Mass Schedule - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Mass Schedule - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
ASCENSION OF THE LORD MOTHER'S DAY OLPH MAY 8, 2016 Seek, Share, Rejoice! Mass Schedule Inside This Issue: • Parish Transformation Update • Happy Mother's Day - Support Catholic Charities • Survey for New Parishioners • Men's and Women's Club Events Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Monday - Saturday: 6:30 and 8:30 am Saturday: 5:00 pm Anticipation Sunday: 7:30 am (in church) 9:30 am (in church and McDonnell Hall) 11:00 am (in church) 12:30 pm and 6:00 pm (in church) 1775 Grove St. Glenview IL 60025 Parish Office 847-729-1525 seek, share, rejoice - pastor's reflection Dear Parishioners, The month of May has been traditionally the time the Church pays special honor to the Blessed Mother. This time of devotion has particular meaning for us since our parish is under the patronage of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. In the icon of Our Lady, we see her in the traditional posture of pointing to and leading us to Christ. Her role as the great intercessor is of such comfort. Father Jerry Boland Reflecting on the Scriptures “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” REVELATION 22:13 This is a reminder of how we should live our lives 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – putting God first in all that we do. Not only when I am at Mass and parish activities, but when I am in the world, at work or at school. Living gratefully and generously is a lifestyle, it’s how I make all my decisions. This past Friday we celebrated one of the more beautiful annual rituals, the May Crowning. The children of our parish school led us in this ancient devotion. As always, a deeply moving experience. How profound the prayer that is expressed at her crowning: One of the awesome traditions of our Religious Education Program is the Make a Difference Day Market. In the spirit of almsgiving, the children can support all sorts of very practical needs of those seeking assistance from the May Mother’s Day Shower and our Sharing Parishes. From baby toiletries to juice boxes, the children select what they would like to contribute towards. This year they raised over $7,500! Many gave from their allowances or birthday gifts to share. Queen of heaven rejoice, alleluia The Son you merited to bear, alleluia Has risen as He said, alleluia Pray to God for us, alleluia Rejoice and be glad, O Blessed Virgin, alleluia For the Lord has truly Risen, alleluia This past Wednesday the formal part of the Parish Transformation Initiative came to a close. There are some writing groups that will put the final touches on our mission narrative and the action steps we hope to undertake for the next few years. The process involved hundreds of people and a core team of almost 60 parishioners. We wrestled with the challenges we need to face to make our parish more vital in the lives of those who are marginally involved. How fitting at this time of year when we honor the Mother of Our Lord that we celebrate Mother’s Day! Our mothers (and fathers too) give us the first example of love, as in our childhood they begin to teach us about God’s love. Take a moment today if you can to give your mom: a hug, a kiss, a thank you, a phone call. If she is with the Lord, offer a prayer of gratitude for the influence she has had on your life. We reflected on how important it is for our parish to more effectively engage our teenagers and young adults. We want to explore ways to bridge the divide between school and religious education families. We want to be open to new technologies that can bring the Word of God and the power of our faith community to those who feel disconnected. I am grateful to our facilitator, Jon Matousek who was terrific. Today’s second collection is the annual Mother Day’s Collection to support Catholic Charities. Thank you for your support of the outreach of Catholic Charities that responds to a need every 30 seconds. May is the month priests observe their anniversaries of priestly ordination; Fr Flavin 56 years, Fr. Thinnes 52 years, Fr. Paddy 50 years, Fr. Hickey 46 years, Me 35 years, Fr. Isaac 2 years, and Fr. Nick 11 months. We are blessed to share our priesthoods with you! This weekend the children of our Religious Education Program will celebrate their First