Paull people`s choice for change
Paull people`s choice for change
Scan this QR code for instant access to Published by QUESNEL, BC – WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2011 “The only newspaper in the world that gives a %#@!*! about Ron Paull” “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” – Martin Luther King Jr. 1386 Moffat Ave. Quesnel, BC 250-992-8994 Paull people’s choice for change CHALLENGES STATUS-QUO RON PAULL MAKES THIRD RUN FOR MAYOR Veteran city councillor Ron Taxpayers, which calls for limPaull has decided to give iting property tax increases to Quesnel voters a “credible the rate of inflation, expanding middle-of-the-road” choice for direct democracy at city halls, mayor in the November 19th and supporting transparency civic elections. “After nine initiatives like publishing years on council, I have come expenses and submitting to a to a three-way fork in the Municipal Auditor General. It trail… either spin my wheels also asks for the introduction for another three years as of a Taxpayer Protection councillor, retire all together Bylaw, which would put these from thirty plus years of local rules into municipal law – and public service or grab the dock 15% of the pay of bull by the horns and mayors and councilthrow my hat into lors who raised Think of the ring for taxes beyond your ballot as mayor.” Paull inflation. an Oreo Cookie. said that several “I have been recent developin and around The best part ments pushed Quesnel City is in the him to the tipping Hall for 40 years, middle! point. “After invesand I know when tigating spending overthings are not right. runs and alleged expense With less than three years in account improprieties office, the current mayor is on unearthed by our Finance her third city manager, and just Committee chair, watching the recently, the City’s long-time tax tab climb each year, and deputy corporate administrator getting “discreet indirect sub- who also carried the title of tle messages” that staff morale chief election officer for this was at an all time low, I had very election resigned. “City too many sleepless nights and I Hall is hurting and we need to finally realized that for me, it get things back on track.” Paull had to be Paull or nothing!” says he has felt frustrated and Ron Paull is the only stifled as a backbencher at the Quesnel candidate to join 86 council table, and found himother BC mayoral and city self questioning and opposing councillor candidates to sign much of the current direction. the Canadian Taxpayers’ “I finally figured that the only Federation’s Contract With way I could change direction was to lead rather than follow.” Paull says that his more than three decades of combined staff and council experience has provided him with extensive knowledge of the issues and how things work and should work at City Hall. His vast experience and familiarity with local government will help him introduce and Ron and Pat are both actively involved in serving the community. lead at least three new members to “Thanks, but no thanks” ... the council team. Paull said he Ron does not accept monetary is impressed with the quality campaign contributions. of new candidates seeking a people’s politician than a seat on council and he wel- politician’s politician.” comes the opportunity of “I’m between my two conworking with any of them. tenders… one being pro-busi“My leadership style would ness and the other being probe much more inclusive and union,” Paull said. “In local transparent, from the bottom- government, there should be up, rather than from the top- no right and left… only right down. I would delegate more and wrong. We see too much trust and responsibility to the divisive partisanship at senior rest of council. government I would do levels and in away with the A frontage tax for larger cities, divisive cliqueand we should West Quesnel? like executive e n e rg e t i c a l l y (see page 4) committee, and resist partisanall of council ship at the local would participate in decision level as long as we can. I am making. As mayor, I would like an OREO cookie… the stay out of staff’s way by best part is in the middle!” spending less time in City Hall “Yes”, Paull concludes, “I and more time out on the admit I had difficulty stepping “My only promises are to put people before politics, encourage street, in the neighbourhoods out of my comfort zone and and businesses, interacting taking a risk, but as Wayne open and honest government, to treat all fairly and equally, to directly with the people that I Gretzky said… ‘You’ll always respect different philosophies and views, and to have the courage have been elected to serve, on miss 100% of the shots you to openly admit mistakes and to give straight answers.” their turf rather than mine. The don’t take.’ ” inner sanctum mayor’s office, protected by locked doors and video surveillance is okay for some, but too intimidating for others. I want to meet folks on a more informal basis. I want Ron Paull is running on two records. high on his agenda. “We can always do more to be able to personally Firstly, he stands on his combined 33 years of to improve and promote tourism and commurespond to a complaint, to senior management and council experience at nity development", he said. Now into his sixcome out and see firsthand Quesnel city hall, having worked with and for teenth year as publisher of his award winning what the problems are. We all seven of Quesnel's mayors and dozens of Quesnel Visitors' and Community Guides, need to track complaints and aldermen and councillors. Secondly, he is runPaull continues to promote Quesnel and area. concerns so they don’t get ning on a record of four decades of continuous "It seems that the only time big city reporters pushed aside. I know what the service to the community. As many non-profit come to town is when the news is bad. We can staff’s jobs are and I would let groups know, if you need something done, ask change that by selling the positives, starting them go about their work with- Ron. He recalls that after his tour of duty in the with our volunteers.” He believes Quesnel's out interference. I would not Royal Canadian Air Force, he came to Quesnel organizations are the driving force behind for micromanage. I would also let in 1970 to sell ads for the Cariboo Observer, our strong community spirit and we should the media do their work with- and immediately joined the Quesnel Jay Cees give them all the help, encouragement and out interference. Pretty well all to help organize the Quesnel Winter Frolics recognition we can. “We must do more to supof the media stuff that comes Festival. He went on to become a founding port our community events. When elected as out of council meetings and member and ten year president of Billy Barker mayor, I will appoint a councillor to the portthe mayor’s office, including Days, and then director of the City's 1982, folio of community events and volunteerism. the weekly mayor’s message, 1993 and 2000 BC Winter Games. Ron was We need to make sure events such as SkyFest under the mayor’s direction, is very active in fund raising for construction of and the Fall Fair get back on the Gold Pan City spun and sanitized by staff, the Quesnel and District Seniors’ Centre. His Calendar. Volunteers are the very glue that which is counterproductive to greatest pride was in co-chairing the Palliative binds our community together.” Paull notes good old fashioned unhindered Care Association’s Hospice Advisory that he would advocate for including learning and non biased reporting.” Committee. "I've always been passionate about volunteer service in our school curricu“I have no interest in seats at about my helping my community be the best it lum, and that we must interest more young big city boardroom tables that can be.” Ron’s wife Pat Morton is much the people to want to step up the plate as volunhave no real beneficial connec- same, with her thirty five year history in helpteers to relieve our many aging volunteers who tion to Quesnel. I see myself as ing people with their tax problems as well as seem to be carrying too much of the load. An more of a grassroots, back to her passion for helping folks hack though govadded bonus is that youth volunteer service basics, keep it simple type of ernmental red tape. will go a long way to preparing them for the mayor. I see myself more as a Paull has always placed Quesnel’s image job market. Paull’s record is proven DON’T FORGET TO VOTE NOV. 19 – FOR A RIDE, CALL 250-992-8994 POLLS OPEN 8:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M. SATURDAY, NOV. 19 (1) DOWNTOWN – CITY HALL (2) WEST QUESNEL – CORRLIEU SCHOOL (3) SOUTH QUESNEL – DRAGON LAKE SCHOOL 250-992-8994 PAGE 2 • THE PAULLITICIAN, NOVEMBER 2011 Who is Ron Paull? Age? 61 Resident how long? Of Quesnel area: 41 years, of Johnston Neighbourhood: 24 years. Occupation: Publisher of Quesnel Visitors’ and Community Guides since 1996. Education and training: Public schooling – Fort St. John, Royal Canadian Air Force School of Administration & Logistics, various City of Quesnel sponsored training courses in municipal administration, bylaw enforcement, tourism and economic development. Family: Ron’s Mum and Dad live next door. Ron is the eldest of four children, married Pat Morton (the tax lady) in Shiraoi, Japan, 3 grown children – Kevin, Darci and Glenn, grandkids Kyle, Alexi, Jenna, Jaxsen and Kaysen, two little white dogs, Sassy and Moxie, “Kitty” the cat. Affiliations and Appointments: (chronological) Quesnel Jay Cees, Quesnel Winter Frolics, Northern BC Winter Games – 1982 & 1993, Cariboo Tourism Assoc. (1991 Caribooster of the Year), member Royal Canadian Legion Br. 94, Billy Barker Days Society (founding member, 10 year president), BC Festivals Assoc. (past president), Municipal Officers’ Assoc. of BC, Appointed by Minister of Tourism to Expo 86 Advisory Board, 1996 Citizen of the Year “Judges’ Award”, 24 year member and past president of