Nelnet Professional Services Agreement (04/25/2012)
Nelnet Professional Services Agreement (04/25/2012)
@ e In e t. BUSINESS SOLUTIONS PROFESSIO~AL SERVICES AGREEMENT GUARANTIED TUITION l1 STALLMENT PLAN This AGREEME~T is entered into on April 25, 2012 between Broward College ("Institution''), with its principal address at 11 1 E Lns O las Blvd Fort Lauderd ale. FL 3330 I and NELNET BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, INC. ("Contrnctor"), with its priucip:d address nt 121 South 13111 Street, Suite 201, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 (federall.D. #47-075 1402). I. TERM: The initial tenn of this Agreement will be for three (3) years unless tenninat.ed sooner by either party in accordance with the tem1ination provisions of this Agreement. Thereafter, upon written agreement between both parties, the Agreement will continue for three (3) additional years unless tenninatcd sooner by either party in accordance with the tennination provisions of this Agreement. 2. PLA~ O V ERVIEW AS D DEFf.'JITIONS: a. The Contractor's installment payment plan (-he "Plan") will allow individuals ("Payers") to pay money owed to the Institution on a monthly installment schedule based on their enrollment date(s) by paying the Contractor a fee (''Enrollment Fee'') per installment payment plan agreement ("agreement"). The Enrollment Fee is esta91ished by the Contractor and is subject to change annually at the sole discretion of the Contractor based on the number of Payers that participate in the Plan, the maximum amount allowed to be; budgeted in the Plan, and the delinquency and loss exp.:rience of the Contractor. b. The Enrollment Fee established for the initial tenn is $25-$35 based on the payment option selected by the stlJdent. c. The "Guaranty Amount" is an amount equal to the agreement balances. less any adjustments, for Payers in a given semester that the Contractor detennines, at its sole discretion, to guaranty. d. The "Guaranty Date'' is a date agreed upon by the Institution and the Contractor wherein all student receivables are required to be paid. e. ll1c "First Deposit Date" is a date, generally within ten (I 0) business days following the Guaranty Date, when the Contractor remits funds to the Institution. less fees owed to the Company, for those Payers who are not being guarantied by the Contractor. The Institution is responsible for making appropriate refunds. f. The "Second Deposit Date" is a date, gen~rally within 60 days following the Guaranty Date, when the Contractor remits the Guarnnty Amount to the Institution. g. "Losses" arc defined as the difference bet\veen the Guaranty Amount and the total amount of payments collected by the Contractor after the Guaranty Date, divided by the Guaranty Amount. The;: Contractor may tenninatc this Agreement if Losst:s exceed 1.5%. h. Payer enrollment in the Plan will occur via the Internet using the Contractor's enrollment Web site ("Enrollment Site"). No paper-based enrollments are allowed. Pag.: I o f i 1. The Plan shall be available for the benefit of pn enrolled student in good standing at the Institution who is authenticated by the Institution 's stuqent infonnation system ERP. The Payer must have a valid checking or savings account at U.S. fi~ancial institution, or a credit or debit card accepted by the Contractor. J. Plan options, including the number of payn,ents available and the requin:ment and amount of a down payment. arc established by the lnstinttion and the Contractor. k. The Contractor may tem1inate an agreement at any time if a payment attempt or Enrollment Fee attempt fails. I. Available Plan options are based on the poitJt in time that the student enrolls in the Plan and will change from time to time as payment dates expire. m. The Contractor will assess Plan participants a Retumed Payment Fee for each rctumed payment (e.g., due to insufficient funds). The Returned Payment Fee is subject to change each academic tcm1. n. The Institution will select the method under which the cost associated with credit card processing is paid. If the Institution elects to change this option at any time, it may only do so on a tenn basis (i.e., chnnge cannot be made mid-tenn). 1. Option A: The Contractor will withhold from the Instinllion's remittance a merchant processing tee equal to 2.05% of th credit card portion of the Guaranty Amount. Credit and debit cards accepted for this purpose include MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and VISA. The Institution 11ndcrstands and agrees that the rate may change if the Contractor's bank rate changes. ii. Option 8 : The Plan participant will be quoted and charged a convenience fee for enrolling through the Intemet. Should the Institution select this option, no merchant processing fees will be paid by the Ihstitution. The convenience fee is calculated at 2.75% of the initial agreement balance. Tl)e Plan participant will have the option to refuse the convenience fee option, at which time they may select another payment option through the Plan. Credit and debit cards accepted for this purpose include MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. 