Feasibility study for new pilot biogas fuelling station in Polish city of
Feasibility study for new pilot biogas fuelling station in Polish city of
Feasibility study for new pilot biogas fuelling station in Polish city of Rzeszow Final Report This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union (http://europa.eu). The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of Baltic Biogas Bus and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union." 1 The Baltic Biogas Bus project will prepare for and increase the use of the eco-fuel Biogas in public transport in order to reduce environmental impact from traffic and make the Baltic region a better place to live, work and invest in. The Baltic Biogas Bus project is supported by the EU, is part of the Baltic Sea Region programme and includes cities, counties and companies within the Baltic region. Authors: Tomasz Chruścicki M.S.c., NGV AUTOGAS Sp. z o.o. Marek Filip M.S.c., MPK Rzeszów Michał Florek M.S.c., NGV AUTOGAS Sp. z o.o. Anna Grzybek Prof., Institute of Technology and Life Science Janusz Jakóbiec Prof., University of Science and Technology Agnieszka Rudkowska M.S.c., NGV AUTOGAS Sp. z o.o. Marek Rudkowski Ph.D. M.S.c., NGV AUTOGAS Sp. z o.o. Dariusz Sitek M.A., Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University Marek Szpunar, M.Sc., Investment Support Office „MarkGaz‖ Marek Szpunar in cooperation with: Wojciech Gis Ph.D., Motor Transport Institute (Project Manager from the Polish side) Andrzej Żółtowski Ph.D., Motor Transport Institute Project Manager: Lennart Hallgren, Stockholm Public Transport Date: 09.09.2012 Reviewed by: M. Kytö, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 2 List of Contents Feasibility study for new pilot biogas fuelling station in Rzeszow I. Determination of demand for biogas deliveries to power buses of MPK Rzeszow............. 21 1. Description of the public bus transport system.................................................................... 21 1.1. General characteristics of the city………………..............................................................21 1.1.1. Existing and planned conditon of the transport infrastructure………............................22 1.1.2. Air pollution....................................................................................................................22 1.1.3. Noise danger...................................................................................................................23 1.2. Organization of public passenger transport.......................................................................23 1.2.1. Local public transport.....................................................................................................23 1.2.2. Regional bus transport....................................................................................................23 1.2.3. Private transport..............................................................................................................25 1.3. Transport policy of the city................................................................................................25 1.4.1. Problem identification.....................................................................................................28 1.5. Characteristics of the public transport services market - sources and targets of the traffic………………………………………………………………………………...28 1.5.1. Mobility of the residents of Rzeszow.............................................................................28 1.5.2. Forecast of demand in public transport...........................................................................29 2. MPK’s experiences in using CNG to power bus engines………………………………….31 2.1. Number of buses in operation as fuelled with gas, annual mileage.................................31 2.2. Unit costs of operated buses fuelled with gas fuel by type as compared to the costs of buses fuelled with diesel oil………………………………………………………….32 2.3. Assessment of advantages and disadvantages of using natural gas in the bus traction….35 2.4. Calculation of summary emissions of pollutants in bus engines fuelled with gas and with diesel oil, as operated in MPK Rzeszow……………………………………….36 2.5. Sources of financing for purchase of CNG buses………………………………………..39 3. Comparison in real conditions of road traffic of CO, CO2, TH, and NOx emissions from exhaust systems of buses powered with diesel oil and CNG……………………….40 4. Development of municipal public bus transport in the aspect of use of renewable 3 energy sources......................................................................................................................41 4.1. Envisaged development of municipal bus transport in the perspective of 10-20 years….41 4.2. Ecological aspect of using methane fuel in municipal buses...........................................41 4.3. Assessment of reduction of CO2 emissions as a result of application of gas fuel..............43 4.4. Assessment of demand scale (daily, annual) by MPK for biomethane.............................46 4.5. The envisaged number and mileage of operated buses fuelled with gas fuel (at present and in the perspective of 10-20 years)..............................................................46 5. Development strategy for urban transport in Rzeszow, considering the share of buses fuelled with biomethane........................................................................................................47 5.1. Arguments for increased share of fuelling with biomethane.............................................47 5.2. Simulation of the emissions and demand for gas depending on the adopted model of bus transport development.............................................................................................48 5.3. Optimum number of buses fuelled with CNG (including biomethane)...........................49 II. Opportunity for biomethane production for the purposes of urban transport in Rzeszow……………………………………………...…………………………………53 1. Potential capacity for biogas production from municipal and other sources in the perspective of 10 - 20 years .......................................................................................56 1.1. Energy plants and environment protection........................................................................58 1.2. Competition of power plants and biomass resources.........................................................59 1.3. Other potential sources of biomethane...............................................................................60 1.4. Determination of present and potential biogas production capacity from municipal and other sources in the perspective of 10-20 years in the area of Rzeszow.....................62 2. Rzeszow’s strategy in the area of biogas acquisition............................................................66 2.1. Present status of waste management..................................................................................66 3. Envisaged investment outlays of Rzeszow related to biogas acquisition for the purpose of bus fuelling.......................................................................................................................68 4. Annex 1.................................................................................................................................70 5. Supplement………………....................................................................................................97 III. Development of technical - organizational conditions to use biomethane to power municipal transport buses in Rzeszow..................................................................100 1. Possible technical - organizational variants of biomethane fuelling methods…………....100 4 1.1. Biomethane compression to the pressure of 25-30 MPa (virtual pipeline)......................102 1.2. Biomethane compression to the pressure of 3-5 bar and transmission with pipeline…..109 1.3. Biomethane liquefaction (LNG)......................................................................................110 1.4. Annex 2……………………………................................................................................130 1.5. Annex 3............................................................................................................................136 1.6. Annex 4............................................................................................................................138 2. Selection of the type of bus fuelling with biomethane........................................................145 3. Abbreviated SWOT analysis...............................................................................................147 IV. Study of the design of the station for bus fuelling with biomethane……………………149 1. Technical - building assumptions for the station design.....................................................157 1.1. Assumptions - guidelines for development of the architectural – building design……..157 1.1.1. Purpose of building facilities, utility programme.........................................................157 1.1.2. Scope of building and assembly works.........................................................................157 1.2. Land management draft...................................................................................................160 1.2.1. Object of the investment in the study phase.................................................................160 1.2.2. Existing land management............................................................................................161 1.2.3. Planned land management – plot covered by the study................................................162 1.2.4. Planned connections and equipment of the technical infrastructure.............................162 1.2.5. Trafic on the adjacent areas..........................................................................................163 1.2.6. Listing of land management areas................................................................................163 1.3. Information whether the area is entered in heritage register............................................163 1.4. Data determining the impact of mining operations on the plot or building project area within the borders of a mining area.................................................................................169 1.5. Information on the nature and properties of envisaged risks to the environment and health.........................................................................................................................169 1.6. Data resulting from the specificity and nature of the investment....................................170 2. Simplified design................................................................................................................171 2.1. Mechanical section...........................................................................................................171 2.2. Electric section.................................................................................................................173 2.3. Building section – Equipment installation in containers.................................................174 2.4. Traffic section..................................................................................................................174 5 2.5. Fire safety conditions.......................................................................................................175 2.5.1. Exposion danger zones..................................................................................................175 2.5.2. Furnishing with fire safety equipment..........................................................................175 2.5.3. Fire safety communication............................................................................................175 2.5.4. Information regarding the plan of safety and health protection (bioz).........................175 3. Acquisition of funds for the project....................................................................................177 3.1. Financial analysis.............................................................................................................177 3.2. Economic analysis of the assumptions for the study for construction of biomethane fueling station on the territory of MPK depot on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow...............188 3.3. Annex 5…………………………………………………………………………………191 3.4. Annex 6…………………………………………………………………………………201 3.5. Annex 7…………………………………………………………………………………204 3.6. Annex 8…………………………………………………………………………………222 V. Summary…………………………………………………………………………………230 6 List of figures: Fig. 1. Map of the public transport network supported by MKS..............................................24 Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of municipal transport areas...........................................................26 Fig. 3. Cost of fuel consumption (diesel oil [ON] and CNG), in the years 2006-2009............35 Fig. 4. Unit CO2 emissions for particular fuel..........................................................................45 Fig. 5. Course of values of CO2 emissions in the function of value of energy contained in fuel obtained on the basis of data on bus operation...................................................45 Fig. 6. Original energy of biogas in kilo - tonnes of equivalent fuel (ktoe).............................53 Fig. 7. Spatial distribution of areas fit for biomass production against protected areas and areas with too low annual precipitation totals........................................................58 Fig. 8. Energy plants and their impact zone within the radius of 40 to 100 km.......................59 Fig. 9. Direction of transport of waste from the city of Rzeszow.............................................67 Fig. 10. Diagram of biogas treatment installation.....................................................................72 Fig. 11. Theoretical potential of biogas energy from wastewater treatment plants [k GJ/year] in Podkarpackie region in the spatial system as of the end of 2005..........................83 Fig. 12. Theoretical potential of energy from landfill gas [GJ/year] in the spatial system of Podkarpackie region....................................................................................................87 Fig. 13. Theoretical potential of biogas energy from animal production [TJ/year] in the spatial system of Podkarpackie region........................................................................91 Fig. 14. Theoretical potential of biogas energy from industrial wastewater [GJ/year] in the spatial system of Podkarpackie region (2005)…………………………………..96 Fig. 15. Block diagram of the filling stations in the wastewater treatment plant...................103 Fig. 16. Hypothetical management of fuelling station area....................................................106 Fig. 17. GTI natural gas liquefier............................................................................................112 Fig. 18. Natural gas liquefier by Sintef...................................................................................113 Fig. 19. Diagram of liquefaction process................................................................................114 Fig. 20. IRR change with the change of electricity price........................................................120 Fig. 21. NPV change with the change of electricity prices.....................................................120 Fig. 22. Change of accumulated profits with the change of electricity price.........................121 Fig. 23. IRR change with the change of NG purchase price...................................................122 7 Fig. 24. NPV change with the change of NG price.................................................................123 Fig. 25. Accumulated profits depending on the change of NG purchase price......................123 Fig. 26. IRR change with the change of LNG selling price....................................................124 Fig. 27. NPV value at the LNG selling price..........................................................................125 Fig. 28. Changes of accumulated profits with the change of LNG selling price....................126 Fig. 29. Change of accumulated profits value........................................................................127 Fig. 30. Impact of the change of investment value no IRR change........................................127 Fig. 31. NPV change with the change of investment value....................................................128 Fig. 32. Accumulated profits with the change of investment value........................................128 Fig. 33. LCNG station with a system for gas recovery from evaporation..............................141 Fig. 34. LNG and LCNG station in Lleida (Spain).................................................................141 Fig. 35. Details of CNG fuelling unit......................................................................................142 Fig. 36. Gazpack 70 Compressor............................................................................................145 Fig. 37. Map of the land where the present CNG station is situated, as operated at the depot of MPK in Rzeszow with market planned place for situation of biomethane compressors, warehouse of CBG compressed gas and bus slow fueling line…………………………………………………...…………………......164 Fig. 38. Construction of the biomethane fuelling station for buses - depot of MPK Rzeszow....................................................................................................................165 Fig. 39. Construction of biomethane fuelling station for buses at depot of MPK Rzeszow……………………………………………………………………………165 Fig. 40. Construction of biomethane fuelling station for buses at depot of MPK Rzeszow....................................................................................................................166 Fig. 41. Visualization of the designed CBG station................................................................168 Fig. 42. General view of CBG fuelling site............................................................................168 Fig. 43. View of CBG (M) warehouse and container stations (S)…......................................169 Fig. 44. Setting of explosion hazard zones - CBG station......................................................175 Fig. 45. Route of pipeline between the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Depot of MPK in Rzeszow................................................................................................................203 Fig. 46. Existing CNG natural gas compressing station at MPK in Rzeszow, furnished 8 with two compressors of 300 and 600 Nm3/h...........................................................204 Fig. 47. Compressor unit.........................................................................................................205 Fig. 48. Gas recovery..............................................................................................................208 Fig. 49. Automatic discharge of condensate...........................................................................209 Fig. 50. Desiccant dryer..........................................................................................................210 Fig. 51. Gas filtration system..................................................................................................211 Fig. 52. Control cabinet station...............................................................................................213 Fig. 53. Control cabinet station...............................................................................................215 Fig. 54. Distribution of subassemblies in a container CNG stations Gazpack 50..................221 Fig. 55. Container station for CNG compressing - GEO-M50-030-150................................222 Fig. 56. Present view of CNG station from the south.............................................................227 Fig. 57. Present view of CNG station from south - west........................................................227 Fig. 58. Present view of the platform with CNG distributor……….………………………..228 Fig. 59. Present view of the platform with CNG distributor…………….…………………..228 Fig. 60. Present view of the platform with CNG distributor...................................................229 Fig. 61. Present view of the platform with CNG distributor...................................................229 List of tables: Table 1. Changes to the population of Rzeszow in the years 2006 - 2009 (as of 31 Dec.)......27 Table 2. Population according to economic age groups...........................................................27 Table 3. Mobility index for residents of Rzeszow and surrounding.........................................28 Table 4. Motivations for travelling for residents of Rzeszow and surrounding…………….29 Table 5. Means of transport used by residents of Rzeszow and surrounding………………30 Table 6. Means of transport used for travelling - categories....................................................30 Table 7. Mobility index adopted for forecast............................................................................30 Table 8. Condition of MPK bus fleet as of October 2010........................................................31 Table 9. Calorific value of engine fuels....................................................................................33 Table 10. Cost of emissions in road transport (according to prices of 2007)...........................33 Table 11. Mileage during vehicle use cycle in road transport..................................................34 Table 12. Calculation of pollution from liquid fuels consumption in busse operated at MPK 9 Rzeszow for 2009………………….…………….…............................................38 Table 13. Emissions of gases or dusts to air from combustion processes in combustion engines (2010)..........................................................................................................44 Table 14. Biogas plants in Poland – present condition............................................................54 Table 15. Area of agricultural lands determining theoretical potential for biomass production (thous. of ha)............................................................................................................57 Table 16. Biomass resources and its use for energy purposes in Podkarpackie Region in 2007.......................................................................................................................62 Table 17. Installations producing biogas in municipalities of the Podkarpackie Region.........63 Table 18. Estimate results of analysis of area of Podkarpackie region in the aspect of opportunity of using RES and energy effects...........................................................64 Table 19. Balance of biodegradable waste on the territory of ZZO Rzeszow..........................79 Table 20. Theoretical potential of biogas from wastewater treatment plant in Podkarpackie region in the spatial (poviat) system at as of the end of 2005...............................82 Table 21. Technical potential for energy production from biogas in wastewater treatment plants………………………………………………………………………..……..84 Table 22. Theoretical potential of landfill gas poviat of Podkarpackie region........................86 Table 23. Technical potential of landfill gas and energy production from such gas................88 Table 24. Theoretical potential of biogas from animal production...........................................90 Table 25. Technical potential of energy production from biogas.............................................92 Table 26. Theoretical potential of biogas from industrial wastewater in the Podkarpackie region……………………………………...……………………………………....94 Table 27. Price of substrate and the price of methane..............................................................97 Table 28. Profitability of ensilage - price of methane (Euro/m3)..............................................98 Table 29. Waste profitability - price of methane (Euro/m3).....................................................98 Table 30. Substrates - exemplary statistical data....................................................................99 Table 31. IRR value................................................................................................................120 Table 32. NPV.........................................................................................................................120 Table 33. Accumulated profits................................................................................................121 Table 34. IRR.........................................................................................................................122 Table 35. NPV........................................................................................................................122 10 Table 36. Accumulated profits................................................................................................123 Table 37. IRR.........................................................................................................................124 Table 38. NPV........................................................................................................................125 Table 39. Accumulated profits................................................................................................125 Table 40. Accumulated profits................................................................................................126 Table 41. IRR.........................................................................................................................127 Table 42. NPV........................................................................................................................128 Table 43. Accumulated profits................................................................................................128 Table 44. Comparison of emissions from ZS buses (10 years) and CNG/CBG gas buses….157 Table 45. Costs related to station functioning, with the assumption of maximum use…...180 Table 46. Costs related to station functioning, with the assumption of maximum use…...181 Table 47. Costs related to station functioning, with the assumption of maximum use…...184 Table 48. Costs related to station functioning, with the assumption of maximum use…...185 Table 49. Calculations of medium flows - gas at initial pressure of 2.0 bar...........................198 Table 50. Calculation of medium flows - gas at initial pressure of 2.5 bar............................199 Table 51. Calculation of medium flows - gas at initial pressure of 3.0 bar............................200 Table 52. Calculation of medium flows - gas at initial pressure of 3.5 bar............................200 Table 53. 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Federal Statistical Office; 2009, http://de.statisU.com/. 79. Stacje paliwowe gazu ziemnego VD TÜV 510 G 651 80. Summmary Elaboration K. Biernat, P. Dziołak, W.Gis, A. Żółtowski 81. M. Szewczyk, „Wykorzystanie odnawialnych źródeł energii na terenie województwa podkarpackiego‖, Politechnika Rzeszowska im. I. Łukasiewicza, Rzeszow 2008 82. Szewczyk K. W.: Produkcja metanu z surowców roślinnych. Przemysł Chemiczny. 83. A. Szymała, Kogeneracja wysokosprawna, „Nowa Energia‖ 2008, nr 3. 84. Thoss C, Schone F. Biogas with prospect of ecology and naturę conservation. German Association for Landcare (DVL) and German Society for Nature Conservation (NABU); 2008, http://www.landschaftspflegeverband.de/. 85. Uchwała nr LX/1026/2009 Rady Miasta Rzeszowa z dnia 29 września 2009 r. w sprawie uchwalenia zmiany nr 18/4/2007 Studium Uwarunkowań i Kierunków Zagospodarowania Przestrzennego Miasta Rzeszowa 86. Ustawa Prawo Wodne Dz.U. nr.239 poz.2019 z 2005 r z późniejszymi zmianami 87. Ustawa o ochronie środowiska – Dz.U.nr.199 z 2008 r. 88. Ustawa z dnia 07.07.1994r.- Prawo budowlane (tekst jednolity Dz.U. Nr 156 z 2006 r. poz.1118 z późniejszymi zmianami), 89. Ustawa o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym poz. 717 i Ustawa 718 o zmianie Ustawy – Prawo budowlane oraz o zmianie niektórych ustaw z dnia 27 marca 2003r., Dz.U. Nr 80 z dnia 10 maj 2003r. z późniejszymi zmianami, 17 90. Użytkowanie gruntów, powierzchnia zasiewów i pogłowie zwierząt gospodarskich w 2005 r. GUS. Warszawa 2005. 91. VdEW. Electricity prices in Germany. Verband der Elektrizitatswirtschaft BadenWurttemberg e.V.; 2008. http://www.vfew-bw.de/. 92. Wagner E. Rates for ecological power: What are they, what do they effect? EnergieFakten.de; 2008. http://www.energie-fakten.de/. 93. Warunki techniczne projektowania i budowy, nadzoru gazociągów wykonanych z polietylenu – III edycja wydane przez Karpacką Spółkę Gazownictwa w Tarnowie, 94. J. Wilk, F. Wolańczyk „Kogeneracyjny system wytwarzania ciepła i energii elektrycznej na bazie biogazu z oczyszczalni ścieków‖ Politechnika Rzeszowska 95. J. Wilk, Efektywność produkcji energii cieplneji elektrycznej z biogazu na przykładach z Podkarpacia, Katedra Termodynamiki Politechnika Rzeszowska 2010 18 Values, applied units and computation methods Biogas composition: Methane – (45…65) %(V/V); Carbon dioxide – (25…32) % (V/V); Nitrogen dioxide – (10…20) %(V/V); Dioxide – <3 %(V/V) Remnants ~ 1%(V/V), incl.: Hydrogen sulphide – 150 mg/m³; Chlorine compounds with total chlorine – 14.1 mg/m³; Fluor compounds with total fluor – 5.1 mg/m³. Average methane contents in biogas 60 %(V/V) Average calorific value of biomethane (mass) – 50 MJ/kg Average calorific value of biomethane (volume) – 35.5 MJ/m³, which accounts for approx. 10 kWh (36 MJ=10 kWh) Biomethane density in standard conditions – 0.72 kg/m³ Average effectiveness of biomethane production: from corn - 350 Nm³/Mg ; from plant cuts - 300 Nm³/Mg; from follow-up crops - 320 Nm³/Mg; from straw - 210 Nm³/Mg; from cattle’s faecal matter - 160 Nm³/Mg; from domestic pig’s faecal matter - 310 Nm³/Mg; from bedding straw in poultry farms - 290 Nm³/Mg; from organic sediment - 260 Nm³/Mg; from biodegradable organic sediment - 130 Nm³/Mg. Average effectiveness of biogas production: from municipal wastes – (200…250) Nm³/Mg; from sludge – (10…20) Nm³/ m³ Theoretical biogas efficiency: from municipal wastes – (400…500) Nm³/Mg; Organic dry waste content from: 19 corn – 95.0 % (m/m); from follow-up crops – 89.0 % (m/m); grass. bush cuts, etc. – 88.0 % (m/m). Calorific value: Biogas – 6.0 kWh/ m³ = 21.6 MJ/ m³ = 0.52 toe/1000 m³; Biomethane – 9.5 kWh/m³ = 36.0 MJ/ m³ = 0.86 toe/1000 m³ = 13.0 kWh/kg. Unit conversion: 1 PJ = 0.278 TWh = 0.024 Mtoe; 1 TWh = 3.6 PJ = 0.086 Mtoe; 1 Mtoe = 41.868 PJ = 11.63 TWh. 20 I. Determination of demand for biogas deliveries to power buses of MPK Rzeszow 1. Description of the public bus transport system 1.1. General characteristics of the city Rzeszow, the largest city in south-eastern Poland, is the administrative centre of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship (Region) with the population of 178,611. The city covers the area of 115.8 km² with population density of 1,542 people/km². Rzeszow, as the largest urban agglomeration in south-eastern Poland, is the unquestioned commercial, industrial and business centre, as well as the largest academic and cultural centre in the Podkarpacie Region. Convenient location, proximity of south and eastern border of Poland, makes Rzeszow an important transport centre. In the European classification of cities, Rzeszow has been included in the category of cities of international importance. In the Concept for Poland’s Spatial Management Policy, it has been classified as national sustainable development centre, focusing development project in supra-regional scale. The city features an international airport and technological park oriented at aviation industry. Within the airport, there are also: Rzeszow’s Aero Club and the Aviation Training Centre at the Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland’s only civil pilot school). In the direct vicinity of the airport, works are in progress on motorway A-4 (Berlin - Kiev) with three nodes to service the airport and the adjacent zone, and the city of Rzeszow. Public transport services regular connections between the airport and the city centre. Rzeszow is an important railway node for the Podkarpacie Region, forming logistic background, featuring branches of main line E30 east–west and regional system of line Rzeszow – Jasło and Ocice – Rzeszow. The city is a European centre of United Technologies Center, a global potentate in aviation industry. Rzeszow is the main centre of Aviation Valley business association. 21 1.1.1. Existing and planned condition of the transport infrastructure Rzeszow has a favourable location in the European belt east –west, in the Third Pan-European Transport Corridor, as well as in the near-border area of the Carpathian Euro-region and the planned Pan-European Helsinki – Athens Corridor (Via Carpatia – on the basis of Łańcut Agreement of 2006). The city is crossed by international railway and road routes east – west and road route north – south. In order to alleviate the difficulties in the functioning of the transport system, sustainable development of the transport system is sought by preference for public transport and nonautomotive traffic and by limitation of motor vehicle traffic, particularly in conflict zones (city centre). The main strategy for the city’s spatial management comprises the development of the road and street system from the outside, while public transport – in the city centre and development areas. 1.1.2. Air pollution Condition of the environment on the area of the city in the aspect of air cleanliness does not raise any significant objections, yet it requires systematic introduction of changes and improvement. The main reasons for air pollution include: burning of energy fuel, industrial production, road transport, heating of buildings [6]. Major sources of air pollution in Rzeszow include: PGE Elektrociepłownia ― Rzeszow‖ S.A. (CHP plant), FENICE POLAND Sp. z o.o., Operating Unit Rzeszow and Metallurgical Plant ― WSK- Rzeszow‖ Sp. z o.o. The volume of toxic pollution from vehicle exhaust is shaped by two independent factors: increase in road traffic intensity, significant crowd and the resulting distortions in traffic. 22 1.1.3. Noise danger In Rzeszow, the main cause of acoustic threat is road and rail traffic. Therefore, areas featuring noise danger are located near major roads, at the cross-roads. The highest noise levels (above 70 dB) were observed on streets: Krakowska, Witosa, Batalionów Chłopskich, Powstańców Warszawy, Armii Krajowej, Lwowska, and Sikorskiego. Due to breaching permissible noise standards in the aforementioned places, acoustic screens were installed to reduce the noise emission by about 12-22 dB. 1.2. Organization of public passenger transport 1.2.1. Local public transport Local public transport in Rzeszow is supported by Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne MPK Sp. z o. o. in Rzeszow. Detailed characteristics of MPK’s business has been presented in the Study on municipal bus transport in Rzeszow considering buses using CNG. This study focuses on this type of transport, considering local (municipal) transport as of key importance to the city. Nevertheless, this study also briefly characterises regional bus transport and private transport to illustrate all the issues comprising municipal transport. Transport services for the surroundings of Rzeszow are performer by Międzygminna Komunikacja Samochodowa – MKS, established on 1 May 2010 and servicing 12 bus lines. It was established after the conclusion of agreement among municipalities near Rzeszow and members of the Association of Municipalities, Podkarpacka Komunikacja Samochodowa, offering services on the area of the following municipalities: Boguchwała, Chmielnik, Czarna, Głogów Małopolski, Krasne, Trzebownisko and Tyczyn. 1.2.2. Regional bus transport The main carrier offering connections from regional bus station is PKS Rzeszow, although also buses of other companies stop here, such as Veolia Transport Podkarpacie and Veolia Transport Bieszczady. Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Samochodowej w Rzeszowie S.A. - PKS renders passenger transport services on regional, long-distance and international routes. Passenger check-out 23 occurs on two bus stations: Main Station, located in the direct vicinity of railway station and on the Suburban Station, situated near the Śląski Overpass, at the distance of approx. 