republiquede la malbouffe - République de la malbouffe


republiquede la malbouffe - République de la malbouffe
Rebus and La Huit present
Republique de la malbouffe
Jacques Goldstein
In 2009, Xavier Denamur asked me to make a film on what he called
“the scandal of the reduction of VAT (value-added tax) on restaurant
A film by Jacques Goldstein
on an original idea by Xavier Denamur
bills”. The subject is a long way from my usual field, which is music
Running time: 72 minutes
documentaries. But it so happens that I’m also interested in politics
(Junk Food Republic)
Release : 1 February 2012
and economics, so this seemed a good opportunity to apply
See the press release, photos galery, interviews and additional scenes at
my viewpoint and cinematic style to a landscape that was new to me and yet, in terms of
A film by Jacques Goldstein
on an original idea by Xavier Denamur
theoretical thought, a familiar one.
Supporting the film’s general release, République de la Malbouffe will be distributed on DVD
So why not take the restaurant business as a starting point? It is, after all, a place of social
as part of the February issue of Rue89 Le Mensuel. The issue will be devoted to what the
interaction: everyone, rich or poor, has at some point found themselves around a dinner
French nation has – literally – on its plate in the 2012 presidential campaign. Xavier Denamur
table. What’s more, the restaurant sector is a huge employer across France and generates a
will contribute an article entitled “Citoyens, levez-vous pour vous mettre à table !” (“Citizens,
substantial proportion of the country’s GDP. This project that Xavier Denamur brought to me
rise up and come to the table!”), explaining the film’s unorthodox distribution strategy. Far from
seemed to me a good specific starting point to examine a general phenomenon.
compromising the general release, this complementarity will create a wave of awareness and
République de la Malbouffe is the dramatic story of how we lost control of our economics
build a strong media presence.
and politics and, more trivially perhaps but not without grave consequences, of how we lost
The running time of the film and the communication materials linked with its release will allow
control over what ends up on our plates.
those who wish to do so to organise audience discussions following screenings. During the entire
2012 presidential campaign, every cinema showing the film will thus become an active and vital
Xavier Denamur
participant in the electoral process.
At the beginning of the 90s I opened my first restaurant in the
During the shooting of the film’s sequel République de la Malbouffe: l’Elu Contre-Attaque (The
Marais district of Paris, where I now have five establishments. For
Winner Fights Back), the film crew will follow the candidates as they campaign in Paris and the
more than 20 years I have sought to act according to my social,
provinces, visiting cinemas screening the film, and hosting debates between viewers, trade
economic and environmental convictions. In 2004 the president
associations, restaurateurs, farmers, schools of hotel and restaurant management and politicians.
be “unable to prevent his troops” from voting for the extreme right-wing Front National if he
failed to obtain a reduction in VAT from 19.6% to 5.5%. Disgusted, I decided to move into
How do you show that there is another way? How do you combat a political decision that you
République de la Malbouffe is a film that will make you want to be a part of the resurgent citizenry
of France.
Production and communication
Xavier Denamur – Rebus
33 (0)6 22 12 33 09
[email protected]
a lone voice for long. République de la Malbouffe is a first taste of what is sure to turn into a
Executive producer
widespread movement.
Gilles Le Mao – La Huit Production
33 (0)1 53 44 70 88
François Vila
33 (0)1 53 40 89 97
33 (0)6 08 78 68 10
[email protected]
Stéphane Saint-Martin
La Huit Distribution
33 (0)1 53 44 70 86
33 (0)6 80 88 25 69
[email protected]
raux de la
see as unjust and damaging when yours is the only voice raised in opposition? It will not be
Robert Hunter – Rebus
33 (0)1 42 77 20 49
Press relations
états gé
Métiers et des Industries de l’Hôtellerie) announced that he would
les vr
of the sector’s biggest employers’ association (UMIH, l’Union des
junk food for others:
presided over by Nicolas Sarkozy
low wages,
grand magician
TItle : Junk Food Republic (République de la Malbouffe)
72 minutes
Format : 16/9, colour, DCP, HDCam, 5.1
French release : 1 February 2012
Screenplay and direction : Jacques Goldstein
Based on an idea by Xavier Denamur
Photography, editing : Jacques Goldstein
Sound : Alberto Crespo-Ocampo
three billion euros out of state coffers every year – and
who has conjured
neither employees
the republic is crumbling. Tax breaks
nor consumers have even noticed. République de la Malbouffe investigates
the smoke and mirrors
parliament, with restaurants
behind the state – a state with lobbyists
but no chefs, with farmers
Graphic design : Robert Hunter, Roger Surridge / Rebus
Calibration : Romain Pierrat
Mixing : Jean-Marc Schick
Produced by : Xavier Denamur / Rebus
Executive producer : Gilles Le Mao / La Huit
but no
but no fresh food.
