unless otherwise indicated, contact information for all companies mentioned can be found in Model Retailer’s Business Pages at ! " ! " " % !$ ! !%! ! #!" !!!"!$"#! #!!! """" C enterline " P roducts, #"!LLC 1229 E.' 4th Street, Reno, NV 89512 " & TEL (775) 337-6662 FAX (775) 337-6663 666(*/4*2-,/*120)5(43(0. ,/+0(*/4*2-,/*120)5(43(0. % " 34 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 #!"$$$ " ! MODEL RAILROADING MART Stock your shop with sound locomotives that make GREAT PROFIT. •Paragon2 HO Sound Locomotives •PUFFING SMOKE in Steamers •Auto-Pilot Equipped=Hands-Free Operation •Load-dependent sounds and speed •MAP protected MODEL RAILROADING MART Broadway Limited Imports, LLC Call: 386.673.8900 LGB Ready-to-Run G Scale Starter Sets The Classic Start in Garden Railroading 426-72302 Passenger Starter Set with Sound & Smoke Generator 426-72400 Full Gauge Railroad Starter Set* LGB starter sets make getting started easy – everything your customer needs from the high quality locomotive and cars, to the indoor / outdoor track, transformer, controller and accessories are included. Plus, the easy to expand track system and broad assortment of add-on rolling stock, accessories and the LGB Multi-Train System will build a strong, loyal customer base. For more information about becoming an LGB dealer call Walthers toll-free 1-800-877-7171. 426-72403 Work Train Starter Set with Sound & Smoker Generator* *Load subject to change MONTH 2000 MODEL RETAILER 35 1 What’s selling: model railroading ? COMPILED BY JENNY MAASKE What products or product lines are giving you the best margins, and what are you doing to capitalize on them? Bachmann trains. I stock them the most for sets. I do pretty good with Revell models also. Allen Fenton Al’s Trains & Hobby LLC Bedford, Ohio Williams O-gauge engines by Bachmann. We are displaying them as having excellent value for the money spent and pointing out that they are most like the old engines in their simplicity and “run-ability.” Bill Longcor Feels Like Home LLC Newton, N.J. All scales of train track. Whether a novice or an experienced modeler, everyone buys track and the customers do not quibble over the price. Internet and discount sellers force us to lower the price on sets and the more expensive items. We try to stock WIN THIS PRIZE! every piece of the major brands of track. This is becoming more difficult as many manufacturers now offer their own track, which is often not readily compatible with other brands. George Bourcier Tacoma Trains & Hobbies Tacoma, Wash. We buy a lot of toy and train collections. We have a reputation for giving the seller a fair price and for being able to sell it to our customers at a realistic price. In our advertising and newsletter, we have added that we buy collections. Valerie Gale Chinook & Hobby West Calgary, Alta. I am a one-man hobby shop and I concentrate strictly on R/C nitro and electric airplanes and N- and HO-scale trains. I’m W RTH MORO E THAN 50 RETAIL0 ! $ just starting to get into O-scale trains. I’ve tried advertising in local newspapers and I always run a small ad in the Yellow Pages. To be honest, my capitalization is word of mouth because I give excellent service. Fred Peters Fliteline Hobbies Ridgeville, S.C. There aren’t many product lines with good margins in the model-railroad industry. We’re just focusing on turning our inventory faster. Mike Niedzalkoski Niedzalkoski’s Train Shop Jeannette, Pa. We do a large volume of paints and have added new lines throughout the year. Joyce McEwan On Track Hobbies Port Moody, B.C. Learning Curve Thomas the Tank Engine. Clay Kinser Lone Star Trains & Collectibles San Antonio, Texas White’s Metal Detectors. Pat Barcello Columbus Train Station Columbus, Ohio You can win these Bachmann N-, HO- and On30 locomotives in our next quarterly drawing. All you have to do is participate in the What’s Selling survey. E-mail Jenny Maaske at [email protected] or call 262-796-8776 ext. 260 for more information. Congratulations Tim Trewhella of TreatStation in Peekskill, N.Y. He received N- and HO-scale cars and locomotives from Micro-Trains and Bachmann. Thanks to all the retailers who returned the survey! 