1 km from the city centre. Fig. 1. Map of public transport network supported by MKS Source: http://www.zgpks.rzeszow.pl/?trasy-przejazdu.html 24 1.2.3. Private transport At present, on the territory of Rzeszow, there operate several dozen private transport companies, which principally offer regional connections on the area of the entire voivodeship (region). Private transport can be considered as supplementation of regional transport, which is hardly used on the area of the city. Nevertheless, it plays a significant role in the entire transport system, and generates the need for intermodal solutions, allowing for a change of the means of transport from private to municipal. According to incomplete data, public transport on the area of Rzeszow is offered by approx. 30 carriers. 1.3. Transport policy of the city The elements of transport policy have been contained in the Study of Conditions and Directions of Spatial Management for the City of Rzeszow [85]: According to the provisions of the Study, in Rzeszow, there are three zones for shaping transport systems with different distribution of transport task among: collective transport, individual, pedestrian and bicycle transport, as well as limitations to the vehicle traffic in individual transport: - In the central area (zone l), the fundamental role is to belong to collective transport, pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Private car traffic should be limited. The needs of traffic supporting the central area must be satisfied - deliveries, waste collection, technical services. The number of car parks must be limited, and their use must be paid for. The fee must depend on the parking time. In the central zone, the following is assumed: rational use of the existing car parks, extension of car parks to compensate for the reduced possibility of parking in places that must be restored to pedestrians and other functions, control of the number of parking places created by investors to keep the balance between the capacity of street traffic and the supply of parking places, development of the information system about places available. - In zone 2, with medium intensity of management (areas inside the central ring and blocks of flats), cars can move about freely, observing the priority for collective transport. 25 Only in some areas it is justified to partially limit vehicle traffic and gradually introduced payment for parking (in public areas within traffic concentration). Within this zone, there should be an obligation for the investors to build car parks on their own areas and from own funds. - On other areas – in zone 3 (peripheral), road system and the supply of parking places can be adjusted to the needs resulting from the development of motorisation. Collective transport must provide good conditions of commuting to other zones. In zones 2 and 3, there should be opportunities for cooperation of collective and individual traffic by the application of the ― Park & Ride‖ system. In all zones, there are necessary effective connections of the transport system by change nodes [5]. Production Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of municipal transport areas 26 Table 1. Changes to the population of Rzeszow in the years 2006 – 2009 (as of 31 Dec.) 2006 163 508 77 163 86 345 total men women 2007 166 454 78 652 87 802 2008 170 653 80 619 90 034 2009 172 770 81 527 91 243 Source: Regional Data Bank, www.stat.gov.pl According to the data as of 31.12.2009 [20] , the number of residents according to permanent place of residence amounted to 167,063 people, of which 79,250 men and 87,813 women. At the same time, population as of actual residence was higher and amounted to 172,770 people. Persons in productive age constitute a decisive majority of Rzeszow’s community. Such a clearly high number of working people gives the image of traffic intensity in the period of the highest transport peak in the afternoon. Moreover, most people live in the largest resident centres, which highly intensifies the level of crowding of strategic access streets to the largest estates in the city (Table 1). Table 2. Population according to economic age groups No. Economic age Total numer of residents % of total population 1. Pre-productive 30 253 17.51 2. Productive 115 067 66.60 3. Post-productive 27 450 12.41 TOTAL: 172 770 Source: data from Central Statistical Office, www.stat.gov.pl, as of 31.12.2009 The structure of Rzeszow’s population according to age groups in the years 2006 – 2009 is presented in Table 2. 27 1.4.1. Problem identification The following are the key problems to be solved in Rzeszow: - ensuring general access to public transport to those entities that have no cars, as well as to people from exclusion groups and the disabled, as well as for the youth, - ensuring the service at the sufficiently high level of quality and safety, so that the number of passengers should allow for a sufficient transport offer (the number of passengers and fares paid by them allow for maintaining general nature of the service, decreased number of passengers would cause gradual marginalization and discontinued services). At the same time, cities draw significant attention to municipal transport. 1.5. Characteristics of the public transport services market – sources and targets of the traffic 1.5.1. Mobility of the residents of Rzeszow The surveys performed indicate that total mobility index for the residents of Rzeszow amounts to approx. 1.86. This means that, on average, every resident of Rzeszow at the age of above 16, made 1.86 trips, while each resident of one of the remaining locations near Rzeszow – 1.4 trips (Table 3). Table 3. Mobility index for residents of Rzeszow and surroundings Mobility index Total Rzeszow surroundings 1.73 1.86 1.4 Source: Study performed by PBS DGA on request of APIA XXI IAK November 2009 Trips from home to deal with personal issues, do shopping, or related to entertainment or tourism, and back, constituted 21% (for each direction) in Rzeszow, and 19% in the surroundings of the city. Travelling between home and work, and work and home, comprised 18% and 21%, respectively, in Rzeszow and outside it. The smallest share belonged to trips 28 related to school (home-school, school-home), constituting for both directions 7% in Rzeszow and 6% in its surroundings. Every tenth trip in Rzeszow and every fourteenth trip in other locations were not related to home. The most frequent beginning of the trip, both in Rzeszow and in its surroundings, was home (45% and 47%, respectively), followed by work (20%, 22%), and personal issues (12%, 13%), shopping (10%) and education (7% each). The shares of trip targets are similar. In Rzeszow, slightly more often that outside it, shopping constituted the beginning or end of the trip (Table 4) [62]. Table 4. Motivations for travelling for residents of Rzeszow and surroundings % total mobility index 0.32 0.31 0.12 0.11 0.35 0.36 Rzeszow mobility % index 18% 0.33 17% 0.32 6% 0.12 6% 0.12 21% 0.38 21% 0.4 surroundings % mobility index 21% 20% 7% 7% 19% 19% 0.3 0.28 0.1 0.09 0.27 0.28 home-work work-home home-school school-home home-other other-home 19% 18% 7% 6% 20% 21% other, not related to home 10% 0.16 10% 0.19 7% 0.1 total 100% 1.73 100% 1.86 100% 1.42 Source: Study performed by PBS DGA on request of APIA XXI IAK November 2009 1.5.2. Forecast of demand in public transport The most popular means of transport in trips were vehicles (as driver – 35% in Rzeszow, 39% in the surroundings) and MPK buses (30% in Rzeszow, 27% outside the city). Furthermore, every fourth trip made by the residents of Rzeszow, and only 4% of trips by residents of Rzeszow surroundings were on foot (Tables 5, 6, 7). The distribution of the trip frequency during the day is clearly bimodal, which means that the greatest intensity of trips occurs twice: in Rzeszow between 7 and 8 in the morning, while in the surroundings it is more spread in time and falls between 6 and 8, while the afternoon peak in both locations occurs between 3 and 4 PM. This is clearly related to going to work and school. 29 Table 5. Means of transport used by residents of Rzeszow and surroundings Means of transport Total Rzeszow Surroundings motorcycle/ car car (driver) moped (passenger) On foot bicycle % line % line % line % line 18.6% 23.3% 4.0% 2.6% 1.9% 4.6% 0.1% 0.1% 36.2% 35.2% 39.2% taxi MPK bus PKS bus microbus train % line % line % line % line % line % line 9.1% 7.9% 12.9% 0.4% 0.5% 1.0% 0.7% 2.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% 29.3% 4.1% 30.2% 1.1% 26.6% 13.1% Source: Study performed by PBS DGA on request of APIA XXI IAK November 2009 Table 6. Means of transport used for travelling – categories Means of transport On foot only car: driver, passenger, taxi MPK bus , PKS bus, microbus, train bicycle other % line % line % line % line Total 17.5% 45.7% 34.1% 2.6% Rzeszow 22.5% 43.7% 31.8% 1.9% Place Surroundings 2.1% 52.0% 41.2% 4.6% Source: Study performed by PBS DGA on request of APIA XXI IAK November 2009 % line 0.1% 0.1% Table 7. Mobility index adopted for forecasts Year of forecasts 2009 2014 2019 2024 2029 2034 2039 Total 1.73 1.80 1.87 1.95 2.02 2.10 2.19 Rzeszow 1.86 1.93 2.01 2.09 2.18 2.26 2.35 Surroundings 1.40 1.46 1.51 1.57 1.64 1.70 1.77 Source: own study 30 2. MPK’s experiences in using CNG to power bus engines 2.1. Number of buses in operation as fuelled with gas, annual mileage Operation of buses fuelled with CNG at MPK in Rzeszow started in 2004. At present, MPK features 188 buses, including 40 buses fuelled with CNG, all of standard length of 12 m. In 2009, total mileage of CNG buses amounted to 2,631,773 km, namely on average 65,800 km/bus/year. The oldest of CNG buses held have already achieved mileages reaching 450,000 km. In total, since the beginning of operation, CNG buses at MPK Rzeszow have covered over 10 million km. Condition of MPK’s bus fleet as of October 2010 – types, items fuelled with diesel oil/CNG (CNG buses in colour, other fuelled with diesel oil - presents Table 8) Table 8. Condition of MPK bus fleet as of October 2010 Number Euro of items standard Engine power HP Mileage for 2009 - 185 2,927,900 km 22 - 220 999,248 km Jelcz 120 M CNG 2 - 185 58,289 km 4 Jelcz 120 MM 1 1 245 38,612 km 5 Jelcz M 181 MB 4 1 300 119,337 km 6 Jelcz 120 MM/1 7 1 220 412,655 km 7 Jelcz 120 MM/2 4 2 220 288,872 km 8 Autosan A844MN 1 2 260 33,703 km 9 JELCZ M125M/4 11 3 245 736,366 km 10 JELCZ M120M/4 10 3 245 733,332 km 11 JELCZ M121M/4 8 3 245 338,500 km 12 Solaris Urbino 12 29 2 220 1,656,682 km 13 MAN NL 223 5 2 220 354,185 km 14 Solaris Urbino 15 8 2 260 528,528 km No. Make, type 1 Jelcz PR 110 58 2 Jelcz 120 M 3 31 15 16 17 18 19 20 Solaris Urbino 12CNG NEOPLAN N4016 NEOPLAN K4016 JELCZ M125 M Mercedes 0405 N 2 Autosan H720.07.02 Razem: 9 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 270 218 220 220 606,297 km 0 km 0 km 0 km 3 2 250 178,393 km 2 188 3 177 96,203 km First CNG buses were made as adaptation from engines with diesel oil to CNG (item. 3) 2.2. Unit costs of operated buses fuelled with gas fuel by type as compared to the costs of buses fuelled with diesel oil. Differences in unit costs by type in operation of buses fuelled with diesel oil and CNG basically occur in three items. 1. Depreciation costs: due to higher purchase prices of brand new CNG buses as compared to equally furnished buses fuelled with diesel oil, it can be assumed that in the period of operation, with the assumed mileage of 800,000 km/ (according to the assumptions of the EU Regulation on estimation of energy and operation costs in the vehicle life cycle), the difference in costs shall amount to approx. 0.15 PLN [0.04 EURO] per km. Practically, at MPK Rzeszow, a bus achieves the mileage of approx. 1,200,000 km, so the difference is smaller – 0.10 PLN [0.02 EURO] /km for the benefit of buses fuelled with diesel oil. The value of 0.10 PLN [0.02 EURO] is the difference resulting from higher purchase price of a CNG bus, and thus higher depreciation. Calculations were performer in the context of Directive 2005/0283 in the final version COM (2007) 817 of 19.12. 2007, on the basis of which theoretical mileage of a bus (800,000 km) was adopted for the purpose of cost comparison. Because it can be estimated that a CNG bus is more expensive by 120 PLN [28.57 EURO] and its actual mileage in Rzeszow conditions can amount to 1,200,000 km, the higher cost of km was calculated due to depreciation. In practice, depreciation is accounted for in the period of from 5 to 10 years. 32 In CNG buses, due to lower efficiency of gas engines as compared to diesel engines, there are higher energy costs, expressed in MJ/km, not EURO/km. Currently, the price is per litre of diesel oil or m3 of gas, regardless of their calorific value (Table 9, Table 10). Data for calculation of external costs during the vehicle use cycle in road transport according to Directive 2009/33/EC. Table 9. Calorific value of engine fuels Fuel Calorific value Diesel oil 36 MJ/litre Petrol 32 MJ/litre Natural gas* 38 MJ/Nm3 Liquid gas (LPG) 24 MJ/litre Ethanol 21 MJ/litre Biodiesel 33 MJ/litre Emulsion fuel 32 MJ/litre Hydrogen 11 MJ/Nm3 * exemplary calorific value of biomethane is 36 MJ/Nm3 Table 10. Cost of emissions in road transport (according to prices of 2007) [27] CO2 NOx NMHC Suspended dust 2 eurocents/kg 0.44 eurocents/g 0.1 eurocents/g 8.7 eurocents/g 33 Table 11. Mileage during vehicle use cycle in road transport [27] (categories M and N as specified in Directive 2007/46/EC) Mileage during the use cycle Cars (Ml) 200 000 km Vans (NI) 250 000 km Vehicle category Lorries (N2, N3) 1 000 000 km Buses (M2, M3) 800 000 km 2. Costs of maintenance and minor repairs. Until present, the experience of MPK Rzeszow shows [61] that CNG buses are characterised with higher costs of maintenance and repairs due to the need of maintenance, replacement of some parts and subassemblies in the powering system (valves, injectors) and in the ignition system (sparking plugs, high voltage cables, ignition coils), which have no equivalents in the maintenance of diesel oil systems – at least within the range of currently achieved mileages below 500,000 km. MPK Rzeszow in its fleet has no buses fuelled with diesel oil and meeting the standard of at least Euro IV, thus the comparison of the costs of maintenance and repairs refers to buses below the Euro IV standard, not requiring additional equipment, subassemblies for exhaust treatment, which equipment will probably increase the costs of maintenance and repairs of buses fuelled with diesel oil. The data of MPK Rzeszow indicate that the costs of maintenance and repairs for CNG buses in the first period of operation are higher by approx. 0.05 PLN [0.01 EURO] /km than for buses fuelled with diesel oil. Due to small mileage of CNG buses (mileages qualifying engines for the first repair have not been achieved) no reliable information has been obtained on what mileages in Rzeszow conditions would be achieved by CNG engines to the condition qualifying them for main repairs, as compared to engines with self-ignition. 34 3. Fuel costs. On the basis of six years of op eration of C NG buses, one c an state th at the average ga s consumption at MPK Rzeszow amounts to 57 Nm 3/100 km, while in buses fuelled with diesel oil - 37 l/100km. Depending on c urrent price of diesel oil and CNG, various savings effects on fuel costs are achieved, as illustrated in the diagram below (Fig. 3). Cost of fuel consumption 2006 -2009 (PLN/100km) 140 120 100 80 ON 60 CNG 40 20 0 I 06 VI 06 XI 06 IV IX II 08 VII 08 XII 08 V 09 X 09 2007 2007 Fig. 3. Cost of fuel consumption (diesel oil [ON] and CNG) in the years 2006-2009 [61] Small, mutually compensating differences in the costs result from insurance costs (higher for CNG due to higher price of the bus) and charges for use of the environment (smaller fees for combustion of gas than fuel oil). To conclude the above, one c an state th at the increased c osts of de preciation, as well a s maintenance a nd repair costs of C NG bus es, apart fr om short pe riods, are offset by lower costs of gas fuel. 2.3. Assessment of advantages and disadvantages of using natural gas in the bus traction. Notwithstanding economic effects, which principally depend on the relations of CNG/diesel oil prices, the use of CNG buses also has other characteristics. So, the advantages include: 35 small emission of pollutants in currently operated municipal buses, which can be determined and is directly sensed by other users of the routes, which is of great importance in the dense urban buildings with high intensity of traffic in the city. Even with greater load on the engine when starting off from the stops, cross-roads, driving uphill, exhaust gases are practically invisible, which testifies to small pollution of exhaust gases with solids. What can also be observed is lower noise emitted by riding CNG bus, both inside and outside of the bus. Thirdly, gas drive is generally perceived as state-of-the-art, and residents are very positive about this, and are satisfied with the city’s having buses with high ecological, environmentfriendly parameters. Disadvantages of CNG buses in Rzeszow’s condition include: - CNG bus fuelling requires much longer period than of the bus with diesel engine. This makes the work organisation more difficult and increases the cost, - capacity of gas tanks ensures the mileage in urban traffic within the limits of 350-450 km. This is sufficient just for one day of operation. If for any reason, it is not possible to fuel the bus daily, it will be excluded from operation. In the case of buses with self-ignition engine, fuel stock in the tank is sufficient for 2 days of operation, - the height of buses with gas tanks placed on the roof is higher, which result in impossibility of driving under low overpasses. In the case of Rzeszow, the buses cannot service several lines in municipal transport, - greater demand for labour in technical maintenance in reference to powering system and ignition engines. 2.4. Calculation of summary emissions of pollutants in bus engines fuelled with gas and with diesel oil, as operated in MPK Rzeszow. In 2003, on request of European oil industry (CONCAWE) and association of European car manufacturers (EUCAR) and European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), well-towheels analysis was performed on the CO2 emissions, heat efficiency and costs of applying 36 alternative fuels in vehicles. Seventy-five various possible directions of development of main energy sources were analysed. For reference fuels of petrol and diesel oil, technologies were analysed that can be introduced on a broad scale by 2010, while for alternative fuels – also technologies that can be marked after 2010. The main cause for the plan to introduce natural gas on a large scale as vehicle fuel is, apart from ecological issues, the care to guarantee alternative fuel for the transport sector which currently depends exclusively on petroleum products. Natural gas is the only alternative fuel with potential share in the fuel market of above 5% by 2020, which can compete with conventional fuels in economic categories, on condition that it will have initial support on the governmental level by favourable, long-term taxation and excise tax policy, ensuring stable conditions for market development. Estimates of emissions from engines of Rzeszow buses [61] for 2009, calculated on the basis of emission volume resulting from combustion of actual volume of diesel oil and natural gas, are as follows: Buses with diesel oil: CNG buses - NOx 452.04 Mg - PM 27.00 Mg - CO 255.44 Mg - HC 65.70 Mg - NOx 2.86 Mg - PM 0.15 Mg - CO 17.44 Mg - HC 0.04 Mg 37 Table 12. Calculation of pollution from liquid fuels consumption in buses operated at MPK Rzeszow for 2009 Diesel oil Euro 0 Euro standards or data from homologation Engine Bus type Number power Index Mileage Average kWh Nox PM CO HC (kW) Power act. (km) Speed (km/h) Pr 110 58 185 0.65 2927900 17.46 20164947 8 0.612 4.5 1.1 Jelcz 120M 22 220 0.65 999248 17.46 8183990 8 0.612 4.5 1.1 Euro 1 Jelcz 120MM 1 245 0.65 38612 17.46 352174,2 8 0.612 4.5 1.1 Jelcz M181MB 4 300 0.65 119337 17.46 1332802 8 0.612 4.5 1.1 Jelcz12MM/1 7 220 0.65 412665 17.46 3379788 8 0.612 4.5 1.1 Euro 2 Jelcz12MM/2 4 220 0.65 288872 17.46 2365905 7 0.25 4 1.1 AutosanA844MN 1 260 0.65 33703 17.46 326220,3 7 0.25 4 1.1 Solaris12 29 220 0.65 1656682 17.46 13568472 7 0.25 4 1.1 MAN NL223 5 220 0.65 354185 17.46 2900828 7 0.25 4 1.1 Solaris15 8 260 0.65 528528 17.46 5115764 7 0.25 4 1.1 Mercedes405 3 250 0.65 178393 17.46 1660301 7 0.25 4 1.1 Euro 3 CNG AutosanH07 Jelcz 120M Jelcz 125M/4 Jelcz 120M/4 Jelcz121M/4 Solrai12 CNG Euro 5 diesel oil CNG 2 177 0.65 96203 17.46 633915 2 11 10 8 9 185 245 245 245 270 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 58289 736366 733332 338500 606297 2472784 17.46 17.46 17.46 17.46 17.46 401446.3 6716282 6688609 3087407 6094222 5 0.1 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.38 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.006 Mass Nox PM CO HC 161.3196 65.47192 12.34095 5.008602 90.74226 36.82795 22.18144 9.002389 2.817393 10.66241 27.0383 0.215531 0.815675 2.06843 1.584784 5.997607 15.20905 0.387392 1.466082 3.717767 16.56133 2.283542 94.97931 20.3058 35.81035 11.62211 0.591476 0.081555 3.392118 0.725207 1.278941 0.415075 9.463619 1.304881 54.27389 11.60331 20.46305 6.641206 2.602495 0.358842 14.92532 3.190911 5.62734 1.826332 2.1 0.66 TOTAL (diesel oil): 3.169575 452,0416 0.063391 26,99695 1,331221 255,4428 0,418384 65.70469 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 2.53 0.012846 0.214921 0.214036 0.098797 2.315805 0.00281 0.047014 0.04682 0.021612 0.036565 0.048174 0.805954 0.802633 0.370489 15.41838 0 0 0 0 0.036565 2.856404 0.154822 17.44563 0.036565 0 0 0 0 0.006 TOTAL (CNG): 250 0.65 7500000 18 67708333 2 0.02 1.5 0.46 135.4167 1.354167 101.5625 31.14583 250 0.65 5000000 18 45138889 2 0.02 1.5 0.46 90.27778 0.902778 67.70833 20.76389 250 0.65 5000000 18 45138889 0.032 0.007 0.12 0 1.444444 0.315972 5.416667 0 138.2731 91.72222 1.508988 0.902778 119.0081 73.125 31.1824 20.76389 With the assumption of 75% diesel oil and 25%CNG With the assumption of 50% diesel oil and 50% CNG 38 Table 12 presents the adopted assumptions for calculation of the above emissions. In phase 3 of this study, verification of the presented results was performed, based on road analyses of emissions in real conditions. It is contained in the description referred to task 6.6 of the Baltic Biogas Bus project. 2.5. Sources of financing for purchase of CNG buses. Investment costs related to modernisation (2 items) and purchase of brand new buses (38 items) were covered from three sources: - own funds – 13 899 980.00 PLN; [3 309 519.00 EURO] - bank loans – 5 482 920.00 PLN; [1 305 457.00 EURO] - loan from WFOŚ - 4 141 200.00 PLN; [986 000.00 EURO] - ECOFUND subsidy – 4 000 000.00 PLN; [952 380.95 EURO] 39 3. Comparison, in real conditions of road traffic, of emissions of CO, CO2, THC and NOX from exhaust systems of buses fuelled with diesel oil and CNG The comparison was presented in the report on execution of task 6.6. of the BBB project, which constitutes an integral part of the studies performed by Instytut Transportu Samochodowego (Vehicle Transport Institute) and placed on the project website. For the purposes of development of Part 3 of the report, the following literature was used: - Cedigaz statistics – www.cedigaz.com - Ocean Shipping Consultants Ltd - World LNG to 2020: Prospects for Trade & Shipping - Tadeusz Olkuski – Światowy rynek LNG (Global LNG market) - Dan Rowe – LNG market overview - BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2005 - Trude Gullaksen - Small Scale LNG Production Facilities - Eginhard Berger - Small Scale LNG Production in Europe from the Early Seventies until Today – Experience of a Global LNG Plant Contractor - Dave Smith, GTI Commercial and Investments Group-Small Scale Liquefier Development - Jerzy Bielski - Rozwój globalnego handlu gazem LNG. Już nie tylko Azja - Jacek Molenda – Gaz ziemny - Idaho National Laboratory - New LNG Plant Technology - Linde Technology 1/2003 - Reports on Science and Technology - U.S. Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy - Liquefied Natural Gas: Understanding the Basic Facts - Michael Barclay and Noel Denton, Foster Wheeler Energy Limited, UK - Selecting offshore LNG processes - Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory - Sacramento Small Scale Liquefier Plant 40 4. Development of municipal public bus transport in the aspect of using renewable energy sources 4.1. Envisaged development of municipal bus transport in the perspective of 10-20 years In the period of the next 10-20 years, the fundamental means of municipal transport in Rzeszow will still be bus transport. It is possible to increase the use of railway lines crossing the city for suburban transport and commuting. According to the current study entitled ― Construction of the system integrating public transport of the City of Rzeszow and the surroundings‖, the number of buses necessary for municipal transport in Rzeszow is about 160 items. Considering the advanced medium age of the presently operated buses (over 14 years), practically the entire fleet should be replaced with new one in such a period. One of the conclusions of the study entitled: “Construction of the system integrating public transport of the City of Rzeszow and the surroundings‖ preliminarily suggests rejuvenation of the fleet by the purchase in 2011 of 20 buses of standard length - 12 m, fuelled with diesel oil; next, in the years 2012 – 2013, the purchase of 30 buses with the length of 9-10 m fuelled with diesel oil, and 20 buses of 12 m fuelled with CNG. The plan has not yet been prepared in detailed for years after that period. 4.2. Ecological aspect of using methane fuel in municipal buses Due to small emission of pollutants in vehicles powered with methane, local government in Rzeszow[61] assumes further increase in the number of buses fuelled with gas. It is assumed that by 2020, half of the fleet used in urban traffic will be fuelled like that. At present, this is exclusively CNG, while with the opportunities to obtain biomethane, transition of some of these vehicles is assumed to fuelling with biomethane. What is important for environment protection is the fact that high ecological parameters are maintained in buses fuelled with CNG throughout the period of their operation, and do not deteriorate with the wear of fuelling and exhaust systems of the engines as in the case of currently used buses with engines fuelled with diesel oil. In the future, it is envisaged that the number of vehicles fuelled with natural gas will exceed the number of vehicles fuelled with diesel oil. Directive of the European Parliament and the Council 2009/33/EC of 23.04.2009 is aimed at stimulation of the ecological market and energy-saving vehicles. It determines the orientations of public procurement when purchasing new vehicles for public transport, stressing the importance of the costs of energy and emission of pollutants calculated throughout the period of vehicle operation. In EC guidelines and EC regulation 800/2008, 41 possibility of public (state) support was envisaged to purchase ecological and energy-saving vehicles, and Member States were obliged to introduce statutory, executive and administrative regulations necessary to implement Directive 2009/33/EC at the latest by 2010. In this situation, there were favourable circumstances for effective promotion of biofuel for buses, particularly in cities which, just as Rzeszow, have obtained experience in operation of buses with CNG drive. It seems that promotion of biomethane of natural gas as fuel faces significant resistance from the oil fuel lobby, and significantly delays the implementation of gas fuel, particularly in municipal transport. CNG vehicles favourably affect the improvement of air quality, to the extent comparable with future improvements for emissions of diesel engines, in particular in the aspect of solids. The main motive for broader scale introduction of natural gas as vehicle fuel is the care to guarantee an alternative fuel for transport sector which presently exclusively depends on petroleum products. Natural gas is the only alternative fuel with potentially significant share in the market of above 5% by 2020 which may compete with conventional fuels in economic categories. The development of the infrastructure for fuelling and the related fleet should minimise the costs in medium-term perspective. Natural gas can obtain vast share in the market if it has support from the favourable mandatory longterm tax and excise tax to ensure stable conditions until the development of broad market. Mature technology is available, but the variety of products and services must be continuously developed. Further efforts in the research and development must support additional improvements to the technology. Replacement of petrol and diesel oil by natural gas can be technically and economically feasible if it is performer on a large scale, ensuring benefits on the mass market for large production of CNG vehicles and the use of the infrastructure (CNG fuelling stations). In the early phases, the fleet and local markets, such as municipal transport, offer potentially high use of fuelling stations, on condition of achieving revenues on investments and development of the network. Regulations and standards for the use of natural gas as engine fuel for vehicles must be adjusted to maintenance of broad commercialisation of CNG vehicles at the European level. The application of biomethane, fully renewable fuel, will contribute to very significant reduction of CO2 emissions to air. 42 4.3. Assessment of reduction of CO2 emissions as a result of application of gas fuel The introduction of gas fuels (natural gas, biomethane) to bus drives will contribute to the protection of climate as a result of reduced CO2 emissions and reduction in emissions of other pollutants. This is of particular importance for the agglomeration and areas with difficulties to meet the requirements of directives on air quality (Directive 96/62/EC on air quality and Directive 1999/30/EC relating to limit values for pollutants in ambient air). The EU has taken efforts for pro-ecological policy of public procurement for vehicles in road transport in the Green Paper on urban transport [COM(2007)551, ― Towards a new culture for urban mobility‖]. It states: ― A possible approach could be based on the internalisation of external costs by using life-time costs for energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and pollutant emissions linked to the operation of the vehicles to be procured as award criteria, in addition to the vehicle price. Inclusion of life-time costs in the procurement decision process would increase the awareness for running costs. This would give a competitive advantage to the cleanest and most energy efficient vehicles and at the same time minimise the overall cost. The public sector thereby could set an example for ― sustainable economics‖, to be taken up by other market actors. In addition, public procurement could give preference to new Euro standards. The earlier use of cleaner vehicles could also improve air quality in urban areas.‖ At present, EU legislation regulates exhaust gas emissions by vehicles using the Euro standards, and the emission limits defined therein are increasingly stricter. By 2020, emissions are planned to decrease to the level of 25-50% of emissions in 2000. The greatest impact on the market and the most favourable results from the point of view of costs and benefits can be achieved by mandatory inclusion of energy consumption costs during the operation cycle, as well as CO 2 and pollution emissions as criteria for public procurement for vehicles rendering public transport services, which was caused not later than 1 January 2012. The regulations refer to all purchases of vehicles to render public services of passenger transport under a concession, permit or authorization of public authority. The application of the above principles should significantly facilitate promotion of buses with fuelled with gas. Unfortunately, principles of fees for use of the environment presently adopted in Poland do not consider energy scalers to the volume of pollution emissions, yet as the basis, fuel consumption is adopted without considering their various calorific value (Table 13). 43 Table 13. Emissions of gases or dusts to air from combustion processes in combustion engines (2010) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Type of combustion engine Engines in vehicles with permissible total weight above 3.5 Mg, except for buses, registered for the first time by 30.09.1993 Fuel type Engine petrol Unit rate [EURO/Mg] 19.77 Diesel oil 10.27 Biodiesel 9.50 Engines in buses with permissible total weight above 3.5 Mg, registered for the first time by 30.09.1993 Engines in vehicles with permissible total weight above 3.5 Mg, registered for the first time in the period 01.10.1993 – 30.09.1996 or with document confirming meeting of the requirements of Euro 1 Diesel oil 11.92 Biodiesel 10,78 Compressed natural gas CNG (rebuilt engines), including biomethane Diesel oil 3.15 Biodiesel 3.25 Engines in vehicles with permissible total weight above 3.5 Mg, registered for the first time in the period 01.10.1996 – 30.09.2001 or with document confirming meeting of the requirements of Euro 2 Compressed natural gas CNG (rebuilt engines), including biomethane Diesel oil 2.55 Biodiesel 2.52 Engines in vehicles with permissible total weight above 3.5 Mg, registered for the first time in the period 01.10.2001 – 30.09.2006 or with document confirming meeting of the requirements of Euro 3 Compressed natural gas CNG (engines manufactured for fuelling with gas), including biomethane Compressed natural gas CNG (rebuilt engines), including biomethane Diesel oil 1.48 Biodiesel 1.76 Compressed natural gas CNG (engines manufactured for fuelling with gas), including biomethane Compressed natural gas CNG (rebuilt engines), including biomethane Diesel oil 1.23 Biodiesel 1.22 Compressed natural gas CNG (engines manufactured for fuelling with gas), including biomethane Compressed natural gas CNG (rebuilt engines), including biomethane Diesel oil 0,90 Biodiesel 0,83 Engines in vehicles with permissible total weight above 3.5 Mg, registered for the first time in the period 01.10.2006 – 30.09.2009 or with document confirming meeting of the requirements of Euro 4 Engines in vehicles with permissible total weight above 3.5 Mg, with document confirming meeting of the requirements of Euro 5 4.30 3.36 2.10 2.46 1.60 1.79 1.05 1.24 Contemporary advanced structural solutions of bus gas engines (natural gas, biomethane) cause them to be characterised with very small CO2 emissions comparable with engines fuelled with diesel oil ― from well to wheels‖. In this respect, materials developed by Prof. Krzysztof Mendera [59] prove very interesting. It must be remembered that biogas is not directly used to power vehicle engines (including of public transport), but is refined to the quality of natural gas (Fig. 4). 44 methane ems [g/kg comb.] ee [g/MJ] propane butane methanol isooctane cetane ethanol petrol diesel oil biogas landfill gas. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Unit emissions of CO2 Fig.4. Unit CO2 emissions for particular fuel (Krzysztof Z. Mendera. Paliwa silnikowe a efekt cieplarniany –Fuel engines and the greenhouse effect ) The only component of exhaust gases the emissions of which depend on fuel type is carbon dioxide, as shown on the basis of stechiometric calculations (Fig. 5). 450 400 350 Emissions of CO2 300 CNG D P Line (P) Line (D) Line (CNG) 250 200 150 100 50 0 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Fuel energy (MJ/100km) 450 500 550 Fig. 5. Course of values of CO2 emissions in the function of value of energy contained in fuel obtained on the basis of data on bus operation (Krzysztof Z. Mendera. Paliwa silnikowe a efekt cieplarniany –Fuel engines and the greenhouse effect ) 45 4.4. Assessment of demand scale (daily, annual) by MPK for biomethane Present CNG consumption by 40 buses in operation on average amounts to 4300 Nm3 of gas per day, which yields annual consumption of about 1.5-1.6 M Nm3. MPK Rzeszow assumes that the number of buses fuelled with methane will double, to 80 items, of which half could be fuelled with biomethane (if available). While observing the present mileage of CNG buses and buses fuelled with biomethane for both such fuels, it can be estimated that the demand for biomethane and natural gas will achieve about 1.5-1.6 M Nm3 per year each, thus this will yield total demand of about 3-3.2 M Nm3. 