Wild Rose Fall 2015 Newsletter


Wild Rose Fall 2015 Newsletter
Wild Rose Fall 2015 Newsletter
Mark Your Calendars
Starting Date or Date
Youth and Kids’ Zone start
September 13
10:00 am
Church Picnic
September 13
11:45 am
Bible Study
September 15
1:00 pm
September 9
11:30 am
Soup’s On
September 9
12:00 pm
Choir Practice
September 10
7:00 pm
Naked Faith
September 18
6:00 pm Worship 7:00 pm
Arnica Lake Hike
September 19
Check Bulletin for details
Work bee
September 19
All Candidates Forum
September 23
7:00 pm
Getting To Know Us
September 27
Following worship service
Men’s Breakfast
October 3
8:00 am
Naked Faith Band / Potluck Lunch
October 4
During and after the service
Faith and Family Stampeders
October 10
5:00 pm
What do we believe?
October 19
7:00 pm
Halloween Dance Northminster
United Church
October 24
7:00 pm
What do we believe?
October 26
7:00 pm
Potluck Lunch / Tea for Two
November 1
Following worship service
What do we believe?
November 2
7:00 pm
Men’s Breakfast
November 7
8:00 am
Fall Dinner
November 14
5:00 and 6:30 settings
Naked Faith
November 20
6:00 pm Worship 7:00 pm
Confirmation Sunday
November 22
During worship service
Bake Sale (Youth Fundraiser)
November 29
Following worship service
Men’s Breakfast
December 5
8:00 am
Potluck Lunch
December 6
Following worship service
Wild Bunch Dinner
December 12
Christmas Pageant
December 13
During worship service
** Weekly
More information on these Activities can be found on www.wildroseunited.ca or call the church
office at 403-277-5576
The Kids’ Zone
September 13 our Sunday morning children’s program starts! All
children ages 4 to grade 6 are invited to participate.
support others in need and how
each of us is called to act based on
our faith.
The hands-on lessons have the
same focus as worship but use
games, art, science, drama, cooking or storytelling to explore characters, their relationship to God
and its lessons for today.
This September we begin by looking at four of our stained-glass
windows and the stories each depicts through art.
Leaders in The Kids’ Zone are our
Children’s Workers: Merlita Valeza,
Caryn Salageanu and Pat Shier
our Family Minister. They love
spending time with the children and
leading activities that can help
them deepen their faith. We find
consistent teachers to help build
relationships between the adults
and children.
Please fill out registration form: the
form includes questions about al-
After Thanksgiving our focus will
be on thankfulness, giving back to
lergies, and helping us better meet
the needs of your children. The
forms help us determine who may
have behavioural or learning concerns so we can take these into
consideration when selecting activities for lessons thus helping us
support all children at Wild Rose.
To be able to summon parents discreetly if they are needed during
worship, we ask parents to provide
a cell number where they can be
reached by text. Registration forms
will be available at the church, or
can be emailed to you. For more
information please contact Pat at
[email protected].
Parents and young children will be
happy to know that the caregivers
in our Nursery are returning this
fall. Our experienced staff of Lauren Bergeson, Isabella Haines and
Rebecka Hocevar care for babies
to 3 year olds. Filling in periodically
will be Adrian Rumson. To be able
to summon parents discreetly if
they are needed during worship,
we ask parents to provide a cell
number where they can be reached
by text.
Faith and Family Night
Thanksgiving weekend the Calgary
Stampeders take on the Edmonton
Eskimos in a Labour Day classic
rematch. Join other fans from Wild
Rose United Church at the game
on Saturday, October 10 at 5:00.
This is the third year for this church
event sponsored by the Stamps
and Shine FM. It is a great way to
watch a game for $20 each and
afterwards all churches and congregations are invited down to the
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field to meet players and have a
group photo. Doesn’t that sound
How do you and your family or
friends participate? Get your tickets through Wild Rose by paying
$20 per ticket ahead of time either
on a Sunday or by popping in to
the church office. The more who
sign up by September 14th, the
larger our block of held tickets will
be for those who are still making
long weekend plans. Note the final
ticket order date is October 1st.
Watch for free Stamps fan promotional items at our church picnic!
Wild Rose Fall 2015 Newsletter
What Do We Believe?
This three-part discussion series is
an opportunity to explore United
Church of Canada’s beliefs and
your own. Geoffrey will be leading
discussions about our church, what
it believes, why, and how the
church lives out its beliefs, and ask
you to compare these to what your
faith looks like. If you are from another denomination, faith, or are
new to church, this may help you
discern whether the UCC feels like
“home” or not. Even if you have
been attending Wild Rose for some
time, this series will provide an
opportunity to discuss your faith and
exchange ideas in an open and accepting group. These sessions will
help those who are considering becoming members this fall or in the
future. Those who have questions and
would like open discussion about
church, spirituality and justice, we
hope you come. Discussions will be
Mondays, October 19 and 26 and November 2, starting at 7:00. We will
celebrate new members on during
worship on November 22.