Quesnel Rotary Club, 15 year committee member of Ducks Unlimited, Quesnel & District Seniors’ Centre volunteer, Vice President and Director of ProtocolQuesnel 2000 BC Winter Games, past board memberEconomic Development Assoc. of BC, Cariboo Economic Action Forum, present board member Quesnel and District Palliative Care Assoc., Cochair Hospice Advisory Committee, board member New Pathways to Gold Society…. and some probably some others he may have missed. Hobbies and interests: Ron and his wife Pat are daily care givers for Ron’s elderly parents. Ron is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys snowmobiling, fourwheeling, hunting, hiking, fishing, festivals and rodeos. Above all, Ron and his wife Pat enjoy community service. Mayor Snubs Forestry Workers Ron Paull was surprised when he saw that the City of Quesnel was apparently left out of a recent news story listing all the interior forest industry communities that attended a dinner hosted in Vancouver by the Central Interior Logging Association in conjunction to the Union of BC Municipalities Convention. The event provided opportunity for forest industry communities to meet and network with CILA and learn about the association’s activities and the challenges that the industry is facing in wake of the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic, declining markets, climate change, and new government regulations affecting CILA members. “I was sure the mayor would have been there, so I emailed the executive director of the CILA, to point out the error, only to find that the mayor had in fact declined the invite. I was informed that the invite was open to any member of Council; however, it was up to the mayor to pass the invite along.” At the next Council meeting, Paull questioned why the mayor declined the invite and why the City was not represented. The mayor responded by saying she could not attend because she was networking with her council colleagues that evening. Paull reminded the mayor she knew he was available to sit in for her that evening because he did not book a seat at any of the evening dinners that carried a price tag of up to $100 per plate. “I am not part of the mayor’s inner circle, and I think that is why I was not asked to sit in for her. The dinner was attended by mayors and council representatives from Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, Vanderhoof, MacKenzie, Prince George, Taylor, Smithers, Burns Lake and Fort St. James. A dozen coastal mayors attended as well. “We pride ourselves in being a “Wood Smart” community, the first “Wood First” town, and this year our region was named “Forest Capital of Canada” and our mayor chooses instead to socialize with her council colleagues. We were conspicuous by our absence and I feel bad for our forestry industry and its workers. That would never happen under my watch” Paull concluded. Ronʼs favourite cartoon. TOUGH QUESTIONS ... SO FAR, NO ANSWERS “It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” For those that do not read the Observer…. As I go door-to-door, I am surprised how many people are asking me why all the fuss over expense claims. For those that do not read the Observer, here is a reprint of my letter to the editor. As a postscript, I challenge the mayor to answer the REAL question… it was never a question if she was under or over budget on her expenses… it was a question of whether or not those expense claims were proper and eligible in the first place. Her $200 windshield claim is the most glaring example. Council’s travel expense policy is very clear… fifty cents per kilometer “includes all risk associated with property damage.” It has been argued that $200 is no big deal. Maybe not for some, but it begs the ultimate question…Is it right? Or is it wrong? Madam Editor, Until now, I have resisted growing public pressure to weigh in on the thorny issue of the mayor’s expenses, but the city auditor’s* letter was the proverbial straw that has raised more questions than answers. For example, was the auditor instructed to adjudicate only the paper trail and not the eligibility and propriety of some of the mayor’s expenses? Why didn’t his opinion go beyond simply saying that all the paperwork is in order? Why, in spite of saying in his letter that he conducted a “review of the overall purpose of the supporting documentation” did he not say (or at least politely hint) that some of those expenses were clearly not eligible to have been claimed? Is he not aware that certain of those expenses are illegitimate because under the Canada Income Tax Act, all local government elected officials receive a large portion (in our case it is one third) of their pay as an expense allowance? The City’s Council Indemnity Bylaw No. 1385 of 1997 says, in part “….provide for the payment of an annual indemnity to the Mayor and councillors of the City …., a part of which may be an allowance for expenses incidental to their duties”. In the body of the bylaw, Section 3 states “One-third of such annual indemnity amounts paid to each member of Council shall be paid as an allowance for expenses incidental to the discharge of his or her office.” That language is repeated in the Council Policy for Council Remuneration. Our expense allowance is not to be considered part of our pay, and is not taxable, which adds even more (4) Why does it seem possible to end value to the one third expense bypass and be paid more than the set allowance. Are we not well enough allowance for a local restaurant compensated for our out-of-pocket expenses? I think so. Wouldn’t a lunch by simply submitting a receipt for that lunch instead of claiming salesman or any other business perthe lower set allowance on the propson just love to be granted the er expense claim form? More equivalent of one third of his or her importantly, why wasn’t that lunch, earnings as a tax-free expense allowance? and many other lunches for that matter, properly paid for from the Last week, I booked a one hour one third tax free expense appointment with staff to view the allowance, for which it is intended? files that accompany forty some odd (5) Why was a Blackberry cover expense cheques issued to the mayor. I was surprised at the mounapproved as a claimable expense? Each of us, including the mayor, tain of paperwork that confronted receive a generous fifty dollar me. In fact, after spending an hourmonthly technology allowance to and-a-half, I managed to get through cover costs for our personal cell about only a third of it. I believe my phone, home fax machine, home opinions of the findings are based computer, laptop, home office supon a solid foundation of knowledge gained from over twenty four years plies and home internet service (we as a senior staff member at Quesnel must have internet to access our electronic agendas). City Hall, followed by nine years as (6) Does the shopping done by the a Quesnel City councillor. I have mayor contravene the City’s puralso had the benefit of some pretty chasing policy in that the need for knowledgeable and experienced tax purchase orders is apparently advisors. My brief and incomplete bypassed? inspection of the files provoked sev(7) Why are gifts of chocolates, eral more questions that need to be pedicures and other treats for staff asked… (1) Like why were some questionand others from an elected official able forms of receipts accepted by not paid from that elected official’s staff? Why do some receipts consist one third tax-free expense allowance, rather than being of only an Interact receipt, which should not be eligible to take the charged to the taxpayer twice? Further, are some employees more place of a proper receipt? Why was equal or more deserving of gifts and another “receipt” approved which treats than others? was hand written on what appeared to be part of a napkin? (8) Why does the mayor apparently prefer to travel by private taxi or (2) Why was a claim that apparently limousine as included a opposed to meal for the the much m a y o r ’s ALL CANDIDATES more ecos p o u s e PUBLIC FORUM nomical, approved (albeit humwhen policy ble) hotel clearly states shuttle or that spousal expenses are transit, not eligible for Airporter or reimburseC a n a d a ment? Line? Is this contrary to (3) Why was a our travel piddly little policy that claim for requests that $8.46 for a we use the Diet Coke, a most ecobag of “You expect me to tell the nomical Hickory Sticks truth, the whole truth, and means of snack food nothing but the truth, commercial and what transportaappears to be a and then you ask me tion possimagazine a question like that!?” ble? In fact, approved, as if we choose opposed to to take our personal vehicle on an being covered under the daily $25 approved trip, we are paid the fifty “incidental expense” allowance as cents per kilometre or the airfare provided by the City? Also, how equivalent, whichever is the lesser. much did it cost taxpayers to have (9) Why does the mayor betray our staff process and pay such a frivoown “shop local” campaign by lous claim? shopping for the City stuff (as evidenced by receipts) at Costco, London Drugs, Home Depot and other out-of-town stores? At the risk of being labelled picky, petty and heaven forbid political, my brief and incomplete review of the files raises further bothersome questions that need to be asked… (1) Like why does it appear that some elected and appointed officials, and perhaps even our paid professional auditors, are ignorant of, seem not understand, or perhaps choose to ignore the purpose of the one-third tax fee expense allowance enabled by Canada Revenue Agency (the Federal Government)? In Quesnel’s case this one third tax free expense allowance is upwards of about $15000.00 annually or $1250.00 a month for the mayor and about $3960 annually for us councillors. Let’s not forget that the mayor is also paid by the Cariboo Regional District, so I believe that one third of her CRD stipend provides her with yet another tax free expense