4.5. The envisaged number and mileage of operated buses fuelled with gas fuel (at present and in the perspective of 10-20 years) MPK Rzeszow has preliminary estimates that out of the 40 CNG buses currently in operation, the number will grow to 60 in 2015 and to 80 in 2020, and then it will be kept at this level. Bus mileage will not undergo major changes, and MPK estimates that they would amount to about 65 -70 thousand km/bus/year. The estimates can certainly change, at least in the mid-term (2030) and long-term (2050) perspective with the benefit for buses powered with engines fuelled with biomethane (natural gas). 46 5. Development strategy for urban transport in Rzeszow, considering the share of buses fuelled with biomethane 5.1. Arguments for increased share of fuelling with biomethane The several-year-long period of operation of buses fuelled with methane in the form of CNG made the Staff at MPK Rzeszow, technical staff and drivers acquire skills and experience in the operation and maintenance of the vehicles. It is assumed that the possible small range of regulatory and engine control engines required for fuelling with biomethane will be relatively easy to execute. Acquisition of biomethane from municipal waste and wastewater dealt with by other municipal companies (MPWiK, MPGK), which – similarly as MPK – are owned in 100% by the city, should ensure possibly low and stable price per 1 m3 of methane contained in the fuel, which will be competitive to CNG. Biomethane consumption will also meet the conditions for using renewable energy, according to the planned EU requirements in this respect. This type of fuel meets the EU requirements as regards increased share of renewable fuels in the engine fuel market imposed by the EU directive. Permanent client for biomethane, which MPK Rzeszow is to become, may impact on the establishment of another manufacturing plant in the region, a place for biomethane acquisition from agricultural or industrial waste [81]. The application of buses fuelled with biomethane, without incurring high cost of purchase of buses fuelled with diesel oil and meeting the emissions standard of at least Euro V, will have a very positive impact on reduction of CO2 emissions, as well as of other harmful pollution. Considering the tendency of the course of average CO2 road emissions in Poland in the years 1998 – 2004, generally we observe (for a cars) its continuing annual decrease by approximately 3.3 g/km. It is a result of introduction to manufacturing of increasingly improved engine structures. Starting from 2004, average value of CO2 road emissions is at the level of 154-156 g/km. E.g. for the purpose of achieving in 2015 of the required emission value of 130 g/km during the next three years, the present emissions must be reduced by approximately 25 g/km, namely by about 5 g/km per year. 47 It will be helpful to implement an integrated approach to reduction of CO2 emissions from vehicles. This will probably also refer to urban transport buses. The introduction of biomethane fuel in bus drives will ensure the achievement of two goals: meeting the EU requirement as to the share of renewable fuels in the fuel market, and introduction of fuel characterized with small emission without the need to apply advanced systems that are costly in operation, as in the case of injection fuelling with diesel oil and the applied technologies for exhaust gas treatment. 5.2. Simulation of the emissions and demand for gas depending on the adopted model of bus transport development According to the materials contained in the studies by MPK in Rzeszow [61] in the case of maintenance of the present proportion between the CNG buses and diesel buses, and in the case of simultaneous necessary replacement of all buses with self-ignition engine, some of which do not meet any Euro standard, to buses meeting Euro V standard, as a target, pollution volume would amount to: NOx 138.27 Mg, PM 1.51 Mg, CO 119 Mg, HC 31.18 Mg, which would mean 3.2 times reduction in emissions of NOx,; 17 times reduction of PM emissions; 2.1 times reduction of CO and 2.1 times reduction of HC emissions. In the case of meeting the assumptions of achieving the 50/50 proportions among diesel and CNG buses, the estimate volume of pollutions will amount to: NOx 91.72 Mg, PM 0.90 Mg , CO 73.13 Mg, HC 20.76. It must be stressed that the above calculations are just estimates, bearing significant errors resulting from the adopted assumptions [61] that can be verified at the present phase in the actual conditions of road traffic, which was preliminarily done in implementation reports section 6.6. of BBB project. When analysing the presented results, one can observe a clear tendency to improve (reduce) exhaust gas emissions, thus owing to broader application of biomethane fuel air quality will significantly improve. Furthermore, the demand for gas in the first case (introduction of approximately 50% buses fuelled with gas) will amount to approximately 1.5-1.6 M Nm3/year, while in the second case (100%) approximately 3-3.2 M Nm3/year. 48 5.3. Optimum number of buses fuelled with CNG (including biomethane) The assumed level of 80 buses fuelled with gas, both CNG and biomethane, results from the need to ensure security of alternative fuel supplies. Both on the technical part – possibility of occurrence of failures of equipment for cleaning, compression and distribution of fuel, and in the economic aspect – fluctuations in fuel prices, lack of assurance of fixed prices or at least their mutual parity, exceeding of the threshold of 50% of fleet fuelled with gas can be risky at present, although on the other hand, having reserves in the form of appropriate volume of LNG or LBG would solve the problem. A solution would also be to inject biomethane to the natural gas network, and fuelling buses with CNG. At present, the entire annual production of biogas at the wastewater treatment plant in Rzeszow is used for production of electricity 3,300 MWh and heat – 18,000 GJ from cogeneration and 7,700 GJ from the boiler house. A very interesting alternative to treated biogas combustion in cogeneration plants and boiler houses would be to use biogas for fuelling buses. The authors are convinced that the latter solution can be more profitable, particularly that discussions are going on over the change of the current approach to Polish energy policy, and issue of certificates allowing for obtaining subsidy. An opinion is clearly crystallising that subsidies must only be applied for production of biogas of agricultural origin, and then biomethane from biogas production at the wastewater treatment plant would become a very attractive fuel, attractive for price even without a subsidy. The purpose of the study is to assess the possibility of using locally produced biogas for fuelling buses and convincing decision-makers with material, technical and economic arguments to make the right decisions. 49 Conclusions After analysis of the materials collected, the authors are convinced that due to very favourable attitude of the authorities in Rzeszow, and the authorities in MPK in Rzeszow and their current positive experience in operation of gas-fuelled buses (one of the largest fleets in Poland), as well as significant experience in biomass production on a large scale, there are real possibilities of bringing about the introduction of biomethane drive in urban traffic buses in Rzeszow, the mores o that an opportunity is emerging to carry out such a project by continuation of the BBB European project. However, it is a condition to practically present such a solution of the project. From the point of view of profitability of operation of gasfuelled buses, undoubtedly, even with current prices of CNG offered by PGNiG (2.20-2.25 PLN [ ≈0.53 EURO] / Nm3), the profitability is evident. Cost analysis presented in chapter 2.2. has been made on the basis of current experience of MPK in Rzeszow, and it does not point to significant economic benefits. A similar analysis made by PKM in Gdynia, however, indicates evident benefits of using natural gas as compared to diesel oil drive. Differences principally result from high depreciation rates and operating expenses adopted by MPK in Rzeszow. There is high impact of the level of advancement and technical condition of the bus (bus manufactured as CNG bus or adapted), where some CNG buses in Rzeszow have been adapted, and some are purchased as new, yet the level of technical solutions are of older generation. At PKM Gdynia, in 2007, brand new MAN CNG buses were purchased. In the last few years, significant progress was made both in the structure of CNG bus engines, and of the entire vehicles. Durability and reliability of subassemblies and gas equipment have improved, while as a result of undertaking production of gas versions of urban buses by most renowned manufacturers and elongation of the series of produced models of CNG buses, there is growing competition and prices are going down. As presented in chapter 2.2., higher depreciation costs directly result from higher cost of purchase of CNG buses as compared to buses fuelled with diesel oil. Another issue is the very different level of gas consumption per 100 km, as indicated by various bus users. According to long experience of the study authors, operational energy ratio of replacement of diesel oil with natural gas in a specific model of diesel engine for the CNG gas version amounts to 1.35-1.4 (at MPK in Rzeszow the adopted value was 1.54). 50 This means that if a bus with diesel engine on a specific route has consumed approximately 50 litres of diesel oil per 100 km, in the version with gas engine the same bus with the same traction conditions should not consume more than 70 Nm3 of CNG. After calculation of fuel purchase costs (for diesel oil, gross wholesale price was adopted of 3.80 PLN [0.90 EURO]/litre, where at petrol stations for individual customers we have 4.40 PLN [0.05 EURO], while for CNG the average price of 2.22 PLN [0.53 EURO] /Nm3) we obtain: 50 x 3.80 PLN = 190.0 PLN [45.24 EURO] /100 km 70 x 2.22 PLN = 155.4 [37.00 EURO] PLN/100 km Savings on natural gas amount to approximately 35 PLN [8.3 EURO] per each 100 km, namely at annual mileage of buses of about 65,000 km, savings on one bus should amount to approximately 22.7 k PLN [5.40 EURO]. Having 40 buses, we will obtain approximately 900 kPLN [214,29 EURO]! Not including evident ecological benefits in the form of reduced emissions and noise at the level of 6-7 dB/bus. The calculation will prove even more favourably for biomethane produced in the wastewater treatment plant in Rzeszow. The authors have no specific prices for biogas from this wastewater treatment plant, but the production volume is known – about 1.7 M Nm3 of biogas per year, namely at the methane content of 60-70% after treatment, we shall obtain about 1.02-1.19 M Nm3 of biomethane. Relying on prices for biogas produced in other similar treatment plants in Poland, it can be assumed with high probability that the price of one m3 of biogas will not exceed 0.40 PLN [0.10 EURO] / Nm3. Assuming that the cost of biogas treatment to eliminate carbon dioxide, drying and compression of biomethane to the pressure of 20 MPa will amount to 0.70 PLN [0.17 EURO] / Nm3, we will obtain the price of biomethane of about 1.10 PLN [0.26 EURO] /Nm3, which means 50% of the present price of CNG. Biogas from wastewater treatment plant in Rzeszow is combusted in cogeneration equipment and used in the local boiler house. Undoubtedly, the price of biogas used as fuel for cogeneration and boiler houses is much lower as compared to achievable price if it were treated and after compression used as biomethane for local fuelling of buses, nevertheless the local level of emissions by CNG buses speaks for the latter solution. In the second phase of the study ― Determination of demand for biogas supplies to fuel buses of MPK Rzeszow‖, technical opportunities are discussed of solving the issue of systematic and reliable biogas supplies allowing for its application as biomethane to fuel possibly large 51 fleet of urban buses of MPK in Rzeszow, modeled on similar solutions successfully implemented by SL Stockholm Public Transport Company. On the basis of information obtained from MPK in Rzeszow as regards present emissions of exhaust gases (Table 13), it must be expected that after the introduction of biomethane fuel for buses, further reduction in emissions will be achieved: approximately 3.2 times reduction in emissions of NOx,; 17 times reduction in emissions of PM; 2.1 times reduction in CO, and 2.1 times reduction in HC emissions. 52 II. Opportunity for biomethane p roduction for the p urposes o f urban transport in Rzeszow Fig. 6 presents the production of primary energy of biogas. Data presented in Fig. 6 indicates that in Poland, it is clearly lo wer than e.g. in G ermany. Undoubtedly, th erefore, increase in production of such energy in Poland is possible, as well as the use of biogas produced after treatment as engine fuel for vehicles. Fig. 6. Original energy of biogas in kilo-tonnes of equivalent fuel (ktoe) Biogas: agricultural from sludge landfill 53 In the early 2010, in Poland, biogas was produced by the following: 6 agricultural biogas plants 46 wastewater treatment plants 72 landfills. Out of biogas produced in Poland in 2008, 251.8 GWh of electricity and 925 TJ of heat was generated. In turn, in the present year, there were already 178 biogas plants [According to desk study on wider range of biogas production option and experiences including production potencial scenarios for Baltic See Region Biernat K., Dziołak P., Gis W., Żółtowski A. – study for the purposes of BBB project]. The greatest competition in biomass acquisition (competition in the aspect of generation capacity for production of biogas - biomethane) for fuel purposes is the energy sector (power plants), which are a competition for biomethane production considering the limited biomass resources in Poland. An effective source of agricultural biomass are e.g. long-term energy plants or microalgae. Depending on demand for biomass on the part of power plants, opportunities for real use of their resources for the purpose of e.g. transport fuels will be determined. Table 14 presents biogas plants, although not all of them were fully functional. Table 14. Biogas plants in Poland – present condition Number of Biogas plants installations [items] Average capacity Power installed per installation [MW] [MW] agricultural 8 8.416 1.05 from sludge 55 28.142 0.51 from landfill 80 45.988 0.57 total 143 82.5 ─ 54 The concept of development of second and third generation biofuels is based on the assumption that the raw material for their production will be both biomass, and waste oils and animal fat useless for food industry. In order not to face the choice: energy or food, the Institute of Agro-Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Lublin has focused its research on the second and third generation biofuels, obtained in the processes of biomass gasification and synthesis. According to Professor J. Tys, production of gaseous biofuels of the second generation using the microalgae biomass opens new directions for the development of renewable energy. The development of the technology of cultivation and harvesting of algae will create great opportunities of effective use of such microorganisms in the area of generation of various energy media, among which one must mention biohydrogen and biomethane. Sources of agricultural biomass Cultivation of long-term energy plants practically has not developed since 2006. The main cause for such a situation seems to be lack of stable agricultural policy and the lack of price guarantee and stable sales market, as well as withdrawal of subsidies. 55 1. Potential capacity for biogas production from municipal and other sources in the perspective of 10 – 20 years The basic issue when determining present and potential capacity of biogas production for biomethane production is the accurate assessment of potential raw material resources. According to the estimates by Professor Grzybek [2006], target demand for energy biomass in 2020 in Poland will achieve 27 Mt. Considering variation in harvesting of energy plants that can be cultivated in Poland, in further analyses, average biomass harvest was adopted at the level of 10-12 t d.m.·ha-1. In the conditions of such a harvesting level and the assumed ceiling for biomass demand, about 2.22.7 Mha of lands must be acquired for its production. While analysing the production potential of farming lands, expressed with surface structures of soil quality classes and complexes of land usefulness for agricultural purposes, and considering the priority of food needs, future increase of forest areas and conservation of ecological values, agricultural space allows for finding the aforementioned area of farming lands fit for biomass production that would meet the necessary habitat requirements of e.g. energy plants. These principally include farming soils of complex 6 (weak rye complex), non-meliorated soils of complexes 8 and 9 (strong and weak cereal-pasture complex), weak greens not covered with protection priority soils with greater agricultural value, yet considerably chemically contaminated and mechanically devastated lands, not managed for forestry purposes. 56 Table 15. Areas of agricultural lands determining theoretical potential for biomass production (thousands of ha) 5 6 8 9 2Z 3Z Total Voivodeship Area (Region) [t ha] [t ha] [%] [t ha] [%] [t ha] [%] [t ha] [%] [t ha] [%] [t ha] [%] [t ha] Dolnośląskie 1995 115 5.7 116 5.8 18 0.9 1 0.1 277 13.9 49 2.4 605 1797 242 13.5 172 9.6 27 1.5 25 1.4 69 5.4 64 3.6 661 Lubelskie 2512 268 10.7 274 10.9 56 2.2 21 0.8 242 9.6 84 3.4 984 Lubuskie 1399 100 7.2 146 10.4 20 1.4 18 1.3 130 9.3 44 3.2 491 Łódzkie 1822 223 12.3 325 17.8 31 1.7 68 3.7 104 5.7 86 4.7 882 Małopolskie 1519 37 2.4 36 2.4 74 4.9 11 0.7 140 9.2 66 4.3 389 Mazowieckie 3556 399 11.2 619 17.4 99 2.8 84 2.4 329 9.3 199 5.6 1779 Opolskie 941 97 10.3 53 5.7 28 2.9 5 0.5 99 10.6 7 0.8 320 Podkarpackie 1784 51 2.9 108 6.1 27 1.5 11 0.6 138 7.7 72 4.0 429 Podlaskie 2019 148 7.3 240 11.9 65 3.2 7 0.3 202 10.0 198 9.8 901 Pomorskie 1829 171 9.3 213 11.6 23 1.3 5 0.3 122 6.7 49 2.7 614 Śląskie 1233 80 6.5 135 11.0 54 4.4 26 2.1 108 8.8 39 3.2 477 Świętokrzyskie 1171 50 4.3 97 8.3 80 6.8 40 3.4 86 7.3 51 4.3 438 2419 198 8.2 241 10.0 38 1.6 5 0.2 209 8.7 59 2.5 781 2983 367 12.3 388 13.0 26 0.9 92 3.1 146 4.9 184 6.2 1243 KujawskoPomorskie WarmińskoMazurskie Wielkopolskie 57 Zachodniopomorskie Total 2290 265 11.6 210 9.2 20 0.9 13 0.6 186 8.1 79 3.5 807 31269 2811 9.0 3374 10.8 684 2.2 431 1.4 2615 8.4 1330 4.3 11280 For logistic reasons, biomass production should be located in direct vicinity of the client. For this reason, agricultural lands near power plants are perceived as their potential raw material base, so difficulties must be accounted for in their future use for a broader scale for biofuel production. Table 15 presents the comparison of theoretically available areas of selected soil complexes that can be designated for biomass production. The complexes should be considered as potential sites for large-area plantations. 1.1. Energy plants and environment protection Large-area plantations of energy plants can have adverse impact on biodiversity and visual values of the landscape. For this reason, areas covered with legal nature conservation must not be used for biomass production. Therefore, from previous estimates of lands fit for plantations, areas of Nature 2000 and the National System of Protected Areas were deducted (Fig. 7). complexes 5, 6, 8, 9, 2z, 3z. for energy plants. Areas with annual precipitation < 550 mm Protected areas – acc. to KSOCH 2002 and NATURA 2000 areas Fig. 7. Spatial distribution of areas fit for biomass production against protected areas and areas with too low annual precipitation totals 58 1.2 Competition of power plants and biomass resources Locations of power plants and local availability of biomass from agricultural areas will be of high importance for biomass acquisition and its logistics, which must ensure regularity of biomass deliveries to power plants. Competition for influence zones will be particularly visible in southern Poland. The competition can be characterised by setting radiuses of raw material bases for power plants, or using indices estimating pressure from neighbouring power plants on the existing raw material bases. Fig. 8. Energy plants and their impact zones within the radius of 40 to 100 km. CLR ratio allows for spatial setting of areas with the greatest potential need for conversion of traditional agricultural plantations to plantations for energy purposes. The ratio was developed with the assumption of road transport for biomass and its profitability within the radius of up to 100 km. The presented CLR map does not include road network and field availability. The presented analysis indicates that due to location of power plants in Poland, principally concentrated in the south of Poland, and the resulting demand for biomass, the greatest reserve of lands for cultivation of raw materials of agricultural origin for biomethane production is located in the central and northern Poland. Due to significant distance from Rzeszow, the area cannot be considered in the present study under BBB, but they should be 59 considered in plants of the greatest implementation of biomethane as fuel for buses in cities in the north of Poland. 1.3. Other potential sources of biomethane According to Jerzy Tys from the Institute of Agro-Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Lublin, as mentioned in the introduction, farming lands presently used in Poland for food production will be used in over 50% for the purposes of fuel production if we want to achieve 10% of RES volume for their current consumption. For comparison, for Brazil just 3% would be sufficient, while for the United States - 30%. This will affect prices of basic foods, such as wheat and corn, hence the development of biofuels must be sustainable, and the achievement of the index target at the level of 10% will require introduction of second generation biofuels. Requirements set for biofuels of the second generation principally include their sufficient volume and cheap production, as well as smaller environmental hazard than fuels currently in use. Furthermore, the concept of development of second and third generation biofuels is based on the assumption that the raw material for their production should include both biomass and waste oils and animal fat unfit for food industry. In order not to face the choice: energy or food, it is necessary to develop new methods for complex biomass processing, and it is exactly the production of gas biofuels of second generation with the use of biomass of microalgae that opens new directions for the development of renewable energy sector. Microalgae, similarly as land plants, assimilate CO2 from air, using the process of photosynthesis for growth. Microalgae are not just water organisms, as they can be observed in all ecosystems on Earth. They are obtained both for consumption, and for industrial purposes. Average productivity of biomass of cultivated algae for the purposes of oil acquisition, in a well-designed system located in an area with high degree of insolation, can amount to 1500 kg/m3d. With such a productivity, assuming average oil content at the level of 30% of dry mass, the yield totals 120 m3 oil/ha/year. The latest reports by Biofuels Digest indicate that one of American companies obtains 700 m3 of oil from 1 ha per year. This is due to the fact that, contrary to other plants, algae grow very fast and can double their weight within 24 hours. In favourable conditions, the actual time of algae biomass doubling 60 during their growth can amount to just 3.5 hours. Cultivation of micro-plankton can take place in open reservoirs, such as lakes or ponds, and in strictly controlled conditions in photobioreactors. The main disadvantage of open reservoirs is continuous exposition to the changing weather conditions. In the plantation of algae cultures on industrial scale, closed cylindrical photobioreactors prove the most efficient. Harvesting of algae can occur in one or two phases. Algae are usually characterised with high water content, which must be removed during the harvest. The development of technology of cultivation and harvest of algae will create significant opportunities for effective use of such microorganisms for production of such energy media as biohydrogen and biomethane. The potential of biomethane in Poland is estimated as not less than approx. 6.6 billion m3/year, yet fulfilment of the energy needs with technologies related to methane fermentation and biomethane production can be limited due to lack of sufficient volume of the appropriate raw material, and here the alternative is offered by microalgae, which yield the harvest 40-60 times greater than many traditional farming plants. The achievable yield of biomass of algae in the state-of-the-art, closed photoreactors amounts to approx. 400-500 tonnes per hectare per year. Such volume can ensure annual production of biomethane at the level of 400,000 – 5,000,000 m3. Selected types of microalgae have high content of lipids, starch and proteins, and the lack of lignin that is difficult to ferment makes microalgae a perfect substrate for biomethane production. Production of second generation gas biofuels using biomass of microalgae is a dynamically developing energy acquisition business, as algae are superior than traditional plants in the aspect of harvesting and calorific value, while their cultivation almost completely eliminates the problem of competition of plants cultivated for food and energy purposes. 61 1.4. Determination of present and potential biogas production capacity from municipal and other sources in the perspective of 10-20 years in the area of Rzeszow Production and use of biogas is characterised with high growth potential. In the Podkarpackie region, however, biogas is not currently produced and used on a broader scale. Production and use of biogas for energy purposes require significant systemic support at the very start, namely at the phase of investment (Table 16). Table 16. Biomass resources and its use for energy purposes in Podkarpackie Region in 2007 [GJ] List Biomass potential technical used to be used Wood 1 414 559 805 000 609 559 Straw 1 557 000 147 000 1 410 000 Hay 1 112 000 - 1 112 000 Energy plantations 3 599 383 69 760 3 529 623 82 000 120 000 0 Ethanol 352 000 140 000 212 000 Biogas from wastewater treatment plant 112 390 13 000 99 390 Biogas from landfills 140 000 15 000 125 000 70 000 - 70 000 133 000 - 133 000 8 572 332 1 309 760 7 300 572 Biodiesel Biogas from industrial waste Agricultural biogas Total Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 In turn, the Table 17 below lists installations producing biogas existing by the end of 2007 in the municipalities of the Podkarpackie Region. 62 Table 17. Installations producing biogas in municipalities of the Podkarpackie Region Biogas plants Poviat Municipality dębicki mielecki Location User Municipality Dębica Dębica Wodociągi Dębickie Municipality Mielec Mielec ropczycko- Municipalisędziszowski ty Ostrów Sp. z o.o. Kozodrza MDKG Sp. z o.o POLENERGI A Municipalistalowowolski ty Stalowa Stalowa Wola MZK Sp. z o.o. Wola Productio volume of waste, n volume Facility type wastewater - gas processed (m3/year) Production Productio volume n volume electricity - heat (MWh/year (GJ/year) ) wastewater treatment plant 5005466 m3/year* 637620 - - landfill No data No data - - 2758 - landfill landfill 20113 t/year No data - - 13460398 m3/year 1886417 3585 24200 Poviat of Rzeszow Rzeszow MPWiK Sp. z o.o. Rzeszow wastewater treatment plant Poviat of Tarnobrzeg Zakrzów PGK Sp. z o.o. w Tarnobrzegu wastewater treatment 1800000 m3/year 200000 plant - - wastewater treatment 6000080 m3/year 500000 plant - 90000 kW - No data jasielski Municipality Jasło Jasło MPGK Sp. z o.o. przeworski Municipality Zarzecze Zarzecze Municipal Plant sanocki Municipality Sanok Trepcza Poviat of Krosno Krosno Poviat of Przemyśl Przemyśl SPGK Sp. z o.o. MPGK Sp. z o.o. wastewater treatment plant wastewater treatment plant 16 t/year Installation does not exist wastewater treatment plant 11000 m3/year 43800 7820000 m3/year 840000 600000 kWh/year wastewater treatment 5002190 m3/year 447848 plant 614167 kWh/year 907200 kW Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 The analysis of the area of the Podkarpackie voivodeship (region) in the aspect of possible use of RES and energy effects of such measures only indicates opportunities for increasing the independence ratio. Estimate results of the analysis have been presented in Table 18 [62],[81]. 63 Table 18. Estimate results of analysis of the area of Podkarpackie region in the aspect of opportunity of using RES and energy effects Type of renewable energy source Solar energy industry odnawialnej - photo-termic collectors Technical potential GWh Use in 2007 TJ TJ - 23 400.00 5.54 954 760.97 3 437 139.50 0.04 2 100.00 7 560.00 7.74 - geothermal waters* - 28.50 0.00 - land collectors** - 6 253.23 7.80 335.00 1 206.00 530.28 - wood - 1 414.55 850.00 - straw - 1 557.00 167.00 - hay - 1 112.00 0.00 - energy plantations - 3 599.38 79.76 - biodiesel - 82.00 140.00 - ethanol - 352.00 160.00 - biogas from WWTP - 112.39 18.00 - biogas from landfills - 140.00 23.00 - biogas from industrial waste - 70.00 0.00 - agricultural biogas - 133.00 0.00 Total - 3 484 159.55 2 057.54 - photovoltaic panels Wind energy industry - wind power plants Geothermal energy industry Water energy industry - water power plants Biomass for energy purposes The analyses performed by the Department of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Natural Sciences in Lublin indicate that the most efficient material for biogas production is the fruit cake as co-substrate for agricultural substrate in the form of liquid manure or brewery pulp. Equally satisfactory as to efficiency is corn ensilage, although economic efficiency of this raw material is lower as compared to fruit cake due to purchase (or manufacturing) cost of substrate from the target culture, whereas the cost of acquisition of waste from food industry is limited to the economically justified logistic costs. Biogas production based on 64 cattle manure, both in connection with liquid manure and cereal pulp, without the addition of high-efficiency co-substrates, is a non-efficient process from the economic point of view. In view of the phenomena recently occurring in the agricultural environment (growing prices of crops and other foods), for energy production, one must principally use waste substrates from agricultural production, food industry, food wastes and organic fraction of household wastes, so all the materials that can have negative balance of acquisition costs. The decision on launching biomethane production from raw materials and agricultural waste requires careful analysis of the market of such substrates, their price and guarantee of availability throughout a rather long period of biogas plant operation (on the basis of the study by the Department of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Natural Sciences in Lublin). An important source of biogas could be biofraction of municipal waste, yet in order to effectively estimate the composition of waste, one should carry out the study on the volume of sorted waste and its composition. The volume has a clear growth tendency, which means continuous growth of substrates of this origin. An invaluable and not estimated substrate from urban area can be waste from urban greens, which is currently not fully used. Statistical data indicate that this could be a permanent source of the substrate (Table 18). When analysing the data contained in Table 18, one can observe several tendencies as regards wastewater. On this basis, one can determine forecasts for the coming years. The length of the sewerage system within the city systematically grows, and the percent of connections to the sewerage system remains within the range of 90 %, which is due to two factors: connection of new districts to the city and gradual connection of other areas of the city to the sewerage system. 65 2. Rzeszow strategy in the area of biogas acquisition 2.1. Present status of waste management On the basis of the materials collected by municipal services in Rzeszow, it is estimated that in 2006, 70,300 Mg of municipal waste were generated. In the waste generated in Rzeszow, biodegradable kitchen wastes prevail (23,200 Mg), as well as paper and cardboard (14,200 Mg). In 2006, within a collection campaign, 51,364 Mg municipal waste was collected, including: 50 245.4 Mg Mixed municipal waste (this is over 17 % of all mixed waste collected in Podkarpackie Region), 275.1 Mg Waste paper, 505.0 Mg Broken glass (white and colour glass), 142.7 Mg Plastic, 0.5 Mg Metals, 172.2 Mg Textiles, 1.7 Mg Hazardous waste, 1.4 Mg Waste (electrical and electronic waste), 20.2 Mg Biodegradable waste. This indicates that selectively collected waste constitutes just 2% of all mu nicipal waste collected. In the stream of municipal waste, according to estimates, there are 700 Mg hazardous waste. Non-selectively collected waste is deposited in landfills at Kozodrza and Młyny. Some waste is used in households (animal feeding, home composts, incineration in boiler houses). 66 GRAPHIC PRESENTATION OF M AJOR WASTE P ROCESSING POINTS AN D ROUTES OF THEIR TRANSPORT Direction of waste transport to Krowodrza’s landfill Direction of waste transport to Mills’s landfill Fig. 9. Direction of transport of waste from the city of Rzeszow Firma Usługowo – Handlowa EKO-TOP Sp. z o.o. ZZO Rzeszow 67 3. Envisaged investment outlays of Rzeszow related to biogas acquisition for the purpose of bus fuelling Biomethane acquisition in the quantity necessary to fuel 30 CNG buses planned for launch in Rzeszow’s transport requires the construction of new fermentation chambers (WKF) on the territory of the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rzeszow or application of a new biotechnology for algae production there. Biogas production with classic methods is known and implemented on a large scale, but the possible launch of the new biotechnology, involving production of algae being raw material for biomethane production is still in the early phase of development, and it is hard to obtain output data to estimate the cost of applying this technology. Polish and foreign experiences gathered on so far implemented similar investments allow for assuming that in Polish conditions, in order to achieve production capacity of 1 MWh of electricity from biogas, one should invest about 1 M Euro in the installation for its production. The price level of the installation adopted for further deliberations refers to biomethane production, thus biogas after treatment. This means that if, potentially, from 1 Nm3 of biomethane we can obtain about 10 kWh of energy, then in order to produce 1 MWh of energy we need about 100 Nm 3 of biomethane, and the cost of building installation with such capacity will amount to about 3 M Euro. Gas drive for 30 CNG (biomethane) buses, with the assumption of daily mileage of each bust of about 300 km and biomethane consumption of about 60 Nm3/100 km, will require the supply to the depot of approximately 5,400 Nm3/day (approximately 225-250 Nm3/h). Therefore, the cost of building the installation for production of 250 Nm3/h will amount to about 7.5 M Euro. In the Rzeszow conditions, biomethane produced in the newly constructed installation on the territory of the Wastewater Treatment Plant will have to be transmitted to the bus depot e.g. by pipeline or in the form of CNG by cylinder vehicles. According to the cost estimate for pipeline construction, outlays needed for its construction, calculated using the rates of the end of 2010, were defined as approximately 180 kPLN [42.86 EURO]. Before feeding biomethane to the pipeline for transmission, it must be compressed to the pressure of 2.5 – 3 bar (medium pressure), which requires the application of a compressor. The price of blade compressor made in the Ex version, selected for the target capacity of up to 500 Nm3/h, will amount to approximately 200 kPLN [47.62 EURO]. 