Technical Bid
Technical Bid
Central University of Bihar (Established by the Central Universities Act, 2009) TENDER AND CONTRACT DOCUMENT FOR THE WORK OF “Construction of Administrative Building, Schools, Lecture Hall Complex, Hostels etc. at Central University of Bihar Campus, Panchanpur, Gaya” Technical Bid (Part – 1) February, 2015 TENDER No. : RITES/CP/TC/CUB/Package-2/Buildings/2015 RITES THE INFRASTRUCTURE PEOPLE RITES LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) RITES BHAWAN – II, PLOT No – 144, SECTOR-44 GURGAON (HARYANA) – 122003 Tender Document issued to _____________ (Name of Tenderer) _____________ (Address of Tenderer) Signature of Officer issuing the Document with Designation and Date of issue ________ 1 TENDER AND CONTRACT DOCUMENT CONTENTS Sl. No. Details Page PART – 1 (Technical Bid) (Read with correction slips up to date) SECTION No 1 SECTION No 2 Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Bidders. Tender and Contract Form SECTION No 3 SECTION No 4 SECTION No 5 SECTION No 6 Special Conditions Schedules A to F Technical Specifications Drawings PART – 2 (Financial Bid) SCHEDULE (BILL) OF QUANTITIES ABSTRACT OF COST OF ALL SCHEDULES PERCENTAGE & ITEM RATE TENDER DETAILS OF QUOTED UNIT RATES AND AMOUNT – SCHEDULES PART - 3 General Conditions of Contract * (Read with correction slips up to date) SECTION No 7 SECTION No 8 SECTION No 9 SECTION No 10 Conditions of Contract Clauses of Contract RITES Safety Code RITES Model Rules for Protection of Health and Sanitary Arrangements for Workers RITES Contractor’s Labour Regulations SECTION No 11 *General Conditions of Contract 2011 (Compilation of Sections 7 to 11) is available with all correction slips up to date, in RITES website 2 PART – 1 TECHNICAL BID 3 Section - 1 NOTICE INVITING TENDER AND INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 4 SECTION 1 NOTICE INVITING TENDER AND INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1.0 1.1 GENERAL Tender Notice Open tenders are invited by RITES Ltd., a Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways, acting for and on behalf of Central University of Bihar as an Agent/Power of Attorney Holder, from working contractors (including contractors who have executed works within the last five years reckoned from the scheduled date of opening of tender) of Railways, CPWD, MES, DOT, RITES, State PWD or any other Central / State Government Undertaking, Municipal Body, Autonomous Body of Central/State Governments or Public Ltd., Co. listed on BSE/NSE for the work of “Construction of Administrative Building, Schools, Lecture Hall Complex, Hostels etc. at Central University of Bihar Campus, Panchanpur, Gaya”. (Note: Throughout these bidding documents, the terms ‘bid’ and ‘tender’ and their derivatives are synonymous). 1.2 Estimated Cost of Work The work is estimated to cost Rs. 149, 43, 06, 926.00 (Rupees one hundred forty nine crores forty three lakhs six thousand nine hundred twenty six only). This Estimate, however, is given merely as a rough guide. 1.3 Time for Completion The time allowed for completion will be Twenty Four (24) months from the date of start which is defined in Schedule F under Clause 5.1a of Clauses of Contract. 1.4 Brief Scope of Work: Construction of Administrative Building, Schools, Lecture Hall Complex, Hostels etc. at Central University of Bihar Campus, Panchanpur, Gaya 1.5 Availability of Site The site for the work is available. QUALIFICATION CRITERIA TO BE SATISFIED 2.1 The Qualification Criteria to be satisfied are given at Annexure I enclosed. 2.2 The Qualification Criteria to be satisfied will depend on the category of works, whether Normal or Large. Normal Works are those costing up to Rs.30 Crores each and Large Works are those costing more than Rs.30 Crores. The work for which the Tender is being invited falls under the category of Large. 2.3 The Qualification Criteria to be satisfied will also depend on whether the Work falls in Normal area or difficult area. Difficult area includes North East States, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Normal area 5 covers all areas other than difficult area. The work for which this Tender has been invited falls under Normal Area. 2.4 In this Tender Joint Venture is not allowed. 2.5 The documents to be furnished by the Bidder to prove that he is satisfying the Qualification Criteria laid down should all be in the Bidder’s name, except in cases where though the name has changed, the owners continued to remain the same and in cases of amalgamation of entities. 2.0 FORMAT AND CHECK LIST FOR SUBMISSION OF INFORMATION ON QUALIFICATION CRITERIA 3.1 Other than Joint Ventures The Tenderer shall furnish a Letter of Transmittal as given in Annexure II A enclosing the documents mentioned therein/listed in para 1(a) of Annexure IA. 3.2 Joint Ventures (For Large Works): Not Applicable 3.3 Joint ventures (For Normal Works): Not Applicable 4.0 CONTENTS OF TENDER DOCUMENT 4.1 Each set of Tender or Bidding Document will comprise the Documents listed below and addenda issued in accordance with Para 7 : PART – 1:- Technical Bid Packet (Read with Correction Slip Nos. 1 to 16 dated 06.01.2015) Section 1 Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Tenderers. Section 2 Tender and Contract Form. Section 3 Special Conditions. Section 4 Schedules A to F Section 5 Technical Specifications Section 6 Drawings PART – 2:- Financial Bid Packet Schedule of Quantities (Bill of Quantities) PART – 3:- General Conditions of Contract (Read with correction Slip No. 1 to 6 dated 12.05.2014) Section 7 Conditions of Contract Section 8 Clauses of Contract Section 9 RITES Safety Code Section 10 RITES Model Rules for protection of Health and Sanitary arrangements for Workers Section 11 4.2 RITES Contractor’s Labour Regulations General Conditions of Contract (Compilation of Sections 7 to 11) with up to date correction slips is available in RITES website 6 5.0 ISSUE OF TENDER DOCUMENT 5.1 A complete set of Tender Document (Technical and Financial Bid) described in Para 4.1 above can be seen in the office of the Joint General Manager (JGM), Tender Cell, 3rd Floor, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan –II, Plot No. 144, Sector-44, Gurgaon122003, Haryana between hours of 11.00 AM and 4.00 PM every day except on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. 5.2 One set of Tender Document may be purchased from the office of Joint General Manager, Tender Cell, 3rd Floor, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan –II, Plot No. 144, Sector-44, Gurgaon-122003, Haryana from 13.02.2015 to 09.03.2015 for a non refundable fee per set of Rs. 10000/- (Rupees ten thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft/ Pay Order/ Banker’s cheque drawn on any Scheduled Bank payable at Gurgaon/Delhi in favour of RITES Ltd., Gurgaon on submission of an application. 5.3 Tender Documents including drawings can also be downloaded from RITES Website ( and in such a case, the Tenderer shall deposit the cost of tender documents along with submission of tender, failing which his tender shall not be opened. The cost of tender documents shall be deposited in the form of a separate Banker’s cheque / Demand Draft / Pay Order and enclosed in the envelope containing the Earnest Money Deposit. The amendments / clarifications to the Tender documents will also be available on the above website. 5.4 Tender Documents downloaded from RITES website shall be considered valid for participating in the tender process. During the scrutiny of downloaded tender document, if any modification / correction etc. is noticed as compared to the original documents posted on the website, the bid submitted by such a Tenderer is liable to be rejected. In case the bid of a Tenderer who has downloaded the document from website is accepted the contract shall be executed in the original / manual tender document issued by the concerned RITES officer. 5.5 Clarifications on Tender Documents A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification on the Tender Document may notify in writing or by telefax or by E-mail at the following Postal Address / Fax No. / E-mail address: Sr. DGM (CP), 3rd floor, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan - II, Plot No. - 144, Sector - 44, Gurgaon - 122 003 (Haryana), Telephone No. 0124 – 2728310/202/345, Fax 0124 - 2728371 / 2571682, E-mail – [email protected] In cases where Pre-Bid Meeting is not proposed to be held, request for clarifications including request for Extension of Time for submission of Bid, if any, must be received not later than 10 (ten) days prior to the deadline for submission of tenders. Details of such questions raised and clarifications furnished will be uploaded in RITES website without identifying the names of the Bidders who had raised the questions. Any modification of the Tender Document arising out of such clarifications will also be uploaded on RITES website only. In cases where Pre-Bid Meeting is proposed to be held, provisions in para 6.0 below may be referred to. 7 6.0 PRE-BID MEETING 6.1 The Tenderer or his official representative is invited to attend a pre-bid meeting which will take place at the Office of AGM/CP-II, 2nd floor, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan - II, Plot No. - 144, Sector - 44, Gurgaon - 122 003 (Haryana) on 24.02.2015 at 11:00 Hrs. 6.2 The Tenderers are required to submit any question on issues relating to the tender, in writing or by telefax or by E-mail so as to reach Sr. DGM (CP), 3rd floor, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan - II, Plot No. - 144, Sector - 44, Gurgaon - 122 003 (Haryana), Telephone No. 0124 – 2728310/202/345, Fax 0124 - 2728371 / 2571682, E-mail – [email protected] not later than 3 (three) days before the date fixed for the meeting. 6.3 The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify the issues raised and to answer supplementary questions on such issues. 6.4 Minutes of the meeting including the text of the questions raised (without identifying the source of enquiry) and the responses given will be uploaded on RITES website. Any modifications of the Tender Document which may become necessary as a result of the Pre-bid Meeting shall be made exclusively through the issue of an Addendum / Corrigendum and not through the Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting. The Minutes of the Meeting as described above and the Addendum / Corrigendum, if any, will be uploaded on RITES website only. 6.5 Non-attendance at the Pre-bid Meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a tenderer. 7.0 AMENDMENT OF TENDER DOCUMENT 7.1 Before the deadline for submission of tenders, the Tender Document may be modified by RITES Ltd. by issue of addenda/corrigendum. Issue of addenda / corrigenda will however be stopped 7 days prior to the deadline for submission of tenders as finally stipulated. 7.2 Addendum/corrigendum, if any, will be hosted on website only and shall become a part of the tender document. All Tenderers are advised to see the website for addendum/ corrigendum to the tender document which may be uploaded up to 7 days prior to the deadline for submission of Tender as finally stipulated. 7.3 To give prospective Tenderers reasonable time in which to take the addenda/ corrigenda into account in preparing their tenders, extension of the deadline for submission of tenders may be given as considered necessary by RITES. 8.0 TENDER VALIDITY 8.1 The Tender shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the due date for submission of Tender or any extended date as indicated in sub para below. 8.2 In exceptional circumstances, during the process of evaluation of tenders and prior to the expiry of the original time limit for Tender Validity, the Employer may request that the Tenderers may extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The 8 request and the tenderer’s response shall be made in writing. A Tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting his Earnest Money. A Tenderer agreeing to the request will not be permitted to modify his Financial Bid to a higher amount but will be required to extend the validity of the Earnest Money for the period of the extension. 9.0 EARNEST MONEY 9.1 The Tender should be accompanied by Earnest Money of Rs. 50, 00, 000.00 (Rupees fifty lakhs only) in any of the forms given below:Banker’s Cheque / Pay Order/ Demand Draft payable at Gurgaon/Delhi, drawn in favour of RITES Ltd. 9.2 Any Tender not accompanied by Earnest Money in an acceptable form shall be rejected by the Employer as non-responsive. 9.3 Refund of Earnest Money a) Two Packet System The Earnest Money of the Tenderers whose Technical Bid is found not acceptable will be returned without interest soon after scrutiny of Technical Bid has been completed by the Employer subject to provisions of Para 9.4 (b). The Earnest Money of the Tenderers whose Technical Bid is found acceptable but Financial Bid is rejected will be returned without interest within 28 days of the end of Tender Validity Period subject to provisions of Para 9.4 (b). b) Single Packet System: Not Applicable. After evaluation of the Financial Bids, the Earnest Money of unsuccessful Tenderers will be returned without interest within 28 days of the end of Tender Validity Period subject to provisions of Para 9.4 (b). c) In case of both Two Packet and Single Packet System, the Earnest Money of the successful Tenderer, without any interest, will be adjusted as a part of the Security Deposit payable in terms of provisions in the General Conditions of Contract (Clause 1A of Clauses of Contract). 9.4 The Earnest Money is liable to be forfeited a) if after bid opening, but before expiry of bid validity or issue of Letter of Acceptance, whichever is earlier, any Tenderer i) withdraws his tender or ii) Makes any modification in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the Employer. b) in case any statement/information/document furnished by the Tenderer is found to be incorrect or false. c) in the case of a successful Tenderer, if the Tenderer 9 i) fails to furnish the Performance Guarantee within the period specified under Clause 1 of “Clauses of Contract”. or ii) fails to commence the work without valid reasons within the period as specified in Schedule F after the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is later. In case of forfeiture of E.M. as prescribed hereinabove, the Tenderer shall not be allowed to participate in the retendering process of the work. 10.0 ALTERNATIVE PROPOSALS BY THE TENDERERS The Tenderers shall submit offers which comply strictly with the requirements of the Tender Document as amended from time to time as indicated in Para 7.0 above. Alternatives or any modifications shall render the Tender invalid. 11.0 SUBMISSION OF TENDER 11.1 Two Packet System and Single Packet System (a) Two Packet System The tenderer shall submit the Tender in original in two packets as under:PACKET A: - TECHNICAL BID Envelope 1 Envelope 2 Earnest Money & Cost of Tender Document if the bid is submitted on the document downloaded from RITES website “Authority to Sign”, ‘Integrity Pact’ (when applicable) and Qualification Information along with all enclosures / documents as per Letter of Transmittal/ Checklist given in Annexure II A/ II B (L)/IIB(N). As regards “Authority to Sign” Para 11.2 below may be referred to. As regards ‘Integrity Pact’, para 11.7 below may be referred to. Technical Bid (Part 1 and Part 3) (Refer Para 4.1) including signature on Tender Form (Section 2) duly witnessed after filling up blanks therein. Each page of the above documents including all Drawings should bear the dated initials of the Tenderer along with the seal of the Company, in token of confirmation of having understood the Contents. PACKET B: - FINANCIAL BID Envelope 3 Schedule/Bill of Quantities. Each page of the Financial Bid (Part 2 – Refer Para 4.1) should be signed by the Tenderer along with the seal of the company. In the last page of Financial Bid, at the end, the Tenderer should sign in full with the name of the Company, Seal of the Company and Date. All rates and amounts, both in figures and words, must be written in indelible ink. Each Correction, Cutting, Addition and overwriting should be initialed by the Tenderer. 10 The rates must be quoted in decimal coinage. Amounts must be quoted in full rupees by ignoring fifty paise and less and considering more than fifty paise as rupee one. If the same item figures in more than one section/part of Schedule of Quantities, the Tenderer should quote the same rate for that item in all sections/parts. If different rates are quoted for the same item, the least of the different rates quoted only shall be considered for evaluation of that item in all sections/parts of the Schedule of Quantities. Instructions contained in subsequent Para 17.6 (a) on “Item rate tender” and 17.6 (b) on “Percentage rate tender” may be carefully studied and complied with. b) Single Packet System: Not Applicable. Both Technical Bid (including signature on Tender Form in Section 2 duly witnessed) and Financial Bid Documents will be submitted in one Packet. Precautions as described above for Two Packet System shall be observed by the tenderers. 11.2 Authority to Sign a) b) c) d) e) 11.3 If the applicant is an individual, he should sign above his full type written name and current address. If the applicant is a proprietary firm, the Proprietor should sign above his full type written name and the full name of his firm with its current address. If the applicant is a firm in partnership, the Documents should be signed by all the partners of the firm above their full type written names and current addresses. Alternatively the Documents should be signed by the person holding Power of Attorney for the firm in the Format at Annexure IV. If the applicant is a limited Company, or a Corporation, the Documents shall be signed by a duly authorized person holding Power of Attorney for signing the Documents in the Format at Annexure IV. If the applicant is a Joint Venture, the Documents shall be signed by the Lead Member holding Power of Attorney for signing the Document in the Format at Annexure V. The signatory on behalf of such Lead Partner shall be the one holding the Power of Attorney in the Format at Annexure IV. Items to be kept in mind while furnishing details While filling in Qualification Information documents and the Financial Bid, following should be kept in mind: i) ii) iii) There shall be no additions or alterations except those to comply with the instructions issued by the Employer or as necessary to correct errors, if any, made by the Tenderers. Conditional Offer/ Tender will be rejected. Unconditional rebate/ discounts in the Financial offer will however be accepted. The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any conditional rebate/discounts. While evaluating the Bid Price, the conditional rebates/discounts which are in excess of the requirements of the bidding documents or otherwise result in accrual of unsolicited benefits to the Employer, shall not be taken into account. 11 11.4 Sealing and Marking of Tenders 11.4.1 Two Packet System (a) PACKET A – TECHNICAL BID Envelopes 1 & 2 as described in Para 11.1 (a) above should be sealed separately superscribing “Technical Bid” with Envelope Number, Name of the work and Name of the tenderer. In addition, the following should also be superscribed on the respective envelopes. Envelope 1 i) Earnest Money ii) Cost of Tender Document if the Bid is submitted on the document downloaded from RITES website. Envelope 2 i) Authority to Sign, ‘Integrity Pact’ (when applicable as per para 11.7 below) and Qualification Information/ documents as per checklist in Annexure IIA / IIB (L)/ II B (N). ii) Technical Bid including Drawings Both the envelopes should be put in a packet which should be sealed. The following should be superscribed on the packet: i) ii) iii) Packet A – Technical Bid Name of the Work Name of the Tenderer (b) PACKET B – FINANCIAL BID Envelope 3 – Financial Bid should be put in Packet B which should be sealed. The following should be superscribed on the packet. (c) i) Packet B - Financial Bid ii) Name of the work iii) Name of the tenderer Both packets A and B should be put inside an outer envelope and sealed. This envelope should be superscribed with the following details: i) Tender for (Name of work) ii) Tender number iii) Date and time of opening of Tender iv) From (Name of Tenderer) 12 v) Addressed to - Joint General Manager, Tender Cell, 3rd Floor, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan –II, Plot No. 144, Sector-44, Gurgaon-122003, Haryana. 11.4.2 Single Packet System: Not Applicable. Two envelopes of Technical Bid and one of Financial Bid shall be made out as stipulated in Para 11.4.1 (a) and (b) above with the Name of the work and Name of the Tenderer superscribed on each of the envelopes. All the three envelopes shall be put in a Single Packet which shall be superscribed in the same manner as given in Para 11.4.1 (c) above. 11.4.3 If the envelopes and packets are not superscribed and sealed as indicated in Paras 11.4.1/ 11.4.2 above, the Employer will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the Tender. 11.5 Deadline for submission of Tender 11.5.1 Tenders must be received by the Employer at the following address not later than 14:00 Hrs. on 12.03.2015. In the event of the specified date for the submission of the Tender being declared a holiday due to Strike/Bandh or on any account by the Employer, the Tenders will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day. Address for submission of Tender: Joint General Manager, Tender Cell, 3rd Floor, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan –II, Plot No. 144, Sector-44, Gurgaon-122003, Haryana. 11.5.2 The Employer may extend the deadline for submission of Tenders by issuing an amendment in writing in accordance with Para 7.3 in which case all rights and obligations of the Employer and the Tenderer previously subject to the original deadline will be subject to new deadline. 11.6 Late Tender / Delayed Tender Any Tender received by the Employer after the specified date and time of receipt of Tender will be returned unopened to the Tenderer. 11.7 Integrity Pact (i) The Bidder/Contractor is required to enter into an Integrity Pact with the Employer, in the Format at Annexure VIII. The Integrity Pact enclosed as Annexure VIII will be signed by RITES for and on behalf of Employer as its Agent/Power of Attorney Holder at the time of execution of Agreement with the successful Bidder. While submitting the Bid, the Integrity Pact shall be signed by the duly authorized signatory of the Bidder/Lead Member of JV. In case of failure to submit the Integrity Pact duly signed and witnessed, along with the Bid, the Bid is likely to be rejected. (ii) In case of any contradiction between the Terms and Conditions of the Bid Document and the Integrity Pact, the former will prevail. 13 Provided always that provision of this para 11.7 – Integrity Pact, shall be applicable only when so provided in para 11.7A below which will also stipulate the name and address of the Independent External Monitor as well as the Name, designation and address of the official nominated by the Employer to act as the Liaison Officer between the Independent External Monitor and the Engineer-in-Charge as well as the Contractor. 11.7A whether para 11.7 (Integrity Pact) shall be applicable: Yes If Yes, Name and Address of the Independent External Monitor (In case value of contract is Rs.10 crores or more): Shri Suresh Kumar, Former Director, Container Corporation of India Ltd., D – 401, Rail Vihar, Sector – 57, Gurgaon - 122011 Name, Designation and Address of RITES Liaison Officer: Shri Y. K. Sharma, GGM (Airport), RITES Ltd., Plot No. – 144, Sector – 44, Gurgaon - 122003 11.8 Modification and Withdrawal of Bids 11.8.1 Tenderers may modify or withdraw their bids by giving notice in writing before the deadline prescribed in para 11.5 for submission of Bids. 11.8.2 Each modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked and delivered in accordance with paras 11.1, 11.2 and 11.4 with the outer envelopes additionally marked ‘Modification’ or ‘Withdrawal’ as appropriate. The envelopes for modifications on ‘Technical Bid’ and ‘Financial Bid’ shall be submitted in separate sealed envelopes and marked as ‘Modifications of Technical Bid’ or ‘Modifications of Financial Bid’ as the case may be. 11.8.3 No bid may be modified after the deadline for submission of Bids except as indicated below. If a Bidder makes a suo moto offer of rebate / discount in his Financial Bid after the deadline for submission of Bids, such offer will not be considered for Financial evaluation of Tenders. But if the Tenderer is successful in the Bid based on his original offer without considering the suo moto offer, the rebate / discount offered will be taken into account for incorporation in the Contract Agreement. 11.8.4 Withdrawal or modification of a Bid, subject to provisions in Para 11.8.3 above, after the deadline for submission of Bids shall result in forfeiture of the Earnest Money. 12.0 TENDER OPENING, EVALUATION AND CLARIFICATIONS OF APPLICATIONS 12.1 The Employer will open all the Tenders received (except those received late or delayed) as described in para 12.2/12.3 below, in the presence of the Tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend at 14:30 Hrs. on 12.03.2015 in the office of Joint General Manager, Tender Cell, 3rd Floor, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan –II, Plot No. 144, Sector-44, Gurgaon-122003, Haryana. In the event of the specified date of the opening being declared a holiday by the Employer, the Tenders will be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day. 14 12.2 Two Packet System (a) (i) The PACKET A will be opened and Envelope 1 containing Earnest Money and Cost of Tender Document (where Bid is submitted in the document downloaded from RITES website) of all the Tenderers will be opened first and checked. If the Earnest Money furnished is not for the stipulated amount or is not in an acceptable form and where applicable, the cost of Tender Document has not been enclosed for the correct amount and in an acceptable form, the Envelope 2 of PACKET A (TECHNICAL BID) and PACKET B will be returned to the Tenderer concerned unopened at the time of opening of the Tender itself. The Envelopes 2 of PACKET A (TECHNICAL BID) of other Tenderers who have furnished Earnest Money of correct amount in acceptable form and where applicable the cost of Tender Document for the correct amount and in an acceptable form will then be opened. The Tenderer’s name, the presence of Earnest Money and Authority to sign and such other details as the Employer may consider appropriate will be announced by the Employer at the time of opening of Packet A. PACKET B (FINANCIAL BID) of the Tenderers whose Technical Bids have been accepted for evaluation will be checked to see if the seals are intact. All such PACKETS B will be put in an envelope and sealed. The Employer’s official opening the Tender will sign on this envelope and will also take the signatures of preferably atleast two Tenderers or their representatives present. This envelope will be kept in safe custody by the Employer. (b) The Employer will scrutinize the Technical Bids accepted for evaluation to determine whether each Tenderer (i) (ii) (iii) has submitted `Authority to sign’ as per para 11.2 above and Integrity Pact (where applicable) duly signed and witnessed as per para 11.7 above; meets the Qualification Criteria stipulated in Para 2.0; and conforms to all terms, conditions and specifications of the Tender Document without any modifications or conditions. (c) If required, the Employer may ask any such Tenderer for clarifications on his Technical Bid. The request for clarification and the response from the Tenderer will be in writing. If a Tenderer does not submit the clarification/document requested, by the date and time set in the Employer’s request for clarification, the bid of such Tenderer is likely to be rejected. Tenderers whose Technical Bids are not found acceptable will be advised of the same and their Earnest Money and PACKET B (FINANCIAL BID) will be returned unopened. Tenderers whose Technical Bids are found acceptable will be advised accordingly and will also be intimated in writing of the time and date and place where and when the PACKET B (Financial Bid) will be opened. (d) At the appointed place, time and date, in the presence of the Tenderers or their representatives who choose to be present, the Employer will open the envelopes containing the PACKET B (FINANCIAL BID). The Tenderer’s name, the tender amount quoted and such other details as the Employer may consider appropriate will be announced by the Employer. 15 12.3 Single Packet System – Not Applicable (a) Envelope 1 of all the Tenders will be opened first and checked. If the Earnest Money furnished is not for the stipulated amount or is not in an acceptable form and where applicable the Cost of Tender Document has not been furnished for the correct amount and in an acceptable form, the remaining envelopes will be returned to the tenderer concerned unopened at the time of opening of the Tender itself. The Envelopes no. 2 of Technical Bid and no. 3 of Financial Bid of other Tenderers who have furnished Earnest Money and where applicable the Cost of Tender Document, in acceptable form will then be opened. The Tenderer’s name, the presence of Earnest Money, the Authority to Sign the Tender, amount quoted and such other details as the Employer may consider appropriate will be announced by the Employer. 13.0 INSPECTION OF SITE BY THE TENDERERS Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their Tenders, as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (as far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their Tender. A Tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The Tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity, access, facilities for workers and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a tender by a Tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant etc. will be issued to him by the Employer and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work. 14.0 EMPLOYER’S RIGHT ON ACCEPTANCE OF ANY TENDER (i) If required, the Employer may ask any Tenderer the breakdown of unit rates. If the Tenderer does not submit the clarification by the date and time set in the Employers request for clarification, such Tender is likely to be rejected. (ii) The competent authority on behalf of the Employer does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any other Tender and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all the Tenders received without the assignment of any reason. All Tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions is not fulfilled or any condition is put forth by the Tenderer shall be summarily rejected. 15.0 CANVASSING PROHIBITED Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the Contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection. 16 16.0 EMPLOYER’s RIGHT TO ACCEPT WHOLE OR PART OF THE TENDER The competent authority on behalf of the Employer reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the Tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rates quoted. 17.0 MISCELLANEOUS RULES AND DIRECTIONS 17.1 The Tenderer shall not be permitted to tender for works if his near relative is posted as Associated Finance Officer between the grades of AGM(F) and J.M (F) in the concerned SBU Unit of RITES or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of GGM/GM and Engineer (both inclusive) of the concerned SBU of the Employer. He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any Gazetted officer in the organization of the Employer. Any breach of this condition by the Tenderer would render his Tender to be rejected. No Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Organisation of the Employer is allowed to work as a contractor for a period of one year after his retirement from the Employer’s service without the previous permission of the Employer in writing. The contract is liable to be cancelled if either the Contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Employer as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the Contractor’s service. 17.2 If required by the Employer, the Tenderers shall sign a declaration under the officials Secret Act 1923, for maintaining secrecy of the tender documents drawings or other records connected with the work given to them. The unsuccessful Tenderers shall return all the drawings given to them. 17.3 Use of correcting fluid anywhere in tender document is not permitted. Such tender is liable for rejection. 17.4 a) In the case of Item Rate Tenders, only rates quoted shall be considered. Any tender containing percentage below/above the rates quoted is liable to be rejected. Rates quoted by the Tenderer in item rate tender in figures and words shall be accurately filled in so that there is no discrepancy in the rates written in figures and words. However, if a discrepancy is found, the rates which correspond with the amount worked out by the Tenderer shall unless otherwise proved be taken as correct. If the amount of an item is not worked out by the Tenderer or it does not correspond with the rates written either in figures or in words then the rates quoted by the Tenderer in words shall be taken as correct. Where the rates quoted by the Tenderer in figures and in words tally but the amount is not worked out correctly, the rates quoted by the Tenderer will, unless otherwise provided, be taken as correct and not the amount. In the event that no rate has been quoted for any item(s), leaving space both in figure (s) or word(s) and the amount blank, it will be presumed that the Tenderer has included the cost of this/ these item (s) in other items and rate for such item (s) will be considered as zero and work will be required to be executed accordingly. b) In case of percentage Rate Tender only percentage quoted shall be considered. Any tender containing item rates is liable to be rejected. Percentage quoted by the Tenderer in percentage rate tender shall be accurately filled in figures and words so 17 17.5 17.6 that there is no discrepancy. If, for any Schedule in Financial Bid, the total amount has been indicated by the Tenderer and if discrepancy is noticed in the percentages quoted in words and figures, then the percentage which corresponds with the total amount, shall, unless otherwise proved be taken as correct. If the total amount is not worked out or if worked out, it does not correspond with the percentages written either in figures or in words, then the percentage quoted by Tenderer in words shall be taken as correct. When the percentages quoted by the Tenderer in figures and in words tally but the total amount is not worked out correctly, the percentage quoted by the Tenderes shall be taken as correct, unless proved otherwise and the total amount worked out accordingly. In the case of any Item rate tender where unit rate of any item/items appears unrealistic, such tender will be considered as unbalanced and in case the Tenderer is unable to provide satisfactory explanation, such a tender is liable to be disqualified and rejected. (a) In Item rate Tender, all rates shall be quoted on the tender form. The amount for each item should be worked out and requisite totals given. Special care should be taken to write the rates in figures as well as in words and the amount in figures only, in such a way that interpolation is not possible. The total amount in each Schedule should be written both in figures and in words. In case of figures, the word ‘Rs.’ should be written before the figure of rupees and word ‘P’ after the decimal figures, e.g. Rs.2.15 P and in case of words, the word, ‘Rupees’ should precede and the word ‘Paise’ should be written at the end. Unless the rate is in whole rupees and followed by the word ‘only’ it should invariably be up to two decimal places. While quoting the rate in schedule of quantities, the word ‘only’ should be written closely following the amount and it should not be written in the next line. (b) In Percentage Rate Tender, the Tenderer shall quote percentage below / above (in figures as well as in words) at which he will be willing to execute the work. He shall also work out the total amount of his offer and the same should be written in figures as well as in words in such a way that no interpolation is possible. In case of figures, the word “Rs” should be written before the figure rupees and word ‘P’ after the decimal figures (eg.) Rs.2.15 P and in case of words the word “Rupees” should precede and the word “Paisa” should be written at the end. 17.7 Sales-tax/VAT (except Service Tax), purchase tax, turnover tax or any other tax/ Cess on material, labour and Works in respect of this Contract shall be payable by the Contractor and the Employer will not entertain any claim whatsoever in respect of the same. However, in respect of Service Tax, same shall be paid by the Contractor to the concerned department on demand and it will be reimbursed to him by the Engineer-inCharge after satisfying that it has been actually and genuinely paid by the Contractor. 17.8 Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid either as an individual or as a Proprietor in a Proprietary firm or as a Partner in a Partnership firm or as a Director of a limited Company/Corporation or as a Partner in a Joint Venture. Any Bidder who has submitted a Bid for a work, shall not be a witness for any other Bidder for the same work. Failure to observe the above stipulations would render all such Tenders submitted as a Bidder and / or as a witness, liable to summary rejection. 17.9 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all matters arising out of the Performance of the Contract and shall, at his own expense, comply with all laws/ acts/ enactments/ 18 orders/ regulations/ obligations whatsoever of the Government of India, State Government, Local Body and any Statutory Authority. 18.0 SIGNING OF CONTRACT AGREEMENT 18.1 The Tenderer whose tender has been accepted will be notified of the award by the Employer by issue of a `Letter of Acceptance’ ‘ prior to expiration of the Bid Validity period, in the form at Annexure VI. The Letter of Acceptance will be sent to the Contractor in two copies one of which he should return promptly, duly signed and stamped. The Letter of Acceptance will be a binding Contract between the Employer and the Contractor till the formal Contract Agreement is executed. 18.2 Within the period as specified in Clause 1 of `Clause of Contract’, of the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance, the successful Tenderer shall deliver to the Employer, Performance Guarantee and Additional Performance Guarantee (where applicable) in the format prescribed. 18.3 The Tenderer whose Tender is accepted shall be required to submit at his cost stamp papers of appropriate value as per the provisions of Indian Stamp Act within 15 days of the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance. 18.4 At the same time the Employer notifies the successful Tenderer that his Tender has been accepted, the Employer will direct him to attend the Employer’s office within 28 days of issue of Letter of Acceptance for signing the Agreement in the proforma at Annexure VII. The Agreement will however be signed only after the Contractor furnishes Performance Guarantee and Additional Performance Guarantee (where applicable) and hence, where justified, the period of 28 days stipulated above will be extended suitably. 19 ANNEXURE – I (As per Correction Slip No. 13, 14 & 16) QUALIFYING CRITERIA FOR WORKS CONTRACTS 1. Annual Financial Turnover - The bidder should have achieved a minimum annual financial turnover of Rs 149.43 Crores in any one of the last 3 Financial Years. Notes: - The financial turnover will be taken as given under the head “Income” in audited Profit and Loss Account and excluding non-recurring income, income from other sources and stock. It is clarified that the Financial Turnover means relevant revenue as recorded in the Income side of Profit and Loss Account. It does not mean Profit. - Closing stocks in whatsoever manner should not form part of turnover. Weightage of 7% (compounded annually) shall be given for equating the financial turnover of the previous years to the current year. - For considering the Financial Years, for example for a work for which the Tender is being opened in Financial Year 2014-15, the last Three Financial Years shall be 201314, 2012-13, 2011-12, For a Tender opened on (say) 05.09.2014 (F.Y. 2014-15), with weightage of 7% compounded annually, the weightages to be applied on the Turnover of the previous three Financial Years will be : F.Y. 2013-14 = 1.070; F.Y. 2012-13 = 1.145; F.Y. 2011-12 = 1.225 - The Bidder should furnish Annual Financial Turnover for each of the last 3 Financial Years in tabular form and give reference of the document (with page no.) relied upon in support of meeting the Qualification Criterion. - The Bidder should submit self attested copy of Auditor’s Report along with Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement along with Schedules for the relevant Financial Year in which the minimum criterion is met. Provisional audit reports or certified statements will not be accepted. - If the Audited Balance Sheet for the immediately preceding year is not available in case of tender opened before 30th Sept., audited Balance Sheets, Profit and Loss Statements and other financial statements of the three Financial Years immediately preceding the previous Financial Year may be adopted for evaluating the credentials of the Bidder. - In case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply: DELETED. Large Works - NA Normal Works - NA 20 2. WORK EXPERIENCE a) (i) ii) Similar Works Experience For works in normal areas (other than difficult areas) The Bidder should have satisfactorily completed in his own name or proportionate share as a member of a Joint Venture, at least one similar work of minimum value of Rs. 119.54 Crores OR at least two similar works each of minimum value of Rs. 74.72 Crores OR at least three similar works each of minimum value of Rs. 59.77 Crores during the last 5 (five) years prior to the last stipulated date for submission of the Bid. Works completed prior to the cut off date shall not be considered. Or For works in difficult areas (North East states, J&K, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh & Andaman & Nicobar Island) – NA Similar Works Similar Works shall mean the work of Construction of RCC framed structure building like Institutional/ Office/ Hostel / Hospital / Commercial Buildings in India. Notes: A weightage of 7% (compounded annually from the date of completion of the work to the submission of the Bid) shall be given for equating the value of works of the previous years to the current year. - Only such works shall be considered where physical completion of entire work is over or commissioning of work has been done, whichever is earlier. - The Bidder should submit the details of such similar completed works as per the format at Proforma-1 enclosed. - Works carried out by another Contractor on behalf of the Bidder on a back to back basis will not be considered for satisfaction of the Qualification Criterion by the Bidder. - Credential certificates issued by Govt. Organizations / Semi Govt. Organizations of Central or state Government; or by Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous bodies of Central or State Governments; or by Public Ltd. Companies listed in Stock Exchange in India or abroad shall only be accepted for assessing the eligibility of a Tenderer. - The cut off date shall be calculated backwards from the last stipulated date for submission/ opening of Tender i.e. for a Tender which is being opened on 06.08.2014, the cut off date shall be 07.08.09. - In case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply: DELETED. Large Works - NA Normal Works - NA 21 b) Construction Experience in key activities / specified components - Not Applicable - In case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply: NOT APPLICABLE Large Works - NA Normal Works - NA 3. SOLVENCY CERTIFICATE &SERVICING OF LOAN / CREDIT LIMIT. i) A Solvency Certificate of minimum solvency of Rs. 59.77 Crores. (suggested format at Proforma 2) from a Scheduled Bank issued not earlier than 6 months from the last date for submission of tender is required to be submitted by the bidder. Notes: - The certificate so produced by the Bidder may be got verified from the issuing Bank. - In case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply: DELETED. Large Works - NA Normal Works - NA ii) The bidder should furnish a declaration that he has not failed to service the Principal amount or interest or both of a loan account / credit limit from any Bank of Financial Institution during a period of one year prior to the deadline for submission of bids. Notes: • In case a bidder has defaulted in serving his loan / credit limit during the past one year he shall be disqualified. • The declaration may be included in the declaration to be submitted in Proforma 3 to this annexure. • In case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply. - NA Large Works - NA Normal Works - NA 22 4. PROFITABILITY The applicant firm shall be a Profit (Net) making firm and should have made profit during any two of the past 3 Financial Years immediately preceding the deadline for submission of bids. If the Audited Balance sheet for the immediately preceding year is not available in case of tenders opened before 30th Sep, Audited Balance sheets of the three Financial years immediately preceding the previous Financial years shall be considered. The Bidder should furnish figures of net profit of last 3 years in a tabular form and submit attested copies of Auditor’s Reports along with audited Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Statements for the last three Financial Years. Specific reference with page no. of document which proves satisfaction of this Qualifying Criterion should be indicated in the tabular statement. Notes: - In case JV is permitted, the following provisions will apply: NOT APPLICABLE Large Works - NA Normal Works - NA 5. NET WORTH The bidder should have positive Net worth of at least 15% of the estimated cost. Notes: - - Net Worth shall be computed from the bidder’s audited balance sheet of the last financial year ending on a date not prior to 18 months from the due date of submission of the tender( or, if the due date is extended, such extended date of submission). In case JV is permitted, the following provisions will apply: Large Work: NA Normal Work: NA 6. POINTS TO NOTE ON SATISFACTION OF QUALIFYING CRITERIA IN CASE OF BOTH LARGE AND NORMAL WORKS. a) Sub-Contractor’s Experiences and Resources Sub-Contractors’ Experiences and Resources will not be taken into account in determining the Bidder’s compliance with the qualifying criteria. b) Experiences and Resources of the Parent Company and other subsidiary companies If the Bidder is a wholly owned subsidiary of a company, the experience and resources of the owner / parent company or its other subsidiaries will not be 23 taken into account. However, if the Bidder is a Company, the Experience and Resources of its subsidiaries will be taken into consideration. 7. DISQUALIFICATION ON CERTAIN GROUNDS Even though the bidders may meet the above Qualifying Criteria, they are subject to be disqualified if they have a) Made misleading or false representation in the forms, statements and attachments in proof of the qualification requirements. In such a case, besides Tenderer’s liability to action under para 9.4 of Instructions to Tenderer’s, the tenderer is liable to face the penalty of banning of business dealings with him by RITES. b) Records of any contract awarded to them, having been determined during the past three years prior to the deadline for submission of bids. c) Their business banned or suspended by any Central / State Government Department / Public Undertaking or Enterprise of Central / State Government and such ban is in force. d) Not submitted all the supporting documents or not furnished the relevant details as per the prescribed format. A declaration to the above effect in the form of affidavit on stamp paper of Rs 10 duly attested by Notary / Magistrate should be submitted as per format given in Proforma 3 enclosed. 24 Proforma-1 LIST OF SIMILAR WORKS SATISFYING QUALIFICATION CRITERION COMPLETED DURING THE LAST 5 YEARS S. Client' Name of No s the . Name Work & and Location Addre ss Scope of work carried out by the Bidder Agreem Contract Value ent / Letter of Award No. and date Date of start Award Actual ed on completi on Date of Completion Reasons for delay in completi on if any Ref. of document (with page no.) in support of meeting Qualificati on Criterion As per Actu LOA/ al Agreem ent SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF THE BIDDER Note: 1. In support of having completed above works, attach self attested copies of the completion certificate from the owner/client or Executing Agency / Consultant appointed by owner / Client indicating the name of work, the description of work done by the Bidder, date of start, date of completion (contractual & actual) and contract value as awarded and as executed by the Bidder . “Contract Value” shall mean gross value of the completed work including cost of materials supplied by the owner/client but excluding those supplied free of cost. 2. Such Credential certificates issued by Govt. Organizations/ Semi Govt. Organizations / Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous bodies of Central or State Government / 25 Municipal Bodies / Public Ltd. Co. listed on BSE/NSE shall only be accepted for assessing the eligibility of a Tenderer. In case of a Certificate from a Public Limited Co., the Bidder should also submit documentary proof that the Public Ltd. Co., was listed on BSE or NSE when the work was executed for it. 3. Information must be furnished for works carried out by the Bidder in his own name or proportionate share as member of a Joint Venture. In the latter case details of contract value including extent of financial participation by partners in that work should be furnished. 4. If a Bidder has got a work executed through a Subcontractor on a back to back basis, the Bidder cannot include such a work for his satisfying the Qualification Criterion even if the Client has issued a Completion Certificate in favour of that Bidder. 5. Use a separate sheet for each partner in case of a Joint Venture. 6. Only similar works completed during the last 5 years prior to the last stipulated date for submission of Bid, which meet the Qualification Criterion need be included in this list. 26 Proforma 2 SOLVENCY CERTIFICATE FROM A NATIONALISED OR A SCHEDULED BANK This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information, M/s ____________________, having their registered office at _____________, a customer of our Bank, is a reputed company with a good financial standing and can be treated as solvent to the extent of Rs. ___________. This certificate is issued without any guarantee or risk and responsibility on the Bank or any of its officers. Signature with date Senior Bank Manager (Name of Officer issuing the Certificate) Name, address & Seal of the Bank/ Branch Note: Banker’s Certificate should be on letter head of the Bank. 27 Proforma 3 (As per Correction Slip No. 13) DECLARATION BY THE BIDDER (Affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.10/- duly attested by Notary / Magistrate) This is to certify that We, M/s. __________________________, in submission of this offer confirm that:i) We have not made any misleading or false representation in the forms, statements and attachments in proof of the qualification requirements; ii) During the past three years prior to the deadline for submission of bids, no contract awarded to us has been determined. iii) No Central / State Government Department / Public Sector Undertaking or Enterprise of Central / State Government has banned / suspended business dealings with us as on date. iv) We have submitted all the supporting documents and furnished the relevant details as per prescribed format. v) List of Similar Works satisfying Qualification Criterion indicated in Proforma 1 does not include any work which has been carried out by us through a Subcontractor on a back to back basis. vi) The information and documents submitted with the Tender and those to be submitted subsequently by way of clarifications / making good deficient documents are correct and we are fully responsible for the correctness of the information and documents submitted by us. failed to service the principal amount or interest or both vii) We have not failed to service the principal amount or interest or both of a loan account / credit limit from any Bank or Financial institution during a period of one year prior to the deadline for submission of bids. viii) We understand that in case any statement/information/document furnished by us or to be furnished by us in connection with this offer, is found to be incorrect or false, our EMD in full will be forfeited and business dealings will be banned. SEAL, SIGNATURE & NAME OF THE BIDDER Signing this document 28 ANNEXURE I A CHECK LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED 1. a) BY BIDDERS OTHER THAN JOINT VENTURES i) Annual Financial Turnover ii) - Annual financial turnover for each of the last 3 Financial Years in tabular form. - Self attested copies of Auditor’s Report along with the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement for the relevant Financial Year in which the minimum criterion is met (Refer Notes under Para 1 of Annexure I). Work Experience - - iii) Similar Work Experience : Proforma 1 of Annexure I with details of 1, 2 or 3 works as the case may be, which satisfy requisite qualification criterion with self attested copies of supporting document (Refer Para 2a of Annexure I). Construction Experience in Key Activities/Specialized Components: Tabular Statement giving contract-wise quantities executed in last 5 years along with documentary proof in support of having met the criterion (Refer Para 2b of Annexure I). Solvency Certificate. Suggested format at Proforma 2 of Annexure I (Refer Para 3 of Annexure I) iv) Profitability - v) Net profit of last 3 Financial Years in tabular form. Self attested copies of Auditor’s Report along with the Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Statements for last 5 or 3 Financial Years, as the case may be (Refer Para 4 of Annexure I). Declaration by Bidder Proforma 3 vi) Integrity Pact (where applicable): duly signed and witnessed in the format at Annexure VIII (Refer para 11.7 of NIT & Instructions to Tenderers) b) BY JOINT VENTURE PARTNERS FOR “LARGE WORKS”: Not Applicable c) BY JOINT VENTURE Applicable PARTNERS 29 FOR “NORMAL WORKS”: Not ANNEXURE II A QUALIFICATION INFORMATION/CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTS - LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL BY OTHER THAN JOINT VENTURES (On letter head of the Applicant) From To, _____________ Joint General Manager, Tender Cell, 3rd Floor, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan –II, Plot No. 144, Sector-44, Gurgaon - 122003, Haryana. Sir, Sub: Submission of Qualification information /documents as per Checklist. 1. I/We hereby submit the following documents in support of my/our satisfying the Qualification Criteria laid down for the work:a) Self attested copy of a certificate, confirming that the applicant is a working contractor or has executed any work within the last five years reckoned from the date of opening of Tender, issued by Railways, CPWD, MES, DOT, RITES, State PWD or any other Central/State Government Undertaking, Municipal Body, Autonomous Body of Central or State Government or Public Limited Company listed on NSE/BSE. b) Annual Financial Turnover (i) Annual financial turnover for each of the last 3 Financial Years in a tabular form. (ii) Self attested copy of Auditor’s Report along with the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement and Schedules for the relevant Financial Year in which the minimum criterion is met, with calculations in support of the same. c) Work Experience i) Similar Work Experience :- In Proforma 1 with details of 1 / 2 / 3 works as applicable and self attested copies of supporting documents as mentioned therein. ii) Construction experience in key activities / specialized components: Tabular Statement giving contract wise quantities executed in last 5 years with documentary proof. d) Solvency Certificate - Proforma 2. e) Net Worth – The bidder should have positive Net Worth of at least 15% of the estimated cost. 2. In addition the following supporting documents are also enclosed. a) Self attested copy of Partnership Deed/Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Firm. 30 b) c) d) e) f) g) Self attested copies of PAN/TAN issued by the Income Tax Department. Declaration – Proforma 3 Self attested copy of Sales Tax, Works Contract Tax, Service Tax Registration Certificate (as applicable). Self attested copy of Registration under Labour Laws, like PF, ESI etc. Self attested copy of ISO 9000 Certificate (if any) Integrity Pact (where applicable): duly signed and witnessed. 3. I authorize you to approach any Bank, Individual, Employer, Firm or Corporation, whether mentioned in the enclosed documents or not, to verify our competence and general reputation. 4. I also enclose written Power of Attorney of the signatory of the Tender on behalf of the Tenderer. Yours faithfully, Encl: As in Paras 1, 2 & 4 Signature of Applicant with Name _________________ Date with seal 31 ANNEXURE II B (L) QUALIFICATION INFORMATION /CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTS – LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL BY JOINT VENTURE NOT APPLICABLE ANNEXURE II B (N) QUALIFICATION INFORMATION /CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTS - LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL BY JOINT VENTURE NOT APPLICABLE ANNEXURE III DRAFT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING EXECUTED BY MEMBERS OF THE CONSORTIUM / JOINT VENTURE (On each firm’s Letter Head) NOT APPLICABLE 32 ANNEXURE IV FORMAT FOR POWER OF ATTORNEY TO AUTHORISED SIGNATORY POWER OF ATTORNEY (To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with relevant Stamp Act. The stamp paper to be in the name of the firm/ company who is issuing the Power of Attorney). We, M/s.______ (name of the firm/company with address of the registered office) hereby constitute, appoint and authorise Mr./Ms.______ (Name and residential address) who is presently employed with us and holding the position of ______ and whose signature is given below as our Attorney to do in our name and our behalf all or any of the acts, deeds or things necessary or incidental to our bid for the work _____ (name of work), including signing and submission of application / proposal, participating in the meetings, responding to queries, submission of information / documents and generally to represent us in all the dealings with RITES or any other Government Agency or any person, in connection with the works until culmination of the process of bidding, till the Contract Agreement is entered into with RITES and thereafter till the expiry of the Contract Agreement. We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said Attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid Attorney shall always be deemed to have been done by us. (Add in the case of a Consortium/Joint Venture) Our firm is a Member/Lead Member of the Consortium of ___________, _________ and ___________. Dated this the _____ day of ______ 20 (Signature and name of authorized signatory being given Power of Attorney) ___________ (Signature and name in block letters of *All the partners of the firm, * Authorized Signatory for the Company) (* Strike out whichever is not applicable) Seal of firm/ Company Witness 1: Name: Address: Occupation: Witness 2: Name: Address: Occupation: 33 Notes: - In case the Firm / Company is a Member of a Consortium/ JV, the authorized signatory has to be the one employed by the Lead Member. - The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure. 34 ANNEXURE V FORMAT FOR POWER OF ATTORNEY TO LEAD MEMBER OF CONSORTIUM / JOINT VENTURE NOT APPLICABLE 35 ANNEXURE VI (FORM OF LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE) (By REGD POST / ACK.DUE) (On the letter head of RITES) NO. : RITES/ Dated: To ______________________________ (Name & Address of the Contractor) Dear Sirs, Sub: TENDER No. FOR THE WORK OF Ref: Your Tender dated _________________ and letters dated _____________ and this office letter Nos. ___________ dated___________ in reply to the same. This is to notify you that your Tender for the work under reference has been accepted by the Competent Authority of RITES LIMITED for a total Contract Price of Rs. _______ (Rupees _____________only) in its capacity as an Agent /Power of Attorney Holder acting for and on behalf of ______ (the Employer). Pursuant to Clause 1 of the Contract, you are required to furnish irrevocable Performance Guarantee for an amount equivalent to 5% (Five percent) of the Contract Price and an Additional Performance Guarantee for an amount of Rs. ------------ (if applicable). The Guarantee Bonds aggregating for an amount of Rs.______________ are required to be submitted within ___ days of issue of this Letter of Acceptance. Bank Guarantees issued by the following Banks will not be acceptable _____________________ (Names of Banks _________) The time of ________months allowed for execution of the work will be reckoned from the date of start as defined in Schedule F or from the first day of the handing over of the site, whichever is later, in accordance with phasing, if any, indicated in tender document. You are requested to contact _________ (complete designation and address of the Project Coordinator) for carrying out the contract. You are also requested to attend this office within Twenty Eight days from the date of issue of this letter for execution of the formal agreement. It may be noted that no payment shall be made for any work carried out by you till the Agreement is executed and till such time the Performance Guarantee and Additional Performance Guarantee (where applicable) has/have been submitted by you. This Letter of Acceptance is being sent to you in duplicate and you are requested to return without delay one copy of the letter duly signed and stamped, as a token of your acknowledgement. 36 Kindly note that this Letter of Acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding Contract between us pending execution of formal Agreement. Your letters as well as this office letters referred to above shall form part of the Contract. Yours faithfully, RITES LIMITED Agent / Power of Attorney Holder For and on behalf of______ (The Employer) Copy to: 1. ___________ (The Employer) for information. (To be included on the Original sent to the Contractor) 2. Project Coordinator (Complete designation and address) 3. Associated Finance (Not in original) 37 ANNEXURE VII FORM OF AGREEMENT (ON NON JUDICIAL STAMP PAPER OF APPROPRIATE VALUE) Agreement No. ________ dated _________ THIS AGREEMENT is made on ________ day of ______ Two thousand ________ between RITES Ltd. a Government of India Enterprise and a Company registered under Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at SCOPE Minar, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092 and its Corporate Office at RITES BHAWAN, Plot No.1, Sector 29, Gurgaon (Haryana) representing through ____________, RITES LIMITED acting for and on behalf of and as an Agent /Power of Attorney Holder of _____ hereinafter called the Employer (which expression shall, wherever the context so demands or requires, include their successors in office and assigns) on one part and M/s.______ hereinafter called the Contractor (which expression shall wherever the context so demands or requires, include his/ their successors and assigns) of the other part. WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that certain works should be executed viz.