this week bulletin.
this week bulletin.
WELCOME To The Regional Parishes of Tacoma The Bulletin of Information and Activities Fourth Sunday of Lent March 15, 2015 Your Pastoral Team: Fr. Tuan Nguyen, D. Min. Fr. Laga Paulo Olaaiga PV Fr. J. Carlos Saenz PV Regional Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar 253-882-9943 206-375-9539 253-279-4158 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Emergency Contact Sr. Mary: (253) 592-2455 MABUHAY! Welcome! Chào Mừng Sacred Heart Parish 4520 McKinley Avenue Tacoma, WA 98404 (253) 472-7738 Masses / Misas Sunday 10:00am English Mon & Fri 8:00am English Dominical Español Sábado 7:00pm Domingo 8:00am y 12:00 Medodía Jueves 7:00pm Español Reconciliation / Confesiones During office hours only: Tue to Fri Make sure Fr. Kokol (Carlos) is in. Call office or him. No appointments! Afio mai! St. Ann Parish Hafa Adai! Shalom! Bienvenidos! St. John of the Woods Parish 7025 South Park Avenue 9903 24th Avenue East Tacoma, WA 98408 Tacoma (Midland), WA 98445 (253) 472-1360 (253) 537-8551 English Masses & Reconciliation English Masses & Reconciliation Reconciliation: Sat. 4:00pm Saturday at 5:00pm Reconciliation: Sat. 4:30pm Sunday at 9:30am Saturday at 5:30pm Weekdays (Tue/Wed/Thu) at 8:00am Sunday at 8:00am & 11:00am Tuesday Mass at 5:00pm Weekdays (Tue/Wed/Fri) at 9:30am Friday Mass at 7:00pm Vietnamese Mass: You can find more information and activities on the web at Reconciliation: Sun. 3:00pm Sunday at 4:00pm Pastor’s Letter Dear Parishioners: We are in the Fourth Week of the Lenten Season. We thank you for participating in the journey of Faith with the Elects and Candidates toward the Baptism Font at the Easter Vigil celebration. They are with us for prayers and support. We thank you for your support and for making them feel welcome among us. They were so happy to meet with the Archbishop who took time to welcome them at the Rite of Election. We thank the RCIA and RCIC core teams for assisting them each week of their journey of Faith. We also thank the catechist and parents of students in the CCD program for assisting them with the Children’s Mass a few weekends ago. We are celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation with the CCD students at this time. We cordially invite parents to participate in receiving this sacrament with their children. I like to thank the students and parents who came and met with me for an interview about their preparation of the sacrament that they will receive. I also thank the teachers for providing me with information about their students, so I am able to learn from them before I meet with them and their parents. I am very proud of the teachers in the Faith Formation program who assist us in teaching different Faith Formation programs. They are practicing their Faith by preaching it and they are being a good example of what they teach to their students. We congratulate the Vietnamese Youth Group at St. Ann’s Church for the successful night that they had organized to praise and worship the Lord during Lent through songs and music last Saturday night. I could not believe that the young people in our parishes have so many talents and gifts that they shared with the community and they are evangelizing God’s words in different ways to bring us together. There are many people who came to this event. They were singing religious songs and sharing with us the Faith of Christ, calling people to follow the footsteps of Christ who is the foundation of life. Thank you for your support of the youth for this event. We thank the youth leadership for their retreat; we also thank the Missionary of the Word workers for organizing the retreat for the Spanish speaking community for this weekend. We thank the leaderships of our regional parishes for allowing different ethnics groups to have their retreat in their own languages during this Lenten Season. The Vietnamese community has their retreat, the Samoan community also has theirs and the Spanish speaking community has a few different retreats for their groups. At their retreat, they also celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation to prepare themselves to celebrate Easter. We celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing at different Weekend Masses and you are cordially invited to receive this sacrament when you are sick, please call the parish office or call a priest directly in an emergency. We thank the Homebound Ministry for bringing Communion to those who are not able to come to the Church. There is joy for those who are able to bring the Body of Christ to those who are homebound. So, we are encouraging you to inform us and support this ministry within our regional parishes. We thank the children who collected food to give to the poor and those students who collected socks to give to the third world country. There is the Rice Bowl program for you to participate in to support the ministry of charity to bring peace and comfort to those who need us to support them. The Church calls us to respond and be charitable to those who are in need of support, which is a part of the Lenten calling to overcome the issue of poverty among us. Therefore, we need to join with each other and be Christ’s hands to heal and support them. There are three projects we are working in our regional parishes: 1) the meditation garden at St. John of the Woods’ Church, which is behind the parish office and between the Church and parish hall and religious education building. The meditation garden will be a beautiful place for our parish and be a place of peace and to gather around to pray at the Holy Week, bless animals on the feast day of St. Francis and to have Mass outdoor; 2) the demolition of the old school building at Sacred Heart’s Church and within the last few weeks, we have had many different meetings with the parish leadership and the architect to plan on building the new building to accommodate the parish ministries and activities. We thank you for your continuing support of the work that we are doing; and 3) the project at St. Ann’s Rectory with the installation of new windows to save the cost of heating in winter and cooling in summer. We thank the parish staff and volunteers who attended the Annual Catholic Appeal training, so we can be ready for this campaign. We thank the parish leadership for coming to the monthly meeting to review the goal that we have set for the year and to review the long-range plan that we have. You are cordially invited to participate in the parish life with different activities that we have each week. You are always invited to join us on the journey of prayers. We have many people who come to daily Mass, Stations of the Cross, and to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during these forty days of Lent. We congratulate those who celebrate their birthday, and those who celebrate their anniversary of marriage and religious vows. May the Lord continue to bless upon you and bless upon your vocation! We will welcome some seminarians to our parishes for Holy Week celebration. We also received the application from seminarians who wanted to stay in the rectory for summer school. I will inform you of their names so you can welcome them. Please pray for those who are consecrating their life to God and to serve us. May you have a great week! Our website: Sincerely Yours in Christ, Please remember your parish in your Will. Fr. Tuan Nguyen, D. Min., Pastor Community Center Emergency Contact Sr. Mary: (253) 592-2455 PRIESTS: Fr. Tuan Nguyen D. Min., Pastor (253) 882-9943 [email protected] Fr. J. Carlos Saenz, Parochial Vicar (253) 279-4158 [email protected] Fr. Laga Paulo Olaaiga, Parochial Vicar (206) 375-9539 [email protected] Fr. Joseph Dang Vu, In Residence (360) 213-5553 [email protected] Para información en Español vea las páginas 8-9 CONFESSIONS: on weekends before each scheduled mass or by appointment CONFIRMATION: Fr. Laga Paulo Olaaiga (206) 375-9539 or [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION and BAPTISM: Sr. Theresa Nguyen (253) 592-2541; [email protected] BULLETIN EDITOR & CONTACTS: Sr. Theresa Nguyen - (253) 592-2541 or [email protected] ACCOUNTANT: Anna Nichols (360) 789-1896 [email protected] MAINTENANCE: Don McMakin (253) 590-6824 [email protected] OUTREACH/ HOME BOUND MINISTRY: Sr. Mary Van Vu (253) 592-2455 - [email protected] MARRIAGE PREP/ANNULMENTS: Deacon Mike Teskey (253) 474-6559 WEDDINGS: Fr. Tuan Nguyen —Arrangement should be made with the Pastor at least 6 months in advance. RCIA (Rite Christian Initiation for Adults) Journey of Conversion in Mind, Heart & Spirit. RCIA/RCIC is the process by which people become members of the Roman Catholic Church. Classes at 6:30PM at the School building. Sunday, March 15th: Second Scrutiny at 11:00 AM Mass at SJOW Sunday, March 22nd: Third Scrutiny at 4:00 PM Mass at St. Ann. Saturday, March 28th: RCIA/RCIC retreat from 10:00 AM to 1:00PM at St. John of the Woods. Godparents need to be there. Saturday, April 4th: Rehearsal at 9:00 A.M in Church. Easter Vigil: Baptism at 8:00 P.M at St. Ann. Holy Week Schedule Holy Thursday (Apr. 2nd) St. Ann (Eng.) (Viet) Sacred heart (Eng.) (Spa.) St. JOW: 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Good Friday (Apr. 3rd) St. Ann (Eng.) 6:00 p.m. (Viet) 8:00 p.m Sacred Heart (Eng.) 5:00 p.m (Spa.) 7:00 p.m. St. JOW: 7:00 p.m Stations of the Cross 3:00 pm Religious Education St. John of the Woods Sunday, March 15th: Station of the Cross for CCD school will be in church. Sunday, March 22nd: Communal Lenten Reconciliation for CCD children and all 9:30am in church. St. Ann Thursday, March 26th: First Reconciliation at 6:30 PM at SA church All children are invited to Lenten Penance service after the First Reconciliation students at 7:30 PM on March 26th at St. Ann. After the children, any parent or parishioner who wishes may go to confession. Easter Vigil (Apr. 4th) St. Ann: 8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil-Regional Sacred Heart: 11:00p.m. Easter Vigil (Spanish) St. John of the Woods 8:00 p.m Easter Vigil Pope Francis is expected to be in Philadelphia on Saturday, September 26th through Sunday, September 27th. Attending the Papal Events does not require registration. For information about the World Meeting visit our FAQ page. 2 Regional Center Our Treasured Tradition . . . Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (In Church Only) Eucharistic Vessels by Barbara & Clarence Leingang ST. ANN: 8:30am - 7:00pm Thursdays 5pm - 7pm Tuesdays Divine Mercy & Mass (Samoan Comm.) 7:00pm Fridays Mass (Vietnamese Language) The Eucharistic vessels used in the Mass are very specific and are governed by rules found in the GIRM General Instructions of the Roman Missal). The Sacred Vessels hold a special place of honor especially the chalice and paten which are used in presenting, consecrating, and receiving the bread and wine. The Chalice is a cup of precious metal that holds the wine consecrated at Mass. The inside must be gold or gold plated. The Paten is a small plate of precious metal that holds the Sacred Host. It typically holds the priest’s Host both before and after Communion. The Ciborium is a large cup of precious metal with a cover of the same material. It holds the reserved hosts consecrated for distribution to the Faithful in Holy Communion. The Purificator is a small linen cloth used by the priest to dry his fingers and the chalice, when he has washed and purified them after Communion. The Pyx is a small container used to bring Communion to the sick. The Corporal is the linen cloth spread on the altar at the beginning of Mass. The Chalice and Host rest upon this cloth. The Pall is a small square of stiffened linen, or cardboard covered with linen, used to cover the chalice. Great care is to be taken in purifying the chalice and the paten especially if any particles of the consecrated elements adhere to the vessel(s) or fingers of the celebrant. There is a classification of vessels that serve as receptacles for the Eucharistic bread and they could be made of other material that is prized within the region. For example: ebony or other hard woods as long as they are suited to sacred use. The form of the vessels must be appropriate for the liturgical use for which they are meant. Before being used, chalices and patens must be blessed by the priest or bishop. Reference: St Joseph Missal, Catholic Answer ST. JOHN OF THE WOODS: 10:00am - Noon Wednesdays 7:00-9:00pm - Mondays SACRED HEART: 9:00AM-6:30PM Every Thursday 8:30am - Noon Every first Friday Mass Schedule for March at Nursing Homes Date Thursday 19th Time Nursing Home 10:00 am King’s Manor Supper for our Priests Priests would like to say thank you to those who have been making meals for them every Thursday. The number of priests are four. They would appreciate your care and generosity. If you are interested, please call Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541. Meals could be bought around 3:30-4pm to the St. Ann’s Rectory. You’re invited to participate in CRS Rice Bowl! Our parishes will be participating in CRS Rice Bowl, Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten program, as a way to encounter Jesus through others, especially through the most vulnerable in our world. Rice Bowls will be available at each church. Please be sure to take home a Rice Bowl and use this fun and easy resource to deepen your family’s Lenten experience and make a difference in the lives of the poor. What you give up for Lent changes Lives. Third Week of Lent Hungering for a Season of Hope Sacrament of Confirmation We meet on Sunday from 6:00 –8:00 PM at the school building March 15: Confirmed in Holiness March 22: Confirmed in Holiness (cont.) A mandatory Retreat on the weekend of May 2-3rd, 2015. Every Wednesday Adult Catechism Classes St. Ann Parish Wednesdays at 6:30pm to 7:25 at Milner CenterLibrary This is your opportunity to turn to Christ and learn more about your Catholic Faith and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For more information contact Monty at (253) The next stop on our CRS Rice Bowl journey is the African nation, Niger, where we’re reminded that life’s joys and challenges are often seasonal. This week we pray for people who struggle to feed their families during the hungry season—when food is in short supply— and we commit to acting for the common good. Support Your Parish With Online Donations Make online Donations with a credit card, debit card or Echeck. ParishPay gives you the ability to schedule donations according to your personal budget. There are 3 ways to enroll online donations through ParishPay: Online: go to and click the “Start Giving”. Phone: 1. 866-727-4741 or 866-PARISH-1. Call parish office, we are glad to assist you. FAVORITE COMPANY? Please let your favorite business owners know that advertising on the church bulletin is affordable, reliable and helps to provide the bulletin at no charge to the church! Whether it be your favorite local business or your own business, our church bulletin is a great place to advertise! Please call Eric, Catholic Printery at: 1-800-867-0660 ext 228 With your help, we can keep our bulletin free of charge. 3 Regional Center Reconciliation will be available from 6pm–7pm every Friday during Lent at St. Ann and SJOW. During Lent, confessions are before and after each Mass through out the regional parishes. Daily Mass: Monday and Friday 8 AM at Sacred Heart Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:00 a.m at St. Ann Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9:30 a.m at SJOW Weekend confessions: Saturday at 4:00 pm (St. Ann); 4:30 pm at SJOW. Please let the priest know you wish to go to confession before or after Mass. At Sacred Heart: during office hours only: Tuesday to Friday. Happy 93th Birthday Dorothea Sorrels. We congratulate her and thank her for being a member of St Ann for over 40 years. God bless her with 4 children and 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Congratulate Dorothea and may God continue to bless you and your family. Prayer of the Faithful ~ March 15, 2015 For