68 Technical capacity and conditions for obtaining treated biogas (biomethane) with the parameters of engine fuel For the purpose of determining technical and economic capacities o obtaining biogas with the parameters of engine fuel (biomethane with the content of min. 96% methane), bid contest was organized for the construction of the installation for production of biogas with the properties of biomethane together with treatment part mainly related to carbon dioxide. Also, analysis was performed of the cost of construction of auxiliary equipment: construction of the pipeline connecting biogas plant with the bus depot and the existing CNG station. At this phase, it was assumed that the present hourly capacity of the CNG station is sufficient to ensure tanking of the planned additional 30 CNG buses. As a result of bid contest performer, three offers were obtained – one developed by Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology, the second by well-known BIOGAZ ZENERIS Sp. z o.o. from Poznań, and the third from eGmina, Infrastruktura, Energetyka from Gliwice. The most favourable offer worth 1.8 M Euro net was presented by BIOGAZ ZENERIS Sp. z o.o. from Poznań, who apart from the lowest price, ensures the achievement, after treatment of the biogas supplied (55-60% methane), of biomethane with 96% content of methane. The offers have been presented in Annex 1. 69 4. Annex 1 (three offers) Politechnika Śląska Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Energetyki Instytut Inżynierii Wody i Ścieków [Silesian University of Technology Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering Institute of Water and Wastewater Engineering] Ul. Konarskiego 18 44-100 Gliwice NGV Autogas Sp. z o. o. ul. Kochanowskiego 3/1A 31-127 Kraków 70 OFFER “TECHNICAL CAPACITIES AND CONDITIONS FOR ACHIEVING TREATED BIOGAS (BIOMETHANE) WITH THE PARAMETERS OF ENGINE FUEL (APPROXIMATELY 90% CH4, WITHOUT SULPHUR COMPOUNDS, AFTER PASSING THROUGH DRIED SCRUBBER)” In response to request for proposal of 16 February 2011, we present our offer for performance of the installation for obtaining engine fuel from biogas produced in the municipal wastewater treatment plant. The main contaminants accompanying biogas obtained in the municipal wastewater treatment plant include carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and steam. CO2 elimination from biogas occurs using physical, chemical or biological methods. The most popular physical method is washing with water, pressure swing absorption, and absorption using alkanoloamines. Cryogenic, membrane, absorption methods joined with oxidant or in alkali solution are also used. In the method using water, physical property of carbon dioxide is used, namely increased solubility in water, at increased pressure. At high pressure, carbon dioxide dissolves in water, and methane to a much smaller degree. After pressure reduction, carbon dioxide contained in water is released from water. Air blowing of water with carbon dioxide stimulates the process of its release from the solution. The main disadvantage of the process is the fact that it requires large volumes of water, which must be treated afterwards. Hydrogen sulphide elimination with biological method must be then abstained from due to introduction of nitrogen to biogas. Application of meadow ores to eliminate sulphur compounds or other sorption method is then required. Other contaminants, such as hydrogen sulphide, mercaptans, esters, alcohols, etc. also dissolve in water and are then removed. Carbon dioxide absorption by water is a purely physical process. According to Henry’s law, CO2 solution in water can be increased by the increase in gas pressure. Optimum pressure is 6 – 8 bar. Installation for fuel production generally for gas engines should have at least the following: - capacity of approximately 600 m3 of treated biogas/h, - methane content of approx. 90%, - hydrogen sulphide content permissible for combustion engines, 71 - steam content permissible for combustion engines. According to the diagram below, the biogas treatment installation must (Fig. 10): - be resistant to corrosive impact of biogas components, - be resistant to working pressure of 7 bars, - absorption columns must contain filling with Pall or other rings to increase the specific surface necessary for contact of water and CO2, - contain installation for column washing, - contain installation for gas drying. Treated biogas biogaz oczyszczony gaz Waste gas odpadowy water woda water woda z b i o r n i k tank Absorption Absorpcja compressor kompresor Desorpcja Desorption water woda raw biogas surowy biogaz biogaz biogas Recirculated recyrkulowany powietrze air Fig. 10 Diagram of biogas treatment installation The scope of delivery under this offer includes: - development and performance of technological documentation, - supply and assembly of the installation together with internal installations, - start-up of the installation. The offer does not include: 72 - obtaining permits and approvals required by applicable regulations, - designs of water and electricity connection installations, - performance of connections to external networks. The price for the aforementioned scope of the offer amounts to 2,420,000 Euro. Dr eng. Jan CEBULA 73 Dear Mr. Marek Rudkowski NGV AUTOGAS Sp. z o.o. BIOGAZ ZENERIS Sp. z o.o. ul. I. Paderewskiego 7 61 -770 Poznań nip: 525-24-22-364 tel. + 48 (61) 851-60-25 fax. + 48 (61) 851-74-28 www.biogaz-zeneris.pl Request for Proposal: Mr. Marek Rudkowski tel.: 501 073 631 [email protected] subject: Offer prepared by: Marcin Jędrysiak tel.: 061 279 41 00 [email protected] estimate outlays for biogas treatment installation – No. BZ/03/03/2011 Ladies and Gentlemen, In reference to your preliminary inquiry related to the supply of biogas treatment installation, BIOGAZ ZENERIS Sp. z o.o. presents you orientation outlays related to the installation. This information does not constitute an offer in the understanding of the Civil Code. BIOGAZ ZENERIS Sp. z o.o. belongs to BBI ZENERIS NFI S.A. Group, and offers full range of services in the area of launch and operation of biogas production installations in the BIOGAZ ZENERIS™ technology – from consulting at the decision-making phase through supervision of the biogas production process in the completed installation. BIOGAZ ZENERIS manages the entire process of biogas installation construction. Core services of BIOGAZ ZENERIS include: 1. Offering licence for biogas production in BIOGAZ ZENERIS™ technology, single-phase, mesophyll technology, 2. Consulting at the phase of investment decision-making in the area of biogas plant, 3. Support for the investor in the process of obtaining administrative decisions related to the construction and operation of biogas plant, 4. Consulting in the area of construction and operation of biogas, 5. Designing of biogas installation, 74 6. Performance of biogas plant in the turn-key model in the developer mode - substitute investor function, 7. Consulting in the area of w biogas plant financing, 8. Operation and maintenance of the biogas plant, including biotechnological supervision. BIOGAZ ZENERIS also offers services in the area of supply and assembly of installations related to the use of biogas generated, in particular cogeneration units powered with biogas. The Company is also prepared for consulting and supply of biogas treatment installation to the form of biomethane. Orientation cost of supply and assembly of the biogas treatment equipment with the following parameters: 1. Biogas composition - 60% CH4 2. Biogas stream - 1000 m3/h 3. Biomethane composition - 97-98% CH4 amounts to approximately 1.8 M euro. We would like to stress that BIOGAZ ZENERIS Sp. z o.o. offers support or substitution at all phases related to carrying out biogas investment. Launch of the biogas plant and biotechnological supervision, as well as maintenance in the area of biotechnological processes constitutes an optimal supplementation of the offer for construction of the biogas plant alone. It is BIOGAZ ZENERIS’ objective to provide the investor with full service of the process of construction and operation of the biogas plant. The key role in the preparation of the concept for the biogas plant, design and launch of the biogas plant, as well as ensuring biotechnological supervision, belongs to BIOGAZ ZENERIS Laboratory. It is a specialist laboratory established to support and prepare biogas projects in the area of optimal use of substrates for biogas production. If you are interested with our services, please contact us or provide us with detail specification of your order. On the basis of the data and information sent, we will prepare a detailed price proposal for you. Poznań, 21 March 2011 75 Gliwice, 2011-02-24 NGV Autogas Sp z o.o. ul. Kochanowskiego 3/1A 31-127 KRAKÓW OFFER FOR ACQUISITION OF TREATED ENGINE FUEL FROM BIOGAS In reference to your RFP of 16-02-2011, we present our offer for performance of the installation for obtaining engine fuel. According to the RFP, the following technical assumptions were adopted: - installation capacity: approx. 600 m3/h of treated gas; - methane content in the treated gas – at least 90%; - trace sulphur content – permissible in engine fuels; - biogas produced at wastewater treatment plant contains approx. 50% methane. With these assumption, the technology of treatment enforces the processing of approx. 1200 m3 biogas/h. The installation offered improves methane share in biogas with the simultaneous reduction of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and water content to the level allowing for its use in gas engines. Gas parameters achieved allow for correct operation of engines in road transport. Basic functions of the installation: 1. Biogas obtained in the wastewater treatment plant will be compressed in the installation to approx. 7 bar overpressure and appropriately cooled. 2. Compressed biogas will pass through the absorption column. Biogas will be input in the bottom part of the column, which will be filled with material increasing the contact surface between water and gas. 3. In the opposite direction to gas flow, from the top of the column, water will be pumped and atomised (absorption factor). Water absorbs carbon dioxide and is directed to the desorption column, where carbon dioxide is released. Next, water is returned to the process. 4. The preliminarily treated gas (methane), while passing through scrubber and drying systems in the form of treated and dries gas containing small and trace volumes of other gasses that do not negatively affect gas engine operation. 76 Installation diagram: Biogs after treatment Water after regeneration Water after absorption Biogas from biogas plant ABSORPTION COLUMN DESORPTION COLUMN Biogas treatment installation diagram 44-100 Gliwice, ul. Krzywoustego 2 Parameters of biogas supplied to the treatment installation Total biogas stream Methane content in biogas Carbon dioxide content Gas residue content (N2, O2, etc.) Hydrogen sulphide content (H2S) Preliminary biogas pressure Biogas temperature Dew point Treated gas parameters Methane content Hydrogen sulphide content Output gas overpressure Output gas temperature M3/h % % % ppm mbar overpressure 20- 37 °C approx. 20 °C 1 400 50-55 40-50 <0.5 < 100 20-50 93-97 <5 0.3 – 6.5 10-25 % ppm bar overpressure °C Installation footage: approx. 600 m2 Scope of delivery covered by the offer: 1. Development and performance of technological documentation. 2. Supply and assembly of technical installation for biogas treatment together with internal installations. 3. Installation start-up. 77 The offer does not include in particular: 1. Obtaining necessary legally required permits and approvals. 2. Designs for connections to external networks (water mains, electrical, sewerage system, etc.) 3. Performance of connections to external networks. 4. Supply and assembly of equipment for compressing and storage of treated gas. Price for the aforementioned scope of the offer amounts to 2,300,000 €. President of the Board Andrzej Jurkiewicz, MSc. Eng. President of the Board eGMINA. INFRASTRUKTURA, ENERGETYKA Sp. z o.o. mgr inż. Andrzej Jurkiewicz eGMINA. INFRASTRUKTURA, ENERGETYKA Spółka z o.o. ul. B. Krzywoustego 2/6 Gliwice NIP 631-251-12-16 REGON 240533845 78 Assessment of biomethane production potential in the region of Rzeszow fit for use as engine fuel. Wastewater sludge. Goals and direction of measures According to the National Waste Management Plan 2010 and Regional Waste Management Plan, the preferred way of procedure with wastewater sludge will be their composting. The condition for use of wastewater sludge for composting and use for agricultural purposes will be their appropriate composition (chemical and pathogen content). Biodegradable waste The table specifies collective volume of biodegrable waste generated on the territory of ZZO (Waste Management Plant), and their necessary volume which, in line with the adopted goals, must be managed with methods other than landfilling. Table 19. Balance of biodegradable waste on the territory of ZZO Rzeszow Mass generated Mass to be manager with methods other year/kMg than landfilling (year/kMg) 2011 52.0 2015 54.6 2011 2015 0.9 1.0 2011 26.4 2015 37.0 Potential of Rzeszow and Podkarpacie in the area of production of biogas from waste In the Polish legislation, in the Regulation of the Minister of Economy, Labour and Social Policy of 30 May 2003 on detailed scope of obligation to purchase electricity and heat from renewable energy sources, for the first time in Poland, the definition of biogas was specified: ― biogas‖ - gas obtained from biomass, in particular from animal or vegetable waste processing installations, wastewater treatment plants and landfills [69]. 79 Biogas can be obtained from the following organic waste: Liquid manure, fermented liquid manure, manure, poultry litter, Vegetable waste, Wastewater from food processing plants: slaughter house, milk plant, meat processing, sugar plant, Wastewater from pharmaceutical plants, paper mills and other waste containing organic fractions, Sludge from municipal wastewater, Organic fraction in landfills. Biogas (or landfill gas) can be managed in various ways: for heat production, for electricity production, in cogeneration systems for generation of electricity and heat, as vehicle fuel, for methanol production, transmitted to gas network. The volume of biogas in the area of theoretical potential from various use areas has the following value: from wastewater treatment plant – 16,780,512 m3/year, with energy content 352,390 GJ/year, from landfills – 6,696,000 m3, with energy content 107,136 GJ/year, from industrial wastewater – 892,660 m3, with energy content 17,853 GJ/year, from animal production – 177,072,907 m3, with energy content 4,143,500 GJ/year. In total, theoretical potential of biogas in Podkarpackie area amounts to 4,620,879 GJ/year. Technical potential of biogas is as follows: from wastewater treatment plant – 111 168 m3, from landfills – 6 696 000 m3, from industrial wastewater – 446 330 m3, from animal production – 6 425 661m3. 80 In total, annual technical potential of biogas production in Podkarpackie region amounts to 13 679 150 m3, namely 27 358 GJ/year. Biogas from wastewater treatment plant Theoretical potential of biogas from wastewater treatment plant was estimated with the assumption that all wastewater on the territory of the region will be used for its generation. The potential has been calculated into energy units and power achievable from this source. At the same time, it is assumed that processing efficiency amounts to 100%. Another assumption is that municipal wastewater is collected from the entire population. Upon calculation of the theoretical potential, it was assumed that out of 1,000 Nm3 of wastewater incoming to the wastewater treatment plant exclusively from the municipal sector, one can obtain 200 Nm3 of biogas. Biogas produced in fermentation chambers of wastewater treatment plant is characterised with methane content ranging 55 – 65%. For further calculations, average value was adopted, namely 60%. Calorific value of biogas most frequently ranges between 19.8 and 23.4 MJ/m3, which corresponds to 5.5 – 6.5 kWh/m3 [Skrzypczak 2003]. For further calculations, it was adopted that calorific value of biogas amounts to 21 MJ/m3. Furthermore, it was adopted that during a year, in the municipal segment, the volume of water collected and sewerage discharged is the same, and amounts on average 40 m3 wastewater per person in households. Table 20 and map in Fig. 13 present theoretical potential of biogas in particular poviats of Podkarpackie region. 81 Table 20. Theoretical potential of biogas from wastewater treatment plant in Podkarpackie region in the spatial (poviat) system as of the end of 2005 No. List 1. PODKARPACKIE 2. Poviat of Dębica 3. Population [people] Biogas volume, [m3] Energy volume [GJ/year] 2 097 564 16 780 512 352390 132 490 1 059 920 22258 Poviat of Kolbuszowa 61 388 491 104 10313 4. Poviat of Leżajsk 69 202 553 616 11625 5. Poviat of Łańcut 77 761 622 088 13063 6. Poviat of Mielec 133 158 1 065 264 22370 7. Poviat of Nisko 67 085 536 680 11270 8. Poviat of Ropczyce-Sędziszów 71 275 570 200 11974 9. Poviat of Rzeszow 170 065 1360 520 28570 10. Poviat of Stalowa Wola 108 830 870 640 18283 11. Poviat of Tarnobrzeg 53 713 429 704 9023 12. Poviat of C. Rzeszow 163 508 1308 064 27469 13. Poviat of T. Tarnobrzeg 50 047 400 376 8407 14. Poviat of Bieszczady 22 184 177 472 3726 15. Poviat of Brzozów 65 228 521 824 10958 16. Poviat of Jarosław 122 072 976 576 20508 17. Poviat of Jasło 114 997 919 976 19319 18. Poviat of Krosno 109 749 877 992 18437 19. Poviat of Lubaczów 57 022 456 176 9579 20. Poviat of Przemyśl 71 101 568 808 11944 21. Poviat of Przeworsk 78 637 629 096 13211 22. Poviat of Sanok 94 719 757 752 15912 23. Poviat of Strzyżów 61 905 495 240 10400 24. Poviat of Lesko 26 578 212 624 4465 25. Poviat of C. Krosno 47 723 381 784 8017 26. Poviat of C. Przemyśl 67 127 537 016 11277 Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 82 below 10.0 above 20.0 Fig. 11. Theoretical potential of biogas energy from wastewater treatment plants [k GJ/year] in Podkarpackie Region in the spatial system as of the end of 2005 Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 In order to determine the technical potential, with the calculation where the actual volume of wastewater treated in treatment plants was used, namely municipal wastewater mixed with rain water, underground water and industrial wastewater, the ratio was adopted of 80 Nm3 of biogas generated per 1,000 Nm3 of wastewater actually incoming to the treatment plant. Similarly as in the case of theoretical potential, final effect is interesting, namely the volume of energy obtained after transformations in the form of electricity and heat. Therefore, these calculations also consider efficiency of transformations into useful forms of energy. Considering currently available technical equipment, one regular cubic meter of biogas allows for producing: 2.1 kWh electricity (with assumed system efficiency of 33%) 5.4 kWh heat (with assumed system efficiency of 85%) in cogeneration of electricity and heat: 2.1 kWh of electricity and 2.9 kWh heat. 83 Calculation of technical potential requires awareness of the throughput of the treatment plant referred to time unit - Nm3/day. For calculation of the technical potential, we adopt the treatment plants the throughput of which amounts to above 5000 Nm3/day. The calculations consider average throughput for treatment plants operating in particular poviats. The results have been presented in the table, where technical potential of biogas production in wastewater treatment plants has been specified. This does not account for the treatment plants the throughputs of which amounts to below 5000 Nm3/day. Technical potential of energy production from biogas in wastewater treatment plant has been presented in Table 21. Table 21. Technical potential for energy production from biogas in wastewater treatment plants Territorial unit Energy volume in Electricity volume biogas [MWh] [GJ/ day] Volume of cogenerated energy Heat energy volume [MWh] heat [MWh] electricity MWh] PODKARPACKIE 6.2 194571.4 500326.5 268693.9 194571.4 Poviat of Dębica 3.3 103110.3 265140.9 142390.5 103110.3 Poviat of Kolbuszowa 1.1 35889.8 92288.1 49562.1 35889.8 Poviat of Leżajsk 5.0 158942.7 408709.8 219492.3 158942.7 Poviat of Łańcut 3.1 98091 252234 135459 98091 Poviat of Mielec 2.1 67183.2 172756.8 92776.8 67183.2 Poviat of Nisko 2.3 72943.2 187568.2 100731.1 72943.2 Poviat of Ropczyce-Sędziszów 1.9 62273.4 160131.6 85996.6 62273.4 Poviat of Rzeszow 1.0 33283.2 85585.4 45962.5 33283.2 Poviat of Stalowa Wola 33.2 1047169 2692721 1446091 1047169 Poviat of Tarnobrzeg 1.2 40277.3 103570.3 55621.1 40277.3 Poviat of the C. Rzeszow 17.6 556680.6 143146.4 768749.4 556680.6 Poviat of Tarnobrzeg Town 103.8 3271199 841165.6 4517371 3271199 Poviat of Jarosław 2.1 20496 52704 28304 20496 Poviat of Jasło 5.1 19587.3 50367.3 27049.1 19587.3 Poviat of Krosno 3.5 65953.4 169594.6 91078.6 65953.4 Poviat of Przeworsk 1.7 161089.6 414230.4 222457.1 161089.6 Poviat of Sanok 2.4 111998.9 287997.1 154665.1 111998.9 Poviat of Strzyżów 0.9 27266.4 70113.6 37653.6 27266.4 Poviat of C. Krosno 28.9 8008.2 20592.5 11058.9 8008.2 Poviat of C. Przemyśl 45.1 52808 135792 72925.33 52808 Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 84 Biogas from municipal waste Biogas generated at landfills is called landfill gas. At municipal landfills, the fermentation process occurs automatically in an uncontrolled manner, and thus poses a threat to the natural environment. The end product of waste decomposition at the landfill is landfill gas, the average composition of which is specified, on the basis of results performed at several landfills in Poland by OBREM and other research entities, as follows: - methane 45 - 65% vol., - carbon dioxide 25 - 35% vol., - nitrogen (N2) 10 - 20% vol., - oxygen (O2) < 3% vol., - other additives approx. 1% vol., Table 21 specifies the volume of methane and the related calorific value on landfills from where landfill gas is collected in selected towns. Methane content in landfill gas depends on the method of gas removal from the landfill. With the natural gas outflow (at passive degasification of landfill), landfill gas contains 60 – 65% methane, while with active degasification and with good sealing of the deposit, methane content amounts to 45 – 50%, whereas upon active degasification and upon poor sealing of the deposit, atmospheric air is sucked in, and methane content drops down to 25 – 45%. For further analysis, it was assumed that its calorific value amounts to 16.0 MJ/m3. Theoretical potential of biogas from landfills is its volume obtained from the entire possible production of municipal waste on the territory of poviats and the region, municipal waste is collected from the entire population. In Podkarpackie region, there are 55 landfills with the area of 115.4 ha. For the purpose of determining theoretical potential, it is necessary to determine the population on the territory, as presented in the chapter on wastewater treatment plant. Theoretical and actual volumes of landfill gas are between 6 and 240 Nm3/Mg of waste. On average, it is assumed that from 1 t of waste, 30-120 m3 of gas are generated [Skorek, Kalina 2005]. For calculation of the theoretical potential, it was assumed that out of 1 t of waste, 20 Nm3 of landfill gas are generated during a year. On the basis of the above data and 85 calculations, theoretical potential of energy contained in landfill gas in the analysed poviats has been presented in Table 22 and Table 23. Table 22. Theoretical potential of landfill gas in poviats of Podkarpackie region List Municipal Biogas Energy waste/year volume, volume 3 [k Mg] [k m /year] [GJ/year] PODKARPACKIE 334.8 6696 107136 Poviat of Bieszczady 6.2 124 1984 Poviat of Brzozów 6.5 130 2080 Poviat of Dębica 21.5 430 6880 Poviat of Jarosław 19.3 386 6176 Poviat of Jasło 18.6 372 5952 Poviat of Kolbuszowa 6.4 128 2048 Poviat of Krosno 12.3 246 3936 Poviat of Lesko 6.5 130 2080 Poviat of Leżajsk 13.1 262 4192 Poviat of Lubaczów 6.9 138 2208 Poviat of Łańcut 7.4 148 2368 Poviat of Mielec 26.1 522 8352 Poviat of Nisko 4.4 88 1408 Poviat of Przemyśl 4.9 98 1568 Poviat of Przeworsk 10.2 204 3264 Poviat of Ropczyce-Sędziszów 5.6 112 1792 Poviat of Rzeszow 14.3 286 4576 Poviat of Sanok 18.1 362 5792 86 Poviat of Stalowa Wola 19.6 392 6272 Poviat of Strzyżów 2.8 56 896 Poviat of Tarnobrzeg 8.2 164 2624 Poviat of C. Krosno 13.3 266 4256 Poviat of C. Przemyśl 21.0 420 6720 Poviat of C. Rzeszow 51.5 1030 16480 Poviat of T. Tarnobrzeg 9.9 198 3168 Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 below 1000,0 above 10000,0 Fig. 12. Theoretical potential of energy from landfill gas [GJ/year] in the spatial system of Podkarpackie region. Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 87 Table 23. Technical potential of landfill gas and energy production from such gas Biogas Electricity Heat volume volume volume [k m /year] [MWh] [MWh] PODKARPACKIE 6696 14061.6 Poviat of Bieszczady 124 Poviat of Brzozów List Volume of cogenerated energy heat electricity [MWh] [MW] 36158.4 19418.4 14061.6 260.4 669.6 359.6 260.4 130 273 702 377 273 Poviat of Dębica 430 903 2322 1247 903 Poviat of Jarosław 386 810.6 2084.4 1119.4 810.6 Poviat of Jasło 372 781.2 2008.8 1078.8 781.2 Poviat of Kolbuszowa 128 268.8 691.2 371.2 268.8 Poviat of Krosno 246 516.6 1328.4 713.4 516.6 Poviat of Lesko 130 273 702 377 273 Poviat of Leżajsk 262 550.2 1414.8 759.8 550.2 Poviat of Lubaczów 138 289.8 745.2 400.2 289.8 Poviat of Łańcut 148 310.8 799.2 429.2 310.8 Poviat of Mielec 522 1096.2 2818.8 1513.8 1096.2 Poviat of Nisko 88 184.8 475.2 255.2 184.8 Poviat of Przemyśl 98 205.8 529.2 284.2 205.8 Poviat of Przeworsk 204 428.4 1101.6 591.6 428.4 Poviat of Ropczyce-Sędziszów 112 235.2 604.8 324.8 235.2 Poviat of Rzeszow 286 600.6 1544.4 829.4 600.6 Poviat of Sanok 362 760.2 1954.8 1049.8 760.2 Poviat of Stalowa Wola 392 823.2 2116.8 1136.8 823.2 3 88 Poviat of Strzyżów 56 117.6 302.4 162.4 117.6 Poviat of Tarnobrzeg 164 344.4 885.6 475.6 344.4 Poviat m. Krosno 266 558.6 1436.4 771.4 558.6 Poviat of C. Przemyśl 420 882 2268 1218 882 Poviat of C. Rzeszow 1030 2163 5562 2987 2163 Poviat of T. Tarnobrzeg 198 415.8 1069.2 574.2 415.8 Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 Biogas from agricultural production Upon calculation of the theoretical potential, it was assumed that faeces is collected from the entire population of livestock. This analysis is limited to cattle, swine, and poultry, because they constitute about 90% of livestock population, both as regards volume and mass. Average volumes of unit biogas production, depending on the type of animal faeces per 1 animal amount to: for cattle: 589 m3/year, for swine: 67.8 m3/year, for poultry: 2.74 m3/year. Methane content in agricultural biogas largely depends on the type of animal faeces applied. In the case of swine liquid manure, its content ranges 70 – 80%, in the case of cattle liquid manure amounts to 55 – 60%, while in the case of poultry faeces: 60 – 80%. For calculations, it was also assumed that energy value of biogas amounts to 23.4 MJ/m3. Considering such data, the theoretical potential of biogas production was calculated, and the results have been presented in Table 24 and the map (Fig. 13). 89 Table 24. Theoretical potential of biogas from animal production Poviats Total cattle Biogas volume [Nm3] Livestock total Biogas volume [Nm3] Poultry total Biogas volume [Nm3] Total Biogas volume [Nm3] Energy volume TJ/year Region 199665 117602685 388409 26334130 8756065 23991618 177072907 4143.5 Dębica 13523 7965047 41828 2835938 622397 1705368 13170578 308.1 Kolbuszowa 10486 6176254 10437 707628.6 301016 824783.8 8020119 187.6 Leżajsk 7371 4341519 16450 1115310 119239 326714.9 5919232 138.5 Łańcut 6637 3909193 17630 1195314 819682 2245929 8187747 191.5 Mielec 12370 7285930 75739 5135104 1714066 4696541 18907380 442.4 Nisko 6946 4091194 9243 626675.4 112408 307997.9 5147518 120.4 Ropczyce-Sędziszów 10768 6342352 26855 1820769 288382 790166.7 9268524 216.8 18138 10683282 20347 1379527 1259577 3451241 16793973 392.9 Stalowa Wola 4414 2599846 9279 629116.2 151591 415359.3 3805191 89.0 Tarnobrzeg 5282 3111098 7599 515212.2 151545 415233.3 4200687 98.2 C. Rzeszow 186 109554 108 7322.4 14275 39113.5 170372 3.9 T. Tarnobrzeg 662 389918 1245 84411 24360 66746.4 566680 13.2 Bieszczady 4037 2377793 616 41764.8 23133 63384.42 2506691 58.6 Brzozów 8362 4925218 4916 333304.8 206090 564686.6 6034215 141.2 Jarosław 12017 7078013 42337 2870449 1140318 3124471 14255587 333.5 Jasło 14375 8466875 11645 789531 262775 720003.5 10250829 239.8 Krosno 9969 5871741 4453 301913.4 170210 466375.4 6814692 159.4 Lesko 2791 1643899 2052 139125.6 31702 86863.48 1903642 44.5 Lubaczów 10630 6261070 18050 1223790 262779 720014.5 8485703 198.5 Przemyśl 10513 6192157 16767 1136803 265260 726812.4 8337799 195.1 Przeworsk 10690 6296410 32549 2206822 294059 805721.7 9635561 225.4 Sanok 11030 6496670 7000 474600 135407 371015.2 7484692 175.1 Strzyżów 8174 4814486 10950 742410 375565 1029048 6972459 163.1 C. Krosno C. Przemyśl 171 123 100719 72447 53 261 Rzeszow 3593.4 17695.8 5325 4904 14590.5 13436.96 124280 108744 2.9 2.5 90 Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 below 50 above 300.0 Fig. 13 Theoretical potential of biogas energy from animal production [TJ/year] in the spatial system of Podkarpackie region. Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 Upon calculation of the technical potential, an assumption was adopted that biogas is generated exclusively from faeces originating from large farms, namely featuring: - 100 cattle, - 500 swine, - 50 000 poultry. 91 Due to lack of data about the volume of stock of particular animals gathered in large farms and about detailed location of such farms, data from the Central Statistical Office for Podkarpackie region were used, on the basis of which the following was determined: - 6% cattle were bred in large farms, - 10% swine were bred in large farms, - 60% poultry were bred in large farms. On the basis of the above assumptions, technical potential for agricultural biogas was calculated. For calculation of useful energy, the indices were adopted as presented in the chapter on wastewater treatment plants. Table 25 specifies the achievable volume of electricity, heat and cogenerated heat and energy. Table 25. Technical potential of energy production from biogas Cogenerated energy volume Biogas Electricity Heat volume volume volume [Nm ] [kWh] [kWh] Region 6425661 13493889 34698573 18634419 13493889 Dębica 447788 940354.9 2418056 1298585 940354 Kolbuszowa 306369 643376 1654395 888471.6 643376 Leżajsk 204731 429937 1105552 593722.5 429937 Łańcut 302858 636003.3 1635437 878290 636003 Mielec 616541 1294738 3329327 1787972 1294738 Nisko 189805 398591.3 1024949 550435 398591 Ropczyce –Sędziszów 319269 670466 1724055 925881 670466 Rzeszow 652559 1370376 3523824 1892424 1370376 Stalowa Wola 135497 284543.8 731684.1 392941 284543 Tarnobrzeg 155481 326511 839600 450896 326511 Poviats 3 heat [kWh] electricity [kWh] 92 C. Rzeszow 6864 14416 37069 19907 14416.1 T. Tarnobrzeg 20515 43082 110782 59494 43082 Bieszczady 100999 212098 545395 292897 212098 Brzozów 237027 497757 1279947 687378 497757 Jarosław 497044 1043794 2684042 1441430 1043794 Jasło 394022 827447 2127723 1142666 827447 Krosno 269465 565876 1455111 781448 565876 Lesko 73221 153765 395397.8 212343 153765 Lubaczów 307345 645426 1659668 891303 645426 Przemyśl 304304 639038.9 1643243 882482 639038 Przeworsk 321177 674473 1734360 931415 674473 Sanok 290480 610009 1568597 842394 610009 Strzyżów 263393 553127 1422327 763842 553127 C. Krosno 5005 10512 27032 14517 10512 C. Przemyśl 3888 8166 20999 11277 8166 Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 Biogas from industrial wastewater Industrial wastewater from bioprocessing can also be a source of biogas. For this purpose, particularly wastewater from food processing industry are fit, but also from cosmetic industry, paper industry or similar industry processing bioproducts. In calculation of the theoretical potential, it was assumed that out of 1,000 Nm3 waste incoming to the factory’s wastewater treatment plant, exclusively from bio-processing, it is possible to achieve 200 Nm3 of biogas [Nowakowski 1994]. The potential has been calculated into energy units. It is also assumed that processing efficiency amounts to 100 %. Another assumption is that wastewater from bio-processing constitutes 10% of industrial wastewater. Biogas is characterised with methane content ranging 55 – 65 %. 93 In further calculations, average value was adopted, namely 60%. Calorific value of biogas most usually ranges from 19.8 to 23.4 MJ/Nm3, which corresponds to 5.5 – 6.5 kWh/m3. Table 26 and Fig. 14 presents the volume of industrial wastewater in Podkarpackie region in 2005, as well as estimate volume of wastewater from bio-industries that qualifies for biogas production. In further calculations, it was assumed that calorific value of biogas amounts to 20 MJ/Nm3. Table 26. Theoretical potential of biogas from industrial wastewater in the Podkarpackie region (2005) Industrial Wastewater from Biogas Energy wastewater organic processing volume volume [k Nm3] [k Nm3] [Nm3] [GJ/year] PODKARPACKIE 44633.3 4463.3 892660 17853.2 Poviat of Dębica 2097.2 209.7 41940 838.8 Poviat Kolbuszowa 3.8 0.38 76 1.52 Poviat of Leżajsk 915.9 9.1 1820 36.4 Poviat of Łańcut 148.8 14.8 2960 59.2 Poviat of Mielec 150.7 15.0 3000 60 Poviat of Nisko 2.7 0.27 54 1.08 Poviat of Ropczyce- 215.6 21.5 4300 86 Sędziszów Poviat of Rzeszow 429.8 42.9 8580 171.6 Poviat of Stalowa Wola 7604.6 760.4 152080 3041.6 Poviat of Tarnobrzeg 20.4 2.0 400 8 Poviat of the C. Rzeszow 2073.1 207.3 41460 829.2 Poviat of Tarnobrzeg Town 9358.4 935.8 187160 3743.2 Poviat of Bieszczady - Poviat of Brzozów 54.7 5.4 1080 21.6 List 94 Poviat of Jarosław 218.6 21.8 4360 87.2 Poviat of Jasło 1325.8 132.5 26500 530 Poviat of Krosno 644.6 64.4 12880 257.6 Poviat of Lubaczów 8.2 0.8 160 3.2 Poviat of Przemyśl 0.0 Poviat of Przeworsk 54.4 5.4 1080 21.6 Poviat of Sanok 459.4 45.9 9180 183.6 Poviat of Strzyżów 1.9 0.2 40 0.8 Poviat of Lesko 148.3 14.8 2960 59.2 Poviat of C. Krosno 960.1 96.0 19200 384 Poviat of C. Przemyśl 513.5 51.3 10260 205.2 Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 95 none Over 1000.0 Fig. 14. Theoretical potential of biogas energy from industrial wastewater [GJ/year] in the spatial system of Podkarpackie region (2005) Source: Database of renewable energy sources, 2008 96 5. Supplement Table 27. Price of substrate and the price of methane [48] Name of substrate price PLN/tonne Corn ensilage 80 -120 [19.05-28.57 EURO] GPS rye ensilage 75 [17.86 EURO] Beet ensilage 110 [26.19 EURO] Sugar beet pulp 15-60 [3.57–14.29 EURO] Spent grains from brewery 10-60 [2.38 – 14.29 EURO] bran 200 [47.62 EURO] Liquid manure 0 Post-slaughter waste 150 – 250 [35.71 – 59.52 EURO] Fruit cake 10-30 [2.38 – 7.14 EURO] Glycerine phase 250 – 400 [59,53 – 95,24 EURO] • In order to compare substrates for a specific location, the following differences must be considered: – d.m. (dry mass) and o.d.m. (organic dry mass), susceptibility for fermentation (biogas profitability) – volume of methane in biogas, as well as costs of transport and storage • the price of methane shows profitability of fuelling a particular biogas plant with a particular substrate in a specific location • for two different biogas plants depending on % of heat use, we obtain different prices of methane: – at 20-30% - selling price of methane 0.8 – 0.9 PLN [≈0.20 EURO] /m3 – at 80% - selling price of methane 1.2 – 1.3 PLN [≈0.30 EURO] /m3 Table 28, Table 29 and 30 presents respectively: 97 Table 28. Profitability of ensilage – price of methane (PLN/m3) [1 EURO = 4,2] gross price net price (PLN/EURO) M place transport (PLN/ EURO) additional (PLN/EURO) km yield from odm dm% CH4% Price of methane feeder -90/21.43 -90 0 0 0 35 700 60 0.64 feeder -120/28.57 -120 0 0 0 35 700 60 0.86 farmer -102/24.29 -90 -12/2.86 0 30 35 700 60 0.73 farmer -132/31.43 -120 -12/2.86 0 30 35 700 60 0.95 standing -104/24.76 -50 -4/0.95 -50/11.11 10 35 700 60 0.74 standing -102/24.29 -50 -12/2.86 -50/11.11 30 35 700 60 0.80 feeder -90/21.43 -90 0 0 0 25 450 50 1.68 feeder -120/28.57 -120 0 0 0 25 450 50 2.25 farmer -102/24.29 -90 -12/2.86 0 30 25 450 50 1.91 farmer -132/31.43 -120 -12/2.86 0 30 25 450 50 2.47 standing -104/24.76 -50 -4/0.95 -50/11.11 10 25 450 50 1.95 standing -112/26.70 -50 -12/2.86 -50/11.11 30 25 450 50 1.91 Table 29. Waste profitability – price of methane (PLN/m3) [1 EURO = 4,2] net price (PLN/ EURO) transport (PLN/ EURO) additional (PLN/ EURO) km dm % Yield from odm CH4% Gross methane -2.5/0.60 0 -2.5/0,60 0 5 5 347 55 0.33 -6.5/1.55 0 -6.5/1.55 0 13 5 347 55 0.85 -12/2.86 -10/2.38 -2/0.48 0 5 19.5 600 55 0.19 apple cake -32/7.62 -10/2.38 -2/0.48 -20/4.76 5 19.5 600 55 0.51 apple cake 70/16.67 -30/7.14 -20/4.76 -20/4.76 50 19.5 600 55 1.12 apple cake -36/8.58 -10/2.38 -6/1.43 -20/4.76 15 19.5 400 55 0.87 apple cake 98/23.33 -30/7.14 -48/11.43 -20/4.76 120 40 600 55 0.77 substrate cattle liquid manure cattle liquid manure apple cake gross price (PLN/ EURO) 98 Table. 