___________ (brief description of the work) and has by Letter of Acceptance dated ____ accepted a tender submitted by the Contractor for the execution, completion, remedying of any defects therein and maintenance of such works at a total Contract Price of Rs. ______ (Rupees ______________ only) NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH as follows:1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meaning as are respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to. 2. The following documents in conjunction with addenda/ corrigenda to Tender Documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this agreement viz. The Letter of Acceptance dated ______. Priced Schedule (Bill) of Quantities Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Tenderers. RITES Tender and Contract Form Special Conditions Schedules A to F. Technical Specifications Drawings Amendments to Tender Documents (List enclosed) General Conditions of Contract (read with Correction Slip Nos. 1 to 6) comprising of (i) Conditions of Contract (ii) Clauses of Contract (iii) RITES Safety Code (iv) RITES - Model Rules for the protection of Health and Sanitary arrangements for Workers (v) RITES – Contractor's Labour Regulations. 38 3. In consideration of the payment to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to execute, complete, remedy defects therein and maintain the works in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract. 4. The Employer hereby covenants to pay to the Contractor in consideration of the execution, completion, remedying of any defects therein and maintenance of the works, the contract price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused their respective common seals to be hereinto affixed (or have herewith set their respective hands and seals) the day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED BY ____________________________ In the capacity of _____ ______________________________ representing RITES LIMITED In the capacity of Agent / Power of Attorney Holder On behalf of M/s. _________ For and on behalf of _________ (The Contractor) (The Employer) In the presence of In the presence of Witnesses (Signature, Name & Designation) Witnesses (Signature, Name & Designation) 1. 1. 2. 2. 39 ANNEXURE VIII INTEGRITY PACT Between RITES LTD. acting for and on behalf of and as an Agent / Power of Attorney Holder of Central University of Bihar hereinafter called the “Employer” AND ____________ hereinafter referred to as "The Bidder/Contractor" Preamble The Employer intends to award, under laid down organizational procedures, contract/s for “Construction of Administrative Building, Schools, Lecture Hall Complex, Hostels etc. at Central University of Bihar Campus, Panchanpur, Gaya”. The Employer values full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and economic use of resources, and of fairness and transparency in his relations with the Bidder/s and/or contractor/s. In order to achieve these goals, the Employer will appoint an Independent External Monitor (IEM) who will monitor the Tender process and execution of the contract for compliance with the principles mentioned above. Section 1 – Commitments of the Employer (1) (2) The Employer commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to observe the following principles:1. No employee of the Employer, personally or through family members, will in connection with the tender or for the execution of the contract, demand, take a promise for or accept, for self or third person, any material or immaterial benefit which the person is not legally entitled to. 2. The Employer will, during the tender process, treat all Bidders with equity and reason. The Employer will in particular, before and during the tender process, provide to all Bidders the same information and will not provide to any Bidder confidential/additional information through which the Bidder could obtain an advantage in relation to the tender process or the contract execution. 3. The Employer will exclude from the process all known prejudiced persons. If the Employer obtains information on the conduct of any of his employees which is a criminal offence under the IPC (Indian Penal Code) /PC (Prevention of Corruption) Act, or if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the Employer will inform its Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can initiate disciplinary action. 40 Section 2 – Commitments of the Bidder/Contractor (1) (2) The Bidder/Contractor commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption. He commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation in the tender process and during the contract execution. 1. The Bidder/Contractor will not directly or through any other person or firm, offer, promise or give to any of the Employer’s employees involved in the tender process or the execution of the contract or to any third person any material or other benefit which he is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of any kind whatsoever during the tender process or during the execution of the contract. 2. The Bidder/Contractor will not enter with other Bidders into any undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any other actions, to restrict competitiveness or to introduce cartelization in the bidding process. 3. The Bidder/Contractor will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act; further the Bidder/ Contractor will not use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information or document provided by the Employer as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including information contained or transmitted electronically. 4. The Bidder/Contractor will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the award of the contract. The Bidder/ Contractor will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined above or be an accessory to such offences. Section 3 - Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future contracts If the Bidder/Contractor, before award or during execution has committed a transgression through a violation of Section 2 above, or in any other form such as to put his reliability or credibility in question, the Employer is entitled to disqualify the Bidder/Contractor from the tender process or take action as per the procedure mentioned in the "Guideline on banning of business dealing” annexed and marked as Annexure "A". Section 4 - Compensation for Damages (1) If the Employer has disqualified in terms of the provisions in Section 3, the Bidder/Contractor from the tender process prior to the award of contract, the Employer is entitled to demand and recover the damages equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit/ Bid Security. (2) If the Employer has terminated the contract during execution in terms of the provisions under Section 3, the Employer shall be entitled to demand and recover from the 41 Contractor the damages equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit, Security Deposits already recovered and Performance Guarantee, which shall be absolutely at the disposal of the Employer. Section 5 - Previous Transgression (1) The Bidder/ Contractor declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last 3 years with any other Company in any country conforming to the Anti-Corruption approach or with any other Public Sector Enterprise in India that could justify his exclusion from the tender process. (2) If the Bidder/Contractor makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the tender process or action can be taken as per the procedure mentioned in "Guideline on banning of business dealing". Section 6 - Equal treatment of all Bidders/Contractors/Sub-Contractors (1) The Bidder/Contractor undertakes to demand from all partners/sub-contractors (if permitted under the conditions/ clauses of the contract) a commitment to act in conformity with this Integrity Pact and to submit it to the Employer before signing the contract. (2) The Bidder/ Contractor confirms that any violation by any of his partners/subcontractors to act in conformity with the provisions of this Integrity Pact can be construed as a violation by the Bidder/Contractor himself, leading to possible Termination of Contract in terms of Section 4. (3) The Employer will disqualify from the tender process all bidders who do not sign this Pact or violate its provisions. Section 7 - Criminal charges against violating Bidders/Contractors/Sub-Contractors If the Employer obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder, Contractor or Partners/SubContractor, or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder, Contractor or Sub-Contractor, which constitutes corruption, or if the Employer has substantive suspicion in this regard, the Employer will inform the same to its Chief Vigilance Officer. Section 8 - Independent External Monitor/Monitors (1) (2) (3) The Employer shall appoint competent and credible Independent External Monitor for this Pact. The task of the Monitor is to review independently and objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this agreement. The Monitor is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and will perform his functions neutrally and independently. He will report to the CMD/RITES Ltd. The Bidder/Contractor accepts that the Monitor has the right of access without restriction to all Project documentation of the Employer including that provided by the Contractor. The Contractor will also grant the Monitor, upon his request and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his project documentation. The same is applicable to Partners/Sub-Contractors. The Monitor is under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of the Bidder/Contractor/Partners/Sub-Contractor with confidentiality. 42 (4) The Employer will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact on the contractual relations between the Employer and the Contractor. The parties offer to the Monitor the option to participate in such meetings. (5) As soon as the Monitor notices or has reason to believe that violation of the agreement by the Employer or the Bidder/ Contractor, has taken place, he will request the Party concerned to discontinue or take corrective action, or to take any other relevant action. The Monitor can in this regard submit non-binding recommendations. Beyond this, the Monitor has no right to demand from the parties that they act in a specific manner or refrain from action or tolerate action. (6) The Monitor will submit a written report to the CMD/RITES Ltd. within 8-10 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by the Employer and should the occasion arise, submit proposal for correcting problematic situations. (7) If the Monitor has reported to the CMD/RITES Ltd. of a substantiated suspicion of an offence under relevant IPC/PC Act, and the CMD/RITES Ltd. has not, within reasonable time, taken visible action to proceed against such offender or reported it to the Chief Vigilance Officer, the Monitor may also transmit this information directly to the Central Vigilance Commissioner. (8) The word Monitor would include both singular and plural. Section 9 - Pact Duration This pact begins when both parties have legally signed it. It expires for the Contractor when his Security Deposit is released on completion of the Maintenance Period and for all other Tenderers six months after the Contract has been awarded. If any claim is made/lodged during this time the same shall be binding and continue to be valid despite the lapse of this pact specified above, unless it is discharged/determined by CMD/RITES Ltd. Section 10 - Other Provisions (1) This agreement is subject to Indian Law. Place of performance and jurisdiction shall be as stated in the Contract Agreement. (2) Changes and supplements as well as termination notices need to be made in writing. (3) If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this agreement must be signed by the Partner in charge/ Lead Member nominated as being incharge and who holds the Power of Attorney signed by legally authorized signatories of all the partners/Members. The Memorandum of Understanding /Joint Venture Agreement will incorporate a provision to the effect that all Members of the Consortium will comply with the provisions in the Integrity Pact to be signed by the Lead Member on behalf of the Consortium. Any violation of Section 2 above by any of the Partners/Members will be construed as a violation by the consortium leading to possible Termination of Contract in terms of Section 3 43 (4) Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder of this agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original intentions. RITES Ltd. Agent / Power of Attorney Holder _________________________ _________________________ (For & on behalf of the Employer) (For the Bidder/Contractor) (Office Seal) (Office Seal) Place: ………………………… Date: ………………………. Witness 1: (Name & Address) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Witness 2 (Name & Address) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 ANNEX-A Guidelines on Banning of Business Dealings 1. Introduction 1.1 RITES, being a Public Sector Enterprise and ‘State’, within the meaning of Article 12 of Constitution of India, has to ensure preservation of rights enshrined in Chapter III of the Constitution. RITES has also to safeguard its commercial interests. It is not in the interest of RITES to deal with Agencies who commit deception, fraud or other misconduct in the execution of contracts awarded / orders issued to them. In order to ensure compliance with the constitutional mandate, it is incumbent on RITES to observe principles of natural justice before banning the business dealings with any Agency. 1.2 Since banning of business dealings involves civil consequences for an Agency concerned, it is incumbent that adequate opportunity of hearing is provided and the explanation, if tendered, is considered before passing any order in this regard keeping in view the facts and circumstances of the case. 2. Scope 2.1 The procedure of (i) Suspension and (ii) Banning of Business Dealing with Agencies, has been laid down in these guidelines. 2.2 It is clarified that these guidelines do not deal with the decision of the Management not to entertain any particular Agency due to its poor / inadequate performance or for any other reason. 2.3 The banning shall be with prospective effect, i.e., future business dealings. 3. Definitions In these Guidelines, unless the context otherwise requires: i) `Bidder / Contractor / Supplier’ in the context of these guidelines is indicated as ‘Agency’. ii) ‘Competent Authority’ and ‘Appellate Authority’ shall mean the following: a) The Director shall be the ‘Competent Authority’ for the purpose of these guidelines. CMD, RITES shall be the ‘Appellate Authority’ in respect of such cases. b) CMD, RITES shall have overall power to take suo-moto action on any information available or received by him and pass such order(s) as he may think appropriate, including modifying the order(s) passed by any authority under these guidelines. iii) ‘Investigating Department’ shall mean any Department, Division or Unit investigating into the conduct of the Agency and shall include the Vigilance Department, Central Bureau of Investigation, the State Police or any other 45 department set up by the Central or State Government having powers to investigate. 4. Initiation of Banning / Suspension: Action for banning / suspension business dealings with any Agency should be initiated by the department/ unit having business dealings with them after noticing the irregularities or misconduct on their part. 5. Suspension of Business Dealings 5.1 If the conduct of any Agency dealing with RITES is under investigation by any department, the Competent Authority may consider whether the allegations under investigation are of a serious nature and whether pending investigation, it would be advisable to continue business dealing with the Agency. If the Competent Authority, after consideration of the matter including the recommendation of the Investigating Department/Unit, if any, decides that it would not be in the interest to continue business dealings pending investigation, it may suspend business dealings with the Agency. The order to this effect may indicate a brief of the charges under investigation. The order of such suspension would operate for a period not more than six months and may be communicated to the Agency as also to the Investigating Department. The Investigating Department/Unit may ensure that their investigation is completed and whole process of final order is over within such period. 5.2 As far as possible, the existing contract(s) with the Agency may be continued unless the Competent Authority, having regard to the circumstances of the case, decides otherwise. 5.3 If the Agency concerned asks for detailed reasons of suspension, the Agency may be informed that its conduct is under investigation. It is not necessary to enter into correspondence or argument with the Agency at this stage. 5.4 It is not necessary to give any show-cause notice or personal hearing to the Agency before issuing the order of suspension. However, if investigations are not complete in six months time, the Competent Authority may extend the period of suspension by another three months, during which period the investigations must be completed. 6. Grounds on which Banning of Business Dealings can be initiated 6.1 If the security consideration, including questions of loyalty of the Agency to the State, so warrants; 6.2 If the Director / Owner of the Agency, proprietor or partner of the firm, is convicted by a Court of Law for offences involving moral turpitude in relation to its business dealings with the Government or any other public sector enterprises or RITES, during the last five years; 6.3 If there is strong justification for believing that the Directors, Proprietors, Partners, owner of the Agency have been guilty of malpractices such as bribery, corruption, fraud, substitution of tenders, interpolations, etc; 46 6.4 If the Agency employs a public servant dismissed / removed or employs a person convicted for an offence involving corruption or abetment of such offence; 6.5 If business dealings with the Agency have been banned by the Govt. or any other public sector enterprise; 6.6 If the Agency has resorted to Corrupt, fraudulent practices including misrepresentation of facts; 6.7 If the Agency uses intimidation / threatening or brings undue outside pressure on the Company (RITES) or its official in acceptance / performances of the job under the contract; 6.8 If the Agency indulges in repeated and / or deliberate use of delay tactics in complying with contractual stipulations; 6.9 Based on the findings of the investigation report of CBI / Police against the Agency for malafide / unlawful acts or improper conduct on his part in matters relating to the Company (RITES) or even otherwise; 6.10 Established litigant nature of the Agency to derive undue benefit; 6.11 Continued poor performance of the Agency in several contracts; (Note: The examples given above are only illustrative and not exhaustive. The Competent Authority may decide to ban business dealing for any good and sufficient reason). 7. Banning of Business Dealings 7.1 A decision to ban business dealings with any Agency shall apply throughout the Company. 7.2 If the Competent Authority is prima-facie of view that action for banning business dealings with the Agency is called for, a show-cause notice may be issued to the Agency as per paragraph 8.1 and an enquiry held accordingly. 8. Show-cause Notice 8.1 In case where the Competent Authority decides that action against an Agency is called for, a show-cause notice has to be issued to the Agency. Statement containing the imputation of misconduct or mis-behaviour may be appended to the show-cause notice and the Agency should be asked to submit within 30 days a written statement in its defence. If no reply is received, the decision may be taken ex-parte. 8.2 If the Agency requests for inspection of any relevant document in possession of RITES, necessary facility for inspection of documents may be provided. 8.3 After considering the reply of the Agency and other circumstances and facts of the case, a final decision for Company-wide banning shall be taken by the Competent 47 Authority. The Competent Authority may consider and pass an appropriate speaking order: a) For exonerating the Agency if the charges are not established; b) For banning the business dealing with the Agency. 8.4 The decision should be communicated to the Agency concerned along with a reasoned order. If it decided to ban business dealings, the period for which the ban would be operative may be mentioned. 9. Appeal against the Decision of the Competent Authority 9.1 The Agency may file an appeal against the order of the Competent Authority banning business dealing, etc. The appeal shall lie to Appellate Authority. Such an appeal shall be preferred within one month from the date of receipt of the order banning business dealing, etc. 9.2 Appellate Authority would consider the appeal and pass appropriate order which shall be communicated to the Agency as well as the Competent Authority. 10. Review of the Decision by the Competent Authority Any petition / application filed by the Agency concerning the review of the banning order passed originally by Competent Authority under the existing guidelines either before or after filing of appeal before the Appellate Authority or after disposal of appeal by the Appellate Authority, the review petition can be decided by the Competent Authority upon disclosure of new facts /circumstances or subsequent development necessitating such review. 11. Circulation of the names of Agencies with whom Business Dealings have been banned. 11.1 Depending upon the gravity of misconduct established, the Competent Authority of RITES may circulate the names of Agency with whom business dealings have been banned, to the Ministry of Railways and PSUs of Railways, for such action as they deem appropriate. 11.2 If Ministry of Railways or a Public Sector Undertaking of Railways request for more information about the Agency with whom business dealings have been banned a copy of the report of Inquiring Authority together with a copy of the order of the Competent Authority/ Appellate Authority may be supplied. 12. 12.1 Restoration The validity of the banning order shall be for a specific time & on expiry of the same, the banning order shall be considered as "withdrawn". 12.2 In case any agency applies for restoration of business prior to the expiry of the ban order, depending upon merits of each case, the Competent Authority which had passed the original banning orders may consider revocation of order of suspension of business/lifting the ban on business dealings at an appropriate time. Copies of the restoration orders shall be sent to all those offices where copies of Ban Orders had been sent. 48 SECTION 2 TENDER AND CONTRACT FORM 49 SECTION 2 TENDER AND CONTRACT FORM FOR WORKS To, Joint General Manager, Tender Cell, 3rd Floor, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan –II, Plot No. 144, Sector-44, Gurgaon-122003, Haryana. Sub: TENDER FOR THE WORK OF “Construction of Administrative Building, Schools, Lecture Hall Complex, Hostels etc. at Central University of Bihar Campus, Panchanpur, Gaya” (TENDER NO: RITES/CP/TC/CUB/Package-2/Buildings/2015 ISSUED BY JGM/ Tender Cell) TENDER 1. I/We have read and examined the Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Tenderers, Special Conditions, Schedules A to F, Technical Specifications, Drawings, Schedule / Bill of Quantities and General Conditions of Contract as well as other documents and rules referred to in GCC and all the details contained in the Tender Document for the work. 2. I/We hereby tender for the execution and completion of the work and remedy any defects therein, specified in the Schedule of Quantities within the time specified in Schedule “F”, and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Tenderers and in Clause 11 of the Clauses of Contract and with such materials as are provided for, by, and in respects in accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable. 3. We agree that our tender shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the due date for submission of bid or extended date as stipulated and not to make any modifications in its terms and conditions. 4. A sum of Rs. 50,00,000.00 (Rupees fifty lakhs only) is hereby forwarded in the form of Banker’s cheque/Pay Order /Demand Draft issued in favour of RITES Ltd., payable at Gurgaon/Delhi as the Earnest Money. 5. If I/We withdraw my/our tender during the period of tender validity or before issue of Letter of Acceptance whichever is earlier or make modifications in the Terms and Conditions of the Tender which are not acceptable to the Employer, then the Employer 50 shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit entire Earnest Money absolutely. 6. If I/We fail to furnish the prescribed Performance Guarantee and Additional Performance Guarantee (if applicable) within prescribed period, I/We agree that the said Employer shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said Earnest Money absolutely. 7. If, I/We fail to commence the work within the specified period, I/We agree that the Employer shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the Earnest Money and Performance Guarantee and Additional Performance Guarantee (if applicable) absolutely. 8. Further, I/We hereby agree that in case of forfeiture of Earnest Money or both Earnest Money & Performance Guarantee and Additional Performance Guarantee (if applicable) as aforesaid in paras 5 to 7, I/We shall be debarred from participation in re-tendering process of the work. 9. On issue of Letter of Acceptance by the Employer, I/We agree that the said Earnest Money shall be retained by the Employer towards Security Deposit, to execute all the works referred to in the Tender document upon the Terms and Conditions contained or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered, upto maximum of the percentage mentioned in Schedule F at rates as stipulated in relevant Clauses of contract and those in excess of that limit at the rates to be determined in accordance with the provisions contained in Clauses 12.2 and 12.3 of the tender form. 10. I/We hereby agree that I/ We shall sign the Formal Agreement with the Employer within 28 days from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance. In case of any delay, I/We agree that we shall not submit any Bill for Payment till the Contract Agreement is signed. 11. I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents, drawings and other records connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate information derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the safety of the Employer/State. 12. I/We hereby declare that I/We have not laid down any condition/deviation to any content of Technical Bid and/or Financial Bid. I/We agree that in case any condition is found to be quoted by us in the Technical and/or Financial Bid, my/our Tender may be rejected. 13. I/We understand that the Employer is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender he may receive. I/We also understand that the Employer reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the tender and I/We shall be bound to perform the same at the rates quoted. 14. Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, this bid together with our written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract between us and RITES. 51 15. I am/We are signing this Tender offer in my / our capacity as one/those authorized to sign on behalf of my/our company/as one holding the Power of Attorney issued in my favour as Lead Member by the Members of the Joint Venture. Signature of Authorized Person/s Date Name/s & Title of Signatory Name of Tenderer Postal Address Seal Witness Signature Name Postal Address Occupation 52 SECTION 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 53 SECTION 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. The work shall be executed as per requirements of Bill of Quantities and Technical Specifications. In case of requirement of additional details for BOQ items (if any), the contractor may suggest applicable specifications as per sound engineering practices. The decisions of Engineer-in-Charge shall be final in this regard. 2. The brand of the materials shall be used as per BOQ particulars. In case of equivalent brand the decision of engineer-in-charge shall be final. In case of unavailable brands for any materials, the decisions of the engineer-in-charge shall be final. 3. The rate quoted in BOQ items shall include all incidental works including all fittings and fixtures to make the item complete/ operational whether details in BOQ are given or not. Nothing extra shall be payable. 4. The work shall be executed in co-operation with the other agencies already working at site. 5. Submission of PF registration of the bidder is mandatory. 6. In case of contradiction between Bill of Quantities and Technical Specifications the particulars of Bill of Quantities will prevail. 7. After completion of the work, the contractor shall submit As-built drawings, O & M manuals and organize one week training for operation of buildings and connected systems. 8. Additional performance guarantee (Unbalanced bid) When L1 offer is less than 90% of the justified cost/market rate analysis cost the bid shall be treated as Unbalanced. The workability of the rates shall be assessed and commented upon by the tender committee/RITES. If after evaluation, the price analysis is not found to be satisfactory, the bidder shall be asked to furnish Additional Performance Guarantee to the extent the total quoted cost is lower than 90% of justified Cost/market rate analysis cost. 9. The Special Specifications are meant for Non- DSR items. However in case of inadequacy of the specifications, the following documents shall be referred as per the advice of the Engineer- in-charge: (i) Relevant BIS codes (ii) Manufacturer’s Specifications (iii) Relevant ASTM/ BS codes (iv) Standard Engineering Practice (v) Decision of Engineer – in – Charge 10. The malba during the construction will be removed at least on weekly basis or more frequently as desired by local Authorities. If the same is not done, the contractor will be solely responsible for all the consequences including penalties by the local Authorities. 54 11. During work, it is mandatory on the part of the contractor to properly screen the construction site off the roads & adjacent structures by means of erecting a screen wall of necessary / specified height (not less than 8.00 ft.) from ground level which is to be painted to avoid unpleasant looks. In addition to this, a net or some other protective material shall be hoisted at the facades of the building to ensure that any falling material remains within the protected area. 12. Noise related activities will only be taken up for work during the period as permitted by local Authorities. 13. Only specified brand of materials shall be used subject to the approval of sample by Engineer-In-charge. 14. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for Electricity required for the work including for the site office of the employer. 15. The contractor will be fully responsible for getting the Sewer, Water Connection from the local bodies after completing all the formalities & obtaining their mandatory permission/ approval / N.O.C. and also final clearance/N.O.C. from the Fire & Lift Department . However the fees paid to the concerned local body for this purpose will be reimbursed / paid by the employer along with all possible assistance. 16. The rates for all items of work shall be valid for all depths and heights unless otherwise specified in the nomenclature of the item. 17. Specialized items like anti termite treatment, water proofing, aluminum work etc. will be executed through specialized agency and their credential will be got approved by Engineer in Charge before deployment. 18. The Contractor shall arrange visit of the officials to the manufacturing plant of the approved brand before placing order to the specialized agency for start of supply. 19. Extra Items if any which are not covered in C.P.W.D A.O.R. will be paid on the basis of lowest market rate and the component used in activity confirmed by site in charge and contractor jointly. If the factor / Coefficients of items are not covered in the C.P.W.D Analysis of Rates (Latest) and is necessarily to be executed after obtaining of written approval of the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall submit the complete details, specification, methodology of item supported with relevant documents and during execution, the entire component utilized to execute the item shall be observed on actual basis and daily record shall be maintained at project which shall be signed by the contractor and RITES Engineers. The rate of the items shall be derived on this observation and submitted along with statement for final approval of rate of such items. 20. The contractor shall arrange all required approvals from concerned local bodies for issue of necessary completion certificate and shall provide maintenance/ operation manual agreement as provided by the manufacture /suppler for all mechanical /electrical devices. 21. The discrepancies found if any, well before handing over the project, these discrepancies should be rectified/ removed before handing over of project .The contractor will be responsible for maintenance of completed building for 12 months 55 after the handing over of the building. Maintenance means removal/rectification of any defect, shrinkage or other faults. 22. TESTING OF MATERIAL a) The contractor shall produce all the materials well in advance so that there is sufficient time for testing of the materials and clearance of the same before incorporation in the work. b) All the materials to be used in and on every part of the works shall be subjected from time to time at such tests as given in List of Mandatory Tests or as required as per CPWD specifications . These tests/norms are the Minimum requirement and the Engineer-in-Charge may supplement these with additional tests/checks according to the site condition, at no extra cost. Such test shall be performed at the expenses of the contractor. The samples for tests shall be in all cases selected by the Engineer-incharge and supplied by the contractor as part of the contract. If at any time, any material so tested, fails to meet the acceptance criteria, the same shall be removed from the site of works and other materials substituted there for. In the absence of any specified test/acceptance criteria, the decision of the Engineer-in- charge shall be final and binding as to whether the said material or materials shall be used on the works, or forthwith removed and other material substituted. c) The contractor shall produce on demand from Engineer-in-charge, the manufacturers’ certificates certifying that the materials conform to the technical specifications. For cement and reinforcement steel, manufacturers certificate shall be considered sufficient test certificate against mandatory testing required for 80% of supply i.e. two samples out of each ten samples required for mandatory testing shall be got tested from the approved outside laboratory and for balance manufacturers certificate can be considered . All charges for testing shall be borne by the contractor and department will not reimburse any testing charges. For other materials which are ISI/ BIS marked, manufacturer’s certificate shall be considered as fulfilling the mandatory test requirement. However in case Engineer-in-charge feels that the material supplied is not of required specifications even if it is ISI/BIS approved and have manufacturers certificate, he can send the sample to the approved lab for testing at contractors cost. d) The contractor has to establish, at his own cost, a testing Laboratory/field laboratory and Minimum Laboratory Equipments as required for the Field Quality Control for the items of work. Quality Control Engineer shall be deputed in the Laboratory to conduct regular and routine daily tests on materials, measurements of temperature and any other tests stipulated in the particular specifications of the items to be executed in the contract. In case contractor do not establish his laboratory, the Engineer shall be at liberty to send the required samples to any outside Laboratory and the cost of sampling, testing, transportation etc shall be borne by the contractor. In case the contractor do not deposit the required /demanded amount within 7 days of demand by the outside laboratory the amount will be deposited by Engineer and the recovery @ two times of the testing cost shall be made from the contractors next payment. The decision of Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding on the contractor. e) The contractor shall permit the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative to be present during any or all the tests. After the notification to the Engineer-in-charge that the work has been completed, the contractor shall make under the direction and in the presence of Engineer-in-charge such tests and inspections as have been specified or as the engineer-in-charge shall consider necessary to determine whether or not the full intent of requirements of the plans and specifications have been fulfilled. In case the work does not meet the full intent of the specifications it 56 shall be rectified by the contractor at no extra cost and the contractor shall bear all the expenses for any further tests considered necessary. f) For any tests as directed by the Engineer-in-charge, that have to be carried out at an outside laboratory, the cost of such tests, materials, transport etc., shall be borne by the contractor. g) In case there is any discrepancy in frequency of testing as given in tender or BIS Codes and as shown in the list of mandatory tests and that in individual sub-heads of work as per CPWD Specifications, 2009 (Vol. I to Vol. III) the higher of the two frequencies of testing shall be followed, and nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor on this account. h) The contractor shall arrange for conducting the tests specified in Quality Plan in the presence of an officer, authorized by the Engineer-in-Charge. Full records (in standard formats) of all the tests conducted shall be maintained by the contractor. i) The purchaser representative shall be free to visit the manufacturer work at all reasonable times to witness and inspect the testing of equipment. It is the duty of tenderer to see that all the equipments supplied are tested as per relevant IS specifications. The contractor shall furnish manufacturer test certificate for the routine and type test conducted on the equipment offered if necessary. j) OUTSIDE/INDEPENDENT TESTING FACILITIES: Extensive testing of the materials used for construction is a pre-requisite for attaining high quality of the work. This shall also require specialized tests, physical, chemical, ultrasonic, x-ray and various other types of tests which cannot possibly be carried out in a site laboratory. These tests also require specialized personnel who regularly deal in such testing. Therefore the need arises for carrying out the tests in outside laboratories. These laboratories may be in the Government sector, Semi Government or private sector NABL accredited laboratories. The outside laboratories shall be short listed before hand and approval obtained from Engineer-in charge. In case of laboratories in the private sector, the past record and reputation of the laboratory must invariably be given due consideration. The infrastructure in these laboratories can also be inspected before they are short-listed. Contractor shall not be paid extra for any outside testing or for visits for inspection of outside laboratory. 23. CONNECTIONS/COMPLETION CERTIFICATE: a) It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to get the works approved and obtain completions, stage completions and occupancy certificates and necessary connection for building work, Electrical work, main water supply & sewerage connection, NOC from Fire Authority / Local Municipal / Govt. Authorities or other approved authorities of the region at his own cost. Rates quoted shall cover all expenses to be borne for obtaining above approvals / certificates. However any statutory fees to be paid on account of above shall be paid by the Employer. b) The contractor will be fully responsible for getting the Sewer, Water Connection & Electrical connection from the local bodies after completing all the formalities & obtaining their mandatory permission/ approval / N.O.C. and also final clearance/N.O.C. from the Fire & Lift Department . However the fees paid to the concerned local body for this purpose will be reimbursed / paid by the employer along with all possible assistance. c) The date of Physical completion shall be only after the building and external works are physically complete as certified by the Engineer. Completion certificate shall be issued only after all required connections and NOCs for main Electric supply, water supply, sewerage connection, NOCs and completion certificates from Fire Authority / Local 57 Municipal / Govt. Authorities or other approved authorities of the region, obtained by the contractor and handed over to the Employer. d) Physical Completion certificate shall be recorded for the purpose of release of performance Guarantee only. Performance guarantee of the contractor shall be released after Physical completion of work. 24. SAMPLE FLATS (Wherever applicable): To determine the acceptable standard of workmanship, the Contractor shall execute a sample flat (one of each type decided by the Engineer) completing all items of works and services such as walls, floors, roof, plastering, joinery including fittings, sanitary fittings, plumbing, electrification, painting, entire kitchen and bathroom fittings, doors, windows, wood works, cabinets, cupboards and pelmets etc. complete in all respects. The brands of various materials incorporated as well as finishes will be approved by the Engineer. These will be guiding samples for future execution of the rest of the flats/dwelling units. These flats will be completed within time period as mentioned in schedule “F” after award of contract failing which a penalty of Rs. 2,000.00 per day will be levied. 25. MAINTENANCE PERIOD: a) The normal period of maintenance shall be one year reckoned from the date of issue of completion certificate by RITES for the completed work. Also contractor shall provide and arrange throughout the maintenance period of one year, sufficient staff of each discipline , materials and Equipments etc for day to day maintenance to carry out the repairs/ rectification’s immediately of the complex, buildings etc whenever pointed out by RITES/CUB free of cost. Bidders are requested not to get confused by defect liability period and maintenance period. Maintenance period will start from the date of issue of final completion certificate. During the maintenance period the contractor shall be liable not only to remove the defects but also maintain the works for one year. However all running cost shall be directly paid by the client to various authorities. Contractor has to supply additional quantities of tiles used for external finishing items of each type (Minimum 10sqm) for using at a later stage during maintenance, so that the uniformity of colour is maintained. Nothing shall be payable extra for this supply. All defects noticed during the currency of the Contract and also during the Maintenance Period of 12 months after completion of the work shall be completely and satisfactorily rectified by the Contractor within a reasonable period without any extra payment for the same. In case the defects are such as cannot be rectified or the Contractor fails to rectify these satisfactorily and completely, RITES reserves the right to accept the work at reduced rates or to get the rectification work done at the risk and cost of the Contractor. The decision of RITES/CUB in this regard shall be final and binding on the Contractor and shall be beyond purview of the dispute settlement clause 25 of General Conditions of Contract. 90 % of the Security Deposit held by the authority will be refunded to the contractor on satisfactory completion of the maintenance period on the recommendations of the Engineer-in-Charge. If the contractor fails to rectify the defects pointed out during the maintenance period, then either the rectification work shall be got done through any other agency/agencies at the risk and cost of the contractor or the Maintenance period may be extended suitably to allow time for rectification of defects to the satisfaction of the RITES/CUB. The defect liability deposit shall be b) c) d) e) f) 58 • • refunded after adjustment of the cost of rectification carried out plus 20% as departmental charges, Balance 10 % security deposit shall be refunded as follows: 50 % of 10 % security deposit after 3years of completion and satisfactory performance of the water proofing work. 50 % of 10 % security deposit after 6years of completion and satisfactory performance of the water proofing work. 26. HANDING OVER THE WORKS ON COMPLETION On satisfactory completion of all the works as per the provision of the Contract, the Contractor shall hand over the work to the Central University of Bihar through RITES. The Contractor shall ensure that all development works and bulk services are simultaneously carried out so as to make the buildings functional immediately on completion. The work, even if it is physically ready for occupations, shall be deemed to be completed from the date the services like Water Supply, sewerage and electricity are made available to make the building functional. The completion certificate shall be issued only after the work is found functional in all respect. The cost of installation of electric line from main line to campus of the work shall be payable by RITES/ Central University of Bihar on production of proof towards payment made to State Electricity Board. Also the cost of connecting Water Supply line of work from the main Water supply line of the municipality shall be payable to the Contractor; on production of proof towards payment made to the municipality. The Contractor shall maintain sufficient staff and materials till the handing over of the work to the Central University of Bihar to protect the works and its installation from theft/damage from outside agencies. Floors, room of offices /Flats shall be neatly cleaned, locked with Seven(7 ) lever pad lock of approved brand and make; set of keys along with key ring duly mark the room number/ flat number/location of rooms etc. shall be handed over to the client. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account. 27. Sign Board and plaque at Site The Contractor shall prepare and display sign board and permanent plaque stone at site as per design approved by the Controlling Site –in- charge as per University instruction. It shall have following information’s: Sign Board Information Name of Work Name of Employer Name of Architect Project Management Consultant Contractor/Builder Name Date of start Completion Period Plaque information’s Required Required Required Required 28. Hiring of Specialized agency: Specialized item will be executed through specialized agency and their credential will be got approved by Engineer in Charge before deployment. 29. Adherence to instructions of Engineer/ Engineer-in-charge: Contractor during the execution of the contract and maintenance/ defect liability period has to adhere to the 59 instructions of Engineer/ Engineer-in-charge. In case contractor does not take cognizance to the written instructions of Engineer/ Engineer-in-charge within seven days of issue of written instructions to execute or repair some particular item, Engineer – incharge shall be at liberty to get the particular work/ item executed from any other party by collecting spot quotations as per departmental practice of quotations. In such case an amount equal to cost of work paid to the other party plus 20 % Departmental charges plus 20 % penalty shall be deducted from the payments/ security of the contractor. In such case Risk and cost action shall not be required till the cost of such items exceed more than 10% of Contract value. No action under this clause by Engineer –in charge, will relieve the contractor from action under other clauses of the contract. The decision of Engineer – in – charge shall be final and binding on the contractor in such case. 30. Labour Laws to be complied by the Contractor: “The contractor shall get his construction workers, who are eligible for registration under the Delhi Building & Other Construction Workers (regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996 and rules made there under, registered under the said Act and Rules.” 31. In case of discrepancy between BOQ language and language of DSR / SOR 2012 of a particular item, the language of printed DSR / SOR shall prevail. 32. The project is being designed to attain at least GRIHA- 3 Star rating. The contractor has to take into account the guidelines of the National Rating system for Green Building published by Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of India. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR ELECTRICAL WORKS 1. GENERAL: The following Special Conditions shall be read in conjunction with General Conditions of Contract. If there are any provisions in these Special Conditions, which are at Variance with the provisions in the above-mentioned documents, the Provisions in this Special Conditions shall take precedence. The electrical Installation work shall be carried out in accordance with Indian Standard Code of Practice. It shall also be in conformity with the current Indian Electricity rules and regulations and requirements of the Local Electricity Supply Authority, so far as these become applicable to the installation. Electrical work in general shall be carried out as per following CPWD Specifications amended up to date. General Specifications for Electrical Works. Internal Electrical Works - Latest edition. External Electrical works – Latest edition. Wherever these specifications calls for a higher standard of material and or workmanship than those required by any of the above mentions regulations and specification then the specification here under shall take precedence over the said regulations and standards. The details of scope of work subhead wise are given in the subsequent paragraphs. The quantities worked out in schedule of quantities are based on particular equipment considered at design stage. The contractor is required to recheck the quantities based on equipment offered by him to achieve required parameters. 60 2. Tenderer, if wishes to associate sub-contractors for any of the discipline/section of the work shall state so in his technical bid. Such sub-contractors should at least be registered with CPWD or MES or Railways or P&T or any other central/state Govt./PSU in the appropriate class of contractors eligible for tendering for such section of the work. 3. INSPECTION & APPROVAL OF THE WORK BY LOCAL AUTHORITY The contractor has to obtain all clearances & approvals from any statuary authority/local bodies pertaining to electrical installations. The contractor shall obtain all information relating to local regulations, Bye- laws, applicable if any and all laws relating to his work or profession and his having to execute work as required. Contractor shall obtain approval of the installation from the relevant inspection authorities at all stages and on completion of the installation work. Any fee payable to the statutory authority for obtaining approvals is required to be paid by the contractor. However the necessary reimbursement of the fee deposited by the contractor to any statutory authority (as mentioned above) will be made on production/submission of the valid documentary proof/evidence. 4. Training: The contractor has to provide training to the client staff and also operate the system (if required) for a period of one month from the date of handing over free of cost. 5. Pre-delivery Inspection & approval: The contractor shall offer the pre-delivery inspection of all the materials at manufacturers work to the Engineer-in-charge. The intimation for such inspections shall be given at least 15 days in advance from the date of proposed inspection. RITES along with CLIENT representative may inspect any/all the materials required in this project. All the testing facilities and all the consumables including the fuel etc. shall be provided by the contractor and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. 6. Tender drawings and Shop Drawings: The work shall be executed as per latest working drawings to be prepared by the contractor after award of work and submitted to the Engineer-in-charge for approval. The Drawings & data provided are for guidance to the contractor. The exact dimensions, location, distance & levels etc shall be governed by the space conditions. The tender drawings are indicative and are for the guidance of the contractor. The drawings appended with the tender documents are intended to show the space allotted for various equipment, cable and pipe routes, any other shop drawings necessary for the project besides general electrical layout. The equipment offered shall be suitable for installation in the spaces shown in these drawings / available at site. The contractor shall prepare and submit to RITES for approval detailed shop/working drawings of all works on award of the work. Two set of all such working drawings shall be submitted to RITES for approval, including such changes as may have been suggested by the Engineer-in-charge as required at the earliest - within 15 days of awarding of the work. The contractor shall also take parallel action (after award of work) for submission of applications along with the drawings, documents & details etc. to various Statutory Bodies/Authorities for obtaining their approval/clearances. The contractor shall re- submit 4 sets of all the drawings to the RITES within 7 days from date of receiving comments if any from the RITES after incorporating the comments. 61 7. Completion Drawings: After completion of work, the contractor shall have to submit the following (Which pertains to this work) set of drawings to RITES. 3 sets of hard copies + 3 Soft Copy (in ‘Auto CAD’ applicable version) in CD of the drawings related to work. 8. DOCUMENTS TO BE FURNISHED ON COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION Six sets of the following shall be furnished to RITES / CLIENT by the contractor on completion of the work:a) Completion Drawings as per Clause 16 above. b) Manufacturer's catalogues of all equipment and accessories, operation and maintenance manuals of all major equipment, detailing all adjustments, operation and maintenance procedure. c) Manufacturer’s Guarantee / Warrantee certificates of all the equipments & materials etc. d) Clearances/approval of various Statutory Bodies/Authorities for this system if any. e) Any other information the Engineer-in-charge may deem fit. No completion certificate will be issued until the above drawings and documents are submitted to the Engineer-in-charge. 9. Performance Testing at Site: After completion of erection at site & a preliminary warm up period of light & Lighting System, acceptance trial run of a minimum period of 7 days duration shall be conducted at site. The trial shall be conducted in the presence of the Engineer-in-charge and the test results shall be recorded in an approved format. The contractor at his cost shall provide all facilities labour, instruments, materials and consumables etc. as required for the test. Tests proving the satisfactory performance of all operating gear and safety functions and controls shall be carried out. All calibrated instruments, materials, load configuration and labour required for carrying out of the test shall be provided by the contractor free of cost. The contractor shall give ample notice of the test to the Engineer-in-charge. 10. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the maintenance including watch and ward of all the electrical installations provided by him until the works are handed over to client/ Allahabad University. Thereafter, the work can be handed over to the client along with all inventories, completion plans etc. as required. 11. CO-ORDINATION: The Contractor shall co-operate with any other agencies working in the same project, compare plans, specifications and the time schedules and so arrange his work that there will be no interference. The Contractor shall forward to the Engineer-in-charge all correspondence and drawings so exchanged. Failure to check plans for conditions will render the contractor responsible for bearing the cost of any subsequent change found necessary or damages done. However, contractor shall afford necessary facilities to execute the work simultaneously with other agencies executing the works like electrification, horticulture, internal/external services 62 and other building works for the same project. RITES/Allahabad University shall not entertain any claim on this account. The work shall be executed in close Coordination with the progress of building work. This being the essence of the contract, an activity chart clearly showing critical areas should be furnished before commencing the work for proper monitoring and coordination. 12. HANDING OVER THE WORKS ON COMPLETION: On satisfactory completion of all the works as per the provision of the Contract, the Contractor shall hand over the works to the Client/ Allahabad University. The Contractor shall ensure that all the testing commissioning & trial run operation of all the system are simultaneously carried out so as to make the same functional immediately on completion. 13. All material to be used on works shall bear I.S. Certification work unless otherwise the make specified in the item or special conditions appended with the tender document. In case I.S. marked materials or the materials mentioned in the tender document are not used due to non-availability, the materials used shall conform to I.S. code or CPWD Specifications applicable in this contract. In such cases the Engineer-in-charge shall satisfy himself about the quality of such materials and give his approval in writing. Only articles classified as “First Quality” by the manufacturers shall be used unless otherwise specified. All materials not having I.S. marking shall be tested as per provision of the Mandatory Tests in CPWD Specifications and the relevant IS specifications. The Engineer-in-charge may relax the condition regarding testing if the quantity of materials required for the work is small. For the products bearing ISI certification work, no further testing is required at site. In all such cases of use of IS certified materials, proper proof of procurement of materials from authentic manufactures shall be provided by the contractor to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 14. Other agencies doing work of electrification, Lifts work, other building work, horticulture work etc. for this project will also simultaneously execute the works and the contractor shall afford necessary facilities for the same. The contractor shall leave such necessary holes, openings, etc. for laying/burying in the work pipes, cables, conduits, clamps boxes and hooks for fan clamps, etc. as may be required for the electric, sanitary, airconditioning, fire-fighting, PA system, telephone system, C.C.T.V. system etc. and nothing extra over the agreement rates shall be paid for the same. 15. The work shall be carried out in a manner complying in all respects with the requirements of relevant bye-laws of local body under the jurisdiction of which the work is to be executed or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. 16. For items, where so required, samples of light fittings, wires, drivers etc. shall be submitted along with Technical data sheet before starting the particular items of work for prior approval of the engineer-in-charge within 30 days from the date of award of work and nothing extra shall be payable on this account. 63 17. PERFORMANCE TEST OF THE INSTALLATIONS: The contractor shall give a performance test of the entire installation(s) for 7 days as per standard specifications before the work is finally accepted and nothing extra whatsoever shall be payable to the contractor for the test. 18. TERMS OF PAYMENT: Progressive on account payment in form of running account Bills will be made to the Contractor as follows: a) b) c) d) 70% of quoted rate (on pro-rata basis) as per Contract against supply of material at site in good condition accompanied by relevant test certificates and documents after deducting towards any recovery as per contract. 15% of quoted rate (on pro-rata basis) as per Contract against satisfactory installation of equipment at site after deducting towards any recovery as per contract and the payment already made. 10% of quoted rate as per Contract upon successful testing, commissioning, of installation after deducting towards any recovery as per contract and the payments already made. 5 % quoted rate or due amount (lowest of all) as per Contract upon successful handing over of installation including submission of final approval from the various Statutory Bodies/Authorities or any other Statutory Body (if required) after deducting towards any recovery as per contract and the payments already made. 19. CLARIFICATIONS OF DISCREPANCIES In the case of Discrepancies between the schedule of quantity, the specifications and/ or the Drawings, the following order of preference shall be followed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 20. Description of schedule of quantities. Specific conditions & Technical Specifications and Special Conditions, if any. Drawings. CPWD Specifications. Indian standard Specifications of BIS The Electrical work should be executed by an experienced Electrical contractor as per the regulation of Indian Electricity Rules and Local Electrical Inspector’s requirements. The contractor should have Grade A license. Prior approval of subcontractor for works like HVAC and Electrical shall be taken by the contractor from RITES. 21. ASSOCIATED WORKS CIVIL WORK Any/All the associated civil work like making of holes in RCC slab/wall/brick work/granite/marble, cutting of iron rods (if required), minor brick work required for increasing/decreasing the size at entrances, closing of gaps with cement plaster, white wash (if required) and making of buffers etc. are to be done by the agency. The quoted rates are deemed to be inclusive of any/all these required associated civil work nothing extra will be payable on this account. 64 LIST OF APPROVED MAKE OF MATERIAL CIVIL WORK Sl. No. Detail of Materials Manufacturer`s Name/ Make 1 Anti Termite Chemical 2 Wood Preservatives 3 Grey Cement OPC- (43 & 53 G) & PPC 4 5 White Cement Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) 6 Plasticizers 7 TMT Tor Steel 8 Structural Steel CICO, MC Bauchemie, Roffe, Pidilite, POSROC, STP SAIL, TISCO, RINL, JSPL, JSW, SHYAM STEEL or Equivalent SAIL, TISCO, RINL, JINDAL or Equivalent 9 Rolled Steel Sections SAIL, TISCO, RINL, JINDAL or Equivalent 10 Aluminum Sections Jindal, Indalco, Hindalco 11 Ceramic Tiles (Wall & Floor Tiles) Johnson, Nitco, Kajaria, Orient, Asian 12 Vitrified Tiles Johnson, Bell, Merbonite, Asian, Nitco, Kajaria 13 PVC Flooring 14 Wooden Flooring Armstrong, Wonder Floor, Hanwha, Polyflor, Indiana Pergo, Kronotex, Armstrong, Polyflor, Indiana 15 Cement Concrete (Chequred) Tiles Nitco, Bharat, URO, Unistone 16 FOSROC, CICO, Pidilite, Sika, BASF, Roffe 17 Water Proofing Compound, Hardener & Construction Chemicals Float Glass & Mirror 18 Glass Film 3M, Llumar or equivalent 19 Wall Putty Birla White, JK White or equivalent 20 21 Paints (OBD, Plastic Emulsion Synthetic Enamel Paints) Water Proof Cement Paints 22 Red Oxide & Pink Primers ICI, Asian, Berger, Nerolac 23 PVC Water Stop Bars Fixopan, Syntex, BASF, FOSROC 24 Precast Cement Concrete Paver & Tiles 25 Texture Paint (Internal & External) Nitco, Ultra, Johnson, Duracrete, Basant Beton, Astana, Endura, Marbonite Oikos, Spectrum, Asian, Berger, ICI 26 Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) Alucobond, Durobond, Durabuild, Alstone 27 Gypsum Boards False Ceiling 28 Glass Fibre False Ceiling India Gypsum, Lafarge, Saint Gobain, Gyptech, Fire Line Board, USG Armstrong, Saint Gobain, Gyptech, Decosonic, Anutone Paints, Thiodon, De-nocil, Bayer, Vam Organic, NOCIL, Hindustan Insecticides or Equivalent Thiodon, De-nocil, Bayer, Vam Organic, NOCIL, Hindustan Insecticides, Roofe Construction Chemicals Ultra tech, ACC, Birla, Ambuja, Lafarge, JK, Prism, India Cements, L & T, JP JK, Birla White or equivalent ACC, Ultratech, Lafarge, Birla or equivalent Saint Gobain, Asahi India, Modi Guard ICI, Asian, Berger, Nerolac, Dulux Snowcem India Ltd., ICI, Asian, Nerolac 65 29 Mineral Fibre False Ceiling Armstrong, Saint Gobain, USG, AMF, Insula, Gyptech, Decosonic Armstrong, Luxalon, Hunter Douglass, USG, Interarch, Unimet, Gyptech Everite, Hyper, Dorma, Godrej, Haffele 30 Metal False Ceiling 31 Hydraulic Door Closer (Floor Spring) 32 Pressed Steel Door Frame 33 Laminates Senharvic, AGEW, NCL, Steel Flast or Equivalent IS Brand Greenlam, Centuryply, Merinolam, Archidlam 34 Plywood & Board (Waterproof) Duro, Greenply, Centuryply, Kitply, Archidply 35 MDF (Exterior Grade) Duro, Greenply, Centuryply, Archidply 36 Natural Wood Veneer Greenply, Centuryply, Archidply, Ventura 37 Flush door Kit ply `Swastik’, Duro, Archidply, Greenply 38 Hardware 39 Aluminum hardware Hettich, Dorma, Dorset, Geze, Ozone, EBCO, Earl Behari Ipsa, Everite, Garnish, Crown Classic 40 Fire Doors 41 Fire Door Accessories Godrej, Sukri, Navair, Aadhunic, Promat, Shakti Hormann Briton, Astroflame, Geze 42 Fasteners Hilti, Fischer, Bosch, GKW 43 Gypsum Board India Gypsum, Saint Gobain, USG, Lafarge 44 Self taping screws Hilti, Landmark or Equivalent 45 Welding Road 46 Tar felt ESSAB Ferro Speed plus, D&H Norma equivalent MAK, Bengal Bitumen, Rishub Petrochemical 47 Adhesive 48 PU paint Fevicol SH, Vamicol, Araldite Laticrete MRF (Aqua fresh) or equivalent 49 GRC Panels Unistone, Terra Firma or equivalent 50 Drawer Channel Hettich, Haffele, EBCO, Ingersol Rand 51 Stain Steel Hinges Magnum, Gard, Union, Dorma, Haffele 52 Locks and Handles Everite, Godrej, Harrison, Indobrass, Golden 53 Calcium Silicate Board False Ceiling Aerolite, Hylux, Ramco 54 Patch Fitting Dorma, Geze, Ozone 55 APP Membrane Lloyd Insulation, Cico, Fosroc, STP, IWL 56 Polymer sealant for expansion joint Sika, Cico, Pidilite, GE Silicon 57 Pipe Insulation Thermaflex, Careflex (Carewell) or equivalent 58 Epoxy Fosroc, Choksey, Sika, STP 59 Polycarbonate Sheets GE Plastics, Danpalon, Polygal 60 Glass Wool/ Mineral Wool UP Twiga, Lloyds, Owens Corning 61 Accoustical Panelling Armstrong, Saint Gobain, Anutone, Decosonic 62 Stainless Steeel Pipes J-Press, Jindal, Viega 63 Expansion Joint 3 R Joints & Seals, Sandfield, Vexcolt or Equivalent Note: The equivalent make (if any) shall be approved by engineer-in-charge. 