Mullane Healy O`Brien Irish Dance Academy Mullane Healy O`Brien
Mullane Healy O`Brien Irish Dance Academy Mullane Healy O`Brien
Mullane Healy O’Brien Irish Dance Academy 2009-2010 Class Schedule 773.775.9807 We are proud to pass along our love of Irish Dancing to your children. In the Mullane Healy O’Brien Academy you will find a hardworking— yet fun atmosphere, from both the teachers and the students. For nearly 25 years, the Mullane Healy O’Brien Academy has strived to instill in each child a sense of confidence- from our World Champion decorated dancers, to our young beginners and tots - with the Mullane Healy O’Brien Academy each dancer receives the attention and instruction that they deserve. You will observe that Irish Dancing has many wonderful qualities that motivate children: from the joy of learning new steps, to performing routines at the Annual Recital, to winning that first medal, to working as a team, to sharing the fun with your new friends. For 24 years we have taught children to love dance for all of its wonderful qualities - and we look forward to our 25 th year ... The Mullane Healy O’Brien Booster Club was established to support the dancers within the Academy in many different ways. Proceeds from hosting the annual Mullane Healy O’Brien Feis, the Halloween Feis, and the Night of Shenanigans, are used for the sole purpose of providing support for the dancers and promoting school unity. Just look at some of the financial assistance and events that the Booster Club provides and will be providing i n 2 0 0 9 - 1 0 for the Academy: This year we ask all new families to join the Booster Club. The annual dues for a family is $20 for Tot, Beginner 1, Beginner 2, and Recreational dancers, and $40 for Novice dancers and higher - which is remarkably less then many other Irish Dance Academies that are the same size and stature of MHoB. It is important that the Booster Club includes the support of all the families of the Academy not only through your dues but also through your participation in helping create great memories and friendships for our dancers. For nearly 25 years, the Mullane family has been synonymous with Irish dancing in the Chicago area. First established in 1985, Mike, Mary, Billy, and Peggy, nurtured the Academy into one of the largest and most decorated dancing schools in the Chicago Area winning 12 North American Championship titles, along with All-Ireland and World placings. Michael Mullane is the current President of the Irish Dance Teachers Association of North America, and travels to Dublin often as Vice-President of An Coimisiun le Rince Gaelacha. Mary Alice and Peggy, when not in the studio perfecting solos and team dancing, teach at a local Catholic grammar school. In 2002, Gary Healy, began teaching in the Chicago area and in a very short space of time, his commitment to excellence transformed dancers onto the international scene winning regional and national team titles for both solo and team events. At the age of eighteen, Gary moved from Birmingham, England to Glasgow to study law at the prestigious University of Glasgow Law School, where he graduated with honors in European Union Law in 1997. Gary is a licensed attorney. As a dancer, Gary has won the All-Scotland, British National, Great Britain, All-Ireland and retired from competitive Irish dancing in 1998 after winning the Senior Men's World Championship title. Breda O'Brien originally from County Galway, Ireland, was the founder of the very successful O'Brien School in Galway, which from 1988 through 2004 produced over twenty one All-Ireland and World Champion dancers. Breda is very highly respected teacher and adjudicator within 'An Coimisun le Rince Gaelacha' and has adjudicated throughout the world and officiated at the All- Ireland and World Championships on many occasions. Breda recently adjudicated at the 2009 All-Ireland Irish Dance Championships. The Academy is also pleased to have Eanna Ryan from Galway, Ireland on staff. Eanna is a World Champion, and has recently received his TCRG certificate from An Coimisiun le Rince Gaelacha. Eanna, who is toured internationally with Riverdance, will be teaching throughout the Fall in advance of the Regional Irish Dance Championships. The Academy wants each dancer to be comfortable, yet challenged in their class selection. In addition to the Tot Class, this year the Academy will offer four different class selections. If