30. Substrates – exemplary statistical data substrate dm odm N IMH4 P yield CH4 % % %dm %dm % dm m3/t dm m3/t odm %vol. ensilage 20-35 85-95 1.1-2 0.15-0.3 0.2 - 0.3 170-200 450-700 55-55 cattle liquid manure 8-11 75-82 2.6 - 6.7 1-4 0.5 - 3.3 20-30 200 - 500 60 99 III. Development of technical - organizational conditions to use biomethane to power municipal transport buses in Rzeszow 1. Possible technical - organizational variants of biomethane fuelling methods Among the possibilities of supplying biomethane produced at a biogas plant located on the territory of the currently operated municipal wastewater treatment plant on Ciepłownicza Street in Rzeszow to the Bus Depot on Lubelska Street or on Trembeckiego Street, the following solutions must be analysed: Biomethane compressed to the pressure of 25-30 MPa for cylinder vehicles, pipe-vehicles or cylinder batches, and then delivery to bus depot, where partial de-fuelling would occur directly to buses, and partially to CNG warehouses located at the existing CNG station. Biomethane compression to the pressure of 3-5 bar and its transmission via a newly built pipeline between the biogas plant located on Ciepłownicza Street and the Bus Depot on Lubelska Street. Biomethane would be then supplied to the pipeline feeding the existing CNG station for bus fuelling. Biomethane compression to the pressure of 3-5 bar and its supply to the municipal gas grid. The equivalent volume of gas would be collected, as at present, at the bus depot, but the user would only pay the fee for gas transmission. Biomethane liquefaction and its supply as LNG to the LCNG station or after partial or complete adjustment of buses to LNG fuel - as LNG. The selection of the appropriate solution must be supported with a detailed economic analysis. At the present phase of the project, we have no data that would allow for performance of a full analysis, but based on estimate values, it is possible to assess the outlays necessary to execute each of the four presented variants of the method for supplying biomethane produced in the volume of about 300 Nm3 per hour from the treatment plant to the bus depot on Lubelska Street. The introduction of 30 CNG buses fuelled with biomethane for operation at MPK in Rzeszow, as assumed in the first phase of the project, enforces the need to ensure about 6000 Nm3 of biomethane per day (we assume that one CNG bus would consume approx. 200 Nm3 per day, which is sufficient to cover 300 – 350 km). At the same time, there is a time limit in 100 which to fuel these 30 buses with biomethane – this is usually 4 – 5 hours between 11 PM and 4 AM. Capacity of the equipment fuelling CNG buses at the depot would then have to amount to some 1200 Nm3/h in order to pump 6,000 Nm3 during 4-5 hours, but previously, during the day, one would have to store about 5,000 Nm3 of biomethane in the tanks at the CNG station, as continuously, from WKFs, we can collect about 300 Nm3/h. Biomethane CNG station, designed for the capacity of 1200 Nm3/h would be an expensive investment, and costly in operation, as the purchase of e.g. two CNG compressors with capacity of 600 Nm3/h each, or 300 and 900 Nm3/h, is about 2.5-3 M PLN [≈0.65 EURO] (the price of a similar CNG station of 1200 Nm3/h in Kraków, or over 3.5 M PLN [0.83 EURO] in Lublin). Electrical power ordered to power the compressors would amount to about 400 kW, which would generate high fixed fees for electricity supply. Due to own biomethane deliveries, we would indeed avoid fees for peak collection of gas and transmission, but due to continuity of biomethane production and short collection time of 4-5 hours per day, there would be a need for its prior storage, thus compressing to high-pressure cylinders. Actually, CNG buses will be fuelled at the depot on Lubelska Street and partly on Trembeckiego Streets, so in order to compress approx. 6,000 Nm3/day of biomethane to the pressure of 25-30 MPa, the compressor or compressors with total capacity of 300 Nm3/h would have to, depending on the variant adopted, operate for 20 hours, filling the tank of the CNG warehouse or fuelling cylinder-vehicles with the appropriately selected capacity. For the purpose of better use of the opportunities of such a system, it would be appropriate to introduce, even for some CNG buses, of slow-fuelling capacity. As presented above, the recommended solution would be to apply, instead of high-efficiency compressors (e.g. 2 x 600 Nm3/h), compressors with total capacity of 300 Nm3/h and booster (e.g. 800-900 Nm3/h), which would ensure high output when collecting compressed gas at the CNG warehouse to high pressure, during quick fuelling of CNG buses (10 minutes per bus) between 11 PM and 4 AM. Due to the need to gather approx. 5,000 Nm3 of biomethane, the variant with virtual pipeline (cylinders trailer vehicles) seems very cost-effective. 101 1.1. Biomethane compression to the pressure of 25-30 MPa (virtual pipeline) When selecting the variant of biomethane transport from its production and CO2 elimination site to the bus depot in the compressed form, the following must be done: a) biomethane compressor station must be designed and built, together with the infrastructure necessary to support complexes for do transport of compressed biomethane (cylindervehicles, pipe-vehicles, cylinder batches) on the territory of the treatment plant b) it must be decided what means of transport among the ones available will be used for biomethane transport (cylinders trailer vehicles, pipe-vehicles, cylinder batches) c) sites for biomethane de-fuelling must be designed and built on the territory of the bus depot With the assumption that biomethane would be transported in the compressed form, apart from the appropriate selection of compressors at the CNG station, it would be a significant problem to select the appropriate means of transport and organization of de-fuelling operation. Several global companies offer cylinders trailer vehicles and pipe-vehicles with capacity of from 3000 Nm3 to 8500 Nm3, where gas is stored at the pressure of 20-30 MPa (the offers are attached at the end of the chapter). The size of cylinder-vehicle (pipe-vehicle) decide on its mobility. Usually, cylinders trailer vehicles or pipe-vehicles are designed to transport possibly large volume of gas. As a result, maximum permissible loads per axis are applied, and the entire complex reaches the weight of almost 40 t, which largely limits the opportunity of free movement on all domestic roads. When selecting a cylinder-vehicle or pipe-vehicle for biomethane transport, one must also consider the time needed for their fuelling. For example, in the case of a station with capacity of 300 Nm3/h, fuelling of an empty cylinder-vehicle with capacity of 8500 Nm3 would take over a day (28 hours), which is unacceptable for logistic reasons (we must have 4-5 hours per day available for fuelling CNG buses and cylinder-vehicle transport). Time available for biomethane fuelling and transport amounts to about 18 – 20 hours. It would be thus beneficial to apply two cylinder-buses with smaller capacities (e.g. 4200 – 5000 Nm3 each). The obtained reserve of CNG storage capacity would increase the flexibility and security of biomethane deliveries. Another possible solution would be to transport biomethane in cylinder batches transported with tractors on agricultural trailers. Due to small distance, batch transport time would not play a significant role, and the proposed system would additionally allow for significant flexibility and reduction of the investment and transport costs. 102 Furnishing of biomethane compression station located at the wastewater treatment plant The station for filling cylinders trailer vehicles with biomethane would comprise: Metering system for volume of biomethane collected before the compressor unit; Two gas compressors with capacity of e.g. 150 - 250 Nm3/h; Sound-attenuating compressor casing with foundations; External technological installation; Electrical installation; Energy connection, Instrumentation systems, Lightning-arrester, surrounding installation and technological earth electrodes, Traffic lines; Fig. 15 Block diagram of filling station in the wastewater treatment plant Source: own study 103 Operation Biomethane designated for transport via virtual gas pipelines must be compressed to increase the volume of gas transported, namely to increase the volume of flow efficiency at the recipient. It is assumed that biomethane will be transported at maximum pressure of up to 30 MPa, and that it would be compressed to this value at the tanks on vehicle trailers. Biomethane will be pre-treated of carbon dioxide and mechanical contaminants at fine filter. Further on, the gas is to be supplied to the gas compressor station. After connection of the cylinder-vehicle to the distributor, and before compressor launch, in the first phase, fuelling would occur by pressure leveling between the inlet and outlet from stationary CNG tanks. Upon the achievement of the balance, by-pass valve will close automatically, and compressors will be launched. The control of system launches must be automated and limited to pushing the start button after vehicle connection. In front of each compressor, there should be pressure stabilisation system to ensure fixed pressure at the compressor inlet. For each compressor, installation of one reduction line is planned, connected at the outlet, which will ensure security of flow continuity in the event where any valve is activated at any line. Next, gas will be compressed at the four-stage compressor to the top value set – maximum value of up to 30 MPa is assumed. For the purpose of maintaining continuous readiness for compressor operation, it is necessary to keep fixed temperature of lubricating oil of 25-30oC. After compression, via the distributors, gas will be loaded to cylinders placed on transport trailers. With the assumed capacity of transport trailers amounting to max. 8,500 Nm3, fuelling time of one vehicle at the output of e.g. 500 Nm3/h would amount to approx. 15 hours. There is a threat of sudden stoppage of flow on the inlet to the compressor due to the possible reduction in the volume of biomethane designed for compression, which can be eliminated by: Considering in the compressor control system of an algorithm that would ensure shutdown in the event of flow reduction below the present threshold value and readiness for launch upon possibility of supplies with the minimum assumed output; Algorithm preventing the possibility of launching two compressors in the event of reducing the supply output below the threshold value of their total capacity (e.g. 500 Nm3/h); 104 Reduction of the output causing compressor shutdown can also significantly elongate the fuelling time. Location The most favourable location of the station for cylinder-vehicle filling with compressed biomethane would be the gas acquisition site, namely the area of the wastewater treatment plant. Before confirmation of the assumed location on the territory of the plant, one must determine categories and explosion danger zones, according to PN-EN 1127-1:2001 ― Explosive atmospheres. Explosion Prevention And Protection‖ and classify dangerous areas according to standard: PN-EN 60079-10:2003 ― Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Classification of hazardous areas‖. One must account for the existing land management in the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the existing explosion danger zones. Due to lack of regulations in the Polish legislation as regards the method for setting explosion danger zones for gas compressing equipment to the pressure of 30 MPa, one must rely of national guidelines and similar studies based on European literature, prepared for CNG vehicle fuelling stations. Explosion danger zones set for vehicle fuelling stations must remain within the fencing limits of the treatment plant, and must not affect the equipment installed there. It is assumed that the distances are determined with the size of explosion danger zones and protective zones around the compressor station and loading terminals. For CNG fuelling stations, the following zones are set: Explosion danger zone 2: 3 m from compressor casing; Explosion danger zone 2: 20 cm from the distributor and 1 m over it; Protective zone: 5 m from compressor casing; Protective zone: 6 m from distributor casing or range of fuelling hose + 1 m from connection device In this case, protective zone is the area around the explosion danger zone, where no equipment and materials can be applied which could serve as the source of ignition. 105 Required size of land for investment The figure below presents hypothetical land management for fuelling station: Compressor stations Loading Terminal Protective zone Fig. 16. Hypothetical management of fuelling station area The above analysis of land management adopted the length of transport vehicle trailer of 10 m and the width of 2.5 m. The loca tion will re quire buil ding of a manoeuvre square with the bearing strength of 40 T on the area of 1100 m 2. The area around the compressor station will require hardening – the area of this land amounts to: 200 m2. One must a lso consider the need fo r locating t he c abinet with compressor and mete ringsettlement system powering and c ontrol elements for fue l collected. The duc t with biomethane from WKF for compression can also be run e.g. on a trestle over the access road. Media and connections Water mains connection. There is no need for water supply for operational or fire safety purposes. Electrical connection. For powering vehicle fuelling station, it is necessary to supply electricity for the power of approx. 200 kW. TN-S 400/230V grid system. 106 Balance of power: Compressor 1: Main engine and oil pumps: 75 kW Compressor 2: Main engine and oil pumps: 75 kW Instrumentation: 1.4 kW Szafa AKP: Instrumentation cabinet: Container heating: 2.0kW TOTAL estimation with margin: 200 kW For the purpose of settling electricity, one must installe passive power and active power metering system. High-power electricity collection will occur via inverters allowing for smooth start-up. Unit consumption of electricity needed for compression of 1Nm3/h of gas at inlet pressure of biomethane of about 7 kPa will amount to approx. 350W (+/- 10%). Due to the need for maintaining fixed oil temperature (approx. 25-30o C), for winter period one must assume continuous power load for oil heaters of: 0.35 kW per compressor. Gas connection The fuelling station installation will be connected to the technological pipeline extended from WKF devices. Near the connection site, it is also proposed to locate the metering station furnished with turbine gas meter and flow regulation system. Maximum stream of flowing fuel: 500m 3n/h Minimum stream of flowing fuel: 300 Nm3/h. Assumption for economic analysis Due to many unknown data at the phase of this study, below is the list of items that have already been assumed and items by which the present assumptions can be increased. 107 Filling station capacity 2x250Nm3/h Facility Compressor Q=250 Nm3/h, Unit price Volume Total price 647 000 2 1 294 000 100 000 1 100 000 Technological pipelines (external systems, equipment connections) 200 000 1 200 000 Two-hose distributor with flow meter up to75 kg/min 75 000 2 150 000 Electricity: 200 kW 60 000 1 60 000 Land management, fencing, earth works, roads and pavements, etc.: 500 000 1 500 000 Design, administrative fees: 50 000 1 50 000 Pmax=30MPa Sound-proof compressor casing (for 2) Comments Delivery time: 6 months Estimate, for locations in ―r aw field‖ Source: own study Electricity consumption: Unit electricity consumption, for compressing 1 Nm3/h of gas shall amount to approx. 350 W (±10%) – considering energy for drive of compressor engine, oil pump and fan. Operational expenses: Costs of compressor maintenance: Overhaul after 1500 h or 6 months: approx. 5 000 PLN [1190,48 EURO] Overhaul after 4000 h or after one year: approx. 7 000 PLN [1 666.67 EURO] Main overhaul after 18 000 h.: max. 65 000 PLN [15 476,19 EURO] Namely average operational costs of two compressors: approx. 5000 PLN [1 190,48 EURO] /month 108 One must also envisage potential costs of: Land lease Employment and working time of drivers (in the case of lack of delivery schedule, it will be hard to envisage when the vehicle is to be fuelled for transport) Potential revenues: Sales of biomethane to the end user. 1.2. Biomethane compression to the pressure of 3-5 bar and transmission with pipeline For the purpose of performing the analysis of the possibility of biomethane transmission via gas pipeline between the biogas plant (Ciepłownicza Street) and bus depot (Lubelska Street) at the distance of 1.8 km, in the line similar to a straight line, a draft study was requested from a specialist Company. The Draft Study, containing technical-economic assumption for: ― Construction of pipeline for biomethane transmission from the areas near the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rzeszow to CNG station for MPK bus fuelling on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow‖ constitutes Annex 2 to this study. Gross value for performance of the pipeline according to prices from February 2010 amounted to approx. 260-305 kPLN [≈67,26 EURO], depending on the variant selected (Variant No. 1 was proposed with underground crossing of the Wisłok River, and Variant No. 2 with placement of the pipeline on the existing overground structure – trestle crossing the Wisłok River). The costs of pipeline construction must be enlarged by the cost of compressor station construction to allow for gas transmission. The assumed parameters include hourly transmission of 300-500 Nm3/h, pressure at the start point of pipeline feeding of 2-3 bar (compression), maximum operating pressure of 5 bar. It is estimated that the cost of construction of such a compressor station will amount to approx. 550-600 kPLN [136,90 EURO]. The planned route of the pipeline has been set aside the controlled zone of the existing high-pressure gas pipeline owned by OPG ― Gaz-System‖ – Branch in Tarnów. 109 1.3. Biomethane liquefaction (LNG) Biomethane liquefaction would create a qualitatively different alternative to classic compression and distribution of biomethane via virtual pipeline at high pressure. When deciding on a more expensive technology of biomethane liquefaction, there would be an opportunity for comparable in the CNG cost aspect, but easier distribution of biomethane in the liquid form. It must be stressed that, as a result of biomethane liquefaction, we would obtain a much greater density of energy storage, both during transport of liquid biomethane to the recipient and in the vehicle (LNG buses). Probably, if the Management of Municipal Transport in Rzeszow had the opportunity of gas supplier selection, the alternative to LNG application would also be more attractive due to the opportunity of achieving almost twice greater bus ranges at comparable weight (tank + fuel). The present LNG price is maintained at the level of 1.46-1.5 PLN [≈0.18 EURO] /m3 and is competitive to duct gas also because it does not contain the transmission fee and other fee (including fixed fee). However, it must be transported from the manufacturer to the customer, which will constitute certain cost proportionate to distance. With the application of LNG, lower costs than for CNG distribution station are achieved, and also of its later operation, as we avoid the need to collect high volumes of electricity for gas compression (0.2 – 0.35 kWh/Nm3). Costs of LNG station construction with similar capacity as CNG station is lower by approx. 30%, but the assurance of continuous operation of the LNG station requires higher qualifications and skills. The annex contains technical and price offer for LCNG station with the parameters similar to the parameters required for support of 30 MPK buses fuelled with compressed biomethane. LCNG station allows for fuelling both CNG and LNG vehicles, yet for this purpose, it must be more extended and thus more expensive. LNG production is a technically complex and costly enterprise. The selection of natural gas or biomethane liquefaction technology depends on the required installation capacity and the composition of the liquefied gas – content of carbon dioxide, sulphur compounds, nitrogen compounds, heavy hydrocarbons and initial pressure. LNG is natural gas with high methane content (97-98% methane) cooled to the temperature of –163°C. At this temperature, at atmospheric pressure, it is liquefied, and thus reduces its volume by about six hundred times. Owing to this, it can be easily transported e.g. via cistern vehicles. 110 LNG is non-toxic and non-corrosive. Its density is by half lower than water density. It is also colourless and odourless. Technologies applied for LNG production Biomethane liquefaction is just one link in the chain between fuel acquisition and its supply to the end customer. Pre-treatment of biogas is equally important for the liquefaction process as the selection of cooling methods and the cooling agent. The selection of technology for biogas liquefaction depends on the desired installation capacity, gas composition (CO2, H2S, N2 and heavy hydrocarbon content). There are basically three methods for natural gas liquefaction: classic cascade cycle; cascade cycle with mixed cooling agent; decompression cycle using turbo-expander. Technologies applied for small-scale LNG production LNG can be produced on a small scale by biogas liquefaction, storage and regasification. Cryogenic liquefiers for LNG production are already available for commercial purposes. The developing market of vehicles fuelled with natural gas and other application gives the opportunity for distribution and application of equipment for LNG production. The research team of the Idaho Laboratory of the US Energy Department has developed the technology for methane and biomethane production on a small scale. Gas Technology Institute (GTI) in cooperation with the US Energy Department has developed a system for natural gas liquefaction on a small scale for application in vehicles, for biogas and other special gas markets (Fig. 17). Research works are oriented at installation with capacity of from 70 kg/h to 2.1 t/h. The main objective is to achieve LNG price that could compete with large LNG producing equipment. GTI system uses mixed cooling agents in the simple (single) loop of the cooling agent. The installation is built on the mobile frame for quick application. 111 Standardised cooling compressors and heat exchanger elements allow for easy adjustment of the system size in order to meet various requirements of the LNG market. The application of standardised elements results in lower investment costs for such a technology. Fig. 17. GTI natural gas liquefier Source: producer Developed modelling of the cycle has led to a system with mixed cooling agent, which maximises the performance and efficiency of the system. Experimental liquefier with capacity of 17 kg/h was successfully designed and tested. Next, prototype commercial liquefier with capacity of 70 kg/h was tested together with gas treatment facilities. The prototype of the commercial liquefier uses gas engine to reduce operating expenses. SINTEF (Norway) has undertaken similar measures aimed at development of equipment with maximum capacity of 400 kg/h of LNG (Fig. 18). For LNG production on small scale, the cost of pre-treatment of biogas, e.g. drying and CO2 elimination, can constitute a large portion of total cost. 112 Fig. 18. Natural gas liquefier by Sintef Source: producer A different approach was applied in the development of Micro-Cell process at the Curtin University of Technology. Equipment capacity amounts to 1200 l LNG/day, which corresponds to 25 kg/h, but can be increased by 10 times. The process used in the mini LNG module is based on joining the traditional nitrogen cycle (nitrogen cooling) and the compression cycle. The system uses the mix of three cooling agents to achieved continuous cooling to the temperature between -80C and -110C, and then cooling with liquid nitrogen to the temperature of -161C. Nitrogen is liquefied at controlled pressure and temperature, and then returned to the circuit via biomethane heat exchanger chamber. In order to achieve maximum efficiency, liquid nitrogen continuously circulates between the compression cycle and the LNG production chamber. CO2 in natural gas is frozen as dry ice at the LNG chamber and removed in the cyclone. Main manufacturers of small LNG plants on the market include: Air Products and Chemicals Inc. (USA), Black & Veatch Pritchard (USA), Chart Industries Inc. (USA), CH-IV Cryogenics (USA), Chicago Bridge & Iron Company (USA), Chart 113 (USA), Cryogenics (USA), Hamworthy KSE (Norway), KryoPak Inc. (USA), Linde (Germany). The concept of small natural gas (biomethane) liquefier using components manufactured in Poland (co-author of NGV AUTOGAS technology) Mini LNG plant for capacity of 670 kg/h Below, are the devices for LNG production on a small scale from treated and compressed biogas or natural gas. Approximate capacity of LNG production is calculated for 670 kg/h. The system contains a unit for pre-treatment of biomethane, liquefaction and a cryogenic storage tank. MCR EQUIPMENT Dehydration CO2 elimination Compressor J-T valve Feed gas Waste gas LNG to warehouse Cooling Fig. 19. Diagram of liquefaction process Source: producer Gas properties after preliminary processing Design specifications for flow into the LNG liquefaction plant (molar concentration): CO2: < 50 ppm (0.005%) H2O: < 1 ppm H2S: < 4 ppm* (if present) Operational flow: 1.000 Sm3/h (approx. 670 kg/h) Pressure: 145 bar Operating temperature: +40°C Additional requirements: 114 - Biogas must be free of aerosol, pollution, dust and other particles. * It must be stressed that (according to PN-EN 1473:2002 (U) Installation and fixtures for liquid natural gas) maximum H2S content must not exceed 4 ppm. Product requirements The liquefier must produce LNG from biogas stream after treatment to the level of biomethane. Temperature of LNG produced amounts to approx. –155°C at the pressure of 2 bar, but it will change in line with the temperature of saturation of the current LNG mix at the selected storage pressure. The product will be stored in the cryogenic tank. Technical conditions for liquefier operation: Operating temperatures for air radiators Maximum temperature: 40°C Operating temperature for anti-freeze protection Minimum winter temperature: -3°C Demand for electricity amounts to approx. 1MW: (compressors and electric drives). Technical and economic assumptions for development of own structure of LNG liquefier For the purpose of developing and executing the installation producing liquefied biogas (LNG) on a small scale, the following must be performed: o Design and construction work for domestic LNG installation. Process calculations for biogas treatment and liquefaction. Equipment selection: - for gas preparation for liquefaction (treatment, filtering, drying) - for gas liquefaction (equipment for gas compression, preliminary cooling, liquefaction, separation and storage) Selection of energy, process and operational equipment. o Supplier selection for basic elements of the installation and LNG regasification installation o Preparation of the infrastructure for LNG transport, storage and distribution. 115 o Organisation of background for operation of the LNG installation and research and development works. o Construction of the installation for LNG production, LNG tank and fuelling of LNG vehicle cisterns and regasification installation at customers. o Launch of the installation and testing its guaranteed technical parameters in the entire efficiency range. o Development of collective regulations regarding various aspect of LNG application on the basis of existing national and European regulations. Technical analysis The description of the planned investment, together with the description of the adopted technical concept. The planned installation would be small-scale equipment for LNG production from treated and compressed biogas. The assumed maximum LNG production capacity amounts to 670 kg/h, namely about 16 t/day. An opportunity of flexible operation of the installation is envisaged within the range of 50% to 100% of its maximum capacity. It is assumed that the equipment would be cooled with air. The system in the technological line would contain a system for preliminary treatment of gas, precise treatment of gas, biogas liquefaction (LNG production) and a cryogenic storage tank for LNG. The preliminary treatment system would contain a dehydration device for water elimination, as well as device for CO2 elimination. The dehydration device would include two tanks with molecular sieves operating in turns. When one tank (sieve) dehydrates biogas, small volume of dried gas is heated by hot oil and used for regeneration of the other tank with the molecular sieve. The device for CO2 elimination comprises three columns of molecular sieves operating in turns, similarly as in the case of dehydration device. Because regeneration of CO2 columns requires high volume of gas, the gas circulates in closed circuit with the compressor. A small volume of the circulating gas is treated during the regeneration process. Dry gas, deprived of CO2, is collected from the pre-treated gas and added to treated gas. The system includes one device for LNG liquefaction, one air-cooled radiator, one glycol pump and two free-standing air heat exchangers. 116 Equipment for LNG liquefaction, referred to as liquefier, is the main sub-system and comprises the following: MCR compressor MCR suction drum (also used as expansion chamber) Compressor lubrication system (oil-lubricated compressor system) MCR radiator (free-standing air radiator) partial MCR liquefier for first-stage glycol cooling plate heat exchanger complex heavy hydrocarbon separator second-stage MCR separator glycol-chilled preliminary gas radiator Cryogenic tank can be both vertical and horizontal, vacuum-insulated with power cables that are also vacuum-insulated. The next investment component is a cistern for LNG transport, with capacity of 50,000 l, technical conditions of which ensure efficient distribution of the LNG produced. Estimate costs of the investment Determination of the investment costs, considering the above technological solutions: - gas liquefaction installation – 4,900,000 EUR - cistern for LNG transport – 225,000 EUR - vaporiser 10,000 EUR - design, preparatory and building costs – 65,000 EUR Financial and economic analysis In the financial assumptions, 10-year period was assumed, which corresponds to the full depreciation period. In the project, selling price of 1 kg of LNG was adopted at the level of 1.95 PLN [0.46 EURO] net, in order to be attractive as compared to the price of 1 kg of fuel oil, and to provide for a certain safety margin in the event of price fluctuations on the market. For comparisons and analysis, the price of fuel oil (FO) was adopted as reference to the cheapest fuel available on the market, yet used contrary to the domestic regulations, principally by some private carriers. Development of gas fuel in Poland, particularly in the sector of private transport strongly depends on elimination of such behaviour. One EURO 117 [4,2 PLN] and ninety-five grosz net per 1 kg of LNG (approx. 1.4 Nm3) is a very attractive price for prospect customer, as he receives fuel (LNG) at a more attractive price than fuel oil, and fuel less susceptible to price fluctuations than fuel or diesel oil. Explanations and principles for calculation are presented in the listing below. Listing 1 MJ/kg Calorific value of fuel oil 42 Calorific value of LNG 35.4 Volume of LNG equivalent to FO in kg 0.85 1 kg LNG = 1.4 Nm3 NG 1.338 m3 Number of NG meters equivalent to 1 kg FO 1.2 In the aspect of calorific value, 1 kg of fuel oil corresponds to 1.2m3 NG. The price of 1 Nm3 of biogas was adopted as 0.5 PLN [0.12 EURO]. Costs other than raw materials adopted in the project calculated per LNG units are as follows: Listing 2 Cost of 1 m3 NG liquefaction including: costs of energy costs of payroll return on investment margin EURO Cost of 1 kg NG liquefaction including: costs of energy costs of payroll and other return on investment margin EURO 0.08 0.05 0.004 0.03 0.11 0.007 0.007 0.04 Such presentation of costs shows the share of particular cost generating components at the phase of LNG production. The main cost is the cost of energy needed for LNG production and the margin of investment costs. The large share of investment costs in the cost of liquefaction results from the rather high cost of installation as compared to production volume, which with the assumed 10-year return period causes such a result (depreciation margin). Interest rate for project’s discount has been adopted at the level of 7% in the annual scale, which corresponds to the bank deposit rate plus bonus for investment risk. 118 Financial indices: - IRR (Internal Rate of Return) - NPV (Net Present Value) For the purposes of the project, minimum return of on equity has been adopted at the level of 7% For the entire project, without considering parameter changes, IRR amounts to 14.320%. Such IRR is satisfactory and should encourage involvement in the project. Very high NPV value amounting to: 6 699 707.28 PLN [1 595 168,40 EURO] also confirms the thesis that one must positively consider the project in the aspect of investment decision. As indicated by previous experience with facilities for LNG production, after several or even several dozen years of operation, one can modernize them and frequently increase their efficiency. Due to the above, one must estimate that after 10 years of operation, equipment value will amount to at least 50% initial value, namely approx. 10 MPLN [2.38 EURO] and this will be additional benefit from investment. In the period of 6 years, return of investment outlays will be achieved and a facility of significant value will remain, capable of generating major financial revenues. The period of return of investment amounts to 6 years, and is very favourable, while with the planned outlays, economic effects are very high in the longer time period. Sensitivity analyses When analysing project sensitivity to the impact of various factors, the ones were considered that have actual impact and may be subject to periodical changes. The following criteria were defined: change of electricity price change of price of biomethane for liquefaction change of biomethane selling price change of fixed assets value change of investment value. Impact of particular factors on NPV, IRR and accumulated profits 119 o Due to the change of electricity price: Table 31. IRR value -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 16,687% 15,906% 15,118% 14,320% 13,514% 12,697% 11,870% IRR 16,687% 15,906% -30% -20% 15,118% 14,320% 13,514% -10% 0% 10% Percentage change 12,697% 11,870% 20% 30% Fig. 20. IRR change with the change of electricity price Table 32 NPV -30% 9032783.95 -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 8255091.73 7477399.51 6699707.29 5922015.07 5144322.85 4366630.63 Fig. 21. NPV change with the change of electricity price NPV value/price change 120 Table 33 Accumulated profits -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 25387911.00 24110703.00 22833495.00 21556287.00 20279079.00 Fig. 22. Change of accumulated profits with the change of electricity price Accumulated profits in EURO / % change of electricity price As shown by the above analyses, the project is not particularly sensitive to the change of electricity price. Change of electricity purchase price by 10% would cause NPV change by approx. 11.6%, namely this is almost 1:1 ratio, while in the case of profits by approx. 