An Inside Look
An Inside Look
An Inside Look at the Israeli Real Estate Rental Market Real estate expert Shia Getter explains BY NESANEL GANTZ Shia Getter, the founder of The Getter Group, a real estate management company focusing on Yerushalyim and Beit Shemesh. Originally from London, Shia’s longtime success in the Israeli market has given him an insider’s view on finding a home in Eretz Yisrael. three-bedroom apartment? How much should a typical young American couple expect to pay for an apartment in Yerushalayim? Why are there so few two-bedrooms? It depends very much on which area they want to live in. There are certain areas where the chutz la’aretz [non-Israeli] people like to live. These places are more expensive. A typical apartment for a young couple would have a monthly rent of around $1,750 for a two-bedroom. Do Israeli landlords charge more to an outsider than to an Israeli? No. It’s just that the areas the chutz la’aretz people like to live in are nicer, so they are more expensive. What areas are those? Ganei Geula, Gush Shmonim, and Ramat Eshkol and Ma’alot Dafna. Ramot Eshkol and Ma’alot Dafna are the cheapest of the ones I mentioned. Ganei Geula is the most expensive, and then Gush Shmonim. Does the average young couple who comes to live in Israel usually take a one-, two- or 62 A M I M A G A Z I N E / / J A N U A R Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 4 / / 1 4 S H V A T 5 7 7 4 They usually look for two bedrooms, but there aren’t many of those available for rent, so most of the time they have to rent three-bedroom or one-bedroom apartments. One-bedroom apartments here are very small. Most of the apartments here are not really built as rentals. They were built for the buyers to live in. So the developers didn’t really build two-bedroom apartments. That was until recently when a law was passed that developers must build smaller apartments for those people who can’t afford the larger ones. So now each new development has a certain percentage of smaller apartments. But at the moment there aren’t too many yet. Ramot Eshkol and Ma’alot Dafna are older areas, dating back about 30 to 40 years. There are more two-bedroom apartments available there. What’s the best way for an American to find an apartment in Eretz Yisrael to rent? Do you need a broker? If you have friends who live here, they might be able to find an apartment for you by word of mouth. But it’s very hard to find one yourself, because there’s a very big demand—so many people are looking for apartments to rent. If you don’t hook up with a broker, you’ll have to search for a very long time. Are rental prices going up or down? They aren’t going down. But they aren’t going up very much. Why is that? There’s no over-demand and no over-supply. That’s why it’s stable. What about purchase prices in Israel overall? Purchase prices are going up by a few percent every year. Why? There are so many people interested in buying in Eretz Yisrael that it causes the prices to always go up. The price of land is also going up. The amount of space to build in Jerusalem is limited and more and more people want to buy an apartment here in Yerushalayim. The rental market is more or less filling up every month. There isn’t anybody out on the street with no place to live. What are a tenant’s rights in Israel? Are there any? Tenants have very few rights here in Israel. Its a landlord’s market. There aren’t many rules in favor of the tenant. Why is that? Because there aren’t too many rental apartments available in all of Israel. Israelis have a mindset that they want to live in their own apartment. That’s why developers build apartments in a way that they should be good to live in for a lifetime. Now Finance Minister Yair Lapid is trying to make a program to build 150,000 units all over Israel just for rental—so people who can’t afford to buy should be able to rent. Until now, there weren’t any developments that were built as rentals. Is there a housing department in Israel specifically for tenant-landlord disputes? No. You’d go to regular court? Yes. There’s a different venue for a case in which a tenant doesn’t pay, called “halich maheir,” a quick route. It’s a way to get a court order within two to three months to evict a tenant who doesn’t pay. 64 A M I M A G A Z I N E / / J A N U A R Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 4 / / 1 4 S H V A T 5 7 7 4 When bachurim go to Eretz Yisrael, what’s the best way to find apartments? I know that there is a va’ad for the Mir bachurim that helps them find apartments. I think in all other places the yeshivah has dorms or arranges places if they don’t have enough space in the dorms. There’s also Brisk [where there are no dorms or arranged apartments]. Ourmanagementoncerentedanapartmenttobachurim in Brisk. We had one or two bachurim in charge of collecting the rent from the others. But I don’t know that much about it. JERUSALEM Do landlords charge more for bachurim? Yes, because they charge per bachur and it comes out to more in total. Is that legal? One bedroom: $850-$1150 Two bedrooms: $1200-$2000 Three bedrooms: $1800-$3000 Yes. You can charge as much as you want. There’s no control of rent prices as long as it’s in the contract. BEIT SHEMESH Do more people rent for Pesach or Sukkos, and which is more expensive? One bedroom: $550-$715 Two bedrooms: $750-$1000 Three bedrooms: $850-$1200 ASHDOD One bedroom: $625-$1000 Two bedrooms: $950-$ 1150 Three bedrooms: $1150-$1650 TEL AVIV One bedroom: $850-$1650 Two bedrooms: $1575-$2000 Three bedrooms: $2150-$3150 Sukkos is more expensive because foreigners love to come here for Sukkos and there’s a major demand. Pesach isn’t as expensive. People begin looking for a space two to three months before Sukkos. There are a lot of tenants who live here and go overseas for Yom Tov, and they sublease their apartments to guests who come for Sukkos. What are the average rates? In Yerushalayim during Pesach the average isn’t much higher than what it would be for short-term rentals the rest of the year. It depends on the apartment, but it could be about $200 to $250 for two nights. Sukkos is much more expensive. It doesn’t go per night. A typical threebedroom could be $4,000 just for Sukkos. What’s the best way for people to protect themselves from surprises when renting in general and during the Yom Tov season? For a long-term rental, make sure that the person who lived there before is still there. You can ask him about the apartment. You have to ask around. The same is for short-term. If you’re coming for Yom Tov and renting some unknown apartment, you have to ask around about the person, the place and the apartment. It’s the same as buying an oven or some- 66 A M I M A G A Z I N E / / J A N U A R Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 4 / / 1 4 S H V A T 5 7 7 4 thing. You ask people if the oven is good before you buy it. When you come for a rental, you have to ask around. But what about someone just coming to Israel for short-term? Everyone has friends who were here before. The Gerrer Rebbe told people not to buy in Yerushalayim. Have takanos affected the market at all? The Gerrer Rebbe mainly said that parents shouldn’t buy apartments for their kids in Yerushalayim until a certain number of years after their wedding. But that doesn’t really affect business. First of all, a lot of Gerrers recently bought in the new Schneller project near the Gerrer beis midrash. They call it Marom Yerushalayim but people call it Schneller, which was the name of the army base that was there. It’s very expensive—more than any other development in this chasidishe area. Is there still a trend for parents to buy their kids apartments when they get married? It’s much less than it used to be. The reason it was that way and the reason a lot of people still buy apartments for their children is because it’s very hard for a yungerman who starts off life here to pay rent. Rent is very high and there’s no government assistance for it. The parents want the kids to at least have an apartment, to have something to start with. But it’s much less prevalent than it used to be. It used to be that people couldn’t do shidduchim if they didn’t buy an apartment. How is the process of purchasing an apartment in Israel different than it is in America? There are very significant differences. I tell people that even though their contract is written with Hebrew characters, they look at it like it’s in Chinese, because they don’t really understand it all. •