June 12, 2016 - St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
June 12, 2016 - St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven because she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little." He said to her, "Your sins are forgiven." The others at table said to themselves, "Who is this who even forgives sins?" But he said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." Luke 7:47-50 Scripture Readings for Next Sunday Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1 Galatians 3:26-69 Luke 9:18-24 Fr. Barry Windholtz Pastor St. Rose Church 2501 Riverside Drive Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 (513) 871-1162 [email protected] www.strosecincinnati.org ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 2016 From the Pastor’s Desk “When you awake in the night, transport yourself quickly in the spirit before the Tabernacle, saying: ‘Behold, my God, I come to adore you, to praise, thank, and love you, and to keep you company with all the Angels.” St. John Vianney Andrew Wilke and Jennifer Schwietering were united in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony on Saturday, June 4 here at St. Rose. Sunday, June 12 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 BW The Special Intentions of the Parishioners and Friends of St. Rose 10:30 CW Jim McMahon from Family 12:00 CW Robert J. Carle from Mom and Steve Monday, June 13 St. Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church 12:10 Robert Goldsberry from Lois Hughes Tuesday, June 14 12:10 Alois Wedekind from the Mohr Family Wednesday, June 15 12:10 Jim O’Toole from Rose Ann and Brian Wirth Thursday, June 16 12:10 Purgatorial Society Friday, June 17 12:10 Marie Ober from Howard and Elaine Mushaben Saturday, June 18 Blessed Virgin Mary 12:10 Donald Fovel from the Family 7:00 CW Martha Sawma from Arlene Conlon Sunday, June 19 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 TH Robert Goldsberry from George and Marty Bens 10:30 BW Hubert Ahaus from Elaine Ahaus 12:00 BW The Special Intentions of the Parishioners and Friends of St. Rose Lectors and Lay Distributors for June 18 and 19 7:00 Joseph Christmann, Michael Luehrmann, William Russ, Lou Solimine 8:30 Steve Culbertson, Jon Hemmer, Michael Trotta 10:30 Rich Creighton, Bob Sheil, Joe Sonnefeld 12:00 Pat Burke, John Flick, Patrick Homan, Barry Savage St. Rose is looking for an individual to fill a part-time maintenance position at the church. If you are interested, please contact Fr. Barry. You are invited to join Fr. Barry for an 11-day tour of Ireland on October 18-28, 2016. For a brochure, please call the parish office. Kennedy James Jones was welcomed into the Christian community through the sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, June 5 here at St. Rose. In the charity of your prayers, please pray for the soul of Bertha Tepe, whose Memorial Mass was on Thursday, June 9 here at St. Rose. In the charity of your prayers, please pray for the soul of Timothy Gonsalves, whose Memorial Mass was on Saturday, June 11 here at St. Rose. On June 18, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Dayton and Greater Cincinnati area fathers and children will have the opportunity to enjoy a morning on the Welcome Stadium field, as the All Pro Dad Father & Kids Experience provides fathers with fun and inspirational opportunities to strengthen their relationships with their kids. The family event will include tips, interactive games, and hands-on experiences designed to motivate each father to become an All Pro Dad! This is a free event for St. Rose parishioners! To register, visit www.allprodad.com/event/dayton-fke/ and use the promo code "APDFRIEND." Glenmary seeks a Residence Cook. The work location is 4119 Glenmary Trace, Fairfield, Ohio 45014 and the hours are Monday through Friday from 11:00 am through 7:00 pm. Responsibilities include: planning menus; preparing, cooking, and clean up after meals; ordering food items; maintaining an accurate inventory, and assisting with food preparation for additional events. The person selected for this position should possess a minimum of a high school education or equivalent, have appropriate knowledge in adult nutrition, and have three to five years of related experience. Glenmary offers a competitive salary and benefits. Persons interested in this position should submit a resume to Gil Stevens at GHM, P.O. Box 465618, Cincinnati, OH 45246 or email it to [email protected]. A special thank you to those parishioners who have submitted recipes for our 150th Anniversary Cookbook. If you have not submitted a recipe but wish to do so there is still time. You can find recipe forms on the tables in the back of church. The deadline to submit recipes is Saturday, July 30, 2016. Recipes be mailed to the parish office or emailed to [email protected]. For more information, please contact Rose Ann at 513-871-1162 or [email protected].
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