66 of or Hindustan, LIST OF APPROVED MAKES FOR PLUMBING WORKS Sl. No. 1 2 3 Materials Manufacturers VITREOUS CHINA SANITARY WARES PARRYWARE / CERA / HINDWARE/ NEYCER/ JOHNSON/ JAQUAR C P FITTINGS (Bib Cock, Pillar Cock, Mixer, Marc/ Jaquar/ Ess-ess/ Parryware/ Hindware/ Angle Valve, Stop Cock, Bottle Trap, Health Johnson Faucet etc.) URINAL / WC FLUSHING SYSTEM Marc/ Cera/ Hindware/ Neycer/ Parryware/ Jaquar 4 FIRE CLAY SINK SANFIRE / JOHNSON PEDDER / PARRYWARE / HINDWARE 5 STAINLESS STEEL SINK NIRALI / PARRY / FRANKE / SALEM/ANUPAM 6 BALL VALVES / NRV / STRAINER / PRV CIM / LEADER / AUDCO / ZOLOTO 7 GI PIPES – IS : 1239 JINDAL (HISSAR) / PRAKASH – SURYA/ TATA / ITC 8 GI FITTINGS – IS : 1239 UNCO / R-BRAND / UNIK / ZOLOTO / TATA /BANSAL 9 CI PIPES (CLASS LA / A/ B) – IS, 1536 10 DI PIPES – IS - 8329 ELECTROSTEEL / KESHORAM / HINDUSTAN / NECO ELECTROSTEEL, JINDAL or equivqlent 11 CI PIPES (CENTRIFUGAL CAST) – IS 3989 NECO, Kapilansh or equivalent 12 SW PIPES / GULLY TRAPS – IS - 651 13 PWC PLASTIC SEAT COVERS 14 OVER HEAD TANKS BURN, PERFECT, Devraj Anand Ceramics PARRYWARE / CERA / HINDUSTAN / COMMANDER SINTEX , Rotoplast or equivalent 15 SS FLOOR GRATING / CLAMPS CHILLY OR EQUIVALENT 16 SS LIQUID SOAP DISPENSOR / HAND DRIER IMPULSE / TOSHI / UTEC 17 SI UICE / BUTTERFLY / NON RETURN VALVES 18 RCC PIPES – IS - 458 KIRLOSKER / LEADER / CIM / ZOLOTO) / VENUS/IVC INDIAN HUME PIPE / JAIN SPUN / DAYA SPUN/ KK Spun Pipe/ Pragati udyog 19 SUBMERSIBLE PUMP FOR WATER SUPPLY MONOBLOCK PUMP FOR WATER SUPPLY UPVC PIPES (S/W/R) and Fittings KSB / / GRUNDFOSS / CROMPTON GREAVES LEADER / ZOLOTO (WITH ISI MARK) / SANT 23 GUNMETAL VALVES (FULLWAY. CHECK & GLOBE) MIRRORS 24 CI MANHOLE COVER NECO/SILC/RIF 25 CHEMICAL DOSER ASIA LMI / PROMINENT / ION EXCHANGE 20 21 22 KIRLOSKER / CROMPTON / MATHER + PLATT PRINCE / SUPREME / FINOLEX Atul/ Modifloat, Saint Gobain/ Golden Fish 67 26 PVC PIPES & FITTINGS PRAYAG, Prince, Supreme, Finolex, SFMC 27 PRESSURE GAUGE H GURU, Fiebig, Dwyer 28 LEVEL INDICATOR RM OR EQUIVALENT 29 AIR RELIEF VALVES RB, ZOLOTO or Equivalent 30 WATER METER DASMESH / CAPSSTAIN/ CRESENT/ KAYEE 31 PVC ENCAPSULATED FOOTREST KKM OR EQUIVALENT 32 CI BUTTERFLY VALVE KEYSTONE / KIRLOSKAR / CASTLE 33 ANY OTHER ITEMS 34 Epoxy ON APPROVAL OF ENGINEER-INCHARGE/ Project-in-Charge Fosroc, Sika Qualcrete, Aradlite MBT 35 Water Prooofing system Cico, Pidilite, Sika, Fosroc 36 Adhesive Pidilite, Araldite or Equivalent 37 CPVC Pipes Astral, Ashirwad, SFMC, Finolex 38 Water Meter (Mechanical Type) Kaycee Kranti, Capstan, Actaris 39 Insulation for Hot Water Pipes Thermaflex, K-Flex, Armacell, Care Flex 40 Storage Water Heater Venus, Racold, Bajaj, AO Smith 41 Ball Valve 42 Non Return Valve Kartar, TBS Engineers, Virgo Engineering, Audco India Kirloskar, Leader or Equivalent 43 Water Pump ABB, Kirloskar, Crompton Greaves, Siemens 44 Butterfly Valve Leader Valve, Castle Valve, Audco India 45 Liquid Soap dispenser (304 Grade SS) Veera Trading Co, Askon Engineers Note: The equivalent make (if any) shall be approved by engineer-in-charge. 68 LIST OF APPROVED MAKES FOR FIRE FIGHTING WORKS Sl.No MATERIAL MAKES 1. Hydrant pump and jockey pump Prima, Mather & Platt , Kirloskar, 2. M.S. and GI Pipe Jindal Hissar, TATA, Suryaprakash 3. Hydrant valve (ISI mark) Shah Bhogilal, Newage, Priyanka 4. Electric motor Prima, ABB, Crompton, Kirloskar 5. CI Butterfly valves Intervalve, Sant, CRI 6. CI Non Return Valve Sant .CRI,Intervalve,Venus 7. Fire Hose (ISI mark) Shah Bhogilal, Newage, Priyanka, Padmini 8 Hose Cabinet Shah Bhogilal, Newage, Priyanka 9 4 way fire bridge inlet Shah Bhogilal, Newage, Priyanka 10. Branch Pipe & Nozzle Shah Bhogilal, Newage, Priyanka 11. Foot Valve and Strainer Normax, Leader, Worthvalve 12. Hose Reel Drum Newage, Shah Bhogilal, Priyanka 13. Pressure switch Indfoss, Switzer or equivalent 14. Pressure Guage H.Guru, Fiebig or equivalent 15. SS Ball Valve Leader,Intervalve ,Worth valve 16. Extinguishers Kanex, Safex, Minimax, Newage 17. Starter, Switches, MCCB, MCB L & T, Siemens or Equivalent 18. Cables Polycab, Havells,Electrocab 19. Pump Panel As per standard 20 Agni, Jain Inst , Ravel 21 Conventional Zone Panel/ Annunciation Panel Flow Switch Potter, System Sensor, Johnson Control 22. Pipe Fittings KS, Unik, DRP, Zoloto 23. Paint Asian, Nerolac, Burger 24. Fire Brigade Inlet Shah bhogilal, Newage, Priyanka 25. Sprinklers Tyco, DSS,HD 26. .Passive Fire Protection 3M / Promort /Metacaulk (UL listed ) 27. Wrapping & Coating IWL /Pypokote/ Coaltek/ Rustech 28. Signages Autoglo / Glolite or equivalent 29 Sprinkler Tyco, Getech,Grinnel, Andex, Kidde, Central 30 Diesel Engine Kirloskar, Cummins, Ashok Leyland Note: The equivalent make (if any) shall be approved by engineer-in-charge. 69 LIST OF APPROVED MAKES FOR ELECTRICAL(including Fire Alarm & Detection), Lifts & HVAC WORKS Sl. No. Details of Materials / Equipment Manufacturer’s Name 1. HT panel ABB /Seimens/GE/Schneider Electric/L&T and their system house channel partner 2. Air Circuit Breaker ( 3/4 Pole ) 3. Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) 3 & 4 with rotary operating mechanism) ABB /GE /Siemens/ Schneider Electric/L&T ABB/Siemens /GE/L&T/ Schneider Electric 4. Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)& Distribution Boards (MDB’s & DB’s) ABB/Siemens /GE/Legrand/Indo-Asian/C&S 5. Residual Circuit Breaker (RCCB / RCBO’s) ABB/Siemens /GE/Legrand/Indo-Asian/C&S 6. Power/Aux. Contactor 3 / 4 pole ABB,GE Power Control Larsen & Toubro, Siemens Schneider Electric ,C&S 7. Off-Load/ON-Load Change Over Switch & ATS(Automatic transfer switch) GE/ Schneider Electric/Indo-Asian/Larsen & Toubro/C&S 8. Potential Transformers Automatic Electric ,Gilbert & Maxwell Kappa,Matrix 9. Current Transformer (Epoxy Cast Resin) Kappa,Matrix Automatic Electric Gilbert & Maxwell 10. Indicating Lamps LED type , Push Button GE Power Controls Schneider Electric (MG) Siemens Ltd./C&S Larsen & Toubro (ESBEE) 11. Overload relays with built in Single Phase Preventer ABB/ MINILEC/C&S Siemens Ltd./GE Power Contol Schneider Electric Larsen & Toubro 12. ElectronicDigital Meters (A/V/PF/Hz/KW/KWH) (Networkable) ABB /Secure/ Conzerv /L & T 13. (a) PVC insulated XLPE aluminium / copper conductor armoured MV Cables upto 1100 V grade CCI/ KEC/Universal/Polycab 13. (b) HT Cable CCI/ KEC/Universal/Polycab 70 14. LT Jointing Kit / Termination 15. Cable Glands earthing links. 16. Bimetallic / Copper / Aluminium Cable Lug Comet/3D/Dowell’s /3M 17. FRLs PVC insulated copper stranded flexible wire (pre twisted) Havells/Finolex/Polycab/Lapp/RR Kabel 18. PVC Conduit (ISI approved) & Heavy Duty Accessories for PVC Conduit BEC/AKG/Avon Plast/POLYCAB 19. GI Conduit (ISI approved) BEC/AKG/JPC/POLYCAB 20. Maintenance Free Battery Exide/Amron/Hitachi 21. Battery Charger Caldyne/Logic State/Volstat 22. Cable Trays / Raceways (Prefabricated) Profab Engineer/Swift/CTM Engg OBO/Indiana 23. Polycarbonate Junction Boxes Hensel/Spelsberg/HPL 24. Rubber Mats (ISI mark) Jyoti /Millars/Safevolt/Maruti Electromat 25. Paints ICI/Asian/Berger/Nippon 26. Fire Sealent Promat/Hilti/Birla – 3 M 27. Power Capacitor Ducatti/Meher (Larsen & Toubro)/ Siemens (Epcos)/C&S 28. Automatic Power Factor Correction Relay (Numeric Type) Beluk (Germany)/Conzerv Siemens/English Electric/epcos 29. Switch & Socket Crabtree/Anchor /ABB /M K /L&T/C&S 30. Terminal Blocks Connect Well Elmex/Wago/PHOENIX 31. Industrial Socket (Metal Clad) 32. Ceiling Fan ABB/C&S/ MDS Legrand/Indo-Asian Crompton Greaves Crompton Greaves/Havells/ Orient/Usha/Polar 33. Lighting Fixtures a Incandescent / Halogen / PL / Metal Halide/ Fluorescent Double Raychem/M-Seal/3M Compression with conductor 71 COSMOS/Comet/3D/3M Philips/Crompton Greaves/ GE/Thorn/Wipro b External Lighting Fixture Philips/Keslec Shrider/LIGMAN Wipro /Crompton Greaves c Aviation Obstruction Light (LED Type) Philips/Thorn/Crompton Greaves 34. Electronic Ballast for Fluorescent (To be selected as per fixtures’ manufacturer) Philips/Bajaj Electricals Ltd Crompton/GE/Thorn/Wipro 35. Selector Switch, Toggle switch Kaycee/ Salzer (Larsen & Toubro) 36. Lighting Poles 37. HDPE underground cable duct 38. UPS Bombay Tubes and Poles/ Bajaj Electricals/ Keslec Shrider/ Crompton /K-Lite Rex Polyextrusion/ Tirupati Plasomatics/ Duraline APC /Emerson /PCI/EATON/AAL /GE 39. LT Panel, Power Distribution Panel and Motor Control Centre / Capacitor Panels/ DG Synchronizing Panel(All LT Panels) Adlec Control System Pvt. Ltd./ Tricolite/ABB Ltd./ Schneider Electric/ SPC Electrotech Pvt. Ltd / General Electric 40. Cast Resin (EPOXY) Type Transformer Universal/Crompton/ABB/ Schneider/SIEMENS/ALSTOM 41. Protection Relays (Numeric Type) ABB/GE/Areva/Siemens/L & T 42. Static Power Meter & Logger (Trivector Meters) ABB /GE/Conzerv/ EI Measure/L&T 43 HT Jointing Kit Birla-3M/M-Seal/Raychem 44. HT Termination Kit Birla-3M/M-Seal/Raychem 45. Motors (Energy Efficient Class – I) Kirloskar/Crompton Siemens ABB /Bharat Bijlee 46. Protection Relay a Numeric Type ABB, GE,Areva,Siemens,L & T b Electromagnetic Type ABB,Areva,Larsen & Toubro 47. Automatic Power Factor Correction Relay (Numeric Type) Beluk (Germany)/Conzerv/ Siemens/English Electric/ EPCOS/L & T 48. Bus Duct (Sandwich Construction) Control & Switchgear/ Megaduct (Marketed by Larsen & Toubro)/ EAE/ Legrand 72 49. Solar System Photon Energy Systems/ Novergy Energy solutions/ Tata BP solar/BHEL/CEL/Bosch 50. Air Handling Unit Edgetech/Zeco/Ravi Aircon / Waves/ETA/VOLTAS 51. VRV/VRF indoor/outdoor units 52. Fan Coil Unit 53. Copper Y joints and fittings 54. Axial Flow Fan 55. Inline / Propeller Fan 56. 57. 58. 59. Centrifugal Fan Mixed flow fan Control Cable/Transmission Cable Ball valve (Fan Coil Unit) 60. 61. 62. 63. Ball valve with Y-Strainer (Fan Coil Unit) Auto Air Vent Valve GI Sheet Factory Made Duct 64. 65. 66. Flexible duct Pre-insulated duct Copper Refrigerent Piping Daikin/Hitachi/Voltas/Mitsubishi /LG/Samsung Edgetech /Ravi Aircon Waves/Carrier Daikin/Hitachi/Voltas/Mitsubishi /LG/Samsung Airflow/Greenheck/Twin city/American warmings/Kruger Air flow/Greenheck/Twin city/American warmings/Kruger Air flow/Nicotra/Systemair/Kruger Greenheck/Flakt /Air flow/Kruger Bonton/Skytone/Fusion/Polycab Emerald,Rapid Control Zoloto Tiemme,Overtrop /Emerald/ Rapid Control RB,Rapid Control Jindal,SAIL,TATA Ductofab,Rolastar Techno Aircon,Zeco Atco,Titus,Seven star,UP Twiga ALP,Nutech,Radient air systems Rajco/Maxflow/Diamond/Star/Mandev/Kwali ty 67. Grille/diffuser/dampers 68. Smoke / Fire Damper 69. Sound Attenuator 70. Insulation Closed Cell Elastomeric nitrile rubber/EPDM along with adhesive 71. Caryaire /Airflow(Mapro) Dynacraft/Systemair Caryaire /Airflow Dynacraft/Systemair Systemair/Trox /Kruger Caryaire/Ravistar (Systemair) Acoustic insulation Open Cell Nitrile rubber with Antimicrobial property (Armasound) Expanded Polystyrene (TF Quality) 73 Paramount/ Armacell/Armaflex Aeroflex/A flex/K flex Armacell /Aeroflex/Armaflex/ A Flex/K flex/ UP Twega Beardsell/Coolite DEBS Products Styrene Packaging/Tosiba 72. Extruded Polystyrene for Overdeck Insulation 73. 74. 75. Premoulded PUF section for pipe support Protective Coating over Closed Cell Elastomeric – Fibreglass Woven Cloth UV Protective coating 76. Refrigerent and Drain pipe insulation 77. 78. Proportionate Room Thermostat with Digital Temperature Indication for FCU Timer 79. Fire Survival Cable(MICC) Isoboard/Owens Corning Polybond /Thermosheild Lloyd/Malanpur/Easyflex Armacell /Fosters Paramount/UP Twiga Armacell Armaflex/ Amicol/Paramount/Polybond Trocellin/Thermobreak/Paramount/ Armacell Armaflex/A Flex Danfoss /Honeywell /ohnson Control /Sauter /Schneider /Siemens /Yamataki ABB/Legrand/Schneider Electric / Seimens/GE Tyco/Ramcro/Pyrotenax/Julie/Rockbestos 80. Fire alarm and detection System Simplex/Nohmi/Notifier/Bosch 81. Lifts OTIS/ Mitsubishi/ Kone/ Schindler/Johnson Note: 1. The contractor shall supply only ISI marked materials as per any of the makes or brands indicated above. 2. In case, the firm is not manufacturing ISI marked materials for any of the brands, first quality materials shall be accepted. 3. The samples of the materials shall in either case have to be got approved from the Engineer-in-charge/Site-In-charge. 4. Materials where no make/brand have been mentioned, ISI marked samples shall be submitted by the contractor for approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. 5. For those class of materials, where no firm exists with ISI approval, samples of first quality material of the firm shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. 6. Any variation from the above mentioned makes/brands will require specific approval of the Engineer-in-charge. 7. It will be Contractor's responsibility to ensure the quality of products listed in the approved list of makes. 8. Contractor will have to replace the defective and substandard materials at his own cost. 74 SECTION 4 SCHEDULES A TO F 75 SECTION 4 PROFORMA OF SCHEDULES (Operative Schedules to be supplied separately to each intendingTenderer) SCHEDULE ‘A’ Schedule of quantities (As per Bill of Quantities attached) (BOQ to be attached with Financial Bid) SCHEDULE ‘B’ – Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor. (Refer Clause 10 of Clauses of Contract) S.No Description of items Quantity 1 2 3 Rates in Figures & words at which the material will be charged to the contractor 4 Place of Issue 5 - Not Applicable - SCHEDULE ‘C’ – Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor. (Refer clause 34 of Clauses of Contract). S.No 1 Description 2 Hire charges per day 3 Place of Issue 4 - Not Applicable - SCHEDULE ‘D’ Extra schedule for specific requirements/documents for the work, if any. - Not Applicable - SCHEDULE ‘E’ – Schedule of components of Cement, Steel, other materials, POL, Labour etc .for price escalation. (Refer Clause 10CC of Clauses of Contract). 76 CLAUSE 10 CC- Component of Cement (Xc): 15% Expressed as percent of total value of work: Component of steel (Xs): 20% Expressed as percent of total value of work: Component of other materials (XM) (except cement & steel): 40% Expressed as per cent of total value of work: Component of labour (Y): 25% Expressed as percent of total value of work: Component of P.O.L (Z): 0% Expressed as percent of total value of work: SCHEDULE ‘F’ Reference to General Conditions of Contract Name of Work: “Construction of Administrative Building, Schools, Lecture Hall Complex, Hostels etc. at Central University of Bihar Campus, Panchanpur, Gaya” Estimated cost of work Earnest money: Rs. 1494306926.00 Rs. 5000000.00 (Rs. fifty lakhs only) Performance Guarantee (Ref. Clause 1) 5% of Tendered value. Security Deposit: (Refer clause 1A) 5% of Tendered value Notice Inviting Tender and Instruction to Tenderers Officer inviting tender: Group General Manager (CP)/ RITES Ltd. CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Definitions 2 (iv) Employer: Central University of Bihar 2(v) Engineer-in-Charge: General Manager/ Group General Manager 2(vii) Accepting Authority: Director (P) 2(ix) Percentage on cost of materials and labour to cover all overheads and profits. 15% 77 2(x) Standard Schedule of Rates: DSR 2014 2(xiii) Date of commencement of work: 15 days from the date of issue of LOA or the first date of handing over of site whichever is later. 9 (a) (ii) General Conditions of Contract: RITES General Conditions of Contract 2011 Edition with up to date correction slips (1 to 6 up to 12.05.2014) and Technical Bid :(Read with Correction Slip Nos. 1 to 16 dated 06.01.2015) CLAUSES OF CONTRACT Clause 1 1 (i) Time allowed for submission of P.G. from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance subject to maximum of 15 days: 15 days Maximum allowable extension Beyond the period provided in (i) Above subject to a maximum of 7 days: 7 days Clause 2 Authority for fixing compensation under Clause 2: Director (P) (Authority competent to accept Tender) Clause 2A Whether Clause 2A shall be applicable NO Clause 5 5.1 (a) Time allowed for execution of work 24 months from the date of start Date of start 15 days from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance or the first date of handing over of site whichever is later 5.1 (b) TABLE OF MILESTONE(S) Sl. No Description of Milestone (Financial Progress) 1 1/8th (of the whole work) 2 3/8th (of the whole work) 3 3/4th (of the whole work) 4 Full Time allowed in days (from date of start) 1/4th (of the whole work) i.e. 183 days 1/2nd (of the whole work) i.e. 365 days 3/4th (of the whole work) i.e. 548 days Full 78 Amount to be withheld in case of non achievement of milestone 1% of the Tendered Amount 1% of the Tendered Amount 1% of the Tendered Amount Clause 5A - Shifting of stipulated date of completion Competent authority Clause 6 A Whether Clause 6 or 6A applicable: Director (P) 6A Clause 7 Gross work to be done together with net Payment/adjustment of advances for Material collected, if any, since the last such Payment for being eligible to interim payment 150.00 Lakhs Clause 10A i) Whether Material Testing Laboratory is to be provided at site. YES ii) If “YES” list of equipments to be provided Refer Annexure B1 of GCC Clause 10 B Whether Clause 10 B (ii) to (v) applicable Clause 10B (ii), (iv) & (v) applicable Clause 10B (iii) not applicable Clause 10 CC Whether Clause 10CC applicable Applicable Clause 11 Specifications to be followed for execution of work: For CPWD DSR Items:CIVIL WORKS CPWD Specifications 2009 Vol. I & II . ELECTRICAL WORKS CPWD General Specifications Part I Part II Internal latest edition External latest edition HVAC latest edition Technical Specifications under Section No. 5. 79 Clause 12 Clause 12.2 12.3 & 12.5 Deviation Limit beyond which Clauses 12.2, 12.3 & 12.5shall Apply i) For Non-foundation items. Plus 25% Minus No limit ii) For Foundation Items Plus 100% Minus No limit Note: For Earthwork, individual classification quantity can vary to any extent but overall Deviation Limits will be as above. 12.5 Definition of Foundation item if Other than that described in Clause 12.5: Clause 16 Not Applicable Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates: Director (P) Clause 17 Maintenance Period: 12 Months Clause 18 List of mandatory machinery, tools & plants to be deployed by the Contractor at site:- - Mechanical Excavator, Concrete Mechanical Batching Plant, Piping for Concreting, Tower Crane etc. Clause 25 25 (i) Appellate Authority - Executive Director Appointing Authority - Director (P) Clause 36 (i) & (iii) Minimum Qualifications & Experience required and Discipline to which should belong Designation Project Manager Dy. Project Manager Engineer Engineer Minimum Qualification BE (Civil) BE (Civil) BE/ Diploma (Civil) BE/ Diploma (Electrical) Minimum working experience 15 Years 10 Years BE - 5 Years Diploma – 10 Yeras BE - 5 Years Diploma – 10 Yeras 80 Discipline to which should belong Civil Civil Civil Number Electrical 2 1 1 6 36 (iv) Recovery for non-deployment of Principal Technical Representative and Deputy Technical Representative: Designation Project Manager Dy. Project Manager Engineer Rate of Recovery per month (in Rs.) for nondeployment 75,000.00 60,000.00 50,000.00 Clause 42 i)(a) ii) a) b) c) d) Schedule/statement for determining theoretical quantity of cement & bitumen on the basis of Delhi Schedule of Rates printed by CPWD Variations permissible on theoretical quantities Cement - for works with estimated cost put to tender not more than Rs.5 lakhs - for works with estimated cost put to tender more than Rs.5 lakhs Bitumen for All Works Steel Reinforcement and structural steel sections for each diameter, section and category All other materials DSR 2014 3% plus / minus 2% plus / minus 2.5% plus only & nil on minus side 2% plus / minus Nil RECOVERY RATES FOR QUANTITIES BEYOND PERMISSIBLE VARIATION -Not ApplicableSl. No. Description of Item 1 2 Cement Steel reinforcement Structural Sections Bitumen issued free Bitumen issued at stipulated fixed price 3 4 5 Rates in figures and words at which recovery shall be made from the Contractor Excess beyond permissible Less use beyond the variation permissible variation 81 Clause 46 Clause 46.10 Details of temporary accommodation including number of rooms and their sizes as well as furniture to be made available by the Contractor: The contractor shall provide a temporary furnished office accommodation at site of work including all fittings & fixtures (i.e. 3 Nos. 1.5 Tonne AC and 6 Nos. room air coolers etc.) with water supply, sanitary, electrical supply etc. The office accommodation shall consists of 4 rooms of size 10’-00” x 16’-00” and one conference/committee room of size 12’-00” x 20’-00” each with attached toilet equipped with furniture for at least six (6) officers at site with one executive table & chair, 5 Nos. office tables with officers & visitors chairs, 6 Big almirah, 6 computers & 3 printers along with tables & chairs, one conference table with 12 seats, etc. free of cost. Contractor shall maintain the office neat & clean during construction period. After completion of work contractor will take away these materials and site shall be cleaned free from encroachment. Whether Clause 46.11.1A applicable No Whether Clause 46.13A applicable No Clause 46.17 City of Jurisdiction of Court: New Delhi Clause 47.2.1 Sum for which Third Party Insurance to be obtained. Rs. Five Lakhs per occurrence with the number of occurrences limited to twenty. Clause 55 Whether clause 55 shall be applicable. NO 82 SECTION 5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 83 SECTION 5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.0 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ISSUED BY CPWD 1.1 Civil Engineering Works CPWD Specification 2009 Vol. I & II. These Specifications have replaced CPWD Specifications 1996 along with Correction Slips issued on them. These Specifications cover all types of Building Works. The specifications are available as a printed document issued by CPWD and also in soft copy PDF Format in CPWD website. 1.2 Electrical Engineering Works Part No. I II III IV V VI VII Description Year of issue Internal External Lifts and Escalators Sub Stations Wet Riser and Sprinkler Systems Heating, Ventilations & Air Conditioning Works D.G.Sets Latest edition Latest edition Latest edition Latest edition Latest edition Latest edition Latest edition The above documents are available as Priced Document issued by CPWD and in soft copy PDF Format in CPWD website. 2.0 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS TRANSPORT ISSUED BY MINISTRY OF SURFACE Specifications for Road and Bridge works (Fourth Revision) August 2001 have been published by Indian Road Congress as a priced document. These Specifications cover exhaustively various Road and Bridge works. 3.0 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ISSUED BY INDIAN RAILWAYS Railway Board vide their letter No. 2009/LMD/01/03 dated 14/01/2010 have advised that they have approved issue of “Indian Railways Unified Standard Specifications or Materials and works with corresponding Indian Railways Unified Standard Schedule of items (for rates of Materials and works)”. These documents are to be published by Northern Railway on behalf of Railway Board after the Zonal Railways have made out “Schedule of Rates” as applicable to them based on “Standard Analysis of Rates of items”. These Specifications however cover only Building and Road works generally on the lines of CPWD and Ministry of Surface Transport. They do not cover Track works which are governed by Manuals and RDSO/Indian Railway Specifications. Pending publication of Unified Standard Specifications, the specifications issued by the zonal Railways will be applicable. 84 4.0 SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS (NOT COVERED BY ANY STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS) PARTICULAR SPECIFICATIONS FOR NS ITEMS NSI – 1: Anti Termite ANTI-TERMITE TREATMENT Sub-terranean termites are responsible for most of the termite damage in buildings. Typically, they form nests or colonies underground. In the soil near ground level in a stump or other suitable piece of timber in a conical or dome shaped mound. The termites find access to the super-structure of the building either through the timber buried in the ground or by means of mud shelter tubes constructed over unprotected foundations. Termite control in new building structures is very important as the damage likely to be caused by the termites to wooden members of building and other household article like furniture, clothing, stationery etc. is considerable. Anti-termite treatment can be either during the time of construction i.e. pre-constructional chemical treatment. Prevention of the termite from reaching the super-structure of the building and its contents can be achieved by creating a chemical barrier between the ground, from where the termites come and other contents of the building which may form food for the termites. This is achieved by treating the soil beneath the building and around the foundation with a suitable insecticide. Safety Precautions Chemical used for anti-termite treatment are insecticides with a persistent action and are highly poisonous. This chemical can have an adverse effect upon health when absorbed through the skin, inhaled as vapours or spray mists or swallowed. The containers having emulsifiable concentrates shall be clearly labelled and kept securely closed in stores so that children or pet cannot get at them. Storage and mixing of concentrates shall not be done near any fire source or flame. Persons using these chemical shall be warned that absorption though skin is the most likely source of accidental poisoning. Particular care shall be taken to prevent skin contact with concentrates and prolonged exposure to dilute emulsion shall also be avoided. After handling the concentrates or dilute emulsion. Workers shall wash themselves with soap and water and wear clean clothing, especially before eating. In the event of severe contamination, clothing shall be removed at once and the skin washed with soap and water. If chemical has splashed into the eyes, they shall be flushed with plenty of soap and water and immediate medical attention shall be sought. Care should be taken in the application of chemicals to see that they are not allowed to contaminate wells or springs which serve as source of drinking water. Anti-Termite Treatment: Constructional Measures The construction measures specified below should be adopted for protection against subterranean termites originating both internally from within the plinth and externally from the area surrounding the building. 85 (i) Earth free from roots, dead leaves, or other organic matter shall be placed and compacted in successive horizontal layers of loose material not more than 200 mm thick. Dry brick shall be inserted at last 50 mm in brick masonry for providing apron floor around the periphery. (ii) Brick on edge masonry in cement mortar shall be laid on the plinth wall. Dry brick shall be placed on the inner side of plinth wall for getting anticipated offset space for coarse sand and on the other side for installing anti-termite masonry groove. In the case of intermediate walls, dry bricks are placed on either side of the brick on edge masonry for getting offset space for coarse sand layer. (iii) The dry brick for the anti-termite groove shall be taken out and dense cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 sand: 6 coarse aggregate by volume) sub-floor carpet shall be laid casting the anti-termite groove in position. In case of internal partition walls, the cement concrete sub-floor shall be laid on either side over the dry bricks to sufficient extent for getting staggered vertical joints over the joint of plinth wall and earth filling. (iv) Superstructure masonry shall be raised over the dense cement concrete sub floor carpet and over-head jobs completed. (v) The dry brick for coarse sand layer shall be removed and graded sand (of size 3 to 5 mm) layer at least 100 mm thick shall be compacted over the earth filling and underneath the partially laid dense cement concrete sub-floor carpet. (vi) Dense cement concrete (1:3:6 mix.) sub-floor at least 75 mm thick shall be laid over the sand filling. Necessary finish may be provided to the cement concrete sub-floor carpet. (vii) Dry brick provided for apron floor shall be taken out and 600 mm wide formation of earth in 1:30 slope shall be made. Over the formation, 75 mm thick lime concrete 1:3:6 (1 lime:3 sand: 6 coarse aggregate, by volume) shall be laid. (viii) Over the 75 mm thick like concrete bed at least 25 mm thick cement concrete topping 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 fine aggregate, by volume) shall be laid and 12 mm thick cement plaster shall be applied on foundation and plinth. NSI – 2: Foam Concrete This is light weight concrete block (made out from OPC as binder, litho foam as network former, litho foam SL 200L as forming agent and fiber, coarse sand, aggregate and chemical as per manufacturers specifications) for filling in sunken portion only. Mode of Measurement The measurement shall be taken along the finished surface of treatment including the rounded and tapered portions at junctions. Length and breadth shall be measured correct to one centimetre and area shall be worked out nearest to two decimals. Rate The rate shall be inclusive for all operations described in the nomenclature and the specifications applicable to the item, including any incidental expenditure. Nothing extra shall be payable on any account whatsoever. 86 NSI – 9: Fire Door General Fire rated Door leaf shall be minimum 50mm thick fully flush door with or without vision lite. 50mm thick shutter, comprising of 75mm x 44mm hardwood internal timber frame work, with infill of 48 kg/m3, ceramic fiber blankets, coated with VIPER FR intumuscent coating on both sides for insulation. The coated insulation shall be sandwiched between maximum 12mm thick PAMTECH Make Calcium Silicate Boards on both sides (edge to edge on internal Hardwood frame) having a maximum density of 900 Kgs/ Cum, cladded with 3mm ply commercial ply on both faces. (The same can be pasted with 1mm thick laminate (as per approved shade) or replaced with 4mm thick teak ply as per clients requirement at an extra cost) on both sides of the shutter, with 50mm x 10mm hard wood lipping all round the shutter. The door frame will be made out of Hardwood of maximum section 120 x 70mm and coated with VIPER Fire reatrdent Primer. The rebate shall be of 20mm x 54mm in the Door Frame to accommodate the shutter. Both frame and shutter shall be fitted with intumescent Fire seal strips , The shutter fitted with 20x4mm Fire seal and Frame with 2 no. Fire seal of size 10x4mm on all the three sides of the except bottom. The pasting of the ply/veneer/laminate should be done using automatic machine and should be free from any nails or perforations. It should be confirming to BS:476 Part- 20 & 22 & IS 3614 part-1 & part-2 for stability, integrity and thermal insulation. 03 Criteria Wooden door confirming to IS 277 with the following specification. Recommended fire door shall have doors tested at CBRI for maximum rating of 2hrs tested either with or without vision panel. Individual Test certificates should be available for glass used in vision lites confirming the required fire ratings. Any deviation in specification other than what is mentioned in the test certificates is not allowed. Proper label confirming the type of door and the hourly rating is mandatory. Approved manufacturer or equivalent subject to architect’s approval. And should be ISO Certified Company. Related sections All work related to this specification section should be coordinated with the works described in other specification sections, including: Concrete Masonry & plaster Door sub frame Flashing Woodwork Submittals The contractor shall submit all literature for the products and the samples with the proposed finish for the review and approval of the Engineer- in - charge & architect prior to use. The work shall be executed as per the approved samples only and any deviation from the sample shall be rejected. Hardware installations Hinges 125 mm SS heavy 87 SS Ball Bearing 4"x 3" x 3mm 2 hours fire rated clear pyran glass of size 200 x 300mm , Door Closer as per manufacturers specification, Airtight gasket with Drop Down as per manufacturers specification, Mortise Lock with lever handle as per manufacturer specification. Mode of Measurement The overall length and width of the shutter shall be measured nearest to a cm in fixed position, and area calculated in square meters correct to two places of decimal. Rate It includes the cost of all material, hardware and labor required for all the necessary operations that may be undertaken to execute the item described above. NSI - 11: Granite Flooring General Granite Stone shall be of the type specified and the material promptly in accordance with specifications, it shall be hard sound durable and tough free from cracks, and defects like cavities cracks flaws holes etc. Before starting the work the contractor shall get the sample approved by the Engineer – in –Charge / architect. Materials Granite shall comply Standard Specification for material characteristics, physical requirements, and sampling for selection of granite. All granite shall be of standard architectural grade, free of cracks, seams, or starts, which may impair its structural integrity or function. Color or other visual characteristics indigenous to the particular material and adequately demonstrated in the sampling will be accepted provided they do not compromise the structural or durability capabilities of the material. Texture and finish shall be within the range of samples approved by the Engineer – in -charge. Shop Drawings The Contractor shall submit: copies of required shop drawings to the Engineer-in-charge for approval. These drawings shall show all bedding, bonding, jointing details, and the dimensions of each piece of granite. No final sizing or finishing shall be done until the shop drawings for that part of the work have been approved. Stone Installation Proceed with the installation of the stonework in accordance with Drawings and using skilled mechanics capable of proper handling of the setting of the stone and able to field cut where necessary with sharp and true edges. Set stone with joints uniform in appearance and stone edges and faces aligned tolerances indicated. Clean surfaces that are dirty or stained. Scrub with fiber brushes, and then rinse with clear water. Provide expansion, control, and pressurerelieving joints of widths and at locations shown on Drawings. 88 Cleaning After installation and pointing or caulking are completed, the contractor shall carefully clean the granite, removing all dirt, excess mortar, weld splatter, stains, and/or other site incident defacements Stainless steel wire brushes or wool may be used, but the use of other wire brushes or of acid or other solutions which may cause discoloration is expressly prohibited. Fabricator should be contacted before cleaners other than detergents are used. Protection of Finished Work After the granite work is installed, the granite shall be properly and adequately protected from damage. Boxing or other suitable protection shall be provided wherever required, but no lumber which may stain or deface the granite shall be used. All nails used shall be noncorrosive. All granite work in progress shall be protected at all times during construction by use of a suitable strong, impervious film or fabric securely held in place. Defective Work Any area or piece of granite found defective it shall be removed, and to be patched or redressed for use. Nothing extra on this account will be entertained. Related sections All work related to this specification section should be coordinated with the works described in other specification sections, including: Mortar Joints Pointing Curing Mode of Measurement The finished work shall be measured correct to a centimetre in respect of length and breadth nearest to two places of decimal. Rate The rate shall include the cost of materials and labor required for all the operations described above. NSI – 12: Granite Wall Lining Granite Stone shall be of the type specified and the material promptly in accordance with specifications, it shall be hard sound durable and tough free from cracks, and defects like cavities cracks flaws holes etc. Before starting the work the contractor shall get the sample approved by the Engineer – in –Charge / architect. Materials Granite shall comply Standard Specification for material characteristics, physical requirements, and sampling for selection of granite. All granite shall be of standard architectural grade, free of cracks, seams, or starts, which may impair its structural integrity or 89 function. Color or other visual characteristics indigenous to the particular material and adequately demonstrated in the sampling will be accepted provided they do not compromise the structural or durability capabilities of the material. Texture and finish shall be within the range of samples approved by the Engineer – in -charge. Shop Drawings The Contractor shall submit: copies of required shop drawings to the Engineer-in-charge for approval. These drawings shall show all bedding, bonding, jointing details, and the dimensions of each piece of granite. No final sizing or finishing shall be done until the shop drawings for that part of the work have been approved. Stone Installation Proceed with the installation of the stonework in accordance with Drawings and using skilled mechanics capable of proper handling of the setting of the stone and able to field cut where necessary with sharp and true edges. Set stone with joints uniform in appearance and stone edges and faces aligned tolerances indicated. Clean surfaces that are dirty or stained. Scrub with fiber brushes, and then rinse with clear water. Provide expansion, control, and pressurerelieving joints of widths and at locations shown on Drawings. Cleaning After installation and pointing or caulking are completed, the contractor shall carefully clean the granite, removing all dirt, excess mortar, weld splatter, stains, and/or other site incident defacements Stainless steel wire brushes or wool may be used, but the use of other wire brushes or of acid or other solutions which may cause discoloration is expressly prohibited. Fabricator should be contacted before cleaners other than detergents are used. Protection of Finished Work After the granite work is installed, the granite shall be properly and adequately protected from damage. Boxing or other suitable protection shall be provided wherever required, but no lumber which may stain or deface the granite shall be used. All nails used shall be noncorrosive. All granite work in progress shall be protected at all times during construction by use of a suitable strong, impervious film or fabric securely held in place. Defective Work Any area or piece of granite found defective it shall be removed, and to be patched or redressed for use. Nothing extra on this account will be entertained. Related sections All work related to this specification section should be coordinated with the works described in other specification sections, including: Mortar Joints Pointing Curing 90 Mode of Measurement The finished work shall be measured correct to a centimetre in respect of length and breadth nearest to two places of decimal. Rate The rate shall include the cost of materials and labor required for all the operations described above. NSI – 15: PVC Sheet Flooring General PVC flooring material is normally used for covering floor from decorative point of view in residential and non-residential buildings. This material gives a resilient and non-porous surface which can be easily cleaned with a wet cloth as dust and grime do not penetrate the surface. Since a burning cigarette will damage the neat surface of the PVC sheet, special care should be taken to prevent burning cigarette stumps to come in contact with the PVC flooring materials. It shall be laid on a base that is finished even and smooth such as concrete, metal or timber boarding. Unevenness or undulations in the base will show badly on the surface and are liable to damage the PVC sheets/ tiles. Materials The PVC flooring material shall conform to IS: 3462. It may be in the form of tiles, sheets or rolls as specified. It shall consist a thoroughly blended composition of thermoplastic binder, filler and pigments. The thermoplastic binder shall consist substantially of one or both of the following: Vinyl chloride polymer Vinyl chloride copolymer Thickness The preferred thickness of PVC tiles for normal floor covering shall be 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 4.0mm. Thickness of PVC sheets shall be measured with micrometer of Ratechet type or a dial gauge graduated to 0.02mm. The micrometer shall have flat bearing surfaces of at least 6.5mm diameter at both contract points. For sheets and rolls the thickness of the specimen shall be measured at twenty scattered points. For polystyrene wall tiles, the cavity depth of the test specimen shall be measured at five points taken at random on the rear surface of each tile with a suitable depth gauge. The width of flooring sheets and rolling in continuous length shall be 1000, 1500 and 2000mm. When supplied in rolls the length of the rolls shall not be less than 10 metre. The measurement shall be carried out with a travelling microscope or suitable scale graduated to 0.02mm. Each tile shall be measured for length and width at the three quarter point in each direction. 91 Tolerance Thickness Width (i) 300mm square tiles (ii)600mm square tiles (iii) 900mm square tiles Sheets and rolls + 0.15mm + 0.2mm + 0.4mm + 0.6mm + 0.1 per cent Adhesive Rubber based adhesives are suitable for fixing PVC flooring over concrete, wooden and metal sub-floors. PVA based adhesives shall be used for concrete and wooden sub-floors. PVA based adhesives are not suitable for metallic surfaces and also for locations where there is constant spillage of water. Preparation of Sub-Floors Before laying PVC sheets/ tiles, it is essential to ensure that the base is thoroughly dry and damp proof as evaporation of moisture cannot take place once the PVC flooring is laid. Moisture slowly damages the adhesive resulting in PVC sheet/ tiles being separated from the base and curled up. In case of new work a period of 4 to 8 weeks shall be allowed for drying the sub-floor under normal conditions. Concrete sub-floors on the ground floor shall be laid in two layers. The top of the lower layer of concrete shall be painted with two coats of A-90 gard (conforming to IS:1580) applied at the rate of 1.5 kg/ sqm. The top surface of the lower layer shall be finished smooth while laying the concrete so that the bitumen can be applied uniformly. The bitumen shall be applied after the concrete has set and is sufficiently hard. Bitumen felt conforming to IS:1322 shall be sand-wiched in the sub-floor laid in two layers. In new concrete floor, the smooth finish required shall be produced by using cement slurry spread on fresh concrete floor and finished smooth. If the concrete floor is old and surface not even, the surface should be made smooth by first cleaning it free of all foreign material and then a layer of cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand) of average thickness of 6mm shall be applied on the surface finishing the surface smooth. The finished surface shall be cured for 7 days and then allowed to dry thoroughly. Where it is expected that the dampness may find its way from the surrounding walls, the same shall also be effectively damp-proofed upto atleast 150mm above the level of the subflor and the damp-proof treatment below the floor shall be extended over the walls. Laying and Fixing Prior to laying, the flooring tiles/ rolls/ sheets shall be brought to the temperature of the area in which it is to be laid by stacking in a suitable manner within or near the laying area for a period of about 24 hours. Where air-conditioning is installed, the flooring shall not be laid on the sub-floor until the conditioning units have been in operation for at least seven days. During this period the temperature shall neither fall below 200C nor exceed 300C. These conditions shall be maintained during laying and for 48 hours, thereafter. Before commencing the laying operations, the sub-floor shall be examined for evenness and dryness. The sub-floor shall then be cleaned with a dry cloth. The PVC flooring shall not be laid on a sub-floor unless the sub-floor is perfectly dry. 92 The layout of the PVC flooring on the sub-floor to be covered should be marked with guidelines. The PVC flooring shall be first laid for trial, without using the adhesive, according to the required layout. The adhesive shall be applied by using a notched trowel to the sub-floor and to the back side of the PVC sheet or tile flooring. When set sufficiently for laying, the adhesive shall be sticky to touch, but will not mark the fingers. In general, the adhesive will require about half an hour for setting. It should not be left after setting for too long a period as the adhesive properties will be lost owing to dust films and other causes. Care should be taken while laying the flooring under high humidity conditions so that condensation does not take place of the adhesive. It is preferable to avoid laying under high humidity conditions. The area of adhesive to be spread at one time on the sub-floor depends entirely upon local circumstances. In case of a small room, adhesive may be spread over the entire area but relatively small areas of tiles/ sheets flooring should be treated in a larger room. When the adhesive is just tack free the PVC flooring sheet shall be carefully taken and placed in position from one end onwards slowly so that the air will be completely squeezed out between the sheet and the background surface. After laying the sheet in position, it shall be pressed with suitable roller weighing about 5kg to develop proper contract with the sub-floor. The next sheet with its back side applied with the adhesive shall be laid edge to edge with the sheet already laid and fixed in exactly the same manner as the first sheet was fixed. The sheets shall be laid edge to edge so that there is minimum gap between joints. The alignment should be checked after laying of each row of sheet is completed. If the alignment is not perfect, the sheets may be trimmed by using a straight edge. The tiles shall be fixed in exactly the same manner as for the sheets. It is preferable to start laying of the tiles from the centre of the area. Care should be taken that the tiles are laid close to each other with minimum gap between joints. The tiles should always be lowered in position and pressed firmly on to the adhesive. Care should be taken not to slide them as this may result in adhesive being squeezed up between the joints. PVC tiles after laying shall be rolled with a light wooden roller weighing about 5kg to ensure full contact with the under layer. Any undulations noticed on the PVC surface shall be rectified by removing and relaying the tiles after thorough cleaning of the underside of the affected tiles. The adhesives applied earlier in such places shall be thoroughly removed by using proper solvents and the surface shall be cleaned to remove the traces of solvents used. Work should be constantly checked against guidelines in order to ensure that all the four edges of adjacent tiles meet accurately. Any adhesive which may squeeze up between sheets or tiles should be wiped off immediately with a wet cloth before the adhesive hardens. If, by chance, adhesive dries up and hardens on the surface of the sheet or tile, it should be removed with a suitable solvent. A solution of one part of commercial butyleacetate and three parts of turpentine oil is a suitable solvent for the purpose. A minimum period of 24 hours shall be given after laying the flooring for developing proper bond of the adhesive. During this period, the flooring shall not be put to service. It is preferable to lay the PVC flooring after completion of plastering, painting and other decorative finish works so as to avoid any accidental damage to the flooring. When the flooring has been securely fixed, it shall be cleaned with a wet cloth soaked in warm soap solution (two spoons of soap in 5 litres of warm water). Where the edges of the PVC sheets of tiles are exposed, as for example, in doorways and on stair treads, it is important to provide protection against damage of flooring materials. Metallic edge strips may be used and should be securely fastened to the sub-floor to protect edges of the flooring. 93 Precaution for Maintenance PVC flooring subject to normal usage may be kept clean by mopping with soap solution using a clean damp cloth. Water shall not be poured on the PVC flooring for cleaning purpose as the water may tend to seep through the joins and cause the adhesive to fail. To maintain a good wearing surface a good appearance, the flooring may be periodically polished. When polish is applied frequently, a thick layer builds up which collects dirt and dust and is tacky to walk on. If the traffic is light, the floor shall be given frequent brushing regular polishing by an application of new polish every 4 to 6 weeks. Under moderate traffic conditions the floor shall be given an occasional wash with a wet mop but no detergents shall be used so that the polish is not removed. Application of polish may be done every one to three weeks. PVC flooring should not be over waxed. When this condition develops, the coatings should be cleared off with white spirit or paraffin and a light even coat of polish applied. When the PVC flooring has been polished, it will remain bright for a considerable period if dry mop is applied each day. It is this daily ‘dry polish’ that maintains the glossy surface. After exceptionally heavy traffic PVC flooring should be swept with a hair groom, rubbed with a mop or cloth frequently rinsed in clean water and finally rubbed dry. Measurements Length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm and its area shall be calculated in sqm correct to two places of decimal. No deduction shall be made nor extra paid for voids not exceeding 0.20 sqm. Deductions for ends of dissimilar materials or other articles embedded shall not be made for areas not exceeding 0.10 sqm. Nothing extra shall be paid for providing PVC flooring in borders and margins, irrespective of their width. Rate The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labor involved in all the operations described above, except those described. The rate does not include the cost of sub-floor or damp proof treatment, if any. It also does not include the cost of metallic edge strip to protect edge of flooring, wherever provided, it shall be paid separately. NSI 17: PVC Floor Adhesive General The work shall be of the type specified and the material promptly in accordance with Manufacturers specifications and before starting the work the contractor shall get the sample approved by the Engineer – in –Charge / architect. Materials Providing of 3 mm average thick layer of cementitious salt smoothning compound of Ardex CL-11 or equivalent as recommended by the Vinyl sheet flooring manufacturer over and including a priming compound of Ardex P-51 or equivalent as recommended by the Vinyl sheet flooring manufacturera on concrete surface to provide a smooth & homogenous surface for laying of vinyl sheet flooring complete. 94 Description: Ready to use, rapid drying dispersion primer mainly for the pre-treatment of absorbent, mineral substrates prior to application of cement and calcium sulphate levelling compounds. For use under floor covering and wood flooring installations. For interior and exterior use. Suitable for /on: very absorbent substrates, e.g. cement screeds, rapid cement screeds, cement- /gypsumbased levelling compounds or concrete calcium sulphate screeds gypsum-based substrates, plasterboard or plaster-fibre board renders and brickwork old, well-bonded, waterproof residues of adhesives and levelling compounds heavy wear in domestic, commercial and industrial locations warm water under floor heating systems exposure to castor wheels in accordance with DIN EN 12 529 not suitable as a primer under dispersion wood flooring adhesives as a system component in high-speed construction As a primer prior to application of Ardex cement and cal - cum sulphate levelling compounds as a bonding agent, to reduce absorbency and to bind dust on predominantly absorbent substrates. Can also be used prior to direct adhesion with Ardex dispersion adhesives (not under wood flooring adhesives). Product Properties/Benefits: Water-based dispersion primer with good penetration and surface strengthening properties based on an especially fine-particle synthetic resin hydrosol. Binds surface dust, reduces the absorbency of the substrate, protects moisture- sensitive substrates from the water in levelling compounds and adhesives and avoids too rapid absorption of the mixing water in levelling compounds. Due to its special composition, Ardex is especially quick drying and therefore saves the user from long waiting times. Composition: Modified styrol-acrylate copolymers, wetting- and de-foaming agents, preservatives, water. Ready to use Very rapid drying Penetrates into the substrate Binds surface dust Reduces the absorbency of the substrate Sprayable High-speed construction product Solvent-free Technical Data: Packaging: plastic canister / barrel Packsizes: 5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg, 120 kg Shelf life: min. 12 months Colour liquid / dry: light blue / transparent Consumption: 100 – 150 g/m2 Working temperature: min. 10 °C / 50 °F at floor level Drying time, ready for coating after: 1 – 6 hours* *At 20 °C /68 °F and 65% relative humidity. 95 Substrate Preparation: The subfloor must be sound, load-bearing, dry, free from cracks, clean and free from materials (dirt, oil, grease) that would impair adhesion. Calcium sulphate-screeds must be abraded and vacuumed as a chargeable service, either as a finishing treatment by the screed installer, or as a special project by the installer of the floor covering. Test the subfloor in accordance with applicable standards and notices and report any deficiencies. Brush, abrade, grind or shot-blast to remove any weakly bonded or soft surface sections, e.g. separating agents, loose residues of adhesives, leveling compounds, coverings or paints, etc. Thoroughly vacuum to remove loose mate - rial and dust. Test well-bonded residues of adhesives and levelling compounds to ensure they are waterproof. If not waterproof (water test: adhesive bed dissolves with shortterm exposure to water) use the water- and solventfree 2-Component Epoxy Primer-Sealer Ardex. Always allow primers to dry thoroughly. Refer to the Product Data Sheets for other products used. Application: Before use, allow containers to come to room temperature and shake well – then decant the contents into a clean, oval applicator bucket. Apply a full, even coat of the primer onto the subfloor using the Ardex fine-pored Foam Roller. On very absorbent surfaces, do not pour onto the surface so as to avoid localised saturation; if necessary, a second coat may be required. 3. Clean tools with water immediately after use. Applications Chart: Allow to dry to a clear, transparent, almost tack-free film. Substrate Cement-based substrates hour* Calcium sulphate substrates, gypsum-based substrates, renders Substrates with poor absorbency, e.g. old, grinded, waterproof adhesive residues Consumption Drying Time 100 – 150 g/m2 approx. 100 – 150 g/m2 4 – 6 hours* 100 – 150 g/m2 4 – 6 hours* UZIN gypsum-based leveling 100 – 150 g/m2 Compounds on calcium sulphate Screeds *At 20 °C /68 °F and 65% relative humidity and undiluted primer. 1 1 hour* Mode of Measurement The finished work shall be measured correct to a centimetre. The area shall be calculated in square metre correct to two places of decimal. 96 Rate The rate shall include the cost of materials and labor involved in all operations described above. NSI – 16: PVC Sheet Cladding General PVC flooring material is normally used for covering floor from decorative point of view in residential and non-residential buildings. This material gives a resilient and non-porous surface which can be easily cleaned with a wet cloth as dust and grime do not penetrate the surface. Since a burning cigarette will damage the neat surface of the PVC sheet, special care should be taken to prevent burning cigarette stumps to come in contact with the PVC flooring materials. It shall be laid on a base that is finished even and smooth such as concrete, metal or timber boarding. Unevenness or undulations in the base will show badly on the surface and are liable to damage the PVC sheets/ tiles. Materials The PVC flooring material shall conform to IS: 3462. It may be in the form of tiles, sheets or rolls as specified. It shall consist a thoroughly blended composition of thermoplastic binder, filler and pigments. The thermoplastic binder shall consist substantially of one or both of the following: Vinyl chloride polymer Vinyl chloride copolymer Thickness The preferred thickness of PVC tiles for normal floor covering shall be 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 4.0mm. Thickness of PVC sheets shall be measured with micrometer of Ratechet type or a dial gauge graduated to 0.02mm. The micrometer shall have flat bearing surfaces of at least 6.5mm diameter at both contract points. For sheets and rolls the thickness of the specimen shall be measured at twenty scattered points. For polystyrene wall tiles, the cavity depth of the test specimen shall be measured at five points taken at random on the rear surface of each tile with a suitable depth gauge. The width of flooring sheets and rolling in continuous length shall be 1000, 1500 and 2000mm. When supplied in rolls the length of the rolls shall not be less than 10 metre. The measurement shall be carried out with a travelling microscope or suitable scale graduated to 0.02mm. Each tile shall be measured for length and width at the three quarter point in each direction. Tolerance Thickness Width (i) 300mm square tiles (ii)600mm square tiles + 0.15mm + 0.2mm + 0.4mm 97 (iii) 900mm square tiles Sheets and rolls + 0.6mm + 0.1 per cent Adhesive Rubber based adhesives are suitable for fixing PVC flooring over concrete, wooden and metal sub-floors. PVA based adhesives shall be used for concrete and wooden sub-floors. PVA based adhesives are not suitable for metallic surfaces and also for locations where there is constant spillage of water. Preparation of Sub-Floors Before laying PVC sheets/ tiles, it is essential to ensure that the base is thoroughly dry and damp proof as evaporation of moisture cannot take place once the PVC flooring is laid. Moisture slowly damages the adhesive resulting in PVC sheet/ tiles being separated from the base and curled up. In case of new work a period of 4 to 8 weeks shall be allowed for drying the sub-floor under normal conditions. Concrete sub-floors on the ground floor shall be laid in two layers. The top of the lower layer of concrete shall be painted with two coats of A-90 gard (conforming to IS:1580) applied at the rate of 1.5 kg/ sqm. The top surface of the lower layer shall be finished smooth while laying the concrete so that the bitumen can be applied uniformly. The bitumen shall be applied after the concrete has set and is sufficiently hard. Bitumen felt conforming to IS:1322 shall be sand-wiched in the sub-floor laid in two layers. In new concrete floor, the smooth finish required shall be produced by using cement slurry spread on fresh concrete floor and finished smooth. If the concrete floor is old and surface not even, the surface should be made smooth by first cleaning it free of all foreign material and then a layer of cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand) of average thickness of 6mm shall be applied on the surface finishing the surface smooth. The finished surface shall be cured for 7 days and then allowed to dry thoroughly. Where it is expected that the dampness may find its way from the surrounding walls, the same shall also be effectively damp-proofed upto atleast 150mm above the level of the subflor and the damp-proof treatment below the floor shall be extended over the walls. Laying and Fixing Prior to laying, the flooring tiles/ rolls/ sheets shall be brought to the temperature of the area in which it is to be laid by stacking in a suitable manner within or near the laying area for a period of about 24 hours. Where air-conditioning is installed, the flooring shall not be laid on the sub-floor until the conditioning units have been in operation for at least seven days. During this period the temperature shall neither fall below 200C nor exceed 300C. These conditions shall be maintained during laying and for 48 hours, thereafter. Before commencing the laying operations, the sub-floor shall be examined for evenness and dryness. The sub-floor shall then be cleaned with a dry cloth. The PVC flooring shall not be laid on a sub-floor unless the sub-floor is perfectly dry. The layout of the PVC flooring on the sub-floor to be covered should be marked with guidelines. The PVC flooring shall be first laid for trial, without using the adhesive, according to the required layout. The adhesive shall be applied by using a notched trowel to the sub-floor and to the back side of the PVC sheet or tile flooring. When set sufficiently for laying, the adhesive shall be sticky to touch, but will not mark the fingers. In general, the adhesive will require about half an hour 98 for setting. It should not be left after setting for too long a period as the adhesive properties will be lost owing to dust films and other causes. Care should be taken while laying the flooring under high humidity conditions so that condensation does not take place of the adhesive. It is preferable to avoid laying under high humidity conditions. The area of adhesive to be spread at one time on the sub-floor depends entirely upon local circumstances. In case of a small room, adhesive may be spread over the entire area but relatively small areas of tiles/ sheets flooring should be treated in a larger room. When the adhesive is just tack free the PVC flooring sheet shall be carefully taken and placed in position from one end onwards slowly so that the air will be completely squeezed out between the sheet and the background surface. After laying the sheet in position, it shall be pressed with suitable roller weighing about 5kg to develop proper contract with the sub-floor. The next sheet with its back side applied with the adhesive shall be laid edge to edge with the sheet already laid and fixed in exactly the same manner as the first sheet was fixed. The sheets shall be laid edge to edge so that there is minimum gap between joints. The alignment should be checked after laying of each row of sheet is completed. If the alignment is not perfect, the sheets may be trimmed by using a straight edge. The tiles shall be fixed in exactly the same manner as for the sheets. It is preferable to start laying of the tiles from the centre of the area. Care should be taken that the tiles are laid close to each other with minimum gap between joints. The tiles should always be lowered in position and pressed firmly on to the adhesive. Care should be taken not to slide them as this may result in adhesive being squeezed up between the joints. PVC tiles after laying shall be rolled with a light wooden roller weighing about 5kg to ensure full contact with the under layer. Any undulations noticed on the PVC surface shall be rectified by removing and relaying the tiles after thorough cleaning of the underside of the affected tiles. The adhesives applied earlier in such places shall be thoroughly removed by using proper solvents and the surface shall be cleaned to remove the traces of solvents used. Work should be constantly checked against guidelines in order to ensure that all the four edges of adjacent tiles meet accurately. Any adhesive which may squeeze up between sheets or tiles should be wiped off immediately with a wet cloth before the adhesive hardens. If, by chance, adhesive dries up and hardens on the surface of the sheet or tile, it should be removed with a suitable solvent. A solution of one part of commercial butyleacetate and three parts of turpentine oil is a suitable solvent for the purpose. A minimum period of 24 hours shall be given after laying the flooring for developing proper bond of the adhesive. During this period, the flooring shall not be put to service. It is preferable to lay the PVC flooring after completion of plastering, painting and other decorative finish works so as to avoid any accidental damage to the flooring. When the flooring has been securely fixed, it shall be cleaned with a wet cloth soaked in warm soap solution (two spoons of soap in 5 litres of warm water). Where the edges of the PVC sheets of tiles are exposed, as for example, in doorways and on stair treads, it is important to provide protection against damage of flooring materials. Metallic edge strips may be used and should be securely fastened to the sub-floor to protect edges of the flooring. Precaution for Maintenance PVC flooring subject to normal usage may be kept clean by mopping with soap solution using a clean damp cloth. Water shall not be poured on the PVC flooring for cleaning purpose as the water may tend to seep through the joins and cause the adhesive to fail. To maintain a good wearing surface a good appearance, the flooring may be periodically polished. When polish is applied frequently, a thick layer builds up which collects dirt and dust and is tacky to walk on. 99 If the traffic is light, the floor shall be given frequent brushing regular polishing by an application of new polish every 4 to 6 weeks. Under moderate traffic conditions the floor shall be given an occasional wash with a wet mop but no detergents shall be used so that the polish is not removed. Application of polish may be done every one to three weeks. PVC flooring should not be over waxed. When this condition develops, the coatings should be cleared off with white spirit or paraffin and a light even coat of polish applied. When the PVC flooring has been polished, it will remain bright for a considerable period if dry mop is applied each day. It is this daily ‘dry polish’ that maintains the glossy surface. After exceptionally heavy traffic PVC flooring should be swept with a hair groom, rubbed with a mop or cloth frequently rinsed in clean water and finally rubbed dry. Measurements Length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm and its area shall be calculated in sqm correct to two places of decimal. No deduction shall be made nor extra paid for voids not exceeding 0.20 sqm. Deductions for ends of dissimilar materials or other articles embedded shall not be made for areas not exceeding 0.10 sqm. Nothing extra shall be paid for providing PVC flooring in borders and margins, irrespective of their width. Rate The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labor involved in all the operations described above, except those described. The rate does not include the cost of sub-floor or damp proof treatment, if any. It also does not include the cost of metallic edge strip to protect edge of flooring, wherever provided, it shall be paid separately. NSI – 19: Gypsum Board Wall Paneling Materials 12.5mm thick fully perforated Gypsum Board conforming to IS 2095 (Pt.