allowance. There are also expense allowances for other boards and committees that she sits on, such as UBCM and BC Transit, however those expenses are virtually impossible to access. I have reviewed Interpretation Bulletins and SubSection 81(3) from the federal Income Tax Act that explains that this one third tax free expense allowance is an allowance for expenses and not compensation for our service to the taxpayers. It is very clear… two thirds of our stipend is pay, and one third is to cover expenses incurred in carrying out our duties in the community. (2) Why does the mayor not see, or perhaps choose not to see the line that separates duties and responsibilities of elected officials from paid staff? Ergo… why doesn’t staff do the shopping? (3) Is the mayor too overbearing and does she intimidate staff by pushing the limits on allowable expenses, such as, for example, her $200 windshield claim, which is not provided for under our vehicle expense policy? The fifty cents per kilometre is intended to cover ALL incidental expenses for the vehicle. In fact, our corporate travel policy clearly states “The rate per kilometre includes all risk associated with property damage and loss of safe driving discount.” Did staff approve the windshield claim free of any coercion or political interference? (4) Was the City’s release of information sought by Councillor Thapar, Finance Committee Chair, resisted and delayed as long as possible because of its potentially revealing content? (5) Would an independent auditor, who was not paid by the City, have arrived at the same conclusions by digging deeper? (6) Does all this uncertainty and ignorance around expense allowances point to the need for education for elected and appointed local government officials and auditors? Does it point to the need for a Municipal Auditor General as proposed by Premier Christy Clark? What is the real reason why the mayor seems to oppose the idea of a Municipal Auditor General? (7) Who directed the City manager to submit the auditor’s letter to the editor? Isn’t that letter the property of the City, not to be arbitrarily sent off as a letter to the editor? (8) Just what does the mayor think her approximately $15,000 tax free expense allowance is for? As an upcoming president of the UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities), wouldn’t it be a good idea for her to introduce a convention course or workshop titled “Expense Allowances 101” to correct what appears to be a broad ignorance of the rules among politicians, bureaucrats and paid auditors. And finally… in spite of Finance Committee chair Thapar being a little hard to understand, often annoyingly repetitive and a bit like a bull in a china shop when it comes to tact and diplomacy, was he right? Under all his warts and foibles, I think so. I am reluctant to send this letter to you, Madam Editor, especially at election time, but it seems that letters to the editor is the new communications strategy around City Hall, as is evidenced by the latest missive launched by the City Manager. My apologies to our staff spin doctor, Matt! Let’s all learn and respect the rules and get on with the people’s business, as we were elected to do! –Ron Paull * (It has since been reported that the auditor contributed to the mayor’s 2008 campaign.) “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” –Robert F. Kennedy “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” –Edward R. Murrow Mind the mines! PAULL’S PUCK LUCK It’s costing Ron Paull dearly to put his money where his mount is! “We were at a recent Joint Planning Committee meeting and in a moment of frustration over a proposal to hire yet another consultant, this time to do fund raising for the Multi Centre, I had one of my “instant brain waves”, Paull said. He was questioning why a consultant was needed to get a fund raising drive together, when on the spot, he suggested the fund raising committee could gather pledges for every goal the Quesnel Kangaroos scored on home ice in the regular season. “I said I would pledge $20 to the Multi Centre fund for each goal. I wasn’t expecting the cough up $420 for the twenty one goals the ‘Roos netted in their next two games… and there are still another half dozen games to go!” On the bright side, Paull is issuing a challenge to his mayoral candidate opponents to meet or beat his pledge. “Let’s have a little fun for a good cause!” Paull laughed. Let’s ENFORCE our bylaws!! Ron Paull is getting an earful about bylaw enforcement. Or lack of it. He responds by saying “Under the present mayor, we seem to be dancing around bylaw enforcement. Unsightly premises, crack shacks, noise, street racing, derelict cars, unsafe abandoned houses… the list goes on and on. Under my leadership, we will see more enforcement, and not just on a complaint-driven basis. Why do we have bylaws if we’re afraid to enforce them?” With a large part of his family relying on employment at Gibraltar Mines for their livelihood, Ron