The Inventory of John English, BCL, Fellow of St
The Inventory of John English, BCL, Fellow of St
The Inventory of John English, B.C.L., Fellow of St. John's College By W. C. COSTIN I. INTRODUCTIO O F John English little is known. He was born in 1586 of a Suffolk family, a fact illustrated by his ownership of a map of that county, and of that county alone. At the age of eleven he was sent to the Merchant Taylors' School and from there he came to St. John's as a scholar in Midsummer, 1602. A Jurist, he proceeded B.C.L. in 1608. Probably not well off, he received an exhibition from the Merchant Taylors' Company in 1609 and again in 1613. At the Audits in November, 1611 and 1612 he was elected Dean of Law in the college. He must have taken holy orders, as he is said to have been curate of Wolvercote, Oxford, and to have been preferred to the rectory of toke in Sussex. He served, in the usual routine, as a weekly steward in the college every term from Michaelmas, 1608, to Michaelmas, 1612, inclusive except in Michaelmas, 1610, and Midsummer Term, 1612. He died on Lady Day, 1613. Probate was granted to his administrators in the Chancellor's Court at Oxford on 31 May, 1613. His administrators were John English, described as 'c1ericus rector' of Boulye with Dehach in the hundred of Wilford, Suffolk, who may well have been the deceased's father, and Richard Brooke, M.A., fellow of Trinity College. The only other fact in his career of which we have knowledge is his support of Dr. John Rawlinson, then Principal of St. Edmund Hall, at the presidential election at which Laud was chosen by thirteen votes to twelve. It is probable therefore that he belonged to the Calvinist section of the Church. The inventory of his effects, preserved in the archives of the University, was taken by two fellows of St. John's, Richard Holbrooke and Richard Baylie, later President, both of whom had been of the anti-Laudian party in 1611. The list of his books is preserved, totalling 518 items, written out in no apparent order. After item no. 397 is a note' Theis bookes Iy in y" south end of y" study'. Thirty-two more are said to ' stand on y. shelfe over the dooer', remarks which lead one to think that the order in the inventory 102 INVENTORY OF JOHN E GLISH, B.C.L. derives from the place of the books on English's shelves. Ifso, he would appear to have been an unmethodical man; the result is that works of a widely disparate nature are bracketed together for valuation purposes. The total value of the books was estimated at £22 lOS. 3d., almost the same figure as that set upon his clothing, furniture and other personal effects. In addition there was £131 odd in debts, bonds and ready money. Although he was a B.C.L. and Dean of Law, works on law form but a small portion of his library, some 55 items, of which more than half are classified below under the sub-title of Ethics and Politics. But among them Canon Law is represented by Gratian's Decretals and I I concern the Civil Law. English Law finds a place, for example, in Cowell's lnstitutionts Juris Anglicani, as well as in a number of copies of Statutes. On the other hand Literae Humaniores is strongly represented with a total of 93 books, including many grammarians, and a very fair selection of Greek, but especially of Latin, classical authors. There are 23 works of philosophers and logicians, among which figure two copies of a commentary on the Logic of Aristotle by Dr. John Case, a former medical fellow of his own College, as well as three copies of the Logic of the Calvinist writer, Petrus Ramus (Pierre de la Ramee). Allhough the complete absence of Plato is not surprising, it is noteworthy that there is no text of Aristotle, except a French translation of the Politics. Perhaps the explanation lies in lhat, being a Jurist, he had not to teep himself in Aristotle to the same extent as would be necessary for an Artist. Gardiner's A booke of angling, or fishing (and his possession of a chess board and chess men) may indicate the direction of his leisure hours. Among other miscellanea are to be noted Willis's The art of slenographie, Merlin's Prophecies and the Nero and Verlumnus of his contemporary St. John's colleague, Dr. Gwinne. Astrology is represented by Darlot's A brefe introduclion to the astrologicall judgement of the Slarr" and Ferrier's A learned astronomical discouTse of the judgement of nativities. William Camden and John Stow are among the English historians, and there is a history of China and another of tile Turks. Science and Medicine are found only in five works. More than half of the total works are theological, of which the chief sections are Bible II, Fathers 8, Liturgies and Confessions 13, Commentators 61, Sermons 50, Controversies 26, and Miscellaneous,including Commonplaces, So. The striking fact here is the great variety of schools of thought represented. Among the Fathers of the Church are Augustine, Basil, Bernard andJustinus ; Beza, Calvin, Daneau and Philippe de Mornay from the Calvinists; Althamar, Paulus ab Eitzen and Lucas Osiander of the Lutheran party; among the Papalists, Luis Bishop of Granada, John Osorius and Johann von Eck are to be found together with such Anglican divines as John Boys, Bishop 103 W. C. COSTIN Andrewes, Jewell, Hall and Barlow, and the Cambridge theologian William Perkins. Renaissance writers like Erasmus and Melancthon are there along,ide the Schoolmen, St. Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus and Peter Lombard. There are ew Testaments in Greek, the Psalms in Hebrew and Bibles ill English and Latin. We do not know whether or to what extent this library was inherited or acquired by John English, nor whether he had mastered it or not. But if it is in any way typical of the reading of the time, then St. John's, and no doubt other colleges, in the reign of James I was preparing for the work of the Church, as its Founder had intended, a body of clergy of wide reading and massive learning. English was only 27 at the time of his death, so that the fruits of his learning never had time to ripen. There is some evidence that his collection was rather larger than normal. William Gearing, a former commoner of the college, died in 1607 as Chaplain of The Queen's College at the age of 30, leaving a library, almost exclusively Calvinist, valued at only £445. Id. George Gisby, born in 161 I, died in 1664 with books priced at £13 6s. od. But he had been driven out of the College by the Parliamentary party and remained in the wilderness until his restoration to his fellowship in 1660. Two other fellows of the period, Thomas Adams who died in 1607 and William Pixley, who died in 1645, were possessed of books worth only £3 12S. od. and £7 respectively. Likewise Brian Nailour died in 1630 with books valued at £3. But Thomas Atkinson who died as a fellow aged 40, in 1639, left books valued at £2 I 2S. 6d. The classification used to reduce English's library to some rational order is taken from the St. John'S library copy of Hyde's Bodley catalogue of 1674. which was bound in 1688. There is some reason to suppose that the college catalogue was made in 1734, and the script is not inconsistent with such a date. The expanded titles of the meagre notices of the items in the inventory are derived mainly from the Bodleian and British Museum catalogues. As no edition is ever given in the inventory it is not possible to say which, when there are, as is often the case, many editions, English pos essed. In the pelling of proper names the British Museum catalogue has normally been followed, except that for English authors the Short Title catalogue has been used. A few items have been identified from contemporary Frankfort book lists. Though it has not proved possible to identify every item, the great majority have been determined, and certainly enough to give an adequate picture of the possible reading of a college fellow in the reign of James I. Among others helpers I must thank Mr. Strickland Gibson for his assistance in identifying several works, and Canon Greenslade for reading the proof. 104 I:-IVENTORY OF JOHN ENGLISH, B.C.L. II. r.1. TRAN CRIPT A true Invenlorie of all such moveable goods as were lately Mr. John Englishis Batchelor of Civill Lawe and Fellowe of I. Johns Colledge in Oxford deceased indifferently prized by Mr. Richard Baly & Mr. Richard Holebrooke Fellows of ye same Colledge. vis A Jerkin prized at A Cassock A pain: of uuff'c hoose viOO XI vis A dublel Three yardes of bayes A payre of sleeves A dublet \;iJ viiid viiid iiis ~ vid iiis A paire of Jenie slockings A frocke gowne iis vid ,~ ,\ yard and an halfe of broad cJoatb 2 Girdles Acyp ..... Theis things were in the Chesl which ",-as prized at An old suile and an hatte, an old cloake an old paire of drawen & a civill hoode fheise things "'ere in a truDcke prized at Bandes shines handkcrcheifi cuffes and capps A deske wilh a frame One hamper with old stuffe in it an olher hamper Th rcc pc«eS of linen cloth fenoe lowells to wipe handes 3 pillow beares 9 napkins fTowcr paire of Sheets and a cushon pillow Two China dishes onc= combe case onc head brush two combes onc incke home and the desk wherein they are ,\ little box Three poundc:s seventeene shillings in golde, in silver lcone shillings and xid in a purse Two lide ring! and a sil",er seale 2 handkerchei& I looking glasse I olde paire of gloves and a deske A liue table and twO qui« of paper 3 ltooles and a liue chaire :3 boxes 2 saucers and I plate linder-box 2 lowells 2 nightcappc:s I handkercheife and I band ! oIde gownes A batchelon boode 3 boxes more A looking ~Iasse and two brushes a combe a standish and a pen knife A table and a greene carpeu A pain: of silke garlen A box wilh poyntes and a girdle !;litJe boxes ... gall)' potts 6 ",iolls and a lide cheny di.