5.6%, namely change of electricity price to profit has clearly small impact. It must be assumed that changes to electricity price are not a major determinant affecting project profitability. o Change of gas purchase price 121 Table 34 IRR -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 20.316% 18.366% 16.370% 14.320% 12.209% 10.024% 7.754% Fig. 23. IRR change with the change of NG purchase price IRR change / % change of purchase price Table 35 NPV -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 12748424.55 10732185.46 8715946.38 6699707.29 4683468.20 2667229.11 650990.02 122 Fig. 24. NPV change with the change of NG price NPV / Percentage change of NG price Table 36 Accumulated profits -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 29456055.00 26144775.00 22833495.00 19522215.00 16210935.00 Fig. 25. Accumulated profits depending on the change of NG purchase price Accumulated profits in EURO / change of NG purchase price 123 The project is very sensitive to the change of biomethane price, but due to the ratio of raw material share in the price of the finished product, even a significant positive change (increase) in the price of gas would not result in the loss of project’s profitability, but would only elongate the return period. Change of biomethane price by 20% (increase in purchase price) would elongate the period of return to 10 years. In this type of investment, this would not affect project liquidity, in particular that the increase in the price of biomethane would be related to increase in the selling price of LNG. o Due to change of gas selling price Table 37 IRR -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% -6.970% 1.382% 8.249% 14.320% 19.902% 25.157% 30.183% Fig. 26. IRR change with the change of LNG selling price IRR / selling price change in % 124 Table 38 NPV -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% - 10150290.80 - 4533624.77 1083041.26 6699707.29 12316373.32 17933039.35 23549705.38 Fig. 27. NPV value at the LNG selling price NPV value / change of LNG selling price in % Table 39 Accumulated profits -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 4384935.00 13609215.00 22833495.00 32057775.00 41282055.00 125 Fig. 28. Change of accumulated profits with the change of LNG selling price Accumulated profits in EURO / change of LNG selling price in % The ratios show that the change of biomethane price has very high impact on IRR, NPV and profit. As one can see, only over 20% change to biomethane price (reduction) would cause negative IRR value in the project. This means, on the one hand, high sensitivity to the change of LNG selling price, while on the other – large margin of financial safety in the event of selling price change. o Change of fixed costs Table 40 Accumulated profits -20% 23805495.00 -10% 23319495.00 0% 22833495.00 10% 22347495.00 20% 21861495.00 Due to the small share of fixed costs in the total value of costs, this group only shows impact of the change of fixed costs on accumulated profits. Changes to IRR are marginal here and do not exceed 1 percentage points. 126 Fig. 29. Change of accumulated profits value Accumulated profits in EURO / change of fixed costs in % o Change of investment value Table IRR 41 -15% -10% -5% 0 5% 10% 15% 18.630% 17.062% 15.631% 14.320% 13.112% 11.995% 10.957% Fig. 30. Impact of the change of investment value on IRR change IRR / Change of investment value in % 127 Table 42 NPV -15% -10% -5% 0 9352353.41 8468138.03 7583922.66 6699707.29 5% 10% 15% 5815491.91 4931276.54 4047061.17 Fig. 31. NPV change with the change of investment value NPV / change of investment value in % Table 43 Accumulated profits -15% -10% 25457895.00 24583095.00 -5% 0 5% 10% 15% 23708295.00 22833495.00 21958695.00 21083895.00 20209095.00 Fig. 32. Accumulated profits with the change of investment value Accumulated profits in EURO / Change of investment value in % Due to investment volume, changes of investment outlays value have great impact on the IRR and NPV values, while the impact is smaller on the value of accumulated profits. 128 This is caused by proportionally high value of the investment as compared to revenues, while lower as compared to profits, due to depreciation settlements. Among the factors analysed, the investment will be mainly affected by: the value of investment outlays and LNG selling price. Therefore, this give the idea that in the future operating strategy, financial decisions must be directed at the appropriate selection of the selling price of the finished product as the main factor affecting the financial efficiency of the investment. 129 Annex 2 TUBES AND CYLINDERS TRAILER 130 131 132 133 134 135 Annex 3 CYLINDERS TRAILER 136 137 Annex 4 LCNG STATION Technical characteristics of LCNG station offered by CP Energia TECHNICAL CONDITIONS Technical requirements Station fuelled with natural gas (CNG) from cryogenic tank containing liquefied natural gas (LNG). CNG according to technical requirements: Annual CNG consumption: 2,800,000 – 4,000,000 Nm3 Annual LNG consumption: 400- 600 t At the station, there will be one CNG distributor installed and one LNG distributor. Description of the station LNG will be stored in vertical cryogenic tanks with capacity of 59.9 m³. Such capacity has been selected for the purpose of ensuring appropriate fuel stock and due to opportunity of unloading the entire contents of the generally used transport cisterns adjusted to unloading under pressure (cheaper transport). Maximum tank pressure amounts to 15 bar, which will minimise boiling of the flowing gas when the temperature of liquid in the tank rises. LNG stock in the tank will be pumped for vaporisation, which will result in growth of natural gas (biomethane) temperature to ambient temperature. Gas will be stored at 250 bars in six packs of eight cylinders each. Each cylinder has the capacity of 80 litres. Total cylinder capacity amounts to 3840 litres. LCNG station will feature gas recovery system from vaporisation, which will allow to minimise the volume of gas evaporating to air. System for gas recovery from vaporisation System for gas recovery from vaporisation will allow for avoiding gas emissions to air. When pressure grows in the LNG tank, some gas evaporates from the tank. Gas gathered in the evaporated gas tank can be compressed to the pressure of 250 bar and pressed to gas cylinders. Furnishing of LCNG station: Cryogenic tank for LNG storage 138 Project code: Geometric capacity: TPED/ADR 59.9 m³ VERTICAL Maximum operating pressure: 15 bar Internal casing: stainless steel External casing: carbon steel Insulation: vacuum + perlite External diameter: 3,200 mm Length/height: 10,500 mm Cryogenic high-pressure pump Liquid: LNG (liquefied natural gas) Maximum flow intensity: 17-20l/min. Maximum outlet pressure: 350 bar Maximum inlet pressure: 15 bar Electric engine: 30 kW EEx d II T4 (4 poles) Electric power: 400 V – 50 Hz Air vaporiser Rated flow intensity: 800 Nm³/h (during 8 h of continuous operation) 1100 Nm³/h (during 4 h of non-continuous operation) 1600 Nm³/h (during 45 min. of non-continuous operation) Maximum pressure: 420 bar Pipe: AISI 304L Ø 16 mm × 2.5 mm Watering system: THT tank: THT pump injecting THT to CNG Natural gas compressor (low flow rate) Medium: Natural gas Flow intensity: 3.2 Nm³/h at 20°C // 2.55 Nm³/h at 20°C Maximum outlet pressure: 250 bar Maximum inlet pressure: 3.5 kPa Minimum inlet pressure: 1.7 kPa 139 Electrical engine: 1.3 kW // 1.7 kW Electric drive: 240 V – 60 Hz // 240 V – 50 Hz CNG distributor Brand: Indox Model: TK 25 CNG Duct number: 1 Flow intensity: from 1 to 100 kg/min. (from 68 to 7550 Nm³/h) Pressure: Maximum pressure: 345 bar Approval PED 97/23/EC Dosage system: Flow meter Coriolisa Micro Motion Connections: Staübli CNG, WEH Internal diameter: 9 mm Operating pressure (connected and disconnected): 200 and 250 bar Material: stainless steel Temperature: from -40 to 85°C Quick filling: 1000 l at 200 bar during 3 minutes Standard approved by NGV 1 Weight: 1.64 kg Electric powering: 220 VAC, 50 Hz Dimensions: width: 600 mm; length: 1250 mm height: 1580 mm Electric control panel Electric control panel is based on programmable controller and automatic station control by the following signals coming from converters: Tank pressure Liquid level at the tank LNG temperature Cooling system temperature (pump) Pressure line Supplied gas pressure 140 Electrical panel must be adjusted to security zone with observance of all gas standards. Fig. 33. LCNG station with a system for gas recovery from evaporation Fig. 34. LNG and LCNG station at Lleida (Spain) 141 Fig. 35. Details of CNG fuelling unit 142 Commercial offer Material Q-ty Cryogenic LNG tank 59.9 m³ 15 bar 1 Cryogenic LNG pump 2 Air vaporiser 800 Nm³/h 1 CNG warehouse 6 eight-cyllinder packages of 80 l each CNG distributor 1MG TK-25 1 LNG distributor 1MG 1 Evaporated liquid tank 1 THT watering system 1 Automatic control system 1 Installation and valves 1 Documentation in Polish – 2 x paper form + 1x CD 1 set Building works - foundations for distributor with roof -fencing TOTAL 2 205 000.00 PLN [525 000 EURO] 143 Maintenance Basic stock of spare parts will be kept at the maintenance service warehouse. Parts stock comprises: seals, hoses for the distributor, gun for the distributor, repair set for cryogenic pump. Checks of the cryogenic pump will occur every six months. Post-guarantee maintenance will be provided, and the cost of spare parts resulting from normal operation will amount to approx. 5,000 Euro per year. Consumable materials: THT for watering system – tank capacity of 50 l is sufficient for watering of approx. 2 M m3 of natural gas. Cost of approx. 5,000 PLN [1 190.48 EURO]. Conclusion The study presents an overview of relevant technologies for biomethane (natural gas) production and analyses from the technical and economic part the opportunity of construction and operation of small, mobile installation for LNG natural gas liquefaction. The analysis of application of a small, in the first phase, imported LNG liquefier, on the basis of the offer received from Hamworthy for the supply of LNG production installation together with LNG tank, and the offer for regasifiers, LNG tanks and cisterns for LNG transport from Ferox. It was assumed that other elements of the installation will be supplied by domestic manufacturers. In the next phases, gradually, elements of the installation would be introduced as developed in Poland, such as e.g. high-pressure compressor. Feasibility study of the investment (we assume the order of 23 MPLN [5.48 EURO] ) has indicated the opportunity of obtaining the value of accumulated profit in the period of 10 years of depreciation in the amount of about 1 MPLN [0.24 EURO] whereas the price of biogas from the deposit was adopted in the amount of 0.5 PLN [0.12 EURO] /m3, and selling price LNG – in the amount of 1.95 PLN [0.46 EURO] /kg, so that it should be lower than the price of fuel oil by 20 %. It must be stressed that after completion of the depreciation period, it is estimated that the installation value will amount to approx. 50% of its initial value. 144 2. Selection of the type of bus fuelling with biomethane According to the assessment of the authors, the cheapest solution would be to supply biomethane directly after production and treatment to the parameters of biomethane at the wastewater treatment plant to the municipal gas grid and collection of the equivalent volume of natural gas at the depot. MPK would then only bear the cost of gas transmission. Assuming that unit price of biomethane would be lower than the price of natural gas, the user would save on the difference in the gas price and additionally on the cost of pipeline construction and maintenance. For the purpose of biomethane compression to the pressure value at the municipal gas network (medium pressure), compressor station should be built. In the Polish conditions, performance of formal – legal issues related to the introduction of biomethane in the existing gas pipeline manager by the local operator (Rzeszow Gas Plant) and collection of an equivalent volume of gas from high-pressure pipeline located at the CNG station at the bus depot on Lubelska Street, managed by GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. seems rather unrealistic. As the easiest to carry out, there is the construction of a separate pipeline connecting the wastewater treatment plant and the bus depot (variant No. 2 section 1), namely biomethane compression to the pressure of 3-5 bar and transmission via the newly built pipeline between the biogas plant located on Ciepłownicza Street and the bus depot on Lubelska Street. Biomethane would be then supplied to the pipeline supplying CNG station for bus fuelling (technical data below - Fig. 36). Fig. 36. GAZPACK 70 Compressor Source: producer 145 At the rated operating pressure: 250 bar, Biomethane pumping: 668 Nm3/h) Engine power (kW): 110 Speed (rpm): 1034 Inlet pressure (bar g): 10-13 CNG station - Rzeszow Location: Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne, Zajezdnia nr 2, ul. Lubelska 54 Tel. 017 866 04 08, Fax. 017 853 67 03 Open daily from 6:00 AM to 1:00 AM. Between 6:00 - 9:00 and 22:00 - 1:00 hours, self-service fuelling with CNG Auto card. The CNG station is located on the territory of Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne, Zajezdnia nr 2, address: ul. Lubelska 54. Apart from CNG, one can also tank liquid fuels there. Services: The station allows for tanking for everyone between 6:00 AM - 1:00 AM at night on the following day. Technical data: Compressors: 2x 600 Nm3/h GAZPACK 70 (Compair) Distributors: 2 Sites: 4 (2 x NGV-1, 2 x TN5) Location: bus depot area 146 3. Abbreviated SWOT analysis Strengths Weaknesses Biomethane is a renewable energy source Higher purchase cost of CNG vehicle (bus, van, car) o municipal waste o Requires improvement of regulations o agricultural waste on use Technology allowing for meeting the growing ecological continuous o High initial difficulties with requirements entry on the market (Euro IV, Euro V standards) Vehicles fuelled with biomethane are very safe High costs of fuelling station Small energy storage density makes Better access to OEM components of gas fuel equipment than in the case of other alternative fuels the vehicle range smaller as compared to petroleum fuels Greater requirements as to tanks Well-developed standards for CNG (biomethane) application No fuelling station network – capital requirements in the early phase of solutions implementation, both on the o ISO part of distributors and users o CEN Costly o UN storage method (low efficiency) o National standards Opportunities Threats global environmental problems make biomethane attractive due to small CO2 emissions the effects of pollution due global support for NGVs is not part of core business o Privatisation weakens long- biomethane in vehicles is becoming attractive of development of biomehtane fuel o o urban strategies for alleviating increasingly Lack to term markets 147 international suport for renewable sources o Company fleets still drive using competitive fuel alleviation of market energy difficulties related to fluctuations of oil prices long-term increase in oil prices o shortages of supply o sudden growth of demand in the developing countries European Union’s transport policy by 2020 and in the longer perspective, assuming substitution of petroleum OEM is not yet involved on an appropriate scale in the production, distribution and services cycle in the area of alternative fuels and NGVs new generation of fuels and vehicles reduces biomethane’s benefits to the environment expectations related to hydrogen / fuel cells as a "cure-all" solution reduce the attractiveness of NGV fuels with ecological fuels 148 IV. Study of the design of the station for bus fuelling with biomethane The authorities of Rzeszow, while introducing CNG buses to urban transport, had the main goal of reducing the emissions of exhaust gases. Apart from CNG, other environment-friendly fuels are also searched for. One of the possibilities of using such fuel in buses is the application of biomethane, fuel with similar properties as CNG, yet of organic, renewable origin. The launch of buses fuelled with biomethane requires the performance of the project profitability analysis, and after obtaining positive results, organisation of the relevant infrastructure, thus installation for biomethane acquisition and construction of compressor station. Within the execution of the European BBB Project, Instytut Transportu Samochodowego in Warsaw has provided substantive support for the authorities in Rzeszow, granting assistance to the city authorities, including as regards: • gathering information on the requirements as to construction of compressed biomethane station; • determination of cost of compressed biomethane station; • determination of profitability conditions for construction of fuel station for compressed biomethane; Natural gas and biogas In Poland, natural gas is in about 70% imported from Russia, while the rest is mined from own sources, supplementing the volume with several percent import from western countries. Biogas is the gas generated as a result of anaerobic fermentation from various raw materials undergoing biodegradation. In Poland, there are many resources of biomass that are fit for biogas (biomethane) production, such as municipal waste, waste from food industry, agricultural waste, wastewater sludge, as well as vegetable biomass. Furthermore, it is possible to produce biomethane from gases generated as a result of biodegradation from the existing landfills. Similarly as natural gas, biogas principally comprises methane. 149 Below is the list of natural gas compressor stations in Poland, characterising the advancement of the infrastructure for vehicles fuelled with CNG. Due to location, the existing, generally accessible CNG station in Rzeszow may additionally have the function of biomethane station. CNG stations in Poland – present status of gas fuel infrastructure development List of CNG sites in Poland Bydgoszcz (liquidated as of 1 January 2012) Gazownia Bydgoszcz, ul. Jagiellońska 42 Tel. 52 328 55 15 Closed 1. Dębica Miejska Komunikacja Samochodowa, ul. Sandomierska 3 Tel. 14 682 32 92 w. 29 Open Monday - Friday 7:00 - 23:00 hours, Saturdays 7:00 - 22:30 hours 2. Dzierżoniów Gazownia Wałbrzych, oddział w Dzierżoniowie, ul. Kilińskiego 18 Tel. 74 832 24 30, 074 832 24 07 Open 24/7 3. Elbląg Stacja Paliw Lotos (Oaza) Gronowo Górne, ul. Bursztynowa 2 Tel. 55 233 33 20 w. 13, Fax. 55 235 25 35 Open 24/7 150 4. Gdynia ul. Chwaszczyńska Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Miejskiej Sp. z o.o., ul. Chwaszczyńska 169 (Kacze Buki) Tel. 58 622 00 71 Open every day 8:00 - 16:00 hours 5. Gdynia ul. Hutnicza Stacja Paliw Shell, ul. Hutnicza 35 Tel. 58 664 25 09 Open 24/7 6. Inowrocław Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne, ul. ks. Piotra Wawrzyniaka 33 Tel. 52 357 60 68 Open Monday - Friday 7:00 - 19:00 hours Saturday 8:00 - 13:00 7. Jarosław Gazownia Jarosław, ul. Krakowska 54 Tel. 16 624 52 83 Open Monday - Friday 7:00 - 14:30 hours 8. Jasło Gazownia Jasło, ul. Floriańska 112 Tel. 13 443 72 92 Open Monday - Friday 7:00 - 14:30 hours 9. Kielce Gazownia Kielce, ul. Loefflera 2 Tel. 41 34 94 430, 665 612 172 Open Monday - Friday 7:00 - 15:00 hour 151 10. Kraków ul. Balicka Gazownia Kraków, ul. Balicka 84 Tel. 12 628 15 18, 12 636 21 69 Open every day 6:00 - 24:00 hours 11. Kraków ul. Siewna Firma Orfemet, ul. Siewna 19 Tel. 12 415 02 06 Open Monday - Friday 7:00 - 19:00 hours, Saturdays 7:00 - 16:00 hours 12. Legnica Gazownia Legnica, ul. Ścinawska 1 Tel. 669 662 122 Open Monday - Friday 7:00 - 14:30 hours 13. Lublin (Świdnik) Gazownia Lubelska, Świdnik, Aleja Tysiąclecia 8 Tel. 81 442 37 30 Open Monday - Saturday 7:00 - 19:00 hours 14. Mielec Stacja Paliw Shell (Reg Benz) Mielec, ul. Wojsławska 1A Tel. 17 586 39 56 Open 24/7 Olsztyn (station liquidated as of 1 January 2012) Gazownia Olsztyn, ul. Lubelska 42 Tel. 89 537 25 00 Closed 15. Pawłowice Śl. Gazownia Zabrzańska, ul. Katowicka 12 Tel. 32 47 57 077, Open 24/7 152 16. Poznań Gazownia Poznań, Głogowska 429 Tel. 61 839 06 27 Open NON STOP 17. Radom Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji, ul. Wjazdowa 4 Tel. 48 385 75 11 Open 24/7 18. Rzeszow Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne, Zajezdnia nr 2, ul. Lubelska 54 Tel. 17 866 04 08, Fax. 17 853 67 03 Open every day 6:00 - 1:00 hours. 19. Sandomierz Stacja Paliw PPH HORTUS PLON, ul. Przemysłowa 2 Tel. 15 644 68 07 Open Monday - Saturday 6:00 - 22:00 hours, Sundays 6:00 - 21:00 hours 20. Słupsk Miejski Zakład Komunikacyjny, Kobylnica, ul. Profesora Poznańskiego 1A Tel. 59 848 93 19 Open Monday - Friday 6:00 - 21:00 hours Saturday 8:00 - 15:30 hours 21. Sosnowiec Vitkovice Milmet S. A, Sosnowiec, ul. Grota Roweckiego 130 Tel. 32 299 03 20 Open Monday - Friday 7:00 - 21:30 hours 153 22. Tarnów Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne, ul. Lwowska 199A Tel. 14 630 06 20 ext. 150 Monday - Friday : 4:00 - 6:00 Saturday: 4:00 - 7:00 and 15:00 - 18:00 hours Sunday: 4:00 - 19:00 hours 23. Toruń Biogaz-Inwestor, ul. Legionów 220 Tel. 56 644 90 52 Open 24/7. (between 22 – 6 hours after prior contact by phone or e-mail with the staff) 24. Trzebinia Transgór Mysłowice S.A., ul. Piłsudskiego 103A Tel. 32 623 02 04 Open 24/7 25. Tychy Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Miejskiej, ul. Towarowa 1; tel. 32 217 10 41 ext. 147 Open 24/7, with a break on Saturdays and Sundays between 6:00 and 20:00 hours 26. Wałbrzych Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne, ul. Ludowa 1 Tel. 74 666 33 40 (dispatcher) Open 24/7 27. Warszawa Gazownia Warszawa, ul. Prądzyńskiego 16 Tel. 22 325 13 79 Tel./Fax. 22 325 13 90 Open 24/7 154 28. Wrocław Gazownia Wrocław, ul. Gazowa 3 Tel. 71 364 92 50 Open 24/7 29. Zabrze Górnośląski Zakład Obsługi Gazownictwa, ul. Pyskowicka 25 Tel. 032 376 19 99 Open Monday - Friday 7:00 - 15:00 hours. 30. Zamość Miejski Zakład Komunikacji w Zamościu, ul. Lipowa 5 Tel. 84 639 05 65, 84 639 30 78 Open every day 6:00 - 22:00 hours Technical, structural, environmental and health & safety requirements for CNG station The application of compressed natural gas or biomethane for bus fuelling is a rather new idea, therefore, regulations regarding the construction of the fuelling site and its application as engine fuel are still developed (structure of the fuelling equipment). There is still no legislation containing consolidated requirements applicable throughout the EU. The application of natural gas, in particular biomethane, as engine fuel is not popular in Poland. There is no appropriately developed network of fuelling stations (there are only 30 operating CNG stations, principally at the south of Poland), and there are no vehicles for this fuel. Economic conditions, but also the care for the environment, should be important factors encouraging to use gas fuels. Because the prices of gas (both LPG and CNG) are still lower than the prices of petrol and diesel oil, growing interest in gas-fuelled vehicles has recently been observed. Particular interest is seen among companies with large vehicle fleets, where high portion of costs involves fuel purchase. Another factor encouraging the achievement of broader use of gas fuels may be related to the introduced regulations on reducing emissions to the environment from the means of transport, or even banning the operation of vehicles whose indices exceed the predefined pollution standards. Results of the studies indicate that gas 155 combusted emits less pollution to the environment than petrol or diesel oil. The growing number of kilometers covered by one urban CNG bus in Rzeszow amounts to approx. 70,000 km/year; while the average consumption of natural gas amounts to about 40 kg/100 km. Annual consumption of gas fuel per bus amounts to approx. 28,000 kg; for the planned 30 CBG buses (compressed biomethane gas), this would be approx. 840,000 kg/year, namely about 1,117,200 m3/year. Preliminary analysis of CNG station location The study regarding the selection of the location for CBG station has been developed in cooperation with Biuro Obsługi Inwestycji ― MarkGaz‖ Marek Szpunar. Two Draft Studies have been prepared: a) ― Construction of pipeline for biomethane transmission from the areas near the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rzeszow to CNG station for MPK bus fuelling on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow‖ b) ― Construction of CBG biomethane fuelling station on the territory of MPK depot on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow‖. For the draft study of the station for bus fuelling with biomethane, Design b was used. 156 1. Technical – building assumptions for the station design 1.1. Assumptions – guidelines for development of the architectural- building design Categories of building facilities acc. to Annex to the Act of 7 July 1994 – ― Building Law‖: Line facilities and installations built on an open area: Category of building facilities XXVI facility category index ― k‖ – 8.0 Facility size index W = 1.5 Cubature facilities, compressor container: Category of building faciltieis XVIII facility category index ― k‖ 10, Facility size index W = 1 1.1.1. Purpose of building facilities, utility programme The purpose of building facilities forming part of the investment is as follows: - Provision of gas connection to the compressor, the task of which is to compress gas to pressure value of 25 MPa. - Provision of high-pressure gas connection from the compressor to gas storage facility and the distributor - Electricity supply for the designed facility, - Reconstruction of power cable – relocation due to the planned location of the station. 1.1.2. Scope of building and assembly works Environmental Impact Analysis Environmental impact of the fuelling station Negative environmental impact can be divided into the time related to construction of the fuelling station, and later to its operation. Soil and water contamination – during the building works, e.g. as a result of leak of fuel, oil, or other liquids from building machinery and equipment. Quantity and degree of leakage is hardly predictable, but they are easy to eliminate. Air pollution – air pollution is caused by building machinery with combustion engines, and occurs at a rather low level, locally, and is short-term, not significantly contributing to average pollution concentration in the area. 157 Environmental impact when using the CBG fuelling station Negative environmental impact mainly includes accidents at work. If the station is used according to the recommendations, and if the safety requirements are observed, the station’s environmental impact drops down to the minimum. It has no impact on soil or water. There is a possibility of oil leak or leakage of other liquids from vehicles (washer liquid, hydraulic oil, radiator liquid, etc.) or compressors. Leakages are temporary and envisaged in small quantities. When the area around the station is covered with asphalt, there are no leaks to soil. Impact on air – CBG station must be furnished with special equipment to avoid gas evaporation when the station operates regularly, and to prevent gas permeation to the external environment. In the case of slight gas evaporation, it dissolves in air. Accidental continuous evaporation of methane (biomethane) during the station’s operation can have negative environmental impact. Methane is one of the greenhouse gases, yet due to renewable nature of biomethane, this impact is not considered. Another risk is posed by flammability of biomethane. The station has no negative impact on the cultural environment. A significant negative impact may only occur in the cases where high volume of gasi s released to the environment. Biomethane is lighter than air, so when more than 20...30% V/V of the gas accumulates in the air, this may lead to reduced volume of oxygen in the air, and as a result it may cause suffocation. Because the gas is flammable and explosive, in the event of a large leak, it may explode (when gas concentration in the air exceeds 5% V/V). Biomethane is a renewable fuel, so it was adopted that both emissions of CO2 and CH4 as a result of combustion of such gases can be actually qualified as greenhouse gases. CNG/CBG station and gas vehicles are furnished with high-pressure cylinders and equipment, which may pose a risk to life and health in the event of damage or failure. Indirect environmental impact of the fuelling station construction Reduction of emissions According to the EU regulations, since 1 October 2009 it has been banned to register vehicles with exhaust gas emission index lower than in Euro V standard. The requirement is important only for first vehicle registration, therefore general legislation does not limit the traffic of vehicles registered with lower Euro standards. New vehicles fuelled with natural gas and sold in Europe must also meet the requirements for emissions 158 stated in Euro V standard. Emission levels of gas-fuelled vehicles are usually lower than limits of Euro V. For example MAN CNG LionCity bus meets the requirements of the EEV standard (environment-friendly vehicle, term used in Europe acc. to standard for "clean vehicles" (over 3.5 t for categories M2 and M3). EEV is between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI. When comparing a bus with self-ignition engine with engine capacity of 320 HP and a bus fuelled with natural gas (310 HP) with the same engine displacement, in the same operating conditions during 10 hours of operation daily, reduction of exhaust gases of the gasfuelled bus is very significant (cf. Table 1). By introducing 30 CNG/CBG buses for operation at MPK in Rzeszow, throughout ten years, we reduce CO volume by over 36 t, HC volume almost by 16 t, and NOx volume even by over 125 t, while the volume of solids by over 2400 kg. Table 44 Comparison of emissions from CI buses (10 years) and CNG/CBG gas buses (new) Volume of exhaust gases g / day CO HC NO x PM Diesel(CI) Euro III bus 4,941 1,552 11,764 235 Gas-fuelled bus 1,639 0.46 337 5.70 Exhaust gas reduction 3,302 1,552 11,427 229 Exhaust gas reduction for 30 gas-fuelled buses 99,061 46,574 342,810 6,888 Exhaust gas reduction for 30 gas-fuelled buses (per year**) 36,157,464 16,999,716 125,127,018 2,514,072 Source: Biogas Filling Feasibility and Profitability Study. Tartu 2010 Euro III refers to exhaust gas emissions of the bus with CI engine. Emissions volume in g/kWh was multiplied by efficiency and operating time of the bus engine. ** With the assumption that buses will be operated 365 days per year. 159 Objective of the study The objective of this study is to assess profitability of extension of the compressed natural gas station by the biomethane part in Rzeszow. The analysis involved two different station types: a) Station with quick fuelling system, where gas is fuelled during 10 to 15 minutes. b) Station with slow-fuelling system, where gas is fuelled during the time when the vehicle is not used for a longer time, e.g. at night. It is estimated that the investment cost for CNG/CBG quick-fuelling station will amount to ~ 2.0 M PLN [0.48 EURO] and for slow-fuelling CNG station ~ 1.6 M PLN. (exchange rate 1 EURO = 4.4) 1.2. Land management draft 1.2.1. Object of the investment in the study phase The object of the planned investment in the study phase is as follows: ― Construction of biomethane (CBG) fuelling station on the territory of MPK depot on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow, together with the accompanying technical infrastructure.‖ Components of the investment planned include: Container station for biomethane fuelling, Container warehouse of biomethane CBG, Overground section of the pipeline feeding the compressor’s container, High-pressure pipeline from compressor’s container to the cylinder warehouse, High-pressure pipeline from the compressor’s container to the distributor, Connection of cable line – main power supply for the station Low voltage after-meter power supply for compressor engines at the station Land management and shaping. 160 Compressor unit - Technical specification (Offer, Annex No. 6) Type – manufacturer NGV AUTOGAS Sp. z o.o. - KwangShin Feed pressure Pumping pressure Throughput Compressor type Cooling type Number of compressor stages Maximum gas temperature Engine power Voltage Drive Weight 0.25 MPa 25.0 MPa 2 x 150 Nm3/h = 300 Nm3/h piston air 4 stages 450C 2 x 45 kW = 90 kW 3 x 400V/50Hz direct 7,500 kg 1.2.2. Existing land management The location of biomethane station is planned next to the existing (in the neighbourhood) CNG fuelling station (two compressors: 600 and 300 Nm3/h) on the territory of MPK bus depot on Lubelska Street on the plot owned by the State Treasury. The plot is used by and under the charge of Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne in Rzeszow at the place indicated in the situation map. Due to the nature of the MPK base, where in the area, there is also a generally accessible petrol and diesel oil station, LPG gas fuelling station and of compressed natural gas CNG, the location of biomethane fuelling station will not be a visually and functionally distorting element in the designed area. The plots – area of MPK Rzeszow, have direct access to Lubelska Street, national road Rzeszow-Lublin, existing entries and exists do not require rebuilding or extension in reference to the planned location of the biomethane station. The plot and the area in the direct vicinity, where the biomethane fuelling plant is located, is a flat area, having asphalt surface, the area is lit and having infrastructure – storm water system, sanitary sewerage system, central heating system, gas network supplying the CNG 161 station principally used for fuelling of CNG buses owned by MPK in Rzeszow. 1.2.3. Planned land management - plot covered by the study: The land management of the area covered with the investment will include the following facilities: Gas – biomethane fuelling station; Compressors - 2 items in container casing, Control cabinet of compressor (on side wall of compressor container), Compressed biomethane warehouse, with capacity of 2,500 Nm3 Technological pipelines supplying compressor container, High-pressure pipelines on the territory of the station and to the distributor, Two-site distributor – located on an island next to the existing CNG distributor Electricity supply – acc. to connection terms obtained from PGE Zakład Energetyczny Rzeszow Low-voltage distribution board and cables powering the station (compressor engines), Control cables – telemetric, Anti-shock and lightning-arrester protection of the facility Land management around the compressor container and technological equipment Fencing of the station area – one side common with the CNG station. 1.2.4. Planned connections and equipment of the technical infrastructure: Biomethane transmission pipeline - acc. to separate study (March 2011) Electricity connection: According to the information from PGE Zakład Energetyczny Rzeszow, it is impossible to power the biomethane station with capacity of approx. 90 kW from the existing power grid supplying MPK Rzeszow. After application – submission of an application for connection to RZE power grid, it is possible to obtain technical conditions for connection from transformer station supplying industrial plants in the area. 162 1.2.5. Trafic on the adjacent areas: The location of the biomethane station will not negatively affect the existing system of internal roads and parking squares for vehicles of MPK Rzeszow, as well as access to the technical background on the territory of MPK transport base. It will also have no material impact on increase in traffic on the adjacent roads. 1.2.6. Listing of land management areas - cubature facilities (compressor container + gas warehouse) - 20 m2 - internal squares - 68 m2 Total: - approx. 88 m2 1.3. Information whether the area is entered in heritage register The area where the investment is to be located is not included in heritage register and is not subject to protection under the local spatial management plan for the City Rzeszow. Fig. from 37 to Fig. 40 presents the location of components of CNG and CBG station 163 Place for biomethane compressors Measurement system 7 x 2 slow fuelling sites Slow fuelling site line Fig. 37. Map of the land where the present CNG station is situated, as operated at the depot of MPK in Rzeszow with marked planned place for situation of biomethane compressors, warehouse of CBG compressed gas and bus slow fuelling line. 164 Fig 38. Construction of the biomethane fuelling station for buses – depot of MPK Rzeszow TECHNICAL STUDY “Construction of biomethane fuelling station for buses at depot of MPK-Rzeszow” SCALE 1: 500 January 2012 Fig. 39. Construction of biomethane fuelling station for buses at depot of MPK-Rzeszow 165 TECHNICAL STUDY “Construction of the biomethane fuelling station for buses at depot of MPK-Rzeszow” Nadziemny układ zasuw SCALE 1: 250 January 2012 Fig. 40. Construction of biomethane fuelling station for buses at depot of MPK-Rzeszow 166 TECHNICAL STUDY “Construction of biomethane fuelling station for buses at depot of MPK-Rzeszow” LEGEND: Existing: existing CNG station – compressed natural gas existing high-pressure metering station to supply CMG station two containers with compressors Q=600Nm3/h existing complexes of CNG cylinder warehouses existing distributors of the CMG station Designed: Planned container with control cabinet, compressors with existing vehicle fuelling station (Diesel capacity of 2x150Nm3/h for biomethane compression and Pb) Planned location of warehouse for compressed biomethane existing station –for LPG fuelling new distributor designed location of the distributor for biomethane fuelling Building for the fuel station staff proposed route - pipeline g25 w/c for possible biomethane Building of MPK dispatcher transmission to vehicles the existing CNG (natural gas) cylinder warehouses Pipeline for biomethane transmission: transmission cable Designed underground pipeline Designed overgound steelcable section route for relocation of lowpipeline voltage –power DN80 mm, on steel supports Low voltage distribution board – compressor powering with power cable 4 x 35mm2 Traffic direction of vehicles for fuelling Biomethane station area January 2012 167 Fig. 41. Visualisation of the designed CBG station Fig. 42. General view of CBG fuelling site 168 Fig. 43. View of CBG (M) warehouse and container station (S) For the area in question, there is a developed study on conditions and directions of land management. 