-I) shall be used. It is lightweight and can be fixed to either side of timber, aluminum or lightweight galvanized metal sections. The partitions are non-load bearing and can easily be assembled at site. Installation The G.I. frame and board partitions shall be fixed as per drawings /nomenclature of the item and directions of Engineer-in-Charge. Jointing & Finishing Joints of the boards are finished with specially formulated Jointing compound and fibre tape to provide seamless finish. Board surface can be decorated with any type of paint, wall paper, wood veneer & hard laminates. Services should be incorporated before commencement of board fixing. Fitting and Fixtures It is easy and simple to attach different fittings to wall panelling boards. Inclined nails can be fixed to the boards itself for light materials. For heavier materials the fastening should be 100 centered on internal stud work or steel or wood frame behind the boards, fixed before boarding. Services should be incorporated before commencement of board fixing. Tolerance Tolerance in dimensions shall be + 5 mm. Measurements Length and breadth of superficial area of the finished work shall be measured correct to a cm. Area shall be calculated in square meter correct to two places of decimal. No deduction will be made of openings of areas upto 0.40 sqm nor shall extra payment be made either for any extra material or labour involved in forming such openings.For openings exceeding 0.40 sqm. in area, deduction in measurements shall be made but extra will be payable for any extra material or labour involved in making such openings. Rate The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operations described above including all scaffolding, staging etc. NSI – 21: Wooden False Ceiling Ceiling Material Ceiling shall be made of 12 mm thick commercial grade ply as base material and 4 mm thick veneer sheet as design/size of required size. Ply shall be painted with oil type wood preservative and finished with two coats of varvish/French polish on both side and edges of approved quality and shade on exposed faces of the tiles. Frame The frame work made of special sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanized with zinc coating of 120 gms/sqm (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277 and consisting of angle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of 27 mm and 37mm, at 1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts other flange of cleat fixed to the angle hangers of 25x10x0.50 mm of required length with nuts & bolts of required size and other end of angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I. channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at the rate of 1200 mm centre to centre to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thick bottom wedge of 80 mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm, at 450 mm centre to centre, shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I. intermediate channel with connecting clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm long G.I. wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mm high having flanges of 20 mm and 30 mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed to wall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm long dry wall screws @ 230 mm interval. Measurements Length & breadth of the finished ceiling shall be measured correct to a centimetre. The area shall be calculated in square metre correct to two decimal places. No deduction shall be 101 made for making openings for electrical, air conditioning, fire fighting fixtures nor shall extra payment be made either for extra materials or labour involved in making such openings. Rate The rate shall include the cost of all the materials and labour involved in all the operation described above including scaffolding etc. NSI – 18: Wooden Wall Panelling General Specified timber shall be used, and it shall be sawn in the direction of the grains. Sawing shall be truly straight and square. The timber shall be planed smooth and accurate to the full dimensions, rebates, roundings, and mouldings as shown in the drawings made, before assembly. Patchings or plugging of, any kind shall not be permitted except as provided. Grounds Grounds shall be provided where so specified. These shall consist of first class hard wood plugs or the class of wood used for fabricating the frames and embedded in the wall with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) and batten of first class hard wood or as specified of size 50 × 25 mm or as specified, fixed over the plugs with 50 mm long wood screws. The plugs shall be spaced at 45 to 60 centimetres centre to centre, depending upon the nature of work. The battens shall be painted with priming coat, of approved wood primer before fixing. Panelling Material: This panelling shall be decorative or non-decorative (Paintable) type as per design and thickness specified by the Engineer-in-Charge, of 12 mm thick commercial ply or as specified in item. Ornamental Work: The ornamental work shall be provided 4 mm thick veneer finish sheet on exposed surface of panelling. Pattern and design shall be as per shop drawing or directed by Engineer-in-charge. Measurements Length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm. Wall panelling shall be measured separately in square metre nearest to two places of decimal. Rate The rate includes the cost of materials and labour required for all the operation described above. NSI – 20: Glass Fibre False Ceiling Ceiling Material Soft Fibre Suspended Ceiling System with Microlook EDGE TILES WITH 15mm Exposed GRID of approved make.The tiles should have Humidity Resistance (RH) of 95%, NRC 0.9 - 102 1.0, Light Reflectance ≥85%, Colour White, Fire Performance UK Class 0 / Class 1 (BS 476 pt - 6 &7) in module size of 600 x 600 x 15mm, suitable for Green Building application, with Recycled content of 66% GW & 74% RW%. The tile shall be laid on 38 with 15 mm wide T section flanges colour white having rotary stitching on all T sections i.e. the Main Runner, 1200 mm & 600 mm Cross Tees with a web height of 38mm and a load carrying capacity of 14 Kgs/M2. The T Sections have a Galvanizing of 90 grams per M2. The Tile & Grid system used together should carry a 15 year warranty INSTALLATION To comprise main runner spaced at 1200mm centers securely fixed to the structural soffit using suspension system at 1200mm maximum centre. The First/Last suspension system at the end of each main runner should not be greater than 450mm from the adjacent wall. Flush fitting 1200mm long cross tees to be interlocked between main runners at 600mm centre to form 1200 x 600 mm module. Cut cross tees longer than 600mm require independent support. 600 x 600mm module to be formed by fitting 600mm long flush fitting cross tees centrally between the 1200 mm cross tees. Perimeter trim to be wall angles of size 3000x19x19mm, secured to walls at 450 mm maximum centres. SUSPENSION SYSTEM Accessories manufactured and supplied by approved manufacturers consisting of M6 Anchor Fasteners with Vertical Hangers made of Galvanised steel of size 26 x 26 x 25 x 1.2mm with a Galvanised Thickness of 80gsm, A pre Straightened Hanger wire of dia – 2.68 mm of 1.83 m length., thickness of 80gsm and a tensile strength of 344-413 MPa, along with Adjustable hook clips of 0.8mm thick, galvanised spring steel for 2.68 mm with a minimum pull strength of 110 kg. The adjustable clip also consists of a 3.5 mm aquiline wire to be used with the main runner Measurements Length & breadth of the finished ceiling shall be measured correct to a centimetre. The area shall be calculated in square metre correct to two decimal places. No deduction shall be made for making openings for electrical, air conditioning, fire fighting fixtures nor shall extra payment be made either for extra materials or labour involved in making such openings. Rate The rate shall include the cost of all the materials and labour involved in all the operation described above including scaffolding etc. Special Condition of Contract for Green Building The project is being designed to attain GRIHA- 3 star rating. The contractor has to maintain all the clauses mentioned below and also maintain the necessary documentation of the various works. Nothing extra shall be paid on account of these requirements. Following are the contractor’s responsibilities but not limited to: The contractor to submit the Project Management Plan showing the material storing yard, Batching Plant , facilities for labour ( Accommodation, toilets etc),approach roads, site office of owner, PMC and Contractor, location for 103 preservation of top soil, staging and spill prevention measures, erosion and sedimentation control measures etc. The plan should be such that area of disturbance should be minimum and get the same planned prior to start of work at site. 1. PRESERVE AND PROTECT LANDSCAPE DURING CONSTRUCTION 1.1 Collection, storage and reapplication of topsoil 1.1.1 1.1.2 Soil Test has to be carried out and also soil baring test needs to be carried out. Contractor to ensure that the soil on -site is protected from erosion in accordance with NBC 2005 – Part 10 – Landscaping, Signs and Outdoor Display Structures, Section 1 – Landscape planning and design, Subsection 4 – Protection of landscape during construction) This should be done from areas likely to be disturbed by construction activities (especially in cases where the site area is larger than 10 000 m2), topsoil should be stripped to a depth of 20 cm from the areas proposed for buildings, roads, paved areas, and external services. It should be stockpiled to a height of 40 cm in designated areas and reapplied during plantation of the proposed vegetation. The topsoil should be separated from the subsoil debris and stones larger than 50 mm in diameter. The adjoining areas shall be barricaded to prevent construction activities damaging the surrounding areas. 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 1.5.1 Sedimentation basin Sedimentation basin, a temporary dam or basin at the lowest convenient point of the site should be constructed for collecting, trapping, and storing sediment produced by the construction activities. A flow-detention facility must also be constructed for reducing peak run-off rates. This would allow most of the sediments to settle before the run-off is directed towards the outfall. Contour trenching Contour trenching is an earth embankment or ridge-and-channel arrangement constructed parallel to the contours, along the face of the slope, at regular intervals on the lengths and slopes greater than 10% (1:10). They are used for reducing run-off velocity, increasing the distance of overland run-off flow. They are also used to hold moisture and minimize sediment loading of surface run-off. Mulching Mulch is a protective layer of material that is spread on the top of the soil, which can either be organic (such as grass clippings, straw, bark chips, and similar materials) or inorganic, (such as stones and brick chips). Mulching should be used with seedings and plantings on steep slopes (slopes>33%). Steep slopes are prone to heavy erosion and, therefore, netting or anchoring should be used to hold it in place. Topsoil improvement Topsoil needs to be tested before preservation to ensure that it is worth preserving, and will help conserve resources and money in the long run. 104 1.5.2 The soil should be tested at a laboratory accredited by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) for primary plant nutrient and pH. In case the soil test conducted yields a result that is not up to the requisite standard, then adequate measures need to be adopted to ensure that the fertility of the soil is restored to a usable level as per the direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 1.6 Preservation of existing Trees and preventing damage to the same During Construction During construction, protection of existing vegetation (including trees, shrubs, grasses and other plants) where possible, by preventing disturbance or damage to specified areas is recommended. This practice minimizes the amount of bare soil exposed to erosive forces. Trees retained on the project site shall be protected during the construction period as per National Building Code – Part 10: Landscaping, signs, and outdoor display structures. Copy of permission letter to be provided for cutting of trees 1.7 1.7.1 Documentation Site plan showing staging and spill prevention measures, erosion and sedimentation control measures. 1.7.2 Document to be submitted after completion of the project, a brief description along with photographic records to show that other areas have not been disrupted during construction. The document should also include brief explanation and photographic records to show erosion and sedimentation control measures adopted. (Document CAD drawing showing site plan details of existing vegetation, existing buildings, existing slopes and site drainage pattern, staging and spill prevention measures, erosion and sedimentation control measures and measures adopted for top soil preservation during construction). 1.7.3 Site plan (one CAD drawing) along with a narrative to demarcate areas on site from which topsoil has to be gathered, designate area where it will be stored, measures adopted for topsoil preservation. 1.7.4 Obtaining Certificate from landscape architect confirming proper protection and preservation of existing trees during construction process. 1.7.5 Landscape plan, clearly highlighting the areas where trees were removed (indicating the number of trees), if applicable, with the number of replanted trees in the proportion of 1:3 in the proposed landscape design. List details about species, which existed, and the species that have been replanted on-site. 1.7.6 Narrative explanation about the methods of soil stabilization used, wherever required, accompanied by photographs with brief description. 1.7.7 Certificate by the landscape architect on topsoil laying, soil stabilization, and adequate primary soil nutrient and pH [(supported by test results performed at Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)–accredited laboratory]. 105 2. PROVIDE MINIMUM LEVEL OF SANITATION/SAFETY FACILITIES FOR CONSTRUCTION WORKERS 2.1.1 Drinking water facility provided for workers, all such points shall be legibly marked "Drinking Water" in a language understood by a majority of the persons employed in such place and no such point shall be situated within six meters of any washing place, urinal or latrine. Contractor shall provide minimum level of sanitation facilities and ensure safety of construction workers as per guidelines given in The National Building Code of India (Latest version). Toilets provided for workers, the temporary accommodation provided shall have separate cooking place, bathing, washing and lavatory facilities. Provision for crèche if female workers: Such rooms shall- provide adequate accommodation; be adequately lighted and ventilated; be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition; be under the charge of women trained in the care of children and infants. To provide and maintain in every place wherein not less than two hundred and fifty 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 building workers are ordinarily employed a canteen for the use of the workers; 2.1.5 2.1.6 Safety helmets, vests, boots and safety harness should be provided mandatorily. In case of any death or injury on the site, by reason of which the person injured is prevented from working for the period of forty- eight hours or more immediately following the accident, or which is of such a nature as may be prescribed. 2.2 Documentation Contractor shall take regular photographs showing the health, safety and sanitaion measure followed during construction and maintain the record of the same. Contractor shall submit the detailed narrative on provision for safe drinking water and sanitation facility for construction workers and site personnel accompanied by the photographs taken at regular intervals during construction. 3 REDUCE AIR POLLUTION DURING CONSTRUCTION Contractor shall prepare a dust and air pollution control plan and get the same approved by Engineer-In-Charge prior to start of construction. 3.1.1 Barricading Temporary and permanent barricading shall be provided in height around construction area of either full brick wall or dust screens, sheeting or netting has to be provided along the sides of existing building and road. Wheel Washing Pit Construct and maintain the wheel washing pit to prevent erosion by construction vehicles at all entrances of the site. 3.1.2 3.1.3 Water spraying Use water as a dust suppressant. Spray water over areas where demolition work is being carried out. Ensure that all vehicles and gensets use cleaner fossil fuels like ultra low sulphur diesel. 3.2 Cover and enclosure Cover all loose stored material with geotextile or any impervious fabric or covering. 106 Cover all dusty loads on vehicles with impervious sheeting before they enter or exit the site. Store loose materials in enclosed spaces. Provide wind barriers or fences or wind breakers around the area where loose soil, sand, etc., are stored. Store materials on site in an area away from sensitive areas surrounding the site like schools, hospitals, etc. All gensets should be maintained properly. The gensets used on site should meet the recommended pollution norms. Minimum stack height should be provided for all gensets based on height of the building and capacity of the gensets The contractor shall submit the narrative document with support of site photographs demonstrating implementation of actual measure and a short description of each measure. 3.3 4 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9 Documentation Contractor to submit the narrative (not more than 300 words) explaining the air pollution preventive measures that have been adopted on-site. Site photographs showing different stages of construction along with preventive measures to support of the same. EFFICIENT WATER USE DURING CONSTRUCTION Contractor shall use curing compound for curing the concrete as per the specifications mentioned elsewhere in the tender document. Curing water should be sprayed on concrete structures; free flow of water should not be allowed for curing. After liberal curing on the first day, all concrete structures should be painted with curing chemical to save water. This will stop daily water curing hence save water. Concrete structures should be covered with thick cloth/gunny bags and then water should be sprayed on them. This would avoid water rebound and will ensure sustained and complete curing. Ponds should be made using cement and sand mortar to avoid water flowing away from the flat surface while curing. Water ponding should be done on all sunken slabs Adequate provision for recycling of waste water generated on site during construction activities. Adequate storage provision for rain-water and reuse on site. Recycled treated water to be used for curing 4.2 Documentation Contractor to submit the narrative explaining the efficient water use during construction accompanied by regular photographs of curing showing the use of concrete compound as per the direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 5 USE OF LOW-VOC PAINTS/ADHESIVES/SEALANTS Contractor to ensure that all the Adhesives, Sealants, Paints and Coatings used in the project have a VOC level within the following limits. Maintain Proper documentation in the form of manufacturer cut sheets, technical data sheets, and lab test reports as conformation for compliance.100% of all paints should be under 107 the provided VOC limits for paints and to use use solvent-based sealants and adhesives. Paint applications Interior coating Non Flat < 150 Exterior Coating Anti Corrosive water–based rather than VOC limits (g of VOC per lt) Flat <50 Flat <200 Non Flat <100 Gloss/semi gloss/flat < 250 6 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION: Contractor needs to take measures to ensure that the storm water runoff during construction does not exceed the runoff before construction. To this effect there is need to provide rain water recharge pits right around the periphery of the site & have rain water harvesting wells to capture rain water and then filter all suspended solids and other materials before recharge into the earth. 7.1 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT REDUCTION IN WASTE DURING CONSTRUCTION 7.1.1 Separate bins to be constructed for storage of sand and aggregate. 7.1.2 Separate bins to be constructed for storage of construction waste like scrape steel, cement debris, empty cement bags, paint buckets etc and other construction wastes. 7.1.3 Hazardous wastes like spent diesel and batteries be also sold to designated vendors 7.1.4 Spent diesel shall not be reused as shuttering oil or for any other construction purpose. 7.2 Documentation Contractor to submit the narrative indicating the quantum of waste generated during construction and storage facility for segregated inert and hazardous waste before recycling and disposal accompanied by necessary documents and photographs. Contractor to submit the layout (showing the location & capacity) and photo of the storage facility for segregated inert and hazardous waste Contractor to ensure that a plan is in place to ensure that more than 75% of the waste generated by weight or volume, on-site due to construction activities is either reused, recycled or sold as scrap and is diverted from going into landfills. Contractor to submit the proper records/documents in the form of logs, photographs, gate passes, hauler certificates, etc. for compliance of the same. Contractor to submit the proper records/documents in the form of logs, photographs, gate passes, hauler certificates, etc. for compliance of the same. 8 RECYCLED CONTENT IN MATERIALS Contractor to submit the letters confirming the recycled content (post-consumer and pre-consumer) in the materials from the manufacturers. Recycled content in the various materials is given below: a. Glass- Minimum recycled content of 10-15% 108 b. c. d. e. Steel – Minimum recycled content of 25% Gypsum Board- Minimum recycled content of 20-25% Aluminium - Minimum recycled content of 25% Flysash in AAC Blocks, Cement Plaster, RMC- Minimum recycled content of 25-50% Contractor to maintain documentation records in the form of Manufacturer cutsheets, Technical data sheets and/or test reports to confirm compliance of the same. Post‐consumer material is defined as waste material generated by households or by commercial, industrial and institutional facilities in their role as end‐users of the product, which can no longer be used for its intended purpose. Pre‐consumer material is defined as material diverted from the waste stream during the manufacturing process. Excluded is reutilization of materials such as rework, regrind or scrap generated in a process and capable of being reclaimed within the same process that generated it. 9 10 REGIONAL MATERIALS Contractor to procure materials which are extracted, harvested or recovered and manufactured/ processed within a 250mile (400km) radius of the project site as far as possible and ensure that more than 20% of the materials by cost are extracted, harvested or recovered and manufactured / processed regionally within a 250mile (400km) radius. Contractor to maintain and submit documentation records in the form of Manufacturer letters indicating the place of manufacture/process and place of raw material extraction/harvesting and the distance of both from the project site to ensure compliance with the above. COMPOSITE WOOD AND AGRIFIBER PRODUCTS Composite wood and agrifiber products used in the interior of the building must contain no added urea-formaldehyde resins. Composite wood and agrifiber products are defined as: particleboard, medium density fibreboard (MDF), plywood, wheat board, strawboard, panel substrates and door cores. Substitute resins include Phenol Formaldehyde, Melamine Formaldehyde or Epoxy resins Contractor to submit and maintain proper documentation in the form of manufacture cut sheets, technical data sheets, lab test reports indicating the resin used for all composite wood and agrifiber products as conformation for compliance. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS –GRIHA In order to comply with the criterion laid down by GRIHA following mandatory practices shall be followed by the contractor. In addition the tender rates shall be deemed to include the following: A. The contractor shall comply with safety procedures, norms and guidelines (as applicable) as outlined in the Doc No. CED 46(6086), July 2003: Draft National Building Code of India: Part 7 Constructional practices and safety, issued by Bureau of Indian Standards. I. Site Boundary Boundary shall be fenced with an opaque material which shall not allow air pollution and soil erosion due to wind. Temporary and permanent barricading shall be provided 109 in height around construction area of either full brick wall or dust screens, sheeting or netting has to be provided along the sides of existing building and road. II. • • • • • III. • • Site preparation Clear vegetation only from the areas where work will start right away Vegetate / mulch areas where vehicles don’t ply. Mulch is a protective layer of material that is spread on the top of the soil, which can either be organic (such as grass clippings, straw, bark chips, and similar materials) or inorganic, (such as stones and brick chips). Mulching should be used with seedings and plantings on steep slopes (slopes>33%). Steep slopes are prone to heavy erosion and, therefore, netting or anchoring should be used to hold it in place. Apply gravel to the area where mulching/paving is impractical Identify roads on site that would be used for vehicular traffic. Add surface gravel to reduce source of dust emission Limit vehicular speed on site to 10 km/hour Existing Site Features Conserve existing natural areas or existing natural features on site such as water bodies, trees etc to integrate in the design and to provide habitat and promote biodiversity Carry out a comprehensive site analysis to identify site characteristics that can be used to harness natural resources (like solar energy, wind, and water) and the potential qualities of the landforms that could contribute to making different areas of the site visually and thermally more comfortable for users. Locate various activities of the scheme after careful site analysis and assessment so as to protect ecologically sensitive areas and reduce damage to the natural ecosystem IV. A. Preserve and protect existing vegetation on site • Inventory of existing vegetation including the number of trees and native shrub coverage and their species types. This has to be done before any construction activity starts on site • Preserve existing mature trees on‐site during the course of construction by preserving and transplanting them. Preservation and protection of existing vegetation by non‐disturbance or damage to specified site areas is recommended. Site vegetation includes trees, shrubs, grasses and other plants. Where ever possible, existing site vegetation has to be included in the landscape design of the site. This practice enables retention of fully‐grown mature trees and also reduces avoidable erosion of bare soil • The contractor shall undertake the responsibility to ensure that the site is not ‘levelled’ or ‘cleared’ before undertaking this study • Site plan, with photographs, clearly highlighting the trees and native shrub coverage that is protected, transplanted or removed has to be recorded or maintained by the site engineer B. Procedure to Monitor and Protect Site Vegetation • All existing vegetation shall be marked on a site survey plan 110 • • • C. • • • • D. • • • • • V. A. • B. • • • A vegetation survey in the prescribed format shall be carried out by an accredited landscape architect and attached to the site survey plan The above specifications to be implemented at site as per NBC part 10 – Landscaping, Signs and outdoor display Copy of permission letter to be provided for cutting of trees. Transplanting Existing Trees on Site If trees have to be removed from their location or have to be felled for any of the above reasons, efforts should be made to transplant them as much as possible. For this Large trees identified for transplantation should be replanted at a different location immediately Young trees or saplings identified for transplantation can be uprooted and preserved for replanting after the completion of construction. Young trees are those that have a height less than 2 m, and a 0.1 m trunk girth at 1 m height from ground, and a 2 m crown diameter Non Applicability condition: Sites that are devoid of trees Compensatory Plantation on Site Where trees cannot be transplanted due technical and economical reasons, compensatory plantation has to be undertaken on the site. Compensate the loss of vegetation (trees) due to the construction activity by compensatory plantation. Replant the same number of mature or fully grown trees as eliminated during the construction of the proposed landscape design. Replant the same, native and/or noninvasive species, which existed on the site before elimination in the proportion of 1:3. Plant in excess of 25% to the minimum required within the site premises The above specifications to be implemented at site as per NBC part 10 – Landscaping, Signs and outdoor display Construction management process requirements Timing of construction Select proper timing for the construction activity to minimize site disturbance such as soil pollution due to spilling of the construction material and its mixing with rainwater Staging Staging is dividing a construction area into two or more areas to minimize the area of soil that will be exposed at any given time. Staging should be done to separate undisturbed land from land disturbed by construction activity and material storage Use staging and spill prevention and control plan to restrict the spilling of the contaminated material on site Specify and limit construction activity in pre‐planned/designated areas 111 C. Soil erosion and sedimentation control measures • Soil Test has to be carried out and also soil baring test needs to be carried out. Topsoil needs to be tested before preservation to ensure that it is worth preserving, and will help conserve resources and money in the long run. • The soil should be tested at a laboratory accredited by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) for primary plant nutrient and pH. In case the soil test conducted yields a result that is not up to the requisite standard, then adequate measures need to be adopted to ensure that the fertility of the soil is restored to a usable level as per the direction of Engineer-In-Charge. • Preserve topsoil by employing measures as following ‐ Contractor to ensure that the soil on -site is protected from erosion in accordance with NBC 2005 – Part 10 – Landscaping, Signs and Outdoor Display Structures, Section 1 – Landscape planning and design, Subsection 4 – Protection of landscape during construction) • • • D. • • • • Protect the top soil from erosion. Use collection storage and reapplication of the top soil, sediment basin, contour trenching, mulching, soil stabilization methods to protect the top soil from erosion during construction Measures shall be followed for collecting drainage water runoff from construction areas and material storage sites through temporary drainage trenches, silt fences, bio‐infiltration ponds or structural controls such as sedimentation tank or water collection chambers to reuse water for curing etc. The Contractor shall construct Sedimentation basin, a temporary dam or basin at the lowest convenient point of the site. This should be constructed for collecting, trapping, and storing sediment produced by the construction activities, together with a flow detention facility for reducing peak runoff rates. This would allow most of the sediments to settle before the runoff is directed towards the outfall Soil conservation (till post-construction) Proper topsoil laying, stabilization of the soil, and maintenance of adequate fertility of the soil to support vegetative growth. The top soil conservation should be done from areas likely to be disturbed by construction activities (especially in cases where the site area is larger than 10 000 m2), topsoil should be stripped to a depth of 20 cm from the areas proposed for buildings, roads, paved areas, and external services. It should be stockpiled to a height of 40 cm in designated areas and reapplied during plantation of the proposed vegetation. The topsoil should be separated from the subsoil debris and stones larger than 50 mm in diameter. The adjoining areas shall be barricaded to prevent construction activities damaging the surrounding areas Non applicability condition proposed (for top soil preservation only): Contaminated sites/sites that do not have good quality top soil (as per soil test report) that is considered worth storing for reuse. Soil test has to be carried out as per criteria 3 and 112 VI. • • the test report has to be endorsed by the landscape architect. The landscape architect has to provide certificate that the top soil is not worth storing for landscaping purposes and cannot be restored to applicable standard Reduce air pollution during construction The contractor shall undertake the responsibility to prevent air pollution dust and smoke; ensure that there will be adequate water supply / storage for dust suppression; devise and arrange methods of working and carrying out the work in such a manner as to minimize the impact of dust on the surrounding environment, and provide experienced personnel with suitable training to ensure that these methods of working, plant, equipment and air pollution control system to be used on the site should be made available for the inspection and approval of the engineer‐in‐charge of construction to ensure that these are suitable for the project The contractor shall comply to CPCB standards to prevent air pollution, dust and smoke on the site. These standards shall be applicable to the use of DG sets during construction and the stack height of the DG stack to control air pollution should be as per the CPCB standards Site maintenance policies should include ‐ A. Water spraying. • This will be done by wetting the surface by spraying water on‐ • Any dusty materials before transferring, loading, and unloading. • Areas where demolition work is being carried out • Any unpaved main haul road • Areas where excavation or earth‐moving activities are to be carried out B. • • • • • • VII. • • Cover and Enclosure Providing hoardings/ GI sheet barricading of not less than 3m high along the site boundary, next to a road or other public area. An existing brick boundary wall exists at site on some sides. The Contractor shall be required to erect a GI sheet barricading over the same Providing dust screens, sheeting or netting along the perimeter of a building Covering fully stockpile of dusty material with impervious sheeting Covering dusty load on vehicles by impervious sheeting before they leave the site. Transferring, handling/storing dry loose materials like bulk cement, dry pulverized fly ash inside a totally enclosed system Stack height of the DG stack to control air pollution should be as per the CPCB standards Reduce Noise Pollution during construction on site To use appropriate noise controls for providing acceptable levels of outdoor and indoor noise levels to enhance comfort ensure that the outdoor noise level conforms to the Central Pollution Control Board‐ Environmental Standards‐Noise (ambient standards) The report on measured average ambient noise level at site‐ Noise measurement should be conducted by an organization recognized by a competent authority and it should follow procedures laid down by a competent authority. 113 • • VIII. • • • IX. • • • • • • • • • • o X. • Mechanical, electrical, air conditioning, heating and mechanical ventilation and other services if are provided ‐noise control measures should be incorporated during the design and installation of such services to adhere to the recommended outdoor and indoor noise criteria for the kind of occupancy Some basic techniques to achieve the same are given in National Building Code, Part ‐ VIII, Section 4, Annex G Aggregate Utility corridors Use aggregate utility corridors Consolidate utility corridors along the previously disturbed areas or along new roads, in order to minimize unnecessary cutting and trenching and to ensure easy maintenance. Local codes and requirements for water, sewer, and electrical/telecommunication lines should be considered. Consolidate services, pedestrian, and automobile paths Efficient Water Use during Construction Minimize use of potable water during construction activity by‐ Controlling wastes of curing water To avoid wastage of curing water, follow the following guidelines Curing water should be sprayed on concrete structures; free flow of water shall not be allowed. After liberal curing on the first day, all concrete structures shall be painted with curing chemical to save water. This will stop daily water curing hence save water. (to be covered under tender items) Concrete structure shall be covered with thick cloth/gunny bags and then water should be sprayed on them. This would avoid water rebound and ensure sustained and complete curing. Ponds shall be made using cement and sand mortar to avoid water flow away from the flat surface while curing (to be covered under tender items) Water ponding shall be done on all sunken slabs; this would also highlight the importance of having an impervious formwork. Use recycled treated water Storm water management during construction Contractor needs to take measures to ensure that the storm water runoff during construction does not exceed the runoff before construction. To this effect there is need to provide rain water recharge pits right around the periphery of the site & have rain water harvesting wells to capture rain water and then filter all suspended solids and other materials before recharge into the earth. Utilization of flyash in building structure Fly ash use in RC: Minimum 15% replacement of cement with fl y ash by weight of cement used in the total structural concrete. Provide supporting document from the manufacturer of the cement specifying the fly ash content in PPC used in reinforced concrete. 114 • • XI. XII XIII For use of fly ash in building blocks of load bearing and non-load bearing wall: Minimum 40% replacement of cement with fl y ash by weight, for 100% load bearing and non‐load bearing walls. Provide supporting document from the manufacturer of the pre‐cast building blocks specifying the fl y ash content of the blocks used in an infill wall system. For use of fl y ash in plaster and masonry mortar: Minimum 30% use of fl y ash in place of cement by weight in overall plaster and mortar requirement. Provide supporting document from the manufacturer of the cement/ready mix concrete, specifying the fly ash content in PPC used in plaster and masonry mortar Use of low VOC paints adhesives and sealants Contractor to ensure that all the Adhesives, Sealants, Paints and Coatings used in the project have a VOC level within the following limits. Maintain Proper documentation in the form of manufacturer cut sheets, technical data sheets, and lab test reports as conformation for compliance. 100% of all paints should be under the provided VOC limits for paints and to use water–based rather than solvent-based sealants and adhesives. Paint applications VOC limits (g of VOC per lt) Interior coating Flat <50 Non Flat < 150 Exterior Coating Flat <200 Non Flat <100 Anti Corrosive Gloss/semi gloss/flat < 250 Recycled Content in materials Contractor to submit the letters confirming the recycled content (post-consumer and pre-consumer) in the materials from the manufacturers. Recycled content in the various materials is given below: f. Glass- Minimum recycled content of 10-15% g. Steel – Minimum recycled content of 25% h. Gypsum Board- Minimum recycled content of 20-25% i. Aluminium - Minimum recycled content of 25% j. Flysash in AAC Blocks, Cement Plaster, RMC- Minimum recycled content of 25-50% Contractor to maintain documentation records in the form of Manufacturer cut-sheets, Technical data sheets and/or test reports to confirm compliance of the same. Post‐consumer material is defined as waste material generated by households or by commercial, industrial and institutional facilities in their role as end‐users of the product, which can no longer be used for its intended purpose. Pre‐consumer material is defined as material diverted from the waste stream during the manufacturing process. Excluded is reutilization of materials such as rework, regrind or scrap generated in a process and capable of being reclaimed within the same process that generated it. Regional Materials Contractor to procure materials which are extracted, harvested or recovered and manufactured/ processed within a 250mile (400km) radius of the project site as far as possible and ensure that more than 20% of the materials by cost are extracted, harvested or recovered and manufactured / processed regionally within a 250mile (400km) radius. 115 Contractor to maintain and submit documentation records in the form of Manufacturer letters indicating the place of manufacture/process and place of raw material extraction/harvesting and the distance of both from the project site to ensure compliance with the above. XIV. • • XV. • • • • • • • Reduce volume and weight and time of construction by adopting efficient technologies Structural application Use of low‐energy technologies in structural application clearly demonstrating a minimum 5% reduction in high energy materials such as cement, concrete, steel, sand, bricks by absolute volume when compared with equivalent products for the same application, for 100% structural system used in a building, meeting the equivalent strength requirements. For e.g. Post tensioned systems, precast systems etc. Non-structural application Use of low‐energy technologies/materials (not based on the utilization of industrial waste), which are used for non‐structural applications such as infi ll wall system and cause a minimum 5% reduction in the use of high‐energy materials such as cement, concrete, steel, and so on. by absolute volume when compared with equivalent products for the same application, for 100% infill wall system used in a building, meeting the equivalent strength requirements. For e.g. light weight concrete blocks over dense concrete blocks, pre‐cast brick panels, composite ferrocement walling, interlocking concrete blocks etc Reduction in the Waste during Construction The contractor is required to develop Waste Management Programme (WMP) during the construction of the project for his works, which may include: ‐ The Contractor shall ensure maximum recovery and safe disposal of wastes generated during construction and reduce the burden on landfill. Employ measures to segregate the waste at site into inert, chemical, or hazardous wastes. For this the contractor shall construct separate coloured bins for collection of different categories of waste at site and maintain strict discipline among the labour in segregating the waste. The Contractor shall recycle the unused chemical/ hazardous wastes such as oil, paint, batteries and asbestos. The Contractor shall dispose off the inert waste by Municipal Corporation at landfill sites. Recycle the hazardous waste and dispose the inert waste to municipal approved landfill sites. Minimize factors that contribute to waste such as over‐packaging, improper storage, ordering errors, poor planning, breakage, mishandling, and contamination of construction materials. For waste volumes generated, identify and institute reuse, salvage and recycle opportunities whenever economics and logistics allow Develop and institute a construction waste management plan that identifies proposed deconstruction and salvage opportunities, on‐site reprocessing and reuse opportunities 116 XVI. • • • XVII. • • A. • • • Storage of materials and equipment at site The Contractor shall, at his own cost, provide adequate storage sheds and yards at the Site, at locations pre‐approved by the Engineer, for all materials and equipment that are to be incorporated in the Work. This shall be for all the materials and equipment, supplied by the Contractor or any Sub‐Contractor or supplied by the Employer / Engineer In addition to being watertight and weatherproof, the storage facilities shall be of such a manner that all the materials and equipments are adequately protected in every way from any deterioration or contamination or damage whatsoever, to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. The method of storing of all the materials and equipment shall be in conformity with the Specifications and/or to the directions and instructions of the Engineer. At no time shall any material or equipment be stored in open or in contact with the ground. Should any of the materials or equipment deteriorate or be contaminated or damaged in any way due to improper storage or for any other reason than such materials and equipment shall not be incorporated in the Work and shall be removed forthwith from the Site and the replacement of all such materials and equipment shall be entirely at the cost and expense of the Contractor Wherever applicable the storage of materials shall be in accordance with the relevant Indian Standard Specifications Provide at least the minimum level of accessibility for persons with disabilities as applicable Ensure access to facilities and services by adopting appropriate site planning to eliminate barriers as per the recommended standards (NBC 2005 [BIS 2005f], layout and designing of interior and exterior facilities as per principles of universal design such as prescribed by the National Building Code of India, building management policies and procedures, provision of auxiliary aids and appliances, and staff training in disability awareness, and Comply with planning and design guidelines as outlined in NBC 2005 Annex D (Clause 12.21) (BIS 2005f ) Documentation Site plan showing staging and spill prevention measures, erosion and sedimentation control measures. Document to be submitted after completion of the project, a brief description along with photographic records to show that other areas have not been disrupted during construction. The document should also include brief explanation and photographic records to show erosion and sedimentation control measures adopted. (Document CAD drawing showing site plan details of existing vegetation, existing buildings, existing slopes and site drainage pattern, staging and spill prevention measures, erosion and sedimentation control measures and measures adopted for top soil preservation during construction). Site plan (one CAD drawing) along with a narrative to demarcate areas on site from which topsoil has to be gathered, designate area where it will be stored, measures adopted for topsoil preservation. 117 • Obtaining Certificate from landscape architect confirming proper protection and preservation of existing trees during construction process. • Landscape plan, clearly highlighting the areas where trees were removed (indicating the number of trees), if applicable, with the number of replanted trees in the proportion of 1:3 in the proposed landscape design. List details about species, which existed, and the species that have been replanted on-site. Narrative explanation about the methods of soil stabilization used, wherever required, accompanied by photographs with brief description. Certificate by the landscape architect on topsoil laying, soil stabilization, and adequate primary soil nutrient and pH [(supported by test results performed at Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)–accredited laboratory]. Contractor shall take regular photographs showing the health, safety and sanitaion measure followed during construction and maintain the record of the same. • • • • • Contractor shall submit the detailed narrative on provision for safe drinking water and sanitation facility for construction workers and site personnel accompanied by the photographs taken at regular intervals during construction. Contractor to submit the narrative (not more than 300 words) explaining the air pollution preventive measures that have been adopted on-site. Site photographs showing different stages of construction along with preventive measures to support of the same. • Contractor to submit the narrative indicating the quantum of waste generated during construction and storage facility for segregated inert and hazardous waste before recycling and disposal accompanied by necessary documents and photographs. • Contractor to submit the layout (showing the location & capacity) and photo of the storage facility for segregated inert and hazardous waste • Contractor to ensure that a plan is in place to ensure that more than 75% of the waste generated by weight or volume, on-site due to construction activities is either reused, recycled or sold as scrap and is diverted from going into landfills. • Contractor to submit the proper records/documents in the form of logs, photographs, gate passes, hauler certificates, etc. for compliance of the same. XVIII. Orientation Workshop & Due Diligence: - Contractor to arrange travelling , lodging , fooding & other logistics support required for Orientation Workshop & Due Diligence of project by the GRIHA Team as and when required. 118 FIRE FIGHTING - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FIRE HYDRANT SYSTEM AND SPRINKLER SYSTEM 1. SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipment and appliances necessary and required to completely install wet riser fire hydrant and sprinkler system as required by the drawings and specified hereinafter or given in the Schedule of Quantities. 1.2 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the work shall include but not limited to the following:a) a) Piping for wet riser hydrant systems and for yard hydrants. Landing valves, canvas hose pipes, hose reels, hose cabinets & connections to mains. b) Fully automatic sprinkler system d) Isolation valves, non-return valves, installation valves, flow control switches and accessories. 2. GENERAL 2.1 All materials shall be new of the best quality conforming to the specifications and subject to the approval of the Project Manager. 2.2 Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or in slopes as required in a neat workmanlike manner. 2.3 Pipes shall be fixed in a manner as to provide easy accessibility for repair and maintenance and shall not cause obstruction in shafts, passages etc. 2.4 Pipes shall be securely fixed to walls, and ceilings by suitable clamps at intervals specified. Only approved type of anchor fasteners shall be used for RCC ceilings and walls. 2.5 Valves and other appurtenances shall be so located that they are easily accessible for operations, repairs and maintenance. 2.6 The rules and regulations of Local Fire Authority as per the statutory regulations applicable for obtaining the occupation certificate from the Local Development / Fire Authority. 2.7 Drawings issued with the tenders are schematic and indicate the concept. Contractor shall make his shop drawings on basis of Architectural and Interior design drawings issued by the Engineer-in-Charge. Work will be executed only as per approved shop drawings. 2.8 It is the contractor's responsibility to ensure the competence of design to meet the above requirements. 119 3 PIPES All pipes within and outside the building in exposed locations and shafts including connections buried under floor shall be M.S. pipes confirming to IS: 1239 Heavy Class 4 PIPE FITTINGS Pipes and fittings means tees, elbows, couplings, flanges, reducers etc. and all such connecting devices that are needed to complete the piping work in its totality. Screwed fittings shall be approved type malleable or cast iron with reinforced ring on all edges of the fittings suitable for screwed joints. Forged steel fittings of approved type with "V" groove for welded joints. Fabricated fittings shall be not being permitted for pipe diameters 50 mm and below. When used, they shall be fabricated, welded and inspected in workshops whose welding procedures have been approved by the TAC as per TAC rule 4102 for sprinkler system and applicable to hydrant and sprinkler System under the supervision of Project Manager. For "T" connections, pipes shall be drilled and reamed. Cutting by gas or electrical welding will not be accepted. 5 JOINTING 5.1 Screwed (50 mm dia pipes and below) Joint for black steel pipes and fittings shall be metal to metal thread joints. A small amount of red lead may be used for lubrication and rust prevention. Joints shall not be welded or caulked. 5.2 Welded (65 mm dia and above) Joints between M.S. pipes and fittings shall be made with the pipes and fittings having "V" groove and welded with electrical resistance welding in an approved manner. Butt welded joints are not acceptable. 5.3 Flanged a) Flanged joints shall be provided on: b) Straight runs not exceeding 30 m on pipe lines 80 mm dia and above. c) Both ends of any fabricated fittings e.g. bend tees etc. of 65 mm dia or larger diameter. d) For jointing all types of valves, appurtenances, pumps, connections with other type of pipes, to water tanks and other places necessary and required as per good engineering practice. e) Flanges shall be as per I.S. with appropriate number of G.I. nuts and bolts, 3 mm insertion neoprene gasket complete. 5.4 Unions Approved type of dismountable unions on pipes lines 65 mm and below in similar places as specified for flanges. 120 6 EXCAVATION 6.1 Excavation for pipe lines shall be in open trenches to levels and grades shown on the drawings or as required at site. Pipe lines shall be buried to a minimum depth of 1.2 meter or as shown on drawings. 6.2 Wherever required contractor shall support all trenches or adjoining structures with adequate timber supports. 6.3 On completion of testing and pipe protection, trenches shall be refilled with excavated earth in 15 cms layers and consolidated. 6.4 Contractor shall dispose off all surplus earth within a lead of 200 m or as directed by Project Manager. 7. ANCHOR THRUST BLOCKS a) Contractor shall provide suitably designed anchor blocks in cement concrete to encounter excess thrust due to water hammer & high pressure. b) Thrust blocks shall be provided at all bends & tees & such other location as determined by the Project Manager. c) Exact location, design, size and mix of the concrete block shall be approved by the Project Manager prior to execution of work. 8. VALVES 8.1 Gunmetal Valves 8.1.1 Valves 65 mm dia & below shall be heavy gunmetal full way valves or globe valves conforming to I.S. 778-1971 class II with female screwed ends. Valves shall be carry I.S. certifications mark. 8.1.2 All valves shall be approved by the Project Manager before they are allowed to be used on work. 8.2 C.I. Butterfly Valves/Sluice Valves 8.2.1 All valves 80 mm dia and above shall be C.I. double flanged butterfly valves. Each sluice valve shall be provided with wheel for valves in exposed positions and cap top for underground valves. Contractor shall provide suitable operating keys for Sluice Valves with cap tops. 8.2.2 Butterfly valves shall be of best quality conforming to I.S.13095 of class specified and sluice valves shall conform to IS: 780. 8.3 Non-return valves (Check Valves) Non-return valves shall be cast iron double flanged with cast iron body and gunmetal internal parts conforming to IS: 5312. 121 8.4 Air valves 25 mm dia screwed inlet cast iron single acting air valve shall be provided on all high points in the system or as shown on drawings. 8.5 Orifice Flanges Orifice flanges fabricated from 6 mm thick stainless steel plate shall be provided to reduce pressure on individual hydrants to restrict the operating pressure to 3.5 kg/cm2 and allow a discharge of 560 lpm. The contractor shall submit design of the orifice flanges for approval before installation. 8.6 Drain Valve 50 mm dia black steel pipe to IS: 1239 (heavy class) with 50 mm gunmetal fullway valve shall be provided for draining any water in the system in low pockets. 8.7 Pressure Gauge Pressure gauge shall be provided near all connections to hydrant system and isolation valves of sprinkler system and where required. Pressure gauge shall be 100 mm dia gunmetal Bourden type with gunmetal isolation cock, tapping and connecting pipe and nipple. The gauge shall be installed at appropriate level and height for easy readability. 9. HYDRANT/VALVE CHAMBERS 9.1 Contractor shall provide suitable brick masonry chambers in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand) on cement concrete foundations 150 mm thick 1:5:10 mix (1 cement: 5 fine sand: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) 15 mm thick cement plaster inside and outside finished with a floating coat of neat cement inside with cast iron surface box approved by fire brigade including excavation, back filling complete. Valve chambers shall be of following size:- 9.2 For depths 100 cms and beyond 120x120 cms. 10. FIRE BRIGADE CONNECTIONS As shown on drawings separate gunmetal 2-3 way collecting head Fire brigade connection each with two or three 63 mm instantaneous type inlets with built in check valves and 150 mm dia inlet/outlet connected to the fire and sprinkler main as given in BOQ shall be provided. Both shall be installed on a stand post and provided with horizontal C.I. reflux valve and location to be approved by Project Manager. Etched gunmetal label plates with 80 mm high letters shall be fixed along with necessary enclose cabinet. The plates should be firmly fixed to the FB connection and any support system. 122 11. FIRE HYDRANTS 11.1 External hydrants 11.1.1 Contractor shall provide stand post type external hydrants. The hydrants shall be controlled by a cast iron sluice valve installed in underground lockable chambers. Hydrants shall have instantaneous type 63 mm dia outlets. The hydrants valve shall be single outlet conform to I.S.5290 with C.I duck foot bend and flanged riser of required height to bring the hydrant to correct level above ground. 11.1.2 Contractor shall provide for each external fire hydrant two numbers of 63 mm dia. 15 m long controlled percolation type hose pipes with gunmetal male and female instantaneous type couplings machine wound with G.I. wire (hose to I.S. 636 Type 2 and couplings to I.S. 903 with M.S. certification), gunmetal branch pipe with nozzle to I.S. 903. 11.2 Internal hydrants 11.2.1 Contractor shall provide on each landing and other locations as shown on the drawings one single headed gunmetal oblique landing valves with 63 mm dia outlet mounted on a common 80 mm inlet conforming to I.S.5290-1969. Landing valve shall have flanged inlet and instantaneous type outlets as shown on the drawings. 11.2.2 Instantaneous outlets for fire hydrants shall be of standard pattern approved and suitable for fire brigade hoses. 11.2.3 Contractor shall provide for each internal fire hydrant station two numbers of 63 mm dia. 15 m long rubberized fabric linen hose pipes with gunmetal male and female instantaneous type coupling machine wound with G.I. wire (hose to I.S. 636 Type 2 and couplings to I.S. 903 with I.S. Certification), fire hose reel conforming to IS: 884, gunmetal branch pipe with nozzle I.S. 2871 and Fire man's axe conforming to IS: 926. 11.2.4 Each hose box shall be conspicuously painted with the letters "FIRE HOSE". 12. FIRE HOSE REELS Contractor shall provide standard fire hose reels with 20 mm dia high pressure Dunlop or equivalent rubber hose 36.5 m long with gunmetal nozzle and control valve, shut off valve, all mounted on circular hose reel of heavy duty mild steel construction and cast iron brackets. Hose reel shall be connected directly to the wet riser. Hose reel shall conform to IS: 884-1969 and rubber hose to IS: 5132. 