No.198 April2009(PDF:1165KB)
No.198 April2009(PDF:1165KB)
SHIBUKAWA CURRENT Shibukawa International Association 198th Edition, April 2009 Best Viewing Spots さくら めいしょ Hello Everyone ! ( 桜 の名所) City Office grounds Bando Bridge Shiroi-juku Nagamine Park Sougo Kouen park Konzo-ji Onogmi Onsen Park I hope you have already started flower viewing. Cherry blossom Modori-to-Mizu-Kouen spring but the beginning of the new academic year as the Japanese Shinkou Temple school year starts in April. It also signifies the new fiscal year for Shoren-ji businesses. Cherry blossoms are symbols of a bright future. They will Shibukawa park last about two weeks. viewing is a Japanese traditional spring event when people enjoy cherry blossoms. During this season you can find people gathered under the cherry tress, eating picnic lunches, drinking sake, viewing the cherry blossoms and having a great time. Cherry blossoms in full bloom are especially beautiful in the evening. The blooming of cherry blossoms signifies not only the arrival of ★★★★★★★★★★ Although this time is superb for flower viewing, for people who have hay fever, it is the worst time of the year! Just go out with a flu mask and a cap, and that will be fine!! Supplementary Income Payments ていがくきゅうふかね し は ら 定額給付金の支払い The Japanese Government will provide a supplementary income payment (teigaku kyufukin) in order to stimulate the economy to all residents, including foreign residents who have a visa, excluding short-term (holiday) visas and illegal residents. ★ Those 18 or younger and 65 and over are to receive ¥20,000 each. ★ Everyone else will receive ¥12,000 each. Shibukawa City-Local Finance Section will send out supplementary income payment application forms in early April to all those who are eligible. Once you receive the application form, please fill it out and send it in. Supplementary income payments will be carried out via bank transfer in mid-May. Saku Power Plant Site さ く は つ で ん し ょ さくら (佐 久 発 電 所 の 桜 ) In spring about 200 cherry trees are in full bloom from the Makabe adjustment pond to Saku power plant. ( Peak season: early through mid-April, 20 min bus ride from JR Shibukawa Station ) Strawberry Picking か (いちご狩り In the Akagi and Komochi area, from now until the end of May, strawberry patches are open for public picking. For a small fee you can pick strawberries. There are also small shops that sell strawberries and delicious strawberry sherbet. ( 15 min drive from Shibukawa IC, Kan Etsu hgwy ) -1- Living Guide せ いか つ (生活ガイド) に ほ ん ご き ょ う し つ Japanese Lessons ( 日 本 語 教 室 ) Tel: 0279-22-2396 for details Learn Japanese in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Shibukawa International Association provides Japanese lessons ( Basic Japanese conversation, Hiragana, Katakana and Elementary Kanji ) for foreign residents. These classes will be held from May 12, 2009 to March 16, 2010 at Chuo Kouminkan. It is a good opportunity for you to learn various things about Japan and make friends. ※ Morning Session: May 12, 2009 to March 16, 2010. ( about 28 classes) ( 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of each month, except August) ※ Time: 10am - 11:30am ※ Night Session: May 12, 2009 to March 16, 2010. ( about 28 classes) ( 1st 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of each month, except August) ※ Time: 7pm to 8:30pm ※ Fee: ¥3000 Japanese Lessons ( 日 本 語 教 室 ) にほんごきょうしつ (Shibukawa Hokkitsu Hoken Center ) Take advantage of the Japanese lessons ( Basic Japanese conversation, Hiragana, Katakana and Elementary Kanji) at Shibukawa Hokkitsu Center. It is also a good chance to you to discuss any of your problems related to your daly life. Lessons Time: 10:30am - 11:30am (1st Tue of each month) Consultation Time: 11:30am - noon ( after Lessons) Charge: ¥1000 ( for all classes, excluding materials) Please call the Shibukawa International Association for more information Tel: 0279-22-2396 Child Allowance じ ど う て あ て (児童手当) Child allowance is paid by the development and support of their children. The allowance is paid for children until March 31st after their 12th birthday. Children of foreigners who have legal residence status also have the chance to get the child allowance. The 1st child ¥ 5000 The 2nd child ¥ 5000 The 3rd child ¥ 10000 For further information please Evacuation Site ひなんじょ (避難所) Please keep in mind that an earthquake can happen at any time or any season and give no advance warning. Please check in advance the location of evacuation site in your area. -2- contact your local