CR Update 4 - Liberty Global
CR Update 4 - Liberty Global
Issue 04 April 2009 CR Briefs Liberty Global Marks Safer Internet Day 2009 IN THIS ISSUE Liberty Global Marks Safer Internet Day 2009 Page 1 IN Heroes Awards 2008: And the winner is… Page 2 Donations On Demand: Red Button for Red Cross Page 2 ‘Click On It Grandma’ Promos Out Now! Page 3 UPC Poland, Reaching Across Generations Page 3 Telenet Donates Mobility Scooters to Public Social Assistance Centre Page 3 UPC Poland, the Best Company for Working Mums Page 3 The Chello Foundation Receives €14,000 Cheque from Liberty Global Page 4 Feb 2009: Liberty Global together with Insafe, the European Commission funded internet safety network, celebrated Safer Internet Day (SID) across its footprint for the third year in a row. SID is an annual event that promotes safer and more responsible use of online technologies, especially amongst children and young people. This year SID was celebrated in over 50 countries. The flagship event marking SID 2009 took p l a c e i n L u x e m b o u r g , a n d w a s a t t e n d e d b y Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Information Society and Media. The event included the Liberty Global sponsored SID online quiz award ceremony plus the launch of a multi-lingual anti-cyberbullying video. SID 2009 was celebrated across Liberty Global’s footprint with UPC being the event’s gold sponsor. Locally, Liberty Global affiliates marked SID through a number of initiatives including the distribution of Liberty Global’s family e-safety toolkits, a fun guide for parents and children to deal with internet safety issues, provision of free on-air time for the SID anti-cyberbullying video, and organisation of various press conferences, seminars, and workshops. Anti-cyberbullying video School children with copies of Family E-Safety Toolkits The multilingual family e-safety toolkit, a joint initiative with Insafe, has been hugely successful since its launch in February 2008. The kit has been translated into eleven European languages as well as Arabic and Turkish. Over 300,000 copies have been distributed across Liberty Global’s footprint and beyond. An online version of the toolkit will be launched soon. Manuel Kohnstamm, Managing Director Public Policy & Communications, Liberty Global Europe said, “We are proud to continue our commitment to a safer internet by supporting this interactive e-safety toolkit. The internet delivers enormous opportunities but we also recognise the risks, particularly for children. Liberty Global is pleased to take the lead in promoting a safe and secure online environment for everyone.” VTR Employees Conquer the Aconcagua! Page 4 Liberty Global Launches Travellers’ Safety Policy Page 4 Feed Your Students’ Minds with AUSTAR for Schools! Page 5 Viewers Demand Improved Accessibility Features Page 6 The Bartiméus Accessibility Foundation Page 6 Back row second from right, Viviane Reding - European Commissioner for Information Society & Media, Janice Richardson – Project Manager Insafe, and Chris Hutchins - Director Public Policy Liberty Global at the Luxembourg Event CR Briefs IN Heroes Awards 2008: And the winner is… Dec 2008: Liberty Global announced the 17 winners of its employee America, and Asia Pacific – recognition programme, IN Heroes, on 5 December - United Nations making IN Heroes a truly ‘International Volunteer Day’. The awards recognise and celebrate global initiative! employees who go above and beyond the call of duty to help alleviate unmet needs in the communities where they volunteer. In 2008, 71 applications were received from 16 affiliates across Europe, The The top award of €5000 went to Yasufusa Honda, telecoms engineer at J:COM, for his over 1000 hours of volunteering at Telecom for Basic Needs (BHN Association). The Runner-Up, Rodrigo Antonio Ruiz Araya, from VTR, won € 3,000 for his volunteering efforts at Alcoholic Rehab Club MaDiVe. Furthermore 15 other winners received €1000 each for their cause. IN Heroes 2008 winner, Mr. Honda receiving a €5000 cheque for his volunteerism Congratulating the applicants, Amy Blair IN Heroes 2008 runners up Rodrigo Antonio Ruiz Araya SVP HR Liberty Global, and one of the judges said, “This is the third year we’ve done IN Heroes, and this year we have an unprecedented number of affiliates that submitted applications. I am so pleased that this employee volunteer recognition initiative has taken off, and I hope that it encourages all of our employees to have a positive impact on the world around them. Employees will be very impressed to read about the passion and commitment of their colleagues. Congratulations to all of our IN Heroes.” The awards’ judging panel included Amy Blair, Balan Nair SVP & Chief Technology Officer, Liberty Global, and Bernie Dvorak SVP & Co-Chief Financial Officer, Liberty Global. Mr. Honda volunteering at Telecoms for Basic Needs View winners list... Donations On Demand: Red Button for Red Cross Jan 2009: UPC Netherlands for the second year in a row partnered with 3FM, a popular Dutch radio station, on the 3FM Serious Request 2008 initiative and raised €125,000 for the Red Cross via the interactive Red button application. The raised amount reflects a 139% increase as compared to the 3FM Serious Request 2007 initiative. The donation was later matched by the Dutch government. The proceeds will be used for a Red Cross project - A refugee is lost without your help which supports refugee aid programmes. For the second year in a row, UPC created a special interactive application that allowed customers to donate money via their Red buttons. The campaign was promoted by a humorous TV promo. UPC is the only Dutch company that enables its viewers to donate money via their interactive remote control. View promo... 