13. HOSE CABINETS 13.1 All internal fire hydrants shall be enclosed in M.S. glazed cabinet. Hose cabinets shall be fabricated from 16 gauge M.S. sheet of fully welded construction with hinged double front door partially glazed with locking arrangement stove enameled fire red paint with "FIRE HOSE" written on it prominently. (Sizes are as given in the Bill of Quantities). 123 14. PIPE PROTECTION 14.1 All pipes above ground and in exposed locations shall be painted with one coat of zinc chromate primer and two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade. 14.2 Pipes in chase or buried underground shall be painted with two coats of zinc chromate primer and wrapped with one layer of 4 mm thick PYPKOTE multilayer sheet as per standard manufacturer's specifications. 15. PIPE SUPPORTS 15.1 All pipe clamps and supports shall be galvanised steel. When fabricated from M.S. steel sections, the supports shall be factory galvanised before use at site. Welding of galvanised clamps and supports will not be permitted. 15.2 Pipes shall be hung by means of expandable anchor fastner of approved make and design (Dash Fastners or equivalent). The hangers and clamps shall be fastened by means of galvanised nuts and bolts. The size/diameter of the anchor fastner and the clamp shall be suitable to carry the weight of water filled pipe and dead load normally encounted. Pipe Spacing Table <----------------------- Pipe commercial dia. -------------S.No. Pipes & Position 15/20 20/25 32/40 50 75/80 100/11 0 Vertical 1 ---------- ------- 150/16 200 0 1.1 GI /MS 5.4 1.2 CI Pipes IS x x <------------------------- 3 m ----------- ---------1729/3989 ---CI Heavy Duty IS x x <---------------------- 3.6 m ---------- ---------1536 ---uPVC SWR x x 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.0 Systems uPVC Water Supply Polybutylene <--As per manufacturer's ---------- ---------Recommendations Horizontal GI /MS 2.0 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.0 4.5 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.4 2.4 3 3.6 4.5 4.5 CI Pipes IS <------------ 3 m ----------------------1729/3989 > CI Heavy Duty IS 3.0 3.6 3.6 1536 uPVC SWR 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 Systems uPVC Water Supply Polybutylene <-As per manufacturer's recommendations---> 124 5.4 ------- ------- ------- 4.5 4.5 16. CABLES 16.1 Contractor shall provide control cables from supervisory valves and switches to the annunciation panels. 16.2.1 All control cables shall be copper conductor PVC insulated armoured and PVC sheathed 1100 volt grade. 16.3 All cables shall have stranded conductors. The cables shall be in drums as far as possible and bear manufacturer's name. 16.4 All cable joints shall be made in an approved manner as per standard practice. 16.5 Cable Trays 16.6 All cables shall be routed in approved locations in coordination with all other services in a proper manner. 17. CABLE TRAYS 17.1 All cables shall be routed in approved locations in coordination with all other services in a proper manner. 17.2 Cable trays shall be of galvanized steel and hung from the ceiling by galvanized rods supported by appropriate size and type of expandable expansion fasteners drilled into the slabs and walls by an electric drill. 18. MEASUREMENT 18.1 Mild steel pipes shall be measured in linear metres of the finished length correct upto one cm.and shall include all fittings, flanges, welding, jointing, clamps for fixing to walls or hangers, anchor fasteners, painting and testing complete in all respects. 18.2 Sluice and fullway valves, check valves, installation valves, air valves & flow switches shall be measured by numbers and shall include all items necessary and required for fixing and as given in the specifications and bill of quantities. 18.3 Fire hydrants, hose reels, fire brigade connections, orifice flanges shall be measured by number and include all items given in the specifications and bill of quantities. 18.4 Fire hose and boxes specified shall be measured by number and include all items given in specifications and Bill of Quantities. 18.5 Cables and cable trays shall be measured in linear metre correct upto cm shall include clamps, hangers, anchor fasteners complete in all respects. 125 HAND APPLIANCES 1. SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, material, appliances and equipment necessary and required to install fire extinguishing hand appliances. 1.2 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing the work shall consist of the following:Installation of fully charged and tested fire extinguishing hand appliances CO2 foam, dry chemical powder type as required by these specifications and/drawings. 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Fire extinguishers shall conform to the following Indian Standard Specifications and shall be with ISI approved stamp as revised and amended up to date :- 2.2 Fire extinguishers shall be installed as per Indian Standard "Code of Practice for Selection, Installation and Maintenance of Portable First Aid Appliances" I.S.21901962. 2.3 Hand appliances shall be installed in readily accessible locations with the appliance brackets fixed to wall by suitable anchor fasteners. 2.4 Each appliance shall be provided with an inspection card indicating the date of inspection, testing, change of charge and other relevant data. 2.5 All appliances shall be fixed in a true workmanlike manner truly vertical and at correct locations. 3 MEASUREMENT Fire extinguishers shall be measured by numbers and include installation and all items necessary and required and given in the specifications. FIRE PUMPS & ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT 1. SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipment and appliances necessary and required to completely install electrically operated and diesel engine driven pumps as required by the drawings and specified hereinafter or given in the schedule of quantities. 1.2 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the pumps and ancillary equipment shall include the following:a) Pressure gauges with isolation valves & piping. b) M.S. pipes, valves, suction strainers, delivery and suction headers & accessories. 126 c) Foundations, vibration eliminator pads and foundation bolts. 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Pumps shall be installed true to level on suitable concrete foundations. Base plate shall be firmly fixed by foundation bolts properly grouted in the concrete foundations. 2.2 Pumps and motors shall be truly aligned by suitable instruments. 2.3 All pump connections shall be standard flanged type with appropriate number of bolts. In case of non standard flanges companion flanges shall be provided with the pumps. 2.4 Manufacturer's instructions regarding installation, connections and commissioning shall be followed with respect to all pumps and accessories. 2.5 Contractor shall provide necessary test certificates and performance charts with NPSH requirement of the pumps from the manufacturer. The Contractor shall provide facilities to the Project Manager or their authorized representative for inspection of equipment during manufacturing and also to witness various tests at the manufacturer’s works without any cost to the DPLs. 2.6 Each pump shall be provided with a pressure gauge, isolation cock and connecting piping, bleed and block valve. 2.7 Adequate vibration eliminating pad and connectors for each pump shall be provided. 2.8 The Contractor shall submit with this tender a list of recommended spare parts for two years of normal operation and quote the prices for the same. 3 FIRE PUMPS 3.1 Pumping Sets 3.1.1 Pumping sets shall be single stage horizontal centrifugal single outlet with cast iron body and cast iron impellers. Connecting shaft shall be stainless steel with bronze sleeve and grease lubricated bearings. 3.1.2 Pumps shall be connected to the drive by means of spacer type love joy couplings which shall be individually balanced dynamically and statically. 3.1.3 The coupling joining the prime movers with the pump shall be provided with a sheet metal guard. 3.1.4 Pumps shall be provided with approved type of mechanical seals. 3.1.5 Pumps shall be capable of delivering not less than 150% of the rated capacity of water at a head of not less than 65% of the rated head. The shut off head shall not exceed 120% of the rated head. 3.1.6 The pump shall meet the requirements of the Tariff Advisory Committee and the unit shall be design proven in fire protection services. 127 4 ELECTRIC DRIVE 4.1 Electrically driven pumps shall be provided with totally enclosed fan cooled induction motors. For fire pumps the motors should be rated not to draw starting current more than 3 times normal running current. 4.2 Motors for fire protection pumps shall be atleast equivalent to the horse power required to drive the pump at 150% of its rated discharge and shall be designed for continuous full load duty and shall be design proven in similar service. 4.3 Motors shall be wound for class B insulation and winding shall be vacuum impregnated with heat and moisture resistant varnish glass fibre insulated. 4.4 Motors for fire pumps shall meet all requirements and specifications of the Tariff Advisory Committee. 4.5 Motors shall be suitable for 415 ±10% volts, 3 phase 50 cycles a/c supply and shall be designed for 380C ambient temperature. Motors shall conform to I.S. 325. 4.6 Motors shall be designed for two start system. 4.7 Motors shall be capable of handling the required starting torque of the pumps. 4.8 Contractor shall provide inbuilt heating arrangements for the motors for main pumps to ensure that motor windings shall remain dry. 4.9 5 Speed of the motor shall be compatible with the speed of the pump. VIBRATION ELIMINATORS On all suction and delivery lines double flanged reinforced neoprene flexible pipe connectors shall be provided. Connectors should be suitable for a working pressure of each pump and tested to the test pressure given in the relevant head. Length of the connector shall be as per manufactures details. 6. MEASUREMENTS: 6.1 Fire pumps shall be measured by numbers and shall include all items as given in the specifications and schedule of quantities. 6.2 sluice valves, non return valves, vibration eliminators, flanges and suction strainer shall be measured by numbers and shall include all items as given in the schedule of quantities and specifications. 6.3 Pump headers, shall be measured per linear metre and shall include all items given in the specifications and schedule of quantities. 128 COMMISSIONING AND GUARANTEES 1. SCOPE OF WORK Work under this section shall consist of pre-commissioning, commissioning, testing and providing guarantees for all equipment, appliances and accessories supplied and installed by the contractor under this contract. 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 2.1 The rates quoted in this tender shall be inclusive of the works given in this section. 2.2 Contractor shall provide all tools equipment, metering and testing devices required for the purpose. 2.3 On award of work, contractor shall submit a detailed proposal giving methods of testing and gauging the performance of the equipment to be supplied and installed under this contract. 3 PRE-COMMISSIONING 3.1 On completion of the installation of all pumps, piping, valves, pipe connections, and water level controlling devices the contractor shall proceed as follows:A Fire protection system: i) ii) B 4 Check all hydrant valves and close if any valve is open. Also check that all suction and delivery connections are properly made. Test run and check rotation of each motor and correct the same if required. Pipe work i) Check all clamps, supports and hangers provided for the pipes. ii) Fill up pipes with water and apply hydrostatic pressure to the system as given in the relevant section of the specifications. If any leakage is found, rectify the same and retest the pipes. COMMISSIONING & TESTING A. Fire hydrant system 1 Pressurize the fire hydrant system by running the main fire pump and after attaining the required pressure shutoff the pump. 2 Open bypass valve and allow the pressure to drop in the system. Check that the jockey pump cuts-in and cuts out at the pre-set pressures. If necessary adjust the pressure switch for the jockey pump. Close bye-pass valve. 3 Check each landing valve, male and female couplings and branch pipes for compatibility with each other. Any fitting which is found to be incompatible and does 129 not fit into the other properly shall be replaced by the contractor. Landing valves shall also be checked by opening and closing under pressure. B. Handing over 1. All commissioning and testing shall be done by the contractor to the complete satisfaction of the Project Manager, and the job handed over to the Project Manager, or his authorised representative. 2. Contractor shall also handover, to the Project Manager, all maintenance & operation manuals and all other items as per the terms of the contract. C. Guarantees 1. The contractor shall submit a warranty for all equipment, materials and accessories supplied by him against manufacturing defects, malfunctioning or under capacity functioning. 2. The form of warranty shall be as approved by the Project Manager. 3. The warranty shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of commissioning and handing over. 4. The warranty shall expressly include replacement of all defective or under capacity equipment. Project Manager may allow repair of certain equipment if the same is found to meet the requirement for efficient functioning of the system. 5. The warranty shall include replacement of any equipment found to have capacity lesser that the rated capacity as accepted in the contract. The replacement equipment shall be approved by the Project Manager. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS 1. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of this section comprises of fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of electric control panels, wiring and earthing of all pump room equipment, components and accessories, including supply, installation and wiring of remote control-cum-indicating light panel. 2 GENERAL: Work shall be carried out in accordance with the Specifications, Local Rules, Indian Electricity Act 1910 as amended upto date, and rules issued thereunder, Regulations of the Fire Insurance Company and relevant BIS Code of Practice. 3 WIRING SYSTEM: All power wiring shall be carried out with 1100 volts grade PVC insulated, armoured overall, PVC sheathed aluminium conductor cables for sizes above 6 mm2. For sizes 6 mm2 and below the power wiring shall be of copper conductor only. Cables shall be 130 sized by applying proper derating factor. All control wiring shall be carried out by using 650 volts PVC insulated copper conductor wires in race ways or in conduit. Minimum size of control wiring shall be 1.5 mm2 PVC insulated copper conductor wires. Minimum size of conductor for power wiring shall be 4 mm2 1100 volts grade PVC insulated copper conductor wires in conduit. CONSTRUCTION FEATURES: The control panel shall be metal enclosed sheet steel cubicle, indoor type, dead front, floor mounting/wall mounting type. The control panel shall be totally enclosed and vermin proof. Gaskets between all adjacent units and beneath all covers shall be provided to render the joints dust proof. Control panels shall be arranged in multi-tier formation. All doors and covers shall be suitable for double padlocking. All mild steel sheets used in the construction of control panels shall be 14 SWG thick for floor mounted and 16 SWG for wall mounting and shall be folded and braced as necessary to provide a rigid support for all components. Joints of any kind in sheet metal shall be seam welded, all welding slag grounded off and welding pits wiped smooth with Plumber metal. All panels and covers shall be properly fitted and square with the frame and holes in the panel correctly positioned. Fixing screws shall enter into holes tapped into an adequate thickness of metal or provided with hank nuts. Self threading screws shall not be used in the construction of control panels. Base channel of 75 mm x 75 mm x 5 mm thick shall be provided at the bottom. Minimum clear space of 200 mm between the floor of control panel and bottom most unit (MCB or Bus Bar) shall be provided. The control panels shall be of adequate size with a provision of 25% spare space to accommodate possible future additional switch gear. Knockout holes of appropriate size and number shall be provided in the control panels in conformity with the location of incoming and outgoing conduits / cables. All equipment such as meters and indicating lamps etc. shall be located adjacent to the unit with which it is associated and care shall be taken to achieve a neat and symmetrical arrangement. Facility shall be provided for termination of cables from top of the control panel. Clamps shall be provided to support the weight of the cables. All power wiring inside the control panel shall be colour coded and control wiring ferruled for easy identification. Circuit diagram showing the arrangement of circuits shall be pasted on the inside of panel door and covered with transparent plastic sheet and all labelling shall be provided in engraved anodized aluminium/ bakelite strips on the front face of the panel board. 4. CIRCUIT COMPARTMENT: Each circuit breaker, contactor and relay shall be housed in a separate compartment and shall have steel sheets on top and bottom of compartment. Sheet steel hinged lockable door shall be duly interlocked with the breaker in the ‘ON’ position. Safety interlocks shall be provided to prevent the breaker or contactor from being drawn out when the breaker is in `ON' position. The door shall not form an integral part of the draw out portion of the panel. Sheet steel barriers shall be provided between the tiers in a vertical section. 5. INSTRUMENT ACCOMMODATION: Adequate space shall be provided for accommodating instruments, indicating lamps, control contactors and control fuses etc. These shall be accessible for testing and 131 maintenance without any danger of accidental contact with live parts of the circuit breaker and bus bar. 6. BUS BARS AND BUS BAR CONNECTIONS: The bus bar and interconnections shall be of aluminium and of rectangular cross sections suitable for full load current for phase bus bars, and half rated current for neutral bus bar and shall be extensible on either side. The bus bars and interconnections shall be insulated with PVC sleeve / tapes and shall be color coded. Alternatively special insulating paints/materials may be used for the purpose. All bus bars shall be supported on unbreakable, non hygroscopic insulated supports at regular intervals, to withstand the forces arising in case of short circuit in the system. All bus bars shall be provided in separate chamber and properly ventilated. All bus bars connections, in main control panels shall be done by drilling holes with cadmium plated/hot dipped galvanized bolts, nuts and washers. All bus bars connections in smaller control panels shall be done by drilling hole and connecting by brass bolts and nuts. All connections between the bus bar and breaker and between breaker and contactor shall be through copper strips of proper size to carry rated current and shall be insulated with PVC sleeves. 7. RACEWAYS: A horizontal race way with screwed covers shall be provided at the top to take interconnecting control wiring between different vertical sections. 8. CABLE COMPARTMENTS: Cable compartment of adequate size shall be provided in the control panels for easy termination of all incoming and outgoing cables entering from bottom or top. Adequate and proper supports shall be provided in cable compartments to support cables. 9. INDICATIONS 9.1 ‘ON’ lamps shall be provided on all outgoing feeders. 9.2 Cable alley and bus chamber shall be identified on all panels. 10. RUBBER MAT Rubber mat shall be provided to cover the full length of front of all panels and rear of panels where back space shall be available for working from the rear. 11. MATERIALS: All materials shall be of the best quality complying with the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) specifications. Materials used shall be subject to the approval of the CLIENT’s site representative and samples of the same shall be furnished where required. 132 11.1 Moulded Case Circuit Breaker MCCB shall comprise of switching mechanism, contact system are extinguishing device and the tripping unit, Contained in a Compact, high strength, heat resistant, flame retardant, insulating moulded case with high withstand capability against thermal and mechanical stress. Switching mechanism shall be of Quick Make- Quick Break type and the trip command shall override all other commands. MCCB shall employ maintenance free contact system to minimize the let thru energies while handling abnormal currents. The handle position shall give positive indication of `ON' `OFF' or tripped. MCCB shall conform to IS- 2516 (Part I & II/Sec.1) 1985. 11.2 miniature circuit breaker Miniature circuit breakers shall be quick make and break type, and shall conform to Relevant Indian Standards. The housing shall be heat resistant and having high impact strength. The fault current shall not be less than 9 KA at 230 V and shall be BIS approved. MCBs shall be flush mounted and shall be provided with trip free manual operating liver and ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ indications. The contacts shall be provided to quench the arc immediately. MCB shall be provided with magnetic thermal releases for over current and short circuit protection. The over load or short circuit device shall have a common trip bar in the case of D P, TP and TPN miniature circuit breakers. 11.3 Rotary Switches: Switches upto 60 amps shall be rotary type with compact and robust construction, built up from one or more stacks with contacts and a positioning mechanism with stop as required. Rotary switches shall have HRC fuse fittings of appropriate rating. 11.4 Selector Switch Where called for selector switches of rated capacity shall be provided in control panels, to give the choice of operating equipment in selective mode. 11.5 Starters Each motor shall be provided with a starter of suitable rating. Starters shall be in accordance with relevant BIS Codes. All Star Delta and ATS Starters shall be fully automatic. Starter contactors shall have 3 main and 2 Nos. NO/NC auxiliary contacts and shall be air break type suitable for making and breaking contact at minimum power factor of 0.35. For design consideration of contactors the starting current of connected motor shall be assumed to be 6 times the full load current of the motor in case of direct-online starters and 3 times the full load current of the motor in case of Star Delta/Reduced Voltage Starters. The insulation for contactor coils shall be of class "B". 133 Operating coils of contactors shall be suitable for 230/415 ±10% volts AC, 50 cycles supply system. The contactors shall drop out when voltage drops to 90% of the rated voltage. The housing of the contactors shall be heat resistant and having high impact strength. Each starter shall have thermal overload protection on all three phases. 11.6 Over Load Relays Contactors shall be provided with a three element, positive acting ambient temperature compensated time lagged hand-reset type thermal over load relays with adjustable setting. Hand-reset button shall be flush with the front door for resetting with starter compartment door closed. Relays shall be directly connected for motors upto 35 HP capacity. C.T operated relays shall be provided for motors above 35 HP capacity. Heater circuit contactors may not be provided with overload relays. 11.7 Current Transformers Current transformers shall be of accuracy class I and suitable VA burden for operation of the connected meters and relays. These shall be resin bonded and epoxy coated. 11.8 Single Phase Preventer Single phase preventer shall be provided as per Schedule of Quantities and shall be in conformity with relevant BIS Standards. Single phase preventer shall act when the supply voltage drops down to 90% of the rated voltage or on failure of one or more phases. 11.9 Time Delay Relays Time delay relays shall be adjustable type with time delay adjustment from 0-180 seconds and shall have one set of auxiliary contacts for indicating lamp connections. 11.10 Indicating Led (22 mm dia) and Metering All meters and indicating lamps shall be in accordance with BS 37 and BS 39. The meters shall be flush mounted and drawout type. The indicating lamp shall be of LED type. Each main panel shall be provided with voltmeter 0-500 volts with three way and off selector switch, CT operated ammeter of suitable range with three Nos. CTs of suitable ratio with three way and off selector switch, phase indicating lamps and other indicating lamps as called for. Each phase indicating lamp shall be backed up with 5 amps fuse. Other indicating lamps shall be backed up with fuses as called for. 11.11 Toggle Switch Toggle switches where called for, shall be in conformity with relevant BIS Codes and shall be of 5 amps rating. 11.12 Push Button Stations Push button stations shall be provided for manual starting and stopping of motors/equipment as called for. Green and Red colour push buttons shall be provided for ‘Starting’ and ‘Stopping’ operations. ‘Start’ or ‘Stop’ indicating flaps shall be provided for push buttons. Push buttons shall be suitable for panel mounting and 134 accessible from front without opening door, Lock lever shall be provided for ‘Stop’ push buttons. The push button contacts shall be suitable for 6 amps current capacity. 11.13 Conduits Conduits shall be of mild steel and shall be Hard drawn, stove enameled inside and outside with minimum wall thickness of 1.6 mm for conduits upto 32mm diameter and 2 mm wall thickness for conduits above 32 mm diameter. GI pull wires shall be installed in the conduit while laying the conduit. 11.14 Cables M.V. cables shall be PVC insulated aluminium conductor and armoured cables conforming to BIS Codes. Cables shall be armoured and suitable for laying in trenches, duct, and on cable trays as required. M.V Cables shall be termite resistant. Control cables and indicating panel cables shall be multi core PVC insulated copper conductor and armoured cables. 11.15 Wires 1100 volts grade PVC insulated copper conductor wires in conduit shall be used. 12. CABLE LAYING: Cable shall be laid generally in accordance with BIS Code of Practice. Cables shall be laid on 14 gage perforated MS sheet cable trays and cable drops/risers shall be fixed to ladder type cable trays fabricated out of steel angle. Access to all cables shall be provided to allow cable withdrawal/ replacement in the future. Where more than one cable is running, proper spacing shall be provided to minimise the loss in current carrying capacity. Cables shall be suitably supported with Galvanized saddles when run on walls/trays. When buried, they shall be laid in 350 mm wide and 750 mm deep trench and shall be covered with 250 mm thick layer of soft sifted sand & protected with bricks, tiles. Special care shall be taken to ensure that the cables are not damaged at bends. The radius of bend of the cables when installed shall not be less than 12 times the diameter of cable 1.1 KV cable shall be buried 600 mm below ground level. 13. WIRE SIZES: For all single phase/3 phase wiring, 1100 volts grade PVC insulated copper conductor wires shall be used. The equipment inside plant room and AHU room shall be connected to the control panel by means of insulated aluminium conductor wires of adequate size. An isolator shall be provided near each motor/equipment wherever the motor/equipment is separated from the supply panel through a partition barrier or through ceiling construction. PVC insulated single strand aluminium conductor wires shall be used inside the control panel for connecting different components and all the wires inside the control panel shall be neatly dressed and plastic beads shall be provided at both the ends for easy identification in control wiring. . The minimum size of control wiring shall be 1.5 mm2 PVC insulated stranded soft drawn copper conductor wires drawn through conduit to be provided for connecting equipment and control panels. Power wiring cabling shall be of the following sizes: 135 I. Upto 5 HP motors/5 KW heaters. 3 x 4 mm2 Cu conductor wires. II. From 6 HP to 10 HP motors 6 KW to 7.5 KW heaters. From 12.5 HP to 15 HP motors. 3 x 6 mm2 Cu conductor wires. IV. From 20 HP to 25 HP motors. armoured cables. 2 Nos. 3 x 10 mm2 Al conductor V. From 30 HP to 35 HP motors. armoured cables. 2 Nos. 3 x 16 mm2 Al conductor VI. From 40 HP to 50 HP motors. armoured cables. 2 Nos. 3 x 25 mm2 Al conductor VII. From 60 HP to 75 HP motors. armoured cables. III. wires. VIII. 2 Nos. 3 x 6 mm2 Cu conductor 2 Nos.3 x 50 mm2 Al conductor 1 No. 3 x 150 mm2 Al conductor 100 HP motors. armoured cables. All the switches, contactors, push button stations, indicating lamps shall be distinctly marked with a small description of the service installed. The following capacity contactors and overload relays shall be provided for different capacity motors. TYPE OF CONTACTOR OVERLOAD STARTER CURRENT CAPACITY RANGE 16 amps 16 amps 32 amps 16 amps 25 amps 32 amps 32 amps 40 amps 40 amps 40 amps 63 amps 63 amps 125 amps 6-10 amps 10-16 amps 13-21 amps 10-16 amps 10-16 amps 13-21 amps 13-21 amps 20-32 amps 20-32 amps 28-42 amps 28-42 amps 28-42 amps 45-70 RELAY 5 HP Motors DOL 7.5HP Motors D O L 10 HP Motors D O L 12.5HP Motors Star Delta 15 HP Motors Star Delta 20 HP Motors Star Delts 25 HP Motors Star Delta 30 HP Motors Star Delta 35 HP Motors Star Delta 40 HP Motors Star Delta 45 HP Motors Star Delta 50 HP Motors Star Delta 60 HP Motors Auto Transformers Reduced Voltage. 75 HP Motors -do100 HP Motors -do14. 125 amps 200 amps amps 90-150 amps operated Relay Earthing: shall be copper strips/wires the main panel shall be connected to the main earthing system of the building by means of 2 Nos. 25 mm x 3 mm copper tapes. All single phase metal clad switches and control panels be earthed with minimum 2 mm 136 diameter copper conductor wire. All 3 phase motors and equipment shall be earthed with two numbers distinct and independent copper wires/tapes as follows: i. Motors upto and including 10 HP rating 2 Nos 3 mm dia copper wires. ii. Motors 12.5 HP to 40 HP capacity 2 Nos.4 mm dia copper wires. iii. Motors 50 to 75 HP capacity 2 Nos 6 mm dia copper wires. iv. Motors above 75 HP. 2 Nos 25 mm x 3 mm copper tapes. All switches shall be earthed with two numbers distinct and independent copper wires/tapes as follows: i. ii. iii. iv. 3 phase switches and control panels upto 60 amps rating. 3 phase switches and control panels 63 amps to 100 amps rating. 3 phase switches and control panels 125 amps to 200 amps rating. 3 phase switches, control panels, bus ducts, above 200 Amps rating 2 Nos 3 mm dia copper wires. 2 Nos 4 mm dia copper wires. 2 Nos 6 mm dia copper wires. 2 Nos 3 mm x 25 mm copper tapes. The earthing connections shall be tapped off from the main earthing of electrical installation. The over - lapping in earthing strips at joints where required shall be minimum 75 mm. These straight joints shall be riveted with brass rivets & brazed in approved manner. Sweated lugs of adequate capacity and size shall be used for all termination of wires. Lugs shall be bolted to the equipment body to be earthed after the metal body is cleaned of paint and other oily substance and properly tinned. 15. Drawings: Shop drawings for control panels and wiring of equipment showing the route of conduit/cable shall be submitted by the contractor for approval of Project Manager/Consultant before starting the fabrication of panel and starting the work. On completion, four sets of complete "As-installed" drawings incorporating all details like, conduits routes, number of wires in conduit, location of panels, switches, junction/pull boxes and cables route etc. shall be furnished by the Contractor. 16. Testing: Before commissioning of the equipment, the entire electrical installation shall be tested in accordance with relevant BIS Codes and test report furnished by a qualified and authorised person. The entire electrical installation shall be got approved by Electrical Inspector and a certificate from Electrical Inspector shall be submitted. All tests shall be carried out in the presence of Supervisor. 17. Painting: All sheet steel work shall undergo a process of degreasing, thorough cleaning, and painting with a high corrosion resistant primer. All panels shall then be backed in an oven. The finishing treatment shall be by application of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade. 18. Label and Tags Engraved PVC labels shall be provided on all incoming and outgoing feeders switches. Circuit diagram showing the arrangements of the circuit inside the control panel shall be pasted on inside of the panel and covered with transparent plastic sheet. All cables terminations at panels and at equipments shall be provided with tags as approved by Project Manager. 137 19. All panels to have provision for padlocking and all MCCB's/MCB's to have provision for locking in off position. 20. Measurement of Electrical Control Panels: Panels shall be counted as number of units. Quoted rates shall include as lump sum (NOT measurable lengths) for all internal wiring, power wiring and earthing connections from the control panel to the starter and to the motor, control wiring for inter-locking, power and control wiring for automatic and safety controls, and control wiring for remote start/stop as well as indication as per the specifications. The quoted rate for panel shall also include all accessories, switchgear, fuses, contactors, indicating meters and lights as per the specifications. 138 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Electro-mechanical works) This specification shall be read only for the non- schedule items. SECTION - I LT Panels 1 GENERAL This section covers specification of LT Switchboards/Panels. 2 STANDARDS AND CODES Updated and current Indian Standard Specifications and Codes of Practice will apply to the equipment and the work covered by the scope of this contract. In addition the relevant clauses of the Indian Electricity Act 2003, Indian Electricity Rules 1956, National Building Code 2005, National Electric Code 2008, Code of Practice for Fire Safety of Building (general): General Principal and Fire Grading – IS 1641 - 1988 as amended upto date shall also apply. Wherever appropriate Indian Standards are not available, relevant British and/or IEC Standards shall be applicable. Low Voltage switchgear & control gear IS/IEC 60947 Part I : General rules Part II : Circuit Breakers Part III: Switches, disconnections 3 Switch disconnections and fuse combination units Part IV : Contactors and Motor starters Part V : Control circuit devices and switching elements Marking of Switchgear busbars IS 11353: 1985 Degree of Protection of Enclosures for low voltage switchgear. IEC 60529 Electrical relays for power system protection IS 3231: 1986 Code of Practice for selection, installation and Maintenance of switchgear & control gear IS 10118: 1982 Low voltage switchgear & control gear assemblies IEC 60349 Danger notice plates IS 2551: 1982 LT SWITCHGEAR (i) AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER The ACB shall confirm to the requirements of IEC 60947-2 & 3 (FOR SWITCH DISCONNECTION) / IS 13947-2 and shall be type tested & certified for compliance to standards from–CPRI, ERDA/ any accredited international lab. The circuit breaker shall be suitable for 415 V + 10%, 50 Hz supply system. Air Circuit Breakers shall be with moulded housing flush front, draw out type and shall be provided with a trip free manual operating mechanism or as indicated in drawings and bill of quantities with mechanical "ON" "OFF" “TRIP” indications. 139 The ACB shall be 3/ 4 pole with modular construction, draw out, manually or electrically operated version as specified. The circuit breakers shall be for continuous rating and service short Circuit Breaking capacity (Ics) shall be as specified on the single line diagram and should be equal to the Ultimate breaking capacity(Icu) and short circuit withstand values (Icw) for 1 sec. Circuit breakers shall be designed to ‘close' and `trip' without opening the circuit breaker compartment door. The operating handle and the mechanical trip push button shall be at the front of the breakers panel. Inspection of main contacts should be possible without using any tools. The ACB shall be provided with a door interlock. i.e. door should not be open when circuit breaker is closed and breaker should not be closed when door is open. However, door interlock should have defeat mechanism for on line testing of ACB All current carrying parts shall be silver plated and suitable arcing contacts with proper arc chutes shall be provided with to protect the main contacts. The ACB shall have double insulation (Class-II) with moving and fixed contacts totally enclosed for enhanced safety and in accessibility to live parts. All electrical closing breakers shall be with electrical motor wound stored energy spring closing mechanism with mechanical indicator to provide ON/OFF status of the ACB. The auxiliary contacts blocks shall be so located as to be accessible from the front. The auxiliary contacts in the trip circuits shall close before the main contacts have closed. All other contacts shall close simultaneously with the main contacts. The auxiliary contacts in the trip circuits shall open after the main contacts open. Minimum 4 NO and 4 NC auxiliary contacts shall be provided on each breaker. Rated insulation voltage shall be 1000 volts AC. ACB shall confirm compliance to ROHS/WEEE guidelines. (ii) CRADLE The cradle shall be so designed and constructed as to permit smooth withdrawal and insertion of the breaker into it. The movements shall be free from jerks, easy to operate and shall be on steel balls/rollers and not on flat surfaces. There shall be 4 distinct and separate positions with self-locking arrangement of the circuit breaker on the cradle. Racking Interlock in Connected /Test/Disconnected Position. Service Position Test Position : : Isolated Position : Main Isolating contacts and control contacts of the breaker are engaged. Main Isolating contacts are isolated but control contacts are still engaged. Both main isolating and control contacts are isolated. There shall be provision for locking the breaker in any or all of the first three positions. The following safety features shall be incorporated: • Withdrawal or engagement of Circuit breaker shall not be possible unless it is in open condition. • Operation of Circuit breaker shall not be possible unless it is fully in service, 140 test or drawn out position. (iii) • All modules shall be provided with safety shutters operated automatically by movement of the carriage to cover exposed live parts when the module is withdrawn. • All Switchgear module front covers shall have provision for locking. • Switchgear operating handles shall be provided with arrangement for locking in ‘OFF’ position. PROTECTIONS The breaker should be equipped with micro-controller based release to offer accurate and versatile protection with complete flexibility and shall offer complete over current protection to the electrical system in the following four zones: Long time protection. Short time protection with intentional delay. Instantaneous protection. Ground fault protection. The protection release shall have following features and settings: a. True RMS Sensing The release shall sample the current at the rate of 16 times per cycle to monitor the actual load current waveform flowing in the system and shall monitor the true RMS value of the load current. It shall take into account the effect of harmonics also. b. Thermal Memory When the breaker shall reclose after tripping on overload, then the thermal stresses caused by the overload if not dissipated completely, shall get stored in the memory of the release and this thermal memory shall ensure reduced tripping time in case of subsequent overloads. Realistic Hot/Cold curves shall take into account the integrated heating effects to offer closer protection to the system. c. Defined time-current characteristics : A variety of pick-up and time delay settings shall be available to define the current thresholds and the delays to be set independently for different protection zones thereby achieving a closeto-ideal protection curve. d. Trip Indication Individual fault indication for each type of fault should be provided by LEDs for faster fault diagnosis. e. Self-powered The release shall draw its power from the main breaker CTs (hog slay type) and shall require no external power supply for its operation. f. Zone Selective Interlocking 141 The release shall be suitable for communication between breakers to enable zone selective interlocking. This feature shall be provided for both short circuit and ground fault protection zones to offer total discrimination between breakers. This feature enables faster clearance of fault conditions; thereby reducing the thermal and dynamic stresses produced during fault conditions and thus minimizes the damage to the system. To implement ZSI manufacturer should supply all related equipment like power supply, wiring etc. g. On-Line change of settings should be possible. It should be possible to carry out testing of release without tripping the breaker. The release shall meet the EMI / EMC requirements. h. Dearing factor- These shall not any derating up to 50 degree. Manufactures shall provided the derating table/chart i. 4P ACB shall have 100% Neutral as same of Phase conductor with protection setting (setting of 50%,100% and Off) j. ACB release shall have 1st –ON/OFF setting to co-ordinate with HT breakers. k. ACB release shall have inbuilt “Auto protection” against excessive heating at terminals. l. Combined accuracy (Sensor + Release) ≤ 1.5% as per IEC 61557- m. The setting range of release shall be as follows as per SLD : The release should provide local indication of actual %age loading of individual phase at any instant. The release should be able to communicate on MODBUS RTU protocol using inbuilt RS485 port and shall be integral part of supply with trip unit. Parameters of the Protection Release should be changeable from Release as well as thru communication network. Release thru dial type potentiometer and navigation keys & should have graphical LCD for display of power parameters. The release should provide comprehensive metering as per mentioned in SLD (iv) SAFETY FEATURES The safety shutter shall prevent inadvertent contact with isolating contacts when breaker is withdrawn from the Cradle. It shall not be possible to interchange two circuit breakers of two different thermal ratings. For Draw-out breakers, an arrangement shall be provided to prevent rating mismatch between breaker and cradle. There shall be provision of positive earth connection between fixed and moving portion of the ACB either thru connector plug or sliding solid earth mechanism. Earthing bolts shall be provided on the cradle or body of fixed ACB. The incoming panel accommodating ACB shall be provided with indicating lamps for ON-OFF positions, digital voltmeter and ammeter of size not less than 96 mm x 96 mm, selector switches, MCB for protection circuit and measuring instrument circuits. It shall be possible to bolt the draw out frame not only in connected position but also in TEST and DISCONNECTED position to prevent dislocation due to vibration and shocks. 142 (v) Draw out breakers should not close unless in distinct Service/Test/Isolated positions The insulation material used shall conform to Glow wire test as per IEC60695. The ACB shall provide in built electrical and mechanical anti-pumping. All EDO ACB`s Shall have Ready to Close Contact to ensure that the ACB gets a command only when it is ready to close for applications of Remote Control, AMF, Synchronization and Auto Source Change Over Systems. MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER (MCCB) The MCCB should be current limiting type with trip time of less than 10 msec under short circuit conditions. The MCCB should be either 3 or 4 poles as specified in BOQ. MCCB shall comply with the requirements of the relevant standards IEC 60947-2 and should have test certificates for Breaking capacities (Ics=Icu=100%) from independent test authorities CPRI / ERDA or any accredited international lab. MCCB shall comprise of Quick Make -break switching mechanism, arc extinguishing device and the tripping unit shall be contained in a compact, high strength, heat resistant, flame retardant, insulating moulded case with high withstand capability against thermal and mechanical stresses The breaking capacity of MCCB shall be as specified in the schedule of quantities. The rated service breaking capacity (Ics) should be equal to rated ultimate breaking capacities (Icu). MCCBs for motor application should be selected in line with Type-2 Co-ordination as per IEC-60947-2, 1989/IS 13947-2. The breaker as supplied with ROM should meet IP54 degree of protection. MCCB shall be suitable for positive Isolation as per IEC 60947-2 MCCB shall comply with “Class-II front facia as per IEC 61140” MCCB shall be provided with continuously ratio coils. MCCB shall have cross bolted termination. a) Current Limiting & Coordination b) The MCCB shall employ maintenance free minimum let-through energies and capable of achieving discrimination up to the full short circuit capacity of the downstream MCCB. MCCBs with ratings up to 250 A shall be equipped with Thermal-magnetic (thermal for overload and magnetic for short-circuit protection) trip units Microprocessor MCCBs with ratings 250A and above shall be equipped with microprocessor based trip units. (both variable setting) Microprocessor and thermal-magnetic trip units shall be adjustable and it shall be possible to fit lead seals to prevent unauthorized access to the settings Microprocessor trip units shall comply with appendix F of IEC 60947-2 standard (measurement of rms current values, electromagnetic compatibility, etc.) Protection settings shall apply to all poles of circuit breaker. All Microprocessor components shall withstand temperatures up to 125 °C Testing Original test certificate of the MCCB as per IEC 60947-1 &2 or IS13947 shall be furnished. Pre-commissioning tests on the switch board panel incorporating the MCCB shall be done as per standard specifications. 143 c) Interlocking Moulded, case circuit breakers shall be provided with the following interlocking devices for interlocking the door of a switch board. i) Handle interlock to prevent unnecessary manipulations of the breaker. ii) Door interlock to prevent the door being opened when the breaker is in ON iii) Defeat-interlocking device to open the door even if the breaker is in ON position. 4 position. The MCCB shall be current limiting type and comprise of quick make – Break switching mechanism. MCCBs shall be capable of defined variable overload adjustment. All MCCBs rated 250 Amps and above shall have adjustable over load & short circuit pick-up both in Thermal magnetic and Microprocessor Trip Units. All MCCB with microprocessor based release unit, the protection shall be adjustable Overload, Short circuit and earth fault protection with time delay. The trip command shall override all other commands. AMF LOGIC FOR TRANSFER OF POWER FROM NORMAL TO GENERATOR POWER SUPPLY AND FROM GENERATOR SUPPLY TO NORMAL POWER AUTOMATICALLY In the case of failure of normal power supply a. Generator to start after a prefixed time of three second on any of the following conditions: i. ii. iii. Total absence of voltage. Failure of one or two phases. Under voltage below said volts. b. After a lapse of 10-12 seconds normal power supply breaker to open and Generator supply breaker to close. c. All auxiliaries (Exhaust Fans etc.) to run automatically. In the case of Resumption of Normal Power supply: a. Generator breaker to open and normal power supply breaker to close after three minute on resumption of normal power on the following conditions. i. b. All the three phases available at the normal supply breaker. 370-415 volts available at the normal supply breaker. i Generator to over run for the three minutes and stop automatically. ii. All auxiliaries to stop automatically. iii. Generator to be ready for the next operation automatically. ANNUNCIATION Annunciation with Hooter, Test, Accept and Reset P.B. and Annunciator. 144 16 Window Solid State Annunciator for each DG sets. Channel No. 5 Inscription 01 Set fails to start (only alarm) 02 Over current (breaker trip) 03 Earth Fault (Breaker trip) 04 Excitation Failure (Engine should be stop with breaker trip) 05 Reverse Power (Breaker trip) 06 Emergency Shutdown (Breaker will trip with engine stop command) 07 Over speed (Breaker will trip with engine stop command) 08 Low Lube Oil pressure (Breaker will trip with engine stop command) 09 High Water Temperature (Breaker will trip with engine stop command 10 Under Voltage (Breaker trip) 11. Over Voltage (Breaker trip) 12 Bearing Temperature high (breaker will trip with engine stop command) 13. Under Frequency (Breaker trip) 14 Over Frequency (Breaker trip) 15. Winding Temperature High Breaker with trip with engine stop command) 16. Low fuel oil level (only alarm at preset level. GENERAL Switchboards shall be suitable for operation at three phase 4 wire, 415 volt, 50 Hz, neutral solidly grounded at transformer system with a short circuit level withstand as per schedule of quantities and drawings. Switchboards shall comply to Form 3B for compartmentalized boards and Form 1 for non compartmentalized boards as per BS 5486 Part I – 1990 and IEC 439-1 The enclosures shall be designed to take care of normal stress as well as abnormal electromechanical stress due to short circuit conditions. All covers and doors provided shall offer adequate safety to operating persons and provide ingress protection of IP 54 unless otherwise stated. Ventilating openings and vent outlets, if provided, shall be arranged such that same ingress protection of IP 54 is retained. 145 Suitable pressure relief devices shall be provided to minimize danger to operator during internal fault conditions. 6 All accessible bares terminals shall be provided with integral shrouds and shall be finger touch proof. Bimetallic connectors shall be provided for termination of cable with aluminum conductors on copper bus bars. SWITCHBOARD CONFIGURATION 7 Entire switchgear used in switchboards shall be completely fuse free. No fuses shall be used anywhere in the installation. The Switchboard shall be configured with Air Circuit Breakers, MCCB's, and other equipment as called for in the schedule of quantities. The MCCB's shall be arranged in multi-tier formation whereas the Air Circuit Breakers shall be arranged in Single or Double tier formation only to facilitate operation and maintenance. The Switchboards shall be of adequate size with a provision of 25% spare space to accommodate possible future additional switch gear. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS All equipment used to configure the Switchboard shall comply to the relevant Standards and Codes of the Bureau of Indian Standards and to the detailed technical specifications as included in this tender document. 8 CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES The Switchboards shall be metal clad totally enclosed, floor mounted free standing type of modular extensible design suitable for indoor mounting. The Switchboards shall be designed for a temperature rise restricted to 40 Deg C above ambient of 45 Deg C Switchboards shall be either compartmentalized or non compartmentalized as stipulated in schedule of quantities. Switchboards shall be made up of requisite vertical sections, which when coupled together, shall for continuous dead front switchboards. Switchboard shall be readily extensible on both sides by addition of vertical sections after removal of the end covers. The switchboards shall be designed for use in high ambient temperature and humid tropical conditions as specified. Ease of inspections, cleaning and repairs while maintaining continuity of operation shall be provided in the design. Metal based neoprene gaskets between all adjacent units and beneath all covers shall be provided to render the joints dust and vermin proof to provide a degree of protection of IP 54 as stipulated in schedule of quantities. ‘U’ Channels forming switchboard frames shall be fabricated from 2.5 mm thick electro galvanized MS sheets. All joints shall be neatly formed and finished flush with adjacent surfaces by grinding. No joints shall be located in corners. Bare edges shall be lipped. Structural members and bracings where ever required shall be welded or bolted to the frame. The frame shall be of modular design and extensible. 146 9 All doors and covers shall also be fully gasketed with metal based neoprene gaskets with fasteners designed to ensure proper compression of the gaskets. The hinged door shall open a maximum of 1500. All hinged doors shall have earth braid connected to the cubicle. Good quality door handles fitted with toggles to operate rods to latch with suitable slots in both top and bottom of switchboards shall be provided. Latching rods and associated brackets shall be cadmium plated. Each vertical section shall be provided with a rear side cable chamber housing the cable end connections and power/control cable terminations. There should be generous availability of space for ease of installation and maintenance with adequate safety for working in one vertical section without coming into contract with any liver parts. Switchboard panels and cubicles shall be fabricated with CRCA Sheet Steel of thickness not less than 2.0 mm and shall be folded and braced as necessary to provide a rigid support for all components. The doors and covers shall be fabricated from CRCA sheet steel of thickness not less than 1.6 mm. Joints of any kind in sheet metal shall be seam welded and all welding slag ground off and welding pits wiped smooth with plumber metal. All panels and covers shall be properly fitted and square with the frame. The holes in the panel shall be correctly positioned. Fixing screws shall enter holes tapped into an adequate thickness of metal or provided with hank nuts. Self-threading screws shall not be used in switchboards. All electrical contacts between dissimilar metals (eg.. aluminum conductor of cables connected to copper terminals of breakers etc..) shall be through bimetallic connection SWITCHBOARD DIMENSIONAL LIMITATIONS A base channel 75 mm x 5 mm thick shall be provided at the bottom. A minimum of 200 mm blank space between the floor of switchboard and bottom most unit shall be provided. The overall height of the switchboard shall be limited to 2300 mm unless otherwise stipulated. 10 The height of the operating handle, push buttons etc shall be restricted between 300 mm and 2000 mm from finished floor level. SWITCHBOARD COMPARTMENTALIZATION For compartmentalized switchboards, separate totally enclosed compartments shall be provided for horizontal bus bars, vertical bus bars, ACBs, MCCBs and cable alleys. Earthed metal or insulated shutters shall be provided between draw out and fixed portion of the switchgear such that no live parts are accessible with equipment drawn out. Degree of protection within compartments shall be at least IP 4X. Sheet steel hinged lockable doors for each separate compartment shall be provided and duly interlocked with the breaker in "ON" and "OFF" position. For all Circuit Breakers separate and adequate compartments shall be provided for accommodating instruments, indicating lamps, control contactors and control MCB etc. These shall be accessible for testing and maintenance without any danger of accidental contact with live parts of the circuit breaker, bus bars and connections. 147 11 Each switchgear cubicles shall be fitted with label in front and back identifying the circuit, switchgear type, rating and duty. All operating device shall be located in front of switchgear only. Minimum height from floor level for any device mounted on panel cover shall be 250 mm. A horizontal wire way with screwed cover shall be provided at the top to take interconnecting control wiring between vertical sections. Separate cable compartments running the height of the switchboard in the case of front access boards shall be provided for incoming and outgoing cables. Cable compartments shall be of adequate size for easy termination of all incoming and outgoing cables entering from bottom or top. Adequate and proper support shall be provided in cable compartments to support cables. SWITCHBOARD BUS BARS Bus bars shall be made of high conductivity, high strength aluminum alloy, complying with requirements of grade E 91E of IS 5082 – 1981. Design of bus bar system shall comply to IS 5578 and IS 11353. Bus bars shall be of rectangular cross sections suitable for full load current for phase bus bars as also neutral bus bar . The maximum current density shall be 1 amp per Sq. mm. bus bar shall be suitable to withstand the stresses of fault level as specified in schedule of quantities. Bus bars shall be insulted with heat shrunk PVC sleeving of 1.1 kV grade and bus bar joints provided with clip-on shrouds. All bus bars shall be colour coded. Auxiliary buses for control power supply, space heater power supply or any other specified service shall be provided. these buses shall be insulated, adequately supported and sized to suit specific requirement. The material for auxiliary supply bus will be electrolytic copper. Additional cross sectional area to be added to the bus bar to compensate for the holes. 12 The bus bars shall be extensible on either side of the switchboard. The bus bars shall be supported on non-breakable, non-hygroscopic epoxy resin or glass fiber reinforced polymer insulated supports able to withstand operating temperature of 110O C at regular intervals, to withstand the forces arising from a fault level of 31 MVA at 415 volts for 1 second or as stipulated in schedule of quantities. SWITCHBOARD INTERCONNECTION All connection and tap offs shall be through adequately sized connectors appropriate for fault level at location. This shall include tap off to feeders and instrument/control transformers. Alternatively current limiters of approved make and type shall be used. For unit ratings up to 100 amps, PVC insulated copper conductor wires of adequate size to carry full load current shall be used. The terminations of such interconnections shall be crimped. Solid connections shall be used for all rating of 100 amps and above. All connections, tappings, clamping, shall be made in an approved manner to ensure minimum contact resistance. All connections shall be firmly bolted and clamp with .even tension. Before assembly joint surfaces shall be filed or finished to remove burrs, dents and oxides and silvered to maintain good continuity at all joints. 148 All screws, bolts, washers shall be cadmium plated. Approved spring washers shall be used with cadmium plated high tensile steel bolts with BSF threads. 13 All connectivity and tap offs shall have bimetallic connectors as required, finger touch proof terminals & integral switchgear shrouds. DRAW OUT FEATURES Air Circuit Breakers shall be provided in fully draw out cubicles, unless otherwise stated. These cubicles shall be such that draw out is possible without disconnection of the wires and cables. The power and control circuits shall have self aligning and self isolating contacts. The fixed and moving contacts shall be easily accessible for operation and maintenance. Mechanical interlocks shall be provided on the draw out cubicles to ensure safety and compliance to relevant Standards. The MCCB's shall be provided in fixed type cubicles. 14 INSTRUMENT ACCOMMODATION Instruments and indicating lamps shall not be mounted on the Circuit Breaker Compartment door for which a separate and adequate compartment shall be provided and the instrumentation shall be accessible for testing and maintenance without danger of accidental contact with live parts of the Switchboard. For MCCB's instruments and indicating lamps can be provided on the compartment doors. The current transformers for metering and for protection shall be mounted on the solid copper/aluminum bus bars with proper supports. 15 WIRING 16 All wiring for relays and meters shall be with PVC insulated copper conductor wires. The wiring shall be coded and labelled with approved ferrules for identification. The minimum size of copper conductor control wires shall be 2.5 sq. mm. Wiring shall be terminated with ferrules on terminal block. CTs shall be provided with shorting facilities CABLE TERMINATIONS 17 Knockout holes of appropriate size and number shall be provided in the Switchboard in conformity with the location of incoming and outgoing conduits/cables. The cable terminations of the Circuit Breakers shall be brought out to terminal cable sockets suitably located in the cable chamber The cable terminations for the MCCB's shall be brought out to the rear in the case of rear access switchboards or in the cable compartment in the case of front access Switchboards. The Switchboards shall be complete with tinned brass cable sockets, tinned brass compression glands, gland plates, supporting clamps and brackets etc for termination of 1100 volt grade aluminum conductor XLPE cables. Removable gland plates shall be provided for power and control cables. The gland plates shall be 3 mm thick and for single core cables shall be of non magnetic material. SPACE HEATERS Anti- condensation heaters shall be fitted in each cubicle together with an ON/OFF isolating switch suitable for electrical operation at 230 volts A.C 50 Hz single phase of sufficient capacity 149 O to raise the internal ambient temperature by 5 C. The electrical apparatus so protected shall be designed so that the maximum permitted rise in temperature is not exceeded if the heaters are energized while the switchboard is in operation. As a general rule, the heaters shall be placed at the bottom of the cubicle. 18 VENTILATION FANS The Switchboard shall be provided with panel mounting type ventilation fans in each panel with switchgear rated for 2500 amp and above. The fan shall be interlocked with switchgear operation. If the ventilation fans cannot be provided for maintaining the required degree of ingress protection. The design of switch board cubical shall incorporate suitable measures dissipation etc. in order to restrict temperature rise to within the required limit. 19 EARTHING Continuous internal copper earth bus sized for prospective fault current to be provided with arrangement for connecting to station earth at two points. Hinged doors / frames to be connected to earth through adequately sized flexible braids. 20 SHEET STEEL TREATMENT AND PAINTING Sheet steel used in the fabrication of switchboards shall undergo a rigorous cleaning and surface treatment seven tank process comprising of alkaline degreasing, descaling in dilute sulphuric acid and a recognized phosphating process after which a coat of primer paint compactively with the final paint shall be applied over the treated surface. Final paint coat of oven baked powder coating, of minimum 50 micron thickness, of sheet approved by Architects/Owners shall then be provided. 21 NAME PLATES AND LABELS Suitable engraved white on black name plates and identification labels of metal for all Switchboards and Circuits shall be provided. These shall indicate the feeder number and feeder designation. 22 LOCAL AUTHORITIES REQUIREMENT All other requirements by the local Authority that are imposed in course of execution of the work, particularly those listed below shall be provided. 23 Danger Signs Rubber floor mat of 10 m thickness and 1 m width provided for t he full length of the switchboard. A dry chemical type fire extinguisher of 9 kg capacity with approved label Framed single line diagram with minimum A1 size First Aid Demonstration sign. CPRI TESTING Switchboard configurations offered shall be CPRI tested. Copies of the CPRI test certificates shall be submitted with the tender. 