\h ,\ paire of svx:kings a Jidc pu~ nt'He, a yarde of darnclu a carpel a halle and a girdle 2 candle Slicks 2 paire of booles ~ chamber polts :3 paire of stockings :3 payte of old shooes and a pajre 0 pantoAoes I girdlt' a curlaine a nest of boxes 1 10 5 viis ;, iiis xiid xd \;d iiijd xu iiis iis iid xs xii, LU vis iid iiij£ viis xid viiis iiijs iiis v. viiid xiiijd iil iis xd iis iii~' " iis vid vid viii<! ,,;iis xiid \'iii! iis iiis w. C. COSTIl\ A mappe of Suffolke, a picture a Ch~l board wilh chC'lt m~n i~ A plate candle stick<: A forme \n old fClherbcodde. an old flocke bud !l fether boblcn 2 fl ucke bobt!''' 3 fether pillows I flockt pillowe 7 blan(:'ke(u I ru~i{f" ' "id \'id xiid and I bedsled A chest in \ 'C cockJoft itC"rn a cloa'}.;e v£ 22£ Sume iiijs lOIS 1& 3d f,l" THE INVt: NTOR Y OF llIS BOOKES , 1eeiv) I 3 CCXXXV ) (oo'ii) 4 Icxciiil 5 lcd,,,") 7 (Iv I Libellus ICC'lectaru legu per Pet!:9 Fons Remundus sc:bundius de ora haij'! Lamberti Danaej polit Aphori' O1i Memora ble ronC"cipu l Aphoris Calvini U (nxxv) Eassays moral) and Ih~logiC'all Aldi manulij el~antjae Bibelij faCCliae 9 (clxxxiii) Barons apolOl{ie } The phiJosophcl'1 bankq ud The vanitie of the eie uncei obst-rvationes politicae Joanes Avenarij pre adunes Jacob hi! wreanling } 6 dix \ 10 ~diii ' II (ccLxxiii ) 12 ((cx\-") 13 14 ~ccclxxii ) «clltvii ) 15 (dv) 16 ~cdxcd) '7 edxiii ) OJ cXJ(xvii) (xcvii) (cuiii) .. t 18 (exlvii) X1ii 19 ) ) '0 cdl""", '3 '4 (clxxix ) :~ ~~ (ccdx ' (ccclxix (('('(xx\-ii (ccclxniii) t<elxxx) '9 30 ccchoc ) 3 1 cccx:cvii) 3' ~cccJXXXi) 33 ccclxv) r 34 (dx) ~& 37 38 39 dXXi cccxcix) ccxlix) ) cdxxvi) clviii) xiid J xiiij " iiijd Slafford~ Niobe Rogers exerCbei Ikllarmine hi, catachi5m( Hall', satyra Brend.ingbag hh rollation Granadoes Rowers Cornwallis his Essay! BoetiU5 de consolal' EpislOI Lacon ) ii vid Suntag Lypsei Calvini sennonn Gifford, sennons Pilkington on Haq;e A Comc&lainle again'it ~uritif' Leonar exhortation LO repenlan('c Giffords scrmoOJ Plafords his sermons Lewis his S(:rmons Carpenter his ~rmons iiis iiijd An opticke glaue of humors Mr Cifford Primes Sermons An epitomie of physicke The mislery of iniquitie Aphori m Hierogl)'phici iiis iiijd 106 I I f INVE 'TORY OF ]OH .' 1 A lxMlke of angling The life of Christ Sculten Axiomata Udalb sermons Epigrams & Satyn !E 11 An epistle of comfort 40 4' 43 44 49 ~o ~, ~. ~3 ~ (cxix (>Ix;v) 00 ;;;) <Xlix) eli) d) ~ecclxvili) ccclxxx.ii) cdxxii) ~cccJ"iii) xlii) (/xxxix) (cdviii) (ccdxxxix) (edxxx;') 55 'ccxcv) 56 (Lxv;) 57 (edLxxxv;) 5ll (ccxxxix) ~9 ~Ccclxii i) 6, (cxxiv) and (cxxv;) 60 cdxxiii) ENGLISH, B.C.L. 1 Doctor Edes his sermoru Lewes Sermons 1 Humphries Sermons Brewen sermons Owens Epigra~ Epictclus Tyres Sermons Sermons on ye parables A description of antichr6t CoramlS in Rom Mantuan anglice Momeus de Ecclesia Tractatt Juridici C.arews sermons An apologie of the church of England Coelius 2ds Ep~tola(' Lalomi & sturmij ,£ Sume 6, ~CCCXCiii ) 63 cccx.iv) 64 (cdxlvi) ~ 67 68 6g 70 7' 7' 73 74 75 )6 77 78 79 80 (Ix\·jii) ~cccxxv) cccxxvi) (cexcvii) (cclxv;;;) texl;;;) Lxxx;) cccvii) (LoUv) (cccx) (cccxxiii ) rCXd) ccxcii) clxvii) xviii) (cclx) (cceiv) 8, 82 ~Ixxv) 83 ccxciii) ~ ~cclxxvii) 84 (cccxlviii) (dxv) 87 ccclix) 88 (rcixxviii) iiij!' f.• Perkiru on Christes temptations .Iuell on ye Thessalonians Epitome institionu calvini 10 Bd xd f Virgilis co comeot' Pelican'll in Evan~ell Conradi Pellicam index bib Coranus in Epistolas Bernardi opera Gua1ter in Epistol Senecae Epistol Thesaurus scripturaru Ciceroni, opera Gregor morall Lira in Essay et Jerom et in novu testam' Calvins in Epistolas Pauli Calvin Harmon in Evangell Eusebius Hystory Nizoliw 8eza in Novu testament Explicat. EvangelistarG Ciceronis opera duobs Voluminibs Ca1vins in Acta Apostoloru A confutacon of heresies The way to ye Irue church Boves upon principle places or scripture Bullinger'S sermons & decad Calvins institutions IS iiis iis iis iiis ijjjd " iis iis iii, iiis viis iis vid xxd vid ;;, vid iiijs iis iiijd ru iis viis vid ;.d vid } viiis 7 8 w. 8g go (xxxi) ~Ccx1viii) 9' 9' am)i) 93 l: 94 95 ccxvii) bca) 96 !XXXVi) ~ 99 '00 '0' '02 '03 '04 :~ '09 110 Ca1epini Lex A treatis of wills Eburlinus de origine Juris Perkin. his cases of conscience Sanazar f Lypsii }Xllit. Coment in Salustiu (lxx) DixonariG poetic11 Cleonards Grammar Biblia sacra Latine & Anglice The two partn of Sumbolographie Dengensis de criminalibt Aurea praxis Maranli Virgil! English t Dr. Gwin his Nero Mores Eutopia Metaphras in psalm (cdiv) Scu1teti Idea vi) celviii) (= ) ~ ccxxxiii) ccxxxviii) lV ccxviii) ) cccxxxiv) '07 (cccxxxvi) ,oS C. COSTIN ~CCCXViii) cdlxvii) (ccclxxvi) "' fccclxi) II. cccxciv) "3 lcclxxxii) "4 \ooxxi) "5 (cd""v) t 116 (cediii) lVii "7 118 cdxli)) 119 cdlxi) 120 cclxxxiv 12' cdxxviii 12' ~CCdiV) '·3 cdlxviii) f ? f 1 Temple uppon twelve psalmes Knewestuppe his lectures Monte Calvery Housons sermons Calvin. sermons Perkins upon ye Revelation The authoritie of ye church An apoJogie against Brownests Lutheri manes viis Elio sermons Dod on the comaundements Bond on ye Saboth A conference at Paris Rogers on the ~9 Articles Piclurc.s of PapLSts & puritaru Barlo.....s sermons Mont C.alvery Sume 12 4 (cCf"-xxi) 12~ 12 (cdxxiv) (cdxxx) (exlix) (cxlvi) CXXviii clxJaiv)) ccxxix) 127 128 129 '30 '3' '3' (Ixxxii) '33 (clxxiv) t iiijs J f.'2" Luther upon ye Galathians atUuI Harding Rainol conf(rence with Hayle Lelancts Epigrarru Dr. Gwinlt vertumnu! Ridli~ Ecc1esianicall government Camden his remains Actio in proditore! Seneca de bc-:nef Anglice Catalogus AcademiarO Jud! 108 i r,£ viiis 'os 5d INVE '34 '35 '36 '37 '38 '39 '4" '4' '42 The bystories of Britanic in 'Ito (clvii) The trial) of Wilts A dc:scription of ye world The Adnuncement of learning Deneu french Hystnric (cIxn (CXXii~ (clxiv (ccx;) (c!xxv;;) (cxlviii) (cd;v) (c:dlxiii) (ccH) '45 (ex"i i) '43 q6 (xxv) '47 (exviii) '4" (cd;) (ex;) '50 ~=)iii) '5' I ~l '53 '54 '5~ 'sS :~ cC'XXXii) !~;;) (<<liii) (c1xiii) ,67 (cxxxi ii) ,68 (eelxxx;') ,6g (cdlxxvi) '70 (cccxliv) '7' (xvi) '72 Icdlii) ' 73 (occxxxiii) '7+ (cce) '75 (edlxx;;) '76 (cdlxxxv) '77 (ccb:iii '78 (ccxcviii) :~ ~CClxxi) ceolv) ,8, (lxv) ,8. (edl. .;v) ,83 ~XXXi\') ,B4 Records ArilhmaLicke Colloquia Erasmi :Nomenclat' artiii cclxxvi) viiis vioo xii is iiijd Justini hi.!ltoria C'.agnolus de regulis juris ,60 (cIxx) ,6, !dx;) ,6. ,63 ,64 Dreuori Orationes l l (xciv) (cdxxxvii) ;X! Hill!: Arcthmaticke Feverrientij Dialogi An F.n21ish testament lxxxv ) . ccooci) OOv ). xxxu) H, B.C.L. Centuria politic' quesl' The hystorie of Chyna The Accidence of Annorie Ch·ill Convenacon Ficinus de n:lif{ione Gwin! auru non aurum (eelxi) '5 '57 (Hi) 159 ENGLI (chaxv) '# '48 TORY OF]OH Terence '<caIeg. poe' Dictionariii lIoralius Agrippa de vanitale sci Apolinus in psalmOi Turcarii hYSloria Compttldiii regilionis Vitelli Philipps Dcciw de regu!is juriJ Pouii poemata EpislOI Lypsei Praxis Langfranci Charlonis chronicon Turneri Oraliones ' liber psalmorum A Treatise of praieninacon T)'gurinus in psalm Martinij Gram Hebr Coiiionplaces on ye scriptures Rollockiw uppon ye Romans Erasmus in Epist ad Corynth Hooper on ye comaundmenu ~fdanthon5 commonplaces in Libcr psalmorum Eitzeni P051illa Opera D. Juslini P(lL'Ililla Feri in 8' Tragcdiae Senecae )"Sterna Throlog Keckennani Pagnini dixionarli Hebra Berkel ij ca lach i., a- xxivs Suffie '09 3£ 5' w. c. 185 .86 .87 .88 .Sg .go '9' 19~ '93 '!» 195 .g6 '97 .g6 '99 .00 .0. .0. .03 .. 204 .~ 2 '07 'l oS '0<) ...'" 2.0 "3 "4 "5 .. 6 ••.'~ :u9 :120 221 2>2 223 ..22i ·'4 :J.:J.7 :128 2:29 '3 0 :13 2:12' '33 '34 '3~ >3 b '37 '38 '39 ·4° :14' '4' '43 COSTIr, r·3 (cd,;) An English Bibl,. ( ccclxxxv;;) POIlil. Osorij Bucani loci comunes ~cdxliji) cccxvii) Junius in psalmos (cccxxvHi) Piscatnr in psalmM (cccxxix Jd(''ffi in qumqu(' Eputol Pauli ' ccclv) Boskierus hi'! wonnon (ccclxxxviii) O.,orij condones (edxl) Themata Bidelbachij (cdxxix) Osiandri Enchiridion (clxxHi) Orator terrae sanctae eelV Boscerw de finibi bonorO cdxe);) Christian equilie cel) Differences of 81{es ci",Q Stowes Citron (eI) Merlyn.s pro\ii~ies (,.;;;) Gnomolog graceo tal (ccxxii) Smith de Republica (dxxxviii) Halls munds alter et idem (lxx\-'iii ) Livij orationes (cccix ~ Gentilis de latinil81c \'('Iens bibliae clxxx ;) Reu$Jlcri Sum bola Selectae oraliones (xlviii Gentilis. i«:licmt'S in \ 'il1l;ilili Icdixxx Loasij qua~liones (cdxxxi;' Tompson contra Lyps (cIxU) Camden i Britania (xlv) Dratons poems (xxxv) ilburgij gram graee xv;;;) Syntag nil'llerij v) Charisius de Decimis ccx:xiv) Duarenus de beneflci.i5 (=1) [nSlituo juris Anglici A {sic] 50phista ~CXii.i 1 xcviii ) &etiut Anglice (xcii} Julianae Epistolae (cii) E~teti Enchiridion ' xxx\ii l A exander ab ,\lexand' Plafen Sermon ~cccxcviii ' cIxxlcix) Halls description of ye New world (cccxlii ) Turnebull uppon James (cdlxwii ) Ramw de Rdigione Chrutiana (cdlx 1 Feneri 111col<)J(ia (cdxci ) .\rmilla aur("a Icdxcvii ) Sacrae c;enlC~nliae (cccx.xiv) Paladij hagoge (cdxhv) Bunnies resolUlions (cxxv) Halb EthickM Jacob2 de voragille ~c1ix) «ali) The reward of Religion (cdxciul pjnell in English (cdli ) Howehould government Theologica ~diii) cccxcv) Perkim de ratione concionandi (cdvii) Turnbull sennon, (ccclxxiv) Deaths Advantage (cdJxx;) Hills on ye Lords prayer (dv;) Trelcatius in English (d\"ii) Tre:i("atill' l.atin r i """" t XVI Sume 110 .