each person suffering from the loss of a child through abortion:may Christ console them in their grief and fill their heart with peace & hope;We pray to the Lord:Respect Life“Lord, you are good and forgiving, most merciful to all who call on you. LORD, hear my prayer; listen to my cry for help. On the day of my distress I call to you, for you will answer me.” ~ Psalm 86:5-740 DAYS FOR LIFE ~ We’re at the halfway point of this campaign – and so far, at Day 20 we have reports of 181 babies (and their moms) saved from abortion! Praise God for these children being alive today – and these are just the ones local volunteers know about. If you haven't been out to pray yet, please come pray. It is life giving. This campaign goes through March 29 from 8 AM to 4 PM daily. Join in Prayer and Fasting for an end to abortion wherever you are ... at home, church, or on the street as we stand for life at a Peaceful Vigil outside Cedar River (abortion) Clinic: 1401-A Martin Luther King Jr Way, Tacoma, WA 98405 Next steps for Deacon Formation in the Archdiocese of Seattle A plan to form new permanent Deacons on October 1, 2014, Archbishop Sartain announced that the Archdiocese of Seattle would begin preparations to form new Deacons to serve the parishes and ministries of the Archdiocese of Seattle. During the coming months, Archbishop Sartain encourages Pastors and pastoral Coordinators to consider who they might recommend as candidates. He also encourages those who are curious about whether they might be called to the diaconate to begin a process of prayer and discernment about how they might best serve the Church. March 19: St. Joseph (Solemnity) You are invited to 8:00 a.m Mass at St. Ann St. Joseph is a great saint. He was Jesus' foster-father and Mary's husband. Joseph was given the great privilege of taking care of God's own Son, Jesus, and his Mother, Mary. Joseph was poor all his life. He had to work very hard in his carpenter shop, but he did not mind. He was happy to work for his little family. He loved Jesus and Mary so much. Whatever the Lord wanted him to do, St. Joseph did at once, no matter how difficult it was. He was humble and pure, gentle and wise. Jesus and Mary loved him and obeyed him because God had placed him as the head of their family. What a joy for St. Joseph to live with the Son of God himself. Jesus obeyed him, helped him, and loved him. We pray to St. Joseph as the protector of the dying for a special reason. It is believed that Joseph died peacefully in the arms of Jesus and Mary. St. Teresa of Avila chose St. Joseph as the protector of her order of Carmelite sisters. "Every time I ask St. Joseph for something," she said, "he always obtains it for me." Pope Pius IX proclaimed St. Joseph the patron of the Universal Church. Is Your Marriage Everything it was Meant to be? Take some time to reflect on your marriage this Lenten season. If you feel a sense of sadness or disillusionment, you are not alone. Retrouvaille can help your marriage heal and thrive. Register on April 24-26, 2015 call 206-706-2608 or visit our website at Chrism Mass You are invited to attend the Chrism Mass scheduled for Thursday, March 25th, at 7:30 p.m. at St. James Cathedral. This is one of the most significant liturgies of the year in the Archdiocese. Hoping you can adjust your schedules in order to celebrate this Mass. Thank you St. JOW Core Team for hosting the regional liturgy retreat last Saturday, March 7 th. This was the fourth time retreat for our regional parishes. Thank God it went very well. Thank you very much for your participation. Thank you our priests for the special opening Mass. Thank you Dr. Andrew Casad for giving a wonderful presentation. Thank you those helping us with lunch and setting up the tables, chairs and the hospitable environment. Especially thank you all who came for the retreat. We hope you have learned something through the topic “Meeting Christ at Mass”. Hope all ministers gain knowledge and put it into practice. 4 ST. ANN PARISH (253) 472-1360 Fax (253) 475-6335 Parish Secretary: Carmen Lozano Ext. 100 Pastoral Assist., Vietnamese Contact: Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541 Samoan Contact: Filipo Faleono 253-229-6279 Pastoral Council: Cathy Bunger (253) 472-6355 Liturgy Ministry: Emma Caintic (253) 752-4378 Finance Council: Bob Richardson (253) 922-2412 St. Vincent DePaul: Richard McMakin (253) 468-9841 Mission Statement: We, parishioners of St Ann Parish, are a Catholic faith community in the south end of Tacoma who proclaim the Gospels and embrace our many cultures and the gifts we share. We come together as one faith community to celebrate the Eucharist and the Sacraments. We are grateful to those who built this place of worship with faith, sacrifice and sanctified it with their many years of devotion. We remain focused on our Roman Catholic traditions and promote an environment of hope, where all can grow into the likeness of Christ. The Fourth Sunday of Lent Loving Creator of mine, I feel the pace quicken, the time draw near. I am filled with joy as I move toward Easter and the promised reconciliation with you. Teach me to follow the example of your Son, to be worthy of being called one his people: a Christian. Help me to live each day as he did turning hatred to love and conflict to peace. I await the new life with eagerness, faith and a deep gratitude. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Stations of the Cross—Fridays 3:00 p.m., and 5:15 p.m. Samoan 3:30 p.m. Sundays Vietnamese Confessions Fridays at 6:00 p.m.— 6:45 p.m. Before and after daily Mass. Saturdays 4:00 p.m. & Sundays 3:00 p.m. Thursday, March 26: First Reconciliation at 6:30 p.m. After the children, parishioners may go to Confession. St. Ann Seniors Will host their meeting on March 19th, with Mass at 11:00 a.m. followed by lunch and meeting in the parish hall. We invite anyone age of 55 and over to join us. For more information please call Kathleen at (253)861-0799. BUNCO NIGHT Come, join us for a night of fun and games! Friday, March 20th at 7:00PM in the Parish Hall. We loved to have you join us and it only takes a couple of minutes to learn the game. Bake Sale coming in May. More information to follow. PRAYERS… For all those around the world who are ill, especially those in our parish: Yvonne Boukal Janet Curtright Kathleen Genge Ernest Haywood Jackie Lane Donna Majeres Neagle Fam. Anthony Palomo Bob Richardson Jerry Rochefort Virginia Wooten Bob Bockman Sr. Charlotte DiStefano Ed Glass Virginia Haywood Michelle Lane Terry Mathern Susitina Nielsen Teresita Palomo Thad Richardson Charles Salle Alisa Wooten In our prayers… Stewardship In Our Parish Joshua Gallagher George Harmon Jr. Doug Herzog Samantha Lawrence Wesley McMakin John Nolte Dale Philips Valerie Rochefort Georgia Williams Joan Woodring Eternal Rest. We pray for the fullness of eternal life for Robert Colombini who died recently. Our prayers and sympathy are with his family. This week in our Parish March 16, 2015 Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. through 7:00 p.m. God Gives it All Then Calls Us to Share Contributions for weekend of: March 8th: $5,333 Thank You! Mass Request Are scheduled through the parish office during office hours. If a specific date is desire, please schedule as far in advance as possible. Monday: 6:00 p.m. Samoan Choir -School 6:30 p.m. RCIA-School 7:00 p.m. Lenten Retreat Vietnamese Tuesday: 8: a.m. Mass 10:00 a.m. SVDP—M.C. 5:00 p.m. Divine Mercy/Church 6:00 p.m. Mass-Samoan 7:00 p.m. Lenten Retreat Vietnamese-CH 7:00 p.m. K of C Mtg. /Old Chapel Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. Mass 6:00 p.m. Samoan Choir—School 6:30 p.m. CCD-School Building 6:30 p.m. Adult Faith Formation/MC 7:00 p.m. Lenten Retreat Vietnamese-CH Thursday: 8 a.m. Mass 8:30 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Adoration 10:00 a.m. SVDP-M.C. 11:00 a.m. Seniors Mass-Church 12:00 noon Seniors MTG-Hall 4:00 p.m. RCIA-M.C. 6:30 p.m. Samoan Youth-School 7:00 p.m. Lenten Retreat Vietnamese-CH Friday—No A.M. Mass 3:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross 5:15 p.m. Stations of the Cross/Samoan 5:30 p.m. Outreach-Chapel 6:00 p.m. Confessions 7:00 p.m. BUNCO-Hall 7:00 p.m. Vietnamese Mass-CH 7:30 p.m. Emmanuel Choir- Chapel Saturday 4:00 p.m. Confessions-Church 5:00 p.m. Mass 6:30 p.m. Samoan Choir-Church Sunday: 9:30 a. m. —Mass Coffee & Donuts after Mass/Hall 11:00 a.m. May Crowning PRACT-Church Vietnamese Community 11:00 a.m. School 1:30 p.m. TNTT Youth-M.C/Old Chapel 2:00 p.m. TNTT Youth-Hall 3:00 p.m. Confessions 3:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross 4:00 p.m. Vietnamese Mass St. Vincent DePaul... Would like all parishioners to help us fill our shelves. We are in current need of canned fruit, canned chili, canned spaghetti and meatballs, canned beef ravioli, pork & beans, Spaghetti, spaghetti sauce and any kind of deserts. We Thank You very much. We are keeping all parishioners in our prayers. The SVDP Team. 5 ST. JOHN OF THE WOODS PARISH Parish Secretary: Susan Teskey (253) 537-8551 Fax (253) 537-0459 Pastoral Assistant: Sr. Theresa (253) 592-2541 (Tuesday & Friday) Parish Pastoral Council: James Hardesty (253) 539-5952 Liturgy Ministry: Joan O’Shea (253) 531-5159 Finance Council :Doug Franklin (253) 922-3847 Lazarus Commission: Natalie Vieira (253) 537-4877 Facilities Council: Richard Severson (253) 531-6006 Music Ministry: Nancy Burkholder (253) 537-9283 Bible for Adults: Brenda Kelly (253) 922-6569 Stewardship Commission: Tom & Marge Berntsen (253) 840-2088 Youth ministry: Jacob Hayden (253) 537-8551 or [email protected] Mission Statement: St. John of the Woods is a rural Catholic community centered in Jesus Christ, growing in faith and sharing the Word of God through the Eucharist and our Sacraments. We are a welcoming parish of active, involved people of all ages and cultures, serving families and recognizing the gifts that each person brings. Weekly Calendar March 15, 2015 4thSunday Of Lent Prayers for our Sick Ann Gannon Alice Doidge Brandon Clarno MONDAY March 16: Larry Tally NO MASS Jazzmyne Forsman June Dye Bible Study—1pm Esther Wilder Blessed Sacrament Theresa Riendeau Adoration—7pm-9pm Steven Borris TUESDAY March 17: Isaiah Williams Mass 9:30am Dan & Susan Kitaji Bible Study—7pm Jan Gratzer WEDNESDAY March 18: Hilde Salzburn Mass 9:30am Wanda Swanson Adoration—10am MaryAnn Straling Senior Lunch—11:30am Beckett Eells Choir—6:30pm Robert Taitano THURSDAY March 19: Richard Coleman NO MASS American Heritage Girls-6pm Lil Copeland Joe Penry FRIDAY March 20: Mass 9:30am In Military Service: SATURDAY March 21 SPC-Sean Gilson Confessions 4:30pm Cody Matheason Mass 5:30pm Sunday March 22: Coffee hour 8am & 11am