150 24 TESTING AT WORKS Copies of type test carried out at ACB/MCCB manufacturers works and routine tests carried out at the switchboard fabricators shop shall be furnished along with the delivery of the switchboards. Architects/Owners reserves the right to get the switchboard inspected by their representative at fabricators works prior to dispatch to site to witness the routine tests 25 INSTALLATION The foundations prepared as per the manufacturers drawings shall be leveled, checked for accuracy and the Switchboard installed. All bus bar connections shall be checked with a feeler gauge after installation. The cable end boxes shall be sealed to prevent entry of moisture. The main earth bar shall be connected to the sub-station earths. Antistatic rubber matting of approved make conforming to IS 5424 – 1983, of minimum 1000 mm width 10 mm thickness shall be provided in front of and along the full length of the Switchboard. The rubber mat shall withstand 15 KV for 1 minute and leakage current shall not exceed 160 mA/sq. meter. After installation the Switchboard shall be tested as required prior to commissioning. 26 TESTING AT SITE Pre-commissioning tests as required and as per manufacturers recommendations shall be carried out on each switchboard at site before energizing the switchboards including but not restricted to the following. Physical checking of the switchboards including checking alignment of panels, interconnection of Bus bars, tightness of bolts/connections and evidence of damage/cracks in any components. Physical checking and inspections of Inter panel wiring Checking free movement of ACBs/MCCBs/SFUs Checking of operation of breakers Insulation tests of bus bar supports and control wiring etc. with 1.1 kV megger. Primary & secondary injection tests of relays and CTs. Checking of Interlocking function. SECTION II - MEDIUM VOLTAGE 1.1 KV GRADE XLPE INSULATED PVC SHEATHED CABLES 1 SCOPE The MV cables shall be supplied, inspected, laid, tested and commissioned in accordance with drawings, Specifications, relevant Standard Specifications and cable manufacturer's instruction. 2 STANDARDS AND CODES Updated and current Indian Standard Specifications and Codes of Practice as stipulated below shall apply to the equipment’s and the work covered in this section. In addition the relevant clauses of the Indian Electricity Act 1910, Indian Electricity Rules 1956, National Building Code 151 2005, National Electric Code 2008, Code of Practice for Fire Safety of Building (general) : General Principal and Fire Grading – IS 1641 as amended upto date shall also apply. Wherever appropriate Indian Standards are not available, relevant British and/or IEC Standards shall be applicable. PVC insulated heavy duty cables Cross link polyethylene insulated PVC (sheathed XLPE cables) Code of practice for installation and maintenance of power cables Conductors for insulated electrical cables Drums for electrical cable Methods of test for cables Recommended current rating Recommended short circuit rating of high voltage PVC cables 3 IS 1554 - 1988 IS 7098 - 1985 IS 1255 - 1983 IS 8130 - 1984 IS 10418 - 1982 IS 10810 - 1988 IS 3961 - 1987 IS 5891 - 1970 MATERIAL The MV cables shall be cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated PVC sheathed of 1100 volts grade as asked for in the schedule of quantities. Cables up to 4 shall be with copper conductor and 4 and above shall be with aluminum conductor. (i) TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: a) All XLPE Aluminum/Copper Power cables shall be 1100 Volts grade, multi core constructed as per IS : 7098 Part-I of 1988 as follows : Stranded Aluminum /Copper conductor in case of 10 and above and solid conductor in case of 10 and below. Cores laid up The inner sheath should be bonded over with thermo-plastic material for protection against mechanical and electrical damage. Armoring should be provided over the inner sheath to guard against mechanical damage. Armouring should be Galvanized steel wires or galvanized steel strips. (In single core cables used in A.C. system armouring should be non-magnetic hard aluminum Wires/Strips. Round steel wires should be used where diameter over the inner sheath does not exceed 13 mm; above 13 mm flat steel armour should be used. Round wire of different sizes should be provided against specific request.) The outer sheath should be specially formulated heat resistant black PVC compound conforming to the requirement of type ST2 of IS : 5831-1984 extruded to form the outer sheath. b) Conductor shall be of electrolytic Aluminum/Copper conforming to IS : 8130 and are compact circular or compact shaped. c) Insulation shall be of XLPE type as per latest IS general purpose insulation for maximum rated conductor temperature 70 degree centigrade. d) In Inner sheath laid up cores shall be bonded over with thermoplastic material for protection against mechanical and electrical damage. e) Insulation, inner sheath and outer sheath shall be applied by extrusion and lapping up process only. f) Armouring shall be of galvanized steel wire/flat. 152 g) Repaired cables shall not be used. h) Current ratings of the cables shall be as per IS: 3961. i) The XLPE insulated cables shall conform to latest revision IS read along with this specifications. The Conductor shall be stranded Aluminum/Copper circular/ sector shaped and compacted. In multi core cables the core shall be identified by red, yellow, blue and black coloring of insulation. j) The XLPE insulated 1100 Volts grade power cables shall conform to latest IS and shall be suitable for a steady conductor temperature of 70 degree centigrade. The conductor shall be stranded Aluminum/Copper as called for in the Schedule of quantities. The outer sheath shall be as per the requirement of type ST-2 of IS: 5831 of 1984. k) The cables shall be suitable for laying in racks, ducts, trenches, conduits and underground buried installation with uncontrolled back fill and chances of flooding by water. l) Progressive automatic in line sequential marking of the length of cables in meters at every one meter shall be provided on the outer sheath of all cables. m) Cables shall be supplied in non-returnable wooden drums as per IS: 10418. Both ends of the cables shall be properly sealed with PVC/Rubber caps so as to eliminate ingress of water during transportation, storage and erection. n) The product should be coded as per IS :- 7098 Part-I as follows :Aluminium Conductor XLPE Insulation Steel round wire armour Steel strip armour Steel Double round wire armour Steel Double strip armour Non-magnetic (Al.) round wire armour Non-magnetic (Al.) strip armour PVC outer sheath 4 A 2X W F WW FF Wa Fa Y INSPECTION All cables shall be inspected by the contractor upon receipt at site and checked for any damage during transit. 5 JOINTS IN CABLES 6 The Contractor shall take care to see that all the cables received at site are apportioned to various locations in such a manner as to ensure maximum utilization and avoidance of cable jointing. This apportioning shall be got approved by the Owner’s site representative before the cables are cut to lengths. Where joints are unavoidable heat shrinkable type joints shall be made. The location of such joints shall be got approved from the Owner’s site representative and shall be identified through a marker. JOINTING BOXES FOR CABLES Cable joint boxes shall be installed with heat shrinkable sleeve and of appropriate size, suitable for XLPE armoured cables of particular voltage rating. 153 7 JOINTING OF CABLES All cable joints shall be made in suitable, approved cable joint boxes and the filling in of compound shall be done in accordance with manufactures' instructions and in an approved manner. All straight joints shall be done in epoxy mould boxes with epoxy resin. All cables shall be joined colour to colour and tested for continuity and insulation resistance before jointing commence. The seals of cables must not be removed until preparations for jointing are completed. Joints shall be finished on the same day as commenced and sufficient protection from the weather shall be arranged. The conductors shall be efficiently insulated with high voltage insulating tape and by using of spreaders of approved size and pattern. The joints shall be completely topped up with epoxy compound so as to ensure that the box is properly filled. 8 CABLE TERMINATIONS Cable termination shall be done in cable terminal box using crimping sockets and proper size of glands of double compression type with earthing facility. 9 BONDING OF CABLES Where a cable enters any piece of apparatus, it shall be connected to the casing by means of an approved type of armour clamp and gland. The clamps must grip the armouring firmly to the gland or casing, so that no undue stress is passed on to the cable conductors. 10 LAYING OF CABLES ON CABLE TRAYS Cables shall be laid by skilled and experienced workmen using adequate rollers to minimize stretching of the cable. The cable drums shall be placed on jacks before unwinding the cable. Great care shall be exercised in laying cables to avoid forming kinks. The relative position of the cables, laid on the cable tray shall be preserved and the cables shall not cross each other. At all changes in direction in horizontal and vertical planes, the cable shall be bent smooth with a radius as recommended by the manufacturer’s. All cables shall be laid with minimum one diameter gap and shall be clamped at every metre to the cable tray and shall be tagged for identification with aluminum tag and clamped properly. Tags shall be provided at both ends and all changes in directions both sides of wall and floor crossings. All cable shall be identified by embossing on the tag the size of the cable, place of origin and termination. All cables passing through holes in floor or walls shall be sealed with fire retardant Sealant and shall be painted with fire retardant paint upto one meter on all joints, terminations and both sides of the wall crossings by “VIPER CABLE RETARD”. (i) LAYING OF CABLES IN GROUND The minimum width of trench for laying single cable shall be minimum 350 mm. Where more than one cable is to be laid in horizontal formation, the width of the trench shall be workout by providing 200 mm gap between the cables, except where otherwise specified. There shall be clearance of 150 mm between the end cable and the side wall of the trench. The minimum dept of the cable trench shall not be less than 750 mm for single layer of cables. When the cables are laid in more than one tier the depth of the trench shall be increased by 300 mm for each additional tier. Excavation of trenches : The trenches shall be excavated in reasonably straight lines. Wherever there is a change in direction, suitable curvature shall be provided. 154 Where gradients and changes in depth are unavoidable, these shall be gradual. The excavated soil shall be stacked firmly by the side of the trench such that it may not fall back into the trench. The bottom of the trench shall be level and free from stone, brick bats etc. The trench shall then be provided with a layer of clean, dry sand cushion of not less than 100 mm in depth. Prior to laying of cables, the cores shall be tested for continuity and insulation resistance. The cable drum shall be properly mounted on jacks, at a suitable location, making sure that the spindle, jack etc. are strong enough to carry the weight of the drum and the spindle is horizontal. Cable shall be pulled over rollers in the trench steadily and uniformly without jerks and strains. The entire drum length shall be laid in one stretch. However, where this is not possible the remainder of the cable shall be removed by `Flaking’ i.e. by making one long loop in the reverse direction. After the cable has been uncoiled and laid into the trench over the rollers, the cable shall be lifted off the rollers beginning from one end by helpers standing about 10 meters apart and laid in a reasonably straight line. Cable laid in trenches in a single tier formation shall have a cover of clean, dry sand of not less than 150 mm. above the base cushion of sand before the protective cover is laid. In the case of vertical multi-tier formation after the first cable has been laid, a sand cushion of 300 mm shall be provided over the initial bed before the second tier is laid. Finally the cables shall be protected by second class bricks before back filling the trench. Back Filling : The trenches shall be back filled with excavated earth free from stones or other sharp edged debris and shall be rammed and watered, if necessary, in successive layers not exceeding 300 mm. Unless otherwise specified, a crown of earth not less than 50 mm in the centre and tapering towards the sides of the trench shall be left to allow for subsidence. 11 CABLES INSIDE BUILDING Cables inside buildings shall be laid on the cable trays. All cables passing through walls shall run through GI Pipes of adequate diameter 50 mm apart maintaining the relative position over the entire length. 12 ROUTE MARKER Route marker shall be provided along straight runs of the cables not exceeding 100 meters also for change in the direction of the cable route and underground joints. Route marker shall be of cast iron painted with aluminum paint. The size of marker shall be 100 mm dia with “Cable” and voltage grade inscribed on it. 13 CABLE TRAYS & RACEWAY (a) Ladder type Cable tray – for Power Cables only Cable trays shall be ladder type fabricated out of mild steel/slotted angles and flats of required width as per design. Bends shall be prefabricated. The cable tray shall be hot dip galvanized or primed and painted with powder coating as asked for in BoQ or as approved by Owner/Consultant. The minimum weight of the zinc coating shall be 460 gm/sq.m and minimum thickness of coating shall not be less than 75 microns. (b) Perforated Cable tray – for Cables for Low current service only 155 The perforated cable trays are fabricated out of 2.0 mm thick CRCA sheet steel having minimum 50mm depth or as called for in BOQ, hot dip galvanized or epoxy coated of approved shade. Perforations are maximum 10mm spaced at maximum 20mm distance. The cables shall be tied with the cable tray with nylon strip/aluminium clamps/M.S. clamps as per requirements. Suitable provision shall be made where a tray crosses expansion joints. The width of the tray shall allow for a suitable separation between cables the design shall allow for adequate bending radius for the sizes of cables. No sharp bend to be allowed in cable tray. Joints between sections shall be bolted. The tray shall be suspended from the surface of the concrete slab by means of approved steel hangers spaced at a distance of not more than 125cms. Suitable bushes shall be provided where cables pass through apertures in the tray. Cables must be securely fixed to the tray with clamps or cable ties. In routing necessary barrier and spacing shall be maintained for cables of different voltages in case they lie side by side. Telephone cables shall cross the power cables only at about right angle and these two shall not run in close proximity. Full details of the tray shall be approved by the Consultant/Site Engineer before fabrication. Earth continuity shall be maintained between each section of cable tray and each total run of tray shall be effectively bonded to the nearest earth continuity 0conductor. All nuts and bolts used shall be of galvanised steel. Depending on the size of cable trays space of 20-33% has to be maintained for future expansion. Cable tray is manufactured to comply with the specifications of National Electrical Code (NEC) and National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA). RACEWAY All raceway shall be of 1.6mm/2.0mm thick G.P. sheet as specified in BOQ. The raceway shall have Z- section, hole with thread for cover screw, coupler plate, cover, junction box, fly cover etc as required. The screw for cover fixing shall be counter sunk type. The size of raceway shall be as follow. 14 WIDTH (mm) 50 HEIGHT/THICKNESS (mm) 40 COVER THICKNESS (mm) 1.6 75 40 1.6 100 40 1.6 150 40 2.0 200 40 2.0 300 40 2.0 SPECIFICATION FOR HOT DIP GALVANIZING PROCESS FOR MILD STEEL USED FOR EARTHING, CABLE TRAYS OR JUNCTION BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 156 I. Quality of Zinc Zinc to be used shall conform to minimum Zn 98 grade as per requirement of IS:209-1992. II. Coating Requirement Minimum weight of zinc coating for mild steel flats with thickness upto 6 mm in accordance with IS:6745-1972 shall be 400 g/sqm. The weight of coating expressed in grams per square metre shall be calculated by dividing the total weight of Zinc by total area (both sides) of the coated surface. The Zinc coating shall be uniform, smooth and free from imperfections as flux, ash and dross inclusions, bare patches black spots, pimples, lumpiness, runs, rust stains bulky white deposits, blisters. Mild steel flats / wires shall undergo a process of degreasing pickling in acid, cold rinsing and then galvanizing. 15 FIRE RETARDANT CABLE PAINT & FIRE BARRIER The fire retardant paint / barrier shall be listed by independent test agencies such as UL, FM or OPL and be tested to, and pass the criteria of ASTM E 814 ( UL1479) standard test method for fire test through- penetration fire stops and ASTM E 1996 ( UL 2079) standard test method for fire resistive joint system/ (i) Fire retardant cable Paint The Fire resistant cable coating / painting shall be intumescent / ablative, water based compound, The coating shall expand up to 10 times, supplied in a manufacturer seal container indicating manufacturing and expiry dates. The coating material shall be non-toxic, asbestos free, & halogen free and shall have good mechanical strength. The colour of paint shall be white and density of coating shall be 1.3kg/ltr , coating shall have a snap time of 30 minutes, the expansion shall begin at 230 deg.C and it shall have a oxygen index of 41%. Coating shall be applied by ordinary paint brush after cleaning the cables of dust and oil deposition. A minimum textured finish of 3 mm wet film thickness shall be achieved by applying the material in 2-3 layers leaving intervals of 2 to 8 hours depending upon the moisture and thickness, moisture and temperature hours between each coat. (ii) Fire Barrier sheet for floor and wall sealing The framing & fixing part of fire barrier sheet shall be very simple & directly fixed around walls & floors by help of anchored bolts & washer. For 2 hour fire rating the fire barrier sheet shall be minimum 7.62 mm thick and shall be cut as per the profile of penetration and opening. The small gap left around the penetration shall be closed with fire rated soft & mouldable putty. Fire barrier must be design on the intumescent technology to seal larger penetration through the fire rated walls & floors. Fire barrier must be a composite construction with the quality incorporated with organic/ inorganic fire resistive elastomeric sheet with specific gravity of 1.6 gm/ cubic centimeter. 16 TESTING OF CABLES Cables shall be tested at works for the following tests before being dispatched to site by the project team. a) Insulation Resistance Test. 157 b) c) d) e) Continuity resistance test. Sheathing continuity test. Earth test.(in armoured cables) Hi Pot Test. Test shall also be conducted at site for insulation between phases and between phase and earth for each length of cable, before and after jointing. On completion of cable laying work, the following tests shall be conducted in the presence of the Owner’s site representative. a) b) c) d) Insulation Resistance Test( Sectional and overall) Continuity resistance test. Sheathing continuity test. Earth test. All tests shall be carried out in accordance with relevant Standard Code of Practice and Electricity Rules. The Contractor shall provide necessary instruments, equipment and labour for conducting the above tests and shall bear all expenses in connection with such tests. All tests shall be carried out in the presence of the RITES’s representative. SECTION III - LIGHT FIXTURES 1 SCOPE Scope of work under this section shall include inspection at suppliers/manufacturer’s premises at site, receiving at site, safe storage, transportation from point of storage to point of erection, erection and commissioning of light fittings, fixtures and accessories including all necessary supports, brackets, down rods and painting etc as required. 2 LIGHTING FIXTURES & ACCESSORIES The light fixtures and fittings shall be assembled and installed in position complete and ready for service, in accordance with details, drawings, manufacturer's instructions and to the satisfaction of the Project Manager. 3 STANDARDS The lighting and their associated accessories such as lamps, reflectors, housings, ballasts etc., shall comply with the latest applicable standards, more specifically the following: General and safety requirements for Luminaries: Part-1 Tubular fluorescent lamps - IS – 1913 (Part-1) Industrial lighting fittings with metal reflectors - IS - 1777 Decorative lighting outfits - IS - 5077 Bayonet lamp holders - IS - 1258 Bi-pin lamp holders for tubular fluorescent lamps - IS - 3323 Electronic Ballasts for fluorescent lamps – General & Safety requirement - IS–13021 (Part-1) Electronic Ballasts for fluorescent lamps – Performance requirement - IS–13021 (Part-2) 158 4 Ballast for HP MV lamps - IS - 6616 Tubular Fluorescent lamps - IS-2418 (Part-1 to 4) Luminaries – General requirement - IS – 10322 (Part-1) Luminaries – Constructional requirement - IS – 10322 (Part-2) Luminaries – Screw and Screw less termination - IS – 10322 (Part-3) Luminaries – Methods of Tests - IS – 10322 (Part-4) Particular requirement – General purpose Luminaries - IS-10322 (Part-5/Sec-1) Particular requirement – Recessed Luminaries - IS-10322 (Part-5/Sec-2) Particular requirement – Luminaries for Road and Street lighting - IS-10322 (Part-5/Sec-3) Particular requirement – Portable General purpose Luminaries -IS-10322(Part-5/Sec-4) Particular requirement – Flood Lighting -IS-10322 (Part-5/Sec-5) High pressure mercury vapour lamps -IS-9900 (Part-1) Tungsten filament general electric lamps -IS- 418 LIGHT FITTINGS-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a). Fittings shall be designed for continuous trouble free operation under atmospheric conditions without reduction in lamp life or without deterioration of materials and internal wiring. Degree of protection of enclosure shall be IP-65 for outdoor fittings except bulkhead fitting. Bulkhead fitting shall be provided with IP-54 protection. b) Fittings shall be so designed as to facilitate easy maintenance including cleaning, replacement of lamps/ ballasts. c) All fittings shall be supplied complete with lamps. All mercury vapour and sodium vapour lamp fittings shall be complete with accessories like ballasts, power factor improvement capacitors, starters, etc. Outdoor type fittings shall be provided with weather proof junction boxes (IP-55) and IP-54 Control gear boxes. d) Each fitting shall have a terminal block suitable for loop-out connection by 1100 V PVC insulated copper conductor wires upto 4 the internal wiring should be completed by the manufacturer by means of standard copper wire and terminated on the terminal block. e) All hardware used in the fitting shall be suitably plated or anodized and passivated. f) Earthing: Each lighting fitting shall be provided with an earthing terminal. All metal or metal enclosed parts of the housing shall be bonded and connected to the earthing terminal so as to ensure satisfactory earthing continuity throughout the fixture. g) Painting/Finish: All surfaces of the fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned and degreased and the fittings shall be free from scale, rust, sharp-edges, and burns. 159 5 h) The housing shall be powder coated/stove-enameled or anodized as required. The surface shall be scratch resistant and shall show no sign of cracking or flaking when bent through 90 deg. over 12 mm dia mandrel. i) Metal used in BODY of lighting fixtures shall be not less than 22 SWG or heavier if so required to comply with specification of standards. Sheet steel reflectors shall have a thickness of not less than 20 SWG. The metal parts of the fixtures shall be completely free from burns and tool marks. Solder shall not be used as mechanical fastening device on any part of the fixture. LIGHT FITTINGS – SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Box Channel Type Industrial Fittings Box type slim line channel must be in screw less construction manufactured from M.S. CRCA sheet steel powder coated with MS CRCA cover, powder coated white. Light reflection surface in Box/Channel type fittings shall be in a POLYESTER PRECOATED STEEL having a reflection factor of not less than 80%. SCREWLESS DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Light fixtures shall be preferred due to their ease of maintenance, especially for box/channel for box/channel type fixtures. Moisture Proof Industrial Fittings Surface mounted totally enclosed moisture proof fixtures must be in polycarbonate body and diffuser with transparent prismatic interior and smooth exterior and frosted end. Fixture must be completely sealed with polyerethane double gasket to achieve IP 65 protection. Fixture is complete with CRCA steel white powder coated / enameled finish reflector. 18 W / 36 W Fluorescent and 36 W CFL Low Glare Light Fittings Recessed mounted, modular fluorescent lighting fixture made of CRCA Sheet steel powder coated (white) housing, electro chemically brightened and anodized reflector, three dimensional cross louvers with concave contours, fresnel top at louver saddle to increase 2 efficiency. The luminance of <200 cd/M at 63 degree viewing angle in all directions so as to confirm Cat-2 classification of CIBSELG3 Highbay Industrial Fittings Industrial Highbay luminaries shall be provided with pressure die cast housing along with all accessories, orthocyclically woundopien construction ballast, capacitor & semi parallel igniter connected to terminal block and mounted on the gear plate. The gear shall have side entry for ease in maintenance. The spun aluminium reflector is suitable for narrows well as wide beam distribution. The luminaries will be suitable for metal halide lamp HPI BU + 250 W which has 25500 lumens and 2.5 min re-strike time (when operate with son gear). 6 ACCESSORIES FOR LIGHT FITTINGS REFLECTORS The reflectors shall be made of CRCA sheet steel/aluminium /Silvered glass/Chromium plated sheet copper as required. The thickness of reflectors shall be as per relevant standards. Reflectors made of steel shall have stove enameled/ vitreous enameled/epoxy coating finish. Aluminium used for reflectors shall be anodized/epoxy stove enameled /mirror polished. The finish for the reflector shall be as specified. The reflectors shall be free from scratches / blisters and shall have a smooth and glossy surface having optimum light reflecting coefficient. Reflectors shall be readily removable from the housing for cleaning and maintenance without use of tools. 160 7 LAMPS TLD Lamp shall be environment friendly low pressure mercury discharge lamp with mercury content less than or equal to 5 mg. The lamp shall have minimum lumen maintenance of 85 and CRI of 85. The lamp must comply to ROSH (Restriction of Hazardous substances) and covered by WEEE. Lamp should be fully recyclable. The lamp should be low on maintenance with life of 40 K hours in case of electromagnetic ballast and 65 K hours in case of HF ballast upto 10% failure. The discharge glass shall be lead free. TLD Lamps shall be minimum tri-phosphor type and have bi-pin bases. The fluorescent Tubes (TLD) should have cool daylight colour designation. But Architects reserve the right to prescribe either Cool Daylight or Bright White or Incandescent Colour Designations for TLD. NO extra payment will be made over the quoted rate of bidder for this. The 36 W fluorescent tubes will have Nominal Luminous Flux of not less than 3350 lumens whether so mentioned in the Schedule of Quantities or not. T 5 – HIGH EFFICIENCY ECO-FRIENDLY LAMPS T-5 lamp shall be environment friendly low pressure mercury discharge lamp with mercury content less than or equal to 3 mg. lamp should have lowest CO2 emission compared to any other comparable light source (40% less than a TL-D standard lamp, 26% less than TL-D / 80). T-5 lamp shall be 100% lead free. T-5 lamp shall be designed for operation with electronic o gear and well suited for dimming. Maximum lumen output to be reached at approx 35 C in free o o burning position. T-5 lamp can be ignited from -15 C to + 50 C. Lamp should be fully recyclable and must comply to ROSH (Restriction of Hazardous substances) and shall be covered by WEEE. T-5 shall have 16 mm in diameter service life of TL-5 lamp should be 10% more than TL-D lamps. T-5 lamp shall have lumen efficacy of upto 104 Lumen/ W and shall have excellent colour rendering to En 12464 (Ra 80 to 89). COMPACT FLUOROSCENT LAMP Compact fluorescent lamp shall have same luminous flux and power consumption as fluorescent tubes but less than half the length and more compact than U-shaped and circulator lamps. CFL shall be suitable for use with conventional control gear & standers and for HF electronic control gear 8 HIGH FREQUENCY ELECTRONIC BALLAST High frequency electronic ballast shall be used with fluorescent / Compact Fluorescent Lamps wherever specified in the schedule of quantities. High frequency electronic ballast shall comply to the following: IEC 927, IEC 928 for ≤10% total harmonic distortion. EMI / RFI – Confirming to FCC / VDE Class A/B. Line Transient as per IEEE C62.41. Ballast Crest Factor C1.7%. No Stroboscopic Effect Constant Wattage / Light output between 240 V ± 10%. Circuit protection for surge current and inrush current. Short circuits, open lamp protection PF > 0.99 for fluorescent / T5 lamp and 0.95 for CFL. Deactivated lamp protection 161 Suitable for use with single and twin lamps RFI < 30 MHz EN 55015 Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) ≤10% Immunity to interference EN 61547 Safety EN 60928 / IS 13021 (Part I) Performance EN 60929 / IS 13021 (Part II) Vibrations & Bump tests IEC 68-2-6 FC IEC 9001 Quality Standard ISO 9001 Environmental Standard ISO 14001 DC Operation EN 60924 Emergency Lighting Operation VDE 0108 Total System consumption for the ballast shall not be more than 3% of the lamp wattage. 1 x 36 W 1 x 28 W 1 x 35 W 1 x 14 W 1 x 18 W 1 x 36 W TLD, shall not exceed 40 W T-5, shall not exceed 30 W T-5, shall not exceed 38 W T-5, shall not exceed 16 W CFL, shall not exceed 20 W CFL, shall not exceed 40 W SECTION IV -- ADDRESSABLE FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM 1. GENERAL This section of the specification includes the furnishing, installation, connection and testing of the microprocessor controlled, analog addressable intelligent fire alarm equipment required to form a complete, operative, coordinated system. It shall include, but not be limited to, alarm initiating devices, alarm notification appliances, control panels, auxiliary control devices, annunciators, power supplies and wiring as per drawings and as itemized in Bill of Quantities. 2. STANDARDS The equipment and system shall comply to the requirements of the following standards and codes. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) - USA:- NFPA 72 No. 70 National Electric Code (NEC) No. 72-1996 National Fire Alarm Code No. 90A Air Conditioning Systems No. 92A Smoke Control Systems No. 92B Smoke Management Systems in Malls, Atria, Large Areas No. 101 Life Safety Code Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) - USA: - UL 864 No. 50 Cabinets and Boxes No. 268 Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems No. 864 Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems No. 268A Smoke Detectors for Duct Applications. No. 521 Heat Detectors for Fire Protective No. 228 Door Closers-Holders for Fire Protective Signaling Systems. No. 464 Audible Signaling Appliances. No. 38 Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. 162 No. 346 Waterflow Indicators for Fire Protective Signaling Systems. No. 1481 Power supplies for Fire Protective Signaling Systems. No. 1076 Control Units for Burglar Alarm Proprietary Protective Signaling Systems. No. 1971 Visual Notification Appliances. 3. National and Local Codes of India as applicable. SYSTEM General The fire alarm system shall comply with requirements of NFPA Standard No. 72 for protected premises signaling systems except as modified and supplemented by this specification. The system shall be supervised either electrically or by software-directed polling of field devices. The facility shall have an emergency voice alarm communication system. The digitized recorded voice message shall notify occupants that a fire condition has been reported. The message shall instruct the occupants with emergency instructions. Emergency manual voice override shall be provided. The fire alarm system shall be manufactured by an ISO 9001 certified company and meet the requirements of IS 2189. Each designated zone shall transmit separate and different alarm, supervisory and trouble signals to the Fire Command Center (FCC) and designated personnel in other buildings at the site via a multiplex communication network. The system shall be an active/interrogative type system where each transponder and/or addressable device is repetitively scanned, causing a signal to be transmitted to the main fire alarm control panel (FACP) indicating that the device and its associated circuit wiring is functional. Loss of this signal at the main FACP shall result in a trouble indication as specified hereinafter for the particular input. Description The Fire Alarm Control Panel and all transponders shall meet the modular listing requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. This includes all printed circuit board assemblies, power supplies, and enclosure parts. Systems which do not include modular labels may require return to the factory for system upgrades, and are not acceptable The system shall be designed such that each signaling line circuit (SLC) shall be limited to only 70% of its total capacity is used during the initial installation. The FACP and peripheral devices shall be manufactured 100% by a single manufacturer (or division thereof). Basic Performance: Alarm and trouble signals from each transponder shall be digitally encoded by listed electronic devices onto an NFPA Class A looped multiplex communication system. Alarm, trouble and supervisory signals from all intelligent reporting devices shall be encoded onto NFPA Class A Signaling Line Circuits. 163 Digitized electronic signals shall employ check digits or multiple polling. Transponder devices are to consist of low current, solid-state integrated circuits, and shall be powered from local a primary power and standby battery power source. Power for initiating devices and notification appliances must be from the main fire alarm control panel or the transponder to which they are connected. A single ground or open on any system signaling line circuit, initiating device circuit, or notification appliance circuit shall not cause system malfunction, loss of operating power or the ability to report an alarm. Alarm signals arriving at the main FACP shall not be lost following a power failure (or outage) under any circumstances. Hooter/strobe circuits shall be arranged such that there is a minimum of one Hooter/strobe circuit per smoke zone. Hooter circuits shall be electrically supervised for open and short circuit conditions. If a short circuit exists on a hooter circuit, it shall not be possible to activate that circuit. Audio amplifiers and tone generating equipment shall be electrically supervised for abnormal conditions. Amplifiers shall be located in transponder cabinets to simplify installation and to reduce power losses in wiring. Hooter circuits shall be 25 VRMS. Hooter circuits shall have 30% spare capacity for future expansion or increased power output requirements. Hooter circuits and control equipment shall be arranged such that loss of any one (1) speaker circuit will not cause the loss of any other speaker circuit in the system. Means shall be provided to connect the telephone circuits to the P.A. System circuits to allow voice communication over the PA System circuit from a telephone handset. A prerecorded voice module shall be used to store tones and/or messages and transmit them over P.A System circuits automatically upon alarm actuation. The voice module shall be reliable, nonmoving parts. Basic System Functional Operation When a fire alarm condition is detected and reported by one of the system initiating devices or appliances, the following functions shall immediately occur: • The System Alarm LED shall flash. • A local piezo-electric signal in the control panel shall sound. • Color touch LCD display shall indicate all information associated with the fire alarm condition, including the type of alarm point and its location within the protected premises. • History storage equipment shall log the information associated with the fire alarm control panel condition, along with the time and date of occurrence. • All system output programs assigned via control-by-event/ logic equations to be activated by the particular point in alarm shall be executed, and the associated system outputs (alarm notification appliances and/or relays) shall be activated. 164 4. a. • The audio portion of the system shall sound the proper signal (tone) to the appropriate zones. • The system shall activate the digitized recorded voice message through the PA system which shall notify occupants that a fire condition has occurred. MAIN FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL AND FIRE COMMAND CENTER: The main FACP Central Console shall contain a microprocessor based central processing unit (CPU). The FACP shall communicate with and control the following types of equipment used to make up the system: Intelligent detectors, addressable modules, transponders, local and remote operator terminals, printers, annunciators, emergency voice communication systems and other system controlled devices. The main FACP and Central Console shall perform the following functions: Supervise and monitor all intelligent/addressable detectors and monitor modules connected to the system for normal, trouble and alarm conditions. Supervise all initiating signaling and notification circuits throughout the facility by way of connection to transponders. Detect the activation of any initiating device and the location of the alarm condition. Operate all notification appliances and auxiliary devices as programmed. Visually and audibly annunciate any trouble, supervisory or alarm, condition on operator's terminal, panel display, and annunciators. When a fire alarm condition is detected and reported by one of the system initiating devices or appliances, the following functions shall immediately occur: - - - b. The system alarm LED shall flash. A local piezo-electric voice audible device in the control panel shall sound a distinctive signal. The color touch screen LCD display shall indicate all information associated with the fire alarm condition, including the type of alarm point and its location within the protected premises. History storage equipment shall log the event information along with a time and date stamp. All system outputs assigned via preprogrammed equations for a particular point in alarm shall be executed, and the associated system outputs (alarm notification appliances and/or relays) shall be activated. The system shall activate the digitized recorded voice message through the PA System which shall notify occupants that a fire condition has occurred. When a trouble condition is detected and reported by one of the system initiating devices or appliances, the following functions shall immediately occur: - - The system trouble LED shall flash The color touch screen LCD display shall indicate all information associated with the trouble condition, including the type of trouble point and its location within the protected premises A local piezo-electric voice audible device in the control panel shall sound a distinctive signal 165 - c. When a supervisory condition is detected and reported by one of the system initiating devices or appliances, the following functions shall immediately occur: - - • History storage equipment shall log the event information along with a time and date stamp. All system outputs assigned via preprogrammed equations for a particular point in trouble shall be executed, and the associated system outputs (trouble notification appliances and/or relays) shall be activated. The system trouble LED shall flash A local piezo-electric voice audible device in the control panel shall sound a distinctive signal The color touch screen LCD display shall indicate all information associated with the supervisory condition, including the type of trouble point and its location within the protected premises. History storage equipment shall log the event information along with a time and date stamp. All system outputs assigned via preprogrammed equations for a particular point in trouble shall be executed, and the associated system outputs (notification appliances and/or relays) shall be activated. System Capacity and General Operation The fire alarm control panel shall include a full featured operator interface control and annunciation panel which shall include a 10.4 inch color touch screen liquid crystal display, individual, color coded system status LEDs, and function for field programming and control of the fire alarm system. All programming or editing of the existing program in the system shall be achieved without special equipment and without interrupting the alarm monitoring functions of the fire alarm control panel. The system shall include emergency voice communications utilizing distributed amplification and intelligence such that loss of operation by the main FACP will not result in the loss of evacuation signal throughout the balance of the building. The FACP shall provide the following features: Automatic Day/Night Sensitivity Adjust (high/low) Device Blink Control (turn of detector LED strobe) Environmental Drift Compensation (selectable ON or OFF) Smoke Detector Pre-alarm Indication at Control Panel System Status Reports Alarm Verification, by device, with tally Non-Fire Alarm Module Reporting Upload/Download System Database to PC Computer One-Man Walk Test Smoke Detector Maintenance Alert Security Monitor Points Alpha-numeric Pager Interface On-line programming Detector sensor level monitoring graph display on FACP The Fire Alarm Control Panel shall be capable of supporting interactive Colour Graphics Package with 19" XGA tough screen monitor and mouse. The unit shall provide interactive control with history logging. Manual and over ride control of the 166 system shall be accomplished through on screen touch switches. All the zone shall be displayed with colour coded graphics that indicate the status of each zone and its location. • • The Fire Control shall be capable of supporting integrated fire fighters telephone system. The fire panel should have facility to transmit alarm, supervisory and trouble signal to a Central Monitoring Station (CMS). Central Processing Unit (CPU): The Central Processing Unit shall communicate with, monitor, and control all other modules within the control panel. Removal, disconnection or failure of any control panel module shall be detected and reported to the system display by the central processing unit. The CPU shall contain and execute all control-by-event/ logic programs for specific action to be taken if an alarm condition is detected by the system. Control-by-event programs shall be held in non-volatile programmable memory, and shall not be lost even if system primary and secondary power failure occurs. The Central Processing Unit shall also provide a real-time clock for time annotation of all system displays. The Time-Of-Day and date shall not be lost if system primary and secondary power supplies fail. The main FACP central console shall be designed so as to permit continued local operation of remote transponders under both normal and abnormal communication loop conditions. This shall be obtained by having transponders operate as local control panels upon loss of network communication. The FACP and CPU shall be modular in construction to allow ease of servicing. The CPU and transponders shall be capable of being programmed on site without requiring the use of any external programming equipment. The CPU and associated equipment are to be protected so that they will not be affected by voltage surges or line transients including RFI and EMI. Each transponder and peripheral device connected to the CPU shall be continuously scanned for proper operation. Data transmissions between the CPU, transponders, and peripheral devices shall be reliable and error free. The transmission scheme used should employ dual transmission or other equivalent error checking techniques. Failure of any transponder or peripheral device to respond to an interrogation shall be annunciated as a trouble condition. Display: The system display shall provide all the controls and indicators used by the system operator and may also be used to program all system operational parameters. The display assembly shall contain, and display as required, custom alphanumeric labels for all intelligent detectors, addressable modules, and software zones. The system display shall provide 10.4 inch color touch Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). It shall also provide 14 light-emitting-diodes (LEDs), which primarily will indicate the status of the following system parameters: POWER ON, STANDBY POWER, SUPERVISORY, TROUBLE, VERIFY/CONFIRM, BATTERY TROUBLE, GROUND FAULT, ALARM, SILENCE. 167 • • • The system display shall provide control capability to command all system functions, entry of numeric information, and field programming. Three different password levels will be accessible through the display interface assembly to prevent unauthorized system control or programming. The system display shall include the following operator control switches: ACKNOWLEDGE/TROUBLE SILENCE, SIGNAL SILENCE, FORE DRILL, SYSTEM RESET. Loop Interface (Signaling Line Circuit) Board: The SLC board shall monitor and control a minimum of minimum 255 intelligent addressable devices. There shall be no limitation for number of addressable detectors or number of addressable modules. The SLC interface board shall not require any jumper cuts to initialize operations. The SLC interface board shall provide power and communicate with all intelligent addressable detectors and modules on a single pair of wires. The SLC interface board shall receive analog information from all intelligent detectors and shall process this information to determine whether normal, alarm, or trouble conditions exist for that particular device. The SLC interface board software shall include software to automatically maintain the detector's desired sensitivity level by adjusting for the effects of environmental factors, including the accumulation of dust in each detector. The analog information may also be used for automatic detector testing and the automatic determination of detector maintenance requirements. Serial Interface Board (SIB): The Serial Interface Board shall provide the EIA-232 interface between the fire alarm control panel and Electronic Data Processing (EDP) peripherals. The SIB shall allow the use of multiple printers, CRT monitors, and other peripherals connected to the EIA-232 ports. The Serial Interface Board shall provide one EIA-485 port for the serial connection of the optional annunciator and control subsystem components. The SIB shall include LEDs which indicate that it is in regular communication with the annunciators and other EIA-485 connected peripheral devices. All EIA-232 circuits shall be optically isolated and power limited. Enclosures: The control panels shall be housed in UL listed cabinets suitable for surface or semiflush mounting. Cabinets shall be corrosion protected, given a rust-resistant prime coat, and manufacturer's standard finish. The back box shall be constructed of 14 SWG CRCA sheets with provisions for electrical conduit connections into the sides, top and bottom. The door shall provide a key lock and include a transparent opening for viewing all indicators. For convenience, the door shall have the ability to be hinged on either the right or left-hand side. 168 • System Circuit Supervision The FACP shall supervise all circuits to intelligent devices, transponders, annunciators and peripheral equipment and annunciate loss of communications with these devices. The CPU shall continuously scan above devices for proper system operation and upon loss of response from a device shall sound an audible trouble, indicate which device or devices are not responding and print the information in the history buffer. The FACP shall supervise all circuits to intelligent devices, transponders, annunciators and peripheral equipment and annunciate loss of communications with these devices. The CPU shall continuously scan above devices for proper system operation and upon loss of response from a device shall sound an audible trouble, indicate which device or devices are not responding and print the information in the history buffer. Transponders that lose communication with the CPU shall sound an audible trouble and light an LED indicating loss of communications. Transponder Circuit Supervision: Transponders shall be designed such that they continuously scan all of their initiating and notification circuits. With normal communications between the FACP and the transponders, the transponders shall transmit initiating and notification circuit trouble conditions to the FACP for audible annunciation. With or without communication with the FACP, the transponders shall supervise their circuits and annunciate any initiating circuit and notification circuit failures on LEDs located on the transponder. Sprinkler system valves, standpipe control valves, PIV, and main gate valves shall be supervised for off-normal position. All speaker and emergency phone circuits shall be supervised for opens and shorts. Each transponder speaker and emergency phone circuit shall have an individual ON/OFF indication (green LED). • Field Wiring Terminal Blocks • The control unit shall be modular in structure for ease of installation, maintenance, and future expansion. For ease of service, all wiring terminal blocks shall be the plug-in/removable type and be capable of terminating up to 4 SQ. mm copper wire. Fixed terminal blocks are not acceptable. Field Programming All field defined programs shall be stored in non-volatile memory. Three levels of password protection shall be provided in addition to a key-lock cabinet. Second level shall be used for status level changes such as point/zone disable or manual on/off commands (Building Manager). Third level (higher-level) shall be used for actual change of the life safety program (installer). These passwords shall be four (4) digits at a minimum. The system programming shall be "backed" up on a CD-ROM utilizing an upload/download program. This system back-up disk shall be completed and given in duplicate to the building owner and/or operator upon completion of the final inspection. The program that performs this function shall be "non-proprietary", in that, it shall be possible to forward it to the building owner/operator upon his or her request. 169 • • The installer's field programming and hardware shall be functionally tested on a computer against known parameters/norms which are established by the FACP manufacturer. A software program shall test Input-to-Output correlations, device Type ID associations, point associations, time equations, etc. This test shall be performed on an IBM-compatible PC with a verification software package. A report shall be generated of the test results and two copies turned in to the engineer(s) on record. Specific System Operations Smoke Detector Sensitivity Adjust: Means shall be provided for adjusting the sensitivity of any or all analog intelligent smoke detectors in the system from the system keypad or from the keyboard of the video terminal. Sensitivity range shall be within the allowed UL window. Alarm Verification: Each of the intelligent addressable smoke detectors in the system may be independently selected and enabled to be an alarm verified detector. The FACP shall keep a count of the number of times each detector has entered the verification cycle. These counters may be displayed and reset by the proper operator commands. System Point Operations Any device in the system may be enabled or disabled through the system keypad or video terminal. Any system output point may be turned on, or off, from the system keypad or the video terminal. Maximum 36 nos software switch shall be available on touch screen LCD of FACP for output controls. Point Read: The system shall be able to display the following point status diagnostic functions without the need for peripheral equipment. Each point will be annunciated for the parameters listed: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Device Status. Device Type. Custom Device Label. Software Zone Label. Device Zone Assignements. Detector Analog Value. All Program Parameters. System Status Reports: Upon command from a password-authorized operator of the system, a status report will be generated listing all system statuses. System History Recording and Reporting: The fire alarm control panel shall contain a History Buffer that shall be capable of storing up to 2500 system events. Each of these events will be stored and time and date stamped with the actual time of the activation, until an operator requests that the contents be either displayed or printed. The contents of the History Buffer may be manually reviewed, one event at a time, and the actual number of activations may also be displayed and or printed. The history buffer shall use non-volatile memory. Systems which use volatile memory for history storage are not acceptable. Automatic Detector Maintenance Alert: The fire alarm control panel shall automatically interrogate each intelligent system detector and shall analyze the detector responses over a period of time. 170 If any intelligent detector in the system responds with a reading that is below or above normal limits, then the system will enter the Trouble Mode, and the particular Intelligent Detector will be annunciated on the system display, and printed on the optional system printer. This feature shall in no way inhibit the receipt of alarm conditions in the system, nor shall it require any special hardware, special tools or computer expertise to perform. 5. The system shall include the ability (programmable) to indicate a "pre-alarm" condition. This will be used to alert maintenance personel when a detector is at 50% of its alarm threshold in a 60 second period. SYSTEM COMPONENTS: • • Programmable Electronic Sounders: Electronic sounders shall operate on 24 VDC nominal. Electronic sounders shall be field programmable without the use of special tools, to provide slow whoop, continuous, or interrupted tones with an output sound level of at least 90 dBA measured at 10 feet from the device. Shall be flush or surface mounted as show on plans. Strobe lights shall meet the requirements of the ADA, UL Standard and shall meet the following criteria: • • The maximum pulse duration shall be 2/10 of one second. Addressable Dry Contact Monitor Module Addressable monitor modules shall be provided to connect one supervised IDC zone of conventional alarm initiating devices (any N.O. dry contact device) to one of the fire alarm control panel SLCs. The monitor module shall mount in a 4-inch square (101.6 mm square), 2-1/8 inch (54 mm) deep electrical box. The IDC zone shall be suitable for Style D or Style B operation. An LED shall be provided that shall flash under normal conditions, indicating that the monitor module is operational and in regular communication with the control panel. For difficult to reach areas, the monitor module shall be available in a miniature package and shall be no larger than 2-3/4 inch (70 mm) x 1-1/4 inch (31.7 mm) x 1/2 inch (12.7 mm). This version need not include Style D or an LED. Addressable Control Module Addressable control modules shall be provided to supervise and control the operation of one conventional NACs of compatible, 24 VDC powered, polarized audio/visual notification appliances. For fan shutdown and other auxiliary control functions, the control module may be set to operate as a dry contract relay. 171 • 6. The control module shall mount in a standard 4-inch square (101.6 mm square), 2-1/8 inch (54 mm) deep electrical box, or to a surface mounted backbox. The control module NAC may be wired for Style Z or Style Y (Class A/B) with up to 1 amp of inductive A/V signal, or 2 amps of resistive A/V signal operation, or as a dry contact (Form-C) relay. The relay coil shall be magnetically latched to reduce wiring connection requirements, and to insure that 100% of all auxiliary relay or NACs may be energized at the same time on the same pair of wires. Audio/visual power shall be provided by a separate supervised power circuit from the main fire alarm control panel or from a supervised remote power supply. The control module shall be suitable for pilot duty applications and rated for a minimum of 0.6 amps at 30 VDC. Isolator Module Isolator modules shall be provided to automatically isolate wire-to-wire short circuits on an SLC Class A or Class B branch. The isolator module shall limit the number of modules or detectors that may be rendered inoperative by a short circuit fault on the SLC loop segment or branch. At least one isolator module shall be provided for each floor or protected zone of the building. If a wire-to-wire short occurs, the isolator module shall automatically opencircuit (disconnect) the SLC. When the short circuit condition is corrected, the isolator module shall automatically reconnect the isolated section. The isolator module shall not require any address-setting, and its operations shall be totally automatic. It shall not be necessary to replace or reset an isolator module after its normal operation. The isolator module shall mount in a standard 4-inch (101.6 mm) deep electrical box or in a surface mounted backbox. It shall provide a single LED that shall flash to indicate that the isolator is operational and shall illuminate steadily to indicate that a short circuit condition has been detected and isolated. ADDRESSABLE DEVICES - GENERAL Detectors shall be Microprocessor based intelligent (analog) and addressable capable of making alarm decisions based on fire parameters information stored in the detector head, and shall connect with two wires to the fire alarm control panel signaling device circuits. Detectors not capable of making independent alarm decision shall not be acceptable. Addressable smoke and thermal detectors shall provide 360 degree view alarm and power/polling LEDs. The LED shall flash under normal conditions, indicating that the detector is operational and in regular communication with the control panel, and both LEDs shall be placed into steady illumination by the control panel, indicating that an alarm condition has been detected. If required, the LED flash shall have the ability to be removed from the system program. An output connection shall also be provided in the base to connect an external remote alarm LED. Smoke detector sensitivity shall be set in the fire alarm control panel and shall be adjustable in the field through the field programming software of the system. Sensitivity may be automatically adjusted by the panel on a time-of-day basis. Using software in the FACP, detectors shall automatically compensate for dust accumulation and other slow environmental changes that may affect their performance. The detectors shall be listed by UL. The detectors 172 shall provide a test means whereby they will simulate an alarm condition and report that condition to the control panel. Such a test may be initiated at the detector itself (by activating a magnetic switch) or initiated remotely on command from the control panel. Detectors shall also store an internal identifying type code that the control panel shall use to identify the type of device (PHOTO, THERMAL). Detectors shall operate in an analog fashion, where the detector simply measures its designed environment variable and transmits an analog value to the FACP based on real-time measured values. Detectors shall provide address-setting means using decimal switches or a microprocessor and shall also store an internal identifying code that the control panel shall use to identify the type of device. LEDs shall be provided that shall flash under normal conditions, indicating that the device is operational and is in regular communication with the control panel. A magnetic test switch shall be provided to test each detector for 100% obscuration, reported to the FACP. Addressable Multi-Criterion Detectors The multisensor analog detector shall use a light scattering type photoelectric smoke sensor, and an ambient temperature sensor to sense changes in air samples from its surroundings. The detector shall be totally free of radioactive components. The detector shall continually monitor any changes in sensitivity due to the environmental affects of dirt, smoke, temperature, age and humidity. Smoke density in the chamber shall be measured by a symmetrical optical system. Smoke detectors element shall respond to invisible and visible smoke and combustible gases and shall have an inherently stable sensor with built-in automatic compensation for changes in ambient conditions. The detector shall be suitable for direct insertion into air ducts up to 0.91 m high and 0.91m wide and air velocities up to 0-2.54 m/sec without requiring specific duct detector housings or supply tubes. The percent smoke obscuration per foot alarm set point shall be field selectable to any of five sensitivity settings ranging from 1.0% to 3.5%. The detectors shall have no moving parts or components subject to wear and tear and shall have serial no. and seal of the approving laboratory/body. All electronic circuits must be solid state devices and virtually hermetically sealed to prevent their operations from being impaired by dust, dirt or humidity. All circuitry must be protected against usual electrical transient and electromagnetic interference. Reversed polarity or faulty zone wiring shall not damage the detector. The response sensitivity of each smoke detector shall be field adjustable to a minimum of two pre-determined (factory calibrated) levels. It shall be possible to test the sensitivity of a detector in the field. The response (activation) of a detector shall be clearly visible from the outside by a flashing light of sufficient brightness. A built-in (optional) integrated circuit shall allow the suppression of brief deceptive phenomenon. A built-in barrier shall prevent entry of insects into the sensor. 173 The information shall be stored in the integral processor and transferred to the analog loop controller for retrieval using a laptop PC or Program/Service Tool. The detector shall be designed for fast and simple laboratory cleaning. The detector shall be inserted into or removed from the base by a simple push-twist mechanism to facilitate exchange or cleaning and maintenance. The detector shall be connected to the Fire Alarm Panel via fully supervised two-wire circuits (Class "A" wiring). Systems using central intelligence for alarm decisions shall not be acceptable. The manufacturer shall produce and provide test equipment allowing to test and exchange the detectors upto 7 mtr. apart at ceiling level. During maintenance, interchanging of detectors a system failure should not occur on removal of the detectors from bases. Addressable Manual Pull Station Addressable Manual Pull/ Break Glass Station shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the panel representing the state of the manual switch and the addressable communication module status. They shall use a key operated test-reset lock, and shall be designed so that after actual emergency operation, they cannot be restored to normal use except by the use of a key. Manual Pull/ Glass Break Stations shall be constructed of metal with clearly visible operating instructions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of the stations in raised letters, 1.75 inches or larger. Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting or recess mounting. Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detectors The photoelectric smoke detector shall respond predominantly to light white smoke. The photoelectric smoke detectors must exhibit uniform response behaviour in course of item. The light source intensity shall automatically adjust to compensate for possible effects of dirt and dust accumulation in the sensor/lens. Smoke density in the chamber shall be measured by a symmetrical optical system. The detectors shall have no moving parts or components subject to wear and tear and shall have serial no. and seal of the approving laboratory/body. The detection principle shall employ a multiple light pulse coincidence circuit in order to prevent the false alarms. All electronic circuits must be solid state devices and virtually hermetically sealed to prevent their operations from being impaired by dust, dirt or humidity. All circuitry must be protected against usual electrical transient and electromagnetic interference. 