36 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 ATTENTION RETAILERS WHOLESALE TO THE TRADE ONLY Are you looking for a distributor that will treat you fairly no matter how large or small your orders are? Try ARIZONA TRAINS & HOBBIES. We feature great service at competitive prices. Our prices remain the same 1 piece or case lots. We sell to retail stores only. We do not compete with our dealers. We Proudly Distribute Atlas • Atlas-O • QSI • Lionel • K-Line • Ready Made Toys • Aristo-Craft • Bachmann N thru G • Kato • Plasticville • USA Trains Kalmbach Publications • Miller Engineering • Excel Hobby Tools • All World Scenes • Super Smoke® • Woodland Scenics Midwest Products • Boley • Classic Metal Works • IMEX • Broadway Limited • MRC • Z-Stuff for trains • Timberline Trees We Now Carry MTH! ARIZONA TRAINS & HOBBIES 15605 Broadway Center Street, Gardena, CA 90248 • Toll Free: 877-889-2005 • Phone: 310-965-0005 • FAX: 310-965-0006 MODEL RAILROADING MART Visit Our Web Site: 8DB>C<HDDC;GDB6IA6HBD9:A EgZ"dgYZg9ZVYa^cZ/?VcjVgn'.!'%&%EgdYjXi6gg^kVa/?jan'%&% Detroit Edison (Webpage expected to go live fi rst week of January) Milwaukee Road Rock Island Family Lines (L&N)* Guilford (Boston & Maine) Ferrocarril del Pacifico (HO models from previous run shown) Norfolk & Western 6IA6HB6HI:G =DJ(%8E=6H:(AD8DBDI>K: HO locomotives are available with DCC/Sound or DCC ready. Other features include: Road Name specific details, Golden-white LEDs Directional lighting, and Realistic die-cast underframe Union Pacific *CSX Licensed Product Products bearing Union Pacific Marks are made under Trademark License from Union Pacific Railroad Company. ###YdcÉi[dg\ZiiddgYZgC:L6iaVh6aa"HXVaZhIgVX`6XXZhhdgn8ViVad\h[dgndjg]dWWnh]de#6kV^aVWaZcdl Atlas Model Railroad Co., Inc • 378 Florence Avenue • Hillside, NJ 07205 • MONTH 2000 MODEL RETAILER MODEL RAILROADING MART ARIZONA TRAINS & HOBBIES 37 1 Atlantic Central South Mountain/North Pacific Store location Niedzalkoski’s Train Shop Jeannette, Pa. Tom Thumb Hobbies Columbus, Ohio Adventure Hobbies Christiansburg, Va. On Track Hobbies Port Moody, B.C. Tacoma Trains & Hobbies Tacoma, Wash. HO scale Locomotive Rolling Stock Accessories Athearn GP38-2 Yardmaster P&LE boxcars Bachmann E-Z Track Athearn Genesis Athearn Atlas Code 100 Snap-Track Lionel RTR sets Athearn Blue Box kits Woodland Scenics Atlas RS3 PGE, True Line U2G ExactRail Buildings Athearn F45, SD45 Athearn Atlas track N scale Locomotive Rolling Stock Accessories Bachmann 0-6-0 Athearn bay window caboose Imex buildings Bachmann Bachmann No trend No trend No trend No trend Athearn CN Fox Valley Models No trend Athearn F45 Athearn Bachmann E-Z Track Other Locomotive Rolling Stock Accessories Williams GP locomotives MTH Steeler cars MTH Gulf Gas Station No trend No trend No trend No trend No trend MRC Symphony 55 Sound kit 3-truck shay Alberta grain car Track Lionel Lionel O-27 cars Lionel FasTrack Store location Brian’s Model Trains Mysterstown, Pa. DLH Locomotive Works Springfield, Ohio Fliteline Hobbies Ridgeville, S.C. Chinook & Hobby West Calgary, Alta. Kelly’s Kaboose Kamloops, B.C. HO scale Locomotive Rolling Stock Accessories Atlas Trainman Atlas Trainman Walthers Cornerstone bldgs. MTH SD70ACe ExactRail cars ShellScale decals Athearn, Atlas Athearn, Atlas, Bachmann Woodland Scenics Canadian steam Canadian passenger cars Woodland Scenics Athearn True Line Trains Model Power buildings N scale Locomotive Rolling Stock Accessories No trend No trend No trend No trend No trend No trend Atlas Atlas Woodland Scenics CN locomotives No trend No trend Atlas Micro-Trains Model Power buildings Other Locomotive Rolling Stock Accessories Lionel O-27 Lionel O-27 Lionel FasTrack No trend No trend No trend MTH Atlas, MTH assorted cars Track No trend No trend No trend USA Trains, Lionel, MTH MTH Bachmann Plasticville Store location Scotsmans Trains & Hobbies Endwell, N.Y. Al’s