Communion. This day will hold a profound memory for these children and their families. Thanks to their parents and catechists for making this such a spiritual experience in their lives. May they 2 always feel welcome to come to the table of the Lord. May 8, 2016 • Fr. Jerry Boland Class of 1981 seek, share, rejoice - news and notes Parish Transformation Update Summary of Transformation Meeting on Wednesday, April 27 By Margie André, Steering Committee Member At the April 27 meeting, Fr. Boland discussed how crucial these meetings are, talked about the importance of listening, and thanked everyone for their dedication. We are at the threshold of launching our plan. The Transformation Team plans to finish the Mission Action Plan at next week’s meeting. SEEK! SHARE! REJOICE! Copies of the Mission Narrative draft were given to each group to use as a resource while brainstorming objectives. We then split into our three teams: Mission, Education/Formation and Finance to formulate objectives and action steps. The leader and scribe of each team will formulate the ideas that were discussed into the beginning of an action plan. For a more detailed summary of the most recent meeting, and for continued updates on the Transformation Process, join us on The City, our online parish community! Our Engagement Prayer Dear Lord, we want to be an engaged church, a parish motivated by love for You and committed to our mission of living out Your gospel. We ask that You be with us on our spiritual journey. Help us to be a worshipping community, devoted to Mass, praying with and for one another, and lifting our voices joyfully in song. Help us to be a welcoming community with smiles and outstretched arms as we greet all who enter our doors, be they friends or strangers. The Ascension of Our Lord Help us to be a community of good stewards who support our parish and are compassionate to the needs of the poor. Help us to be a ministering community, cheerfully and tirelessly offering time and talent in service to others. Help us to be a community of disciples who place You, Lord, at the center of our lives. Thoughts on This Week's Gospel Today we celebrate the feast of the Ascension of our Lord,a feast which, in part, celebrates the confidence he placed in his close followers to continue his ministry. In the Gospel reading Jesus reminds his followers of the purpose of his mission, and commissions them to continue his work by proclaiming his word and by living courageously that which they preached. He also promises them the Holy Spirit who he said would strengthen them for the task ahead. As stewards of Jesus’ life and ministry, a good question for us to reflect on this week might be this: Has Christ’s confidence in the quality of our own witness been well placed? Help us to be an engaged community with open hearts and open minds to Seek You Lord, Share Your Gifts, and Rejoice in Your Blessings. We ask these things in Your Holy Name. Amen. -Margie André © International Catholic Stewardship Council May 8, 2016 • 3 seek, share - human concerns and sharing updates Sharing Ministry News Shop for Someone You Don’t Even Know Sharing collects non-perishable food year-round. Our food count has dropped off as everyone engages in the busy calendars of spring. Please continue to remember the needy with food donations. When grocery shopping, pick up a few items for someone you don’t even know and make the difference in their day! Donations can be brought forward during the Offertory at Mass, or dropped in donation baskets at the church entrances. Too Busy to Shop for the Food Drive? "A Gift of Mercy" mother's day collection, may 7-8 The Catholic Charities Mother's Day Collection is one of only a handful of second collections we take up at OLPH. Your gift to Catholic Charities can be made via your monthly envelope, by using one of the specially marked envelopes in church, or simply by placing your donation in the basket at the time of the second collection next weekend. If you have any questions about the collection, please contact Nancy Schwider at [email protected]. 