modesto urban area - Modesto Area Express
modesto urban area - Modesto Area Express
The above rules are enforced and some are part of the California Penal Code Sec 640. Violation of rules may result in driver not permitting passenger to board the bus and/or a $250 fine. You can transfer to San Joaquin RTD, Rt 96 from MAX routes 22, 27 and 37 at McHenry and Standiford. P Park Marshall School Sutter 21 Golf Course Burbank School Golf Course Robertson Rd. School 42 . H ST . J T. P. O . . ST L . Glenn . 21 Claus Johansen High School Park Creekwood Lincoln Hughes School Park Poppy Patch EMPIRE Yosemite Blvd. Oakdale Modesto City - County Airport Sonora Latimer Tuolumne School Joyce LEGEND CERES 42 . 21 Orville Wright School Penny Hatch Bret Harte School D . ST G T. IS . ST se Monterey School Rio Grande Hanshaw Jr. High School ST 26 26 Santa Cruz 29 Miller Tenaya Park Shackelford School Robertson 25 Yosemite Blvd. Avon e dis a ar ma 38 Capistrano School El Vista School Lo Herndon Modesto High School Paradise Medical 43 All Sunday routes run on a 60 minute frequency. Oakdale Keller La Wilson School IKE-N-BUS MAX provides bike racks on all routes (except BART Express route) Bike racks are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and are free to use with your paid fare. When loading first bike on rack, it must be placed in the slot nearest to the bus. For more information pick up our Bike-N-Bus brochure. La Loma Jr. High School Riverside Sc J California Lakewood School Golf Course enic G Mark Twain Jr. High School Park Park Muir School 22 I 26 Houser Post Office L Emerald Franklin School Sipherd School Sonoma School Wylie Crows Landing The above fares do not apply to MAX service to BART or the Altamont Commuter Express (ACE) Train. For information about our Commuter Services, pick up our BART and ACE brochures. Maze 25 Park 32 H Disabled passenger attendants ride free whenever assisting disabled passengers on and off MAX. Pearson School Amtrak Station McClure Park 30 Madison Carpenter Central Catholic High School Rose Ave. School Park Graceada Park N Downey Park Downey High School Enslen School 99 Orchard School E. Orangeburg Coffee . Dallas Notify your MAX driver on Routes 29 or 42 if you wish to transfer to Ceres DAR, or notify drivers on Routes 24, 32, 34 or 37 if you wish to transfer to ROTA. The driver will contact Ceres DAR, or ROTA and arrange for a vehicle to pick you up. di ra McHenry Orangeburg Roosevelt Jr. High School Modesto Jr. College East Coldwell 33 Elliott Alt. Ed. School McHenry 31 Woodland Park Park Briggsmore Rose Tully W. College Transit Manager City of Modesto P.O. Box 642 Modesto, CA 95353 Brown School Empire Conant Martone School Panama For a fee of 25 cents a transfer is available for those passengers desiring to transfer between MAX and Stanislaus Regional Transit (StaRT), Ceres Dial-A-Ride, Ceres Area Transit (CAT), the Riverbank-Oakdale Transit Authority (ROTA), or San Joaquin RTD. Let your driver know if you want such a transfer. You must request your transfer when you pay your fare or purchase your day pass. 32 Memorial Medical Center Park Fremont School W. Roseburg Blue Gum Carpenter RANSFERRING FROM MAX TO OTHER SYSTEMS Coffee Prescott 25 Modesto Jr. College West You can also purchase any of the above tickets or passes by mail (except the All Day Pass). Please mail to: Junior High students and above, plus seniors and disabled persons, must show a valid I.D. when purchasing or using passes and tickets. Park 30 Doctors Medical Center Ustach Middle School Floyd Park Garrison School $27.00 Post Office Rose Carver Dale Rd. $27.00 Somerset Middle School Standiford School Park Tucson No littering in or on buses, or at bus stops is allowed. Plaza Pkwy Park Beard School 7th Expectorating (spitting) upon system facilities or vehicles is illegal. sk Davis High School Everett School Mt. Vernon Davis Park Kansas Please request your transfer as you board. If you are planning to transfer and your bus is running late, please tell your driver. He will ask the driver of the bus you want to wait for you, if time allows. t 43 Sylvan Sylvan School Sherwood School Park Muncy School 9th Misuse of transfers, passes or tickets with the intent to evade fare payment is illegal. Woodrow School t. No boisterous or unruly behavior allowed. Si Park 1s No weapons of any kind allowed on the bus. Chrysler School $47.00 22 Rumble Park $55.00 Eisenhut School Prescott Jr. High School 29 Beyer High School Skate Park n n ow tio nt a w ort r . Do sp nte 5th an Ce Tr No sound equipment may be played on the bus unless sound cannot be heard by other passengers. See Detail h Profanity (swearing or cursing) is not allowed. Medicare Card Holders Modesto Christian School 9t Shirts and shoes must be worn on the bus. Roller blades may not be worn. Senior/Disabled - Book of 50 Tickets Standiford Poust No animals allowed, except for in carriers that can be placed outside of aisle, or service animals, (guide dogs, etc.) You may need to transfer to another route when you make a trip on MAX. Transferring is not difficult, and transfers between routes are FREE when traveling continuously in the same direction without stopping except to transfer to a different route The driver will accept your transfer ticket if the bus you are transferring to