The Great Date Experiment
If you are in a romantic relationship, you will know the importance of having fun together as
a couple. But it can be hard to be creative and also set aside time to make your relationship
a priority. We hope you will pick up a sealed envelope that leads you through an evening
where your relationship is nurtured by a great date! In October, stop by the white board in
Wild Rose Hall for your sealed envelope of The Great Date Experiment. Then you choose
one night to go our as a couple and if you have children, get a babysitter. That evening take
the envelope with you and follow the directions inside it; you will find 6 steps for your date. Do not look at the
next step before completing the one before it. Have a Great Date
This fall, youth at Wild Rose have
the opportunity to learn about their
faith, develop skills, gain insights
and experiences which will help
them to consider confirmation. As
Christians, the faith journey begins
with baptism, and as faith deepens
and changes, youth are invited to
explore their faith with other youth
from Wild Rose and Northminster
United Church and adult mentors.
The program includes four discus-
sion/learning sessions after church,
conversations with their mentor
and a group volunteer commitment
outside of the discussion sessions.
Then they will be asked if they
would like to confirm their faith and
become members of Wild Rose
United Church.
The confirmation program is intended for youth who are in grade
7 or older, who have questions
about their faith, and would like to
learn more about it and themselves. If the youth in your family is
interested, please contact the
church office at 277-5576 or
[email protected] and a
staff person will contact you about
the upcoming program that will run
in October and November.
To celebrate the success of this summers hiking series an encore hike is schedules for September 19. The
hike will be to Arnica Lake. Difficulty:5/5. One km one way; 120m elevation loss; 580 m elevation gain; 5
hour round trip. Trailhead: Vista Lake Viewpoint on Highway 93 South, 8 km west of Castle Junction. Lose
elevation before you gain it en route to Arnica Lake; the views and variety make this destination worth the
ups and downs. Larches. http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/pn-np/ab/banff/activ/randonee-hiking/lakelouise.aspx
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Wild Rose Fall 2015 Newsletter
Youth Fall Schedule
Time and Place
Naked Faith
September 18
Wild Rose 6:00-10:30 pm
Kick off with Dinner
September 19
Wild Rose 6:00 pm
Board Games Night
September 26
Wild Rose 6:30-8:30 pm
Senior High Coffee
October 2
Wild Rose 7:00-9:00 pm
October 4
Wild Rose 12:00 pm
Naked Faith
October 16
Location TBA 6:00-10:30 pm
Oct 18
Northminster 12:00 pm
Halloween Dance
October 24
Northminster 7:00–10:00 pm
Junior High Night
October 30
Northminster 7:00-9:00pm
Senior High Night
November 6
Tea Funny 7:00-9:00 pm
Christmas Craft Fair
Friday and Saturday
November 13 and 14
Northminster Time: TBA
November 15
Wild Rose 12:00 pm
Naked Faith
November 20
Wild Rose 6:00 pm
Confirmation Sunday
November 22
During Worship Service
Junior High Night
November 28
Northminster United
Youth Bake Sale
November 29
Wild Rose
Christmas Party
December 5
Zoo Lights
December 11
6:00 pm
Naked Faith
December 18
6:00 pm location TBA
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Improvements At The Church During The Summer
A visitor to the church would have seen welcome signs that we were renovating and improving things around
here. Specifically, the north and south sanctuary walls next the Narthex have been repaired and painted. The
street-level entryway on 1st Street has been repaired and painted. The brides’ room has been repainted and the
stairway leading in from 1st Street has also been retouched. The exterior doors to the sanctuary and Centennial
Hall have repainted.
In addition, the kitchen has been scrubbed from top to bottom, and the floors stripped and refinished. The carpets in the narthex and the downstairs have been cleaned.
We have also been quietly at work improving our office systems and equipment. The Family Minister’s computer
has been replaced. We have been looking into new phone systems that will enable private voicemail. The website is getting a overhaul with a new service provider and web design program watch for these changes early
We also have some plans for ongoing projects to be competed this fall. Probably the biggest of these will be to
replace the floor in Centennial Hall with vinyl plank flooring. This will make the room much more inviting, easier
to clean, and more attractive to potential renters. And along with the new flooring, we will be replacing all the
chairs in Wild Rose Hall and Centennial Hall with chairs that are lighter and easier to stack.
Later this fall, we will reshingle hail- and wind-damaged roof on the main church building. The majority of this
will be covered by our insurance.
If you have any suggestions for other property improvements, please pass these along to the chair of Properties
and Facilities Casey McLean casey_carla @hotmail.com or Phone (403) 276-1257.
Church Potlucks
The first Sunday of each month, we invite you and everyone else at church to stay for a shared meal. We
hope you will bring some food to share, but if you cannot or forget, please stay anyway for an opportunity to
deepen relationships and enjoy time with family and friends. If you are new to the idea of potlucks, remember
to label the containers you bring, don’t bring anything containing peanuts, and there will be an oven to keep
things warm and a fridge to keep things cold while you are in worship. There is always a great selection of
foods even to make the pickiest eater happy! And if you are someone who rarely gets to eat home baking,
you are in for a treat!
