cfrst brands cumulus™ top cover
cfrst brands cumulus™ top cover
CFRST BRANDS CUMULUS™ TOP COVER CFRST BRANDS Cumulus™ Top Cover by Standard Textile CUMULUS™ SPECIFICATIONS Our EZ ID ® color coded labels allow easy identification of top cover size. See key below for sizes. U.S. PATENT 5,495,874 MADE IN USA MACHINE WASH WARM TUMBLE DRY MEDIUM RN 17910 FULL TOP PROCESSING BENEFITS - Wash-activated patterning U.S. PATENT 5,495,874 U.S. PATENT 5,495,874 MADE IN USA MACHINE WASH WARM TUMBLE DRY MEDIUM RN 17910 MADE IN USA MACHINE WASH WARM TUMBLE DRY MEDIUM RN 17910 QUEEN TOP KING TOP FULL TOP COVER - White QUEEN TOP COVER - Green KING TOP COVER - Gold - Can be laundered with current top covers - This product does not need ironing and ironing is not recommended - No change to your current top cover laundering process - Reduced overall product weight decreases drying time CENTER LOCK LABELS Standard Textile takes the guesswork out of finding the center of the top cover by centering the product labels in the hem of every sheeting product, saving valuable time. CENTIUM CORE TECHNOLOGY® BEFORE WASHING AFTER WASHING 1.800.323.5246 STANDARDTEXTILE.COM ©2014. Standard Textile Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Centium Core Technology is a patented weaving technology that dramatically improves product tensile strength, extends service life, and enhances performance. CFRST BRANDS A blend of polyester and cotton assures lasting performance and softness. No ironing is required. Product must be laundered prior to use. COLOR CODED LABELS Cumulus™ Top Cover by Standard Textile The engineers at Standard Textile have created a beautiful new fashion statement in bedding. The new Cumulus top cover incorporates wash-activated patterning woven with patented Centium Core Technology®. CFRST BRANDS T200 SHEETING CFRST BRANDS T200 Sheeting by Standard Textile T200 SHEETING SPECIFICATIONS Room Ready For You® laundered with Tide® (except 15” pocket fitted sheets). EZ ID ® color-coded thread on hem for size identification. Top and bottom balanced hems. Room Ready For You® laundered with Tide® products are delivered clean, fresh, and ready to use right out of the box, bypassing the time, labor, and costs of up-front processing. Fitted sheets come in 12” or 15” pockets. Choose between designer closure pillowcases or open end pillowcases with white piping. Preferred Comfort product label. Real Green™ products incorporate innovative processing, production, and performance attributes that move Standard Textile and its customers forward on the path to sustainable solutions. OneSTEP™ products provide both the laundry and housekeeping professional with One Solution To Enhance Productivity. EZ ID ® size identification makes sorting a snap, while balanced hems and center lock labels allow for simplified bed make-up. 1.800.323.5246 STANDARDTEXTILE.COM ©2014. Standard Textile Co., Inc. All rights reserved. CFRST BRANDS T200 Sheeting by Standard Textile 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester. CFST BRANDS CUSTOM DESIGNED TERRY CFST BRANDS Custom Designed Terry by Standard Textile TERRY SPECIFICATIONS SIZE INCHES WEIGHT CASE PACK Bath Towel 4 Row Checkered Decorative Dobby on Both Ends 30" x 52" 15.4 lbs/dz 36 each Hand Towel 3 Row Checkered Decorative Dobby on One End 16" x 25" 2.85 lbs/dz 120 each Wash Towel 3 Row Checkered Decorative Dobby on One End 12" x 12" 1.0 lbs/dz 300 each Bath Mat 5 Row Checkered Decorative Border 20" x 29" 6.8 lbs/dz 60 each All terry items above are constructed utilizing Centium Core Technology ® - excluding bath mats. Room Ready For You® laundered with Tide® products are delivered clean, fresh, and ready to use right out of the box, bypassing the time, labor, and costs of up-front processing. Centium Core Technology® is a patented weaving technology that dramatically improves product tensile strength, extends service life, and enhances performance. Real Green™ products incorporate innovative processing, production, and performance attributes that move Standard Textile and its customers forward on the path to sustainable solutions. 1.800.323.5246 STANDARDTEXTILE.COM ©2014. Standard Textile Co., Inc. All rights reserved. CFST BRANDS Custom Designed Terry by Standard Textile CFST BRANDS TERRY RESIDENCE INN® BY MARRIOTT® CUSTOM DESIGNED TERRY RESIDENCE INN® BY MARRIOTT® Custom Designed Terry by Standard Textile TERRY SPECIFICATIONS SIZE INCHES WEIGHT CASE PACK Bath Towel 4 Row Checkered Decorative Dobby on Both Ends 30" x 52" 15.4 lbs/ dz 36 each Hand Towel 3 Row Checkered Decorative Dobby on Both Ends 16" x 27" 4.3 lbs/dz 120 each Wash Towel 3 Row Checkered Decorative Dobby on Both Ends 12" x 12" 1.5 lbs/dz 300 each Bath Mat 5 Row Checkered Decorative Border 22" x 32" 9.5 lbs/dz 60 each All terry items above are constructed utilizing Centium Core Technology ® - excluding bath mats. Room Ready For You® laundered with Tide® products are delivered clean, fresh, and ready to use right out of the box, bypassing the time, labor, and costs of up-front processing. Centium Core Technology® is a patented weaving technology that dramatically improves product tensile strength, extends service life, and enhances performance. Real Green™ products incorporate innovative processing, production, and performance attributes that move Standard Textile and its customers forward on the path to sustainable solutions. 1.800.323.5246 STANDARDTEXTILE.COM ©2014. Standard Textile Co., Inc. All rights reserved. RESIDENCE INN® BY MARRIOTT® Custom Designed Terry by Standard Textile RESIDENCE INN TERRY
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