Possibility of introduction biogas in Rzeszow Marek Rudkowski
Possibility of introduction biogas in Rzeszow Marek Rudkowski
www.balticbiogasbus.eu 1 Regional seminar in Kaunas Baltic Biogas Bus project 19th of April 2012 Feasibility study of introducing biogas in Rzeszow Andrzej Żółtowski, DEng. - Motor Transport Institute Marek Rudkowski, DEng. - NGV Autogas Wojciech Gis, DEng. - Motor Transport Institute Where is Rzeszow? Public bus transport in Rzeszow - general characteristic of the city • Rzeszow, the biggest city in south-east Poland, inhabited by 180.000 people; • the services center on provincial and regional levels, particularly in the field of education and science; • national center of electromechanical industry, agro food industry and pharmaceutical industry development. Fig. 1. MPK bus network map in Rzeszow Municipal Transport Company in Rzeszow (MPK Company) Source: http://www.mpk.rzeszow.pl/ Transport services are conducted daily at 46 lines and 2 night lines, the total line length is 657 km, of which 481km within the administrative boundaries of the city of Rzeszow and 176 km in the neighboring municipalities. Number of stops in total amounts is 828, with 354 stops in the administrative borders of the city, and 474 beyond the city. Maximal number of buses being in daily service is 156 (60 buses in weekend). Approximately 30% of costs is refinanced by the City. Experiences with CNG buses in Rzeszow • The main sources of air pollution in the town is: combustion of energy fuels, industrial production, road transport, heating of buildings. The city of Rzeszow has problem with excessive emissions of particulates and noise (above 70 dB); • Operation of CNG buses in the Rzeszow began in 2004; • There are operating 185 buses, including 40 buses fuelled with CNG, all of the standard length of 12 m; • Since the beginning of their operation, CNG buses traveled more than 12 mln km; • In 2012 will be finalized tender for new 30 CNG buses. Future plans for city transport • Rzeszow local authority assumes that the amount of CNG buses will be doubled in near future (up to 80 buses), half of which could be fuelled with bio-methane (if its delivery will be possible). • Technical bus staff and drivers have skills and practices to increase number of gasous buses in the town. • According to Rzeszów earlier plans the number of currently operated 40 CNG buses will be increased to 60 buses in 2015 and to 80 buses in 2020 and then will be kept at this level. • This means that in terms of rolling stock owned by CNG buses in the MPK Rzeszów, today annual consumption of about 1.5 mln Nm3 of natural gas could be increased by bio-methane consumption of 1.71.8 mln Nm3 per year (app. 5000 Nm3 per day). Available potential sources of biogas in Rzeszow City • Fermentation of sewage sludge collected in wastewater treatment plant; annual potential of industrial wastewater is assume as 1,5 GWh of electricity and heat • Landfills: annual potential of landfills is assume as 1030 Nm3 of biogas • Utilization of organic waste: Rzeszow heating plant is preparing to build in 2013 the biogas plants. Produced biogas will be used for heating purposes. This is a fragment of big investment containing waste sorting, recycling and utilization. • Agricultural sector; annual potential of this sector is assume beneath 50 GWh Characteristic of potential biogas sources in Rzeszow region • Landfills – there is no biogas installation on Rzeszow landfills; only 2 % wastes is selected; • Agriculture and organic waste utilization – there is no biogas plant in Rzeszow region; • There is no installation for biogas liquefying in the region; • Municipal water treatment plant – in Rzeszow exists biogas plant which produces about 1.7 mln Nm3 of biogas per year. The produced biogas contains 60-70% of methane and after biogas upgrading is possible to produce approximately 1.021.19 mln Nm3 of bio-methane. All biogas is used for electricity production (3.6 GWh) Theoretical possibilities to deliver biogas to bus depot 1. Direct by pipeline system under pressure 3-5 bar. 2. Injection of bio-methane to natural gas pipeline system. 3. Semi trailers containing cylinders with biogas volume app. 5000 Nm3. 4. Liquefied bio-methane transported in liquid form to bus depot. Localization of bus depot and water treatment plant in Rzeszó Rzeszów Wastewater treatment plant in Rzeszow Biogas tank 2640 m3 Biogas plant in Rzeszów Sludge dryer 4 sludge digesters: 4 × 2200 m3, temperature 35-38 0C Source: http://www.mpwik.rzeszow.pl/index.php/oczyszczalnia Problem to solve for delivering biogas from Rzeszow biogas plant to bus depot • Current Rzeszow biogas production is used only for energy production in cogeneration. At this time this is the more profitable way of using biogas in Poland. This biogas plant has small possibility to increase its production. • Using biogas as a vehicle fuel will not give comparable incomes for owner of biogas installation. • There is no upgrading installation in biogas plant at wastewater treatment plant;(70 000 Mg of wastes per year). • Gas filling station at bus depot should be connected with pipe to biogas plant. • Potential of bio-methane production in wastewater treatment plant can serve only approximately 30 buses. It is practically lower than 50% future fuel demands of Rzeszow gaseous buses. Structure of unit operating costs of CNG and diesel buses 1. Bus prices Due to higher purchase prices of new CNG buses (and their insurances) in comparison to similarly equipped diesel buses can be assumed that during the operation on mileage of 800 000 km the CNG unit cost will be greater by about 0.03 EURO per km (estimated that the CNG bus is more expensive by 30,000 EURO ). 