A Kashaya Vocabulary, 1975
A Kashaya Vocabulary, 1975
19005 Coast Highway One, Jenner, CA 95450 ■ 707.847.3437 ■ [email protected] ■ www.fortross.org Title: A Kashaya Vocabulary, 1975 Author (s): Robert L Oswalt Source: Fort Ross Conservancy Library URL: http://www.fortross.org/lib.html Unless otherwise noted in the manuscript, each author maintains copyright of his or her written material. Fort Ross Conservancy (FRC) asks that you acknowledge FRC as the distributor of the content; if you use material from FRC’s online library, we request that you link directly to the URL provided. If you use the content offline, we ask that you credit the source as follows: “Digital content courtesy of Fort Ross Conservancy, www.fortross.org; author maintains copyright of his or her written material.” Also please consider becoming a member of Fort Ross Conservancy to ensure our work of promoting and protecting Fort Ross continues: http://www.fortross.org/join.htm. This online repository, funded by Renova Fort Ross Foundation, is brought to you by Fort Ross Conservancy, a 501(c)(3) and California State Park cooperating association. FRC’s mission is to connect people to the history and beauty of Fort Ross and Salt Point State Parks. .. 1 This Ksshaya Vocabulary is intended primarily for use by the Kashaya people. In it, the Kashaya words are written in a form that relates directly to the pronunciation of the words as spoken in isolation; the words can be pronounced correctly by giving each letter its single, proper Kashaya sound--not by giving the letter any of several different sounds it may have.in English. Thus ~ is always pronounced as in f!ther, never as in f~t or fate. The correct pronunciation of each letter !s illustrated on the following pages by one or more Kashaya words; when there is a similar sound in English, an English example is given. Kashaya has many more distinct consonants than English; consequently, it is necessary to add certain marks to letters o£ the English alphabet to •·· create new Kashaya letters. Such combinations as ~ and ch and q are single consonants significantly different in pronunciation from t and c and q. The Vocabulary contains most of the nouns, adjectives and adverbs of Kashaya, but very _few verbs. Some fairly common English nouns and adjectives are not included; the usual reason • is that the most closely corresponding Kashaya word is a verb. Kashaya verbs seldom coincide at all closely in meaning with a single English verb arid are especially difficult todefine in one line. Verbs always contain at least one suffix and are usually a combination of a verb root and several affixes; one Kashaya verb often corresponds to a phrase or whole sentence in English. A companion article "Kashaya Verb Prefixes" (Working Paper 13 of the Kashaya Porno Language in Culture Project) illustrates in 2 .. detail one part of this complex and rich resource cf the language. The unabridged Kashaya Dictionary will define all the verb roots and give exarroples of their use in combinations with various affixes. ~any common Kashaya verbs for gcing and for being in a position are presented in an appendix to this Vocabulary (pages 33 and 34). KEY TO THE PRONUl,;CIATION OF THE KASHAYA ALPHABET Letter Kashaya exa....-nple English example or phonetic description a ha?a father b ba•ban~ c caha horn father's father ba£y church (without the aspiration) o bitte~. J.udg_e(without the voicing) ch , chil? to hang , c cal d ha?da e he?e together glottalized palatal affricate sun daddy hair stu·ra h ?aha 1 hi?i k ki•kin? khe church they (without the offglide) stove (only in loanwords) mouth, ?ahca house feather older brother my fire house ski (without the offglide) scold cold kill black glottalized velar stop 1 lala goose lip m ma•man? n -nata . father's mother child mama niece , no (without the offglide) 0 ho"o teeth p Ea§i• poison ph ~ala again Ean slug (snail) glottalized labial stop p q small like scum but further back in the mouth qh two like come but further back in the-mouth q' ' 1 a•sa _sa y king (only in loanwords) r s t glottalized uvular stop moon '£_ay sine• easy see !ahya fast, quick she ~imun living glottalized alveolar affricate or spirant ta•tan? mother's father plain dental stop {Spanish tu) thawil left {hand) aspirated dental stop iunuw t • - to be tired glottalized dental stop salt stick th tho"o acorn mush tick . ..!.. ie"ye intelligent glottalized alveplar stop eye blue • t! u w ~eya y Ia we, balaz z moh!i peppy (rare, only in loans from So. Poreo) !e?e" • • = power, dimaw to hold basket, offglide) down zou, hoi blood man~ ~e, -<>Ut {~ithAthe - she "1hya • bone; co!