4 We’ll do the shopping for you! Mail a donation made out to the OLPH Needy Family Fund to Lou Marohn, 2132 Fir Street, Glenview, 60025. Feed The Homeless At Marquard Center, May 22 Help feed the homeless at Marquard Center on Sunday, May 22. We welcome donations of fresh fruit, cookies and candy, which can be delivered to the convent porch that Saturday. Volunteers are needed on Marquard service Sundays to prepare the meal at OLPH after 9:30 AM Mass and to serve the meal at Marquard Center, leaving at 3:30 and returning home at 7:30 PM. Contact Terri Guercio, 847-729-5916 or terri. [email protected] to volunteer. Morning of Service at James, June 11 Farmers’ Market Style Food Distribution Join fellow OLPH parishioners for a fun morning of service at St. James. The Greater Chicago Food Depository will provide a truck full of produce and we will have the joy of distributing this to a long line of grateful recipients. OLPH organizes a group of 50 volunteers for this event each year, including many families. Contact Tom Rinella, [email protected]. Carpooling will be arranged. Feed The Homeless At Catholic Charities, Des Plaines, June 16 We will be feeding the homeless who visit the Catholic Charities soup kitchen in Des Plaines on Thursday, June 16. Contact Kathy Quinn, [email protected], to participate or to make a donation to offset the $400 cost for this meal. It takes both donors and volunteers to make these visits happen. Lighten Our Load Please be mindful of Sharing Room volunteers and keep bags of donations of reasonable weight. We struggle to manage large black plastic garbage bags, filled to capacity. Thank you for your consideration! May 8, 2016 • seek, share, rejoice - upcoming parish events Parish News and Upcoming Events Mom and Tot Sunday Play Date Today Business Networking Ministry Meeting Join us at the playground after Mass! Weather permitting, the Mom and Tots Group invites families to meet at Sleepy Hollow Park (1821 Maplewood Lane) after 9:30 a.m. Mass. All families and caregivers with young children are welcome. Hope to see you there! Speaker: Kay Wigton McBrearty of Waterville Partners Children's Book Drive Going on Now The OLPH School fourth grade class is currently collecting gently used and new books from baby books to 6th grade for Bernie’s Book Bank. Did you know that 61% of children in low income neighborhoods have no books in their homes AT ALL? Together we can make a difference in the lives of children. Our goal this year is to collect 6,000 books for Bernie’s Book Bank. Please bring in books and place them in the bins outside the Sharing Room or in the buildings around campus. Thank you! Assistive Listening Devices Available For those who are hard of hearing we have assistive listening devices available to help you participate more fully during Mass. Please plan to arrive for Mass a few minutes early to borrow the necessary equipment from Sr. Paulanne. Please don’t forget to return the devices at the end of Mass when you are finished. Topic: Purposeful Career Transitions - Navigating Your Internal Compass Meeting on Monday, May 16 at 7:00 pm Kay McBrearty is the founder and principal of Waterville Partners. She brings with her over twenty years of corporate experience in various leadership roles including: Operations, Director of Staffing & College Relations, Director of Shared Values and Director of Strategy & Innovation. While Kay values her corporate experiences, her true passion has been mentoring and counseling individuals to help them attain career alignment and satisfaction. The past few years, she has been an effective career coach, leading clients through a self-discovery process enabling them to create a sustainable plan for achieving career fulfillment. She focuses on leveraging client’s strengths, interests and values while accounting for investments of time, energy, education or experiences. Her high energy, enthusiasm and straightforward approach are refreshing. The group will meet in the Francis Room of the Lafayette Building The OLPH Respect Life Ministry Presents the Month of May Baby Shower Help us gather baby items to help young mothers in crisis situations. New, gender neutral, unwrapped items will be collected throughout the month of May in marked baskets in the church. Baby Items Wish List • • • • • • • • clothing blankets towels diapers wipes toys pacifiers baby formula and food The Month of May Baby Shower Benefits OLPH Sharing Ministry, Aid for Women, The Women’s Center and Catholic Charities May 8, 2016 • 5 seek, share, rejoice - congratulations and blessings! Our Parish School First Communicants Madeleine Albee Harper Alkema Andrew Anasinski Zachary