£ '5' I:\'''E:\'TOR Y OF JOH:\ ENGLISH, B.C.L. '41> (cxxxiv) I-'ores doctorii lhcologicorU Augustini soliJoquia Apolheg gratt' & tal 247 Idxxvn Quintus Cunius '<jl! '49 (Ixxxvi) (I) (eI""i) (cxxx) 1V cdxxix) ) cdlxxv) (cxmi) (cdxix) "44 '45 '50 IcdIxv) (cclxv) '54 t ,,58 (cdlxiv) (cxcviii) '59 «'Cii) ,60 ( liiil '5' '5' '53 '55 '56 '57 ,6. (cdlxxxii) ,6, (cdlvi) ,63 (cdlxix) ,64 (cdlxx) ,65 !di) ,66 ,67 ,68 '690 diilax (cd vii) (ccocii) (cdlxxxiii) f.3 v rerenc HesiodUll 80hemus de moribs gentiu T("xloris Epilltolae Greeke testament Hamaphw; de virtutibs Omphaliw de e1ocutione Horatiw Lewis his meditacons A IhreefouJd resolution Halls hea'·en uppon earth Halls medjtacons SUllons disce mori Idem disce vivere Momays discourse of life & death Halls observacons Paradisu! preeu 27 1 (cdlxxix) Speculu vitae humanae Lucan Suctoniu! :~ ,8. ,8, ,83 '84 ,85 (cxxxii) (eli i) (xl) (Ixi) (xlvi) (ccc1xii) (chcix) (Ixxii) ,86 (Ii) ,87 (lxxxiv) '89 ~ccxxxvii) dv) ,88 (ccc1xiv) ,go '9' '9' '93 '94 '95 '!)6 '97 (ccxxxvi) ~CCCXiii) cccx.i) (cd",,) (ccci) ~cc<:ii) ccciii) vid Flores bib Termes of me lawe '77 (cxxxi) VI Edej Enchiridion (ccx1vii) '78 viiid Suma consiliorii Lanctantij instituliones Exempla virtutu et vitiore. '7 '7' (Iiv) '73 (Ixxxiii) '74 !xxxix) lxii) '7~ (cxxix) '7 vis Sent: Ciceronu Sabins in Ovidij metamorph Epist Amator Flores PauJi Flores Senecae RicciWl de imitatalione Ciceron is sent RoUeti poemata Comicoru graec' sentenliae A sermon of Calvins Valerius M.aximWi Cesars commentaries English Homen II C. Taciu.u Caroli magni Hom: De juris primo gen l...e'Iyrier A declaration of Ecclesiastical dkcipline Ccnlilis de legalionibs Hugo Cardinalis in Evangel CregoriWi in Ezec.h Hypolitus Erasmus in Joanem Idem in Lucam Idem in Epiuolas I I I iiijs I xis w. .g8 '99 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 t lxxV dxxi) ) lxxxvii) ~XCiii) ccxlii) (cdxxxv;) ~cccxlv;) xxxiii) ~clxxx) cecl) C. COSTI , Rasilius magnus de rhu missa. Mwtingius nomenclat. Tercnc cum comeot Stobaeus Jentencc:s A collector of English statutes I (sic) de casil>' conscientiae Willet uppon Genesis Lexicon graec in 4 10 A book of civil consideracon Seotus in mru:m. sententiarum l Suffie 308 309 310 3 11 3 12 3 13 314 315 316 31 31 319 3.0 321 3" 3'3 3'4 h 3'~ 3' 3'7 3. 8 3'9 33 0 33 1 33' 333 334 335 336 337 33 8 339 340 34 1 34' 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 35 1 35' ~=l;) ccxlv) ~Ixxix) ccix) }c!xxxvi) xxviii) (ccx;") (ccxx) (ccxx;) (clxv) ~ lxxxv;;;) ,0) (ciii) ~cdxlix) eviii) (;;) (cxl) (dxv;;;) cx ",,;,.) cccxxxvii) cdxxxviii) edxiv) cclxix) t I xiiijJ .£ " f·4 .d A tr3cte of ye Jawes of England Institutions of ye lawes of England Plinij Epist Sr TholTta! EliolS governor Anglorii proelia EnclUridion Morelli Osorius de gloria Ide de justicia Ide de regis institutione Ide rebus Lusitan' De re ruslica L I Fregius gram grace Ide de quaesl log Liber dialogorG Ramus logick Gram grace. Camden i Erasmus Encomiu moriae I "" J Zanchij opera xvis Thomas Aquinas in Eputo)as O. Pauli Theophi lacl in 4 Evang in fol. Aretius in Novu testament in folio Bezae lractall Theologicae Gregorij Homiliae quaeda. cxv) Toleti Physiea cxvi) Toletus de Anima, Toleti logiea Zaneh : in Hoseam Casi Elhiea cvii) Keckermani log cxJii) Erasmi Adagia iv) and (vii) Gram. grace Cleonardi & Ceporini Herodotus ~xc) x1iv) Cannina funebr Oxoniens' (cxcv) Castilio de Au1ico (I';) Ovidij metamorpho u Ovidij fastoru cccxxxi) POS5eVinus contra chrytaeu xcv;)) Bedae axiomata philosophica ccxx:v) Decretalia vol 4 iii) Camdeni gram grace (dx;x) An English booke Granatensis opera vol 5 t dlXXX;V) cdxlviii) Canitius summa de doctrinae Christianae dxiii ) Joanis vitalis speculu morale Petri Lumbardi sent ~ccdii) cccxl) Thomas Aquinas in Epistolas el psal 112 iiijd iis iiis iiis viiid iis ;, ;, !~ci~);;) r iiu ;, iis } xxd vid vid vid iis I xxd f } xiid iid iis } vid '" vid iiijd ii ii vid vid INVENTORY OF JOHN E 'GLISH, B.C.L. 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 (calvi) (CXXX\"iii/ (Ix;') ~CChli) xliii) !cd1VW) cdvi) ccxcvii) xix) 36, 362 !cdxvii) 363 ccclxvi) 364 cxcvi) 365 (dxx) 366 (edxxxil cxxm 367 368 cccxxjj) 369 edlxvi) 370 Cccxxvi) 37' fcclxxxvi ) 372 ccxciv) 373 374 t 37~ 37 377 378 379 380 38, 38• 383 384 385 386 ~~ 3Sg 390 39' 39· 393 394 395 396 397 3gB 399 400 40' 40· 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 r~~ cclxvii) cclxxxv) cclxxxi) cdlxxviii) (div) (cdlxxxix) (ecxxx) !CCXXVii) cdxi) edii) cexcix) (edly) tdxViii) cccxx) (cccxxxvUi ) ~CCCVi) ccclxxv} (cc("xc) ~Cdxxxiv) cdlxii) ~cdXXXiii) cccxxxv) (cdxxxviii) Dr. Gentilis his d.isputaoons Darioru Astrology \ "irgilii pan Boskieri orbis terror Awoniw ell anotat Scalig Stdla de cOnlemptu mundi Topiarius in Evang & epist Danaeus in Evangeliii secundG marc T extoris Epitheta Danaei Te5ponsio ad Genebrad Coopers sennoru Halb epistles & charecten Sume f·4 v A volume or pamphlets Sutcliffs answare to Throgmorton Ecclesiasticall cannons P. Marter in Epi.noi ad Roman Fami aurea Armilla Decretalia gratiani AJlhamiries consiliationes Camarani scripture conciliat Dionysius Carthusians in Eput Rewneri Symbola Basilij Epist Lanspergius in dominicales Epist Leonis conressio Lampergiw Thesaurus sacrae scripturae Osorius de sapienlia Erodij quaestiones Eplae decretales Guahers in aliquot Epris Royardi Homiliae Commentariolu in Genesin Danaei orationes dominicae Eckij homiliae Riccellw in aliquot Ephu Theolatis in Eplas PauJi Feuerdenuus in J oburn Homiliae quaed" Pepinw in £pJa" Whitakeri ad Camp Feuerdentiw Naliva Hisloria Tylcni Antichristw &rranus in &desiasten Perkilllll cases of conscience Theis hooke Iy in ye south end of ye study Mr. Perkins works (cdxeii) Postillae in Eplas CCXXXii cdlxxxviii ) Wolf'tangij loci communes Theal Enchiridion Aspilcuelae edxxxv) ) Calvini imtitutiones cdxJvii) Virets Christian dispula cons !dxii) The history of the church c1xviii) Ursin catachis dx) Ludi Granalensis loci coiiiunes (ee) Fungeri Elymologic6 lal (xii) Gran3leruis conliones de tempore vol 4~CCClxxxiii) Ide condones de reslls vol '2 ccclxxxiv) ~ xiid viiid iis viiid 1 3£ yid xd '4' } ,0<1 xd Hid xd xiid xvid xiid 1 is vid xiid Hid viiid xd } vid xiid t xiiijd xd vid } xvid 1) xvid ) vid iiid iiijs r 113 viiid xvid is vid iis is } vid xiid xilij xd iis } iils vid w. 4'0 4" 412 4'3 4'4 4'5 4,6 4'7 4,8 4'9 4. 0 4" 4" 4'3 4'4 4'5 4·6 427 4. 8 4'9 430 43' 43' 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 44' 44' 443 «4 !!~ 447 448 449 450 45' 45' 453 454 455 456 45 45 6 !~ 46 , 46, 463 464 465 466 467 CCCXcii fcccx.1ix) ) ~coclvU) cciii) (cclxxiii) (cclxx;v) (cccviii) (cccxci) (cccxcvi) t r dX"";;;) cdxv) clxxv) lxx ccd;) ;;;) cclxvi) div) (cdl;,,) (cdxcv) (cccxvi) (cccxv) C. COSTIN Guliel de peraldo Homiliae Bononius in ThomA AQuinali' Bandmilleri concionn funebres GuI. de Peraldo summae \'irtutu vol Confcssio Amhf'06Siana xiiijd } xiiijd viiid !2 Confessiones ex lummi, 11)('01 Scholiae gagnC'ri in Pauli Epra.. } Pepini Homiliae Chrysologi sermones in Evang Confessio Bemardina Theodori Petrei Cassander de articuli~ Religionis Chrytaeus de lectione hyswriarii Clilna,i scala reradisi Joaili! Peed e trinitate xiiijd .£ Suffie f·5 iiis viiid 3' ) xvid ( } AuguSlini confessiones Mensa pbilos~ica Scoti Slellae mc(Htaoes de amore dei The practizes of falh F Junius in Revelatione Chrysostomus in Mathew Theis books stand on ye shelfe over the d~r (0<.'0<;") An Almanacke (= ;) The arte of Stenography (ccclxx;,,) Lakes sermons (cdxcviii) A sermon (cdxxvii) Nycho15 recantation (cv) Goclineus in Organon Arlis (cv;) Hunaei log An exposition on XC third psalme ~cccv) cdv) Mary Magdalens uneralJ learC'S (dxv;) The d(.SCriptione of a lrue fast (dviii) The triall of a mans owne soule (cdxc;,,) A sermon (cIv;) The store howse of good wille (cdxv;) Anticoton Dr. Genlilis disput3tiones 2 ~ccx) xiv) Rami Gram (xlvii) Tragedia fabricij Sampe Theoph;lou, c) and (cxiv) Ca!i el Sandersoni log cxcii) Panegericum Henrici octavi cdliv) A direction to ye water of life (cccbocvii) Peters lcares (!xv;;) Ferenini disticha (cd) Fishermen A Sermon by Dr. Rawling-son (dxv;;) Wick lest conformitie to )e church (ccclxxxv) Jacobs deliveraunce by Dr. Miller (cd;) The Romish Judas (ccciv) The mirror of poJUcy (cxc) Luckners description ofye univeMoities of Italy Tullij offic Anglolat ccvi) Juridica determinao tria qua('Slionfi ccxiii) Pollicke & mil1itary discourses Mancinus de 4 0r Virtutibus ~CCi) edxii) The Merchaunt Rotall (ccclxxxv;) The safegard of say ors (ami) The judgment of Nativities (xxii) Slowodi disputationcs gram (eelvii) An English bible in 4to 7d viiid xiid vid iiijd } xiiijd } vid } xiid xviiid rtx;;j viiid :(iid llxm) "4 ume xvJ vis ,6s li d I:-NE'TORY OFJOHX ENGLISH, B.C.L. ~68 ~6g (ccv) (cx:cix) (ex) (xlix) CccJix) 470 47' 4)2 473 (cclxi\"' 474 ~xcix) ~75 xvii) ~ 48, ~cdxii) ci) 476 (cOOiii) 477 ~dxxii) 478 x) (xxvii ) 482 (cdiv) 483 (xv) ~~ (coci;) ~86 (xxx) ~ (xx) (clxxx\'ii) (cd1) (xci) (ccxl;v) 485 (ccxc) 487 (;) ¥l9 49" 49' ~92 ~93 494 (lix) (;x) 495 ~CCXY;) 496 497 498 cclxxx) ~Cdliii ) cxxxvi) 499 (xxvi ) 500 ~ XXiii ) 50' cx:xviii) 502 (xxiv) 503 (ood) 50~ .')05 506 507 508 509 5'0 5" 5 12 5'3 5'4 5'5 5,6 5'7 5,8 ~cdxCiv) xli} (cix) (ccxxxiv) (civ) (xx;) (viii) (cdii (xcv) (h'ii) (cccxxx) (cdx ) (lxxiU) ~IXXvii ) cxii) Aries )X)litickes in french vid Hylandi Ethica Rami logica Gothofredw: in Senecam An English testament The psalmes in Hebrew Caesarij log Marlinij gram Heb TIle statutes of England Boemus de moribs gentiu Donatus de pubs or8onis Testamentu lat Casi Jogica lsocratis opera } xiid } viiid iiijd vid iiid } xd ~raecolat xiiijd The Apocripha Martinij gram graec vid jjjjd ,,;d Langabechij Institullones imperiaJes Pandectae scriptuaru &rolts dixonary Budaei com' linguae graec' Textoris Epitheta ;, ;, jjjd iiijd iid iiijd Davies his microcosma Castalians Dialogs } Juliani imperatoris opera The statutes of England vid iiijd Pyscator on a pte of Horae Crocius gram graec Wilts commons wealth .