Paull is all too aware of the importance of supporting the local and regional mining and mineral exploration industry. “I think I’m the only candidate in this election that has made the effort to personally tour the sites of Gibraltar Mines, the Prosperity Mines property at Fish Lake near Taseko Lake, the Davidson Mountain Mine at Tsacha Lake and the Spanish Mountain property at Likely.” Paull says as mayor, he would encourage the City’s economic development corporation to focus more on the mining industry. “In all my years on Council, I cannot remember an actual working session with our economic development board. As mayor, I would insist that we meet at least once a year to ensure we are on the same page and share a common vision and strategy for economic development. We’re paying a whole lot of attention to birch syrup, but we must do more on the primary industrial and high paying jobs front.” Paull said. Quesnel mayoral candidate Ron Paull, in his commitment to comment on issues in the November 19 civic elections, has released his position statement on the proposed Multi Centre. Paull said that in the last two elections, this was a major plank in his platform, as it is today. He noted he and wife Pat Morton held season tickets for Quesnel Millionaires hockey and now for the Kangaroos. They are also season ticket holders at Theatre Northwest in Prince George, but would prefer to stay home for their live theatre fixes. Paull was also a founding member of the Quesnel Theatre Action Group. “Under my leadership, the Multi Centre will be higher priority than before. We have just two years left in our fiveyear window from the ‘08 referendum. It wasn’t long ago when MP Dick Harris openly admitted in the press that he didn’t realize our multi centre was such a high priority. Mr. Harris needs to know big time that it is our region’s… in fact the entire Cariboo Regional Districts’ number one priority. If the current mayor can’t communicate with senior government politicians, I sure can… let’s get moving!” Paull informed the October 27th all candidates’ forum that following approval of the 2008 Multi Centre referendum, he attempted to continue momentum generated by the referendum to raise seed money to lever major funds from senior governments and others. “I was politely reminded by the mayor to stay out of it… that was her job, not mine,” Paull said. “Now three years later, the Multi Centre fund raising committee was hastily thrown together just weeks ago... to hire a fund raising consultant with a budget of over $100,000… just in time for the election. At the last Joint Planning Committee meeting, I moved to delay that decision until the new Council was sworn in, but was defeated. In my frustration over the thought of yet another consultant, I came up with an idea that the fund raising committee could gather pledges for every goal the ‘Roos scored on home ice in the regular season.” Paull also informed fund raising committee chair Eric Wickham of his idea. “I said I would throw in $20 for each goal, not expecting the Roos to score a total of 21 goals on home ice over the past weekend alone! In hindsight, maybe I should have put a cap on it… but I’ll THE PAULLITICIAN, NOVEMBER 2011 • PAGE 3 Ron Paull has personally toured the sites of Gibraltar Mines, the Prosperity Mines property at Fish Lake near Taseko Lake, the Davidson Mountain Mine area at Tsacha Lake and the Spanish Mountain property at Likely. Paull Sparks Multi Centre “Plan B” Debate Ron & Patʼs grandkids (l-r) Jenna, Alexi, Jaxen, and Kyle keep them forever young. (Missing: grandson Kaysen) suck it up and donate my $420 when they get their fund raising plan organized. The ‘Roos think this is a great idea and are doing their job by racking up the goals; we just need to capitalize on it.” Paull speculated that a reasonable goal for accumulated pledges could be $1000 or more per goal, which would have generated $21,000 for the multi centre last weekend alone. He said it’s not just about the money. “This would generate needed awareness and support for the project. We’ve been too quiet. We don’t even have a sign or banner in our old arena or anywhere else to promote the Multi Centre.” He said he would like to see fund raising ideas for the theatre as well. “We need to show potential large funders we are serious and the more seed money we have the more credibility and leverage we’ll have.” Paull raised the question of contingency planning for the multi centre at the October 27th all candidates’ forum in response to enquiries he was getting from voters as he went from door to door. “What if we don’t get all our funding, if the price goes up or, heaven forbid, if we lose another mill... then what?” Paull asked. “The current mayor doesn’t want to talk contingency, but the people sure want to hear what we have for a backup plan.” Upon being questioned about his ideas at the forum, he replied that he has done his research, but would like to discuss it with his colleagues, once