Trains & Hobby LLC Bedford, Ohio Lone Star Trains & Collectibles San Antonio, Texas Winona Garden Railway Guelph, Ont. Roy’s Trains and Things Clovis, Calif. HO scale Locomotive Rolling Stock Accessories Athearn SD45 Branchline kits Woodland Scenics Atlas, Bachmann Branchline, Walthers Walthers Cornerstone bldgs. Athearn RTR diesels Athearn tank cars TCS decoders No trend No trend No trend Athearn Athearn Walthers Cornerstone bldgs. N scale Locomotive Rolling Stock Accessories Atlas Fox Valley Models Woodland Scenics Athearn, Walthers, Kato Micro-Trains, Atlas Walthers Cornerstone bldgs. Atlas Micro-Trains Atlas track No trend No trend No trend Kato Micro-Trains Bachmann buildings Other What’s selling: MODEL RAILROADING Locomotive Rolling Stock Accessories No trend Williams boxcars No trend Aristo-Craft No trend Aristo-Craft Lionel Lionel Lionel USA Trains GP9 Aristo-Craft 40-foot boxcars Phoenix Sound Lionel Lionel Pennsylvania Flyer Lionel Wimpy’s Burger Stand Lists are based on retailer reports of hot-selling items in each category. Survey was taken in December. MODELS BY TIm Kidwell etched seat belts, slide-molded gun barrels and engraved panel lines at three different depths. Available from Dragon Models USA. Fantasy & Sci-fi 1:8 Frankenstein Moebius Models Armor Another model in Moebius’ Universal Movie Monsters line of assembly kits, Frankenstein (No. 903, $39.99) comes with 30 plastic parts and a color instruction sheet. Skill level 3. 1:48 Mtl SPW SdKfz 251/1 Ausf D ‘Stuka Zu Fuss’ Tamiya Aircraft Star Wars Republic Gunship This model of the “Ground Stuka” (No. 32566, $33) includes a detailed interior, side-mounted launchers, rockets and rocket crates. Slated for delivery in January. Figures not included. Revell For ages 8 and up, this snap-together kit (No. 85-1865, $30.25) comes prepainted to help ensure a young or novice builder’s fun and success during assembly. Includes a base to model the gunship in flight. 1:32 Fokker F.I ‘Voss’ Encore/Squadron Products This model kit (No. EC32003, $69.99) features a detailed exterior, a full cockpit, plus resin and photo-etched metal parts. Decals and paint guide for two versions included. Distributed by MMD and part of its Profit+ Line. Conan the Barbarian: Death of Belit Cyber Hobby Following up on its previous Conan kit, Moebius’ resin model (No. 1005, $139.99) depicts the scene on the cover of the “Conan the Barbarian” No.100 comic book. Dragon says that this Wing Tech kit (No. CHC5555, $39.95) is full of detail usually found on 1:32-scale kits! Features include fully posable control surfaces, photo- MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 Zvezda Available in January, this kit (No. ZVE3603, $38.95) features 342 parts, polystyrene tracks, two figures and markings for one Luftwaffe and one Wehrmacht unit. Distributed by Dragon Models USA. 1:48 Messerschmitt Bf 110D-3 Moebius Models 40 1:35 L-4500R Maultier 4.5T Half-track 1:35 M1131 Stryker Fire Support Vehicle Trumpeter This new variant of Trumpeter’s Stryker (No. 398, $49.95) contains 491 parts, along with eight rubber tires. Features include infantry figures, tarp rolls and photoetched parts. Distributed by Stevens International. lower hulls, a waterline plate, and deck. Also includes one Ar 196 plane and display stand. Imported by Stevens International. Dioramas Cars WC DBL) have a regular tip on one end and a tapered tip on the other. Great for multitasking at the workbench without having to hunt for another swab. Call 800-3212313 for prices and ordering information. Paints 1:32 Marsden Mat Display Base 1:25 Fire Truck MPC/Round 2 Chuck Miller’s Fire Truck (No. MPC714, price TBA) is a top-drawer show rod. It was built in 1968 and won the Ridler Award that year. MPC’s kit recreates the car with parts molded in white, clear and clear red, chrome plated parts, vinyl tires and colorful decals. Skill level 2. Custom Dioramics/ Squadron Products Resin PSP texture airfield base (one corner has rough ground surface). Base measures 14 x 14 inches and is appropriate for WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War-era dioramas or displays. Available from MMD (CD5031, $54.90) and part of its Profit+ Line. Tools Ships Games Workshop Paint Set Citadel This box (No. 99179999003, $30) contains nine 12ml pots of Citadel Colour acrylic paints, including: Chaos Black, Skull White, Blood Red, Goblin Green, Mithril Silver, Enchanted Blue, Snakebite Leather, Bronzed Flesh and Sunburst Yellow. This set also includes a brush and plastic mixing tray. Call 410-689-2421 to order. Master Series Paint Reaper Miniatures Reaper has three new washes: Flesh (No. 9253), Brown (NO. 9254) and Black (No. 9255). Each comes in a ½-oz. bottle and retails for $2.99. All three washes are also available in the Washes Triad (No. 9785, $8.95). Call 940-484-6464 to order. 1:700 German Prinz Eugen Heavy Cruiser, 1945 Trumpeter All new tooling! Reduced from the 1:350scale model, this kit (No. 5767, $39.95) contains 279 parts, along with upper and Double-tipped Tapered-one-end cotton applicator Puritan These 6-inch-long cotton swabs (No. 821- E-mail Tim at [email protected]. Unless otherwise indicated, contact information for all companies mentioned can be found in Model Retailer’s Business Pages at Dealer inquiries welcome! [email protected] 41 DIE-CAST BY Sue Brettingen dioramas 1:24 body shop diorama american diorama This body shop diorama (No. AD-15914, $89.99), crafted out of polyresin, is hand painted, highly detailed and suitable for die-cast displays or G-scale railroad layouts. Available from b2breplicas. Loved Me,” the Aston Martin Vanquish and Jaguar XKR from “Die Another Day,” the Rolls Royce Phantom 337 from “Goldfinger,” the Aston Martin DB5 from the 1967 version of “Casino Royale” and the Space Shuttle from “Moonraker.” Available from b2breplicas. 1:18 1967 shelby terlingua greenlight collectibles 1:64 diorama series 1 greenlight collectibles Greenlight’s assortment of new dioramas includes the 1968 Ford Mustang and 1969 Dodge Charger from “Bullitt”; a 2008 Crown Victoria Wisconsin State Patrol and 2009 Corvette C6 with a police officer character; a 2010 Chevy Camaro SS with auction attendee characters; and a 1972 Chevy C-10 and camper with camper characters. The replicas feature opening hoods, detailed engines, rubber tires, metal body and chassis, detailed graphics and custom license plates. Each diorama (No. 56010) retails for $9.99. 1:12 1960 Morris minor 1000 Sun star Call it “Moggie” or “Morrie” if you wish; otherwise, formally, it’s known as the Morris Minor — the very essence of Englishness. This highly detailed model (No. SS4772, $119.95) includes a fully detailed cockpit and dashboard, extending trafficators, a working suspension and fully detailed chassis. Available from Diecast Direct. corgi 42 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 1:18 “Arthur” cmc Meet the newest member of the Motorhead Miniatures family: Arthur (No. 787, $10). Dressed in professional black and tipping his hat, Arthur is perfect for any limo, luxury car, or even a hearse. What could be more classic than a red Ferrari? This replica (No. CMC071, $289.99) comes with a fully wired and plumbed engine, a highly detailed interior with real leather seats and glass-faced gauges, authentic paint and real rubber tires. Available from Replicarz. E-mail Sue at [email protected]. Unless otherwise indicated, contact information for all companies mentioned can be found in Model Retailer’s Business Pages at 1:18 Ferrari 250 testa rossa Corgi’s James Bond car set (No. TY99135, $70) comes in a film can and includes 4-inch replicas of the BMW Z3 from “Goldeneye,” Little Nellie from “You Only Live Twice,” the Lotus Esprit Underwater from “The Spy Who accessories motorhead miniatures Vehicles james bond 8-piece film can set Taking its name from a ghost town in southwestern Texas famous for a chili competition, the Shelby Terlingua Ford Mustang came with a distinctive logo: a prancing rabbit silhouetted in black on a chrome and yellow crest. Greenlight’s racing tribute edition (No. 12817, $54.99) includes the authentic race livery paint scheme; opening doors, hood and trunk; fabric seat belts; window box packaging; and a sequentially numbered chassis. Available in March. Mack Granite Flatbed Truck t5SVF4DBMF t"MM.FUBM$POTUSVDUJPO t0QFOJOH%PPST t)PPE0QFOT t'SPOU4UFFSJOH"YMF t8PSLJOH3FBS%VNQ t%FUBJMFE4VTQFOTJPO t3FBMJTUJD"JS)ZESBVMJD-JOFT t3FNPWBCMF%VNQ4JEFT t&OHJOF%FUBJM Distributors of Quality Toys and Collectible Models TWH Collectibles - Norscot - Spec-Cast Tonkin Replicas - Greenlight - Bruder M2 Machines - Eligor - Sword Models Phone (417)206-9700 [email protected] %FBMFS*ORVJSFT8FMDPNF **NEW 2010** THE AIRLINER COLLECTION ./,OCKHEED,'3UPER#ONSTELLATION@47! **NEW 2010** ./$#©@!MERICAN!IRLINES FULLY PAINTED DIECAST, HISTORY & STAND INCLUDED PAD PRINTED- NO DECALS • SUPERIOR DETAILS • MOVING PROPS -/$%,0/7%2s3-)4(342%%4&!2-).'$!,%.9ss&!8sVISITUSONTHEWEBATWWWMODELPOWERCOMsINFO ¥!,,2)'(432%3%26%$s-/$%,0/7%2)3!2%')34%2%$42!$%-!2+/&!4)-/$%,02/$5#43).# MODELPOWERCOM 43 What’s selling: models/DIE-CAST ? COMPILED BY JENNY MAASKE What products or product lines are giving you the best margins, and what are you doing to capitalize on them? Slot-car racing is my best margin. We have an in-store track and hold frequent competitions. Mike McMasters Tom Thumb Hobbies Columbus, Ohio I’d have to say that our comics and board games are probably our best profit margins. They’ll jockey back and forth as to which line we push that week. For the most part, comics will sell themselves, but we will partner up with the local theater and run promotions in their lobby. We’ll bring in creators on occasion to help promote a particular book. Board games always make for fun promotions. Demo, demo, demo! If you’re not doing these you absolutely must. During the holiday season, we’ll line our glass cases with board games and have signs out that say, “ Ask us for a demo.” Nothing WIN THIS PRIZE! sells a game like a demo. Make sure your staff can play whatever games are set up because nothing says we have no clue what we’re doing quicker than an employee saying, “I have no idea how to play that game.” Trust me. Learning them, displaying them, and on occasion, having a full-blown game going on in the store will build your board-game sales beyond belief. Sue Furman The Hobby Shop Wilson, N.C. Dragon items are my best margin and it lets me promote them. They have a large display right inside the door. Melinda Woody Military Hobbies Orange, Calif. W RTH MORO E THAN 30 RETAIL0 ! $ The market has been very tough this year and has made it very competitive and sales are down. Plastic models have given us the best margins, but overall, it can’t make up the shortfall. Being conscious of customers’ needs and special ordering has helped a bit. Local advertising of the hobby store is the best solution for us. Steve Brockman The Hobby Shoppe Orangeville, Ont. Dice and card sleeves give us our best margins among new products. Used games and single cards offer the best margins among all of our products. We make sure we keep a good selection of all of them in stock at all times and keep sleeves and dice near the register for add-on and impulse sales. Scott Thorne Castle Perilous Games Carbondale, Ill. Model kits and the Games Workshop miniatures line. With a greater discount I’m able to pass along savings to my customers to increase sales. Darrell Burris D&J Hobby Center Galax, Va. You can win 14 Dragon and Mini Art 1:35-scale kits in our next quarterly drawing. All you have to do is participate in the What’s Selling survey. E-mail Jenny Maaske at [email protected] or call 262-796-8776 ext. 260 for more information. Congratulations Chris Neilsen of Hobby Hut Models in Grand Junction, Colo. He received models from Tamiya, Roden, Hasegawa and Accurate Miniatures. Thanks to all the retailers who returned the survey! 