\ catachisme Comiines loci The garden of muses Erasmi copia verboru Lauremiu.s Valla Macropedius de EPiis 2scribendill Anotationes in Ciceroni! pliliones Apulaeus de asino aur~ PolanWl log Lycoslhones Apotheg Ramus log Practica petri Ferrari Frqius log Textoris Epitheta Oenards grae gram ~agrius phy!icks Apthonius Ovidij melamorphosis Luke Simon Veripaew Caesars commenlaries TuUys offices Paces logicke .. xiiijd ix pay bookes Sume 115 ,£ " 8d w. C. COSTIN f.6 In bondes, a notc. booke [. s d debu and ready money 13' 13 d3 £ , suma totir 177 Richard Barlie } Rich: Holbrooke duodecimo die Junij Ano diii 1613 IrI. A. iii ;v v vi vii viii be (487) (s'n (S4 ) (337) (2)5) (97) (337) ~51O) 494) xi (47 8 ) (3 19) xii xiii ~407) xiv xv (445) (48 3) xvi xvii xviii (17 1)} (475) (79) xix (361) (488) x xx 201) xx; x...:ii xxiii (500) xxiv (502) xxv (146) xni (499) xxvii xxviii xxix (481 ) (~) (4 ) .. ~3.07 13~ I f prizen CLASSIFICATION LlTERAE HUMANIORES I. ii 9 Grammatico Budi:, Guillaume. Commentarii linguae Graecae. Camden, William. Imtitutio graecae grammatices compendiaria in usum regiae scholae Westmon33teriensis. ~porinw, Jacobus. Compendium grammaticae Graecae. Charisius, Flavius Sosipater. De diffcrentiis \-"0C3bulorum. Clenardw, Nicolaus. Graecae linguae irutitutiones. Clenardus, Nicolaus. lnstitutiones in Iinguam Graecam. Clcnardw, Nicholaus. Graecae linguae institutiones. Cruciw, Winandw. Graecae Linguae Erotemata, etymologiam tertiam grammatices partem complectentia .. in wum Scholae Embricerui•. Donatus, Adios. An prima. De octo partibos oration is. Freigios Joannes Thomas. Cracea grammalica ad wum puerorum in epitomen redacta. Fungerus, Joanne!. Etymologicum Latinum. Hilmer, Joannes. Gnomologicum Graecolatinum sive sentenliae Craecae breviores. La Ramee, Pierre de. Crammadca. Martiniw, Joannes. Prima partium declinabilium Graecae linguae rudimenta ex Clenardi & Sylburgii scholiis cong~ta. Martinim, Petrus. Crammaticae Hebraeae libri duo. Nizoliw, Marius. Apparatus latinae locutionis in usum studiosae iuventutis, ex M.T. Ciceronis Jibris colleclUS. Ravisius, Joannes (Textor). Epithetorum I. Ravisii Textoris Epitome. Stockwoocl, John. Disputatiuncularum grammaticaliwn libellus. Valla, Laurentius. L. Valla(' opera nunc primo . . . in unum volumen collecta et . . . emendata. Riltlorid, Oratoru & IlWtclit'Ot, Oralumu, Eloqwlllia, &ripw, &c . Cicero Marcus TuUius. Partitiones Oratoriae, cum Ct. Minai! Tabuli , Syntagmatis, & Diatribis. Dresser, Matthaeus. Oraliones tam rerum variC'tate & copia quam sermon is puritate & e1egantia commcndatae. Erasmus, Desiderius. De duplici copia rerum ac vcrborum, commentarii duo. Isocratis scripta quae .. extant omnia. . H. Wolfio interprete & auctore. Morellus, Theodoricus, Enchiridion ad verborum copiam ... locupJetatum, Seleclae oraliones (unidentifiable). 116 INVENTORY OF JOHN E GLISH, B.C.L. xxx xxxi xxxii (fa;l xxxiii xxxiv 6 !'5 S05)) ,83) xxxv ("3) xxxvi (g6) 3. J..fflcogrlJplri Baret. John. An al ....earic or triple dictionarie in Englishe. Latin and French. CaJepinus, Ambl'Olius, or Bergamo. A. C. Dictionarium, etc. (M.any in various languages, including Hebrew. English, Hungarian, Polish, Japanese.) Dictionary. (Unidentifiable. , Lex.icon, greek. 4°. (Unidentifiable.) Pagnini (Santes) Lucensis . Thesaurus linguae sanctae, sive lexicon Hebra~ icum. xxxvii llXXViii xxxix xl xli ~"'l "4 ('~'8074P S05 xlii (SO) xliii (357) xliv (SS9) xlv xlvi ~21'l) .8.) xlvii xl"jjj xlix I Ii Iii liij liv Iv Ivi Ivii (44 6 ~:~ . j ~) ~~h '7') (7) ~r.~n (34') Iviii lix (493) Ix (,63) Ixi ~'8 ' ) lxii !xiii Ixiv Ixv Ixvi '75) (93) ~:a~l (56) Sylburgius, FridericUJ. EtymolO$,icon Magnum . . . a multis . . . mcndiJ repurgatum, perpctuis notis dluslratum. Zanchius. Basil. Oiclionarium Poelicum Historicum, Cl Epitheta veterum Poet.arum. 4. Plril4/()gi Critici Alexander ab Alcxandro. Genialium Dierum libri IC.X. Bilstenius, Joanne! . Syntagma PhiJippo--Rameun anium liberalium. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. &ntentiae Ciceronis. Lycosthenes. Conrad. Apophthegmatum ex optimis ulriusque linguae scriptoribus per C. Lycosthe.nem collf'Ctorum loci communes. Owen, John. Epigrammatum libri tres. 5. PtNlM SniPIlJrIS de Ih PtNlica Ausonius. Decius Magnus. Opera in mdiorem ordinem digesta. Recognita sum aJ. ScaJigero. Carmina funebria Oxonieruia. (? Eidyllia in obitum fulgentissimi Henriei Wailiae principis.) Drayton. Michad . Poenu of M. Draiton Esquire. Enienne. Henri. 2nd of the name. Comicorum Graecorum Sententiae, id est. ')'1' ' "....,. Latinis venibus ab H. Stephano redditae, et an notationibus illwtratae. Fabricius, Andreas. Sanuon. ~ntili. Scipio. Lc-ctionis Virgilianae variae liber. Gothofredus. Dion~ius. In L. A. Senecne Opera,conjectuarum et vanarum lectionum libri v: loci communes j nomenclator. Hesiodu.s A.scraew. Opera et Dies . Homer. Iliad . Horatiw Flaccw, Quintus. LUcaDUS, Marcw Annaeus. Manutius, AJdus ()'ounger) Pauli filius, Aldi nepos. Elegantiae CLat : Gall.) nunc primum a Jac. Guahuio Gallicac factae et in accommodatiora capita distributae. Ovidius Nasa, Publius. MetamorphOICS. Ovidius Na!o, Publius. Fasrl. Piscator, joannes. Analysts Jogiea Epistolarum Horaw & de arte paetia nee nOD odarum aliquot. Posthiw, joanna. Parngorum P()('licorum pan prima . .. ejusdem Posthii Parergorum pan allera eum Adoplivis. Roilletus, Claudius. Varia Poemata. Sabinus, Georg-ius. Fabularum Ovidii Interpretatio tradita in Academia Regiomontana a C. abino. Sannazaro,jacopo. Opera omnia Larine scripta, nuper edita. Scaliger. JuliU5 Caesar. Poetices libri tc:ptem. Seneca, LuciU5 Annaeus. Tragoediac. Spagnuoli, Joannes Baptista (Mantuanus). The eclogs turned inlo English verse by G. Turberville. "7 W. C. COSTIN Ix\ii lX\iii h:i" I.. ? VerinUJ, Micha~1. De pu~rorum moribus d' ticha. Yir1{iliw ;\iaro, iJubliw. \ 'i~lius Maro. Publius. 6. BibliotNcOTii lIisl. Lilt'for. nil 7. xxi Ixxii Ixxiii Ixxiv Ixxv Ixxvi l)(Xvii Ixx\.'iii lxxi" I""" IX'ai 1"'I("ii Ixx,,-iii Ixx,,-iv l)(Xx\.' hoc "vi Ixxxvii Ixxxviii ixxxix (S03) Apuleiu ,Luciu.'I. De asino aureo, libri XI argumentis ad 5i ngulos libros in~rti'J, el vila aUlhori, et lOliu.!l opc'ris intentione in fronte praepositis. Caesar, Caius Juliu'l. Julius Ccsars commentarye. :\ewl)" tran lated into Englyshe IU much as cOcernyth thys realm or En~land. Cicero, Marcus Tulliu.!l. ("')1 (S ·6) (73) (B,) .4S91 (S '7) ('°4) (3 . 0) (9S) (7 ' ) ( '3') 3 ('6 (, 7) ( 'S3) ('.01 1300) (3 · B) (5' ) xc xci (33 B) xcii (220) xciii (3° ' ) (49 ' ) Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 111(~ lhre bookes of Tullyes ofTyccs. Lat &. Engl. Lh'ius, Titus. Oraliones ad\l:ruriae M.P. Gatonis et L. \ °a1eni de lege Oppia: (OR) Orationes, 5C'paralim cum argumentis editae. C. Plinius Caecilius Secundw, Junior. Epistolae. allusti~. Caius CrbpU5. Opera cum ('ommen. L. Vallae, J. Badii etc. Seneca, Lucius Annat-us. Epi tole Senece. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. The woorke of L. A. Seneca, ('oncerning benefYling, tran~1. A. Golding. Suelonios Tranquillus, Caius. Tacitus, Publiw ComdiU.!l. Terentiu.!l, Publiw. ? Terence in English: Fabulae Anglicae factae opera R. B[emardJ. TerentiUJ, Publius. Terentiw, Publius. \,ila C'1 opera cum variorum corrunt"ntanis. Varro, Marcus TC'rentius. Rerum Ru.n icarum, liber '-3. 8. Clo.uici Cmt..-i EnC'hiridion or TIle manuell of EpiclC'tUJ U"ans. by J. Sanrord. Herodotu.!l. HalicarnauelU. Julianw, Flavius Claudius, lmperator. Juliani opera quae extant omnia A.P. Maninio ... et C.Cantoclaro ... Latina racta, emendata & aucta. JulianU5 Imperator, Apostata. Epistolae Graecae. OR Epistoiae quaedam Graecae . . . ~r Hen . Slephanum. Stobaeus, Joannes. Sententiae, Gr. Lat interpr. Conr. ~nero. Epictetus. B. SCIEl\'TIAE & ARTE I. xci\.' (·sS) "cv (5 " ) (3#) xn:i xnii Ckusicj Latini (22) xn.iii 'I(ix ("9l (474 c ci (480) (HB;} Philt4O/Jhi, LDgJCJ &c. Agrippa, Henricu.!l Cornelius. De inct'nitudine & vanitale scientiarum el anium. atque exceli(:nlia verbi Dei. Apthonius, Sophista. (Several works, e.g. Progymnasmala. Fabulae.) Ikda, venera bile. Axiomata philosophica. Boetbius, AniciUl M.T.S. IX. ronsolatione philO5Ophiae. 8octhiUJ, Aniciu.!l M.T.S. 1 he bok('S or comfort. Tr. by J. Walton. Caesarius, Joannes. Dialectica Joannis Caoarii, per questiones in compendium redacta, autore Casparo Rodolphi; adcessit per t'undem praemion, continens lOtiUJ Dialectici negocii summam ac usum. Case, John. Summa Hlerum interpretum in univenam Dialecticam Arutotelu. liS INVENTORY OF J OH:\ ENGLI H. B.C.L. .::1I ciii civ (3'0) } (soSl (435 <v "'; (436 ) Ii ("viii ("i't exv (335) (3 0l ) } (506) (470 ('49 (5'S) ("S) ~44S) 33' exvi (33 2 ) C\ ex exi exii exiii exi\.· ('''1[\ l Epictctw. 10iCtU Hieropoillanus. Eo("h~lridlon . Frc:igius, Joanncs Thomas, QUaesUOON 1~lcat' ethoe cum Anal) i in '4 Ciceroni! Orationes, Gocleniw, Rudolphw. Ontanum ArUlotdicum. Hunnacw, Augwtinus. \ug-wtini Hunaei Dialcctica, seu gencralia logicrs praecepta omnia. quaerunquc: praecipue ex 10to Ari..uotc:Lis Organo. ad cdlscendum proponi consue\erunt, rccognita. c:t .. repwg3.t.a. Kc:ckennanu5, Banholome\\. ')'ltemalogicae. La Ram~. Pierre de. The Jogike of P. Ramus. Transl. per M. R .. laky!mcnacum Scotum. La Ramee, Pierre de. DialC('ticae libri duo. Nomenclator artium. (Unidentified.) Pacius, J1Ilius. ~icae rudimenta. ? Libellw ~ph.i!starum ad usum Oxonien tCantabri~Ie:nL Sanderson, John. InSlitutionum dialecticarum libri qualluor. Tolelw. f'ranciscus, Cardinal. Commentaria, una cum quaestionibu in octo libros Aristoldis de Ph,,'Sica Auscultatione. Toletus. ,Franci.scw. Cardinal. (i)' Commentaria una cum quantionibw in tre;, libros ArislOleiis de Anima. ii) C'.ommentaria una cum quaestionibus in uni ....ersam AriHoleliJ I~icam. 2. MolhmuJhn, Ble. Hill. Thoma~. The ArtC' of \'ul~ar Arithmetirke de\idcd into two bookt'3 whereof the first is: called :\'omodida(:tus numerorum, and, the SC'Cond PortlU Proponionum . Whereunto is added a thirde booke. entituled ~Jusa mercatorum •.