is the first possible bus on that route that you can board after exiting the bus from which you transferred. You may not re-board the same route using a transfer. You must pay another fare to ride if you do not board the first possible bus on the route to which you are transferring. Student Ride Tickets - Book of 50 Tickets 31 Park Beyer Park D M d ModestoAreaE ModestoAre M ModestoAreaE eaE Express.c Express. p com Personal items must be carried into the bus in one trip. They shall be kept out of the aisle and out of the way of other passengers. Strollers, and recreational scooters must be folded. No refuse allowed, including recyclable items. RANSFERRING BETWEEN MAX ROUTES Regular Ride Tickets - Book of 50 Tickets Veneman VINTAGE FAIRE MALL 38 h 99 1s Bangs The following types of tickets may only be purchased at the City’s Finance Department, 1010 10th St. , Suite 2100, and MAX office, 1001 9th St. (Downtown Transit Center) 9t MODESTO URBAN AREA Santa Fe 521-1274 521-12 521 1274 1274 4 No eating or drinking on the bus. All food and drinks must be in completely sealed containers. Drinks must have screw-on lids. No drinks with straws. One block before your stop, pull the cord over the window or push the yellow tape strip. The driver will then stop the bus as close to the next marked bus stop as can be done safely. Please exit through the rear door so that boarding passengers may enter through the front door. 5t Galaxy Crows Landing ef fff ff effective effe ef fffec ctive ctiv ct ttiive august au augus a ug ug gust gu s 2009 20 009 09 9 No smoking allowed on the bus. XITING THE BUS D. D. Kiernan Park ULES OF THE BUS and MODESTO TRANSPORTATION CENTER IS I Street RD. DALE To SISK & STANDIFORD SALIDA 25 th N. Star Monthly passes are good for unlimited riding by one person during the month the pass indicates. Monthly passes are not sold on MAX buses.They are available by mail or at the MAX Pass Outlet nearest you. MAX Pass Outlet locations are shown in the MAX Ride Guide. Transfer point for routes: 25, 30, 31 Stratos $41.00 $31.00 $20.00 $20.00 Pa 31 Regular Monthly Pass Student Monthly Pass Senior/Disabled Monthly Pass Medicare Care Holder 43 GOTTSCHALKS 25 O of E. 10 h H $2.75 TY UN 42 All Day Passes Sold on MAX buses only, for unlimited rides on day of purchase. E IC FF U ED CO 7t 42 30 SEARS J.C. PENNEY N O TI CA 25 h VOICE OR TDD 6:30am - 6:00pm, Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm, Saturday 8:45am - 4:45pm, Sunday VENEMAN AVE. n n ow tio nt rta ow po ter ns en C MACY'S Y AR BR LI E a Tr p When boarding MAX, please have your pass, ticket or transfer ticket ready to give to the driver. When you are paying cash, please have EXACT change ready to deposit in the fare box. Remember, the driver does not carry change! MACY'S 32 HO CO 99 521-1274 31 T UR D MALL AREA DETAIL 25 th A For more information about MAX routes or schedules call: information TRANSFER between these routes at the back entrance: 25, 31 th US Sunday Only * Disabled and Student discount fares require MAX approved identification. h AZ 29 9t PL MAX OFFICE ENTRANCE 30 RE 25 31 information NT 22/33 CE 38 ISLAND 12 11 42 Notes: * Children 4 and under ride free only when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. MAX information 43 O ST Per student or accompanying adult. Elementary or Junior High Field Trips only. Trips must be pre-arranged and pre-paid. Call 521-1274 for details. 42 21 DE 45¢ 26 32 TH 22 ST th 17 G 10 MODESTO AREA EXPRESS Student Field Trips Needham between islands 9th Street ASSES AND TICKETS OARDING THE BUS Sunday Only NOTE: Use walkways to cross ASSENGERS WITH DISABILITIES Each MAX bus is equipped to accommodate two individuals using common wheelchairs. All wheelchairs must be secured with tie-down straps while in the bus. Persons with disabilities may be eligible to use Modesto Dial-A-Ride. Call 527-4900 for details. DOWNTOWN DETAIL Sunday Only ST 60¢ TRANSPORTATION CENTER ST Medicare Card Holder 60¢ K Senior/ Disabled Preschool through fulltime college students. * Age 65 or older, other transit I.D. okay. * O When at a marked stop, stand near the sign so the driver knows that you want to ride. The driver may not stop for you if it doesn't look like you want to ride. Back away from the curb as the bus approaches to avoid the mirror on the side of the bus. $1.00 M MAX buses only stop at locations marked with a bench, shelter and/or sign. Call 521-1274 before riding to find out where you can catch the bus in your area. Student See other side for Monday - Saturday 33 O CATCH A MAX BUS $1.25 30 MAX goes just about everywhere. MAX Ride Guides are available on board all MAX buses, at all pass sales outlets, or can be requested and sent to you free of charge by calling 521-1274. Regular Walkway Pick up a MAX Ride Guide to find out which bus or buses run nearest to your current location and to your destination. Sunday System Route Map Restrictions Walkway 6:00 AM to 7:45 PM Mon. - Fri. 7:45 AM to 7:00 PM Saturday 8:45 AM to 6:00 PM Sunday Cash Fares 31 s em R MAX Bus Schedule ARES J Street E WANT YOU TO LEARN HOW TO RIDE MODESTO AREA EXPRESS (MAX)! BUS ROUTES 99 DIRECTION OF TRAVEL TO COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY/ COUNTY SAFETY CENTER 20 ROUTE NUMBER
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