Pastor Vote Timeline
Pastor Vote Timeline
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Pat Lee reached out to friends she had at Parkw ay and they verified everything Lisa w as told. The search team decided to get more inform ation about him , w e interviewed in person and by phone Dan Parker the Pastor of Parkw ay; w e also researched and listened to some of his sermons in the pulpit. Recently the M en’s ministry attended a m eeting at Ridgedale Baptist Church; this just happens to be the church that Tony is presently the Youth M inister at. As a team w e decided that w e w ould pursue Tony and find out if he w as indeed as interested in M t. View as w e w ere in him . W e m et w ith Tony and his w ife Lana for over 5 hours on Saturday M arch 16 th . They w ere as comfortable w ith us as w e w ere w ith them . Everyone left feeling that G od had indeed put us together! Sr. Pastor Search Team Rev. Anthony R Leonard 7143 Tyner Crossing Drive Chattanooga, TN 37421 Work:423-499-0994 Home:423-421-1322 E-mail:[email protected] Ministry Objective To serve as pastor in a church with the opportunity to share the truth of God’s Word through preaching/teaching and guiding a congregation to realize and pursue the calling of making disciples. During more than 20 years experience in ministry, God has given me opportunities to serve in capacities outside the area of student and recreation ministries. Opportunities to serve such as preaching, counseling, pastoral care, missions, and leadership have given me invaluable experience as well as created a deep desire to serve in the local church as pastor to families. Personal Information: Born: 1965, Rome, GA Ordained to the Ministry: 1993 by Bethesda Baptist Church of Burleson, TX. Marital Status: Married Spouse: Lana Garner Leonard Children: Madison Leonard, Born 1994 Megan Leonard, Born 1996 Macy Leonard, Born 2001 Education: Seminary: Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Graduated 1993, Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages College: Shorter College, Graduated 1988, BS Math Education Church Related Experience: Minister to Recreation/Students Ridgedale Baptist Church, Chattanooga, TN, From 2002 To 2013 * Began as minister of recreation in 2002. * Transitioned to minister of students in 2005. * Membership of 2400. During ministry in recreation, initiated outreach through sports leagues for children and adults. * Each year the recreation ministry reached out to more than 1500 participants. * Administration of sports facilities included two softball fields, gymnasium, ropes course, and swimming pool. * Leading student ministry of more than 200 students annually. * Administrating yearly budget of $45000. * Renovating student facility on three occasions due to growth in student ministry. * Led mission trips to Philadelphia, Denver, Montana, Jacksonville, New Orleans, and Peru. * Plan and speak weekly in youth worship to 70-80 students. * Participated in leadership with Bible in the Schools program and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. *Share devotions at community functions. *Speak at school chapels. * Provide counseling with students and parents. * Hosted quarterly youth worship services for more than 200 students from five churches. * Served on team to create additional contemporary worship service. *Planned and preached monthly sermons series in contemporary worship. * Served on church’s Vision 2015 team and Transition team for retiring pastor. * Responsible for recruitment of church ministry teams. * Planned and led church-wide mission trips to Greece and Brazil. * Served on weekly planning team for worship. * Ministered in benevolent situations. * Involve and lead students in community service and ministry. *Served as pastor for baptism of all ages and Lord’s Supper. * Performed wedding ceremonies and funeral services. * Started and taught young married Sunday School class. Minister to Students Hermitage Hills Baptist Church, Hermitage, TN, From 1997 To 2002 * Experience included leading student ministry with more than 200 students. * Church membership of 2000 average * Hosted and preached at local community center weekly. * Led volunteer youth workers in training and lesson preparation. * Coordinated and led youth mission trips to Alabama, Michigan, Florida and Brazil. * Certified and pastor leader in evangelism training, “Share Jesus with Fear” and FAITH. * Served as pastor in ordinances of baptism and Lord’s Supper. * Participated in developmental team for student discipleship material at LifeWay. * Conference speaker/facilitator