3. CONTRACTOR OUTfES: a. Contractor will provide installment payment plan administration services as described above. In addition, the Contractor will provide the Institution with online reponing as well as a marketing strategy to promote the Plan. b. Within 60 days of the signing of this Agreement, the Contractor will provide the Institution with an Enrollmt:nt Site wherein any cnrollc::d student in good standing at the Institution may enter into a Plan agreement and/or make full payment, as allowed by the Institution. c. Contractor agrees to be fully responsible fot the maintenance/editing/co~t o f any Enrollment Site used in conjunction with the perfom1ance olthis Agreement. d. Contractor will allow the Institution to adj u t agreement amounts up to ten ( 10) days prior to the payment date immediately preceding the Guaranty Date through an upload of changes from the Institution ERP to the Contractor. Page 2 of7 I e. Contractor will remit the G uaranty Amount to the Institution on the Second Deposit Date. Contractor shall not withhold Enrollment Fee!; or Returned Payment Fees from the Guaranty Amount. Contractor may temtinate, at its sole discretion, prior to or on the Guaranty Date, any Plan agreement for non-payment of any payment or for delinquency arising out of an agreement in a previous semester. f. Contractor shall remit fimds to the Institution, less fees owed to the Company, for those Payers who are not being guarantied by the Contractor. The Institution shall be responsible for making appropriate refunds. g. The maximum amount of a Plan agreement will be $4.500 for in-state students and $ 4.500 for out-of-state students. Should a Plan participanti's balance exceed this amount, tbe overage will be added to the required down payment and be processed immediately upon enrollment in the Plan. The maximum amount of a Plan agreement will increase on a percentage basis at the same rate as tuition to keep pace with tuition increases. h. Contractor will accept agreement balance dec reases from the Institution after the Guaranty Date and adjust the agreement balance and any remaining payments. 1. Contractor will remit the Guaranty Amount and any previously collected payments to the Institution by automatic bank deposit on the Second Deposit Date. The Institution will establish an account to be used for this purpose. TI1e )nstitution authorizes Contractor to initiate credit entries to the account for the purpose of remitting funds. J. Contractor agrees to keep all student and Payer records strictly confidential and to retain all financial records for at least two (2) years after the end of each semester. Access to the records will be provided (without cost) to the Institution. k. Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold h;mnless the lnstin1tion, its officers. agents, and employees from any third-party litigation as the result of negligence by the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, or agents. Furthemtore, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold ham1less the Institution, its officers, agents, and employees from liability of an y nature or kind, including costs and expenses for or on account of any copyright, patented or un-patenh:d invention, process or article manufactured or u~ed in the perfom1ance of the Agreement, including its use by the Institution. If the Contractor uses any design, devices or materials covered by letters. patent or copyright, it is mutually agreed and understood without exception that the Agreement prices shall include all royalties or costs arising from the use of such design, device or materials in any way involved in the work. I. Contractor will deposit installment payments to a custodial tullton account. Funds held in the custodial account will be backed by the full fai th and credit of the United States government through FDIC insurance or government-backed investments. m. Contractor agrees to comply with. and shall require all subcontractors, agents, or assigns to comply with, all applicnblc federal, state, and local laws, statute:;, rules, and ordinam:es regarding collection of tuition and associated fees, including but nor limited to FERP A, privacy, and fai r debt collection. n. 4. Contractor shall provide interactive training to Institution staff members who implcm..:nt the Pl:tn, including training relative to online reporting :~nd any additional training as necessary. INSTITl'TION DllTIF.S: Pag.:Jof7 I a. Insti tutio n shall agree to hold academic trallScripts and re fus~ re-enrollment to any student with a delinquent agreement from anr preceding semester. assoc