Historical Development of Zoroastrianism
Historical Development of Zoroastrianism
of Zoroastrianism Historical Development The principle of exposing the dead to birds and beastsof prey seemsto have been a part of Zoroastrian life from earliest times. The Zend-Auesta commands the following procedure: And two men, strongand agile,havingchanged their garments,shalllift the body from the clayor the stones,or out of the plasteredhouse,and they shalllay it down at a placewherethey know that dogs and corpse-eating therearealwayscorpse-eating e bi rds.l Zoroastrian disposal of the dead occasionally runs into problems when the community is small and deaths are so infrequent that there are not large numbers of vultures about the dal<hmas.On some occasions, non-Zoroastrian majorities protest against this procedure. In such situations, it is permissible to bury the body in a stone casket lined with lead to prevent contamination of the soil. Modern Zoroastrians sometimes live in cities where the practice of exposing the dead may be frowned upon. This has caused them to think of alternatives, such as cremation by means of electrical heat. In this manner, the flame may not be contaminated. Another alternative is to bury a body in a completely sealedcasket so there is no chance of contaminating the earth. of Zoroastrianism Development Historical Apparently, Zoroastrianism was well-established as the religion of the Persian people by the sixth century B.c.E.It was therefore the religion of Cyrus the Great when he founded the Medo-Persian Empire and ruled from 558 to 530 B.c.E.Cyrus is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the liberator of the Jews from Babylonian captivity in 538 B.c.E.However,Zoroastrian sourcesdo not mention Cyrus or his contemporaries. The earliest sourcesof information on the religion of the Persian Empire are inscriptions from the time of Darius the Great (521,-486 B.c.E.).Although they indicate that the people of that era worshipped Ahura Mazda, they do not mention Zotoastet who createdthis excelA greatgod is Ahuramazda, for lent work which is seen,who createdhappiness man, who bestowedwisdom and activityupon Darius th e king. SaysDariusthe king: By the favorof AhuramazdaI am of sucha sort that I am a friendto the right, I am not a friendto wrong; it is not my desirethat the weak man shouldhavewrong done to him by the mighty; nor is that my desire,that the mighty man shouldhavewrong done him by the weak. What is righ! that is my desire.I am not a friendto the man who is a Lie-follower.I am not hot-tempered. What thingsdevelopin my anger,I hold firmly under control by my willpower.I am firmly ruling over my own [impulses].20 Zoroastrian influence of people and religions other than the Persians is also a marter of some speculation. Many_ ancient Greek and Roman writers werg apparqqtly enamored of Zoroaster and his thoughts, and he is featured in many of theli writines. 'However, th.-l,grgg+smp-ero-rs.qf r"ir;J #r.r.r"l"ri.;r?ti. :theTifth..qi,rr)a!_.g.i. conquerGreece.Consequently,Persianinfluence*"r rtto"g there.pe.siadid ".".r Etin(uer and htild the Middle Eastfor two centuries,and its influ"ence was very strong on the peoplesof that area.The Jewscameunder Persiancontrol in 538 s.c.p.when CyrusconqueredBabylon,where many Jewslived in captivity.Accordingto the Hebrew Bible, Cyrus allowed_thecaptiveJewsto return tolerusalem.2lApiarently a mi nority of the Jewsreturned,but most stayedin Mesopotamiaand becanieu puri of th, culture there.I{.r-he^b.ook of Estheris correct, a Jewishwoman evenbecamethe wife of qheklpg 9f P_-grs-ia. How much influence didZoroastrianism have on Judaismduring this period?\We cannbt be sure.However,there are certain changesi" itr. ttt.;togy'o?fud"ir;;;;*;; thepre-exilicdaysof 586 s.c.E.and the post-e*i-iic period -have beginningin 5J8 e.c.E.Bibli';eLbg*s lDt'.t ;.- !\ { I'r the pgdgdJger t,o-586 a.cJ. no s"atanfigure.How.u.r, ,f,. , th-at-reflect l,:.i *-lirerat=ijrg'1h4.t-waq wrirten after the ,,,{} e"ile rfeaG;f;s;;; fic; f#.tir*r.t)i"-;il; 1 )--v iA terresramental -l literature, Satan and his demons are menrionj f..qu.r,tly: in the New t.' t \, "Testamentliterature,they are acceptedas a regular part of life.23Jesusis confrontedby ' Satanas he beginshis public ministrg and a largep"rt of that ministry is devoted to exorcisingdemons'Pre-exilicbiblical bookshaveno mentionof a resurreg,tion of the bodr.. little concernfor life g,fq.-e,1.{eath.in either a hea_yeu-pr.!"91_1,' no ,.fei."c. lo cod6'plan ror bringingthe earthto only an occasionai*."ii"" irr angels,and no *ord ubort ""-."J, o.t " $ar lu$s+-e,1!.Each of thesethemes,which were part of the teachingsof Zoroastrianism, developedin Judaismafter the exile,and eachhad becomea vital part of the religion by thelpg of Jesus., . ' The early Christiansincorporatedtheseitemsinto theii religion.I" [ai.i y.u6, it i 'was the eschatologyof Judaismand Christianitythat most deeplyinfluencedih. proph., j Muhammad;judgmentday,resurrection,heaven,hell, satan,de-ons, and angelsall'betu-: vital parts of.Islam.It 11rey.bp that.alf of th-ese major religionsdrew.tlmir-eschatoli I *i\* i 'qgy lrom Zoro?stflaflrsrrr1 The Persian Empire was conquered by Alexander the Great in the fourth century s.c.P. In the years that followed,,Zoroastrianism suffered a decline. The entire persian culture was invaded by the pervasive Hellenistic culture. During the era of the Roman Empire, Zoroastriatrism. also was quiescent. All that seemsto have been active in this pewas-.thecrrlt o-f Mithra. The Roman Empire became acquainted with Mithra in ihe liod first century c.e. Mithra, the god lighl anJ obedience,appealed esp,eciallyto the -of Roman soldier; thusr-Mi1lqaic culli weie establishedthroughout the entiie Mediterranean world. the woiihip or Mithra became so popular ,f,";r;;. ,d;Ji;;;r; ri4lir; riilt'tiielrly chiistianity. \rhen christianiiy*"r a*i-ril;.;Fii;i;.r,rir" the Roman Empire,however,Mithraism was suppiessed. "r A revivalof7s1o^tatianismoccurredin the third centuryc.E.underthe Sassanid : rulers o!-l--ersia.Theserulers establishedofficial support for Zorijastridnism and had the -" ancrentscripturestranslatedinto contemporarylanguage.