• new collected. digested. and in ~me parl' d",ised. Record, Rolx:rt. The Ground of .\ru tt"3('hyng the worke and practi~ of Arithmetike, moth nec~ for all stales of men. After a mort' rasyer !orte, then any lik.e hath hyth('rto ben set forth. iii 3. Arter POPII/a,U Gardiner. Samuel. A booke of angling, or fi hing, West, WilJiam. Srmbo1rographia. The art, description or image of inst.rU.ntents . \"i1Iis. John. TIle art of stenographie; teaching the: way of compendiuu.., writing. ('X I X ex>< ("(xi C. I. Opno CoIhclo, nil ("xxii (. 37) ('xxiii (23 cxxiv 16. <xxv (:~31 ('xxvi (6.) c:\x\ii (.641 cxxviii <xxix (50.) ('76 ) Po{t~rophl, M ISCLLLA ·LA Fo"o,'J ~e •• Au,htn'J .1T~wtW,ti .\full'pluis 2. EpOloIat, fliD/(}gi Bacon. franc;', Viscount St. Alban. rhe twO book., of the prolicien('(' and advancement or learning. Cousin. Gilbert (Cognatw). Epistolarum La('onicarum atque ~cctarum farraginCl duae. Curio. CoclilU Sec:und.lS. Sd"ttarum epi tolarum libri duo ejusdem orationum liber unu.~. Hall, Joseph. Bp. ? Epi, 3 VOU. Latomus, Barlholomeu~. Epi! tolae due duorum amicorum B. Latomi et J. StUrmll de di idio periculoque Germanic. e1 per quos Slt'I, quo minus collcordiae ratio inter pares tnealur. Lipshu. Justus. Epistolarum ~lectarum centuria, prima; secunda; centuriae duae, OR Epislolarum centuria,. tro. Maeropedius, GeoJ1{iWi. Methodus corucrihendi epistola,. Ovidius Naso. PuLlius. Heroidum Eputolae. Amorum libri iii, ~('. "9 W. C. COSTI ' ooa Ravuiw, Joannn. Tl"XlOr. Epistolae non vulgaris eruditioni•. Ephtolac (spuriae) Scnccae ad Paulum ct Pauli ad Senccam. C'Xxxj cuxii ("Xxxiii ("uxiv =xv (xxxvi cxxxvii rxxxviii cxxxix exl exli exlii cxliii oliv exlv cdvi cxJvij ('Xlviii cxlix eI eli e1ii eliii div elv elvi d.'ii clvii; eli>< clx: Turner, Robert. Roberti Turner; Devoni; POIthuma. Oraliones sept~m d«im, Trarlatw septem. EpulOlarum centuriac duae nusquam unquam amehae roita. Acctl3C:runt E. Campiani Orationcs, Epislolae, TraCUlw de Jmilationc: Rhetorica, a R. Tumero ... collecta, omnia nunc primum eMS. edita. :l pt. 3· NugotorW Romannrsu, Sal)'riri, OpiJfjntfWtf, Magid, Astrologici Apophthegma.ta graceolatina. Bebelius, HenricUJ. Facetiarum libri 3. Bodenham, John. The garden of muses. (4g8l ( Cornwallis, Sir William. usayes. Dy Sir W. Corne-Waleys the younger, knighl. !2 pu. Dariol, Claude. A br('(fe introduction to the anroiogicaU iudgement of (354) the starrcs. ? Ellis, John. An almanack and prognosticalion. OR, Dade. John. An (43°) almanack and prognonication. Erasmw, Desideriw. Moriae Enconium. Erumi Roterodami Declaralio. Erasmus, Desiderius. Familiarium colioquiorum fonnulae. Erasmw, OesidcriUJ. Adagiorum OliJiades trCI, ac centuriac ferc totidem. (3t) (4 S) Ferrier. Auger. A leamed astronomical discoune of the judV;cmcOl of nali\--llics. Tr. T. Kclway. Guazzo, Stefano. The eiuile conuersation of M. Sleeuen Guazzo. Tr. (14') from Frcnch by C. Petlie. (103) Gwinnc, Mauhacus, M.D. e. coli. D. Joan. Rap!. Oxon soc. 1\·cro. tragaedia nova. 12S Gwinne. Mathew. Yerlumnus. sive annw recurrens. A comedy. ( (ISl Hall, Joseph, Bp. \ 'irg idcmiarum, sae bookes of satires. (The first three bookes of tooth·less satyrs. The three last bookes of byting satyres. ) Legh. Gerard. The accedens of armory. 12 7 Leland, John. Epigrammata, ediled by Newlon. 1141l (.00 Merlinus, Ambrosiw, Britannw. Prophetia Anglicana. Middlelon, Richard (of York). Epigrams and satyrs. (<< Ricci, &rlholornaeus. De imitalione Iibri tres ad Alfonsam Atotium prin. ('79 cipem. (10) Scott, Sir Michael. The philosophers banquet. Newly furnished with several dishes. Scou, Sir Michae1. Mensa PhilOlOphica. leU Enchiridion in quo de quaes· (42S) tionibus mcnsalibus, rerum naturill, statuum diversitate, vanis & iucundis congrcuibw homjnum philosophice agitur. Stafford, Anlony, Niobe: or, his age of tcares. (ISl (<<. The. Store howse of good wille. (Unidentified.) The triall of witts. (Unidentified.) (135 Valerianus. Johannes Pjeri~. Apboris.mi Hieroglyphici. (39 Voraginc, Jacobw de. Lcgenda aurea. ('33l Walkington, Thomh. The oplick glasse of human or concerning the (34 Complexions. ('46 (Sl .. !~:al D. HISTORIA Chronologia, &e. Abbot, G(';Orgc, Abp. A briefe description of tbe whole world. Camden, William. Britannia. Carion,.lohann, Carioni!! Chronicon ... ab exordio Mundi usque ad Carolum Quinlwn. Danett, Thomas. A conlinuation of the historie of France from Charlel the eigbl tiU Hmry Ihe Second. I. g~?l cLxi clxii clxiii (166 dxiv (13S) 120 I E /TORY OF JOHN ENGLI H, B.C.L. Osorio cia FOI'l5eCa, Jeronimo, Bp. of SiJvcs. Dc: Kbw Emmanuelis regis Lwitan iae. SlOW, John. The Chronicles of Enlitland from Brute untO this praent )ear clxv cIx"i '5110· 2. &cksiastica Eusebius, Pamphili, 8p. TIle auncicm ecc:lcsiastica11 hUloric:s WT}1ten by Ewcbius, Socrates, and Euagrius. Trans. by M. Hanmer. ? ynuon, Patrick. The Hi! lOry of the Church. (Extant Edition is 100:4 ; but author died 1618.) Perhaps another copy of Ewebiw. dxvii cJ""iii 3. CiLilis Maximu I C. Valerius. Dinorum Cl Factorum memorabilium liber. Ponlanus, Georgius. Hinoria rerum Turcicarum, in qua res gestae Ceorgii Castrioli, seu Scandeberg. dxi.:c cixx 4. dxxi chodi dxxiii Aulnores I/IUJtronJa HistoritJ". ulflJlfU{W D;~. Eccuritulicam & Cil'i/nn & Allliq: !:~l} ('95) clxxiv dxxv c1xxvi clxxvii clxxviii clxxix clxxx (l50l (04 c1xxxi clxxxii ('06)} (306 (374) OccidenWtJ Boemus, Joanna. Omnium gentium mores. leges, el Titu.s. Bosquier, Philippe. Orator T~rra~ Sanctae et Hungariae, $eU, Sacrarum Philippicarum in Torearum barbariem, el importunas Christianorum di3cordias notae. Catalogw academiarum tOliw orbis Chriniani. Chytraew, David, the Elder. De leetione historiarum reele instituC':nda. Cumus Rufus, Quintus. De rebw gf"Stis Alexandri Magni. Gonzalez de Mendon,Juan. The historic oflhe great and mi~hlie k.ingdomC': of China. Transl. R. Parke. Justinus, M. Junius, rusloriCW. In Trogi Pompeii historias. Lipsiw, Justus. De Vesta et Vcstalibus syntagma. Nannini, Remig-io. Ciuill consideration.s vpon many and lundrie histories. Done into French by G. ChappuYJ and into English by W. T . Reusnerus, Nicolaus. Symbolorum imperatoriorum cla.ues tres. 5. Hisloria Jin.ltliae Cil ilis 6. Hut. Angl. Euuriastuo nil nil dxxxiii (9) c1xniv clxxxv c1xxxvi (' 3 ('34 (3 12 ) °l 7. Autharu IIlwtr4nJa Hist: An,l. L'tramqw Bacon, Sir Francis. His ApologiC':, in ctttain imputations conccmio~ the late Earl of Eaex. Camden, William. Remaincs of a ~ter work.e concerning Britaine. Clapham, John. The historic of Creat Britannic. 2 pu. Ockland, Christopher. Anglorum praelia. ab anno 1327 usque ad annum '558· clxxx.vii clxxxviii (¥I9l (003 dxxxix (224) 8. CtographW Yd. &1 R«ms. ltiNrarij, 6fc. Davies,John of Hertford. MicrocORllos; the discovery of the little world. Hall, Josephw (Bp. Exeter, then of Norwich). Mundus alter et idt"m. 'live terra australis anlChac temper incognita, ton!l:is itineribw peregrini academici nupcrrime lustrata; authore Mercurio Britannica; (cum praefatione CuI. Knight). Hall, Josephus. ? The dUcovety of a new world. 121 w. C. COSTIl.... Lewkenor, Samuel. 'Author of A dUcou~ of all th()'i;(' cilin ",herein dot' flourish at thi day privlJed~ed unh,enities. [Item transferred.] cxc (458) exci c;I(cii Biovabhi Gmnalu. ParliJ:l4/aw, Diew (4 rtlCta l!Iustrium Chaloner. Sir Tholnll5, the Eld("r. In laudem Henrici oclavi carmen C'xdii panegiric-um. CorrOZ,.l, Gillet. Memorable conceits of diue~ noble and famou penonaq;C't of Chrincndome. .. oci", cx'" E. JURIS-PRUDENTIA Ethica- -L ·,bani/lU. "irtuus, Lex Nalur: Religio Valur: The%(ia .\Jl)ralir. Jus GIII/iuln (334) Ca~. John. Speculum moralium quae-lionum in uni ....ersam ethic("n Arutotelis. Ca<;li~lione. Baldassare Count. De Curiali !live Aulico libri quattuor. Lx ltalico scnnonc in Latinum conveni; 11. Clerke imerprele. H II a, cx('Vi excvii acviii Virtutum ('I vitiorum exempl •. Hyland, EthiC'a. Unidcntifird.) Luu, Bp. of Granada. Loci communes philosophiae moralis. Mancinus. Dominicus. ~Jancinu d('" lIuattuor virtutibw. Omphalius, Jacobus. Libtr de Elocution is imitatione Be apparalu. Peraldu , Gulidmu. 'ummae \'inutum ac \·itiorum. 2 tom. Sabunde, Raymundus dc, Raemundi Sc:bundii de natura hominis dialogi. cc cd ccii ceiii c('h. (460) ('nii (3) cc"iii (9') cc.ix (3" ) cex cexi (444) 1'39) ccxii (48+) CCXIII (46 .) C('XI\' (457) cOt\! cexvi ccxvii caviii ccxix cexx ccxxj ('cuii of vertus and vices. Hanapus, :,\ichola.s, Patriarch of J(rusal('m. cxcix c('vi J osep, h B {EP~II". p. Characten (J~) (495) (94) (1°4) Politica Rupublira, (Eamm'llia, RtKnUm, /.L(ntio, MagulralUJ Arutotle. Lcs Politiques d'.\rinote. Traduictes de Gree en Fran-;oi, avec expolitions pr~ de meiUeun auctcun, specialemenl d'Aristotc mesme, & de Platon. Par Loys Ie Roy dict Regius. Cooke, James. Juridica lrium quaeslionum ad majestalem pertinentium determinatio. Daneau, Lambert. Politic-orum Aphorismorum ilva ex optirnis quibu.M!. tum Graecis tum Ladnu Kriptoribus ... collecta. Ebc:rlinus, Geontius. De ori~ine juris BC omnium magiuratuum & de successione Pruden tum. £I),ot, Sir Thomas. The ima~e of gouernanC'e compilro OUt of the acto of Alexander Seuerus. GentiJis, Albcrirus. R4!gBles Duputaliones t.res. Gerhard, John. QuaC!'tionum politicarum centuria, ("Urn adiuncta coronidt:', An diversae religiones in bene constiluta republic," tolerandae. Langebc:k, Dc:tlevus. Institutionum imperialium singuli tituli schematibus explicati. La • 'oue, f"rancoi.s de. The polilicke and rnilitarie discourses of the Lord of La l\oue. Trans. by l.. "[ggas]. La l)eni.ere, Guillaume de. TIle mirrour of policie. (Trans. from French.) Lenciw, Joannes Baptista. Observationes politicae. Ling, Nicholas. Politeuphuia: wits commonwealth. Lipsiw, Justus. J. Lipsii Politicorum live Ci\,i1is Doctrinae libri sex. More, Sir Thomas. A fTUtefuJ and plea.saunt worke of the beste state of a publyque \locale, and the newe yle called Utopia. Osorio da :Fonseca, Jeronimo, Bp. of Silves. De Gloria libri v. do. do. do. De Justitia, libri decem. do. do. do. Dc: regu institutione et disciplina Iibri Vili. Smith, Sir Thomas. De r(publica Anglorum. The manner of govenlment of England. 