Baffa Sevil Bahceci Julia Bechtoldt Emma Blockovich Sofia Bongiovanni Alexander Bottcher Nora Boyle Shane Buchanan Nora Burke Sean Burke Aidan Burton Daniel Cahill Michael Cerimele Mia Chupaila Robert Clingan Sophia Cole Jack Collins Katelyn Comer Cameron Conroy Quinn Conway Filip Debowski Kate Dimberio Abigale Fanelli 6 Emma Farris Henry Farris Ryan Fellinger Alexander Fitzgerald Olivia Galiano Ailsa Gallagher Brendan Gomez Emma Goodfellow Nicholas Groboski Matthew Groose Adam Guttschow Rose Harlan Reilly Harp Madison Hogg Jon Hogue Mary Kate Humphrey Hadley Jones Grey Jordan Christopher Kariotis Joseph Kariotis Michael Kariotis Sean Kavanaugh Gavin King Kasey Kissner Chase Kolssak Charlotte Kozak May 8, 2016 • Theodore Kurtzweil Nathaniel Lee Matthew McDermott Jack McNeil Timothy Miller Aidan Minihane Victoria Molak Ryan Mulvey Samantha Ognar Jack Paloyan Charlotte Peschke Brayden Rank Patrick Reaves Austin Rudd Margaret Schauwecker Lukas Schlauch Alexandra Schumacher Elizabeth Sible Anne Stauder Nicholas Tauber Jonathan Tschanz Jasmine Walsh Ian Wawrzyn Clare Weasler seek, share, rejoice - congratulations and blessings! Our Religious Education First Communicants Mia Adams Walden Agustin Charles Ahearn Meghan Anderson Jenna Ascher Bailey Baker Chloe Beach Mackenzie Blacklidge Andrew Bonvechio Lourdes Bouchard Joshua Brinati Jake Browne Kaitlyn Burns Lindsey Bycraft Miles Canning Madeline Chavanu Nathan Chung Elliot Ciolek Peter Cios Lucas Cless Sean Crawford Michael Crowe Timothy Crowe Reese Dahlberg Anatole Decroos Ryan Dimberg Liam Dizon Mimi Downing Carlin Endre Chloe Evans Jenevieve Frese Ciaran Gausselin Kaitlin Glynn James Gonzales Gia Gorski Luke Gorski Laila Grodecki Isaac Gustilo John Heggie Isadora Hernandez Macy Heublein Kathleen Hiltebrand Aseret Howe Cara Johnson Liam Johnson Peyton Kelly Kara King Nolan Kuhn Spencer Kuhn Phoebe Laurencelle Henry Lemmon Andrew Lomer Ryan Longstreth Gabriella Lund Alyssa Machado Johanna Machado Philip Maita Joseph Marquardt Louis Martinez-Scarampi Joseph McCann Maya McKittrick Braden Mendoza Addison Montoya Carter Moss Daniel Murphy Owen Murphy Liam Newman Sara Noble Londyn Norman Foster Noshay John Palmer Freya Pederson Grace Penne Anthony Pinto Charlie Preston Jack Rahija Audrey Reid Sebastian Rodriguez Bradford Shaw John Stefani Lila Su Anne Sullivan Alexa Takhtehchian Ana Tamo Griffin Taylor Connor Thompson Molly Tomczyk Jessica Traub Charlotte Trauscht Rachel Turner Jesse Vick Rebecca Wagner Townsend Walter Grace Wehrle Sophia Weiss Jimmy Wendell Patrick Wilkins Madeleine Wold Claire Wyngarden Danielle Zagone Thank you to our First Communion Catechists: Sherry Allen Elaine Battaglia Rachel Canning Lynn Condon Sarafina DiCesare Jeri Grein Diane (Dee) Hilbert Deborah Jordan Deacon Dave Kalina Mary Beth Kalina Melinda Pielach Mary Kate Russell Tina Russell Jack Sundstrom May 8, 2016 • 7 seek, share, rejoice - parish news and events EVOLVE Adult Education Presents You Might Be Interested In.. God Is Far More Present in Your Life Than You Realize! With Father Larry McBrady Saturday, May 14, McDonnell Hall, 9:30 a.m. What is the meaning of your life? That was all - a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years. The great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark. - Virginia Woolf How are our unexpected thoughts, our hopes, our focus in prayer actually signs inviting us to recognize God already at work within each of us? Fr. McBrady will lead us in a morning focused on listening to the presence of the Holy Spirit within us. There will be a writing exercise as part of the presentation. Please bring a pen and some paper with you. SPecial REligious Development Mass Please join us in faith and fellowship on Sunday, May 15 at our 9:30 a.m. Mass. SPRED is a parish based small community of faith serving people with intellectual disabilities/ special needs (our friends), their families and catechists. SPRED or Special Religious Development is based upon an experiential and symbolic catechesis model known as the “Vivre” method. It is respectful and sensitive to the needs of our friends; it is a heartfelt experience. Comfortable within the peaceful environment and the welcoming context of friendship developed in our SPRED Community, our friends have a home within our parish. Participation in SPRED can lead to greater inclusion within the larger