2. 3. The costs of maintenance and servicing Bus operator data shows that the costs of servicing and repair for CNG buses are higher by approximately 0.01 EURO/ km than for diesel buses due to necessity of replacement of spare parts and components of supply system (valves, injectors) and ignition system (spark plugs, high voltage cables, ignition coils), which not exist in diesel engines. Fuel costs Based on 6 years of CNG bus operation it can be concluded that the average consumption of natural gas is 57 m3/100 km, while buses fuelled with diesel oil only 37 l/100km. Annual reduction of fuel cost is about 4000 EUR/bus. Economical effects of CNG introduction as a bus fuel in Rzeszow • Lower costs of fuel consumption; • Higher costs of servicing CNG buses; • Practically there is no differences between operating costs of CNG and diesel buses; • Not exist economical reason for promotion CNG buses in Rzeszow; • The only reason for promotion CNG buses is their lower emission but the difference between emission of CNG buses and diesel buses are becoming smaller as a result of diesels development. • Biogas bus seems to be the new interesting proposal for decreasing limited emissions from spark ignition engine, especially CO2 emission. Cost study of new biogas filling station 2 × 250 Nm3/h in Rzeszow, in PLN (1 € ≈ 4,4 PLN) Objects Compressor Q=250 Nm3/h, Pmax=30MPa Casing sound‐absorbing Compressor (for two) Technological pipeline (external system, device connection) Distributor of two‐hose flow measurement to 75kg/min Electricity: 200 kW Land development, fencing, earthworks, roads and sidewalks, etc..: The project, administrative fees: Unit price Quantity Total price Remark Delivery time: 647 000,‐ 2 1 294 000 6 month 100 000,‐ 1 100 000,‐ 200 000,‐ 1 200 000,‐ 75 000,‐ 2 150 000,‐ 60 000,‐ 1 60 000,‐ 500 000 1 500 000,‐ 50 000,‐ 1 50 000,‐ Estimates for the location of the ʺraw groundʺ Operating costs of the biogas filling station Consumption of electricity: Unit consumption of electricity, to compress a Nm3/h of gas would be around 350Wh (±10%) - including the power to drive the compressor motor, oil pump and ventilation-fan speed. Operational costs - Compressor maintenance costs: Overview after 1500 hrs. or 6 months: about 5 000 PLN Overview of 4000 hours. or after one year: about 7 000 PLN Repair of root after 18 000 hours: max. 65 000 PLN So the average cost of operation of two compressors: about 5000 PLN/month General obstacles on the way to introduce biogas as a vehicle fuel • Preliminary calculations done for Polish market showed that there is no big price difference between CNG and bio-methane. Reduction of fuel consumption costs can not be a factor supporting biogas introduction as a vehicle fuel. • Introduction of special tax taking into account ability of each fuel to form CO2 can support the market position of biomethane. • Polish regulation does not allow to inject into natural gas pipeline system bio-methane produced from other that agricultural substrates. Semi trailer for CNG transport Bio-methane liquefaction (LBG) Bio-methane liquefaction would open the possibility of a cost comparable to CBG, but easier, distribution in the form of liquid bio-methane. It should be noted that as a result of liquefaction of bio-methane would get a much higher density energy storage, both during the transport of liquid bio-methane to the recipient as well as in the vehicle (LBG buses). The cost of building LBG stations with similar efficiency as CBG station is about 30% lower, but to ensure continue operation of the LBG stations it requires higher qualifications and skills. Conclusions • From technical point of view the simplest way to use bio-metane as vehicle fuel is its injection into natural gas grid. • However for today the cheapest and the quickest way to use biogas as bus fuel in Rzeszow is delivering upgraded biogas from water treatment plant via new built pipeline to bus depot. • Using biogas as vehicle fuel is not profitable in Poland. • Introducing of biogas as bus fuel required different supports from government or local authorities. • It is necessary to change the law and other regulations preferring production of electricity from biogas Thank you for your attention e-mail: [email protected]
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