44 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 We Are A Full-Time Wholesaler! First Response Replicas and American Heritage Models are found Exclusively at Diecast Direct. We also supply Corgi, IXO, J-Collection, Pioneer Display Cases, SpecCast and More! Why Make Diecast Direct Your Supplier: CLASSICS REBORN IN STOCK Magazine advertising moves readers to action. More than half of readers took action on magazine ads or had a more favorable opinion about the advertiser. Call Model Retailer for information on how to move your readers to action. Source: Affinity Research 1-888-558-1544 ext. 537 or ext. 652 166 Spruce Street • Rutland, VT 05701 P 802-747-6672 • F 802-775-1981 If it’s Die Cast, we have it! 1958 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa 1:18 Scale by CMC Models Item No. CMC071 MSRP: $289.99 [email protected] • 1965 Corvette Stingray red with black interior 1:18 Scale by GMP Item No. GMP1800701 MSRP: $279.95 (photo of actual vehicle) All the top lines of die cast models in stock • Over 50 brands, Over 3,000 models • We ship worldwide No quantity requirements • Low minimum order 45 What’s selling: Models/Die-Cast Atlantic North Central South Mountain Pacific Store location The Spare Time Shop Marlborough, Mass. On Track Hobbies Port Moody, B.C. Al’s Trains & Hobby LLC Bedford, Ohio D&J Hobby Center Galax, Va. Chinook & Hobby West Calgary, Alta. Military Hobbies Orange, Calif. Vehicles New 1:35 WWII armor Various makes Sherman tanks Various makes Various models Dragon, Revell GT40 Mk.II Trumpeter Panzer tanks Various makes 1:35 Japanese tanks Fine Molds Aircraft 1:48 B-24D Revell Beaver Various makes Various models Revell 1:48 V-22 Osprey Trumpeter WWII models Various makes 1:48 Zero Hasegawa Ships/Die-Cast New 1:350 releases Various makes Bluenose Billings Various models Trumpeter Apollo 27 Pegasus Models No trend 1:350 Graf Spee Academy Accessories manufacturer Paint sets Lifecolor Paint Acrylicos Vallejo Various Testors, Tamiya Weapon sets Academy Paint Tamiya Paints, pigments Mig Store location Turn 4 Hobbies West Boylston, Mass. The Hobby Shoppe Orangeville, Ont. RC Hobbies Plus Lafayette, Ind. Adventure Hobbies Christiansburg, Va. Small Soldier Calgary, Alta. Hillcrest Hobbies Yuba City, Calif. Vehicles 1:25 Mystery Machine Polar Lights Cars, trucks Revell 1960s, 1970s super cars Various makes Tractor trailers Lindberg 1:35 U.S. Infantry sets Various makes 1:24, 1:25 cars AMT, Revell Aircraft Rockets Estes WWII models, jets Revell Warbirds Various makes Bombers Revell 1:32 Spitfire Tamiya AV-8B Harrier II Trumpeter Ships/Die-Cast NASCAR models Various makes No trend Sailing ships Various makes USS Arizona Revell 1:350 Graf Spee Trumpeter No trend Accessories Paint, glue Testors Paint, glue Testors Magazines Various titles No trend manufacturer Dieppe Churchill decals Echelon Paint Tamiya Store location Brownies Pro & Sport Staten Island, N.Y. Uncle Bill’s Hobby Calgary, Alta. Tom Thumb Hobbies Columbus, Ohio HobbyTown USA Tulsa, Okla. Prairie Unique Terry, Mont. Phillip’s Hobbies El Cajun, Calif. Vehicles 1969 Dodge Charger AMT 1:24 cars Revell Tanks Academy Gundam models Bandai Military trucks Revell, AMT Rommel’s Rod Revell Aircraft Starter sets Estes 1:32 Spitfire Tamiya F-25 Revell 1:20 Pkf.85 Falke Hasegawa WWII models Various makes 1:32 F-100D Trumpeter Ships/Die-Cast Blackbeard Pirate Ship Lindberg 1:350 Graf Spee Trumpeter No trend No trend 1:350 Bismarck Various makes 1:350 USS Buchanan Dragon Accessories CA glue Bob Smith Industries Model Master Metalizer Testors Paint Tamiya CA glue Bob Smith Industries Paint, glue Various makes Paint Various makes manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer Lists are based on retailer reports of hot-selling items in each category. Survey was taken in December. 