there is a question on class placement, please discuss with the teaching staff. Tots: New dancers who are three and four years of age. Dancers who master the basic jig and reel will be moved into the Beginner class regardless of age Level 1: Level 1 classes are designed for our Beginner and Advanced Beginners in their first and second year of dance (excluding Tot classes) and wish to attend class once a week. Dances taught will be the light jig, reel, slip-jig, and single jig. Level 2: Level 2 classes are designed for our dancers who will compete at the Beginner 1, Beginner 2, (and possibly have a dance or two in Novice) and who wish to attend class twice a week. Level 3: Level 3 classes are designed for dancers who compete at the Novice/Prizewinner level at an open feis and will attend class twice a week. Level 4: Level 4 classes are designed for dancers who will be competing in Preliminary and Open Championships. These dancers will attend class twice a week. Recreational: This class is designed for our dancers who love to dance but who do not wish to compete in an open Feis at this time. To participate in the Recreational Class, dancers should have had lessons for a minimum of three years (excluding tot classes) and know the basic hard shoe dances. These dancers will attend class once a week. Level Per Session Fee Tots 4 payments @ $105.00 each or or Annual Fee if Paid by 8/24 $400.00 Level 1 4 payments @ $132.00 each or $500.00 Level 2 4 payments @ $220.00 each or $850.00 Level 3 4 payments @ $250.00 each or $950.00 Level 4 4 payments @ $260.00 each or $990.00 Recreational Class 4 payments @ $132.00 each or $500.00 Registration fee: $50.00 per family 1st and 2nd children in family pay full price. 3rd child in family pay 50% and 4th child is free. Pay the Yearly Tuition Fee and receive a discount Late fee is $50.00 and Non-Sufficient funds fee (Returned checks) $50.00 There are no refunds if paying by the year after the start of classes, or after the start of a Session if paying by the Session If you attend an extra class you need to pay $20.00 to that teacher at that location. TUITION SCHEDULE Payment 1 due week of August 20th Payment 2 due week of October 1st Payment 3 Payment 4 due week of January 17th due week of March 1st There are two ways to Register. Walk In Registration will be held in Elmhurst and Edison Park on Thursday, August 20th, from 5:00-8:00 pm. We invite you to come to either Studio and register. The teaching staff will be available to answer any questions. Mail-In Registration can be handled by completing the attached Registration form and sending it to the Academy Walk-in Registration - August 20th - 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm 2010 2009 Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Week of August 24th Week of August 30th Week of September 6th Week of September 13th Week of September 20th Week of September 27th Week of October 4th Week of October 11th Week of October 18th Week of October 25th Week of November 1st Week of November 8th Week of November 15th Week of November 22nd Thanksgiving Break Week of November 22nd - Oireachtas Practice Only Week Week Week 14 15 16 Week of November 29th Week of December 6th Week of December 13th Week of December 20th Christmas Break Week of December 27th New Year’s Break Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Week of January 3rd Week of January 10th Week of January 24th Week of January 31st Week of February 7th Week of February 14th Week of February 21st Week of February 28th Week of March 7th Week of March 14th Week of March 21st Week of March 28th World Dance Championships Break Week of April 4th- Easter Break Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Week of April 11th Week of April 18th Week of April 25th Week of May 2nd Week of May 9th Week of May 16th Week of May 23rd Week of May 30th Week of June 6th Week of June 13th ATE D E H June 20th-June 29th National Classes VE T - SA July 19-24th MHOB Workshop for all Dancers August, 2009 October, 2009 November 22, 2009 November, 2009 December 12, 2009 February, 2010 March, 2010 April, 2010 June, 2010 June, 2010 July, 2010 420A North York Road Elmhurst, IL Registration and Welcome Back to Class Week Mullane Healy O’Brien Booster Club Halloween Feis (Dance Competition) MHOB Class Feis and Regional Championship Rehearsal Regional Irish Dance Championshipss Booster Club Christmas Party