122 I VENTORY OF JOHN E ·GLI H, B.C.L. J'" 3· ccxxiii ccxxiv (367) (.,6) CClCIV ccxxvi (345) (370) ccxxvii (38.) ccxxviii ('·9) ccxxix «;xxx ('~') (3 ,) cc:xxxi ccxxxii ccxxxiii ccxxxiv (, l OR { Epistolae Deerewes summorum pontificum. ? Ridley, Sir Thomas. A view of the civil and ccc:lesiasticallaw. 4. (,~) =. ccxxxvi ccxxxvii ('00 :507) ( ,) ~291) .Ug) ccxxxviii ('0') ccxxxix (5B) (·'7) cali ccxlii ccxliii ccx1iv ccxlv ccxlvi 308) ccx1vii ('70) ccx.lviii (go) O 'l} 3476 49') 309) 353) ccI CilJile Jus Anglicanum Cowell, John. Inslituuones JuriJ Anglicani ad l\1ctbodum lnstitutionum Jll"iniani. ? Perkin" John. A profitable booke treating or the lawes or England. (English StalutC!l.) Inslitutions or principaU groundes of the lawes and statuts of Englide. Centilis, Alberlcus. Regales disputationes tres: id est: De polestate regis absoluta. De unione regnorum Britanniae. De vi civium in rcgem semper injusta. Nunc primum in lucem editae. Rastell, John (Barrister & Printer). The cxposicions or the termes or the lawts with diven rules etc. Swinburne, Hfflry. A brief !reatise or testaments and last wilb. F. ccxlix Jus Actio in Proditores (unidentified). Ayrault, Pierre. P . .tErodii quaC!ltionum Andiumque ducis IitlCU. mag. I.C. da:retorum lib. VI. hemque libc:r singularis de origine & auctoritate rerum judicatarum. Cagnolw, Hieronymus. In regulis juris. Deciw, Pbilippus. De Regulis Juris. Dengensi5. De criminalibus. (Unidentified.) Ferrariis, JoannC!l Petrus de. Practica Papicruis Fons, PetrusJ. C. Selectarum legum libcUus. Gentili5, Albericus. De iCS{ationibus libri tres. i.e Cirier, Joannes. Tractalus singularis de lure primogeniture vel Maioritatus. Marant..a, Robertus. Praxi5, sive de ordine judiciOfUm tractatus . . . qui vulgo speculum aureum, et lumen advocatorum nuncupatur. Tractatus juridici. (Unidenlified.) 5. ccxl c.-iauro Corutitutions and Canons Ecdcsiasticall a~reed upon, rm. Duarenus, FrancUcw. De sacris Ecclesiae minister-iis ac bene1iciis !ibn VII t. Item pro libcrtate ecclcsiae Callicae adversus Romanam aulam Deren,io. Gratian, the Canonist. Decretalia, vol 4. Gratian, the Canonilt. Concordia discordantium Canooum. Gregor), IX. Gregorii Papae Epistolae decretales suae integritati restitutae. M.EDICINA I. Physico Vn. & Noo. ? Barrough, P. The method or phisickc-. Cuffe, Henry. nle differences of the ages or mans life. 2. &ullnd nil 3. CIIymiri ccli Gwinne, Matthew. Aurum non aurum. Antonium (ParaceW"tam) adve~ia. celii Magirus, Joanna. In asscrtorem cbymkae F'ra. 4. Anowmici Physiologiae peripateticae libri sex, cum commentarii,. 12 3 u W. C. COSTIN nil 6. cdiii Mnliwla Pradica Lanrrancw, MedioianmsiJ. lncipit parva C)-TUrgia Lanfranei Hie incipit practica magialri J.anfranci que dicitur ars c6pleta totiw cyrurgif'. G. THEOLOGIA I. ccliv cdv i '1 cclvi ccivii cdviii cd;" (.85 (46 7 (gS cclx cclxi eclxii cclxili cclxiv 48 '5' (t~ ('5' i479 '77 (473 l cclxv «lxvi cclxvii cdxviii 45 (' (4'4 ccIx;. (J3 o cclx. ('94) cclxxi ( ' 79) clxxii (<<7) cdxxiii (4'4) eclxxiv «Ixxv i:~l cclxxvi (.84) cclxxvii (86) (3~ l 2. Patru, &e. Augustine, Saint. (Supposititious work) Soliloquia. Augustine, Saint. Confess.iones. Bas il, Saint. (Several works begin' Epistola' and' Eputolae '.) Saneti Bernardi opera omnia. Gregory of NUlam:us, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople. Homiliae. OR Gregory I, Saint, the Great, Pope. Homiliae de Tempore & Sanctis. HippoJytU5, Saint, Bp. of the Port of Rome. Canon Paschalis : cum J. Sca1igcri Commenlario. OR Oralio de conJummatiolle Mundi ae de Anti-Christo ( ~nd vol. of Biblioth. ",eterum patrum). JU5tinus, Saint. S. Justini opera .. Craccw textos .. corrcctus; et Latina J . J..angi venio . .. emendata ... OJXra F. Sylburgii. Theophilus, Saint, Bp. of Antioch. Commentariorum Allegoriarum in Sacra 4 Evan'ttlia libri tv. OR Du Moulin, Pierre. 'fbeophilus , or love divine, tr. R. Goring. 3. (88l cclxxviii cclxxix ('53 cclxxx (496) Biblia &e. The volume of the hokes called Apocripha. 'n ..o.,",61a.f1fK". Nouum testamentum ad editioncm H. Stcph. imprcuum et nunc cum ultima T. editionc coUatum. English Biblc. English Biblc. 4°. (No Biblia Sacra Anllio/ Lat in B.M. or BodJ. Cat. ) English Testament. Novum Testamentum a Theodoro Beza e Graeco in LalinUOl \"ttSum . The New Testament. Novum testamentum. The Book of PJalnu in Latin . Pulmi Hcbraicc, cum comment. HcbraiC'u R . SolomoniJ Auiae. LiturlitJt ConciJiJJ Omtmts, Co'ifusionu, &e. Confessio Ambrosiana in libl'Ol quaHuor digesta . Ex . . Ambrosii .• Opoibul ... opera et studio J. Norlii Clc. Confessioncs ex Summis Theo. (Unidentified. ) Basil, Saint, surnamed the Great, Abp. Caesar~a in Cappadocia. Missa Ba!ilii Magni . . Ex vestuto codicc Latinae translationl$, quae habetur in cdcbri monasterio ancti Joannis in Monte Rincaviae circa ripam Rheni. Bercheue, TOUM&int. Elemenlaria traditio Christianorum fidei , a ut Catechismw . .Boy!, John . An cxpollilion ofaJl the principall M:riptures wed in our English liturgic. Calvin, John , I nstitutions. , Carranza, Barth. de Miranda . Summa Coneiliorum ae Pontifie um Statuta SynodaJia, cum ali is Canonibus Cone. Nieaeni nupcr reperlis. A Catechism. (Unidentifiable.) IJI.'VEJl.10R Y OF JOHN E 'GLISH, B.C.L. C'c lxxxi (377) ('cixxxii ( 113) cdoxiii cdxxxiv (4'9\ ( ••0) «!xxxv (376 ) ccb:xxvj (37') ccl:cxxvii cclxxxviii ( 159) ccJ.xxxjx ('cxc coci ccxeii ccxcili cociv (3.8) • 68) (4~) ( ) (77) l (83 (37' ccxcv (~~) ecxcvi (68) ('('Xcvii ccxcviii ecxcix ccc gA~l ('74 ceei ('9~) cOOi ccciii ccciv <ccv ('(R7. )) (437) ccevi (190) een'jj (360) ('g6) (7' ) ('('(Viii (4. 6) crcix (.o~ ) ceex cCt'Xi (74) ('93) c('cxii (.68) ('ccxiii ('9') Leo I, the Great, Pope. Confcssio, in qua ¥Clem orthodoxae fidei dogmata accurate explicanrur per Theod. Petreium . Mason, Francis. The authorilie of the Church in making Canons and Coostitutioru. PeU'eius, 'Ibeodorus. Confessio 8emadina ; ex illjus pattis JCl"'iptis decerpu. R08ert, Thomas. The faith, doctrine and religion professed in England Expn:sscd in 39 Articles. Lanspergius, JoannCl Justus, (CarlhU5ianus). In omne5 Dominicales Epistolas & Evangelia paraphrases & exegc:scs. 4. Phiwwli sam CommntJ4l1Jru, Critici & c. Althamar, Andreu. Conciliationes locorum Scripturae, qui specie tenUi inter $C pugnare videmur. centuria duae. ApollinariU5, Bp. of Laodicea. Inlerpreuuio Psalmorum venibw heroicis. Arelius, Benedictus. Novum Testamentum .. Jesu Christi, commenlariis B.A. explanatUnt. Ed itio po6trema emendatissima . Bcza. TbeodoruJ. Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum prophetorum libri quinque, argumeotis et l..atina paraphra.z.i • .. ae etiam vario canninum genere Laune expressi. Brunfds, Orto. Pandectarum Vel.e:rU et Novi Tescamenti Iibri XXII. Calvin)John. In omnes Pauli AposlOli Epistolas, a[que ecia in Epistolam ad Hebraeos, Jo. Calvini commentarii, etc. Calvin, John. Harmonia ex tribw Evange!utis composita, Matthaeo, Marco el Luca: adjuncto JeOrsum Joanne, quod pauca cum aliis communia habeat. Cum Calvini commentaJ'iis. Calvin, John. Commentarii integra in Acta Aponolorum, etc. Camara, Marcus de lao Quaestionarium conciliation is simul et expositionia locorum difficiJium Saerae Scripturae. Corranus, Antonius. A theological dialogue wherein the epistle of S. Paul to the Romans is expounded. Gathered out of the writings of A.C. Corranw Antonius. Hispaleruis, in Acad. OXDn. theol. prof. DiaJogus theologicus, quo epistola D. Pauli ad Romanos expJanarur. Daneau, Lambert. Quaestiones et scholia in evangeJium secundum Marcum. Eitzen. Paulus abo Postilla Evangeliorum in diebus festis & Dominieis. Eitzen, Paulus abo Commentariorum in Genesin tiber primus. Erasmus, Oesideriw. Paraphrasis in duas epislol:u Pauli ad Corinthios per Erasmum Roterdamum reee" ab ilIo conscripta. Erasmu.'1, Doiderius. D. Erasmi Paraphrasis in Evangelium secundum Joannem. Erasmus, Daiderius. In Evangelium Lucae Paraphrasi.'I Erasmi. Erasmus, Desid("rius. Paraphrasis Eramti ... in . .. Epistolas. Expiicalio Evangeli.narum. (Unidentified. ) ? Rollock, Robert. An exposition upon some .lCiect Psalms Df David. (including the Third Psalm). Feuardentius, Franci5cw. Beati Job hisloria, viJfinti et quinque homilit'l per Adventum domini c:xplkata. Feuguereiw, Cuil. Thesaurus lotios dio.·ine ac canon ice scripturae in 10C0I communes digestw. Ga'fny, Jean de. Brevwima & facillima in omnes divi Pauli epistolas Scholia, itidem in septem Canonicas epbtolas & Joannis Apoca.Jypsia. Gentil~ Albericus. Disputationc. tres ( I ) de- libris juris canonici I ~ } de libris juris civilis '3) de Latinitate velt"ris Bibliorum venionis male accusata . Cregory t, Saint, the Great , Pope. Cregorii Moralia in Jobum . Gregory I, Saint, the Great, Pope. £Xpositio beati Gregorij pape super Ezechielem in omelias. Hall. Joseph, Bp. ?Contemplalions .upon (he principal p<b~a~es of the hoi ie storie. Hugo (Cardinal is) de Sancto Charo. Postilla in quattuor Evan~e1i., . w. cccxiv cccxv ,6,) (4'9) cccx\-; '428 ) cccxvii (,881 ccoviii (,08) CCCXlx cceo< cecni cccxxii (3~)} (3 ) (3 ) (,~) cccxxiii (75) cccxxiv ('30) eccxxv (66) cccxxvi (67) cccxx:,,·ii ('7) cccxxviii cccxxix (,Sg) ( ,go) «<XXX cccxxxii cccxxxiii (5'4) (343) (399l ('73 cccxxxiv ('05) «<xxxv cccxxxvi cccxxxvii (396) ('07) (3'7) cccxx:xvUi cccxxxix (3 cccxl (35') cccx1i ('34) cccxlii cccxliii ("5) (70) cccxliv ('70) cccxlv (,80) cccxJvi cccxJvii (304) (333) cccxxx; (3~) ) C. COSTE, J("wel,John, Bp. An cxpoliition upon th~ twO Epistles to the Tha.woniaru. John, ChrysoslOm, Saint. In ~van~elium secundum Mathaeum com· mentarii. Junius. Franc~. AnalYJ4 M('thodica in \procalrpsin S. Johannu • notis . ilIu~r.u.a. Juniw., Frandscw. Oralio de Psalmorum ~(:')i. OR In quattuor prior Psalmos. Knewstub, John. Lectures upon Exodus XX and certclne olher places of scripture. Dionysiw de, de Rickel. D. Dionysii. Rickd ~x familia C'.rthu iana monachi in epulolas canoft. commentarla. Luther, Marlin. A ('Ommentarie upon lhe Galalhians. Martyr, Peter. In epistolam S. Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos ... P. Marl),ris Vennilii commentnrii. cum tractatione per utile rerum et locorum, qui ad earn epistolam pertinent. Nicolaus de Lyra, (Friar Minor). (Two of five \'olumes of) Exposilion~ librorum Testamenti \'eter"U et ·ovi. Palladius. Peder, S.T.P. Bp. of Zttland). lsagoge ad libros propbeticos et apos:tolicOil. Pellicanus, Conradus. Commentariw in quauuor Evangelistas & in Acta Apostolorum. PelJicanus, Conradw. A briefe and compendiowe table, in a maner of a concordaunce gatlJ4~red and ~l furth by H. Bull)'Oger ... C. Pellicane,,,"c. Pilkington, James, Bp. of Durham. ~cw the prophete dcclami by a large commentarye. Piscator, Johann. In librum psalmorum commentarius. Piscator, Johann. Analysis logica quinque post rem. epist. Pauli, viz ad Tim. Tit. Philem. et HebraCOll. ?Piscator, John. Analysis logia evangdii secundum Lucam. Possevino, Antonio, the Elder. Adversus impostUJ'3j Oavidis ChYlraei. P03tillae in Epistolas. (Unidentified.) Rollack, Robert, Scotius. I n Ep"tolam S. Pauli ad Romanos R. Rolloci commentarius. Serranw, Joannes. Metaphrasis Psalmorum aliquot Davidis graeca cum metaphrasiJ Lalina. G. Buchanani. Serranus,Joannes. loannis Serrani in Ecclesiasten Salomonis commentariw. Temple, William. A logicaU anal)'liJ of t.....entie select psalmes. Tbeophylacl, Abp. of Achrida. Theophylacti in qualuor Evangelia ennarrationes (interprell" J. <Ecolampadis). Tbeophylact, Abp. of Achrida. In omnes Divi Pauli Epistolas ennarationes. Thoma'l, Aquinas, ·aint. Divi Tbomas Aquinatis in orones Beati Pauli Apo5l01i Epistolas Commentaria. Thomas, Aquinas, Saint. (i) Did Thomae Aquinath comentarii in •.. hymnOil Davidicos. (ii) Divi Thomae Aquinatis in omnes Beali Pauli Apostoli r.pi31oias C.ommentaria. Topsell, Edward. The reward of Religion: delivered in sundry lectures upon the Book or Rum. Turnbull, Richard. An exposition upon the canonicall epi.\lle of St. James. Wa1ther, Rudolph, Tis{urinU3. In epistol. ad Romanos homiliae. Ad GalatDl homiliae. D. Pauli ad lIebracos homiliarum archetypi. Walther, Rudolph, Tigurinus. Volumen I homiliarum in I partern P_ aim· orum ex R. Gualtheri autograpbo collectwn et ('OrTeclum a Rodolpho Simlero. Wild, Johann (preacher at ~1aintz). P05tillae in Epistola~ et Evangdia quae in Ecclesia legi consueverunl authore J. Fero. Willet, Andrew. HexapJa in Genesin. Zanchiw, H ieronymus. In Hoseam, primum el difficilimum [sic] inter eos quOi minores vacant prophetam commenlarius; ex: (Zanchii) praeleclionibw cOlleclus; et nunc primum opera et studio herroum editus. L\,\'E:\,TORY OF JOHN E:\'GLI H, B.C.L. J 5· ;ca nil ('('(xkiii (14 I ffUIi" (1' , ) «("II (3°7) ('("eli (4'3) KnewSlub,john. 7. Ii<hoI",1ici Bonianne, Ikmhardus. Epilom~ in uniH'rsam S. Theologiae Divi Thomae Aquinali Summam. Duns, ScntU!1 John. Qua~tionC! in + libros Magislri Sententiarum, cum Scoti ",ita. Peckham, joannes. Abp. Cant. Libt-r de Sacrosancta . . . Trinitate. In quo Ecclesiasticu officium . . . explanatur. Prtrus Lombardus. . Totus Magistri Sententiarum 1111 Jibro. (35 ' ) (n"liii ("edi\" ( 116) (tth: ( '9' ) «hi ecdvii eeeh·iii «eli" C'cclx '22 I~rsl} 141"2) ~3~l ('5) ( III ) (.83) ('cclxi ccdxii ceclxiii cccl:c.iv ccelxv «cL'(vi (.(i3? ('cdx\-'ii ('4) ecclxviii rcdxix: eeelxx ec.cluj ccclxxii (46) (35 ( '3) cec.baill c.c.c1xxiv ( II) ('40 ) (cclxxv (J~~l (.6\ 1 (30 ('(ebavii ccelx.xv:iii (.8) ("«"Ixxix ccd... ("cduxi ccdxxxii ccdxxxiii (43' ('91 (3' } (47) 408) . I (39') !"Ol 45' C«lx:S yj 6. HfWtJtJ A confutatilm of moo trow heresies taught by H. N ' icias . 8. SmPllmu J«ri Andrews. Lancelot. Bp. Ely. (Several editions or various sennons.) Barlow, William, Bp. Lincoln. (Variow aennons.) Bosquier, Philippe. Sennons. Bosquier, Philippe. Orbis terror, xu concionum de fioibus bonorum et ma1orum. libn duo. BrandmyU«w. joannes. Conciones runebrcs centum ex vetere: & octoginta e novo Testamento. Brewer. Sermons (unidentified) . BullinRer, Heinrich . Sennonum decades qujnque de potissimis christianae religionis capitibus. 3 Tom. Calvin,John. Calvin,John. Various 'Of"rmons extant.) Calvin,john. Carew. Thomas. Sermons. Carolu.! Magnus. Homiliac: (un identified) . john Carpenter, minister. Remember Lot's wife. Two godly sermons, etc. Cooper. 111omas, Bp. Ce.rta.ine sermons wherein is contained the defense of the gospelt ~vper, William, Bp. The triumph of a christian. I. J acob'l wrestling. 2. The condu it or comfort. 3. Preparath-e for the Lord's supper. 3 pu. &des, Richard. Six learned and godly sermons. Gifford, George. (Many sermons e'l:tant.) Habermann, Johann, of F.fs:er. Precationes in singuJos septimanae dies u j ..-\vemarii ~rmaOlC"i publica lis precibus, in Latinum coovenae. H~ill, George. The vanitie of tht" eie. Harri.~n. William. Dcatlu advantage little regarded; and The soules solace against sorrow. PreachM in twO funeral sermons at the burian of mistris K. Beu('rgh. The one by W. Harrison. The other by W. Leygh . . . ~ond Edition. Homiliac: quaedam. (Unidentified. ) HowlOn, john, Bp. Oxon, Lhnl Oundm. (Various sermons extant.) jackson. Thomas. Canon of Canterbury. Peters lcares. A sennon. OR (.\non) Saint Pc:ters te&rCS. Kingsmill, Thomas. A complainte againste the securitie in these perilous times. Lake, Arthur, Bp. Sermons. Lennard, ampson. An exhortatory instruction to a speedy repentence. Luis, Bp. of Granada. !krmonl. Luis, Bp. of Granada. Conclones de tempore. 12 7 4 vots. W. C. COSTI • ccdxxxiv (409) ccdxxxv ccclxxxvi ccclx:xxvii ccclxxxvili ccclxxxix: (4~5) 1::1 c:ccxc (3!)o) cccxci cccxcii ~417) cccxciii cccxciv ccacv cccxcvi (6)) ~IH!) 38 (4' 18 cc("XC\o·ii (3 1) cccxcviii (223) cccxcix cd cd; cdii (36) (453) (456) (,8.j) cdiii cdh- (42) (106) cdv ~4,8) cdvi (53 410) l 359) l l cdvii cdviii cdix cdx ('39 (5' 43 «5 15 cdxi (,83) c<lxii (463) cdxiii cdxiv ( 17) (3'9) cdxv (4·0) cdxvi '443) cdxvii (36.) ('dx\"iii (38 7) Luis, Bp. of Granada. Concionum quae de praecipuis sanctorum fntis in ecc1esia habentur. 2 \lOis. Milwardc, John. Jacobs great day of trouble and deliverance. The safeguard of !ailon. Trans. R. Nonnan. Osorius,Joannes, (~.IOC. JesU) Sylva "anarum concionum, OR, Epistola~. Osonus,Joannes. Conciones, 5 vols. Sennons on y~ Parables. {Unid~ntified.} Pc:pinus, GuJielmus. Sennones Oominicalum ex ep· tolis et evangelilS tOlius anni. . . Pc:pinus, Gulielmus. Sennones. Peraldus, GulidmUJ. HomiUae, sive sennones su~r Evangelia Dominicalia lotiua anni. Perkins, William. The combat between Christ and the Diuell displayed. Perkins, WUJiam. Lectures upon the three first chapten of the Revelation. Perkins, William. Prophetica, sive de sacra el unica ratione concionandi. Peter, Chrysologus, Saint, Abp. of Ravenna. Sermones in EvangeIia de Dominicis et Festis aliquot !IOlemnioribw tOtiU5 anni iruignes. Playfere, TI)omas. Ten sermons by that eloquent divine offamom memory, T. Playfere. Playfere, Thomas. The whole ~nnoru of that eloquent divine of famoUJ memory, T. Playfere. Prime, John. Sermoru. (There are various.) Rawl.inson,John. FishC"nnen fishen of men. A sennon. Rawlinson, John. The Romish Judas. A Sennon. Royardw, Joanna. Homiliarum F. J. Royardi ... in ornnt:' Epistol83 el Euange1ia ... per totius anni decunum. ScuJtetus, Abraham. Axiomata coneionandi practica. ScuJtetus, Abraham. Idea concionum dominlca1ium ad populum Haidet. beJgensem habitarum; opera Balm. Tilesii. Southwell, Robert. Marie Magdalens funeral tcares. Topiarius, Aegidius DominiCU!. C'.oneiones in E\"angelia et Epi,\lolas quae faLis totios anni diebus populo in Ecclesia proponi solent a tabulis D. L. a Viliavicentio claooratae. Turnbull, Richard. Sermons. TYl"er, Ralph. Five godlie and learned 8ennons, preached at Kendall. Udall, John. (Several sennona extant.) Verepaew, imon. Precaliones Iiturgicae ... OR l'recationes Scholasticu. •. OR Enehiridion piarum precationum. OR De cpistolis Jatine conscribcndis Iibri v. Walther, Rudolph, the Elder. (Tigurinw.) Archetypi homeliarum in omno Apostolorum epistolas, nuper edili opera Heinr. Wolphii nunc recogniti cunai et iUustrati. Wilkinson, Rolx-n. The merchant royal!. A sermon. g. O:",Jr()lMrsUu Poltmici, StcllJr;j, &r. Bellarmino. Roberto. A l'Ihorte catec:hivne. 8cza, Theodorua. T. Bczu 'olumen tractationum th~logicarum, in quibw. pleraque Christianae religion is dogmata, ad\"ersw haeretel na&trls temporibus renovataJ soJide ex verbo Dei dcfenduntur. Cassande:r, Goorgius of Bruges. Dc Arliculis Religionis inler Catholicos el ProtC!lltame5 controvenis con uhatio etc. Cotton, Pierre. Anti·Coton, or a refutation of COllons J~tter for the apoJogiz· ing or the Jesuit". Tram. G. H[akewill ?]. DaDeau, Lambert. Ad novas Cuilelmi Genebrardi Doctoris Pari iensis calumnias, quibus tum orthodoxant Evam';:elicorum omnium de S. Trinitate docLrinam tradueit; tum etiam honendum Valentini Gentilis errorcm tuetur, ae renovat, Lamberti Danei Responsio. Edt, Johann von. Homiliae advenus quoscunque nostri temporl! haere:liC05 super Evangelia de lempor(' & sanel;!. Item de 7 Saeramenlis. 4 vols. INVE TORY OF jOH ENGLISH, B.C.L. cdxix cdJtX !0~6) 151 ) Eck, Johann von. Enchiridion locorum oomuniii adversus Lutheranc.. Feu-Ardentius, Francilcus. DiaJogi septem quibus ducenti Calvinianorum cdJtXi ( 114) oouil (-t8 Hall , JOICph, Bp. A common apologie of the Church of England against the unjust challenges of the Brownisu. Humphrey, Lawrence. A view of the Romish hydra confuted in seven cdxxiii (60) cdxxiv cdxxv !..