elected. “I’m a consensus builder, and although I have several outside-of-the-box ideas to throw on the table for the new Joint Planning Committee to mull over, I want to hear their opinions, not wanting to push my ideas ahead of the discussion. I was the first to stick my neck out by saying we need to talk about contingency, and it wasn’t long before other candidates, except the mayor, were following suit.” Paull said. “Someone even suggested what I would call a plan “P” for “phasing” of the project, but I am not going there because it would be outside the mandate provided by the referendum. It’s unfortunate that nothing much has really happened with the multi centre in the last three years… but after I’m elected mayor, I would work with our partners at the CRD to quickly put the multi centre into high gear. We only have two years left to make it happen.” Ron Paull is big on transparency. He is quick to take credit for two recent accomplishments at the Council table that have brought to light the mayor’s spending practices. “I was successful in my motion to have the expense claim forms for the mayor, council and senior staff posted on the City’s web site, as part of our regular bi-weekly agendas.” Paull’s second victory came about a bit by accident. “I had a call from a lady who wanted some budget information and I referred her to the City’s web site. Well, after much searching around, we found it wasn’t there. Upon asking staff why the budget wasn’t there, a report came back to Council, saying it would take up too much space to post all 28 pages of the line-by-line budget on the City’s web site. I was quick to remind everyone that we have no trouble posting a 300-400 page agenda on the City’s web site every week. Long story short… the City’s budget is now posted on the City’s website for all to see! There would be no more secret camera meetings to rehearse for open meeting assembled. In camera meetings are strictly for land, labour and legal matters. Period. “We need fresh, experienced leadership that would encourage meaningful, all-inclusive interaction, from the grass roots up, rather than from the mayor's office down. If elected, mayoral candidate Ron Paull would appoint a councillor to head up a new Seniors Advisory Committee as well as a new committee that would address youth issues. “I am not sure our existing youth programs and the youth centre are effectively serving the entire youth community, so I would convene a Youth Forum that would rely heavily on social media to find out just what we need to do to improve services and opportunity for youth in our community. I am hearing that our Youth Centre should be on the West Side. In my door-knocking campaign I have gone out of my way to talk to youth and seniors, and I can see wonderful opportunities to improve services for citizens at both ends of the age scale.” Freedom of Information should be ... just that! Both ends of the age scale Ron continues to be actively involved in BBDays, since starting it 39 years ago. ALTERNATE TRUCK ROUTE? BYPASS? …OR WHAT? PAGE 4 • THE PAULLITICIAN, NOVEMBER 2011 Like the Multi Centre and the West Quesnel Land Stability projects, the Alternate Truck Route, North/South Connector or Bypass has not advanced appreciably during the last three-year Council term. “No wonder the current mayor’s campaign logo is a stop sign… a sign of the speed with which things have been moving… um… stalled at City Hall of late,” chuckled mayoral candidate Ron Paull. “We absolutely must get this project on the government’s radar, particularly since we have a provincial election coming up in less than The Poet’s Corner Roses are red, violets are blue Ron’s for mayor? We have two! A vote for Paull as many well know… Can bring change. Our chance to grow! A vote for the other? Likely status quo! Anon. “You put the Paullitician in here... 18 months. Paull noted that he is not happy with the route proposal adopted by the former Joint Planning Committee. “It does absolutely nothing to get loaded and empty logging trucks off of Front Street. We should give this thing another look to see if we can’t route loaded logging trucks straight off the Moffat Bridge to connect with the truck route on either side of the Quesnel River highway bridge at the bottom of the Dragon Lake Hill. In the meantime, I think we should take a look at the possibility of making Front Street southbound traffic only one lane, and allow traffic to move more smoothly by incorporating a centre lane permitting left-turns in both directions or a “scramble lane” only.” Paull says when elected mayor, like the multi centre project, he would accelerate the alternate truck route file. “The highway bottleneck or chokepoint at Quesnel is not so much a Quesnel issue as it is a northern BC issue. We need to get our provincial government to move the Quesnel bottleneck up on their “Cariboo Connector” calendar. Ron has 48 signs – each one different. Can you find them all around town, and report