congregation as the sessions include elements familiar to church. About the Presenter: Fr. Larry McBrady is a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Ordained in 1971, he currently serves as a spiritual director for priests and is the Archbishop’s consultant to the priests’ Retirement Process. Previously, Fr. McBrady was pastor of St.Elizabeth Seton parish, Orland Hills and, prior to that, he served as Vicar for Priests for the Achdiocese. Fr. McBrady has been a spiritual director for almost 40 years during which time he has conducted retreats and parish missions and is a frequent speaker on topics pertaining to deepening one’s awareness of God’s presence among us. Members of the OLPH community may recall that Fr. McBrady served as weekend presider at our parish from 2010 until 2014. He currently assists at Immaculate Conception-St. Joseph on the near north side of Chicago. 8 May 8, 2016 • SPRED masses also provide an opportunity for comfortable participation within the larger congregation. These special Masses engage our friends, their families and the entire parish. Women's Club Spring Dinner, May 18 The OLPH Women's Club invites you to attend their Spring Dinner at the Valley Lo Club, 2200 Tanglewood Drive, Glenview. The dinner will honor 2016 Service Award Recipient Patricia Cullen. The incoming Board of Directors of the Women's Club will also be installed: Cocktails and dinner are at 6:30 p.m. with the presentation at 7:00 p.m. Purchase tickets online by visiting seek, share, rejoice - parish news and notes Parish Giving Update Thank you for your support of the parish last month. As you know, the General Offertory, consisting of Sunday and Holy Day collections, funds all our ministries and our First Fruits program. We rely on your generosity. April APRIL 2016 Year-to-Date INCREASE JULY '15 - APRIL '16 Donations to General Offertory $202,127 INCREASE $2,451,285 6% to First Fruits $12,128 $147,077 April Charities: Sharing Parishes and Church in Eastern Europe Net Donations to Church $273,681 $2,304,208 APRIL 2015 JULY '14 - APRIL '15 April Collection Last Year $271,094 $2,388,853 6% to First Fruits $16,236 Net Donations to Church $254,858 $143,451 $18,823 7.4% $2,245,402 $58,806 2.6% For more information about our Planned Offertory Program and Electronic Giving, contact Nancy Schwider, [email protected]. Welcome We Want Your Feedback Recently Registered Parishioners Take the New Parishioner Survey Molly & John Arranz and Family Have you joined Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in the last three years? We want to hear from you. Jennifer & Robert Campanella and Family Cathleen & Omar Daghestani and Family To better serve new parishioners and to evaluate our current processes, we ask that you complete a brief (5 minute) survey online. Jennifer & Michael DeCleene Take the survey at: Sharon Folliard & Lance Driskill and Family Dolores & Norman Kaner Your answers will be confidential unless you choose to identify yourself. Please submit your responses by Monday, May 16. Laura Castillo & Daniel Dresser Christine & Russ Lake and Family Kathleen & Thomas Lesniak Nahrain & Eric Markey and Family Noelle & Richard Martini and Family Mrs. Margaret Sala Tadlock and Family Contact Natalie Conseur [email protected] with any questions or to have the survey emailed to you. Thank you for your participation, The OLPH Engagement Committee Korin & Gavin Walters and Family May 8, 2016 • 9 seek, share, rejoice - parish news and events Totus Tuus June 19 - 24, 2016 Still accepting registrations! Summer Faith Camp • • • • • Daytime program for elementary and middle school. Evening program for teens. Led by enthusiastic and faithful young adults. Fun activities and faith building. Registration Fees: $50 for day program, $20 for evening TO REGISTER: Pick up a brochure in church today! Or contact Vivi Lato at [email protected] for more information. Totus Tuus is dedicated to proclamation of the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith. Men's Club Kick-Off Join us for this All-Parish Event! This Tuesday, May 10 You won't want to miss the Men's Club Kick-Off Party on Tuesday, May 10 at the Valley Lo Club 2200 Tanglewood Dr, Glenview. Doors will open at 6:30 pm. Admission is free to all men and women of the parish. Above:Guests at the 2014 Kick-Off Party. Below: The Block Party, an annual Men's Club