1.4. Data determining the impact of mining operations on the plot or building project area within the borders of a mining area On the area of the planned investment, there are no mining operations, and there are no underground mining excavations – the area of MPK Rzeszow base is not located within the borders of a mining area. 1.5. Information on the nature and properties of envisaged risks to the environment and health According to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 09.11.2004 on determination of the types of enterprises that may have significant environmental impact and on detailed conditions related to qualification of projects to preparation of environmental impact report, Polish Journal of Laws No. 257, item 2573, the planned investment is not qualified as investment for which the preparation of environmental impact report can be required, and its nuisance does not exceed the borders of the plot. 169 The planned investment should not be a source of any gas pollutions, odours, dust and liquid pollution, radiation or other substances hazardous to the environment and health. The planned investment does not infringe the interests of third parties, does not cause nuisance and limitations to use of neighbouring areas. 1.6. Data resulting from the specificity and nature of the investment For planned facilities, specific explosion danger zones 2 must be set in line with Company Standard ZN-G-8101 and ― Draft national regulations for designing, construction, assembly, control tests, start-up and operation of natural gas fuelling stations‖. The designed biomethane fuelling station will be located next to the existing fuelling station with natural gas with high methane content, CNG. The applied technological solutions related to gas fuelling will affect the area by limitations resulting from: Explosion danger zone Explosion danger zones have been set on the basis of company standard ZN-G-8101 and draft national regulations for designing, construction, assembly, control tests, start-up and operation of natural gas fuelling stations. On the basis of such standards, zone 2 and zone 1 must be defined, equal to Rk = 1.0 m, which will be determined in the building design. Distances from building facilities The location of the station observes normative distances listed in the Regulation of the Minister of the Infrastructure of 12 April 2002 on technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location (Polish Journal of Laws No. 75 of 15 June 2002, item 690). Zone related to noise emission Noise level emitted during compressor operation will not be a source of supra-normative environmental impact outside the investment area. It is determined that all the planned aforementioned zones are within the limits of the area covered with the investment. Due to the above, the facility impact area exclusively covers the plot where the investment is located. 170 2. Simplified design Basis for the study o Act of 07.07.1994 Building Law (consolidated text: Polish Journal of Laws No. 156 of 2006, item 1118, as amended), o Regulation of the Minister of the Infrastructure of 03.07.2003 on detailed scope and form of the building design (Polish Journal of Laws No. 120, item 1133, as amended), o Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 30.07.2001 on technical conditions to be met by gas networks (Polish Journal of Laws No. 97, item 1055, as amended), o Regulation of the Minister of the Infrastructure of 12 April 2002 on technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location (Polish Journal of Laws No. 75 of 15 June 2002, item 690, as amended), o Act on spatial planning and management, item 717 and Act 718 amending the Act – Building Law and amending some acts of 27 March 2003, Polish Journal of Laws No. 80 of 10 May 2003, as amended, o Regulation of the Minister of the Infrastructure of 6 February 2003 on health and safety when performing building works (Polish Journal of Laws No. 47 of 19 March 2003, item 401, as amended), o Decisions, approvals and opinions obtained from the owners of the infrastructure on a particular area, o Visit to the site and inventory of the present condition of the neighbouring facilities. 2.1. Mechanical section Tasks to be performed: Gas pipeline must be designed, run over the ground level on supports (from point G1 – to G2) due to underground location of heating pipelines (ducts). In front of the compressor container, on the pipeline, ball valve must be designed as a cut off valve, and for connection with the compressor installation in the container, a flexible hose must be applied with steel braid for natural gas with flange connections DN50 PN63, acc. to PN-EN 1092-1. Particular sections of the pipes and profiles must be connected head-to-head by electrical welding (underground pipeline) or with clamp connections (overground pipelines) 171 Pressure tests To be performer according to PN-92/M-34503 standard and the Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 30.07.2001 on technical conditions to be met by gas grids (Polish Journal of Laws No. 97/2001, item 1055). Technical conditions for execution and commissioning Execution and commissioning of assembly works must be performer according to: Earth works according to PN-99/B-06050, Construction of the feed section and installation in line with the Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 30.07.2001 on technical conditions to be met by gas grids (Polish Journal of Laws No. 97/2001, item 1055). Contractorship and commissioning of works and selection of requirements for quality and application of metal welding specified in PN-EN ISO 3834-1; PN-EN ISO 3834-2; PNEN 1011:2009; PN-EN 287-1 lub PN-EN 1418; PN-EN ISO 15614-1; PN-EN ISO 5817; Anticorrosive protection Overground installation All elements of the installation must feature multi-layer paint coatings. This refers to pipes, fixture elements, profiles, connections, etc. Analogical anticorrosive protection must be provided for auxiliary and support structures. It is permissible to apply prefabricated galvanised coatings. Dry coating thickness must amount to at least 120/μm. Steel base for paint coatings must be prepared according to PN ISO 8501-1:1996 to achieve class Sa 2.5. Conditions for performance and the assessment of anticorrosive works acc. to PN ISO 12944. Underground installation Pipes for gas pipelines and underground pipelines are made of stainless material, hence they do not require insulation layers. However, due to possible mechanical damage of the external layer from the ground, it is proposed to install steel pipes in the screen of ribbed plastic pipes. 172 2.2. Electrical section Power supply Application to PGE RZE Rzeszow for issue of technical conditions for connection to the power grid and for metering for settlement purposes. Cable lines Application of cables with wires made of copper. In explosion danger zones, envisage cables in inflammable insulation. For spark-safe circuits, design of a separate duct (marked in blue) with a separate casing pipe, while cables for such circuits will have insulaton in blue. Anti-short-circuit protection Installation to be envisaged furnished with lightning-arresters and protective devices ensuring two-level protection system. Lighting of the area No additional external lighting is planned for the station area. Lightning arresters and earthing connections for equipment The newly installed compressor station and equipment require earthing connection, namely application of the foundation earthing from bend iron FeZn min. 25x4mm. Resistance of the lightning-arrester installaton must be lower than 10 ohm. Anti-shock protection As anti-shock protection system, automatic switch-off to be designed in the network system TN-C-S (separate neutral and protective cables in parts of the network). Relocation of the existing section of power cable Apply for relocation conditions to RZE Rzeszow and power services of MPK Rzeszow in order to relocate the section of low voltage power cable (E1 to E2) which collides with the planned location of the station. 173 2.3. Building section - Equipment installation in containers Compressor container must be made as a steel structure with elements – aluminium profiles, sound-attenuating casing lined with noise attenuating material, with a number of fixed or opened panels/doors. The casing must ensure noise level to approx. 75 dBA The container must feature an integrated system for elimination of possible gas leaks to the safe height above the ground level. The container must be heated – internal heater (EEx) with thermostat. Selection of equipment operation inside the container - 40 °C + 40 ° C Furnished with intenal gas detection system – sound and visual signalling. All the equipment in the container in the anti-explosive version (EEx) Monolithic foundation cast on the site and of reinforced concreto slab under the container. 2.4. Traffic section The planned construction of the container biomethane fuelling station will be located in the vicinity of the existing CNG natural gas fuelling station. The area around the compressor container and the gas warehouse will be hardened and completely covered with vibration-compacted paving stones 6 cm thick. The slant across and along the designed surfaces must be adjusted to the existing area. Road building works must be carried out in line with the applicable standards: PN-S/02205:1998 ― Roads for vehicles. Earth works. Requiremetns and tests‖ PN-S/02204:1997 ― Roads for vehicles. Road melioration‖, PN-S/96025:2000 „Roads for vehicles and air fields. Asphalt surfaces. Requirements‖. 174 2.5. Fire safety conditions 2.5.1. Exposion danger zones At the phase of the design, one must set the zones on the basis of standard ZN-G-8101 – „Explosion hazard zones” and Draft national regulations for designing, construction, assembly, control tests, start-up and operation of natural gas fuelling stations”. All the equipment installed in the defined zones must feature required attestation and permits for use. ZONE 2 ZONE 2 ZONE 1 ZONE 1 Explosion hazard zone 1 Explosion hazard zone 2 Fig. 44 SETTING OF EXPLOSION HAZARD ZONES – CBG STATION 2.5.2. Furnishing with fire safety equipment The investment planned will be furnished with fire safety equipment. 2.5.3. Fire safety communication. The communication system on the territory of the Base and the existing quick fuelling CNG station allows the fire brigade units for access to all equipment and installations, as well as passing without the need of turning, which meets the requirements set for fire routes. 2.5.4. Information regarding the plan of safety and health protection (bioz) Information must be developed on safety and health protection at the phase of developing building design documentation. After the analysis of the materials developed so far, it has been determined that the further study for construction of NCG bus fuelling station with biomethane will be performed for CNG station with compressors ensuring hourly gas output 175 of 300 Nm3/h. Setting of this parameter allows for determining the volume of fuelling station and for selection of compressors. It was assumed that two compressors must be installed with capacity of 150 Nm3/h each, which would ensure the reserve of 20% - 30%, namely if needed, there will be a possibility of improving the station’s throughput to 360 – 400 Nm3/h. 176 3. Acquisition of funds for the project 3.1. Financial analysis Methodology The purpose of the performer financial analysis for the project of building a station for compression and distribution of biomethane was to determine the period of return on equity and to make the assessment of economic profitability of the project. The financial analysis of the station’s construction has been prepared as for a typical market investment. For the assessment, two basic methods for assessment of investment projects were applied: - Net Present Value (NPV), - Internal Return Rate (IRR). This allows for assessment of the project both considering the rate of return expected by the investors, and indication of the rate of return to be achieved by the project with the preset parameters. Basic data a) Investment cost. Total cost of construction of the compressed biomethane CBG station includes both direct costs on furnishing the CBG station and the construction of the station itself, as well as the accompanying investment costs of pipeline construction between the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the existing CNG station at the MPK depot, connection to the feed network and power grid, construction of access roads, preparation of the documentation and the necessary fees for land lease. Direct costs resulting from price quotations submitted, as well as the accompanying costs are estimated. b) Project assessment period and the value of assets held after the assumed period (residual value). For calculations, the settlement period of 15 years was adopted. Equipment and building works related to the construction of fuel station are Subject to depreciation in exactly such a period. In order to make the project assessment criteria more stringent, it was assumed that the value 177 of fixed assets held after the end of the 15-year period would amount to 0 EURO. Therefore, it is an assumption that after fifteen years, the project will be entirely renewed. c) Discount rate Depending on the type of the project, various interest rates of return on the invested capital are adopted. In the case of large infrastructural projects, it is usually the range of from eight to twelve percent. Due to the fact that the project, apart from typical market conditions determining its profitability, generates additional benefits resulting from environmental regulations that are not considered in this study, and which would additionally possitively affect its rate of return, the average market rate of return was adopted of 10%. The project does not account for inflation because, as shown by the historical long-term tendency, it is with inflation that the increase in market price of fuels occurs, including gas. Furthermore, at the present macroeconomic situation, it is impossible to determine with certainty the inflation level within the next two years, then the more so in the next fifteen years. Not accounting for inflation causes that the assessment refers to the project alone, without the impact of external factors. d) Taxes - in the calculations, cost excluding VAT is adopted. - in the CNG price, road tax was partially adopted and excise tax to the extent included in the price of diesel oil, to the price of which 0.55% present price of CNG is referred. Financial analysis The analysis performer refers to two types of fuelling stations: - slow-fuelling station - quick-fuelling station Slow-fuelling stations are to be principally applied for the part of fleet in the transport companies (buses). Quick fuelling is envisaged as the main system for fuelling CNG vehicles. Income for both station types accounts for biomethane sales with the assumption of prices referring to natural gas, and the calculations are based on the following data: 178 e) Selling price of CNG/CBG. In the calculations, selling price of 3.14 PLN [0.75 EURO] /kg (2.36 PLN/ [0.56 EURO/m3) VAT exclusive is used. On the Polish market, CNG price is set by PGNiG in monthly periods, depending on average price of diesel oil in the last month on the domestic market. f) Operating expenses related to facility functioning. Preliminary assumptions: - cost of electricity – about 400,000 kWh/year, at the price of 0.52 PLN [0.12 EURO] /kWh, - maintenance and repair costs, approx. 2%/year on the initial investment cost. With the above assumptions, the costs related to station functioning, with the assumption of maximum use, are as follows (the costs are costs specified in the scale of one month): - for quic-fuelling station: 179 Table 45. Costs related to station functioning, with the assumption of maximum use Monthly operating expenses Salaries Electricity Interests on loan Maintenance, repairs Administrative costs Office costs Accountancy services IT support Security Infrastructure and maintenance Other Total costs 400 000/95 238.10 0.52/0.12 Price [PLN/EURO] 16 000.00/3 809.52 17 333.33/4 126.98 6 083.33/1 448.41 3 341.67/795.64 5 000.00/1 190.48 50.00/11.90 1 500.00/357.14 1 500.00/357.14 1 500.00/357.14 1 000.00/238.10 2 000.00/476.20 55 308.33/13 168,65 Source: own study - for slow-fuelling station, the costs are as follows: Table 46. Costs related to station functioning, with the assumption of maximum use Monthly operating expenses Price [PLN/EURO] Salaries 16 000.00/3 809.52 Electricity 17 333.33/4 126.98 400 000/95 238,10 0.52/0.12 Interests on loan 4 766.67/1 134.92 Maintenance, repairs 2 675.00/636.90 Administrative costs 5 000.00/1 190.48 Office costs 50.00/11.90 Accountancy services 1 500.00/357.14 IT support 1 500.00/357.14 Security 1 500.00/357.14 Infrastructure and maintenance 1 000.00/238.10 Other 2 000.00/476.20 Total costs 53 325.00/12 696,42 Source: own study The difference in cost, presented for comparison, is small and principally results from the operating expense margin dependent on investment value, which is greater in the case of quick-fuelling station. Actually, for the quick-fuelling station, the cost of electricity used for compression and fuelling of the same CNG volume will be higher than in the case of slow-fuelling station by 180 the additional volume of energy needed for gas compression at the CNG warehouse located at the station. It is the cost we bear for the opportunity of quick use of the CNG gathered in the tank and significant shortening of fuelling time. In order to fully fuel next vehicles, we must again compress some portion of gas to maximum pressure. In the case of slow fuelling, gas pressure value in the cylinders of vehicles fuelled increases gradually until achievement of full fuelling value (220 bar). The calculations do not account for costs incurred on additional gas compression, as it is hard to estimate this value. It depends on several parameters, values of which may considerably change. The experience of NGV AUTOGAS indicates that increased electricity consumption for CNG compression in the quick-fuelling system can reach even 25-30%. The costs are settled in the period of 15 years. g) Costs of investment financing. The financial analysis is based on the assumption that the investment is covered in 30% by the Investor, while the other part amounting to 70%of the investment will be covered from an external source, in this case the loan. Calculations of loan servicing costs are based on the assumption that crediting period will amount to ten years, the interest rate - to 9% per year, and the installments will be paid back in the equal amount. It was assumed that total value of investment outlays on the quick-fuelling station will amount to 2,005,000 PLN [477 380.95 EURO], therefore the data for the loan will be as follows: - loan amount will total 1,403,500 PLN [334 166.67 EURO], interests: 730,000 PLN [162 222.22 EURO] In the case of slow-fuelling station, the loan data will be as follows: - loan amount will total 1,403,500 PLN [334 166.67 EURO], interests: 572,000 PLN [162 222.22 EURO] The assessment did not include a situation where a preference loan was obtained for the investment or co-financing e.g. from WFOŚiGW. h) Investment costs. - Equipment and installations at the station: The price of equipment at the CBG station with quick-fuelling system (compressors and peripheries) has been presented in Annex 5. 181 Station with slow-fuelling system The price of equipment for station with slow-fuelling system is estimated as about 2/3 of the price of equipment of the station with quick-fuelling system. Stations with slow-fuelling system can be built with relatively lower costs, as a smaller numer of the rather expensive high-flow gas distributors is applied, replacing them with simplified metering systems, and the size (capacity) of the costly CBG tanks is limited to the necessary minimum. - Cost of construction of a CNG/CBG station: At the manoeuvre square of the CBG station, the external radius of vehicle turning must be considered - minimum 12.5 m. For construction of average size bus CBG station, a square is needed with dimensions 25 x 25 m, hardened (covered with asphalt or paving stone). For access roads, about 1000 m2 is needed. The planned CBG station with the partial slow fuelling is designed to support 15 buses. For each bus, we need a square with dimensions of 18m length and 2.5 m width, on estimate 680m2. For distances between buses and manoeuvre squares, one must add a similar amount, so in total we need about 1,360m2. Calculations for the depot do not include the costs of making access to the depot, and the CNG station located on the area of the depot must meet requirements as to protective zone, road and manoeuvre squares. From the point of view of security and easy operation of the station, it may be required to build a regulated light signalling installation. Such additional costs have not been accounted for in the profitability calculations. Therefore, in the financial analyses, it was assumed that the cost of quick-fuelling station with the infrastructure and pipeline would amount to 2,005,000 PLN [477 380.95 EURO] (305,000 PLN [72 619.05 EURO] and 1,700,000 PLN [404 761,91 EURO]), while in the case of a station with partial slow fuelling, the cost would amount, respectively, to 1,605,000 PLN [382 142.86 EURO] (305,000 PLN [72 619,05 EURO] and 1,300,000 PLN [309 523.81 EURO]). Higher costs of connections were adopted, which creates an additional safety margin. i) Analysis of investment profitability Due to the fact that the assessment involves the investment that is a part of a major project, the method of calculation was adopted which would not only give the answer as to the 182 profitability of construction of another part of the project, namely the installation for biomethane acquisition. In the investment analysed, it was assumed that gas would not be purchased on a free market, but it is to be supplied from a nearby biogas plant. Therefore, one cannot determine profitability if one cannot estimate the price at which the station is to ― purchase‖ biomethane. Certainly, this is about the cost of gas purchase in the internal settlement, as both the biogas acquisition installation and elimination of CO2, as well as the installation for compression and fuelling of biomethane are actually one project. In the analyses, therefore, we adopt two variants of biomethane selling prices: - one assuming gas selling price at the market price amounting to 3.14 PLN [0.75 EURO] net per kg (2.36 PLN [0.56 EURO] /m3) of biomethane, -other assumong preferential price for biomethane sales, lower by 20 % from market price, which would then amount to 2.51 PLN [0.60 EURO] per kg (1.97 PLN [0.47 EURO] /m3) of biomethane. Both analyses show that with the assumed expected rate of return on investment amounting to 10%, the investment will be profitable when the internal price of gas supplied is appropriate (details below). - calculations for quick-fuelling station: 183 Table 47. Costs related to station functioning with the assumption of maximum use Assumption that selling price will be the same as for natural gas at CNG stations EURO/ Gas selling price to the customer per kg 0.75 Assumed rate of return on investment 10% Purchase price of gas from treatment plant EURO/ where NPV=0 per kg 0.48 Assumption that selling price will be lower by 20% from CNG price EURO/ Gas selling price to the customer per kg 0.60 Assumed rate of return on investment 10% Purchase price of gas from treatment plant EURO/ where NPV=0 per kg 0.33 Source: own study The above chart indicates that at the biomethane selling price to the customer at the price of 3.14 PLN [0.75 EURO] per kg (2.36 PLN [0.56 EURO] /m3), the investment is profitable at the assumed expectted rate of return on investment, where the internal price of biomethane will amount to the maximum of 2.03 PLN [0.48 EURO] per kg (1.53 PLN [0.36 EURO] /m3). In turn, when wishing to increase the competitiveness of biomethane as compared to CNG and when reducing its selling price by 20% below the market price of CNG, the internal cost of biomethane can maximally oscillate within the range of 1.40 PLN [0.33 EURO] per kg (1.05 PLN [0.25 EURO] /m3). In the case of quick-fuelling station, return on investment will occur within less than eight years. - calculations for the quick-fuelling station: 184 Table 48. Costs related to station functioning with the assumption of maximum use Assumption that selling price will be the same as for natural gas at CNG stations EURO/ Gas selling price to the customer per kg 0.78 Assumed rate of return on investment10% Purchase price of gas from treatment plant EURO/ where NPV=0 per kg 0.50 Assumption that selling price will be lower by 20% from CNG price EURO/ Gas selling price to the customer per kg 0.60 Assumed rate of return on investment 10% Purchase price of gas from treatment plant EURO/ where NPV=0 per kg 0.35 Source: own study In the case of slow-fuelling station, with the assumption that customers will pay the price of 3.14 PLN [0.78 EURO] per kg of biomethane, internal price of biomethane cannot be higher than 2.12 PLN [0.50 EURO] per kg (1.59 PLN [0.38 EURO] /m3), if we want to achieve 10% rate of return on investment. With lowering of biomethane price for external customer by 20% as compared to market price of CNG, internal price of biogas cannot be higher than 1.49 PLN [0.35 EURO] per kg (1.12 PLN[0.27 EURO] /m3). For such prices, NPV value is close to 0. j) Comparison of two fuel station types Due to project specificity, one cannot compare both fuel stations as alternative investments. The choice must be made based on future market demand. Both investments seem profitable. Certainly, it would be a better solution to build quick-fuelling station, as this allows for competing on the market, acquisition of various customer groups and development of the very market of biomethane on a particular area. k) Risk asessment At this phase, the following risk areas seem important: 185 • risk of demand. Biomethane is not popular in Poland and gas consumption can be much lower than planned, and despite lower gas price as compared to the price of petrol and diesel oil. Drop in the numer of clients can also be caused by competitive prices of petroleum fuels. For the purpose of assessment of this risk, calculations were made, according to which the envisaged sales volumes can decrease even by 30% in the case of quick-fuelling station, and up to 20% in the case of slow-fuelling station. • wrong assessment of investment value. The investment value used for profitability calculations is partly estimated, and only then the actual value is determined for the purposes of price quotations and commercial negotiations. The values may considerably differ from the envisaged values. • risk of supplies. Practically, the only supplier of natural gas in Poland is PGNiG, acting as a monopolist. If the supply is suspended, station’s operation will be rendered difficult. The application of biomethane is a solution to this problem. Risks related to construction • reliability and risk of proper operation of the equipment guarantee. There ar emany manufacturers of equipment compressing gas. The inwestor in the equipment for fuelling station must perform a market analysis of prospect manufacturers and suppliers, in order to prevent the future problems with operation and maintenance of the equipment. An important factor when selecting the proper price quotation is the capacity of performing maintenance of services guarantee. Among major risks, there is lack of quick response in the event of failure at CBG stations. To mitigate this risk, two compressors have been planned at the CBG station. • risk of supply. Requirements as to location and operation of the CBG station are determined on the basis of prior analyses in order to avoid problems with meeting the delivery terms and fitness of the facility supplied for the purpose intended. The risk can be mitigated by very careful selection of the manufacturer. • building risk. Due to specificity of high-pressure gas pipelines and gas installation, there may be a risk resulting from incompetence of the building staff. • operational risk. Because gas is flammable and explosive, and the equipment operates at high pressure, the risk of station operation is very high. In order to mitigate this risk, CBG trading must occur on the basis of detailed instructions and with periodical training for the staff. One must be careful and observe safety regulations 186 applicable at the fuelling station. Conclusion All the calculations were performer with the assumption of full use of the capacity of the station and biomethane source. It is pointless to analyse at this stage the profitability in the case of smaller use, as the threshold internal price of biomethane acquisition is unknown, as this would only give the grounds for estimation of variants with smaller use of volume of biomethane fuelled in annual scale. After careful planning and assessment of the investment value in the part of the project comprising the infrastructure for acquisition and treatment of biogas, it will be necessary to perform further analyses. The purpose of this study is to assess the profitability of construction of the compressed natural gas (biomethane) station in Rzeszow. The analysis involved two types of stations: a) Station with quick-fuelling system, where the gas is fuelled within 15 to 20 minutes. b) Station with slow-fuelling system, where the gas is fuelled while the vehicle is not in use for a longer period of time, e.g. at night. The investment cost for the quick-fuelling CNG/CBG station will amount to ~ 2 M PLN [≈0.48 EURO], and for slow-fuelling CNG station ~ 1.6 M PLN [≈0.38 EURO]. Major part of the investment includes the purchase and installation of the equipment for the fuelling station. The analysis shows that the investment is justified and profitable. Apart from financial benefits, there will also be environmental benefits. The use of environment-friendly biomethane ensures a bonus for biogas manufacturer and for recipients, in particular of institutional nature, who must settle emissions to the environment. 187 3.2. Economic analysis of the assumptoins for the study for construction of biomethane fuelling station on the territory of MPK depot on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow Abbreviated Cost Estimate 1) Geodetic suport of investment; update of maps for design purposes, geodetic post-execution inventory - 9.0 k PLN [2.14 EURO] 2) Development of building and execution documentation with obtaining of formal –legal decision on building permit - 25.0 k PLN [5.95 EURO] 3) Building – assembly works; a) Performance of foundations for compressor container and gas warehouse -11.0 k PLN [2.62 EURO] b) Performance of fencing on concreto foundations - 8.0 k PLN [1.90 EURO] c) Performance of land management – pavement bricks - 9.0 k PLN [2.14 EURO] d) Relocation of low voltage power cable (section E1 to E2- p. 23) - 7.0 k PLN [1.67 EURO] e) Assembly of compressor container with control cabinet -15.0 k PLN [3.57 EURO] f) Assembly of gas warehouse -10.0 k PLN [2.38 EURO] g) Performance of technological pipelines - 8.0 k PLN [1.90 EURO] h) Assembly of station distributor - 3.0 k PLN [0.71 EURO] i) Placement of cable – telemetric cables - 3.8 k PLN [0.90 EURO] j) Performance of power cables for compressor engines + distribution board -12.0 k PLN [2.67 EURO] k) Performance of earthing connection for equipment - 2.5 k PLN [0.60 EURO] 4) Performance of power supply acc. to the obtained conditions 188 for connection from PGE RZE Rzeszow – connection fee - approx. 25 k PLN [5.95 EURO] 5) Lease agreement of land for the station – single fee for 15 years - 15.0 k PLN [3.57 EURO] 6) Investor’s supervision 2.5 % of contractorship costs - 4.0 k PLN [0.95 EURO] 7) Author’s supervision 1 % cost of documentation development - 2.5 k PLN [0.60 EURO] 8) Other unplanned costs - assumed 5 % value of outlays - 8.0 k PLN [1.90 EURO] Total value of draft study - 177.7 k PLN [42.12 EURO] Purchase of CNG station equipment 1. Version with quick-fuelling system 1.1. Purchase of complete station with double distributors Type: GEO – M50 – 030 – 150 KwangShin 2 x 675 000 PLN = 1 350 000 PLN [321 428.57 EURO] 1.2. Purchase of CNG warehouse with capacity of 2 500 Nm3 with filling priority system (125 cylinders with capacity of 80 litres) 351 000 PLN [83 571,42 EURO] Total: 1 701 000 PLN [404 999.99 EURO] 2. Version with slow-fuelling system 2.1. Purchase of complete container station with double distributor Type: GEO – M50 – 030 – 150 KwangShin 1 x 675 000 PLN [160 714,29 EURO] 2.2. Purchase of container station without distributors Type: GEO – M50 – 030 – 150 KwangShin 1 x 515 000 PLN [122 619.05 EURO] 2.3. Purchase and assembly of 7 slow-fuelling sites 7 x 17 000 = 119 000 PLN [28 333.33 EURO] Total:1 309 000 PLN [311 666.67 EURO] During the feasibility assessment, there are several basic questions to be asked: - is access possible to the assumed sources of financing? - can we achieve the assumed operational and economic parameters for proposed solutions as regards the fleet? 189 - do operational parameters of the compressor station ensure cost competititveness? - is it possible to solve logistic problems? This is not an exhaustive list of questions, but it shows how broad range of issues must be considered. It is important that, while asking the above questions, one should consider how the investment is to be carried out. At the same time, while analysing compliance and feasibility, one must also consider the third criterion – acceptability. The acceptability criterion serves for assessing whether the consequences of project implementaction can be accepted. Because acceptability is strictly connected with human expectations, one must first clearly define who is to accept the particular design. The following questions might proved helpful when identifying probable consequences of the design: - is required project profitability ensured? - doesn’t the business risk grow too much? - will the scope of changes be accepted by employees, passengers, etc.? - will the adopted strategy for fuel substitution be accepted by the environment, e.g. local authorities. Draft study of technical – economic assumptions for ― Construction of pipeline for biomethane transmission from the areas near the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rzeszow to CBG station for MPK bus fuelling on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow‖ has been presented in Annex 7. 