~) erT'Orcs refelluntur. ocnru>ru. Jewel,.1obn, Bp. An apolOffie or auruwer in defence of the church of England. (Trans\. by Ann, Lady Bacon.) Jewel • .John, Bp. (There are several works againJt T. Harding.) Keil, Christiernus. Di.sputalio contra Bonifacium Gortfrid AJtk:inheosem manes D. Lutheri una cum limpidwima ejU5dcm de Coniugio doctrina, 115) impie ac neCarie tractanlem. Momay Philippe de. The mystcrie of iniquitie: that is to say tbe hi.stoire of the papacic. EngLisbed by S. Lennard . OR cdxxvi 1 cdxxvi..i cdxxviii cdxxix cd""" ( 106) cdxxxi (366 ) cdxxxiii cdxxxiv t°) cdxxxv (40 1) cdxxxvi cdxxxvii (3"3) (go) } (397) cdxxxii C'dxx:xviii Millcs, Thomas. The mutery of iniquity. Discovered in these acroamatic.aU Jessons shewing th(' ascention or dc:scention of Summum Bonum and summa m.iseria. ~icbols. J ohn . A dttlaration of the recantation of J . ichols, for the space of almost twO yeefS the popes scholar in the English teminarie at Rome. Onnerod, Oliver. (i) The Picture of a papist together with a discoune of the late treason . Whereunto is annexed Pagan~PapismUJ. (ii The picture of a puritane; or a rdation of the opinions and practises of the Anabaptists in Germanie and of the puritanes in England. Where unto is annexed Puritan~Papismus. Osiander Lucas, 61. Enchiridjon controveniarum, quas AUC'1!tanae confession is thcologi halx-nt cum Caluinianu. (othen, quae Augustanae confess. theologis cum Anabaptisti intercedunt. and quae hodie inter Augustanae confess theo1. el pontifici05 habenl..... ) Rainolds, John. The summe of the conference betw"een J. Rainoldes and J. Hart j touching the head and faith of the church. Sutcliffe, Matthew. An answere unto a letter published byM. J . Throkmorton. Thompson, George. Vindex \-eritatis. adversusJustum Lipsium. Tilenus, Danidis. Papam Romanum Antichristum . Whitaker, William. Ad rationes decem E. Campiani. responsio. 395) 393) 10. Casuisttu 51e. Azpilcueta, MartinUJ, Na . . aJ'l'US. Encbeiridion ConfCS!ariorum Poenitenlium. ?Corradus. Job . Rapt. Responsa ad varios casus comci~ntiae . Perkins, William. The whole treatise of the cues of conscience. & FlI1"lJgo Misul1o.1II4 SyslmlOltJ , Loci Conrmww (:Ie. A short description of Antichrist votO the nobililie of Englande II. cdxxJOx (~) cdxI ( 193) cdxli cdxlii cdxJiu ( 118l ( 19 ( 18 7) { OR The description of mYlllcal Antichrist the familts!. Bidembach, Felix. Wirtembergiens. Promptuarium Connubiale ; hoc CIt, thematum Biblicorum, sive Sententiarum Sacrae Scripturae quae in fcstivilatibus nuptiarum pro concione tractari possunt,di!positiones brevn et succinctae centum j ac tractatus de cawiJ matrimonialibus. Bownd, Nicholas. The doctrine of the Sabbath plainely layde forth. Bredenbachius, Tilmannus. Collationum sacramm collcclionum Iibri VlU. Bucanus, Culielmus. lnstilulioncs Theologicae j leU locorum communium Chrislianae religionis ex Dei verbo el praestantissimorum theologorum expositorum, analysis. 12 9 w: C. ('dxBv ('3' ) cdxJv (5) cdxlvi (64) cdxJvii cdxh;iii (4°2) 349) cdxlix cdl cdli cdlii cdliii cdliy cdly cdlvi cdlyii (262~ (117 cdl"iii (358) cdlix cdl. cdlxi cdlxji (42 6) ("7) ( 119) (394) cdlxiii cdlxiv cdlxv ( '43) ('57) ('44) cdlxvi (3fig) cdlxvii cdlxyiii c-dlxix (.63) cdl.. ('14) cdlxxi ('4' ) cdluB ( '75) cdluiU cdlxxiy (42') ( ,80) cdlnv ('54) {'dlnvi ( ,fig) cd1xxvii (226) cdlxxviii (378) cdlxxix cd1= ('7' \ (321 ) } (490j ('3 6 ( 172 (497) ~;a6l I:~l ('09 COSTI N Bunny, Edmund . A book of ChrUlian exocUe apputaining to Resolution by R. P(anoru). Penu.<'d and a«ompanitti now with a netise tending to pacification. Cal\"in, Jean. Aphc,!'umi doctr;nae Chrislianae maximam partem ex Jmtilutione Cal\"ini excerpti. Jostilutionis Chrinianae rC'lig-ionis aJ. ('..3I\'ino con.scriplae Epitome. In qua adversariorum objC"Ctionibw . . . rMponsiona annotantur, per C. Launeum. Calvin , John . Imllituli()n ~. Cani~ius, Pelrw (e Soc . .lou). Sununa Doctrinae Christianae per quae.lionn tradita. Castalio (Chall:'ilIon ) Sebastian. Dialogorum sacrorum libri quaHuor. Cleaver, Robert. A godly form of householde govemmeOi. Commonplaces on the ICriptures (unidentifiable). Communes loci (unidentifiable). Couon, Roger. A dir~on to Ihe waten of lyfe. Daneau, Lambert. Oralionis Dominicae explicatio. Denison, John. A thret'fold resolution \'erie necessarie to Salvation . Dod, John and Cleaver, Robert. A treatise or exposition upon the ten commaundmenu grounded upon the Scriptures canonicall. uteUa, Diego dt'. ~ contemnendis Olund. vanitalibus libri tres ; ex H~ panica lingua in Italicum traducti per Hier. Foresti, jam vero ex ltalia in Lalinum translau a Petro Burgunde. EstdJa, Diego de. Meditationes de amore Dei. Fennt'r, Dudley. Sacra Theologia, Ii\(' \"eritas quae est secundum pietatem. Fenton, Sir Ceoffrey. Ana of conference in religion. holden at Paris. Feuardenlius, Francisco. Evangelica Christi, ac sanctwimi praecursoris ejus conceplionil. el nativitatis hUlorm, scptem et vigimi homiliis per Adventum explicata. Ficino. Mar"'liglio. Lilx-r de Christiana ReJigione. F10res Bibliorum sive lod communes ordine alphabelieo digesti. Thomas Hybemicua. Flores doclorum insigmum tam Graecorum quam Latinorum, qui in Theologia ac Philosophia Aoruerunt. Fumi. BartholomaeUj. Summa, aurea armilla nuncupala, casus omoes ad animarum curam attinentes breviter complecteus. Cuevara, Anlonio de, Up. The mount of CaJucrie. Guevara, Antonio de. (I 'jd~ cdlxvii-oR Mons Calvariae.) Hall, J~ph, Bp. Hea\t'n upon Earth; or of true peace and tranquilJitie of mind. Hall. Joseph. Bp. Meditalions and VOwes divine and morall, devided into two bookes. Hill, Robert. Ouist's Pl'ayer expounded, a christian di.rected and a communicant prepared. Hooper. John (Bp. Glouc.). A Declaration oftbt' (en holy cOrnaundements •.. coUcclyd by J. Hooper. John, Climacw, Saint. . ala Paradisi. Keckennannus. Banolomaeus. S)"!ltema S. S. Theologiae, tribus libri, adomatum. Lactantius, Lucius Coelius Finnianus. De Diyinis institutionibus adversus gentes. ? Lambert, John. Of predntinacion & f'Jection. OR, Perkiru, William. A christian and plaint" tl"t'3tise or predestination. La Ramie. Pierre. Petri Rami Veromanduis . . . Commentariorum de rdigione Christiana libri quatuor, Ilumquam antca editi. Larupergius, Joannes Justus. Di\"ini arnoris Pharetra. OR Enchiridion militiae Christianae. Lorichius, Jodocw. Speculi vitae humanae synopsis. Los.sius. Lucas Luneburgenis. De catechismo Christiano quaestiones. OR Quaestiones in Evangelia DominicaJia &. Festorum, '3° I:-.lVEKTORY OF JOHN ENGLI H, B.C.L. cdlxxxi cdlxxxii cdlxuiij (20) (26.) cdlxxxiv edtuxv (348) (.]6) cdlxxxvi cdlu","ii cdlyxxviii (57) (.67) (400) cdlx.nix (380) cdxc 1197} cdxci cd'<cii ~228) 3!)8) cclxciji ('3~) cdxciv (;04) cdxcv (4 2 7) ( .6) (229) 433 ( (44' cdxcvi cdxcvii cdxcviij cdxcix d di dii diii div (06g) l} (t~ (2 ~) 1'66) 237) 379) dv (2go) dvi (242) dvii dix dx (243) (6) dxi ( .6. ) dxii dxiii dxiv dxv dxvi (403 (3;0) (4 ' d."(vii dxviii (4~) dxix dxx dxxi (40~) (8~) (439) (3'~) (3~7) (3 ~) ('<)9) Luis de Granada. The flO'lo'cn of Lodowicke of Granada. Luis. Bp. of Granada. Of prayer and meditation. Luis, Bp. of Granada. Paradisus precum, ex F. Ludovici Granatensis Ipirilualibus opusculis, aJiorumque . ~ sanctorum Patrum . . . ('oncinnatus. Luis, Bp. of Granada. Opera. Melanchthon. Philip. Loci conununes rerum theologicarum,seu hypotyposcs tbeoJogicae. Mornay, Philippe de. Tractatw de Ecclesia. P. Momaeo Pless. eulore-. Momay, Philippe: de. A Christian and godly view oftife and death. Musculw, Wol(li{ang. Loci communes in U!us Sacrae Theologiae candidalorum panni, Osorio da Fonseca, Jt.ronimo, Bp. of jives. H . Osorii de vera Sapicl1i.a libri V. Perlin". William. 'g ..,d,ultI., or A treatise of Christian equity and moderation. Perllins, William. Annilla aurea. Perkins, WiUiam. Th~ works of that famous and worthy mini ter of Christ in the university of Cambridge, M. W. Perkins: gathered into one volume and newly corrected acc. to his owne copies. 18 pts. Pinelli, Luca. FITH~R, Briefe meditations of the m05t holy sacrament. Tr. from Italian. OR, The virgin Marie's life. Polanw. Amandw. Panitionum Theologicarum Iog-iea methode instilutarum, Iibdli duo. The practizes of fath. (Unidentified.) Rogers, Richard. ?A garden ofspiritual flowen. acme Sementiae. (Unidentified.) A Sennon. (Unidemified.) Southwell, Robert. An epistle of comfOrt. to the rever('nd priCSlet. (anon .) Sulton, Christophrr. Di.sce mori. Sutton, ChrUtopher. DiJce viv('re. Theologica. {Unidetllifit.d.} Thesaurus sacrae scriplurae, nominum, vtrborum, rerum exemplorumque quae in sacris bibliis eontinentur, summam comineus. Trav~rs, Wa11.('r. A full and plaine declaration of «:de~i3.!licall di'Kipline. Trans. T. Cartwright. Trelcatiw, Lucas. A briefe institution of lh~ common plac('S of sacrro divinity wherein the sophismes of Bellannine are reproved. Englh.hed by J. Gawen . Trdcatiw, Lucas. ynopsis melhodi Sacrae Theologiae. T uvil, Daniel. Essayes, moral1 and LheologicaU. Unin~, Zacharias. Ooctrinae chrislianae compendium seu commmtarii caTechetici. \"ire.Ui, Matthew. Rc:liRioni.s Christianae compendium, in lret Iibrm dlslributum. \"iret. Pierre. The Christian disputatioru. '1 r. J. Brooke. \ 'itaJis, Joanncs, Cardinal. Speculum morale loti~ Sacrae Scriptur8t:'. ?Walsall, John. The lif(' and death of Jesus Christ. While, John. The way to the true Church. ? Wilkinson, William. The bolie exercise of a trut:' f35t. OR, C. T. Two treatise!. The Holy exercise of a true fast, etc. Witten, Geo~. C. Wicelli methodus concordiae tcele"ianicae. Zanehius, Hieronymus. Opera theologica. I H. U' LAS IFIABI.E An En\:tlish book. A volume of pamphleu. MUJ1ingius. Nomenclator. 13 1