2 UPC’s 3FM Serious Request TV advertisement Liberty Global Corporate Responsibility Update Issue 04 April 2009 CR Briefs ‘Click On It Grandma’ Promos Out Now! UPC Poland Reaching Across Generations Nov 2008: UPC Hungary has launched a series of TV spots to motivate senior citizens to participate in the digital world. The one-minute testimonial spots promote UPC’s Click On It Grandma (COIG) programme, which provides free computer and internet courses to senior citizens. The spots are regularly aired on UPC’s info-channel. Each spot is an original testimonial from COIG students who talk about their motivations and experiences, a perfect way to endorse how seniors can benefit from the digital world. Since its launch in 2006, COIG has successfully trained 4000 seniors. View promo... Jan 2009: UPC Poland has partnered with Poland’s largest & most popular internet portal, Onet, and launched an online initiative, Through Generations, to help bridge the digital divide between the young & old. Through Generations encourages young Poles to support senior citizen participation in the digital world. UPC’s History from a Mouse photo competition entries The initiative was launched with an online family photo competition, History with a Mouse. The competition invited people to send in their old family photos and related stories, and received over 2,000 entries, creating a highly interesting and interactive online photo exhibition. The Through Generations initiative has proven to be very popular in Poland, with over one million visits and 200,000 unique users in the last month alone. To view some of these historic photos visit: UPC Poland, Best Company for Working Mums! UPC Hungary’s Click On It Grandma promo Telenet Donates Mobility Scooters to Public Social Assistance Centre Jan 2009: Telenet, Liberty Global’s majority owned company in Belgium, has donated three mobility scooters to the Public Social Assistance Centre in Mechelen, Belgium. The electric vehicles will enable the centre’s residents to move around and travel independently. Telenet is actively involved in supporting community initiatives in Mechelen, its headquarters base. Telenet mobility scooter 3 Feb 2009: UPC Poland has won the title of “Mother-Friendly Company” following a contest organised by one of Poland’s most popular parenting and life style magazines. The annual contest promotes organisations that support working women that balance motherhood and professional careers. Out of 400 entries, UPC Poland stood out as the most mother-friendly telecoms company offering a unique set of flexible work solutions for future and returning mums. Approximately 50% of UPC Poland employees are women, of which one third have given birth to more than one child during their employment tenure, and benefited from maternity leave, flexible work hours, part time job opportunities, and enhanced medical and financial benefits. Kinga Zagolska, HR Director UPC Poland, receiving a statuette “Mother-friendly company” from the wife of the Polish President Liberty Global Corporate Responsibility Update Issue 04 April 2009 CR Briefs The Chello Foundation to Receive €14,000 Cheque from Liberty Global VTR Employees Conquer the Aconcagua! March 2009: Liberty Global, UPC Broadband, and Chellomedia employees in the Netherlands donated their online Christmas gift allocation to raise funds for The Chello Foundation. A total amount of €7,000 was raised by the employees, which has been matched by Liberty Global to €14000. The Chello Foundation is Chellomedia’s international charity which focuses on providing educational scholarships to AIDS orphans in sub-Saharan Africa. The raised funds will cover costs such as school fees, books, uniforms and meals. America, together with a team of VTR employees staked the VTR Chello Foundation scholars Jan 2009: Mauricio Ramos, CEO of VTR & President of LGI Latin and Chilean flags into the summit of the Aconcagua Mountain in the Argentine province of Mendoza. Following 12 months of strenuous training and 10 days of arduous climbing, the 33 member team climbed the summit at 6962 meters/23,000 feet. This VTR initiative marks the ultimate achievement in team building and determination. VTR Employees conquering Aconcagua Liberty Global Launches Travellers’ Safety Policy Jan 2009: Liberty Global has introduced a Travellers’ Safety Policy for all its employees. The policy ensures that all employees travelling for business have an opportunity to monitor, both prior to and during business travel, any security related issues that may affect their safety. The policy seeks to empower employees to make an informed personal decision concerning business travel. It also enables the company to account for the welfare of employees in the unlikely event of an incident. Liberty Global has partnered with International SOS to provide its employees with travel risk advice. All employees intending to travel or actually travelling on business are advised to visit the organisation’s website ( for advice and assistance in line with the policy. For more info email: [email protected] 4 Liberty Global Corporate Responsibility Update Issue 04 April 2009 In Depth Feed Your Students’ Minds with AUSTAR for Schools! Mar 2009: AUSTAR for Schools is a free television and internet resource offered by AUSTAR, Liberty Global’s Australian affiliate, to all schools located within its satellite coverage area. The programme combines 20 of the most popular information channels offered by AUSTAR including The History Channel, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, BBC World News, National Geographic and many more. coaches from the organisation Football Development Australia visited schools and encouraged children to get active and involved in team sports, promoting a healthy active lifestyle and teamwork skills. AUSTAR has also organised healthy food workshops for home economics students in Queensland. AUSTAR together with The Lifestyle Channel invited the renowned Aboriginal chef, Mark Olive to give an insight