états gé
opacity, precarity, obesity.
les vr
A noxious regime whose moto could be
raux de la
This film has been entirely financed
by the reduction of value added tax in the French catering trade
Conception et réalisation : • 26/10/11
Caviar for some,
Rebus and La Huit present
Republique de la malbouffe
Jacques Goldstein
In 2009, Xavier Denamur asked me to make a film on what he called
“the scandal of the reduction of VAT (value-added tax) on restaurant
A film by Jacques Goldstein
on an original idea by Xavier Denamur
bills”. The subject is a long way from my usual field, which is music
Running time: 72 minutes
documentaries. But it so happens that I’m also interested in politics
(Junk Food Republic)
Release : 1 February 2012
and economics, so this seemed a good opportunity to apply
See the press release, photos galery, interviews and additional scenes at
my viewpoint and cinematic style to a landscape that was new to me and yet, in terms of
A film by Jacques Goldstein
on an original idea by Xavier Denamur
theoretical thought, a familiar one.
Supporting the film’s general release, République de la Malbouffe will be distributed on DVD
So why not take the restaurant business as a starting point? It is, after all, a place of social
as part of the February issue of Rue89 Le Mensuel. The issue will be devoted to what the
interaction: everyone, rich or poor, has at some point found themselves around a dinner
French nation has – literally – on its plate in the 2012 presidential campaign. Xavier Denamur
table. What’s more, the restaurant sector is a huge employer across France and generates a
will contribute an article entitled “Citoyens, levez-vous pour vous mettre à table !” (“Citizens,
substantial proportion of the country’s GDP. This project that Xavier Denamur brought to me
rise up and come to the table!”), explaining the film’s unorthodox distribution strategy. Far from
seemed to me a good specific starting point to examine a general phenomenon.
compromising the general release, this complementarity will create a wave of awareness and
République de la Malbouffe is the dramatic story of how we lost control of our economics
build a strong media presence.
and politics and, more trivially perhaps but not without grave consequences, of how we lost
The running time of the film and the communication materials linked with its release will allow
control over what ends up on our plates.
those who wish to do so to organise audience discussions following screenings. During the entire
2012 presidential campaign, every cinema showing the film will thus become an active and vital
Xavier Denamur
participant in the electoral process.
At the beginning of the 90s I opened my first restaurant in the
During the shooting of the film’s sequel République de la Malbouffe: l’Elu Contre-Attaque (The
Marais district of Paris, where I now have five establishments. For
Winner Fights Back), the film crew will follow the candidates as they campaign in Paris and the
more than 20 years I have sought to act according to my social,
provinces, visiting cinemas screening the film, and hosting debates between viewers, trade
economic and environmental convictions. In 2004 the president
associations, restaurateurs, farmers, schools of hotel and restaurant management and politicians.
be “unable to prevent his troops” from voting for the extreme right-wing Front National if he
failed to obtain a reduction in VAT from 19.6% to 5.5%. Disgusted, I decided to move into
How do you show that there is another way? How do you combat a political decision that you
République de la Malbouffe is a film that will make you want to be a part of the resurgent citizenry
of France.
Production and communication
Xavier Denamur – Rebus
33 (0)6 22 12 33 09
[email protected]
a lone voice for long. République de la Malbouffe is a first taste of what is sure to turn into a
Executive producer
widespread movement.