Think of it as the 'place to be' for communication and bonding with your church family. If you are needing firm
dates to add to your calendar, join us on October 4, November 1 and December 6.
Tea For Two Pin Cushion
November 1st after the church potluck, children and their adults are invited to
make these simple and classy pin cushions. No sewing machine is required to
make this simple and fun project. It will take less than an hour to make one and
all the materials are supplied. As a hands-on project for families, these adorable
pincushions will be sold by our Wild Rose Quilting group at their fall sale in November.
Recycled china teacups and saucers that have been culled from our overstock
at Wild Rose will become useful and adorable pincushions. The pincushion part
is hot glued in place and the teacup is glued to the saucer. The saucer makes a
great catchall for your sewing notions too.
The Tea Cup Pin Cushions will be sold to raise money for a scholarship fund for
Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary which addresses the issues of women
involved in, or at risk of involvement in, sexual exploitation. Our women have
also experienced other related issues, including homelessness, poverty, addictions, and violence against women. The scholarship fund is one way to help
women develop skills and to support their families.
OUTREACH CONNECTION – Life, Love and Sharing
Outreach would like to take this opportunity to thank one of our members, Jackie Guy. Jackie came to us
through her connection with Crescent
Heights High School as the school
and family liaison, where she held
that position for several years. With
her extensive knowledge of the students, their families and staff at the
school, Jackie was able to help to
provide Wild Rose with valuable information about the needs of the students. Her connection has been vital
for planning, delivering resources,
and supporting. Wild Rose has provided the school with everything from
backpacks and supplies, from breakfast bags to bus tickets, as well as a
place for its students to meet for after
school programming.
“Wild Rose United Church Donation
On behalf of Crescent Heights High
Thank You for Your Continued Support”
Along with the donation box, we
received a thank you from the principal at the school, Jackie Chapman
-Brown. She said: “As Crescent
Heights winds down another year
with over 1800+ students, I want to
acknowledge and thank you for your
support. Our partnership with you is
highly valued and we are so appreciative of your support of our students. Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you on their behalf.”
Heights. Kelsey’s enthusiasm
and compassion will enrich our
Outreach connection with Crescent Heights High School.
Donations to the breakfast program, or bus tickets for students, are welcome.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Outreach Committee
Although we are all saddened by
Jackie’s move to another school,
Outreach is glad to announce that
Early this summer, our liaison extraordinaire Jackie, delivered a beau- our ongoing partnership with Crescent Height High School will contintiful wooden donation box. The students and staff at the school built the ue. We are excited to welcome Kelsey Lewis, the new Instructional
box which is on wheels and has a
plaque with the following inscription: Support Worker at Crescent
Naked Faith
Naked Faith is an alternative worship for youth.
They gather to have a dinner together and experience an evening of high energy, inspirational music and a service with powerful messages, followed by deep conversations that resonate with
the youth.
Wild Rose United Church is once again the venue for the northside of the city. The first event is
on September 18th.
We need your help to put on this event. We need
individuals to help set up, host and do the clean
up . All are welcome to the dinner and take in this
amazing service. If you are able to help please
contact Dora at 403.389.6425 or 403.990.1846 or
[email protected]
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Newsletter Title
Creating and Sharing a Caring Community
Momentous change is taking
place in the world. Millions of
displaced people, from subequatorial Africa and Iraq, Iran
and Syria, are seeking refuge
from war-torn countries. Some
have reached safety in Germany, Sweden, and other countries; many more languish in
limbo, or have died trying to
cross the Mediterranean in unsafe boats. More than 2,200
people have died since June of
this year, according to the BBC
report from which this map has
been taken, and 750 in the past
week alone. A tipping point
seems to have been reached;
the terrible condition for so
many refugees has finally galvanized widespread support for
their plight. Here in Calgary,
and elsewhere in Alberta and
Canada, ordinary people are
pressing their political repre-
sentatives to take action.
As we consider what to do, and
how, it is well to remember that we
are indeed called to help the vulnerable among us. As people of faith,
we are reminded to care for those
who need help most. In Deuteronomy 10:18, for instance, we read:
“[God] gives justice to the fatherless
and widows. He loves foreigners
and gives them food and clothing.”
Later in that same book of the bible
(24:17), we read: “Justice must be
given to migrants and orphans.”
And Job (29:16) reminds God that
he did indeed behave justly: “I was
as a father to the poor and saw to it
that even strangers received a fair
In our church itself, we are also
thinking about how to create and
strengthen a community in which all
are valued, and all are cared for. To
do this, we need to be mindful of
each other’s strengths as well as our
frailties, to be mindful of old habits
as well as new beginnings.
Creating a caring community is
about doing these things—caring for
the vulnerable among us, and including them in the circle of love.
Justice calls to us, reminding us that
we truly are put on this earth to do
good. At the same time, we are also
called to love ourselves. To create a
loving community requires us to look
both at those we know already, and
to expand our circle to those we
don’t. In the weeks and months to
come, we will need to search our
hearts and minds as we explore how
to offer justice and love to migrants.
Mapping Mediterranean Migrations (source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe24521614 )