174 Reversed polarity or faulty zone wiring shall not damage the detector. The response sensitivity of each smoke detector shall be field adjustable to a minimum of two pre-determined (factory calibrated) levels. It shall be possible to test the sensitivity of a detector in the field. The response (activation) of a detector shall be clearly visible from the outside by a flashing light of sufficient brightness. A built-in (optional) integrated circuit shall allow the suppression of brief deceptive phenomenon. The smoke entry windows of the detector shall be field adjustable to match local air current patterns. A built-in barrier shall prevent entry of insects into the sensor. The detector shall be designed for fast and simple laboratory cleaning. The detector shall be inserted into or removed from the base by a simple push-twist mechanism to facilitate exchange or cleaning and maintenance. The detector shall be connected to the Fire Alarm Panel via fully supervised two-wire circuits stub line (class "B" wiring) or a two wire circuit (Class "A" wiring). The manufacturer shall produce and provide test equipment allowing to test and exchange the detectors upto 7 mtr (23 ft.) above floor level. Addressable Heat Detectors Combined rate of rise/fixed temperature heat detectors shall consists of two independent thermistors. All electronic circuits must be solid state devices and virtually hermetically sealed to prevent their operations from being impaired by dust, dirt or humidity. All circuitry must be protected against usual electrical transients and electromagnetic interference. Reverse polarity or faulty zone wiring shall not damage the detectors. The detector shall have no moving parts or components subject to wear and tear and shall have serial no. and seal of approving laboratory/body . It shall be possible to test the detector in the field. The response (activation) of a detector shall be clearly visible from the outside by a flashing light of sufficient brightness. The detector shall be installed into the base by a simple push-twist mechanism to facilitate exchange for cleaning and maintenance. The detector shall connect to the Fire Alarm Panel via fully supervised two wire circuit stub line (class "B" wiring) or a four wire circuit (Class "A" wiring). It shall be possible to test the sensitivity of detector in the field. 175 The manufacturer shall produce and provide test equipment allowing to test and exchange the detectors upto 7 Mtr (23 ft.) above floor level. Plug-in Bases The detectors of all types shall fit into a common type of standard base. Once a base has been installed, it shall be possible to insert, remove and exchange different types of detectors by a simple push twist movement. The standard base shall be equipped with screwless wiring terminals capable of securing wire sizes upto 2.5 sqmm and with built in strain limits to prevent permanent terminals deformation and weakening of contact pressure. 7 The standard base shall be supplied with a sealing plate, preventing dirt, dust, condensation or water from the conduit reaching the wire terminals or the detector contact points. All standard bases shall be supplied with a removable dust cover to protect the contact area during installation and construction phase of the building. It must allow the inspection and verification of the zone wiring before insertion of any detectors. This dust cover shall be removable by a special tool up to 7m (23 ft.) above floor level. The standard base shall feature a built-in mechanism, which allows mechanical locking of any installed detector head, thus preventing unauthorised removal of tampering while maintaining. The detector contact points shall be designed to retain the detector safety and to ensure uninterrupted contact also when exposed to continuous severe vibrations. All electronic components of bases and modules must be solid state and virtually hermetically sealed to prevent their operations from being impaired by dust, dirt or humidity. All circuitry must be protected against usual electrical transients and electromagnetic interference. The standard base shall allow Snap-On insertion of an (optional) electronic module to drive remote visual alarm indicators. Reversed polarity or faulty zone wiring shall not damage the detectors. Bases shall be of the same make as that of the detector supplied. REPEATER PANELS Each remote panel in the installed system shall include remote control and display annunciators. These annunciators shall have integral membrane style, tactile push button control switches for the control of system function and LED’s with programmable (software controlled) flash rates and slide in labels for annunciation of system events. It shall provide the system with individual zone and device annunciation also with zone or device disable. It shall provide the system with individual alarm and trouble annunciation per zone/device. 176 8 It should support a minimum of 4x40 characters on it's LCD screen indicating current date and time, custom system title, alarm history of the system There should be common control keys and visual indicators for; reset, alarm silence, trouble silence, drill. BATTERIES AND EXTERNAL CHARGER • • 9. Battery: Shall be 12 volt, Gell-Cell type. Battery shall have sufficient capacity to power the fire alarm system for not less than twenty-four hours plus 5 minutes of alarm upon a normal AC power failure. The batteries are to be completely maintenance free. No liquids are required. Fluid level checks refilling, spills and leakage shall not be required. External Battery Charger: Shall be completely automatic, with constant potential charger maintaining the battery fully charged under all service conditions. Charger shall operate from a 240-volt 50 hertz source. Shall be rated for fully charging a completely discharged battery within 48 hours while simultaneously supplying any loads connected to the battery. Shall have protection to prevent discharge through the charger. Shall have protection for overloads and short circuits on both AC and DC sides. INSTALLATION Installation shall be in accordance with the NEC, NFPA 72, EN 54 and Indian National / local codes. All equipment and components shall be installed in strict compliance with each manufacturer's recommendations. Consult the manufacturer's installation manuals for all wiring diagrams, schematics, physical equipment sizes, etc. before beginning system installation. Refer to the riser/connection diagram for all specific system installation/termination/wiring data. All Equipment shall be attached to walls and ceiling/floor assemblies and shall be held firmly in place. (e.g., detectors shall not be supported solely by suspended ceilings). Fasteners and supports shall be adequate to support the required load. Initiating circuits shall be arranged to serve like categories (manual, smoke, waterflow). Mixed category circuitry shall not be permitted except on signaling line circuits connected to intelligent reporting devices. The main fire alarm control panel shall be connected to a separate dedicated branch circuit, maximum 20 amperes. This circuit shall be labeled at the mainpower distribution Panel as FIRE ALARM. Fire alarm control panel 177 primary power wiring shall be 4.0 SQ. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper wires. The control panel cabinet shall be grounded securely to the system earthing. 10. All conduit, junction boxes, conduit supports and hangers shall be concealed in finished areas and may be exposed in unfinished areas. Smoke detectors shall not be installed prior to the system programming and test period. If construction is ongoing during this period, measures shall be taken to protect smoke detectors from contamination and physical damage. All fire detection and alarm system devices, control panels and remote annunciators shall be flush mounted when located in finished areas and may be surface mounted when located in unfinished areas. Manual Pull Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting or semiflush mounting as shown on the plans. TYPICAL OPERATION Actuation of any manual station, smoke detector, heat detector or water flow switch shall cause the following operations to occur unless otherwise specified: Activate all programmed sounder circuits. Actuate strobe units until the panel is reset. Light the associated indicators corresponding to active sounder circuits. Release all magnetic door holders to doors to adjacent zones on the floor from which the alarm was initiated. Duct type smoke detectors shall, in addition to the above functions, shut down the ventilation system or close associated control dampers as appropriate. HVAC/Smoke Control System Operation: On/Auto/Off switches and status indicators (LEDS) shall be provided for monitoring and manual control of each fan, damper, HVAC control unit, stairwell pressurization fan, and smoke exhaust fan. The control System shall be field programmable for either 90A operation or 92A/B operation to allow for future use and system expansion. The OFF LED shall be Yellow, the ON LED shall be green, the Trouble/Fault LED shall be Amber/Orange for each switch. The Trouble/Fault indicator shall indicate a trouble in the control and/or monitor points associated with that switch. In addition, each group of eight switches shall have two LEDS and one momentary switch which allow the following functions: An Amber LED to indicate an OFF-NORMAL switch position, in the ON or OFF position; A Green LED to indicate ALL AUTO switch position; A Local Acknowledge/Lamp Test momentary switch. Each switch shall have the capability to monitor and control two addressable inputs and two addressable outputs. In all modes, the ON and OFF indicators shall continuously follow the device status not the switch position. Positive feedback shall be employed to verify correct operation of the device being controlled. Systems that indicate on/off/auto by physical switch position only are not acceptable. All HVAC switches (i.e., limit switches, vane switches, etc.) shall be provided and installed by the HVAC contractor. 178 11. It shall be possible to meet the requirements mentioned above utilizing wall mounted custom graphic annunciators if the project requires such. TEST Provide the service of a competent, factory-trained engineer or technician authorized by the manufacturer of the fire alarm equipment to technically supervise and participate during all of the adjustments and tests for the system. 12. Before energizing the cables and wires, check for correct connections and test for short circuits, ground faults, continuity, and insulation. Close each sprinkler system flow valve and verify proper supervisory alarm at the FACP. Verify activation of all flow switches. Open initiating device circuits and verify that the trouble signal actuates. Open signalling line circuits and verify that the trouble signal actuates. Open and short notification appliance circuits and verify that trouble signal actuates. Ground initiating device circuits and verify response of trouble signals. Ground signalling line circuits and verify response of trouble signals. Ground notification appliance circuits and verify response of trouble signals. Check alert tone and pre-recorded voice message to all alarm notification devices. Check installation, supervision, and operation of all intelligent smoke detectors using walk test. Each of the alarm conditions that the system is required to detect should be introduced on the system. Verify the proper receipt and the proper processing of the signal at the FACP and the correct activation of the control points. When the system is equipped with optional features, the manufacturer's manual should be consulted to determine the proper testing procedures. This is intended to address such items as verifying controls performed by individually addressed or grouped devices, sensitivity monitoring, verification functionality and similar. FINAL INSPECTION At the final inspection a factory trained representative of the manufacturer of the major equipment shall demonstrate that the systems function properly in every respect. 13. INSTRUCTION Provide instruction as required for operating the system. "Hands-on" demonstrations of the operation of all system components and the entire system including program changes and functions shall be provided. The contractor and/or the systems manufacturer's representatives shall provide a typewritten "Sequence of Operation." 179 HVAC – TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTION - 1 SYSTEM DESIGN DATA 1. GENERAL 1.1 The system design, basis of design, estimated requirements and other relevant data are outlined in this section. The detailed specifications and specific requirements are out lined in the subsequent sections. 2. LOCATION 2.1 The Proposed Central University of Bihar at Gaya, Bihar. 3. SCOPE OF WORK 3.1 The work proposed under this tender includes providing and fixing Variable Refrigerant Volume system, Refrigerant piping, drain piping, insulation, electrical wiring etc. for completion of the above project. 4. BASIS OF DESIGN 4.1 Outside Conditions Summer : 4.2 Inside Conditions Summer: 24°C + 1.0°C DB RH not exceeding 60% 5. SYSTEM DESIGN 5.1. VRV System has been proposed for all buildings, which need to be air conditioned. It is a system in which we can get flexibility to connect several number of indoors unit with a single Outdoor unit. 5.1 Areas shall be provided with Ductable indoor units, Cassette & Hi wall type units. 5.3 The Outdoor units shall be placed on terrace level of the Building. 5.4 The Outdoor & Indoor units shall be interconnected with copper refrigerant piping duly Insulated. 6. LOAD SUMMARY 6.1 ADMINISTRATION BLOCK (B-01) Floor Area (Sq.ft.) 43.33°C DB, 23.33°C WB, 18%RH S. No. Floor Calculated Cooling Load (TR) 1. 7255 54.5 2. Upper Ground Floor First Floor 6475 46 36+24 3. Second Floor 6495 50 28+36 Total 20225 150.5 196 180 Selected Outdoor (HP) 36+36 6.2 SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & POLICY (B-02) S. No. 6.3 Floor Calculated Cooling Load (TR) 181.5 Selected Outdoor (HP) 1. Ground Floor 12830 2. First Floor 12875 143.5 3. Second Floor 13270 136 36+32+30+30+28+1 2 38+36+36+30+18 4. Third Floor 11955 162 36+36+26+24+20 Total 50930 623 614 30+30+30+28+28 LECTURE COMPLEX (B-03) S. No. 1. 6.4 Floor Area (Sq.ft.) Floor Floor Area (Sq.ft.) Calculated Cooling Load (TR) Second Floor 6070 64 Selected Outdoor (HP) 20+20+38 Total 6070 64 76 SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL & CHEMICAL SCIECES (B-04) S. No. Floor Floor Area (Sq.ft.) Calculated Cooling Load (TR) 191 Selected Outdoor (HP) 1. Ground Floor 10170 2. First Floor 11115 154 44+44+42+40+18 3. Second Floor 9050 95 44+40+24 4. Third Floor 10355 189 Total 40690 629 54+44+38+36+36+20+1 8 768 48+48+48+48+34 6.5 units. Air shall be distributed through Indoor units i.e. Ductable type, Hi wall Type, Cassette type 6.6 Corded remote control shall be provided with each unit to control the system. S.No Design Parameters References 1. Outside Conditions ISHRAE-2007 2. Lighting Load ECBC-2009 181 7. 3. Roof Assembly U-factor 0.12 Btu/h Sqft 4. Wall Assembly U-factor 0.36 Btu/h Sqft 5. Glass U-factor 0.6 Btu/h Sqft 6. SHGC 0.2 7. Fresh Air ASHRAE-62.1-2010 8. Ventilation rate (ACPH) NBC-2005 DRAWINGS Tender drawings are diagrammatic only and indicate arrangement of system and the extent of work covered in the contract. These drawings indicate point of supply and point of termination and suggest the route to the followed. The architectural drawings and details shall be examined for exact location of equipment, cutouts etc. Contractor shall follow the tender drawings in preparation of shop drawings and for subsequent installation work and will coordinate with other services also. 8. TEST DATA The whole system shall be tested as per specifications given elsewhere and complete test data shall be furnished on prescribed data sheet. 9. COMPLETENESS OF ITEMS The prices of each equipment shall include the cost of all accessories or miscellaneous items listed in the respective section, except for the items where “Price Separately” is indicated. The item shall be complete regardless of whether or not it is listed in the BOQ. 10. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE 10.1 The contractor shall guarantee that the air conditioning system shall maintain the design inside o temperature within ± 1 C tolerance and the relative humidity shall not exceed the specified limit. 10.2 The contractor shall guarantee that the capacity of various components as well as the whole system shall not be less than specified. 10.3 The contractor shall ensure that the system shall be free of all objectionable vibrations and disturbing sounds under all conditions of operation. 11. FOREIGN EXCHANGE The contractor shall make his own arrangements to procure the necessary, specified controls for which no foreign exchange shall be made available. 12. CODES & STANDARDS The VRV/Split system shall conform to the latest edition of following standards:ASHRAE 15 Safety code for Mechanical refrigeration ASHRAE 23 Methods of testing and rating positive displacement refrigerant compressors and condensing units 182 ANSI B 31.5 Code for refrigeration piping ARI 575 Standard for method of measuring machinery sound within an equipment space Mechanical vibration – Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors Mechanical vibration – Evaluation of machine vibration of measurements on non-rotating parts. General guidelines ISO 1940 ISO 10816-1 SECTION - 2 VRV SYSTEM 1. GENERAL 1.1 Unit shall be air cooled, split type multi-system air conditioner with Variable Refrigerant Flow technology consisting of one outdoor unit and multiple indoor units, each suitable to cool and heat independently for the requirements of the rooms. 1.2 The refrigerant piping shall be extendable up to 200m with 50m level difference without any oil traps. 2. OUTDOOR UNIT 2.1 The outdoor unit shall be a factory assembled unit housed in a sturdy weather proof casing constructed from rust-proofed mild steel panels coated with a baked enamel finish. 2.1.1 The outdoor unit shall have multiple scroll compressors and be able to operate even in case of breakdown of one of compressors. 2.1.2 The connectable range of indoor units shall be from 0.65 HP to 10HP with all outdoor units. 2.1.3 The noise level shall not be more than 55 dB(A)at normal operation measured horizontally 1m away and 1.5m above ground. 2.1.4 The outdoor unit shall be modular in design and shall be allowed for side by side installation. 3. COMPRESSOR 3.1 The compressor shall be of highly efficient hermetic scroll type and equipped with capacity control technology capable of changing the speed in accordance to the cooling load requirement. 4. HEAT EXCHANGER 4.1 The heat exchanger shall be constructed with copper tubes mechanically bonded to aluminum fins to form a cross fin coil. The aluminum fins shall be covered by anti-corrosion resin film. 183 5. 6. REFRIGERANT CIRCUIT 5.1 The refrigerant circuit shall include an accumulator, liquid and gas shut off valves and a solenoid valves. 5.2 All necessary safety devices shall be provided to ensure the safety operation of the system. EV KIT & AHU CONTROL (FOR DX TYPE SYSTEM) The EV kit shall be used to combine refrigerant pipes coming from outdoor unit and then the main header shall be connected to the refrigerant pipe of AHU. The functioning of system shall be controlled by AHU control. 7. SAFETY DEVICES 7.1 The following safety devices shall be part of the outdoor unit: High Pressure Switch, Low Pressure Switch, Fan Motor Safety Thermostat, Inverter Overload Protector, Over Current Relay, Fusible Plugs, Fuses. 8. OIL RECOVERY SYSTEM 8.1 Each unit shall be equipped, with an oil recovery system to ensure stable operation with long refrigerant piping. 9. INDOOR UNIT 9.1 Each Indoor unit shall be ceiling mounted duct type/cassette type/Hi-Wall split type, as specified in scope of work. It shall have electronic control valve to control refrigerant flow rate in response to load variations of the room. The fan shall be of the dual suction multi blade type and statically and dynamically balanced to ensure low noise and vibration free operation. 9.2 Outdoor Air Processing units shall be ceiling mounted duct type to achieve treated fresh air. The unit shall be connected to same refrigerant pipes as other indoor units are connected. 9.3 The address of the indoor unit shall be set automatically in case of individual and group control. In case of centralized control, it shall be set by liquid crystal remote controller. 10. CONTROL UNIT 10.1 Computerized PID control shall be used to maintain room temperature. 10.2 Unit shall be equipped with a self-diagnosis for easy and quick maintenance and service. 10.3 The LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) remote controller shall memorize the latest malfunction code for easy maintenance. 10.4 It shall be able to control up to 16 indoor units and change fan speed and angle of swing flap individually in the group. 11. CENTRALIZED INTELLIGENT TOUCH REMOTE CONTROLLER 11.1 A multifunctional compact centralized controller shall be provided with the system. 184 11.2 The Graphic Controller shall act as an advanced air conditioning management system to give complete control of VRV air conditioning equipment. It shall have ease of use for the user through its touch screen, icon display and colour LCD display. 11.3 It shall be able to control up to 64 groups of indoor units with the following functions: 11.4 Starting/stopping of Air conditioners as a zone or group or individual unit. 11.5 Temperature setting for each indoor unit or zone. 11.6 Switching between temperature controls modes, switching of fan speed and direction of airflow, enabling/disabling of individual remote controller operation. 11.7 Monitoring of operation status such as operation mode & temperature setting of individual indoor units, maintenance information, and troubleshooting information. 11.7.1 Display of air conditioner operation history. 11.7.2 Daily management automation through yearly schedule function with possibility of various schedules. 11.8 The controller shall have wide screen user friendly colour LCD display and can be wired by a non polar 2 wire transmission cable to a distance of 1 km. away from indoor unit. 12. REFRIGERANT PIPING 12.1 All refrigerant piping for the air conditioning system shall be constructed from hard drawn seamless copper refrigerant pipes with copper fittings Y- joints, headers etc. and silversoldered joints. The refrigerant piping arrangements shall be in accordance with good practice within the air conditioning industry, and are to include expansion valves, charging connections, suction line insulation and all other items normally forming part of proper refrigerant circuits. 12.2 The suction line pipe size and the liquid line pipe size shall be selected according to the manufacturer’s specified outside diameter. All refrigerant pipes shall be properly supported and anchored to the building structure using steel hangers, slotted angle tray, anchors, brackets and supports which shall be fixed to the building structure by means of inserts or expansion shields of adequate size and number to support the load imposed thereon. The OD wall thickness & wall thickness size of copper refrigerant piping shall be as follows: Outside Dia (mm) Wall Thickness (mm) 41.3, 38.1, 34.9 1.3 31.8, 28.6, 25.4, 22.2 1.2 19.1, 15.9 1.0 12.7, 9.5, 6.4 0.8 13. DRAIN PIPING 13.1 The indoor units shall be connected to drain pipe made of High density PVC pipe of 40 mm, 32 mm, 25 mm dia. 185 13.1.1 The pipes shall be laid in proper slope for efficient drainage of condensate water. 13.2 Drain Pipe Insulation 13.3 Drain pipes carrying condensate water shall be insulated with 6 mm Nitrile rubber having 3 o density 55 Kg/m and K factor 0.37 w/mk at a mean temp. of 20 C. 13.4 The joints shall be properly sealed with s ynthetic glue to ensure proper bonding of the ends. 14. PIPE INSULATION 14.1 Refrigerant Pipe Insulation 14.1.1 The whole of the liquid and suction refrigerant lines including all fittings, valves and strainer bodies, etc. shall be insulated with 19mm /13 mm thick Nitrile close cell rubber having 3 o density 55 Kg/m and K factor 0.37 w/mk at a mean temp. of 20 C. 14.1.2 The joints shall be properly sealed with synthetic glue to ensure proper bonding of the ends. SECTION - 3 HORIZONTAL FLOOR MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS 1. SCOPE This section of the specification covers the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of double skin construction air handling units along with its accessories, conforming to these specifications and in accordance with requirement of the ‘Schedule of Quantities’, Drawings and ‘Technical Schedule of Equipment’. 2. TYPE The air handling units shall be double skin modular, draw through type comprising of various sections such as mixing chamber (wherever R .AIR and F.AIR are ducted.), pre filter section, chilled water coil section, fan section supply air plenum as per details given in Drawings and Schedule of Equipment. 3. CAPACITY The air handling capacities, maximum motor HP, static pressure shall be as shown on Drawings and as indicated in ‘Schedule of Quantities’. 4. CONSTRUCTION 4.1 AHU HOUSING / CASING: 4.1.1 The AHU housing shall be of double skin construction with main structure made of extruded aluminum hollow sections. The panels shall be double skin sandwich type with 0.8mm pre painted GSS/ pre-plasticized on the outside and 0.6 mm galvanized sheet inside with 25 mm thick PUF insulation material injected in between. These panels shall be screwed with soft rubber gasket fixed in built in groove of aluminum frame in between to make the joints airtight. 4.1.2 Framework for each section shall be joined together with soft Neoprene rubber gasket in between to make the joints airtight. Suitable airtight access doors /panels with nylon hinges and locks shall be provided for access to various sections for maintenance. The entire housing 186 shall be mounted on roller-formed GSS channel framework having pressure die cast aluminum jointers. 4.2 DRAIN PAN The drain pan shall be of 18 G aluminum/stainless steel with necessary slope to facilitate fast removal of condensate. It shall be provided with drain connection of suitable size complete with 25 mm rigid insulation. Necessary arrangement will be provided to slide the coil in the drain pan. The drain pan shall be insulated with 12 mm thick close cell Nitrile insulation (self adhesive) or equivalent. 4.3 DX TYPE COOLING COIL The refrigerant coil shall be of seamless copper tubes not less than 0.4 mm thick and 12mm OD. Coil face areas shall be such as to ensure rated capacity from each unit and such that air velocity across each coil shall not exceed 150 meters per minute. The coil shall be pitched in the unit casing for proper drainage. The fins shall be spaced by collars forming integral part of the fins. The tubes shall be staggered in the direction of airflow. The fins shall be uniformly bonded to the tubes by mechanical expansion of the tube for minimum thermal contact resistance with fins. Fin spacing shall be 10to 13 FPI. The coils shall be tested against leaks at a hydraulic pressure of 38-kg/sq. cm. This pressure shall be maintained for a period of at least 2 hours. No drop should be observed indicating any leaks. The water headers shall be complete with water in /out connections, vent plug on top and drain at bottom and designed to provide water velocity between 2 to 6 FPS. 4.4 FAN SECTION WITH FAN The fan shall be backward curved, double inlet double width type. The wheel & housing shall be fabricated from heavy gauge galvanized steel. The fan impeller shall be mounted on a solid shaft supported to housing with angle iron frame & pillow block heavy-duty ball bearings. The fan shall be selected for a speed not exceeding 1000 RPM. The impeller & fan shaft shall be statically and dynamically balanced. The fan outlet velocity shall not be more than 550 MPM. Fan housing with motor shall be mounted on a common extruded aluminum base mounted inside the air handling housing on anti vibration spring mounts or cushy foot mounts of at least 90% vibration isolation efficiency. The fan outlet shall be connected to casing with the help of fire retardant double canvas or Neoprene rubber of imported Origin. The fan shall be selected for a noise level of less than 70 DB (A) at one meter distance. 4.5 FILTER SECTION Each unit shall be provided with a factory assembled filter section containing synthetic media washable air filters with efficiency of 90% down to 10-micron particle size. Filters shall have aluminum frame. Filter face velocity shall not exceed 150 meters per minute. Filter shall fit so as to prevent by pass. Holding frames shall be provided for installing number of filter cells in banks. These cells shall be held within the frames by sliding the cells between guiding channels. 5. FRESH AIR INTAKES Extruded aluminum construction duly anodized fresh air louvers with bird screen and extruded construction dampers shall be provided in the clear opening in masonry walls of the air handling unit room having at least one external wall. Fresh air louver, damper, pre filters, ducts and fresh air fan with speed regulator (wherever specified in ‘Schedule of Quantities’) shall be provided. Fresh air dampers shall be of the interlocking, opposed blade louver type. Blades shall be rattle free. Damper shall be similar to those specified in ‘air distribution’. Fresh air fans and fresh air intakes shall be as per the requirements of ‘Schedule of Quantities’. 187 6. ACCESSORIES Each air handling unit shall be provided with manual air vent at highest point in the cooling /heating coil. In addition, the following accessories may be required at air handling units. Their detailed specifications are indicated in individual sections and quantities separately identified in ‘Schedule of Quantities’. (a) Stem type thermometer at each AHU coil inlet and outlet with tubing and gauge cocks and specification as per the section, ‘Automatic Controls and Instruments’ (b) Pressure gauge with globe valves at inlet and outlet of each AHU coil with tubing and specifications as per the section, ‘Automatic Control and Instruments’. (c) Butterfly valves at inlet and outlet of the each coil. (d) Balancing valve at the outlet of each coil. (e) Y strainer at inlet of each coil. (f) Union and condensate drain piping from the unit up to the drain trap as described in section piping. (g) Motorized three way mixing valves located in chilled /hot water lines connected to the coil. This valve shall be operated by the cooling/heating thermostat and shall control the flow of chilled/hot water as per section ‘automatic controls and instruments’. (h) Cooling /heating thermostat as per section ‘Automatic Controls and Instruments’ shall be located in return air stream. (i) Flexible connection between the fan outlet and duct. (j) Vibration isolators of at least 90% efficiency. 7. SAFETY FEATURES Each handling unit must have safety features as under:- (a) The fan access door must have micro switch interlocked with fan motor to enable switching off the fan motor automatically in the event of door opening. The access door shall further have wire mesh screen as an added feature, bolted on to the unit frame. (b) Fan and motor base shall be properly earthed from the factory. (c) All screws used for panel fixing and projecting inside the unit shall be covered with PVC caps to avoid human injury. 8. DRIVE Fan drive shall be 3phase-squirrel cage totally enclosed fan cooled motor suitable for 415 ± 10%V, 50 HZ AC supply. Motor shall be specially designed for quiet operation and motor speed shall not exceed 1440 RPM. Drive to fan shall be provided through belt drive arrangement or Plug Fans. If it is belt driven then belts shall be of oil resistant type of approved make only. 188 9. DESIGN DATA FOR AIR HANDLING UNITS (a) Fan outlet velocity shall not exceed 500 MPM. (b) The air velocity across coil shall not exceed 150 MPM. (c) The air velocity across air pre filter shall not exceed 150 MPM. Motor ratings are only tentative and shall be suitable for the duty but not less than the specified HP. The motor shall be selected with a safety factor of at least 20% over and above the brake power. The AHU fan shall be selected for a total static pressure as indicated in ‘Schedule of Quantities’. 10. INSTALLATION Air Handling Unit shall be installed inside the AHU room to permit the removal of all the parts of AHU for any maintenance work without dismantling other equipment such as plenum, pipes, ducts etc. Air handling unit installation shall be carried out as per manufacturer’s recommendation and mounted on serrated rubber pads. The serrated rubber pads shall be in two layers with 16G GI sheet sandwiched in between. 11.1 PERFORMANCE DATA Air handling unit shall be selected for the lowest operating noise level of the equipment. Fan performance rating and power consumption data with operating points clearly indicated shall be submitted and verified at the time of testing, commissioning of the installation. HORIZONTAL FLOOR MOUNTED AIR HANDING UNITS – DATA SHEET B 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Manufacturer 1.2 Type of Unit 1.3 Over All Dimensions (L x W x H) 1.4 Weight (Including Water in circulation) Kg. 1.5 Approximate Noise Level (DBA) 1.6 Fan Discharge Position 2.0 FAN SECTION 2.1 Air Quantity (CFM) 2.2 Total Static Pressure (mm of WG) 2.3 Fan Speed (RPM) 2.4 Fan Diameter (INCH) and no. Of fans (mm) 189 2.5 Balancing (Static and / or dynamic) 2.6 BHP 2.7 Motor HP, RPM, Make & Type 3.0 COOLING COIL 3.1 Coil Fin Material (Aluminum or copper) 3.2 Tube Diameter (INCH) and material 3.3 Water through coil (USGPM) and no. of circuits 3.4 Fin Size (INCH) 3.5 No of Fins / INCH 3.6 Water velocity through Coil (FPS) 3.7 Water Coil Pressure Drop (ft of WG) 3.8 Outside Coil Surface (SQFT) 3.9 Face Area (SQFT) of Coil 3.10 Rows Deep 3.11 Water Temperature IN & OUT (DEG F) 3.12 Air In and Out DB& WB Temp (DEG F) SECTION - 4 EVAPORATIVE COOLING UNIT 1. SCOPE This section of the specification covers the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of double skin construction evaporative cooling packaged type unit, conforming to these specifications and in accordance with requirements of drawings, ‘Technical Schedule of Equipment’ and of the ‘Schedule of Quantities. 2. TYPE The evaporative cooling unit shall be double skin construction draw through type comprising of various sections such as filter section, humidifier section, supply air fan section, fine filter plenum, factory fabricated (wherever required) as per details given in Drawings and ‘Schedule of Quantities.’ 3. CAPACITY The cooling capacities, motor HP, static pressure shall be as shown on Drawings and in ‘Schedule of Quantities’. 4. CONSTRUCTION 190 HOUSING/CASING The housing /casing of evaporative unit shall be of double skin construction. The framework shall be of extruded aluminum hollow sections. All the frame shall be assembled using pressure die cast aluminum joints to make a sturdy, strong and self –supporting framework for various sections. 25 mm thick double skin panel shall be made of 0.6 mm plasticized /pre coated PVC sheeted GSS on outside and 0.6mm galvanized sheet inside with PUF insulation injected in between. These panels shall be screwed on to the framework with soft rubber gasket fixed in built in groove of aluminum frame in between to make the joints airtight. Framework for each section shall be joined together with soft rubber gasket in between to make the joints airtight. Suitable airtight access doors/panels with nylon hinges and locks shall be provided for access to various sections for maintenance. The entire housing shall be mounted on extruded aluminium channel framework having pressure die cast aluminium joints. 5. DRAIN PAN Drain pan shall be constructed of 18 g stainless steel with necessary both way slope to facilitate fast removal of drain water. 6. MOTOR DRIVE Fan motors shall be suitable for 415± 10% volts, 50 cycles 3 phase, squirrel cage, totally enclosed fan cooled with IP-55 protection. Motor shall be especially designed for quiet operation and motor speed shall not exceed 1440 RPM. Drive to fan shall be provided through belt drive arrangement. Belts shall be of oil resistant type. 7. FAN The fan shall be backward curved, double inlet, double width type. The wheels and housing shall be fabricated from heavy gauge galvanized steel. The fan impeller shall be mounted on a solid shaft supported to housing with angle iron frame and pillow block heavy-duty ball bearings. The fan shall be selected for a noise level less than 85-DB (A). The impeller & fan shaft shall be statically and dynamically balanced. The fan outlet velocity shall not be more than 7.62m/sec. Fan housing with motor shall be mounted on a common extruded aluminium base mounted inside the housing on anti vibration mounts. The fan outlet shall be connected to casing with the help of double fire retardant fabric acting as a flexible connection for anti vibration. 8. WET DECK HUMIDIFIER Wet deck humidifier pads shall be of cellulose paper minimum 200 mm deep to provide at least 90% saturation efficiency at 2.5 MPS or less air face velocity. The cellulose paper pads shall be housed in a galvanized steel casing complete with water distribution header and interconnecting heavy duty flexible PVC / GI pipes between pump and distribution header. 9. WATER CIRCULATING PUMPS Water circulating pumps shall be vertical type. The suction portion shall be at the bottom with proper seal arrangement to directly pick up water from the stainless steel drain pan. The pump shall be suitable to operate at 415± 10%V, 50 HZ AC supply. 191 Necessary water bleeding arrangements shall be incorporated with separate drain connection provided in the stainless steel drain pan to bleed small percentage of total circulated water in order to ensure compulsory water change over during running of the system. 10. FILTERS Each unit shall be provided with a factory assembled filter section containing washable air filter having bonded expanded aluminium media with aluminium frame. Filter media and frame shall be rust proof and corrosion resistant. Filter face velocity shall not exceed 150 meter per minute. Filter shall fit so as to prevent by pass. Holding frames shall be provided for installing a number of filter cells in banks. These shall be held within the frames by sliding the cells between guiding channels. 11. FRESH AIR INTAKES Anodized extruded aluminium construction (20 microns and above) fresh air intakes louvers with bird screen and extruded aluminium low leakage construction damper shall be provided for FA. Blades shall be made of extruded aluminium. Construction shall be rattle free. Fresh air fans and fresh air intakes shall be as per the requirement of ‘Schedule of Quantities’. 12. SAFETY FEATURES Each evaporative unit must have following safety features:The fan access door shall be equipped with micro switch interlocked with fan motor to enable switching off the fan motor automatically in the event of door opening. The access door shall further have wire mesh screen as an added safety feature bolted on to the unit frame. All screws used for panel fixing and projecting inside the unit shall be covered with PVC caps to avoid human injury. 13. PERFORMANCE DATA Evaporative cooling units shall be selected for optimum operating noise level. Fan performance rating and power consumption data with operating points clearly indicated shall be submitted and verified at the time of testing and commissioning of the system. SECTION - 5 KITCHEN EXHAUST SCRUBBER – SPECIFICATIONS 1. GENERAL The kitchen scrubber shall be complete in all respects and shall generally comply with the following specifications given below: 2. AIR SCRUBBERS 2.1 The scrubber shall be of 16G G.I. Sheet metal fan section, mixing box and SS-304 made spray section, filter section and eliminators. 2.2 Enclosure/Housing 192 2.2.1 Enclosure shall be made of powder coated 18 gauge GI sheet with riveted and soldered lap joints casing angles shall also be of 40mm x 40mm. Angle shall be riveted and soldered to the casing. 2.2.2 The front panels shall be easily open able for servicing the fan sections. It should provide easy access to remove air filters for cleaning. 2.2.3 The opening for access doors and gaps between sections shall be provided with the neoprene rubber T-gaskets fixed in grooves in the extruded sections. 2.2.4 The panels shall be fixed to the frame work with self tapping stainless steel screws and both ends of the screw shall be provided with rubber caps. 2.2.5 The access door to fan section is to be provided with a switch to shut the fan when the door is open. 2.3 Fan Section 2.3.1 The impellers of the fan or fan shall be of GI sheets, double inlet forward curved centrifugal design, both statically and dynamically balanced. The fan housing shall be of sturdy construction made from 16G (1.6mm) GI sheet with smooth air inlets. The fan shall be mounted on properly aligned shaft and mounted on self aligning bearing blocks. The casing of the cab section shall be made of 16G (1.6mm) GI sheets suitably reinforced to provide rigidity. The frame work shall be either be folded GI sheets or of hot dipped galvanized iron. 2.4 Spray Section 2.4.1 Spray section and tank shall be fabricated from 18 G 304 A stainless steel sheets with bolted construction having suitable stiffness. 2.4.2 The section shall be complete with SS 304 water distribution header having ports and sized for uniform and adequate water flow through perforated SS 304 pipes. The spray nozzles shall be of brass construction. 2.4.3 The tank shall be fitted 3/4” (20 MM) float valve of commercial grade brass. 2.4.4 The spray section shall have provision for fixing one or two sets of air filters as specified later. 2.5 Water Sump 2.5.1 The water sump below the spray section shall be of 3mm MS plate with welded joints. The tank shall be complete with makeup, overflow and drain connections. A float valve shall be provided for makeup water line. The tank shall be given 2 coats of corrosion resistance paint and final coat of black enamel paint. 2.6 Drift Eliminators 2.6.1 Drift eliminators shall be of PVC supported at the top and bottom fixed to the spray section by means of GI notched bars. Eliminators shall be a set of vertical plates with a series of bends and deflections to give large surface area on which water drops and dust shall be impinge. Eliminators shall be properly stiffened at the sides. 2.7 Distribution Plate 2.7.1 Distribution plate shall be GI 18G with sufficient number of circular opening uniformly spaced for even distribution of air for spray type air washer. 193 3. PUMPS 3.1 The water distribution pumps shall be of heavy duty, vertical type mounted inside the tank. It shall be complete with adjustable bleed of arrangement to prevent concentration of undesirable salts. 4. GREASE FILTER & CARBON FILTER 4.1 The standard pre-filters shall be with 5 layers of SS-304 wire mesh, fixed in a 22 G GI frame with handles for ease of removal. The above set of filters shall be fixed in filter frames made of 22 G.I. sheets, shaped to prevent air leakage. The filters shall be easily removable. The filter section may from part of the spray section or may be bolted separately to the spray section. 4.2 Carbon filter shall be installed to eliminate the particles in the smoke. 5. MOTORS AND STARTERS 5.1 The motor for each blower, shall be totally enclosed, fan cooled, squirrel cage induction type and conform to specifications as given under section 3. 5.2 The starters shall be “direct on line” type up to 7.5 H.P. All larger starters shall be of fully automatic star delta type. 5.3 The pumps shall be provided with single phase, self-tripping starter of “North West” make. 6. MISCELLANEOUS Necessary accessories shall be provided wherever necessary for proper operation and shall also include. 6.1 PVC eliminator fixed to the spray section to avoid water spillage. 6.2 Necessary piping for water circulation. 6.3 Vibration isolators for the blowers and pumps. 6.4 Canvass connections at the outlet of each fan. 6.5 Nuts, bolts, shims etc., as required for the grouting of the equipment. 6.6 Float valve in the spray tank, along with quick fill connection. 6.7 Gate valves in drain, make up, quick fill line etc, as required. 6.8 Built in isolator switches for the fan and pump motor and wiring from the isolators upto the respective motors. 7. LIMITATION 7.1 The air velocity limits are as follows:- 7.1.1 Velocity across scrubber not exceeding 2.54 m/s (500 FPM). 7.1.2 Velocity at blower outlet-not exceeding 10.16 m/s (2000) FPM 194 SECTION - 6 VENTILATION FAN INLINE & PROPELLER FANS 1. SCOPE The scope of this section comprises the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of inline and propeller fans conforming to these specifications and in accordance with the requirement of drawings and ‘Schedule of Quantities’. 2. TYPE Inline fans and Propeller Fans shall be of type as indicated in drawings and ‘Schedule of Quantities’ 3. INLINE FANS Inline fan shall incorporate SISW direct driven centrifugal fan with TEFC (IP-44) motor. The fan assembly shall be enclosed in a sheet metal housing of 22 gauge GSS and with necessary inspection cover with proper gasket assembly. The fan material shall be galvanized sheet steel. Flanges shall be provided on both sides of inline fan to facilitate easy connection. Flexible anti-vibration joints shall be provided to arrest vibration being transferred to other equipment connected to inline fan. Motor shall be single phase/three phase as per duty conditions. All single-phase fans shall be provided with speed regulators while all three phase fans shall be provided with opposed blade dampers in GSS construction at fan outlet for air balancing. 4. PROPELLER FANS Propeller fans shall be direct driven, three or four blade type mounted on a steel mounting plate with orifice ring. Mounting plate shall be of steel construction, square with streamlined venturi inlet coated with baked enamel paint. Mounting plate shall be of standard size, constructed of 12 to 16 gauge steel sheet depending upon the fan size. Orifice ring shall be correctly formed by spinning or stamping to provide easy passage of air without turbulence and to direct the air stream. Fan blades shall be constructed of aluminum or glass reinforced polypropylene. Fan hub shall be of heavy welded steel construction with blades bolted to the hub fan blades and assembly shall be statically and dynamically balanced. Shaft shall be of steel accurately ground and shall not pass through first critical speed through entire range of specified fan speed. Motor shall be standard permanent split capacitor of shaded pole for small sizes, totally enclosed with pre-lubricated sleeve or ball bearings, designed for a quiet operation with a maximum speed of 1000 RPM for fans 60 cm dia or larger and 1440 RPM for fans 45 cm dia 195 and smaller. Motors for larger fans shall be suitable for 415 ± 6% volts. 50 cycle 3-phase power supply and for smaller fans shall be suitable for 220 ± 6% volts, 50 cycles single-phase power supply. Motors shall be suitable for horizontal or vertical service as indicated in drawings and Schedule of Quantities. Propeller fans shall be provided with following accessories: - Wire guard and bird-screen Gravity louvers at outlet Regulator for controlling fan speed for single-phase fan motor. Single-phase preventers for 3 phase fans. Wiring between regulator and fan motor including termination at both ends. 5. PERFORMANCE DATA All fans shall be selected for the lowest operating noise level. Capacity rating, power consumption with operating points clearly indicated shall be submitted and verified at the time of testing and commissioning of installation. SECTION - 7 AXIAL FLOW FANS – SPECIFICATIONS 1. SCOPE This section covers the technical requirements for manufacture, testing at works, delivery at site, testing after installation, commissioning of axial flow fan equipments for ventilation and exhaust system. Their location shall be as given in ‘Schedule of Quantities’ and drawings. The fans shall be complete with all the accessories required for proper installation and performance consisting mainly of the following: - (a) Suction and discharge side flanges and counter flanges suitably drilled, complete with bolts & nuts, direct driving electric motor, suspension hangers (for ceiling hung fans only) for vibration isolation (rubber in shear type). Any structural steel and hardware required for assembly, installation, supporting of fan or accessories.2 mm thick flexible connectors, fire resistant type at suction and discharge end, Foundation bolts and vibration isolators (in case of floor mounting only). Gravity louvers 2. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS STANDARDS AND CODES. Documents listed below should be read along with the technical data given in the ‘Schedule of Quantities’ and shall be applicable to the material, manufacture, testing and installation of axial flow fans and accessories. (a) I.S.S.: 3588 – 1986; specifications for electric axial flow fans. (b) ANSI/ASHRAE: standard 51 196 3. (c) ANSI/AMCA: standard 210 for preparing performance curves, charts and testing of fans (d) IS-2312 – Propeller type A.C ventilation fans (e) BS – 848 – Methods of performance test for fans DESIGN & MANUFACTURING Fan and Components 3.1 The fan shall be designed to handle the quantity of air against the static pressure and at conditions indicated in the technical data. The fan shall have optimum efficiency at operating conditions and shall have performance characteristics to match the approved performance curves. 3.2 The unit shall be factory built to the highest standards to ensure rigidity, maximum mechanical and electrical reliability, quite, stable and vibration free operation at the prescribed conditions of flow, static and speed. 3.3 The casing shall be fabricated from heavy gauge sheet steel with suction and discharge ends flanged and complete with counter flanges, G.I. nuts and bolts. The flanges and counter flanges shall be matched and drilled suitably to receive flexible PVC connections. An inspection door with handle and neoprene gaskets shall be provided. Support brackets for ceiling suspension shall be welded to the casing for connection to hanger bolts. Impeller & Blades The impeller shall be cast aluminum; aerofoil type with well-balanced blades made from cast aluminum alloy or cast steel construction. 3.4 Drive 3.5 The fan hub and blades shall be directly mounted on the shaft of a totally enclosed motor, rotor of fan motor shall be well balanced. The motor shall be TEFC, squirrel cage, IP 55 0– class F and suitable for 415 ± 10% V, 50 HZ 3 phase AC power supply. The motor shall be dual speed wherever called for in ‘Schedule of Quantities’. The maximum motor speed shall be limited to 1450 RPM. Motor conduit box shall be mounted on exterior of fan casing and lead wires from motor to conduit box shall be protected from air stream by enclosing in a flexible metal conduit. CO Sensor CO sensor shall be installed in the basement area to measure CO level in the parking areas. 4. 4.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The firm shall submit the technical data and performance characteristics with operating points duly marked for approval prior to fabrication. The supplier shall supply the test certificates of all the fans. 5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Static, dynamic balancing and vibration: the individual fan impeller, blades, motor shall be statically and dynamically balanced independently. After assembly the entire fan motor unit shallnot give rise to any vibrations. The balancing shall be as per ISO: 1940 GR 6.3. 197 5.2 NOISE LEVEL: The tendered shall indicate the noise level generated by the fan/motor unit in terms of decibel units to be measured at 3M from the unit. This shall fall in line with best engineering standard. 6. PAINTING All fans and their accessories shall be painted with two coats of suitable enamel paint after one coat of Red Oxide primer. 7. PACKING The fans shall be dispatched in packed condition to avoid damage during transportation to site. Transit insurance for the fans shall be included in this offer. 8. INSPECTION & TESTING All fans shall be subjected to inspection and testing requirements as given below. The contactor shall be responsible for providing all inspection facilities and for conducting all Tests at works and at site after erection. Test certificates for all fans shall be submitted, some fans at the discretion of Client may be tested at the factory in his presence. The performance of the fan motor unit shall be tested by operating at design conditions. The following parameters will be tested vis-à-vis the approved performance curves Airflow capacity Static head developed BHP requirement Vibration and noise level SECTION - 8 PRE-INSULATED DUCTWORK PRE-INSULATED ALUMINIUM POLYURETHANE DUCTWORK The following preferred ductwork system to be installed: Pre-insulated aluminium ductwork made of aluminium and Polyisocyanurate sandwich panels, comprising an expanded Polyisocyanurate rigid foam board faced on both sides by aluminium foil. Physical characteristics of the panels shall be as follows: Thickness of Panels Thickness of aluminium Density of the Foam Air-conditioned Areas Plant Rooms Exposed to weather 20 80/80 mm Microns 30 80/200 mm Microns 30 80/200 mm microns 45 kg/m³ 48 kg/m³ 48 kg/m³ 198 Finishing of aluminium Embossed Embossed Embossed Embossed Embossed Embossed Both sides of the aluminium foils shall be lacquered with a 3g/m2 weatherproof and ultraviolet rays protection polyester lacquer with antibacterial coating. All the panels shall have to be embossed with the name of the manufacturer and production date. Thermal insulation characteristics shall be as follows: Insulating material: Close cell rigid expanded Polyisocyanurate foam, CFC free, density 45 Kg/m3, material physiologically and chemically inert and insoluble, vermin proof, fungus proof, non metabolisable. Thermal conductivity: 0.020 W/mK or better. Water absorption shall be less than 0.5% by 24 hours immersion test. Water vapour diffusion: M= infinity resistance. The aluminium foil covering the panel to be maintained intact after installation to ensure vapour barrier continuity. Proposed material should have minimum 5 years installation reference in the region. The panel manufacturer should be of European origin. All the panels to be used should be labelled by authorized international fire laboratories. The panel manufacturer shall comply with Fire Mideast Product Listing (MPL) and Factory Production Control Certificate (FPC), by authorized international laboratories. The panel shall be tested and comply with the following standards: NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Class ‘A’ ASTM E84 Class “1” NFPA 255 UL 723 Toxicity Index shall not exceed 5.7 according to NES 713 Class ‘O’ according to BS 476 Part 6 & 7 from CBRI Roorkee and Warrington Fire Lab UK Temperature Range: No relevant reduction of insulation, chemical or physical characteristics of the panels to be measurable, when conveying air in the temperature range of –35oC to +110oC. Pressure Range: No relevant modification of insulation, chemical or physical characteristics of the panels to be measurable, when conveying air up to the pressure of 1,000 Pascal with 20mm and 1,750 Pascal with 30mm. Installation shall be supervised & certified by the manufacturer’s representative. 5-years warranty shall be offered for the insulation material characteristics. Joint System: The joints between the ducts shall be using tiger connectors or male – female connection system for small sizes up to 300mm and for bigger sizes more than 300mm aluminium / polymer invisible flanges 199 and slide-in-channel to be used and to be connected by special cover corners, having a holding pin, which goes inside the flange and the insulation, to avoid any field connection and to give the system more strength. All required accessories; Connecting Flanges, Invisible Bayonet, Adhesive, Sealant, Duct Supports shall be part of ducting work for fabrication of the HVAC ducting in Square, rectangle, radius, offset construction etc., appropriate sizes of Aluminum flanges with self-adhesive good quality gasket shall be provided as a joinery or connection of duct pieces. Installation : Ductwork shall be installed, using supports, as described in DW144 & according to manufacturer’s requirements. Maximum distance between supports shall not exceed: - 4000mm for ducts with section not exceeding 1200 x 1000mm – with 6 mm full threaded rod and GI slotted channel or wire arrangement system - 2000mm for ducts with section exceeding 1200 x 1000mm – with 8 mm full threaded rod and GI slotted channel or wire arrangement. SECTION - 9 SHEET METAL WORKS - (FACTORY FABRICATED) 1. GENERAL 1.1 The work under this part shall consist of furnishing labour materials, equipment and appliances as specified necessary and required to install all sheet metal and other allied work to make the air conditioning supply, ventilating, and exhaust system ready for operation as per drawings. 1.2 Except as otherwise specified all duct work and related items shall be in accordance with these specifications. 1.3 Ductwork shall mean all ducts, casings, dampers, access doors, joints, stiffeners and hangers. 2. DUCT MATERIALS 2.1 The ducts shall be fabricated from galvanized steel sheets class VIII conforming to ISS: 2771962 (revised) or aluminium sheets conforming to ISS: 737-1955 (wherever aluminium ducts are specified). 2.2 All duct work, sheet metal thickness and fabrication unless otherwise directed, shall strictly meet requirements, as described in IS:655-1963 with amendment-I (1971 edition) Governing Standards 2.3 Unless otherwise specified here, the construction, erection, testing and performance of the ducting system shall conform to the SMACNA-1995 standards (“HVAC Duct Construction Standards-Metal and Flexible-Second Edition-1995” SMACNA) 3. RAW MATERIAL 3.1 Ducting 3.1.1 All ducting shall be fabricated of LFQ (Lock Forming Quality) grade prime G.I. row material furnished with accompanying Mill test Certificates. 200 3.1.2 Galvanizing shall be of 120gms/sq.m. (total coating on both sides). 3.1.3 In addition, if deemed necessary, samples of raw material, selected at random by owner’s site representative shall be subject to approval and tested for thickness and zinc coating at contractor’s expense. 3.1.4 The G.I. raw material should be used in coil-form (instead of sheets) so as to limit the longitudinal joints at the edges only irrespective of cross-section dimensions. 3.2 Duct Connectors and Accessories All transverse duct connectors (flanges/cleats) and accessories/related hardware are such as support system shall be zinc-coated (galvanized)/ 4. FABRICATION STANDARDS 4.1 All ductwork including straight sections, tapers, elbows, branches, show pieces, collars, terminal boxes and other transformation pieces must be Rolastar factory-fabricated or Techno Fabriduct. Equivalency will require fabrication by utilizing the following machines and processes to provide the requisite quality of ducts and speed of supply. 4.2 Coil lines to ensure location of longitudinal seams at comes/folded edges only to obtain the required duct rigidity and low leakage characteristics. No longitudinal seams permitted along any face side of the duct. 4.3 All ducts, transformation pieces and fittings to be made on CNC profile cutlers for required accuracy of dimensions, location and dimensions of notches at the folding lines. 4.4 All edges to be machine treated using lock formers, flanges and roller for fuming up edges. 4.5 Sealant dispensing equipment for applying built-in sealant in Pittsburgh lock where sealing of longitudinal joints are specified. 5. SELECTION OF G.I. GAUGE AND TRANSVERSE CONNECTORS Duct Construction shall be in compliance with 1” (250 Pa)w.g. static norms as per SMACNA. All transverse connectors shall be the Rolamate 4-bolt slip-on flange system or Techno Fabriduct imported makes of similar 4-bolt systems with built-in sealant if any to avoid any leakage additional sealant to be used. The specific class of transverse connector and duct gauge for a given duct dimensions will be 1”(250 Pa) pressure class. Non-toxic, AC-applications grade P.E. or PVC Casketing is required between all mating flanged joints. Gasket sizes should conform to flange manufacturer’s specification. 6. DUCT CONSTRUCTION The fabricated duct dimensions should be as per approved drawings and all connecting sections are dimensionally matched to avoid any gaps. 7 DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES: All fabricated dimensions will be within ± 1.0 mm of specified dimension. To obtain required perpendicularity, permissible diagonal tolerances shall be ± 1.0 mm per meter. 201 7.1 Each and every duct pieces should be identified by color coded sticker which shows specific part numbers, job name, drawing number, duct sizes and gauge. 7.2 Ducts shall be straight and smooth on the inside Longitudinal seams shall be airtight and at comers only, which shall be either Pittsburgh or Snap Button Punch as per SMACNA practice, to ensure air tightness. Changes in dimensions and shape of ducts shall be gradual (between 1:4 and 1:7). Turning vanes or air splitters shall be installed in all bends and duct collars designed to permit the air to make the tum without appreciable turbulence. 7.3 7.4 Plenums shall be shop/factory fabricated panel type and assembled at site. 7.5 Factory Fabricated ducts shall have the thickness of the sheet shall be as follows S.N o. Size of Duce Sheet Thickn ess 7.5. 1 Upto 750 mm 0.63 mm 3/8” 7.5. 2 751 mm to 1000 mm 0.80 mm 3/8” 7.5.3 1001 mm to 1500 mm 0.80 mm 5/8” 7.5. 4 7.5. 5 7.6 1501 mm to 2250 mm 2251 mm and above 1.00 mm 1.25 mm Fast ner Size 5/8” 5/8” Type of Joints For For Rolastar Techno duct & Fabriduct Rolamate and flanges flanges Fabricated The out of G.I. flanges sheet of 24 shall be gauge at made out every 1.2 m of the internal. same duct E-24 type sheet and flange, shall all the four be fabricated corner shall out of 24 G be fitted for sheet at fitting the every 1.2 m bolt internal. E-22 type flange, shall be fabricated out of 22 G sheet at The every 1.2 m flanges internal. shall be J-16 type made out flange, shall of the be fabricated same duct out of 16G sheet and sheet at all the four every 1.2 m corner shall internal. be fitted for J-16 type fitting the flange, shall bolt be fabricated out of 16G sheet at every 1.2 m internal. Bracing with GI tie rods of following sizes Cross tie rods to be fitted of suitable dia GI rod for each piece of duct Support Angle 25x25x3 mm 25x25x3 mm 40x40x5 mm Cross tie rods to be fitted of suitable dia GI rod for each piece of duct 40x40x6 mm angle 50x50x6 mm with MS rods of 12 mm dia. The gauges, joints and bracings for sheet metal duct work shall further conform to the provisions as shown on the drawings. 202 7.7 Ducts larger than 600 MM shall be cross broken, duct sections upto 1200 MM length may be used with bracing angles omitted. 7.8 Changes in section of ductwork shall be affected by tapering the ducts with as long a taper as possible. All branches shall be taken off at not more than 45 DEG. Angle from the axis of the main duct unless otherwise approved by the Engineer-In-Charge. 7.9 All ducts shall be supported from the ceiling/slab by means of M.S. Rods of 10 MM (3/8") DIA with M.S. Angle at the bottom. The rods shall be anchored to R.C. Slab using metallic expansion fasteners. 8. INSTALLATIONS 8.1 During the construction, the contractor shall temporarily close duct openings with sheet metal covers to prevent debris entering ducts and to maintain opening straight and square, as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. 8.2 Great care shall be taken to ensure that the duct work does not extend outside and beyond height limits as noted on the drawings. 8.3 All duct work shall be of high quality approved galvanized sheet steel guaranteed not to crack or peel on bending or fabrication of ducts. All joints shall be air tight and shall be made in the direction of air flow. 8.4 The ducts shall be re-inforced with structured members where necessary, and must be secured in place so as to avoid vibration of the duct on its support. 