-.:pare with "ihya wind cuma" li by the squirrel, ef. cuma" li ~~ere he sat tsetse, bits glottal stop, uh-uh vcwel length raised tone, pitch accent distinctive in phrases) (~ainly Not a sound but a symbcl marking enclitics, words which must always follow some other word in a phrase or sente~ce. abalone " du.,lla! small kind a fe!l days ago - ' long ago KuSU.,SU thilel abalone shell ornament • "~u•l qahchi~l alder ku?me_, alike, matched qali• above, in the air ~ihca"~ , alive, living acorn slmun general term bi"~du all, everyone, everything or black oak yuh~iy all right, OK (intenj.) of live oak yu"~cH alone ·or Oregon oak wlyi already or valley oak ffapha always · kumf. ?da "~ anchor kicaqh acorns collected by woodpeckers , •·· pay! acorns soaked whole "~ul and ' angelica nono"~ ba"~cowa si•lun angry . · qaluna? white kind qahleslun animal acorn ••cough drop" acorn grounds ,. ba•so•yaw bi"~duso•, soqho-, acorn mush or soup acorn musical instrument across . . ~oto·to bilahwal ant §!?basi , bi?kas sob! ?ltas red ant black ant ' butaqa bi?kas stink ant .. ' ' p h a~utuy?tu antler, horn after, on the trail of after, afterwards qha.ma·tow ar.'Yl11ore . bet anyone, someone or other ph ala anything, something agile ~ah~a anyway, still hu?ul apple elba· thi baqo thin kihla? any old way, haphazardly =hqow a while ago . ha?a again ago yow lraye··ma ' . acorn bread {i· calel 5 basket arm, wing, branch armpit baby _, cradle nahmomo cuhse arrow hisu• ' coarse-woven burden buhqhal ashes "1inoqo? close-woven burden mo?o? three-stick coiled chitu· at, by, in, with aunt =wi, =li See father's sister , qolo• nortar and mother's sister na?su automobile siftir.g . :. . awake shallow tray ax madu qahca bat· ( ani.rnal) baby , , nata qawi, na•na bad ball bac'o• pi§udu bag, sack mi§ukh phi?~o ? a.'!!ahc hili , 't! mo se?pe bank (undercut) bar, rod (of reetal) bare, nude ., wa•ra qahqo bare, without bark (of tree) barrel of clamshell kuJ:'l..nu of n:agnesite na•muli seed beads waleholyo beans bank, cliff la?~a qahwa• yiho·l . butaqa bear (animal) brown bear mima human bear beard warl·l barren, sterile ,, t~na?na beads • back (of body) , naqolo §am? work tray _ tupu•lu . haslme beautiful clskan bed, floor cahti bee, bumbleha?das small species cehey holom?lo 6 , beets sama lfis behind "anaw, ?ana belly, abdomen ?uhqha ·blosscrr. ci"do blouse lewf·ta ~aqha•la blue, green bent, crooked bluebird beside board, plank mala •, sama • between taphla boat; cattail ?ini• beware(interjection) big, large sterur.bqat baco• , wapo•r ?ihya· bone; stror.g baht he of one , . ka•tu . sa•ti funny bone • of several bird !ahphenta bony, skinny , sihta kalikakh book, paper bit (of money) =riya·l wotl•n boots two bits qho rfya·l both, both sides six bits lanhda rfya·l bottle bitter caha bow, gun J I blackberry • '. , cam?cata blacksmith ?ere·ru l;>lanket . brains ?ih!i bread mathi• balay kaho·n ~ ho?~o '. Kolorr.? qhale ?f.sa· ho·, ho·w given at a dance cuhni• breast, mother's ·milk mopo! blister (frcM pressure) blood §ihmi bravo, exclarr.ation of approval ?atiya·la blister (from heat) sill branch of tree paya, sihqal rabbit skin blind box 'f~?bahqay blacl<bird bland wote•ya bottom, rear black · 1{111 qhowal qapo~ breath vapor brick bridge . ha?tho pe_· chka puwenta , broom bu.ckeye nuts cu?bu brittle, crisp bah!a grounds sko•wa, ?isko•wa , qa?tem? soaked grounds brother, older ki•kin? my or our (informal) strained and soaked bulb, potato my·or our (formal) • dihsa hi?bu your miki Brodiaea laxa his, her or their miya•ki Calochortus sp. his (etc.) own maki Other kinds include bimu·, huhaba kUy?bu, ~oyo?yo, qosa?bu, withi?. brother, younger my or our . la?ta ' bulging (of belly) . bull : to·ro your yr. sibling mit!iki his, her or their :roiya·~iki his (etc.) own matiki , t . , . brother-in-law (sister's husbar.d) bullet . phat'e· burr (spiny) burro , wu·ru mantekl•ya my or our makon? butter your mikon? butterfly his, her or their miya•kon? · swallowtail his (etc.) own makon? buttocks, rurep brother-in-law (spouse's brother) my button . t hata ·, sili woto·n by, at, in, with =wi, =li mihan?, miha· your his or her miya·han?, miya•ha· cabbage his or her own brush, bushes mahan?, maha• hahse brush (scrubbing bucket hi?bu?la harl•ya ) cake hic!o. cuhni. calr (animal) I t cucuqa? wese·ru calr (of leg) candle , ~ we·1.a ' . 