municipal office or Shibukawa International Association Tel: 22-2396 Events (イ ベ ン ト ) Ikaho Green Park Free Entry Pass to Skyland Park しみんとくべつむりょうけん い (市 民 特 別 無 料 券 プ レ ゼ ン ト ) Free entry coupons are distributed with the monthly Shibukawa Koho, March 15 issue. The holder can use the entry pass until June 30th. The Skyland Park has a large parking lot and when you pass through the main gate you can find yourselves in a land of dreams that thrills both children and adults. You can also enjoy the 360-degree panorama of Shibukawa. On May 2nd - 6th. There will be a bingo contest, you possibly win prizes. There are also several free character show for children. ( It is advised that cars be parked at the designated area.) . か ほ ぼくじょう (伊香保グリーン牧 場) Take advantage of the beautiful crisp weather of spring by visiting Ikaho Park. There you can enjoy playing with animals, various outdoor sports, milking cows, and sheepdog races. Swimming Exercise しみんすいちゅうけんこう きょうしつ (市民水中健康づくり教 室) Shibukawa Sky Therme will hold swimming exercise classes on April 24th - May 29th ( every Friday, 5 times, except May 1st) at 10am - noon. Limit: 15 people ( first come, first-served basis) Sweets Dumpling Making Charge: ¥500 ( In addition the charge will be かしわもちづく (柏 餅 作り) This class will be held on April 27th ( Mon ) 10am-12:30pm at Shibukawa Toubu Kouminkan. It is a good opportunity for you to learn how to make a Japanese traditional sweets dumpling. Please bring apron, small towel, head cover and dish towel. Limit: 16 people ( first come, first-served basis) Fee: ¥600 Sign-up: from April 15 ( Tue) Tel: 22-4321 (for details) half of the original charge as an entrance fee ) Tel: 22-2104 ( for details) For Movie funs えいがかんしょうかい (映 画 鑑 賞 会) The Shibukawa City Library will give a free Canadian movie showing on April 19th from 2pm. Content: Bureikingu Koppusu ( Bon Cop, Bad Cop) Tel: 22-0644 ( for details) Potted Miniature Rose ( 春 の 寄 せ 植 え ) はる よ う The Shibukawa Toubu Kouminkan will hold a miniature roses planting class. It will be held on April 28th ( Tue) 10am-noon. Please bring apron and a bag for bring them home. It's fun!! So come join us! Limit: 16 people Charge: ¥1500 Sign-up will be held during April 16th-24th Tel: 22-4321 ( for more information ) . -3- Health Information ( 健 康 情 報 けんこうじょうほう Symptoms of Hay Fever ( 花 粉 症 の 症 かふんしょう しょうじょう 状) According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government about 16 percent of people living in Japan suffer from hay fever, an allergic reaction to pollen from Japanese cedars. Typical symptoms include sneezing, stuffy nose or a runny nose, itchy or watery eyes and itchy nose and eyes. If you have these symptoms in spring, you probably have hay fever. Signs of hay fever are similar to signs of a common cold. If you change your lifestyle a bit, it will help clear up your symptoms. ★ Keep windows closed in your home and car. Avoid outside activities during windy days. Don't hang clothing outdoors to dry. Wear glasses. Wearing a flu mask is also effective. A flu mask can reduce pollen entering the nasal cavity. ★ Woolen clothes have a tendency to carry pollen. ★ Washing nose and eyes is sometimes effective to reduce symptoms. ★ ★ ★ ★ In Case of Robbery or Accident きんきゅう (緊 急なときに) If you are involved in a crime such as a robbery or in an accident, call the police. The phone number is 110. Tell the policeman "Dorobo ni hairaremashita" ( My house was burglarized) , or "Kotsu jiko ga okimashita" ( I had a traffic accident ) . い が く よ う ご Useful Medical Terms( 医 学 用 語 ) Japanese Roman English は なみ ず 鼻水 く しゃみ かゆ 痒 い せき 咳 ねつ 熱 hanamizu kushami kayui seki netsu a running nose sneeze itchy cough fever Explain when and where it took place and what happened. You can call "119" or "110" free of charge. You don’ t need a 10-yen coin or a phone card from a payphone. きんきゅうでんわ Emergency Telephone( 緊急電話) びょういん Ambulance し病 院 119 ょうぼうしゃ Fire brigade 消 防 車 〃 けい さつ Police 警察 110 Counselling Service for Foreigners ( 外 国 人 生 活 相 談 窓 口 の 案 内 ) がいこくじんせいかつそうだんまどぐち あ んな い This service is available every Thursday from 1:00pm to 3:00pm at Shibukawa City office. It is a good chance for you to discuss any of your problem related to your daily life. It's free and all consultations are kept completely confidential. So please don't hesitate to contact us. Information ( お 問 い 合 わ せ ) と あ Shibukawa City Office Planning Division 80 Ishihara, Shibukawa City TEL: 0279-22-2396 FAX: 0279-24-6541 Email: [email protected] Staff: Mr. Igarashi, Mr. Sakuma, Mr. Kato, Mrs. Sarwar -4- -5-