46 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 Now Available 1:32 Scale Fokker F.I ‘Voss’ Pre-production version of the legendary WWI Luftstreitkrafte triplane fighter and mount of German ace Werner Voss during his heroic final dogfight. Kit features well detailed exterior with subtle fabric-onframe effect, full cockpit, resin parts (engine cowling, forward upper fuselage cover, tailplane, rudder, multipart Le Rhone radial engine and standing figure of Lt Voss in flight gear) plus photo-etch parts (cowl retaining strap, lower fuselage access panel, ignition wires, fuselage lacing, machine gun jackets/details, control cable grommets, cockpit enhancements and color data plates, instrument faces and seatbelts). Decals and color painting guide for 2 aircraft. EC32003............................................................................................$69.99 Coming Soon 1:32 Scale CM3203....................................................$79.95 Toll Free 1-800-527-0674 Tel: 972-323-0525 Fax: 972-242-3775 e-mail: [email protected] SPECIALTY PRODUCTS BY SUE BRETTINGEN educational Discover Electronics! sparkle labs With more than 130 parts, including switches, buttons, diodes, capacitors, transistors, regulators and a breadboard, this kit (No. SL004, $49.99) and its book of graphical instructions gives kids (12 and up) and adults the opportunity to learn about electronics and electricity and create their own projects. For more information, call 212-777-8051 or e-mail [email protected]. games letter for every two-, three-, or four-letter word; players who move quickly can earn bonus points. The player with the most points wins. Contact the company at [email protected]. The pillars of the earth: builders duel mayfair games The setting: England in the 12th century. The object of the game: building either a cathedral or a fortress, depending on which role you play. To construct your building, you must obtain raw resources and convert them into building materials, being ever mindful of foes who would stop you. For two players, ages 10 and older, the game (No. MFG4119, $25) takes about 45 minutes to play. students you can keep away, the better. The game includes six boards representing five different galleries, and various other elements. For three to five players, ages 10 and up; game time is about 60 to 70 minutes. glenn’s gallery mayfair games fast4words Players of this game (No. MFG4108, $35) are employees of Glenn’s Gallery, a prestigious art gallery where they’re learning the ins and outs of the business of selling fine art. Customers are represented by cards; the more you can collect, and the more art basic concepts 48 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 In this game (No. 7027, $15), two players take turns placing their letter blocks into the upright letter grid, creating words vertically, horizontally, diagonally, backward and forward. Players score one point per mystic tower and the book of spells basic concepts This game (No. 7067, $24.99) features a tower that pops up for multi-level platform play as soon as you unfold the board; play- ers can manipulate movable paths and stairways throughout the game. The game comes with a comic book featuring the Relic Raiders, which are characters in the game. For two to four players, ages 6 and up. Contact the company at [email protected]. 1951 Precision bass in Butterscotch Blond (No. FTC161). Each retails for $9.95. For more information, e-mail [email protected]. pinewood derby activity kits binding so that it can lay flat. “Amazing Creatures of the Sea” (No. 6007, shown) retails for $6.99. The series also includes “Fun with Fashion” (No. 6005, $6.99), “Busy with Ballet” (No. 6006, $6.99), “Fun on the Farm” (No. 6018, $3.99), “Awesome Dinosaurs” (No. 6017, $3.99) and “Pretty Princesses” (No. 6016, $4.99). art kits for adult crafters faber-castell Faber-Castell has released a new series of three gift kits designed for adult crafters. Each comes with a fully illustrated instruction book and supplies. Watercolor Canvas Art (No. 800200, shown) comes with five watercolor pencils to draw on four miniature canvases. Colorful Ceramic Art Vases (No. 800203) includes six miniature vases and five colors of pencils. Colorful Ceramic Tile Art (No. 800206) contains miniature tiles and five colors of pencils for you to create a mosaic. Each kit retails for $24.99. coloring & artivity books creativity for kids/faber-castell