8 •. wa?ali cane ,. canvas . soft underpart pa·rus cap (with visor) car kacu·ce ma•kina card deck chub (fish) lawo· cigar ku~ka cattle cent chain baco· caphya senta·w kare•na . mohthfh~a ,. pu•r!l halati . clear (of weather) qali clear, transparent thali cliff . ?amahchili seacliff chapparal cloth, clothes ) cheek,· jowls qapa cheek (inside) cheekbone ?ohso ) co~a·, pha?em?so sibu·ta, sitaba·ti?, ~o?lo?lo t • • kunu slw?si kayi •na . qhaba• kinds are boho·, chick (of chicken) nata cloud clover, greens ke·su chief (woman) • . caka?na chief (man) kat a old Indian style ?ahasoyo chest (cf body) chicken . ma~qha • clay chamise cheese , qa~e· large species kulweth celibate ?imu· ku·ta . clam cattail, boat child chipmunk small species wara·ha cartilage qakho chiton, Cr.inese slipper carrot cat has!hke chin melo•n canteloupe cimtne·ya chimney and yuhphil clown (in Indian ceremony) nohphonohpho. . ba'?aphthe (in circus} coat . yu·kas # paya·su kapu·ta cocoon, cocoon rattle pasikoyo?yo 9 ., , cod (red) coffee kare·y . . ~atll, !at!? crooked kapite·ra coffee pot nanu·, bano crippled ~aqa•qay? cihthiti crotch • • cold qahsil cross (Christian) colt potr! ·yu cross-eyed comb penya , concave, hollowed out condor ?lhsul constricted, narro~ed cook, cher kusine·ru cork,· stopper l<olo•lo , ki?di ma•yis corral puhlaphlaw wa•ka crab . ta·wi dance, song qo?o I 1 I' A rew cr the other dances are , ' ~illa· , bahthe daughter kaye•ta my or our cicaro·n cream bush, Holodiscus cuhse cu?la creek, river, stream crevice, long crack Jerusalem , custom, way ) cradle basket, nest cricket ha·ro qo?o, lame•sa qo"o, hi~i· cracklings cup, tin cup lehu·ye, §ukkin, ca·ne, lu·lumu?j duwi crackers sa?ta to·to, ho?siya, di ?can", likhoti ?I kora•l coyote crybaby-like hi"cili Feather Dance movements are cottonwood tree cow crumbs, small pieces tapo·n cormorant, shag corn ?a·la crow , ca•ne your mihphanki his, her or their miya •phanki his (etc.) own mahphanki daughter-in-law " ,, h kal<a·t a? . my or our ma•taya? your mi?on? his, her or their miya·?on? his (etc.) own ma?on" i 10 day ">amhul the following day in the old davs .. duweni phuJi dead person deaf zna•ku debt, owing drill, brace and bit dry brush l duck qayal dust ?ino bih~e kilakh eagle ., deer-head disguise nacolol ear depression, hollow kolo•lo early, first design, writing diaper , cuhti ?ikhey taphla·ku dice (Indian style) different, other d~mple \ ware·na si?ba deer, meat dew qhabanhay driftwood pile maci mulay? hadu• . tolo·lo si:na earth, land, world, dirt east wisali easy sine• edge pusu· eel ocean species ?ama• dirt, land, world , hico• egg dishes eight doe, female deer eighteen dog eighty hayu , pe· su simhma na·sibo qhohay ') qohsa elbow door hohwa elderberry dove ma•yu eleven , ., qasi•si bida· elk dreamer, prophet yomta elsewhere taqhma empty ) na•nca down, downstream dress (cf a woman) , saqa• river species dirty, nasty dollar, money wa•yi ?azna· 11 me'>phi, mehphi end (of a story) enemy my or our (formal) 9a•pen'> cuhma kuca·ha "" even, matched evening every duwe'>li ml'>da evilly, hatefully nisin -§a· eye. - =~an ' your me'>e his, her or their miva•me .. his (etc.) own ma'>e father-in-law excrement expert father hti?uy my or our lileya'> your miba• his, her or their miya•ba• eyeball hu'>u· qha'>be corner of eye l hu'>u· suyati eyebrow, eyelash hu'>u· sime eyelid hu'>u· si'>da pupil hu'>u· sihta • ., ') ., ' his (etc.) own maba· father's father my or our (informal} ba·ban? , my or our (formal) ba•sen'> your mibas , socket hu.,u· kolom? his, her or their " , miya·bas tears '>u·qha his (etc.) own mabas before one's eyes hu'>u• tol , father's mother my or our (informal) ma•man'> face ') 'I my or our (formal) ma•sen'> family, tribe, race, nation nohpho your mima~ far, distant his, her or their failing, dying, thin qha?ci bahcil his {etc.) own fart fast, swift fat father's