iat~d 5. b. Institution shall agree, in the event a Plan participant defaults on any payments, to support the Contractor's collection process. The Contractor may at any time tum the same over to collection agencies or ta ke other l~gal action as provided QY law to collect the defaulted amount. c. Institution shall allow the Contractor to tenninat~ an agreement at any time if the responsible party is not current on payments prior to the Guaranty Date. d. Instinllion shall remit to the Contractor any decreases to agreement balances after the Guaranty Date. e. Institution shall estublish an account wherein the Contractor may process ACLI credit entries for tuition remittance. ( Institution shall agree to reimburse the Contntctor for any chargcbacks on credit or debit card payments and/or ::my late ACH returns for to six months from the date the payment was processed. g. Institution shall not increase agreem~nt balances within ten {10) business days prior to the payment date immediately preceding the Guaranty Date. h. Institution shall be responsible to dctem\ine that the Plan otTered by the Institution and administered by the Contractor is compliant with rules, regulations, and applicable stan1tes required of the Instirution. 1. Institution assumes all liability for conduc tio~ business in compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations ("Laws") of the state and locality in which it is located, including but not limited to Laws governing consumer protection. The Institution shall indenmify and hold the Contractor harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees. asserted against or incurred by the Contractor under state or local Laws as a result of the Contractor complying with any instn1ction or directive by the Institution. ur DAT A INTEGRA TT0:--1 : The Contractor and the Institu tion shall work together in cooperation, each at iL'i own expense, to accomplish the level of data integration between the Institution's ERP and the Contractor's system(s) to administer the Plan. For puflloses herein, a download refers to the transmission of data from the Contractor to the Institution, and an upload refers to the transmission of data from the lnstiMion to the Contractor. The necessary levels of data integration req uired to administer the Plan include but are not limited to: a. An upload ofstudent enrollment balance information from the ERP system to the Enrollment Site, commonly referred to as a ·•web carry along" of stud..:nt balances. b. An upload of actual or estimated l'inancial ai4 awards, scholarships or other amounts credited to the student c. An upload of increases or decreases to agre¢ment balances as a result of a process commonly known as "drop and add" prior to the Gunranty Date. d. An upload of credit adjustments (reductions) to agreement Page 4 of7 I balanc~:s after the Guaranty Date. 6. 7. e. A download of payment data originating l~om full payments, down payments and regularly scheduled tuition installment payments from the FACTS online system to ERP. f. Other points of integration as determined by tlie parties. TE RMIN ATION: The continuation of this Agrcem'ent beyond the Reconcilement Date for any fall or spring semester installment payment plan is subj ct to continued adequate appropriations for the Instirution each year by the State of Florida or: a. Contractor shall have the option to tenninate the Agreement if losses in the plan exceed 1.50% or upon 180 day written notice to the Institution vithout cause and \Vithout penalty. b. Both parties shall have the right to serve notice of default by Certified Mail Return Request Receipt to the address of record of the party asserted to be in default, requiring satisfactory resolution to the tcm1s of default within ten (tO) days after receipt of said notice. Failure on the part of the defaulted party to resolve the default will provide the prevailing party the right to exercise tem1ination with cause. DEFAULT: Default is defined herein as: a. Default bv the Institution: Failure to faithfully perfom1 all Institution responsibilities as defined in this Agreement. i. If the Institution's default is not ~atisfactorily resolved within ten (I 0) days, the Contra..:tor shall have the right to se~e thirty (30) days written notice of tennination with cause. b. Default by the Contractor: Failure to faithfu l y perfonn all Contractor responsibilities as detincd in this Agreement. i. [f Contractors default is not satisfaclorily resolved within ten (I 0) days, the Institution shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with seven (7) days written notice. 