190 3.3. Annex 5 Investment Support Office „MarkGaz” Marek Szpunar SEAT: ul. PUSZKINA 59, 35-328 RZESZOW Draft - S t u d y technical – economic assumptions for “Construction of pipeline for biomethane transmission from the areas near the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rzeszow to CNG station for MPK bus fuelling on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow‖ Prepared by: Marek Szpunar M.S.c Rzeszow, March 2011/July 2012 191 I. CONTENT OF THE DRAFT STUDY 1. Descriptive part 1. General data p. 3 2. Location and characteristics (scope) of the study p. 3 3. Conditions for project execution p.4 4. Technical – economic conditions for study assumptions p.5 5. Conclusions and comments to draft study p.6 6. Flow calculation, medium – gas p.7 7. Investor’s cost estimate No.1 p.9 8. Investor’s cost estimate No.2 p.15 2. Graphic part Orientation Plan – land management study – scale 1 : 1000 Board 1 and 2 Copy of the study on conditions and spatial management orientation of the City of Rzeszow – developed by Biuro Rozwoju Miasta Rzeszowa (Development Office of the City of Rzeszow) BASIS FOR THE STUDY, standards, literature Copy of the basic map in the scale of 1 : 1 000 Copy of the register map in the scale of 1: 1 000 Excerpts from land register – precinct 216 Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 30 July 2001 (Polish Journal of Laws No. 97/2001, item 1055) on technical conditions to be met by gas grids, Technical conditions for designing and construction, supervision of gas pipelines made of polyethylene – third edition issued by Karpacka Spółka Gazownictwa in Tarnów, Measurements and field interview. Building Law of 1994, as amended, Water Law, Polish Journal of Laws No. 239, item 2019 of 2005, as amended, Environment Protection Law – Polish Journal of Laws No. 199 of 2008 Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 17 December 2002 on inland surface waters, 192 Information from Development Office of the City of Rzeszow about the local spatial management plan for the areas covered by the study, Interview – information from Regional Management Board of Water Management in Kraków – Management of the Wisłoka and Wisłok River Basin with the premises in Rzeszow, ul. Kwiatkowskiego 2. 1. General data This technical – economic study was performed for the purpose of planned offtake – transmission of biomethane, obtained from biogas of agricultural origin, produced near the areas of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rzeszow, as well as use of excess biogas from the wastewater treatment plant to fuel vehicles. According to the assumptions, it is planned to fuel 30 buses of Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacyjne in Rzeszow with biomethane. The most favourable place for biometanu offtake for fuelling buses is the location at the present CNG natural gas fuelling station situated at the technical base of the background on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow. According to the assumptions adopted, daily demand for biomethane to fuel about 30 buses with average mileage of approx. 250-300 km per day would amount to approx. 5,400 Nm3 /day. It is assumed that with the sustainable during the day fermentation of waste of agricultural origin (waste from energy plant plantations), biogas can yield approx. 250 Nm3 /h of biomethane to be sent via pipeline to the MPK base in Rzeszow. For the planned pipeline, the following operating parameters are agreed: Assumed and planned hourly flow of 250 Nm3 /h. Planned flow – future transmission up to 500 Nm3 /h. Planned pressute at start point – pipeline feed 2 - 3 bar Maximum operating pressure 0.5 MPa. Maximum accidental pressure 0.7 MPa. 2. Location and characteristics (scope) of the study. 193 The planned construction of the pipeline from the areas near the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rzeszow to the bus background base of Miejska Komunikacja Samochodowa, located on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow, has been set next to the controlled zone of the existing high-pressure pipeline owned by OPG ― Gaz-System‖ - Branch in Tarnów, and connection to the station for CNG natural gas fuelling. The study assumes the construction of the pipeline on the territory of the plots – undeveloped properties, not cultivated for agricultural purposes next to the Wisłok River (apart from MPK Rzeszow), owned by: Regional Management Bord of Water Management in Kraków – Management of the Wisłoka and Wisłok Rivers Basin with the premises in Rzeszow, Municipality of the City of Rzeszow, Private owners, State Treasury. The study assumes that the planned pipeline will be made of yellow polyethylene pipes PE 80 SDR 11, just as for gas fuels, in line with standard PGNIG - ZN-G-3150 ‖Gas pipelines – polyethylene pipes – requirements and tests.‖ Considering the assumptions adopted – operating parameters of the pipeline and analyses of throughput calculations made, as well as medium flow velocity, optimal pipeline diameter has been selected: PE dn 75.0 x 6.8 mm, internal diameter 61.4 mm, Pipeline length 980.0 m, including; - underground crossing of the Wisłok River – 110 m of PE pipes dn 75 SDR 11 100 RC. The study presents two alternative opportunities for executing the project of crossing the land obstacle in the form of the Wisłok River: A. Controlled bore under the bed of the Wisłok River, B. Pipeline assembly on the existing overground structure – trestle for pipelines owned by ― Elektrociepłownia‖ (CHP Plant) Rzeszow. Cost analysis and technical conditions for installation of the pipeline on the existing overground structure - trestle, for economic and technical reasons, the choice of pipeline execution under the river bed is justified. 194 3 . Conditions for project execution. Land for the project does not feature spatial management plan for the City of Rzeszow, In the area, one must consider the conditions of the developed study for conditions and directions of spatial management for the City of Rzeszow, The location of the planned pipeline requires obaining a legally valid localisation decision on conditions for construction and land development, Controlled bore – location of the pipeline under the bed of the Wisłok River requires obtaining the approval from the Regional Board for Water Management in Kraków – Management of the Wisłoka and Wisłok Basin with the premises in Rzeszow, and the water permit in linw with the Water Law, Building documentation must be developed on updated geodetic base in the scale of 1:500 The planned route of the pipeline must be approved by the Team for Design Documentation Approval in Rzeszow, Building documentation must obtain legally valid building permit – decision on project execution, As regards the route – location of the pipeline, one must conclude civil law contracts with property owners for location and making the land available for performing building works, For the pipeline, one must set a controlled zone for the purpose of safe use. 4. Economic analysis of the study assumptions Below is the economic analysis on the basis of the two selected variants of the planned route of the pipeline for biomethane transmission from the areas adjacent to the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rzeszow to the MPK bus fuelling station on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow; Variant 1 – ― Construction of the pipeline with underground crossing of the Wisłok River‖ –marking on situation maps Geodetic services for the investment; update of maps for design purposes, post-execution geodetic inventory - 9.0 kPLN [2.14 EURO] Development of building and execution documentation with obtaining formal – legal decisions of building permit - 35.0 kPLN [8.33 EURO] Pipeline execution – acc. to cost estimate No. 1 - 136.2 kPLN [32.43 EURO] 195 Investor’s supervision 2.5 % costs of contractorship Compensation for land occupation (estimate) Other unplanned 10% project value Total project value Variant 1 Two hundred sixty thousand PLN (net) - 3.4 kPLN [0.81 EURO] - 58.0 kPLN [13.81 EURO] - 18.0 kPLN [4.29 EURO] - 259.6 kPLN [61.81 EURO] - 260.0 kPLN [62.00 EURO] Variant 2 – ― Construction with pipeline placement on the existing overground structure – Trestle for crossing the Wisłok River‖ –marking on situation maps A- B- B‖- C Geodetic services for the investment; update of maps for design purposes, post-execution geodetic inventory - 9.0 kPLN [0.51 EURO] Development of building and execution documentation with obtaining formal – legal decisions of building permit - 35.0 kPLN [8.33 EURO] Pipeline execution – acc. to cost estimate No. 2 - 179.9 kPLN [42.83 EURO] Investor’s supervision 2.5 % costs of contractorship Compensation for land occupation (estimate) Other unplanned 10% project value Total project value Variant 2 Three hundred and five thousand PLN net - 4.5 kPLN [1.07 EURO] - 58.0 kPLN [13.81 EURO] - 18.0 kPLN [4.29 EURO] 304.4 kPLN [70.84 EURO] - 305.0 kPLN [71.00 EURO] 5. Conclusions and comments to the draft study ; It is proposed to carry out the project acc. Variant 1 – with underground controlled crossing of the Wisłok River, justified economically and technically; the planned pipeline of selected PE pipes can operate at the pressure of up to 5 bar (0.5 MPa) The selected pipeline diameter allows for greater medium transmission in the volume of up to 500 Nm3/h. at possible initial pressure of 2.5 bar, and much more at increase of the initial pressure to 3 bar This Study assumes the planned pipeline on the area of undeveloped properties, in majority not used for agricultural purposes, near the Wisłok River, with poorly developed underground infrastructure. This is the subject of a separate analysis. It is recommended to locate the pipeline next to the controlled one of the existing highpressure pipeline owned by OPG „Gaz-System‖, by which enlargement of the protective zone will be avoided, and which will serve as an additional argument for concluding civillaw agreements with land owners. 196 Private properties – farming lands – for the planned pipeline location – 15 items, others are owned by the Municipality of the City of Rzeszow and the State Treasury. The Study does not include construction of pipelines and installations for biogas treatment on the lands adjacent to the wastewater treatment plant, and at the treatment plant itself. The proposed crossing of the Wisłok River with the controlled bore method is technicall feasible in the aspect of geological conditions (which was confirmed on the basis of geological tests at Trzebownisko – distance of approx. 500 m). According to the approvals from the Regional Board of Water Management in Kraków – Management of the Wisłoka and Wisłok Rivers Basin with the premises in Rzeszow, it is possible to carry out the underground crossing. The materials applied for construction of the planned pipeline do not require anticorrosive insulation and anticorrosive protection. Upon the construction of the pipeline, because of the gas medium, it is recommended to consider the conditions of the Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 30 July 2001 (Polish Journal of Laws No. 97/2001, item 1055, as amended) on technical conditions to be met by gas grids - in respect of construction of medium-pressure gas grids up to 0.5 MPa. Marek Szpunar M.S.c. 197 Table. 49.Calculations of medium flows – gas at initial pressure of 2.0 bar Transit flows delivery at point ― A‖ in Nm3 /h Section load in Nm3 /h Press Pipeline Initial ure Section Final diameter pressure length in pressure loss Dw in m Pp (kPa) Pk (kPa) (kPa/ mm km N o Offtake Section at section Flow velocity (m/s) 1 1 2 0 200 200 1000 61 300 282.2 17.8 6.8 2 1 2 0 250 250 1000 61 300 271.6 28.4 8.8 3 1 2 0 300 300 1000 61 300 258.1 41.9 11.2 4 1 2 0 350 350 1000 61 300 241.2 58.8 13.9 5 1 2 0 400 400 1000 61 300 220.1 79.9 17.4 6 1 2 0 450 450 1000 61 300 193.5 106.5 22.3 7 1 2 0 500 500 1000 61 300 158.4 141.6 30.3 8 1 2 0 550 550 1000 61 300 123.8 176.2 36.9 A. For pipeline of PE pipes PE dn 75 x 6.8 mm SDR 11 and adopted biomethane transmission 200 – 550 Nm3 /h B. For pipeline of PE pipes dn 90 x 8.2 mm SDR 11 and adopted biomethane transmission 250 – 650 Nm3 /h 198 No. Section Offtake Transit at flows Section load 3 section delivery at Nm /h Initial Final Pressure Flow pressure loss diameter pressure velocity (kPa/ Pp Dw in Pk (kPa) km) (m/s) (kPa) mm Section Pipeline in length in m point ― A‖ in Nm3 /h 1 1 2 0 250 250 1000 73 300 289.3 10.7 5.8 2 1 2 0 300 300 1000 73 300 284.4 15.6 7.1 3 1 2 0 350 350 1000 73 300 278.6 21.4 8.4 4 1 2 0 400 400 1000 73 300 271.7 28.3 9.9 5 1 2 0 450 450 1000 73 300 263.7 36.3 11.4 6 1 2 0 500 500 1000 73 300 254.4 45.6 13.2 7 1 2 0 550 550 1000 73 300 243.7 56.3 15.1 8 1 2 0 600 600 1000 73 300 231.5 68.8 17.4 9 1 2 0 650 650 1000 73 300 217.4 82.6 20.0 Table. 50. Calculations of medium flows – gas at initial pressure of 2.5 bar A. For pipeline of PE pipes dn 75 x 6.8 mm SDR 11 and adopted biomethane transmission 200 – 550 Nm3 /h B. For pipeline of PE pipes dn 90 x 8.2 mm SDR 11 and adopted biomethane transmission 300 – 650 Nm3 /h 199 Table. 51. Calculations of medium flows – gas at initial pressure of 3.0 bar No Section Offtake Transit Section Section Pipeline Initial Final Pressure Flow at flows load in length diameter pressure pressure loss velocity 3 section delivery at Nm /h in m Dw in Pp (kPa) Pk (kPa) (kPa/ (m/s) point ― A‖ mm km) in Nm3 /h 1 1 2 0 200 200 1000 61 350 334.8 15.2 5.7 2 1 2 0 250 250 1000 61 350 325.0 24.0 7.4 3 1 2 0 300 300 1000 61 350 314.9 35.1 9.1 4 1 2 0 350 350 1000 61 350 301.2 48.8 11.2 5 1 2 0 400 400 1000 61 350 284.5 65.5 13.5 6 1 2 0 450 450 1000 61 350 264.4 85.6 16.3 7 1 2 0 500 500 1000 61 350 240.0 110.0 20.0 8 1 2 0 550 550 1000 61 350 209.7 140.3 25.2 Table. 52. Calculations of medium flows – gas at initial pressure of 3.5 bar Transit Offtake flows No. Section at delivery at section point ― A‖ 3 in Nm /h Section load in Nm3 /h Pipeline Initial Section Final diameter pressure length in pressure Dw in m Pp (kPa) Pk (kPa) mm Press ure loss (kPa/ Flow velocity (m/s) km 1 1 2 0 300 300 1000 73 350 336.7 13.3 6.0 2 1 2 0 350 350 1000 73 350 331.8 18.2 7.1 3 1 2 0 400 400 1000 73 350 326.1 23.9 8.2 4 1 2 0 450 450 1000 73 350 319.4 30.6 9.4 5 1 2 0 500 500 1000 73 350 311.8 38.2 10.7 6 1 2 0 550 550 1000 73 350 303.2 48.8 12.2 7 1 2 0 600 600 1000 73 350 293.4 56.6 13.7 8 1 2 0 650 650 1000 73 350 282.4 67.6 15.4 200 3.4. Annex 6 T e c h n i c a l - e c o n o m i c study Investor’s cost estimate: No.1 - Contractorship “Pipeline for biomethane transmission from the areas near the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rzeszow to CNG station for MPK bus fuelling on Lubelska Street in Rzeszow” Caution : Crossing of the Wisłok River - controlled HDD culvert Annexes: pp. 1-6 Basis for the study: KNR 2-01, KNR 2-19, KNR 4-01, KNNR 5, KNR 2-18, KNR 2-31, KNR 2-19W Currency: EURO Rate: 16.00 PLN [3.81 EURO] Price level; Q4 2010 201 Table. 53. Summary of costs Name Value Direct costs R M S Amount Total EURO 4 813,13 9 425,61 6 612,3 0.00 20 851.04 Indirect costs from R 75.00 % 3 609,85 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 609,85 Indirect costs from S 75.00 % 0.00 0.00 4 959,22 0.00 4 959,22 Profit from R 15.00 % 721,97 0.00 0.00 0.00 721,97 Profit from S 15.00 % 0.00 0.00 991,85 0.00 991,85 Profit from KR 15.00 % 541,48 0.00 0.00 0.00 541,48 Profit from KS 15.00 % 0.00 0.00 743,88 0.00 743,88 0.00 0.00 0.00 13 307.25 9 425,61 13 307.25 0.00 13 307.25 Costs with broken to margin 23.00 % 0.00 Costs (net) margin EURO 9 686,42 23.00 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 456.43 EURO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39 875,71 with VAT rate Gross value 202 CNG station fuelling for bus Łączy ark. Nr 1 Fig. 45. Route of pipeline between the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Depot of MPK in Rzeszow 203 3.5. Annex 7 VISUALISATION OF CNG/CBG STATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION GAZPACK 50 – 600 m3/h Fig. 46. Existing CNG natural gas compressing station at MPK in Rzeszow, furnished with two compressors of 300 and 600 Nm3/h 204 1. Compressor unit with capacity of 600 Nm³/h 1.1. Technical parameters of compressor unit Operating pressure 25 MPa Throughput 600 Nm³/h Feed pressure 1.4 – 4.2 MPa Compressor type piston Cooling type air Compressing system 3 stages, 5 cylinders Operating temperature -30 °C +40 °C Electrical engine drive 90 kW Powering 400 V / 3 / 50 Hz Drive belt transmission Fig. 47. Compressor unit (according to CompAir's offer) 205 1.2. Compressor unit specification Gas-tight crankcase Interstage coolers for all stages End cooler Oil pump, oil filter, oil pressure indicator Oil cooler Gas-tight system foe oil lubrication Air vent for crankcase connected to the power system Condensate separators Automatic system for condensate drain and unit decompression W-shape structure of compressor block – no vibrations 1.3. Equipemnt and control apparatus for the compressor unit Inlet pressure sensor High inlet pressure switch Low inlet pressure switch Gas pressure sensors at particular stages Oil pressure sensor Compressed gas temperature sensor High pressure switches at particular stages. Oil low pressure switch in the lubrication system 1.4. Safety valves installed on: Inlet pipeline Each compressor stage Crankcase Recovery tank Exhaust chimney Compressor stress-relief system 206 1.5. Specification of the drive engine Type built-in, fan-cooled (TEFV) Protection class IP 55 Insulation Class F Orientation horizontal Specification EExd, II A & II B, T4 Voltage 400 V / 3 / 50 Hz Nominal speed 1500 rpm Power 90 kW Energy consumption 0.15 kWh/m³ 2. Gas recovery installation Flexible connections Applied for connection of particular elements Piping Installation connecting particular elements of the system Gas recovery tank Welded tank of steel plate, factory-tested Safety valve Installed on the tank, secures against pressure breaching at the tank. In the event of opening, excess gas is released by blowing. Pressure indicator Installed on the tank, indicates decompression pressure in the gas recovery system. Condensate drain valve Installed at the base of the tank, allows for automatic draining of the condensate collected Upon compressor stoppage, gas from all cyclone separators and compression stages is released and flows back to the feed system via the aforementioned gas recovery system. The system ensures correct operation of the equipment wihout the opportunity of gas release to air. 207 Fig. 48 Gas recovery (according to CompAir's offer) 3. System of automat ic condensate dump The oil-water condensate present in the compressed natural gasi s recovered by the activity membranę unloading valves, which form part of the compression system. In cyclical time intervals, e.g. every 20 minutes for 10 seconds, the valves open and the condensate, under pressure, reaches the recovery tank. Under the recovery tank, there is condensage drain valve through which the condensate present at the bottom of the recovery tank is dumped to the metal tank installed in the container. 208 Fig. 49. Automatic discharge of condensate (according to CompAir's offer) 4. Adsorption drier Drier type single-column with periodically replaceable sorbent Throughput 600 Nm³/h Operating pressure 250 bar Dew point at outlet - 30 0C at 25 MPa Bed replacement interval 1000 h (with the assumption of dew point at inlet - 5 0C at 2,8 MPa) Sorbent volume 50 kg Sorbent type 10 % - activated coal, 90 % - silica gel 3A Installation site Container with compressor unit with capacity of 600 Nm³/h Furnishing Preliminary filter, dedusting filter, moisture meter Certificates PED (97/23/EC), ATEX (CE Ex 2GD IIC T≤ 60 0C) 209 Fig. 50. Desiccant dryer (according to CompAir's offer) Układ osuszania gazu o wydajności 600 m3/h – wyposażenie 210 Preliminary oil filter Final dedusting filter First layer 10 % - activated coal Second layer 90 % - silikażel 3A Fig. 51. Gas filtration system (according to CompAir's offer) 211 5. Gas filtration system Natural gas fuelling station type GAZPACK 50 – 600 Nm3/h featuring the following elements of gas filtration: 1. Preliminary filter at compressor feed – accuracy of 50 micrones 2. Cyclone separators after stage 2,3,4 of compression 3. Coalescing (oil) filter after stage 4 of compression – accuracy of 0.01 mg/m3 4. Preliminary filter before the drier – solids 0.01 µm, oil filtration 0.01 mg/m3 5. Final dedusting filter after drier – solids 1 µm 6. Coalescing filter at the distributor 6. Control cabinet at the station with capacity of 600Nm3/h The control cabinet is located next to the existing cabinet (outside the explosion danger zone) Description of the control system (menu in Polish): Metal casing, IP 55 Main power switch START button Emergency switch Motohours counter Dew point signalling at the outlet Signalling of gas concentration at the container Light and sound signalling of emergency conditions Lamp of ― fuel oil‖ power on Emergency cancellation button Signalisation lamps: o High feed pressure o Low feed pressure o High compression temperature o High final gas temperature o Low oil pressure in the system o Stoppage of cooling fan o Test button 7. Kontenerowa zabudowa urządzeń 212 Fig. 52. An example of control panel at the CNG station in Rzeszow By standard, the compressor unit GAZPACK 50 is placed inside a steel casing with the appropriate all-year-round, sound-attenuating structure, with opened panels/doors. The container has blind openings designed to allow for correct air circulation system and the ventilation system wentylacji preventing the accumulation of possible gas leaks. The casing ensures noise level of approx. 70 dBA ay 1 m; the panels are made of galvanised steel lined with mineral wool. Flameproof materials meet the requirements of fire standards. The container features an integrated system for elimination of possible gas leaks through the ventilation chimney at a safe height over the ground level. The container is made in RAL 6026 colour. 213 Heated container – internal heater (EEx) with a thermostat maintains minimum temperature inside the container, by which it allows for correct start-up of the equipment after longer downtime. Operating temperature of the equipment inside the container - 30 °C + 40 °C The internal gas detection system Allows for early shutdown of the equipment in the event of gas release in the container. Signals informing about the gas condensation level can serve to launch sound or visual alarm. Container lighting Distributed internal power installation The installed fluorescent lamps with a switch at the main door Components selected of flameproof materials All equipment at the container in the anti-explosive version (EEx) 8. Detailed technical description of gas compression, drying and distribution Natural gas present in the network is led via a pipeline to the container gas compression station. At the pipeline, there is valve installed that regulates feed pressure PCV101, (fixed pressure value, e.g. 1.5 MPa). Safety valve PSV101 secures the installation against breaching the permissible pressure in the system. Blow valve PGE101 serves for degasification of the inlet installation, in the case of the first launch of the the purposes of maintenance access to particular elements. Behind the blow valve, there is electromagnetic valve (SOL01), controlled with electrical signal from the control cabinet. 214 Fig. 53. Container of the CNG station Lack of power supply at the control cabinet results in valve closure and cutting off the gas from the station’s internal installation. Return valve NRV 01 secures against return gas stream from the station to the network. Behind the return valve, the preliminary filter screen has been installed, which catches solids with the size of up to 50 µm. After passing through the filter, gas reaches the pulsation tank, installed at the inlet to stage 1 of compression. The tank is a sort of buffer that stabilises and controls the parameters of the inlet gas. At the tank, there is low inlet pressure sensor PLLL 103 and high inlet pressure sensor PLHH 103. The degassification valve PGE 102 serves for gas release from the tank and compressor cylinders, in maintenance situations, and is connected to the blow chimney. After stage 1, gas is compressed to the pressure of 4.2 MPa. The pressure value is recorded by pressure relay PLI 110. Breach of the pressure at stage 1 is controlled by the safety valve PSV 110. Opening pressure of this valve amounts to 5.0 MPa. After preliminary compression at stage 1, gasi s directed to the cooler after stage 1. The condensate collected at the cyclone separator after stage 1 is directed through valve SOL 110 to the condensate dump system. 215 Next, gas is directed to stage 2, where it is compressed to the pressure of 12.3 MPa. The pressure value is recorded by pressure relay PLI 120. Breach of the pressure at stage 2 is controlled by the safety valve PSV 120. Opening pressure of this valve amounts to 14.0 MPa. After stage 2, gas is directed to the cooler after stage 2 and cyclone separator after stage 2. The condensate collected at the cyclone separator after stage 2 is directed through membrane valves DDV 120 to the condensate dump system. Next, gas is directed to stage 3, where it is compressed to the pressure of 25.0 MPa. The pressure value is recorded by pressure relay PLI 130. Breach of the pressure at stage 3 is controlled by the safety valve PSV 130. Opening pressure of this valve amounts to 27.5 MPa. After stage 3, gas is directed to the cooler after stage 3 and cyclone separator after stage 3. The condensate collected at the cyclone separator after stage 3 is directed through membrane valves DDV 130 to the condensate dump system. Natural gas compressed to the operating pressure is then directed through coalescence filter and return valve to the adsorption drier. Before the drier, there is preliminary oil filter installed, and after the drier, there is final dedusting filter. After passing through the ben comprising two layers – the first is the activated coal, while the second – silica gel, gas achieves dew point of -30oC at 25 MPa. Behind the drier, there is the digital analyser of dew point MPR 01, indications of which are transmitted to the control cabinet. Recovery tank with capacity of 100 l is connected with the relief and condensate dump system on the one hand, and inlet pipeline before the compressor on the other. This tank receives gas with condensate upon each shutdown of the compressor and at the preset time intervals. Pressure value at the recovery tank is recorded by pressure relay PLI 102. In the event of exceeding permissible pressure, PSV 102 safety valve will launch, set for opening pressure of 1.7 MPa. 216 Lubrication system comprises oil pump installed in the crankcase, oil filter and manual oil pump. LG 1101 oil level check allows for visual control of oil level in the crankcase. Oil dump occurs by opening ISO l1101 valve. Lubrication pressure is recorded by PLI 1102 pressure relay. In the container, explosion meter has been installed, while its indications GDHH 01 are transmitted in on-going mode to the control cabinet. All safety valves have been connected to the exhaust chimney, the outlet of which is outside the container area. Breaching of the pressure at the exhaust chimney is recorded by the PLHH 1103 sensor, which gives signal to the controller about immediate power shutdown and start-up of the exhaust fan in the container. Gas compressed to operating pressure, via high-pressure pipeline reaches the cascade gas warehouse. The warehouse is divided into 3 sections - low-, medium-, and high-pressure. The order of filling particular warehouse sections is controlled by the priority panel, furnished with three spring valves set for three different opening pressures. After gas compression to 3 sections to operating pressure, namely 25 MPa, the compressor is shut down. Re-launch of the compressor occurs at pressure drop at the warehouse to the value set in the controller, e.g. 22 MPa. Compressed gas is supplied via quick fuelling distributor, furnished with mass flow meter, temperature compensation system, hose with quick disconnect coupler, three-way valve and NGV1 terminal. The distributor features the system of automatic order of gas collection depending on pressure in particular warehouse sections. The distributor has the opportunity of reading gas volume in kg and Nm3. 9. Required utility demand 217 1. Maximum power consumption for the compressor unit, heaters, lighting, amounts to approx. 93 kW 2. Maximum unit electricity consumption needed to compress 1 m3 to the pressure of 250 bar amounts to 0.15 kWh/m3. 3. Power consumption: start-up – 250 kW operation – 90 kW 4. Required security device C25 10. Unit demand for electricity Q=0.15 kWh/m3 11. Requirements for professional preparation for the staff for the person to perform fuelling, it is required to have qualifications issued by TDT. the person controlling the station (e.g. oil level, leaks, etc.) must have qualifications for operation of electrical devices SEP up to 1 kV and operation of high-pressure equipment for natural gas. 218 TECHNOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF GAS COMPRESSION AND DISTRIBUTION The installation allows for gas compression from compressor feed pressure, namely 1.4 MPa to 25 MPa. Compressed natural gas is stored in a three-segment cascade gas warehouse, divided into 3 single warehouses of low, medium and high pressure. Gas compressed by the compressor is first loaded to the high-pressure segment of the warehouse to 25 MPa, next loading is switched to the medium-pressure segment, and the last low-pressure segment. If, in all warehouse segments, the pressure reaches 25 MPa, the compressor is switched off and remains in the standby mode. Vehicle fuelling occurs using the distributor. Filling of cylinders installed in vehicles always commences with the low-pressure section of the warehouse. If the gas volume collected in this section is too low to achieve the pressure of 20MPa in cylinders filled, switch controller switches filling to the medium-pressure section of the warehouse. Respectively, filling is switched from medium-pressure section to highpressure section. In the gas warehouse comprising 3 sections, pressure can achieve the value of 25 MPa, while maximum pressure of filling cylinders installed in vehicles amounts to 20 MPa; in order for this value not to be exceeded, a filling controller has been applied which ensures that gas pressure in the cylinders installed in the vehicle must not exceed 20 MPa. During gas compression, there is a risk of pressure pulsation occurrence, generated with compressor operation, which may negatively affect on the operation of gas meter installed in the metering-settlement system (acc. to a separate study). Therefore, in front of the compressor, DN300 pipe was installed with the length of approx. 8.5 m with the task of anti-pulsation tank. Additionally, gas meter is secured by return valve, being the fitting of the compressor, which prevents gas return. The compressor is secured against excess fluctuation of inlet pressure with regulatory valve (furnished with the compressor), which allows for setting the desired value of feed pressure. In the event of power shortage, electro valve (furnished with the compressor) closes the compressor system. Before filling the vehicle’s storage tank, compressed gas is dried using 8 filtration towers filled with exchangeable adsorbent (dew point -40°C), and cleared of oil residues using coalescence filter. The filters are provided with the compressor. 219 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT 3.1. Compressor Type H 5450 Feed pressure 1.4-4.2 MPa Pumping pressure Throughput (at 1.5MPa) Compressor type Cooling type Number of compression stages Maximum gas temperature Engine power Powering Transmission drive Weight 25.0 MPa 300Nm3 piston air 3 stages, 3 cylinders 45°C 45kW 400V/3/50Hz belt 10000 kg 3.2 Cascade warehouse for compressed gas Maximum pumping pressure Number of cylinders in the module Water capacity of one cylinder Total water capacity of the module Total gas capacity at pressure Module weight 30MPa 30 80 l 24m3 30MPa 893m3 5730 kg 3.3 Quick fuelling distributor Throughput Maximum pressure Ambient temperature range Range Powering Number of filling lines 50 kg/min 350 bar -40°C to +55°C +75°C 230V; 50Hz 2 220 Fig. 54. Distribution of subassemblies in the container CNG station GAZPACK 50 (offer of CompAir) 221 3.6. Annex 8 PRELIMINARY OFFER OF CNG STATION DELIVERY NGV AUTOGAS Sp. z o.o. in Kraków, ul. Kochanowskiego 3/1a, exclusive representative of Korean KwangShin Machine Industry Company, Ltd submits the following offer: 1. Object of delivery: Fig. 55. Container station for CNG compressing - GEO-M50-030-150 222 I. Compressor with peripheries, for natural gas type GEO–M50-4…………………..….1 piece Technical data: o Feed pressure (inlet)…………………………………………………………….....8 bar o Compression pressure (outlet) ………………………….………………...…....250 bar o Throughput …………….…………………...150 Nm3/h at feed pressure of 8.0 bar (g) o Drive ………………………….....electrical engine with capacity of 37 kW /1480 rpm o Three-stage o Piston-type, oil-lubricated under pressure, air-cooled with PLC control system II. Gas drier at the inlet to the compressor III. Sound-attenuating casing (container) IV. Distributor with gas flow mass metering, two-hose with NGV 1 fittings, integrated with container (III) V. Compressed gas tank with capacity of 250 Nm3 with priority system 2. Together with the delivery, we ensure: o Training for the user staff. The scope of training will be adjusted to technical preparation of the trained staff. o Stock of spare parts for two years of compressor operation. o Spare parts for the further operating period gathered in the warehouse of NGV AUTOGAS Sp. z o.o. 3. Price and payment terms 3.1 Price of delivery: GEO–M50-4 compressor in a sound-attenuating container, together with distributor, gas tank, with spare parts for two years of operation, staff training, guarantee for the period of 24 months (or 3,000 mth), will amount to: 675,000 PLN [160 714,29 EURO] net 3.2 Payment terms: 223 50% after contract conclusion 40% after assembly and preparation for shipment 10% after start-up and handover for use 3.3 Compressor delivery during 6-7 months from contract conclusion and payment of 50% advance All parts and compressor complexes will be performer in line with standards and regulations applicable in the EU and confirmed with certificates. Additional information: 1. The cost of main overhaul of the compressor, depending on the necessary scope resulting from machinery wear, will amount to: from 25 000 [5 952,38 EURO] to 50 000 PLN [11 904,76 EURO] 2. Limit of the unit’s operating hours until the main overhaul depends on the working conditions of the compressor, quality of everyday maintenance and the applied consumables (oils, filters, etc.). Depending on such factors, the limit will amount to from 16 to 20 thousand of working hours. Unit electricity consumption necessary to compress 1 Nm3/h of gas will 3. amount to approx. 250 W (+/-10%), whereas this considers energy for compressor engine drive, oil pump and fan. The volume of energy needed for oil heating depends on the operating mode of the compressor (continuous operation or with breaks, duration of breaks) and ambient temperature. It must be stressed that oil heater (capacity of 0.35 kW) usually operates during compressor’s downtime in order to keep the minimum recommended oil temperature (2530oC). 224 5. Maintenance cost In the guarantee period, the compressor requires basic everyday and periodical maintenance, mandatory checks performer under a separate maintenance agreement. Basic everyday maintenance will be additionally performer by trained Investor’s staff. Charged periodical maintenance after 500, 1500, 4000, 8000 (etc.) hours of work will be performed by the Staff of NGV AUTOGAS, or on Investor’s request, by his staff after obtaining relevant qualifications from NGV AUTOGAS. Orientation maintenance cost: - 20 working hours x 75 PLN [17.86 EURO] After 1500 hours of 6 months = 1500 PLN [357.14 EURO] (1 h = 75 PLN [17.86 EURO]) - consumables (filters, oil, operating valves) 1800-2500 PLN [≈511.90 EURO] - maintenance staff’s travelling expenses After 4000 h or after a year 1.5 PLN [0.36 EURO]/km] - 20 h x 75 PLN [17.86 EURO] = 1500 PLN [357.14 EURO] - consumables and possible replacement of return valves, operating valves, seals, manometers – cost about - maintenance staff’s travelling expenses = 1500-3800 PLN [630.97 EURO] 1.5 PLN [0.36 EURO]/km 225 226 Fig. 56. Present view of the CNG station from the south Fig. 57. Present view of the CNG station from south-west 227 Fig. 58 and 59 presents view of the platform with CNG distributor 228 Fig. 60 and 61 presents view of the platform with CNG distributor 229 V Summary This paper is a report from the task 5.7, entitled "Feasibility study for new pilot biogas fuelling station in Polish city of Rzeszow" performed by the Motor Transport Institute in the European project "Baltic Biogas Bus" in cooperation with the main tasks of a company subcontractor NGV AUTOGAS Sp. of o.o. The authors report their hope that this report will contribute to the practical implementation of the first Polish pilot of investments, including the launch of production of biomethane as a fuel for urban buses and the fuel supply buses in. The authors thank the authorities of Rzeszow for their constructive help and support in accomplishing the task and are counting on continued support for the possible practical deployment. 230
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