older brother sahya '>ihphuy All forms are the same as for father my or our (informal) , mamas father's father. pe·pen'> 12 .fern .father's sister m~ , my or our (formal) mu•sen? your mimus his, her or their miya·mus his (etc.) own mamus ., bi?koy .few, little , ~ qahpha Woodwardia mu•mun? or our (informal) qahqo field, opening J J simh."Tla i'ii'teen i'ii'ty . !otomhrna 1! •rna i'ile (tool) .father's younger brother elkin? .fin (of .fish) sihta your mice•ki fir (Douglas) qhawam? his, her or their miya·ciki fire, light, hot his (etc.) own mace•ki i'iretender· my or i'ault our ku·lpa ?oho rr.ame • ta . i'irst, leading wa · yi nuhws.? .fawn, young deer .!'east, picnic • ma?ahcoma i'eather !'ish ?ahsa sinaboto?to cabezon haskhun hardmouth body .feather ?ihthe perch (ocean) large .feather hi?! rockfish • kahka? • . . qha?besftam?ta largest quills salmon topknot salmon (hookbill) i'eather headdress mas ala i'eather head ornament feather skirt ?eseddu .feather sorcerer .fe~ale fence lCoce·ma ?!ma·ta ?ukulu·ta wale·pu maqha ba?~a? surf"fish trout le·wen trout (sea) . rr.ata?sa i'ishbone hi?ci i'ishhook ?eqhse douple pronged cicaqh 13 fish net waya? fish trap forty four haqo• fisher (animal) silil tuh!o fox flag wante•ra friend • ?uhqhahnama? mihca fourteen five flank (of body) kuhay s inll"...rna§on ., haqaw my or our , flat sihla your mil{an? flea ?lmela his, her or their , ' miya·kan? his (etc.) own makan? ' ~i?i flesh • ko?ciya flicker (bird) flint ?ama qahca flour wihtha foa~; beer food , samo• .Pho?~~ fur, coarse body hair fuzz, fin"e body hair sima ?ime ma?a to·nto gall qha..'T.a forehead game !iyo fork, bifurcation· tablefork kalo·n ?ahqa grass game lile forest (shady) ' , sika•na gallon for the sake of former hot ow front, in front of • =bakhe =ltow, =to..., from, away from takaya foolish foot • from, of, part of, some dahpho? · folks wata? frog; tonsils fly (insect) fog my female friend ci?dom? 'flower my male friend qacuhse scoring sticks . thiwi teneto·r yowal, yo•yow gill cover hoy a kikhi give me (interjection) gizzard winandirna? te?, de? 14 broken pieces put1lka for drinking wa•su - ., . ~ gnat hu?uytbo~bo, goat cl•wo gold ?u·was grapes glass grass - , qa?di §ahqo grasshopper ., ?uybotbo . ?atha· gravel cu?du gray (of hair) ?o·ro grease, fat ?ihphuy green, blue , h a·.La saq , sano? gonorrhea; thistle green, i:rr...-nature good qo?di green, very i~~ature goose lala ground, land, earth gooseberry gopher ?ilum? grouse ?a lame ·' qahwe• gum, pitch gums (in mouth) granddaughter gun, bow . §ihmi . qhademen? guts your miqhademen? hair (of the head) his, her or their miya•qhademen? hand his (etc.) own maqhademen? handkerchief father and mother's father grandmother See under mother's mother and father's mother grandson .', ho?otava .. my or our See under father's ?ama• - dobodbo ·grain · :r.mhca grandfather ~akhel phaqotay? he?e coh§o haphazardly pa·nu calel ?ahsiy hard, firm, difficult harpoon, fish spear napha· hawk ., Cooper's tholol my or our qhaden? red-tailed ciya• your rniqhade sharp-shinned qha?beqha? sparrow lilhi fish pahcan his, her or their his (etc.) own miya·qhade rnaqhade 15 .. rni~di§ hazelnut, any nut haqa~a hornet he kawa·yu horse him mu•kito, mul, mu•bal for him, his '>oho hot, fire, light .mu•k!n?khe ?ahca house to or at a house where he is ?aca• he'>en how J· betbu how many, how much head ' sina· ho?to, , . su?nu?nu huckleberry heart tule humming bird body organ ffuhkul humped seat of emotions cahno hunchbacked , .. qali ?ama· heaven heavy mihsa? hello carra •y buhku hundred , here be•li not visible be• place like here beti 100 ku se·ntu 200 qho se·ntu heron (great blue . ) hi?baya, tha?kin? • See under spouse. I here, take this (interj.) t'e?ne =se·ntu husband visible ?a•, ?a me yo qhawa?la to·, to for me, mine ice, snow ?ihyu• hip ?ohcomhya imitation, pretended hoe salo·n in, at, with hole honey ?imo hoop, wheel horn, antler pili•li ha?a Indian way individualistic inopportunely =yihe =wi, =li Indian, person miye·l, co?o miye·l • ?aca? ?aca? ta·wi paya·ma mayi? 16 ' intelligent knee ~e?ye phaqo~ay? intestines siwita ' iris cawikh iron, metal, nail isopod moqho• knife qahca hunting punya•l pocket nawa•ha knot (in wood) it, that subject mu·, mu lake, pond; slick object mul lame nanu· ?runa· land, earth, ground jacket jaw cale·ka larva qa?basahya ?icho• late jay ·' phalaw leaf scrub sayi ' green Steller's sawala. dead , je.rkey, dried meat nuhkukh qapa ' jowls just, only . J si?tal leather kuwe•ru thawil left (side) soh leg §ahku level (of ground) ' , K:ah§a·ya Kashaya kelp ball float key light, bright, hot, fire chana.