Gilles Le Mao – La Huit Production
33 (0)1 53 44 70 88
François Vila
33 (0)1 53 40 89 97
33 (0)6 08 78 68 10
[email protected]
Stéphane Saint-Martin
La Huit Distribution
33 (0)1 53 44 70 86
33 (0)6 80 88 25 69
[email protected]
raux de la
see as unjust and damaging when yours is the only voice raised in opposition? It will not be
Robert Hunter – Rebus
33 (0)1 42 77 20 49
Press relations
états gé
Métiers et des Industries de l’Hôtellerie) announced that he would
les vr
of the sector’s biggest employers’ association (UMIH, l’Union des
Rebus and La Huit present
Republique de la malbouffe
Jacques Goldstein
In 2009, Xavier Denamur asked me to make a film on what he called
“the scandal of the reduction of VAT (value-added tax) on restaurant
A film by Jacques Goldstein
on an original idea by Xavier Denamur
bills”. The subject is a long way from my usual field, which is music
Running time: 72 minutes
documentaries. But it so happens that I’m also interested in politics
(Junk Food Republic)
Release : 1 February 2012
and economics, so this seemed a good opportunity to apply
See the press release, photos galery, interviews and additional scenes at
my viewpoint and cinematic style to a landscape that was new to me and yet, in terms of
A film by Jacques Goldstein
on an original idea by Xavier Denamur
theoretical thought, a familiar one.
Supporting the film’s general release, République de la Malbouffe will be distributed on DVD
So why not take the restaurant business as a starting point? It is, after all, a place of social
as part of the February issue of Rue89 Le Mensuel. The issue will be devoted to what the
interaction: everyone, rich or poor, has at some point found themselves around a dinner
French nation has – literally – on its plate in the 2012 presidential campaign. Xavier Denamur
table. What’s more, the restaurant sector is a huge employer across France and generates a
will contribute an article entitled “Citoyens, levez-vous pour vous mettre à table !” (“Citizens,
substantial proportion of the country’s GDP. This project that Xavier Denamur brought to me
rise up and come to the table!”), explaining the film’s unorthodox distribution strategy. Far from
seemed to me a good specific starting point to examine a general phenomenon.
compromising the general release, this complementarity will create a wave of awareness and
République de la Malbouffe is the dramatic story of how we lost control of our economics
build a strong media presence.
and politics and, more trivially perhaps but not without grave consequences, of how we lost
The running time of the film and the communication materials linked with its release will allow
control over what ends up on our plates.
those who wish to do so to organise audience discussions following screenings. During the entire
2012 presidential campaign, every cinema showing the film will thus become an active and vital
Xavier Denamur
participant in the electoral process.
At the beginning of the 90s I opened my first restaurant in the
During the shooting of the film’s sequel République de la Malbouffe: l’Elu Contre-Attaque (The
Marais district of Paris, where I now have five establishments. For
Winner Fights Back), the film crew will follow the candidates as they campaign in Paris and the
more than 20 years I have sought to act according to my social,
provinces, visiting cinemas screening the film, and hosting debates between viewers, trade
economic and environmental convictions. In 2004 the president
associations, restaurateurs, farmers, schools of hotel and restaurant management and politicians.
be “unable to prevent his troops” from voting for the extreme right-wing Front National if he
failed to obtain a reduction in VAT from 19.6% to 5.5%. Disgusted, I decided to move into
How do you show that there is another way? How do you combat a political decision that you
République de la Malbouffe is a film that will make you want to be a part of the resurgent citizenry
of France.
Production and communication
Xavier Denamur – Rebus
33 (0)6 22 12 33 09
[email protected]
a lone voice for long. République de la Malbouffe is a first taste of what is sure to turn into a
Executive producer
widespread movement.
Gilles Le Mao – La Huit Production
33 (0)1 53 44 70 88
François Vila
33 (0)1 53 40 89 97
33 (0)6 08 78 68 10
[email protected]
Stéphane Saint-Martin
La Huit Distribution
33 (0)1 53 44 70 86
33 (0)6 80 88 25 69
[email protected]
raux de la
see as unjust and damaging when yours is the only voice raised in opposition? It will not be
Robert Hunter – Rebus
33 (0)1 42 77 20 49
Press relations
états gé
Métiers et des Industries de l’Hôtellerie) announced that he would
les vr
of the sector’s biggest employers’ association (UMIH, l’Union des