on traditional aboriginal cooking using native Australian ingredients, and promote the importance of healthy eating. Renowned Aboriginal chef, Mark Olive, at a healthy food workshop in Queensland In South Australia, AUSTAR partnered with The Weather Channel and invited Senior Meterologist, Dick Whitaker, to present “Australia’s Natural Disasters” to students and to discuss some of the major droughts, floods, thunderstorms and tropical cyclones that had affected Australia. Dick involved students in a number of interactive weather experiments and gave them the opportunity to present the weather in front of a blue screen, just like professional weather presenters! Students at Lake Albert Public School, New South Wales, with AUSTAR for Schools Educational Grant cheque Since its launch in 2001, the programme has developed into a highly interactive initiative and offers regional schools and communities a way to engage with AUSTAR TV personalities in local situations. Each participating school is also presented with a $2000 grant to buy educational resources for the students. Every month AUSTAR for Schools partners with a thematic channel and organises interactive educational workshops. Recently, AUSTAR together with FOX SPORTS brought world class football training clinics to children in regional New South Wales schools. Professional Senior Australian Meterologist, Dick Whitaker, presenting at a school workshop One of the key objectives of AUSTAR for Schools programme is to understand and support the important issues and interest of the students, teachers, parents and wider community from a grassroots education perspective, and address these with initiatives that are in line with the core values of the AUSTAR brand. AUSTAR believes that quality education for regional Australian children is integral to the future of Australia and AUSTAR for Schools is a positive contribution to this future. Football training clinic at a school in New South Wales 5 For more on AUSTAR for Schools visit: Liberty Global Corporate Responsibility Update Issue 04 April 2009 Viewers Demand Improved Accessibility Features Jan 2009: A majority of Europeans, surveyed under the UPC Annual TV Survey, experience difficulties viewing TV text such as subtitles and teletext, and would appreciate the inclusion of zoom function, subtitle adjustment and dubbing option for all TV programming. Conducted in 11 European countries, the survey focussed on accessibility, social inclusion and healthcare through television. The survey results have reinstated the need to improve TV accessibility and subsequently increase the inclusion of all demographics, in particular the elderly and disabled. Broadband, “As part of our continuous commitment to improve our services, we have partnered with the Dutch Accessibility Foundation, a non-governmental organisation specialising in accessible media, to implement a number of accessibility features, including an electronic programme guide (EPG) that is easier to read. This survey confirms the need for such functionality, with 43% of respondents asking for a feature that I am pleased to say, UPC already offers.” Regarding accessibility, a majority of those surveyed said that the visibility of text on the TV screen, such as subtitles and Teletext, was sometimes difficult to read. Main issues relate to contrast and text size. Despite this clear need, only a small percentage of the respondents currently uses existing services, e.g. subtitling through teletext. There is a clear interest in supporting tools such as (if available) a zoom function, subtitle adjustment, choice of dubbing and voice recognition. NGO Spotlight The Bartiméus Foundation The Bartiméus Accessibility Foundation provides education, outreach and training to businesses, governments and other organizations concerning t h e a cc e s s ib i l i ty o f i n fo r m a t io n and communication technologies, including people with disabilities. The Foundation, closely related to the Bartiméus Institute for the blind in the Netherlands, focuses on people with various disabilities, ranging from visual, cognitive, hearing, and motor disabilities. Its expertise includes ‘design for all’ accessibility features for various multimedia platforms. For more information visit: Accessibility features enhance viewers’ TV experience According to Andrew Kearney, VP TV Products, UPC CR Headlines • Oct 2008: UPC Romania sponsored fourth Halloween Charity Ball to fundraise for underprivileged children. • Dec 2008: UPC Austria donated EUR 10,000 to buy warm winter boots for underprivileged Austrian children. • Dec 2008: The autumn-edition of UPC Poland’s, e-Senior Academy, was completed. Over 1,000 seniors have been trained in 2008. • Feb 2009: Two cablecom employees, Maimona Diakite and Damir Djuric, volunteered to support the Swiss Team at the Special Olympics World Winter Games 2009 in Idaho. Our CR Strategy Liberty Global recently established its Corporate Responsibility (CR) strategy for the years to come. The strategy focuses on seven issue areas. ‘Digital confidence’ lies at the heart: including everyone in the digital world. We also want people to feel safe and protected in the digital world, so we are ‘protecting minors’ and we are safeguarding our ‘customers’ privacy’ and the security of their data. Our responsibilities go beyond this; so we are also looking at how we can reduce our ‘environmental impact’ and building a ‘responsible supply chain’. And, we are focusing on ‘treating our employees well’ and ‘selling and marketing our products responsibly’. The Liberty Global Corporate Responsibility Update is a quarterly publication. For more information & feedback please email: [email protected] Editors: Asra Fareed, Bert Holtkamp, Hanne Wolf and Roy Sharone. 6 Liberty Global Corporate Responsibility Update Issue 04 April 2009
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