--na kelp &ohto , lu?lu ·killdeer (bird) king kitchen , re·y kusl·na ?oho light (weight) ya·we kidney kiya•ci light-colored, pastel qhada? like, similar, rather =min limber duwe?tili le?we limp, soft limpet lion lawo· 1'7 lupine has!?da lips . catha litter, stretcher qawi little, small a little :more liver {cf body) s'imun lizard muthu·nu western skink log madrone cahla • · magnesite na•rr.uli hi~addedu main, chief konhorr.thu·nu mountain , kaba? =kiwi" beads living locked lying, .. untruthi'ul §ibila"la hi?baya, ?aca? man kilu·ca . . behet!a·ia roan:root (plant) bathe• :many, much hollow ->ama duhkal .lone soRe qawiya young man musu• bahqay berry bf one thing '>ahqol of several things ?aqolay qa?boy loose, free-flowing loop {in a rope) • manzanita long, tall loose, not tight hi?baya male, man, husband khuyu mawim? species maple (big-leaf species) " \.Ja ye. mare liphuyhya " po•spara head ?ahci matches body bite~ material (for clothes) luck-y sa?qa lump, clod mattress qhana? lump (on body) lungs mohqho qalam? kato·te. marbles rr.arrow louse naya ma·nta ka·ma maybe me See under I. mean, 111-terr.pered hi "bay 18 meat, deer mortar rock bih§e medicine mosquito wenu • melo•n melon, canteloupe sali meshed cawikh mile ~owia ku: ml·ya · two miles qho mf·ya mine molokko . . machfti?tl ?ispe•ho bi?dakom? qophina mihthe monkey maka•ka month q'ala. sal mother-in-law my or our t!ileya~ your mi§a· roa~a· mother's brother my or cur (formal) mole (on the skin) money, dollar . mahthe my or our (informal} tu•tun? mole (animal) A his (etc. ) ow'll his (etc.} own mist over a river mistletoe te·then9 his, her or their See under I mirror (infor~al) his, her or their =mi •ya millipede my or our your one mile milk qoci my or our (formal) dile mildewed ko·tay~ mother metal, iron, nail middle moss qhana qalaphu .. pe•su , your micus his, her or their miya·cus his (etc.} own mac us .. ) , mother 1 s· father me on qala•aa my or our (informal) ta·tan? more ?anaw, ?ana·, ?ana my or our {formal) ca·sen? . , , more than or.e ku ?anaw ycur micas more and more ?an his, her or their miya·ca~ his (etc.) own mac as' morning ?ama duwe 19 mother's mother my or our (informal) ka•kan? I qa•sen? my or our (formal) mud mat!qha mule mulla • mush, gruel . • miqas' acorn tho?o his, her or their miya·qa~ wheat ka·sa his (etc.) own maqad .your mother's older sister mushroom oyster hic'e • sici puffball ?ama qala•sa hic!e· '- hedgehog calal my or our (informal) ~u·sun? my or our (formal) su·s'en? your misus :mussel his, her or their miya·sus mustard (plant) . his (etc.) own masu~ my khe kulucfcca See under I. nail, iron, metal mother's younger sister cawikh my or our sikin? nail (of finger or tee) your mise·ki nauseating navel his, her or their his(etc.) own mase·ki mountain, hill uphill · dono• mountain lion yahrno? si?bal near, close neck dono '~ohqomo mihya needle ya•su nephew sutkin? cutkin?, ' . . nest, cradle mouse cuhse su·le western harvest qahca?ta net, web white-footed hophune net for deer or rabbits mouth net for fish ?aha net (gill much, many mucus (nasal) ?ilasu nettle ) ?ohorn? waya? he& 20 new, young pasi~uwa?la newt,. water dog old {qf inan1mates) niece on du~e overnight nine nineteen carr.hmason north on that mil on this bil t~e once cuhula nose ?ila not =thin now t!o one top wina~ ku•yi. hku, ku onion qha?ba? ma?yul only, entirely ·' only, just, merely oozing right now oozing from meat nut rna?u open, unobstructed mi ?dis or,. and oak live oak orange , sa?carn? ordinary, not supernatural cahta? See also ur.der acorn. osprey pahcan ocean octopus polo· sa other, else, different cha•ya otter qhamo~ our yow outside ?ay See under we. ?uhwa• sila hadu wehke ouch (interjection) pihsil OK, all right (interjection) kuhla nara•ha oriol"e occiput so?ol =he· tan.oak oak ball soh sa?ba nowadays now, this tirne • =tol on da· no thu?ul iile old, worn-out night duyam? old (of living things) ~iwey 21 si ?ba owing, indebted, debt owl · .. .. muhtutu great horned screech oxen pepperwood, California bay tree behem? nut be he nut flesh hat! # we•ye peppy, energetic mohzi perhaps paddle, oar .phali•li person balha paddle, mush-stirrer . duhthal pain, disease , hu?kulu phlegm coh~oboqholo palm of hand pestle " duhkul pan pick (tool) p!