Creativity for Kids’ “Coloring & Artivity Books” feature art paper and vellum as well as tips and techniques to inspire young artists. Each book includes fun facts, puzzles, crafts and games, and has a spiral NEW! collectibles superior axle jig pine-pro/amenco fender guitar collection 2 f-toys The spirit of rock and roll lives on in these replicas of classics like the Stratocaster, Jaguar and the Mustang. Each guitar measures 5 inches tall and is detailed right down to the fretboard. Shown is the 1962 Fender Jaguar in Sherwood Green Metallic (No. FTC159). Others in the series are a 1968 Stratocaster in black (No. FTC154), a 1967 Mustang in red (No. FTC158) and a Pine-Pro’s Superior Axle Jig (No. 10210, $19.99) can be used to drill axle holes in wood or other materials for pinewood derby and similar projects. Besides the drilling jig with camber adjustment, the package includes one #44 drill, two #1032 set screws for camber and one Allen wrench for camber screws. E-mail Sue at sbrettingen@modelretailer. com. Unless otherwise indicated, contact information for all companies mentioned can be found in Model Retailer’s Business Pages at Max Modeller Now Available! TSS-ADH-MOD0210RH Kalmbach Publishing Co. is proud to be the exclusive U.S. distributor of Max Modeller. A fresh, exciting new visual monthly publication from the team behind AFV and AIR Modeller, showcasing the best from the world of scale miniatures. Everything from ships, tanks, and aircraft to figures, cars, and sci-fi will be presented in their acclaimed visual style. Along with inspirational model projects, Max Modeller will have regular news and reviews with how-to features and much more. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! Hobby shops, please contact: Phone 1-800-558-1544, ext. 818 Fax 262-798-6592 E-mail [email protected] 49 SLOT CARS BY TIm Kidwell Cars Accessories 1:32 Digital Pontiac Firebird Trans Am ’77 Carrera 1:32 Digital Chevy Chevelle SS 454 ’70 Carrera This digitally equipped car comes in two versions: a blue stock version (No. 30483, shown) and a yellow hot rod with blower and extra-wide rear tires (No. 30482). Both come with two neodymium magnets, and working head and taillights. MSRP is $43.99 each. Available in two versions: black (No. 30480) and red (No. 30481, shown). Both cars are equipped with working front and rear lights, spare side mirrors, braids and replacement guide. Each retails for $43.99. GP1000 Lube-It This multipurpose fluid lubricant is safe to use on plastic-to-plastic, plastic-to-metal or metal-to-metal contacts. For prices, contact Phoenix Unlimited at 847-515-1263 or [email protected]. 1:32 Ford GT Lightning ‘NINCO World Cup 2009’ Always with you in Mind! WE SHIP FAST! Dealers only! We Specialize In: PLASTIC MODELSESTES, TESTORS PAINT 1/24 & 1/32 Scale SLOT CARS R/C PRODUCTS & CARS 1010 N. Van Buren, Unit B Enid, Oklahoma, 73703 1-800-543-5743 / (580) 234-3433 Fax MasterCard Ninco Limited edition! The Ford GT Lightning (No. 50544, $79.98) comes with a transparent Lexan chassis with screw motor support; Lexan lightened interior tray; NC-5 Speeder motor; 33/11 anglewinder gearset; silicone guide cables; and Prorace front and rear wheels. Distributed exclusively by MRC. SG2000 Lube-It 1:32 Corvette C6 ‘Police’ This non-toxic, semi-fluid, multipurpose grease works well on sliding parts, axles and worm gears. Safe for use on plastic. Available from Phoenix Unlimited. Ninco Popular at the iHobby Expo, this highway patrol car (No. 755011, $69.98) features bright flashing headlights, taillights, and intermittent blue and red lights on the roof. Available from MRC. 50 MODEL RETAILER FEBRUARY 2010 E-mail Tim at [email protected]. Unless otherwise indicated, contact information for all companies mentioned can be found in Model Retailer’s Business Pages at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Looney Labs is famous for its award-winning Fluxx games, along with other favorites such as Chrononauts and Treehouse.
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