event organized for the enjoyment of the whole parish. The OLPH Men's Club proudly announces that Ms. Lori Parsek will be recognized for her outstanding contribution to OLPH School and Parish over many years. Ms. Parsek will receive the Zanoni Award at the Men's Club Kick-Off Party. At the Kick-Off, the Men's Club will also present to Sister Paulanne a check that will be donated to the Sisters of St. Francis Retirement Fund in honor of and in the name of Maximo "Tony" Rivera. Donations to the Men's Club will go to the funding of this gift and many other parish and school programs that this organization supports. In appreciation, individual and corporate donors will be acknowledged on a "Donor Board" displayed at the event and also published in the event program. Look for a sponsorship form at Contact: Bob Hicks at 847-724-5993 or Don Farrell at 847-564-0935. 10 May 8, 2016 • announcements U.S. MILITARY PRAYER LIST Community Announcements US ARMY 1st Lt. Michael Altonji SSG Brent Blackwell, Afghanistan 2LT Atticus Blair, Afghanistan. 1st Lt. Brad Fischl Corporal Rick Hajost 1st LT Daniel LaBarge CPT Matthew Leck 1st Lt. Gavin McGarry Cpt. Brittany Sunko 1st Lt. William Thibeau LTC Thomas Vogel LTC Daniel Vogel Keep Hope Alive Benefit, May 10 US AIR FORCE 1st Lt Brian Joseph Anderson SSgt Jon Billie 1st Lt McCall Casas TSgt Richard Nash Major Reid Orth Major Lowell Wallace, Overseas US NAVY IT2 James Kowalski, Overseas Lt. John O’Hagan, Afghanistan EM1 John Sutehall, Japan US MARINES Sgt Jack Askins Capt. Justin Coons Capt. Caitlin Ferrarell 1st Lt Matt Mugnaini Capt. Bradley Petersen Major Eric Starr, Afghanistan Tuesday, May 10 from 6:30 - 9:00 pm, Saint Ignatius College Prep, 1076 West Roosevelt Rd., Chicago. Free parking will be available. Join your host, Archbishop Cupich in support and celebration of the Archdiocese of Chicago Office for Immigrant Affairs’ work with immigrants. Proceeds will directly support Archdiocesan ministry to immigrants. Get more information or purchase tickets for $150 each at or contact Mark Goebel at 312-5348383 or [email protected]. Mass Honoring St. Dymphna, May 16 The Chicago Archdiocese Commission for Mental Illness and the St. Dymphna Society will sponsor a Mass for people with mental illness at Queen of All Saints Basillica, 6280 N.Sauganash Ave., at 8:45 am on Monday, May 16. St. Dymphna is the patroness of those suffering with mental illness. For more information call 773-777-6022. For the Least Retreat, June 4-5 Looking to connect with others in their 20s and 30s who care about issues of justice? Want to reflect on your experiences of service in light of the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching? Join Charis, Old St. Patrick’s Church, and Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House for this 24 hour retreat hearing talks from other young adults, learn from the experiences of others, and reflect on what you can do in response to injustice in your daily life. Visit for more information and to register. For revisions or updates to this list contact: Geof & Cathy Lutz [email protected] 847-724-8218. BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Our weekly bulletin communicates the news and events at OLPH Parish. Questions? Call 847-729-1525 ext. 24 to speak to Natalie Conseur. DEADLINE: Please email all content no later than 6:00 pm on the Sunday prior to publication date. Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God's mercy, out of love for us, died on the cross, and out of love he rose again from the dead. SUBMISSIONS: Email to [email protected]. NOTE: The bulletin cannot promote job seekers, entrepreneurs, etc. Please call 800.566.6170 to place a paid bulletin ad. May 3, 2016 @PONTIFEX Pope Francis Tweet of the Week May 8, 2016 • 11 our weekly intentions Remember Our Sick Sunday, May 8 Keeley Barr Gabriella Barretto Coty Cottle Patricia Catarello Pat Cullen Laura Bartosz Dinelli Bob Gregg Meghan Healy Rosemarie Hogg Pat Kelley Barbara Kramer Jeanie McInerney Infant Molly Anne McKenna 7:30 Judith Nani Mary Carol O'Brien Lukas Parsek Pat Reagan Noreen Ritt Infant Mary Elizabeth Roland Mary Alice Sexton Celeste Sieracki Liz Smith Patrick Stein Tony Thomas Ed Tracz Our Beloved Deceased Bob Pasquesi, husband of Janet Marion Karl Mary Anne Lennahan, mother of Mark Heckler Recent Baptisms Brendan Patrick, son of Jennifer (Biebel) Connor