·ku sarte•n, satte•n frying panther, mcuntain· lion yahmo"> kalikakh paper, book parent-in-law cf one's own child pie paste·l pig koci•na , , . . ta">bata pigeon pine Bishop my or our cuye qhale your mican? sugar his, her or their rniya·can" sugar pinecone his (etc. ) own mac an? path, trail, rond patterned pears pe~ican penis ~ulli • na pickled, preserved # hi?da ko"yi # pe·ras qhayhchi · ?ihsa yuhu pinole pipe pl.;pa lu•caqhbe Indian type pipe~ cuye• tubing lo•lo pistol, handgun pitiful people nohpho, =yachma pitch, gum pepper pimiyenta pitcher pisto•la ~i·bathyaw qahwe• piche·l 22 plain, evident private parts qahqo plant (of any kind); tree qhale prophet, dreamer yomta please (interjection) prune, peppernut flesh Pleiades puberty restrictions plover (semipalmated) qhapili"~li plow pulley plural =ay, =yya. purse, sewing bag pocket wo·lsa pyre (funeral); week mahtaqan cap a §aqa•qa valley poison oak mountain khusu"~ poisonous (of shellfish) poker (for fire) pole • quail pa§i• poison '~amat1 t&.·11 purposely, on purpose point, tip hae chick mulu"> quilt hele"> center rabbit poor brush _, cottontail popliteal, back of knee jack- possessions (personal) potato See also under bulb. l:f.•wra powder (for gun) powdery mold, must pregnant '~ama•.la raccoon racc;uet, hockey stick hi"~bu pound (weight) - matile?ya ' p&lwara sahwil wini numi rain ~op!si9 "~ihche - ranch ra·ncu rancid qha?c!a rank (smell or taste) raspberry pretty, beauti.ful ci~kan rattlesnake prisoner, convict pele·su raven . ba • §khot muhthi qha"~ay siko• 23 ready, let's go (1nterj.) yohwey redbud rose (flower) , • ~ bica? spherical misa? roundhouse, dance house listo·n rudder ric,h ruffled right (side) . katati road, path, trail robin ?an!•yu bi?da creek stre~, hi?da si•totto • •• rock, stone qha?be sack of deerskin saddle sl.·ya salal :ko.§c?.§o salamander salmon general term maqha hookbill salrr.onberry rooster salt root paken .§iyomahcom? roe, edible fish eggs ka·yu cl?ba sack, bag ?anawi, kuyala ring (for finger) cuhcha rush . (nlant) .hodotow right, righteous, just right away tlmo·n . ?asu· riffle (in a stream) ma?ca su•lku, su·rku row, in a row ·rice river, pili•li circular, wheel, hoop rhododendron ribbon ~hada? round repeatedly rib cohso rough, not smooth qas11 s'iwi.§ reed badu?den? rough, bumpy hayht'a redwood ciko·te p{nka bale rope sil1 ~is red sulema? general tern: of large diameter ?1hmi real, really, true rear, bottom rope, cord, string nawahe·ra razor (straight) . , ta?qo salted, pickled .§ulu•na 24 sand mit a'> self : himself, herself, itself • • seru•cu saw (tool) subject ti, ti· scab object tito scales (of fish) benefact . scar, cicatrix til a§ scarf, kerchief of silk korowa·te n:aska•la scissors 6akali qhaboko'>ko no•§fcca pisi'> scoop, wooden spoon sea sihmu'> subject tiya'> object tiya·col benefact tiya•co->khe semen · mahna seventeen qhabu~aqa sea urchin qha·ta shawl· • she any edible kind sea palm • may->ma . ?othonc qaye ta•palo man? ma·dal where she is qhacihpha ?achirn'> sheep yama•ni sheet (for bed) semf.•ya grass seed spike kate, wina• for her, hers chanama waste on beach her simh..'lla na. qho . shallow seaweed seed tte~selves seven qhabihse, sohoy sea lion sedge yu'>dul serves you right (interj.) ~ihsa seagull kelp by oneself separate, apart sea anemone seal nih in selves : scattered, dispersed scaup (bird) to oneself , na'>qa shelf tape·sa shell hi'>qa~a sa•wana tuyyu 25 shell, purple olive _ sheriff, police shin (of leg) puh!iy kalte liphu• ~ shoes sapa•tu shooting star (flower) bi~i~i short sister-in-law (brother's wife) my or our mata·n:en~ your mimata his, her or their miya·mata his (etc.) own rnamata short, not long enough biko§ shoulder .bahkal rniha•, rniha•rnen? or miya•ha·men? K:anas ' his (etc.) own =tow six sinew, gristle, tendon singer miya ·ha., his, her shovel side sister) my your shoulder blade sickly (spous~s sister-in-law ~ima ~ ihmln? cay~-. single, unmarried ~awada lanh&a ' s i:rnhma na~ • nca sixteen s~ty skin simakhcidu si?da ' . skinny sister, older maha•, maha•men? butu~ my or our dikin~ skirt your mide•ki skunk his, her or their miya•diki striped nuphe· his (etc.) own made•ki spot~ed ba~fsi sky sister, younger qaliqha?be my or our ~omen? your yr. sibling mit!iki sleep his, her or their miya•t!iki . slime his (etc.) own ma~iki slingshot . . slanted, tipped sima mehsen 26 slow son ba?ia pa?la• slug {snail) qawi small, little banta smelt (fish} smoke hosa salu? ' smooth, slick iuqha• snail, turban rnusa•la snake phakin• your mipha•ki his, her or their miya•phak1 his (etc.