All-Ireland Dance Championships - Killarney, Ireland St. Patrick’s Day Events - Parades, Performances, etc World Championships of Irish Dance - Glasgow, Scotland “Dancin’ on the Pier” - Academy Recital - Navy Pier Skyline Stage Mullane Healy O’Brien Booster Club Feis North American Irish Dance Championships - Orlando, FL 7233W. Touhy (at Harlem) Chicago, IL 60631 6119 W 147th Avenue Oak Forest, IL 60452 2411 W Central Park Davenport, IA 5:00-5:45 5:45-6:45 6:45-7:45 7:45-9:00 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 4:30-5:15 5:15-6:00 Tot Level 1 5:00-5:45 5:45-6:45 6:45-7:45 7:45-9:00 Recreational Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 5:00-5:45 5:45-6:45 6:45-7:45 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 6:00-7:00 7:00-8:30 Recreational Level 4 5:15-5:45 5:45-6:30 Tots Level 1 5:45-6:30 6:30-7:30 7:30-8:30 Boys Class and Level 2 Level 3 Traditional Set Class (Start Date To Be Announced) 4:00 - 5.30 5.30 - 7.30 7.30 - 9.30 Level 2 Level 4 Level 4 4:00 - 530 5.30 - 6.30 7:00 - 8.30 Level 3 Level 1 (New beginners must join this class time) Level 3 5.30 - 7.30 7.30 - 9.30 4:00 - 5.30 5.30 - 7:00 7:00 - 8.30 Level 4 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 3 5:00-6:30 All competitive levels 10:00-10:45 10:45-11:45 11:45-12:45 Tots and Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 and Level 4 To Be Announced Shortly To be Announced Shortly 773.775.9807 The Mullane Healy O’Brien Irish Dance Academy Registration 2009-2010 Before registering, please refer to the brochure and class insert for information about classes. k By Mail: In Person: k Complete the Registration Form, include your Registration Fee and Tuition Payment, and mail to the Address below, or August 20, 2009 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Edison Park and Elmhurst 1. Please provide FAMILY information FAMILY NAME: __________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ CITY: __________________________ ZIP ___________________ PHONE: (_______)_________________ MOBILE (_______)_______________ PARENTS / GRDN __________________________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________ ALTERNATE EMAIL: __________________________________________________ PRIMARY STUDIO: EDISON PARK ELMHURST GAELIC PARK QUAD CITY (circle one) 2. Please provide DANCER(s) information _______________ Birthdate ______/______/______ in Level# _________ (first name) Tuition Fee $___________ Session or Year (see brochure) (circle one) _______________ Birthdate ______/______/______ in Level# _________ Tuition Fee $___________ Session or Year _______________ Birthdate ______/______/______ in Level# _________ Tuition Fee $___________ Session or Year _______________ Birthdate ______/______/______ in Level# _________ Tuition Fee $___________ Session or Year rd Please note that the first two children in a family pay the tuition, the 3 child pays 50% tuition, and all subsequent children are complimentary. Under the 4 Installments, each installment is due on the date listed in the brochure. 3. Please provide FEE information Total Family Tuition Fee $__________________ Academy Registration Fee $__________________($50 family) TOTAL $__________________ o o Cash or Check #_______ Credit Card: Visa MasterCard Please note that all families are required to pay the Registration Fee. In addition, the Yearly all 1st Session Fee must be included at the time of registration. American Express Name: ___________________________________________________ Card#: Expiration Date: _________/_________ We, the staff at Mullane Healy O’Brien Academy (MHOB), recognize our obligation to make sure our students and their parents are aware of the risks and hazards involved in any form of physical activity like dance. By signing this waiver, you release (MHOB) and all its teachers from all claims on account of any injury which may be sustained while attending any MHOB dance class, event associated with MHOB or outside MHOB performance. In signing this waiver, you acknowledge that the above enrolled dancers knowingly and voluntarily assume the risk of injury and agree that MHOB and their instructors are not liable for personal injuries that a student may suffer during class or at any related function. __________________________________________________ _____________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE DATE
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