8. OTHER CONDITIONS: a. This Agreement shall be governed by the law$ of the State of Florida b. Any modification to this Agreement's tenn~ and conditions will require a written amendment signed by both parties' duly authorized office~s. c. The Institution by signing this Agreement, agrees to all tenns and conditions set forth in this Agreement. d. Severabilitv: The invalidity. illegality, or unepforceability of any provision of this Contract. shall be deemed severed from the Contract and the balance of the Contract shall be construed and enforced as if the invalid, illegal or unenforqeable provision was not a part of the contract. If possible, the contract shall be refonned by adding a provision that is not invalid. illegal or unenforceable and which meets the original intent of the parties. Contractor nnd the Instirurion ha,·c executed this Agreement by their duly nuthorized officers below. By Institution: . I . Da\lid Aans-rnx19 Jr. Printed name Name Title By Comr<~ctor: Nnme @ e In e t 6USINESS SOlUTIONS o!lkc: Ncln~t Busincs~ Sol 41ions 121 South IJ'h Street, Third FhlOr Lincoln, NE 68503 Chicago omcc: Nclnct Business Solutions JOO Knight.sbridg.: ParkWil}'· Suit!! 311) Lincolnshire, IL 60069 Pagdnlf7 FNBO Merchant Application MERCHANT's Legal Name: Broward College MERCHANT's d/b/a Na me (if d ifferent fro m nbo'\·e): ----,~---------------- Address fo r Notices: l\IERCHANT: ATIN: College Bursar FNBO: First National Blink of Omaha (''I'NBO") First National Center, PO Box 2196 Omaha, NE 68 102 Attn: M..:rchant l.egal D..:panment (Phon\!: 402-633-2900) On~ 225 E Las Olas Blvd 31/209E Fort l auderdale, FL 3330 1 ~·untls T ransfer Information: In accord;lnc.: with the tenns set ti>nh in the l.:nns and Conditions. transf~r funds will b.! made to/from th,• account ~low. (Please al\ach a void<'<~ check or bunk le!!cr.) MERCII.\i'o/T Information: Tdephone:9S4 201-7680 Fed. Tax ID:S9-1216107 Business: Eclucntional instjrutjon Services sold: Edu~ntipn~l <er.,.ices llank Name: Wells Fargo B;mk. N. A. Routing No.: l2100024l! Principals:~ Account No.: Card Acccpl:lncc Method: CNP 1\.!0TO Annua l Volume :Estimated 6,1JOO plans (5% of 3 tcnn ·s h.:.adcount) Highest Ticket: SS4.500 A\'eragc Ticket S 1,000 Processor statements: N A Charging policy: Upon authorit:uion. TI•inl Pany Vendors: .l::!LQ Fulfillment hou.~c used: .l::!LQ lA!livery method: 'i:if.A Rcfuntl Policy: lloon rt::<tuc<! or noon mq rd of financial a1d. if deemed apprnpnate afler n:v•cw under ln>J!UlltPn:ll J?Ohc\. r NBO wi ll provide AC'H services to you via a third-party scmkr ("NBS"), ami BS shilll be considered your agent with li1ll authority to act on your ~h;1lf '-'•less FNUO n:ccivcs wri!len noti.:e fro1n you to t11c contr.1ry ami ha.~ had a !fasona.ble opportunity to act thcn:on. You untlcrst:~nd and a~'C that NUS has full authority to provide FNBO with instructions 1>enaining to your rcminan.:c. HNBO has no obligation or liability whatsoever with I'I.'SilCCI to: (I) a~ts. errors. omissions or delays by NBS: (2) repn:scnt;~tions or warranri~s mud.: by NUS; (3) tbsses to you ;wising out of NBS' insolvency: or (4) misa pprop1iation of your by NBS. NilS is not :m agent or representative of FNilO and has no power or authority to act or m:tkc conunitn11:nts on behalf of FNBO. FNBO does not iptcnd to and has no obligation to monitor NOS' transactions in respect of your tlmds. l\mds \ 'ISA and ~I A~TERCA itf) DISCOUt';T (MOTO Version: Three T ier wltb Chtck Ca rd Pricing): VISA Rat<'S 1.2.3:• 2.05% Discount+ S ~ per item ' Subject to change by Card Associations MASTERCARD Rat<'S 12,3:* 2.05% Discount+ S zro! JlCr item "'Subject to change by Card Associations FEES: ~ ~ ~ ~IERC'I IANT will usc PayFUS<."® pnxluct services: X 1\.IERC'HANT agn:es that FNBO is not a pany to any agn:cmcnt for s.:rvi&:cs from :\mcrican Express and Diners C'lub and that any such agreements are strictly ~tween 1\.IERC'H,\NT and each imliviclual comiJ'Iny. Note : Revi,·w the T enns and Conditions lor an Early Tcnnination fcc, Sl ndard f.:cs. ami Rate Ocscriptinns contain ing a Rewardsi\Vurltl ('an! Fcc. OY THEin EXECUTION HE R EOF, THE UNDERSIGNED PARTI ES AGREE TO TilE TERI\IS AND CONDITIONS. AGREEMENTS, AND RULES W lll C II ARE INCL UDED 111-:RE IN. T il l·: "AG RE EMENT" CONS ISTS O F T HE ~ I F:RCII ANT APP LICATI0:-1 AND T E RMS AND CONDITIONS AND M EI~CIJ ANT ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE SA~ I E.I\IERC II :\ NT W ARiU NTS TH AT Til E I N FOR~J ,\TI ON PROVlf>t: l) ON TilE ,\PPLICATION IS COMPLETE ,\J'Ij D ACC URAT E. M ERC HANT AUTHORIZES FNDO TO P ROVIDE:\ COl'\" OF TillS APPLI CATION TO ANY TIIIIW PARTY FOR TIH~ SE ll VICES REQUESTED.MEilnlANT AND ITS S IGNING O FFICERJOWNERIPART/IOER AUTII ORIZE FNOO OR ITS .-\GENTS OR ASSIGNS TO MAKE F ROM T IME TO TIM E Ai'o'Y BUSINESS r\NO Pf!RSONAL CREOIT AN D OTHER INQUI RIES. TilE PART! ES II ERETO II .\ VE C,\ USED T il lS AGRE F.,\ 1ENT T O BF: EXECUT ED IJY Til El R DULY AUTHOR IZED REPilESF.NT ATI VES EFFF.Cfl ' O~T£ S IGNEt> AND APPROVED MERCHANT Signatun:: fitk: Print Name Above: IJY ~n:· ,., f Dat.:: Date Numc P;tgc 7 of? '~· /i._ ~t:./~ ACCEPTED: FNHO Signature .A Title \..1'