ACA REMINDER We have 26 persons who have not yet fulfilled their Annual Catholic Appeal pledge for 2014. If you have forgotten to complete your payments please do so before end of March March 8, 2015 114 envelopes $4615.00 + $ 382.89 loose = $4,997.89 Thank you! Stewardship Corner Here it is about the middle of March and I’m finally able to write an article about the Italia Fest! Many thanks to Sharon and John Murphy for coming forward and taking the responsibility for putting on the Italia Fest. It was a big undertaking but they came through with flying colors. Sharon is already talking about some changes they will be making for the next years event! So glad they are planning to take it on again next year. Our raffle prize winners $500 Tina Leon Cruz , $100 Kim Richardson, $50 Bonita Berrens, $50 Sally Swanson, and $50 Ralph & Lynn Sneed. After all the expenses ($3,607) the profit was $1993.02 Good Job! These funds were not designated for special purpose so they will go into the General Fund for needs around the parish. It was a “great “ event as it brought many newcomers to us as volunteers. Sharon remarked how great the volunteers were and she had so many that they could take breaks and have others available to fill in. It was wonderful to see new faces among the regulars! It was a very complementary event and it brought many families and friends together for a heart felt time. Thanks to all the “great” volunteers as well as Sharon and John for volunteering their: Time—Talent—Treasure. Stewardship Commission Spring Cleaning…...of the church will happen on Saturday March 21st, 9:00am to noon. Please come lend a hand for cleaning and polishing of our beautiful house of worship. Bring small buckets and rags or scrub brush, if you can and also any window washing helps. Juice and snacks will be provided. Hope to see you there! Parish Easter Egg Hunt is looking for donations of Easter baskets, Easter stuffed animals, plastic eggs and Easter candy. Being your donation to church or to the office. Thank you. Can you donate any knitting needles, crochet hooks , yarn or fabric? The American Heritage girls are learning to knit & crochet. Questions call Amber Goldade 537-9694 Anointing of the Sick: Sunday March 8th at 11am Mass, Saturday March 21st at 5:30pm & Sunday March 22nd at 8am Altar Server Corner “A Meditation Garden” Monies for this project are from the Fall Harvest Festival, but we are short. Do you want to donations to cover the expense? Mark an envelope “Meditation Garden” and drop it in the collection at Mass. Thank you. Mar 7th & 8th May Crowning Practice We will be having practice for the May crowning on Saturdays March 21, March 28, April 18, April 25, and May 2 in the church at 11am to 12pm. Please get permission slip from CCD teacher for your parents to allow you to participate . May Crowning; Mary’s Tribute will be Sunday May 3rd 6 Cincture is Purple During Lent, Confessions are every Friday 6pm to 7pm, on Saturdays at 4:30pm and before or after daily Masses on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays. 5:30pm: Tracy & Son 8:00am: Gary & Kirby 11:00am: Charlecie, Aurelia, Jayde Please Welcome Elijah Champaco to the Ministry of Altar Service. He will be serving at 5:30 PM Mass Thank you for answering God’s call to service. Thank you, Joan O’Shea Questions or can’t make it, contact me at 253-531-5159 or [email protected] SACRED HEART PARISH e-mail: [email protected] Tel. (253) 472-7738 Fax (253) 475-0071 STAFF / PERSONAL: PASTOR / PARROCO...............……….......................Ext. 103 Fr. Tuan V. Nguyen PAROCHIAL VICAR / VICARIO PARROQUIA..............Ext. 107 Fr. Juan Carlos Saenz PARISH SECRETARY / SECRETARIA...……...............Ext. 100 Luz M. Paredes Lazarus Ministry …………... …………..253 - 474 - 2414 Chuck Ross St. Vincent De Paul …………………….. 253 - 474 - 7195 Claudia K. Ehreth MISSIONERIES………………………………………EXT 109 EDIBERO LUNA web: MISSION STATEMENT We are a people of God unified in his love. As Roman Catholic Community, we are faithful to Jesus’ teachings and our Sacred Catholic Tradition. Our devotion to the Lord comes from the Liturgy, the Sacraments and multiethnic people who embrace our community and welcome all newcomers. We foster the unique expressions of each culture and honor the gifts they bring. Through our commitment to Christ’s Commandments, we provide an environment that will foster spiritual growth and reflect Jesus’ love for all in our community . We need your help for 1 - 2 Sundays / month to serve at Mass. Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and altar Servers are needed to serve our community at 10:00 am Sunday Mass Please contact: Bernie Wymore at 253 - 380 - 9493 or Leave a message at 253 - 536 - 5301 contact services ANOINTING OF THE SICK / OUTREACH MINISTRY TO THE HOMEBOUND If you know in advance the date of surgery, a procedure, other reason for hospitalization, or know someone who would like to be visited, needs some assistance , or like communion brought to them please contact Sr. Mary Vu (253) 592-2455. Parish calendar Stewardship in Our Parish For : March 1st 2015 $4,687.00 March 8th 2015 $4,314.75 Will be posted Thank you for your generosity! Rosary 30 minutes before Mass Monday, March 16 8:00 am Mass Tuesday, March 17 Choir Practice 7:00 pm Thursday march 19 9:00 to 6:30 Exposition of the blessed Sacrament Friday March 20 8:00 am Mass Station of the Cross 3:00 pm Sunday, March 22 10:00 am Mass 11am Coffee Hour REMINDER: Reconciliation held after each Mass WELLCOME! Looking for father Kokol? Come to the office from: 3:00 to 5:00 pm Tuesday thru Friday To the family of: Bob Woods UNIQUE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Do you have a genuine concern for the welfare of vulnerable adults and the desire to make a difference in their lives? Our dedicated volunteers are trained to listen to the concerns of adults residing in long-term care facilities, answer their questions and help resolve their problems. STATIONS OF THE CROSS EVERY FRIDAY AT We empower residents and pro3:00 PM English vide them a voice. 