for LifeWay at Ridgecrest and Glorietta. * Shared ministerial responsibilities with other staff during interim period when church was without a pastor. Lexington Baptist Church, Lexington, SC, From 1993 To 1997 * Church membership of 2000 average. * Experience included leading student ministry with more than 300 students annually. * Planned and supervised occupation of new building project for worship and student ministry. * Coordinated intramural sports league teams. * Guided church during disaster recovery clean-up. * Coordinated community weekend retreat for five churches. * Planned and led mission trips to Wisconsin and West Virginia. * Shared ministerial responsibilities with other staff during interim period when church was without a pastor. Secular Work Experience: Teacher Calhoun High School, Calhoun, GA, From 1989 To 1990 Math teacher, Assistant Football Coach and Girls Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach Red Bud High School, Calhoun, GA, From 1988 To 1989 Math teacher, Girls Varisty Basketball coach Testimony and Calling At the age of 12, I accepted Christ as my Savior and Lord. With the influence of strong Christian parents and the Southern Baptist Church we attended, I realized that being good was not enough to earn God's favor. It was through the counsel of my mother that I realized I could never do enough to gain my salvation. A passage that has been very important to me has been Ephesians 2:8-9. It is only by God's grace that I can receive His forgiveness and eternal life. My life has been an exciting journey of faith as I have grown in my relationship with Christ. As I have grown in my faith I find myself constantly in awe of the love of God. It is my goal in life to make much of the Savior who died for me. During my freshman year of college I began to serve in ministry as part time youth minister. Upon graduation I determined my ministry would be to teenagers in the classroom. I taught high school math and coached basketball and football. Through much prayer, my wife and I felt God's leadership to serve in a full time pastoral role in the local church. God has truly blessed our experience. I believe ministry is my opportunity to join with God in His kingdom work. It is a privilege for me to be able to share His love and truth. The role of every believer is to be a missionary to their world. Everyday is an opportunity to witness to those in need wherever we may be. Leonard Family Bio Lana and Tony have been married for 24 years. Lana has taught elementary school for 16 years. She graduated from Shorter College in Rome, GA where she met Tony. Tony and Lana have three daughters: Madison, Megan and Macy. Madison will graduate this year from high school with plans to study elementary education at Carson Newman University. Megan is completing her 11th grade year of school. Macy will be finishing her first year of middle school. All three girls enjoy playing volleyball, shopping at the mall, and relaxing at the beach. ! ! ! "#$%!&'!'(&#)*!+',-!)*.',+#&)'*! 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The congregation will vote on the following: Receiving new members via open vote. · Annual church budget via open vote. · Building programs via open vote · Acquiring and selling property via open vote · Pastor and ministerial staff positions via ballot vote (for percentages see sections on staff). · Election of elders and deacons via ballot vote (for percentages see sections on elders and deacons). · Church discipline issues via an open three-fourths vote. Section 4. Ministerial Staff The church shall call or employ staff members to work with the pastor and the lay leadership in fulfilling the churchʼs vision, purpose and mission. The search for ministerial staff (a new position or vacancy) will be conducted by the elders and Personnel Committee. The elders shall present the candidate to the church body. Election will be by ballot. A three-fourths vote of members present is necessary for approval. Ministerial staff members may terminate by resignation or by recommendation of the elders and Personnel Committee and a majority vote of the church. If someone or some body other than the elders make this recommendation, then a 90% vote is required. The Personnel Committee will prepare a job description for each ministerial staff position. ! ! ! SAMPLE BALLOT April 14, 2013 ! !"#$$%"&'(&")&"!*"+,-./"0)%%"#,1"2&"3)$0"4(5&)/&"6'718'"&,"6(%%"" 9(/&,1":,;<"=$,;(1-"(/"*$;),1"9(/&,1" " ! !"#$$%"&'(&")&")/">?:"+,-./"0)%%"#,1"2&"3)$0"4(5&)/&"6'718'"&,"6(%%" 9(/&,1":,;<"=$,;(1-"(/"*$;),1"9(/&,1"