your findings on Facebook? A frontage tax for West Quesnel? I don’t think so!! At the mayoral candidates’ forum hosted by the South Quesnel Neighbourhood Association, we were asked if we would favour a parcel tax in West Quesnel for the land stability project, similar to the parcel tax for the South Hills water project. The incumbent mayor said a small parcel tax may be worth looking at. My response is that the people of South Hills are paying their parcel tax as a result asking for their water through a referendum. The people of West Quesnel did not ask for a land stability problem. Further, we did not impose a parcel tax on businesses benefiting directly from the million dollar St. Laurent Avenue beautification project and sidewalks on Newman Road (that should have been installed by the developer who was a friend of a previous mayor!) I will not agree with a parcel tax in West Quesnel. Paull leads with resolutions at UBCM You know he prefers the Observer.” Interesting Links... Mayoral candidate Ron Paull says you don’t have to be VP of the Union of BC Municipalities to make a difference. He has authored the highest number of resolutions from Quesnel for debate at the annual UBCM conventions. He (not staff) must first draft the resolution, get it adopted and referred by Council to the annual conference of the North Central Local Government Association (all municipalities and regional districts north of 100 Mile House), where it is again adopted and referred to the Union of BC Municipalities convention, where up to 1,500 voting delegates will hopefully adopt the resolution so it can be passed on to either the federal or provincial government for implementation. Paull’s resolutions can be found at and (briefly described) include the following: (1) Tax exemption for service club dues paid by community volunteers. (2) Single transferable license plate to allow single insurance for two-vehicle owners. (3) Eliminating carbon tax in northern, cold climate, resource-based communities. (4) Postponing incandescent light bulb ban until LED is proven better than CFL bulbs. (5) Property assessment appeals heard in towns in which they are launched. (6) Federal government to continue providing aeronautical services to small airports. WHAT IS RON READING NOW? Not that he has a whole bunch of time for reading at the moment, he says that for inspiration and motivation during the election campaign, he is really enjoying Jack Layton’s Speaking Out Louder. Another book on Ron’s table at the moment is Dan Ariely’s The upside of irrationality… the unexpected benefits of defying logic. Ron’s happy when he’s headin’ sleddin’ ng e! S ILE M for a c h a Want more info? Contact Ron. Ron Paull is excited about all the new communications tools he is learning about and putting into practice in this election. “This is my sixth election, but this one is hugely different because of social media. I am learning so much… and having a ton of fun doing it!” Paull exclaimed. He noted that besides being on the web ( ) and email ( [email protected] ), his campaign is on Face Book, Twitter and YouTube. “When we found out that the Chamber of Commerce wasn’t having the October 27th All Candidates’ Forum televised (let alone advertised) our campaign team quickly responded by arranging the hiring, at our own expense, a crew to live stream the over the internet. I have been trying for years to get Council meetings live streamed but have met with resistance from the mayor and staff. Now that I know how easy and inexpensive it is, I will make those changes. Not everyone has Shaw Cable ten, which is never broadcast live anyway. At the forums, we also came prepared to video tape the forum, and arranged with Shaw Cable Ten to use our recorded footage. I think I am the only candidate to use a QR code, as shown here… to allow people to scan the code with their mobile devices to connect them and allow them to interact instantly with me through my website, email, Face Book, etc. “I am so impressed with the company ( ) that we hired to do our social media stuff for my campaign. They will be looking after all the social media work for my business Ron Paull Communications and Quesnel Visitors’ and Community Guides. As Quesnel’s next mayor, I will work to bring our City up to speed in electronic communications. If a grandpa like me can do it on a shoestring budget, it should be no problem for the City to do it too!” HST Smart Meters He’s well connected. Phone 250-992-8994 Ron Paull canvassed door-to-door with the petition to extinguish the HST. And on the matter of Smart Meters, he tried unsuccessfully to get City Council to put forth a resolution to the UBCM opposing BC Hydro’s Smart Meter project. Cell 250-991-9009 • Fax 250-992-5333 Email: [email protected] Web: Snail Mail: 1386 Moffat Ave, Quesnel, BC V2J 3A7 FACEBOOK Paull leads in technology and “live streaming” all candidates forums TWITTER PAULL Ron X for MAYOR
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