6:30 pm Spanish ========================== If you would like more information During lent Reconciliations held every Thursday and Friday from: 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm ====================== During the Holy Week Will have Spanish Mass at 7 :00 pm Monday - Friday 7 about joining us, please contact your- Pierce County Long Term Care Ombudsman. By phone: 253– 798-3789 By email: [email protected] Mass Intentions Onosai Aulava, Ruth Bones, Billy Bones, Josie Bigler Chris Bilyeu, Louis Castrilli, Katherine Carson, Juana Freeman, Ben Freudenstein, Ernesto Fuentes JoAnn Garner, Alice Ginther, Claire M. Hickey, Diene Holby, Helen Horak, Joshua Horak, Brenda Hurtado, Lois Jensen, Pam Knoll, Veronica Maltatti, Dianne Martin, Janet Miller, JoAnn Paul, Sharon Penhale, Ashley Remigton, Theresa Rotter, Sherry Simpson, Evelyn Stankevich, Robert Stets, pray for those in need of prayer, all the sick and homebound members of our faith community, For our military: All men and women in Iraq and other parts of the world and their families. SAN VINCENT DE PAUL Answering phone calls Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00 to 11:00 am only MUST BE IN CHURCH BOUNDARIES Call at: 253 - 472 - 7738 ext. 104 Offering only food vouchers and Utility cuarto domingo de cuaresma 15 marzo de 2015 Nos encontramos ya en la cuarta semana de cuaresma, gracias por participar en la jornada de fe con los candidatos a recibir el Bautismo por primera vez en la celebración de la Vigilia Pascual ellos necesitan de nuestras oraciones y nuestro apoyo; gracias por hacerlos sentir bienvenidos entre nosotros. Ellos están felices de haber conocido el Señor Arzobispo pues el dedico tiempo para darles la bienvenida en el rito de elección. Agradecemos a los coordinadores del programa de RICA y de RCIC por la ayuda que han ofrecido cada semana para esta preparación de fe. También agradezco a las catequistas por su dedicación con los niños de la preparación para la primera comunión y también ayudando con las Misas para los niños. Gracias a los estudiantes y padres de familia que han venido a buscarme para alguna entrevista referente a la preparación de sus sacramentos que están por recibir; así como también a los maestros por proveerme la información necesaria antes de las entrevistas esto me da la oportunidad de aprender un poco sobre ellos. Felicito a los Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra por organizar un retiro el próximo fin de Semana, me alegra mucho ver las diferentes actividades parroquiales con los diferentes grupos étnicos y poder ver cuanta vida dan a la parroquia durante esta cuaresma. Celebramos el sacramento de la unción de los enfermos en fin de semana cuando el mes trae cinco semanas, están invitados a recibir este sacramento si se encuentran enfermos en peligro de muerte, o puede llamar a la oficina en caso de emergencia. Agradezco al ministerio que se dedica a visitar a los enfermos y les puede llevar la comunión pues es un gozo para ellos poder recibir el Cuerpo de Cristo Por eso les pido que apoyen este ministerio. Durante la Cuaresma les pedimos ayudar en la campana “taza de arroz”, como Cristianos Católicos estamos llamados a practicar la caridad especialmente en esta época de Cuaresma. Tenemos tres proyectos en las tres parroquias: 1- un jardín de meditación en San Juan Bosque el cual estará localizado en la parte de atrás de la oficina y el salón parroquial y entre el edificio de educación religiosa, será un lugar especial para meditar y reunirse para orar durante la semana Santa, bendecir animales en la festividad de San Francisco de y tener Misa afuera, hemos hablado con el arquitecto de poder acomodar las actividades de los ministerios parroquiales. 2- La demolición de la Escuela de Sagrado Corazón hemos tenido diferentes reuniones con el Arquitecto para ver los planes del nuevo edificio que esperamos se pueda acomodar a nuestras necesidades. Gracias por la ayuda y por todo el trabajo que hacen. 