8.5 All air turns of 45 degrees or more shall include curved metal blades or vanes arranged so as to permit the air to make the abrupt turns without an appreciable turbulence. Turning vanes shall be securely fastened to prevent noise or vibration. The duct work shall be varied in shape and position to fit actual conditions at building site. All changes shall be subjected to the approval of the Engineer-In-Charge. The contractor shall verify all measurements at site and shall notify the Engineer-In-Charge of any difficulty in carrying out his work before fabrication. 8.6 Sponge rubber or approved equal gaskets of 6 MM maximum thickness shall be installed between duct flanges as well as between all connections of sheet metal ducts to walls, floor columns, heater casings and filter casings. Sheet metal connections shall be made to walls and floors by means of wooden member anchored to the building structure with anchor bolts and with the sheet screwed to them. 8.7 Flanges bracings and supports are to be Rolamate or Techno Fabriduct. Accessories such as damper blades and access panels are to be of materials of appropriate thickness and the finish similar to the adjacent ducting, as specified. 8.8 Joints, seams, sleeves, splitters, branches, takeoffs and supports are to be as per duct details as specified, or as decided by Engineer-In-Charge. 8.9 Joints requiring bolting or riveting may be fixed by Hexagon nuts and bolts, stove bolts or buck bolts, rivets or closed centre top rivets or spot welding. Self tapping screws must not be used. All jointing material must have a finish such as cadmium plating or Galvanized as appropriate. 8.10 Fire retarding flexible joints are to be fitted to the suction and delivery of all fans. The material is to be normally double heavy canvass or as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. On all circular 203 spigots the flexible materials are to be screwed or clip band with adjustable screws or toggle fitting. For rectangular ducts the material is to be flanged and bolted with a backing flat or bolted to mating flange with backing flat. 8.11 The flexible joints are to be not less than 75 MM and not more than 250 MM between faces. 8.12 The duct work should be carried out in a manner and at such time as not to hinder or delay the work of the other agencies especially the boxing or false ceiling contractors. 8.13 Duct passing through brick or masonary, wooden frame work shall be provided within the opening. Crossing duct shall have heavy flanges, collars on each side of wooden frame to make the duct leak proof. 9. DOCUMENTATION TO MEASUREMENTS For each drawing, all supply of ductwork must be accompanied by computer-generated detailed bill of material indicating all relevant duct sizes, dimensions and quantities. In addition, summary sheets are also to be provided showing duct areas by gauge and duct size range as applicable. Measurement sheet covering each fabricated duct piece showing dimensions and external surface area along with summary of external surface area of duct gauge-wise. All duct pieces to have a part number, which should correspond to the serial number, assigned to it in the measurement sheet. The above system will ensure speedy and proper site measurement, verification and approvals. 10. TESTING After duct installation, a part of duct section (approximately 5% of total ductwork) may be selected at random and tested for leakage. The procedure for leak testing should be followed as per SMACNA- “HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual: (First Edition). 204 QUALITY CHECKS ON DUCTING S. No. DESCRIPTION 1. Whether material adheres to Fabrication Standards as specified (Lock form Quality Sheets) 2. Valid for construction Drawings. at site. 3. Cross breaking, bracings / reinforcements are as per standard. 4. Air tightness of transverse / Longitudinal Joints ensured. 5. Grease and heat resistant sealant for kitchen exhaust duct. 6. Neoprene gaskets for pharmaceutical and clean room projects used 7. Check following aspects of duct supporting system 7.1 Hanger spacing 7.2 Anchor bolts size and quality 7.3 Primer painting of supports 7.4 Check allowable load on trapeze angle for bigger ducts 8. Check whether contractor has provided 8.1 Vanes in elbows 8.2 Clinched collar at take Offs 8.3 Splitters 9. Check transitions & offsets slopes & fabrication. 10. Whether the installed ducting is as per layout approved, check locations, headroom etc. 11. Whether grilles / diffusers are as per approved shade. 12. Check the method of installation for Grilles / Diffusers 13. Repair / paint damaged surfaces. 14. Check the coordination of following activities as per the given sequence:- 14.1 Main Ducts Cut for taking collars 14.2 Match / Fabricate collar taking false ceiling framework for diffuser into account 14.3 Fix grilles / diffuser framework in false ceiling 205 YES - OK NO - X REMARKS 14.4 Install the collar 14.5 Install diffuser S. No. DESCRIPTION 15. All elbows / turning points and branches to be properly supported 16. Access door is provided at serviceable position for fan and fire damper 17. Air balancing for room is studied 18. Air replacement is considered for air exhausted from room. 19. PVC or stainless steel material is used for corrosive fume exhaust system. 20. Anti vermin netting installed for louvers removable and serviceable. 21. Water or gas vent outlet is not installed near air intake louver. 22. Kitchen exhaust is not short circuited to outdoor air intake louver. 23. Kitchen room pressure is slightly below the surrounding area. 24. Sound level of fan is studied. 25. Face velocity for louvers / grills / diffusers is studied. 26. Air distribution of the room is studied. 27. Cross break all flat surfaces to prevent vibrations or buckling due to air flow. 28. Sides of ducts having collar for grills should not be cross broken to facilitate alignment of grills. 29. All bends and collars should have vanes. 30. If duct passes through fire chamber increase sheet thickness. 31. Kitchen exhaust ducts to be tapered at bottom for oil / grease collection. 32. Avoid flanged joints in kitchen exhaust duct above false ceiling. 33. When aluminum ducts are used with steel angles, steel to be painted with Zinc chromate paint 34. Provide check nuts with duct hangers 35 Ducts below 250 mm should not be more than 1 m long to facilitate proper joining. 206 YES - OK NO - X REMARKS 36. Plenums should have flanged and bolted ends for rigidity and easy maintenance. 37. Avoid 'U' bends in ducts 38. Provide long radius bends and offsets. 39 No collars to be taken from top. 40. Install duct spool pieces near equipment for easy removal. SECTION - 10 INSULATION – SPECIFICATIONS 1 SCOPE The scope of this section comprises supply and fixing of acoustic lining conforming to these specifications. 2. DUCT ACCOUSTIC LINING The ducts so identified and marked on drawings and in ‘Schedule of Quantities’ shall be provided with acoustic lining of thermal insulation material as follows: - 2.1 Material for Duct Lining The material to be used for duct lining shall be 25 mm thick resin bonded glass wool having a density of 32 kg/ and covered with 26 gauge thick perforated aluminum sheet with at least o 20% perforation. The value at 32 C shall not be less than 0.034 KCAL / HR / MTR / Deg C 2.2 Application a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 3. Clean inside surface of the duct Apply a coat of CPRX compound Fix the board inside the duct provided with GI channel 25 x 25 mm screwed on duct surface with self-tapping screws to make grid of 600 x 600 mm. The inner surface should now be covered with fiberglass RP tissue. Cover the insulation boards with 26 G perforated aluminum sheet with at least 20% perforation. Secure the insulation board and aluminum sheet with cadmium plated bolts and washers. Seal the ends completely so that no insulation material is exposed. UNDER DECK INSULATION Supply of extruded polystyrene closed cell rigid insulation material for under – deck application. Light and easy to handle the boards have a density of 30-32 Kg/m3 and available in standard size of 1250 x 600 mm in various thicknesses. Normally for roof, thickness of under deck insulation required is 50mm i.e. ‘ R’ value of 1.78 or ‘ U ‘ value of 0.56 in metric units. Insulation is laid with it’s shiplapped joints tightly butted in single or multiple layers depending upon the specific ‘ U ‘ value requirements . 207 ‘ U ‘ factor is the transfer of energy through the building assembly per unit time, per unit area and temperature difference . It offers a compressive strength of 250kPa, water absorption of < 1% ( V/V) and a thermal o o conductivity of 0.028 W/m K at a mean temperature of 25 C SECTION - 11 MODES OF MEASUREMENTS 1. UNIT PRICES IN THE SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES 1.1 The item description in the ‘Schedule of Quantities’ is in the form of a condensed resume. The unit price shall be held to include everything necessary to complete the work covered by this item in accordance with the specifications and drawings. The sum total of all the individual item prices shall represent the total price of the installation ready to be handed over. The Unit price of the various items shall include the following: 1.2 1.2.1 All equipment’s, machinery, apparatus and materials required as well as the cost of any tests which the Consultant may request in addition to the tests generally required to prove quality and performance of the equipment’s. 1.2.2 All the labour required supplying and installing the complete installation in accordance with the specifications. 1.2.3 Use of any tools, equipments, machinery, lifting tackle, scaffolding, ladders etc. Required by the Contractor to carry out his work. 1.2.4 All the necessary measures to prevent the transmission of vibration. 1.2.5 The necessary material to isolate equipments foundations from the building structure, wherever necessary. 1.2.6 Storage and insurance of all equipments apparatus and materials. 1.2.7 The Contractor’s unit price shall include all equipments, apparatus, material and labour indicated in the drawings and/or specifications in conjunction with the item in question, as well as all additional equipments, apparatus, material and labour usual and necessary to make in question on its own (and within the system as a whole) complete even though not specifically shown, described or otherwise referred to. 2 MEASUREMENTS OF SHEET METAL DUCTS, GRILLES/DIFFUSERS ETC. 2.1 Sheet Metal Ducts 2.1.1 Duct Work shall be measured on the basis of external surface area of ducts. Duct measurements shall be taken before application of the insulation. The external surface areas 208 shall be calculated by measuring the perimeter comprising overall width and depth, including the corner joints, in the center of each duct section, multiplying with the overall length from flange face to flange face of each duct section and adding up areas of all duct sections. Plenums shall also be measured in similar manner. 2.1.2 For tapered rectangular ducts, the average width and depth shall be considered for perimeter, whereas for tapered circular ducts, the diameter of the section midway large and small diameter shall be adopted, the length of tapered duct section shall be the center line distance between the flanges of the duct section. or special pieces like bends, tees, reducers, branches and collars, mode of measurement shall be identical to that described above using the length along the centerline. 2.1.3 The quoted unit rate for external surface of ducts shall include all wastage allowances, flanges and gaskets for joints, nuts and bolts, hangers and angles with double nuts for supports, rubber strip 3 mm thick between duct and support, vibration isolator suspension where specified or required, inspection chamber / access panel. Splitter damper with quadrant and lever for position indication, turning vanes, straightening vanes, and all other accessories required to complete the duct installation as per the Specifications. These accessories shall NOT be separately measured nor paid for. 2.2 Grilles/Diffusers Grilles and registers - width multiplied by height, excluding flanges. Volume control dampers shall form part of the unit rate for registers and shall not be separately accounted. Diffusers - cross section area for airflow at discharge areas, excluding flanges. Volume control dampers shall form part of unit rate for supply air diffusers and shall not be separately accounted. Linear diffusers - shall be measured by cross - sectional areas and shall exclude flanges for mounting of linear diffusers. The supply air plenum for linear diffusers shall be measured with ducting as described earlier. Fire dampers - shall be measured by their cross sectional areas perpendicular to the direction of airflow. Quoted rates shall include the necessary collars and flanges for mounting, inspection pieces with access door, electrical actuators and panel No special allowance shall be payable for extension of cross section outside the air stream. Flexible connection - shall be measured by their cross sectional areas perpendicular to the direction of airflow. Quoted rates shall include the necessary mounting arrangement, flanges, nuts and bolts and treated-for-fire requisite length of canvas cloth. Exhaust Hoods - shall be measured by their cross sectional area at the capture point of fumes, parallel to the surface of kitchen equipments. Quoted rates shall include the grease filters, provision for hood light, suspension arrangement for the hood, profile to direct the air to ventilation ducts and provision for removable drip tray. 2.3 Dampers Measurement of dampers shall be as per internal cross sectional area of the damper. 209 SECTION 6 DRAWINGS LIST OF DRAWINGS ENCLOSED 210 LIST OF DRAWINGS ENCLOSED Sl. No. Drawing Description No. of Drawings 01 No. 1. Administrative Building - Plan 2. Administrative Building - Elevation 01 No. 3. School of Social Science & Policy - Plan 01 No. 4. School of Social Science & Policy - Elevation 01 No. 5. School of Physical & Chemical Sciences - Plan 01 No. 6. School of Physical & Chemical Sciences - Elevation 01 No. 7. Lecture Hall Complex – Plan 01 No. 8. Lecture Hall Complex – Elevation 01 No. 9. Boy’s Hostel – Plan 01 No. 10. Boy’s Hostel – Elevation 01 No. 11. Girl’s Hostel – Plan 01 No. 12. Girl’s Hostel – Elevation 01 No. 13. Mess – Plan 01 No. 14. Mess- Elevation 01 No. 211 RlTES Ltd.1 Contract Policy CellI Gurgaon Tender and Contract Document for Works - July 2011 Correction Slip No. 15 In case ofrailway works involving one or more components like Earthwork, Bridges, Track Linking, Track Laying, OHE and Signalling etc. the Qualifying Criterion relating to Work Experience given in para 2 of Annexure I - Qualifying Criteria for Works Contracts, may be modified as under: QUALIFYING CRITERIA FOR WORKS CONTRACTS 2. WORK EXPERIEN CE a) Similar Works Experience (i) (ii) For works in normal areas (other than difficult areas) The Bidder should have satisfactorily completed in his own name or proportionate share as a member of a Joint Venture, at least one similar work of minimum value of Rs. OR at least two similar works each of minimum value of Rs. , - during the last 5 (five) years prior to the last stipulated date for submission of the Bid. Works completed prior to the cut off date shall not be considered. Or For works in difficult areas (North East States, J&K, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh and Andaman & Nicobar Is)ands) The Bidder should have satisfactorily completed in his own name or proportionate share as a member of a Joint Venture, at least one OR at ,least two similar work of minimum value of Rs. similar works each of minimum value of Rs. _ _ during the last 5 (five) years prior to the last stipulated date for submission of the Bid. Works completed prior to the cut off date shall not be considered, (.')trike out (i) or (h) as applicable). Similar Wor)<s Similar Works shall mean the work of _ _ _ _~_ carried out in India. ti,otes : The existing Notes as applicable for other works will also be applicable to railway works. b) Construction Experience in key activities/specified components To qualify for award of the contract, each Bidder in his own name or as a member of a Joint Venture should have, in the last five Years prior to the last stipulated date for submission of the Bid, executed the following key activities in anyone work* / more than one work* (* Strike out whichever is not applicable) . ....... .............. . ... ... ........ . . ........ ... . . . ... . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . .. ........... ... ~ (Ideally only very fe,1' and that too, specialized components of the work may be specified at the discretion ofNIT approving authority). Notes: The existing Notes as applicable for other works will also be applicable to railway works. No. RITES/CO/CPCIT &CD Dated the 07 th October, 2014 The above correction to Tender and Contract Document with approval of the competent authority. J~y 20 II is issued ?~-T"\ '--(G.V.Chanana1 Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads Copy to: I. Secy to CMD/DT/OP/Df. The above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of Guidelines on Construction Project Management for information of CMD and Directors 2. CVO RITES Ltd. I Contract Policy Cell I Gurgaon Tender and Contract Document for Works - July 2011 Correction Slip No. 14 \ In Correction Slip No. 13 dated 09'h September 2014, para 5 'Net Worth' may be replaced with the following: 5. NET WORTH " The bidder should have positive Net \\' orth of at least 30% of the estimated cost. Notes: - Average Net W01 th of the past three financial years shall be considered - In case JV is permitted, the following provisions will apply: Large Wort s AU the partners shall individually meet this criterion. Normal \:Vori~s The Partner-in-chargclLead Member shall si ngly meet this criterion. No. RlTES/COICPC/T&CD Dated the 1yh September, 201 4 The above correction to Tender and Co;,tract Document - July 2011 is issued with approval of the competent authority, p~ =\ (G.V.Chanana) Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads Copy to: I. Secy to CMD/DTIDPIDF. The above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of Guidelines on Construction Project Management for information of CMD and Directors 2. CVO RITES Ltd. / Contract Policy Cell / Gurgaon Tender and Contract Document for Works - July 2011 Correction Slip No. 13 \ The existing Annexure I - Qualifying Criteria for Works Contracts, may be deleted and replaced with the following: QUALIFYING CRITERIA FOR WORKS CONTRACTS 1. Annual Financial Turnover The bidder should have achieved a minimum annual financial turnover of Rs. in anyone of the last 3 Financial Years. Notes: > The financial turnover will be taken as given under the head "Income" in audited Profit and Loss Account and excluding non-recurring income, income from other sources and stock. It is clarified that the Financial Turnover means relevant revenue as recorded in the Income side of Profit and Loss Account. It does not mean Profit. >- Closing stocks in whatsoever manner should not form part of turnover. >- Weightage of 7% (compounded annually) shall be given for equating the financial turnover of the prev ious years to the current year. >- For considering the Financial Years, for example for a work for which the Tender is being opened in Financial Year 20 I4-15 , the last three Fi nancial Years will be 2013 14,2012-13 and 2011-12. For a Tender opened on (say) 05.09.2014 (FY 2014-15), with weightage of7% compounded annually, the weightages to be applied on the Turnover of the previous three Financia I Years wi II be : FY 2013-14 = 1.070; FY 2012-13 = 1.145 and FY 20 I 1-12 = 1.225; ~ The Bidder should furnish Annual Financial Turnover for each of the last 3 Financial Years in tabular form and give reference of the document (with page no.) relied upon in support of meeting the Quali fication Criterion . >- The Bidder should submit self attested copy of Auditor's Report along with Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement along with Schedules for the relevant Financiall Year in which the minimum criterion is met. Provisional audit reports or certified statements will not be accepted. >- If the Audited Balance Sheet for the immediately preceding year is not available in case of tender opened before 30th Sept., audited Bal ance Sheets, Profit and Loss Statements and other financial statements of the three Financial Years immediately preceding the previous Financial Year may be adopted for evaluating the credentiab of the Bidder. >- In case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply: Large Works For each Partner, the highest Annual Turnover in any of the last three Financial Years will be considered and the weighted figure for the current Financial Year will be worked out as described in Para 1 (Note 3). This should not be less than the figure arrived at by multiplying the minimum Annual Turnover stipulated for the Bidder in Qualification Criterion multiplied by the percentage of Financial participation by that partner in the JV. Each partner should satisfy this requirement and thus automatically JV will satisfy the criterion of minimum Annual Turnover. . Normal Works The Partner-in-charge/Lead Member shall singly meet this criterion. 2. WORK EXPERIENCE a) Similar Works Experience (i) (ii) For works in normal areas (other than difficult areas) The Bidder should have satisfactorily completed in his own name or proportionate share as a member of a Joint Venture, at least one OR at least two similar work of minimum value of Rs. similar works each of minimum value of Rs. OR at least three similar works each of minimum value of Rs._ _ during the last 5 (five) years prior to the last stipulated date for submission of the Bid. Works completed prior to the cut off date shall not be considered. Or For works in difficult areas (North East States, J&K, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands) The Bidder should have satisfactorily completed in his own name or proportionate share as a member of a Joint Venture, at least one OR at least two similar work of minimum value of Rs. similar works each of minimum value of Rs. _ _ during the last 5 (five) years prior to the last stipulated date for submission of the Bid. Works completed prior to the cut off date shalt not be considered. (Strike out (i) or (ii) as applicable). Similar Works Similar Works shall mean the work of _ __ _ _ __ carried out in India. Notes: ~ A weightage of 7% (compounded annually from the date of completion of the work to the submission of the Bid) shall be given for equating the value of works of the previous years to the current year. > Only such works shall be considered where physical completion of entire work is over or commissioning of work has been done, whichever is earlier. > The Bidder should submit the details of such similar completed works as per the format at Proforma-l enclosed. > Works carried out by another Contractor on behalf of the Bidder on a back to back basis will not be considered for satisfaction of the Qualification Criterion by the Bidder. >- Credential certificates issued by Government Organizations / Semi Government Organizations of Central or State Government; or by Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies of Central or State Government; or by Public Ltd. Companies listed in Stock Exchange in India or Abroad shall only be accepted for assessing the eligibility ofa Tenderer >- The cut off date shall be calculated backwards from the last stipulated date for submission/ opening of Tender i.e. for a Tender which is being opened on 06.08.2014, the cut off date shall be 07.08.09. ~ In case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply: Large Works All the partners shall jointly meet this criterion. Normal Works The Partner-in-charge/Lead Member shal I singly meet this criterion. b) Construction Experience in key activities/specified components To qualify for award of the contract, each Bidder in his own name or as a member of a Joint Venture should have, in the last five Years prior to the last stipulated date for submission of the Bid , executed the following key activities in anyone work* / more than one work * (* Strike out whichever is not applicable) . ••••••••• •••• , ••• ..... .... .. ... . . . ••••• ,-, •••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• •• • 0 ••••••• '" ••••••• _,. _ , ••••• • • • • _ • ••••••••••••• ...... .............. , .... ......... .... ,_ .. .... .... - .. . . .. . ............... . ,_ -, , (Ideally only very few and that too, specialized components of the work may specified at the discretion ofNIT approving authority). );> );> » );> work satisfying criterion a particular activity may be different from a work satisfying the criterion for another key activity. Bidder should furnish with his Bid a tabular statement contract-wise key activities / specialised components executed in the last 5 years which meet Qualification along with documentary proof in support thereof (indicating nos.). if a work has not been completed but if specified quantity of activity has the same shall be into consideration purpose of this criterion. Any work by the Bidder as a member a Joint Venture will be accepted provided is documentary proof in support of the same either in the MOUI Agreement of the JV or in a declaration by the other of that JV or the confirming that the special work was actually by the » In case .TV is permitted the following provisions will apply: shall jointly meet this criterion. All the as for works. SOLVENCY CERTIFICATE AND SERVICING OF LOAN / LIMIT (i) A Solvency Certificate of minimum solvency format at Proforma 2) from a Scheduled issued not ier than 6 months from date for submission of tender is required to be submitted by the bidder. the The so by the 8 idder may got verified from the Bank );> [n case JV is permitted the following provisions will apply: Large Works For each Partner, the figure in Certificate not than the minimum favour of that Partner, should figure stipulated for the Bidder in the Qualification Criterion by Financial participation by that Partner in the JV. Normal Works The Partner-in-chargelLead Member shall singly meet this criterion. (ii) The bidder should furnish a declaration that he has not failed to service the principal amount or interest or both of a loan account / credit limit from any Bank or Financial Institution during a period of one year prior to the deadline for submission of bids. ~ ~ ~ Notes: In case a bidder has defaulted in servicing his loan I credit limit during the past one year, he shall be disqualified. The declaration may be included in the Declaration to be submitted in Proforma 3 to this Annexure In case JV is pennitted the following provisions will apply: Large Works Each Partner shall sign the declaration. Normal Works The Partner-in-charge/Lead Member shall sign the declaration. 4. PROFITABILITY The Bidder should be a Profit (Net) making fi rm and should have made profit during any two of the past 3 Financial Years immediately preceding the deadline for submission of bids. If the Audited BaJance Sheet for the immediately preceding year is not available in case of tenders opened before 30 th September, Audited Balance Sheets of the three Financial Years immediately preceding the previous Financial Year shall be considered. The Bidder should furnish figures of net profit of last 3 years in a tabular form and submit attested copies of Auditor's RepOlts along with audited Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Statements for the last three Financial Years. Specific reference with page no. of document which proves satisfaction of this Qualifying Criterion should be indicated in the tabular statement. Notes: In case JV is permitted , the following provisions will apply: Large Works All the partners shall meet individually this criterion. Normal Works The 5. Partner-in~chargelLead Member shall singly meet this criterion. NET WORTH The Bidder should be a Profit (Net) making firm and should have made profit during any two of the past 3 Financial Years immediately preceding the deadline for submission of bids. If the Audited Balance Sheet for the immediately preceding year is not available in case of tenders opened before 30 th September, Audited Balance Sheets of the three Financial Years immediately preceding the previous Financial Year shall be considered. 6. POINTS TO NOTE ON SATISFACTION OF QUALIFYING CRITERIA IN CASE OF BOTH LARGE AND NORMAL WORKS a) Sub-Contractor's Experiences and Resources Sub-Contractors ' Experiences and Resources will not be taken into account in determining the Bidder's compliance with the qualifying criteria. c) Experiences and Resources of the Parent Company and other subsidiary companies If the Bidder is a wholly owned subsidiary of a company, the experience and resources of the owner/parent company or its other subsidiaries will not be taken into account. However, if the Bidder is a Company, the Experience and Resources of its subsidiaries will be taken into consideration. 7. DISQUALIFICATION ON CERTAIN GROUNDS Even though the Bidders may meet the above qual ifying criteria, they are subject to be disqual ified if they have a) Made misleading or fal se representation in the forms , statements and attachments in proof of the qualification requirements. In such a case, besides Tenderer's liability to action under para 9.4 of Instructions to Tenderers, the Tenderer is liable to face the penalty of banning of busin ess dealings with him by RITES. b) Records of any contract awarded to them, having been determined during the past three years prior to the deadline for submission of bids. c) Their business banned or suspended by any Central/State Government Department! Public Undertaking or Enterprise of Central/State Government and such ban is in force. d) Not submitted all the supporting documents or not furnished the relevant details as per the prescribed fOlmat. A declaration to the above effect in the form of affidavit on stamp paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by Notary/Magistrate should be submitted as per fOlmat given in Proforma 3 enclosed. The existing Proformae 1 and 2 remain unchanged. Proforma 3 may be deleted and replaced with the following: Proforma 3 DECLARATION BY THE BIDDER (Affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper ofRs.lO/- duly attested by Notary / Magistrate) This is to certify that We, M/s. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , in submission of this offer confirm that: i. We have not made any misleading or false representation in the fOnTIs, statements and attachments in proof of the qualification requirements. II. During the past three years prior to the deadline for submission of bids, no contract awarded to us has been determined. III. No Central/State Government Department! Public Sector Undertaking or Enterprise of Central/State Government has banned/suspended business dealings with us as on date. IV. We have submitted all the supporting documents and furnished the relevant details as per prescribed format. v. List of Similar Works satisfying Qualification Criterion indicated in Proforma 1 does not include any work which has been carried out by us through a Subcontractor on a back to back basis. VI. The information and documents submitted with the Tender and those to be submitted subsequently by way of clarifications / making good deficient documents are correct and we are fully responsible for the correctness of the information and documents submitted by us. vii. We have not failed to service the principal amount or interest or both of a loan accouritl credit limit from any Bank or Financial Institution during a period of one year prior to the deadline for submission of bids. viii. We understand that in case any statement/information/document furnished by us or to be furnished by us in connection with this offer, is found to be incorrect or false, OUf EMD in full will be forfeited and business dealings will be banned. SEAL, SIGNATURE & NAME OF THE BIDDER . signing this document No. RlTES/COICPC/T &CD Dated the 9t~ September, 2014 The above correction to Tender and Contract Document - July 20 II is issued with approval of the competent authority. y(~ r (G.V.Chanana) Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads Copy to: 1. Secy to CMD/DT/DP/DF. The above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of Guidelines on Construction Project Management for information of CMD and Directors 2. CVO RITES Ltd. I Contract Policy Cell I GHrgaon Tendel' and Contract Document for Works - July 2011 Correction Slip No. 12 1n supersession ofCorrectirm Slip ,"/0. 11, the existing suo-para (ii) in Proforma] ofAnnexure 1 - Declaration by (he Bidder, may be deleted (Ind replaced ~vith ihe following: ii) During the past three years prior to the de~cJline for s~lbmission of bids, no ~ contract nwr.rded to us has been determined. 1 Further, in Annexure - 1 'Quailfjing Criteria for 'Works Contmc!s' para 6 (b) may be deleled and replaced with Ihe/ollowing . b) Records of any contract awarded to them, huving been determined during the past three years prior to the deadline for submission of bids. No. RITES/COICPCIT &CD Dated the opt September, 20i4 The above correction to Tender and Contract Document - July 20 II is issued with approval of the competent aut..J.lOrity. Y ,u. C~-==L._ (G .V.Chanana) Advisor (Contract Pol icy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads Copy to: I, Secy to CMDIDTIDP/DF, The above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of Guidelines on Construction Project Management for information of CMD and Directors 2. evo . RITES Ltd. I Contract Policy CeJl I Gurgaon Tender and Contract Document for Works- July 2011 Correction Slip No. 11 In Proforma 3 ofAnnexure I· Declaration by the Bidder. the existing sub-para (iiJ may be deleted and replaced with the following: ii) We do not have records of poor performance during the past three years such as detennination of contraft, abandoning the work, not properly completing the contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history or fmuncial failures etc. No. RlTES/CO/CPC/T&CD Dated the 08 1h August, 2014 The above correction to Tender and Contract Document - july 2011 is issued with approval of the competent authority. ~!!-~---t(G.V.Chanana) Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional I-leads and SBU heads Copy to: 1. Secy to CMDIDTIDP/DF. The above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of Guidelines on Construction Project Management for information of CMD and Directors 2. CVO RITES Ltd. I Contract Policy Cell I Gurgaon . Tender and Contract Document for Works - July 2011 Correction Slip No.1 0 \ In the Check List to be,attended to by ihe Project Coordinator, the following modification may be made in Section 4. Schedules A to F by inserting the following between Clause 16 and . Clause 18: - ' ACTION REQUIRED ITEM REFERENCE J WHETHER ACTION TAKEN Fill in one Blank Clause·17 / .J SECTION 4- PROFORMAOFSCHEDULES SClIEnULE 'F" {(nder Clauses ofContract, the fol/owing11!ay be iliser~edbelween Clause 16 and Clause 18 : Clause 17 Maintenance' Period No. RITES/CO/CPCff&CD Dated the 12th May, 2014 The above correction to Tender and Contract Document - July 2011 is issued With approval ,of the competent authority. ~ .~ ' . i_ . (G.V.C anana) ' Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads ,Copy to: .- - 1. ' Seey to CMDtDTIDPIDF. The above correction slip may be inserted in the coPy of Guidelines on Construction Project Management for infonnation ' 9f CMD and DireCtors / 2. evo RITES Ltd. I Contract Policy CellI Gurgaon Tender and Contract Document for 'Vorks - .July 2011 Correction Slip No~ 9 SECIlON 1 - Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Tenderers The following corrections may be made in Anr.zexure - J rdating to QUALIFYING CRlTERlA FOR WORKS CONTRACTS 1. Annual Financiall'urnover . . The third nate under ~No'es. '-may,be deleted andreplacedasunder: · .. 1 • Welgfttage:Of104 (compounded annually) sh<l1I 'be given for equating,the financial turnover of the.~vi~u.SyeArs to·ihe ,current year. f· . ,! .. TheldJJr.iJrc11oteunder ~N(jte$' maybe:deletedal1llreplaced as under: . . .. 1~Qr;~i~ering;t4eF~iaI,y~,:for examPle.:fo~ forwhl,Qh th~ T¢ndet is.being . . ,~toJii,Fjhancl:al:Yqt~29f14.{5, ~lastfive:F~i~ Years willbe2011~14;~(>l2A3) ' . ~. ~~~~~<{~l.2dl~lhm,a 2~§~lO~:Fht:a~~?er:o~ed~~~($lt~).~5J)S~2QH :~ ~~1 t15),_ .. . -'With~gh~of1%C6'rnptlttiid~(la:tll1Uiilly:,,:~; ·.w~_~tages: to -~ :~p~l~ed 9D;ij1.eTurnoverof '. ·-" tb~p~ti$:live~F1nanci:afVems.~t-~:FY 2013 ~ 14 == L070~ FY i012-11' :: 1.145; FY ' '. ' 2011.~1Z'=U25; ;FY201(}"n =1.311artd.FY2009:'1()·: 10403 ' . .... . Thefust Mleunder 'Not~s'niaybe deleted and replacedaSlmd~r: ;. A,~i@tage~r~/o (J<OmpO~ded annuallyfromtlie.dawtif ootnpl~iioi1 Of.tI1~.WorlC,to·'1he.·. subtnl~(m' ot.the Bid}~lbegiven'fot~atingthe value of'works ofth~pteviousyeats' to .' 'the c~t,year. . . ,." ;. , . .1 ).. No ~ RITES/COICPCrr&CD Dated the 29th April, 2014 The above correction to Tender and Contract Document - July 20] I is issued with approval of the competent authority; ~. U" . .(G.V£hanana) r .. .Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional R'eads ·an<l SBU heads Cbpy to: ..L .~ .to ·<;MDnJrIOPIDF. The'abOve CQrrcclion ,slip Goide1ihes '.on ' ~Ql'S Construction Project .Manag~ent fot. · information ·of CMD • arid . . .. . . 2. CVO ll1ay be inserted .~ the copy of ,. . 1. t ; RITES Ltd. / Contract Policy Cell / Gurgaon Tender and Contract Document for Works - July 2011 Correction Slip No.8 SECTION 1 - Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Tenderers Clause 2.0 QUALIFICATION CRITERIA TO BE SATISFIED Clause 2.1 refers 10 Annexure I where the Qualific61tion Criteria to be satisfied are given. In Annexure 1, the criterion of 'Profitability' stipulated vide para 4 thereofmay be deleted and replaced with the criterion of 'Net Worth' as given hereunder. However, the Notes given at the end ofthe existing para 4 will remain unchanged. 4. Net Worth The bidder should have positive net worth. This will be judged from the Audited Balance Sheet of the last financial year ending on a date not prior to 18 months from the due date for submission of the tender (or, if the due date is extended, such extended date of submission.) No. RITES/CPC/CONT Dated the 30th December, 2013 The above conection to Tender and Contract Document - July 2011 is issued with approval of the competent authority. ~CA-- (, (G.V.Chanana) Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads Copy to: l. Secy to CMD/DF/DT/DP. The above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of Guidelines on Construction Project Management for information of CMD and Directors 2. CVO RITES Ltd. / Contract Policy Cell / Gurgaon Tender and Contract Document fOI' Works - July 2011 Correction Slip No.7 SECTION 1 - Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Tenderers Clause 2.0 QUALIFICATION CRITERIA TO BE SATISFIED In the existing Clause 2.2 the .fig ure of 'Rs.30 Crores may be replaced with 'Rs.] 00 Crores' I No , RITES/CPC/CONT Dated the 27th August, 2013 The above correction to Tender and Contract Document - July 2011 is issued with approval of the competent authori ty, ~~ (G,V .Chanana) C Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads Copy to: I . Secy to CMD/DF/DTIDP. The above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of Guidelines 011 Constructi.on Project Management for information of CMD and Directors 2. CVO RITES Ltd. / Contract Policy Cell / Gurgaon Tender and Contract Document for Works - July 2011 Correction Slip No.6 SECTION 1 - Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Tenderers ANNEXURE VI Form of letter of acceptance Annexure VI may be deleted. However, in order to not to change the number of subsequent Annexures, Annexure VI may be left blank and the word 'BLANK' written across it. The format for 'Letter of Acceptance' given vide Annexure 8.2 of RITES' Guidelines on Construction Project Management may be adopted while issuing the letter of acceptance to the successful bidder. No. RITES/CPC/CONT Dated the 16th July, 2013 The above correction to Tender and Contract Document - July 2011 is issued with approval of the competent authority. pVt- (' . (G.V.Clianana) Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads of RI, B&A, UI, TI, TS and CS Division Copy to: 1. Secy to CMD/DF/DT/DP. The above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of Guidelines on Construction Project Management for information of CMD and Directors 2. CVO RIT:ES Ltd. / Contract Policy Cell / Gurgaon Tender and Contract Document for Works - July 2011 Correction Slip No.5 SECTION 1 - Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Tenderers ANNEXURE VI Form of letter of acceptance The last sentence of 2nd para which reads "Bank Guarantees issued by the following Banks will not be acceptable ( Names of Banks )" may be deleted and replaced by : Bank Guarantees issued by only Scheduled Banks or State Bank of India will be accepted. No. RITES/CPC/CONT Dated the 10th December, 2012 The above correction to Tender and Contract Document - July 2011 is issued with approval of the competent authority. p~ (G.V· . e Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads of RI, B&A, UI, TI, TS and CS Division Copy to: 1. Secy to MD/DF/DT/DP. The above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of Guidelines on Construction Project Management for information of MD and Directors 2. CVO I Contract Cell I and Contract Document for Works - July 2011 Correction Slip 1 - Notice Inviting The following may added at the document payment of cost 4 and Instructions to Tenderers para 5.2: issued free cost to document as a matter of as arc exempted Policy. The existing para 5.3 may be replaced with the following: Tender including drawings can also downloaded website and a case, the shall deposit cost of tender documents (unless he is exempted such payment as a matter Government Policy) alongwith submission of failing which shaH no!!: documents be deposited Order and the envelope the Earnest Money Deposit. In case the Tenderer is from the onus such shall rest with Tenderer and proof for shall t be documents clarifications to the on above website. The existing para 9.2 may be modified adding the following at the end of(he para: the tenderer is exempted Government Policy_ The onus of and such shall be IJIU""vU payment of such Money as a matter shall rest with Tenderer Earnest Money_ , the contents In para 11.1 (aJ, under the heading' PACKET A 1 may be modified as under: Envelope 1 Earnest Tender alongwith Mandate if the bid is website, Policy_ If must placed in this as per on the and cost UlHvHl dmvnloaded payments as a matter su bstanti ating In para 11.4.1 (a), under the heading ' PACKET A :.. TECHNICAL BID', the marking of Envelope 1 may be modified as under by adding sub-para (iii) : Envelope 1 iii) If the Bidder is exempted from payment Earnest l\'loney and Cost of Tender Document, he should superscribe "Documents Substantiating Exemption from Payment of Earnest Money and Cost of Tender Documents" In para 12.2 (a) (i) the following may be added afier the words" . l1'l . t he 4th" 6th loth an d. 11th {.rnes : appearing in an acceptable form" (unless exempted) In para 12.3 (a) the following may be added after the words" . l1'l . t he 2nd , 4th an d 7th ['mes : appeanng in an acceptable form" (unless exempted) No. RITES/CPC/CONT Dated the 28th September, 2012 The above correctio~s to Tender and Contract Document approval of the competent authority. p~ ~ July 2011 are issued vvith :f (G.V.Cl1anana) Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads of RI, B&A, ur, TI, TS and CS Division Copy to: 1. Secy to MD/DFIDT/DP. The above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of Guidelines on Construction Project Management for information of MD and Directors 2. CVO RITES Ltd. / Contract Policy Cell / Gurgaon Tender and Contract Document for Works - July 2011 Correction Slip No. ! In the Check List to be attended to by the Project Coordinator, the following modification may be made: ITEM REFERENCE 1.1 ACTION REQUIRED WHETHER ACTION TAKEN Strike out the item not applicable and fill in 2 blanks SECTION 1 - Notice Inviting Tender and Instructions to Tenderers The existing para 1.1 may be replaced with the following: 1.1 Tender Notice Tenders are invited in Two Packet / Single Packet system by RITES Ltd., a Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways, acting for and behalf of _ __ _ _ __ (Employer) as an Agent / Power of Attorney Holder, from working contractors (including contractors who have executed works within the last five years reckoned from the scheduled date of opening of tender) of Government Organizations / Semi Government Organizations of Central or State Government; or of Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies of Central or State Government; or of Public Ltd. Companies listed in Stock Exchange in India or Abroad, for the work of _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ (Note : Throughout these bidding documents, the terms 'bid' and 'tender' and their derivatives are synonymous). ANNEXURE - I Qualifying Criteria for works contracts In para 2 relating to Work Experience, under Similar Works the definition may be modified as under: Similar Works A Similar Work shall mean the work of India. carried out in In the Notes under Similar Works, the 51h note may be replaced with the following: Credential certificates issued by Government Organizations / Semi Government Organizations of Central or State Government; or by Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies of Central or State Government; or by Public Ltd. Companies listed in Stock Exchange in India or Abroad shall only be accepted for assessing the eligibility of a Tenderer ~ Note 2 of Proforma - 1 'List of Similar Works Satisfying Qualification Criterion, Completed During the Last 5 Years' may be replaced with thefollowing: Such credential certificates issued by Government Organizations / Semi Government Organizations of Central or State Government; or by Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Bodies of Central or State Government; or by Public Ltd. Companies listed in Stock Exchange in India or Abroad shall only be accepted for assessing the eligibility of a Tenderer In case of a certificate from a Public Limited Company, the bidder should also submit documentary proof that the Public Ltd. Co. was listed in Stock Exchange in India or abroad when the work was executed for it. Para 1(a) of ANNEXURE II A 'Qualification Information / Checklist of Documents - Letter of Transmittal by Other than Joint Ventures', para 2(i)(a) of ANNEXURE II B(L) and para (c) of ANNEXURE II B(N) may be replaced with the following: Self attested copy of a certificate, confirming that the applicant is a working contractor or has executed any work within the last five years reckoned from the date of opening of tender, issued by a Government Organization / Semi Government Organization of Central or State Government; or by a Public Sector Undertaking / Autonomous Body of Central or State Government; or by a Public Ltd. Company listed in a Stock Exchange in India or Abroad. No. RITES/CPC/CONT Dated the 27th September, 2012 The above corrections to Tender and Contract Document - July 2011 are issued with approval of the competent authority. fl~' ~ (G.V.Chanana) Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads of RI, B&A, Ul, TI, TS and CS Division Copy to: 1. Secy to MD/DF/DT/DP. The above conection slip may be inserted in the copy of Guidelines on Construction Project Management for information of MD and Directors 2. CVO RITES Ltd. / Contract Policy Cell / Gurgaon RITES Tender & Contract Document, 2011 Correction Slip No.2 SECTION 1- Notice Inviting Tenders and Instructions to Tenderers Para 9.3 Refund of Money The existing para 9.3(c) may be re-numbered as para 9.3(d) and a new para 9.3(c) may be inserted as under: 9.3(c) The Earnest Money shall refunded only through Electronic Fund Transfer. The tenderer shall submit RTGSINEFT Mandate as proforma given in Annexure IX, duly filled Para 11.1 Two Packet System and Single Packet System (a) Two Packet System PACKET A:- TECHNICAL BID In the contents ofEnvelope J, the words "alongwith Mandate Money". filled in" may be inserted after the words as per IX duly Para 11.4.1 Two Packet System (a) PACKET A - TECHNICAL BID Envelope 1 In item (i) the words "alongwith Mandate Form as words Money. " Annexure A new annexure giving the format enclosed. SECTION 2 IX" may be added after the details of Mandate Form may be added as Annexure as Tender and Contract Form for Works The following sentence may be added at the end ofpara 4 "Mandate Fonn authorizing RITES Ltd. to make all payments through Annexure IX, duly filled in, is enclosed." as per ANNEXURE - IX Mandate Form To RITES Ltd. Dear Sir, Authorization for payments tlu'ough Electronic Fund Transfer System (RTGSINEFT) We hereby authorize RITES Ltd. to make all our payments, including refund of Earnest Money, through Electronic Fund Transfer System (RTGSINEFT). The details for facilitating the payments are given below: - NAME OF THE BENEFICIARY ADDRESS WITH PIN CODE (A) TELEPHONE NO. WITH STD CODE (B) MOBILE NO. 4 BANK PARTICULARS A BANK NAME B BANK TELEPHONE NO. WITH STD CODE C BRANCH ADDRESS WITH PIN CODE D BANK FAX NO. WITH STD CODE E II CHARACTER IFSC CODE OF THE BANK (EITHER ENCLOSE A CANCELLED CHEQUE OR OBTAIN BANK CERTIFICATE AS APPENDED) F BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER AS APPEARING ON THE CHEQUE BOOK G BANK ACCOUNT TYPE (TICK ONE) - / I 2 3 SAVING CURRENT CASH CREDIT OTHERS LOAN H IF OTHERS, SPECIFY 5 PERMANENT ACCOUNT NUMBER (PAN) 6 E-MAIL ADDRESS I/We hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transactIOn IS delayed or credit is not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I/We would not hold RlTES Ltd. responsible. Bank charges for such transfer will be borne by us. SIGNATURE Date---------- (AUTHORlSED SIGNATORY) Name ----------------------------- BANK CERTIFICATION It is certified that the above mentioned beneficiary holds bank account No.-------------------------with our branch and the Bank particulars mentioned above are correct. Date----------- SIGNATURE (AUTHORISED SIGNATORY) Name ----------------------------- OFFICIAL STAMP RITES Ltd / Contract Policy Cell / Gurgaon RITES Tender & Contract Document, 2011 Correction Slip No. 1 SECTION 1 - NOTICE INVITING· TENDERS AND INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS Para 11 - Submission of Tenders On page 8 the secondpara under heading 'Packet B - Financial Bid'may be modified to read psunder: ..All rates and o.mounts, wh~ther in figures or words, must be written in indelible ink Each correction, cutting, addition and overwriting should be initialed by the Tenderer." ANNEXURE - 1- QUAUFYING CRITERIA FOR WORKS CONTRACTS Para 2 - Work Experience The fifth bullet appearing under 'Notes' on. page 20 may be modified to readas under : "Credential certificates issued by Govt. Organizo.tions/Semi Govt. Organizations/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies . of Central State Govts.lMunicipal Bodies/Public Ltd. Cos. Listed in Stock Exchange in India Of' abroad, shall only be accepted for assessing the eligibility of a tenderer: Schedule 'F' In Schedule 'P (page 64) the following may be addedafter 5.1.{b) Table: "Clause 5A - Shifting of stipulated date of completion Competent Authority Accepting Authority as Specified in Clause 2(vii) Of Conditions of Contract Above" 1 RlTES Lid. I Contract Policy CellI Gurgaon General Conditions of Contract for Works,2011 Correction Slip No.6 ~ SECTION 8 - Clauses of Contract . Clause 17 Contractor Liable for Damages, Defects during Maintenance Period and Refund of Security Deposit . . In the first para ofthe existing clause, .the expression "twelve months (six inonthsin the case ofwork costing Rs.tenlakh and below except road work)" appearing at (jh17th line from top " and !5 Ihllrl'-.linefr()m;'t opmaybe deletedandreplacedwiththefollowing: . the maintenance .periodspeciflcd in Schedule 'P . .. . Further; the .Jastsentence ofthe first pa~aintheexisting clause may be deleted and replaced with the following: .P rovided that in the case of roadwork, ifin the opinion of the Engineet~irt-Charge, half of the Security Deposit is sufficient to meet alUiabilities of the contractor under thiS-contract, half of the Security D~posit.willberefundableon expiry ofhalf the specifie4 maintenance period and the remaiI$g b..a1f aftcrexpiry of the full maintenance period from the date of issue ofthe Said certificate of completion or till the FmalBill has been prepared and passed, whichever is later. The maintenance period to be mentionedir. Schedule F shallbeflXed by the .. Approving Authority;specijied in the SOP. No. RITES/epC/CONT Dated the May, 2014 ' The above correction to Gee for \Vorks, 2011 competent authority. IS issued with. approval r of the r p~ :r (G.V. ~aria) Advisor (ContractPolicy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads ' Copy to: 1. Se~y to Clv'tl)/DTIDP/DF. The above correction slip may be inserted 'GeC for-Works, 2011' for information of CMD and Directors 2. eva ill the copy of . ,; , .' RITES Ltd. / Contract Policy Cell / Gurgaon General Conditions of Contract for Works, 2011 Correction Slip No.5 SECTION 8 - Clauses of Contract Clause 3 When Contract can be Determined In the existing sub-clause 3(a) the following sub-sub-clause 3(a)(i) may be added before subclause 3(b): . 3(a)(i) Further, the contractor shall be Qeemed to be declared a 'Poor Performer' as per Clause 52.7 hereinafter (without issuance o~ any notice in this regard) and shall not be eligible for a period of upto two years, to participate in tenders of other works which may be invited by RITES Ltd. Clause 52 Programme and Performance In the existing Clause 52, a new sub-clause 52.7 may be added as under: Clause 52.7 Poor Performance and Consequences Thereof The Engineer-in-Charge, without prejudice to his other rights against the contractor, may declare the contractor to be a poor performer after giving him written notice of seven days in any of the following cases: i. The contractor abandons the work for 30 days or more without valid reasons. ii. Progress on the work is behind schedule by 25% or more of the stipulated contract period for reasons solely attributable to the contractor. iii. Completion of work is delayed by 25% or more of the stipulated contract period for reasons solely attributable to the contractor. iv. The contractor repeatedly (twice or more) makes claims on frivolous grounds or goes to court or seeks arbitration for such claims. . v. The contractor repeatedly (twice or more) seeks extra-contractual financial support from RITES for completing the work. . . vi. If there are more than two instances of financial failure of contractor in making timely payments to his labour or sub contractors or to suppliers of materials. Upon declaration of the contractor as ' poor performer' , his name will be placed in RITES' 'Negative List of Contractors' and he will not be eligible for a peri(ld of up to two years, to participate in tenders of other works which may be invited by RITLS. . No. RITES/CPC/CONT Dated the 26 th March, 2014 The above correction to GCC for Works, 2011 competent authority. p~ IS issued with approval of the -e. (G.Y.Chanana) Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads Copy to: 1. Secy to CMDIDTIDPIDF. The above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of 'GCC for Works, 2011' for infoffilation ofCMD and Directors 2. evo RITES Ltd. I Contract Policy CellI Gurgaon General Conditions of Contract for Works, 2011 Correction Slip No.4 SECTION 8 - Clauses of Contract Clause 1 Performance Guarantee In the existing sub-clause 1(I)) the first sentence may be deleted and replaced by the following: (i) contractor shaH submit an irrevocable Performance Guarantee of 5% Percent) the tendered value and also an AdditionalPerformance his cost work put to tender, of an amount by offer is less than 90% of the cost, for the contractor's proper which the bid falls short of 90% of the contrac,t agreement (notwithstanding and/or without prejudice any performance of other provisions in the contract) within the period specified in Schedule F from the Letter of Acceptance. date of Clause lA Recovery of Security Deposit In the Clause JA the last para may be and rep/aced by the following: Deposit may submission of by a scheduled bank or on to a minimum amount Lacs subject to the condition that the amount any Bank Guarantee IVAo,.,IVUl the one, shall not be less than Rs. 5.0 Lacs. Bank Guarantee submitted t:ll:>t:lm;:, Security Deposit shall be initially valid uptp the stipulated date completion of work 17 hereinafter. The Bank Guarantee plus period defined under shall be from time to time when contract period is extended under Deposit will governed by clause 2 and 5. Final refund of 17 hereof provisions of Clause 5 Time and Extension for Delay In the existing failing which the amounts specified in Schedule F shalI be withheld tor nonof milestones. The withheld amount may be released when the subsequent milestone(s) is/are achieved. The withheld amount may also be released submission of Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount issued by a scheduled bank or by State Bank of India. i:1f)i:1lll.:H No. the 16th July, 2013 The above correction to GCC for Works, 2011 is issued with approval of the competent authority. Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads '-...../ Copy to: 1. Secy to CMD/DFIDT/DP. above correction slip may be inserted in 'GCC for Works, 2011' for information ofCMD and Directors 2. copy of cva '--" RITES Ltd. / Contract Policy Cell / Gurgaon General Conditions of Contract for Works, 2011 Correction Slip No.3 SECTION 8 - Clauses of Contract Clause 1 Performance Guarantee The existing sub-clause (iv) may be re-numbered as (v) and the following sub-clause (iv) may be inserted: (iv) In lieu of the Performance Guarantee and/or Additional Performance Guarantee, the contractor may submit Demand Draft of the like amount issued by a scheduled bank. No. RITES/CPC/CONT Dated the 17th July, 2012 The above correction to GCC for Works, 2011 is issued with approval of the competent authority. p~ e (G.V.Chanana) Advisor (Contract Policy) All Divisional Heads and SBU heads of RI, B&A, UI, TI, TS and CS Division Copy to: 1. Secy to MD/DF/DT/DP. The above correction slip may be inse11ed in the copy of 'GCe for Works, 2011' for information ofMD and Directors 2. CVO RITES Ltd / Contract Policy Cell / Gurgaon General Conditions of Contract for Works, 2011 Correction Slip No. 2 SECTION NO. 7 - Conditions of Contract The existing sub-para (viii) of Para 2 may be deletedand replaced with the following : "(viii) Excepted risks are risks due to war (whether declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war, any acts of Government and other causes over which the Contractor has no control and accepted as such by the Accepting Authority or causes solely due to use or occupation by the Employer of the part of the works in respect of which a certification of completion has been iSSued or a cause solely due to the Employer's faulty design of works: Further, a new sub-para (xv) under this para may be inserted to readas under : "(xv) Replacement Cost means (a) tendered value plus (b) cost of materials supplied by the Employer (assessed cost of such materials if the materials are supplied free of cost) plus 10'70 of both (a) and (b)." SECTION No.8 - CLAUSES OF CONRACT The existing sub-clause (a) and (b) of Clause 47.1.1 may be deleted and replaced with the following : "(a) The works at their Replacement Cost. (b) A" plants and equipment and other things brought to the site by the contractor shall be insured for a sufficient amount not less than Rs. 5 lacs or 1'70 of the Tendered Value, whichever is more." No. RITES/CPClCONT Dt.9.1.12 The above corrections to GCC are issued with the approval of competent authority. ~~6L!~~ (5. . Malhotra) Ex ert/Q>C All Divisional Heads and SBU Heads of RI, B&A, UI, TI, TS and CS Divisions Copy to: Secy to MD/DP/DF/DT - the above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of GCC issued for information of MD and Directors Cyo M I V, Aj)\J('CJ-fN-J ) ((S t.--R) .--jl r CL~L1~ VL-; ~ ' ), RITES Ltd / Contract Policy Celt / Gurgaon Genera1 Conditions of Contract for Works, lOll Correction Slip No. 1 SECTION NO. 7 - Conditions of Contract Para 2 - Meaning of Expressions An additional sub-clause (xiv) may be addedas under : "(xiv) Stipulated date of completion: It is the date arrived at by adding the time aHowed for completion as specified in Schedule 'F' to the date of commencement of the work." SECTION No.8 - Cfausesof Contract An additional Clause 5A may be insertedas under: MCLAUSe 5A Shifting of Stipulated I>Gte of Completion The authority specified in Schedule'F' may, at the written request of the contr<act>or, Shjft the stipulated date of comp1etion only if the execution of work is delayed by more than 25'10 of the time allowed for completion, on account of reasons solely attributabile tG the Employer or the Engineer-in-Charge. ~ The decision of the competent authority regarding shifting of the stipulated date of completion and the extent of shifting shall be final and binding upon the contractor. The stipulated date of completion so shifted by the competent authority shaH be considered for the purpose of Clause lOCC as the stipulated date of completion: CLAUSE lOCC Payment due to increase/decrease in prices/WQges Qfter Receipt of ·Tender for 'Works This chuse may be modified to read as under: "This clause will be applicable only when so provided in Schedule 'F'. If the prices of materials (not being materials supplied or services rendered at fixed prkes by the Employer in accordance with Clauses lO & 34 hereof) and/or wages of labour required for execution of the work increase, the Contractor shaH be compensated for such increase as per provisions detailed below and the amount of the Contract shall accordingly be varied, subject to the condition that such compensation for escalation in tM'ices and wages shall be available only for the work done during the stipulated period of the contract including the justified period extended under the provisions of clause 5 of the contract Without any action under clause 2. However, for works executed during the justified period extended as above, the compensation as detailed below will be limited to the indices/wages prevailing at the time of stipulated date of completion or as prevailing for the period under 1 ~ ,. . "... \ \' / :; .. ; . consideration, whichever is less. Such compensat,jon for escalation in fhe prices of materials and labour, when due, shall be worked out based 011 the following provisions .' CLAUSe 13 Foreclosure of Contract due to Abandonment or Reduction in Scope of Work The phrase appearing in If'' line from top (page 30) 'which decision will be final and binding may be replaced with 'whose decision will be final and binding' CLAUSe 14 Taking away part work due to default of the Contractor and recovery of additional cost of Contractor The phrase appearing in para (ii) (line 31) 'does not remedy it or takes effective steps to remedy it' may be replaced by 'does not remedy it (}if' does not take effective steps to remedy it' The word appearing at penultimate line on page 31 as" appearing between the words 'he' and 'shall'may be deleted and word 'to' inserted between the words 'liable' and poy' CLAUSe 15 SUspension of work At the end of the existing clause, the following para may be added : "Provided further that the contractor shall not be entitled to claim any compensation from the Employer for the loss suffered by him on account of dday by the Employer in supply of materials in Schedule "B' where such delay is covered by diffkulties relatlf79 to the suppty of wagons, force majeure including n on-allotment of such materials by controlling authorities, acts of God, acts of enemies of the state/country or any reasonable cause beyond the control of the EmployerNo. RITES/CPC/CONT Dt. 21.11.11 The above corrections to GCC are issued with the approval of competent authority. ( S.K. Malhotra) Expert/Q>C All Divisional Heads and SBU Heads of RI, B&A, VI, TI, TS and CS Divisions Copy to: Secy to MD/DP/DF/DT - the above correction slip may be inserted in the copy of Gee issued for information of MD and Directors eva, Adv/RPO/South/Chennai 2