and Peter Connor Mac Thomas, son of Elizabeth (Zande) Jacobsen and Robert Jacobsen George Henry, son of Molly (O’Loughlin) Pajauskas and John Pajauskas Henry Magnuson, son of Emily (Magnuson) Rapp and Wayne Rapp III Walter Emerson, son of Emily (Magnuson) Rapp and Wayne Rapp III Emilia Jennifer, daughter of Jill (Thompson) Waldeck and Jess Waldeck Upcoming Weddings III II II I Joseph Prokop & Leslie Geberbauer Charles Cummings & Lori Barker Megan Fischl & Andrew Zeiser Betsy Luka & Abilash Abraham Michael & Patrick Berg, Jeanne L.Thome and Sigmund & Cecelia Williams (Fr. Lara) 9:30 Ch Margaret Hogan and Sydney Hass Corbett (Fr. Kartje) 9:30 Mc Gail Kelly and Edward Donnellan (Fr. Paddy) 11:00 Marian Riordan and Meg Marquette (Fr. Kostyk) 12:30 Frank & Margaret Gillespie and James Ahern, Sr. (Fr. Kostyk) 6:00 Concetta Giuduce and Bonnie Jean Burk (Fr. Boland) Monday, May 9 6:30 8:30 John Collins and Karen Caputo & Family Felice Gavin and Nanding Concepcion Tuesday, May 10 6:30 8:30 Mary Francis Thomas F. Buri and Thomas F. Dee Wednesday, May 11 6:30 8:30 Max (Tony) Rivera Chuck & Janelle Boedicker and Lorene Stach (MFTL) Thursday, May 12 6:30 8:30 John Lee Shelburn Reggie Spiewak and Felice Gavin Friday, May 13 6:30 8:30 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Peter Sparrow and Robert Pasek Saturday, May 14 6:30 8:30 1:00 5:00 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Mary Callaghan and Gabriel Lorenzo Prokop ~ Geberbauer Wedding Harold Schmidt and James McNamara (Fr. Hickey) Sunday, May 15 7:30 9:30 Ch 9:30 Mc 11:00 12:30 6:00 Eugene B. Cizynski and Beth Robertson (Fr. Lara) Rosemary Collins and Michael Lanphere (Fr. Boland) Living and Deceased Members of OLPH (Fr. Lara) Ellen Cusack and Joseph Miller (Fr. Paddy) Richard O’Berheim, J.T. Foley and Nimat Tarazi (Fr. Kostyk) William Burns and Vincent Cardenas-Guerro (Fr. Kartje) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Sat. • 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment LITURGY OF THE HOURS Wed. • 8:10 a.m. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK After the 8:30 Mass on the 2nd Saturday of every month EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Fri. • 9:00 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. • Lady Chapel DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR Fri. • 3:00 p.m. • Lady Chapel MASSES AT MARYHAVEN Sun. Tue. and Fri.• 10:30 a.m. ROSARY Mon. - Sat. • after 8:30 a.m. Mass 12 May 8, 2016 • parish information PARISH OFFICE 847.729.1525 FAX 847.729.0623 THE CITY WEBSITE FACEBOOK.COM/olphglenview Rev. Jeremiah Boland, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Thomas E. Hickey, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Isaac Lara, Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. Nicholas Kostyk, Associate Pastor [email protected] Rev. Paddy Tyrrell, SJ Associate Pastor [email protected] Jim & Pat Revord, Deacon Couple Dave & Mary Beth Kalina, Deacon Couple Nancy Schwider, Director of Operations & Stewardship, [email protected] Russell Stern, Director of Music Ministry [email protected] Natalie Conseur, Director of Communications [email protected] Cherie DiCesare, Director of Religious Education 847-998-5289 [email protected] Luana Lienhart, OFS, LCSW Parish Social Worker [email protected] Rev. Paddy Tyrrell, Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministry 847-602-4143 Dr. Amy Mills, Parish School Principal 847-724-6990, [email protected] John Kurkowski, School Endowment Board Chair [email protected] Laura Kearney, Parish Secretary [email protected] Linda Feo, Parish Office Assistant [email protected] Margie Andre, Liturgy Assistant [email protected] Gloria Gaughan, Evening & Weekend Receptionist [email protected] OLPH Care Links Bereavement Support Deacon Dave Kalina 847-729-1525 ext. 25 [email protected] Confidential Assistance Luana Lienhart, OFS, LCSW 847-729-1525 ext 15 [email protected] Confidential Assistance Sister Paulanne 847-724-2044 Counseling Services Mary Butler, LLPC, LMFT 224-420-1279 [email protected] Divorce Support Group Val Spingola, LCSW 847-826-3566 [email protected] Domestic Violence Ministry Brian Herrle 908-448-6713 [email protected] Homebound/Hospital Visits Rick Nash 847-651-8718 [email protected] Respect Life Monica Cassidy 847-724-7206 [email protected]
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