3- En Santa Ana tenemos la instalación de nuevas ventanas en las instalaciones de la oficina, así poder ahorrar los costos de la calefacción. Agradezco a los que asistieron al entrenamiento de la Petición Católica Anual. Gracias a los líderes de los diferentes grupos por participar en las reuniones mensuales, nos da la oportunidad de revisar nuestras metas que nos comprometimos hace un tiempo y revisar el plan a largo plazo Visión 2017. Están invitados a participar en la vida parroquial en los diferentes grupos y actividades durante la semana, como también unirse en oración con nosotros. Me alegra ver que ha crecido la asistencia a las Misas durante la semana, los rosarios, viacrucis, y a recibir el sacramento de la reconciliación durante esta cuaresma. Felicitamos a los cumpleañeros, los que celebraron su aniversario de bodas, que nuestro Señor los bendiga y bendiga su vocación! Damos la bienvenida a los seminaristas que estarán con nosotros durante la semana Santa, y hemos recibido solicitud de algunos seminaristas para venir durante el verano, mas adelante les compartiré sus nombres, para que los hagan sentir bienvenidos. Por favor oren por los que están consagrando sus vidas a Dios y para servirnos a nosotros. Que tengan una buena semana! Atentamente suyos en Cristo, Fr. Tuan Nguyen, D. Min Pastor ADORACION AL SANTISIMO Todos los Jueves de 9AM a 6:30 PM primer Viernes de Mes de mes 9AM a 12 pm Y de 6:30 pm a 9:00 pm Grupo de Adoracion Nocturna solo para mujeres Vigilia Adoracion al Santisimo cada segundos viernes de mes 8:30 pm a 5:00 am Nuestro Diezmo 1 de Marzo 2015 $4,687.00 8 de Marzo 2015 $ 4,314.75 Por su generosidad Movimiento Sacerdotal Mariano invita a rezar el Rosario todos los MISAS / ESPAÑOL DURANTE LA SEMANA MAYOR (Semana Santa) Jueves 7:00PM Sábado 7:00PM Domingo 8am y 12 medio dia En Inglés: Domingos 10 :00 am Lunes y Viernes 8:00AM Tendremos Misa de lunes a viernes 7:00 pm Sabado Vigilia pascual 11:00 pm CONFESIONES QUE SE ME PEGUE LA LEGUA AL PALADAR SI NO ME ACUERDO DE TI Lecturas Dominicales 2Cr 36:14-16.19-23; 2Ef 2: 4-10; Jn 3: 14-21 Lunes 16 de Marzo Is 65:17-21: Jn 4: 43-54 Martes 17 de Marzo Ez 47: 1-9,12; Jn5:1-16 Mt 18: 21-35 Miércoles 18 de Marzo Durante la cuaresma Is 49: 8-15; Jn 5: 17-20 Jueves 19 de Marzo Jueves 5:00 –7:00 pm Viernes 5:00 - 6:30 pm Miercoles 6:00 PM VIACRUCIS LOS VIERNES EN EL TEMPLO 3:00 PM Ingles 6:30 pm Español 2 Sm 7: 4-5.12-14.16; Rm4: 13. 16-18.22; Mt 1: 16.18-21.24 Viernes 20 de Marzo Sb 2: 1a,12-22; Jn 7: 1-2,10,25-30 Sábado 21 de Marzo Jr 11: 18-20; Jn 7: 40-53 8 INFORMACION COMUNITARIA Nuestra Página Regional Web: Necesita la visita de un sacerdote, o que le lleven la communion a su casa o al hospital? por favor llame a: oficina 253 - 472-7738 Misioneros 253- 304- 6738 Luz Paredes 253– 468– 0258 ACTIVIDADES PARA EL MES DE MARZO * 21 de Marzo -Retiro de Cuaresma- Los Misioneros quisieran invitar a la comunidad de Sagrado Corazón a un retiro de crecimiento espiritual para que esta Cuaresma no sea cualquier otra cuaresma. * 26 de Marzo – Promesas Cers- Muchos son los llamados pocos son los elegidos. Hermanos y her manas valientes disidirán comprometerse con Dios. Esto será en la misa de 7:00pm los esperamos. * 27 a 28 de Marzo –Retiro Pre-Vocacional- Dios reúne a jóvenes de la comunidad de Tacoma para despertar ese llamado a ser su mensajeros.30 de * Marzo a 2 de abril –Misión de Semana Santa- Los Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra quisiera inviter a la comunidad de Sagrado Corazón a participar en una mission de apostolado para salvar almas. * 3 de Abril –Obra de Vía Cruz Crucis=============================================== SAN VICENTE DE PAUL Ofrece estampillas para comida y ayuda con parte de pagos de la luz a las familias que vivan en los alrededores de la parroquia. Para mas informacion llame a la oficina los dias Martes, Miercoles y Viernes de 10 - 11 am solamente. Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra tienen materiales religiosos en venta (Biblias, rosarios, libros, CD’s, Dvd). Usted podrá llamarles a su celular: (253)304-6738 o marcando el número de la parroquia y luego la extensión 109. De lunes a viernes 9:00 am 12:00 medio día y de 1:00 a 4:00 pm Los Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra Quisieran presentar a ustedes la obra de La Pasión de Cristo. Interpretando El sufrimiento que Jesús tuvo que padecer para Salvarnos. Para llevar a cabo estos proyectos se necesitan unas cosas y pedimos su ayuda. Necesitamos luces de centro de atención para la obra de Vía Crucis y un burro de verdad para el domingo de ramos. Gracias. ====================================== * 5 de Abril – Retiro Pascua Juvenil- Los Misioneros quisieran invitar a la juventud de Sagrado Corazón a una noche de gozo y alegría ya que nuestro Señor ha resucitado. Para más información puede contactarnos al: Celular (253) 304-6738 Oficina (253) 472-7738 ext.109 Glorifying God: Mind, Body, and Soul” Men’s Retreat April 17-19, 2015 Led by: Fr. John Antony Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades, Federal Way $199 per person, $165 for a shared room, $99.50 per young adult (aged 18-30) 9 NECESITA HABLAR CON EL SACERDOTE? Estara disponible de: Martea a Viernes 3:00 a 5:00 pm actividades parroquiales Clases de confirmaciones para jovenes En el Salon Parroquial Sabados de 1:00 pm Clases de evangelizacion para padres y Padrinos en el templo Clases del programa de RICA Miercoles 7:00 pm Sabados 1:00 pm comedor de oficina Clases de confirmacion y 1a comunion para adultos Miercoles 7:00 pm Grupo de Oracion El Buen Pastor en el Templo Viernes 6:30—9:00 pm Catequesis - Sabados salon parroquial Coordinadora de Liturgia/Español Herlinda Martin Coordinador de Catequesis María Esther Morales Coordinadora de procesos de Matrimonio/Español Gloria Gómez en la Extensión 105 Deje mensaje y su número de teléfono. en la oficina de la parroquia coordinador de Bautismos: Salvador Delgadillo Coordinador de Confirmaciones Manuel Morales Coordinador de Quinceañera: Brenda Heredia Pastoral Juvenil Luis Garcia