} own mapha•ki son-in-law hopompo smokehole my or our my or our hi?bayaya'~ your mihceye his, her or their miya·ceye his (etc.) own mahceye gopher suti ' garter qhabo? king _ hodidu man's song type wete rattle- muhthi woman's song type tuwe • , , song, dance , cuma?suqa•qay? water ?ihyu• sour snowberry bahqom? south socks soft ha?am? sune spice bush wolf bot! some, part of ?aso·, ?asol spider cu•ki sorr.e, a few mos' speech, language, words hawo·n soaproot cihsi sore-muscled, stiff snow, ice soap casahwil sore, infected spot ha?bo snout . sot>n ·,··hi ?law? soot . sneak (person) . kukan =bakhe spine . cohtho? ba~ohya· spit, saliva some of that spleen some of this spooky car..no 27 lo• ~ka spoon stopper, cork pho?~o spotted spouse See also husband, wife store, shop te•nta storekeeper tente•ru your mi'~daqhan? stove his or her miya•daqhan'~ straight his or her own roa?daqhan? strawberry spur strea~, squash, pumpkin kaliwa·sa . squirrel yala ' q h,am?sudu cuma? stakes (in garebling) suddenly karnhse sugar star , mo?qo! thoyo • phi?lan tuy?tu cuye• sugar pinecone . . qhach~li•na·thay?tha starfish ~ nowl·yu sule:rta? ?ihya• strong; bene sucker (fish) ~~~~olo ground bi?da creek, river stump (of tree) western grey steer stu•fa string, rope; cord ca?tha squat, short and stocky tapo•n sun, clock ha?da sunflower biye•ye stem (of plant) sama supernatural power, spirit sterile, barren ha?das sHallcH (bird) stick, wood '~ahay sweet prying _ qhawa?ni symphysis walking wa?ali tulse . . J ' o. h it;em?te syrup table still, yet coqo• ' stone, rock stooped q~lala kihla? still, anyway stomach weya qha?be buhlu taboo, dangerous ko•ko birth restrictions qawl?lay? girl's ?~~ati pu~erty taboo 28 tadpole tail kotolo they hiba• ma•ca'~ them ma•cal their, for them tall, long of one '1ahqol thick (of liquid) of several 9aqolay thimble berry tame tea , ma•nsu ca• ·yo. teakettle .clynikh bush qotho•lo thing ~a§ot'o • ?ama . •, '~ama na•sibo. thirty kl•rpahca lanhc8.rnhrna thirty-five ~iye tepid, lukewarm test·icle . mahcha, bahle?,bahya thirteen temporarily tent hem?qolo th!n, watery. tears ten berry this, these yoqo• . £ubject thank you (interjection) yahwiy that, those ma?u object ne?en, ?en like this, thus ha?u thistle·; gonorrr.ea visible, object ha?al thorn not visible, subj. mu•, rnu thoughtless, careless not visible, obj. mul thrasrer {bird) like that, thus men thread visible, then subj~ct ?ul three there visible place mi•li rJot visible yonder nayakhulu·lu ?:i•lo sibo throat rnawa?la thrcugh du'Wal thrush, mountain robin we?ey place like there thunder . meti ha§a•yol , ma?kala ?usuwa 29 thus, so tonight like that, that way roen decayed _ ta?la• ' tick (insect) top, crest • top (toy) blood-filled time, occasion, season roe? tolti·ya =tolhqha? bi?du me? towards then, at that time mi•me? towel next time tL~e, bet' time, number of instances ku~yi two times, twice qho•yi . how many times time, hour tiny belbuyi today • . bat a ka•wa bimaci toes tomato cal, kutol toma·te tomorrow tongue bi?amhul ha•ba of wagon pewlo toyon budu low!?na hi?da , qhale silom? trillium trough (watering_) true, real, really , timc•n tube kano·wa le·wen trout tub (wash_) , together town tree, plant ma~anhqhot1 tobacco rufous-sided trap_ ., tara.mpa qapu?sun toadstool ?ihsilhla trail, path, road tip, point toad brown ,· , , towa•ya towhee (bird) -·yi, -yi one time, once wiyl tortilla fall, acorn season this ho?o tooth ne?en, ?en like this biduwe ?ihml tl·na ~oso tuberculosis, bad cough tufted turepline tur.1or sihphu chi•lan luye•, baya? tose 30 turkey waholo•te vinegar turnip ?all•thka visible, in plain sight turtle qhawina twelve na•qho voice twenty carnhma vulture (turkey _) phi~ati, . twilight two ?uya qho• ugly piskudu ?·ohqo umbilical cord unable to do uncle na?bay?du pha?§a up along a surface wi~a·, , urine lliwili warm hoth wart lillsunhtho wasp mu?~iklti • • • ?ahqha santl•ya we wi~al yal where we are weak lieasel lo·ho, various vest ya?na ~awa? qhal?da See we. wedge kunya week; pyre vagina . ya?khe wedding gift exchange yal kuhtu ha?df?di ~ili•ti ta•wi ya our, for us qali·, qalil samo? waist us up, into the air us cuhchi way, custom, manner ?!yow, yow unripe kare•ta watermelon brother and mother's brother. unlucky wagon water See under father's under mihya qhama tuh~omhma • twenty-five twins . bathem?da weir, litter cap a . catha werebear, human bear west mihila dimo 31 .. wet qhonom? whole, entire . wife (my) ?ima·ta, tha?men? whale what baqo ' See under spouse. ifuat do you want?(interj.) ha•y wigglers, mcsquito larvae . hay?ko wheat wildcat §inlcea wheel, hoop, circle whelk when pili•li dolom? wilderness, woods (in or to) . . willow qhalruthu•thu bute· , . cuta• . red white where whereabouts, visible wind place not visible he?ey like what place he?beti ?ihya window . wenta·na windpipe w!·nu which, which one wine while wi.ng, arm a while ago hu?ul for a long while winter cila whip (rawhide) tulu§ whirlwind whiteman phala?cay? ciba• cibal for whom, whose who {plural) whom with {a tool); at, in =wi, =11 w!th, in possession of =qo libu• ~- eohto without, not possessing without, apart from qahle who (singular) whom , qhosa· witr, accompanying whi3tle (instrument) white kulu• citay cita•yacol for whom, whose woman, female, wife ? ima • ta young woman na§oya childless woman qa·sen? 9ahay wood, stick, pole firewood clnhay woodpecker (acorn reihyo? ) ~ata? • .. word, speech you (plural) oahno world, land, ground worm (earth-) '1ama • bila wormwood subject maya object (of or to) mayal for you, your wound, scar wrentit • mi?d!stiti sutu young, new, fresh • writing, design cuhtl wyethia, mule ears young, innocent young man young woman year mal yellow qhala? yellowjacket qawl young, little • • wrinkled , maya?na where you are qat1 cof1o yes yesterday duwe9 yet, still 9o9 you (singular) vocative, Hey you! nihna subject rna object (of or to) mito for you, your mi?khe where you are mito?na qawiya na§oya §iwey- ~3 to go, to wall<' . I1 II f I Several together Several separately da·b!chqaw phila? hayom{•bi• wa·du da~qaw phila" .hayohma" wan?wadu ' , dacwacqaw philathmu• hayom? wa•du? da·~fchqaw phlla•&i" hayohmac!i• go down walaw dalahqaw phllalaw hayohmalaw go down off of wala·me" dala·rnebqaw phllala·rne" hayohrnala·me" come up wolo• dalohqaw philolo" hayohmalo" come up out ot wolo•qo• dalo·qo~qaw philolo·qo• hayohmalo·qo• go up waqa• da•qachqaw philaqa? hayohmaqa? come out wo• dahqaw philo• hayohma" go out woqo• da·qoc!qaw philoqo'~ hayohmaqo• go away or out wa• dahqaw phila? hayohma'~ come in ma• damahqaw phima'~ hayohwlma• go in go back a few steps go across go around to the other side go around all the way terminate going, arrive ma• damachqaw phima• hayohwima• ma•qo• dama•qocqaw phimaqo• hayohwima•qo• maw, mam• d8.mqaw phimaw hayohwim'~ mul• damulqaw phimul'~ hayohwimul• mull• damu•li~qaw phimuli? hayohwlmu•li• ma•du• dami.·~iohqaw phimaci• hayohw1ma•di'~ English C\ne etart to go, leave go along (in one direction) go here and there, wander go far away cohto? '.>. Twn.or tl'1ree .:· . ~ , . Vorb:. of To::; t t.1 en one nn the grnund cahciw English eit down nne f'ff cuma"' ~uqha., a r,r0up oft tre ground !uqhachmav hlhkom• t~e ~rf"ttnd a rr0up 0n t~e r.r0und be sitting caw cumaw hlhko"' lie down m1ti'~ . mlma'> bat!'> . bama"' be lying mitlw . mimaw batiw . bamaw etand up iet1•b1'> ' tetl•bi"' qohqho• qohqho'> be standing iethl"law iethmaw qohqhom'> qohqhom'> be standing nn one leg (of post, etc.) cohtow cohtom" qo•law qo•lam• cow com" to lie in a container (of several objects or a shapeless mass) Verbs of Acting on Different Kinds of Objects one nonlong one long object (rock) object (stick) a bunch of aorbunch mass in any shape a container pick up· dihciw be• b1'>d1• co• do" hold dimaw bemaw bi"dim" co•dom• carry along didu be•du blde·du codo•du give, hand over dihqaw how b19da'> how put, set, throw banew new mlhcaw cow throw away dabanew danew dand.hcaw ea• carry away d1• ba• bida• codo• •